1 use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
2 use clap::{App, AppSettings, Arg, SubCommand};
3 use glob::glob;
4 use std::path::Path;
5 use std::{env, fs, u64};
6 use tree_sitter_cli::{
7     generate, highlight, logger, parse, playground, query, tags, test, test_highlight, util, wasm,
8 };
9 use tree_sitter_config::Config;
10 use tree_sitter_loader as loader;
12 const BUILD_VERSION: &'static str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
13 const BUILD_SHA: Option<&'static str> = option_env!("BUILD_SHA");
main()15 fn main() {
16     let result = run();
17     if let Err(err) = &result {
18         // Ignore BrokenPipe errors
19         if let Some(error) = err.downcast_ref::<std::io::Error>() {
20             if error.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe {
21                 return;
22             }
23         }
24         if !err.to_string().is_empty() {
25             eprintln!("{:?}", err);
26         }
27         std::process::exit(1);
28     }
29 }
run() -> Result<()>31 fn run() -> Result<()> {
32     let version = if let Some(build_sha) = BUILD_SHA {
33         format!("{} ({})", BUILD_VERSION, build_sha)
34     } else {
35         BUILD_VERSION.to_string()
36     };
38     let debug_arg = Arg::with_name("debug")
39         .help("Show parsing debug log")
40         .long("debug")
41         .short("d");
43     let debug_graph_arg = Arg::with_name("debug-graph")
44         .help("Produce the log.html file with debug graphs")
45         .long("debug-graph")
46         .short("D");
48     let debug_build_arg = Arg::with_name("debug-build")
49         .help("Compile a parser in debug mode")
50         .long("debug-build")
51         .short("0");
53     let paths_file_arg = Arg::with_name("paths-file")
54         .help("The path to a file with paths to source file(s)")
55         .long("paths")
56         .takes_value(true);
58     let paths_arg = Arg::with_name("paths")
59         .help("The source file(s) to use")
60         .multiple(true);
62     let scope_arg = Arg::with_name("scope")
63         .help("Select a language by the scope instead of a file extension")
64         .long("scope")
65         .takes_value(true);
67     let time_arg = Arg::with_name("time")
68         .help("Measure execution time")
69         .long("time")
70         .short("t");
72     let quiet_arg = Arg::with_name("quiet")
73         .help("Suppress main output")
74         .long("quiet")
75         .short("q");
77     let matches = App::new("tree-sitter")
78         .author("Max Brunsfeld <maxbrunsfeld@gmail.com>")
79         .about("Generates and tests parsers")
80         .version(version.as_str())
81         .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp)
82         .global_setting(AppSettings::ColoredHelp)
83         .global_setting(AppSettings::DeriveDisplayOrder)
84         .global_setting(AppSettings::DisableHelpSubcommand)
85         .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("init-config").about("Generate a default config file"))
86         .subcommand(
87             SubCommand::with_name("generate")
88                 .alias("gen")
89                 .alias("g")
90                 .about("Generate a parser")
91                 .arg(Arg::with_name("grammar-path").index(1))
92                 .arg(Arg::with_name("log").long("log"))
93                 .arg(Arg::with_name("prev-abi").long("prev-abi"))
94                 .arg(Arg::with_name("no-bindings").long("no-bindings"))
95                 .arg(
96                     Arg::with_name("report-states-for-rule")
97                         .long("report-states-for-rule")
98                         .value_name("rule-name")
99                         .takes_value(true),
100                 )
101                 .arg(Arg::with_name("no-minimize").long("no-minimize")),
102         )
103         .subcommand(
104             SubCommand::with_name("parse")
105                 .alias("p")
106                 .about("Parse files")
107                 .arg(&paths_file_arg)
108                 .arg(&paths_arg)
109                 .arg(&scope_arg)
110                 .arg(&debug_arg)
111                 .arg(&debug_build_arg)
112                 .arg(&debug_graph_arg)
113                 .arg(Arg::with_name("debug-xml").long("xml").short("x"))
114                 .arg(
115                     Arg::with_name("stat")
116                         .help("Show parsing statistic")
117                         .long("stat")
118                         .short("s"),
119                 )
120                 .arg(
121                     Arg::with_name("timeout")
122                         .help("Interrupt the parsing process by timeout (µs)")
123                         .long("timeout")
124                         .takes_value(true),
125                 )
126                 .arg(&time_arg)
127                 .arg(&quiet_arg)
128                 .arg(
129                     Arg::with_name("edits")
130                         .help("Apply edits in the format: \"row,col del_count insert_text\"")
131                         .long("edit")
132                         .short("edit")
133                         .takes_value(true)
134                         .multiple(true)
135                         .number_of_values(1),
136                 ),
137         )
138         .subcommand(
139             SubCommand::with_name("query")
140                 .alias("q")
141                 .about("Search files using a syntax tree query")
142                 .arg(
143                     Arg::with_name("query-path")
144                         .help("Path to a file with queries")
145                         .index(1)
146                         .required(true),
147                 )
148                 .arg(&paths_file_arg)
149                 .arg(&paths_arg.clone().index(2))
150                 .arg(
151                     Arg::with_name("byte-range")
152                         .help("The range of byte offsets in which the query will be executed")
