1 /****************************************
2 *  Computer Algebra System SINGULAR     *
3 ****************************************/
4 /***************************************************************
5  *  File:    ratgring.cc
6  *  Purpose: Ore-noncommutative kernel procedures
7  *  Author:  levandov (Viktor Levandovsky)
8  *  Created: 8/00 - 11/00
9  *******************************************************************/
13 #include "kernel/mod2.h"
15 #include "kernel/GBEngine/ratgring.h"
16 #include "polys/nc/nc.h"
17 #include "polys/monomials/ring.h"
18 #include "kernel/polys.h"
19 #include "coeffs/numbers.h"
20 #include "kernel/ideals.h"
21 #include "polys/matpol.h"
22 #include "polys/kbuckets.h"
23 #include "kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.h"
24 #include "polys/sbuckets.h"
25 #include "polys/prCopy.h"
26 #include "polys/operations/p_Mult_q.h"
27 #include "polys/clapsing.h"
28 #include "misc/options.h"
pLcmRat(poly a,poly b,poly m,int rat_shift)30 void pLcmRat(poly a, poly b, poly m, int rat_shift)
31 {
32   /* rat_shift is the last exp one should count with */
33   int i;
34   for (i=(currRing->N); i>=rat_shift; i--)
35   {
36     pSetExp(m,i, si_max( pGetExp(a,i), pGetExp(b,i)));
37   }
38   pSetComp(m, si_max(pGetComp(a), pGetComp(b)));
39   /* Don't do a pSetm here, otherwise hres/lres chockes */
40 }
42 // void pLcmRat(poly a, poly b, poly m, poly pshift)
43 // {
44 //   /* shift is the exp of rational elements */
45 //   int i;
46 //   for (i=(currRing->N); i; i--)
47 //   {
48 //     if (!pGetExp(pshift,i))
49 //     {
50 //       pSetExp(m,i, si_max( pGetExp(a,i), pGetExp(b,i)));
51 //     }
52 //     else
53 //     {
54 //       /* do we really need it? */
55 //       pSetExp(m,i,0);
56 //     }
57 //   }
58 //   pSetComp(m, si_max(pGetComp(a), pGetComp(b)));
59 //   /* Don't do a pSetm here, otherwise hres/lres chockes */
60 // }
62 /* returns a subpoly of p, s.t. its monomials have the same D-part */
p_HeadRat(poly p,int ishift,ring r)64 poly p_HeadRat(poly p, int ishift, ring r)
65 {
66   poly q   = pNext(p);
67   if (q == NULL) return p;
68   poly res = p_Head(p,r);
69   const long cmp = p_GetComp(p, r);
70   while ( (q!=NULL) && (p_Comp_k_n(p, q, ishift+1, r)) && (p_GetComp(q, r) == cmp) )
71   {
72     res = p_Add_q(res,p_Head(q,r),r);
73     q   = pNext(q);
74   }
75   p_SetCompP(res,cmp,r);
76   return res;
77 }
79 /* to test!!! */
80 /* ExpVector(pr) = ExpVector(p1) - ExpVector(p2) */
p_ExpVectorDiffRat(poly pr,poly p1,poly p2,int ishift,ring r)81 void p_ExpVectorDiffRat(poly pr, poly p1, poly p2, int ishift, ring r)
82 {
83   p_LmCheckPolyRing1(p1, r);
84   p_LmCheckPolyRing1(p2, r);
85   p_LmCheckPolyRing1(pr, r);
86   int i;
87   poly t=pr;
88   int e1,e2;
89   for (i=ishift+1; i<=r->N; i++)
90   {
91     e1 = p_GetExp(p1, i, r);
92     e2 = p_GetExp(p2, i, r);
93     //    pAssume1(p_GetExp(p1, i, r) >= p_GetExp(p2, i, r));
94     if (e1 < e2)
95     {
96 #ifdef PDEBUG
97       PrintS("negative ExpVectorDiff\n");
98 #endif
99       p_Delete(&t,r);
100       break;
101     }
102     else
103     {
104       p_SetExp(t,i, e1-e2,r);
105     }
106   }
107   p_Setm(t,r);
108 }
110 /* returns ideal (u,v) s.t. up + vq = 0 */
ncGCD2(poly p,poly q,const ring r)112 ideal ncGCD2(poly p, poly q, const ring r)
113 {
114   // todo: must destroy p,q
115   intvec *w = NULL;
116   ideal h = idInit(2,1);
117   h->m[0] = p_Copy(p,r);
118   h->m[1] = p_Copy(q,r);
119 #ifdef PDEBUG
120   PrintS("running syzygy comp. for nc_GCD:\n");
121 #endif
122   ideal sh = idSyzygies(h, testHomog, &w);
123 #ifdef PDEBUG
124   PrintS("done syzygy comp. for nc_GCD\n");
125 #endif
126   /* in comm case, there is only 1 syzygy */
127   /*   singclap_gcd(); */
128   poly K, K1, K2;
129   K  = sh->m[0]; /* take just the first element - to be enhanced later */
130   K1 = pTakeOutComp(&K, 1); // 1st component is taken out from K
131 //  pShift(&K,-2); // 2nd component to 0th comp.
