1subroutine popana
2use defvar
3use util
4implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
5character c2000tmp*2000
7if (ifragcontri==1) then
8    write(*,*) "Population analysis function couldn't be used combining with self-defined fragment"
10    do while(.true.)
11        imodwfnold=imodwfn
12        write(*,*) "                ============== Population analysis =============="
13        write(*,*) "-2 Calculate interaction energy between fragments based on atomic charges"
14        if (.not.allocated(frag1)) then
15            write(*,*) "-1 Define fragment"
16        else
17            write(*,"(a,i5)") "-1 Redefine fragment, current atoms:",size(frag1)
18        end if
19        write(*,*) "0 Return"
20        write(*,*) "1 Hirshfeld population"
21        write(*,*) "2 Voronoi deformation density (VDD) population"
22        !Not available because integration error of below two methods by means of Becke integration are too large
23    !         write(*,*) "3 Integrate electron density in voronoi cell"
24    !         write(*,*) "4 Adjusted method 3 by Rousseau et al."
25        if (allocated(cobasa)) then
26            write(*,*) "5 Mulliken atom & basis function population analysis"
27            write(*,*) "6 Lowdin population analysis"
28            write(*,*) "7 Modified Mulliken population defined by Ros & Schuit (SCPA)"
29            write(*,*) "8 Modified Mulliken population defined by Stout & Politzer"
30            write(*,*) "9 Modified Mulliken population defined by Bickelhaupt"
31        end if
32        write(*,*) "10 Becke atomic charge with atomic dipole moment correction"
33        write(*,*) "11 Atomic dipole corrected Hirshfeld population (ADCH)"
34        write(*,*) "12 CHELPG ESP fitting charge"
35        write(*,*) "13 Merz-Kollmann (MK) ESP fitting charge"
36        write(*,*) "14 AIM charge"
37        write(*,*) "15 Hirshfeld-I charge"
38        write(*,*) "16 CM5 charge"
39        write(*,*) "17 Electronegativity Equalization Method (EEM) charge"
40        read(*,*) ipopsel
42        if (ipopsel==0) then
43            if (allocated(frag1)) deallocate(frag1)
44            return
45        else if (ipopsel==-2) then
46            if (ifiletype/=4) then
47                write(*,*) "Error: You must use .chg file for this function!"
48                write(*,*) "Press ENTER to continue"
49                read(*,*)
50                cycle
51            end if
52            call coulint_atmchg
53        else if (ipopsel==-1) then
54            if (allocated(frag1)) then
55                write(*,*) "Atoms in current fragment:"
56                write(*,"(13i6)") frag1
57                write(*,"(a)") " Input 0 to keep unchanged, or redefine fragment, e.g. 1,3-6,8,10-11 means the atoms 1,3,4,5,6,8,10,11 will constitute the fragment"
58            else
59                write(*,"(a)") " Input atomic indices to define the fragment. e.g. 1,3-6,8,10-11 means the atoms 1,3,4,5,6,8,10,11 will constitute the fragment"
60            end if
61            read(*,"(a)") c2000tmp
62            if (c2000tmp(1:1)/='0') then
63                if (allocated(frag1)) deallocate(frag1)
64                call str2arr(c2000tmp,nfragatm)
65                allocate(frag1(nfragatm))
66                call str2arr(c2000tmp,nfragatm,frag1)
67                if (any(frag1>ncenter)) then
68                    write(*,*) "Error: Some atomic indices exceeded valid range! Please define again"
69                    write(*,*)
70                    deallocate(frag1)
71                end if
72            end if
73        else if (ipopsel==1) then
74            write(*,*) "Citation: Theor. Chim. Acta. (Berl), 44, 129-138 (1977)"
75            call spacecharge(1)
76        else if (ipopsel==2) then
77            write(*,*) "Citation: Organomet., 15, 2923-2931"
78            write(*,*) "Citation: J. Comput. Chem., 25, 189-210 (2004)"
79            call spacecharge(2)
80        else if (ipopsel==3) then
81            call spacecharge(3)
82        else if (ipopsel==4) then
83            write(*,*) "Citation: J. Mol. Struct.(Theochem), 538, 235-238 (2001)"
84            call spacecharge(4)
85        else if (ipopsel==5) then
86            write(*,*) "0 Return"
87            write(*,*) "1 Output Mulliken population/charges and decompose them to MO's contribution"
88            write(*,*) "2 Output gross atomic population matrix and decompose it"
89            write(*,*) "3 Output gross basis function population matrix and decompose it"
90            read(*,*) ipopsel2
91            if (ipopsel2==0) cycle
92            call MPA(ipopsel2)
93        else if (ipopsel==6) then
94            call symmortho
95            call MPA(1)
96            call dealloall
97            call readinfile(firstfilename,1) !Current wavefunction has been altered, recover the initial state
98        else if (ipopsel==7) then
99            call MMPA(1)
100        else if (ipopsel==8) then
101            call MMPA(2)
102        else if (ipopsel==9) then
103            call Bickelhaupt
104        else if (ipopsel==10) then
105            call spacecharge(5)
106        else if (ipopsel==11) then
107            write(*,*) "Citation of ADCH: Tian Lu, Feiwu Chen, J. Theor. Comput. Chem., 11, 163 (2011)"
108            call spacecharge(6)
109        else if (ipopsel==12) then
110            call fitESP(1)
111        else if (ipopsel==13) then
112            call fitESP(2)
113        else if (ipopsel==14) then
114            write(*,"(a)") " NOTE: AIM charges cannot be calculated in present module but can be calculated in basin analysis module, &
115            please check the example given in Section 4.17.1 of the manual on how to do this"
116        else if (ipopsel==15) then
117            if (iautointgrid==1) then
118                radpot=30
119                sphpot=170
120                if (any(a%index>18)) radpot=40
121                if (any(a%index>36)) radpot=50
122                if (any(a%index>54)) radpot=60
123            end if
124            call Hirshfeld_I_wrapper(1)
125        else if (ipopsel==16) then
126            call spacecharge(7)
127        else if (ipopsel==17) then
128            call EEM
129        end if
130        if (imodwfnold==1.and.(ipopsel==1.or.ipopsel==2.or.ipopsel==6.or.ipopsel==11)) then !1,2,6,11 are the methods need to reload the initial wavefunction
131            write(*,"(a)") " Note: The wavefunction file has been reloaded, your previous modifications on occupation number will be ignored"
132        end if
133    end do
134end if
135end subroutine
138!!---------- Calculate Coulomb interaction between two fragment based on atomic charges in .chg file
139subroutine coulint_atmchg
140use defvar
141use util
142character c2000tmp*2000
143do while(.true.)
144    write(*,*) "Input atom list for fragment 1, e.g. 1,4,6-9"
145    write(*,*) "Input 0 can exit"
146    read(*,"(a)") c2000tmp
147    if (c2000tmp(1:1)=='0') exit
148    call str2arr(c2000tmp,nfrag1)
149    if (allocated(frag1)) deallocate(frag1)
150    allocate(frag1(nfrag1))
151    call str2arr(c2000tmp,nfrag1,frag1)
152    write(*,*) "Input atom list for fragment 2, e.g. 1,4,6-9"
153    read(*,"(a)") c2000tmp
154    call str2arr(c2000tmp,nfrag2)
155    if (allocated(frag2)) deallocate(frag2)
156    allocate(frag2(nfrag2))
157    call str2arr(c2000tmp,nfrag2,frag2)
158    eleint=0
159    do iatmidx=1,nfrag1
160        iatm=frag1(iatmidx)
161        do jatmidx=1,nfrag2
162            jatm=frag2(jatmidx)
163            eleint=eleint+a(iatm)%charge*a(jatm)%charge/distmat(iatm,jatm)
164        end do
165    end do
166    write(*,"(' Electrostatic interaction energy:',f12.2,' kJ/mol',f12.2,' kcal/mol',/)") eleint*au2kJ,eleint*au2kcal
167end do
168end subroutine
172!!---------- Modified Mulliken population analysis defined by Bickelhaupt
173subroutine Bickelhaupt
174use defvar
175use util
176implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
177character selectyn,chgfilename*200
178real*8,target :: atmeletot(ncenter),atmelea(ncenter)
179real*8,pointer :: tmpmat(:,:),tmpele(:)
180do itime=1,2
181    if (itime==1) then
182        tmpele=>atmeletot
183        tmpmat=>Ptot
184    else if (itime==2) then
185        tmpele=>atmelea
186        tmpmat=>Palpha
187    end if
188    tmpele=0D0
189    do i=1,ncenter
190        do j=basstart(i),basend(i)
191            cross=0D0
192            do k=1,nbasis !This method equalvalent to use diagonal element of density matrix to partition nondiagonal element of P*S matrix
193                if (k/=j) then
194                    if (tmpmat(j,j)+tmpmat(k,k)/=0D0) then
195                        cross=cross+tmpmat(j,j)/(tmpmat(j,j)+tmpmat(k,k))*tmpmat(j,k)*Sbas(j,k)
196                    else
197                        cross=cross+tmpmat(j,k)*Sbas(j,k)/2D0  !Use equivalent partition, when denominator is zero
198                    end if
199                end if
200            end do
201            tmpele(i)=tmpele(i)+tmpmat(j,j)+2*cross !Plus electrons localized in basis and partitioned cross term
202        end do
203    end do
204    if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) exit
205end do
207if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then
208    do iatm=1,ncenter
209        write(*,"(' Atom',i6,'(',a2,')','  Population:',f10.5,'  Atomic charge:',f10.5)") iatm,a(iatm)%name,atmeletot(iatm),a(iatm)%charge-atmeletot(iatm)
210    end do
211    write(*,"(' Total net charge:',f10.5)") sum(a(:)%charge)-sum(atmeletot(:))
212else if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==2.or.wfntype==4) then
213    write(*,*) "    Atom      Alpha_pop.   Beta_pop.    Spin_pop.     Atomic charge"
214    totbetapop=0D0
215    do iatm=1,ncenter
216        betapop=atmeletot(iatm)-atmelea(iatm)
217        totbetapop=totbetapop+betapop
218        write(*,"(i6,'(',a2,')',3f13.5,f16.5)") iatm,a(iatm)%name,atmelea(iatm),betapop,atmelea(iatm)-betapop,a(iatm)%charge-atmeletot(iatm)
219    end do
220    write(*,"(' Total net charge:',f10.5,'      Total spin electrons:',f10.5)") sum(a(:)%charge)-sum(atmeletot(:)),sum(atmelea(:))-totbetapop
221end if
223!Show fragment charge
224if (allocated(frag1)) write(*,"(/,' Fragment charge:',f12.6)") sum(a(frag1)%charge-atmeletot(frag1))
226call path2filename(firstfilename,chgfilename)
228write(*,"(a)") " If output atom with charges to "//trim(chgfilename)//".chg in current folder? (y/n)"
229read(*,*) selectyn
230if (selectyn=="y".or.selectyn=="Y") then
231    open(10,file=trim(chgfilename)//".chg",status="replace")
232    do i=1,ncenter
233        write(10,"(a4,4f12.6)") a(i)%name,a(i)%x*b2a,a(i)%y*b2a,a(i)%z*b2a,a(i)%charge-atmeletot(i)
234    end do
235    close(10)
236    write(*,"(a)") " Result have been saved to "//trim(chgfilename)//".chg in current folder"
237    write(*,"(a)") " Columns ranging from 1 to 5 are name,X,Y,Z,charge, respectively. The ith row corresponds to the ith atom. The unit is Angstrom"
238end if
239end subroutine
243!!---------- Modified Mulliken population analysis
244! isel=1 :Defined by Ros & Schuit (SCPA)"
245! isel=2 :Defined by Stout & Politzer
246subroutine MMPA(isel)
247use defvar
248use util
249implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
250integer isel
251character selectyn,chgfilename*200
252real*8,target :: atmelea(ncenter),atmeleb(ncenter)
253real*8,pointer :: tmpmat(:,:),tmpele(:)
256do itime=1,2
257    do imo=1,nbasis
258        if (itime==1) then
259            irealmo=imo
260            tmpele=>atmelea
261            tmpmat=>cobasa
262        else if (itime==2) then
263            irealmo=imo+nbasis
264            tmpele=>atmeleb
265            tmpmat=>cobasb
266        end if
267        if (MOocc(irealmo)==0D0) cycle
268        if (isel==1) allbassqr=sum(tmpmat(:,imo)**2)
269        do i=1,ncenter
270            atmbassqr=sum(tmpmat(basstart(i):basend(i),imo)**2)
271            if (isel==1) then
272                tmpele(i)=tmpele(i)+MOocc(irealmo)*atmbassqr/allbassqr
273            else if (isel==2) then
274                cross=0D0
275                do ii=basstart(i),basend(i)
276                    do jj=1,nbasis
277                        denomin=tmpmat(ii,imo)**2+tmpmat(jj,imo)**2
278                        if (jj/=ii.and.denomin>=1D-120) cross=cross+tmpmat(ii,imo)**2/denomin*tmpmat(ii,imo)*tmpmat(jj,imo)*Sbas(ii,jj)
279                    end do
280                end do
281                tmpele(i)=tmpele(i)+MOocc(irealmo)*(atmbassqr+2*cross)
282            end if
283        end do
284    end do
285    if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) exit
286end do
287if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then
288    do iatm=1,ncenter
289        write(*,"(' Atom',i6,'(',a2,')','  Population:',f10.5,'  Atomic charge:',f10.5)") iatm,a(iatm)%name,atmelea(iatm),a(iatm)%charge-atmelea(iatm)
290    end do
291    write(*,"(' Total net charge:',f10.5)") sum(a(:)%charge)-sum(atmelea(:))
292    if (allocated(frag1)) write(*,"(/,' Fragment charge:',f12.6)") sum(a(frag1)%charge-atmelea(frag1))
293else if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==2.or.wfntype==4) then
294    write(*,*) "    Atom      Alpha_pop.   Beta_pop.    Spin_pop.     Atomic charge"
295    do iatm=1,ncenter
296        write(*,"(i6,'(',a2,')',3f13.5,f16.5)") iatm,a(iatm)%name,atmelea(iatm),atmeleb(iatm),atmelea(iatm)-atmeleb(iatm),a(iatm)%charge-atmelea(iatm)-atmeleb(iatm)
297    end do
298    write(*,"(' Total net charge:',f10.5,'      Total spin electrons:',f10.5)") sum(a(:)%charge)-sum(atmelea(:))-sum(atmeleb(:)),sum(atmelea(:))-sum(atmeleb(:))
299    if (allocated(frag1)) write(*,"(/,' Fragment charge:',f12.6)") sum(a(frag1)%charge-atmelea(frag1)-atmeleb(frag1))
300end if
302call path2filename(firstfilename,chgfilename)
304write(*,"(a)") " If output atom coordinates with charges to "//trim(chgfilename)//".chg file in current folder? (y/n)"
305read(*,*) selectyn
306if (selectyn=="y".or.selectyn=="Y") then
307    open(10,file=trim(chgfilename)//".chg",status="replace")
308    do i=1,ncenter
309        if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) write(10,"(a4,4f12.6)") a(i)%name,a(i)%x*b2a,a(i)%y*b2a,a(i)%z*b2a,a(i)%charge-atmelea(i)
310        if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==2.or.wfntype==4) write(10,"(a4,4f12.6)") a(i)%name,a(i)%x*b2a,a(i)%y*b2a,a(i)%z*b2a,a(i)%charge-atmelea(i)--atmeleb(i)
311    end do
312    close(10)
313    write(*,"(a)") "Result have been saved to "//trim(chgfilename)//".chg in current folder"
314    write(*,"(a)") "Columns ranging from 1 to 5 are name,X,Y,Z,charge respectively, unit is Angstrom"
315end if
316end subroutine
320!!--------- Mulliken/Lowdin population analysis & decompose to MO contribution
321! isel=1 Output Mulliken/Lowdin charge and decompose it to MO contribution"
322! isel=2 Output gross atomic population matrix and decompose it"
323! isel=3 Output gross basis function population matrix and decompose it"
