3Registration API: simplified API for registration of MRI data and of
8import collections
9import numbers
10import numpy as np
11import nibabel as nib
12from dipy.align.metrics import CCMetric, EMMetric, SSDMetric
13from dipy.align.imwarp import (SymmetricDiffeomorphicRegistration,
14                               DiffeomorphicMap)
16from dipy.align.imaffine import (transform_centers_of_mass,
17                                 AffineMap,
18                                 MutualInformationMetric,
19                                 AffineRegistration)
21from dipy.align.transforms import (TranslationTransform3D,
22                                   RigidTransform3D,
23                                   AffineTransform3D)
26import dipy.core.gradients as dpg
27import dipy.data as dpd
28from dipy.align.streamlinear import StreamlineLinearRegistration
29from dipy.tracking.streamline import set_number_of_points
30from dipy.tracking.utils import transform_tracking_output
31from dipy.io.streamline import load_trk
32from dipy.io.utils import read_img_arr_or_path
33from dipy.io.image import load_nifti, save_nifti
35__all__ = ["syn_registration", "register_dwi_to_template",
36           "write_mapping", "read_mapping", "resample",
37           "center_of_mass", "translation", "rigid", "affine",
38           "affine_registration", "register_series",
39           "register_dwi_series", "streamline_registration"]
41# Global dicts for choosing metrics for registration:
42syn_metric_dict = {'CC': CCMetric,
43                   'EM': EMMetric,
44                   'SSD': SSDMetric}
46affine_metric_dict = {'MI': MutualInformationMetric}
49def _handle_pipeline_inputs(moving, static, static_affine=None,
50                            moving_affine=None, starting_affine=None):
51    """
52    Helper function to prepare inputs for pipeline functions
54    Parameters
55    ----------
56    moving, static: Either as a 3D/4D array or as a nifti image object, or as
57        a string containing the full path to a nifti file.
59    static_affine, moving_affine: 2D arrays.
60        The array associated with the static/moving images.
62    starting_affine : 2D array, optional.
63        This is the registration matrix that is inherited from previous steps
64        in the pipeline. Default: 4-by-4 identity matrix.
65    """
66    static, static_affine = read_img_arr_or_path(static,
67                                                 affine=static_affine)
68    moving, moving_affine = read_img_arr_or_path(moving,
69                                                 affine=moving_affine)
70    if starting_affine is None:
71        starting_affine = np.eye(4)
73    return static, static_affine, moving, moving_affine, starting_affine
76def syn_registration(moving, static,
77                     moving_affine=None,
78                     static_affine=None,
79                     step_length=0.25,
80                     metric='CC',
81                     dim=3,
82                     level_iters=None,
83                     prealign=None,
84                     **metric_kwargs):
85    """Register a 2D/3D source image (moving) to a 2D/3D target image (static).
87    Parameters
88    ----------
89    moving, static : array or nib.Nifti1Image or str.
90        Either as a 2D/3D array or as a nifti image object, or as
91        a string containing the full path to a nifti file.
92    moving_affine, static_affine : 4x4 array, optional.
93        Must be provided for `data` provided as an array. If provided together
94        with Nifti1Image or str `data`, this input will over-ride the affine
95        that is stored in the `data` input. Default: use the affine stored
96        in `data`.
97    metric : string, optional
98        The metric to be optimized. One of `CC`, `EM`, `SSD`,
99        Default: 'CC' => CCMetric.
100    dim: int (either 2 or 3), optional
101       The dimensions of the image domain. Default: 3
102    level_iters : list of int, optional
103        the number of iterations at each level of the Gaussian Pyramid (the
104        length of the list defines the number of pyramid levels to be
105        used). Default: [10, 10, 5].
106    metric_kwargs : dict, optional
107        Parameters for initialization of the metric object. If not provided,
108        uses the default settings of each metric.
110    Returns
111    -------
112    warped_moving : ndarray
113        The data in `moving`, warped towards the `static` data.
114    forward : ndarray (..., 3)
115        The vector field describing the forward warping from the source to the
116        target.
