1 /*
2 This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
3 the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
5 For license and copyright information please follow this link:
6 https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL
7 */
8 #include "apiwrap.h"
10 #include "api/api_authorizations.h"
11 #include "api/api_attached_stickers.h"
12 #include "api/api_blocked_peers.h"
13 #include "api/api_cloud_password.h"
14 #include "api/api_hash.h"
15 #include "api/api_invite_links.h"
16 #include "api/api_media.h"
17 #include "api/api_peer_photo.h"
18 #include "api/api_polls.h"
19 #include "api/api_sending.h"
20 #include "api/api_text_entities.h"
21 #include "api/api_self_destruct.h"
22 #include "api/api_sensitive_content.h"
23 #include "api/api_global_privacy.h"
24 #include "api/api_updates.h"
25 #include "api/api_user_privacy.h"
26 #include "api/api_views.h"
27 #include "api/api_confirm_phone.h"
28 #include "data/stickers/data_stickers.h"
29 #include "data/data_drafts.h"
30 #include "data/data_changes.h"
31 #include "data/data_photo.h"
32 #include "data/data_web_page.h"
33 #include "data/data_folder.h"
34 #include "data/data_media_types.h"
35 #include "data/data_sparse_ids.h"
36 #include "data/data_search_controller.h"
37 #include "data/data_scheduled_messages.h"
38 #include "data/data_channel_admins.h"
39 #include "data/data_session.h"
40 #include "data/data_channel.h"
41 #include "data/data_chat.h"
42 #include "data/data_user.h"
43 #include "data/data_cloud_themes.h"
44 #include "data/data_chat_filters.h"
45 #include "data/data_histories.h"
46 #include "data/data_wall_paper.h"
47 #include "data/stickers/data_stickers.h"
48 #include "dialogs/dialogs_key.h"
49 #include "core/core_cloud_password.h"
50 #include "core/application.h"
51 #include "base/unixtime.h"
52 #include "base/random.h"
53 #include "base/qt_adapters.h"
54 #include "base/call_delayed.h"
55 #include "lang/lang_keys.h"
56 #include "mainwindow.h"
57 #include "mainwidget.h"
58 #include "boxes/add_contact_box.h"
59 #include "mtproto/mtproto_config.h"
60 #include "history/history.h"
61 #include "history/history_message.h"
62 #include "history/history_item_components.h"
63 #include "main/main_session.h"
64 #include "main/main_session_settings.h"
65 #include "main/main_account.h"
66 #include "ui/boxes/confirm_box.h"
67 #include "boxes/stickers_box.h"
68 #include "boxes/sticker_set_box.h"
69 #include "window/notifications_manager.h"
70 #include "window/window_lock_widgets.h"
71 #include "window/window_session_controller.h"
72 #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_result.h"
73 #include "chat_helpers/message_field.h"
74 #include "ui/item_text_options.h"
75 #include "ui/emoji_config.h"
76 #include "ui/chat/attach/attach_prepare.h"
77 #include "ui/toasts/common_toasts.h"
78 #include "support/support_helper.h"
79 #include "storage/localimageloader.h"
80 #include "storage/download_manager_mtproto.h"
81 #include "storage/file_upload.h"
82 #include "storage/storage_facade.h"
83 #include "storage/storage_shared_media.h"
84 #include "storage/storage_user_photos.h"
85 #include "storage/storage_media_prepare.h"
86 #include "storage/storage_account.h"
87 #include "facades.h"
88 #include "app.h" // App::quitting
90 namespace {
92 // 1 second wait before reload members in channel after adding.
93 constexpr auto kReloadChannelMembersTimeout = 1000;
95 // Save draft to the cloud with 1 sec extra delay.
96 constexpr auto kSaveCloudDraftTimeout = 1000;
98 // Max users in one super group invite request.
99 constexpr auto kMaxUsersPerInvite = 100;
101 // How many messages from chat history server should forward to user,
102 // that was added to this chat.
103 constexpr auto kForwardMessagesOnAdd = 100;
105 constexpr auto kTopPromotionInterval = TimeId(60 * 60);
106 constexpr auto kTopPromotionMinDelay = TimeId(10);
107 constexpr auto kSmallDelayMs = 5;
108 constexpr auto kUnreadMentionsPreloadIfLess = 5;
109 constexpr auto kUnreadMentionsFirstRequestLimit = 10;
110 constexpr auto kUnreadMentionsNextRequestLimit = 100;
111 constexpr auto kSharedMediaLimit = 100;
112 constexpr auto kReadFeaturedSetsTimeout = crl::time(1000);
113 constexpr auto kFileLoaderQueueStopTimeout = crl::time(5000);
114 constexpr auto kStickersByEmojiInvalidateTimeout = crl::time(6 * 1000);
115 constexpr auto kNotifySettingSaveTimeout = crl::time(1000);
116 constexpr auto kDialogsFirstLoad = 20;
117 constexpr auto kDialogsPerPage = 500;
118 constexpr auto kJoinErrorDuration = 5 * crl::time(1000);
120 using PhotoFileLocationId = Data::PhotoFileLocationId;
121 using DocumentFileLocationId = Data::DocumentFileLocationId;
122 using UpdatedFileReferences = Data::UpdatedFileReferences;
UnixtimeFromMsgId(mtpMsgId msgId)124 [[nodiscard]] TimeId UnixtimeFromMsgId(mtpMsgId msgId) {
125 	return TimeId(msgId >> 32);
126 }
128 } // namespace
ApiWrap(not_null<Main::Session * > session)130 ApiWrap::ApiWrap(not_null<Main::Session*> session)
131 : MTP::Sender(&session->account().mtp())
132 , _session(session)
133 , _messageDataResolveDelayed([=] { resolveMessageDatas(); })
__anon7f6fb6620302null134 , _webPagesTimer([=] { resolveWebPages(); })
__anon7f6fb6620402null135 , _draftsSaveTimer([=] { saveDraftsToCloud(); })
__anon7f6fb6620502null136 , _featuredSetsReadTimer([=] { readFeaturedSets(); })
137 , _dialogsLoadState(std::make_unique<DialogsLoadState>())
138 , _fileLoader(std::make_unique<TaskQueue>(kFileLoaderQueueStopTimeout))
__anon7f6fb6620602null139 , _topPromotionTimer([=] { refreshTopPromotion(); })
__anon7f6fb6620702null140 , _updateNotifySettingsTimer([=] { sendNotifySettingsUpdates(); })
141 , _authorizations(std::make_unique<Api::Authorizations>(this))
142 , _attachedStickers(std::make_unique<Api::AttachedStickers>(this))
143 , _blockedPeers(std::make_unique<Api::BlockedPeers>(this))
144 , _cloudPassword(std::make_unique<Api::CloudPassword>(this))
145 , _selfDestruct(std::make_unique<Api::SelfDestruct>(this))
146 , _sensitiveContent(std::make_unique<Api::SensitiveContent>(this))
147 , _globalPrivacy(std::make_unique<Api::GlobalPrivacy>(this))
148 , _userPrivacy(std::make_unique<Api::UserPrivacy>(this))
149 , _inviteLinks(std::make_unique<Api::InviteLinks>(this))
150 , _views(std::make_unique<Api::ViewsManager>(this))
151 , _confirmPhone(std::make_unique<Api::ConfirmPhone>(this))
152 , _peerPhoto(std::make_unique<Api::PeerPhoto>(this))
153 , _polls(std::make_unique<Api::Polls>(this)) {
__anon7f6fb6620802null154 	crl::on_main(session, [=] {
155 		// You can't use _session->lifetime() in the constructor,
156 		// only queued, because it is not constructed yet.
157 		_session->data().chatsFilters().changed(
158 		) | rpl::filter([=] {
159 			return _session->data().chatsFilters().archiveNeeded();
160 		}) | rpl::start_with_next([=] {
161 			requestMoreDialogsIfNeeded();
162 		}, _session->lifetime());
164 		setupSupportMode();
166 		Core::App().settings().proxy().connectionTypeValue(
167 		) | rpl::start_with_next([=] {
168 			refreshTopPromotion();
169 		}, _session->lifetime());
170 	});
171 }
173 ApiWrap::~ApiWrap() = default;
session() const175 Main::Session &ApiWrap::session() const {
176 	return *_session;
177 }
local() const179 Storage::Account &ApiWrap::local() const {
180 	return _session->local();
181 }
updates() const183 Api::Updates &ApiWrap::updates() const {
184 	return _session->updates();
185 }
setupSupportMode()187 void ApiWrap::setupSupportMode() {
188 	if (!_session->supportMode()) {
189 		return;
190 	}
192 	_session->settings().supportChatsTimeSliceValue(
193 	) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int seconds) {
194 		_dialogsLoadTill = seconds ? std::max(base::unixtime::now() - seconds, 0) : 0;
195 		refreshDialogsLoadBlocked();
196 	}, _session->lifetime());
197 }
requestChangelog(const QString & sinceVersion,Fn<void (const MTPUpdates & result)> callback)199 void ApiWrap::requestChangelog(
200 		const QString &sinceVersion,
201 		Fn<void(const MTPUpdates &result)> callback) {
202 	request(MTPhelp_GetAppChangelog(
203 		MTP_string(sinceVersion)
204 	)).done(
205 		callback
206 	).send();
207 }
refreshTopPromotion()209 void ApiWrap::refreshTopPromotion() {
210 	const auto now = base::unixtime::now();
211 	const auto next = (_topPromotionNextRequestTime != 0)
212 		? _topPromotionNextRequestTime
213 		: now;
214 	if (_topPromotionRequestId) {
215 		getTopPromotionDelayed(now, next);
216 		return;
217 	}
218 	const auto key = [&]() -> std::pair<QString, uint32> {
219 		if (!Core::App().settings().proxy().isEnabled()) {
220 			return {};
221 		}
222 		const auto &proxy = Core::App().settings().proxy().selected();
223 		if (proxy.type != MTP::ProxyData::Type::Mtproto) {
224 			return {};
225 		}
226 		return { proxy.host, proxy.port };
227 	}();
228 	if (_topPromotionKey == key && now < next) {
229 		getTopPromotionDelayed(now, next);
230 		return;
231 	}
232 	_topPromotionKey = key;
233 	_topPromotionRequestId = request(MTPhelp_GetPromoData(
234 	)).done([=](const MTPhelp_PromoData &result) {
235 		_topPromotionRequestId = 0;
236 		topPromotionDone(result);
237 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
238 		_topPromotionRequestId = 0;
239 		const auto now = base::unixtime::now();
240 		const auto next = _topPromotionNextRequestTime = now
241 			+ kTopPromotionInterval;
242 		if (!_topPromotionTimer.isActive()) {
243 			getTopPromotionDelayed(now, next);
244 		}
245 	}).send();
246 }
getTopPromotionDelayed(TimeId now,TimeId next)248 void ApiWrap::getTopPromotionDelayed(TimeId now, TimeId next) {
249 	_topPromotionTimer.callOnce(std::min(
250 		std::max(next - now, kTopPromotionMinDelay),
251 		kTopPromotionInterval) * crl::time(1000));
252 };
topPromotionDone(const MTPhelp_PromoData & proxy)254 void ApiWrap::topPromotionDone(const MTPhelp_PromoData &proxy) {
255 	_topPromotionNextRequestTime = proxy.match([&](const auto &data) {
256 		return data.vexpires().v;
257 	});
258 	getTopPromotionDelayed(
259 		base::unixtime::now(),
260 		_topPromotionNextRequestTime);
262 	proxy.match([&](const MTPDhelp_promoDataEmpty &data) {
263 		_session->data().setTopPromoted(nullptr, QString(), QString());
264 	}, [&](const MTPDhelp_promoData &data) {
265 		_session->data().processChats(data.vchats());
266 		_session->data().processUsers(data.vusers());
267 		const auto peerId = peerFromMTP(data.vpeer());
268 		const auto history = _session->data().history(peerId);
269 		_session->data().setTopPromoted(
270 			history,
271 			data.vpsa_type().value_or_empty(),
272 			data.vpsa_message().value_or_empty());
273 	});
274 }
requestDeepLinkInfo(const QString & path,Fn<void (const MTPDhelp_deepLinkInfo & result)> callback)276 void ApiWrap::requestDeepLinkInfo(
277 		const QString &path,
278 		Fn<void(const MTPDhelp_deepLinkInfo &result)> callback) {
279 	request(_deepLinkInfoRequestId).cancel();
280 	_deepLinkInfoRequestId = request(MTPhelp_GetDeepLinkInfo(
281 		MTP_string(path)
282 	)).done([=](const MTPhelp_DeepLinkInfo &result) {
283 		_deepLinkInfoRequestId = 0;
284 		if (result.type() == mtpc_help_deepLinkInfo) {
285 			callback(result.c_help_deepLinkInfo());
286 		}
287 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
288 		_deepLinkInfoRequestId = 0;
289 	}).send();
290 }
requestTermsUpdate()292 void ApiWrap::requestTermsUpdate() {
293 	if (_termsUpdateRequestId) {
294 		return;
295 	}
296 	const auto now = crl::now();
297 	if (_termsUpdateSendAt && now < _termsUpdateSendAt) {
298 		base::call_delayed(_termsUpdateSendAt - now, _session, [=] {
299 			requestTermsUpdate();
300 		});
301 		return;
302 	}
304 	constexpr auto kTermsUpdateTimeoutMin = 10 * crl::time(1000);
305 	constexpr auto kTermsUpdateTimeoutMax = 86400 * crl::time(1000);
307 	_termsUpdateRequestId = request(MTPhelp_GetTermsOfServiceUpdate(
308 	)).done([=](const MTPhelp_TermsOfServiceUpdate &result) {
309 		_termsUpdateRequestId = 0;
311 		const auto requestNext = [&](auto &&data) {
312 			const auto timeout = (data.vexpires().v - base::unixtime::now());
313 			_termsUpdateSendAt = crl::now() + std::clamp(
314 				timeout * crl::time(1000),
315 				kTermsUpdateTimeoutMin,
316 				kTermsUpdateTimeoutMax);
317 			requestTermsUpdate();
318 		};
319 		switch (result.type()) {
320 		case mtpc_help_termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty: {
321 			const auto &data = result.c_help_termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty();
322 			requestNext(data);
323 		} break;
324 		case mtpc_help_termsOfServiceUpdate: {
325 			const auto &data = result.c_help_termsOfServiceUpdate();
326 			const auto &terms = data.vterms_of_service();
327 			const auto &fields = terms.c_help_termsOfService();
328 			session().lockByTerms(
329 				Window::TermsLock::FromMTP(_session, fields));
330 			requestNext(data);
331 		} break;
332 		default: Unexpected("Type in requestTermsUpdate().");
333 		}
334 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
335 		_termsUpdateRequestId = 0;
336 		_termsUpdateSendAt = crl::now() + kTermsUpdateTimeoutMin;
337 		requestTermsUpdate();
338 	}).send();
339 }
acceptTerms(bytes::const_span id)341 void ApiWrap::acceptTerms(bytes::const_span id) {
342 	request(MTPhelp_AcceptTermsOfService(
343 		MTP_dataJSON(MTP_bytes(id))
344 	)).done([=](const MTPBool &result) {
345 		requestTermsUpdate();
346 	}).send();
347 }
checkChatInvite(const QString & hash,FnMut<void (const MTPChatInvite &)> done,Fn<void (const MTP::Error &)> fail)349 void ApiWrap::checkChatInvite(
350 		const QString &hash,
351 		FnMut<void(const MTPChatInvite &)> done,
352 		Fn<void(const MTP::Error &)> fail) {
353 	request(base::take(_checkInviteRequestId)).cancel();
354 	_checkInviteRequestId = request(MTPmessages_CheckChatInvite(
355 		MTP_string(hash)
356 	)).done(std::move(done)).fail(std::move(fail)).send();
357 }
importChatInvite(const QString & hash,bool isGroup)359 void ApiWrap::importChatInvite(const QString &hash, bool isGroup) {
360 	request(MTPmessages_ImportChatInvite(
361 		MTP_string(hash)
362 	)).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) {
363 		applyUpdates(result);
365 		Ui::hideLayer();
366 		const auto handleChats = [&](const MTPVector<MTPChat> &chats) {
367 			if (chats.v.isEmpty()) {
368 				return;
369 			}
370 			const auto peerId = chats.v[0].match([](const MTPDchat &data) {
371 				return peerFromChat(data.vid().v);
372 			}, [](const MTPDchannel &data) {
373 				return peerFromChannel(data.vid().v);
374 			}, [](auto&&) {
375 				return PeerId(0);
376 			});
377 			if (const auto peer = _session->data().peerLoaded(peerId)) {
378 				const auto &windows = _session->windows();
379 				if (!windows.empty()) {
380 					windows.front()->showPeerHistory(
381 						peer,
382 						Window::SectionShow::Way::Forward);
383 				}
384 			}
385 		};
386 		result.match([&](const MTPDupdates &data) {
387 			handleChats(data.vchats());
388 		}, [&](const MTPDupdatesCombined &data) {
389 			handleChats(data.vchats());
390 		}, [&](auto &&) {
391 			LOG(("API Error: unexpected update cons %1 "
392 				"(ApiWrap::importChatInvite)").arg(result.type()));
393 		});
394 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
395 		const auto &type = error.type();
396 		Ui::hideLayer();
397 		Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .text = { [&] {
398 			if (type == qstr("INVITE_REQUEST_SENT")) {
399 				return isGroup
400 					? tr::lng_group_request_sent(tr::now)
401 					: tr::lng_group_request_sent_channel(tr::now);
402 			} else if (type == qstr("CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH")) {
403 				return tr::lng_join_channel_error(tr::now);
404 			} else if (type == qstr("USERS_TOO_MUCH")) {
405 				return tr::lng_group_invite_no_room(tr::now);
406 			} else {
407 				return tr::lng_group_invite_bad_link(tr::now);
408 			}
409 		}() }, .duration = kJoinErrorDuration });
410 	}).send();
411 }
savePinnedOrder(Data::Folder * folder)413 void ApiWrap::savePinnedOrder(Data::Folder *folder) {
414 	const auto &order = _session->data().pinnedChatsOrder(
415 		folder,
416 		FilterId());
417 	const auto input = [](const Dialogs::Key &key) {
418 		if (const auto history = key.history()) {
419 			return MTP_inputDialogPeer(history->peer->input);
420 		} else if (const auto folder = key.folder()) {
421 			return MTP_inputDialogPeerFolder(MTP_int(folder->id()));
422 		}
423 		Unexpected("Key type in pinnedDialogsOrder().");
424 	};
425 	auto peers = QVector<MTPInputDialogPeer>();
426 	peers.reserve(order.size());
427 	ranges::transform(
428 		order,
429 		ranges::back_inserter(peers),
430 		input);
431 	request(MTPmessages_ReorderPinnedDialogs(
432 		MTP_flags(MTPmessages_ReorderPinnedDialogs::Flag::f_force),
433 		MTP_int(folder ? folder->id() : 0),
434 		MTP_vector(peers)
435 	)).send();
436 }
toggleHistoryArchived(not_null<History * > history,bool archived,Fn<void ()> callback)438 void ApiWrap::toggleHistoryArchived(
439 		not_null<History*> history,
440 		bool archived,
441 		Fn<void()> callback) {
442 	if (const auto already = _historyArchivedRequests.take(history)) {
443 		request(already->first).cancel();
444 	}
445 	const auto isPinned = history->isPinnedDialog(0);
446 	const auto archiveId = Data::Folder::kId;
447 	const auto requestId = request(MTPfolders_EditPeerFolders(
448 		MTP_vector<MTPInputFolderPeer>(
449 			1,
450 			MTP_inputFolderPeer(
451 				history->peer->input,
452 				MTP_int(archived ? archiveId : 0)))
453 	)).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) {
454 		applyUpdates(result);
455 		if (archived) {
456 			history->setFolder(_session->data().folder(archiveId));
457 		} else {
458 			history->clearFolder();
459 		}
460 		if (const auto data = _historyArchivedRequests.take(history)) {
461 			data->second();
462 		}
463 		if (isPinned) {
464 			_session->data().notifyPinnedDialogsOrderUpdated();
465 		}
466 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
467 		_historyArchivedRequests.remove(history);
468 	}).send();
469 	_historyArchivedRequests.emplace(history, requestId, callback);
470 }
sendMessageFail(const MTP::Error & error,not_null<PeerData * > peer,uint64 randomId,FullMsgId itemId)472 void ApiWrap::sendMessageFail(
473 		const MTP::Error &error,
474 		not_null<PeerData*> peer,
475 		uint64 randomId,
476 		FullMsgId itemId) {
477 	if (error.type() == qstr("PEER_FLOOD")) {
478 		Ui::show(Box<Ui::InformBox>(
479 			PeerFloodErrorText(&session(), PeerFloodType::Send)));
480 	} else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_BANNED_IN_CHANNEL")) {
481 		const auto link = textcmdLink(
482 			session().createInternalLinkFull(qsl("spambot")),
483 			tr::lng_cant_more_info(tr::now));
484 		Ui::show(Box<Ui::InformBox>(tr::lng_error_public_groups_denied(
485 			tr::now,
486 			lt_more_info,
487 			link)));
488 	} else if (error.type().startsWith(qstr("SLOWMODE_WAIT_"))) {
489 		const auto chop = qstr("SLOWMODE_WAIT_").size();
490 		const auto left = base::StringViewMid(error.type(), chop).toInt();
491 		if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) {
492 			const auto seconds = channel->slowmodeSeconds();
493 			if (seconds >= left) {
494 				channel->growSlowmodeLastMessage(
495 					base::unixtime::now() - (left - seconds));
496 			} else {
497 				requestFullPeer(peer);
498 			}
499 		}
500 	} else if (error.type() == qstr("SCHEDULE_STATUS_PRIVATE")) {
501 		auto &scheduled = _session->data().scheduledMessages();
502 		Assert(peer->isUser());
503 		if (const auto item = scheduled.lookupItem(peer->id, itemId.msg)) {
504 			scheduled.removeSending(item);
505 			Ui::show(Box<Ui::InformBox>(tr::lng_cant_do_this(tr::now)));
506 		}
507 	}
508 	if (const auto item = _session->data().message(itemId)) {
509 		Assert(randomId != 0);
510 		_session->data().unregisterMessageRandomId(randomId);
511 		item->sendFailed();
512 	}
513 }
requestMessageData(ChannelData * channel,MsgId msgId,RequestMessageDataCallback callback)515 void ApiWrap::requestMessageData(
516 		ChannelData *channel,
517 		MsgId msgId,
518 		RequestMessageDataCallback callback) {
519 	auto &requests = channel
520 		? _channelMessageDataRequests[channel][msgId]
521 		: _messageDataRequests[msgId];
522 	if (callback) {
523 		requests.callbacks.push_back(callback);
524 	}
525 	if (!requests.requestId) {
526 		_messageDataResolveDelayed.call();
527 	}
528 }
collectMessageIds(const MessageDataRequests & requests)530 QVector<MTPInputMessage> ApiWrap::collectMessageIds(
531 		const MessageDataRequests &requests) {
532 	auto result = QVector<MTPInputMessage>();
533 	result.reserve(requests.size());
534 	for (const auto &[msgId, request] : requests) {
535 		if (request.requestId > 0) {
536 			continue;
537 		}
538 		result.push_back(MTP_inputMessageID(MTP_int(msgId)));
539 	}
540 	return result;
541 }
messageDataRequests(ChannelData * channel,bool onlyExisting)543 auto ApiWrap::messageDataRequests(ChannelData *channel, bool onlyExisting)
544 -> MessageDataRequests* {
545 	if (channel) {
546 		auto i = _channelMessageDataRequests.find(channel);
547 		if (i == end(_channelMessageDataRequests)) {
548 			if (onlyExisting) {
549 				return nullptr;
550 			}
551 			i = _channelMessageDataRequests.emplace(
552 				channel,
553 				MessageDataRequests()).first;
554 		}
555 		return &i->second;
556 	}
557 	return &_messageDataRequests;
558 }
resolveMessageDatas()560 void ApiWrap::resolveMessageDatas() {
561 	if (_messageDataRequests.empty() && _channelMessageDataRequests.empty()) {
562 		return;
563 	}
565 	const auto ids = collectMessageIds(_messageDataRequests);
566 	if (!ids.isEmpty()) {
567 		const auto requestId = request(MTPmessages_GetMessages(
568 			MTP_vector<MTPInputMessage>(ids)
569 		)).done([=](
570 				const MTPmessages_Messages &result,
571 				mtpRequestId requestId) {
572 			_session->data().processExistingMessages(nullptr, result);
573 			finalizeMessageDataRequest(nullptr, requestId);
574 		}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error, mtpRequestId requestId) {
575 			finalizeMessageDataRequest(nullptr, requestId);
576 		}).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send();
578 		for (auto &[msgId, request] : _messageDataRequests) {
579 			if (request.requestId > 0) {
580 				continue;
581 			}
582 			request.requestId = requestId;
583 		}
584 	}
585 	for (auto j = _channelMessageDataRequests.begin(); j != _channelMessageDataRequests.cend();) {
586 		if (j->second.empty()) {
587 			j = _channelMessageDataRequests.erase(j);
588 			continue;
589 		}
590 		const auto ids = collectMessageIds(j->second);
591 		if (!ids.isEmpty()) {
592 			const auto channel = j->first;
593 			const auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_GetMessages(
594 				channel->inputChannel,
595 				MTP_vector<MTPInputMessage>(ids)
596 			)).done([=](
597 					const MTPmessages_Messages &result,
598 					mtpRequestId requestId) {
599 				_session->data().processExistingMessages(channel, result);
600 				finalizeMessageDataRequest(channel, requestId);
601 			}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error, mtpRequestId requestId) {
602 				finalizeMessageDataRequest(channel, requestId);
603 			}).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send();
605 			for (auto &[msgId, request] : j->second) {
606 				if (request.requestId > 0) {
607 					continue;
608 				}
609 				request.requestId = requestId;
610 			}
611 		}
612 		++j;
613 	}
614 }
finalizeMessageDataRequest(ChannelData * channel,mtpRequestId requestId)616 void ApiWrap::finalizeMessageDataRequest(
617 		ChannelData *channel,
618 		mtpRequestId requestId) {
619 	auto requests = messageDataRequests(channel, true);
620 	if (requests) {
621 		for (auto i = requests->begin(); i != requests->cend();) {
622 			if (i->second.requestId == requestId) {
623 				for (const auto &callback : i->second.callbacks) {
624 					callback(channel, i->first);
625 				}
626 				i = requests->erase(i);
627 			} else {
628 				++i;
629 			}
630 		}
631 		if (channel && requests->empty()) {
632 			_channelMessageDataRequests.remove(channel);
633 		}
634 	}
635 }
exportDirectMessageLink(not_null<HistoryItem * > item,bool inRepliesContext)637 QString ApiWrap::exportDirectMessageLink(
638 		not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
639 		bool inRepliesContext) {
640 	Expects(item->history()->peer->isChannel());
642 	const auto itemId = item->fullId();
643 	const auto channel = item->history()->peer->asChannel();
644 	const auto fallback = [&] {
645 		auto linkChannel = channel;
646 		auto linkItemId = item->id;
647 		auto linkCommentId = MsgId();
648 		auto linkThreadId = MsgId();
649 		if (inRepliesContext) {
650 			if (const auto rootId = item->replyToTop()) {
651 				const auto root = item->history()->owner().message(
652 					peerToChannel(channel->id),
653 					rootId);
654 				const auto sender = root
655 					? root->discussionPostOriginalSender()
656 					: nullptr;
657 				if (sender && sender->hasUsername()) {
658 					// Comment to a public channel.