153                         .long("byte-range")
154                         .takes_value(true),
155                 )
156                 .arg(&scope_arg)
157                 .arg(Arg::with_name("captures").long("captures").short("c"))
158                 .arg(Arg::with_name("test").long("test")),
159         )
160         .subcommand(
161             SubCommand::with_name("tags")
162                 .about("Generate a list of tags")
163                 .arg(&scope_arg)
164                 .arg(&time_arg)
165                 .arg(&quiet_arg)
166                 .arg(&paths_file_arg)
167                 .arg(&paths_arg),
168         )
169         .subcommand(
170             SubCommand::with_name("test")
171                 .alias("t")
172                 .about("Run a parser's tests")
173                 .arg(
174                     Arg::with_name("filter")
175                         .long("filter")
176                         .short("f")
177                         .takes_value(true)
178                         .help("Only run corpus test cases whose name includes the given string"),
179                 )
180                 .arg(
181                     Arg::with_name("update")
182                         .long("update")
183                         .short("u")
184                         .help("Update all syntax trees in corpus files with current parser output"),
185                 )
186                 .arg(&debug_arg)
187                 .arg(&debug_build_arg)
188                 .arg(&debug_graph_arg),
189         )
190         .subcommand(
191             SubCommand::with_name("highlight")
192                 .about("Highlight a file")
193                 .arg(
194                     Arg::with_name("html")
195                         .help("Generate highlighting as an HTML document")
196                         .long("html")
197                         .short("H"),
198                 )
199                 .arg(&scope_arg)
200                 .arg(&time_arg)
201                 .arg(&quiet_arg)
202                 .arg(&paths_file_arg)
203                 .arg(&paths_arg),
204         )
205         .subcommand(
206             SubCommand::with_name("build-wasm")
207                 .alias("bw")
208                 .about("Compile a parser to WASM")
209                 .arg(
210                     Arg::with_name("docker")
211                         .long("docker")
212                         .help("Run emscripten via docker even if it is installed locally"),
213                 )
214                 .arg(Arg::with_name("path").index(1).multiple(true)),
215         )
216         .subcommand(
217             SubCommand::with_name("playground")
218                 .alias("play")
219                 .alias("pg")
220                 .alias("web-ui")
221                 .about("Start local playground for a parser in the browser")
222                 .arg(
223                     Arg::with_name("quiet")
224                         .long("quiet")
225                         .short("q")
226                         .help("Don't open in default browser"),
227                 ),
228         )
229         .subcommand(
230             SubCommand::with_name("dump-languages")
231                 .about("Print info about all known language parsers"),
232         )
233         .get_matches();
235     let current_dir = env::current_dir().unwrap();
236     let config = Config::load()?;
237     let mut loader = loader::Loader::new()?;
239     match matches.subcommand() {
240         ("init-config", Some(_)) => {
241             if let Ok(Some(config_path)) = Config::find_config_file() {
242                 return Err(anyhow!(
243                     "Remove your existing config file first: {}",
244                     config_path.to_string_lossy()
245                 ));
246             }
247             let mut config = Config::initial()?;
248             config.add(tree_sitter_loader::Config::initial())?;
249             config.add(tree_sitter_cli::highlight::ThemeConfig::default())?;
250             config.save()?;
251             println!(
252                 "Saved initial configuration to {}",
253                 config.location.display()
254             );
255         }
257         ("generate", Some(matches)) => {
258             let grammar_path = matches.value_of("grammar-path");
259             let report_symbol_name = matches.value_of("report-states-for-rule").or_else(|| {
260                 if matches.is_present("report-states") {
261                     Some("")
262                 } else {
263                     None
264                 }
265             });
266             if matches.is_present("log") {
267                 logger::init();
268             }
269             let new_abi = !matches.is_present("prev-abi");
270             let generate_bindings = !matches.is_present("no-bindings");
271             generate::generate_parser_in_directory(
272                 &current_dir,
273                 grammar_path,
274                 new_abi,
275                 generate_bindings,
276                 report_symbol_name,
277             )?;
278         }
280         ("test", Some(matches)) => {
281             let debug = matches.is_present("debug");
282             let debug_graph = matches.is_present("debug-graph");
283             let debug_build = matches.is_present("debug-build");
284             let update = matches.is_present("update");
285             let filter = matches.value_of("filter");
287             loader.use_debug_build(debug_build);
289             let languages = loader.languages_at_path(&current_dir)?;
290             let language = languages
291                 .first()
292                 .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No language found"))?;
293             let test_dir = current_dir.join("test");
295             // Run the corpus tests. Look for them at two paths: `test/corpus` and `corpus`.
