2(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
4\section[RnExpr]{Renaming of expressions}
6Basically dependency analysis.
8Handles @Match@, @GRHSs@, @HsExpr@, and @Qualifier@ datatypes.  In
9general, all of these functions return a renamed thing, and a set of
10free variables.
13{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
14{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
15{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
16{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
17{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
19module RnExpr (
20        rnLExpr, rnExpr, rnStmts
21   ) where
23#include "HsVersions.h"
25import GhcPrelude
27import RnBinds   ( rnLocalBindsAndThen, rnLocalValBindsLHS, rnLocalValBindsRHS,
28                   rnMatchGroup, rnGRHS, makeMiniFixityEnv)
29import GHC.Hs
30import TcEnv            ( isBrackStage )
31import TcRnMonad
32import Module           ( getModule )
33import RnEnv
34import RnFixity
35import RnUtils          ( HsDocContext(..), bindLocalNamesFV, checkDupNames
36                        , bindLocalNames
37                        , mapMaybeFvRn, mapFvRn
38                        , warnUnusedLocalBinds, typeAppErr
39                        , checkUnusedRecordWildcard )
40import RnUnbound        ( reportUnboundName )
41import RnSplice         ( rnBracket, rnSpliceExpr, checkThLocalName )
42import RnTypes
43import RnPat
44import DynFlags
45import PrelNames
47import BasicTypes
48import Name
49import NameSet
50import RdrName
51import UniqSet
52import Data.List
53import Util
54import ListSetOps       ( removeDups )
55import ErrUtils
56import Outputable
57import SrcLoc
58import FastString
59import Control.Monad
60import TysWiredIn       ( nilDataConName )
61import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
63import Data.Ord
64import Data.Array
65import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
67import Unique           ( mkVarOccUnique )
71*                                                                      *
73*                                                                      *
77rnExprs :: [LHsExpr GhcPs] -> RnM ([LHsExpr GhcRn], FreeVars)
78rnExprs ls = rnExprs' ls emptyUniqSet
79 where
80  rnExprs' [] acc = return ([], acc)
81  rnExprs' (expr:exprs) acc =
82   do { (expr', fvExpr) <- rnLExpr expr
83        -- Now we do a "seq" on the free vars because typically it's small
84        -- or empty, especially in very long lists of constants
85      ; let  acc' = acc `plusFV` fvExpr
86      ; (exprs', fvExprs) <- acc' `seq` rnExprs' exprs acc'
87      ; return (expr':exprs', fvExprs) }
89-- Variables. We look up the variable and return the resulting name.
91rnLExpr :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> RnM (LHsExpr GhcRn, FreeVars)
92rnLExpr = wrapLocFstM rnExpr
94rnExpr :: HsExpr GhcPs -> RnM (HsExpr GhcRn, FreeVars)
96finishHsVar :: Located Name -> RnM (HsExpr GhcRn, FreeVars)
97-- Separated from rnExpr because it's also used
98-- when renaming infix expressions
99finishHsVar (L l name)
100 = do { this_mod <- getModule
101      ; when (nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod name) $
102        checkThLocalName name
103      ; return (HsVar noExtField (L l name), unitFV name) }
105rnUnboundVar :: RdrName -> RnM (HsExpr GhcRn, FreeVars)
106rnUnboundVar v
107 = do { if isUnqual v
108        then -- Treat this as a "hole"
109             -- Do not fail right now; instead, return HsUnboundVar
110             -- and let the type checker report the error
111             do { let occ = rdrNameOcc v
112                ; uv <- if startsWithUnderscore occ
113                        then return (TrueExprHole occ)
114                        else OutOfScope occ <$> getGlobalRdrEnv
115                ; return (HsUnboundVar noExtField uv, emptyFVs) }
117        else -- Fail immediately (qualified name)
118             do { n <- reportUnboundName v
119                ; return (HsVar noExtField (noLoc n), emptyFVs) } }
121rnExpr (HsVar _ (L l v))
122  = do { opt_DuplicateRecordFields <- xoptM LangExt.DuplicateRecordFields
123       ; mb_name <- lookupOccRn_overloaded opt_DuplicateRecordFields v
124       ; dflags <- getDynFlags
125       ; case mb_name of {
126           Nothing -> rnUnboundVar v ;
127           Just (Left name)
128              | name == nilDataConName -- Treat [] as an ExplicitList, so that
129                                       -- OverloadedLists works correctly
130                                       -- Note [Empty lists] in GHC.Hs.Expr
131              , xopt LangExt.OverloadedLists dflags
132              -> rnExpr (ExplicitList noExtField Nothing [])
134              | otherwise
135              -> finishHsVar (L l name) ;
136            Just (Right [s]) ->
137              return ( HsRecFld noExtField (Unambiguous s (L l v) ), unitFV s) ;
138           Just (Right fs@(_:_:_)) ->
139              return ( HsRecFld noExtField (Ambiguous noExtField (L l v))
140                     , mkFVs fs);
141           Just (Right [])         -> panic "runExpr/HsVar" } }
143rnExpr (HsIPVar x v)
144  = return (HsIPVar x v, emptyFVs)
146rnExpr (HsUnboundVar x v)
147  = return (HsUnboundVar x v, emptyFVs)
149rnExpr (HsOverLabel x _ v)
150  = do { rebindable_on <- xoptM LangExt.RebindableSyntax
151       ; if rebindable_on
152         then do { fromLabel <- lookupOccRn (mkVarUnqual (fsLit "fromLabel"))
153                 ; return (HsOverLabel x (Just fromLabel) v, unitFV fromLabel) }
154         else return (HsOverLabel x Nothing v, emptyFVs) }
156rnExpr (HsLit x lit@(HsString src s))
157  = do { opt_OverloadedStrings <- xoptM LangExt.OverloadedStrings
158       ; if opt_OverloadedStrings then
159            rnExpr (HsOverLit x (mkHsIsString src s))
160         else do {
161            ; rnLit lit
162            ; return (HsLit x (convertLit lit), emptyFVs) } }
164rnExpr (HsLit x lit)
165  = do { rnLit lit
166       ; return (HsLit x(convertLit lit), emptyFVs) }
168rnExpr (HsOverLit x lit)
169  = do { ((lit', mb_neg), fvs) <- rnOverLit lit -- See Note [Negative zero]
170       ; case mb_neg of
171              Nothing -> return (HsOverLit x lit', fvs)
172              Just neg -> return (HsApp x (noLoc neg) (noLoc (HsOverLit x lit'))
173                                 , fvs ) }
175rnExpr (HsApp x fun arg)
176  = do { (fun',fvFun) <- rnLExpr fun
177       ; (arg',fvArg) <- rnLExpr arg
178       ; return (HsApp x fun' arg', fvFun `plusFV` fvArg) }
180rnExpr (HsAppType x fun arg)
181  = do { type_app <- xoptM LangExt.TypeApplications
182       ; unless type_app $ addErr $ typeAppErr "type" $ hswc_body arg
183       ; (fun',fvFun) <- rnLExpr fun
184       ; (arg',fvArg) <- rnHsWcType HsTypeCtx arg
185       ; return (HsAppType x fun' arg', fvFun `plusFV` fvArg) }
187rnExpr (OpApp _ e1 op e2)
188  = do  { (e1', fv_e1) <- rnLExpr e1
189        ; (e2', fv_e2) <- rnLExpr e2
190        ; (op', fv_op) <- rnLExpr op
192        -- Deal with fixity
193        -- When renaming code synthesised from "deriving" declarations
194        -- we used to avoid fixity stuff, but we can't easily tell any
195        -- more, so I've removed the test.  Adding HsPars in TcGenDeriv
196        -- should prevent bad things happening.
197        ; fixity <- case op' of
198              L _ (HsVar _ (L _ n)) -> lookupFixityRn n
199              L _ (HsRecFld _ f)    -> lookupFieldFixityRn f
200              _ -> return (Fixity NoSourceText minPrecedence InfixL)
201                   -- c.f. lookupFixity for unbound
203        ; final_e <- mkOpAppRn e1' op' fixity e2'
204        ; return (final_e, fv_e1 `plusFV` fv_op `plusFV` fv_e2) }
206rnExpr (NegApp _ e _)
207  = do { (e', fv_e)         <- rnLExpr e
208       ; (neg_name, fv_neg) <- lookupSyntaxName negateName
209       ; final_e            <- mkNegAppRn e' neg_name
210       ; return (final_e, fv_e `plusFV` fv_neg) }
213-- Template Haskell extensions
214rnExpr e@(HsBracket _ br_body) = rnBracket e br_body
216rnExpr (HsSpliceE _ splice) = rnSpliceExpr splice
219--      Sections
220-- See Note [Parsing sections] in Parser.y
221rnExpr (HsPar x (L loc (section@(SectionL {}))))
222  = do  { (section', fvs) <- rnSection section
223        ; return (HsPar x (L loc section'), fvs) }
225rnExpr (HsPar x (L loc (section@(SectionR {}))))
226  = do  { (section', fvs) <- rnSection section
227        ; return (HsPar x (L loc section'), fvs) }
229rnExpr (HsPar x e)
230  = do  { (e', fvs_e) <- rnLExpr e
231        ; return (HsPar x e', fvs_e) }
233rnExpr expr@(SectionL {})
234  = do  { addErr (sectionErr expr); rnSection expr }
235rnExpr expr@(SectionR {})
236  = do  { addErr (sectionErr expr); rnSection expr }
239rnExpr (HsCoreAnn x src ann expr)
240  = do { (expr', fvs_expr) <- rnLExpr expr
241       ; return (HsCoreAnn x src ann expr', fvs_expr) }
243rnExpr (HsSCC x src lbl expr)
244  = do { (expr', fvs_expr) <- rnLExpr expr
245       ; return (HsSCC x src lbl expr', fvs_expr) }
246rnExpr (HsTickPragma x src info srcInfo expr)
247  = do { (expr', fvs_expr) <- rnLExpr expr
248       ; return (HsTickPragma x src info srcInfo expr', fvs_expr) }
250rnExpr (HsLam x matches)
251  = do { (matches', fvMatch) <- rnMatchGroup LambdaExpr rnLExpr matches
252       ; return (HsLam x matches', fvMatch) }
254rnExpr (HsLamCase x matches)
255  = do { (matches', fvs_ms) <- rnMatchGroup CaseAlt rnLExpr matches
256       ; return (HsLamCase x matches', fvs_ms) }
258rnExpr (HsCase x expr matches)
259  = do { (new_expr, e_fvs) <- rnLExpr expr
260       ; (new_matches, ms_fvs) <- rnMatchGroup CaseAlt rnLExpr matches
261       ; return (HsCase x new_expr new_matches, e_fvs `plusFV` ms_fvs) }
263rnExpr (HsLet x (L l binds) expr)
264  = rnLocalBindsAndThen binds $ \binds' _ -> do
265      { (expr',fvExpr) <- rnLExpr expr
266      ; return (HsLet x (L l binds') expr', fvExpr) }
268rnExpr (HsDo x do_or_lc (L l stmts))
269  = do  { ((stmts', _), fvs) <-
270           rnStmtsWithPostProcessing do_or_lc rnLExpr
271             postProcessStmtsForApplicativeDo stmts
272             (\ _ -> return ((), emptyFVs))
273        ; return ( HsDo x do_or_lc (L l stmts'), fvs ) }
275rnExpr (ExplicitList x _  exps)
276  = do  { opt_OverloadedLists <- xoptM LangExt.OverloadedLists
277        ; (exps', fvs) <- rnExprs exps
278        ; if opt_OverloadedLists
279           then do {
280            ; (from_list_n_name, fvs') <- lookupSyntaxName fromListNName
281            ; return (ExplicitList x (Just from_list_n_name) exps'
282                     , fvs `plusFV` fvs') }
283           else
284            return  (ExplicitList x Nothing exps', fvs) }
286rnExpr (ExplicitTuple x tup_args boxity)
287  = do { checkTupleSection tup_args
288       ; checkTupSize (length tup_args)
289       ; (tup_args', fvs) <- mapAndUnzipM rnTupArg tup_args
290       ; return (ExplicitTuple x tup_args' boxity, plusFVs fvs) }
291  where
292    rnTupArg (L l (Present x e)) = do { (e',fvs) <- rnLExpr e
293                                      ; return (L l (Present x e'), fvs) }
294    rnTupArg (L l (Missing _)) = return (L l (Missing noExtField)
295                                        , emptyFVs)
296    rnTupArg (L _ (XTupArg nec)) = noExtCon nec
298rnExpr (ExplicitSum x alt arity expr)
299  = do { (expr', fvs) <- rnLExpr expr
300       ; return (ExplicitSum x alt arity expr', fvs) }
302rnExpr (RecordCon { rcon_con_name = con_id
303                  , rcon_flds = rec_binds@(HsRecFields { rec_dotdot = dd }) })
304  = do { con_lname@(L _ con_name) <- lookupLocatedOccRn con_id
305       ; (flds, fvs)   <- rnHsRecFields (HsRecFieldCon con_name) mk_hs_var rec_binds
306       ; (flds', fvss) <- mapAndUnzipM rn_field flds
307       ; let rec_binds' = HsRecFields { rec_flds = flds', rec_dotdot = dd }
308       ; return (RecordCon { rcon_ext = noExtField
309                           , rcon_con_name = con_lname, rcon_flds = rec_binds' }
310                , fvs `plusFV` plusFVs fvss `addOneFV` con_name) }
311  where
312    mk_hs_var l n = HsVar noExtField (L l n)
313    rn_field (L l fld) = do { (arg', fvs) <- rnLExpr (hsRecFieldArg fld)
314                            ; return (L l (fld { hsRecFieldArg = arg' }), fvs) }
316rnExpr (RecordUpd { rupd_expr = expr, rupd_flds = rbinds })
317  = do  { (expr', fvExpr) <- rnLExpr expr
318        ; (rbinds', fvRbinds) <- rnHsRecUpdFields rbinds
319        ; return (RecordUpd { rupd_ext = noExtField, rupd_expr = expr'
320                            , rupd_flds = rbinds' }
321                 , fvExpr `plusFV` fvRbinds) }
323rnExpr (ExprWithTySig _ expr pty)
324  = do  { (pty', fvTy)    <- rnHsSigWcType BindUnlessForall ExprWithTySigCtx pty
325        ; (expr', fvExpr) <- bindSigTyVarsFV (hsWcScopedTvs pty') $
326                             rnLExpr expr
327        ; return (ExprWithTySig noExtField expr' pty', fvExpr `plusFV` fvTy) }
329rnExpr (HsIf x _ p b1 b2)
330  = do { (p', fvP) <- rnLExpr p
331       ; (b1', fvB1) <- rnLExpr b1
332       ; (b2', fvB2) <- rnLExpr b2
333       ; (mb_ite, fvITE) <- lookupIfThenElse
334       ; return (HsIf x mb_ite p' b1' b2', plusFVs [fvITE, fvP, fvB1, fvB2]) }
336rnExpr (HsMultiIf x alts)
337  = do { (alts', fvs) <- mapFvRn (rnGRHS IfAlt rnLExpr) alts
338       -- ; return (HsMultiIf ty alts', fvs) }
339       ; return (HsMultiIf x alts', fvs) }
341rnExpr (ArithSeq x _ seq)
342  = do { opt_OverloadedLists <- xoptM LangExt.OverloadedLists
343       ; (new_seq, fvs) <- rnArithSeq seq
344       ; if opt_OverloadedLists
345           then do {
346            ; (from_list_name, fvs') <- lookupSyntaxName fromListName
347            ; return (ArithSeq x (Just from_list_name) new_seq
348                     , fvs `plusFV` fvs') }
349           else
350            return (ArithSeq x Nothing new_seq, fvs) }
354*                                                                      *
355        Static values
356*                                                                      *
359For the static form we check that it is not used in splices.