659 					const auto forwarded = root->Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
660 					linkItemId = forwarded->savedFromMsgId;
661 					if (linkItemId) {
662 						linkChannel = sender;
663 						linkCommentId = item->id;
664 					} else {
665 						linkItemId = item->id;
666 					}
667 				} else {
668 					// Reply in a thread, maybe comment in a private channel.
669 					linkThreadId = rootId;
670 				}
671 			}
672 		}
673 		const auto base = linkChannel->hasUsername()
674 			? linkChannel->username
675 			: "c/" + QString::number(peerToChannel(linkChannel->id).bare);
676 		const auto query = base
677 			+ '/'
678 			+ QString::number(linkItemId.bare)
679 			+ (linkCommentId
680 				? "?comment=" + QString::number(linkCommentId.bare)
681 				: linkThreadId
682 				? "?thread=" + QString::number(linkThreadId.bare)
683 				: "");
684 		if (linkChannel->hasUsername()
685 			&& !linkChannel->isMegagroup()
686 			&& !linkCommentId
687 			&& !linkThreadId) {
688 			if (const auto media = item->media()) {
689 				if (const auto document = media->document()) {
690 					if (document->isVideoMessage()) {
691 						return qsl("https://telesco.pe/") + query;
692 					}
693 				}
694 			}
695 		}
696 		return session().createInternalLinkFull(query);
697 	};
698 	const auto i = _unlikelyMessageLinks.find(itemId);
699 	const auto current = (i != end(_unlikelyMessageLinks))
700 		? i->second
701 		: fallback();
702 	request(MTPchannels_ExportMessageLink(
703 		MTP_flags(inRepliesContext
704 			? MTPchannels_ExportMessageLink::Flag::f_thread
705 			: MTPchannels_ExportMessageLink::Flag(0)),
706 		channel->inputChannel,
707 		MTP_int(item->id)
708 	)).done([=](const MTPExportedMessageLink &result) {
709 		const auto link = result.match([&](const auto &data) {
710 			return qs(data.vlink());
711 		});
712 		if (current != link) {
713 			_unlikelyMessageLinks.emplace_or_assign(itemId, link);
714 		}
715 	}).send();
716 	return current;
717 }
requestContacts()719 void ApiWrap::requestContacts() {
720 	if (_session->data().contactsLoaded().current() || _contactsRequestId) {
721 		return;
722 	}
723 	_contactsRequestId = request(MTPcontacts_GetContacts(
724 		MTP_long(0) // hash
725 	)).done([=](const MTPcontacts_Contacts &result) {
726 		_contactsRequestId = 0;
727 		if (result.type() == mtpc_contacts_contactsNotModified) {
728 			return;
729 		}
730 		Assert(result.type() == mtpc_contacts_contacts);
731 		const auto &d = result.c_contacts_contacts();
732 		_session->data().processUsers(d.vusers());
733 		for (const auto &contact : d.vcontacts().v) {
734 			if (contact.type() != mtpc_contact) continue;
736 			const auto userId = UserId(contact.c_contact().vuser_id());
737 			if (userId == _session->userId()) {
738 				_session->user()->setIsContact(true);
739 			}
740 		}
741 		_session->data().contactsLoaded() = true;
742 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
743 		_contactsRequestId = 0;
744 	}).send();
745 }
requestDialogs(Data::Folder * folder)747 void ApiWrap::requestDialogs(Data::Folder *folder) {
748 	if (folder && !_foldersLoadState.contains(folder)) {
749 		_foldersLoadState.emplace(folder, DialogsLoadState());
750 	}
751 	requestMoreDialogs(folder);
752 }
requestMoreDialogs(Data::Folder * folder)754 void ApiWrap::requestMoreDialogs(Data::Folder *folder) {
755 	const auto state = dialogsLoadState(folder);
756 	if (!state) {
757 		return;
758 	} else if (state->requestId) {
759 		return;
760 	} else if (_dialogsLoadBlockedByDate.current()) {
761 		return;
762 	}
764 	const auto firstLoad = !state->offsetDate;
765 	const auto loadCount = firstLoad ? kDialogsFirstLoad : kDialogsPerPage;
766 	const auto flags = MTPmessages_GetDialogs::Flag::f_exclude_pinned
767 		| MTPmessages_GetDialogs::Flag::f_folder_id;
768 	const auto hash = uint64(0);
769 	state->requestId = request(MTPmessages_GetDialogs(
770 		MTP_flags(flags),
771 		MTP_int(folder ? folder->id() : 0),
772 		MTP_int(state->offsetDate),
773 		MTP_int(state->offsetId),
774 		(state->offsetPeer
775 			? state->offsetPeer->input
776 			: MTP_inputPeerEmpty()),
777 		MTP_int(loadCount),
778 		MTP_long(hash)
779 	)).done([=](const MTPmessages_Dialogs &result) {
780 		const auto state = dialogsLoadState(folder);
781 		const auto count = result.match([](
782 				const MTPDmessages_dialogsNotModified &) {
783 			LOG(("API Error: not-modified received for requested dialogs."));
784 			return 0;
785 		}, [&](const MTPDmessages_dialogs &data) {
786 			if (state) {
787 				state->listReceived = true;
788 				dialogsLoadFinish(folder); // may kill 'state'.
789 			}
790 			return int(data.vdialogs().v.size());
791 		}, [&](const MTPDmessages_dialogsSlice &data) {
792 			updateDialogsOffset(
793 				folder,
794 				data.vdialogs().v,
795 				data.vmessages().v);
796 			return data.vcount().v;
797 		});
798 		result.match([](const MTPDmessages_dialogsNotModified & data) {
799 			LOG(("API Error: not-modified received for requested dialogs."));
800 		}, [&](const auto &data) {
801 			_session->data().processUsers(data.vusers());
802 			_session->data().processChats(data.vchats());
803 			_session->data().applyDialogs(
804 				folder,
805 				data.vmessages().v,
806 				data.vdialogs().v,
807 				count);
808 		});
810 		if (!folder
811 			&& (!_dialogsLoadState || !_dialogsLoadState->listReceived)) {
812 			refreshDialogsLoadBlocked();
813 		}
814 		requestMoreDialogsIfNeeded();
815 		_session->data().chatsListChanged(folder);
816 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
817 		dialogsLoadState(folder)->requestId = 0;
818 	}).send();
820 	if (!state->pinnedReceived) {
821 		requestPinnedDialogs(folder);
822 	}
823 	if (!folder) {
824 		refreshDialogsLoadBlocked();
825 	}
826 }
refreshDialogsLoadBlocked()828 void ApiWrap::refreshDialogsLoadBlocked() {
829 	_dialogsLoadMayBlockByDate = _dialogsLoadState
830 		&& !_dialogsLoadState->listReceived
831 		&& (_dialogsLoadTill > 0);
832 	_dialogsLoadBlockedByDate = _dialogsLoadState
833 		&& !_dialogsLoadState->listReceived
834 		&& !_dialogsLoadState->requestId
835 		&& (_dialogsLoadTill > 0)
836 		&& (_dialogsLoadState->offsetDate > 0)
837 		&& (_dialogsLoadState->offsetDate <= _dialogsLoadTill);
838 }
requestMoreDialogsIfNeeded()840 void ApiWrap::requestMoreDialogsIfNeeded() {
841 	const auto dialogsReady = !_dialogsLoadState
842 		|| _dialogsLoadState->listReceived;
843 	if (_session->data().chatsFilters().loadNextExceptions(dialogsReady)) {
844 		return;
845 	} else if (_dialogsLoadState && !_dialogsLoadState->listReceived) {
846 		if (_dialogsLoadState->requestId) {
847 			return;
848 		}
849 		requestDialogs(nullptr);
850 	} else if (const auto folder = _session->data().folderLoaded(
851 			Data::Folder::kId)) {
852 		if (_session->data().chatsFilters().archiveNeeded()) {
853 			requestMoreDialogs(folder);
854 		}
855 	}
856 	requestContacts();
857 }
updateDialogsOffset(Data::Folder * folder,const QVector<MTPDialog> & dialogs,const QVector<MTPMessage> & messages)859 void ApiWrap::updateDialogsOffset(
860 		Data::Folder *folder,
861 		const QVector<MTPDialog> &dialogs,
862 		const QVector<MTPMessage> &messages) {
863 	auto lastDate = TimeId(0);
864 	auto lastPeer = PeerId(0);
865 	auto lastMsgId = MsgId(0);
866 	for (const auto &dialog : ranges::views::reverse(dialogs)) {
867 		dialog.match([&](const auto &dialog) {
868 			const auto peer = peerFromMTP(dialog.vpeer());
869 			const auto messageId = dialog.vtop_message().v;
870 			if (!peer || !messageId) {
871 				return;
872 			}
873 			if (!lastPeer) {
874 				lastPeer = peer;
875 			}
876 			if (!lastMsgId) {
877 				lastMsgId = messageId;
878 			}
879 			for (const auto &message : ranges::views::reverse(messages)) {
880 				if (IdFromMessage(message) == messageId
881 					&& PeerFromMessage(message) == peer) {
882 					if (const auto date = DateFromMessage(message)) {
883 						lastDate = date;
884 					}
885 					return;
886 				}
887 			}
888 		});
889 		if (lastDate) {
890 			break;
891 		}
892 	}
893 	if (const auto state = dialogsLoadState(folder)) {
894 		if (lastDate) {
895 			state->offsetDate = lastDate;
896 			state->offsetId = lastMsgId;
897 			state->offsetPeer = _session->data().peer(lastPeer);
898 			state->requestId = 0;
899 		} else {
900 			state->listReceived = true;
901 			dialogsLoadFinish(folder);
902 		}
903 	}
904 }
dialogsLoadState(Data::Folder * folder)906 auto ApiWrap::dialogsLoadState(Data::Folder *folder) -> DialogsLoadState* {
907 	if (!folder) {
908 		return _dialogsLoadState.get();
909 	}
910 	const auto i = _foldersLoadState.find(folder);
911 	return (i != end(_foldersLoadState)) ? &i->second : nullptr;
912 }
dialogsLoadFinish(Data::Folder * folder)914 void ApiWrap::dialogsLoadFinish(Data::Folder *folder) {
915 	const auto notify = [&] {
916 		Core::App().postponeCall(crl::guard(_session, [=] {
917 			_session->data().chatsListDone(folder);
918 		}));
919 	};
920 	const auto state = dialogsLoadState(folder);
921 	if (!state || !state->listReceived || !state->pinnedReceived) {
922 		return;
923 	}
924 	if (folder) {
925 		_foldersLoadState.remove(folder);
926 		notify();
927 	} else {
928 		_dialogsLoadState = nullptr;
929 		notify();
930 	}
931 }
requestPinnedDialogs(Data::Folder * folder)933 void ApiWrap::requestPinnedDialogs(Data::Folder *folder) {
934 	const auto state = dialogsLoadState(folder);
935 	if (!state || state->pinnedReceived || state->pinnedRequestId) {
936 		return;
937 	}
939 	const auto finalize = [=] {
940 		if (const auto state = dialogsLoadState(folder)) {
941 			state->pinnedRequestId = 0;
942 			state->pinnedReceived = true;
943 			dialogsLoadFinish(folder);
944 		}
945 	};
946 	state->pinnedRequestId = request(MTPmessages_GetPinnedDialogs(
947 		MTP_int(folder ? folder->id() : 0)
948 	)).done([=](const MTPmessages_PeerDialogs &result) {
949 		finalize();
950 		result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_peerDialogs &data) {
951 			_session->data().processUsers(data.vusers());
952 			_session->data().processChats(data.vchats());
953 			_session->data().clearPinnedChats(folder);
954 			_session->data().applyDialogs(
955 				folder,
956 				data.vmessages().v,
957 				data.vdialogs().v);
958 			_session->data().chatsListChanged(folder);
959 			_session->data().notifyPinnedDialogsOrderUpdated();
960 		});
961 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
962 		finalize();
963 	}).send();
964 }
requestMoreBlockedByDateDialogs()966 void ApiWrap::requestMoreBlockedByDateDialogs() {
967 	if (!_dialogsLoadState) {
968 		return;
969 	}
970 	const auto max = _session->settings().supportChatsTimeSlice();
971 	_dialogsLoadTill = _dialogsLoadState->offsetDate
972 		? (_dialogsLoadState->offsetDate - max)
973 		: (base::unixtime::now() - max);
974 	refreshDialogsLoadBlocked();
975 	requestDialogs();
976 }
dialogsLoadMayBlockByDate() const978 rpl::producer<bool> ApiWrap::dialogsLoadMayBlockByDate() const {
979 	return _dialogsLoadMayBlockByDate.value();
980 }
dialogsLoadBlockedByDate() const982 rpl::producer<bool> ApiWrap::dialogsLoadBlockedByDate() const {
983 	return _dialogsLoadBlockedByDate.value();
984 }
requestWallPaper(const QString & slug,Fn<void (const Data::WallPaper &)> done,Fn<void (const MTP::Error &)> fail)986 void ApiWrap::requestWallPaper(
987 		const QString &slug,
988 		Fn<void(const Data::WallPaper &)> done,
989 		Fn<void(const MTP::Error &)> fail) {
990 	if (_wallPaperSlug != slug) {
991 		_wallPaperSlug = slug;
992 		if (_wallPaperRequestId) {
993 			request(base::take(_wallPaperRequestId)).cancel();
994 		}
995 	}
996 	_wallPaperDone = std::move(done);
997 	_wallPaperFail = std::move(fail);
998 	if (_wallPaperRequestId) {
999 		return;
1000 	}
1001 	_wallPaperRequestId = request(MTPaccount_GetWallPaper(
1002 		MTP_inputWallPaperSlug(MTP_string(slug))
1003 	)).done([=](const MTPWallPaper &result) {
1004 		_wallPaperRequestId = 0;
1005 		_wallPaperSlug = QString();
1006 		if (const auto paper = Data::WallPaper::Create(_session, result)) {
1007 			if (const auto done = base::take(_wallPaperDone)) {
1008 				done(*paper);
1009 			}
1010 		} else if (const auto fail = base::take(_wallPaperFail)) {
1011 			fail(MTP::Error::Local("BAD_DOCUMENT", "In a wallpaper."));
1012 		}
1013 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
1014 		_wallPaperRequestId = 0;
1015 		_wallPaperSlug = QString();
1016 		if (const auto fail = base::take(_wallPaperFail)) {
1017 			fail(error);
1018 		}
1019 	}).send();
1020 }
requestFullPeer(not_null<PeerData * > peer)1022 void ApiWrap::requestFullPeer(not_null<PeerData*> peer) {
1023 	if (_fullPeerRequests.contains(peer)) {
1024 		return;
1025 	}
1027 	const auto requestId = [&] {
1028 		const auto failHandler = [=](const MTP::Error &error) {
1029 			_fullPeerRequests.remove(peer);
1030 			migrateFail(peer, error);
1031 		};
1032 		if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) {
1033 			if (_session->supportMode()) {
1034 				_session->supportHelper().refreshInfo(user);
1035 			}
1036 			return request(MTPusers_GetFullUser(
1037 				user->inputUser
1038 			)).done([=](const MTPUserFull &result, mtpRequestId requestId) {
1039 				gotUserFull(user, result, requestId);
1040 			}).fail(failHandler).send();
1041 		} else if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) {
1042 			return request(MTPmessages_GetFullChat(
1043 				chat->inputChat
1044 			)).done([=](
1045 					const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result,
1046 					mtpRequestId requestId) {
1047 				gotChatFull(peer, result, requestId);
1048 			}).fail(failHandler).send();
1049 		} else if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) {
1050 			return request(MTPchannels_GetFullChannel(
1051 				channel->inputChannel
1052 			)).done([=](
1053 					const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result,
1054 					mtpRequestId requestId) {
1055 				gotChatFull(peer, result, requestId);
1056 				migrateDone(channel, channel);
1057 			}).fail(failHandler).send();
1058 		}
1059 		Unexpected("Peer type in requestFullPeer.");
1060 	}();
1061 	_fullPeerRequests.insert(peer, requestId);
1062 }
processFullPeer(not_null<PeerData * > peer,const MTPmessages_ChatFull & result)1064 void ApiWrap::processFullPeer(
1065 		not_null<PeerData*> peer,
1066 		const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result) {
1067 	gotChatFull(peer, result, mtpRequestId(0));
1068 }
processFullPeer(not_null<UserData * > user,const MTPUserFull & result)1070 void ApiWrap::processFullPeer(
1071 		not_null<UserData*> user,
1072 		const MTPUserFull &result) {
1073 	gotUserFull(user, result, mtpRequestId(0));
1074 }
gotChatFull(not_null<PeerData * > peer,const MTPmessages_ChatFull & result,mtpRequestId req)1076 void ApiWrap::gotChatFull(
1077 		not_null<PeerData*> peer,
1078 		const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result,
1079 		mtpRequestId req) {
1080 	const auto &d = result.c_messages_chatFull();
1081 	_session->data().applyMaximumChatVersions(d.vchats());
1083 	_session->data().processUsers(d.vusers());
1084 	_session->data().processChats(d.vchats());
1086 	d.vfull_chat().match([&](const MTPDchatFull &data) {
1087 		if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) {
1088 			Data::ApplyChatUpdate(chat, data);
1089 		} else {
1090 			LOG(("MTP Error: bad type in gotChatFull for channel: %1"
1091 				).arg(d.vfull_chat().type()));
1092 		}
1093 	}, [&](const MTPDchannelFull &data) {
1094 		if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) {
1095 			Data::ApplyChannelUpdate(channel, data);
1096 		} else {
1097 			LOG(("MTP Error: bad type in gotChatFull for chat: %1"
1098 				).arg(d.vfull_chat().type()));
1099 		}
1100 	});
1102 	if (req) {
1103 		const auto i = _fullPeerRequests.find(peer);
1104 		if (i != _fullPeerRequests.cend() && i.value() == req) {
1105 			_fullPeerRequests.erase(i);
1106 		}
1107 	}
1108 	_session->changes().peerUpdated(
1109 		peer,
1110 		Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::FullInfo);
1111 }
gotUserFull(not_null<UserData * > user,const MTPUserFull & result,mtpRequestId req)1113 void ApiWrap::gotUserFull(
1114 		not_null<UserData*> user,
1115 		const MTPUserFull &result,
1116 		mtpRequestId req) {
1117 	const auto &d = result.c_userFull();
1118 	if (user == _session->user() && !_session->validateSelf(d.vuser())) {
1119 		constexpr auto kRequestUserAgainTimeout = crl::time(10000);
1120 		base::call_delayed(kRequestUserAgainTimeout, _session, [=] {
1121 			requestFullPeer(user);
1122 		});
1123 		return;
1124 	}
1125 	Data::ApplyUserUpdate(user, d);
1127 	if (req) {
1128 		const auto i = _fullPeerRequests.find(user);
1129 		if (i != _fullPeerRequests.cend() && i.value() == req) {
1130 			_fullPeerRequests.erase(i);
1131 		}
1132 	}
1133 	_session->changes().peerUpdated(
1134 		user,
1135 		Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::FullInfo);
1136 }
requestPeer(not_null<PeerData * > peer)1138 void ApiWrap::requestPeer(not_null<PeerData*> peer) {
1139 	if (_fullPeerRequests.contains(peer) || _peerRequests.contains(peer)) {
1140 		return;
1141 	}
1143 	const auto requestId = [&] {
1144 		const auto failHandler = [=](const MTP::Error &error) {
1145 			_peerRequests.remove(peer);
1146 		};
1147 		const auto chatHandler = [=](const MTPmessages_Chats &result) {
1148 			_peerRequests.remove(peer);
1149 			const auto &chats = result.match([](const auto &data) {
1150 				return data.vchats();
1151 			});
1152 			_session->data().applyMaximumChatVersions(chats);
1153 			_session->data().processChats(chats);
1154 		};
1155 		if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) {
1156 			return request(MTPusers_GetUsers(
1157 				MTP_vector<MTPInputUser>(1, user->inputUser)
1158 			)).done([=](const MTPVector<MTPUser> &result) {
1159 				_peerRequests.remove(user);
1160 				_session->data().processUsers(result);
1161 			}).fail(failHandler).send();
1162 		} else if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) {
1163 			return request(MTPmessages_GetChats(
1164 				MTP_vector<MTPlong>(1, chat->inputChat)
1165 			)).done(chatHandler).fail(failHandler).send();
1166 		} else if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) {
1167 			return request(MTPchannels_GetChannels(
1168 				MTP_vector<MTPInputChannel>(1, channel->inputChannel)
1169 			)).done(chatHandler).fail(failHandler).send();
1170 		}
1171 		Unexpected("Peer type in requestPeer.");
1172 	}();
1173 	_peerRequests.insert(peer, requestId);
1174 }
requestPeerSettings(not_null<PeerData * > peer)1176 void ApiWrap::requestPeerSettings(not_null<PeerData*> peer) {
1177 	if (!_requestedPeerSettings.emplace(peer).second) {
1178 		return;
1179 	}
1180 	request(MTPmessages_GetPeerSettings(
1181 		peer->input
1182 	)).done([=](const MTPPeerSettings &result) {
1183 		peer->setSettings(result);
1184 		_requestedPeerSettings.erase(peer);
1185 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
1186 		_requestedPeerSettings.erase(peer);
1187 	}).send();
1188 }
migrateChat(not_null<ChatData * > chat,FnMut<void (not_null<ChannelData * >)> done,Fn<void (const MTP::Error &)> fail)1190 void ApiWrap::migrateChat(
1191 		not_null<ChatData*> chat,
1192 		FnMut<void(not_null<ChannelData*>)> done,
1193 		Fn<void(const MTP::Error &)> fail) {
1194 	const auto callback = [&] {
1195 		return MigrateCallbacks{ std::move(done), std::move(fail) };
1196 	};
1197 	const auto i = _migrateCallbacks.find(chat);
1198 	if (i != _migrateCallbacks.end()) {
1199 		i->second.push_back(callback());
1200 		return;
1201 	}
1202 	_migrateCallbacks.emplace(chat).first->second.push_back(callback());
1203 	if (const auto channel = chat->migrateTo()) {
1204 		session().changes().peerUpdated(
1205 			chat,
1206 			Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::Migration);
1207 		crl::on_main([=] {
1208 			migrateDone(chat, channel);
1209 		});
1210 	} else if (chat->isDeactivated()) {
1211 		crl::on_main([=] {
1212 			migrateFail(
1213 				chat,
1214 				MTP::Error::Local(
1215 					"BAD_MIGRATION",
1216 					"Chat is already deactivated"));
1217 		});
1218 		return;
1219 	} else if (!chat->amCreator()) {
1220 		crl::on_main([=] {
1221 			migrateFail(
1222 				chat,
1223 				MTP::Error::Local(
1224 					"BAD_MIGRATION",
1225 					"Current user is not the creator of that chat"));
1226 		});
1227 		return;
1228 	}
1230 	request(MTPmessages_MigrateChat(
1231 		chat->inputChat
1232 	)).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) {
1233 		applyUpdates(result);
