1 package uk.ac.cam.ch.wwmm.opsin;
3 import java.util.ArrayList;
4 import java.util.Collections;
5 import java.util.HashMap;
6 import java.util.List;
7 import java.util.Map;
8 import java.util.Set;
9 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
11 import static uk.ac.cam.ch.wwmm.opsin.OpsinTools.*;
13 /**
14  * An atom. Carries information about which fragment it is in, and an ID
15  * number and a list of bonds that it is involved. It may also have other information such as
16  * whether it has "spare valencies" due to unsaturation, its charge, locant labels, stereochemistry and notes
17  *
18  * @author ptc24
19  * @author dl387
20  *
21  */
22 class Atom {
24 	/**The (unique over the molecule) ID of the atom.*/
25 	private final int id;
27 	/**The chemical element of the atom. */
28 	private ChemEl chemEl;
30 	/**The locants that pertain to the atom.*/
31 	private final List<String> locants = new ArrayList<String>(2);
33 	/**The formal charge on the atom.*/
34 	private int charge = 0;
36 	/**The isotope of the atom. Null if not defined explicitly.*/
37 	private Integer isotope = null;
39 	/**
40 	 * Holds the atomParity object associated with this object
41 	 * null by default
42 	 */
43 	private AtomParity atomParity = null;
45 	/**The bonds that involve the atom*/
46 	private final List<Bond> bonds = new ArrayList<Bond>(4);
48 	/**A map between PropertyKey s as declared here and useful atom properties, usually relating to some kind of special case. */
49 	@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
50 	private final Map<PropertyKey, Object> properties = new HashMap<PropertyKey, Object>();
51 	/** A set of atoms that were equally plausible to perform functional replacement on */
52 	static final PropertyKey<Set<Atom>> AMBIGUOUS_ELEMENT_ASSIGNMENT = new PropertyKey<Set<Atom>>("ambiguousElementAssignment");
53 	/** The atom class which will be output when serialised to SMILES. Useful for distinguishing attachment points */
54 	static final PropertyKey<Integer> ATOM_CLASS = new PropertyKey<Integer>("atomClass");
55 	/** Used on wildcard atoms to indicate their meaning */
56 	static final PropertyKey<String> HOMOLOGY_GROUP = new PropertyKey<String>("homologyGroup");
57 	/** Used on wildcard atoms to indicate that they are a position variation bond */
58 	static final PropertyKey<List<Atom>> POSITION_VARIATION_BOND = new PropertyKey<List<Atom>>("positionVariationBond");
59 	/** The hydrogen count as set in the SMILES*/
60 	static final PropertyKey<Integer> SMILES_HYDROGEN_COUNT = new PropertyKey<Integer>("smilesHydrogenCount");
61 	/** The oxidation number as specified by Roman numerals in the name*/
62 	static final PropertyKey<Integer> OXIDATION_NUMBER = new PropertyKey<Integer>("oxidationNumber");
63 	/** Is this atom the carbon of an aldehyde? (however NOT formaldehyde)*/
64 	static final PropertyKey<Boolean> ISALDEHYDE = new PropertyKey<Boolean>("isAldehyde");
65 	/** Indicates that this atom is an anomeric atom in a cyclised carbohydrate*/
66 	static final PropertyKey<Boolean> ISANOMERIC = new PropertyKey<Boolean>("isAnomeric");
67 	/** Transient integer used to indicate traversal of fragments*/
68 	static final PropertyKey<Integer> VISITED = new PropertyKey<Integer>("visited");
70 	/**The fragment to which the atom belongs.*/
71 	private Fragment frag;
73 	/** Whether an atom is part of a delocalised set of double bonds. A double bond in a kekule structure
74 	 * can be mapped to a single bond with this attribute set to true on both atoms that were in the double bond
75 	 * For example, benzene could be temporarily represented by six singly-bonded atoms, each with a set
76 	 * spare valency attribute , and later converted into a fully-specified valence structure.*/
77 	private boolean spareValency = false;
79 	/**The total bond order of all bonds that are expected to be used for inter fragment bonding
80 	 * e.g. in butan-2-ylidene this would be 2 for the atom at position 2 and 0 for the other 3 */
81 	private int outValency = 0;
83 	/** Null by default or set by the lambda convention.*/
84 	private Integer lambdaConventionValency;
86 	/** Null by default or set by the SMILES builder*/
87 	private Integer minimumValency;
89 	/** Can this atom have implicit hydrogen? True unless explicitly set otherwise otherwise*/
90 	private boolean implicitHydrogenAllowed = true;
92 	/** This is modified by ium/ide/ylium/uide and is used to choose the appropriate valency for the atom*/
93 	private int protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved = 0;
95 	/**
96 	 * Takes same values as type in Fragment. Useful for discriminating suffix atoms from other atoms when a suffix is incorporated into another fragments
97 	 */
98 	private String type;
100 	/**
101 	 * Is this atom in a ring. Default false. Set by the CycleDetector.
