1!!  gen1int: compute one-electron integrals using rotational London atomic-orbitals
2!!  Copyright 2009-2012 Bin Gao, and Andreas Thorvaldsen
4!!  gen1int is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5!!  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
6!!  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7!!  (at your option) any later version.
9!!  gen1int is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10!!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12!!  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14!!  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
15!!  along with gen1int. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17!!  Recursive functions of nuclear attraction potential integrals.
19!!  2012-03-19, Bin Gao
20!!  * first version
22#include "stdout.h"
24!> \brief recursive functions of nuclear attraction potential integrals
25!> \author Bin Gao
26!> \date 2012-03-19
27module recur_nucpot
28  use xkind
29  implicit none
30! constant Pi
31#include "private/pi.h"
32  real(REALK), private, save :: half_recip_p      !half of the reciprocal of total exponent \f$p_{ij}\f$
33  real(REALK), private, save :: half_neg_rp       !half of the negative reciprocal of total exponent \f$p_{ij}\f$
34  real(REALK), private, save :: bra_to_ket        !ratio of exponent on bra center to that on ket center
35  real(REALK), private, save :: ket_to_bra        !ratio of exponent on ket center to that on bra center
36  real(REALK), private, save :: cc_wrt_bra(3)     !relative coordinates of center-of-charge w.r.t. bra center
37  real(REALK), private, save :: cc_wrt_ket(3)     !relative coordinates of center-of-charge w.r.t. ket center
38  real(REALK), private, save :: nucorg_wrt_cc(3)  !relative coordinates of nuclear potential origin ...
39                                                  !w.r.t. center-of-charge
40  real(REALK), private, save :: cc_wrt_diporg(3)  !relative coordinates of center-of-charge w.r.t. dipole origin
41  integer, private, save :: max_order_aux         !maximum order of auxiliary integrals
42  real(REALK), private, allocatable, save :: zero_pint(:)
43                                                  !Gauss-Weierstrass transform of nuclear attraction potential
45  public :: recur_nucpot_create
46  public :: recur_nucpot_destroy
47  public :: recur_nucpot_geom
48  public :: recur_nucpot_hket
49  public :: recur_nucpot_hbra
50  public :: recur_nucpot_moment
52  contains
54  !> \brief prepares the prerequisite quantities used in the following recursive functions
55  !> \author Bin Gao
56  !> \date 2011-07-27
57  !> \param coord_bra is the coordinates of bra center
58  !> \param exponent_bra is the exponent of primitive Gaussian of bra center
59  !> \param coord_ket is the coordinates of ket center
60  !> \param exponent_ket is the exponent of primitive Gaussian of ket center
61  !> \param nucpot_origin contains the coordinates of nuclear potential origin
62  !> \param dipole_origin contains the coordinates of dipole origin
63  !> \param scal_const is the scale constant for operator
64  !> \param order_elec is the order of electronic derivatives
65  !> \param order_aux is the maximum order of auxiliary integrals
66  !> \param gaupot_expt is the exponent used in the Gaussian broadening function of the charge
67  subroutine recur_nucpot_create(coord_bra, exponent_bra, coord_ket, exponent_ket, &
68                                 nucpot_origin, dipole_origin, scal_const,         &
69                                 order_elec, order_aux, gaupot_expt)
70    real(REALK), intent(in) :: coord_bra(3)
71    real(REALK), intent(in) :: exponent_bra
72    real(REALK), intent(in) :: coord_ket(3)
73    real(REALK), intent(in) :: exponent_ket
74    real(REALK), intent(in) :: nucpot_origin(3)
75    real(REALK), intent(in) :: dipole_origin(3)
76    real(REALK), intent(in) :: scal_const
77    integer, intent(in) :: order_elec
78    integer, intent(in) :: order_aux
79    real(REALK), optional, intent(in) :: gaupot_expt
80    real(REALK) total_expnt        !total exponent
81    real(REALK) recip_total_expnt  !reciprocal of total exponent
82    real(REALK) coord_cc           !xyz coordinates of center-of-charge