117    backward : ndarray (..., 3)
118        The vector field describing the backward warping from the target to the
119        source.
120    """
121    level_iters = level_iters or [10, 10, 5]
123    static, static_affine, moving, moving_affine, _ = \
124        _handle_pipeline_inputs(moving, static,
125                                moving_affine=moving_affine,
126                                static_affine=static_affine,
127                                starting_affine=None)
129    use_metric = syn_metric_dict[metric.upper()](dim, **metric_kwargs)
131    sdr = SymmetricDiffeomorphicRegistration(use_metric, level_iters,
132                                             step_length=step_length)
134    mapping = sdr.optimize(static, moving,
135                           static_grid2world=static_affine,
136                           moving_grid2world=moving_affine,
137                           prealign=prealign)
139    warped_moving = mapping.transform(moving)
140    return warped_moving, mapping
143def register_dwi_to_template(dwi, gtab, dwi_affine=None, template=None,
144                             template_affine=None, reg_method="syn",
145                             **reg_kwargs):
146    """
147    Register DWI data to a template through the B0 volumes.
149    Parameters
150    -----------
151    dwi : 4D array, nifti image or str
152        Containing the DWI data, or full path to a nifti file with DWI.
153    gtab : GradientTable or sequence of strings
154        The gradients associated with the DWI data, or a sequence with
155        (fbval, fbvec), full paths to bvals and bvecs files.
156    dwi_affine : 4x4 array, optional
157        An affine transformation associated with the DWI. Required if data
158        is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path,
159        will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti.
160    template : 3D array, nifti image or str
161        Containing the data for the template, or full path to a nifti file
162        with the template data.
163    template_affine : 4x4 array, optional
164        An affine transformation associated with the template. Required if data
165        is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path,
166        will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti.
168    reg_method : str,
169        One of "syn" or "aff", which designates which registration method is
170        used. Either syn, which uses the :func:`syn_registration` function
171        or :func:`affine_registration` function. Default: "syn".
172    reg_kwargs : key-word arguments for :func:`syn_registration` or
173        :func:`affine_registration`
175    Returns
176    -------
177    warped_b0, mapping: The fist is an array with the b0 volume warped to the
178    template. If reg_method is "syn", the second is a DiffeomorphicMap class
179    instance that can be used to transform between the two spaces. Otherwise,
180    if reg_method is "aff", this is a 4x4 matrix encoding the affine transform.
182    Notes
183    -----
184    This function assumes that the DWI data is already internally registered.
185    See :func:`register_dwi_series`.
187    """
188    dwi_data, dwi_affine = read_img_arr_or_path(dwi, affine=dwi_affine)
190    if template is None:
191        template = dpd.read_mni_template()
193    template_data, template_affine = read_img_arr_or_path(
194                                       template,
195                                       affine=template_affine)
197    if not isinstance(gtab, dpg.GradientTable):
198        gtab = dpg.gradient_table(*gtab)
200    mean_b0 = np.mean(dwi_data[..., gtab.b0s_mask], -1)
201    if reg_method.lower() == "syn":
202        warped_b0, mapping = syn_registration(mean_b0, template_data,
203                                              moving_affine=dwi_affine,
204                                              static_affine=template_affine,
205                                              **reg_kwargs)
206    elif reg_method.lower() == "aff":
207        warped_b0, mapping = affine_registration(mean_b0, template_data,
208                                                 moving_affine=dwi_affine,
209                                                 static_affine=template_affine,
210                                                 **reg_kwargs)
211    else:
212        raise ValueError("reg_method should be one of 'aff' or 'syn', but you"
213                         " provided %s" % reg_method)
215    return warped_b0, mapping
218def write_mapping(mapping, fname):
219    """
220    Write out a syn registration mapping to a nifti file
222    Parameters
223    ----------
224    mapping : a DiffeomorphicMap object derived from :func:`syn_registration`
225    fname : str
226        Full path to the nifti file storing the mapping
228    Notes
229    -----
230    The data in the file is organized with shape (X, Y, Z, 2, 3, 3), such
231    that the forward mapping in each voxel is in `data[i, j, k, 0, :, :]` and
232    the backward mapping in each voxel is in `data[i, j, k, 0, :, :]`.
