1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 //	File    : $Id: ibpp.h 92 2006-11-08 14:18:11Z epocman $
4 //	Subject : IBPP public header file. This is _the_ only file you include in
5 //			  your application files when developing with IBPP.
6 //
7 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 //
9 //	(C) Copyright 2000-2006 T.I.P. Group S.A. and the IBPP Team (www.ibpp.org)
10 //
11 //	The contents of this file are subject to the IBPP License (the "License");
12 //	you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may
13 //	obtain a copy of the License at http://www.ibpp.org or in the 'license.txt'
14 //	file which must have been distributed along with this file.
15 //
16 //	This software, distributed under the License, is distributed on an "AS IS"
17 //	basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
18 //	License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
19 //	under the License.
20 //
21 //	Contributor(s):
22 //
23 //		Olivier Mascia, main coding
24 //		Matt Hortman, initial linux port
25 //		Mark Jordan, design contributions
26 //		Maxim Abrashkin, enhancement patches
27 //		Torsten Martinsen, enhancement patches
28 //		Michael Hieke, darwin (OS X) port, enhancement patches
29 //		Val Samko, enhancement patches and debugging
30 //		Mike Nordell, invaluable C++ advices
31 //		Claudio Valderrama, help with not-so-well documented IB/FB features
32 //		Many others, excellent suggestions, bug finding, and support
33 //
34 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
35 //
37 //	Tabulations should be set every four characters when editing this file.
38 //
39 //	When compiling a project using IBPP, the following defines should be made
40 //	on the command-line (or in makefiles) according to the OS platform and
41 //	compiler used.
42 //
43 //	Select the platform:	IBPP_WINDOWS | IBPP_LINUX | IBPP_DARWIN
44 //
45 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
47 #ifndef __IBPP_H__
48 #define __IBPP_H__
50 #if !defined(IBPP_WINDOWS) && !defined(IBPP_LINUX) && !defined(IBPP_DARWIN)
51 #error Please define IBPP_WINDOWS/IBPP_LINUX/IBPP_DARWIN before compiling !
52 #endif
54 #if !defined(__BCPLUSPLUS__) && !defined(__GNUC__) \
55 	&& !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__DMC__)
56 #error Your compiler is not recognized.
57 #endif
59 #if defined(IBPP_LINUX) || defined(IBPP_DARWIN)
60 #define IBPP_UNIX	// IBPP_UNIX stands as a common denominator to *NIX flavours
61 #endif
63 // IBPP is written for 32 bits systems or higher.
64 // The standard type 'int' is assumed to be at least 32 bits.
65 // And the standard type 'short' is assumed to be exactly 16 bits.
66 // Everywhere possible, where the exact size of an integer does not matter,
67 // the standard type 'int' is used. And where an exact integer size is required
68 // the standard exact precision types definitions of C 99 standard are used.
70 #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__DMC__) || defined(__BCPLUSPLUS__)
71 // C99 � Exact-width integer types (only those used by IBPP)
72 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1300)	// MSVC 6 should be < 1300
73 	typedef short int16_t;
74 	typedef int int32_t;
75 	typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
76 #else
77 	typedef __int16 int16_t;
78 	typedef __int32 int32_t;
79 	typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
80 #endif
81 	typedef __int64 int64_t;
82 #else
83 	#include <stdint.h>			// C99 (�7.18) integer types definitions
84 #endif
86 #if !defined(_)
87 #define _(s)	s
88 #endif
90 #include <exception>
91 #include <string>
92 #include <vector>
94 namespace IBPP
95 {
96 	//	Typically you use this constant in a call IBPP::CheckVersion as in:
97 	//	if (! IBPP::CheckVersion(IBPP::Version)) { throw .... ; }
98 	const uint32_t Version = (2<<24) + (5<<16) + (3<<8) + 1; // Version ==
100 	//	Dates range checking
101 	const int MinDate = -693594;	//  1 JAN 0001
102 	const int MaxDate = 2958464;	// 31 DEC 9999