132   K2 = pTakeOutComp(&K, 1);
133 //  K2 = K;
135   PrintS("syz1: "); p_wrp(K1,r);
136   PrintS("syz2: "); p_wrp(K2,r);
138   /* checking signs before multiplying */
139   number ck1 = p_GetCoeff(K1,r);
140   number ck2 = p_GetCoeff(K2,r);
141   BOOLEAN bck1, bck2;
142   bck1 = n_GreaterZero(ck1,r);
143   bck2 = n_GreaterZero(ck2,r);
144   /* K1 <0, K2 <0 (-K1,-K2)    */
145 //   if ( !(bck1 && bck2) ) /* - , - */
146 //   {
147 //     K1 = p_Neg(K1,r);
148 //     K2 = p_Neg(K2,r);
149 //   }
150   id_Delete(&h,r);
151   h = idInit(2,1);
152   h->m[0] = p_Copy(K1,r);
153   h->m[1] = p_Copy(K2,r);
154   id_Delete(&sh,r);
155   return(h);
156 }
158 /* returns ideal (u,v) s.t. up + vq = 0 */
ncGCD(poly p,poly q,const ring r)160 ideal ncGCD(poly p, poly q, const ring r)
161 {
162   // destroys p and q
163   // assume: p,q are in the comm. ring
164   // to be used in the coeff business
165 #ifdef PDEBUG
166   PrintS(" GCD_start:");
167 #endif
168   poly g = singclap_gcd(p_Copy(p,r),p_Copy(q,r), r);
169 #ifdef PDEBUG
170   p_wrp(g,r);
171   PrintS(" GCD_end;\n");
172 #endif
173   poly u = singclap_pdivide(q, g, r); //q/g
174   poly v = singclap_pdivide(p, g, r); //p/g
175   v = p_Neg(v,r);
176   p_Delete(&p,r);
177   p_Delete(&q,r);
178   ideal h = idInit(2,1);
179   h->m[0] = u; // p_Copy(u,r);
180   h->m[1] = v; // p_Copy(v,r);
181   return(h);
182 }
184 /* PINLINE1 void p_ExpVectorDiff
185    remains as is -> BUT we can do memory shift on smaller number of exp's */
188 /*4 - follow the numbering of gring.cc
189 * creates the S-polynomial of p1 and p2
190 * do not destroy p1 and p2
191 */
192 // poly nc_rat_CreateSpoly(poly p1, poly p2, poly spNoether, int ishift, const ring r)
193 // {
194 //   if ((p_GetComp(p1,r)!=p_GetComp(p2,r))
195 //   && (p_GetComp(p1,r)!=0)
196 //   && (p_GetComp(p2,r)!=0))
197 //   {
198 // #ifdef PDEBUG
199 //     Print("nc_CreateSpoly : different components!");
200 // #endif
201 //     return(NULL);
202 //   }
203 //   /* prod. crit does not apply yet */
204 // //   if ((r->nc->type==nc_lie) && pHasNotCF(p1,p2)) /* prod crit */
205 // //   {
206 // //     return(nc_p_Bracket_qq(pCopy(p2),p1));
207 // //   }