233    """
234    mapping_data = np.array([mapping.forward.T, mapping.backward.T]).T
235    save_nifti(fname, mapping_data, mapping.codomain_world2grid)
238def read_mapping(disp, domain_img, codomain_img, prealign=None):
239    """
240    Read a syn registration mapping from a nifti file
242    Parameters
243    ----------
244    disp : str or Nifti1Image
245        A file of image containing the mapping displacement field in each voxel
246        Shape (x, y, z, 3, 2)
248    domain_img : str or Nifti1Image
250    codomain_img : str or Nifti1Image
252    Returns
253    -------
254    A :class:`DiffeomorphicMap` object.
256    Notes
257    -----
258    See :func:`write_mapping` for the data format expected.
259    """
260    if isinstance(disp, str):
261        disp_data, disp_affine = load_nifti(disp)
263    if isinstance(domain_img, str):
264        domain_img = nib.load(domain_img)
266    if isinstance(codomain_img, str):
267        codomain_img = nib.load(codomain_img)
269    mapping = DiffeomorphicMap(3, disp_data.shape[:3],
270                               disp_grid2world=np.linalg.inv(disp_affine),
271                               domain_shape=domain_img.shape[:3],
272                               domain_grid2world=domain_img.affine,
273                               codomain_shape=codomain_img.shape,
274                               codomain_grid2world=codomain_img.affine,
275                               prealign=prealign)
277    mapping.forward = disp_data[..., 0]
278    mapping.backward = disp_data[..., 1]
279    mapping.is_inverse = True
281    return mapping
284def resample(moving, static, moving_affine=None, static_affine=None,
285             between_affine=None):
286    """Resample an image (moving) from one space to another (static).
288    Parameters
289    ----------
290    moving : array, nifti image or str
291        Containing the data for the moving object, or full path to a nifti file
292        with the moving data.
294    moving_affine : 4x4 array, optional
295        An affine transformation associated with the moving object. Required if
296        data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path,
297        will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti.
299    static : array, nifti image or str
300        Containing the data for the static object, or full path to a nifti file
301        with the moving data.
303    static_affine : 4x4 array, optional
304        An affine transformation associated with the static object. Required if
305        data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path,
306        will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti.
308    between_affine: 4x4 array, optional
309        If an additional affine is needed betweeen the two spaces.
310        Default: identity (no additional registration).
312    Returns
313    -------
314    A Nifti1Image class instance with the data from the moving object
315    resampled into the space of the static object.
316    """
318    static, static_affine, moving, moving_affine, between_affine = \
319        _handle_pipeline_inputs(moving, static,
320                                moving_affine=moving_affine,
321                                static_affine=static_affine,
322                                starting_affine=between_affine)
323    affine_map = AffineMap(between_affine,
324                           static.shape, static_affine,
325                           moving.shape, moving_affine)
326    resampled = affine_map.transform(moving)
327    return nib.Nifti1Image(resampled, static_affine)
330def center_of_mass(moving, static, static_affine=None, moving_affine=None,
331                   starting_affine=None, reg=None):
332    """
333    Implements a center of mass transform
335    Parameters
336    ----------
337    moving : array, nifti image or str
338        Containing the data for the moving object, or full path to a nifti file
339        with the moving data.
341    moving_affine : 4x4 array, optional
342        An affine transformation associated with the moving object. Required if
343        data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path,
344        will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti.
346    static : array, nifti image or str
347        Containing the data for the static object, or full path to a nifti file
348        with the moving data.
350    static_affine : 4x4 array, optional
351        An affine transformation associated with the static object. Required if
352        data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path,
353        will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti.
355    starting_affine: 4x4 array, optional
356        Initial guess for the transformation between the spaces.
358    reg : not needed here. Use None
360    Returns
361    -------
362    transformed, transform.affine : array with moving data resampled to the
363    static space after computing the center of mass transformation and the
364    affine 4x4 associated with the transformation.