1234 		session().changes().sendNotifications();
1236 		if (const auto channel = chat->migrateTo()) {
1237 			if (auto handlers = _migrateCallbacks.take(chat)) {
1238 				_migrateCallbacks.emplace(channel, std::move(*handlers));
1239 			}
1240 			requestFullPeer(channel);
1241 		} else {
1242 			migrateFail(
1243 				chat,
1244 				MTP::Error::Local("MIGRATION_FAIL", "No channel"));
1245 		}
1246 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
1247 		migrateFail(chat, error);
1248 	}).send();
1249 }
migrateDone(not_null<PeerData * > peer,not_null<ChannelData * > channel)1251 void ApiWrap::migrateDone(
1252 		not_null<PeerData*> peer,
1253 		not_null<ChannelData*> channel) {
1254 	session().changes().sendNotifications();
1255 	if (auto handlers = _migrateCallbacks.take(peer)) {
1256 		for (auto &handler : *handlers) {
1257 			if (handler.done) {
1258 				handler.done(channel);
1259 			}
1260 		}
1261 	}
1262 }
migrateFail(not_null<PeerData * > peer,const MTP::Error & error)1264 void ApiWrap::migrateFail(not_null<PeerData*> peer, const MTP::Error &error) {
1265 	const auto &type = error.type();
1266 	if (type == qstr("CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH")) {
1267 		Ui::show(Box<Ui::InformBox>(tr::lng_migrate_error(tr::now)));
1268 	}
1269 	if (auto handlers = _migrateCallbacks.take(peer)) {
1270 		for (auto &handler : *handlers) {
1271 			if (handler.fail) {
1272 				handler.fail(error);
1273 			}
1274 		}
1275 	}
1276 }
markMediaRead(const base::flat_set<not_null<HistoryItem * >> & items)1278 void ApiWrap::markMediaRead(
1279 		const base::flat_set<not_null<HistoryItem*>> &items) {
1280 	auto markedIds = QVector<MTPint>();
1281 	auto channelMarkedIds = base::flat_map<
1282 		not_null<ChannelData*>,
1283 		QVector<MTPint>>();
1284 	markedIds.reserve(items.size());
1285 	for (const auto &item : items) {
1286 		if ((!item->isUnreadMedia() || item->out())
1287 			&& !item->isUnreadMention()) {
1288 			continue;
1289 		}
1290 		item->markMediaRead();
1291 		if (!item->isRegular()) {
1292 			continue;
1293 		}
1294 		if (const auto channel = item->history()->peer->asChannel()) {
1295 			channelMarkedIds[channel].push_back(MTP_int(item->id));
1296 		} else {
1297 			markedIds.push_back(MTP_int(item->id));
1298 		}
1299 	}
1300 	if (!markedIds.isEmpty()) {
1301 		request(MTPmessages_ReadMessageContents(
1302 			MTP_vector<MTPint>(markedIds)
1303 		)).done([=](const MTPmessages_AffectedMessages &result) {
1304 			applyAffectedMessages(result);
1305 		}).send();
1306 	}
1307 	for (const auto &channelIds : channelMarkedIds) {
1308 		request(MTPchannels_ReadMessageContents(
1309 			channelIds.first->inputChannel,
1310 			MTP_vector<MTPint>(channelIds.second)
1311 		)).send();
1312 	}
1313 }
markMediaRead(not_null<HistoryItem * > item)1315 void ApiWrap::markMediaRead(not_null<HistoryItem*> item) {
1316 	if ((!item->isUnreadMedia() || item->out())
1317 		&& !item->isUnreadMention()) {
1318 		return;
1319 	}
1320 	item->markMediaRead();
1321 	if (!item->isRegular()) {
1322 		return;
1323 	}
1324 	const auto ids = MTP_vector<MTPint>(1, MTP_int(item->id));
1325 	if (const auto channel = item->history()->peer->asChannel()) {
1326 		request(MTPchannels_ReadMessageContents(
1327 			channel->inputChannel,
1328 			ids
1329 		)).send();
1330 	} else {
1331 		request(MTPmessages_ReadMessageContents(
1332 			ids
1333 		)).done([=](const MTPmessages_AffectedMessages &result) {
1334 			applyAffectedMessages(result);
1335 		}).send();
1336 	}
1337 }
requestPeers(const QList<PeerData * > & peers)1339 void ApiWrap::requestPeers(const QList<PeerData*> &peers) {
1340 	QVector<MTPlong> chats;
1341 	QVector<MTPInputChannel> channels;
1342 	QVector<MTPInputUser> users;
1343 	chats.reserve(peers.size());
1344 	channels.reserve(peers.size());
1345 	users.reserve(peers.size());
1346 	for (const auto peer : peers) {
1347 		if (!peer
1348 			|| _fullPeerRequests.contains(peer)
1349 			|| _peerRequests.contains(peer)) {
1350 			continue;
1351 		}
1352 		if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) {
1353 			users.push_back(user->inputUser);
1354 		} else if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) {
1355 			chats.push_back(chat->inputChat);
1356 		} else if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) {
1357 			channels.push_back(channel->inputChannel);
1358 		}
1359 	}
1360 	const auto handleChats = [=](const MTPmessages_Chats &result) {
1361 		_session->data().processChats(result.match([](const auto &data) {
1362 			return data.vchats();
1363 		}));
1364 	};
1365 	if (!chats.isEmpty()) {
1366 		request(MTPmessages_GetChats(
1367 			MTP_vector<MTPlong>(chats)
1368 		)).done(handleChats).send();
1369 	}
1370 	if (!channels.isEmpty()) {
1371 		request(MTPchannels_GetChannels(
1372 			MTP_vector<MTPInputChannel>(channels)
1373 		)).done(handleChats).send();
1374 	}
1375 	if (!users.isEmpty()) {
1376 		request(MTPusers_GetUsers(
1377 			MTP_vector<MTPInputUser>(users)
1378 		)).done([=](const MTPVector<MTPUser> &result) {
1379 			_session->data().processUsers(result);
1380 		}).send();
1381 	}
1382 }
requestLastParticipants(not_null<ChannelData * > channel)1384 void ApiWrap::requestLastParticipants(not_null<ChannelData*> channel) {
1385 	if (!channel->isMegagroup()
1386 		|| _participantsRequests.contains(channel)) {
1387 		return;
1388 	}
1390 	const auto offset = 0;
1391 	const auto participantsHash = uint64(0);
1392 	const auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_GetParticipants(
1393 		channel->inputChannel,
1394 		MTP_channelParticipantsRecent(),
1395 		MTP_int(offset),
1396 		MTP_int(_session->serverConfig().chatSizeMax),
1397 		MTP_long(participantsHash)
1398 	)).done([=](const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result) {
1399 		_participantsRequests.remove(channel);
1400 		parseChannelParticipants(channel, result, [&](
1401 				int availableCount,
1402 				const QVector<MTPChannelParticipant> &list) {
1403 			applyLastParticipantsList(
1404 				channel,
1405 				availableCount,
1406 				list);
1407 		});
1408 	}).fail([this, channel](const MTP::Error &error) {
1409 		_participantsRequests.remove(channel);
1410 	}).send();
1412 	_participantsRequests.insert(channel, requestId);
1413 }
requestBots(not_null<ChannelData * > channel)1415 void ApiWrap::requestBots(not_null<ChannelData*> channel) {
1416 	if (!channel->isMegagroup() || _botsRequests.contains(channel)) {
1417 		return;
1418 	}
1420 	const auto offset = 0;
1421 	const auto participantsHash = uint64(0);
1422 	const auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_GetParticipants(
1423 		channel->inputChannel,
1424 		MTP_channelParticipantsBots(),
1425 		MTP_int(offset),
1426 		MTP_int(_session->serverConfig().chatSizeMax),
1427 		MTP_long(participantsHash)
1428 	)).done([=](const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result) {
1429 		_botsRequests.remove(channel);
1430 		parseChannelParticipants(channel, result, [&](
1431 				int availableCount,
1432 				const QVector<MTPChannelParticipant> &list) {
1433 			applyBotsList(
1434 				channel,
1435 				availableCount,
1436 				list);
1437 		});
1438 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
1439 		_botsRequests.remove(channel);
1440 	}).send();
1442 	_botsRequests.insert(channel, requestId);
1443 }
requestAdmins(not_null<ChannelData * > channel)1445 void ApiWrap::requestAdmins(not_null<ChannelData*> channel) {
1446 	if (!channel->isMegagroup() || _adminsRequests.contains(channel)) {
1447 		return;
1448 	}
1450 	const auto offset = 0;
1451 	const auto participantsHash = uint64(0);
1452 	const auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_GetParticipants(
1453 		channel->inputChannel,
1454 		MTP_channelParticipantsAdmins(),
1455 		MTP_int(offset),
1456 		MTP_int(_session->serverConfig().chatSizeMax),
1457 		MTP_long(participantsHash)
1458 	)).done([=](const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result) {
1459 		_adminsRequests.remove(channel);
1460 		result.match([&](const MTPDchannels_channelParticipants &data) {
1461 			Data::ApplyMegagroupAdmins(channel, data);
1462 		}, [&](const MTPDchannels_channelParticipantsNotModified &) {
1463 			LOG(("API Error: channels.channelParticipantsNotModified received!"));
1464 		});
1465 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
1466 		_adminsRequests.remove(channel);
1467 	}).send();
1469 	_adminsRequests.insert(channel, requestId);
1470 }
applyLastParticipantsList(not_null<ChannelData * > channel,int availableCount,const QVector<MTPChannelParticipant> & list)1472 void ApiWrap::applyLastParticipantsList(
1473 		not_null<ChannelData*> channel,
1474 		int availableCount,
1475 		const QVector<MTPChannelParticipant> &list) {
1476 	channel->mgInfo->lastAdmins.clear();
1477 	channel->mgInfo->lastRestricted.clear();
1478 	channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.clear();
1479 	channel->mgInfo->lastParticipantsStatus = MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsUpToDate
1480 		| MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsOnceReceived;
1482 	auto botStatus = channel->mgInfo->botStatus;
1483 	for (const auto &p : list) {
1484 		const auto participantId = p.match([](
1485 				const MTPDchannelParticipantBanned &data) {
1486 			return peerFromMTP(data.vpeer());
1487 		}, [](const MTPDchannelParticipantLeft &data) {
1488 			return peerFromMTP(data.vpeer());
1489 		}, [](const auto &data) {
1490 			return peerFromUser(data.vuser_id());
1491 		});
1492 		if (!participantId) {
1493 			continue;
1494 		}
1495 		const auto participant = _session->data().peer(participantId);
1496 		const auto user = participant->asUser();
1497 		const auto adminCanEdit = (p.type() == mtpc_channelParticipantAdmin)
1498 			? p.c_channelParticipantAdmin().is_can_edit()
1499 			: (p.type() == mtpc_channelParticipantCreator)
1500 			? channel->amCreator()
1501 			: false;
1502 		const auto adminRights = (p.type() == mtpc_channelParticipantAdmin)
1503 			? ChatAdminRightsInfo(p.c_channelParticipantAdmin().vadmin_rights())
1504 			: (p.type() == mtpc_channelParticipantCreator)
1505 			? ChatAdminRightsInfo(p.c_channelParticipantCreator().vadmin_rights())
1506 			: ChatAdminRightsInfo();
1507 		const auto restrictedRights = (p.type() == mtpc_channelParticipantBanned)
1508 			? ChatRestrictionsInfo(
1509 				p.c_channelParticipantBanned().vbanned_rights())
1510 			: ChatRestrictionsInfo();
1511 		if (p.type() == mtpc_channelParticipantCreator) {
1512 			Assert(user != nullptr);
1513 			const auto &creator = p.c_channelParticipantCreator();
1514 			const auto rank = qs(creator.vrank().value_or_empty());
1515 			channel->mgInfo->creator = user;
1516 			channel->mgInfo->creatorRank = rank;
1517 			if (!channel->mgInfo->admins.empty()) {
1518 				Data::ChannelAdminChanges(channel).add(
1519 					peerToUser(participantId),
1520 					rank);
1521 			}
1522 		}
1523 		if (user
1524 			&& !base::contains(channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants, user)) {
1525 			channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.push_back(user);
1526 			if (adminRights.flags) {
1527 				channel->mgInfo->lastAdmins.emplace(
1528 					user,
1529 					MegagroupInfo::Admin{ adminRights, adminCanEdit });
1530 			} else if (restrictedRights.flags) {
1531 				channel->mgInfo->lastRestricted.emplace(
1532 					user,
1533 					MegagroupInfo::Restricted{ restrictedRights });
1534 			}
1535 			if (user->isBot()) {
1536 				channel->mgInfo->bots.insert(user);
1537 				if (channel->mgInfo->botStatus != 0 && channel->mgInfo->botStatus < 2) {
1538 					channel->mgInfo->botStatus = 2;
1539 				}
1540 			}
1541 		}
1542 	}
1543 	//
1544 	// getParticipants(Recent) sometimes can't return all members,
1545 	// only some last subset, size of this subset is availableCount.
1546 	//
1547 	// So both list size and availableCount have nothing to do with
1548 	// the full supergroup members count.
1549 	//
1550 	//if (list.isEmpty()) {
1551 	//	channel->setMembersCount(channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.size());
1552 	//} else {
1553 	//	channel->setMembersCount(availableCount);
1554 	//}
1555 	session().changes().peerUpdated(
1556 		channel,
1557 		(Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::Members | Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::Admins));
1559 	channel->mgInfo->botStatus = botStatus;
1560 	_session->changes().peerUpdated(
1561 		channel,
1562 		Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::FullInfo);
1563 }
applyBotsList(not_null<ChannelData * > channel,int availableCount,const QVector<MTPChannelParticipant> & list)1565 void ApiWrap::applyBotsList(
1566 		not_null<ChannelData*> channel,
1567 		int availableCount,
1568 		const QVector<MTPChannelParticipant> &list) {
1569 	const auto history = _session->data().historyLoaded(channel);
1570 	channel->mgInfo->bots.clear();
1571 	channel->mgInfo->botStatus = -1;
1573 	auto needBotsInfos = false;
1574 	auto botStatus = channel->mgInfo->botStatus;
1575 	auto keyboardBotFound = !history || !history->lastKeyboardFrom;
1576 	for (const auto &p : list) {
1577 		const auto participantId = p.match([](
1578 				const MTPDchannelParticipantBanned &data) {
1579 			return peerFromMTP(data.vpeer());
1580 		}, [](const MTPDchannelParticipantLeft &data) {
1581 			return peerFromMTP(data.vpeer());
1582 		}, [](const auto &data) {
1583 			return peerFromUser(data.vuser_id());
1584 		});
1585 		if (!participantId) {
1586 			continue;
1587 		}
1589 		const auto participant = _session->data().peer(participantId);
1590 		const auto user = participant->asUser();
1591 		if (user && user->isBot()) {
1592 			channel->mgInfo->bots.insert(user);
1593 			botStatus = 2;// (botStatus > 0/* || !i.key()->botInfo->readsAllHistory*/) ? 2 : 1;
1594 			if (!user->botInfo->inited) {
1595 				needBotsInfos = true;
1596 			}
1597 		}
1598 		if (!keyboardBotFound
1599 			&& participant->id == history->lastKeyboardFrom) {
1600 			keyboardBotFound = true;
1601 		}
1602 	}
1603 	if (needBotsInfos) {
1604 		requestFullPeer(channel);
1605 	}
1606 	if (!keyboardBotFound) {
1607 		history->clearLastKeyboard();
1608 	}
1610 	channel->mgInfo->botStatus = botStatus;
1611 	_session->changes().peerUpdated(
1612 		channel,
1613 		Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::FullInfo);
1614 }
requestSelfParticipant(not_null<ChannelData * > channel)1616 void ApiWrap::requestSelfParticipant(not_null<ChannelData*> channel) {
1617 	if (_selfParticipantRequests.contains(channel)) {
1618 		return;
1619 	}
1621 	const auto finalize = [=](
1622 			UserId inviter = -1,
1623 			TimeId inviteDate = 0,
1624 			bool inviteViaRequest = false) {
1625 		channel->inviter = inviter;
1626 		channel->inviteDate = inviteDate;
1627 		channel->inviteViaRequest = inviteViaRequest;
1628 		if (const auto history = _session->data().historyLoaded(channel)) {
1629 			if (history->lastMessageKnown()) {
1630 				history->checkLocalMessages();
1631 				history->owner().sendHistoryChangeNotifications();
1632 			} else {
1633 				history->owner().histories().requestDialogEntry(history);
1634 			}
1635 		}
1636 	};
1637 	_selfParticipantRequests.emplace(channel);
1638 	request(MTPchannels_GetParticipant(
1639 		channel->inputChannel,
1640 		MTP_inputPeerSelf()
1641 	)).done([=](const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipant &result) {
1642 		_selfParticipantRequests.erase(channel);
1643 		result.match([&](const MTPDchannels_channelParticipant &data) {
1644 			_session->data().processUsers(data.vusers());
1646 			const auto &participant = data.vparticipant();
1647 			participant.match([&](const MTPDchannelParticipantSelf &data) {
1648 				finalize(
1649 					data.vinviter_id().v,
1650 					data.vdate().v,
1651 					data.is_via_invite());
1652 			}, [&](const MTPDchannelParticipantCreator &) {
1653 				if (channel->mgInfo) {
1654 					channel->mgInfo->creator = _session->user();
1655 				}
1656 				finalize(_session->userId(), channel->date);
1657 			}, [&](const MTPDchannelParticipantAdmin &data) {
1658 				const auto inviter = data.is_self()
1659 					? data.vinviter_id().value_or(-1)
1660 					: -1;
1661 				finalize(inviter, data.vdate().v);
1662 			}, [&](const MTPDchannelParticipantBanned &data) {
1663 				LOG(("API Error: Got self banned participant."));
1664 				finalize();
1665 			}, [&](const MTPDchannelParticipant &data) {
1666 				LOG(("API Error: Got self regular participant."));
1667 				finalize();
1668 			}, [&](const MTPDchannelParticipantLeft &data) {
1669 				LOG(("API Error: Got self left participant."));
1670 				finalize();
1671 			});
1672 		});
1673 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
1674 		_selfParticipantRequests.erase(channel);
1675 		if (error.type() == qstr("CHANNEL_PRIVATE")) {
1676 			channel->privateErrorReceived();
1677 		}
1678 		finalize();
1679 	}).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send();
1680 }
kickParticipant(not_null<ChatData * > chat,not_null<PeerData * > participant)1682 void ApiWrap::kickParticipant(
1683 		not_null<ChatData*> chat,
1684 		not_null<PeerData*> participant) {
1685 	Expects(participant->isUser());
1687 	request(MTPmessages_DeleteChatUser(
1688 		MTP_flags(0),
1689 		chat->inputChat,
1690 		participant->asUser()->inputUser
1691 	)).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) {
1692 		applyUpdates(result);
1693 	}).send();
1694 }
kickParticipant(not_null<ChannelData * > channel,not_null<PeerData * > participant,ChatRestrictionsInfo currentRights)1696 void ApiWrap::kickParticipant(
1697 		not_null<ChannelData*> channel,
1698 		not_null<PeerData*> participant,
1699 		ChatRestrictionsInfo currentRights) {
1700 	const auto kick = KickRequest(channel, participant);
1701 	if (_kickRequests.contains(kick)) return;
1703 	const auto rights = ChannelData::KickedRestrictedRights(participant);
1704 	const auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_EditBanned(
1705 		channel->inputChannel,
1706 		participant->input,
1707 		MTP_chatBannedRights(
1708 			MTP_flags(
1709 				MTPDchatBannedRights::Flags::from_raw(uint32(rights.flags))),
1710 			MTP_int(rights.until))
1711 	)).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) {
1712 		applyUpdates(result);
1714 		_kickRequests.remove(KickRequest(channel, participant));
1715 		channel->applyEditBanned(participant, currentRights, rights);
1716 	}).fail([this, kick](const MTP::Error &error) {
1717 		_kickRequests.remove(kick);
1718 	}).send();
1720 	_kickRequests.emplace(kick, requestId);
1721 }
unblockParticipant(not_null<ChannelData * > channel,not_null<PeerData * > participant)1723 void ApiWrap::unblockParticipant(
1724 		not_null<ChannelData*> channel,
1725 		not_null<PeerData*> participant) {
1726 	const auto kick = KickRequest(channel, participant);
1727 	if (_kickRequests.contains(kick)) {
1728 		return;
1729 	}
1731 	const auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_EditBanned(
1732 		channel->inputChannel,
1733 		participant->input,
1734 		MTP_chatBannedRights(MTP_flags(0), MTP_int(0))
1735 	)).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) {
1736 		applyUpdates(result);
1738 		_kickRequests.remove(KickRequest(channel, participant));
1739 		if (channel->kickedCount() > 0) {
1740 			channel->setKickedCount(channel->kickedCount() - 1);
1741 		} else {
1742 			channel->updateFullForced();
1743 		}
1744 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
1745 		_kickRequests.remove(kick);
1746 	}).send();
1748 	_kickRequests.emplace(kick, requestId);
1749 }
deleteAllFromUser(not_null<ChannelData * > channel,not_null<UserData * > from)1751 void ApiWrap::deleteAllFromUser(
1752 		not_null<ChannelData*> channel,
1753 		not_null<UserData*> from) {
1754 	const auto history = _session->data().historyLoaded(channel);
1755 	const auto ids = history
1756 		? history->collectMessagesFromUserToDelete(from)
1757 		: QVector<MsgId>();
1758 	const auto channelId = peerToChannel(channel->id);
1759 	for (const auto &msgId : ids) {
1760 		if (const auto item = _session->data().message(channelId, msgId)) {
1761 			item->destroy();
1762 		}
1763 	}
1765 	_session->data().sendHistoryChangeNotifications();
1767 	deleteAllFromUserSend(channel, from);
1768 }
deleteAllFromUserSend(not_null<ChannelData * > channel,not_null<UserData * > from)1770 void ApiWrap::deleteAllFromUserSend(
1771 		not_null<ChannelData*> channel,
1772 		not_null<UserData*> from) {
1773 	request(MTPchannels_DeleteUserHistory(
