1 #include <stdlib.h>
2 #include "shadowdive/taglist.h"
4 // This file is generated automatically
6 const sd_tag sd_taglist[] = {
7     {"aa", 0, NULL},
8     {"ab", 0, NULL},
9     {"ac", 0, "Turn the HAR to face the center of the arena"},
10     {"ad", 0, NULL},
11     {"ae", 0, NULL},
12     {"af", 0, "Freeze opponent HAR"},
13     {"ag", 0, NULL},
14     {"ai", 0, NULL},
15     {"am", 0, "Tells the HAR when to stop walking, with the enemy 'e' modifier use coordinates relative to enemy, honors x/y coordinates"},
16     {"ao", 0, NULL},
17     {"as", 0, "Wandering fire pit orb"},
18     {"at", 0, "Sets object position behind enemy har, used only by chronos' teleport"},
19     {"aw", 0, "Tells if the HAR can pass through walls"},
20     {"ax", 0, NULL},
21     {"ar", 0, "Reverse player direction"},
22     {"al", 0, NULL},
23     {"b", 0, NULL},
24     {"b1", 0, NULL},
25     {"b2", 0, NULL},
26     {"bb", 1, "Vertical screen shake"},
27     {"be", 0, NULL},
28     {"bf", 1, "Blend finish"},
29     {"bh", 0, NULL},
30     {"bl", 1, "Horizontal screen shake with magnitude n"},
31     {"bm", 1, "Animation to play while doing something"},
32     {"bj", 1, NULL},
33     {"bs", 1, "Blend start"},
34     {"bu", 0, "Used by jaguar's destruct to move to center of arena"},
35     {"bw", 0, NULL},
36     {"bx", 0, NULL},
37     {"bpd", 1, "Reference palette index"},
38     {"bps", 1, "Start palette index"},
39     {"bpn", 1, "Palette entry count"},
40     {"bpf", 0, "Fighter palette selection"},
41     {"bpp", 1, "Initial and final color level"},
42     {"bpb", 1, "Initial color level"},
43     {"bpo", 0, "Disable palette effects"},
44     {"bz", 0, "Color tint effect"},
45     {"ba", 1, "Credits fade effect remapping (?)"},
46     {"bc", 1, "Credits fade effect color count"},
47     {"bd", 0, "Credits fade effect switch"},
48     {"bg", 0, "Credits fade effect unknown"},
49     {"bi", 1, "Credits fade effect color start index"},
50     {"bk", 1, NULL},
51     {"bn", 0, NULL},
52     {"bo", 1, NULL},
53     {"br", 0, "Draw additively"},
54     {"bt", 0, "Dark tint, used by shadow HAR"},
55     {"by", 0, NULL},
56     {"cf", 0, "Only used by shadow scrap, works with 'bm' tag to walk to far corner of arena"},
57     {"cg", 0, NULL},
58     {"cl", 0, NULL},
59     {"cp", 0, NULL},
60     {"cw", 0, NULL},
61     {"cx", 1, NULL},
62     {"cy", 1, NULL},
63     {"d", 1, "Re-enter animation at N ticks"},
64     {"e", 0, "Relative enemy position modifier"},
65     {"f", 0, "Flip sprite vertically"},
66     {"g", 0, "something to do with wall collisions?"},
67     {"h", 0, "Hover"},
68     {"i", 0, NULL},
69     {"jf2", 0, "Allow chaining to destruction"},
70     {"jf", 0, "Allow chaining to scrap"},
71     {"jg", 0, "Every HAR uses this in the 'getup' animation, purpose unknown, might be 'grab' (like standing throw)?"},
72     {"jh", 0, "Allow chaining to 'high' moves"},
73     {"jj", 0, "Allow chaining to airborne moves"},
74     {"jl", 0, "Allow chaining to 'low' moves"},
75     {"jm", 0, "Allow chaining to 'mid' moves"},
76     {"jp", 0, NULL},
77     {"jz", 0, "Allow chaining to anything? (Katana head stomp)"},
78     {"jn", 1, "Allow frame to chain to animation N"},
79     {"k", 1, "Knockback on hit"},
80     {"l", 1, "Sound loudness"},