324!Note: If doing Lowdin population, density matrix and overlap matrix should be transformed first before invoking this routine
325subroutine MPA(isel)
326use defvar
327use util
328implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
329real*8 MOcenmat(nbasis,ncenter),groatmmat(ncenter+1,ncenter),atmele(ncenter),charge(ncenter)
330real*8,pointer :: ptmat(:,:)
331real*8,allocatable :: tmpmat(:,:),basmata(:,:),angorbpop(:,:),angorbpopa(:,:),angorbpopb(:,:)
332character selectyn,corbnum*6,cOcc*12,chgfilename*200
333integer isel
335if (isel==1.or.isel==2) then
336    allocate(tmpmat(nbasis,nbasis),basmata(nbasis,nbasis)) !basmata stores basis gross population of alpha part
337    do itime=1,3 !total elec, alpha elec, beta elec
338        if (itime==1) tmpmat=Ptot*Sbas
339        if (itime==2) then
340            tmpmat=Palpha*Sbas
341            basmata=tmpmat !Backup
342        end if
343        if (itime==3) tmpmat=Pbeta*Sbas
344        !Calculate gross atomic population matrix
345        do i=1,ncenter
346            do j=1,ncenter
347                accum=0D0
348                do ii=basstart(i),basend(i)
349                    do jj=basstart(j),basend(j)
350                        accum=accum+tmpmat(ii,jj)
351                    end do
352                end do
353                groatmmat(i,j)=accum
354            end do
355        end do
356        do i=1,ncenter !Stored atom populations to the last row
357            groatmmat(ncenter+1,i)=sum(groatmmat(1:ncenter,i))
358        end do
359        totelec=0D0
361        if (isel==2) then !Output gross atomic population matrix
362            if (itime==1) call showmatgau(groatmmat,"Total gross atomic population matrix",0,"f14.8")
363            if (itime==2) call showmatgau(groatmmat,"Alpha gross atomic population matrix",0,"f14.8")
364            if (itime==3) call showmatgau(groatmmat,"Beta gross atomic population matrix",0,"f14.8")
365        else if (isel==1) then !Contract gross atomic population matrix and output population in each basis function/shell/atom
366            if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then !Notice that only perform once (itime=1)
367                allocate(angorbpop(ncenter,0:5)) !Record the population number in each angular moment orbitals, up to H
368                angorbpop=0D0
369                write(*,*) "Population of basis functions:"
370                write(*,"('  Basis Type    Atom    Shell   Population')")
371                do ibas=1,nbasis
372                    write(*,"(i6,3x,a,i5,a,i5,f13.5)") ibas,GTFtype2name(bastype(ibas)),bascen(ibas),'('//a(bascen(ibas))%name//')',basshell(ibas),sum(tmpmat(ibas,:))
373                end do
374                write(*,*)
375                write(*,*) "Population of shells of basis functions:"
376                do ish=1,nshell
377                    shellpop=0D0
378                    do ibas=1,nbasis
379                        if (basshell(ibas)==ish) then
380                            iatm=bascen(ibas) !Which atom this shell attribute to
381                            shellpop=shellpop+sum(tmpmat(ibas,:))
382                        end if
383                    end do
384                    write(*,"(' Shell',i6,' Type: ',a,'    in atom',i5,'(',a,') :',f9.5)") ish,shtype2name(shtype(ish)),iatm,a(iatm)%name,shellpop
385                    iangtmp=abs(shtype(ish))
386                    angorbpop(iatm,iangtmp)=angorbpop(iatm,iangtmp)+shellpop
387                end do
388                write(*,*)
389                write(*,*) "Population of each type of angular moment orbitals:"
390                do iatm=1,ncenter
391                    write(*,"(' Atom',i6,'(',a2,')',' s:',f7.4,' p:',f7.4,' d:',f7.4,' f:',f7.4,' g:',f7.4,' h:',f7.4)") iatm,a(iatm)%name,angorbpop(iatm,:)
392                end do
393                write(*,"(' Sum  s:',f9.4,' p:',f9.4,' d:',f9.4,' f:',f9.4,' g:',f9.4,' h:',f9.4)") &
394                sum(angorbpop(:,0)),sum(angorbpop(:,1)),sum(angorbpop(:,2)),sum(angorbpop(:,3)),sum(angorbpop(:,4)),sum(angorbpop(:,5))
395                write(*,*)
396                write(*,*) "Population of atoms:"
397                do iatm=1,ncenter
398                    charge(iatm)=a(iatm)%charge-groatmmat(ncenter+1,iatm)
399                    write(*,"(' Atom',i6,'(',a2,')','    Population:',f11.5,'    Net charge:',f11.5)") iatm,a(iatm)%name,groatmmat(ncenter+1,iatm),charge(iatm)
400                end do
401                write(*,"(' Total net charge:',f10.5)") sum(a(:)%charge)-sum(groatmmat(ncenter+1,:))
402            else if ((wfntype==1.or.wfntype==2.or.wfntype==4).and.itime==3) then !For unrestrict wfn, at last "itime" cycle print result
403                allocate(angorbpopa(ncenter,0:5),angorbpopb(ncenter,0:5))
404                angorbpopa=0D0
405                angorbpopb=0D0
406                write(*,*) "Population of basis functions:"
407                write(*,"('  Basis Type    Atom    Shell   Alpha_pop.  Beta_pop.   Total_pop.  Spin_pop.')")
408                do ibas=1,nbasis !Note: Currently, tmpmat stores basis gross population of beta part, basmata stores alpha part
409                    baspopa=sum(basmata(ibas,:))
410                    baspopb=sum(tmpmat(ibas,:))
411                    write(*,"(i6,3x,a,i5,a,i5,1x,4f12.5)") ibas,GTFtype2name(bastype(ibas)),bascen(ibas),&
412                    '('//a(bascen(ibas))%name//')',basshell(ibas),baspopa,baspopb,baspopa+baspopb,baspopa-baspopb
413                end do
414                write(*,*)
415                write(*,*) "Population of shells:"
416                write(*,*) "Shell  Type     Atom     Alpha_pop.  Beta_pop.   Total_pop.  Spin_pop."
417                do ish=1,nshell
418                    shellpopa=0D0
419                    shellpopb=0D0
420                    do ibas=1,nbasis
421                        if (basshell(ibas)==ish) then
422                            iatm=bascen(ibas) !Which atom this shell attribute to
423                            shellpopa=shellpopa+sum(basmata(ibas,:))
424                            shellpopb=shellpopb+sum(tmpmat(ibas,:))
425                        end if
426                    end do
427                    write(*,"(i5,5x,a,i7,'(',a,')' ,4f12.5)") ish,shtype2name(shtype(ish)),iatm,a(iatm)%name,shellpopa,shellpopb,shellpopa+shellpopb,shellpopa-shellpopb
428                    iangtmp=abs(shtype(ish))
429                    angorbpopa(iatm,iangtmp)=angorbpopa(iatm,iangtmp)+shellpopa
430                    angorbpopb(iatm,iangtmp)=angorbpopb(iatm,iangtmp)+shellpopb
431                end do
432                write(*,*)
433                write(*,*) "Population of each type of angular moment orbitals:"
434                write(*,*) "    Atom    Type   Alpha_pop.   Beta_pop.    Total_pop.   Spin_pop."
435                do iatm=1,ncenter
436                    if (angorbpopa(iatm,0)/=0D0.or.angorbpopb(iatm,0)/=0D0) write(*,"(i6,'(',a2,')    s',4f13.5)") &
437                    iatm,a(iatm)%name,angorbpopa(iatm,0),angorbpopb(iatm,0),angorbpopa(iatm,0)+angorbpopb(iatm,0),angorbpopa(iatm,0)-angorbpopb(iatm,0)
438                    if (angorbpopa(iatm,1)/=0D0.or.angorbpopb(iatm,1)/=0D0) write(*,"('              p',4f13.5)") &
439                    angorbpopa(iatm,1),angorbpopb(iatm,1),angorbpopa(iatm,1)+angorbpopb(iatm,1),angorbpopa(iatm,1)-angorbpopb(iatm,1)
440                    if (angorbpopa(iatm,2)/=0D0.or.angorbpopb(iatm,2)/=0D0) write(*,"('              d',4f13.5)") &
441                    angorbpopa(iatm,2),angorbpopb(iatm,2),angorbpopa(iatm,2)+angorbpopb(iatm,2),angorbpopa(iatm,2)-angorbpopb(iatm,2)
442                    if (angorbpopa(iatm,3)/=0D0.or.angorbpopb(iatm,3)/=0D0) write(*,"('              f',4f13.5)") &
443                    angorbpopa(iatm,3),angorbpopb(iatm,3),angorbpopa(iatm,3)+angorbpopb(iatm,3),angorbpopa(iatm,3)-angorbpopb(iatm,3)
444                    if (angorbpopa(iatm,4)/=0D0.or.angorbpopb(iatm,4)/=0D0) write(*,"('              g',4f13.5)") &
445                    angorbpopa(iatm,4),angorbpopb(iatm,4),angorbpopa(iatm,4)+angorbpopb(iatm,4),angorbpopa(iatm,4)-angorbpopb(iatm,4)
446                    if (angorbpopa(iatm,5)/=0D0.or.angorbpopb(iatm,5)/=0D0) write(*,"('              h',4f13.5)") &
447                    angorbpopa(iatm,5),angorbpopb(iatm,5),angorbpopa(iatm,5)+angorbpopb(iatm,5),angorbpopa(iatm,5)-angorbpopb(iatm,5)
448                end do
449                write(*,*)
450                if (sum(angorbpopa(:,0))/=0D0.or.sum(angorbpopb(:,0))/=0D0) write(*,"('     Total    s',4f13.5)") &
451                sum(angorbpopa(:,0)),sum(angorbpopb(:,0)),sum(angorbpopa(:,0))+sum(angorbpopb(:,0)),sum(angorbpopa(:,0))-sum(angorbpopb(:,0))
452                if (sum(angorbpopa(:,1))/=0D0.or.sum(angorbpopb(:,1))/=0D0) write(*,"('              p',4f13.5)") &
453                sum(angorbpopa(:,1)),sum(angorbpopb(:,1)),sum(angorbpopa(:,1))+sum(angorbpopb(:,1)),sum(angorbpopa(:,1))-sum(angorbpopb(:,1))
454                if (sum(angorbpopa(:,2))/=0D0.or.sum(angorbpopb(:,2))/=0D0) write(*,"('              d',4f13.5)") &
455                sum(angorbpopa(:,2)),sum(angorbpopb(:,2)),sum(angorbpopa(:,2))+sum(angorbpopb(:,2)),sum(angorbpopa(:,2))-sum(angorbpopb(:,2))
456                if (sum(angorbpopa(:,3))/=0D0.or.sum(angorbpopb(:,3))/=0D0) write(*,"('              f',4f13.5)") &
457                sum(angorbpopa(:,3)),sum(angorbpopb(:,3)),sum(angorbpopa(:,3))+sum(angorbpopb(:,3)),sum(angorbpopa(:,3))-sum(angorbpopb(:,3))
458                if (sum(angorbpopa(:,4))/=0D0.or.sum(angorbpopb(:,4))/=0D0) write(*,"('              g',4f13.5)") &
459                sum(angorbpopa(:,4)),sum(angorbpopb(:,4)),sum(angorbpopa(:,4))+sum(angorbpopb(:,4)),sum(angorbpopa(:,4))-sum(angorbpopb(:,4))
460                if (sum(angorbpopa(:,5))/=0D0.or.sum(angorbpopb(:,5))/=0D0) write(*,"('              h',4f13.5)") &
461                sum(angorbpopa(:,5)),sum(angorbpopb(:,5)),sum(angorbpopa(:,5))+sum(angorbpopb(:,5)),sum(angorbpopa(:,5))-sum(angorbpopb(:,5))
462                write(*,*)
463                write(*,*) "Population of atoms:"
464                write(*,*) "    Atom      Alpha_pop.   Beta_pop.    Spin_pop.     Atomic charge"
465                totspinpop=0D0
466                do iatm=1,ncenter
467                    alphaele=atmele(iatm)
468                    betaele=groatmmat(ncenter+1,iatm)
469                    charge(iatm)=a(iatm)%charge-(alphaele+betaele)
470                    write(*,"(i6,'(',a2,')',3f13.5,f16.5)") iatm,a(iatm)%name,alphaele,betaele,alphaele-betaele,charge(iatm)
471                    totspinpop=totspinpop+alphaele-betaele
472                end do
473                write(*,"(' Total net charge:',f10.5,'      Total spin electrons:',f10.5)") sum(charge),totspinpop
474            end if
475            if (itime==2) atmele(:)=groatmmat(ncenter+1,:) !Store alpha occupation of each atom to a temporary array
476        end if
477        if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) exit !RHF or ROHF, don't continue to process alpha & beta respectively
478    end do
480    !Show fragment charge
481    if (allocated(frag1)) write(*,"(/,' Fragment charge:',f12.6)") sum(charge(frag1))
483    !Asking user if decompose result
484    write(*,*)
485    if (isel==1) then
486        write(*,*) "Decompose atomic charges to MO contribution? (y/n)"
487    else if (isel==2) then
488        write(*,*) "The last row is the sum of corresponding column elements (Atomic population)"
489        write(*,*)
490        write(*,"(a)") "Decompose to MO contribution and write to groatmdcp.txt in current folder? (y/n)"
491    end if
492    read(*,*) selectyn
493    if (selectyn=='y'.or.selectyn=='Y') then
494        if (isel==1) then
495            write(*,*) "The (i,j) elements means the contribution to the jth atoms from the ith MO"
496        else if (isel==2) then
497            open(10,file="groatmdcp.txt",status="replace")
498            write(10,*) "The last row is the sum of corresponding column elements"
499            write(10,*)
500        end if
501        do itime=1,2
502            MOcenmat=0D0
503            if (itime==1) ptmat=>cobasa
504            if (itime==2) ptmat=>cobasb
505            do imo=1,nbasis
506                if (itime==1) irealmo=imo
507                if (itime==2) irealmo=imo+nbasis
508                write(corbnum,"(i6)") imo
509                write(cOcc,"(f12.8)") MOocc(irealmo)
510                if (MOocc(irealmo)==0D0) cycle
512                do i=1,ncenter
513                    do j=1,ncenter
514                        accum=0D0
515                        do ii=basstart(i),basend(i)
516                            do jj=basstart(j),basend(j)
517                                accum=accum+MOocc(irealmo)*ptmat(ii,imo)*ptmat(jj,imo)*Sbas(ii,jj)
518                            end do
519                        end do
520                        groatmmat(i,j)=accum
521                    end do
522                end do
523                do i=1,ncenter
524                    groatmmat(ncenter+1,i)=sum(groatmmat(1:ncenter,i))
525                end do
526                if (isel==1) then
527                    MOcenmat(imo,:)=groatmmat(ncenter+1,:)
528                else if (isel==2) then
529                    if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==2.or.wfntype==3) then
530                        call showmatgau(groatmmat,"Orbital"//corbnum//"  Occ:"//cOcc,0,"f14.8",10)
531                    else if (itime==1.and.(wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4)) then
532                        call showmatgau(groatmmat,"Alpha Orbital"//corbnum//"  Occ:"//cOcc,0,"f14.8",10)
533                    else if (itime==2.and.(wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4)) then
534                        call showmatgau(groatmmat,"Beta Orbital"//corbnum//"  Occ:"//cOcc,0,"f14.8",10)
535                    end if
536                    write(10,*)
537                end if
538            end do
539            if (isel==1) then
540                if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==2) call showmatgau(MOcenmat,"",0,"f14.8",6,nint(naelec))
541                if (itime==1.and.wfntype==1) call showmatgau(MOcenmat,"Alpha part",0,"f14.8",6,nint(naelec))
542                if (itime==2.and.wfntype==1) call showmatgau(MOcenmat,"Beta part",0,"f14.8",6,nint(nbelec))
543                if (wfntype==3) call showmatgau(MOcenmat,"",0,"f14.8")
544                if (itime==1.and.wfntype==4) call showmatgau(MOcenmat,"Alpha part",0,"f14.8")
545                if (itime==2.and.wfntype==4) call showmatgau(MOcenmat,"Beta part",0,"f14.8")
546            end if
547            if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==2.or.wfntype==3) exit !ROHF needn't to separate to alpha and beta
548        end do
549        if (isel==2) close(10)
550        if (isel==2) write(*,*) "Done!"