1774 		channel->inputChannel,
1775 		from->inputUser
1776 	)).done([=](const MTPmessages_AffectedHistory &result) {
1777 		const auto offset = applyAffectedHistory(channel, result);
1778 		if (offset > 0) {
1779 			deleteAllFromUserSend(channel, from);
1780 		} else if (const auto history = _session->data().historyLoaded(channel)) {
1781 			history->requestChatListMessage();
1782 		}
1783 	}).send();
1784 }
requestChannelMembersForAdd(not_null<ChannelData * > channel,Fn<void (const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &)> callback)1786 void ApiWrap::requestChannelMembersForAdd(
1787 		not_null<ChannelData*> channel,
1788 		Fn<void(const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants&)> callback) {
1789 	_channelMembersForAddCallback = std::move(callback);
1790 	if (_channelMembersForAdd == channel) {
1791 		return;
1792 	}
1793 	request(base::take(_channelMembersForAddRequestId)).cancel();
1795 	const auto offset = 0;
1796 	const auto participantsHash = uint64(0);
1798 	_channelMembersForAdd = channel;
1799 	_channelMembersForAddRequestId = request(MTPchannels_GetParticipants(
1800 		channel->inputChannel,
1801 		MTP_channelParticipantsRecent(),
1802 		MTP_int(offset),
1803 		MTP_int(_session->serverConfig().chatSizeMax),
1804 		MTP_long(participantsHash)
1805 	)).done([=](const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result) {
1806 		base::take(_channelMembersForAddRequestId);
1807 		base::take(_channelMembersForAdd);
1808 		base::take(_channelMembersForAddCallback)(result);
1809 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
1810 		base::take(_channelMembersForAddRequestId);
1811 		base::take(_channelMembersForAdd);
1812 		base::take(_channelMembersForAddCallback);
1813 	}).send();
1814 }
scheduleStickerSetRequest(uint64 setId,uint64 access)1816 void ApiWrap::scheduleStickerSetRequest(uint64 setId, uint64 access) {
1817 	if (!_stickerSetRequests.contains(setId)) {
1818 		_stickerSetRequests.insert(setId, qMakePair(access, 0));
1819 	}
1820 }
requestStickerSets()1822 void ApiWrap::requestStickerSets() {
1823 	for (auto i = _stickerSetRequests.begin(), j = i, e = _stickerSetRequests.end(); i != e; i = j) {
1824 		++j;
1825 		if (i.value().second) continue;
1827 		auto waitMs = (j == e) ? 0 : kSmallDelayMs;
1828 		const auto id = MTP_inputStickerSetID(
1829 			MTP_long(i.key()),
1830 			MTP_long(i.value().first));
1831 		i.value().second = request(MTPmessages_GetStickerSet(
1832 			id
1833 		)).done([=, setId = i.key()](const MTPmessages_StickerSet &result) {
1834 			gotStickerSet(setId, result);
1835 		}).fail([=, setId = i.key()](const MTP::Error &error) {
1836 			_stickerSetRequests.remove(setId);
1837 		}).afterDelay(waitMs).send();
1838 	}
1839 }
saveStickerSets(const Data::StickersSetsOrder & localOrder,const Data::StickersSetsOrder & localRemoved,bool setsMasks)1841 void ApiWrap::saveStickerSets(
1842 		const Data::StickersSetsOrder &localOrder,
1843 		const Data::StickersSetsOrder &localRemoved,
1844 		bool setsMasks) {
1845 	auto &setDisenableRequests = setsMasks
1846 		? _maskSetDisenableRequests
1847 		: _stickerSetDisenableRequests;
1848 	const auto reorderRequestId = [=]() -> mtpRequestId & {
1849 		return setsMasks
1850 			? _masksReorderRequestId
1851 			: _stickersReorderRequestId;
1852 	};
1853 	for (auto requestId : base::take(setDisenableRequests)) {
1854 		request(requestId).cancel();
1855 	}
1856 	request(base::take(reorderRequestId())).cancel();
1857 	request(base::take(_stickersClearRecentRequestId)).cancel();
1858 	request(base::take(_stickersClearRecentAttachedRequestId)).cancel();
1860 	const auto stickersSaveOrder = [=] {
1861 		if (localOrder.size() < 2) {
1862 			return;
1863 		}
1864 		QVector<MTPlong> mtpOrder;
1865 		mtpOrder.reserve(localOrder.size());
1866 		for (const auto setId : std::as_const(localOrder)) {
1867 			mtpOrder.push_back(MTP_long(setId));
1868 		}
1870 		const auto flags = setsMasks
1871 			? MTPmessages_ReorderStickerSets::Flag::f_masks
1872 			: MTPmessages_ReorderStickerSets::Flags(0);
1873 		reorderRequestId() = request(MTPmessages_ReorderStickerSets(
1874 			MTP_flags(flags),
1875 			MTP_vector<MTPlong>(mtpOrder)
1876 		)).done([=](const MTPBool &result) {
1877 			reorderRequestId() = 0;
1878 		}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
1879 			reorderRequestId() = 0;
1880 			if (setsMasks) {
1881 				_session->data().stickers().setLastMasksUpdate(0);
1882 				updateMasks();
1883 			} else {
1884 				_session->data().stickers().setLastUpdate(0);
1885 				updateStickers();
1886 			}
1887 		}).send();
1888 	};
1890 	const auto stickerSetDisenabled = [=](mtpRequestId requestId) {
1891 		auto &setDisenableRequests = setsMasks
1892 			? _maskSetDisenableRequests
1893 			: _stickerSetDisenableRequests;
1894 		setDisenableRequests.remove(requestId);
1895 		if (setDisenableRequests.empty()) {
1896 			stickersSaveOrder();
1897 		}
1898 	};
1900 	auto writeInstalled = true,
1901 		writeRecent = false,
1902 		writeCloudRecent = false,
1903 		writeCloudRecentAttached = false,
1904 		writeFaved = false,
1905 		writeArchived = false;
1906 	auto &recent = _session->data().stickers().getRecentPack();
1907 	auto &sets = _session->data().stickers().setsRef();
1909 	auto &order = setsMasks
1910 		? _session->data().stickers().maskSetsOrder()
1911 		: _session->data().stickers().setsOrder();
1912 	auto &orderRef = setsMasks
1913 		? _session->data().stickers().maskSetsOrderRef()
1914 		: _session->data().stickers().setsOrderRef();
1916 	using Flag = Data::StickersSetFlag;
1917 	for (const auto removedSetId : localRemoved) {
1918 		if ((removedSetId == Data::Stickers::CloudRecentSetId)
1919 			|| (removedSetId == Data::Stickers::CloudRecentAttachedSetId)) {
1920 			if (sets.remove(Data::Stickers::CloudRecentSetId) != 0) {
1921 				writeCloudRecent = true;
1922 			}
1923 			if (sets.remove(Data::Stickers::CloudRecentAttachedSetId) != 0) {
1924 				writeCloudRecentAttached = true;
1925 			}
1926 			if (sets.remove(Data::Stickers::CustomSetId)) {
1927 				writeInstalled = true;
1928 			}
1929 			if (!recent.isEmpty()) {
1930 				recent.clear();
1931 				writeRecent = true;
1932 			}
1934 			const auto isAttached =
1935 				(removedSetId == Data::Stickers::CloudRecentAttachedSetId);
1936 			const auto flags = isAttached
1937 				? MTPmessages_ClearRecentStickers::Flag::f_attached
1938 				: MTPmessages_ClearRecentStickers::Flags(0);
1939 			auto &requestId = isAttached
1940 				? _stickersClearRecentAttachedRequestId
1941 				: _stickersClearRecentRequestId;
1942 			const auto finish = [=] {
1943 				(isAttached
1944 					? _stickersClearRecentAttachedRequestId
1945 					: _stickersClearRecentRequestId) = 0;
1946 			};
1947 			requestId = request(MTPmessages_ClearRecentStickers(
1948 				MTP_flags(flags)
1949 			)).done([=](const MTPBool &result) {
1950 				finish();
1951 			}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
1952 				finish();
1953 			}).send();
1954 			continue;
1955 		}
1957 		auto it = sets.find(removedSetId);
1958 		if (it != sets.cend()) {
1959 			const auto set = it->second.get();
1960 			for (auto i = recent.begin(); i != recent.cend();) {
1961 				if (set->stickers.indexOf(i->first) >= 0) {
1962 					i = recent.erase(i);
1963 					writeRecent = true;
1964 				} else {
1965 					++i;
1966 				}
1967 			}
1968 			const auto archived = !!(set->flags & Flag::Archived);
1969 			if (!archived) {
1970 				const auto featured = !!(set->flags & Flag::Featured);
1971 				const auto special = !!(set->flags & Flag::Special);
1972 				const auto setId = set->mtpInput();
1974 				auto requestId = request(MTPmessages_UninstallStickerSet(
1975 					setId
1976 				)).done([=](const MTPBool &result, mtpRequestId requestId) {
1977 					stickerSetDisenabled(requestId);
1978 				}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error, mtpRequestId requestId) {
1979 					stickerSetDisenabled(requestId);
1980 				}).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send();
1982 				setDisenableRequests.insert(requestId);
1984 				const auto removeIndex = order.indexOf(set->id);
1985 				if (removeIndex >= 0) {
1986 					orderRef.removeAt(removeIndex);
1987 				}
1988 				if (!featured && !special) {
1989 					sets.erase(it);
1990 				} else {
1991 					if (archived) {
1992 						writeArchived = true;
1993 					}
1994 					set->flags &= ~(Flag::Installed | Flag::Archived);
1995 					set->installDate = TimeId(0);
1996 				}
1997 			}
1998 		}
1999 	}
2001 	// Clear all installed flags, set only for sets from order.
2002 	for (auto &[id, set] : sets) {
2003 		const auto archived = !!(set->flags & Flag::Archived);
2004 		const auto masks = !!(set->flags & Flag::Masks);
2005 		if (!archived && (setsMasks == masks)) {
2006 			set->flags &= ~Flag::Installed;
2007 		}
2008 	}
2010 	orderRef.clear();
2011 	for (const auto setId : std::as_const(localOrder)) {
2012 		auto it = sets.find(setId);
2013 		if (it == sets.cend()) {
2014 			continue;
2015 		}
2016 		const auto set = it->second.get();
2017 		const auto archived = !!(set->flags & Flag::Archived);
2018 		if (archived && !localRemoved.contains(set->id)) {
2019 			const auto mtpSetId = set->mtpInput();
2021 			const auto requestId = request(MTPmessages_InstallStickerSet(
2022 				mtpSetId,
2023 				MTP_boolFalse()
2024 			)).done([=](
2025 					const MTPmessages_StickerSetInstallResult &result,
2026 					mtpRequestId requestId) {
2027 				stickerSetDisenabled(requestId);
2028 			}).fail([=](
2029 					const MTP::Error &error,
2030 					mtpRequestId requestId) {
2031 				stickerSetDisenabled(requestId);
2032 			}).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send();
2034 			setDisenableRequests.insert(requestId);
2036 			set->flags &= ~Flag::Archived;
2037 			writeArchived = true;
2038 		}
2039 		orderRef.push_back(setId);
2040 		set->flags |= Flag::Installed;
2041 		if (!set->installDate) {
2042 			set->installDate = base::unixtime::now();
2043 		}
2044 	}
2046 	for (auto it = sets.begin(); it != sets.cend();) {
2047 		const auto set = it->second.get();
2048 		if ((set->flags & Flag::Featured)
2049 			|| (set->flags & Flag::Installed)
2050 			|| (set->flags & Flag::Archived)
2051 			|| (set->flags & Flag::Special)) {
2052 			++it;
2053 		} else {
2054 			it = sets.erase(it);
2055 		}
2056 	}
2058 	auto &storage = local();
2059 	if (writeInstalled && !setsMasks) {
2060 		storage.writeInstalledStickers();
2061 	}
2062 	if (writeInstalled && setsMasks) {
2063 		storage.writeInstalledMasks();
2064 	}
2065 	if (writeRecent) {
2066 		session().saveSettings();
2067 	}
2068 	if (writeArchived) {
2069 		if (setsMasks) {
2070 			storage.writeArchivedMasks();
2071 		} else {
2072 			storage.writeArchivedStickers();
2073 		}
2074 	}
2075 	if (writeCloudRecent) {
2076 		storage.writeRecentStickers();
2077 	}
2078 	if (writeCloudRecentAttached) {
2079 		storage.writeRecentMasks();
2080 	}
2081 	if (writeFaved) {
2082 		storage.writeFavedStickers();
2083 	}
2084 	_session->data().stickers().notifyUpdated();
2086 	if (setDisenableRequests.empty()) {
2087 		stickersSaveOrder();
2088 	} else {
2089 		requestSendDelayed();
2090 	}
2091 }
joinChannel(not_null<ChannelData * > channel)2093 void ApiWrap::joinChannel(not_null<ChannelData*> channel) {
2094 	if (channel->amIn()) {
2095 		session().changes().peerUpdated(
2096 			channel,
2097 			Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::ChannelAmIn);
2098 	} else if (!_channelAmInRequests.contains(channel)) {
2099 		auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_JoinChannel(
2100 			channel->inputChannel
2101 		)).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) {
2102 			_channelAmInRequests.remove(channel);
2103 			applyUpdates(result);
2104 		}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
2105 			const auto &type = error.type();
2106 			if (type == qstr("CHANNEL_PRIVATE")
2107 				&& channel->invitePeekExpires()) {
2108 				channel->privateErrorReceived();
2109 			} else {
2110 				const auto text = [&] {
2111 					if (type == qstr("INVITE_REQUEST_SENT")) {
2112 						return channel->isMegagroup()
2113 							? tr::lng_group_request_sent(tr::now)
2114 							: tr::lng_group_request_sent_channel(tr::now);
2115 					} else if (type == qstr("CHANNEL_PRIVATE")
2116 						|| type == qstr("CHANNEL_PUBLIC_GROUP_NA")
2117 						|| type == qstr("USER_BANNED_IN_CHANNEL")) {
2118 						return channel->isMegagroup()
2119 							? tr::lng_group_not_accessible(tr::now)
2120 							: tr::lng_channel_not_accessible(tr::now);
2121 					} else if (type == qstr("CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH")) {
2122 						return tr::lng_join_channel_error(tr::now);
2123 					} else if (type == qstr("USERS_TOO_MUCH")) {
2124 						return tr::lng_group_full(tr::now);
2125 					}
2126 					return QString();
2127 				}();
2128 				if (!text.isEmpty()) {
2129 					Ui::ShowMultilineToast({
2130 						.text = { text },
2131 						.duration = kJoinErrorDuration,
2132 					});
2133 				}
2134 			}
2135 			_channelAmInRequests.remove(channel);
2136 		}).send();
2138 		_channelAmInRequests.insert(channel, requestId);
2139 	}
2140 }
leaveChannel(not_null<ChannelData * > channel)2142 void ApiWrap::leaveChannel(not_null<ChannelData*> channel) {
2143 	if (!channel->amIn()) {
2144 		session().changes().peerUpdated(
2145 			channel,
2146 			Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::ChannelAmIn);
2147 	} else if (!_channelAmInRequests.contains(channel)) {
2148 		auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_LeaveChannel(
2149 			channel->inputChannel
2150 		)).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) {
2151 			_channelAmInRequests.remove(channel);
2152 			applyUpdates(result);
2153 		}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
2154 			_channelAmInRequests.remove(channel);
2155 		}).send();
2157 		_channelAmInRequests.insert(channel, requestId);
2158 	}
2159 }
requestNotifySettings(const MTPInputNotifyPeer & peer)2161 void ApiWrap::requestNotifySettings(const MTPInputNotifyPeer &peer) {
2162 	const auto key = [&] {
2163 		switch (peer.type()) {
2164 		case mtpc_inputNotifyUsers: return peerFromUser(0);
2165 		case mtpc_inputNotifyChats: return peerFromChat(0);
2166 		case mtpc_inputNotifyBroadcasts: return peerFromChannel(0);
2167 		case mtpc_inputNotifyPeer: {
2168 			const auto &inner = peer.c_inputNotifyPeer().vpeer();
2169 			switch (inner.type()) {
2170 			case mtpc_inputPeerSelf:
2171 				return _session->userPeerId();
2172 			case mtpc_inputPeerEmpty:
2173 				return PeerId(0);
2174 			case mtpc_inputPeerChannel:
2175 				return peerFromChannel(
2176 					inner.c_inputPeerChannel().vchannel_id());
2177 			case mtpc_inputPeerChat:
2178 				return peerFromChat(inner.c_inputPeerChat().vchat_id());
2179 			case mtpc_inputPeerUser:
2180 				return peerFromUser(inner.c_inputPeerUser().vuser_id());
2181 			}
2182 			Unexpected("Type in ApiRequest::requestNotifySettings peer.");
2183 		} break;
2184 		}
2185 		Unexpected("Type in ApiRequest::requestNotifySettings.");
2186 	}();
2187 	if (_notifySettingRequests.find(key) != end(_notifySettingRequests)) {
2188 		return;
2189 	}
2190 	const auto requestId = request(MTPaccount_GetNotifySettings(
2191 		peer
2192 	)).done([=](const MTPPeerNotifySettings &result) {
2193 		applyNotifySettings(peer, result);
2194 		_notifySettingRequests.erase(key);
2195 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
2196 		applyNotifySettings(
2197 			peer,
2198 			MTP_peerNotifySettings(
2199 				MTP_flags(0),
2200 				MTPBool(),
2201 				MTPBool(),
2202 				MTPint(),
2203 				MTPstring()));
2204 		_notifySettingRequests.erase(key);
2205 	}).send();
2207 	_notifySettingRequests.emplace(key, requestId);
2208 }
updateNotifySettingsDelayed(not_null<const PeerData * > peer)2210 void ApiWrap::updateNotifySettingsDelayed(not_null<const PeerData*> peer) {
2211 	_updateNotifySettingsPeers.emplace(peer);
2212 	_updateNotifySettingsTimer.callOnce(kNotifySettingSaveTimeout);
2213 }
sendNotifySettingsUpdates()2215 void ApiWrap::sendNotifySettingsUpdates() {
2216 	while (!_updateNotifySettingsPeers.empty()) {
2217 		const auto peer = *_updateNotifySettingsPeers.begin();
2218 		_updateNotifySettingsPeers.erase(_updateNotifySettingsPeers.begin());
2219 		request(MTPaccount_UpdateNotifySettings(
2220 			MTP_inputNotifyPeer(peer->input),
2221 			peer->notifySerialize()
2222 		)).afterDelay(_updateNotifySettingsPeers.empty() ? 0 : 10).send();
2223 	}
2224 }
saveDraftToCloudDelayed(not_null<History * > history)2226 void ApiWrap::saveDraftToCloudDelayed(not_null<History*> history) {
2227 	_draftsSaveRequestIds.emplace(history, 0);
2228 	if (!_draftsSaveTimer.isActive()) {
2229 		_draftsSaveTimer.callOnce(kSaveCloudDraftTimeout);
2230 	}
2231 }
updatePrivacyLastSeens()2233 void ApiWrap::updatePrivacyLastSeens() {
2234 	const auto now = base::unixtime::now();
2235 	_session->data().enumerateUsers([&](UserData *user) {
2236 		if (user->isSelf() || !user->isLoaded()) {
2237 			return;
2238 		}
2239 		if (user->onlineTill <= 0) {
2240 			return;
2241 		}
2243 		if (user->onlineTill + 3 * 86400 >= now) {
2244 			user->onlineTill = -2; // recently
2245 		} else if (user->onlineTill + 7 * 86400 >= now) {
2246 			user->onlineTill = -3; // last week
2247 		} else if (user->onlineTill + 30 * 86400 >= now) {
2248 			user->onlineTill = -4; // last month
2249 		} else {
2250 			user->onlineTill = 0;
2251 		}
2252 		session().changes().peerUpdated(
2253 			user,
2254 			Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::OnlineStatus);
2255 	});
2257 	if (_contactsStatusesRequestId) {
2258 		request(_contactsStatusesRequestId).cancel();
2259 	}
2260 	_contactsStatusesRequestId = request(MTPcontacts_GetStatuses(
2261 	)).done([=](const MTPVector<MTPContactStatus> &result) {
2262 		_contactsStatusesRequestId = 0;
2263 		for (const auto &item : result.v) {
2264 			Assert(item.type() == mtpc_contactStatus);
2265 			auto &data = item.c_contactStatus();
2266 			if (auto user = _session->data().userLoaded(data.vuser_id())) {
2267 				auto oldOnlineTill = user->onlineTill;
2268 				auto newOnlineTill = OnlineTillFromStatus(data.vstatus(), oldOnlineTill);
2269 				if (oldOnlineTill != newOnlineTill) {
2270 					user->onlineTill = newOnlineTill;
2271 					session().changes().peerUpdated(
2272 						user,
2273 						Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::OnlineStatus);
2274 				}
2275 			}
2276 		}
2277 	}).fail([this](const MTP::Error &error) {
2278 		_contactsStatusesRequestId = 0;
2279 	}).send();
2280 }
OnlineTillFromStatus(const MTPUserStatus & status,int currentOnlineTill)2282 int ApiWrap::OnlineTillFromStatus(
2283 		const MTPUserStatus &status,
2284 		int currentOnlineTill) {
2285 	switch (status.type()) {
2286 	case mtpc_userStatusEmpty: return 0;
2287 	case mtpc_userStatusRecently:
2288 		// Don't modify pseudo-online.
2289 		return (currentOnlineTill > -10) ? -2 : currentOnlineTill;
2290 	case mtpc_userStatusLastWeek: return -3;
2291 	case mtpc_userStatusLastMonth: return -4;
2292 	case mtpc_userStatusOffline: return status.c_userStatusOffline().vwas_online().v;
2293 	case mtpc_userStatusOnline: return status.c_userStatusOnline().vexpires().v;
2294 	}
2295 	Unexpected("Bad UserStatus type.");
2296 }
clearHistory(not_null<PeerData * > peer,bool revoke)2298 void ApiWrap::clearHistory(not_null<PeerData*> peer, bool revoke) {
2299 	deleteHistory(peer, true, revoke);
2300 }
deleteConversation(not_null<PeerData * > peer,bool revoke)2302 void ApiWrap::deleteConversation(not_null<PeerData*> peer, bool revoke) {
2303 	if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) {
2304 		request(MTPmessages_DeleteChatUser(
2305 			MTP_flags(0),
2306 			chat->inputChat,
2307 			_session->user()->inputUser
2308 		)).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) {
2309 			applyUpdates(result);
2310 			deleteHistory(peer, false, revoke);
2311 		}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
2312 			deleteHistory(peer, false, revoke);
2313 		}).send();
2314 	} else {
2315 		deleteHistory(peer, false, revoke);
2316 	}
2317 }
deleteHistory(not_null<PeerData * > peer,bool justClear,bool revoke)2319 void ApiWrap::deleteHistory(
2320 		not_null<PeerData*> peer,
2321 		bool justClear,
2322 		bool revoke) {
2323 	auto deleteTillId = MsgId(0);
2324 	const auto history = _session->data().history(peer);
2325 	if (justClear) {
2326 		// In case of clear history we need to know the last server message.