102 	 * Double bonds are only converted to spareValency if atom is in a ring
103 	 * Some suffixes have different meanings if an atom is part of a ring or not c.g. cyclohexanal vs ethanal
104 	 */
105 	private boolean atomIsInACycle = false;
107 	/**
108 	 * Builds an Atom from scratch.
110 	 * @param id The ID number, unique to the atom in the molecule being built
111 	 * @param chemlEl The chemical element
112 	 * @param frag the Fragment to contain the Atom
113 	 */
Atom(int id, ChemEl chemlEl, Fragment frag)114 	Atom(int id, ChemEl chemlEl, Fragment frag) {
115 		if (frag == null){
116 			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Atom is not in a fragment!");
117 		}
118 		if (chemlEl == null){
119 			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Atom does not have an element!");
120 		}
121 		this.frag = frag;
122 		this.id = id;
123 		this.chemEl = chemlEl;
124 		this.type =frag.getType();
125 	}
127 	/** Used to build a DUMMY atom.
128 	 * Does not have an id/frag/type as would be expected for a proper atom
129 	 * @param chemlEl The chemical element
130 	 */
Atom(ChemEl chemlEl)131 	Atom(ChemEl chemlEl){
132 		this.chemEl = chemlEl;
133 		this.id = 0;
134 	}
136 	/**
137 	 * Uses the lambdaConventionValency or if that is not available
138 	 * the default valency assuming this is >= the current valency
139 	 * If not then allowed the chemically sensible valencies of the atom are checked with the one that is closest and >= to the current valency
140 	 * being returned. If the valency has still not been determined the current valency i.e. assuming the atom to have 0 implicit hydrogen is returned.
141 	 * This is the correct behaviour for inorganics. For p block elements it means that OPSIN does not believe the atom to be in a valid valency (too high)
142 	 *
143 	 * if considerOutValency is true, the valency that will be used to form bonds using the outAtoms is
144 	 * taken into account i.e. if any radicals were used to form bonds
145 	 * @param considerOutValency
146 	 * @return
147 	 */
determineValency(boolean considerOutValency)148 	int determineValency(boolean considerOutValency) {
149 		if (lambdaConventionValency != null){
150 			return lambdaConventionValency + protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved;
151 		}
152 		int currentValency = getIncomingValency();
153 		if (considerOutValency){
154 			currentValency += outValency;
155 		}
156 		Integer calculatedMinValency = minimumValency == null ? null : minimumValency + protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved;
157 		if (charge ==0 || protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved != 0){
158 			Integer defaultValency = ValencyChecker.getDefaultValency(chemEl);
159 			if (defaultValency != null){
160 				defaultValency += protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved;
161 				if (currentValency <= defaultValency && (calculatedMinValency == null || defaultValency >= calculatedMinValency)){
162 					return defaultValency;
163 				}
164 			}
165 		}
166 		Integer[] possibleValencies = ValencyChecker.getPossibleValencies(chemEl, charge);
167 		if (possibleValencies != null) {
168 			if (calculatedMinValency != null  && calculatedMinValency >= currentValency){
169 				return calculatedMinValency;
170 			}
171 			for (Integer possibleValency : possibleValencies) {
172 				if (calculatedMinValency != null && possibleValency < calculatedMinValency){
173 					continue;
174 				}
175 				if (currentValency <= possibleValency){
176 					return possibleValency;
177 				}
178 			}
179 		}
180 		if (calculatedMinValency != null && calculatedMinValency >= currentValency){
181 			return calculatedMinValency;
182 		}
183 		else{
184 			return currentValency;
185 		}
186 	}
188 	/**Adds a locant to the Atom. Other locants are preserved.