296             let mut test_corpus_dir = test_dir.join("corpus");
297             if !test_corpus_dir.is_dir() {
298                 test_corpus_dir = current_dir.join("corpus");
299             }
300             if test_corpus_dir.is_dir() {
301                 test::run_tests_at_path(
302                     *language,
303                     &test_corpus_dir,
304                     debug,
305                     debug_graph,
306                     filter,
307                     update,
308                 )?;
309             }
311             // Check that all of the queries are valid.
312             test::check_queries_at_path(*language, &current_dir.join("queries"))?;
314             // Run the syntax highlighting tests.
315             let test_highlight_dir = test_dir.join("highlight");
316             if test_highlight_dir.is_dir() {
317                 test_highlight::test_highlights(&loader, &test_highlight_dir)?;
318             }
319         }
321         ("parse", Some(matches)) => {
322             let debug = matches.is_present("debug");
323             let debug_graph = matches.is_present("debug-graph");
324             let debug_build = matches.is_present("debug-build");
325             let debug_xml = matches.is_present("debug-xml");
326             let quiet = matches.is_present("quiet");
327             let time = matches.is_present("time");
328             let edits = matches
329                 .values_of("edits")
330                 .map_or(Vec::new(), |e| e.collect());
331             let cancellation_flag = util::cancel_on_stdin();
333             if debug {
334                 // For augmenting debug logging in external scanners
335                 env::set_var("TREE_SITTER_DEBUG", "1");
336             }
338             loader.use_debug_build(debug_build);
340             let timeout = matches
341                 .value_of("timeout")
342                 .map_or(0, |t| u64::from_str_radix(t, 10).unwrap());
344             let paths = collect_paths(matches.value_of("paths-file"), matches.values_of("paths"))?;
346             let max_path_length = paths.iter().map(|p| p.chars().count()).max().unwrap_or(0);
347             let mut has_error = false;
348             let loader_config = config.get()?;
349             loader.find_all_languages(&loader_config)?;
351             let should_track_stats = matches.is_present("stat");
352             let mut stats = parse::Stats::default();
354             for path in paths {
355                 let path = Path::new(&path);
356                 let language =
357                     loader.select_language(path, &current_dir, matches.value_of("scope"))?;
359                 let this_file_errored = parse::parse_file_at_path(
360                     language,
361                     path,
362                     &edits,
363                     max_path_length,
364                     quiet,
365                     time,
366                     timeout,
367                     debug,
368                     debug_graph,
369                     debug_xml,
370                     Some(&cancellation_flag),
371                 )?;
373                 if should_track_stats {
374                     stats.total_parses += 1;
375                     if !this_file_errored {
376                         stats.successful_parses += 1;
377                     }
378                 }
380                 has_error |= this_file_errored;
381             }
383             if should_track_stats {
384                 println!("{}", stats)
385             }
387             if has_error {
388                 return Err(anyhow!(""));
389             }
390         }
392         ("query", Some(matches)) => {
393             let ordered_captures = matches.values_of("captures").is_some();
394             let paths = collect_paths(matches.value_of("paths-file"), matches.values_of("paths"))?;
395             let loader_config = config.get()?;
396             loader.find_all_languages(&loader_config)?;
397             let language = loader.select_language(
398                 Path::new(&paths[0]),
399                 &current_dir,
400                 matches.value_of("scope"),
401             )?;
402             let query_path = Path::new(matches.value_of("query-path").unwrap());
403             let range = matches.value_of("byte-range").map(|br| {
404                 let r: Vec<&str> = br.split(":").collect();
405                 r[0].parse().unwrap()..r[1].parse().unwrap()
406             });
407             let should_test = matches.is_present("test");
408             query::query_files_at_paths(
409                 language,
410                 paths,
411                 query_path,
412                 ordered_captures,
413                 range,
414                 should_test,
415             )?;
416         }
418         ("tags", Some(matches)) => {
419             let loader_config = config.get()?;
420             loader.find_all_languages(&loader_config)?;
421             let paths = collect_paths(matches.value_of("paths-file"), matches.values_of("paths"))?;
422             tags::generate_tags(
423                 &loader,
424                 matches.value_of("scope"),
425                 &paths,
426                 matches.is_present("quiet"),
427                 matches.is_present("time"),
428             )?;
429         }
431         ("highlight", Some(matches)) => {
432             let theme_config: tree_sitter_cli::highlight::ThemeConfig = config.get()?;
433             loader.configure_highlights(&theme_config.theme.highlight_names);
434             let loader_config = config.get()?;
435             loader.find_all_languages(&loader_config)?;
437             let time = matches.is_present("time");
438             let quiet = matches.is_present("quiet");
439             let html_mode = quiet || matches.is_present("html");
440             let paths = collect_paths(matches.value_of("paths-file"), matches.values_of("paths"))?;