104 	//	Transaction Access Modes
105 	enum TAM {amWrite, amRead};
107 	//	Transaction Isolation Levels
108 	enum TIL {ilConcurrency, ilReadDirty, ilReadCommitted, ilConsistency};
110 	//	Transaction Lock Resolution
111 	enum TLR {lrWait, lrNoWait};
113 	// Transaction Table Reservation
114 	enum TTR {trSharedWrite, trSharedRead, trProtectedWrite, trProtectedRead};
116 	//	Prepared Statement Types
117 	enum STT {stUnknown, stUnsupported,
118 		stSelect, stInsert, stUpdate, stDelete,	stDDL, stExecProcedure,
119 		stSelectUpdate, stSetGenerator, stSavePoint};
121 	//	SQL Data Types
122 	enum SDT {sdArray, sdBlob, sdDate, sdTime, sdTimestamp, sdString,
123 		sdSmallint, sdInteger, sdLargeint, sdFloat, sdDouble};
125 	//	Array Data Types
126 	enum ADT {adDate, adTime, adTimestamp, adString,
127 		adBool, adInt16, adInt32, adInt64, adFloat, adDouble};
129 	// Database::Shutdown Modes
130 	enum DSM {dsForce, dsDenyTrans, dsDenyAttach};
132 	// Service::StartBackup && Service::StartRestore Flags
133 	enum BRF {
134 		brVerbose = 0x1,
135 		// Backup flags
136 		brIgnoreChecksums = 0x100, brIgnoreLimbo = 0x200,
137 		brMetadataOnly = 0x400, brNoGarbageCollect = 0x800,
138 		brNonTransportable = 0x1000, brConvertExtTables = 0x2000,
139 		// Restore flags
140 		brReplace = 0x10000, brDeactivateIdx = 0x20000,
141 		brNoShadow = 0x40000, brNoValidity = 0x80000,
142 		brPerTableCommit = 0x100000, brUseAllSpace = 0x200000
143 	};
145 	// Service::Repair Flags
146 	enum RPF
147 	{
148 		// Mandatory and mutually exclusives
149 		rpMendRecords = 0x1, rpValidatePages = 0x2, rpValidateFull = 0x4,
150 		// Options
151 		rpReadOnly = 0x100, rpIgnoreChecksums = 0x200, rpKillShadows = 0x400
152 	};
154 	// TransactionFactory Flags
155 	enum TFF {tfIgnoreLimbo = 0x1, tfAutoCommit = 0x2, tfNoAutoUndo = 0x4};
157 	/* IBPP never return any error codes. It throws exceptions.
158 	 * On database engine reported errors, an IBPP::SQLException is thrown.
159 	 * In all other cases, IBPP throws IBPP::LogicException.
160 	 * Also note that the runtime and the language might also throw exceptions
161 	 * while executing some IBPP methods. A failing new operator will throw
162 	 * std::bad_alloc, IBPP does nothing to alter the standard behaviour.
163 	 *
164 	 *                    std::exception
165 	 *                           |
166 	 *                   IBPP::Exception
167 	 *                 /                 \
168 	 *    IBPP::LogicException    IBPP::SQLException
169 	 *             |
170 	 *      IBPP::WrongType
171 	 */
173 	class Exception : public std::exception
174 	{
175 	public:
176 		virtual const char* Origin() const throw() = 0;
177 		virtual const char* ErrorMessage() const throw() = 0;	// Deprecated, use what()
178 		virtual const char* what() const throw() = 0;
179 		virtual ~Exception() throw();
180 	};
182 	class LogicException : public Exception
183 	{
184 	public:
185 		virtual ~LogicException() throw();
186 	};
188 	class SQLException : public Exception
189 	{
190 	public:
191 		virtual int SqlCode() const throw() = 0;
192 		virtual int EngineCode() const throw() = 0;
194 		virtual ~SQLException() throw();
195 	};
197 	class WrongType : public LogicException
198 	{
199 	public:
200 		virtual ~WrongType() throw();
201 	};
203 	/* Classes Date, Time, Timestamp and DBKey are 'helper' classes.  They help
204 	 * in retrieving or setting some special SQL types. Dates, times and dbkeys
205 	 * are often read and written as strings in SQL scripts. When programming
206 	 * with IBPP, we handle those data with these specific classes, which
207 	 * enhance their usefullness and free us of format problems (M/D/Y, D/M/Y,
208 	 * Y-M-D ?, and so on...). */
210 	/* Class Date represent purely a Date (no time part specified). It is
211 	 * usefull in interactions with the SQL DATE type of Interbase.  You can add
212 	 * or substract a number from a Date, that will modify it to represent the
213 	 * correct date, X days later or sooner. All the Y2K details taken into
214 	 * account.