189 	 * Also associates the locant with the atom in the parent fragments hash
190 	 *
191 	 * @param locant The new locant
192 	 */
addLocant(String locant)193 	void addLocant(String locant) {
194 		locants.add(locant);
195 		frag.addMappingToAtomLocantMap(locant, this);
196 	}
198 	/**Replaces all existing locants with a new one.
199 	 *
200 	 * @param locant The new locant
201 	 */
replaceLocants(String locant)202 	void replaceLocants(String locant) {
203 		clearLocants();
204 		addLocant(locant);
205 	}
removeLocant(String locantToRemove)207 	void removeLocant(String locantToRemove) {
208 		int locantArraySize = locants.size();
209 		for (int i = locantArraySize -1; i >=0 ; i--) {
210 			if (locants.get(i).equals(locantToRemove)){
211 				locants.remove(i);
212 				frag.removeMappingFromAtomLocantMap(locantToRemove);
213 			}
214 		}
215 	}
217 	/**Removes all locants from the Atom.
218 	 *
219 	 */
clearLocants()220 	void clearLocants() {
221 		for (int i = 0, l = locants.size(); i < l; i++) {
222 			frag.removeMappingFromAtomLocantMap(locants.get(i));
223 		}
224 		locants.clear();
225 	}
227 	/**
228 	 * Removes only elementSymbolLocants: e.g. N, S', Se
229 	 */
removeElementSymbolLocants()230 	void removeElementSymbolLocants() {
231 		for (int i = locants.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
232 			String locant = locants.get(i);
233 			if (MATCH_ELEMENT_SYMBOL_LOCANT.matcher(locant).matches()){
234 				frag.removeMappingFromAtomLocantMap(locant);
235 				locants.remove(i);
236 			}
237 		}
238 	}
240 	/**
241 	 * Removes all locants other than elementSymbolLocants (e.g. N, S', Se)
242 	 * Hence removes numeric locants and greek locants
243 	 */
removeLocantsOtherThanElementSymbolLocants()244 	void removeLocantsOtherThanElementSymbolLocants() {
245 		for (int i = locants.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
246 			String locant = locants.get(i);
247 			if (!MATCH_ELEMENT_SYMBOL_LOCANT.matcher(locant).matches()){
248 				frag.removeMappingFromAtomLocantMap(locant);
249 				locants.remove(i);
250 			}
251 		}
252 	}
254 	/**Checks if the Atom has a given locant.
255 	 *
256 	 * @param locant The locant to test for
257 	 * @return true if it has, false if not
258 	 */
hasLocant(String locant)259 	boolean hasLocant(String locant) {
260 		if (locants.contains(locant)) {
261 			return true;
262 		}
263 		Matcher m = MATCH_AMINOACID_STYLE_LOCANT.matcher(locant);
264 		if (m.matches()){//e.g. N'5
265 			if (chemEl.toString().equals(m.group(1))){//element symbol
266 				if (!m.group(2).equals("") && (!hasLocant(m.group(1) +m.group(2)))){//has primes
267 					return false;//must have exact locant e.g. N'
268 				}
269 				if (OpsinTools.depthFirstSearchForNonSuffixAtomWithLocant(this, m.group(3)) != null){
270 					return true;
271 				}
272 			}
273 		}
274 		return false;
275 	}
277 	/**Gets the first locant for the Atom. This may be the locant that was initially
278 	 * specified, or the most recent locant specified using replaceLocant, or first
279 	 * locant to be added since the last invocation of clearLocants.