360We also collect the free variables of the term which come from
361this module. See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in StaticPtrTable.
364rnExpr e@(HsStatic _ expr) = do
365    -- Normally, you wouldn't be able to construct a static expression without
366    -- first enabling -XStaticPointers in the first place, since that extension
367    -- is what makes the parser treat `static` as a keyword. But this is not a
368    -- sufficient safeguard, as one can construct static expressions by another
369    -- mechanism: Template Haskell (see #14204). To ensure that GHC is
370    -- absolutely prepared to cope with static forms, we check for
371    -- -XStaticPointers here as well.
372    unlessXOptM LangExt.StaticPointers $
373      addErr $ hang (text "Illegal static expression:" <+> ppr e)
374                  2 (text "Use StaticPointers to enable this extension")
375    (expr',fvExpr) <- rnLExpr expr
376    stage <- getStage
377    case stage of
378      Splice _ -> addErr $ sep
379             [ text "static forms cannot be used in splices:"
380             , nest 2 $ ppr e
381             ]
382      _ -> return ()
383    mod <- getModule
384    let fvExpr' = filterNameSet (nameIsLocalOrFrom mod) fvExpr
385    return (HsStatic fvExpr' expr', fvExpr)
389*                                                                      *
390        Arrow notation
391*                                                                      *
395rnExpr (HsProc x pat body)
396  = newArrowScope $
397    rnPat ProcExpr pat $ \ pat' -> do
398      { (body',fvBody) <- rnCmdTop body
399      ; return (HsProc x pat' body', fvBody) }
401rnExpr other = pprPanic "rnExpr: unexpected expression" (ppr other)
402        -- HsWrap
405-- See Note [Parsing sections] in Parser.y
406rnSection :: HsExpr GhcPs -> RnM (HsExpr GhcRn, FreeVars)
407rnSection section@(SectionR x op expr)
408  = do  { (op', fvs_op)     <- rnLExpr op
409        ; (expr', fvs_expr) <- rnLExpr expr
410        ; checkSectionPrec InfixR section op' expr'
411        ; return (SectionR x op' expr', fvs_op `plusFV` fvs_expr) }
413rnSection section@(SectionL x expr op)
414  = do  { (expr', fvs_expr) <- rnLExpr expr
415        ; (op', fvs_op)     <- rnLExpr op
416        ; checkSectionPrec InfixL section op' expr'
417        ; return (SectionL x expr' op', fvs_op `plusFV` fvs_expr) }
419rnSection other = pprPanic "rnSection" (ppr other)
423*                                                                      *
424        Arrow commands
425*                                                                      *
429rnCmdArgs :: [LHsCmdTop GhcPs] -> RnM ([LHsCmdTop GhcRn], FreeVars)
430rnCmdArgs [] = return ([], emptyFVs)
431rnCmdArgs (arg:args)
432  = do { (arg',fvArg) <- rnCmdTop arg
433       ; (args',fvArgs) <- rnCmdArgs args
434       ; return (arg':args', fvArg `plusFV` fvArgs) }
436rnCmdTop :: LHsCmdTop GhcPs -> RnM (LHsCmdTop GhcRn, FreeVars)
437rnCmdTop = wrapLocFstM rnCmdTop'
438 where
439  rnCmdTop' (HsCmdTop _ cmd)
440   = do { (cmd', fvCmd) <- rnLCmd cmd
441        ; let cmd_names = [arrAName, composeAName, firstAName] ++
442                          nameSetElemsStable (methodNamesCmd (unLoc cmd'))
443        -- Generate the rebindable syntax for the monad
444        ; (cmd_names', cmd_fvs) <- lookupSyntaxNames cmd_names
446        ; return (HsCmdTop (cmd_names `zip` cmd_names') cmd',
447                  fvCmd `plusFV` cmd_fvs) }
448  rnCmdTop' (XCmdTop nec) = noExtCon nec
450rnLCmd :: LHsCmd GhcPs -> RnM (LHsCmd GhcRn, FreeVars)
451rnLCmd = wrapLocFstM rnCmd
453rnCmd :: HsCmd GhcPs -> RnM (HsCmd GhcRn, FreeVars)
455rnCmd (HsCmdArrApp x arrow arg ho rtl)
456  = do { (arrow',fvArrow) <- select_arrow_scope (rnLExpr arrow)
457       ; (arg',fvArg) <- rnLExpr arg
458       ; return (HsCmdArrApp x arrow' arg' ho rtl,
459                 fvArrow `plusFV` fvArg) }
460  where
461    select_arrow_scope tc = case ho of
462        HsHigherOrderApp -> tc
463        HsFirstOrderApp  -> escapeArrowScope tc
464        -- See Note [Escaping the arrow scope] in TcRnTypes
465        -- Before renaming 'arrow', use the environment of the enclosing
466        -- proc for the (-<) case.
467        -- Local bindings, inside the enclosing proc, are not in scope
468        -- inside 'arrow'.  In the higher-order case (-<<), they are.
470-- infix form
471rnCmd (HsCmdArrForm _ op _ (Just _) [arg1, arg2])
472  = do { (op',fv_op) <- escapeArrowScope (rnLExpr op)
473       ; let L _ (HsVar _ (L _ op_name)) = op'
474       ; (arg1',fv_arg1) <- rnCmdTop arg1
475       ; (arg2',fv_arg2) <- rnCmdTop arg2
476        -- Deal with fixity
477       ; fixity <- lookupFixityRn op_name
478       ; final_e <- mkOpFormRn arg1' op' fixity arg2'
479       ; return (final_e, fv_arg1 `plusFV` fv_op `plusFV` fv_arg2) }
481rnCmd (HsCmdArrForm x op f fixity cmds)
482  = do { (op',fvOp) <- escapeArrowScope (rnLExpr op)
483       ; (cmds',fvCmds) <- rnCmdArgs cmds
484       ; return (HsCmdArrForm x op' f fixity cmds', fvOp `plusFV` fvCmds) }
486rnCmd (HsCmdApp x fun arg)
487  = do { (fun',fvFun) <- rnLCmd  fun
488       ; (arg',fvArg) <- rnLExpr arg
489       ; return (HsCmdApp x fun' arg', fvFun `plusFV` fvArg) }
491rnCmd (HsCmdLam x matches)
492  = do { (matches', fvMatch) <- rnMatchGroup LambdaExpr rnLCmd matches
493       ; return (HsCmdLam x matches', fvMatch) }
495rnCmd (HsCmdPar x e)
496  = do  { (e', fvs_e) <- rnLCmd e
497        ; return (HsCmdPar x e', fvs_e) }
499rnCmd (HsCmdCase x expr matches)
500  = do { (new_expr, e_fvs) <- rnLExpr expr
501       ; (new_matches, ms_fvs) <- rnMatchGroup CaseAlt rnLCmd matches
502       ; return (HsCmdCase x new_expr new_matches, e_fvs `plusFV` ms_fvs) }
504rnCmd (HsCmdIf x _ p b1 b2)
505  = do { (p', fvP) <- rnLExpr p
506       ; (b1', fvB1) <- rnLCmd b1
507       ; (b2', fvB2) <- rnLCmd b2
508       ; (mb_ite, fvITE) <- lookupIfThenElse
509       ; return (HsCmdIf x mb_ite p' b1' b2', plusFVs [fvITE, fvP, fvB1, fvB2])}
511rnCmd (HsCmdLet x (L l binds) cmd)
512  = rnLocalBindsAndThen binds $ \ binds' _ -> do
513      { (cmd',fvExpr) <- rnLCmd cmd
514      ; return (HsCmdLet x (L l binds') cmd', fvExpr) }
516rnCmd (HsCmdDo x (L l stmts))
517  = do  { ((stmts', _), fvs) <-
518            rnStmts ArrowExpr rnLCmd stmts (\ _ -> return ((), emptyFVs))
519        ; return ( HsCmdDo x (L l stmts'), fvs ) }
521rnCmd cmd@(HsCmdWrap {}) = pprPanic "rnCmd" (ppr cmd)
522rnCmd     (XCmd nec)     = noExtCon nec
525type CmdNeeds = FreeVars        -- Only inhabitants are
526                                --      appAName, choiceAName, loopAName
528-- find what methods the Cmd needs (loop, choice, apply)
529methodNamesLCmd :: LHsCmd GhcRn -> CmdNeeds
530methodNamesLCmd = methodNamesCmd . unLoc
532methodNamesCmd :: HsCmd GhcRn -> CmdNeeds
534methodNamesCmd (HsCmdArrApp _ _arrow _arg HsFirstOrderApp _rtl)
535  = emptyFVs
536methodNamesCmd (HsCmdArrApp _ _arrow _arg HsHigherOrderApp _rtl)
537  = unitFV appAName
538methodNamesCmd (HsCmdArrForm {}) = emptyFVs
539methodNamesCmd (HsCmdWrap _ _ cmd) = methodNamesCmd cmd
541methodNamesCmd (HsCmdPar _ c) = methodNamesLCmd c
543methodNamesCmd (HsCmdIf _ _ _ c1 c2)
544  = methodNamesLCmd c1 `plusFV` methodNamesLCmd c2 `addOneFV` choiceAName
546methodNamesCmd (HsCmdLet _ _ c)          = methodNamesLCmd c
547methodNamesCmd (HsCmdDo _ (L _ stmts))   = methodNamesStmts stmts
548methodNamesCmd (HsCmdApp _ c _)          = methodNamesLCmd c
549methodNamesCmd (HsCmdLam _ match)        = methodNamesMatch match
551methodNamesCmd (HsCmdCase _ _ matches)
552  = methodNamesMatch matches `addOneFV` choiceAName
554methodNamesCmd (XCmd nec) = noExtCon nec
556--methodNamesCmd _ = emptyFVs
557   -- Other forms can't occur in commands, but it's not convenient
558   -- to error here so we just do what's convenient.