208 //   poly pL=pOne();
209 //   poly m1=pOne();
210 //   poly m2=pOne();
211 //   /* define shift */
212 //   int is = ishift; /* TODO */
213 //   pLcmRat(p1,p2,pL,is);
214 //   p_Setm(pL,r);
215 //   poly pr1 = p_GetExp_k_n(p1,1,ishift-1,r); /* rat D-exp of p1 */
216 //   poly pr2 = p_GetExp_k_n(p2,1,ishift-1,r); /* rat D-exp of p2 */
217 // #ifdef PDEBUG
218 //   p_Test(pL,r);
219 // #endif
220 //   p_ExpVectorDiff(m1,pL,p1,r); /* purely in D part by construction */
221 //   //p_SetComp(m1,0,r);
222 //   //p_Setm(m1,r);
223 // #ifdef PDEBUG
224 //   p_Test(m1,r);
225 // #endif
226 //   p_ExpVectorDiff(m2,pL,p2,r); /* purely in D part by construction */
227 //   //p_SetComp(m2,0,r);
228 //   //p_Setm(m2,r);
229 // #ifdef PDEBUG
230 //   p_Test(m2,r);
231 // #endif
232 //   p_Delete(&pL,r);
233 //   /* zero exponents ! */
235 //   /* EXTRACT LEADCOEF */
237 //   poly H1  = p_HeadRat(p1,is,r);
238 //   poly M1  = r->nc->p_Procs.mm_Mult_p(m1,p_Copy(H1,r),r);
240 //   /* POLY:  number C1  = n_Copy(p_GetCoeff(M1,r),r); */
241 //   /* RAT: */
243 //   poly C1  = p_GetCoeffRat(M1,ishift,r);
245 //   poly H2  = p_HeadRat(p2,is,r);
246 //   poly M2  = r->nc->p_Procs.mm_Mult_p(m2,p_Copy(H2,r),r);
248 //   /* POLY:  number C2  = n_Copy(p_GetCoeff(M2,r),r); */
249 //   /* RAT: */
251 //   poly C2  = p_GetCoeffRat(M2,ishift,r);
253 // /* we do not assume that X's commute */
254 // /* we just run NC syzygies */
256 // /* NEW IDEA: change the ring to K<X>, map things there
257 //    and return the result back; seems to be a good optimization */
258 // /* to be done later */
259 // /* problem: map to subalgebra. contexts, induced (non-unique) orderings etc. */
261 //   intvec *w = NULL;
262 //   ideal h = idInit(2,1);
263 //   h->m[0] = p_Copy(C1,r);
264 //   h->m[1] = p_Copy(C2,r);
265 // #ifdef PDEBUG
266 //   Print("running syzygy comp. for coeffs");
267 // #endif
268 //   ideal sh = idSyzygies(h, testHomog, &w);
269 //   /* in comm case, there is only 1 syzygy */
270 //   /*   singclap_gcd(); */
271 //   poly K,K1,K2;
272 //   K  = sh->m[0];
273 //   K1 = pTakeOutComp(&K, 1); // 1st component is taken out from K
274 //   pShift(&K,-2); // 2nd component to 0th comp.