280 	 *
281 	 * @return The locant, or null if there is no locant
282 	 */
getFirstLocant()283 	String getFirstLocant() {
284 		return locants.size() > 0 ? locants.get(0) : null;
285 	}
287 	/**Returns the array of locants containing all locants associated with the atom
288 	 *
289 	 * @return The list of locants (may be empty)
290 	 */
getLocants()291 	List<String> getLocants() {
292 		return Collections.unmodifiableList(locants);
293 	}
295 	/**Returns the subset of the locants which are element symbol locants e.g. N, S', Se
296 	 *
297 	 * @return The list of locants (may be empty)
298 	 */
getElementSymbolLocants()299 	List<String> getElementSymbolLocants() {
300 		List<String> elementSymbolLocants = new ArrayList<String>(1);
301 		for (int i = 0, l = locants.size(); i < l; i++) {
302 			String locant = locants.get(i);
303             if (MATCH_ELEMENT_SYMBOL_LOCANT.matcher(locant).matches()) {
304                 elementSymbolLocants.add(locant);
305             }
306         }
307 		return elementSymbolLocants;
308 	}
setFrag(Fragment f)310 	void setFrag(Fragment f) {
311 		frag = f;
312 	}
getFrag()314 	Fragment getFrag() {
315 		return frag;
316 	}
318 	/**Gets the ID of the atom.
319 	 *
320 	 * @return The ID of the atom
321 	 */
getID()322 	int getID() {
323 		return id;
324 	}
326 	/**Gets the chemical element corresponding to the element of the atom.
327 	 *
328 	 * @return The chemical element corresponding to the element of the atom
329 	 */
getElement()330 	ChemEl getElement() {
331 		return chemEl;
332 	}
334 	/**Sets the chemical element corresponding to the element of the atom.
335 	 *
336 	 * @param chemEl The chemical element corresponding to the element of the atom
337 	 */
setElement(ChemEl chemEl)338 	void setElement(ChemEl chemEl) {
339 		this.chemEl = chemEl;
340 	}
342 	/**Gets the formal charge on the atom.
343 	 *
344 	 * @return The formal charge on the atom
345 	 */
getCharge()346 	int getCharge() {
347 		return charge;
348 	}
350 	/**Modifies the charge of this atom by the amount given. This can be any integer
351 	 * The number of protons changed is noted so as to calculate the correct valency for the atom. This can be any integer.
352 	 * For example ide is the loss of a proton so is charge=-1, protons =-1
353 	 * @param charge
354 	 * @param protons
355 	 */
addChargeAndProtons(int charge, int protons)356 	void addChargeAndProtons(int charge, int protons){
357 		this.charge += charge;
358 		protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved+=protons;
359 	}
361 	/**Sets the formal charge on the atom.
362 	 * NOTE: make sure to update protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved if necessary
363 	 *
364 	 * @param c The formal charge on the atom
365 	 */
setCharge(int c)366 	void setCharge(int c) {
367 		charge = c;
368 	}
370 	 /**
371 	 * Sets the formal charge and number of protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved to 0
372 	 */
neutraliseCharge()373 	void neutraliseCharge() {
374 		charge = 0;
375 		protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved = 0;
376 	}
378 	/**
379 	 * Gets the mass number of the atom or null if not explicitly defined
380 	 * e.g. 3 for tritium
381 	 * @return
382 	 */
getIsotope()383 	Integer getIsotope() {
384 		return isotope;
385 	}
387 	/**
388 	 * Sets the mass number of the atom explicitly
389 	 * @param isotope
390 	 */
setIsotope(Integer isotope)391 	void setIsotope(Integer isotope) {
392 		if (isotope != null && isotope < chemEl.ATOMIC_NUM) {
393 			throw new RuntimeException("Isotopic mass cannot be less than the element's number of protons: " + chemEl.toString() + " " + isotope + " < " + chemEl.ATOMIC_NUM );
394 		}
395 		this.isotope = isotope;
396 	}
398 	/**Adds a bond to the atom
399 	 *
400 	 * @param b The bond to be added
401 	 */
addBond(Bond b)402 	void addBond(Bond b) {
403 		if (bonds.contains(b)){
404 			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Atom already has given bond (This is not allowed as this would give two bonds between the same atoms!)");
405 		}
406 		bonds.add(b);
407 	}
409 	/**Removes a bond to the atom
410 	 *
411 	 * @param b The bond to be removed
412      * @return whether bond was present
413 	 */
removeBond(Bond b)414 	boolean removeBond(Bond b) {
415 		return bonds.remove(b);
416 	}
418 	/**Calculates the number of bonds connecting to the atom, excluding bonds to implicit
419 	 * hydrogens. Double bonds count as
420 	 * two bonds, etc. Eg ethene - both C's have an incoming valency of 2.