551    end if
553    !If calculating atomic charges, asking user if output it
554    if (isel==1) then
555        call path2filename(firstfilename,chgfilename)
556        write(*,*)
557        write(*,"(a)") " If output atom with charges to "//trim(chgfilename)//".chg in current folder? (y/n)"
558        read(*,*) selectyn
559        if (selectyn=="y".or.selectyn=="Y") then
560            open(10,file=trim(chgfilename)//".chg",status="replace")
561            do i=1,ncenter
562                if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) write(10,"(a4,4f12.6)") a(i)%name,a(i)%x*b2a,a(i)%y*b2a,a(i)%z*b2a,charge(i)
563                if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==2.or.wfntype==4) write(10,"(a4,4f12.6)") a(i)%name,a(i)%x*b2a,a(i)%y*b2a,a(i)%z*b2a,charge(i)
564            end do
565            close(10)
566            write(*,"(a)") " Result have been saved to "//trim(chgfilename)//".chg in current folder"
567            write(*,"(a)") " Columns ranging from 1 to 5 are name,X,Y,Z,charge respectively, unit is Angstrom"
568        end if
569    end if
571else if (isel==3) then
572    call showmatgau(Ptot*Sbas,"Total gross basis function population matrix",0,"f14.8")
573    if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==2.or.wfntype==4) then
574        call showmatgau(Palpha*Sbas,"Alpha gross basis function population matrix",0,"f14.8")
575        call showmatgau(Pbeta*Sbas,"Beta gross basis function population matrix",0,"f14.8")
576    end if
577    write(*,*) "The (i,j) element means ��[imo] Occ(imo)*C(i,imo)*C(j,imo)*S(i,j)"
578    write(*,*)
579    write(*,"(a)") "Decompose to MO contribution and write to grobasdcp.txt in current folder? (y/n)"
580    read(*,*) selectyn
581    if (selectyn=='y'.or.selectyn=='Y') then
582        open(10,file="grobasdcp.txt",status="replace")
583        write(10,*) "Notes:"
584        write(10,*) "The (i,j) element means C(i,imo)*C(j,imo)*S(i,j)"
585        write(10,*) "The last row is the sum of corresponding column elements"
586        write(10,*)
587        allocate(tmpmat(nbasis+1,nbasis))
588        do itime=1,2
589            if (itime==1) ptmat=>cobasa
590            if (itime==2) ptmat=>cobasb
591            do imo=1,nbasis
592                if (itime==1) irealmo=imo
593                if (itime==2) irealmo=imo+nbasis
594                write(corbnum,"(i6)") imo
595                write(cOcc,"(f12.8)") MOocc(irealmo)
596                if (MOocc(irealmo)==0D0) cycle
598                do ii=1,nbasis
599                    do jj=1,nbasis
600                        tmpmat(ii,jj)=MOocc(irealmo)*ptmat(ii,imo)*ptmat(jj,imo)*Sbas(ii,jj)
601                    end do
602                end do
603                do j=1,nbasis
604                    tmpmat(nbasis+1,j)=sum(tmpmat(1:nbasis,j))
605                end do
606                if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==2.or.wfntype==3) then
607                    call showmatgau(tmpmat,"Orbital"//corbnum//"  Occ:"//cOcc,0,"f14.8",10)
608                else if (itime==1.and.(wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4)) then
609                    call showmatgau(tmpmat,"Alpha Orbital"//corbnum//"  Occ:"//cOcc,0,"f14.8",10)
610                else if (itime==2.and.(wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4)) then
611                    call showmatgau(tmpmat,"Beta Orbital"//corbnum//"  Occ:"//cOcc,0,"f14.8",10)
612                end if
613                write(10,*)
614            end do
615            if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==2.or.wfntype==3) exit
616        end do
617        close(10)
618        write(*,*) "Done!"
619    end if
620end if
621end subroutine
626!!-------------- Calculate charge based on space partition method
627!1=Hirshfeld, 2=VDD, 3=Integrate electron density in voronoi cell
628!4=Adjusted method 3 by Rousseau et al., 5= Becke with/without ADC, 6= ADCH, 7= CM5
629subroutine spacecharge(chgtype)
630use defvar
631use function
632use util
633implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
634integer chgtype
635real*8 molrho(radpot*sphpot),promol(radpot*sphpot),tmpdens(radpot*sphpot),beckeweigrid(radpot*sphpot),selfdens(radpot*sphpot)
636type(content) gridatm(radpot*sphpot),gridatmorg(radpot*sphpot)
637real*8 atmdipx(ncenter),atmdipy(ncenter),atmdipz(ncenter),charge(ncenter)
638real*8 :: covr_becke(0:nelesupp) !covalent radii used for Becke population
639character selectyn,chgfilename*200
640character radfilename*800
641integer :: nbeckeiter=3
643if (chgtype==5) then !Select atomic radii for Becke population
644    covr_becke=covr_TianLu
645    iraddefine=2
646    do while(.true.)
647        write(*,*) "-1 Return"
648        write(*,*) "0 Start calculation of Becke charge!"
649        if (iraddefine==0) write(*,*) "1 Select the definition of atomic radii, current: Custom"
650        if (iraddefine==1) write(*,*) "1 Select the definition of atomic radii, current: CSD"
651        if (iraddefine==2) write(*,*) "1 Select the definition of atomic radii, current: Modified CSD"
652        if (iraddefine==3) write(*,*) "1 Select the definition of atomic radii, current: Pyykko"
653        if (iraddefine==4) write(*,*) "1 Select the definition of atomic radii, current: Suresh"
654        if (iraddefine==5) write(*,*) "1 Select the definition of atomic radii, current: Hugo"
655        write(*,"(a,i2)") " 2 Set the number of iterations for defining Becke atomic space, current:",nbeckeiter
656        write(*,*) "10 Read radii from external file"
657        write(*,*) "11 Modify current radii by manual input"
658        write(*,*) "12 Print current radii list"
659        read(*,*) isel
660        if (isel==-1) then
661            return
662        else if (isel==0) then
663            exit
664        else if (isel==1) then
665            write(*,*) "1 Use CSD radii (Dalton Trans., 2008, 2832-2838)"
666            write(*,*) "2 Use the modified version of CSD radii defined by Tian Lu (Recommended)"
667            write(*,*) "3 Use Pyykko radii (Chem. Eur.-J., 15, 186-197)"
668            write(*,*) "4 Use Suresh radii (J. Phys. Chem. A, 105, 5940-5944)"
669            write(*,*) "5 Use Hugo radii (Chem. Phys. Lett., 480, 127-131)"
670            read(*,*) iselrad
671            if (iselrad==1) then
672                covr_becke=covr
673                iraddefine=1
674            else if (iselrad==2) then
675                covr_becke=covr_TianLu
676                iraddefine=2
677            else if (iselrad==3) then
678                covr_becke=covr_pyy
679                iraddefine=3
680            else if (iselrad==4) then
681                covr_becke=covr_Suresh
682                iraddefine=4
683            else if (iselrad==5) then
684                covr_becke=radii_hugo
685                iraddefine=5
686            end if
687        else if (isel==2) then
688            write(*,*) "Input a number, e.g. 3"
689            read(*,*) nbeckeiter
690        else if (isel==10) then
691            iraddefine=0
692            write(*,"(a)") " About the file format:"
693            write(*,"(a)") " The first line should be the number of elements you want to modify, followed by element indices and radii (in Angstrom), for example:"
694            write(*,"(a)") " 4"
695            write(*,"(a)") " 1 0.35"
696            write(*,"(a)") " 4 1.2"
697            write(*,"(a)") " 5 1.12"
698            write(*,"(a)") " 14 1.63"
699            write(*,*)
700            write(*,*) "Input filename"
701            read(*,"(a)") radfilename
702            inquire(file=radfilename,exist=alive)
703            if (alive.eqv..true.) then
704                open(10,file=radfilename,status="old")
705                read(10,*) nmodrad
706                do irad=1,nmodrad
707                    read(10,*) indtmp,radtmp
708                    covr_becke(indtmp)=radtmp/b2a
709                end do
710                close(10)
711                write(*,*) "Done!"
712            else
713                write(*,*) "Error: File cannot be found"
714            end if
715        else if (isel==11) then
716            iraddefine=0
717            write(*,*) "Input element index and radius (in Angstrom), e.g. 5,0.84"
718            read(*,*) indtmp,radtmp
719            covr_becke(indtmp)=radtmp/b2a
720            write(*,*) "Done!"
721        else if (isel==12) then
722            do irad=0,nelesupp
723                write(*,"(' Element:',i5,'(',a,')   Radius:',f8.3,' Angstrom')") irad,ind2name(irad),covr_becke(irad)*b2a
724            end do
725            write(*,*)
726        end if
727    end do
728end if
730!Generate quadrature point and weighs by combination of Gauss-Chebyshev and Lebedev grids
731call gen1cintgrid(gridatmorg,iradcut)
733!***** 1=Hirshfeld, 2=VDD, 6=ADCH, 7=CM5
734if (chgtype==1.or.chgtype==2.or.chgtype==6.or.chgtype==7) then
735    write(*,*) "This task requests atomic densities, please select how to obtain them"
736    write(*,*) "1 Use build-in sphericalized atomic densities in free-states (more convenient)"
737    write(*,"(a)") " 2 Provide wavefunction file of involved elements by yourself or invoke Gaussian to automatically calculate them"
738    read(*,*) iatmdensmode
739    if (iatmdensmode==2) call setpromol !In this routine reload first molecule at the end
740    write(*,"(' Radial grids:',i5,'    Angular grids:',i5,'   Total:',i10)") radpot,sphpot,radpot*sphpot
741    write(*,*) "Calculating, please wait..."
742    write(*,*)
743    call walltime(nwalltime1)
744    do iatm=1,ncenter !Cycle each atom to calculate their charges and dipole
745        call delvirorb(0) !For faster calculation, remove virtual MOs in whole system, will not affect result
746        atmx=a(iatm)%x
747        atmy=a(iatm)%y
748        atmz=a(iatm)%z
749        gridatm%value=gridatmorg%value !Weight in this grid point
750        gridatm%x=gridatmorg%x+atmx !Move quadrature point to actual position in molecule
751        gridatm%y=gridatmorg%y+atmy
752        gridatm%z=gridatmorg%z+atmz
753        !Calculate molecular density first
755!$OMP parallel do shared(molrho) private(i) num_threads(nthreads)
756        do i=1,radpot*sphpot
757            molrho(i)=fdens(gridatm(i)%x,gridatm(i)%y,gridatm(i)%z)
758        end do
759!$OMP end parallel do
760        !Calc free atomic density to obtain promolecule density
761        promol=0D0
762        if (iatmdensmode==1) then
763            do jatm=1,ncenter
765!$OMP parallel do shared(tmpdens) private(ipt) num_threads(nthreads)
766                do ipt=1,radpot*sphpot
767                    tmpdens(ipt)=calcatmdens(jatm,gridatm(ipt)%x,gridatm(ipt)%y,gridatm(ipt)%z,0)
768                end do
769!$OMP end parallel do
770                promol=promol+tmpdens
771                if (jatm==iatm) selfdens=tmpdens
772            end do
773        else if (iatmdensmode==2) then
774            do jatm=1,ncenter
775                call dealloall
776                call readwfn(custommapname(jatm),1)
778!$OMP parallel do shared(tmpdens) private(ipt) num_threads(nthreads)
779                do ipt=1,radpot*sphpot
780                    tmpdens(ipt)=fdens(gridatm(ipt)%x,gridatm(ipt)%y,gridatm(ipt)%z)
781                end do
782!$OMP end parallel do
783                promol=promol+tmpdens
784                if (jatm==iatm) selfdens=tmpdens
785            end do
786            call dealloall
787            call readinfile(firstfilename,1) !Retrieve to first loaded file(whole molecule) to calc real rho again
788        end if
789        !Now we have needed data in hand, calculate atomic charges and atomic dipole moments
790        tmpcharge=0D0
791        dipx=0D0
792        dipy=0D0
793        dipz=0D0
794        if (chgtype==1.or.chgtype==6.or.chgtype==7) then !Hirshfeld, ADCH charge, CM5 charge
795            do i=1,radpot*sphpot
796                if (promol(i)/=0D0) then
797                    tmpv=selfdens(i)/promol(i)*molrho(i)*gridatm(i)%value
798                    tmpcharge=tmpcharge-tmpv
799                    dipx=dipx-(gridatm(i)%x-atmx)*tmpv
800                    dipy=dipy-(gridatm(i)%y-atmy)*tmpv
801                    dipz=dipz-(gridatm(i)%z-atmz)*tmpv
802                end if
803            end do
804            if (nEDFelec==0) charge(iatm)=a(iatm)%charge+tmpcharge
805            if (nEDFelec>0) charge(iatm)=a(iatm)%index+tmpcharge !EDF is provided
806        else if (chgtype==2) then !VDD charge
807            do i=1,radpot*sphpot !Cycle each grid point of iatm, if the distance between the grid point and other atom is shorter than iatm, weight=0
808                vddwei=1D0
809                discen2=(gridatm(i)%x-atmx)**2+(gridatm(i)%y-atmy)**2+(gridatm(i)%z-atmz)**2 !Distance between this grid and current center atom
810                do jatm=1,ncenter_org !Note: Current wfn is atomic wfn, so use _org suffix
811                    if (jatm==iatm) cycle
812                    disother2=(gridatm(i)%x-a_org(jatm)%x)**2+(gridatm(i)%y-a_org(jatm)%y)**2+(gridatm(i)%z-a_org(jatm)%z)**2
813                    if (disother2<discen2) then
814                        vddwei=0D0 !Using this weight is equivalent to using Voronoi cell
815                        exit
816                    end if
817                end do
818                tmpv=vddwei*(molrho(i)-promol(i))*gridatm(i)%value
819                tmpcharge=tmpcharge-tmpv
820                dipx=dipx-(gridatm(i)%x-atmx)*tmpv
821                dipy=dipy-(gridatm(i)%y-atmy)*tmpv
822                dipz=dipz-(gridatm(i)%z-atmz)*tmpv
823            end do
824            charge(iatm)=tmpcharge
825        end if
826        atmdipx(iatm)=dipx
827        atmdipy(iatm)=dipy
828        atmdipz(iatm)=dipz
829        if (chgtype==1.or.chgtype==6.or.chgtype==7) write(*,"(' Hirshfeld charge of atom ',i5,'(',a2,')',' is',f12.6)") iatm,a_org(iatm)%name,charge(iatm)
830        if (chgtype==2) write(*,"(' VDD charge of atom ',i5,'(',a2,')',' is',f12.6)") iatm,a_org(iatm)%name,charge(iatm)
831    end do
833!***** 3=Integrate electron density in Voronoi cell, 4=Adjusted method 3 by Rousseau et al
834else if (chgtype==3.or.chgtype==4) then
835    write(*,"(' Radial grids:',i5,'    Angular grids:',i5,'   Total:',i10)") radpot,sphpot,radpot*sphpot
836    write(*,*) "Calculating, please wait..."