559   -- The type checker will complain later
562methodNamesMatch :: MatchGroup GhcRn (LHsCmd GhcRn) -> FreeVars
563methodNamesMatch (MG { mg_alts = L _ ms })
564  = plusFVs (map do_one ms)
565 where
566    do_one (L _ (Match { m_grhss = grhss })) = methodNamesGRHSs grhss
567    do_one (L _ (XMatch nec)) = noExtCon nec
568methodNamesMatch (XMatchGroup nec) = noExtCon nec
571-- gaw 2004
572methodNamesGRHSs :: GRHSs GhcRn (LHsCmd GhcRn) -> FreeVars
573methodNamesGRHSs (GRHSs _ grhss _) = plusFVs (map methodNamesGRHS grhss)
574methodNamesGRHSs (XGRHSs nec) = noExtCon nec
578methodNamesGRHS :: Located (GRHS GhcRn (LHsCmd GhcRn)) -> CmdNeeds
579methodNamesGRHS (L _ (GRHS _ _ rhs)) = methodNamesLCmd rhs
580methodNamesGRHS (L _ (XGRHS nec)) = noExtCon nec
583methodNamesStmts :: [Located (StmtLR GhcRn GhcRn (LHsCmd GhcRn))] -> FreeVars
584methodNamesStmts stmts = plusFVs (map methodNamesLStmt stmts)
587methodNamesLStmt :: Located (StmtLR GhcRn GhcRn (LHsCmd GhcRn)) -> FreeVars
588methodNamesLStmt = methodNamesStmt . unLoc
590methodNamesStmt :: StmtLR GhcRn GhcRn (LHsCmd GhcRn) -> FreeVars
591methodNamesStmt (LastStmt _ cmd _ _)           = methodNamesLCmd cmd
592methodNamesStmt (BodyStmt _ cmd _ _)           = methodNamesLCmd cmd
593methodNamesStmt (BindStmt _ _ cmd _ _)         = methodNamesLCmd cmd
594methodNamesStmt (RecStmt { recS_stmts = stmts }) =
595  methodNamesStmts stmts `addOneFV` loopAName
596methodNamesStmt (LetStmt {})                   = emptyFVs
597methodNamesStmt (ParStmt {})                   = emptyFVs
598methodNamesStmt (TransStmt {})                 = emptyFVs
599methodNamesStmt ApplicativeStmt{}              = emptyFVs
600   -- ParStmt and TransStmt can't occur in commands, but it's not
601   -- convenient to error here so we just do what's convenient
602methodNamesStmt (XStmtLR nec) = noExtCon nec
606*                                                                      *
607        Arithmetic sequences
608*                                                                      *
612rnArithSeq :: ArithSeqInfo GhcPs -> RnM (ArithSeqInfo GhcRn, FreeVars)
613rnArithSeq (From expr)
614 = do { (expr', fvExpr) <- rnLExpr expr
615      ; return (From expr', fvExpr) }
617rnArithSeq (FromThen expr1 expr2)
618 = do { (expr1', fvExpr1) <- rnLExpr expr1
619      ; (expr2', fvExpr2) <- rnLExpr expr2
620      ; return (FromThen expr1' expr2', fvExpr1 `plusFV` fvExpr2) }
622rnArithSeq (FromTo expr1 expr2)
623 = do { (expr1', fvExpr1) <- rnLExpr expr1
624      ; (expr2', fvExpr2) <- rnLExpr expr2
625      ; return (FromTo expr1' expr2', fvExpr1 `plusFV` fvExpr2) }
627rnArithSeq (FromThenTo expr1 expr2 expr3)
628 = do { (expr1', fvExpr1) <- rnLExpr expr1
629      ; (expr2', fvExpr2) <- rnLExpr expr2
630      ; (expr3', fvExpr3) <- rnLExpr expr3
631      ; return (FromThenTo expr1' expr2' expr3',
632                plusFVs [fvExpr1, fvExpr2, fvExpr3]) }
636*                                                                      *
637\subsubsection{@Stmt@s: in @do@ expressions}
638*                                                                      *
643Note [Deterministic ApplicativeDo and RecursiveDo desugaring]
645Both ApplicativeDo and RecursiveDo need to create tuples not
646present in the source text.
648For ApplicativeDo we create:
650  (a,b,c) <- (\c b a -> (a,b,c)) <$>
652For RecursiveDo we create:
654  mfix (\ ~(a,b,c) -> do ...; return (a',b',c'))
656The order of the components in those tuples needs to be stable
657across recompilations, otherwise they can get optimized differently
658and we end up with incompatible binaries.
659To get a stable order we use nameSetElemsStable.
660See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] to learn more about nondeterminism.
663-- | Rename some Stmts
664rnStmts :: Outputable (body GhcPs)
665        => HsStmtContext Name
666        -> (Located (body GhcPs) -> RnM (Located (body GhcRn), FreeVars))
667           -- ^ How to rename the body of each statement (e.g. rnLExpr)
668        -> [LStmt GhcPs (Located (body GhcPs))]
669           -- ^ Statements
670        -> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars))
671           -- ^ if these statements scope over something, this renames it
672           -- and returns the result.
673        -> RnM (([LStmt GhcRn (Located (body GhcRn))], thing), FreeVars)
674rnStmts ctxt rnBody = rnStmtsWithPostProcessing ctxt rnBody noPostProcessStmts
676-- | like 'rnStmts' but applies a post-processing step to the renamed Stmts
678        :: Outputable (body GhcPs)
679        => HsStmtContext Name
680        -> (Located (body GhcPs) -> RnM (Located (body GhcRn), FreeVars))
681           -- ^ How to rename the body of each statement (e.g. rnLExpr)
682        -> (HsStmtContext Name
683              -> [(LStmt GhcRn (Located (body GhcRn)), FreeVars)]
684              -> RnM ([LStmt GhcRn (Located (body GhcRn))], FreeVars))
685           -- ^ postprocess the statements
686        -> [LStmt GhcPs (Located (body GhcPs))]
687           -- ^ Statements
688        -> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars))
689           -- ^ if these statements scope over something, this renames it
690           -- and returns the result.
691        -> RnM (([LStmt GhcRn (Located (body GhcRn))], thing), FreeVars)
692rnStmtsWithPostProcessing ctxt rnBody ppStmts stmts thing_inside
693 = do { ((stmts', thing), fvs) <-
694          rnStmtsWithFreeVars ctxt rnBody stmts thing_inside
695      ; (pp_stmts, fvs') <- ppStmts ctxt stmts'
696      ; return ((pp_stmts, thing), fvs `plusFV` fvs')
697      }
699-- | maybe rearrange statements according to the ApplicativeDo transformation
701  :: HsStmtContext Name
702  -> [(ExprLStmt GhcRn, FreeVars)]
703  -> RnM ([ExprLStmt GhcRn], FreeVars)
704postProcessStmtsForApplicativeDo ctxt stmts
705  = do {
706       -- rearrange the statements using ApplicativeStmt if
707       -- -XApplicativeDo is on.  Also strip out the FreeVars attached
708       -- to each Stmt body.
709         ado_is_on <- xoptM LangExt.ApplicativeDo
710       ; let is_do_expr | DoExpr <- ctxt = True
711                        | otherwise = False
712       -- don't apply the transformation inside TH brackets, because
713       -- DsMeta does not handle ApplicativeDo.
714       ; in_th_bracket <- isBrackStage <$> getStage
715       ; if ado_is_on && is_do_expr && not in_th_bracket
716            then do { traceRn "ppsfa" (ppr stmts)
717                    ; rearrangeForApplicativeDo ctxt stmts }
718            else noPostProcessStmts ctxt stmts }
720-- | strip the FreeVars annotations from statements
722  :: HsStmtContext Name
723  -> [(LStmt GhcRn (Located (body GhcRn)), FreeVars)]
724  -> RnM ([LStmt GhcRn (Located (body GhcRn))], FreeVars)
725noPostProcessStmts _ stmts = return (map fst stmts, emptyNameSet)
728rnStmtsWithFreeVars :: Outputable (body GhcPs)
729        => HsStmtContext Name
730        -> (Located (body GhcPs) -> RnM (Located (body GhcRn), FreeVars))
731        -> [LStmt GhcPs (Located (body GhcPs))]
732        -> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars))
733        -> RnM ( ([(LStmt GhcRn (Located (body GhcRn)), FreeVars)], thing)
734               , FreeVars)
735-- Each Stmt body is annotated with its FreeVars, so that
736-- we can rearrange statements for ApplicativeDo.
738-- Variables bound by the Stmts, and mentioned in thing_inside,
739-- do not appear in the result FreeVars
741rnStmtsWithFreeVars ctxt _ [] thing_inside
742  = do { checkEmptyStmts ctxt
743       ; (thing, fvs) <- thing_inside []
744       ; return (([], thing), fvs) }
746rnStmtsWithFreeVars MDoExpr rnBody stmts thing_inside    -- Deal with mdo
747  = -- Behave like do { rec { ...all but last... }; last }
748    do { ((stmts1, (stmts2, thing)), fvs)
749           <- rnStmt MDoExpr rnBody (noLoc $ mkRecStmt all_but_last) $ \ _ ->
750              do { last_stmt' <- checkLastStmt MDoExpr last_stmt
751                 ; rnStmt MDoExpr rnBody last_stmt' thing_inside }
752        ; return (((stmts1 ++ stmts2), thing), fvs) }
753  where
754    Just (all_but_last, last_stmt) = snocView stmts
756rnStmtsWithFreeVars ctxt rnBody (lstmt@(L loc _) : lstmts) thing_inside
757  | null lstmts
758  = setSrcSpan loc $
759    do { lstmt' <- checkLastStmt ctxt lstmt
760       ; rnStmt ctxt rnBody lstmt' thing_inside }
762  | otherwise
763  = do { ((stmts1, (stmts2, thing)), fvs)
764            <- setSrcSpan loc                         $
765               do { checkStmt ctxt lstmt
766                  ; rnStmt ctxt rnBody lstmt    $ \ bndrs1 ->
767                    rnStmtsWithFreeVars ctxt rnBody lstmts  $ \ bndrs2 ->
768                    thing_inside (bndrs1 ++ bndrs2) }
769        ; return (((stmts1 ++ stmts2), thing), fvs) }
774Note [Failing pattern matches in Stmts]
777Many things desugar to HsStmts including monadic things like `do` and `mdo`
778statements, pattern guards, and list comprehensions (see 'HsStmtContext' for an
779exhaustive list). How we deal with pattern match failure is context-dependent.
781 * In the case of list comprehensions and pattern guards we don't need any 'fail'
782   function; the desugarer ignores the fail function field of 'BindStmt' entirely.
783 * In the case of monadic contexts (e.g. monad comprehensions, do, and mdo
784   expressions) we want pattern match failure to be desugared to the appropriate
785   'fail' function (either that of Monad or MonadFail, depending on whether
786   -XMonadFailDesugaring is enabled.)
788At one point we failed to make this distinction, leading to #11216.
791rnStmt :: Outputable (body GhcPs)
792       => HsStmtContext Name
793       -> (Located (body GhcPs) -> RnM (Located (body GhcRn), FreeVars))
794          -- ^ How to rename the body of the statement
795       -> LStmt GhcPs (Located (body GhcPs))
796          -- ^ The statement
797       -> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars))
798          -- ^ Rename the stuff that this statement scopes over
799       -> RnM ( ([(LStmt GhcRn (Located (body GhcRn)), FreeVars)], thing)
800              , FreeVars)
801-- Variables bound by the Stmt, and mentioned in thing_inside,
802-- do not appear in the result FreeVars
804rnStmt ctxt rnBody (L loc (LastStmt _ body noret _)) thing_inside
805  = do  { (body', fv_expr) <- rnBody body
806        ; (ret_op, fvs1) <- if isMonadCompContext ctxt
807                            then lookupStmtName ctxt returnMName
808                            else return (noSyntaxExpr, emptyFVs)
809                            -- The 'return' in a LastStmt is used only
810                            -- for MonadComp; and we don't want to report
811                            -- "non in scope: return" in other cases
812                            -- #15607
814        ; (thing,  fvs3) <- thing_inside []
815        ; return (([(L loc (LastStmt noExtField body' noret ret_op), fv_expr)]
816                  , thing), fv_expr `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs3) }
818rnStmt ctxt rnBody (L loc (BodyStmt _ body _ _)) thing_inside
819  = do  { (body', fv_expr) <- rnBody body
820        ; (then_op, fvs1)  <- lookupStmtName ctxt thenMName
822        ; (guard_op, fvs2) <- if isComprehensionContext ctxt
823                              then lookupStmtName ctxt guardMName
824                              else return (noSyntaxExpr, emptyFVs)
825                              -- Only list/monad comprehensions use 'guard'
826                              -- Also for sub-stmts of same eg [ e | x<-xs, gd | blah ]
827                              -- Here "gd" is a guard
829        ; (thing, fvs3)    <- thing_inside []
830        ; return ( ([(L loc (BodyStmt noExtField body' then_op guard_op), fv_expr)]
831                  , thing), fv_expr `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3) }
833rnStmt ctxt rnBody (L loc (BindStmt _ pat body _ _)) thing_inside
834  = do  { (body', fv_expr) <- rnBody body
835                -- The binders do not scope over the expression
836        ; (bind_op, fvs1) <- lookupStmtName ctxt bindMName
838        ; (fail_op, fvs2) <- monadFailOp pat ctxt
840        ; rnPat (StmtCtxt ctxt) pat $ \ pat' -> do
841        { (thing, fvs3) <- thing_inside (collectPatBinders pat')
842        ; return (( [( L loc (BindStmt noExtField pat' body' bind_op fail_op)
843                     , fv_expr )]
844                  , thing),
845                  fv_expr `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3) }}
846       -- fv_expr shouldn't really be filtered by the rnPatsAndThen
847        -- but it does not matter because the names are unique
849rnStmt _ _ (L loc (LetStmt _ (L l binds))) thing_inside
850  = do  { rnLocalBindsAndThen binds $ \binds' bind_fvs -> do
851        { (thing, fvs) <- thing_inside (collectLocalBinders binds')
852        ; return ( ([(L loc (LetStmt noExtField (L l binds')), bind_fvs)], thing)
853                 , fvs) }  }
855rnStmt ctxt rnBody (L loc (RecStmt { recS_stmts = rec_stmts })) thing_inside
856  = do  { (return_op, fvs1)  <- lookupStmtName ctxt returnMName
857        ; (mfix_op,   fvs2)  <- lookupStmtName ctxt mfixName
858        ; (bind_op,   fvs3)  <- lookupStmtName ctxt bindMName
859        ; let empty_rec_stmt = emptyRecStmtName { recS_ret_fn  = return_op
860                                                , recS_mfix_fn = mfix_op
861                                                , recS_bind_fn = bind_op }
863        -- Step1: Bring all the binders of the mdo into scope
864        -- (Remember that this also removes the binders from the
865        -- finally-returned free-vars.)