2327 		while (history->lastMessageKnown()) {
2328 			const auto last = history->lastMessage();
2329 			if (!last) {
2330 				// History is empty.
2331 				return;
2332 			} else if (!last->isRegular()) {
2333 				// Destroy client-side message locally.
2334 				last->destroy();
2335 			} else {
2336 				break;
2337 			}
2338 		}
2339 		if (!history->lastMessageKnown()) {
2340 			history->owner().histories().requestDialogEntry(history, [=] {
2341 				Expects(history->lastMessageKnown());
2343 				deleteHistory(peer, justClear, revoke);
2344 			});
2345 			return;
2346 		}
2347 		deleteTillId = history->lastMessage()->id;
2348 	}
2349 	if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) {
2350 		if (!justClear && !revoke) {
2351 			channel->ptsWaitingForShortPoll(-1);
2352 			leaveChannel(channel);
2353 		} else {
2354 			if (const auto migrated = peer->migrateFrom()) {
2355 				deleteHistory(migrated, justClear, revoke);
2356 			}
2357 			if (deleteTillId || (!justClear && revoke)) {
2358 				history->owner().histories().deleteAllMessages(
2359 					history,
2360 					deleteTillId,
2361 					justClear,
2362 					revoke);
2363 			}
2364 		}
2365 	} else {
2366 		history->owner().histories().deleteAllMessages(
2367 			history,
2368 			deleteTillId,
2369 			justClear,
2370 			revoke);
2371 	}
2372 	if (!justClear) {
2373 		_session->data().deleteConversationLocally(peer);
2374 	} else if (history) {
2375 		history->clear(History::ClearType::ClearHistory);
2376 	}
2377 }
applyUpdates(const MTPUpdates & updates,uint64 sentMessageRandomId)2379 void ApiWrap::applyUpdates(
2380 		const MTPUpdates &updates,
2381 		uint64 sentMessageRandomId) {
2382 	this->updates().applyUpdates(updates, sentMessageRandomId);
2383 }
applyAffectedHistory(PeerData * peer,const MTPmessages_AffectedHistory & result)2385 int ApiWrap::applyAffectedHistory(
2386 		PeerData *peer,
2387 		const MTPmessages_AffectedHistory &result) {
2388 	const auto &data = result.c_messages_affectedHistory();
2389 	if (const auto channel = peer ? peer->asChannel() : nullptr) {
2390 		channel->ptsUpdateAndApply(data.vpts().v, data.vpts_count().v);
2391 	} else {
2392 		updates().updateAndApply(data.vpts().v, data.vpts_count().v);
2393 	}
2394 	return data.voffset().v;
2395 }
applyAffectedMessages(not_null<PeerData * > peer,const MTPmessages_AffectedMessages & result)2397 void ApiWrap::applyAffectedMessages(
2398 		not_null<PeerData*> peer,
2399 		const MTPmessages_AffectedMessages &result) {
2400 	const auto &data = result.c_messages_affectedMessages();
2401 	if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) {
2402 		channel->ptsUpdateAndApply(data.vpts().v, data.vpts_count().v);
2403 	} else {
2404 		applyAffectedMessages(result);
2405 	}
2406 }
applyAffectedMessages(const MTPmessages_AffectedMessages & result)2408 void ApiWrap::applyAffectedMessages(
2409 		const MTPmessages_AffectedMessages &result) {
2410 	const auto &data = result.c_messages_affectedMessages();
2411 	updates().updateAndApply(data.vpts().v, data.vpts_count().v);
2412 }
saveCurrentDraftToCloud()2414 void ApiWrap::saveCurrentDraftToCloud() {
2415 	Core::App().saveCurrentDraftsToHistories();
2417 	for (const auto &controller : _session->windows()) {
2418 		if (const auto history = controller->activeChatCurrent().history()) {
2419 			_session->local().writeDrafts(history);
2421 			const auto localDraft = history->localDraft();
2422 			const auto cloudDraft = history->cloudDraft();
2423 			if (!Data::draftsAreEqual(localDraft, cloudDraft)
2424 				&& !_session->supportMode()) {
2425 				saveDraftToCloudDelayed(history);
2426 			}
2427 		}
2428 	}
2429 }
saveDraftsToCloud()2431 void ApiWrap::saveDraftsToCloud() {
2432 	for (auto i = _draftsSaveRequestIds.begin(), e = _draftsSaveRequestIds.end(); i != e; ++i) {
2433 		if (i->second) continue; // sent already
2435 		auto history = i->first;
2436 		auto cloudDraft = history->cloudDraft();
2437 		auto localDraft = history->localDraft();
2438 		if (cloudDraft && cloudDraft->saveRequestId) {
2439 			request(base::take(cloudDraft->saveRequestId)).cancel();
2440 		}
2441 		if (!_session->supportMode()) {
2442 			cloudDraft = history->createCloudDraft(localDraft);
2443 		} else if (!cloudDraft) {
2444 			cloudDraft = history->createCloudDraft(nullptr);
2445 		}
2447 		auto flags = MTPmessages_SaveDraft::Flags(0);
2448 		auto &textWithTags = cloudDraft->textWithTags;
2449 		if (cloudDraft->previewState != Data::PreviewState::Allowed) {
2450 			flags |= MTPmessages_SaveDraft::Flag::f_no_webpage;
2451 		}
2452 		if (cloudDraft->msgId) {
2453 			flags |= MTPmessages_SaveDraft::Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id;
2454 		}
2455 		if (!textWithTags.tags.isEmpty()) {
2456 			flags |= MTPmessages_SaveDraft::Flag::f_entities;
2457 		}
2458 		auto entities = Api::EntitiesToMTP(
2459 			_session,
2460 			TextUtilities::ConvertTextTagsToEntities(textWithTags.tags),
2461 			Api::ConvertOption::SkipLocal);
2463 		history->startSavingCloudDraft();
2464 		cloudDraft->saveRequestId = request(MTPmessages_SaveDraft(
2465 			MTP_flags(flags),
2466 			MTP_int(cloudDraft->msgId),
2467 			history->peer->input,
2468 			MTP_string(textWithTags.text),
2469 			entities
2470 		)).done([=](const MTPBool &result, const MTP::Response &response) {
2471 			history->finishSavingCloudDraft(
2472 				UnixtimeFromMsgId(response.outerMsgId));
2474 			if (const auto cloudDraft = history->cloudDraft()) {
2475 				if (cloudDraft->saveRequestId == response.requestId) {
2476 					cloudDraft->saveRequestId = 0;
2477 					history->draftSavedToCloud();
2478 				}
2479 			}
2480 			auto i = _draftsSaveRequestIds.find(history);
2481 			if (i != _draftsSaveRequestIds.cend()
2482 				&& i->second == response.requestId) {
2483 				_draftsSaveRequestIds.erase(history);
2484 				checkQuitPreventFinished();
2485 			}
2486 		}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error, const MTP::Response &response) {
2487 			history->finishSavingCloudDraft(
2488 				UnixtimeFromMsgId(response.outerMsgId));
2490 			if (const auto cloudDraft = history->cloudDraft()) {
2491 				if (cloudDraft->saveRequestId == response.requestId) {
2492 					history->clearCloudDraft();
2493 				}
2494 			}
2495 			auto i = _draftsSaveRequestIds.find(history);
2496 			if (i != _draftsSaveRequestIds.cend()
2497 				&& i->second == response.requestId) {
2498 				_draftsSaveRequestIds.erase(history);
2499 				checkQuitPreventFinished();
2500 			}
2501 		}).send();
2503 		i->second = cloudDraft->saveRequestId;
2504 	}
2505 }
isQuitPrevent()2507 bool ApiWrap::isQuitPrevent() {
2508 	if (_draftsSaveRequestIds.empty()) {
2509 		return false;
2510 	}
2511 	LOG(("ApiWrap prevents quit, saving drafts..."));
2512 	saveDraftsToCloud();
2513 	return true;
2514 }
checkQuitPreventFinished()2516 void ApiWrap::checkQuitPreventFinished() {
2517 	if (_draftsSaveRequestIds.empty()) {
2518 		if (App::quitting()) {
2519 			LOG(("ApiWrap doesn't prevent quit any more."));
2520 		}
2521 		Core::App().quitPreventFinished();
2522 	}
2523 }
registerModifyRequest(const QString & key,mtpRequestId requestId)2525 void ApiWrap::registerModifyRequest(
2526 		const QString &key,
2527 		mtpRequestId requestId) {
2528 	const auto i = _modifyRequests.find(key);
2529 	if (i != end(_modifyRequests)) {
2530 		request(i->second).cancel();
2531 		i->second = requestId;
2532 	} else {
2533 		_modifyRequests.emplace(key, requestId);
2534 	}
2535 }
clearModifyRequest(const QString & key)2537 void ApiWrap::clearModifyRequest(const QString &key) {
2538 	_modifyRequests.remove(key);
2539 }
applyNotifySettings(MTPInputNotifyPeer notifyPeer,const MTPPeerNotifySettings & settings)2541 void ApiWrap::applyNotifySettings(
2542 		MTPInputNotifyPeer notifyPeer,
2543 		const MTPPeerNotifySettings &settings) {
2544 	switch (notifyPeer.type()) {
2545 	case mtpc_inputNotifyUsers:
2546 		_session->data().applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyUsers(), settings);
2547 	break;
2548 	case mtpc_inputNotifyChats:
2549 		_session->data().applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyChats(), settings);
2550 	break;
2551 	case mtpc_inputNotifyBroadcasts:
2552 		_session->data().applyNotifySetting(
2553 			MTP_notifyBroadcasts(),
2554 			settings);
2555 	break;
2556 	case mtpc_inputNotifyPeer: {
2557 		auto &peer = notifyPeer.c_inputNotifyPeer().vpeer();
2558 		const auto apply = [&](PeerId peerId) {
2559 			_session->data().applyNotifySetting(
2560 				MTP_notifyPeer(peerToMTP(peerId)),
2561 				settings);
2562 		};
2563 		switch (peer.type()) {
2564 		case mtpc_inputPeerEmpty:
2565 			apply(0);
2566 			break;
2567 		case mtpc_inputPeerSelf:
2568 			apply(_session->userPeerId());
2569 			break;
2570 		case mtpc_inputPeerUser:
2571 			apply(peerFromUser(peer.c_inputPeerUser().vuser_id()));
2572 			break;
2573 		case mtpc_inputPeerChat:
2574 			apply(peerFromChat(peer.c_inputPeerChat().vchat_id()));
2575 			break;
2576 		case mtpc_inputPeerChannel:
2577 			apply(peerFromChannel(peer.c_inputPeerChannel().vchannel_id()));
2578 			break;
2579 		}
2580 	} break;
2581 	}
2582 	Core::App().notifications().checkDelayed();
2583 }
gotStickerSet(uint64 setId,const MTPmessages_StickerSet & result)2585 void ApiWrap::gotStickerSet(uint64 setId, const MTPmessages_StickerSet &result) {
2586 	_stickerSetRequests.remove(setId);
2587 	_session->data().stickers().feedSetFull(result);
2588 }
requestWebPageDelayed(WebPageData * page)2590 void ApiWrap::requestWebPageDelayed(WebPageData *page) {
2591 	if (page->pendingTill <= 0) return;
2592 	_webPagesPending.insert(page, 0);
2593 	auto left = (page->pendingTill - base::unixtime::now()) * 1000;
2594 	if (!_webPagesTimer.isActive() || left <= _webPagesTimer.remainingTime()) {
2595 		_webPagesTimer.callOnce((left < 0 ? 0 : left) + 1);
2596 	}
2597 }
clearWebPageRequest(WebPageData * page)2599 void ApiWrap::clearWebPageRequest(WebPageData *page) {
2600 	_webPagesPending.remove(page);
2601 	if (_webPagesPending.isEmpty() && _webPagesTimer.isActive()) {
2602 		_webPagesTimer.cancel();
2603 	}
2604 }
clearWebPageRequests()2606 void ApiWrap::clearWebPageRequests() {
2607 	_webPagesPending.clear();
2608 	_webPagesTimer.cancel();
2609 }
resolveWebPages()2611 void ApiWrap::resolveWebPages() {
2612 	auto ids = QVector<MTPInputMessage>(); // temp_req_id = -1
2613 	using IndexAndMessageIds = QPair<int32, QVector<MTPInputMessage>>;
2614 	using MessageIdsByChannel = base::flat_map<ChannelData*, IndexAndMessageIds>;
2615 	MessageIdsByChannel idsByChannel; // temp_req_id = -index - 2
2617 	ids.reserve(_webPagesPending.size());
2618 	int32 t = base::unixtime::now(), m = INT_MAX;
2619 	for (auto i = _webPagesPending.begin(); i != _webPagesPending.cend(); ++i) {
2620 		if (i.value() > 0) continue;
2621 		if (i.key()->pendingTill <= t) {
2622 			const auto item = _session->data().findWebPageItem(i.key());
2623 			if (item) {
2624 				if (item->channelId() == NoChannel) {
2625 					ids.push_back(MTP_inputMessageID(MTP_int(item->id)));
2626 					i.value() = -1;
2627 				} else {
2628 					auto channel = item->history()->peer->asChannel();
2629 					auto channelMap = idsByChannel.find(channel);
2630 					if (channelMap == idsByChannel.cend()) {
2631 						channelMap = idsByChannel.emplace(
2632 							channel,
2633 							IndexAndMessageIds(
2634 								idsByChannel.size(),
2635 								QVector<MTPInputMessage>(
2636 									1,
2637 									MTP_inputMessageID(MTP_int(item->id))))).first;
2638 					} else {
2639 						channelMap->second.second.push_back(
2640 							MTP_inputMessageID(MTP_int(item->id)));
2641 					}
2642 					i.value() = -channelMap->second.first - 2;
2643 				}
2644 			}
2645 		} else {
2646 			m = qMin(m, i.key()->pendingTill - t);
2647 		}
2648 	}
2650 	auto requestId = mtpRequestId(0);
2651 	if (!ids.isEmpty()) {
2652 		requestId = request(MTPmessages_GetMessages(
2653 			MTP_vector<MTPInputMessage>(ids)
2654 		)).done([=](
2655 				const MTPmessages_Messages &result,
2656 				mtpRequestId requestId) {
2657 			gotWebPages(nullptr, result, requestId);
2658 		}).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send();
2659 	}
2660 	QVector<mtpRequestId> reqsByIndex(idsByChannel.size(), 0);
2661 	for (auto i = idsByChannel.cbegin(), e = idsByChannel.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
2662 		reqsByIndex[i->second.first] = request(MTPchannels_GetMessages(
2663 			i->first->inputChannel,
2664 			MTP_vector<MTPInputMessage>(i->second.second)
2665 		)).done([=, channel = i->first](
2666 				const MTPmessages_Messages &result,
2667 				mtpRequestId requestId) {
2668 			gotWebPages(channel, result, requestId);
2669 		}).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send();
2670 	}
2671 	if (requestId || !reqsByIndex.isEmpty()) {
2672 		for (auto &pendingRequestId : _webPagesPending) {
2673 			if (pendingRequestId > 0) continue;
2674 			if (pendingRequestId < 0) {
2675 				if (pendingRequestId == -1) {
2676 					pendingRequestId = requestId;
2677 				} else {
2678 					pendingRequestId = reqsByIndex[-pendingRequestId - 2];
2679 				}
2680 			}
2681 		}
2682 	}
2684 	if (m < INT_MAX) {
2685 		_webPagesTimer.callOnce(m * 1000);
2686 	}
2687 }
requestParticipantsCountDelayed(not_null<ChannelData * > channel)2689 void ApiWrap::requestParticipantsCountDelayed(
2690 		not_null<ChannelData*> channel) {
2691 	_participantsCountRequestTimer.call(
2692 		kReloadChannelMembersTimeout,
2693 		[=] { channel->updateFullForced(); });
2694 }
2696 template <typename Request>
requestFileReference(Data::FileOrigin origin,FileReferencesHandler && handler,Request && data)2697 void ApiWrap::requestFileReference(
2698 		Data::FileOrigin origin,
2699 		FileReferencesHandler &&handler,
2700 		Request &&data) {
2701 	const auto i = _fileReferenceHandlers.find(origin);
2702 	if (i != end(_fileReferenceHandlers)) {
2703 		i->second.push_back(std::move(handler));
2704 		return;
2705 	}
2706 	auto handlers = std::vector<FileReferencesHandler>();
2707 	handlers.push_back(std::move(handler));
2708 	_fileReferenceHandlers.emplace(origin, std::move(handlers));
2710 	request(std::move(data)).done([=](const auto &result) {
2711 		const auto parsed = Data::GetFileReferences(result);
2712 		for (const auto &p : parsed.data) {
2713 			// Unpack here the parsed pair by hand to workaround a GCC bug.
2714 			// See https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=87122
2715 			const auto &origin = p.first;
2716 			const auto &reference = p.second;
2717 			const auto documentId = std::get_if<DocumentFileLocationId>(
2718 				&origin);
2719 			if (documentId) {
2720 				_session->data().document(
2721 					documentId->id
2722 				)->refreshFileReference(reference);
2723 			}
2724 			const auto photoId = std::get_if<PhotoFileLocationId>(&origin);
2725 			if (photoId) {
2726 				_session->data().photo(
2727 					photoId->id
2728 				)->refreshFileReference(reference);
2729 			}
2730 		}
2731 		const auto i = _fileReferenceHandlers.find(origin);
2732 		Assert(i != end(_fileReferenceHandlers));
2733 		auto handlers = std::move(i->second);
2734 		_fileReferenceHandlers.erase(i);
2735 		for (auto &handler : handlers) {
2736 			handler(parsed);
2737 		}
2738 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
2739 		const auto i = _fileReferenceHandlers.find(origin);
2740 		Assert(i != end(_fileReferenceHandlers));
2741 		auto handlers = std::move(i->second);
2742 		_fileReferenceHandlers.erase(i);
2743 		for (auto &handler : handlers) {
2744 			handler(UpdatedFileReferences());
2745 		}
2746 	}).send();
2747 }
refreshFileReference(Data::FileOrigin origin,not_null<Storage::DownloadMtprotoTask * > task,int requestId,const QByteArray & current)2749 void ApiWrap::refreshFileReference(
2750 		Data::FileOrigin origin,
2751 		not_null<Storage::DownloadMtprotoTask*> task,
2752 		int requestId,
2753 		const QByteArray &current) {
2754 	return refreshFileReference(origin, crl::guard(task, [=](
2755 			const UpdatedFileReferences &data) {
2756 		task->refreshFileReferenceFrom(data, requestId, current);
2757 	}));
2758 }
refreshFileReference(Data::FileOrigin origin,FileReferencesHandler && handler)2760 void ApiWrap::refreshFileReference(
2761 		Data::FileOrigin origin,
2762 		FileReferencesHandler &&handler) {
2763 	const auto request = [&](
2764 			auto &&data,
2765 			Fn<void()> &&additional = nullptr) {
2766 		requestFileReference(
2767 			origin,
2768 			std::move(handler),
2769 			std::move(data));
2770 		if (additional) {
2771 			const auto i = _fileReferenceHandlers.find(origin);
2772 			Assert(i != end(_fileReferenceHandlers));
2773 			if (i->second.size() == 1) {
2774 				i->second.push_back([=](auto&&) {
2775 					additional();
2776 				});
2777 			}
2778 		}
2779 	};
2780 	const auto fail = [&] {
2781 		handler(UpdatedFileReferences());
2782 	};
2783 	v::match(origin.data, [&](Data::FileOriginMessage data) {
2784 		if (const auto item = _session->data().message(data)) {
2785 			if (item->isScheduled()) {
2786 				const auto &scheduled = _session->data().scheduledMessages();
2787 				const auto realId = scheduled.lookupId(item);
2788 				request(MTPmessages_GetScheduledMessages(
2789 					item->history()->peer->input,
2790 					MTP_vector<MTPint>(1, MTP_int(realId))));
2791 			} else if (const auto channel = item->history()->peer->asChannel()) {
2792 				request(MTPchannels_GetMessages(
2793 					channel->inputChannel,
2794 					MTP_vector<MTPInputMessage>(
2795 						1,
2796 						MTP_inputMessageID(MTP_int(item->id)))));
2797 			} else {
2798 				request(MTPmessages_GetMessages(
2799 					MTP_vector<MTPInputMessage>(
2800 						1,
2801 						MTP_inputMessageID(MTP_int(item->id)))));
2802 			}
2803 		} else {
2804 			fail();
2805 		}
2806 	}, [&](Data::FileOriginUserPhoto data) {
2807 		if (const auto user = _session->data().user(data.userId)) {
2808 			request(MTPphotos_GetUserPhotos(
2809 				user->inputUser,
2810 				MTP_int(-1),
2811 				MTP_long(data.photoId),
2812 				MTP_int(1)));
2813 		} else {
2814 			fail();
2815 		}
2816 	}, [&](Data::FileOriginPeerPhoto data) {
2817 		fail();
2818 	}, [&](Data::FileOriginStickerSet data) {
2819 		const auto isRecentAttached =
2820 			(data.setId == Data::Stickers::CloudRecentAttachedSetId);
2821 		if (data.setId == Data::Stickers::CloudRecentSetId
2822 			|| data.setId == Data::Stickers::RecentSetId
2823 			|| isRecentAttached) {
2824 			auto done = [=] { crl::on_main(_session, [=] {
2825 				if (isRecentAttached) {
2826 					local().writeRecentMasks();
2827 				} else {
2828 					local().writeRecentStickers();