275 //   K2 = K;
277 //   /* checking signs before multiplying */
278 //   number ck1 = p_GetCoeff(K1,r);
279 //   number ck2 = p_GetCoeff(K2,r);
280 //   BOOLEAN bck1, bck2;
281 //   bck1 = n_GreaterZero(ck1,r);
282 //   bck2 = n_GreaterZero(ck2,r);
283 //   /* K1 >0, K2 >0 (K1,-K2)    */
284 //   /* K1 >0, K2 <0 (K1,-K2)    */
285 //   /* K1 <0, K2 >0 (-K1,K2)    */
286 //   /* K1 <0, K2 <0 (-K1,K2)    */
287 //   if ( (bck1) && (bck2) ) /* +, + */
288 //   {
289 //     K2 = p_Neg(K2,r);
290 //   }
291 //   if ( (bck1) && (!bck2) ) /* + , - */
292 //   {
293 //     K2 = p_Neg(K2,r);
294 //   }
295 //   if ( (!bck1) && (bck2) ) /* - , + */
296 //   {
297 //     K1 = p_Neg(K1,r);
298 //   }
299 //   if ( !(bck1 && bck2) ) /* - , - */
300 //   {
301 //     K1 = p_Neg(K1,r);
302 //   }
304 //   poly P1,P2;
306 //   //  p_LmDeleteRat(M1,ishift,r); // get tail(D^(gamma-alpha) * lm(p1)) = h_f
307 //   P1 = p_Copy(p1,r);
308 //   p_LmDeleteAndNextRat(P1,ishift,r); // get tail(p1) = t_f
309 //   P1 = r->nc->p_Procs.mm_Mult_p(m1,P1,r);
310 //   P1 = p_Add_q(P1,M1,r);
312 //   //  p_LmDeleteRat(M2,ishift,r);
313 //   P2 = p_Copy(p2,r);
314 //   p_LmDeleteAndNextRat(P2,ishift,r);// get tail(p2)=t_g
315 //   P2 = r->nc->p_Procs.mm_Mult_p(m2,P2,r);
316 //   P2 = p_Add_q(P2,M2,r);
318 //   /* coeff business */
320 //   P1 = p_Mult_q(P1,K1,r);
321 //   P2 = p_Mult_q(P2,K2,r);
322 //   P1 = p_Add_q(P1,P2,r);
324 //   /* cleaning up */
326 // #ifdef PDEBUG
327 //   p_Test(p1,r);
328 // #endif
329 //   /* questionable: */
330 //   if (P1!=NULL) pCleardenom(P1);
331 //   return(P1);
332 // }
334 #undef CC
336 /*4 - follow the numbering of gring.cc
337 * creates the S-polynomial of p1 and p2
338 * do not destroy p1 and p2
339 */
nc_rat_CreateSpoly(poly pp1,poly pp2,int ishift,const ring r)340 poly nc_rat_CreateSpoly(poly pp1, poly pp2, int ishift, const ring r)
341 {
343   poly p1 = p_Copy(pp1,r);
344   poly p2 = p_Copy(pp2,r);
346   const long lCompP1 = p_GetComp(p1,r);
347   const long lCompP2 = p_GetComp(p2,r);
349   if ((lCompP1!=lCompP2) && (lCompP1!=0) && (lCompP2!=0))
350   {
351 #ifdef PDEBUG
352     WerrorS("nc_rat_CreateSpoly: different non-zero components!");
353 #endif
354     return(NULL);
355   }
357   if ( (p_LmIsConstantRat(p1,r)) || (p_LmIsConstantRat(p2,r)) )
358   {
359     p_Delete(&p1,r);
360     p_Delete(&p2,r);
361     return( NULL );
362   }
365 /* note: prod. crit does not apply! */
366   poly pL=pOne();
367   poly m1=pOne();
368   poly m2=pOne();
369   int is = ishift; /* TODO */
370   pLcmRat(p1,p2,pL,is);
371   p_Setm(pL,r);
372 #ifdef PDEBUG
373   p_Test(pL,r);
374 #endif
375   poly pr1 = p_GetExp_k_n(p1,1,ishift,r); /* rat D-exp of p1 */
376   poly pr2 = p_GetExp_k_n(p2,1,ishift,r); /* rat D-exp of p2 */
377   p_ExpVectorDiff(m1,pL,pr1,r); /* purely in D part by construction */