365    """
366    static, static_affine, moving, moving_affine, starting_affine = \
367        _handle_pipeline_inputs(moving, static,
368                                moving_affine=moving_affine,
369                                static_affine=static_affine,
370                                starting_affine=starting_affine)
371    transform = transform_centers_of_mass(static, static_affine,
372                                          moving, moving_affine)
373    return transform.affine
376def translation(moving, static, static_affine=None, moving_affine=None,
377                starting_affine=None, reg=None):
378    """
379    Implements a translation transform
381    Parameters
382    ----------
383    moving : array, nifti image or str
384        Containing the data for the moving object, or full path to a nifti file
385        with the moving data.
387    moving_affine : 4x4 array, optional
388        An affine transformation associated with the moving object. Required if
389        data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path,
390        will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti.
392    static : array, nifti image or str
393        Containing the data for the static object, or full path to a nifti file
394        with the moving data.
396    static_affine : 4x4 array, optional
397        An affine transformation associated with the static object. Required if
398        data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path,
399        will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti.
401    starting_affine: 4x4 array, optional
402        Initial guess for the transformation between the spaces.
404    reg : AffineRegistration class instance.
406    Returns
407    -------
408    transformed, transform.affine : array with moving data resampled to the
409    static space after computing the translation transformation and the
410    affine 4x4 associated with the transformation.
411    """
412    static, static_affine, moving, moving_affine, starting_affine = \
413        _handle_pipeline_inputs(moving, static,
414                                moving_affine=moving_affine,
415                                static_affine=static_affine,
416                                starting_affine=starting_affine)
417    transform = TranslationTransform3D()
418    translation = reg.optimize(static, moving, transform, None,
419                               static_affine, moving_affine,
420                               starting_affine=starting_affine)
422    return translation.affine
425def rigid(moving, static, static_affine=None, moving_affine=None,
426          starting_affine=None, reg=None):
427    """
428    Implements a rigid transform
430    Parameters
431    ----------
432    moving : array, nifti image or str
433        Containing the data for the moving object, or full path to a nifti file
434        with the moving data.
436    moving_affine : 4x4 array, optional
437        An affine transformation associated with the moving object. Required if
438        data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path,
439        will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti.
441    static : array, nifti image or str
442        Containing the data for the static object, or full path to a nifti file
443        with the moving data.
445    static_affine : 4x4 array, optional
446        An affine transformation associated with the static object. Required if
447        data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path,
448        will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti.
450    starting_affine: 4x4 array, optional
451        Initial guess for the transformation between the spaces.
453    reg : AffineRegistration class instance.
455    Returns
456    -------
457    transformed, transform.affine : array with moving data resampled to the
458    static space after computing the rigid transformation and the affine 4x4
459    associated with the transformation.
460    """
461    static, static_affine, moving, moving_affine, starting_affine = \
462        _handle_pipeline_inputs(moving, static,
463                                moving_affine=moving_affine,
464                                static_affine=static_affine,
465                                starting_affine=starting_affine)
466    transform = RigidTransform3D()
467    rigid = reg.optimize(static, moving, transform, None,
468                         static_affine, moving_affine,
469                         starting_affine=starting_affine)
470    return rigid.affine
473def affine(moving, static, static_affine=None, moving_affine=None,
474           starting_affine=None, reg=None):
475    """
476    Implements a translation transform
478    Parameters
479    ----------
480    moving : array, nifti image or str
481        Containing the data for the moving object, or full path to a nifti file
482        with the moving data.
484    moving_affine : 4x4 array, optional
485        An affine transformation associated with the moving object. Required if
486        data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path,
487        will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti.
489    static : array, nifti image or str
490        Containing the data for the static object, or full path to a nifti file
491        with the moving data.
493    static_affine : 4x4 array, optional
494        An affine transformation associated with the static object. Required if
495        data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path,
496        will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti.