215 	 * The full range goes from integer values IBPP::MinDate to IBPP::MaxDate
216 	 * which means from 01 Jan 0001 to 31 Dec 9999. ( Which is inherently
217 	 * incorrect as this assumes Gregorian calendar. ) */
219 	class Timestamp;	// Cross-reference between Timestamp, Date and Time
221 	class Date
222 	{
223 	protected:
224 		int mDate;	// The date : 1 == 1 Jan 1900
226 	public:
Clear()227 		void Clear()	{ mDate = MinDate - 1; };
228 		void Today();
229 		void SetDate(int year, int month, int day);
230 		void SetDate(int dt);
231 		void GetDate(int& year, int& month, int& day) const;
GetDate()232 		int GetDate() const	{ return mDate; }
233 		int Year() const;
234 		int Month() const;
235 		int Day() const;
236 		void Add(int days);
237 		void StartOfMonth();
238 		void EndOfMonth();
Date()240 		Date()			{ Clear(); };
Date(int dt)241 		Date(int dt)	{ SetDate(dt); }
242 		Date(int year, int month, int day);
243 		Date(const Date&);							// Copy Constructor
244 		Date& operator=(const Timestamp&);			// Timestamp Assignment operator
245 		Date& operator=(const Date&);				// Date Assignment operator
247 		bool operator==(const Date& rv)	const { return mDate == rv.GetDate(); }
248 		bool operator!=(const Date& rv)	const { return mDate != rv.GetDate(); }
249 		bool operator<(const Date& rv) const { return mDate < rv.GetDate(); }
250 		bool operator>(const Date& rv) const { return mDate > rv.GetDate(); }
~Date()252 		virtual ~Date() { };
253 	};
255 	/* Class Time represent purely a Time. It is usefull in interactions
256 	 * with the SQL TIME type of Interbase. */
258 	class Time
259 	{
260 	protected:
261 		int mTime;	// The time, in ten-thousandths of seconds since midnight
263 	public:
Clear()264 		void Clear()	{ mTime = 0; }
265 		void Now();
266 		void SetTime(int hour, int minute, int second, int tenthousandths = 0);
267 		void SetTime(int tm);
268 		void GetTime(int& hour, int& minute, int& second) const;
269 		void GetTime(int& hour, int& minute, int& second, int& tenthousandths) const;
GetTime()270 		int GetTime() const	{ return mTime; }
271 		int Hours() const;
272 		int Minutes() const;
273 		int Seconds() const;
274 		int SubSeconds() const;		// Actually tenthousandths of seconds
Time()275 		Time()			{ Clear(); }
Time(int tm)276 		Time(int tm)	{ SetTime(tm); }
277 		Time(int hour, int minute, int second, int tenthousandths = 0);
278 		Time(const Time&);							// Copy Constructor
279 		Time& operator=(const Timestamp&);			// Timestamp Assignment operator
280 		Time& operator=(const Time&);				// Time Assignment operator
282 		bool operator==(const Time& rv)	const { return mTime == rv.GetTime(); }
283 		bool operator!=(const Time& rv)	const { return mTime != rv.GetTime(); }
284 		bool operator<(const Time& rv) const { return mTime < rv.GetTime(); }
285 		bool operator>(const Time& rv) const { return mTime > rv.GetTime(); }
~Time()287 		virtual ~Time() { };
288 	};
290 	/* Class Timestamp represent a date AND a time. It is usefull in
291 	 * interactions with the SQL TIMESTAMP type of Interbase. This class
292 	 * inherits from Date and Time and completely inline implements its small
293 	 * specific details. */
295 	class Timestamp : public Date, public Time
296 	{
297 	public:
Clear()298 		void Clear()	{ Date::Clear(); Time::Clear(); }
Today()299 		void Today()	{ Date::Today(); Time::Clear(); }
Now()300 		void Now()		{ Date::Today(); Time::Now(); }
Timestamp()302 		Timestamp()		{ Clear(); }
Timestamp(int y,int m,int d)304 	  	Timestamp(int y, int m, int d)
305 	  		{ Date::SetDate(y, m, d); Time::Clear(); }
307 		Timestamp(int y, int mo, int d, int h, int mi, int s, int t = 0)
308 	  		{ Date::SetDate(y, mo, d); Time::SetTime(h, mi, s, t); }
Timestamp(const Timestamp & rv)310 		Timestamp(const Timestamp& rv)
311 			: Date(rv.mDate), Time(rv.mTime) {}	// Copy Constructor
Timestamp(const Date & rv)313 		Timestamp(const Date& rv)
314 			{ mDate = rv.GetDate(); mTime = 0; }
Timestamp(const Time & rv)316 		Timestamp(const Time& rv)
317 			{ mDate = 0; mTime = rv.GetTime(); }
319 		Timestamp& operator=(const Timestamp& rv)	// Timestamp Assignment operator
320 			{ mDate = rv.mDate; mTime = rv.mTime; return *this; }
322 		Timestamp& operator=(const Date& rv)		// Date Assignment operator
323 			{ mDate = rv.GetDate(); return *this; }
325 		Timestamp& operator=(const Time& rv)		// Time Assignment operator
326 			{ mTime = rv.GetTime(); return *this; }
328 		bool operator==(const Timestamp& rv) const
329 			{ return (mDate == rv.GetDate()) && (mTime == rv.GetTime()); }
331 		bool operator!=(const Timestamp& rv) const
332 			{ return (mDate != rv.GetDate()) || (mTime != rv.GetTime()); }
334 		bool operator<(const Timestamp& rv) const
335 			{ return (mDate < rv.GetDate()) ||
336 				(mDate == rv.GetDate() && mTime < rv.GetTime()); }
338 		bool operator>(const Timestamp& rv) const