421 	 *
422 	 * @return Incoming Valency
423 	 */
getIncomingValency()424 	int getIncomingValency() {
425 		int v = 0;
426 		for (int i = 0, l = bonds.size(); i < l; i++) {
427 			v += bonds.get(i).getOrder();
428 		}
429 		return v;
430 	}
getProtonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved()432 	int getProtonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved() {
433 		return protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved;
434 	}
setProtonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved(int protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved)436 	void setProtonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved(int protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved) {
437 		this.protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved = protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved;
438 	}
440 	/**Does the atom have spare valency to form double bonds?
441 	 *
442 	 * @return true if atom has spare valency
443 	 */
hasSpareValency()444 	boolean hasSpareValency() {
445 		return spareValency;
446 	}
448 	/**Set whether an atom has spare valency
449 	 *
450 	 * @param sv The spare valency
451 	 */
setSpareValency(boolean sv)452 	void setSpareValency(boolean sv) {
453 		spareValency = sv;
454 	}
456 	/**Gets the total bond order of the bonds expected to be created from this atom for inter fragment bonding
457 	 *
458 	 * @return The outValency
459 	 */
getOutValency()460 	int getOutValency() {
461 		return outValency;
462 	}
464 	/**Adds to the total bond order of the bonds expected to be created from this atom for inter fragment bonding
465 	 *
466 	 * @param outV The outValency to be added
467 	 */
addOutValency(int outV)468 	void addOutValency(int outV) {
469 		outValency += outV;
470 	}
getBonds()472 	List<Bond> getBonds() {
473 		return Collections.unmodifiableList(bonds);
474 	}
getBondCount()476 	int getBondCount() {
477 		return bonds.size();
478 	}
480 	/**Gets a list of atoms that connect to the atom
481 	 *
482 	 * @return The list of atoms connected to the atom
483 	 */
getAtomNeighbours()484 	List<Atom> getAtomNeighbours(){
485 		int bondCount = bonds.size();
486 		List<Atom> results = new ArrayList<Atom>(bondCount);
487 		for (int i = 0; i < bondCount; i++) {
488 			results.add(bonds.get(i).getOtherAtom(this));
489 		}
490 		return results;
491 	}
getLambdaConventionValency()493 	Integer getLambdaConventionValency() {
494 		return lambdaConventionValency;
495 	}
setLambdaConventionValency(Integer valency)497 	void setLambdaConventionValency(Integer valency) {
498 		this.lambdaConventionValency = valency;
499 	}
getType()501 	String getType() {
502 		return type;
503 	}
setType(String type)505 	void setType(String type) {
506 		this.type = type;
507 	}
getAtomIsInACycle()509 	boolean getAtomIsInACycle() {
510 		return atomIsInACycle;
511 	}
513 	/**
514 	 * Sets whether atom is in a cycle, true if it is
515 	 * @param atomIsInACycle
516 	 */
setAtomIsInACycle(boolean atomIsInACycle)517 	void setAtomIsInACycle(boolean atomIsInACycle) {
518 		this.atomIsInACycle = atomIsInACycle;
519 	}
getAtomParity()521 	AtomParity getAtomParity() {
522 		return atomParity;
523 	}
setAtomParity(AtomParity atomParity)525 	void setAtomParity(AtomParity atomParity) {
526 		this.atomParity = atomParity;
527 	}
setAtomParity(Atom[] atomRefs4, int parity)529 	void setAtomParity(Atom[] atomRefs4, int parity) {
530 		atomParity = new AtomParity(atomRefs4, parity);