498    starting_affine: 4x4 array, optional
499        Initial guess for the transformation between the spaces.
501    reg : AffineRegistration class instance.
503    Returns
504    -------
505    transformed, transform.affine : array with moving data resampled to the
506    static space after computing the affine transformation and the affine
507    4x4 associated with the transformation.
508    """
510    static, static_affine, moving, moving_affine, starting_affine = \
511        _handle_pipeline_inputs(moving, static,
512                                moving_affine=moving_affine,
513                                static_affine=static_affine,
514                                starting_affine=starting_affine)
515    transform = AffineTransform3D()
516    xform = reg.optimize(static, moving, transform, None,
517                         static_affine, moving_affine,
518                         starting_affine=starting_affine)
520    return xform.affine
523def affine_registration(moving, static,
524                        moving_affine=None,
525                        static_affine=None,
526                        pipeline=None,
527                        starting_affine=None,
528                        metric='MI',
529                        level_iters=None,
530                        sigmas=None,
531                        factors=None,
532                        **metric_kwargs):
534    """
535    Find the affine transformation between two 3D images.
537    Parameters
538    ----------
539    moving : array, nifti image or str
540        Containing the data for the moving object, or full path to a nifti file
541        with the moving data.
543    moving_affine : 4x4 array, optional
544        An affine transformation associated with the moving object. Required if
545        data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path,
546        will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti.
548    static : array, nifti image or str
549        Containing the data for the static object, or full path to a nifti file
550        with the moving data.
552    static_affine : 4x4 array, optional
553        An affine transformation associated with the static object. Required if
554        data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path,
555        will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti.
557    pipeline : sequence, optional
558        Sequence of transforms to use in the gradual fitting of the full
559        affine. Default: (executed from left to right):
560        `[center_of_mass, translation, rigid, affine]`
562    starting_affine: 4x4 array, optional
563        Initial guess for the transformation between the spaces.
564        Default: identity.
566    metric : str, optional.
567        Currently only supports 'MI' for MutualInformationMetric.
569    nbins : int, optional
570        MutualInformationMetric key-word argument: the number of bins to be
571        used for computing the intensity histograms. The default is 32.
573    sampling_proportion : None or float in interval (0, 1], optional
574        MutualInformationMetric key-word argument: There are two types of
575        sampling: dense and sparse. Dense sampling uses all voxels for
576        estimating the (joint and marginal) intensity histograms, while
577        sparse sampling uses a subset of them. If `sampling_proportion` is
578        None, then dense sampling is used. If `sampling_proportion` is a
579        floating point value in (0,1] then sparse sampling is used,
580        where `sampling_proportion` specifies the proportion of voxels to
581        be used. The default is None (dense sampling).
583    level_iters : sequence, optional
584        AffineRegistration key-word argument: the number of iterations at each
585        scale of the scale space. `level_iters[0]` corresponds to the coarsest
586        scale, `level_iters[-1]` the finest, where n is the length of the
587        sequence. By default, a 3-level scale space with iterations
588        sequence equal to [10000, 1000, 100] will be used.
590    sigmas : sequence of floats, optional
591        AffineRegistration key-word argument: custom smoothing parameter to
592        build the scale space (one parameter for each scale). By default,
593        the sequence of sigmas will be [3, 1, 0].
595    factors : sequence of floats, optional
596        AffineRegistration key-word argument: custom scale factors to build the
597        scale space (one factor for each scale). By default, the sequence of
598        factors will be [4, 2, 1].
600    Returns
601    -------
602    transformed, affine : array with moving data resampled to the static space
603    after computing the affine transformation and the affine 4x4
604    associated with the transformation.
607    Notes
608    -----
609    Performs a gradual registration between the two inputs, using a pipeline
610    that gradually approximates the final registration. If the final default
611    step (`affine`) is ommitted, the resulting affine may not have all 12
612    degrees of freedom adjusted.