339 			{ return (mDate > rv.GetDate()) ||
340 				(mDate == rv.GetDate() && mTime > rv.GetTime()); }
~Timestamp()342 		~Timestamp() { }
343 	};
345 	/* Class DBKey can store a DBKEY, that special value which the hidden
346 	 * RDB$DBKEY can give you from a select statement. A DBKey is nothing
347 	 * specific to IBPP. It's a feature of the Firebird database engine. See its
348 	 * documentation for more information. */
350 	class DBKey
351 	{
352 	private:
353 		std::string mDBKey;			// Stores the binary DBKey
354 		mutable std::string mString;// String (temporary) representation of it
356 	public:
357 		void Clear();
Size()358 		int Size() const	{ return (int)mDBKey.size(); }
359 		void SetKey(const void*, int size);
360 		void GetKey(void*, int size) const;
361 		const char* AsString() const;
363 		DBKey& operator=(const DBKey&);	// Assignment operator
364 		DBKey(const DBKey&);			// Copy Constructor
DBKey()365 		DBKey() { }
~DBKey()366 		~DBKey() { }
367 	};
369 	/* Class User wraps all the information about a user that the engine can manage. */
371 	class User
372 	{
373 	public:
374 		std::string username;
375 		std::string password;
376 		std::string firstname;
377 		std::string middlename;
378 		std::string lastname;
379 		uint32_t userid;		// Only relevant on unixes
380 		uint32_t groupid;		// Only relevant on unixes
382 	private:
383 		void copyfrom(const User& r);
385 	public:
386 		void clear();
387 		User& operator=(const User& r)	{ copyfrom(r); return *this; }
User(const User & r)388 		User(const User& r)				{ copyfrom(r); }
User()389 		User() : userid(0), groupid(0)	{ }
~User()390 		~User() { };
391 	};
393 	//	Interface Wrapper
394 	template <class T>
395 	class Ptr
396 	{
397 	private:
398 		T* mObject;
400 	public:
clear()401 		void clear()
402 		{
403 			if (mObject != 0) { mObject->Release(); mObject = 0; }
404 		}
intf()406 		T* intf() const						{ return mObject; }
407 		T* operator->() const				{ return mObject; }
409 		bool operator==(const T* p) const	{ return mObject == p; }
410 		bool operator==(const Ptr& r) const	{ return mObject == r.mObject; }
411 		bool operator!=(const T* p) const	{ return mObject != p; }
412 		bool operator!=(const Ptr& r) const	{ return mObject != r.mObject; }
414 		Ptr& operator=(T* p)
415 		{
416 			// AddRef _before_ Release gives correct behaviour on self-assigns
417 			T* tmp = (p == 0 ? 0 : p->AddRef());	// Take care of 0
418 			if (mObject != 0) mObject->Release();
419 			mObject = tmp; return *this;
420 		}
422 		Ptr& operator=(const Ptr& r)
423 		{
424 			// AddRef _before_ Release gives correct behaviour on self-assigns
425 			T* tmp = (r.intf() == 0 ? 0 : r->AddRef());// Take care of 0
426 			if (mObject != 0) mObject->Release();
427 			mObject = tmp; return *this;
428 		}
Ptr(T * p)430 		Ptr(T* p) : mObject(p == 0 ? 0 : p->AddRef()) { }
Ptr(const Ptr & r)431 		Ptr(const Ptr& r) : mObject(r.intf() == 0 ? 0 : r->AddRef()) {  }
Ptr()433 		Ptr() : mObject(0) { }
~Ptr()434 		~Ptr() { clear(); }
435 	};
437 	//	--- Interface Classes --- //
439 	/* Interfaces IBlob, IArray, IService, IDatabase, ITransaction and
440 	 * IStatement are at the core of IBPP. Though it is possible to program your
441 	 * applications by using theses interfaces directly (as was the case with
442 	 * IBPP 1.x), you should refrain from using them and prefer the new IBPP
443 	 * Objects Blob, Array, ... (without the I in front). Those new objects are
444 	 * typedef'd right after each interface class definition as you can read
445 	 * below. If you program using the Blob (instead of the IBlob interface
446 	 * itself), you'll never have to care about AddRef/Release and you'll never
447 	 * have to care about deleting your objects. */
449 	class IBlob;			typedef Ptr<IBlob> Blob;
450 	class IArray;			typedef Ptr<IArray> Array;
451 	class IService;			typedef Ptr<IService> Service;
452 	class IDatabase;		typedef Ptr<IDatabase> Database;
453 	class ITransaction;		typedef Ptr<ITransaction> Transaction;
454 	class IStatement;		typedef Ptr<IStatement> Statement;
455 	class IEvents;			typedef Ptr<IEvents> Events;
456 	class IRow;				typedef Ptr<IRow> Row;
458 	/* IBlob is the interface to the blob capabilities of IBPP. Blob is the
459 	 * object class you actually use in your programming. In Firebird, at the
460 	 * row level, a blob is merely a handle to a blob, stored elsewhere in the
461 	 * database. Blob allows you to retrieve such a handle and then read from or
462 	 * write to the blob, much in the same manner than you would do with a file. */
464 	class IBlob
465 	{
466 	public:
467 		virtual void Create() = 0;
468 		virtual void Open() = 0;
469 		virtual void Close() = 0;
470 		virtual void Cancel() = 0;
471 		virtual int Read(void*, int size) = 0;
472 		virtual void Write(const void*, int size) = 0;