837    write(*,*)
838    call walltime(nwalltime1)
839    if (chgtype==4) then !vdW radius From J.Mol.Stru.(Theo.) 538,235-238 is not identical to original definition
840        vdwr(1)=0.68D0/b2a
841        !B,C,N,O,F
842        vdwr(5)=1.46D0/b2a
843        vdwr(6)=1.46D0/b2a
844        vdwr(7)=1.39D0/b2a
845        vdwr(8)=1.35D0/b2a
846        vdwr(9)=1.29D0/b2a
847        !P S Cl
848        vdwr(15)=1.78D0/b2a
849        vdwr(16)=1.74D0/b2a
850        vdwr(17)=1.69D0/b2a
851    end if
852    do iatm=1,ncenter
853        tmpcharge=0D0
854        dipx=0D0
855        dipy=0D0
856        dipz=0D0
857        atmx=a(iatm)%x
858        atmy=a(iatm)%y
859        atmz=a(iatm)%z
860        gridatm%value=gridatmorg%value
861        gridatm%x=gridatmorg%x+atmx !Move quadrature point with center of current atom
862        gridatm%y=gridatmorg%y+atmy
863        gridatm%z=gridatmorg%z+atmz
864        do i=1,radpot*sphpot
865            vorwei=1.0D0
866            discen2=(gridatm(i)%x-atmx)**2+(gridatm(i)%y-atmy)**2+(gridatm(i)%z-atmz)**2 !Distance between this grid and current center atom
867            do jatm=1,ncenter !Determine the boundary of cell
868                if (jatm==iatm) cycle
869                disother2=(gridatm(i)%x-a(jatm)%x)**2+(gridatm(i)%y-a(jatm)%y)**2+(gridatm(i)%z-a(jatm)%z)**2
870                if (chgtype==3) then
871                    if (disother2<discen2) then
872                        vorwei=0.0D0 !Use this weights equivalent to use voronoi cell
873                        exit
874                    end if
875                else if (chgtype==4) then !Adjusted voronoi
876                    vdwra=vdwr(a(iatm)%index)
877                    vdwrb=vdwr(a(jatm)%index)
878                    RAB=distmat(iatm,jatm)
879                    rhoval=(RAB**2+discen2-disother2)/2.0D0/RAB
880                    rhoa=vdwra/(vdwra+vdwrb)*RAB
881                    if (rhoval>rhoa) then
882                        vorwei=0.0D0
883                        exit
884                    end if
885                end if
886            end do
887            if (vorwei/=0.0D0) then
888                tmpv=vorwei*fdens(gridatm(i)%x,gridatm(i)%y,gridatm(i)%z)*gridatm(i)%value
889                tmpcharge=tmpcharge-tmpv
890                dipx=dipx-(gridatm(i)%x-atmx)*tmpv
891                dipy=dipy-(gridatm(i)%y-atmy)*tmpv
892                dipz=dipz-(gridatm(i)%z-atmz)*tmpv
893            end if
894        end do
895        charge(iatm)=tmpcharge+a(iatm)%charge
896        atmdipx(iatm)=dipx
897        atmdipy(iatm)=dipy
898        atmdipz(iatm)=dipz
899        write(*,"(' The charge of atom ',i5,'(',a2,')',' is',f12.6)") iatm,a(iatm)%name,charge(iatm)
900    end do
902!***** Becke population
903else if (chgtype==5) then
904    write(*,"(' Radial grids:',i5,'    Angular grids:',i5,'   Total:',i10)") radpot,sphpot,radpot*sphpot
905    write(*,*) "Calculating, please wait..."
906    write(*,*)
907    call walltime(nwalltime1)
908    do iatm=1,ncenter !Cycle each atom to calculate their charges and dipole
909        gridatm%value=gridatmorg%value !Weight in this grid point
910        gridatm%x=gridatmorg%x+a(iatm)%x !Move quadrature point to actual position in molecule
911        gridatm%y=gridatmorg%y+a(iatm)%y
912        gridatm%z=gridatmorg%z+a(iatm)%z
914!$OMP parallel do shared(tmpdens) private(i) num_threads(nthreads)
915        do i=1,radpot*sphpot !Calc molecular density first
916            tmpdens(i)=fdens(gridatm(i)%x,gridatm(i)%y,gridatm(i)%z)
917        end do
918!$OMP end parallel do
919        call gen1cbeckewei(iatm,iradcut,gridatm,beckeweigrid)
920        tmpcharge=0D0
921        dipx=0D0
922        dipy=0D0
923        dipz=0D0
924        do i=1+iradcut*sphpot,radpot*sphpot
925            tmpv=tmpdens(i)*beckeweigrid(i)*gridatm(i)%value
926            tmpcharge=tmpcharge-tmpv
927            dipx=dipx-(gridatm(i)%x-a(iatm)%x)*tmpv
928            dipy=dipy-(gridatm(i)%y-a(iatm)%y)*tmpv
929            dipz=dipz-(gridatm(i)%z-a(iatm)%z)*tmpv
930        end do
931        if (nEDFelec==0) charge(iatm)=a(iatm)%charge+tmpcharge
932        if (nEDFelec>0) charge(iatm)=a(iatm)%index+tmpcharge !EDF is provided
933        atmdipx(iatm)=dipx
934        atmdipy(iatm)=dipy
935        atmdipz(iatm)=dipz
936        write(*,"(' Becke charge of atom ',i5,'(',a2,')',' is',f12.6)") iatm,a(iatm)%name,charge(iatm)
937    end do
938end if
940write(*,"(' Summing up all charges:',f15.8)") sum(charge)
942write(*,*) "Atomic dipole moments (a.u.):"
943do iatm=1,ncenter
944    write(*,"(' Atom ',i5,'(',a2,')',' in X/Y/Z:',3f11.6,' Norm:',f11.6)") iatm,a(iatm)%name,atmdipx(iatm),atmdipy(iatm),atmdipz(iatm),dsqrt(atmdipx(iatm)**2+atmdipy(iatm)**2+atmdipz(iatm)**2)
945end do
949do i=1,ncenter
950    xmoldip=xmoldip+a(i)%x*charge(i)
951    ymoldip=ymoldip+a(i)%y*charge(i)
952    zmoldip=zmoldip+a(i)%z*charge(i)
953end do
955write(*,"(' Total dipole moment from atomic charges:',f12.6,' a.u.')") totdip
956write(*,"(' X/Y/Z of dipole from atomic charge:',3f12.6,' a.u.')") xmoldip,ymoldip,zmoldip
958write(*,"(' Total atomic dipole moment:',f12.6,' a.u.')") totatmdip
959write(*,"(' X/Y/Z of total atomic dipole:',3f12.6,' a.u.')") sum(atmdipx),sum(atmdipy),sum(atmdipz)
960corrdipx=xmoldip+sum(atmdipx) !Corresponding to actual molecular dipole moment derived from molecular density
965if (chgtype==5) call doADC(atmdipx,atmdipy,atmdipz,charge,realdip,5)
966if (chgtype==6) call doADC(atmdipx,atmdipy,atmdipz,charge,realdip,6)
967if (chgtype==7) call doCM5(charge)
969!Show fragment charge
970if (allocated(frag1)) write(*,"(/,' Fragment charge:',f12.6)") sum(charge(frag1))
973call walltime(nwalltime2)
974write(*,"(' Calculation took up',i8,' seconds wall clock time')")  nwalltime2-nwalltime1
976call path2filename(firstfilename,chgfilename)
978write(*,"(a)") " If output atoms with charges to "//trim(chgfilename)//".chg in current folder? (y/n)"
979read(*,*) selectyn
980if (selectyn=="y".or.selectyn=="Y") then
981    open(10,file=trim(chgfilename)//".chg",status="replace")
982    do i=1,ncenter
983        write(10,"(a4,4f12.6)") a(i)%name,a(i)%x*b2a,a(i)%y*b2a,a(i)%z*b2a,charge(i)
984    end do
985    close(10)
986    write(*,"(a)") " Result have been saved to "//trim(chgfilename)//".chg in current folder"
987    write(*,"(a)") " Columns ranging from 1 to 5 are name,X,Y,Z,charge respectively, unit is Angstrom"
988end if
989end subroutine
992!!------ Calculate atomic dipole moment corrected charge based on existing atomic charge (charge) and atomic dipole moments (dipx/y/z)
993!This routine is previously specific for ADCH, but can be extended to any other types of atomic charges
994!The "charge" is inputted Hirshfeld charge, finally it is replaced by ADC charge
995!chgtype 5= Becke with/without ADC, 6= ADCH
996subroutine doADC(dipx,dipy,dipz,charge,realdip,chgtype)
997use defvar
998use util
999implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1000integer chgtype
1001real*8 gammamat(3,3),mat(3,3),avgr(3,1),avgrr(3,3),r(3,1),dip(3,1),tmp(1,1),eigval(3),eigvecmat(3,3)
1002real*8 w(ncenter),chargecorr(ncenter),charge(ncenter)
1003real*8 dipx(ncenter),dipy(ncenter),dipz(ncenter),realdip
1006write(*,*) "Now calculating atomic dipole moment corrected charge..."
1010do i=1,ncenter
1011    if (ishowchgtrans==1) write(*,"('Atom: 'i4,a)") i,a(i)%name !ishowchgtrans==1 means output detail of charge transferation process during atomic dipole moment correction
1012    !Initialize variables
1013    totq=0.0D0
1014    tottmpdipx=0.0D0
1015    tottmpdipy=0.0D0
1016    tottmpdipz=0.0D0
1017    avgr=0.0D0
1018    avgrr=0.0D0
1019    dip(1,1)=dipx(i)
1020    dip(2,1)=dipy(i)
1021    dip(3,1)=dipz(i)
1023    !Calculate weight of every atom
1024    do j=1,ncenter
1025        r(1,1)=a(j)%x-a(i)%x
1026        r(2,1)=a(j)%y-a(i)%y
1027        r(3,1)=a(j)%z-a(i)%z
1028        r2=r(1,1)**2+r(2,1)**2+r(3,1)**2
1029        distij=dsqrt(r2)
1031        !Use modified Becke weight function with vdW radii criterion
1032        rmaxdist=vdwr(a(i)%index)+vdwr(a(j)%index)
1033            tr=distij/(rmaxdist/2.0D0)-1 !Transform variable so that it can in 0~rmaxdist range
1034            tr=1.5*(tr)-0.5*(tr)**3
1035            tr=1.5*(tr)-0.5*(tr)**3
1036            w(j)=0.5*(1-(1.5*tr-0.5*tr**3))
1037        if (distij>rmaxdist) w(j)=0.0D0
1039        avgr=avgr+w(j)*r
1040        avgrr=avgrr+w(j)*matmul(r,transpose(r))
1041    end do
1043    wtot=sum(w)
1044    avgr=avgr/wtot !Get <r>
1045    avgrr=avgrr/wtot !Get <rr+>
1046    gammamat=avgrr-matmul(avgr,transpose(avgr))
1047    call Diagmat(gammamat,eigvecmat,eigval,500,1D-10)
1049    rmaxv=maxval(eigval)
1050    mat=0.0D0
1051    tmpmin=1D-5
1052    mat(1,1)=1.0D0/(eigval(1)+tmpmin*(rmaxv+tmpmin))
1053    mat(2,2)=1.0D0/(eigval(2)+tmpmin*(rmaxv+tmpmin))
1054    mat(3,3)=1.0D0/(eigval(3)+tmpmin*(rmaxv+tmpmin))
1056    !Use transform matrix to transform r in old coordinate to r' in new coordinate, and transform P to P'
1057    !r=matmul(eigvecmat,r'), so r'=matmul(eigvecmat^(-1),r), because eigvecmat is unitary matrix, r'=matmul(transepose(eigvecmat),r)
1058    avgr=matmul(transpose(eigvecmat),avgr)
1059    dip=matmul(transpose(eigvecmat),dip)
1061    !All values need have been calculated, now calculate final result
1062    do j=1,ncenter
1063        r(1,1)=a(j)%x-a(i)%x
1064        r(2,1)=a(j)%y-a(i)%y
1065        r(3,1)=a(j)%z-a(i)%z
1066        r=matmul(transpose(eigvecmat),r) ! Get r(i,j) vector in new coordinate
1067        tmp=w(j)/wtot*matmul(matmul(transpose(r-avgr),mat) ,dip) !delta q, namely the charge which atom i gives atom j
1068        chargecorr(j)=chargecorr(j)+tmp(1,1) !Charge after corrected
1069        if (ishowchgtrans==1) write(*,"(' Give atom ',i4,a4,f15.12,'  Weight',2f15.12)") j,a(j)%name,tmp(1,1),w(j)
1070        totq=totq+tmp(1,1)
1071        tottmpdipx=tottmpdipx+(a(j)%x-a(i)%x)*tmp(1,1)
1072        tottmpdipy=tottmpdipy+(a(j)%y-a(i)%y)*tmp(1,1)
1073        tottmpdipz=tottmpdipz+(a(j)%z-a(i)%z)*tmp(1,1)
1074    end do
1075    if (ishowchgtrans==1) write(*,*)
1076end do
1078write(*,*) "   ======= Summary of atomic dipole moment corrected (ADC) charges ======="
1079do i=1,ncenter
1080    write(*,"(' Atom: ',i4,a,'  Corrected charge:',f12.6,'  Before:',f12.6)") i,a(i)%name,chargecorr(i),charge(i)
1081end do
1082write(*,"(' Summing up all corrected charges:',f12.7)") sum(chargecorr)
1083if (chgtype==5) write(*,"(a)") " Note: The values shown after ""Corrected charge"" are atomic dipole moment corrected Becke charges, the ones after ""Before"" are normal Becke charges"
1084if (chgtype==6) write(*,"(a)") " Note: The values shown after ""Corrected charge"" are ADCH charges, the ones after ""Before"" are Hirshfeld charges"
1090write(*,"(' Total dipole from ADC charges (a.u.)',f11.7,'  Error:',f11.7)") ADCdip,abs(ADCdip-realdip)
1091write(*,"(' X/Y/Z of dipole moment from the charge (a.u.)',3f11.7)") ADCdipx,ADCdipy,ADCdipz
1092charge=chargecorr !Overlay charge array, then return to Hirshfeld module and output result to .chg file
1093end subroutine
1096!!--------- Calculate CM5 charge based on Hirshfeld charge
1097subroutine doCM5(charge)
1098use defvar
1099implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1100real*8 charge(ncenter),CMcharge(ncenter),radius(118),Dparm(118)
1147!As shown in CM5 paper, the covalent radii used in CM5 equation are tabulated in CRC book 91th, where they are obtained as follows:
1148!For Z=1~96, the radii are the average of CSD radii (For Fe, Mn, Co the low-spin is used) and Pyykko radii
1149!For Z=97~118, the radii are Pyykko radii
1152radius=radius*b2a !Because the radii have already been converted to Bohr, so we convert them back to Angstrom
1154if (ishowchgtrans==1) write(*,"(/,a)") " Details of CM5 charge correction:"
1156do iatm=1,ncenter
1157    CMcorr=0
1158    iZ=a(iatm)%index
1159    do jatm=1,ncenter
1160        if (iatm==jatm) cycle
1161        jZ=a(jatm)%index
1162        Bval=exp( -alpha*(distmat(iatm,jatm)*b2a-radius(iZ)-radius(jZ)) )
1163        if (iZ==1.and.jZ==6) then
1164            Tval=0.0502D0
1165        else if (iZ==6.and.jZ==1) then
1166            Tval=-0.0502D0
1167        else if (iZ==1.and.jZ==7) then
1168            Tval=0.1747D0
1169        else if (iZ==7.and.jZ==1) then
1170            Tval=-0.1747D0
1171        else if (iZ==1.and.jZ==8) then
1172            Tval=0.1671D0
1173        else if (iZ==8.and.jZ==1) then
1174            Tval=-0.1671D0
1175        else if (iZ==6.and.jZ==7) then
1176            Tval=0.0556D0
1177        else if (iZ==7.and.jZ==6) then
1178            Tval=-0.0556D0
1179        else if (iZ==6.and.jZ==8) then
1180            Tval=0.0234D0
1181        else if (iZ==8.and.jZ==6) then
1182            Tval=-0.0234D0
1183        else if (iZ==7.and.jZ==8) then
1184            Tval=-0.0346D0
1185        else if (iZ==8.and.jZ==7) then
1186            Tval=0.0346D0
1187        else
1188            Tval=Dparm(iZ)-Dparm(jZ)
1189        end if
1190        CMcorr=CMcorr+Tval*Bval
1191        if (ishowchgtrans==1) then
1192            write(*,"(i4,a,i4,a,'  B_term:',f10.5,'  T_term:',f10.5,'  Corr. charge:',f10.5)") iatm,a(iatm)%name,jatm,a(jatm)%name,Bval,Tval,Tval*Bval
1193        end if
1194    end do
1195    CMcharge(iatm)=charge(iatm)+CMcorr
1196end do
1198write(*,*) "                    ======= Summary of CM5 charges ======="
1199do i=1,ncenter
1200    write(*,"(' Atom: ',i4,a,'  CM5 charge:',f12.6,'  Hirshfeld charge:',f12.6)") i,a(i)%name,CMcharge(i),charge(i)
1201end do
1202write(*,"(' Summing up all CM5 charges:',f15.8)") sum(CMcharge)
1208write(*,"(' Total dipole moment from CM5 charges',f12.7,' a.u.')") CM5dip
1209write(*,"(' X/Y/Z of dipole moment from CM5 charges',3f10.5, ' a.u.')") CM5dipx,CM5dipy,CM5dipz
1211end subroutine
1215!!------------ Calculate charges by fitting ESP, currently CHELPG grid and MK grid are used
1216!! TrEsp (transition charge from electrostatic potential) can also be calculated, see manual
1217!itype=1:CHELPG   itype=2:MK
1218subroutine fitESP(itype)
1219use util
1220use defvar
1221use function
1222implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1223character*200 addcenfile,extptfile
1224character selectyn,chgfilename*200
1225integer itype
1226integer :: nlayer=4 !Number of layers of points for MK
1227integer :: inuctype=1
1228real*8 :: espfitvdwr(0:nelesupp)=-1D0,sclvdwlayer(100)=(/1.4D0,1.6D0,1.8D0,2.0D0,(0D0,i=5,100)/)
1229real*8,allocatable :: ESPptval(:),ESPptx(:),ESPpty(:),ESPptz(:),Bmat(:),Amat(:,:),Amatinv(:,:),atmchg(:)
1230real*8,allocatable :: fitcenx(:),fitceny(:),fitcenz(:),fitcenvdwr(:),disptcen(:),origsphpt(:,:)
1232! Read ESP and coordinates of fitting points from Gaussian Iop(6/33=2) output. Corresponding wavefunction file must be loaded to provide atom coordinates
1233! naddcen=0
1234! open(10,file="C:\gtest\benzene.out",status="old")
1235! call loclabel(10,"NAtoms")
1236! read(10,"(8x,i6)") nfitcen
1237! allocate(fitcenx(nfitcen),fitceny(nfitcen),fitcenz(nfitcen))
1238! call loclabel(10,"Atomic Center    1 is at")
1239! do i=1,nfitcen
1240!     read(10,"(32x,3f10.6)") fitcenx(i),fitceny(i),fitcenz(i)
1241! end do
1242! fitcenx=fitcenx/b2a
1243! fitceny=fitceny/b2a
1244! fitcenz=fitcenz/b2a
1245! call loclabel(10,"points will be used for",ifound)
1246! read(10,*) nESPpt
1247! write(*,"('Number of fitting points used:',i10)") nESPpt
1248! allocate(ESPptval(nESPpt),ESPptx(nESPpt),ESPpty(nESPpt),ESPptz(nESPpt))
1249! matdim=nfitcen+1
1250! call loclabel(10,"ESP Fit Center",ifound)
1251! if (ifound==0) write(*,*) "Cannot locate ""ESP Fit Center"" field"
1252! do ipt=1,nESPpt
1253!     read(10,"(32x,3f10.6)") ESPptx(ipt),ESPpty(ipt),ESPptz(ipt)
1254! end do
1255! ESPptx=ESPptx/b2a !Convert to Bohr unit
1256! ESPpty=ESPpty/b2a
1257! ESPptz=ESPptz/b2a
1258! call loclabel(10," Fit ",ifound,0)
1259! if (ifound==0) write(*,*) "Cannot locate "" Fit "" field"
1260! do ipt=1,nESPpt
1261!     read(10,"(14x,f10.6)") ESPptval(ipt)
1262! end do
1263! ! goto 332
1264! goto 333
1266fitspc=0.3D0/b2a !Spacing between grid for CHELPG
1267extdis=2.8D0/b2a !Extend 2.8 Angstrom to each side for CHELPG
1268densperarea=6D0*b2a**2 !Point density per Angstrom**2 for MK, in order to convert to Bohr**2, multiply by b2a**2
1270iaddcen=0 !If give Additional center
1271iuseextpt=0 !If use external points
1272iskipespcalc=0 !If read ESP from external file directly rather than calculate here
1274do while(.true.)