613    """
614    pipeline = pipeline or [center_of_mass, translation, rigid, affine]
615    level_iters = level_iters or [10000, 1000, 100]
616    sigmas = sigmas or [3, 1, 0.0]
617    factors = factors or [4, 2, 1]
619    static, static_affine, moving, moving_affine, starting_affine = \
620        _handle_pipeline_inputs(moving, static,
621                                moving_affine=moving_affine,
622                                static_affine=static_affine,
623                                starting_affine=starting_affine)
625    # Define the Affine registration object we'll use with the chosen metric.
626    # For now, there is only one metric (mutual information)
627    use_metric = affine_metric_dict[metric](**metric_kwargs)
629    affreg = AffineRegistration(metric=use_metric,
630                                level_iters=level_iters,
631                                sigmas=sigmas,
632                                factors=factors)
634    # Go through the selected transformation:
635    for func in pipeline:
636        starting_affine = func(moving, static,
637                               static_affine=static_affine,
638                               moving_affine=moving_affine,
639                               starting_affine=starting_affine,
640                               reg=affreg)
642    # After doing all that, resample once at the end:
643    affine_map = AffineMap(starting_affine,
644                           static.shape, static_affine,
645                           moving.shape, moving_affine)
647    resampled = affine_map.transform(moving)
649    return resampled, starting_affine
652def register_series(series, ref, pipeline=None, series_affine=None,
653                    ref_affine=None):
654    """Register a series to a reference image.
656    Parameters
657    ----------
658    series : 4D array or nib.Nifti1Image class instance or str
659        The data is 4D with the last dimension separating different 3D volumes
661    ref : int or 3D array or nib.Nifti1Image class instance or str
662        If this is an int, this is the index of the reference image within the
663        series. Otherwise it is an array of data to register with (associated
664        with a `ref_affine` required) or a nifti img or full path to a file
665        containing one.
667    pipeline : sequence, optional
668        Sequence of transforms to do for each volume in the series.
669        Default: (executed from left to right):
670        `[center_of_mass, translation, rigid, affine]`
672    series_affine, ref_affine : 4x4 arrays, optional.
673        The affine. If provided, this input will over-ride the affine provided
674        together with the nifti img or file.
676    Returns
677    -------
678    xformed, affines : 4D array with transformed data and a (4,4,n) array
679    with 4x4 matrices associated with each of the volumes of the input moving
680    data that was used to transform it into register with the static data.
681    """
682    pipeline = pipeline or [center_of_mass, translation, rigid, affine]
684    series, series_affine = read_img_arr_or_path(series,
685                                                 affine=series_affine)
686    if isinstance(ref, numbers.Number):
687        ref_as_idx = ref
688        idxer = np.zeros(series.shape[-1]).astype(bool)
689        idxer[ref] = True
690        ref = series[..., idxer].squeeze()
691        ref_affine = series_affine
692    else:
693        ref_as_idx = False
694        ref, ref_affine = read_img_arr_or_path(ref, affine=ref_affine)
695        if len(ref.shape) != 3:
696            raise ValueError("The reference image should be a single volume",
697                             " or the index of one or more volumes")
699    xformed = np.zeros(series.shape)
700    affines = np.zeros((4, 4, series.shape[-1]))
701    for ii in range(series.shape[-1]):
702        this_moving = series[..., ii]
703        if isinstance(ref_as_idx, numbers.Number) and ii == ref_as_idx:
704            # This is the reference! No need to move and the xform is I(4):
705            xformed[..., ii] = this_moving
706            affines[..., ii] = np.eye(4)
707        else:
708            transformed, reg_affine = affine_registration(
709                this_moving, ref,
710                moving_affine=series_affine,
711                static_affine=ref_affine,
712                pipeline=pipeline)
713            xformed[..., ii] = transformed
714            affines[..., ii] = reg_affine
716    return xformed, affines
719def register_dwi_series(data, gtab, affine=None, b0_ref=0, pipeline=None):
720    """
721    Register a DWI series to the mean of the B0 images in that series (all
722    first registered to the first B0 volume)
724    Parameters
725    ----------
726    data : 4D array or nibabel Nifti1Image class instance or str
727        Diffusion data. Either as a 4D array or as a nifti image object, or as
728        a string containing the full path to a nifti file.