473 		virtual void Info(int* Size, int* Largest, int* Segments) = 0;
475 		virtual void Save(const std::string& data) = 0;
476 		virtual void Load(std::string& data) = 0;
478 		virtual Database DatabasePtr() const = 0;
479 		virtual Transaction TransactionPtr() const = 0;
481 		virtual IBlob* AddRef() = 0;
482 		virtual void Release() = 0;
~IBlob()484 		virtual ~IBlob() { };
485 	};
487 	/*	IArray is the interface to the array capabilities of IBPP. Array is the
488 	* object class you actually use in your programming. With an Array object, you
489 	* can create, read and write Interbase Arrays, as a whole or in slices. */
491 	class IArray
492 	{
493 	public:
494 		virtual void Describe(const std::string& table, const std::string& column) = 0;
495 		virtual void ReadTo(ADT, void* buffer, int elemcount) = 0;
496 		virtual void WriteFrom(ADT, const void* buffer, int elemcount) = 0;
497 		virtual SDT ElementType() = 0;
498 		virtual int ElementSize() = 0;
499 		virtual int ElementScale() = 0;
500 		virtual int Dimensions() = 0;
501 		virtual void Bounds(int dim, int* low, int* high) = 0;
502 		virtual void SetBounds(int dim, int low, int high) = 0;
504 		virtual Database DatabasePtr() const = 0;
505 		virtual Transaction TransactionPtr() const = 0;
507 		virtual IArray* AddRef() = 0;
508 		virtual void Release() = 0;
~IArray()510 		virtual ~IArray() { };
511 	};
513 	/* IService is the interface to the service capabilities of IBPP. Service is
514 	 * the object class you actually use in your programming. With a Service
515 	 * object, you can do some maintenance work of databases and servers
516 	 * (backup, restore, create/update users, ...) */
518 	class IService
519 	{
520 	public:
521 	    virtual void Connect() = 0;
522 		virtual bool Connected() = 0;
523 		virtual void Disconnect() = 0;
525 		virtual void GetVersion(std::string& version) = 0;
527 		virtual void AddUser(const User&) = 0;
528 		virtual void GetUser(User&) = 0;
529 		virtual void GetUsers(std::vector<User>&) = 0;
530 		virtual void ModifyUser(const User&) = 0;
531 		virtual void RemoveUser(const std::string& username) = 0;
533 		virtual void SetPageBuffers(const std::string& dbfile, int buffers) = 0;
534 		virtual void SetSweepInterval(const std::string& dbfile, int sweep) = 0;
535 		virtual void SetSyncWrite(const std::string& dbfile, bool) = 0;
536 		virtual void SetReadOnly(const std::string& dbfile, bool) = 0;
537 		virtual void SetReserveSpace(const std::string& dbfile, bool) = 0;
539 		virtual void Shutdown(const std::string& dbfile, DSM mode, int sectimeout) = 0;
540 		virtual void Restart(const std::string& dbfile) = 0;
541 		virtual void Sweep(const std::string& dbfile) = 0;
542 		virtual void Repair(const std::string& dbfile, RPF flags) = 0;
544 		virtual void StartBackup(const std::string& dbfile,
545 			const std::string& bkfile, BRF flags = BRF(0)) = 0;
546 		virtual void StartRestore(const std::string& bkfile, const std::string& dbfile,
547 			int pagesize = 0, BRF flags = BRF(0)) = 0;
549 		virtual const char* WaitMsg() = 0;	// With reporting (does not block)
550 		virtual void Wait() = 0;			// Without reporting (does block)
552 		virtual IService* AddRef() = 0;
553 		virtual void Release() = 0;
~IService()555 		virtual ~IService() { };
556 	};
558 	/*	IDatabase is the interface to the database connections in IBPP. Database
559 	 * is the object class you actually use in your programming. With a Database
560 	 * object, you can create/drop/connect databases. */
562 	class EventInterface;	// Cross-reference between EventInterface and IDatabase
564 	class IDatabase
565 	{
566 	public:
567 		virtual const char* ServerName() const = 0;
568 		virtual const char* DatabaseName() const = 0;
569 		virtual const char* Username() const = 0;
570 		virtual const char* UserPassword() const = 0;
571 		virtual const char* RoleName() const = 0;
572 		virtual const char* CharSet() const = 0;
573 		virtual const char* CreateParams() const = 0;
575 		virtual void Info(int* ODS, int* ODSMinor, int* PageSize,
576 			int* Pages,	int* Buffers, int* Sweep, bool* Sync,
577 			bool* Reserve) = 0;
578 		virtual void Statistics(int* Fetches, int* Marks,
579 			int* Reads, int* Writes) = 0;
580 		virtual void Counts(int* Insert, int* Update, int* Delete,
581 			int* ReadIdx, int* ReadSeq) = 0;
582 		virtual void Users(std::vector<std::string>& users) = 0;
583 		virtual int Dialect() = 0;
585 		virtual void Create(int dialect) = 0;
586 		virtual void Connect() = 0;
587 		virtual bool Connected() = 0;
588 		virtual void Inactivate() = 0;
589 		virtual void Disconnect() = 0;
590 		virtual void Drop() = 0;
592 		virtual IDatabase* AddRef() = 0;
593 		virtual void Release() = 0;
~IDatabase()595 	    virtual ~IDatabase() { };
596 	};
598 	/* ITransaction is the interface to the transaction connections in IBPP.