378   p_ExpVectorDiff(m2,pL,pr2,r); /* purely in D part by construction */
379   p_Delete(&pr1,r);
380   p_Delete(&pr2,r);
381   p_Delete(&pL,r);
382 #ifdef PDEBUG
383   p_Test(m1,r);
384   PrintS("d^{gamma-alpha} = "); p_wrp(m1,r); PrintLn();
385   p_Test(m2,r);
386   PrintS("d^{gamma-beta} = "); p_wrp(m2,r); PrintLn();
387 #endif
389   poly HF = NULL;
390   HF = p_HeadRat(p1,is,r); // lm_D(f)
391   HF  = nc_mm_Mult_p(m1, HF, r); // // d^{gamma-alpha} lm_D(f)
392   poly C  = p_GetCoeffRat(HF,  is, r); // c = lc_D(h_f) in the paper
394   poly HG = NULL;
395   HG = p_HeadRat(p2,is,r); // lm_D(g)
396   HG  = nc_mm_Mult_p(m2, HG, r); // // d^{gamma-beta} lm_D(g)
397   poly K  = p_GetCoeffRat(HG,  is, r); // k = lc_D(h_g) in the paper
399 #ifdef PDEBUG
400   PrintS("f: "); p_wrp(p1,r); PrintS("\n");
401   PrintS("c: "); p_wrp(C,r); PrintS("\n");
402   PrintS("g: "); p_wrp(p2,r); PrintS("\n");
403   PrintS("k: "); p_wrp(K,r); PrintS("\n");
404 #endif
406   ideal ncsyz = ncGCD(C,K,r);
407   poly KK = ncsyz->m[0]; ncsyz->m[0]=NULL; //p_Copy(ncsyz->m[0],r); // k'
408   poly CC = ncsyz->m[1]; ncsyz->m[1]= NULL; //p_Copy(ncsyz->m[1],r); // c'
409   id_Delete(&ncsyz,r);
411   p_LmDeleteAndNextRat(&p1, is, r); // t_f
412   p_LmDeleteAndNextRat(&HF, is, r); // r_f = h_f - lt_D(h_f)
414   p_LmDeleteAndNextRat(&p2, is, r); // t_g
415   p_LmDeleteAndNextRat(&HG, is, r); // r_g = h_g - lt_D(h_g)
418 #ifdef PDEBUG
419   PrintS(" t_f: "); p_wrp(p1,r); PrintS("\n");
420   PrintS(" t_g: "); p_wrp(p2,r); PrintS("\n");
421   PrintS(" r_f: "); p_wrp(HF,r); PrintS("\n");
422   PrintS(" r_g: "); p_wrp(HG,r); PrintS("\n");
423   PrintS(" c': "); p_wrp(CC,r); PrintS("\n");
424   PrintS(" k': "); p_wrp(KK,r); PrintS("\n");
426 #endif
428   // k'(r_f + d^{gamma-alpha} t_f)
430   p1 = p_Mult_q(m1, p1, r); // p1 = d^{gamma-alpha} t_f
431   p1 = p_Add_q(p1,HF,r); // p1 = r_f + d^{gamma-alpha} t_f
432   p1 = p_Mult_q(KK,p1,r); // p1 = k'(r_f + d^{gamma-alpha} t_f)
434   // c'(r_f + d^{gamma-beta} t_g)
436   p2 = p_Mult_q(m2, p2, r); // p2 = d^{gamma-beta} t_g
437   p2 = p_Add_q(p2,HG,r); // p2 = r_g + d^{gamma-beta} t_g
438   p2 = p_Mult_q(CC,p2,r); // p2 = c'(r_g + d^{gamma-beta} t_g)
440 #ifdef PDEBUG
441   p_Test(p1,r);
442   p_Test(p2,r);
443   PrintS(" k'(r_f + d^{gamma-alpha} t_f): "); p_wrp(p1,r);
444   PrintS(" c'(r_g + d^{gamma-beta} t_g): "); p_wrp(p2,r);
445 #endif
447   poly out = p_Add_q(p1,p2,r); // delete p1, p2; // the sum
449 #ifdef PDEBUG
450   p_Test(out,r);
451 #endif
453   //  if ( out!=NULL ) pCleardenom(out); // postponed to enterS
454   return(out);
455 }
458 /*2
459 * reduction of p2 with p1
460 * do not destroy p1, but p2
461 * p1 divides p2 -> for use in NF algorithm
462 * works in an integer fashion
463 */
nc_rat_ReduceSpolyNew(const poly p1,poly p2,int ishift,const ring r)465 poly nc_rat_ReduceSpolyNew(const poly p1, poly p2, int ishift, const ring r)