2829 				}
2830 			}); };
2831 			request(MTPmessages_GetRecentStickers(
2832 				MTP_flags(isRecentAttached
2833 					? MTPmessages_GetRecentStickers::Flag::f_attached
2834 					: MTPmessages_GetRecentStickers::Flags(0)),
2835 				MTP_long(0)),
2836 				std::move(done));
2837 		} else if (data.setId == Data::Stickers::FavedSetId) {
2838 			request(MTPmessages_GetFavedStickers(MTP_long(0)),
2839 				[=] { crl::on_main(_session, [=] { local().writeFavedStickers(); }); });
2840 		} else {
2841 			request(MTPmessages_GetStickerSet(
2842 				MTP_inputStickerSetID(
2843 					MTP_long(data.setId),
2844 					MTP_long(data.accessHash))),
2845 				[=] { crl::on_main(_session, [=] {
2846 					local().writeInstalledStickers();
2847 					local().writeRecentStickers();
2848 					local().writeFavedStickers();
2849 				}); });
2850 		}
2851 	}, [&](Data::FileOriginSavedGifs data) {
2852 		request(
2853 			MTPmessages_GetSavedGifs(MTP_long(0)),
2854 			[=] { crl::on_main(_session, [=] { local().writeSavedGifs(); }); });
2855 	}, [&](Data::FileOriginWallpaper data) {
2856 		const auto useSlug = data.ownerId
2857 			&& (data.ownerId != session().userId())
2858 			&& !data.slug.isEmpty();
2859 		request(MTPaccount_GetWallPaper(useSlug
2860 			? MTP_inputWallPaperSlug(MTP_string(data.slug))
2861 			: MTP_inputWallPaper(
2862 				MTP_long(data.paperId),
2863 				MTP_long(data.accessHash))));
2864 	}, [&](Data::FileOriginTheme data) {
2865 		request(MTPaccount_GetTheme(
2866 			MTP_string(Data::CloudThemes::Format()),
2867 			MTP_inputTheme(
2868 				MTP_long(data.themeId),
2869 				MTP_long(data.accessHash)),
2870 			MTP_long(0)));
2871 	}, [&](v::null_t) {
2872 		fail();
2873 	});
2874 }
gotWebPages(ChannelData * channel,const MTPmessages_Messages & result,mtpRequestId req)2876 void ApiWrap::gotWebPages(ChannelData *channel, const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId req) {
2877 	WebPageData::ApplyChanges(_session, channel, result);
2878 	for (auto i = _webPagesPending.begin(); i != _webPagesPending.cend();) {
2879 		if (i.value() == req) {
2880 			if (i.key()->pendingTill > 0) {
2881 				i.key()->pendingTill = -1;
2882 				_session->data().notifyWebPageUpdateDelayed(i.key());
2883 			}
2884 			i = _webPagesPending.erase(i);
2885 		} else {
2886 			++i;
2887 		}
2888 	}
2889 	_session->data().sendWebPageGamePollNotifications();
2890 }
updateStickers()2892 void ApiWrap::updateStickers() {
2893 	const auto now = crl::now();
2894 	requestStickers(now);
2895 	requestRecentStickers(now);
2896 	requestFavedStickers(now);
2897 	requestFeaturedStickers(now);
2898 	requestSavedGifs(now);
2899 }
updateMasks()2901 void ApiWrap::updateMasks() {
2902 	const auto now = crl::now();
2903 	requestMasks(now);
2904 	requestRecentStickers(now, true);
2905 }
requestRecentStickersForce(bool attached)2907 void ApiWrap::requestRecentStickersForce(bool attached) {
2908 	requestRecentStickersWithHash(0, attached);
2909 }
setGroupStickerSet(not_null<ChannelData * > megagroup,const StickerSetIdentifier & set)2911 void ApiWrap::setGroupStickerSet(
2912 		not_null<ChannelData*> megagroup,
2913 		const StickerSetIdentifier &set) {
2914 	Expects(megagroup->mgInfo != nullptr);
2916 	megagroup->mgInfo->stickerSet = set;
2917 	request(MTPchannels_SetStickers(
2918 		megagroup->inputChannel,
2919 		Data::InputStickerSet(set)
2920 	)).send();
2921 	_session->data().stickers().notifyUpdated();
2922 }
stickersByEmoji(not_null<EmojiPtr> emoji)2924 std::vector<not_null<DocumentData*>> *ApiWrap::stickersByEmoji(
2925 		not_null<EmojiPtr> emoji) {
2926 	const auto it = _stickersByEmoji.find(emoji);
2927 	const auto sendRequest = [&] {
2928 		if (it == _stickersByEmoji.end()) {
2929 			return true;
2930 		}
2931 		const auto received = it->second.received;
2932 		const auto now = crl::now();
2933 		return (received > 0)
2934 			&& (received + kStickersByEmojiInvalidateTimeout) <= now;
2935 	}();
2936 	if (sendRequest) {
2937 		const auto hash = (it != _stickersByEmoji.end())
2938 			? it->second.hash
2939 			: uint64(0);
2940 		request(MTPmessages_GetStickers(
2941 			MTP_string(emoji->text()),
2942 			MTP_long(hash)
2943 		)).done([=](const MTPmessages_Stickers &result) {
2944 			if (result.type() == mtpc_messages_stickersNotModified) {
2945 				return;
2946 			}
2947 			Assert(result.type() == mtpc_messages_stickers);
2948 			const auto &data = result.c_messages_stickers();
2949 			auto &entry = _stickersByEmoji[emoji];
2950 			entry.list.clear();
2951 			entry.list.reserve(data.vstickers().v.size());
2952 			for (const auto &sticker : data.vstickers().v) {
2953 				const auto document = _session->data().processDocument(
2954 					sticker);
2955 				if (document->sticker()) {
2956 					entry.list.push_back(document);
2957 				}
2958 			}
2959 			entry.hash = data.vhash().v;
2960 			entry.received = crl::now();
2961 			_session->data().stickers().notifyUpdated();
2962 		}).send();
2963 	}
2964 	if (it == _stickersByEmoji.end()) {
2965 		_stickersByEmoji.emplace(emoji, StickersByEmoji());
2966 	} else if (it->second.received > 0) {
2967 		return &it->second.list;
2968 	}
2969 	return nullptr;
2970 }
requestStickers(TimeId now)2972 void ApiWrap::requestStickers(TimeId now) {
2973 	if (!_session->data().stickers().updateNeeded(now)
2974 		|| _stickersUpdateRequest) {
2975 		return;
2976 	}
2977 	const auto done = [=](const MTPmessages_AllStickers &result) {
2978 		_session->data().stickers().setLastUpdate(crl::now());
2979 		_stickersUpdateRequest = 0;
2981 		result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_allStickersNotModified&) {
2982 		}, [&](const MTPDmessages_allStickers &data) {
2983 			_session->data().stickers().setsReceived(
2984 				data.vsets().v,
2985 				data.vhash().v);
2986 		});
2987 	};
2988 	_stickersUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetAllStickers(
2989 		MTP_long(Api::CountStickersHash(_session, true))
2990 	)).done(done).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
2991 		LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get stickers!"));
2992 		done(MTP_messages_allStickersNotModified());
2993 	}).send();
2994 }
requestMasks(TimeId now)2996 void ApiWrap::requestMasks(TimeId now) {
2997 	if (!_session->data().stickers().masksUpdateNeeded(now)
2998 		|| _masksUpdateRequest) {
2999 		return;
3000 	}
3001 	const auto done = [=](const MTPmessages_AllStickers &result) {
3002 		_session->data().stickers().setLastMasksUpdate(crl::now());
3003 		_masksUpdateRequest = 0;
3005 		result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_allStickersNotModified&) {
3006 		}, [&](const MTPDmessages_allStickers &data) {
3007 			_session->data().stickers().masksReceived(
3008 				data.vsets().v,
3009 				data.vhash().v);
3010 		});
3011 	};
3012 	_masksUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetMaskStickers(
3013 		MTP_long(Api::CountMasksHash(_session, true))
3014 	)).done(done).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
3015 		LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get masks!"));
3016 		done(MTP_messages_allStickersNotModified());
3017 	}).send();
3018 }
requestRecentStickers(TimeId now,bool attached)3020 void ApiWrap::requestRecentStickers(TimeId now, bool attached) {
3021 	const auto needed = attached
3022 		? _session->data().stickers().recentAttachedUpdateNeeded(now)
3023 		: _session->data().stickers().recentUpdateNeeded(now);
3024 	if (!needed) {
3025 		return;
3026 	}
3027 	requestRecentStickersWithHash(
3028 		Api::CountRecentStickersHash(_session, attached), attached);
3029 }
requestRecentStickersWithHash(uint64 hash,bool attached)3031 void ApiWrap::requestRecentStickersWithHash(uint64 hash, bool attached) {
3032 	const auto requestId = [=]() -> mtpRequestId & {
3033 		return attached
3034 			? _recentAttachedStickersUpdateRequest
3035 			: _recentStickersUpdateRequest;
3036 	};
3037 	if (requestId()) {
3038 		return;
3039 	}
3040 	const auto finish = [=] {
3041 		auto &stickers = _session->data().stickers();
3042 		if (attached) {
3043 			stickers.setLastRecentAttachedUpdate(crl::now());
3044 		} else {
3045 			stickers.setLastRecentUpdate(crl::now());
3046 		}
3047 		requestId() = 0;
3048 	};
3049 	const auto flags = attached
3050 		? MTPmessages_getRecentStickers::Flag::f_attached
3051 		: MTPmessages_getRecentStickers::Flags(0);
3052 	requestId() = request(MTPmessages_GetRecentStickers(
3053 		MTP_flags(flags),
3054 		MTP_long(hash)
3055 	)).done([=](const MTPmessages_RecentStickers &result) {
3056 		finish();
3058 		switch (result.type()) {
3059 		case mtpc_messages_recentStickersNotModified: return;
3060 		case mtpc_messages_recentStickers: {
3061 			auto &d = result.c_messages_recentStickers();
3062 			_session->data().stickers().specialSetReceived(
3063 				attached
3064 					? Data::Stickers::CloudRecentAttachedSetId
3065 					: Data::Stickers::CloudRecentSetId,
3066 				tr::lng_recent_stickers(tr::now),
3067 				d.vstickers().v,
3068 				d.vhash().v,
3069 				d.vpacks().v,
3070 				d.vdates().v);
3071 		} return;
3072 		default: Unexpected("Type in ApiWrap::recentStickersDone()");
3073 		}
3074 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
3075 		finish();
3077 		LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get recent stickers!"));
3078 	}).send();
3079 }
requestFavedStickers(TimeId now)3081 void ApiWrap::requestFavedStickers(TimeId now) {
3082 	if (!_session->data().stickers().favedUpdateNeeded(now)
3083 		|| _favedStickersUpdateRequest) {
3084 		return;
3085 	}
3086 	_favedStickersUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetFavedStickers(
3087 		MTP_long(Api::CountFavedStickersHash(_session))
3088 	)).done([=](const MTPmessages_FavedStickers &result) {
3089 		_session->data().stickers().setLastFavedUpdate(crl::now());
3090 		_favedStickersUpdateRequest = 0;
3092 		switch (result.type()) {
3093 		case mtpc_messages_favedStickersNotModified: return;
3094 		case mtpc_messages_favedStickers: {
3095 			auto &d = result.c_messages_favedStickers();
3096 			_session->data().stickers().specialSetReceived(
3097 				Data::Stickers::FavedSetId,
3098 				Lang::Hard::FavedSetTitle(),
3099 				d.vstickers().v,
3100 				d.vhash().v,
3101 				d.vpacks().v);
3102 		} return;
3103 		default: Unexpected("Type in ApiWrap::favedStickersDone()");
3104 		}
3105 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
3106 		_session->data().stickers().setLastFavedUpdate(crl::now());
3107 		_favedStickersUpdateRequest = 0;
3109 		LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get faved stickers!"));
3110 	}).send();
3111 }
requestFeaturedStickers(TimeId now)3113 void ApiWrap::requestFeaturedStickers(TimeId now) {
3114 	if (!_session->data().stickers().featuredUpdateNeeded(now)
3115 		|| _featuredStickersUpdateRequest) {
3116 		return;
3117 	}
3118 	_featuredStickersUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetFeaturedStickers(
3119 		MTP_long(Api::CountFeaturedStickersHash(_session))
3120 	)).done([=](const MTPmessages_FeaturedStickers &result) {
3121 		_session->data().stickers().setLastFeaturedUpdate(crl::now());
3122 		_featuredStickersUpdateRequest = 0;
3124 		switch (result.type()) {
3125 		case mtpc_messages_featuredStickersNotModified: return;
3126 		case mtpc_messages_featuredStickers: {
3127 			auto &d = result.c_messages_featuredStickers();
3128 			_session->data().stickers().featuredSetsReceived(
3129 				d.vsets().v,
3130 				d.vunread().v,
3131 				d.vhash().v);
3132 		} return;
3133 		default: Unexpected("Type in ApiWrap::featuredStickersDone()");
3134 		}
3135 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
3136 		_session->data().stickers().setLastFeaturedUpdate(crl::now());
3137 		_featuredStickersUpdateRequest = 0;
3139 		LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get featured stickers!"));
3140 	}).send();
3141 }
requestSavedGifs(TimeId now)3143 void ApiWrap::requestSavedGifs(TimeId now) {
3144 	if (!_session->data().stickers().savedGifsUpdateNeeded(now)
3145 		|| _savedGifsUpdateRequest) {
3146 		return;
3147 	}
3148 	_savedGifsUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetSavedGifs(
3149 		MTP_long(Api::CountSavedGifsHash(_session))
3150 	)).done([=](const MTPmessages_SavedGifs &result) {
3151 		_session->data().stickers().setLastSavedGifsUpdate(crl::now());
3152 		_savedGifsUpdateRequest = 0;
3154 		switch (result.type()) {
3155 		case mtpc_messages_savedGifsNotModified: return;
3156 		case mtpc_messages_savedGifs: {
3157 			auto &d = result.c_messages_savedGifs();
3158 			_session->data().stickers().gifsReceived(
3159 				d.vgifs().v,
3160 				d.vhash().v);
3161 		} return;
3162 		default: Unexpected("Type in ApiWrap::savedGifsDone()");
3163 		}
3164 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
3165 		_session->data().stickers().setLastSavedGifsUpdate(crl::now());
3166 		_savedGifsUpdateRequest = 0;
3168 		LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get saved gifs!"));
3169 	}).send();
3170 }
readFeaturedSetDelayed(uint64 setId)3172 void ApiWrap::readFeaturedSetDelayed(uint64 setId) {
3173 	if (!_featuredSetsRead.contains(setId)) {
3174 		_featuredSetsRead.insert(setId);
3175 		_featuredSetsReadTimer.callOnce(kReadFeaturedSetsTimeout);
3176 	}
3177 }
readFeaturedSets()3179 void ApiWrap::readFeaturedSets() {
3180 	const auto &sets = _session->data().stickers().sets();
3181 	auto count = _session->data().stickers().featuredSetsUnreadCount();
3182 	QVector<MTPlong> wrappedIds;
3183 	wrappedIds.reserve(_featuredSetsRead.size());
3184 	for (const auto setId : _featuredSetsRead) {
3185 		const auto it = sets.find(setId);
3186 		if (it != sets.cend()) {
3187 			it->second->flags &= ~Data::StickersSetFlag::Unread;
3188 			wrappedIds.append(MTP_long(setId));
3189 			if (count) {
3190 				--count;
3191 			}
3192 		}
3193 	}
3194 	_featuredSetsRead.clear();
3196 	if (!wrappedIds.empty()) {
3197 		auto requestData = MTPmessages_ReadFeaturedStickers(
3198 			MTP_vector<MTPlong>(wrappedIds));
3199 		request(std::move(requestData)).done([=](const MTPBool &result) {
3200 			local().writeFeaturedStickers();
3201 			_session->data().stickers().notifyUpdated();
3202 		}).send();
3204 		_session->data().stickers().setFeaturedSetsUnreadCount(count);
3205 	}
3206 }
parseChannelParticipants(not_null<ChannelData * > channel,const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants & result,Fn<void (int availableCount,const QVector<MTPChannelParticipant> & list)> callbackList,Fn<void ()> callbackNotModified)3208 void ApiWrap::parseChannelParticipants(
3209 		not_null<ChannelData*> channel,
3210 		const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result,
3211 		Fn<void(
3212 			int availableCount,
3213 			const QVector<MTPChannelParticipant> &list)> callbackList,
3214 		Fn<void()> callbackNotModified) {
3215 	result.match([&](const MTPDchannels_channelParticipants &data) {
3216 		_session->data().processUsers(data.vusers());
3217 		if (channel->mgInfo) {
3218 			refreshChannelAdmins(channel, data.vparticipants().v);
3219 		}
3220 		if (callbackList) {
3221 			callbackList(data.vcount().v, data.vparticipants().v);
3222 		}
3223 	}, [&](const MTPDchannels_channelParticipantsNotModified &) {
3224 		if (callbackNotModified) {
3225 			callbackNotModified();
3226 		} else {
3227 			LOG(("API Error: "
3228 				"channels.channelParticipantsNotModified received!"));
3229 		}
3230 	});
3231 }
refreshChannelAdmins(not_null<ChannelData * > channel,const QVector<MTPChannelParticipant> & participants)3233 void ApiWrap::refreshChannelAdmins(
3234 		not_null<ChannelData*> channel,
3235 		const QVector<MTPChannelParticipant> &participants) {
3236 	Data::ChannelAdminChanges changes(channel);
3237 	for (const auto &p : participants) {
3238 		const auto participantId = p.match([](
3239 				const MTPDchannelParticipantBanned &data) {
3240 			return peerFromMTP(data.vpeer());
3241 		}, [](const MTPDchannelParticipantLeft &data) {
3242 			return peerFromMTP(data.vpeer());
3243 		}, [](const auto &data) {
3244 			return peerFromUser(data.vuser_id());
3245 		});
3246 		const auto userId = peerToUser(participantId);
3247 		p.match([&](const MTPDchannelParticipantAdmin &data) {
3248 			Assert(peerIsUser(participantId));
3249 			changes.add(userId, qs(data.vrank().value_or_empty()));
3250 		}, [&](const MTPDchannelParticipantCreator &data) {
3251 			Assert(peerIsUser(participantId));
3252 			const auto rank = qs(data.vrank().value_or_empty());
3253 			if (const auto info = channel->mgInfo.get()) {
3254 				info->creator = channel->owner().userLoaded(userId);
3255 				info->creatorRank = rank;
3256 			}
3257 			changes.add(userId, rank);
3258 		}, [&](const auto &data) {
3259 			if (userId) {
3260 				changes.remove(userId);
3261 			}
3262 		});
3263 	}
3264 }
parseRecentChannelParticipants(not_null<ChannelData * > channel,const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants & result,Fn<void (int availableCount,const QVector<MTPChannelParticipant> & list)> callbackList,Fn<void ()> callbackNotModified)3266 void ApiWrap::parseRecentChannelParticipants(
3267 		not_null<ChannelData*> channel,
3268 		const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result,
3269 		Fn<void(
3270 			int availableCount,
3271 			const QVector<MTPChannelParticipant> &list)> callbackList,
3272 		Fn<void()> callbackNotModified) {
3273 	parseChannelParticipants(channel, result, [&](
3274 			int availableCount,
3275 			const QVector<MTPChannelParticipant> &list) {
3276 		auto applyLast = channel->isMegagroup()
3277 			&& (channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.size() <= list.size());
3278 		if (applyLast) {
3279 			applyLastParticipantsList(
3280 				channel,
3281 				availableCount,
3282 				list);
3283 		}
3284 		if (callbackList) {
3285 			callbackList(availableCount, list);
3286 		}
3287 	}, std::move(callbackNotModified));
3288 }
jumpToDate(Dialogs::Key chat,const QDate & date)3290 void ApiWrap::jumpToDate(Dialogs::Key chat, const QDate &date) {
3291 	if (const auto peer = chat.peer()) {
3292 		jumpToHistoryDate(peer, date);
3293 	}
3294 }
3296 template <typename Callback>
requestMessageAfterDate(not_null<PeerData * > peer,const QDate & date,Callback && callback)3297 void ApiWrap::requestMessageAfterDate(
3298 		not_null<PeerData*> peer,
3299 		const QDate &date,
3300 		Callback &&callback) {
3301 	// API returns a message with date <= offset_date.
3302 	// So we request a message with offset_date = desired_date - 1 and add_offset = -1.
3303 	// This should give us the first message with date >= desired_date.