1275    write(*,*)
1276    write(*,*) "Note: All units in this module are in a.u."
1277    write(*,*) "-2 Load additional fitting centers from external file"
1278    if (iuseextpt==0) write(*,*) "-1 Use fitting points recorded in external file instead of generating them"
1279    write(*,*) "0 Return"
1280    write(*,*) "1 Start calculation!"
1281    if (iuseextpt==0) then
1282        if (itype==1) then
1283            write(*,"(' 2 Set grid spacing, current:',f7.3,' Bohr (',f7.3,' Angstrom)')") fitspc,fitspc*b2a
1284            write(*,"(' 3 Set box extension, current:',f7.3,' Bohr (',f7.3,' Angstrom)')") extdis,extdis*b2a
1285        else if (itype==2) then
1286            write(*,"(' 2 Set number of points per Angstrom^2, current:',f10.3)") densperarea/b2a**2 !Temporary convert to Angstrom**2 for convention
1287            write(*,"(' 3 Set number of layers per atom, current:',i4)") nlayer
1288            write(*,"(' 4 Set the value times van der Waals radius in each layer')")
1289        end if
1290    end if
1291    if (iuseextpt==0) then
1292        if (inuctype==1) write(*,*) "5 Switch if taking nuclear charge into account, current: Yes"
1293        if (inuctype==2) write(*,*) "5 Switch if taking nuclear charge into account, current: No"
1294    end if
1295    read(*,*) isel
1297    if (isel==-2) then
1298        iaddcen=1
1299        write(*,*) "Input the name of the file recording coordinates of additional fitting centers"
1300        read(*,"(a)") addcenfile
1301        write(*,*) "Done!"
1302    else if (isel==-1) then
1303        iuseextpt=1
1304        write(*,*) "Input the name of the file recording coordinates of ESP fitting points"
1305        read(*,"(a)") extptfile
1306        write(*,*) "OK, the points recorded in this file will be used as fitting points"
1307    else if (isel==0) then
1308        Return
1309    else if (isel==1) then
1310        exit
1311    else if (isel==2) then
1312        write(*,*) "Input new value"
1313        if (itype==1) read(*,*) fitspc
1314        if (itype==2) then
1315            read(*,*) densperarea
1316            densperarea=densperarea*b2a**2
1317        end if
1318    else if (isel==3) then
1319        write(*,*) "Input new value"
1320        if (itype==1) read(*,*) extdis
1321        if (itype==2) read(*,*) nlayer
1322    else if (isel==4.and.itype==2) then
1323        write(*,*) "Current values:"
1324        do ilayer=1,nlayer
1325            write(*,"(' Layer',i4,' :',f8.4)") ilayer,sclvdwlayer(ilayer)
1326        end do
1327        write(*,*)
1328        do ilayer=1,nlayer
1329            write(*,"(a,i4,',  e.g. 1.5')") " Input value for layer",ilayer
1330            read(*,*) sclvdwlayer(ilayer)
1331        end do
1332    else if (isel==5) then
1333        if (inuctype==1) then
1334            inuctype=2
1335        else if (inuctype==2) then
1336            inuctype=1
1337        end if
1338    end if
1339end do
1341!Set vdW radius
1342if (itype==1) then !For CHELPG
1343    espfitvdwr(1:2)=1.45D0 !vdW radius copied from GetvdW routine (utilam), some of them are given in CHELPG original paper
1344    espfitvdwr(3:6)=1.5D0
1345    espfitvdwr(7:10)=1.7D0
1346    espfitvdwr(11:18)=2D0
1347    espfitvdwr(1:18)=espfitvdwr(1:18)/b2a !to Bohr
1348else if (itype==2) then !For MK, copied from GetvdW routine (utilam)
1349    espfitvdwr(1:17)=(/1.20d0,1.20d0,1.37d0,1.45d0,1.45d0,1.50d0,1.50d0,&
1350    1.40d0,1.35d0,1.30d0,1.57d0,1.36d0,1.24d0,1.17d0,1.80d0,1.75d0,1.70d0/)
1351    espfitvdwr(1:17)=espfitvdwr(1:17)/b2a
1352end if
1353write(*,*) "Atomic radii used:"
1354do ielem=1,nelesupp
1355    if (any(a%index==ielem).and.espfitvdwr(ielem)/=-1D0) write(*,"(' Element:',a,'     vdW radius (Angstrom):',f6.3)") ind2name(ielem),espfitvdwr(ielem)*b2a
1356end do
1358!Check sanity and complete vdW radius table for all involved elements
1359do iatm=1,ncenter
1360    if (espfitvdwr(a(iatm)%index)==-1D0) then
1361        write(*,"(' vdW radius used in fitting for element ',a,' is missing, input the radius (Bohr)')") ind2name(a(iatm)%index)
1362        write(*,"(a)") " Hint: If you don't know how to deal with the problem, simply input 3.4. (However, the radius of 3.4 Bohr may be not very appropriate for current element)"
1363        read(*,*) espfitvdwr(a(iatm)%index)
1364    end if
1365end do
1367!Check total number of fitting centers
1369if (iaddcen==1) then
1370    open(10,file=addcenfile,status="old")
1371    read(10,*) naddcen
1372end if
1376!Generate information of fitting centers
1377do iatm=1,ncenter
1378    fitcenx(iatm)=a(iatm)%x
1379    fitceny(iatm)=a(iatm)%y
1380    fitcenz(iatm)=a(iatm)%z
1381    fitcenvdwr(iatm)=espfitvdwr(a(iatm)%index) !vdW radius for each fitting center
1382end do
1383if (iaddcen==1) then
1384    do icen=ncenter+1,ncenter+naddcen
1385        read(10,*) fitcenx(icen),fitceny(icen),fitcenz(icen)
1386        fitcenvdwr(icen)=0D0
1387    end do
1388    close(10)
1389end if
1392if (iuseextpt==0) then !Count number and generate coordinates of fitting points
1393    if (itype==1) then !CHELPG
1394        xlow=minval(fitcenx)-extdis
1395        xhigh=maxval(fitcenx)+extdis
1396        ylow=minval(fitceny)-extdis
1397        yhigh=maxval(fitceny)+extdis
1398        zlow=minval(fitcenz)-extdis
1399        zhigh=maxval(fitcenz)+extdis
1400        xlen=xhigh-xlow
1401        ylen=yhigh-ylow
1402        zlen=zhigh-zlow
1403        nxfit=int(xlen/fitspc)+1
1404        nyfit=int(ylen/fitspc)+1
1405        nzfit=int(zlen/fitspc)+1
1406        nESPpt=0
1407        do ix=0,nxfit
1408            do iy=0,nyfit
1409                do iz=0,nzfit
1410                    tmpx=xlow+ix*fitspc
1411                    tmpy=ylow+iy*fitspc
1412                    tmpz=zlow+iz*fitspc
1413                    do icen=1,nfitcen
1414                        disptcen(icen)=dsqrt( (fitcenx(icen)-tmpx)**2+(fitceny(icen)-tmpy)**2+(fitcenz(icen)-tmpz)**2 )
1415                        if (disptcen(icen)<=fitcenvdwr(icen)) exit
1416                        if (icen==nfitcen.and.any(disptcen<=extdis)) nESPpt=nESPpt+1
1417                    end do
1418                end do
1419            end do
1420        end do
1421        write(*,"(' Number of fitting points used:',i10)") nESPpt
1422        allocate(ESPptval(nESPpt),ESPptx(nESPpt),ESPpty(nESPpt),ESPptz(nESPpt))
1423        iESPpt=0
1424        do ix=0,nxfit
1425            do iy=0,nyfit
1426                do iz=0,nzfit
1427                    tmpx=xlow+ix*fitspc
1428                    tmpy=ylow+iy*fitspc
1429                    tmpz=zlow+iz*fitspc
1430                    do icen=1,nfitcen
1431                        disptcen(icen)=dsqrt( (fitcenx(icen)-tmpx)**2+(fitceny(icen)-tmpy)**2+(fitcenz(icen)-tmpz)**2 )
1432                        if (disptcen(icen)<=fitcenvdwr(icen)) exit
1433                        if (icen==nfitcen.and.any(disptcen<=extdis)) then
1434                            iESPpt=iESPpt+1
1435                            ESPptx(iESPpt)=tmpx
1436                            ESPpty(iESPpt)=tmpy
1437                            ESPptz(iESPpt)=tmpz
1438                        end if
1439                    end do
1440                end do
1441            end do
1442        end do
1444    else if (itype==2) then !MK, don't reserve spatial space for additional center
1445        cutinnerscl=minval(sclvdwlayer(1:nlayer))
1446        write(*,"(' Note: If distance between a ESP point and any atom is smaller than',f6.3,' multiplied by corresponding vdW radius, then the point will be discarded')") cutinnerscl
1447        nESPpt=0
1448        maxsphpt=nint(4D0*pi*(maxval(fitcenvdwr)*maxval(sclvdwlayer))**2 *densperarea) !Find maximal possible number of points in unit sphere to allocate temporary origsphpt
1449        allocate(origsphpt(3,maxsphpt))
1450        do icen=1,ncenter !Rather than nfitcen.   Count how many possible ESP points in total
1451            do ilayer=1,nlayer
1452                numsphpt=nint(4D0*pi*(fitcenvdwr(icen)*sclvdwlayer(ilayer))**2 *densperarea)
1453                nESPpt=nESPpt+numsphpt
1454            end do
1455        end do
1456        allocate(ESPptval(nESPpt),ESPptx(nESPpt),ESPpty(nESPpt),ESPptz(nESPpt)) !Currently nESPpt is upper limit
1457        iESPpt=0
1458        do icen=1,ncenter
1459            do ilayer=1,nlayer
1460                radius=fitcenvdwr(icen)*sclvdwlayer(ilayer)
1461                numsphpt=nint(4D0*pi*radius**2 *densperarea)
1462                call unitspherept(origsphpt,numsphpt) !Input expected number of point in unit sphere, return actual number of points
1463                origsphpt(:,1:numsphpt)=origsphpt(:,1:numsphpt)*radius
1464                origsphpt(1,1:numsphpt)=origsphpt(1,1:numsphpt)+fitcenx(icen) !Move unit sphere to atomic center
1465                origsphpt(2,1:numsphpt)=origsphpt(2,1:numsphpt)+fitceny(icen)
1466                origsphpt(3,1:numsphpt)=origsphpt(3,1:numsphpt)+fitcenz(icen)
1467                do ipt=1,numsphpt
1468                    tmpx=origsphpt(1,ipt)
1469                    tmpy=origsphpt(2,ipt)
1470                    tmpz=origsphpt(3,ipt)
1471                    iok=1
1472                    do icen2=1,ncenter
1473                        if (icen2==icen) cycle
1474                        disptcensq=(fitcenx(icen2)-tmpx)**2+(fitceny(icen2)-tmpy)**2+(fitcenz(icen2)-tmpz)**2 !distance between point and center
1475                        if (disptcensq<(fitcenvdwr(icen2)*cutinnerscl)**2) then !Less than vdW RADIUS*cutinner of atom icen2, it should be ommitted
1476                            iok=0
1477                            exit
1478                        end if
1479                    end do
1480                    if (iok==1) then
1481                        iESPpt=iESPpt+1
1482                        ESPptx(iESPpt)=tmpx
1483                        ESPpty(iESPpt)=tmpy
1484                        ESPptz(iESPpt)=tmpz
1485                    end if
1486                end do
1487            end do
1488        end do
1489        nESPpt=iESPpt
1490        deallocate(origsphpt)
1491        write(*,"(' Number of fitting points used:',i10)") nESPpt
1492    end if
1494else if (iuseextpt==1) then !Directly use external fitting points
1495    open(10,file=extptfile,status="old")
1496    read(10,*) nESPpt
1497    if (nESPpt<0) then
1498        iskipespcalc=1 !If the number of fitting points is negative, that means the fourth column records ESP value and needn't to be recalculated
1499        write(*,*) "ESP value of all fitting points are read from external file directly"
1500    end if
1501    nESPpt=abs(nESPpt)
1502    write(*,"(' Number of fitting points used:',i10)") nESPpt
1503    allocate(ESPptval(nESPpt),ESPptx(nESPpt),ESPpty(nESPpt),ESPptz(nESPpt))
1504    do i=1,nESPpt
1505        if (iskipespcalc==0) read(10,*) ESPptx(i),ESPpty(i),ESPptz(i)
1506        if (iskipespcalc==1) read(10,*) ESPptx(i),ESPpty(i),ESPptz(i),ESPptval(i)
1507    end do
1508    close(10)
1509end if
1511332 continue
1512!Generate ESP value of fitting points
1513if (iskipespcalc==0) then
1514    write(*,*) "Calculating ESP, please wait..."