466 {
467   const long lCompP1 = p_GetComp(p1,r);
468   const long lCompP2 = p_GetComp(p2,r);
470   if ((lCompP1!=lCompP2) && (lCompP1!=0) && (lCompP2!=0))
471   {
472 #ifdef PDEBUG
473     WerrorS("nc_rat_ReduceSpolyNew: different non-zero components!");
474 #endif
475     return(NULL);
476   }
478   if (p_LmIsConstantRat(p1,r))
479   {
480     return( NULL );
481   }
484   int is = ishift; /* TODO */
486   poly m = pOne();
487   p_ExpVectorDiffRat(m, p2, p1, ishift, r); // includes X and D parts
488   //p_Setm(m,r);
489   //  m = p_GetExp_k_n(m,1,ishift,r); /* rat D-exp of m */
490 #ifdef PDEBUG
491   p_Test(m,r);
492   PrintS("d^alpha = "); p_wrp(m,r); PrintLn();
493 #endif
495   /* pSetComp(m,r)=0? */
496   poly HH = NULL;
497   poly H  = NULL;
498   HH = p_HeadRat(p1,is,r); //p_Copy(p_HeadRat(p1,is,r),r); // lm_D(g)
499 //  H  = r->nc->p_Procs.mm_Mult_p(m, p_Copy(HH, r), r); // d^aplha lm_D(g)
500   H  = nc_mm_Mult_p(m, HH, r); // d^aplha lm_D(g) == h_g in the paper
502   poly K  = p_GetCoeffRat(H,  is, r); //p_Copy( p_GetCoeffRat(H,  is, r), r); // k in the paper
503   poly P  = p_GetCoeffRat(p2, is, r); //p_Copy( p_GetCoeffRat(p2, is, r), r); // lc_D(p_2) == lc_D(f)
505 #ifdef PDEBUG
506   PrintS("k: "); p_wrp(K,r); PrintS("\n");
507   PrintS("p: "); p_wrp(P,r); PrintS("\n");
508   PrintS("f: "); p_wrp(p2,r); PrintS("\n");
509   PrintS("g: "); p_wrp(p1,r); PrintS("\n");
510 #endif
511   // alt:
512   poly out = p_Copy(p1,r);
513   p_LmDeleteAndNextRat(&out, is, r); // out == t_g
515   ideal ncsyz = ncGCD(P,K,r);
516   poly KK = ncsyz->m[0]; ncsyz->m[0]=NULL; //p_Copy(ncsyz->m[0],r); // k'
517   poly PP = ncsyz->m[1]; ncsyz->m[1]= NULL; //p_Copy(ncsyz->m[1],r); // p'
519 #ifdef PDEBUG
520   PrintS("t_g: "); p_wrp(out,r);
521   PrintS("k': "); p_wrp(KK,r); PrintS("\n");
522   PrintS("p': "); p_wrp(PP,r); PrintS("\n");
523 #endif
524   id_Delete(&ncsyz,r);
525   p_LmDeleteAndNextRat(&p2, is, r); // t_f
526   p_LmDeleteAndNextRat(&H, is, r); // r_g = h_g - lt_D(h_g)
528 #ifdef PDEBUG
529   PrintS(" t_f: "); p_wrp(p2,r);
530   PrintS(" r_g: "); p_wrp(H,r);
531 #endif
533   p2 = p_Mult_q(KK, p2, r); // p2 = k' t_f
535 #ifdef PDEBUG
536   p_Test(p2,r);
537   PrintS(" k' t_f: "); p_wrp(p2,r);
538 #endif
540 //  out = r->nc->p_Procs.mm_Mult_p(m, out, r); // d^aplha t_g
541   out = nc_mm_Mult_p(m, out, r); // d^aplha t_g
542   p_Delete(&m,r);
544 #ifdef PDEBUG
545   PrintS(" d^a t_g: "); p_wrp(out,r);
546   PrintS(" end reduction\n");
547 #endif
549   out = p_Add_q(H, out, r); // r_g + d^a t_g
551 #ifdef PDEBUG
552   p_Test(out,r);
553 #endif
554   out = p_Mult_q(PP, out, r); // p' (r_g + d^a t_g)
555   out = p_Add_q(p2,out,r); // delete out, p2; // the sum
557 #ifdef PDEBUG
558   p_Test(out,r);
559 #endif
