1C> \ingroup selci
2C> @{
3      subroutine selci_tester(q,h, g, int12, int34, w1, w2, ioconf,
4     $     indxci,
5     $     roots, ci, nconmx, thresh, ept, enew, iconf, ncold,
6     $     vc, iocc, itemp, irange, ptnorm,
7     $     ptnorm_mp,ept_mp,roots_mp)
9* $Id$
11#include "implicit.fh"
12#include "errquit.fh"
13#include "ciinfo.fh"
14#include "mptr.fh"
15#include "global.fh"
16#include "stdio.fh"
18c     argument declarations
20      dimension q(*)
21      dimension h(nnorbs),g(numint),int12(nnorbs),int34(nnorbs),
22     $     w1(nfmax,nfmax,nsmax),w2(nfmax2,nfmax,nsmax-1),
23     $     ioconf(nintpo,nconmx),indxci(nconmx),roots(nroot),
24     $     ci(nci,nroot),ept(nroot),enew(nroot),vc(nfmax,nroot),
25     $     iocc(255), itemp(nintpo), irange(21), ptnorm(nroot)
26      dimension ptnorm_mp(nroot),ept_mp(nroot),roots_mp(nroot)
28      logical selci_ointer, selci_oeq
30c     Do the actual PT selection of new configurations
32c     new test configuration ... have we seen it before, or
33c     is it one of the reference set already ? Does it
34c     have the correct multiplicity?
36      ns = 0
37      do 5 i = 1,norbs
38         if (iocc(i).eq.1) ns = ns + 1
39 5    continue
40      if (mod(ns,2).ne.mod(multi-1,2) .or. ns.lt.multi-1) return
42      if(selci_ointer(iconf-1,ioconf,itemp,nintpo)) return
44      if(selci_oeq(ncold-iconf+1,ioconf(1,iconf),itemp,nintpo)) return
46c     got a brand new configuration ... make vc = <test|H|ci roots>
47c     and <test|H|test> (returned in work1). numf is returned.
48c     (note now only get the diag of <test|H|test>).
50      iwork1 = selci_mptr(nfmax*nfmax)
51      ide = selci_mptr(nroot)
52      idnorm = selci_mptr(nroot)
53      iexv = selci_mptr(mitod(ncold))
54      call selci_mkvc(q, h,g,int12,int34,w1,w2,ioconf,indxci,q(iexv),
55     $     iconf,ncold,ci,vc,iocc,itemp,numf,q(iwork1))
57c     Update energy and ptnorm ... the last correction computed
58c     is the one used for the selection process
60      if(ga_nodeid().eq.0)call util_flush(luout)
61      if (iwpt.eq.0) then       ! EN only
62         call selci_mkdele(numf, nroot, q(ide), vc, roots, q(iwork1),
63     $        nfmax, q(idnorm))
64         call selci_vadd(nroot, q(ide), 1, ept, 1, ept, 1)
65         call selci_vadd(nroot, q(idnorm), 1, ptnorm, 1, ptnorm, 1)
66      else if (iwpt.eq.1) then  ! MP only
67         call selci_mpdele(numf, nroot, q(ide), vc, roots_mp,nfmax,
68     &      q(idnorm),iocc)
69         call selci_vadd(nroot, q(ide), 1, ept_mp, 1, ept_mp, 1)
70         call selci_vadd(nroot, q(idnorm), 1, ptnorm_mp, 1, ptnorm_mp,1)
71      else if (iwpt.eq.2) then  ! Print MP, select on EN
72         call selci_mpdele(numf, nroot, q(ide), vc, roots_mp,nfmax,
73     &      q(idnorm),iocc)
74         call selci_vadd(nroot, q(ide), 1, ept_mp, 1, ept_mp, 1)
75         call selci_vadd(nroot, q(idnorm), 1, ptnorm_mp, 1, ptnorm_mp,1)
76         call selci_mkdele(numf, nroot, q(ide), vc, roots, q(iwork1),
77     $        nfmax, q(idnorm))
78         call selci_vadd(nroot, q(ide), 1, ept, 1, ept, 1)
79         call selci_vadd(nroot, q(idnorm), 1, ptnorm, 1, ptnorm, 1)
80      else if (iwpt.eq.3) then   ! print EN, select on MP
81         call selci_mkdele(numf, nroot, q(ide), vc, roots, q(iwork1),
82     $        nfmax, q(idnorm))
83         call selci_vadd(nroot, q(ide), 1, ept, 1, ept, 1)
84         call selci_vadd(nroot, q(idnorm), 1, ptnorm, 1, ptnorm, 1)
85         call selci_mpdele(numf, nroot, q(ide), vc, roots_mp,nfmax,
86     &      q(idnorm),iocc)
87         call selci_vadd(nroot, q(ide), 1, ept_mp, 1, ept_mp, 1)
88         call selci_vadd(nroot, q(idnorm), 1, ptnorm_mp, 1, ptnorm_mp,1)
89      else
90         call errquit( ' tester: iwpt = ',iwpt, UNKNOWN_ERR)
91      endif
93      test = abs(q(ide-1+idamax(nroot, q(ide), 1)))
94      if (test.gt.0.0d0) then
95         ihash = 1 - nint(2.0d0*log10(test))
96         ihash = min(ihash,21)
97         ihash = max(ihash,1)
98         irange(ihash) = irange(ihash) + numf
99      endif
101      if (test.ge.thresh) then
103c     A reference configuration with too many open shells makes
104c     a calculation with the current code too expensive due to
105c     memory and cpu consumption by coupling coefficients.
106c     Limit the max number of open shells in a reference to 8.
108         if (ns .gt. 8) then
109            write(luout,101) ns, test
110 101        format(' rejecting new reference because 8 < ns =',i3,
111     $           ' : tester = ', 1pd9.2)
112         else
114c     configuration interacts more than threshold ... add to
115c     list and update enew
117            call selci_vadd(nroot, q(ide), 1, enew, 1, enew, 1)
118            noconf = noconf + 1
119            if (noconf.gt.nconmx)
120     $           call errquit(' select: nconf > nconmx',nconmx,
121     &       INPUT_ERR)
122            call selci_icopy(nintpo,itemp,1,ioconf(1,noconf),1)
123 21         format(4x,5f14.7/)
124         endif
125      endif
127      junk = selci_mfree(iwork1)
129      end
130C> @}