599 	 * Transaction is the object class you actually use in your programming. A
600 	 * Transaction object can be associated with more than one Database,
601 	 * allowing for distributed transactions spanning multiple databases,
602 	 * possibly located on different servers. IBPP is one among the few
603 	 * programming interfaces to Firebird that allows you to support distributed
604 	 * transactions. */
606 	class ITransaction
607 	{
608 	public:
609 	    virtual void AttachDatabase(Database db, TAM am = amWrite,
610 			TIL il = ilConcurrency, TLR lr = lrWait, TFF flags = TFF(0)) = 0;
611 	    virtual void DetachDatabase(Database db) = 0;
612 	 	virtual void AddReservation(Database db,
613 	 			const std::string& table, TTR tr) = 0;
615 		virtual void Start() = 0;
616 		virtual bool Started() = 0;
617 	    virtual void Commit() = 0;
618 	    virtual void Rollback() = 0;
619 	    virtual void CommitRetain() = 0;
620 		virtual void RollbackRetain() = 0;
622 		virtual ITransaction* AddRef() = 0;
623 		virtual void Release() = 0;
~ITransaction()625 	    virtual ~ITransaction() { };
626 	};
628 	/*
629 	 *	Class Row can hold all the values of a row (from a SELECT for instance).
630 	 */
632 	class IRow
633 	{
634 	public:
635 		virtual void SetNull(int) = 0;
636 		virtual void Set(int, bool) = 0;
637 		virtual void Set(int, const void*, int) = 0;		// byte buffers
638 		virtual void Set(int, const char*) = 0;				// c-string
639 		virtual void Set(int, const std::string&) = 0;
640 		virtual void Set(int, int16_t) = 0;
641 		virtual void Set(int, int32_t) = 0;
642 		virtual void Set(int, int64_t) = 0;
643 		virtual void Set(int, float) = 0;
644 		virtual void Set(int, double) = 0;
645 		virtual void Set(int, const Timestamp&) = 0;
646 		virtual void Set(int, const Date&) = 0;
647 		virtual void Set(int, const Time&) = 0;
648 		virtual void Set(int, const DBKey&) = 0;
649 		virtual void Set(int, const Blob&) = 0;
650 		virtual void Set(int, const Array&) = 0;
652 		virtual bool IsNull(int) = 0;
653 		virtual bool Get(int, bool&) = 0;
654 		virtual bool Get(int, void*, int&) = 0;	// byte buffers
655 		virtual bool Get(int, std::string&) = 0;
656 		virtual bool Get(int, int16_t&) = 0;
657 		virtual bool Get(int, int32_t&) = 0;
658 		virtual bool Get(int, int64_t&) = 0;
659 		virtual bool Get(int, float&) = 0;
660 		virtual bool Get(int, double&) = 0;
661 		virtual bool Get(int, Timestamp&) = 0;
662 		virtual bool Get(int, Date&) = 0;
663 		virtual bool Get(int, Time&) = 0;
664 		virtual bool Get(int, DBKey&) = 0;
665 		virtual bool Get(int, Blob&) = 0;
666 		virtual bool Get(int, Array&) = 0;
668 		virtual bool IsNull(const std::string&) = 0;
669 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, bool&) = 0;
670 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, void*, int&) = 0;	// byte buffers
671 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, std::string&) = 0;
672 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, int16_t&) = 0;
673 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, int32_t&) = 0;
674 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, int64_t&) = 0;
675 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, float&) = 0;
676 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, double&) = 0;
677 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, Timestamp&) = 0;
678 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, Date&) = 0;
679 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, Time&) = 0;
680 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, DBKey&) = 0;
681 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, Blob&) = 0;
682 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, Array&) = 0;
684 		virtual int ColumnNum(const std::string&) = 0;
685 		virtual const char* ColumnName(int) = 0;
686 		virtual const char* ColumnAlias(int) = 0;
687 		virtual const char* ColumnTable(int) = 0;
688 		virtual SDT ColumnType(int) = 0;
689 		virtual int ColumnSubtype(int) = 0;
690 		virtual int ColumnSize(int) = 0;
691 		virtual int ColumnScale(int) = 0;
692 		virtual int Columns() = 0;
694 		virtual bool ColumnUpdated(int) = 0;
695 		virtual bool Updated() = 0;
697 		virtual	Database DatabasePtr() const = 0;
698 		virtual Transaction TransactionPtr() const = 0;
700 		virtual IRow* Clone() = 0;
701 		virtual IRow* AddRef() = 0;
702 		virtual void Release() = 0;
~IRow()704 	    virtual ~IRow() {};
705 	};
707 	/* IStatement is the interface to the statements execution in IBPP.