442             if html_mode && !quiet {
443                 println!("{}", highlight::HTML_HEADER);
444             }
446             let cancellation_flag = util::cancel_on_stdin();
448             let mut lang = None;
449             if let Some(scope) = matches.value_of("scope") {
450                 lang = loader.language_configuration_for_scope(scope)?;
451                 if lang.is_none() {
452                     return Err(anyhow!("Unknown scope '{}'", scope));
453                 }
454             }
456             for path in paths {
457                 let path = Path::new(&path);
458                 let (language, language_config) = match lang {
459                     Some(v) => v,
460                     None => match loader.language_configuration_for_file_name(path)? {
461                         Some(v) => v,
462                         None => {
463                             eprintln!("No language found for path {:?}", path);
464                             continue;
465                         }
466                     },
467                 };
469                 if let Some(highlight_config) = language_config.highlight_config(language)? {
470                     let source = fs::read(path)?;
471                     if html_mode {
472                         highlight::html(
473                             &loader,
474                             &theme_config.theme,
475                             &source,
476                             highlight_config,
477                             quiet,
478                             time,
479                         )?;
480                     } else {
481                         highlight::ansi(
482                             &loader,
483                             &theme_config.theme,
484                             &source,
485                             highlight_config,
486                             time,
487                             Some(&cancellation_flag),
488                         )?;
489                     }
490                 } else {
491                     eprintln!("No syntax highlighting config found for path {:?}", path);
492                 }
493             }
495             if html_mode && !quiet {
496                 println!("{}", highlight::HTML_FOOTER);
497             }
498         }
500         ("build-wasm", Some(matches)) => {
501             let grammar_path = current_dir.join(matches.value_of("path").unwrap_or(""));
502             wasm::compile_language_to_wasm(&grammar_path, matches.is_present("docker"))?;
503         }
505         ("playground", Some(matches)) => {
506             let open_in_browser = !matches.is_present("quiet");
507             playground::serve(&current_dir, open_in_browser);
508         }
510         ("dump-languages", Some(_)) => {
511             let loader_config = config.get()?;
512             loader.find_all_languages(&loader_config)?;
513             for (configuration, language_path) in loader.get_all_language_configurations() {
514                 println!(
515                     concat!(
516                         "scope: {}\n",
517                         "parser: {:?}\n",
518                         "highlights: {:?}\n",
519                         "file_types: {:?}\n",
520                         "content_regex: {:?}\n",
521                         "injection_regex: {:?}\n",
522                     ),
523                     configuration.scope.as_ref().unwrap_or(&String::new()),
524                     language_path,
525                     configuration.highlights_filenames,
526                     configuration.file_types,
527                     configuration.content_regex,
528                     configuration.injection_regex,
529                 );
530             }
531         }
533         _ => unreachable!(),
534     }
536     Ok(())
537 }
collect_paths<'a>( paths_file: Option<&str>, paths: Option<impl Iterator<Item = &'a str>>, ) -> Result<Vec<String>>539 fn collect_paths<'a>(
540     paths_file: Option<&str>,
541     paths: Option<impl Iterator<Item = &'a str>>,
542 ) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
543     if let Some(paths_file) = paths_file {
544         return Ok(fs::read_to_string(paths_file)
545             .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read paths file {}", paths_file))?
546             .trim()
547             .lines()
548             .map(String::from)
549             .collect::<Vec<_>>());
550     }
552     if let Some(paths) = paths {
553         let mut result = Vec::new();
555         let mut incorporate_path = |path: &str, positive| {
556             if positive {
557                 result.push(path.to_string());
558             } else {
559                 if let Some(index) = result.iter().position(|p| p == path) {
560                     result.remove(index);
561                 }
562             }
563         };
565         for mut path in paths {
566             let mut positive = true;
567             if path.starts_with("!") {
568                 positive = false;
569                 path = path.trim_start_matches("!");
570             }
572             if Path::new(path).exists() {
573                 incorporate_path(path, positive);
574             } else {
575                 let paths =
576                     glob(path).with_context(|| format!("Invalid glob pattern {:?}", path))?;
577                 for path in paths {
578                     if let Some(path) = path?.to_str() {
579                         incorporate_path(path, positive);
580                     }
581                 }
582             }
583         }
585         if result.is_empty() {
586             return Err(anyhow!(
587                 "No files were found at or matched by the provided pathname/glob"
588             ));
589         }
591         return Ok(result);
592     }
594     Err(anyhow!("Must provide one or more paths"))
595 }