83    real(REALK) sd_bra_ket         !square of the relative distance between bra and ket centers
84    real(REALK) reduced_expnt      !reduced exponent
85    real(REALK) prefact_zero       !prefactor of integrals of zero order GTOs and operators
86    real(REALK) arg_aux_fun        !argument of auxiliary functions
87    real(REALK) scale_factor       !scale factor
88    integer ixyz                   !incremental recorder over xyz components
89    integer iorder                 !incremental recorder over auxiliary functions
90    integer ierr                   !error information
91    ! computes the total exponent and its reciprocal
92    total_expnt = exponent_bra+exponent_ket
93    recip_total_expnt = 1.0_REALK/total_expnt
94    ! computes the half of the (negative) reciprocal of total exponent \f$p_{ij}\f$
95    half_recip_p = 0.5_REALK*recip_total_expnt
96    half_neg_rp = -half_recip_p
97    ! computes the ratios of exponents
98    bra_to_ket = exponent_bra/exponent_ket
99    ket_to_bra = exponent_ket/exponent_bra
100    ! computes the relative coordinates and square of the relative distance between bra and ket centers
101    sd_bra_ket = 0.0_REALK
102    do ixyz = 1, 3
103      coord_cc = recip_total_expnt*(exponent_bra*coord_bra(ixyz) &
104               + exponent_ket*coord_ket(ixyz))
105      cc_wrt_bra(ixyz) = coord_cc-coord_bra(ixyz)
106      cc_wrt_ket(ixyz) = coord_cc-coord_ket(ixyz)
107      nucorg_wrt_cc(ixyz) = nucpot_origin(ixyz)-coord_cc
108      cc_wrt_diporg(ixyz) = coord_cc-dipole_origin(ixyz)
109      sd_bra_ket = sd_bra_ket+(coord_ket(ixyz)-coord_bra(ixyz))**2
110    end do
111    ! computes the reduced exponent
112    reduced_expnt = exponent_bra*exponent_ket*recip_total_expnt
113    ! computes the prefactor of auxiliary integrals
114    prefact_zero = scal_const*(-exponent_ket-exponent_ket)**order_elec &
115                 * exp(-reduced_expnt*sd_bra_ket)
116    ! computes the auxiliary integrals for Gaussian charge potential
117    if (present(gaupot_expt)) then
118      ! computes the argument of Boys functions
119      arg_aux_fun = 0.0_REALK
120      do ixyz = 1, 3
121        arg_aux_fun = arg_aux_fun+nucorg_wrt_cc(ixyz)**2
122      end do
123      scale_factor = gaupot_expt/(gaupot_expt+total_expnt)
124      total_expnt = scale_factor*total_expnt
125      arg_aux_fun = total_expnt*arg_aux_fun
126      ! sets the maximum order of Boys functions
127      max_order_aux = order_aux
128      allocate(zero_pint(0:max_order_aux), stat=ierr)
129      if (ierr/=0)                           &
130      call error_stop("recur_nucpot_create", &
131                      "failed to allocate zero_pint", max_order_aux+1)
132      ! computes the Boys functions
133      call aux_boys_vec(0, max_order_aux, arg_aux_fun, zero_pint)
134      arg_aux_fun = prefact_zero*(PI+PI)*recip_total_expnt*sqrt(scale_factor)
135      total_expnt = -2.0_REALK*total_expnt
136      ! loops over the order of Boys functions
137      do iorder = 0, max_order_aux
138        zero_pint(iorder) = arg_aux_fun*zero_pint(iorder)
139        arg_aux_fun = arg_aux_fun*total_expnt
140      end do
141    ! computes the auxiliary integrals for nuclear attraction potential
142    else
143      ! computes the argument of Boys functions
144      arg_aux_fun = 0.0_REALK
145      do ixyz = 1, 3
146        arg_aux_fun = arg_aux_fun+nucorg_wrt_cc(ixyz)**2
147      end do
148      arg_aux_fun = total_expnt*arg_aux_fun
149      ! sets the maximum order of Boys functions
150      max_order_aux = order_aux
151      allocate(zero_pint(0:max_order_aux), stat=ierr)
152      if (ierr/=0)                           &
153      call error_stop("recur_nucpot_create", &
154                      "failed to allocate zero_pint", max_order_aux+1)
155      ! computes the Boys functions
156      call aux_boys_vec(0, max_order_aux, arg_aux_fun, zero_pint)
157      arg_aux_fun = prefact_zero*(PI+PI)*recip_total_expnt
158      total_expnt = -2.0_REALK*total_expnt
159      ! loops over the order of Boys functions
160      do iorder = 0, max_order_aux
161        zero_pint(iorder) = arg_aux_fun*zero_pint(iorder)
162        arg_aux_fun = arg_aux_fun*total_expnt
163      end do
164    end if
165  end subroutine recur_nucpot_create
167  !> \brief cleans quantities used in the recursive functions