866        -- And rename each individual stmt, making a
867        -- singleton segment.  At this stage the FwdRefs field
868        -- isn't finished: it's empty for all except a BindStmt
869        -- for which it's the fwd refs within the bind itself
870        -- (This set may not be empty, because we're in a recursive
871        -- context.)
872        ; rnRecStmtsAndThen rnBody rec_stmts   $ \ segs -> do
873        { let bndrs = nameSetElemsStable $
874                        foldr (unionNameSet . (\(ds,_,_,_) -> ds))
875                              emptyNameSet
876                              segs
877          -- See Note [Deterministic ApplicativeDo and RecursiveDo desugaring]
878        ; (thing, fvs_later) <- thing_inside bndrs
879        ; let (rec_stmts', fvs) = segmentRecStmts loc ctxt empty_rec_stmt segs fvs_later
880        -- We aren't going to try to group RecStmts with
881        -- ApplicativeDo, so attaching empty FVs is fine.
882        ; return ( ((zip rec_stmts' (repeat emptyNameSet)), thing)
883                 , fvs `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3) } }
885rnStmt ctxt _ (L loc (ParStmt _ segs _ _)) thing_inside
886  = do  { (mzip_op, fvs1)   <- lookupStmtNamePoly ctxt mzipName
887        ; (bind_op, fvs2)   <- lookupStmtName ctxt bindMName
888        ; (return_op, fvs3) <- lookupStmtName ctxt returnMName
889        ; ((segs', thing), fvs4) <- rnParallelStmts (ParStmtCtxt ctxt) return_op segs thing_inside
890        ; return (([(L loc (ParStmt noExtField segs' mzip_op bind_op), fvs4)], thing)
891                 , fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3 `plusFV` fvs4) }
893rnStmt ctxt _ (L loc (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts, trS_by = by, trS_form = form
894                              , trS_using = using })) thing_inside
895  = do { -- Rename the 'using' expression in the context before the transform is begun
896         (using', fvs1) <- rnLExpr using
898         -- Rename the stmts and the 'by' expression
899         -- Keep track of the variables mentioned in the 'by' expression
900       ; ((stmts', (by', used_bndrs, thing)), fvs2)
901             <- rnStmts (TransStmtCtxt ctxt) rnLExpr stmts $ \ bndrs ->
902                do { (by',   fvs_by) <- mapMaybeFvRn rnLExpr by
903                   ; (thing, fvs_thing) <- thing_inside bndrs
904                   ; let fvs = fvs_by `plusFV` fvs_thing
905                         used_bndrs = filter (`elemNameSet` fvs) bndrs
906                         -- The paper (Fig 5) has a bug here; we must treat any free variable
907                         -- of the "thing inside", **or of the by-expression**, as used
908                   ; return ((by', used_bndrs, thing), fvs) }
910       -- Lookup `return`, `(>>=)` and `liftM` for monad comprehensions
911       ; (return_op, fvs3) <- lookupStmtName ctxt returnMName
912       ; (bind_op,   fvs4) <- lookupStmtName ctxt bindMName
913       ; (fmap_op,   fvs5) <- case form of
914                                ThenForm -> return (noExpr, emptyFVs)
915                                _        -> lookupStmtNamePoly ctxt fmapName
917       ; let all_fvs  = fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3
918                             `plusFV` fvs4 `plusFV` fvs5
919             bndr_map = used_bndrs `zip` used_bndrs
920             -- See Note [TransStmt binder map] in GHC.Hs.Expr
922       ; traceRn "rnStmt: implicitly rebound these used binders:" (ppr bndr_map)
923       ; return (([(L loc (TransStmt { trS_ext = noExtField
924                                    , trS_stmts = stmts', trS_bndrs = bndr_map
925                                    , trS_by = by', trS_using = using', trS_form = form
926                                    , trS_ret = return_op, trS_bind = bind_op
927                                    , trS_fmap = fmap_op }), fvs2)], thing), all_fvs) }
929rnStmt _ _ (L _ ApplicativeStmt{}) _ =
930  panic "rnStmt: ApplicativeStmt"
932rnStmt _ _ (L _ (XStmtLR nec)) _ =
933  noExtCon nec
935rnParallelStmts :: forall thing. HsStmtContext Name
936                -> SyntaxExpr GhcRn
937                -> [ParStmtBlock GhcPs GhcPs]
938                -> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars))
939                -> RnM (([ParStmtBlock GhcRn GhcRn], thing), FreeVars)
940-- Note [Renaming parallel Stmts]
941rnParallelStmts ctxt return_op segs thing_inside
942  = do { orig_lcl_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
943       ; rn_segs orig_lcl_env [] segs }
944  where
945    rn_segs :: LocalRdrEnv
946            -> [Name] -> [ParStmtBlock GhcPs GhcPs]
947            -> RnM (([ParStmtBlock GhcRn GhcRn], thing), FreeVars)
948    rn_segs _ bndrs_so_far []
949      = do { let (bndrs', dups) = removeDups cmpByOcc bndrs_so_far
950           ; mapM_ dupErr dups
951           ; (thing, fvs) <- bindLocalNames bndrs' (thing_inside bndrs')
952           ; return (([], thing), fvs) }
954    rn_segs env bndrs_so_far (ParStmtBlock x stmts _ _ : segs)
955      = do { ((stmts', (used_bndrs, segs', thing)), fvs)
956                    <- rnStmts ctxt rnLExpr stmts $ \ bndrs ->
957                       setLocalRdrEnv env       $ do
958                       { ((segs', thing), fvs) <- rn_segs env (bndrs ++ bndrs_so_far) segs
959                       ; let used_bndrs = filter (`elemNameSet` fvs) bndrs
960                       ; return ((used_bndrs, segs', thing), fvs) }
962           ; let seg' = ParStmtBlock x stmts' used_bndrs return_op
963           ; return ((seg':segs', thing), fvs) }
964    rn_segs _ _ (XParStmtBlock nec:_) = noExtCon nec
966    cmpByOcc n1 n2 = nameOccName n1 `compare` nameOccName n2
967    dupErr vs = addErr (text "Duplicate binding in parallel list comprehension for:"
968                    <+> quotes (ppr (NE.head vs)))
970lookupStmtName :: HsStmtContext Name -> Name -> RnM (SyntaxExpr GhcRn, FreeVars)
971-- Like lookupSyntaxName, but respects contexts
972lookupStmtName ctxt n
973  | rebindableContext ctxt
974  = lookupSyntaxName n
975  | otherwise
976  = return (mkRnSyntaxExpr n, emptyFVs)
978lookupStmtNamePoly :: HsStmtContext Name -> Name -> RnM (HsExpr GhcRn, FreeVars)
979lookupStmtNamePoly ctxt name
980  | rebindableContext ctxt
981  = do { rebindable_on <- xoptM LangExt.RebindableSyntax
982       ; if rebindable_on
983         then do { fm <- lookupOccRn (nameRdrName name)
984                 ; return (HsVar noExtField (noLoc fm), unitFV fm) }
985         else not_rebindable }
986  | otherwise
987  = not_rebindable
988  where
989    not_rebindable = return (HsVar noExtField (noLoc name), emptyFVs)
991-- | Is this a context where we respect RebindableSyntax?
992-- but ListComp are never rebindable
993-- Neither is ArrowExpr, which has its own desugarer in DsArrows
994rebindableContext :: HsStmtContext Name -> Bool
995rebindableContext ctxt = case ctxt of
996  ListComp        -> False
997  ArrowExpr       -> False
998  PatGuard {}     -> False
1000  DoExpr          -> True
1001  MDoExpr         -> True
1002  MonadComp       -> True
1003  GhciStmtCtxt    -> True   -- I suppose?
1005  ParStmtCtxt   c -> rebindableContext c     -- Look inside to
1006  TransStmtCtxt c -> rebindableContext c     -- the parent context
1009Note [Renaming parallel Stmts]
1011Renaming parallel statements is painful.  Given, say
1012     [ a+c | a <- as, bs <- bss
1013           | c <- bs, a <- ds ]
1014Note that
1015  (a) In order to report "Defined but not used" about 'bs', we must
1016      rename each group of Stmts with a thing_inside whose FreeVars
1017      include at least {a,c}
1019  (b) We want to report that 'a' is illegally bound in both branches
1021  (c) The 'bs' in the second group must obviously not be captured by
1022      the binding in the first group
1024To satisfy (a) we nest the segements.
1025To satisfy (b) we check for duplicates just before thing_inside.
1026To satisfy (c) we reset the LocalRdrEnv each time.
1029*                                                                      *
1030\subsubsection{mdo expressions}
1031*                                                                      *
1035type FwdRefs = NameSet
1036type Segment stmts = (Defs,
1037                      Uses,     -- May include defs
1038                      FwdRefs,  -- A subset of uses that are
1039                                --   (a) used before they are bound in this segment, or
1040                                --   (b) used here, and bound in subsequent segments
1041                      stmts)    -- Either Stmt or [Stmt]
1044-- wrapper that does both the left- and right-hand sides
1045rnRecStmtsAndThen :: Outputable (body GhcPs) =>
1046                     (Located (body GhcPs)
1047                  -> RnM (Located (body GhcRn), FreeVars))
1048                  -> [LStmt GhcPs (Located (body GhcPs))]
1049                         -- assumes that the FreeVars returned includes
1050                         -- the FreeVars of the Segments
1051                  -> ([Segment (LStmt GhcRn (Located (body GhcRn)))]
1052                      -> RnM (a, FreeVars))
1053                  -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
1054rnRecStmtsAndThen rnBody s cont
1055  = do  { -- (A) Make the mini fixity env for all of the stmts
1056          fix_env <- makeMiniFixityEnv (collectRecStmtsFixities s)
1058          -- (B) Do the LHSes
1059        ; new_lhs_and_fv <- rn_rec_stmts_lhs fix_env s
1061          --    ...bring them and their fixities into scope
1062        ; let bound_names = collectLStmtsBinders (map fst new_lhs_and_fv)
1063              -- Fake uses of variables introduced implicitly (warning suppression, see #4404)
1064              rec_uses = lStmtsImplicits (map fst new_lhs_and_fv)
1065              implicit_uses = mkNameSet $ concatMap snd $ rec_uses
1066        ; bindLocalNamesFV bound_names $
1067          addLocalFixities fix_env bound_names $ do
1069          -- (C) do the right-hand-sides and thing-inside
1070        { segs <- rn_rec_stmts rnBody bound_names new_lhs_and_fv
1071        ; (res, fvs) <- cont segs
1072        ; mapM_ (\(loc, ns) -> checkUnusedRecordWildcard loc fvs (Just ns))
1073                rec_uses
1074        ; warnUnusedLocalBinds bound_names (fvs `unionNameSet` implicit_uses)
1075        ; return (res, fvs) }}
1077-- get all the fixity decls in any Let stmt
1078collectRecStmtsFixities :: [LStmtLR GhcPs GhcPs body] -> [LFixitySig GhcPs]
1079collectRecStmtsFixities l =
1080    foldr (\ s -> \acc -> case s of
1081            (L _ (LetStmt _ (L _ (HsValBinds _ (ValBinds _ _ sigs))))) ->
1082              foldr (\ sig -> \ acc -> case sig of
1083                                         (L loc (FixSig _ s)) -> (L loc s) : acc
1084                                         _ -> acc) acc sigs
1085            _ -> acc) [] l
1087-- left-hand sides
1089rn_rec_stmt_lhs :: Outputable body => MiniFixityEnv
1090                -> LStmt GhcPs body
1091                   -- rename LHS, and return its FVs
1092                   -- Warning: we will only need the FreeVars below in the case of a BindStmt,
1093                   -- so we don't bother to compute it accurately in the other cases
1094                -> RnM [(LStmtLR GhcRn GhcPs body, FreeVars)]
1096rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ (L loc (BodyStmt _ body a b))
1097  = return [(L loc (BodyStmt noExtField body a b), emptyFVs)]
1099rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ (L loc (LastStmt _ body noret a))
1100  = return [(L loc (LastStmt noExtField body noret a), emptyFVs)]
1102rn_rec_stmt_lhs fix_env (L loc (BindStmt _ pat body a b))
1103  = do
1104      -- should the ctxt be MDo instead?