81     {"ma", 1, NULL},
82     {"mc", 0, NULL},
83     {"md", 1, "Destroy animation N"},
84     {"mg", 1, "Gravity for spawned animation, default 0"},
85     {"mi", 1, NULL},
86     {"mm", 1, "Manipulate mrx and mry calculations"},
87     {"mn", 1, NULL},
88     {"mo", 0, NULL},
89     {"mp", 1, NULL},
90     {"mrx", 1, "Randomize new animation X"},
91     {"mry", 1, "Randomize new animation Y"},
92     {"ms", 0, NULL},
93     {"mu", 1, NULL},
94     {"mx", 1, "X position of new animation"},
95     {"my", 1, "Y position of new animation"},
96     {"m", 1, "Create instance of animation N"},
97     {"n", 0, "Disable collision detection for the current frame"},
98     {"ox", 1, "Set sprite X correction for this frame"},
99     {"oy", 1, "Set sprite Y correction for this frame"},
100     {"pa", 0, "Enable color effect for HAR palette effects"},
101     {"pb", 1, "N < 512"},
102     {"pc", 1, "N < 512"},
103     {"pd", 1, "n < 256. Reference color index."},
104     {"pe", 0, "Switch HAR palette effect handling to the other HAR."},
105     {"ph", 0, "Disable HAR palette effects if HAR is not in damage animation (9)"},
106     {"pp", 1, "Duration of HAR palette effect in ticks."},
107     {"ps", 0, "Update the color palette"},
108     {"ptd", 1, "n < 128 Effect intensity."},
109     {"ptp", 1, "N < 128"},
110     {"ptr", 1, "N < 128"},
111     {"q", 1, "Enable hit on current and next n-1 frames."},
112     {"r", 0, "Flip sprite horizontally?"},
113     {"s", 1, "Play sound N from sound table footer"},
114     {"sa", 0, NULL},
115     {"sb", 1, "Sound panning start"},
116     {"sc", 1, NULL},
117     {"sd", 0, NULL},
118     {"se", 1, "Sound panning end 1"},
119     {"sf", 1, "Sound frequency"},
120     {"sl", 1, "Sound panning end 2"},
121     {"smf", 1, "Stop playing music track N"},
122     {"smo", 1, "Play music track N"},
123     {"sp", 1, NULL},
124     {"sw", 1, NULL},
125     {"t", 0, "Prevent sound from playing if other HAR is blocking"},
126     {"ua", 0, "Disable gravity for opponent"},
127     {"ub", 0, "Motion blur effect"},
128     {"uc", 0, NULL},
129     {"ud", 0, NULL},
130     {"ue", 0, "Damage enemy if on the ground"},
131     {"uf", 0, NULL},
132     {"ug", 0, NULL},
133     {"uh", 0, NULL},
134     {"uj", 0, NULL},
135     {"ul", 0, NULL},
136     {"un", 0, NULL},
137     {"ur", 0, NULL},
138     {"us", 0, NULL},
139     {"uz", 0, NULL},
140     {"v", 0, "Velocity modifier for x/y"},
141     {"vsx", 0, NULL},
142     {"vsy", 0, NULL},
143     {"w", 0, NULL},
144     {"x-", 1, "Decrement X coordinate by N"},
145     {"x+", 1, "Increment X coordinate by N"},
146     {"x=", 1, "Interpolate X coordinate to N by next frame"},
147     {"x", 1, "Scale image as % of width (default 100)"},
148     {"y-", 1, "Decrement Y coordinate by N"},
149     {"y+", 1, "Increment Y coordinate by N"},
150     {"y=", 1, "Interpolate Y coordinate to N by next frame"},
151     {"y", 1, "Scale image as % of height (default 100)"},
152     {"zg", 0, "Never used?"},
153     {"zh", 0, "Never used?"},
154     {"zj", 0, "Invulnerable to jumping attacks"},
155     {"zl", 0, "Never used?"},
156     {"zm", 0, "Never used?"},
157     {"zp", 0, "Invulnerable to projectiles"},
158     {"zz", 0, "Invulnerable to any attacks"},
159 };
161 const int sd_taglist_size = 152;