168  !> \author Bin Gao
169  !> \date 2011-07-27
170  subroutine recur_nucpot_destroy()
171    deallocate(zero_pint)
172  end subroutine recur_nucpot_destroy
174  !> \brief recursive function for \fn(nucpot_geom)
175  !> \author Bin Gao
176  !> \date 2011-07-27
177  !> \param order_geo contains the orders of xyz components of geometric derivative on
178  !>        nuclear potential center
179  !> \param order_boys is the order of Boys function
180  !> \return geo_pint is the geometric derivative on nuclear potential center
181  recursive function recur_nucpot_geom(order_geo, order_boys) result(geo_pint)
182    real(REALK) geo_pint
183    integer, intent(in) :: order_geo(3)
184    integer, intent(in) :: order_boys
185    ! recurrence relation along x-direction
186    if (order_geo(1)>0) then
187      geo_pint = nucorg_wrt_cc(1)                                     &
188               * recur_nucpot_geom((/order_geo(1)-1,order_geo(2:3)/), &
189                                   order_boys+1)                      &
190               + real(order_geo(1)-1,REALK)                           &
191               * recur_nucpot_geom((/order_geo(1)-2,order_geo(2:3)/), &
192                                   order_boys+1)
193    ! recurrence relation along y-direction
194    else if (order_geo(2)>0) then
195      geo_pint = nucorg_wrt_cc(2)                                                &
196               * recur_nucpot_geom((/order_geo(1),order_geo(2)-1,order_geo(3)/), &
197                                   order_boys+1)                                 &
198               + real(order_geo(2)-1,REALK)                                      &
199               * recur_nucpot_geom((/order_geo(1),order_geo(2)-2,order_geo(3)/), &
200                                   order_boys+1)
201    ! recurrence relation along z-direction
202    else if (order_geo(3)>0) then
203      geo_pint = nucorg_wrt_cc(3)                                     &
204               * recur_nucpot_geom((/order_geo(1:2),order_geo(3)-1/), &
205                                   order_boys+1)                      &
206               + real(order_geo(3)-1,REALK)                           &
207               * recur_nucpot_geom((/order_geo(1:2),order_geo(3)-2/), &
208                                   order_boys+1)
209    ! zero integral
210    else if (any(order_geo<0)) then
211      geo_pint = 0.0_REALK
212    ! auxiliary integral
213    else
214      if (order_boys<=max_order_aux) then
215        geo_pint = zero_pint(order_boys)
216      else
217        geo_pint = 0.0_REALK  !gets rid of compiler's warning
218        call error_stop("recur_nucpot_geom", &
219                        "no required order of auxiliary integrals", order_boys)
220      end if
221    end if
222  end function recur_nucpot_geom
224  !> \brief recursive function for \fn(nucpot_hket)
225  !> \author Bin Gao
226  !> \date 2011-10-18
227  !> \param order_hket contains the orders of xyz components of HGTO on ket center
228  !> \param order_geo contains the orders of xyz components of geometric derivatives
229  !> \return hket_pint is the primitive integral with requied order of HGTOs on ket center
230  recursive function recur_nucpot_hket(order_hket, order_geo) result(hket_pint)
231    real(REALK) hket_pint
232    integer, intent(in) :: order_hket(3)
233    integer, intent(in) :: order_geo(3)
234    ! recurrence relation along x-direction
235    if (order_hket(1)>0) then
236      hket_pint = cc_wrt_ket(1)                                          &
237                * recur_nucpot_hket((/order_hket(1)-1,order_hket(2:3)/), &
238                                    order_geo)                           &
239                + half_neg_rp*(bra_to_ket*real(order_hket(1)-1,REALK)    &
240                * recur_nucpot_hket((/order_hket(1)-2,order_hket(2:3)/), &
241                                    order_geo)                           &
242                + recur_nucpot_hket((/order_hket(1)-1,order_hket(2:3)/), &
243                                    (/order_geo(1)+1,order_geo(2:3)/)))
244    ! recurrence relation along y-direction
245    else if (order_hket(2)>0) then
246      hket_pint = cc_wrt_ket(2)                                                      &