730    gtab : a GradientTable class instance or tuple of strings
731        If provided as a tuple of strings, these are assumed to be full paths
732        to the bvals and bvecs files (in that order).
734    affine : 4x4 array, optional.
735        Must be provided for `data` provided as an array. If provided together
736        with Nifti1Image or str `data`, this input will over-ride the affine
737        that is stored in the `data` input. Default: use the affine stored
738        in `data`.
740    b0_ref : int, optional.
741        Which b0 volume to use as reference. Default: 0
743    pipeline : list of callables, optional.
744        The transformations to perform in sequence (from left to right):
745        Default: `[center_of_mass, translation, rigid, affine]`
748    Returns
749    -------
750    xform_img, affine_array: a Nifti1Image containing the registered data and
751    using the affine of the original data and a list containing the affine
752    transforms associated with each of the
754    """
755    if pipeline is None:
756        [center_of_mass, translation, rigid, affine]
758    data, affine = read_img_arr_or_path(data, affine=affine)
759    if isinstance(gtab, collections.Sequence):
760        gtab = dpg.gradient_table(*gtab)
762    if np.sum(gtab.b0s_mask) > 1:
763        # First, register the b0s into one image and average:
764        b0_img = nib.Nifti1Image(data[..., gtab.b0s_mask], affine)
765        trans_b0, b0_affines = register_series(b0_img, ref=b0_ref,
766                                               pipeline=pipeline)
767        ref_data = np.mean(trans_b0, -1)
768    else:
769        # There's only one b0 and we register everything to it
770        trans_b0 = ref_data = data[..., gtab.b0s_mask]
771        b0_affines = np.eye(4)[..., np.newaxis]
773    # Construct a series out of the DWI and the registered mean B0:
774    moving_data = data[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask]
775    series_arr = np.concatenate([ref_data, moving_data], -1)
776    series = nib.Nifti1Image(series_arr, affine)
778    xformed, affines = register_series(series, ref=0, pipeline=pipeline)
779    # Cut out the part pertaining to that first volume:
780    affines = affines[..., 1:]
781    xformed = xformed[..., 1:]
782    affine_array = np.zeros((4, 4, data.shape[-1]))
783    affine_array[..., gtab.b0s_mask] = b0_affines
784    affine_array[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask] = affines
786    data_array = np.zeros(data.shape)
787    data_array[..., gtab.b0s_mask] = trans_b0
788    data_array[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask] = xformed
790    return nib.Nifti1Image(data_array, affine), affine_array
793def streamline_registration(moving, static, n_points=100,
794                            native_resampled=False):
795    """
796    Register two collections of streamlines ('bundles') to each other
798    Parameters
799    ----------
800    moving, static : lists of 3 by n, or str
801        The two bundles to be registered. Given either as lists of arrays with
802        3D coordinates, or strings containing full paths to these files.
804    n_points : int, optional
805        How many points to resample to. Default: 100.
807    native_resampled : bool, optional
808        Whether to return the moving bundle in the original space, but
809        resampled in the static space to n_points.
811    Returns
812    -------
813    aligned : list
814        Streamlines from the moving group, moved to be closely matched to
815        the static group.
817    matrix : array (4, 4)
818        The affine transformation that takes us from 'moving' to 'static'
819    """
820    # Load the streamlines, if you were given a file-name
821    if isinstance(moving, str):
822        moving = load_trk(moving, 'same', bbox_valid_check=False).streamlines
823    if isinstance(static, str):
824        static = load_trk(static, 'same', bbox_valid_check=False).streamlines
826    srr = StreamlineLinearRegistration()
827    srm = srr.optimize(static=set_number_of_points(static, n_points),
828                       moving=set_number_of_points(moving, n_points))
830    aligned = srm.transform(moving)
831    if native_resampled:
832        aligned = set_number_of_points(aligned, n_points)
833        aligned = transform_tracking_output(aligned, np.linalg.inv(srm.matrix))
835    return aligned, srm.matrix