531 	}
getMinimumValency()533 	Integer getMinimumValency() {
534 		return minimumValency;
535 	}
setMinimumValency(Integer minimumValency)537 	void setMinimumValency(Integer minimumValency) {
538 		this.minimumValency = minimumValency;
539 	}
getImplicitHydrogenAllowed()541 	boolean getImplicitHydrogenAllowed() {
542 		return implicitHydrogenAllowed;
543 	}
setImplicitHydrogenAllowed(boolean implicitHydrogenAllowed)545 	void setImplicitHydrogenAllowed(boolean implicitHydrogenAllowed) {
546 		this.implicitHydrogenAllowed = implicitHydrogenAllowed;
547 	}
549     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
getProperty(PropertyKey<T> propertyKey)550 	<T> T getProperty(PropertyKey<T> propertyKey) {
551         return (T) properties.get(propertyKey);
552     }
setProperty(PropertyKey<T> propertyKey, T value)554 	<T> void setProperty(PropertyKey<T> propertyKey, T value) {
555 		properties.put(propertyKey, value);
556 	}
558 	/**
559 	 * Checks if the valency of this atom allows it to have the amount of spare valency that the atom currently has
560 	 * May reduce the spare valency on the atom to be consistent with the valency of the atom
561 	 * Does nothing if the atom has no spare valency
562 	 * @param takeIntoAccountExternalBonds
563 	 * @throws StructureBuildingException
564 	 */
ensureSVIsConsistantWithValency(boolean takeIntoAccountExternalBonds)565 	void ensureSVIsConsistantWithValency(boolean takeIntoAccountExternalBonds) throws StructureBuildingException {
566 		if (spareValency) {
567 			Integer maxValency;
568 			if (lambdaConventionValency != null) {
569 				maxValency = lambdaConventionValency + protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved;
570 			}
571 			else{
572 				Integer hwValency = ValencyChecker.getHWValency(chemEl);
573 				if (hwValency == null) {
574 					throw new StructureBuildingException(chemEl + " is not expected to be aromatic!");
575 				}
576 				maxValency = hwValency + protonsExplicitlyAddedOrRemoved;
577 			}
578 			int maxSpareValency;
579 			if (takeIntoAccountExternalBonds) {
580 				maxSpareValency = maxValency - getIncomingValency() - outValency;
581 			}
582 			else{
583 				maxSpareValency = maxValency - frag.getIntraFragmentIncomingValency(this);
584 			}
585 			if (maxSpareValency < 1) {
586 				setSpareValency(false);
587 			}
588 		}
589 	}
591 	/**
592 	 * Returns the the first bond in the atom's bond list or null if it has no bonds
593 	 * @return
594 	 */
getFirstBond()595 	Bond getFirstBond() {
596 		if (bonds.size() > 0){
597 			return bonds.get(0);
598 		}
599 		return null;
600 	}
602 	/**Gets the bond between this atom and a given atom
603 	 *
604 	 * @param a The atom to find a bond to
605 	 * @return The bond, or null if there is no bond
606 	 */
getBondToAtom(Atom a)607 	Bond getBondToAtom(Atom a) {
608 		for (int i = 0, l = bonds.size(); i < l; i++) {
609 			Bond b = bonds.get(i);
610 			if(b.getOtherAtom(this) == a){
611 				return b;
612 			}
613 		}
614 		return null;
615 	}
617 	/**Gets the bond between this atom and a given atom, throwing if fails.
618 	 *
619 	 * @param a The atom to find a bond to
620 	 * @return The bond found
621 	 * @throws StructureBuildingException
622 	 */
getBondToAtomOrThrow(Atom a)623 	Bond getBondToAtomOrThrow(Atom a) throws StructureBuildingException {
624 		Bond b = getBondToAtom(a);
625 		if(b == null){
626 			throw new StructureBuildingException("Couldn't find specified bond");
627 		}
628 		return b;
629 	}
630 }