1105      (pat', fv_pat) <- rnBindPat (localRecNameMaker fix_env) pat
1106      return [(L loc (BindStmt noExtField pat' body a b), fv_pat)]
1108rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ (L _ (LetStmt _ (L _ binds@(HsIPBinds {}))))
1109  = failWith (badIpBinds (text "an mdo expression") binds)
1111rn_rec_stmt_lhs fix_env (L loc (LetStmt _ (L l (HsValBinds x binds))))
1112    = do (_bound_names, binds') <- rnLocalValBindsLHS fix_env binds
1113         return [(L loc (LetStmt noExtField (L l (HsValBinds x binds'))),
1114                 -- Warning: this is bogus; see function invariant
1115                 emptyFVs
1116                 )]
1118-- XXX Do we need to do something with the return and mfix names?
1119rn_rec_stmt_lhs fix_env (L _ (RecStmt { recS_stmts = stmts }))  -- Flatten Rec inside Rec
1120    = rn_rec_stmts_lhs fix_env stmts
1122rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ stmt@(L _ (ParStmt {}))       -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
1123  = pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt" (ppr stmt)
1125rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ stmt@(L _ (TransStmt {}))     -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
1126  = pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt" (ppr stmt)
1128rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ stmt@(L _ (ApplicativeStmt {})) -- Shouldn't appear yet
1129  = pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt" (ppr stmt)
1131rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ (L _ (LetStmt _ (L _ (EmptyLocalBinds _))))
1132  = panic "rn_rec_stmt LetStmt EmptyLocalBinds"
1133rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ (L _ (LetStmt _ (L _ (XHsLocalBindsLR nec))))
1134  = noExtCon nec
1135rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ (L _ (XStmtLR nec))
1136  = noExtCon nec
1138rn_rec_stmts_lhs :: Outputable body => MiniFixityEnv
1139                 -> [LStmt GhcPs body]
1140                 -> RnM [(LStmtLR GhcRn GhcPs body, FreeVars)]
1141rn_rec_stmts_lhs fix_env stmts
1142  = do { ls <- concatMapM (rn_rec_stmt_lhs fix_env) stmts
1143       ; let boundNames = collectLStmtsBinders (map fst ls)
1144            -- First do error checking: we need to check for dups here because we
1145            -- don't bind all of the variables from the Stmt at once
1146            -- with bindLocatedLocals.
1147       ; checkDupNames boundNames
1148       ; return ls }
1151-- right-hand-sides
1153rn_rec_stmt :: (Outputable (body GhcPs)) =>
1154               (Located (body GhcPs) -> RnM (Located (body GhcRn), FreeVars))
1155            -> [Name]
1156            -> (LStmtLR GhcRn GhcPs (Located (body GhcPs)), FreeVars)
1157            -> RnM [Segment (LStmt GhcRn (Located (body GhcRn)))]
1158        -- Rename a Stmt that is inside a RecStmt (or mdo)
1159        -- Assumes all binders are already in scope
1160        -- Turns each stmt into a singleton Stmt
1161rn_rec_stmt rnBody _ (L loc (LastStmt _ body noret _), _)
1162  = do  { (body', fv_expr) <- rnBody body
1163        ; (ret_op, fvs1)   <- lookupSyntaxName returnMName
1164        ; return [(emptyNameSet, fv_expr `plusFV` fvs1, emptyNameSet,
1165                   L loc (LastStmt noExtField body' noret ret_op))] }
1167rn_rec_stmt rnBody _ (L loc (BodyStmt _ body _ _), _)
1168  = do { (body', fvs) <- rnBody body
1169       ; (then_op, fvs1) <- lookupSyntaxName thenMName
1170       ; return [(emptyNameSet, fvs `plusFV` fvs1, emptyNameSet,
1171                 L loc (BodyStmt noExtField body' then_op noSyntaxExpr))] }
1173rn_rec_stmt rnBody _ (L loc (BindStmt _ pat' body _ _), fv_pat)
1174  = do { (body', fv_expr) <- rnBody body
1175       ; (bind_op, fvs1) <- lookupSyntaxName bindMName
1177       ; (fail_op, fvs2) <- getMonadFailOp
1179       ; let bndrs = mkNameSet (collectPatBinders pat')
1180             fvs   = fv_expr `plusFV` fv_pat `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2
1181       ; return [(bndrs, fvs, bndrs `intersectNameSet` fvs,
1182                  L loc (BindStmt noExtField pat' body' bind_op fail_op))] }
1184rn_rec_stmt _ _ (L _ (LetStmt _ (L _ binds@(HsIPBinds {}))), _)
1185  = failWith (badIpBinds (text "an mdo expression") binds)
1187rn_rec_stmt _ all_bndrs (L loc (LetStmt _ (L l (HsValBinds x binds'))), _)
1188  = do { (binds', du_binds) <- rnLocalValBindsRHS (mkNameSet all_bndrs) binds'
1189           -- fixities and unused are handled above in rnRecStmtsAndThen
1190       ; let fvs = allUses du_binds
1191       ; return [(duDefs du_binds, fvs, emptyNameSet,
1192                 L loc (LetStmt noExtField (L l (HsValBinds x binds'))))] }
1194-- no RecStmt case because they get flattened above when doing the LHSes
1195rn_rec_stmt _ _ stmt@(L _ (RecStmt {}), _)
1196  = pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt: RecStmt" (ppr stmt)
1198rn_rec_stmt _ _ stmt@(L _ (ParStmt {}), _)       -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
1199  = pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt: ParStmt" (ppr stmt)
1201rn_rec_stmt _ _ stmt@(L _ (TransStmt {}), _)     -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
1202  = pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt: TransStmt" (ppr stmt)
1204rn_rec_stmt _ _ (L _ (LetStmt _ (L _ (XHsLocalBindsLR nec))), _)
1205  = noExtCon nec
1207rn_rec_stmt _ _ (L _ (LetStmt _ (L _ (EmptyLocalBinds _))), _)
1208  = panic "rn_rec_stmt: LetStmt EmptyLocalBinds"
1210rn_rec_stmt _ _ stmt@(L _ (ApplicativeStmt {}), _)
1211  = pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt: ApplicativeStmt" (ppr stmt)
1213rn_rec_stmt _ _ (L _ (XStmtLR nec), _)
1214  = noExtCon nec
1216rn_rec_stmts :: Outputable (body GhcPs) =>
1217                (Located (body GhcPs) -> RnM (Located (body GhcRn), FreeVars))
1218             -> [Name]
1219             -> [(LStmtLR GhcRn GhcPs (Located (body GhcPs)), FreeVars)]
1220             -> RnM [Segment (LStmt GhcRn (Located (body GhcRn)))]
1221rn_rec_stmts rnBody bndrs stmts
1222  = do { segs_s <- mapM (rn_rec_stmt rnBody bndrs) stmts
1223       ; return (concat segs_s) }
1226segmentRecStmts :: SrcSpan -> HsStmtContext Name
1227                -> Stmt GhcRn body
1228                -> [Segment (LStmt GhcRn body)] -> FreeVars
1229                -> ([LStmt GhcRn body], FreeVars)
1231segmentRecStmts loc ctxt empty_rec_stmt segs fvs_later
1232  | null segs
1233  = ([], fvs_later)
1235  | MDoExpr <- ctxt
1236  = segsToStmts empty_rec_stmt grouped_segs fvs_later
1237               -- Step 4: Turn the segments into Stmts
1238                --         Use RecStmt when and only when there are fwd refs
1239                --         Also gather up the uses from the end towards the
1240                --         start, so we can tell the RecStmt which things are
1241                --         used 'after' the RecStmt
1243  | otherwise
1244  = ([ L loc $
1245       empty_rec_stmt { recS_stmts = ss
1246                      , recS_later_ids = nameSetElemsStable
1247                                           (defs `intersectNameSet` fvs_later)
1248                      , recS_rec_ids   = nameSetElemsStable
1249                                           (defs `intersectNameSet` uses) }]
1250          -- See Note [Deterministic ApplicativeDo and RecursiveDo desugaring]
1251    , uses `plusFV` fvs_later)
1253  where
1254    (defs_s, uses_s, _, ss) = unzip4 segs
1255    defs = plusFVs defs_s
1256    uses = plusFVs uses_s
1258                -- Step 2: Fill in the fwd refs.
1259                --         The segments are all singletons, but their fwd-ref
1260                --         field mentions all the things used by the segment
1261                --         that are bound after their use
1262    segs_w_fwd_refs = addFwdRefs segs
1264                -- Step 3: Group together the segments to make bigger segments
1265                --         Invariant: in the result, no segment uses a variable
1266                --                    bound in a later segment
1267    grouped_segs = glomSegments ctxt segs_w_fwd_refs
1270addFwdRefs :: [Segment a] -> [Segment a]
1271-- So far the segments only have forward refs *within* the Stmt
1272--      (which happens for bind:  x <- ...x...)
1273-- This function adds the cross-seg fwd ref info
1275addFwdRefs segs
1276  = fst (foldr mk_seg ([], emptyNameSet) segs)
1277  where
1278    mk_seg (defs, uses, fwds, stmts) (segs, later_defs)
1279        = (new_seg : segs, all_defs)
1280        where
1281          new_seg = (defs, uses, new_fwds, stmts)
1282          all_defs = later_defs `unionNameSet` defs
1283          new_fwds = fwds `unionNameSet` (uses `intersectNameSet` later_defs)
1284                -- Add the downstream fwd refs here
1287Note [Segmenting mdo]
1289NB. June 7 2012: We only glom segments that appear in an explicit mdo;
1290and leave those found in "do rec"'s intact.  See
1291https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/4148 for the discussion
1292leading to this design choice.  Hence the test in segmentRecStmts.
1294Note [Glomming segments]
1296Glomming the singleton segments of an mdo into minimal recursive groups.
1298At first I thought this was just strongly connected components, but
1299there's an important constraint: the order of the stmts must not change.
1302     mdo { x <- ...y...
1303           p <- z
1304           y <- ...x...
1305           q <- x
1306           z <- y
1307           r <- x }
1309Here, the first stmt mention 'y', which is bound in the third.
1310But that means that the innocent second stmt (p <- z) gets caught
1311up in the recursion.  And that in turn means that the binding for
1312'z' has to be included... and so on.
1314Start at the tail { r <- x }
1315Now add the next one { z <- y ; r <- x }
1316Now add one more     { q <- x ; z <- y ; r <- x }
1317Now one more... but this time we have to group a bunch into rec
1318     { rec { y <- ...x... ; q <- x ; z <- y } ; r <- x }
1319Now one more, which we can add on without a rec
1320     { p <- z ;
1321       rec { y <- ...x... ; q <- x ; z <- y } ;
1322       r <- x }
1323Finally we add the last one; since it mentions y we have to
1324glom it together with the first two groups
1325     { rec { x <- ...y...; p <- z ; y <- ...x... ;
1326             q <- x ; z <- y } ;
1327       r <- x }
1330glomSegments :: HsStmtContext Name
1331             -> [Segment (LStmt GhcRn body)]
1332             -> [Segment [LStmt GhcRn body]]
1333                                  -- Each segment has a non-empty list of Stmts
1334-- See Note [Glomming segments]
1336glomSegments _ [] = []
1337glomSegments ctxt ((defs,uses,fwds,stmt) : segs)
1338        -- Actually stmts will always be a singleton
1339  = (seg_defs, seg_uses, seg_fwds, seg_stmts)  : others
1340  where
1341    segs'            = glomSegments ctxt segs
1342    (extras, others) = grab uses segs'
1343    (ds, us, fs, ss) = unzip4 extras
1345    seg_defs  = plusFVs ds `plusFV` defs
1346    seg_uses  = plusFVs us `plusFV` uses
1347    seg_fwds  = plusFVs fs `plusFV` fwds
1348    seg_stmts = stmt : concat ss
1350    grab :: NameSet             -- The client
1351         -> [Segment a]
1352         -> ([Segment a],       -- Needed by the 'client'
1353             [Segment a])       -- Not needed by the client
1354        -- The result is simply a split of the input
1355    grab uses dus
1356        = (reverse yeses, reverse noes)
1357        where
1358          (noes, yeses)           = span not_needed (reverse dus)
1359          not_needed (defs,_,_,_) = not (intersectsNameSet defs uses)
1362segsToStmts :: Stmt GhcRn body
1363                                  -- A RecStmt with the SyntaxOps filled in
1364            -> [Segment [LStmt GhcRn body]]
1365                                  -- Each Segment has a non-empty list of Stmts
1366            -> FreeVars           -- Free vars used 'later'
1367            -> ([LStmt GhcRn body], FreeVars)
1369segsToStmts _ [] fvs_later = ([], fvs_later)
1370segsToStmts empty_rec_stmt ((defs, uses, fwds, ss) : segs) fvs_later
1371  = ASSERT( not (null ss) )
1372    (new_stmt : later_stmts, later_uses `plusFV` uses)
1373  where
1374    (later_stmts, later_uses) = segsToStmts empty_rec_stmt segs fvs_later
1375    new_stmt | non_rec   = head ss
1376             | otherwise = cL (getLoc (head ss)) rec_stmt
1377    rec_stmt = empty_rec_stmt { recS_stmts     = ss
1378                              , recS_later_ids = nameSetElemsStable used_later
1379                              , recS_rec_ids   = nameSetElemsStable fwds }
1380          -- See Note [Deterministic ApplicativeDo and RecursiveDo desugaring]
1381    non_rec    = isSingleton ss && isEmptyNameSet fwds
1382    used_later = defs `intersectNameSet` later_uses
1383                                -- The ones needed after the RecStmt
1387*                                                                      *
1389*                                                                      *
1392Note [ApplicativeDo]
1394= Example =
1396For a sequence of statements
1398 do
1399     x <- A
1400     y <- B x
1401     z <- C
1402     return (f x y z)
1404We want to transform this to
1406  (\(x,y) z -> f x y z) <$> (do x <- A; y <- B x; return (x,y)) <*> C
1408It would be easy to notice that "y <- B x" and "z <- C" are
1409independent and do something like this:
1411 do
1412     x <- A
1413     (y,z) <- (,) <$> B x <*> C
1414     return (f x y z)
1416But this isn't enough! A and C were also independent, and this
1417transformation loses the ability to do A and C in parallel.