247                * recur_nucpot_hket((/order_hket(1),order_hket(2)-1,order_hket(3)/), &
248                                    order_geo)                                       &
249                + half_neg_rp*(bra_to_ket*real(order_hket(2)-1,REALK)                &
250                * recur_nucpot_hket((/order_hket(1),order_hket(2)-2,order_hket(3)/), &
251                                    order_geo)                                       &
252                + recur_nucpot_hket((/order_hket(1),order_hket(2)-1,order_hket(3)/), &
253                                    (/order_geo(1),order_geo(2)+1,order_geo(3)/)))
254    ! recurrence relation along z-direction
255    else if (order_hket(3)>0) then
256      hket_pint = cc_wrt_ket(3)                                          &
257                * recur_nucpot_hket((/order_hket(1:2),order_hket(3)-1/), &
258                                    order_geo)                           &
259                + half_neg_rp*(bra_to_ket*real(order_hket(3)-1,REALK)    &
260                * recur_nucpot_hket((/order_hket(1:2),order_hket(3)-2/), &
261                                    order_geo)                           &
262                + recur_nucpot_hket((/order_hket(1:2),order_hket(3)-1/), &
263                                    (/order_geo(1:2),order_geo(3)+1/)))
264    ! zero integral
265    else if (any(order_hket<0)) then
266      hket_pint = 0.0_REALK
267    ! recurrence relations on the order of geometric derivatives
268    else
269      hket_pint = recur_nucpot_geom(order_geo, 0)
270    end if
271  end function recur_nucpot_hket
273  !> \brief recursive function for \fn(nucpot_hbra)
274  !> \author Bin Gao
275  !> \date 2011-10-18
276  !> \param order_hbra contains the orders of xyz components of HGTO on bra center
277  !> \param order_hket contains the orders of xyz components of HGTO on ket center
278  !> \param order_geo contains the orders of xyz components of geometric derivatives
279  !> \return hbra_pint is the primitive integral with requied order of HGTOs on bra center
280  recursive function recur_nucpot_hbra(order_hbra, order_hket, order_geo) &
281                     result(hbra_pint)
282    real(REALK) hbra_pint
283    integer, intent(in) :: order_hbra(3)
284    integer, intent(in) :: order_hket(3)
285    integer, intent(in) :: order_geo(3)
286    ! recurrence relation along x-direction
287    if (order_hbra(1)>0) then
288      hbra_pint = cc_wrt_bra(1)                                          &
289                * recur_nucpot_hbra((/order_hbra(1)-1,order_hbra(2:3)/), &
290                                    order_hket, order_geo)               &
291                + half_neg_rp*(ket_to_bra*real(order_hbra(1)-1,REALK)    &
292                * recur_nucpot_hbra((/order_hbra(1)-2,order_hbra(2:3)/), &
293                                    order_hket, order_geo)               &
294                + recur_nucpot_hbra((/order_hbra(1)-1,order_hbra(2:3)/), &
295                                    order_hket,                          &
296                                    (/order_geo(1)+1,order_geo(2:3)/))   &
297                - real(order_hket(1),REALK)                              &
298                * recur_nucpot_hbra((/order_hbra(1)-1,order_hbra(2:3)/), &
299                                    (/order_hket(1)-1,order_hket(2:3)/), &
300                                    order_geo))
301    ! recurrence relation along y-direction
302    else if (order_hbra(2)>0) then
303      hbra_pint = cc_wrt_bra(2)                                                      &
304                * recur_nucpot_hbra((/order_hbra(1),order_hbra(2)-1,order_hbra(3)/), &
305                                    order_hket, order_geo)                           &
306                + half_neg_rp*(ket_to_bra*real(order_hbra(2)-1,REALK)                &
307                * recur_nucpot_hbra((/order_hbra(1),order_hbra(2)-2,order_hbra(3)/), &
308                                    order_hket, order_geo)                           &
309                + recur_nucpot_hbra((/order_hbra(1),order_hbra(2)-1,order_hbra(3)/), &
310                                    order_hket,                                      &
311                                    (/order_geo(1),order_geo(2)+1,order_geo(3)/))    &