1515    itmp=1
1516    do ipt=1,nESPpt
1517        if (ipt>=itmp*300) then
1518            write(*,"(' Finished:',i10,'  /',i10)") ipt,nESPpt
1519            itmp=itmp+1
1520        end if
1521        if (inuctype==1) then
1522            ESPptval(ipt)=totesp((ESPptx(ipt)),(ESPpty(ipt)),(ESPptz(ipt)))
1523        else if (inuctype==2) then !Don't consider nuclear charge contribution
1524            ESPptval(ipt)=eleesp((ESPptx(ipt)),(ESPpty(ipt)),(ESPptz(ipt)))
1525        end if
1526    end do
1527    write(*,*) "Done!"
1528end if
1530333 continue !We just read ESP points from Gaussian output directly, so jump to here
1533!See original paper of MK for detail of algorithem
1534!Forming Amat
1536do icen=1,nfitcen
1537    do jcen=icen,nfitcen
1538        do ipt=1,nESPpt
1539            dis1=dsqrt( (ESPptx(ipt)-fitcenx(icen))**2 + (ESPpty(ipt)-fitceny(icen))**2 + (ESPptz(ipt)-fitcenz(icen))**2 )
1540            dis2=dsqrt( (ESPptx(ipt)-fitcenx(jcen))**2 + (ESPpty(ipt)-fitceny(jcen))**2 + (ESPptz(ipt)-fitcenz(jcen))**2 )
1541            Amat(icen,jcen)=Amat(icen,jcen)+1D0/dis1/dis2
1542        end do
1543    end do
1544end do
1546do i=1,nfitcen
1547    Amat(i,i)=Amat(i,i)/2D0
1548end do
1552!Forming Bmat
1554do icen=1,nfitcen
1555    do ipt=1,nESPpt
1556        dis=dsqrt( (ESPptx(ipt)-fitcenx(icen))**2 + (ESPpty(ipt)-fitceny(icen))**2 + (ESPptz(ipt)-fitcenz(icen))**2 )
1557        Bmat(icen)=Bmat(icen)+ESPptval(ipt)/dis
1558    end do
1559end do
1560if (inuctype==1) then
1561    Bmat(matdim)=sum(a(:)%charge)-nelec !Net charge of the system
1562else if (inuctype==2) then
1563    Bmat(matdim)=-nelec
1564end if
1568!Output summary
1569write(*,*) " Center        X           Y           Z            Charge"
1570do i=1,ncenter
1571    write(*,"(i6,a,3f12.6,f16.6)") i,ind2name(a(i)%index),fitcenx(i),fitceny(i),fitcenz(i),atmchg(i)
1572end do
1573do i=ncenter+1,ncenter+naddcen
1574    write(*,"(i6,2x,3f12.6,f16.6)") i,fitcenx(i),fitceny(i),fitcenz(i),atmchg(i)
1575end do
1576write(*,"(' Sum of charges:',f12.6)") sum(atmchg(1:nfitcen))
1577!Calculate RMSE and RRMSE
1579do ipt=1,nESPpt
1580    atmchgesp=0D0
1581    do icen=1,nfitcen
1582        dis=dsqrt( (ESPptx(ipt)-fitcenx(icen))**2 + (ESPpty(ipt)-fitceny(icen))**2 + (ESPptz(ipt)-fitcenz(icen))**2 )
1583        atmchgesp=atmchgesp+atmchg(icen)/dis
1584    end do
1585    RMSE=RMSE+(ESPptval(ipt)-atmchgesp)**2
1586end do
1589write(*,"(' RMSE:',f12.6,'   RRMSE:',f12.6)") RMSE,RRMSE
1591!Show fragment charge
1592if (allocated(frag1)) write(*,"(/,' Fragment charge:',f12.6)") sum(atmchg(frag1))
1595write(*,"(a)") " If output coordinates and ESP value of all fitting points to ESPfitpt.txt in current folder? (y/n)"
1596read(*,*) selectyn
1597if (selectyn=='y'.or.selectyn=="Y") then
1598    open(10,file="ESPfitpt.txt",status="replace")
1599    write(10,*) nESPpt
1600    do ipt=1,nESPpt
1601        write(10,"(3f12.6,f14.8)") ESPptx(ipt),ESPpty(ipt),ESPptz(ipt),ESPptval(ipt)
1602    end do
1603    write(*,*) "Data have been outputted to ESPfitpt.txt in current folder"
1604    write(*,"(a)") " All units are in a.u. The first line shows the number of fitting points, the first three columns are X,Y,Z coordinates, the last column corresponds to ESP value"
1605    close(10)
1606end if
1608call path2filename(firstfilename,chgfilename)
1609write(*,"(a)") " If output atom coordinates with charges to "//trim(chgfilename)//".chg file in current folder? (y/n)"
1610read(*,*) selectyn
1611if (selectyn=='y'.or.selectyn=="Y") then
1612    open(10,file=trim(chgfilename)//".chg",status="replace")
1613    do i=1,ncenter
1614        write(10,"(a4,4f12.6)") a(i)%name,a(i)%x*b2a,a(i)%y*b2a,a(i)%z*b2a,atmchg(i)
1615    end do
1616    do i=ncenter+1,ncenter+naddcen
1617        write(10,"(a4,4f12.6)") " Bq",a(i)%x*b2a,a(i)%y*b2a,a(i)%z*b2a,atmchg(i)
1618    end do
1619    close(10)
1620    write(*,"(a)") " Result have been saved to "//trim(chgfilename)//".chg in current folder"
1621    write(*,"(a)") " Columns from 1 to 5 are name,X,Y,Z,charge respectively, unit is Angstrom"
1622end if
1624!Output fitting points to pdb file for visualizing, only for debug purpose
1625! open(10,file="ESPfitpt.pdb",status="replace")
1626! do ipt=1,nESPpt
1627!     write(10,"(a6,i5,1x,a4,1x,a3, 1x,a1,i4,4x,3f8.3,2f6.2,10x,a2)") &
1628!                     "HETATM",i,' '//"O "//' ',"MOL",'A',1,ESPptx(ipt),ESPpty(ipt),ESPptz(ipt),1.0,ESPptval(ipt)*au2kcal,"O "
1629! end do
1630! write(*,*) "Data have been outputted to ESPfitpt.pdb in current folder"
1631! close(10)
1633end subroutine
1636!!!------------- Generate numpt points scattered evenly in an unit sphere
1637! Input argument numpt is the expected number of points, while the return value is actual number
1638! ptcrd store coordinates of the points
1639subroutine unitspherept(ptcrd,numpt)
1640implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1641real*8 ptcrd(3,numpt)
1642integer numpt
1644!The average number of equator points in all XY layes is numequ*2/pi, and there are numvert=numequ/2 layers
1645!Solve (numequ*2/pi)*numequ/2=numpt one can get numequ=sqrt(numpt*pi)
1646numequ=int(sqrt(numpt*pi)) !Maximal number of point in each XY layer
1649do ivert=0,numvert
1650    angz=dfloat(ivert)/numvert*pi
1651    scalexy=sin(angz)
1652    z=cos(angz)
1653    numxy=int(numequ*scalexy)
1654    if (numxy==0) numxy=1
1655    do ihori=1,numxy
1656        ipt=ipt+1
1657        if (ipt>numpt) then
1658            numpt=ipt-1
1659            return
1660        end if
1661        angxy=2D0*pi*ihori/numxy
1662        ptcrd(1,ipt)=cos(angxy)*scalexy
1663        ptcrd(2,ipt)=sin(angxy)*scalexy
1664        ptcrd(3,ipt)=z
1665    end do
1666end do
1668end subroutine
1677!!============================ Hirshfeld-I ============================!!
1678!!============================ Hirshfeld-I ============================!!
1679!!============================ Hirshfeld-I ============================!!
1680!!============================ Hirshfeld-I ============================!!
1681!!============================ Hirshfeld-I ============================!!
1682!Wrapper of Hirshfeld-I module to automatically set radpot and sphpot to proper values
1683!itype=1: Normal population analysis =2: Only used to generate proper atomic space (i.e. Don't do unnecessary things)
1684subroutine Hirshfeld_I_wrapper(itype)
1685use defvar
1686implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1689if (iautointgrid==1) then
1690    radpot=30
1691    sphpot=170
1692    if (any(a%index>18)) radpot=40
1693    if (any(a%index>36)) radpot=50
1694    if (any(a%index>54)) radpot=60
1695end if
1696call Hirshfeld_I(itype)
1697if (iautointgrid==1) then
1698    radpot=radpotold
1699    sphpot=sphpotold
1700end if
1701end subroutine
1703!!--------- Calculate Hirshfeld-I charge and yield final atomic radial density
1704!I've compared this module with hipart, this module is faster than hipart, and the accuracy under default setting is at least never lower than hipart
1705subroutine Hirshfeld_I(itype)
1706use defvar
1707use function
1708use util
1709implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1710integer itype
1711type(content) gridatm(radpot*sphpot),gridatmorg(radpot*sphpot)
1712real*8 molrho(radpot*sphpot),promol(radpot*sphpot),tmpdens(radpot*sphpot),selfdens(radpot*sphpot),molrhoall(ncenter,radpot*sphpot)
1713real*8 charge(ncenter),lastcharge(ncenter) !Atomic charge of current iter. and last iter.
1714real*8 radrholow(200),radrhohigh(200)
1715character sep,c80tmp*80,chgfilename*200,selectyn
1716character*2 :: statname(-4:4)=(/ "-4","-3","-2","-1","_0","+1","+2","+3","+4" /)
1717integer :: maxcyc=50,ioutmedchg=0
1718real*8 :: crit=0.0002D0
1719real*8,external :: fdens_rad
1720!Used for mode 2. e.g. atmstatgrid(iatm,igrid,jatm,-1) means density of jatm with -1 charge state at igrid around iatm
1721real*8,allocatable :: atmstatgrid(:,:,:,:)
1724!Mode 1 use very low memory but expensive, because most data is computed every iteration
1725!Mode 2 use large memory but fast, because most data is only computed once at initial stage
1726!The result of the two modes differ with each other marginally, probably because in mode 1 radial density is related to max(npthigh,nptlow), which is not involved in mode 2
1727!In principle, result of mode 2 is slightly better
1730!Ignore jatm contribution to iatm centered grids if distance between iatm and jatm is larger than 1.5 times of sum of their vdwr
1731!This can decrease lots of time for large system, the lose of accuracy can be ignored (error is ~0.0001 per atom)
1735if (itype==1) write(*,*) "     =============== Iterative Hirshfeld (Hirshfeld-I) ==============="
1736if (itype==2) write(*,*) "     ============== Generate Hirshfeld-I atomic weights =============="
1737do while(.true.)
1738    if (imode==1) write(*,*) "-2 Switch algorithm, current: Slow & low memory requirement"
1739    if (imode==2) write(*,*) "-2 Switch algorithm, current: Fast & large memory requirement"
1740    if (itype==1) then
1741        if (ioutmedchg==0) write(*,*) "-1 Switch if output intermediate results, current: No"
1742        if (ioutmedchg==1) write(*,*) "-1 Switch if output intermediate results, current: Yes"
1743        write(*,*) "0 Return"
1744    end if
1745    write(*,*) "1 Start calculation!"
1746    write(*,"(a,i4)") " 2 Set the maximum number of iterations, current:",maxcyc
1747    write(*,"(a,f10.6)") " 3 Set convergence criterion of atomic charges, current:",crit
1748    read(*,*) isel
1749    if (isel==-2) then
1750        if (imode==1) then
1751            imode=2
1752        else
1753            imode=1
1754            crit=0.001 !mode 1 is more time-consuming, use loose criterion
1755        end if
1756    else if (isel==-1) then
1757        if (ioutmedchg==1) then
1758            ioutmedchg=0
1759        else
1760            ioutmedchg=1
1761        end if
1762    else if (isel==0) then
1763        return
1764    else if (isel==1) then
1765        exit
1766    else if (isel==2) then
1767        write(*,*) "Input maximum number of iterations, e.g. 30"
1768        read(*,*) maxcyc
1769    else if (isel==3) then
1770        write(*,*) "Input convergence criterion of atomic charges, e.g. 0.001"
1771        read(*,*) crit
1772    end if
1773end do
1775!Generate all needed .rad files
1776call genatmradfile
1778!====== Start calculation ======!
1779call walltime(iwalltime1)
1780CALL CPU_TIME(time_begin)
1782!Currently all atoms share the same radial points
1785do irad=nradpt,1,-1
1786    radx=cos(irad*pi/(nradpt+1))
1787    itmp=itmp+1
1788    atmradpos(itmp)=(1+radx)/(1-radx)
1789end do
1791!Generate single center integration grid
1792call gen1cintgrid(gridatmorg,iradcut)
1794write(*,"(' Radial grids:',i4,'  Angular grids:',i5,'  Total:',i7,'  After pruning:',i7)") radpot,sphpot,radpot*sphpot,radpot*sphpot-iradcut*sphpot
1796!Calculate molecular density
1797write(*,*) "Calculating density of actual molecule for all grids..."
1799!$OMP parallel do shared(molrhoall) private(iatm,ipt,gridatm) num_threads(nthreads)
1800do iatm=1,ncenter
1801    gridatm%x=gridatmorg%x+a(iatm)%x !Move quadrature point to actual position in molecule
1802    gridatm%y=gridatmorg%y+a(iatm)%y
1803    gridatm%z=gridatmorg%z+a(iatm)%z
1804    do ipt=1+iradcut*sphpot,ntotpot
1805        molrhoall(iatm,ipt)=fdens(gridatm(ipt)%x,gridatm(ipt)%y,gridatm(ipt)%z)
1806    end do
1807end do
1808!$OMP end parallel do
1810if (allocated(atmradnpt)) deallocate(atmradnpt)
1811if (allocated(atmradrho)) deallocate(atmradrho)
1813sep='/' !Separation symbol of directory
1814if (isys==1) sep='\'
1816!Calculate contribution of all atoms in every state to each atomic centered grids
1817if (imode==2) then
1818    allocate(atmstatgrid(ncenter,ntotpot,ncenter,-2:2))
1819    atmstatgrid=0
1820    write(*,*) "Calculating atomic density contribution to grids..."
1821    do iatm=1,ncenter !The center of grids
1822        write(*,"(' Progress:',i5,' /',i5)") iatm,ncenter
1823        gridatm%value=gridatmorg%value !Weight in this grid point
1824        gridatm%x=gridatmorg%x+a(iatm)%x !Move quadrature point to actual position in molecule
1825        gridatm%y=gridatmorg%y+a(iatm)%y
1826        gridatm%z=gridatmorg%z+a(iatm)%z
1827        do istat=-2,2 !Charge state
1828            do jatm=1,ncenter
1829                if (ignorefar==1) then
1830                    atmdist=dsqrt( (a(iatm)%x-a(jatm)%x)**2+(a(iatm)%y-a(jatm)%y)**2+(a(iatm)%z-a(jatm)%z)**2 )
1831                    if (atmdist>(vdwr(iatm)+vdwr(jatm))*1.5D0) cycle
1832                end if
1833                if (a(jatm)%index==1.and.istat==1) cycle !H+ doesn't contains electron and cannot compute density
1834                c80tmp="atmrad"//sep//trim(a(jatm)%name)//statname(istat)//".rad"
1835                inquire(file=c80tmp,exist=alive)
1836                if (alive.eqv. .false.) cycle
1837                open(10,file=c80tmp,status="old")
1838                read(10,*) atmradnpt(jatm)
1839                do ipt=1,atmradnpt(jatm)
1840                    read(10,*) rnouse,atmradrho(jatm,ipt)
1841                end do
1842                close(10)
1843                do ipt=1+iradcut*sphpot,ntotpot
1844                    atmstatgrid(iatm,ipt,jatm,istat)=fdens_rad(jatm,gridatm(ipt)%x,gridatm(ipt)%y,gridatm(ipt)%z)
1845                end do
1846            end do
1847        end do
1848    end do
1849end if
1851!Set atomic initial radial density as neutral state, which is loaded from corresponding .rad file
1853do iatm=1,ncenter
1854    open(10,file="atmrad"//sep//trim(a(iatm)%name)//"_0.rad",status="old")
1855    read(10,*) atmradnpt(iatm)
1856    do ipt=1,atmradnpt(iatm)
1857        read(10,*) rnouse,atmradrho(iatm,ipt)
1858    end do
1859    close(10)
1860end do
1863write(*,*) "Performing Hirshfeld-I iteration to refine atomic spaces..."