1419The algorithm works by first splitting the sequence of statements into
1420independent "segments", and a separate "tail" (the final statement). In
1421our example above, the segements would be
1423     [ x <- A
1424     , y <- B x ]
1426     [ z <- C ]
1428and the tail is:
1430     return (f x y z)
1432Then we take these segments and make an Applicative expression from them:
1434     (\(x,y) z -> return (f x y z))
1435       <$> do { x <- A; y <- B x; return (x,y) }
1436       <*> C
1438Finally, we recursively apply the transformation to each segment, to
1439discover any nested parallelism.
1441= Syntax & spec =
1443  expr ::= ... | do {stmt_1; ..; stmt_n} expr | ...
1445  stmt ::= pat <- expr
1446         | (arg_1 | ... | arg_n)  -- applicative composition, n>=1
1447         | ...                    -- other kinds of statement (e.g. let)
1449  arg ::= pat <- expr
1450        | {stmt_1; ..; stmt_n} {var_1..var_n}
1452(note that in the actual implementation,the expr in a do statement is
1453represented by a LastStmt as the final stmt, this is just a
1454representational issue and may change later.)
1456== Transformation to introduce applicative stmts ==
1458ado {} tail = tail
1459ado {pat <- expr} {return expr'} = (mkArg(pat <- expr)); return expr'
1460ado {one} tail = one : tail
1461ado stmts tail
1462  | n == 1 = ado before (ado after tail)
1463    where (before,after) = split(stmts_1)
1464  | n > 1  = (mkArg(stmts_1) | ... | mkArg(stmts_n)); tail
1465  where
1466    {stmts_1 .. stmts_n} = segments(stmts)
1468segments(stmts) =
1469  -- divide stmts into segments with no interdependencies
1471mkArg({pat <- expr}) = (pat <- expr)
1472mkArg({stmt_1; ...; stmt_n}) =
1473  {stmt_1; ...; stmt_n} {vars(stmt_1) u .. u vars(stmt_n)}
1475split({stmt_1; ..; stmt_n) =
1476  ({stmt_1; ..; stmt_i}, {stmt_i+1; ..; stmt_n})
1477  -- 1 <= i <= n
1478  -- i is a good place to insert a bind
1480== Desugaring for do ==
1482dsDo {} expr = expr
1484dsDo {pat <- rhs; stmts} expr =
1485   rhs >>= \pat -> dsDo stmts expr
1487dsDo {(arg_1 | ... | arg_n)} (return expr) =
1488  (\argpat (arg_1) .. argpat(arg_n) -> expr)
1489     <$> argexpr(arg_1)
1490     <*> ...
1491     <*> argexpr(arg_n)
1493dsDo {(arg_1 | ... | arg_n); stmts} expr =
1494  join (\argpat (arg_1) .. argpat(arg_n) -> dsDo stmts expr)
1495     <$> argexpr(arg_1)
1496     <*> ...
1497     <*> argexpr(arg_n)
1499= Relevant modules in the rest of the compiler =
1501ApplicativeDo touches a few phases in the compiler:
1503* Renamer: The journey begins here in the renamer, where do-blocks are
1504  scheduled as outlined above and transformed into applicative
1505  combinators.  However, the code is still represented as a do-block
1506  with special forms of applicative statements. This allows us to
1507  recover the original do-block when e.g. printing type errors, where
1508  we don't want to show any of the applicative combinators since they
1509  don't exist in the source code.
1510  See ApplicativeStmt and ApplicativeArg in HsExpr.
1512* Typechecker: ApplicativeDo passes through the typechecker much like any
1513  other form of expression. The only crux is that the typechecker has to
1514  be aware of the special ApplicativeDo statements in the do-notation, and
1515  typecheck them appropriately.
1516  Relevant module: TcMatches
1518* Desugarer: Any do-block which contains applicative statements is desugared
1519  as outlined above, to use the Applicative combinators.
1520  Relevant module: DsExpr
1524-- | The 'Name's of @return@ and @pure@. These may not be 'returnName' and
1525-- 'pureName' due to @RebindableSyntax@.
1526data MonadNames = MonadNames { return_name, pure_name :: Name }
1528instance Outputable MonadNames where
1529  ppr (MonadNames {return_name=return_name,pure_name=pure_name}) =
1530    hcat
1531    [text "MonadNames { return_name = "
1532    ,ppr return_name
1533    ,text ", pure_name = "
1534    ,ppr pure_name
1535    ,text "}"
1536    ]
1538-- | rearrange a list of statements using ApplicativeDoStmt.  See
1539-- Note [ApplicativeDo].
1541  :: HsStmtContext Name
1542  -> [(ExprLStmt GhcRn, FreeVars)]
1543  -> RnM ([ExprLStmt GhcRn], FreeVars)
1545rearrangeForApplicativeDo _ [] = return ([], emptyNameSet)
1546rearrangeForApplicativeDo _ [(one,_)] = return ([one], emptyNameSet)
1547rearrangeForApplicativeDo ctxt stmts0 = do
1548  optimal_ado <- goptM Opt_OptimalApplicativeDo
1549  let stmt_tree | optimal_ado = mkStmtTreeOptimal stmts
1550                | otherwise = mkStmtTreeHeuristic stmts
1551  traceRn "rearrangeForADo" (ppr stmt_tree)
1552  return_name <- lookupSyntaxName' returnMName
1553  pure_name   <- lookupSyntaxName' pureAName
1554  let monad_names = MonadNames { return_name = return_name
1555                               , pure_name   = pure_name }
1556  stmtTreeToStmts monad_names ctxt stmt_tree [last] last_fvs
1557  where
1558    (stmts,(last,last_fvs)) = findLast stmts0
1559    findLast [] = error "findLast"
1560    findLast [last] = ([],last)
1561    findLast (x:xs) = (x:rest,last) where (rest,last) = findLast xs
1563-- | A tree of statements using a mixture of applicative and bind constructs.
1564data StmtTree a
1565  = StmtTreeOne a
1566  | StmtTreeBind (StmtTree a) (StmtTree a)
1567  | StmtTreeApplicative [StmtTree a]
1569instance Outputable a => Outputable (StmtTree a) where
1570  ppr (StmtTreeOne x)          = parens (text "StmtTreeOne" <+> ppr x)
1571  ppr (StmtTreeBind x y)       = parens (hang (text "StmtTreeBind")
1572                                            2 (sep [ppr x, ppr y]))
1573  ppr (StmtTreeApplicative xs) = parens (hang (text "StmtTreeApplicative")
1574                                            2 (vcat (map ppr xs)))
1576flattenStmtTree :: StmtTree a -> [a]
1577flattenStmtTree t = go t []
1578 where
1579  go (StmtTreeOne a) as = a : as
1580  go (StmtTreeBind l r) as = go l (go r as)
1581  go (StmtTreeApplicative ts) as = foldr go as ts
1583type ExprStmtTree = StmtTree (ExprLStmt GhcRn, FreeVars)
1584type Cost = Int
1586-- | Turn a sequence of statements into an ExprStmtTree using a
1587-- heuristic algorithm.  /O(n^2)/
1588mkStmtTreeHeuristic :: [(ExprLStmt GhcRn, FreeVars)] -> ExprStmtTree
1589mkStmtTreeHeuristic [one] = StmtTreeOne one
1590mkStmtTreeHeuristic stmts =
1591  case segments stmts of
1592    [one] -> split one
1593    segs -> StmtTreeApplicative (map split segs)
1594 where
1595  split [one] = StmtTreeOne one
1596  split stmts =
1597    StmtTreeBind (mkStmtTreeHeuristic before) (mkStmtTreeHeuristic after)
1598    where (before, after) = splitSegment stmts
1600-- | Turn a sequence of statements into an ExprStmtTree optimally,
1601-- using dynamic programming.  /O(n^3)/
1602mkStmtTreeOptimal :: [(ExprLStmt GhcRn, FreeVars)] -> ExprStmtTree
1603mkStmtTreeOptimal stmts =
1604  ASSERT(not (null stmts)) -- the empty case is handled by the caller;
1605                           -- we don't support empty StmtTrees.
1606  fst (arr ! (0,n))
1607  where
1608    n = length stmts - 1
1609    stmt_arr = listArray (0,n) stmts
1611    -- lazy cache of optimal trees for subsequences of the input
1612    arr :: Array (Int,Int) (ExprStmtTree, Cost)
1613    arr = array ((0,0),(n,n))
1614             [ ((lo,hi), tree lo hi)
1615             | lo <- [0..n]
1616             , hi <- [lo..n] ]
1618    -- compute the optimal tree for the sequence [lo..hi]
1619    tree lo hi
1620      | hi == lo = (StmtTreeOne (stmt_arr ! lo), 1)
1621      | otherwise =
1622         case segments [ stmt_arr ! i | i <- [lo..hi] ] of
1623           [] -> panic "mkStmtTree"
1624           [_one] -> split lo hi
1625           segs -> (StmtTreeApplicative trees, maximum costs)
1626             where
1627               bounds = scanl (\(_,hi) a -> (hi+1, hi + length a)) (0,lo-1) segs
1628               (trees,costs) = unzip (map (uncurry split) (tail bounds))
1630    -- find the best place to split the segment [lo..hi]
1631    split :: Int -> Int -> (ExprStmtTree, Cost)
1632    split lo hi
1633      | hi == lo = (StmtTreeOne (stmt_arr ! lo), 1)
1634      | otherwise = (StmtTreeBind before after, c1+c2)
1635        where
1636         -- As per the paper, for a sequence s1...sn, we want to find
1637         -- the split with the minimum cost, where the cost is the
1638         -- sum of the cost of the left and right subsequences.
1639         --
1640         -- As an optimisation (also in the paper) if the cost of
1641         -- s1..s(n-1) is different from the cost of s2..sn, we know
1642         -- that the optimal solution is the lower of the two.  Only
1643         -- in the case that these two have the same cost do we need
1644         -- to do the exhaustive search.
1645         --
1646         ((before,c1),(after,c2))
1647           | hi - lo == 1
1648           = ((StmtTreeOne (stmt_arr ! lo), 1),
1649              (StmtTreeOne (stmt_arr ! hi), 1))
1650           | left_cost < right_cost
1651           = ((left,left_cost), (StmtTreeOne (stmt_arr ! hi), 1))
1652           | left_cost > right_cost
1653           = ((StmtTreeOne (stmt_arr ! lo), 1), (right,right_cost))
1654           | otherwise = minimumBy (comparing cost) alternatives
1655           where
1656             (left, left_cost) = arr ! (lo,hi-1)
1657             (right, right_cost) = arr ! (lo+1,hi)
1658             cost ((_,c1),(_,c2)) = c1 + c2
1659             alternatives = [ (arr ! (lo,k), arr ! (k+1,hi))
1660                            | k <- [lo .. hi-1] ]
1663-- | Turn the ExprStmtTree back into a sequence of statements, using
1664-- ApplicativeStmt where necessary.
1666  :: MonadNames
1667  -> HsStmtContext Name
1668  -> ExprStmtTree
1669  -> [ExprLStmt GhcRn]             -- ^ the "tail"
1670  -> FreeVars                     -- ^ free variables of the tail
1671  -> RnM ( [ExprLStmt GhcRn]       -- ( output statements,
1672         , FreeVars )             -- , things we needed
1674-- If we have a single bind, and we can do it without a join, transform
1675-- to an ApplicativeStmt.  This corresponds to the rule
1676--   dsBlock [pat <- rhs] (return expr) = expr <$> rhs
1677-- In the spec, but we do it here rather than in the desugarer,
1678-- because we need the typechecker to typecheck the <$> form rather than
1679-- the bind form, which would give rise to a Monad constraint.