561   //  if ( out!=NULL ) pCleardenom(out); // postponed to enterS
562   return(out);
563 }
565 // return: FALSE, if there exists i in ishift..r->N,
566 //                 such that a->exp[i] > b->exp[i]
567 //         TRUE, otherwise
p_DivisibleByRat(poly a,poly b,int ishift,const ring r)569 BOOLEAN p_DivisibleByRat(poly a, poly b, int ishift, const ring r)
570 {
571 #ifdef PDEBUG
572   PrintS("invoke p_DivByRat with a = ");
573   p_wrp(p_Head(a,r),r);
574   PrintS(" and b= ");
575   p_wrp(p_Head(b,r),r);
576   PrintLn();
577 #endif
578   int i;
579   for(i=r->N; i>ishift; i--)
580   {
581 #ifdef PDEBUG
582     Print("i=%d,",i);
583 #endif
584     if (p_GetExp(a,i,r) > p_GetExp(b,i,r)) return FALSE;
585   }
586   return ((p_GetComp(a,r)==p_GetComp(b,r)) || (p_GetComp(a,r)==0));
587 }
588 /*2
589 *reduces h with elements from reducer choosing the best possible
590 * element in t with respect to the given red_length
591 * arrays reducer and red_length are [0..(rl-1)]
592 */
redRat(poly * h,poly * reducer,int * red_length,int rl,int ishift,ring r)593 int redRat (poly* h, poly *reducer, int *red_length, int rl, int ishift, ring r)
594 {
595   if ((*h)==NULL) return 0;
597   int j,i,l;
599   loop
600   {
601     j=rl;l=MAX_INT_VAL;
602     for(i=rl-1;i>=0;i--)
603     {
604       //      Print("test %d, l=%d (curr=%d, l=%d\n",i,red_length[i],j,l);
605       if ((l>red_length[i]) && (p_DivisibleByRat(reducer[i],*h,ishift,r)))
606       {
607         j=i; l=red_length[i];
608         //        PrintS(" yes\n");
609       }
610       //      else PrintS(" no\n");
611     }
612     if (j >=rl)
613     {
614       return 1; // not reducible
615     }
617     if (TEST_OPT_DEBUG)
618     {
619       PrintS("reduce ");
620       p_wrp(*h,r);
621       PrintS(" with ");
622       p_wrp(reducer[j],r);
623     }
624     poly hh=nc_rat_ReduceSpolyNew(reducer[j], *h, ishift, r);
625     //    p_Delete(h,r);
626     *h=hh;
627     if (TEST_OPT_DEBUG)
628     {
629       PrintS(" to ");
630       p_wrp(*h,r);
631       PrintLn();
632     }
633     if ((*h)==NULL)
634     {
635       return 0;
636     }
637   }
638 }
640 // test if monomial is a constant, i.e. if all exponents and the component
641 // is zero
p_LmIsConstantRat(const poly p,const ring r)642 BOOLEAN p_LmIsConstantRat(const poly p, const ring r)
643 {
644   if (p_LmIsConstantCompRat(p, r))
645     return (p_GetComp(p, r) == 0);
646   return FALSE;
647 }
649 // test if the monomial is a constant as a vector component
650 // i.e., test if all exponents are zero
p_LmIsConstantCompRat(const poly p,const ring r)651 BOOLEAN p_LmIsConstantCompRat(const poly p, const ring r)
652 {
653   int i = r->real_var_end;
655   while ( (p_GetExp(p,i,r)==0) && (i>=r->real_var_start))
656   {
657     i--;
658   }
659   return ( i+1 == r->real_var_start );
660 }
662 #endif