312                - real(order_hket(2),REALK)                                          &
313                * recur_nucpot_hbra((/order_hbra(1),order_hbra(2)-1,order_hbra(3)/), &
314                                    (/order_hket(1),order_hket(2)-1,order_hket(3)/), &
315                                    order_geo))
316    ! recurrence relation along z-direction
317    else if (order_hbra(3)>0) then
318      hbra_pint = cc_wrt_bra(3)                                          &
319                * recur_nucpot_hbra((/order_hbra(1:2),order_hbra(3)-1/), &
320                                    order_hket, order_geo)               &
321                + half_neg_rp*(ket_to_bra*real(order_hbra(3)-1,REALK)    &
322                * recur_nucpot_hbra((/order_hbra(1:2),order_hbra(3)-2/), &
323                                    order_hket, order_geo)               &
324                + recur_nucpot_hbra((/order_hbra(1:2),order_hbra(3)-1/), &
325                                    order_hket,                          &
326                                    (/order_geo(1:2),order_geo(3)+1/))   &
327                - real(order_hket(3),REALK)                              &
328                * recur_nucpot_hbra((/order_hbra(1:2),order_hbra(3)-1/), &
329                                    (/order_hket(1:2),order_hket(3)-1/), &
330                                    order_geo))
331    ! zero integral
332    else if (any(order_hbra<0) .or. any(order_hket<0)) then
333      hbra_pint = 0.0_REALK
334    ! recurrence relations on the order of HGTOs on ket center
335    else
336      hbra_pint = recur_nucpot_hket(order_hket, order_geo)
337    end if
338  end function recur_nucpot_hbra
340  !> \brief recursive function for \fn(nucpot_moment)
341  !> \author Bin Gao
342  !> \date 2011-10-18
343  !> \param order_hbra contains the orders of xyz components of HGTO on bra center
344  !> \param order_hket contains the orders of xyz components of HGTO on ket center
345  !> \param order_geo contains the orders of xyz components of geometric derivatives
346  !> \param order_mom contains the orders of xyz components of Cartesian multipole moment
347  !> \return hmom_pint is the nuclear attraction integral with required orders of Cartesian
348  !>         multipole moment integral and HGTOs on bra and ket centers
349  recursive function recur_nucpot_moment(order_hbra, order_hket, order_mom, order_geo) &
350                     result(hmom_pint)
351    real(REALK) hmom_pint
352    integer, intent(in) :: order_hbra(3)
353    integer, intent(in) :: order_hket(3)
354    integer, intent(in) :: order_mom(3)
355    integer, intent(in) :: order_geo(3)
356    ! recurrence relation along x-direction
357    if (order_mom(1)>0) then
358      hmom_pint = cc_wrt_diporg(1)                                         &
359                * recur_nucpot_moment(order_hbra, order_hket,              &
360                                      (/order_mom(1)-1,order_mom(2:3)/),   &
361                                      order_geo)                           &
362                + half_recip_p*(real(order_hbra(1),REALK)                  &
363                * recur_nucpot_moment((/order_hbra(1)-1,order_hbra(2:3)/), &
364                                      order_hket,                          &
365                                      (/order_mom(1)-1,order_mom(2:3)/),   &
366                                       order_geo)                          &
367                + real(order_hket(1),REALK)                                &
368                * recur_nucpot_moment(order_hbra,                          &
369                                      (/order_hket(1)-1,order_hket(2:3)/), &
370                                      (/order_mom(1)-1,order_mom(2:3)/),   &
371                                      order_geo)                           &
372                + real(order_mom(1)-1,REALK)                               &
373                * recur_nucpot_moment(order_hbra, order_hket,              &
374                                      (/order_mom(1)-2,order_mom(2:3)/),   &
375                                      order_geo)                           &
376                - recur_nucpot_moment(order_hbra, order_hket,              &