1865!Cycle each atom to calculate their charges
1866do icyc=1,maxcyc
1867    if (ioutmedchg==1) write(*,*)
1868    if (icyc==1) then
1869        write(*,"(' Cycle',i5)") icyc
1870    else
1871        write(*,"(' Cycle',i5,'   Maximum change:',f10.6)") icyc,varmax
1872    end if
1874    do iatm=1,ncenter
1875        gridatm%value=gridatmorg%value !Weight in this grid point
1876        gridatm%x=gridatmorg%x+a(iatm)%x !Move quadrature point to actual position in molecule
1877        gridatm%y=gridatmorg%y+a(iatm)%y
1878        gridatm%z=gridatmorg%z+a(iatm)%z
1880        !Molecular density
1881        molrho=molrhoall(iatm,:)
1883        !Calculate promolecular and proatomic density
1884        promol=0D0
1885        do jatm=1,ncenter
1886            if (ignorefar==1) then
1887                atmdist=dsqrt( (a(iatm)%x-a(jatm)%x)**2+(a(iatm)%y-a(jatm)%y)**2+(a(iatm)%z-a(jatm)%z)**2 )
1888                if (atmdist>(vdwr(iatm)+vdwr(jatm))*1.5D0) cycle
1889            end if
1890            if (imode==1) then
1892!$OMP parallel do shared(tmpdens) private(ipt) num_threads(nthreads)
1893                do ipt=1+iradcut*sphpot,ntotpot
1894                    tmpdens(ipt)=fdens_rad(jatm,gridatm(ipt)%x,gridatm(ipt)%y,gridatm(ipt)%z)
1895                end do
1896!$OMP end parallel do
1897            else if (imode==2) then
1898                if (icyc==1) then
1899                    tmpdens=atmstatgrid(iatm,:,jatm,0)
1900                else
1901                    ichglow=floor(lastcharge(jatm))
1902                    ichghigh=ceiling(lastcharge(jatm))
1903                    tmpdens=(lastcharge(jatm)-ichglow)*atmstatgrid(iatm,:,jatm,ichghigh) + (ichghigh-lastcharge(jatm))*atmstatgrid(iatm,:,jatm,ichglow)
1904                end if
1905            end if
1906            promol=promol+tmpdens
1907            if (jatm==iatm) selfdens=tmpdens
1908        end do
1910        !Calculate atomic charge
1911        electmp=0D0
1912        do ipt=1+iradcut*sphpot,ntotpot
1913            if (promol(ipt)/=0D0) electmp=electmp+selfdens(ipt)/promol(ipt)*molrho(ipt)*gridatm(ipt)%value
1914        end do
1915        if (nEDFelec==0) charge(iatm)=a(iatm)%charge-electmp
1916        if (nEDFelec>0) charge(iatm)=a(iatm)%index-electmp !Assume EDF information provides inner-core electrons for all atoms using ECP
1917        if (ioutmedchg==1) write(*,"(' Charge of atom',i5,'(',a2,')',': ',f12.6,'  Delta:',f12.6)") &
1918        iatm,a(iatm)%name,charge(iatm),charge(iatm)-lastcharge(iatm)
1919    end do
1921    !Check convergence
1922    varmax=maxval(abs(charge-lastcharge))
1923    if (varmax<crit) then
1924        if (itype==1) then
1925            write(*,"(a,f10.6)") " All atomic charges have converged to criterion of",crit
1926            write(*,"(' Sum of all charges:',f14.8)") sum(charge)
1927            !Normalize to get rid of integration inaccuracy
1928            totnumelec=sum(a%charge-charge)
1929            facnorm=nelec/totnumelec
1930            do iatm=1,ncenter
1931                charge(iatm)=a(iatm)%charge-facnorm*(a(iatm)%charge-charge(iatm))
1932            end do
1933            write(*,*)
1934            write(*,*) "Final atomic charges, after normalization to actual number of electrons"
1935            do iatm=1,ncenter
1936                write(*,"(' Atom',i5,'(',a2,')',': ',f12.6)") iatm,a(iatm)%name,charge(iatm)
1937            end do
1938            exit
1939        else
1940            write(*,*) "Hirshfeld-I atomic spaces converged successfully!"
1941            write(*,*)
1942            return
1943        end if
1944    else
1945        if (icyc==maxcyc) then
1946            write(*,"(/,' Convergence failed within',i4,' cycles!')") maxcyc
1947            exit
1948        end if
1949    end if
1951    !Update atomic radial density by means of interpolation of adjacent charge state
1952    do iatm=1,ncenter
1953        !Read radial density of lower limit state
1954        ichglow=floor(charge(iatm))
1955        radrholow=0
1956        c80tmp="atmrad"//sep//trim(a(iatm)%name)//statname(ichglow)//".rad"
1957        inquire(file=c80tmp,exist=alive)
1958        if (alive.eqv. .false.) then
1959            write(*,"(' Error: ',a,' was not prepared!')") trim(c80tmp)
1960            return
1961        end if
1962        open(10,file=c80tmp,status="old")
1963        read(10,*) nptlow
1964        do ipt=1,nptlow
1965            read(10,*) rnouse,radrholow(ipt)
1966        end do
1967        close(10)
1968        !Read radial density of upper limit state
1969        ichghigh=ceiling(charge(iatm))
1970        radrhohigh=0
1971        c80tmp="atmrad"//sep//trim(a(iatm)%name)//statname(ichghigh)//".rad"
1972        inquire(file=c80tmp,exist=alive)
1973        if (alive.eqv. .false.) then
1974            write(*,"(' Error: ',a,' was not prepared!')") trim(c80tmp)
1975            return
1976        end if
1977        open(10,file=c80tmp,status="old")
1978        read(10,*) npthigh
1979        do ipt=1,npthigh
1980            read(10,*) rnouse,radrhohigh(ipt)
1981        end do
1982        close(10)
1983        !Update current radial density
1984        atmradrho(iatm,:)=(charge(iatm)-ichglow)*radrhohigh(:) + (ichghigh-charge(iatm))*radrholow(:)
1985        atmradnpt(iatm)=max(npthigh,nptlow)
1986    end do
1988    lastcharge=charge
1989end do
1991if (allocated(frag1)) write(*,"(/,' Fragment charge:',f12.6)") sum(charge(frag1))
1992CALL CPU_TIME(time_end)
1993call walltime(iwalltime2)
1994write(*,"(' Calculation took up CPU time',f12.2,'s, wall clock time',i10,'s')") time_end-time_begin,iwalltime2-iwalltime1
1996call path2filename(firstfilename,chgfilename)
1998write(*,"(a)") " If output atoms with charges to "//trim(chgfilename)//".chg in current folder? (y/n)"
1999read(*,*) selectyn
2000if (selectyn=="y".or.selectyn=="Y") then
2001    open(10,file=trim(chgfilename)//".chg",status="replace")
2002    do i=1,ncenter
2003        write(10,"(a4,4f12.6)") a(i)%name,a(i)%x*b2a,a(i)%y*b2a,a(i)%z*b2a,charge(i)
2004    end do
2005    close(10)
2006    write(*,"(a)") " Result have been saved to "//trim(chgfilename)//".chg in current folder"
2007    write(*,"(a)") " Columns ranging from 1 to 5 are name,X,Y,Z,charge respectively, unit is Angstrom"
2008end if
2009end subroutine
2012!!------- Generate atomic radial density files at different states, used for such as Hirshfeld-I
2013!"atmrad" in current folder is used as working directory
2014!-2,-1,0,+1,+2 charge states of each element will be calculated to produce atomic .wfn file by Gaussian, predefined ground state multiplicity is used
2015!After that, radial density file (.rad) is generated for each state of each element
2016!If atomic wfn file is already existed, calculation will be skipped
2017!Radial distance values are the same as built-in atomic density, i.e. those in atmraddens.f90
2018subroutine genatmradfile
2019use defvar
2020use util
2021implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
2022character c80tmp*80,c200tmp*200,calclevel*80,radname*200,sep
2023character*2 :: statname(-3:3)=(/ "-3","-2","-1","_0","+1","+2","+3" /)
2024integer :: chgmulti(nelesupp,-3:3)=0 !Ground state multiplicity of each charge state of each element. If value=0, means undefined
2026!Define chgmulti for elements for possible states
2103!Spin multiplicity of transition metal for each state is determined by chemical intuition as well as a few single point energy data
2104!For simplicity, I assume that later elements in each row has identical configuration, of course this is incorrect but not too bad
2105!Sc (3d1,4s2)
2110chgmulti(39,:)=chgmulti(21,:) !Y
2111chgmulti(57,:)=chgmulti(21,:) !La
2112!Ti (3d2,4s2)
2117chgmulti(40,:)=chgmulti(22,:) !Zr
2118chgmulti(72,:)=chgmulti(22,:) !Hf
2119!V  (3d3,4s2)
2124chgmulti(41,:)=chgmulti(23,:) !Nb
2125chgmulti(73,:)=chgmulti(23,:) !Ta
2126!Cr (3d5,4s1)
2131chgmulti(42,:)=chgmulti(24,:) !Mo
2132chgmulti(74,:)=chgmulti(24,:) !W
2133!Mn (3d5,4s2)
2138chgmulti(43,:)=chgmulti(25,:) !Tc
2139chgmulti(75,:)=chgmulti(25,:) !Re
2140!Fe (3d6,4s2)
2145chgmulti(44,:)=chgmulti(26,:) !Ru
2146chgmulti(76,:)=chgmulti(26,:) !Os
2147!Co (3d7,4s2)
2152chgmulti(45,:)=chgmulti(27,:) !Rh
2153chgmulti(77,:)=chgmulti(27,:) !Ir
2154!Ni (3d8,4s2)
2159chgmulti(46,:)=chgmulti(28,:) !Pd
2160chgmulti(78,:)=chgmulti(28,:) !Pt
2161!Cu (3d10,4s1)
2166chgmulti(47,:)=chgmulti(29,:) !Ag
2167chgmulti(79,:)=chgmulti(29,:) !Au
2168!Zn (3d10,4s2)
2173chgmulti(48,:)=chgmulti(30,:) !Cd
2174chgmulti(80,:)=chgmulti(30,:) !Hg
2176sep='/' !Separation symbol of directory
2177if (isys==1) sep='\'
2178calclevel=" "
2179! calclevel="B3LYP/def2SVP"
2181!Cycle each charge state of each atom. Each element is only calculated once. If the file is existing, don't recalculate again
2182do iatm=1,ncenter
2183    iele=a(iatm)%index
2184    do istat=-3,3
2185        if (chgmulti(iele,istat)==0) cycle !Undefined state
2186        radname="atmrad"//sep//trim(a(iatm)%name)//statname(istat)//".wfn"
2187        inquire(file=radname,exist=alive)
2188        if (alive) cycle
2190        !Check Gaussian path
2191        inquire(file=gaupath,exist=alive)
2192        if (.not.alive) then
2193            write(*,*) "Couldn't find Gaussian path defined in ""gaupath"" variable in settings.ini"
2194            if (isys==1) write(*,*) "Input the path of Gaussian executable file, e.g. ""d:\study\g09w\g09.exe"""
2195            if (isys==2.or.isys==3) write(*,*) "Input the path of Gaussian executable file, e.g. ""/sob/g09/g09"""
2196            do while(.true.)
2197                read(*,"(a)") gaupath
2198                inquire(file=gaupath,exist=alive)
2199                if (alive) exit
2200                write(*,*) "Couldn't find Gaussian executable file, input again"
2201            end do
2202        end if
2204        !Input calculation level
2205        if (calclevel==" ") then
2206            write(*,*) "Some atomic .wfn files are not found in ""atmrad"" folder in current directory"
2207            write(*,"(a)") " Now input the level for calculating these .wfn files, e.g. B3LYP/def2SVP"
2208            write(*,"(a)") " You can also add other keywords at the same time, e.g. M062X/6-311G(2df,2p) scf=xqc int=ultrafine"
2209            read(*,"(a)") calclevel
2210        end if
2212        !Generate .gjf file
2213        inquire(file="./atmrad/.",exist=alive)
2214        if (alive.eqv. .false.) call system("mkdir atmrad")
2215        c200tmp="atmrad"//sep//trim(a(iatm)%name)//statname(istat)//".gjf"
2216        open(10,file=c200tmp,status="replace")
2217        write(10,"(a)") "# "//trim(calclevel)//" out=wfn"
2218        write(10,*)
2219        write(10,"(a)") trim(a(iatm)%name)//statname(istat)
2220        write(10,*)
2221        write(10,"(2i3)") istat,chgmulti(iele,istat)
2222        write(10,"(a)") a(iatm)%name
2223        write(10,*)
2224        c200tmp="atmrad"//sep//trim(a(iatm)%name)//statname(istat)//".wfn"
2225        write(10,"(a)") trim(c200tmp)
2226        write(10,*)
2227        write(10,*)
2228        close(10)
2230        !Start calculation
2231        c80tmp="atmrad"//sep//trim(a(iatm)%name)//statname(istat)
2232        write(*,*) "Running: "//trim(Gaupath)//' "'//trim(c80tmp)//'.gjf" "'//trim(c80tmp)//'"'
2233        call system(trim(Gaupath)//' "'//trim(c80tmp)//'.gjf" "'//trim(c80tmp)//'"')
2235        !Check if Gaussian task was successfully finished
2236        if (isys==1) then
2237            inquire(file=trim(c80tmp)//".out",exist=alive)
2238        else
2239            inquire(file=trim(c80tmp)//".log",exist=alive)
2240        end if
2241        if (alive) then
2242            if (isys==1) then
2243                open(10,file=trim(c80tmp)//".out",status="old")
2244            else
2245                open(10,file=trim(c80tmp)//".log",status="old")
2246            end if
2247            call loclabel(10,"Normal termination",igaunormal)
2248            close(10)
2249            if (igaunormal==0) then
2250                write(*,"(a)") " Gaussian running may be failed! Please manually check Gaussian input and output files in atmrad folder"
2251                write(*,*) "Press ENTER to continue"
2252                read(*,*)
2253            end if
2254        else
2255            write(*,"(a)") " Gaussian running may be failed! Please manually check Gaussian input and output files in atmrad folder"
2256            write(*,*) "Press ENTER to continue"
2257            read(*,*)
2258        end if
2259    end do
2260end do
2262!All element wfn files have been generated, now calculate corresponding radial density file (.rad)
2263!Existing .rad file will not be re-calculated
2265write(*,*) "Generating atomic radial density from atomic wfn file..."