708 	 * Statement is the object class you actually use in your programming. A
709 	 * Statement object is the work horse of IBPP. All your data manipulation
710 	 * statements will be done through it. It is also used to access the result
711 	 * set of a query (when the statement is such), one row at a time and in
712 	 * strict forward direction. */
714 	class IStatement
715 	{
716 	public:
717 		virtual void Prepare(const std::string&) = 0;
718 		virtual void Execute() = 0;
719 		virtual void Execute(const std::string&) = 0;
720 		virtual void ExecuteImmediate(const std::string&) = 0;
721 		virtual void CursorExecute(const std::string& cursor) = 0;
722 		virtual void CursorExecute(const std::string& cursor, const std::string&) = 0;
723 		virtual bool Fetch() = 0;
724 		virtual bool Fetch(Row&) = 0;
725 		virtual int AffectedRows() = 0;
726 		virtual void Close() = 0;
727 		virtual std::string& Sql() = 0;
728 		virtual STT Type() = 0;
730 		virtual void SetNull(int) = 0;
731 		virtual void Set(int, bool) = 0;
732 		virtual void Set(int, const void*, int) = 0;		// byte buffers
733 		virtual void Set(int, const char*) = 0;				// c-string
734 		virtual void Set(int, const std::string&) = 0;
735 		virtual void Set(int, int16_t value) = 0;
736 		virtual void Set(int, int32_t value) = 0;
737 		virtual void Set(int, int64_t value) = 0;
738 		virtual void Set(int, float value) = 0;
739 		virtual void Set(int, double value) = 0;
740 		virtual void Set(int, const Timestamp& value) = 0;
741 		virtual void Set(int, const Date& value) = 0;
742 		virtual void Set(int, const Time& value) = 0;
743 		virtual void Set(int, const DBKey& value) = 0;
744 		virtual void Set(int, const Blob& value) = 0;
745 		virtual void Set(int, const Array& value) = 0;
747 		virtual bool IsNull(int) = 0;
748 		virtual bool Get(int, bool&) = 0;
749 		virtual bool Get(int, void*, int&) = 0;	// byte buffers
750 		virtual bool Get(int, std::string&) = 0;
751 		virtual bool Get(int, int16_t&) = 0;
752 		virtual bool Get(int, int32_t&) = 0;
753 		virtual bool Get(int, int64_t&) = 0;
754 		virtual bool Get(int, float&) = 0;
755 		virtual bool Get(int, double&) = 0;
756 		virtual bool Get(int, Timestamp& value) = 0;
757 		virtual bool Get(int, Date& value) = 0;
758 		virtual bool Get(int, Time& value) = 0;
759 		virtual bool Get(int, DBKey& value) = 0;
760 		virtual bool Get(int, Blob& value) = 0;
761 		virtual bool Get(int, Array& value) = 0;
763 		virtual bool IsNull(const std::string&) = 0;
764 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, bool&) = 0;
765 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, void*, int&) = 0;	// byte buffers
766 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, std::string&) = 0;
767 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, int16_t&) = 0;
768 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, int32_t&) = 0;
769 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, int64_t&) = 0;
770 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, float&) = 0;
771 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, double&) = 0;
772 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, Timestamp& value) = 0;
773 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, Date& value) = 0;
774 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, Time& value) = 0;
775 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, DBKey& value) = 0;
776 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, Blob& value) = 0;
777 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, Array& value) = 0;
779 		virtual int ColumnNum(const std::string&) = 0;
780 		virtual const char* ColumnName(int) = 0;
781 		virtual const char* ColumnAlias(int) = 0;
782 		virtual const char* ColumnTable(int) = 0;
783 		virtual SDT ColumnType(int) = 0;
784 		virtual int ColumnSubtype(int) = 0;
785 		virtual int ColumnSize(int) = 0;
786 		virtual int ColumnScale(int) = 0;
787 		virtual int Columns() = 0;
789 		virtual SDT ParameterType(int) = 0;
790 		virtual int ParameterSubtype(int) = 0;
791 		virtual int ParameterSize(int) = 0;
792 		virtual int ParameterScale(int) = 0;
793 		virtual int Parameters() = 0;
795 		virtual void Plan(std::string&) = 0;
797 		virtual	Database DatabasePtr() const = 0;
798 		virtual Transaction TransactionPtr() const = 0;
800 		virtual IStatement* AddRef() = 0;
801 		virtual void Release() = 0;
~IStatement()803 	    virtual ~IStatement() { };
806 		virtual bool Get(int, char*) = 0;			  		// DEPRECATED
807 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, char*) = 0;	// DEPRECATED
808 		virtual bool Get(int, bool*) = 0;					// DEPRECATED
809 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, bool*) = 0;	// DEPRECATED
810 		virtual bool Get(int, int16_t*) = 0;				// DEPRECATED
811 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, int16_t*) = 0;	// DEPRECATED
812 		virtual bool Get(int, int32_t*) = 0;				// DEPRECATED
813 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, int32_t*) = 0;	// DEPRECATED
814 		virtual bool Get(int, int64_t*) = 0;				// DEPRECATED
815 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, int64_t*) = 0;	// DEPRECATED
816 		virtual bool Get(int, float*) = 0;					// DEPRECATED
817 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, float*) = 0;	// DEPRECATED
818 		virtual bool Get(int, double*) = 0;					// DEPRECATED
819 		virtual bool Get(const std::string&, double*) = 0;	// DEPRECATED
820 	};
822 	class IEvents
823 	{
824 	public:
825 		virtual void Add(const std::string&, EventInterface*) = 0;
826 		virtual void Drop(const std::string&) = 0;
827 		virtual void List(std::vector<std::string>&) = 0;
828 		virtual void Clear() = 0;				// Drop all events
829 		virtual void Dispatch() = 0;			// Dispatch events (calls handlers)
831 		virtual	Database DatabasePtr() const = 0;
833 		virtual IEvents* AddRef() = 0;
834 		virtual void Release() = 0;
~IEvents()836 	    virtual ~IEvents() { };
837 	};
839 	/* Class EventInterface is merely a pure interface.