1680stmtTreeToStmts monad_names ctxt (StmtTreeOne (L _ (BindStmt _ pat rhs _ fail_op), _))
1681                tail _tail_fvs
1682  | not (isStrictPattern pat), (False,tail') <- needJoin monad_names tail
1683  -- See Note [ApplicativeDo and strict patterns]
1684  = mkApplicativeStmt ctxt [ApplicativeArgOne
1685                            { xarg_app_arg_one = noExtField
1686                            , app_arg_pattern  = pat
1687                            , arg_expr         = rhs
1688                            , is_body_stmt     = False
1689                            , fail_operator    = fail_op}]
1690                      False tail'
1691stmtTreeToStmts monad_names ctxt (StmtTreeOne (L _ (BodyStmt _ rhs _ _),_))
1692                tail _tail_fvs
1693  | (False,tail') <- needJoin monad_names tail
1694  = mkApplicativeStmt ctxt
1695      [ApplicativeArgOne
1696       { xarg_app_arg_one = noExtField
1697       , app_arg_pattern  = nlWildPatName
1698       , arg_expr         = rhs
1699       , is_body_stmt     = True
1700       , fail_operator    = noSyntaxExpr}] False tail'
1702stmtTreeToStmts _monad_names _ctxt (StmtTreeOne (s,_)) tail _tail_fvs =
1703  return (s : tail, emptyNameSet)
1705stmtTreeToStmts monad_names ctxt (StmtTreeBind before after) tail tail_fvs = do
1706  (stmts1, fvs1) <- stmtTreeToStmts monad_names ctxt after tail tail_fvs
1707  let tail1_fvs = unionNameSets (tail_fvs : map snd (flattenStmtTree after))
1708  (stmts2, fvs2) <- stmtTreeToStmts monad_names ctxt before stmts1 tail1_fvs
1709  return (stmts2, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2)
1711stmtTreeToStmts monad_names ctxt (StmtTreeApplicative trees) tail tail_fvs = do
1712   pairs <- mapM (stmtTreeArg ctxt tail_fvs) trees
1713   let (stmts', fvss) = unzip pairs
1714   let (need_join, tail') =
1715     -- See Note [ApplicativeDo and refutable patterns]
1716         if any hasRefutablePattern stmts'
1717         then (True, tail)
1718         else needJoin monad_names tail
1720   (stmts, fvs) <- mkApplicativeStmt ctxt stmts' need_join tail'
1721   return (stmts, unionNameSets (fvs:fvss))
1722 where
1723   stmtTreeArg _ctxt _tail_fvs (StmtTreeOne (L _ (BindStmt _ pat exp _ fail_op), _))
1724     = return (ApplicativeArgOne
1725               { xarg_app_arg_one = noExtField
1726               , app_arg_pattern  = pat
1727               , arg_expr         = exp
1728               , is_body_stmt     = False
1729               , fail_operator    = fail_op
1730               }, emptyFVs)
1731   stmtTreeArg _ctxt _tail_fvs (StmtTreeOne (L _ (BodyStmt _ exp _ _), _)) =
1732     return (ApplicativeArgOne
1733             { xarg_app_arg_one = noExtField
1734             , app_arg_pattern  = nlWildPatName
1735             , arg_expr         = exp
1736             , is_body_stmt     = True
1737             , fail_operator    = noSyntaxExpr
1738             }, emptyFVs)
1739   stmtTreeArg ctxt tail_fvs tree = do
1740     let stmts = flattenStmtTree tree
1741         pvarset = mkNameSet (concatMap (collectStmtBinders.unLoc.fst) stmts)
1742                     `intersectNameSet` tail_fvs
1743         pvars = nameSetElemsStable pvarset
1744           -- See Note [Deterministic ApplicativeDo and RecursiveDo desugaring]
1745         pat = mkBigLHsVarPatTup pvars
1746         tup = mkBigLHsVarTup pvars
1747     (stmts',fvs2) <- stmtTreeToStmts monad_names ctxt tree [] pvarset
1748     (mb_ret, fvs1) <-
1749        if | L _ ApplicativeStmt{} <- last stmts' ->
1750             return (unLoc tup, emptyNameSet)
1751           | otherwise -> do
1752             ret <- lookupSyntaxName' returnMName
1753             let expr = HsApp noExtField (noLoc (HsVar noExtField (noLoc ret))) tup
1754             return (expr, emptyFVs)
1755     return ( ApplicativeArgMany
1756              { xarg_app_arg_many = noExtField
1757              , app_stmts         = stmts'
1758              , final_expr        = mb_ret
1759              , bv_pattern        = pat
1760              }
1761            , fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2)
1764-- | Divide a sequence of statements into segments, where no segment
1765-- depends on any variables defined by a statement in another segment.
1767  :: [(ExprLStmt GhcRn, FreeVars)]
1768  -> [[(ExprLStmt GhcRn, FreeVars)]]
1769segments stmts = map fst $ merge $ reverse $ map reverse $ walk (reverse stmts)
1770  where
1771    allvars = mkNameSet (concatMap (collectStmtBinders.unLoc.fst) stmts)
1773    -- We would rather not have a segment that just has LetStmts in
1774    -- it, so combine those with an adjacent segment where possible.
1775    merge [] = []
1776    merge (seg : segs)
1777       = case rest of
1778          [] -> [(seg,all_lets)]
1779          ((s,s_lets):ss) | all_lets || s_lets
1780               -> (seg ++ s, all_lets && s_lets) : ss
1781          _otherwise -> (seg,all_lets) : rest
1782      where
1783        rest = merge segs
1784        all_lets = all (isLetStmt . fst) seg
1786    -- walk splits the statement sequence into segments, traversing
1787    -- the sequence from the back to the front, and keeping track of
1788    -- the set of free variables of the current segment.  Whenever
1789    -- this set of free variables is empty, we have a complete segment.
1790    walk :: [(ExprLStmt GhcRn, FreeVars)] -> [[(ExprLStmt GhcRn, FreeVars)]]
1791    walk [] = []
1792    walk ((stmt,fvs) : stmts) = ((stmt,fvs) : seg) : walk rest
1793      where (seg,rest) = chunter fvs' stmts
1794            (_, fvs') = stmtRefs stmt fvs
1796    chunter _ [] = ([], [])
1797    chunter vars ((stmt,fvs) : rest)
1798       | not (isEmptyNameSet vars)
1799       || isStrictPatternBind stmt
1800           -- See Note [ApplicativeDo and strict patterns]
1801       = ((stmt,fvs) : chunk, rest')
1802       where (chunk,rest') = chunter vars' rest
1803             (pvars, evars) = stmtRefs stmt fvs
1804             vars' = (vars `minusNameSet` pvars) `unionNameSet` evars
1805    chunter _ rest = ([], rest)
1807    stmtRefs stmt fvs
1808      | isLetStmt stmt = (pvars, fvs' `minusNameSet` pvars)
1809      | otherwise      = (pvars, fvs')
1810      where fvs' = fvs `intersectNameSet` allvars
1811            pvars = mkNameSet (collectStmtBinders (unLoc stmt))
1813    isStrictPatternBind :: ExprLStmt GhcRn -> Bool
1814    isStrictPatternBind (L _ (BindStmt _ pat _ _ _)) = isStrictPattern pat
1815    isStrictPatternBind _ = False
1818Note [ApplicativeDo and strict patterns]
1820A strict pattern match is really a dependency.  For example,
1823  (x,y) <- A
1824  z <- B
1825  return C
1827The pattern (_,_) must be matched strictly before we do B.  If we
1828allowed this to be transformed into
1830  (\(x,y) -> \z -> C) <$> A <*> B
1832then it could be lazier than the standard desuraging using >>=.  See #13875
1833for more examples.
1835Thus, whenever we have a strict pattern match, we treat it as a
1836dependency between that statement and the following one.  The
1837dependency prevents those two statements from being performed "in
1838parallel" in an ApplicativeStmt, but doesn't otherwise affect what we
1839can do with the rest of the statements in the same "do" expression.
1842isStrictPattern :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
1843isStrictPattern lpat =
1844  case unLoc lpat of
1845    WildPat{}       -> False
1846    VarPat{}        -> False
1847    LazyPat{}       -> False
1848    AsPat _ _ p     -> isStrictPattern p
1849    ParPat _ p      -> isStrictPattern p
1850    ViewPat _ _ p   -> isStrictPattern p
1851    SigPat _ p _    -> isStrictPattern p
1852    BangPat{}       -> True
1853    ListPat{}       -> True
1854    TuplePat{}      -> True
1855    SumPat{}        -> True
1856    ConPatIn{}      -> True
1857    ConPatOut{}     -> True
1858    LitPat{}        -> True
1859    NPat{}          -> True
1860    NPlusKPat{}     -> True
1861    SplicePat{}     -> True
1862    _otherwise -> panic "isStrictPattern"
1865Note [ApplicativeDo and refutable patterns]
1867Refutable patterns in do blocks are desugared to use the monadic 'fail' operation.
1868This means that sometimes an applicative block needs to be wrapped in 'join' simply because
1869of a refutable pattern, in order for the types to work out.
1873hasRefutablePattern :: ApplicativeArg GhcRn -> Bool
1874hasRefutablePattern (ApplicativeArgOne { app_arg_pattern = pat
1875                                       , is_body_stmt = False}) = not (isIrrefutableHsPat pat)
1876hasRefutablePattern _ = False
1878isLetStmt :: LStmt a b -> Bool
1879isLetStmt (L _ LetStmt{}) = True
1880isLetStmt _ = False
1882-- | Find a "good" place to insert a bind in an indivisible segment.
1883-- This is the only place where we use heuristics.  The current
1884-- heuristic is to peel off the first group of independent statements
1885-- and put the bind after those.
1887  :: [(ExprLStmt GhcRn, FreeVars)]
1888  -> ( [(ExprLStmt GhcRn, FreeVars)]
1889     , [(ExprLStmt GhcRn, FreeVars)] )
1890splitSegment [one,two] = ([one],[two])
1891  -- there is no choice when there are only two statements; this just saves
1892  -- some work in a common case.
1893splitSegment stmts
1894  | Just (lets,binds,rest) <- slurpIndependentStmts stmts
1895  =  if not (null lets)
1896       then (lets, binds++rest)
1897       else (lets++binds, rest)
1898  | otherwise
1899  = case stmts of
1900      (x:xs) -> ([x],xs)
1901      _other -> (stmts,[])
1904   :: [(LStmt GhcRn (Located (body GhcRn)), FreeVars)]
1905   -> Maybe ( [(LStmt GhcRn (Located (body GhcRn)), FreeVars)] -- LetStmts
1906            , [(LStmt GhcRn (Located (body GhcRn)), FreeVars)] -- BindStmts
1907            , [(LStmt GhcRn (Located (body GhcRn)), FreeVars)] )
1908slurpIndependentStmts stmts = go [] [] emptyNameSet stmts
1909 where
1910  -- If we encounter a BindStmt that doesn't depend on a previous BindStmt
1911  -- in this group, then add it to the group. We have to be careful about
1912  -- strict patterns though; splitSegments expects that if we return Just
1913  -- then we have actually done some splitting. Otherwise it will go into
1914  -- an infinite loop (#14163).
1915  go lets indep bndrs ((L loc (BindStmt _ pat body bind_op fail_op), fvs): rest)
1916    | isEmptyNameSet (bndrs `intersectNameSet` fvs) && not (isStrictPattern pat)
1917    = go lets ((L loc (BindStmt noExtField pat body bind_op fail_op), fvs) : indep)
1918         bndrs' rest
1919    where bndrs' = bndrs `unionNameSet` mkNameSet (collectPatBinders pat)
1920  -- If we encounter a LetStmt that doesn't depend on a BindStmt in this
1921  -- group, then move it to the beginning, so that it doesn't interfere with
1922  -- grouping more BindStmts.
1923  -- TODO: perhaps we shouldn't do this if there are any strict bindings,
1924  -- because we might be moving evaluation earlier.
1925  go lets indep bndrs ((L loc (LetStmt noExtField binds), fvs) : rest)
1926    | isEmptyNameSet (bndrs `intersectNameSet` fvs)
1927    = go ((L loc (LetStmt noExtField binds), fvs) : lets) indep bndrs rest
1928  go _ []  _ _ = Nothing
1929  go _ [_] _ _ = Nothing
1930  go lets indep _ stmts = Just (reverse lets, reverse indep, stmts)
1932-- | Build an ApplicativeStmt, and strip the "return" from the tail
1933-- if necessary.
1935-- For example, if we start with
1936--   do x <- E1; y <- E2; return (f x y)
1937-- then we get
1938--   do (E1[x] | E2[y]); f x y
1940-- the LastStmt in this case has the return removed, but we set the
1941-- flag on the LastStmt to indicate this, so that we can print out the
1942-- original statement correctly in error messages.  It is easier to do
1943-- it this way rather than try to ignore the return later in both the
1944-- typechecker and the desugarer (I tried it that way first!).