2266do iatm=1,ncenter
2267    iele=a_org(iatm)%index
2268    do istat=-3,3
2269        if (chgmulti(iele,istat)==0) cycle !Undefined state
2270        c80tmp="atmrad"//sep//trim(a_org(iatm)%name)//statname(istat)
2271        inquire(file=trim(c80tmp)//".rad",exist=alive)
2272        if (alive) cycle
2273        inquire(file=trim(c80tmp)//".wfn",exist=alive)
2274        if (alive.eqv. .false.) then
2275            write(*,"(' Error: ',a,' was not found!')") trim(c80tmp)//".wfn"
2276            write(*,*) "If you want to skip, press ENTER directly"
2277            read(*,*)
2278            cycle
2279        end if
2280        write(*,"(' Converting ',a,' to ',a)") trim(c80tmp)//".wfn",trim(c80tmp)//".rad"
2281        call atmwfn2atmrad(trim(c80tmp)//".wfn",trim(c80tmp)//".rad")
2282    end do
2283end do
2285!Recover to the firstly loaded file
2286call dealloall
2287call readinfile(firstfilename,1)
2288end subroutine
2291!!----- Generate atomic radial density from atomic wfn file
2292!The code is adapted from sphatmraddens
2293subroutine atmwfn2atmrad(infile,outfile)
2294use defvar
2295use function
2296implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
2297character(len=*) infile,outfile
2298real*8,allocatable :: potx(:),poty(:),potz(:),potw(:),radpos(:),sphavgval(:)
2299call dealloall
2300call readinfile(infile,1)
2305nradpt=200 !Totally 200 radial points, but the number of point is truncated at truncrho (because the interpolation routine doesn't work well for very low value)
2308call Lebedevgen(nsphpt,potx,poty,potz,potw)
2310!$OMP PARALLEL DO SHARED(sphavgval,radpos) PRIVATE(irad,radx,radr,isph,rnowx,rnowy,rnowz) schedule(dynamic) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
2311do irad=1,nradpt
2312    radx=cos(irad*pi/(nradpt+1))
2313    radr=(1+radx)/(1-radx) !Becke transform
2314    radpos(irad)=radr
2315    do isph=1,nsphpt
2316        rnowx=potx(isph)*radr
2317        rnowy=poty(isph)*radr
2318        rnowz=potz(isph)*radr
2319        sphavgval(irad)=sphavgval(irad)+fdens(rnowx,rnowy,rnowz)*potw(isph)
2320    end do
2321end do
2324write(10,*) count(sphavgval>truncrho)
2325do irad=nradpt,1,-1
2326    if (sphavgval(irad)>truncrho) write(10,"(f20.12,E18.10)") radpos(irad),sphavgval(irad)
2327end do
2329end subroutine
2332!!---- Calculate density at a point for iatm based on loaded atomic radial density
2333real*8 function fdens_rad(iatm,x,y,z)
2334use defvar
2335use util
2336integer iatm,npt
2337real*8 x,y,z,r,rnouse
2340call lagintpol(atmradpos(1:npt),atmradrho(iatm,1:npt),npt,r,fdens_rad,rnouse,rnouse,1)
2341end function
2347!!--------- Calculate EEM charge ---------
2349subroutine EEM
2350use defvar
2351use util
2352integer,parameter :: maxBO=3 !Maximum of possible bond order
2353character c200tmp*200
2354real*8 EEMmat(ncenter+1,ncenter+1),EEMarr(ncenter+1),qarr(ncenter+1)
2355real*8 kappa,Aparm(nelesupp,maxBO),Bparm(nelesupp,maxBO) !If parameter is -1, means undefined parameter
2356real*8 :: chgnet=0
2358if (ifiletype/=11) then
2359    write(*,"(a)") " Error: MDL Molfile (.mol) file must be used as input file, since it contains atomic connectivity information!"
2360    write(*,*) "Press Enter to return"
2361    read(*,*)
2362    return
2363end if
2366call genEEMparm(iparmset,kappa,Aparm,Bparm)
2369EEMcyc: do while(.true.)
2370    write(*,*)
2371    write(*,*) "           ====== Electronegativity Equalization Method (EEM) ======"
2372    write(*,*) "-1 Return"
2373    write(*,*) "0 Start calculation"
2374    write(*,*) "1 Choose EEM parameters"
2375    write(*,"(a,f4.1)") " 2 Set net charge, current:",chgnet
2376    read(*,*) isel
2377    if (isel==-1) then
2378        return
2379    else if (isel==1) then
2380        do while(.true.)
2381            if (isel2/=-1) then
2382                write(*,*)
2383                write(*,*) "Present EEM parameters:"
2384                write(*,"(' kappa',f12.6)") kappa
2385                do iele=1,nelesupp
2386                    do imulti=1,maxBO
2387                        if (Aparm(iele,imulti)/=-1) write(*,"(1x,a,'  Multiplicity:',i2,'    A:',f9.5, '    B:',f9.5)") ind2name(iele),imulti,Aparm(iele,imulti),Bparm(iele,imulti)
2388                    end do
2389                end do
2390            end if
2391            write(*,*)
2392            write(*,*) "-2 Return"
2393            write(*,*) "-1 Export present parameters to external file"
2394            write(*,*) "0 Load parameters from external file"
2395            write(*,*) "1 Use parameters fitted to HF/STO-3G Mulliken charge, IJMS, 8, 572 (2007)"
2396            write(*,*) "2 Use parameters fitted to B3LYP/6-31G* CHELPG charge, JCC, 30, 1174 (2009)"
2397            write(*,*) "3 Use parameters fitted to HF/6-31G* CHELPG charge, JCC, 30, 1174 (2009)"
2398            write(*,*) "4 Use parameters fitted to B3LYP/6-311G* NPA charge, J Cheminform, 8, 57(2016)"
2399            read(*,*) isel2
2400            if (isel2==-2) then
2401                exit
2402            else if (isel2==-1) then
2403                open(10,file="EEMparm.txt",status="replace")
2404                write(10,"(f12.6)") kappa
2405                do iele=1,nelesupp
2406                    do imulti=1,maxBO
2407                        if (Aparm(iele,imulti)/=-1) write(10,"(1x,a,i3,2f9.5)") ind2name(iele),imulti,Aparm(iele,imulti),Bparm(iele,imulti)
2408                    end do
2409                end do
2410                close(10)
2411                write(*,*) "Parameters have been exported to EEMparm.txt in current folder"
2412            else if (isel2==0) then
2413                write(*,*) "Input path of parameter file, e.g. C:\aqours.txt"
2414                do while(.true.)
2415                    read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2416                    inquire(file=c200tmp,exist=alive)
2417                    if (alive) exit
2418                    write(*,*) "Cannot find the file, input again"
2419                end do
2420                Aparm=-1
2421                Bparm=-1
2422                open(10,file=c200tmp,status="old")
2423                read(10,*) kappa
2424                nload=0
2425                do while(.true.)
2426                    read(10,*,iostat=ierror) c200tmp,imulti,tmpA,tmpB
2427                    if (ierror/=0) exit
2428                    call lc2uc(c200tmp(1:1)) !Convert to upper case
2429                    call uc2lc(c200tmp(2:2)) !Convert to lower case
2430                    do iele=1,nelesupp
2431                        if (c200tmp(1:2)==ind2name(iele)) exit
2432                    end do
2433                    Aparm(iele,imulti)=tmpA
2434                    Bparm(iele,imulti)=tmpB
2435                    nload=nload+1
2436                end do
2437                write(*,"(' Loaded',i5,' entries')") nload
2438                close(10)
2439            else
2440                call genEEMparm(isel2,kappa,Aparm,Bparm)
2441            end if
2442        end do
2443    else if (isel==2) then
2444        write(*,*) "Input net charge of the system, e.g. -1"
2445        read(*,*) chgnet
2446    else if (isel==0) then
2447        write(*,*) "Calculating..."
2448        write(*,*)
2449        !Construct EEM array
2450        EEMarr(ncenter+1)=chgnet
2451        do iatm=1,ncenter
2452            imulti=maxval(connmat(iatm,:))
2453            if (imulti>maxBO) then
2454                write(*,"(' Error: Multiplicity of atom',i5,' exceeded upper limit (',i2,')')") iatm,maxBO
2455                cycle EEMcyc
2456            end if
2457            tmpval=Aparm(a(iatm)%index,imulti)
2458            if (tmpval==-1) then
2459                write(*,"(' Error: Parameter for atom',i5,'(',a,') is unavailable!')") iatm,a(iatm)%name
2460                cycle EEMcyc
2461            else
2462                EEMarr(iatm)=-tmpval
2463            end if
2464        end do
2466        !Construct EEM matrix
2467        EEMmat=0
2468        EEMmat(ncenter+1,1:ncenter)=1
2469        EEMmat(1:ncenter,ncenter+1)=-1
2470        do i=1,ncenter
2471            imulti=maxval(connmat(i,:))
2472            do j=1,ncenter
2473                if (i==j) then
2474                    EEMmat(i,j)=Bparm(a(i)%index,imulti)
2475                else
2476                    EEMmat(i,j)=kappa/(distmat(i,j)*b2a)
2477                end if
2478            end do
2479        end do
2481        !Solve EEM equation
2482        qarr=matmul(invmat(EEMmat,ncenter+1),EEMarr)
2483        do iatm=1,ncenter
2484            write(*,"(' EEM charge of atom',i5,'(',a,'):',f12.6)") iatm,a(iatm)%name,qarr(iatm)
2485        end do
2486        write(*,"(' Electronegativity:',f12.6)") qarr(ncenter+1)
2487    end if
2489end do EEMcyc
2490end subroutine
2492!---- Generate EEM parameters
2493subroutine genEEMparm(iset,kappa,Aparm,Bparm)
2494use defvar
2495integer,parameter :: maxBO=3 !Maximum of bond order
2496real*8 kappa,Aparm(nelesupp,maxBO),Bparm(nelesupp,maxBO)
2499if (iset==1) then !Parameters fitted to Mulliken charge at HF/STO-3G, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 8, 572-582 (2007)
2500    write(*,"(a)") " Parameters have been set to those fitted to Mulliken charges at HF/STO-3G, see Int. J. Mol. Sci., 8, 572-582 (2007)"
2501    kappa=0.44D0
2502    Aparm(1,1)= 2.396D0  !H
2503    Bparm(1,1)= 0.959D0
2504    Aparm(6,1)= 2.459D0  !C,multi=1
2505    Bparm(6,1)= 0.611D0
2506    Aparm(7,1)= 2.597D0  !N,multi=1
2507    Bparm(7,1)= 0.790D0
2508    Aparm(8,1)= 2.625D0  !O,multi=1
2509    Bparm(8,1)= 0.858D0
2510    Aparm(16,1)= 2.407D0  !S,multi=1
2511    Bparm(16,1)= 0.491D0
2512    Aparm(6,2)= 2.464D0  !C,multi=2
2513    Bparm(6,2)= 0.565D0
2514    Aparm(7,2)= 2.554D0  !N,multi=2
2515    Bparm(7,2)= 0.611D0
2516    Aparm(8,2)= 2.580D0  !O,multi=2
2517    Bparm(8,2)= 0.691D0
2518else if (iset==2) then !Parameters fitted to CHELPG charges at B3LYP/6-31G*, J. Comput. Chem., 30, 1174 (2009)
2519    write(*,"(a)") " Parameters have been set to those fitted to CHELPG charges at B3LYP/6-31G*, see J. Comput. Chem., 30, 1174 (2009)"
2520    kappa=0.302D0
2521    Aparm(35,1)= 2.659D0  !Br,multi=1
2522    Bparm(35,1)= 1.802D0
2523    Aparm(6,1)= 2.482D0  !C,multi=1
2524    Bparm(6,1)= 0.464D0
2525    Aparm(17,1)= 2.519D0  !Cl,multi=1
2526    Bparm(17,1)= 1.450D0
2527    Aparm(9,1)= 3.577D0  !F,multi=1
2528    Bparm(9,1)= 3.419D0
2529    Aparm(1,1)= 2.385D0  !H,multi=1
2530    Bparm(1,1)= 0.737D0
2531    Aparm(7,1)= 2.595D0  !N,multi=1
2532    Bparm(7,1)= 0.468D0
2533    Aparm(8,1)= 2.825D0  !O,multi=1
2534    Bparm(8,1)= 0.844D0
2535    Aparm(16,1)= 2.452D0  !S,multi=1
2536    Bparm(16,1)= 0.362D0
2537    Aparm(30,1)= 2.298D0  !Zn,multi=1
2538    Bparm(30,1)= 0.420D0
2539    Aparm(6,2)= 2.464D0  !C,multi=2
2540    Bparm(6,2)= 0.392D0
2541    Aparm(7,2)= 2.556D0  !N,multi=2
2542    Bparm(7,2)= 0.377D0
2543    Aparm(8,2)= 2.789D0  !O,multi=2
2544    Bparm(8,2)= 0.834D0
2545else if (iset==3) then !Parameters fitted to CHELPG charges at HF/6-31G*, J. Comput. Chem., 30, 1174 (2009)
2546    write(*,"(a)") " Parameters have been set to those fitted to CHELPG charges at HF/6-31G*, see J. Comput. Chem., 30, 1174 (2009)"
2547    kappa=0.227D0
2548    Aparm(35,1)= 2.615D0  !Br,multi=1
2549    Bparm(35,1)= 1.436D0
2550    Aparm(6,1)= 2.481D0  !C,multi=1
2551    Bparm(6,1)= 0.373D0
2552    Aparm(17,1)= 2.517D0  !Cl,multi=1
2553    Bparm(17,1)= 1.043D0
2554    Aparm(9,1)= 3.991D0  !F,multi=1
2555    Bparm(9,1)= 3.594D0
2556    Aparm(1,1)= 2.357D0  !H,multi=1
2557    Bparm(1,1)= 0.688D0
2558    Aparm(7,1)= 2.585D0  !N,multi=1
2559    Bparm(7,1)= 0.329D0
2560    Aparm(8,1)= 2.870D0  !O,multi=1
2561    Bparm(8,1)= 0.717D0
2562    Aparm(16,1)= 2.450D0  !S,multi=1
2563    Bparm(16,1)= 0.269D0
2564    Aparm(30,1)= 2.185D0  !Zn,multi=1
2565    Bparm(30,1)= 0.375D0
2566    Aparm(6,2)= 2.475D0  !C,multi=2
2567    Bparm(6,2)= 0.292D0
2568    Aparm(7,2)= 2.556D0  !N,multi=2
2569    Bparm(7,2)= 0.288D0
2570    Aparm(8,2)= 2.757D0  !O,multi=2
2571    Bparm(8,2)= 0.621D0
2572else if (iset==4) then !Parameters fitted to NPA charges at B3LYP/6-311G*, see J. Cheminform., 8, 57 (2016)
2573!The data were taken from "13321_2016_171_MOESM5_ESM.rar Additional file 5" of supplmental material
2575    write(*,"(a)") " Parameters have been set to those fitted to NPA charges at B3LYP/6-311G*, they were extracted from SI of J. Cheminform., 8, 57 (2016)"
2576    kappa=0.4024D0
2577    Aparm(1,1)= 2.4598D0  !H,multi=1
2578    Bparm(1,1)= 0.9120D0
2579    Aparm(6,1)= 2.5957D0  !C,multi=1
2580    Bparm(6,1)= 0.5083D0
2581    Aparm(6,2)= 2.6029D0  !C,multi=2
2582    Bparm(6,2)= 0.5021D0
2583    Aparm(6,3)= 2.5326D0  !C,multi=3
2584    Bparm(6,3)= 0.5932D0
2585    Aparm(7,1)= 2.7802D0  !N,multi=1
2586    Bparm(7,1)= 0.7060D0
2587    Aparm(7,2)= 2.7141D0  !N,multi=2
2588    Bparm(7,2)= 0.5366D0
2589    Aparm(7,3)= 2.6391D0  !N,multi=3
2590    Bparm(7,3)= 0.5171D0
2591    Aparm(8,1)= 2.9496D0  !O,multi=1
2592    Bparm(8,1)= 0.8264D0
2593    Aparm(8,2)= 2.8595D0  !O,multi=2
2594    Bparm(8,2)= 0.6589D0
2595    Aparm(9,1)= 2.9165D0  !F,multi=1
2596    Bparm(9,1)= 0.8427D0
2597    Aparm(15,2)= 2.1712D0  !P,multi=2
2598    Bparm(15,2)= 0.4802D0
2599    Aparm(16,1)= 2.5234D0  !S,multi=1
2600    Bparm(16,1)= 0.3726D0
2601    Aparm(16,2)= 2.5334D0  !S,multi=2
2602    Bparm(16,2)= 0.3519D0
2603    Aparm(17,1)= 2.5625D0  !Cl,multi=1
2604    Bparm(17,1)= 0.9863D0
2605    Aparm(35,1)= 2.4772D0  !Br,multi=1
2606    Bparm(35,1)= 1.2131D0
2607end if
2608end subroutine