377                                      (/order_mom(1)-1,order_mom(2:3)/),   &
378                                      (/order_geo(1)+1,order_geo(2:3)/)))
379    ! recurrence relation along y-direction
380    else if (order_mom(2)>0) then
381      hmom_pint = cc_wrt_diporg(2)                                                     &
382                * recur_nucpot_moment(order_hbra, order_hket,                          &
383                                      (/order_mom(1),order_mom(2)-1,order_mom(3)/),    &
384                                      order_geo)                                       &
385                + half_recip_p*(real(order_hbra(2),REALK)                              &
386                * recur_nucpot_moment((/order_hbra(1),order_hbra(2)-1,order_hbra(3)/), &
387                                      order_hket,                                      &
388                                      (/order_mom(1),order_mom(2)-1,order_mom(3)/),    &
389                                       order_geo)                                      &
390                + real(order_hket(2),REALK)                                            &
391                * recur_nucpot_moment(order_hbra,                                      &
392                                      (/order_hket(1),order_hket(2)-1,order_hket(3)/), &
393                                      (/order_mom(1),order_mom(2)-1,order_mom(3)/),    &
394                                      order_geo)                                       &
395                + real(order_mom(2)-1,REALK)                                           &
396                * recur_nucpot_moment(order_hbra, order_hket,                          &
397                                      (/order_mom(1),order_mom(2)-2,order_mom(3)/),    &
398                                      order_geo)                                       &
399                - recur_nucpot_moment(order_hbra, order_hket,                          &
400                                      (/order_mom(1),order_mom(2)-1,order_mom(3)/),    &
401                                      (/order_geo(1),order_geo(2)+1,order_geo(3)/)))
402    ! recurrence relation along z-direction
403    else if (order_mom(3)>0) then
404      hmom_pint = cc_wrt_diporg(3)                                         &
405                * recur_nucpot_moment(order_hbra, order_hket,              &
406                                      (/order_mom(1:2),order_mom(3)-1/),   &
407                                      order_geo)                           &
408                + half_recip_p*(real(order_hbra(3),REALK)                  &
409                * recur_nucpot_moment((/order_hbra(1:2),order_hbra(3)-1/), &
410                                      order_hket,                          &
411                                      (/order_mom(1:2),order_mom(3)-1/),   &
412                                       order_geo)                          &
413                + real(order_hket(3),REALK)                                &
414                * recur_nucpot_moment(order_hbra,                          &
415                                      (/order_hket(1:2),order_hket(3)-1/), &
416                                      (/order_mom(1:2),order_mom(3)-1/),   &
417                                      order_geo)                           &
418                + real(order_mom(3)-1,REALK)                               &
419                * recur_nucpot_moment(order_hbra, order_hket,              &
420                                      (/order_mom(1:2),order_mom(3)-2/),   &
421                                      order_geo)                           &
422                - recur_nucpot_moment(order_hbra, order_hket,              &
423                                      (/order_mom(1:2),order_mom(3)-1/),   &
424                                      (/order_geo(1:2),order_geo(3)+1/)))
425    ! zero integral
426    else if (any(order_hbra<0) .or. any(order_hket<0) .or. any(order_mom<0)) then
427      hmom_pint = 0.0_REALK
428    ! recurrence relations on the order of HGTOs on bra center
429    else
430      hmom_pint = recur_nucpot_hbra(order_hbra, order_hket, order_geo)
431    end if
432  end function recur_nucpot_moment
434end module recur_nucpot