3304 	const auto offsetId = 0;
3305 	const auto offsetDate = static_cast<int>(date.startOfDay().toSecsSinceEpoch()) - 1;
3306 	const auto addOffset = -1;
3307 	const auto limit = 1;
3308 	const auto maxId = 0;
3309 	const auto minId = 0;
3310 	const auto historyHash = uint64(0);
3311 	request(MTPmessages_GetHistory(
3312 		peer->input,
3313 		MTP_int(offsetId),
3314 		MTP_int(offsetDate),
3315 		MTP_int(addOffset),
3316 		MTP_int(limit),
3317 		MTP_int(maxId),
3318 		MTP_int(minId),
3319 		MTP_long(historyHash)
3320 	)).done([
3321 		=,
3322 		callback = std::forward<Callback>(callback)
3323 	](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) {
3324 		auto getMessagesList = [&]() -> const QVector<MTPMessage>* {
3325 			auto handleMessages = [&](auto &messages) {
3326 				_session->data().processUsers(messages.vusers());
3327 				_session->data().processChats(messages.vchats());
3328 				return &messages.vmessages().v;
3329 			};
3330 			switch (result.type()) {
3331 			case mtpc_messages_messages:
3332 				return handleMessages(result.c_messages_messages());
3333 			case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice:
3334 				return handleMessages(result.c_messages_messagesSlice());
3335 			case mtpc_messages_channelMessages: {
3336 				auto &messages = result.c_messages_channelMessages();
3337 				if (peer && peer->isChannel()) {
3338 					peer->asChannel()->ptsReceived(messages.vpts().v);
3339 				} else {
3340 					LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages when no channel was passed! (ApiWrap::jumpToDate)"));
3341 				}
3342 				return handleMessages(messages);
3343 			} break;
3344 			case mtpc_messages_messagesNotModified: {
3345 				LOG(("API Error: received messages.messagesNotModified! (ApiWrap::jumpToDate)"));
3346 			} break;
3347 			}
3348 			return nullptr;
3349 		};
3351 		if (const auto list = getMessagesList()) {
3352 			_session->data().processMessages(*list, NewMessageType::Existing);
3353 			for (const auto &message : *list) {
3354 				if (DateFromMessage(message) >= offsetDate) {
3355 					callback(IdFromMessage(message));
3356 					return;
3357 				}
3358 			}
3359 		}
3360 		callback(ShowAtUnreadMsgId);
3361 	}).send();
3362 }
jumpToHistoryDate(not_null<PeerData * > peer,const QDate & date)3364 void ApiWrap::jumpToHistoryDate(not_null<PeerData*> peer, const QDate &date) {
3365 	if (const auto channel = peer->migrateTo()) {
3366 		jumpToHistoryDate(channel, date);
3367 		return;
3368 	}
3369 	const auto jumpToDateInPeer = [=] {
3370 		requestMessageAfterDate(peer, date, [=](MsgId resultId) {
3371 			Ui::showPeerHistory(peer, resultId);
3372 		});
3373 	};
3374 	if (const auto chat = peer->migrateFrom()) {
3375 		requestMessageAfterDate(chat, date, [=](MsgId resultId) {
3376 			if (resultId) {
3377 				Ui::showPeerHistory(chat, resultId);
3378 			} else {
3379 				jumpToDateInPeer();
3380 			}
3381 		});
3382 	} else {
3383 		jumpToDateInPeer();
3384 	}
3385 }
preloadEnoughUnreadMentions(not_null<History * > history)3387 void ApiWrap::preloadEnoughUnreadMentions(not_null<History*> history) {
3388 	auto fullCount = history->getUnreadMentionsCount();
3389 	auto loadedCount = history->getUnreadMentionsLoadedCount();
3390 	auto allLoaded = (fullCount >= 0) ? (loadedCount >= fullCount) : false;
3391 	if (fullCount < 0 || loadedCount >= kUnreadMentionsPreloadIfLess || allLoaded) {
3392 		return;
3393 	}
3394 	if (_unreadMentionsRequests.contains(history)) {
3395 		return;
3396 	}
3397 	auto offsetId = loadedCount ? history->getMaxLoadedUnreadMention() : 1;
3398 	auto limit = loadedCount ? kUnreadMentionsNextRequestLimit : kUnreadMentionsFirstRequestLimit;
3399 	auto addOffset = loadedCount ? -(limit + 1) : -limit;
3400 	auto maxId = 0;
3401 	auto minId = 0;
3402 	auto requestId = request(MTPmessages_GetUnreadMentions(history->peer->input, MTP_int(offsetId), MTP_int(addOffset), MTP_int(limit), MTP_int(maxId), MTP_int(minId))).done([this, history](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) {
3403 		_unreadMentionsRequests.remove(history);
3404 		history->addUnreadMentionsSlice(result);
3405 	}).fail([this, history](const MTP::Error &error) {
3406 		_unreadMentionsRequests.remove(history);
3407 	}).send();
3408 	_unreadMentionsRequests.emplace(history, requestId);
3409 }
checkForUnreadMentions(const base::flat_set<MsgId> & possiblyReadMentions,ChannelData * channel)3411 void ApiWrap::checkForUnreadMentions(
3412 		const base::flat_set<MsgId> &possiblyReadMentions,
3413 		ChannelData *channel) {
3414 	for (auto msgId : possiblyReadMentions) {
3415 		requestMessageData(channel, msgId, [=](
3416 				ChannelData *channel,
3417 				MsgId msgId) {
3418 			if (const auto item = _session->data().message(channel, msgId)) {
3419 				if (item->mentionsMe()) {
3420 					item->markMediaRead();
3421 				}
3422 			}
3423 		});
3424 	}
3425 }
addChatParticipants(not_null<PeerData * > peer,const std::vector<not_null<UserData * >> & users,Fn<void (bool)> done)3427 void ApiWrap::addChatParticipants(
3428 		not_null<PeerData*> peer,
3429 		const std::vector<not_null<UserData*>> &users,
3430 		Fn<void(bool)> done) {
3431 	if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) {
3432 		for (const auto &user : users) {
3433 			request(MTPmessages_AddChatUser(
3434 				chat->inputChat,
3435 				user->inputUser,
3436 				MTP_int(kForwardMessagesOnAdd)
3437 			)).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) {
3438 				applyUpdates(result);
3439 				if (done) done(true);
3440 			}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
3441 				ShowAddParticipantsError(error.type(), peer, { 1, user });
3442 				if (done) done(false);
3443 			}).afterDelay(crl::time(5)).send();
3444 		}
3445 	} else if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) {
3446 		const auto hasBot = ranges::any_of(users, &UserData::isBot);
3447 		if (!peer->isMegagroup() && hasBot) {
3448 			ShowAddParticipantsError("USER_BOT", peer, users);
3449 			return;
3450 		}
3451 		auto list = QVector<MTPInputUser>();
3452 		list.reserve(qMin(int(users.size()), int(kMaxUsersPerInvite)));
3453 		const auto send = [&] {
3454 			const auto callback = base::take(done);
3455 			request(MTPchannels_InviteToChannel(
3456 				channel->inputChannel,
3457 				MTP_vector<MTPInputUser>(list)
3458 			)).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) {
3459 				applyUpdates(result);
3460 				requestParticipantsCountDelayed(channel);
3461 				if (callback) callback(true);
3462 			}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
3463 				ShowAddParticipantsError(error.type(), peer, users);
3464 				if (callback) callback(false);
3465 			}).afterDelay(crl::time(5)).send();
3466 		};
3467 		for (const auto &user : users) {
3468 			list.push_back(user->inputUser);
3469 			if (list.size() == kMaxUsersPerInvite) {
3470 				send();
3471 				list.clear();
3472 			}
3473 		}
3474 		if (!list.empty()) {
3475 			send();
3476 		}
3477 	} else {
3478 		Unexpected("User in ApiWrap::addChatParticipants.");
3479 	}
3480 }
requestSharedMediaCount(not_null<PeerData * > peer,Storage::SharedMediaType type)3482 void ApiWrap::requestSharedMediaCount(
3483 		not_null<PeerData*> peer,
3484 		Storage::SharedMediaType type) {
3485 	requestSharedMedia(peer, type, 0, SliceType::Before);
3486 }
requestSharedMedia(not_null<PeerData * > peer,SharedMediaType type,MsgId messageId,SliceType slice)3488 void ApiWrap::requestSharedMedia(
3489 		not_null<PeerData*> peer,
3490 		SharedMediaType type,
3491 		MsgId messageId,
3492 		SliceType slice) {
3493 	const auto key = std::make_tuple(peer, type, messageId, slice);
3494 	if (_sharedMediaRequests.contains(key)) {
3495 		return;
3496 	}
3498 	const auto prepared = Api::PrepareSearchRequest(
3499 		peer,
3500 		type,
3501 		QString(),
3502 		messageId,
3503 		slice);
3504 	if (!prepared) {
3505 		return;
3506 	}
3508 	const auto history = _session->data().history(peer);
3509 	auto &histories = history->owner().histories();
3510 	const auto requestType = Data::Histories::RequestType::History;
3511 	histories.sendRequest(history, requestType, [=](Fn<void()> finish) {
3512 		return request(
3513 			std::move(*prepared)
3514 		).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) {
3515 			const auto key = std::make_tuple(peer, type, messageId, slice);
3516 			_sharedMediaRequests.remove(key);
3517 			sharedMediaDone(peer, type, messageId, slice, result);
3518 			finish();
3519 		}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
3520 			_sharedMediaRequests.remove(key);
3521 			finish();
3522 		}).send();
3523 	});
3524 	_sharedMediaRequests.emplace(key);
3525 }
sharedMediaDone(not_null<PeerData * > peer,SharedMediaType type,MsgId messageId,SliceType slice,const MTPmessages_Messages & result)3527 void ApiWrap::sharedMediaDone(
3528 		not_null<PeerData*> peer,
3529 		SharedMediaType type,
3530 		MsgId messageId,
3531 		SliceType slice,
3532 		const MTPmessages_Messages &result) {
3533 	auto parsed = Api::ParseSearchResult(
3534 		peer,
3535 		type,
3536 		messageId,
3537 		slice,
3538 		result);
3539 	_session->storage().add(Storage::SharedMediaAddSlice(
3540 		peer->id,
3541 		type,
3542 		std::move(parsed.messageIds),
3543 		parsed.noSkipRange,
3544 		parsed.fullCount
3545 	));
3546 	if (type == SharedMediaType::Pinned && !parsed.messageIds.empty()) {
3547 		peer->owner().history(peer)->setHasPinnedMessages(true);
3548 	}
3549 }
requestUserPhotos(not_null<UserData * > user,PhotoId afterId)3551 void ApiWrap::requestUserPhotos(
3552 		not_null<UserData*> user,
3553 		PhotoId afterId) {
3554 	if (_userPhotosRequests.contains(user)) {
3555 		return;
3556 	}
3558 	auto limit = kSharedMediaLimit;
3560 	auto requestId = request(MTPphotos_GetUserPhotos(
3561 		user->inputUser,
3562 		MTP_int(0),
3563 		MTP_long(afterId),
3564 		MTP_int(limit)
3565 	)).done([this, user, afterId](const MTPphotos_Photos &result) {
3566 		_userPhotosRequests.remove(user);
3567 		userPhotosDone(user, afterId, result);
3568 	}).fail([this, user](const MTP::Error &error) {
3569 		_userPhotosRequests.remove(user);
3570 	}).send();
3571 	_userPhotosRequests.emplace(user, requestId);
3572 }
userPhotosDone(not_null<UserData * > user,PhotoId photoId,const MTPphotos_Photos & result)3574 void ApiWrap::userPhotosDone(
3575 		not_null<UserData*> user,
3576 		PhotoId photoId,
3577 		const MTPphotos_Photos &result) {
3578 	auto fullCount = 0;
3579 	auto &photos = *[&] {
3580 		switch (result.type()) {
3581 		case mtpc_photos_photos: {
3582 			auto &d = result.c_photos_photos();
3583 			_session->data().processUsers(d.vusers());
3584 			fullCount = d.vphotos().v.size();
3585 			return &d.vphotos().v;
3586 		} break;
3588 		case mtpc_photos_photosSlice: {
3589 			auto &d = result.c_photos_photosSlice();
3590 			_session->data().processUsers(d.vusers());
3591 			fullCount = d.vcount().v;
3592 			return &d.vphotos().v;
3593 		} break;
3594 		}
3595 		Unexpected("photos.Photos type in userPhotosDone()");
3596 	}();
3598 	auto photoIds = std::vector<PhotoId>();
3599 	photoIds.reserve(photos.size());
3600 	for (auto &photo : photos) {
3601 		if (auto photoData = _session->data().processPhoto(photo)) {
3602 			photoIds.push_back(photoData->id);
3603 		}
3604 	}
3605 	_session->storage().add(Storage::UserPhotosAddSlice(
3606 		peerToUser(user->id),
3607 		std::move(photoIds),
3608 		fullCount
3609 	));
3610 }
sendAction(const SendAction & action)3612 void ApiWrap::sendAction(const SendAction &action) {
3613 	if (!action.options.scheduled) {
3614 		_session->data().histories().readInbox(action.history);
3615 		action.history->getReadyFor(ShowAtTheEndMsgId);
3616 	}
3617 	_sendActions.fire_copy(action);
3618 }
finishForwarding(const SendAction & action)3620 void ApiWrap::finishForwarding(const SendAction &action) {
3621 	const auto history = action.history;
3622 	auto toForward = history->resolveForwardDraft();
3623 	if (!toForward.items.empty()) {
3624 		const auto error = GetErrorTextForSending(
3625 			history->peer,
3626 			toForward.items);
3627 		if (!error.isEmpty()) {
3628 			return;
3629 		}
3631 		forwardMessages(std::move(toForward), action);
3632 		_session->data().cancelForwarding(history);
3633 	}
3635 	_session->data().sendHistoryChangeNotifications();
3636 	_session->changes().historyUpdated(
3637 		history,
3638 		(action.options.scheduled
3639 			? Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag::ScheduledSent
3640 			: Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag::MessageSent));
3641 }
forwardMessages(Data::ResolvedForwardDraft && draft,const SendAction & action,FnMut<void ()> && successCallback)3643 void ApiWrap::forwardMessages(
3644 		Data::ResolvedForwardDraft &&draft,
3645 		const SendAction &action,
3646 		FnMut<void()> &&successCallback) {
3647 	Expects(!draft.items.empty());
3649 	auto &histories = _session->data().histories();
3651 	struct SharedCallback {
3652 		int requestsLeft = 0;
3653 		FnMut<void()> callback;
3654 	};
3655 	const auto shared = successCallback
3656 		? std::make_shared<SharedCallback>()
3657 		: std::shared_ptr<SharedCallback>();
3658 	if (successCallback) {
3659 		shared->callback = std::move(successCallback);
3660 	}
3662 	const auto count = int(draft.items.size());
3663 	const auto genClientSideMessage = action.generateLocal
3664 		&& (count < 2)
3665 		&& (draft.options == Data::ForwardOptions::PreserveInfo);
3666 	const auto history = action.history;
3667 	const auto peer = history->peer;
3669 	if (!action.options.scheduled) {
3670 		histories.readInbox(history);
3671 	}
3672 	const auto anonymousPost = peer->amAnonymous();
3673 	const auto silentPost = ShouldSendSilent(peer, action.options);
3675 	auto flags = MessageFlags();
3676 	auto sendFlags = MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flags(0);
3677 	FillMessagePostFlags(action, peer, flags);
3678 	if (silentPost) {
3679 		sendFlags |= MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flag::f_silent;
3680 	}
3681 	if (action.options.scheduled) {
3682 		flags |= MessageFlag::IsOrWasScheduled;
3683 		sendFlags |= MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flag::f_schedule_date;
3684 	}
3685 	if (draft.options != Data::ForwardOptions::PreserveInfo) {
3686 		sendFlags |= MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flag::f_drop_author;
3687 	}
3688 	if (draft.options == Data::ForwardOptions::NoNamesAndCaptions) {
3689 		sendFlags |= MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flag::f_drop_media_captions;
3690 	}
3692 	auto forwardFrom = draft.items.front()->history()->peer;
3693 	auto ids = QVector<MTPint>();
3694 	auto randomIds = QVector<MTPlong>();
3695 	auto localIds = std::shared_ptr<base::flat_map<uint64, FullMsgId>>();
3697 	const auto sendAccumulated = [&] {
3698 		if (shared) {
3699 			++shared->requestsLeft;
3700 		}
3701 		const auto requestType = Data::Histories::RequestType::Send;
3702 		const auto idsCopy = localIds;
3703 		histories.sendRequest(history, requestType, [=](Fn<void()> finish) {
3704 			history->sendRequestId = request(MTPmessages_ForwardMessages(
3705 				MTP_flags(sendFlags),
3706 				forwardFrom->input,
3707 				MTP_vector<MTPint>(ids),
3708 				MTP_vector<MTPlong>(randomIds),
3709 				peer->input,
3710 				MTP_int(action.options.scheduled)
3711 			)).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) {
3712 				applyUpdates(result);
3713 				if (shared && !--shared->requestsLeft) {
3714 					shared->callback();
3715 				}
3716 				finish();
3717 			}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
3718 				if (idsCopy) {
3719 					for (const auto &[randomId, itemId] : *idsCopy) {
3720 						sendMessageFail(error, peer, randomId, itemId);
3721 					}
3722 				} else {
3723 					sendMessageFail(error, peer);
3724 				}
3725 				finish();
3726 			}).afterRequest(
3727 				history->sendRequestId
3728 			).send();
3729 			return history->sendRequestId;
3730 		});
3732 		ids.resize(0);
3733 		randomIds.resize(0);
3734 		localIds = nullptr;
3735 	};
3737 	ids.reserve(count);
3738 	randomIds.reserve(count);
3739 	for (const auto item : draft.items) {
3740 		const auto randomId = base::RandomValue<uint64>();
3741 		if (genClientSideMessage) {
3742 			const auto newId = FullMsgId(
3743 				peerToChannel(peer->id),
3744 				_session->data().nextLocalMessageId());
3745 			const auto self = _session->user();
3746 			const auto messageFromId = anonymousPost
3747 				? PeerId(0)
3748 				: self->id;
3749 			const auto messagePostAuthor = peer->isBroadcast()
3750 				? self->name
3751 				: QString();
3752 			history->addNewLocalMessage(
3753 				newId.msg,
3754 				flags,
3755 				HistoryItem::NewMessageDate(action.options.scheduled),
3756 				messageFromId,
3757 				messagePostAuthor,
3758 				item);
3759 			_session->data().registerMessageRandomId(randomId, newId);
3760 			if (!localIds) {
3761 				localIds = std::make_shared<base::flat_map<uint64, FullMsgId>>();
3762 			}
3763 			localIds->emplace(randomId, newId);
3764 		}
3765 		const auto newFrom = item->history()->peer;
3766 		if (forwardFrom != newFrom) {
3767 			sendAccumulated();
3768 			forwardFrom = newFrom;
3769 		}
3770 		ids.push_back(MTP_int(item->id));
3771 		randomIds.push_back(MTP_long(randomId));
3772 	}
3773 	sendAccumulated();
3774 	_session->data().sendHistoryChangeNotifications();
3775 }
shareContact(const QString & phone,const QString & firstName,const QString & lastName,const SendAction & action)3777 void ApiWrap::shareContact(
3778 		const QString &phone,
3779 		const QString &firstName,
3780 		const QString &lastName,
3781 		const SendAction &action) {
3782 	const auto userId = UserId(0);
3783 	sendSharedContact(phone, firstName, lastName, userId, action);
3784 }
shareContact(not_null<UserData * > user,const SendAction & action)3786 void ApiWrap::shareContact(
3787 		not_null<UserData*> user,
3788 		const SendAction &action) {
3789 	const auto userId = peerToUser(user->id);
3790 	const auto phone = _session->data().findContactPhone(user);
3791 	if (phone.isEmpty()) {
3792 		return;
3793 	}
3794 	sendSharedContact(
3795 		phone,
3796 		user->firstName,
3797 		user->lastName,
3798 		userId,
3799 		action);
3800 }
sendSharedContact(const QString & phone,const QString & firstName,const QString & lastName,UserId userId,const SendAction & action)3802 void ApiWrap::sendSharedContact(
3803 		const QString &phone,
3804 		const QString &firstName,
3805 		const QString &lastName,
3806 		UserId userId,
3807 		const SendAction &action) {
3808 	sendAction(action);
3810 	const auto history = action.history;
3811 	const auto peer = history->peer;
3813 	const auto newId = FullMsgId(
3814 		history->channelId(),
3815 		_session->data().nextLocalMessageId());
3816 	const auto anonymousPost = peer->amAnonymous();
3818 	auto flags = NewMessageFlags(peer);
3819 	if (action.replyTo) {
3820 		flags |= MessageFlag::HasReplyInfo;
3821 	}
3822 	const auto replyHeader = NewMessageReplyHeader(action);
3823 	FillMessagePostFlags(action, peer, flags);
3824 	if (action.options.scheduled) {
3825 		flags |= MessageFlag::IsOrWasScheduled;
3826 	}
3827 	const auto messageFromId = anonymousPost ? 0 : _session->userPeerId();
3828 	const auto messagePostAuthor = peer->isBroadcast()
3829 		? _session->user()->name
3830 		: QString();
3831 	const auto viaBotId = UserId();
3832 	const auto item = history->addNewLocalMessage(
3833 		newId.msg,
3834 		flags,
3835 		viaBotId,
3836 		action.replyTo,
3837 		HistoryItem::NewMessageDate(action.options.scheduled),
3838 		messageFromId,
3839 		messagePostAuthor,
3840 		TextWithEntities(),
3841 		MTP_messageMediaContact(
3842 			MTP_string(phone),
3843 			MTP_string(firstName),
3844 			MTP_string(lastName),
3845 			MTP_string(), // vcard
3846 			MTP_long(userId.bare)),
3847 		HistoryMessageMarkupData());
3849 	const auto media = MTP_inputMediaContact(
3850 		MTP_string(phone),
3851 		MTP_string(firstName),
3852 		MTP_string(lastName),
3853 		MTP_string()); // vcard
3854 	sendMedia(item, media, action.options);
3856 	_session->data().sendHistoryChangeNotifications();
3857 	_session->changes().historyUpdated(
3858 		history,
3859 		(action.options.scheduled
3860 			? Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag::ScheduledSent
3861 			: Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag::MessageSent));
3862 }
sendVoiceMessage(QByteArray result,VoiceWaveform waveform,int duration,const SendAction & action)3864 void ApiWrap::sendVoiceMessage(
3865 		QByteArray result,
3866 		VoiceWaveform waveform,
3867 		int duration,
3868 		const SendAction &action) {
3869 	const auto caption = TextWithTags();
3870 	const auto to = fileLoadTaskOptions(action);
3871 	_fileLoader->addTask(std::make_unique<FileLoadTask>(
3872 		&session(),
3873 		result,
3874 		duration,
3875 		waveform,
3876 		to,
3877 		caption));
3878 }
editMedia(Ui::PreparedList && list,SendMediaType type,TextWithTags && caption,const SendAction & action)3880 void ApiWrap::editMedia(
3881 		Ui::PreparedList &&list,
3882 		SendMediaType type,
3883 		TextWithTags &&caption,
3884 		const SendAction &action) {
3885 	if (list.files.empty()) return;
3887 	auto &file = list.files.front();
3888 	const auto to = fileLoadTaskOptions(action);
3889 	_fileLoader->addTask(std::make_unique<FileLoadTask>(
3890 		&session(),
3891 		file.path,
3892 		file.content,
3893 		std::move(file.information),
3894 		type,
3895 		to,
3896 		caption));
3897 }
sendFiles(Ui::PreparedList && list,SendMediaType type,TextWithTags && caption,std::shared_ptr<SendingAlbum> album,const SendAction & action)3899 void ApiWrap::sendFiles(
3900 		Ui::PreparedList &&list,
3901 		SendMediaType type,
3902 		TextWithTags &&caption,
3903 		std::shared_ptr<SendingAlbum> album,
3904 		const SendAction &action) {
3905 	const auto haveCaption = !caption.text.isEmpty();
3906 	if (haveCaption && !list.canAddCaption(album != nullptr)) {
3907 		auto message = MessageToSend(action.history);
3908 		message.textWithTags = base::take(caption);
3909 		message.action = action;
3910 		message.action.clearDraft = false;
3911 		sendMessage(std::move(message));
3912 	}
3914 	const auto to = fileLoadTaskOptions(action);
3915 	if (album) {
3916 		album->options = to.options;
3917 	}
3918 	auto tasks = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Task>>();
3919 	tasks.reserve(list.files.size());
3920 	for (auto &file : list.files) {
3921 		const auto uploadWithType = !album
3922 			? type
3923 			: (file.type == Ui::PreparedFile::Type::Photo
3924 				&& type != SendMediaType::File)
3925 			? SendMediaType::Photo
3926 			: SendMediaType::File;
3927 		tasks.push_back(std::make_unique<FileLoadTask>(
3928 			&session(),
3929 			file.path,
3930 			file.content,
3931 			std::move(file.information),
3932 			uploadWithType,
3933 			to,
3934 			caption,
3935 			album));
3936 		caption = TextWithTags();
3937 	}
3938 	if (album) {
3939 		_sendingAlbums.emplace(album->groupId, album);
3940 		album->items.reserve(tasks.size());
3941 		for (const auto &task : tasks) {
3942 			album->items.emplace_back(task->id());
3943 		}
3944 	}
3945 	_fileLoader->addTasks(std::move(tasks));
3946 }
sendFile(const QByteArray & fileContent,SendMediaType type,const SendAction & action)3948 void ApiWrap::sendFile(
3949 		const QByteArray &fileContent,
3950 		SendMediaType type,
3951 		const SendAction &action) {
3952 	const auto to = fileLoadTaskOptions(action);
3953 	auto caption = TextWithTags();
3954 	_fileLoader->addTask(std::make_unique<FileLoadTask>(
3955 		&session(),
3956 		QString(),
3957 		fileContent,
3958 		nullptr,
3959 		type,
3960 		to,
3961 		caption));
3962 }
sendUploadedPhoto(FullMsgId localId,const MTPInputFile & file,Api::SendOptions options,std::vector<MTPInputDocument> attachedStickers)3964 void ApiWrap::sendUploadedPhoto(
3965 		FullMsgId localId,
3966 		const MTPInputFile &file,
3967 		Api::SendOptions options,
3968 		std::vector<MTPInputDocument> attachedStickers) {
3969 	if (const auto item = _session->data().message(localId)) {
3970 		const auto media = Api::PrepareUploadedPhoto(
3971 			file,
3972 			std::move(attachedStickers));
3973 		if (const auto groupId = item->groupId()) {
3974 			uploadAlbumMedia(item, groupId, media);
3975 		} else {
3976 			sendMedia(item, media, options);