1946  :: HsStmtContext Name
1947  -> [ApplicativeArg GhcRn]             -- ^ The args
1948  -> Bool                               -- ^ True <=> need a join
1949  -> [ExprLStmt GhcRn]        -- ^ The body statements
1950  -> RnM ([ExprLStmt GhcRn], FreeVars)
1951mkApplicativeStmt ctxt args need_join body_stmts
1952  = do { (fmap_op, fvs1) <- lookupStmtName ctxt fmapName
1953       ; (ap_op, fvs2) <- lookupStmtName ctxt apAName
1954       ; (mb_join, fvs3) <-
1955           if need_join then
1956             do { (join_op, fvs) <- lookupStmtName ctxt joinMName
1957                ; return (Just join_op, fvs) }
1958           else
1959             return (Nothing, emptyNameSet)
1960       ; let applicative_stmt = noLoc $ ApplicativeStmt noExtField
1961               (zip (fmap_op : repeat ap_op) args)
1962               mb_join
1963       ; return ( applicative_stmt : body_stmts
1964                , fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3) }
1966-- | Given the statements following an ApplicativeStmt, determine whether
1967-- we need a @join@ or not, and remove the @return@ if necessary.
1968needJoin :: MonadNames
1969         -> [ExprLStmt GhcRn]
1970         -> (Bool, [ExprLStmt GhcRn])
1971needJoin _monad_names [] = (False, [])  -- we're in an ApplicativeArg
1972needJoin monad_names  [L loc (LastStmt _ e _ t)]
1973 | Just arg <- isReturnApp monad_names e =
1974       (False, [L loc (LastStmt noExtField arg True t)])
1975needJoin _monad_names stmts = (True, stmts)
1977-- | @Just e@, if the expression is @return e@ or @return $ e@,
1978-- otherwise @Nothing@
1979isReturnApp :: MonadNames
1980            -> LHsExpr GhcRn
1981            -> Maybe (LHsExpr GhcRn)
1982isReturnApp monad_names (L _ (HsPar _ expr)) = isReturnApp monad_names expr
1983isReturnApp monad_names (L _ e) = case e of
1984  OpApp _ l op r | is_return l, is_dollar op -> Just r
1985  HsApp _ f arg  | is_return f               -> Just arg
1986  _otherwise -> Nothing
1987 where
1988  is_var f (L _ (HsPar _ e)) = is_var f e
1989  is_var f (L _ (HsAppType _ e _)) = is_var f e
1990  is_var f (L _ (HsVar _ (L _ r))) = f r
1991       -- TODO: I don't know how to get this right for rebindable syntax
1992  is_var _ _ = False
1994  is_return = is_var (\n -> n == return_name monad_names
1995                         || n == pure_name monad_names)
1996  is_dollar = is_var (`hasKey` dollarIdKey)
2000*                                                                      *
2002*                                                                      *
2006checkEmptyStmts :: HsStmtContext Name -> RnM ()
2007-- We've seen an empty sequence of Stmts... is that ok?
2008checkEmptyStmts ctxt
2009  = unless (okEmpty ctxt) (addErr (emptyErr ctxt))
2011okEmpty :: HsStmtContext a -> Bool
2012okEmpty (PatGuard {}) = True
2013okEmpty _             = False
2015emptyErr :: HsStmtContext Name -> SDoc
2016emptyErr (ParStmtCtxt {})   = text "Empty statement group in parallel comprehension"
2017emptyErr (TransStmtCtxt {}) = text "Empty statement group preceding 'group' or 'then'"
2018emptyErr ctxt               = text "Empty" <+> pprStmtContext ctxt
2021checkLastStmt :: Outputable (body GhcPs) => HsStmtContext Name
2022              -> LStmt GhcPs (Located (body GhcPs))
2023              -> RnM (LStmt GhcPs (Located (body GhcPs)))
2024checkLastStmt ctxt lstmt@(L loc stmt)
2025  = case ctxt of
2026      ListComp  -> check_comp
2027      MonadComp -> check_comp
2028      ArrowExpr -> check_do
2029      DoExpr    -> check_do
2030      MDoExpr   -> check_do
2031      _         -> check_other
2032  where
2033    check_do    -- Expect BodyStmt, and change it to LastStmt
2034      = case stmt of
2035          BodyStmt _ e _ _ -> return (L loc (mkLastStmt e))
2036          LastStmt {}      -> return lstmt   -- "Deriving" clauses may generate a
2037                                             -- LastStmt directly (unlike the parser)
2038          _                -> do { addErr (hang last_error 2 (ppr stmt)); return lstmt }
2039    last_error = (text "The last statement in" <+> pprAStmtContext ctxt
2040                  <+> text "must be an expression")
2042    check_comp  -- Expect LastStmt; this should be enforced by the parser!
2043      = case stmt of
2044          LastStmt {} -> return lstmt
2045          _           -> pprPanic "checkLastStmt" (ppr lstmt)
2047    check_other -- Behave just as if this wasn't the last stmt
2048      = do { checkStmt ctxt lstmt; return lstmt }
2050-- Checking when a particular Stmt is ok
2051checkStmt :: HsStmtContext Name
2052          -> LStmt GhcPs (Located (body GhcPs))
2053          -> RnM ()
2054checkStmt ctxt (L _ stmt)
2055  = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
2056       ; case okStmt dflags ctxt stmt of
2057           IsValid        -> return ()
2058           NotValid extra -> addErr (msg $$ extra) }
2059  where
2060   msg = sep [ text "Unexpected" <+> pprStmtCat stmt <+> ptext (sLit "statement")
2061             , text "in" <+> pprAStmtContext ctxt ]
2063pprStmtCat :: Stmt (GhcPass a) body -> SDoc
2064pprStmtCat (TransStmt {})     = text "transform"
2065pprStmtCat (LastStmt {})      = text "return expression"
2066pprStmtCat (BodyStmt {})      = text "body"
2067pprStmtCat (BindStmt {})      = text "binding"
2068pprStmtCat (LetStmt {})       = text "let"
2069pprStmtCat (RecStmt {})       = text "rec"
2070pprStmtCat (ParStmt {})       = text "parallel"
2071pprStmtCat (ApplicativeStmt {}) = panic "pprStmtCat: ApplicativeStmt"
2072pprStmtCat (XStmtLR nec)        = noExtCon nec
2075emptyInvalid :: Validity  -- Payload is the empty document
2076emptyInvalid = NotValid Outputable.empty
2078okStmt, okDoStmt, okCompStmt, okParStmt
2079   :: DynFlags -> HsStmtContext Name
2080   -> Stmt GhcPs (Located (body GhcPs)) -> Validity
2081-- Return Nothing if OK, (Just extra) if not ok
2082-- The "extra" is an SDoc that is appended to a generic error message
2084okStmt dflags ctxt stmt
2085  = case ctxt of
2086      PatGuard {}        -> okPatGuardStmt stmt
2087      ParStmtCtxt ctxt   -> okParStmt  dflags ctxt stmt
2088      DoExpr             -> okDoStmt   dflags ctxt stmt
2089      MDoExpr            -> okDoStmt   dflags ctxt stmt
2090      ArrowExpr          -> okDoStmt   dflags ctxt stmt
2091      GhciStmtCtxt       -> okDoStmt   dflags ctxt stmt
2092      ListComp           -> okCompStmt dflags ctxt stmt
2093      MonadComp          -> okCompStmt dflags ctxt stmt
2094      TransStmtCtxt ctxt -> okStmt dflags ctxt stmt
2097okPatGuardStmt :: Stmt GhcPs (Located (body GhcPs)) -> Validity
2098okPatGuardStmt stmt
2099  = case stmt of
2100      BodyStmt {} -> IsValid
2101      BindStmt {} -> IsValid
2102      LetStmt {}  -> IsValid
2103      _           -> emptyInvalid
2106okParStmt dflags ctxt stmt
2107  = case stmt of
2108      LetStmt _ (L _ (HsIPBinds {})) -> emptyInvalid
2109      _                              -> okStmt dflags ctxt stmt
2112okDoStmt dflags ctxt stmt
2113  = case stmt of
2114       RecStmt {}
2115         | LangExt.RecursiveDo `xopt` dflags -> IsValid
2116         | ArrowExpr <- ctxt -> IsValid    -- Arrows allows 'rec'
2117         | otherwise         -> NotValid (text "Use RecursiveDo")
2118       BindStmt {} -> IsValid
2119       LetStmt {}  -> IsValid
2120       BodyStmt {} -> IsValid
2121       _           -> emptyInvalid
2124okCompStmt dflags _ stmt
2125  = case stmt of
2126       BindStmt {} -> IsValid
2127       LetStmt {}  -> IsValid
2128       BodyStmt {} -> IsValid
2129       ParStmt {}
2130         | LangExt.ParallelListComp `xopt` dflags -> IsValid
2131         | otherwise -> NotValid (text "Use ParallelListComp")
2132       TransStmt {}
2133         | LangExt.TransformListComp `xopt` dflags -> IsValid
2134         | otherwise -> NotValid (text "Use TransformListComp")
2135       RecStmt {}  -> emptyInvalid
2136       LastStmt {} -> emptyInvalid  -- Should not happen (dealt with by checkLastStmt)
2137       ApplicativeStmt {} -> emptyInvalid
2138       XStmtLR nec -> noExtCon nec
2141checkTupleSection :: [LHsTupArg GhcPs] -> RnM ()
2142checkTupleSection args
2143  = do  { tuple_section <- xoptM LangExt.TupleSections
2144        ; checkErr (all tupArgPresent args || tuple_section) msg }
2145  where
2146    msg = text "Illegal tuple section: use TupleSections"
2149sectionErr :: HsExpr GhcPs -> SDoc
2150sectionErr expr
2151  = hang (text "A section must be enclosed in parentheses")
2152       2 (text "thus:" <+> (parens (ppr expr)))
2154badIpBinds :: Outputable a => SDoc -> a -> SDoc
2155badIpBinds what binds
2156  = hang (text "Implicit-parameter bindings illegal in" <+> what)
2157         2 (ppr binds)
2161monadFailOp :: LPat GhcPs
2162            -> HsStmtContext Name
2163            -> RnM (SyntaxExpr GhcRn, FreeVars)
2164monadFailOp pat ctxt
2165  -- If the pattern is irrefutable (e.g.: wildcard, tuple, ~pat, etc.)
2166  -- we should not need to fail.
2167  | isIrrefutableHsPat pat = return (noSyntaxExpr, emptyFVs)
2169  -- For non-monadic contexts (e.g. guard patterns, list
2170  -- comprehensions, etc.) we should not need to fail.  See Note
2171  -- [Failing pattern matches in Stmts]
2172  | not (isMonadFailStmtContext ctxt) = return (noSyntaxExpr, emptyFVs)
2174  | otherwise = getMonadFailOp
2177Note [Monad fail : Rebindable syntax, overloaded strings]
2180Given the code
2181  foo x = do { Just y <- x; return y }
2183we expect it to desugar as
2184  foo x = x >>= \r -> case r of
2185                        Just y  -> return y
2186                        Nothing -> fail "Pattern match error"
2188But with RebindableSyntax and OverloadedStrings, we really want
2189it to desugar thus:
2190  foo x = x >>= \r -> case r of
2191                        Just y  -> return y
2192                        Nothing -> fail (fromString "Patterm match error")
2194So, in this case, we synthesize the function
2195  \x -> fail (fromString x)
2197(rather than plain 'fail') for the 'fail' operation. This is done in
2200getMonadFailOp :: RnM (SyntaxExpr GhcRn, FreeVars) -- Syntax expr fail op
2202 = do { xOverloadedStrings <- fmap (xopt LangExt.OverloadedStrings) getDynFlags
2203      ; xRebindableSyntax <- fmap (xopt LangExt.RebindableSyntax) getDynFlags
2204      ; reallyGetMonadFailOp xRebindableSyntax xOverloadedStrings
2205      }
2206  where
2207    reallyGetMonadFailOp rebindableSyntax overloadedStrings
2208      | rebindableSyntax && overloadedStrings = do
2209        (failExpr, failFvs) <- lookupSyntaxName failMName
2210        (fromStringExpr, fromStringFvs) <- lookupSyntaxName fromStringName
2211        let arg_lit = fsLit "arg"
2212            arg_name = mkSystemVarName (mkVarOccUnique arg_lit) arg_lit
2213            arg_syn_expr = mkRnSyntaxExpr arg_name
2214        let body :: LHsExpr GhcRn =
2215              nlHsApp (noLoc $ syn_expr failExpr)
2216                      (nlHsApp (noLoc $ syn_expr fromStringExpr)
2217                                (noLoc $ syn_expr arg_syn_expr))
2218        let failAfterFromStringExpr :: HsExpr GhcRn =
2219              unLoc $ mkHsLam [noLoc $ VarPat noExtField $ noLoc arg_name] body
2220        let failAfterFromStringSynExpr :: SyntaxExpr GhcRn =
2221              mkSyntaxExpr failAfterFromStringExpr
2222        return (failAfterFromStringSynExpr, failFvs `plusFV` fromStringFvs)
2223      | otherwise = lookupSyntaxName failMName