840 	 * It is _not_ implemented by IBPP. It is only a base class definition from
841 	 * which your own event interface classes have to derive from.
842 	 * Please read the reference guide at http://www.ibpp.org for more info. */
844 	class EventInterface
845 	{
846 	public:
847 		virtual void ibppEventHandler(Events, const std::string&, int) = 0;
~EventInterface()848 		virtual ~EventInterface() { };
849 	};
851 	//	--- Factories ---
852 	//	These methods are the only way to get one of the above
853 	//	Interfaces.  They are at the heart of how you program using IBPP.  For
854 	//	instance, to get access to a database, you'll write code similar to this:
855 	//	{
856 	//		Database db = DatabaseFactory("server", "databasename",
857 	//						"user", "password");
858 	//		db->Connect();
859 	//		...
860 	//		db->Disconnect();
861 	//	}
863 	Service ServiceFactory(const std::string& ServerName,
864 		const std::string& UserName, const std::string& UserPassword);
866 	Database DatabaseFactory(const std::string& ServerName,
867 		const std::string& DatabaseName, const std::string& UserName,
868 			const std::string& UserPassword, const std::string& RoleName,
869 				const std::string& CharSet, const std::string& CreateParams);
DatabaseFactory(const std::string & ServerName,const std::string & DatabaseName,const std::string & UserName,const std::string & UserPassword)871 	inline Database DatabaseFactory(const std::string& ServerName,
872 		const std::string& DatabaseName, const std::string& UserName,
873 			const std::string& UserPassword)
874 		{ return DatabaseFactory(ServerName, DatabaseName, UserName, UserPassword, "", "", ""); }
876 	Transaction TransactionFactory(Database db, TAM am = amWrite,
877 		TIL il = ilConcurrency, TLR lr = lrWait, TFF flags = TFF(0));
879 	Statement StatementFactory(Database db, Transaction tr,
880 		const std::string& sql);
StatementFactory(Database db,Transaction tr)882 	inline Statement StatementFactory(Database db, Transaction tr)
883 		{ return StatementFactory(db, tr, ""); }
885 	Blob BlobFactory(Database db, Transaction tr);
887 	Array ArrayFactory(Database db, Transaction tr);
889 	Events EventsFactory(Database db);
891 	/* IBPP uses a self initialization system. Each time an object that may
892 	 * require the usage of the Interbase client C-API library is used, the
893 	 * library internal handling details are automatically initialized, if not
894 	 * already done. You can kick this initialization at the start of an
895 	 * application by calling IBPP::CheckVersion(). This is recommended, because
896 	 * IBPP::CheckVersion will assure you that YOUR code has been compiled
897 	 * against a compatible version of the library. */
899 	bool CheckVersion(uint32_t);
900 	int GDSVersion();
902 	/* On Win32 platform, ClientLibSearchPaths() allows to setup
903 	 * one or multiple additional paths (separated with a ';') where IBPP
904 	 * will look for the client library (before the default implicit search
905 	 * locations). This is usefull for applications distributed with a 'private'
906 	 * copy of Firebird, when the registry is useless to identify the location
907 	 * from where to attempt loading the fbclient.dll / gds32.dll.
908 	 * If called, this function must be called *early* by the application,
909 	 * before *any* other function or object methods of IBPP.
910 	 * Currently, this is a NO-OP on platforms other than Win32. */
912 	void ClientLibSearchPaths(const std::string&);
914 	/* Finally, here are some date and time conversion routines used by IBPP and
915 	 * that may be helpful at the application level. They do not depend on
916 	 * anything related to Firebird/Interbase. Just a bonus. dtoi and itod
917 	 * return false on invalid parameters or out of range conversions. */
919 	bool dtoi(int date, int* py, int* pm, int* pd);
920 	bool itod(int* pdate, int year, int month, int day);
921 	void ttoi(int itime, int* phour, int* pminute, int* psecond, int* ptt);
922 	void itot(int* ptime, int hour, int minute, int second = 0, int tenthousandths = 0);
924 }
926 #endif
928 //
929 //	EOF
930 //