3977 		}
3978 	}
3979 }
sendUploadedDocument(FullMsgId localId,const MTPInputFile & file,const std::optional<MTPInputFile> & thumb,Api::SendOptions options,std::vector<MTPInputDocument> attachedStickers)3981 void ApiWrap::sendUploadedDocument(
3982 		FullMsgId localId,
3983 		const MTPInputFile &file,
3984 		const std::optional<MTPInputFile> &thumb,
3985 		Api::SendOptions options,
3986 		std::vector<MTPInputDocument> attachedStickers) {
3987 	if (const auto item = _session->data().message(localId)) {
3988 		if (!item->media() || !item->media()->document()) {
3989 			return;
3990 		}
3991 		const auto media = Api::PrepareUploadedDocument(
3992 			item,
3993 			file,
3994 			thumb,
3995 			std::move(attachedStickers));
3996 		const auto groupId = item->groupId();
3997 		if (groupId) {
3998 			uploadAlbumMedia(item, groupId, media);
3999 		} else {
4000 			sendMedia(item, media, options);
4001 		}
4002 	}
4003 }
cancelLocalItem(not_null<HistoryItem * > item)4005 void ApiWrap::cancelLocalItem(not_null<HistoryItem*> item) {
4006 	Expects(item->isSending());
4008 	if (const auto groupId = item->groupId()) {
4009 		sendAlbumWithCancelled(item, groupId);
4010 	}
4011 }
sendMessage(MessageToSend && message)4013 void ApiWrap::sendMessage(MessageToSend &&message) {
4014 	const auto history = message.action.history;
4015 	const auto peer = history->peer;
4016 	auto &textWithTags = message.textWithTags;
4018 	auto action = message.action;
4019 	action.generateLocal = true;
4020 	sendAction(action);
4022 	if (!peer->canWrite() || Api::SendDice(message)) {
4023 		return;
4024 	}
4025 	local().saveRecentSentHashtags(textWithTags.text);
4027 	auto sending = TextWithEntities();
4028 	auto left = TextWithEntities {
4029 		textWithTags.text,
4030 		TextUtilities::ConvertTextTagsToEntities(textWithTags.tags)
4031 	};
4032 	auto prepareFlags = Ui::ItemTextOptions(
4033 		history,
4034 		_session->user()).flags;
4035 	TextUtilities::PrepareForSending(left, prepareFlags);
4037 	HistoryItem *lastMessage = nullptr;
4039 	auto &histories = history->owner().histories();
4040 	const auto requestType = Data::Histories::RequestType::Send;
4042 	while (TextUtilities::CutPart(sending, left, MaxMessageSize)) {
4043 		auto newId = FullMsgId(
4044 			peerToChannel(peer->id),
4045 			_session->data().nextLocalMessageId());
4046 		auto randomId = base::RandomValue<uint64>();
4048 		TextUtilities::Trim(sending);
4050 		_session->data().registerMessageRandomId(randomId, newId);
4051 		_session->data().registerMessageSentData(randomId, peer->id, sending.text);
4053 		MTPstring msgText(MTP_string(sending.text));
4054 		auto flags = NewMessageFlags(peer);
4055 		auto sendFlags = MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flags(0);
4056 		if (action.replyTo) {
4057 			flags |= MessageFlag::HasReplyInfo;
4058 			sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id;
4059 		}
4060 		const auto replyHeader = NewMessageReplyHeader(action);
4061 		MTPMessageMedia media = MTP_messageMediaEmpty();
4062 		if (message.webPageId == CancelledWebPageId) {
4063 			sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_no_webpage;
4064 		} else if (message.webPageId) {
4065 			auto page = _session->data().webpage(message.webPageId);
4066 			media = MTP_messageMediaWebPage(
4067 				MTP_webPagePending(
4068 					MTP_long(page->id),
4069 					MTP_int(page->pendingTill)));
4070 		}
4071 		const auto anonymousPost = peer->amAnonymous();
4072 		const auto silentPost = ShouldSendSilent(peer, action.options);
4073 		FillMessagePostFlags(action, peer, flags);
4074 		if (silentPost) {
4075 			sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_silent;
4076 		}
4077 		const auto sentEntities = Api::EntitiesToMTP(
4078 			_session,
4079 			sending.entities,
4080 			Api::ConvertOption::SkipLocal);
4081 		if (!sentEntities.v.isEmpty()) {
4082 			sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_entities;
4083 		}
4084 		const auto clearCloudDraft = action.clearDraft;
4085 		if (clearCloudDraft) {
4086 			sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_clear_draft;
4087 			history->clearCloudDraft();
4088 			history->startSavingCloudDraft();
4089 		}
4090 		auto messageFromId = anonymousPost ? 0 : _session->userPeerId();
4091 		auto messagePostAuthor = peer->isBroadcast()
4092 			? _session->user()->name
4093 			: QString();
4094 		if (action.options.scheduled) {
4095 			flags |= MessageFlag::IsOrWasScheduled;
4096 			sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_schedule_date;
4097 		}
4098 		const auto viaBotId = UserId();
4099 		lastMessage = history->addNewLocalMessage(
4100 			newId.msg,
4101 			flags,
4102 			viaBotId,
4103 			action.replyTo,
4104 			HistoryItem::NewMessageDate(action.options.scheduled),
4105 			messageFromId,
4106 			messagePostAuthor,
4107 			sending,
4108 			media,
4109 			HistoryMessageMarkupData());
4110 		histories.sendRequest(history, requestType, [=](Fn<void()> finish) {
4111 			history->sendRequestId = request(MTPmessages_SendMessage(
4112 				MTP_flags(sendFlags),
4113 				peer->input,
4114 				MTP_int(action.replyTo),
4115 				msgText,
4116 				MTP_long(randomId),
4117 				MTPReplyMarkup(),
4118 				sentEntities,
4119 				MTP_int(action.options.scheduled)
4120 			)).done([=](
4121 					const MTPUpdates &result,
4122 					const MTP::Response &response) {
4123 				applyUpdates(result, randomId);
4124 				if (clearCloudDraft) {
4125 					history->finishSavingCloudDraft(
4126 						UnixtimeFromMsgId(response.outerMsgId));
4127 				}
4128 				finish();
4129 			}).fail([=](
4130 					const MTP::Error &error,
4131 					const MTP::Response &response) {
4132 				if (error.type() == qstr("MESSAGE_EMPTY")) {
4133 					lastMessage->destroy();
4134 				} else {
4135 					sendMessageFail(error, peer, randomId, newId);
4136 				}
4137 				if (clearCloudDraft) {
4138 					history->finishSavingCloudDraft(
4139 						UnixtimeFromMsgId(response.outerMsgId));
4140 				}
4141 				finish();
4142 			}).afterRequest(history->sendRequestId
4143 			).send();
4144 			return history->sendRequestId;
4145 		});
4146 	}
4148 	finishForwarding(action);
4149 }
sendBotStart(not_null<UserData * > bot,PeerData * chat)4151 void ApiWrap::sendBotStart(not_null<UserData*> bot, PeerData *chat) {
4152 	Expects(bot->isBot());
4153 	Expects(chat == nullptr || !bot->botInfo->startGroupToken.isEmpty());
4155 	if (chat && chat->isChannel() && !chat->isMegagroup()) {
4156 		ShowAddParticipantsError("USER_BOT", chat, { 1, bot });
4157 		return;
4158 	}
4160 	auto &info = bot->botInfo;
4161 	auto &token = chat ? info->startGroupToken : info->startToken;
4162 	if (token.isEmpty()) {
4163 		auto message = ApiWrap::MessageToSend(_session->data().history(bot));
4164 		message.textWithTags = { qsl("/start"), TextWithTags::Tags() };
4165 		sendMessage(std::move(message));
4166 		return;
4167 	}
4168 	const auto randomId = base::RandomValue<uint64>();
4169 	request(MTPmessages_StartBot(
4170 		bot->inputUser,
4171 		chat ? chat->input : MTP_inputPeerEmpty(),
4172 		MTP_long(randomId),
4173 		MTP_string(base::take(token))
4174 	)).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) {
4175 		applyUpdates(result);
4176 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
4177 		if (chat) {
4178 			ShowAddParticipantsError(error.type(), chat, { 1, bot });
4179 		}
4180 	}).send();
4181 }
sendInlineResult(not_null<UserData * > bot,not_null<InlineBots::Result * > data,const SendAction & action)4183 void ApiWrap::sendInlineResult(
4184 		not_null<UserData*> bot,
4185 		not_null<InlineBots::Result*> data,
4186 		const SendAction &action) {
4187 	sendAction(action);
4189 	const auto history = action.history;
4190 	const auto peer = history->peer;
4191 	const auto newId = FullMsgId(
4192 		peerToChannel(peer->id),
4193 		_session->data().nextLocalMessageId());
4194 	const auto randomId = base::RandomValue<uint64>();
4196 	auto flags = NewMessageFlags(peer);
4197 	auto sendFlags = MTPmessages_SendInlineBotResult::Flag::f_clear_draft | 0;
4198 	if (action.replyTo) {
4199 		flags |= MessageFlag::HasReplyInfo;
4200 		sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendInlineBotResult::Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id;
4201 	}
4202 	const auto anonymousPost = peer->amAnonymous();
4203 	const auto silentPost = ShouldSendSilent(peer, action.options);
4204 	FillMessagePostFlags(action, peer, flags);
4205 	if (silentPost) {
4206 		sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendInlineBotResult::Flag::f_silent;
4207 	}
4208 	if (bot) {
4209 		flags |= MessageFlag::HasViaBot;
4210 	}
4211 	if (action.options.scheduled) {
4212 		flags |= MessageFlag::IsOrWasScheduled;
4213 		sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendInlineBotResult::Flag::f_schedule_date;
4214 	}
4216 	const auto messageFromId = anonymousPost ? 0 : _session->userPeerId();
4217 	const auto messagePostAuthor = peer->isBroadcast()
4218 		? _session->user()->name
4219 		: QString();
4221 	_session->data().registerMessageRandomId(randomId, newId);
4223 	data->addToHistory(
4224 		history,
4225 		flags,
4226 		newId.msg,
4227 		messageFromId,
4228 		HistoryItem::NewMessageDate(action.options.scheduled),
4229 		bot ? peerToUser(bot->id) : 0,
4230 		action.replyTo,
4231 		messagePostAuthor);
4233 	history->clearCloudDraft();
4234 	history->startSavingCloudDraft();
4236 	auto &histories = history->owner().histories();
4237 	const auto requestType = Data::Histories::RequestType::Send;
4238 	histories.sendRequest(history, requestType, [=](Fn<void()> finish) {
4239 		history->sendRequestId = request(MTPmessages_SendInlineBotResult(
4240 			MTP_flags(sendFlags),
4241 			peer->input,
4242 			MTP_int(action.replyTo),
4243 			MTP_long(randomId),
4244 			MTP_long(data->getQueryId()),
4245 			MTP_string(data->getId()),
4246 			MTP_int(action.options.scheduled)
4247 		)).done([=](
4248 				const MTPUpdates &result,
4249 				const MTP::Response &response) {
4250 			applyUpdates(result, randomId);
4251 			history->finishSavingCloudDraft(
4252 				UnixtimeFromMsgId(response.outerMsgId));
4253 			finish();
4254 		}).fail([=](
4255 				const MTP::Error &error,
4256 				const MTP::Response &response) {
4257 			sendMessageFail(error, peer, randomId, newId);
4258 			history->finishSavingCloudDraft(
4259 				UnixtimeFromMsgId(response.outerMsgId));
4260 			finish();
4261 		}).afterRequest(history->sendRequestId
4262 		).send();
4263 		return history->sendRequestId;
4264 	});
4265 	finishForwarding(action);
4266 }
uploadAlbumMedia(not_null<HistoryItem * > item,const MessageGroupId & groupId,const MTPInputMedia & media)4268 void ApiWrap::uploadAlbumMedia(
4269 		not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
4270 		const MessageGroupId &groupId,
4271 		const MTPInputMedia &media) {
4272 	const auto localId = item->fullId();
4273 	const auto failed = [=] {
4275 	};
4276 	request(MTPmessages_UploadMedia(
4277 		item->history()->peer->input,
4278 		media
4279 	)).done([=](const MTPMessageMedia &result) {
4280 		const auto item = _session->data().message(localId);
4281 		if (!item) {
4282 			failed();
4283 			return;
4284 		}
4285 		if (const auto media = item->media()) {
4286 			if (const auto photo = media->photo()) {
4287 				photo->setWaitingForAlbum();
4288 			} else if (const auto document = media->document()) {
4289 				document->setWaitingForAlbum();
4290 			}
4291 		}
4293 		switch (result.type()) {
4294 		case mtpc_messageMediaPhoto: {
4295 			const auto &data = result.c_messageMediaPhoto();
4296 			const auto photo = data.vphoto();
4297 			if (!photo || photo->type() != mtpc_photo) {
4298 				failed();
4299 				return;
4300 			}
4301 			const auto &fields = photo->c_photo();
4302 			const auto flags = MTPDinputMediaPhoto::Flags(0)
4303 				| (data.vttl_seconds()
4304 					? MTPDinputMediaPhoto::Flag::f_ttl_seconds
4305 					: MTPDinputMediaPhoto::Flag(0));
4306 			const auto media = MTP_inputMediaPhoto(
4307 				MTP_flags(flags),
4308 				MTP_inputPhoto(
4309 					fields.vid(),
4310 					fields.vaccess_hash(),
4311 					fields.vfile_reference()),
4312 				MTP_int(data.vttl_seconds().value_or_empty()));
4313 			sendAlbumWithUploaded(item, groupId, media);
4314 		} break;
4316 		case mtpc_messageMediaDocument: {
4317 			const auto &data = result.c_messageMediaDocument();
4318 			const auto document = data.vdocument();
4319 			if (!document || document->type() != mtpc_document) {
4320 				failed();
4321 				return;
4322 			}
4323 			const auto &fields = document->c_document();
4324 			const auto flags = MTPDinputMediaDocument::Flags(0)
4325 				| (data.vttl_seconds()
4326 					? MTPDinputMediaDocument::Flag::f_ttl_seconds
4327 					: MTPDinputMediaDocument::Flag(0));
4328 			const auto media = MTP_inputMediaDocument(
4329 				MTP_flags(flags),
4330 				MTP_inputDocument(
4331 					fields.vid(),
4332 					fields.vaccess_hash(),
4333 					fields.vfile_reference()),
4334 				MTP_int(data.vttl_seconds().value_or_empty()),
4335 				MTPstring()); // query
4336 			sendAlbumWithUploaded(item, groupId, media);
4337 		} break;
4338 		}
4339 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
4340 		failed();
4341 	}).send();
4342 }
sendMedia(not_null<HistoryItem * > item,const MTPInputMedia & media,Api::SendOptions options)4344 void ApiWrap::sendMedia(
4345 		not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
4346 		const MTPInputMedia &media,
4347 		Api::SendOptions options) {
4348 	const auto randomId = base::RandomValue<uint64>();
4349 	_session->data().registerMessageRandomId(randomId, item->fullId());
4351 	sendMediaWithRandomId(item, media, options, randomId);
4352 }
sendMediaWithRandomId(not_null<HistoryItem * > item,const MTPInputMedia & media,Api::SendOptions options,uint64 randomId)4354 void ApiWrap::sendMediaWithRandomId(
4355 		not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
4356 		const MTPInputMedia &media,
4357 		Api::SendOptions options,
4358 		uint64 randomId) {
4359 	const auto history = item->history();
4360 	const auto replyTo = item->replyToId();
4362 	auto caption = item->originalText();
4363 	TextUtilities::Trim(caption);
4364 	auto sentEntities = Api::EntitiesToMTP(
4365 		_session,
4366 		caption.entities,
4367 		Api::ConvertOption::SkipLocal);
4369 	const auto updateRecentStickers = Api::HasAttachedStickers(media);
4371 	const auto flags = MTPmessages_SendMedia::Flags(0)
4372 		| (replyTo
4373 			? MTPmessages_SendMedia::Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id
4374 			: MTPmessages_SendMedia::Flag(0))
4375 		| (ShouldSendSilent(history->peer, options)
4376 			? MTPmessages_SendMedia::Flag::f_silent
4377 			: MTPmessages_SendMedia::Flag(0))
4378 		| (!sentEntities.v.isEmpty()
4379 			? MTPmessages_SendMedia::Flag::f_entities
4380 			: MTPmessages_SendMedia::Flag(0))
4381 		| (options.scheduled
4382 			? MTPmessages_SendMedia::Flag::f_schedule_date
4383 			: MTPmessages_SendMedia::Flag(0));
4385 	auto &histories = history->owner().histories();
4386 	const auto requestType = Data::Histories::RequestType::Send;
4387 	histories.sendRequest(history, requestType, [=](Fn<void()> finish) {
4388 		const auto peer = history->peer;
4389 		const auto itemId = item->fullId();
4390 		history->sendRequestId = request(MTPmessages_SendMedia(
4391 			MTP_flags(flags),
4392 			peer->input,
4393 			MTP_int(replyTo),
4394 			media,
4395 			MTP_string(caption.text),
4396 			MTP_long(randomId),
4397 			MTPReplyMarkup(),
4398 			sentEntities,
4399 			MTP_int(options.scheduled)
4400 		)).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) {
4401 			applyUpdates(result);
4402 			finish();
4404 			if (updateRecentStickers) {
4405 				requestRecentStickersForce(true);
4406 			}
4407 		}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
4408 			sendMessageFail(error, peer, randomId, itemId);
4409 			finish();
4410 		}).afterRequest(
4411 			history->sendRequestId
4412 		).send();
4413 		return history->sendRequestId;
4414 	});
4415 }
sendAlbumWithUploaded(not_null<HistoryItem * > item,const MessageGroupId & groupId,const MTPInputMedia & media)4417 void ApiWrap::sendAlbumWithUploaded(
4418 		not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
4419 		const MessageGroupId &groupId,
4420 		const MTPInputMedia &media) {
4421 	const auto localId = item->fullId();
4422 	const auto randomId = base::RandomValue<uint64>();
4423 	_session->data().registerMessageRandomId(randomId, localId);
4425 	const auto albumIt = _sendingAlbums.find(groupId.raw());
4426 	Assert(albumIt != _sendingAlbums.end());
4427 	const auto &album = albumIt->second;
4428 	album->fillMedia(item, media, randomId);
4429 	sendAlbumIfReady(album.get());
4430 }
sendAlbumWithCancelled(not_null<HistoryItem * > item,const MessageGroupId & groupId)4432 void ApiWrap::sendAlbumWithCancelled(
4433 		not_null<HistoryItem*> item,
4434 		const MessageGroupId &groupId) {
4435 	const auto albumIt = _sendingAlbums.find(groupId.raw());
4436 	if (albumIt == _sendingAlbums.end()) {
4437 		// Sometimes we destroy item being sent already after the album
4438 		// was sent successfully. For example the message could be loaded
4439 		// from server (by messages.getHistory or updateNewMessage) and
4440 		// added to history and after that updateMessageID was received with
4441 		// the same message id, in this case we destroy a detached local
4442 		// item and sendAlbumWithCancelled is called for already sent album.
4443 		return;
4444 	}
4445 	const auto &album = albumIt->second;
4446 	album->removeItem(item);
4447 	sendAlbumIfReady(album.get());
4448 }
sendAlbumIfReady(not_null<SendingAlbum * > album)4450 void ApiWrap::sendAlbumIfReady(not_null<SendingAlbum*> album) {
4451 	const auto groupId = album->groupId;
4452 	if (album->items.empty()) {
4453 		_sendingAlbums.remove(groupId);
4454 		return;
4455 	}
4456 	auto sample = (HistoryItem*)nullptr;
4457 	auto medias = QVector<MTPInputSingleMedia>();
4458 	medias.reserve(album->items.size());
4459 	for (const auto &item : album->items) {
4460 		if (!item.media) {
4461 			return;
4462 		} else if (!sample) {
4463 			sample = _session->data().message(item.msgId);
4464 		}
4465 		medias.push_back(*item.media);
4466 	}
4467 	if (!sample) {
4468 		_sendingAlbums.remove(groupId);
4469 		return;
4470 	} else if (medias.size() < 2) {
4471 		const auto &single = medias.front().c_inputSingleMedia();
4472 		sendMediaWithRandomId(
4473 			sample,
4474 			single.vmedia(),
4475 			album->options,
4476 			single.vrandom_id().v);
4477 		_sendingAlbums.remove(groupId);
4478 		return;
4479 	}
4480 	const auto history = sample->history();
4481 	const auto replyTo = sample->replyToId();
4482 	const auto flags = MTPmessages_SendMultiMedia::Flags(0)
4483 		| (replyTo
4484 			? MTPmessages_SendMultiMedia::Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id
4485 			: MTPmessages_SendMultiMedia::Flag(0))
4486 		| (ShouldSendSilent(history->peer, album->options)
4487 			? MTPmessages_SendMultiMedia::Flag::f_silent
4488 			: MTPmessages_SendMultiMedia::Flag(0))
4489 		| (album->options.scheduled
4490 			? MTPmessages_SendMultiMedia::Flag::f_schedule_date
4491 			: MTPmessages_SendMultiMedia::Flag(0));
4492 	auto &histories = history->owner().histories();
4493 	const auto requestType = Data::Histories::RequestType::Send;
4494 	histories.sendRequest(history, requestType, [=](Fn<void()> finish) {
4495 		const auto peer = history->peer;
4496 		history->sendRequestId = request(MTPmessages_SendMultiMedia(
4497 			MTP_flags(flags),
4498 			peer->input,
4499 			MTP_int(replyTo),
4500 			MTP_vector<MTPInputSingleMedia>(medias),
4501 			MTP_int(album->options.scheduled)
4502 		)).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) {
4503 			_sendingAlbums.remove(groupId);
4504 			applyUpdates(result);
4505 			finish();
4506 		}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
4507 			if (const auto album = _sendingAlbums.take(groupId)) {
4508 				for (const auto &item : (*album)->items) {
4509 					sendMessageFail(error, peer, item.randomId, item.msgId);
4510 				}
4511 			} else {
4512 				sendMessageFail(error, peer);
4513 			}
4514 			finish();
4515 		}).afterRequest(
4516 			history->sendRequestId
4517 		).send();
4518 		return history->sendRequestId;
4519 	});
4520 }
fileLoadTaskOptions(const SendAction & action) const4522 FileLoadTo ApiWrap::fileLoadTaskOptions(const SendAction &action) const {
4523 	const auto peer = action.history->peer;
4524 	return FileLoadTo(
4525 		peer->id,
4526 		action.options,
4527 		action.replyTo,
4528 		action.replaceMediaOf);
4529 }
reloadContactSignupSilent()4531 void ApiWrap::reloadContactSignupSilent() {
4532 	if (_contactSignupSilentRequestId) {
4533 		return;
4534 	}
4535 	const auto requestId = request(MTPaccount_GetContactSignUpNotification(
4536 	)).done([=](const MTPBool &result) {
4537 		_contactSignupSilentRequestId = 0;
4538 		const auto silent = mtpIsTrue(result);
4539 		_contactSignupSilent = silent;
4540 		_contactSignupSilentChanges.fire_copy(silent);
4541 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
4542 		_contactSignupSilentRequestId = 0;
4543 	}).send();
4544 	_contactSignupSilentRequestId = requestId;
4545 }
contactSignupSilent() const4547 rpl::producer<bool> ApiWrap::contactSignupSilent() const {
4548 	return _contactSignupSilent
4549 		? _contactSignupSilentChanges.events_starting_with_copy(
4550 			*_contactSignupSilent)
4551 		: (_contactSignupSilentChanges.events() | rpl::type_erased());
4552 }
contactSignupSilentCurrent() const4554 std::optional<bool> ApiWrap::contactSignupSilentCurrent() const {
4555 	return _contactSignupSilent;
4556 }
saveContactSignupSilent(bool silent)4558 void ApiWrap::saveContactSignupSilent(bool silent) {
4559 	request(base::take(_contactSignupSilentRequestId)).cancel();
4561 	const auto requestId = request(MTPaccount_SetContactSignUpNotification(
4562 		MTP_bool(silent)
4563 	)).done([=](const MTPBool &) {
4564 		_contactSignupSilentRequestId = 0;
4565 		_contactSignupSilent = silent;
4566 		_contactSignupSilentChanges.fire_copy(silent);
4567 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
4568 		_contactSignupSilentRequestId = 0;
4569 	}).send();
4570 	_contactSignupSilentRequestId = requestId;
4571 }
saveSelfBio(const QString & text)4573 void ApiWrap::saveSelfBio(const QString &text) {
4574 	if (_bio.requestId) {
4575 		if (text != _bio.requestedText) {
4576 			request(_bio.requestId).cancel();
4577 		} else {
4578 			return;
4579 		}
4580 	}
4581 	_bio.requestedText = text;
4582 	_bio.requestId = request(MTPaccount_UpdateProfile(
4583 		MTP_flags(MTPaccount_UpdateProfile::Flag::f_about),
4584 		MTPstring(),
4585 		MTPstring(),
4586 		MTP_string(text)
4587 	)).done([=](const MTPUser &result) {
4588 		_bio.requestId = 0;
4590 		_session->data().processUser(result);
4591 		_session->user()->setAbout(_bio.requestedText);
4592 	}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) {
4593 		_bio.requestId = 0;
4594 	}).send();
4595 }
authorizations()4597 Api::Authorizations &ApiWrap::authorizations() {
4598 	return *_authorizations;
4599 }
attachedStickers()4601 Api::AttachedStickers &ApiWrap::attachedStickers() {
4602 	return *_attachedStickers;
4603 }
blockedPeers()4605 Api::BlockedPeers &ApiWrap::blockedPeers() {
4606 	return *_blockedPeers;
4607 }
cloudPassword()4609 Api::CloudPassword &ApiWrap::cloudPassword() {
4610 	return *_cloudPassword;
4611 }
selfDestruct()4613 Api::SelfDestruct &ApiWrap::selfDestruct() {
4614 	return *_selfDestruct;
4615 }
sensitiveContent()4617 Api::SensitiveContent &ApiWrap::sensitiveContent() {
4618 	return *_sensitiveContent;
4619 }
globalPrivacy()4621 Api::GlobalPrivacy &ApiWrap::globalPrivacy() {
4622 	return *_globalPrivacy;
4623 }
userPrivacy()4625 Api::UserPrivacy &ApiWrap::userPrivacy() {
4626 	return *_userPrivacy;
4627 }
inviteLinks()4629 Api::InviteLinks &ApiWrap::inviteLinks() {
4630 	return *_inviteLinks;
4631 }
views()4633 Api::ViewsManager &ApiWrap::views() {
4634 	return *_views;
4635 }
confirmPhone()4637 Api::ConfirmPhone &ApiWrap::confirmPhone() {
4638 	return *_confirmPhone;
4639 }
peerPhoto()4641 Api::PeerPhoto &ApiWrap::peerPhoto() {
4642 	return *_peerPhoto;
4643 }
polls()4645 Api::Polls &ApiWrap::polls() {
4646 	return *_polls;
4647 }