1 /*
2   Teem: Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images             .
3   Copyright (C) 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009  University of Chicago
4   Copyright (C) 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005  Gordon Kindlmann
5   Copyright (C) 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998  University of Utah
7   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
9   (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11   The terms of redistributing and/or modifying this software also
12   include exceptions to the LGPL that facilitate static linking.
14   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17   Lesser General Public License for more details.
19   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20   along with this library; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
21   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
22 */
27 #include <math.h>
29 #include <teem/air.h>
30 #include <teem/biff.h>
31 #include <teem/nrrd.h>
32 #include <teem/ell.h>
33 #include <teem/gage.h>
34 #include <teem/ten.h>
36 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(TEEM_STATIC)
37 #  if defined(TEEM_BUILD) || defined(push_EXPORTS) || defined(teem_EXPORTS)
38 #    define PUSH_EXPORT extern __declspec(dllexport)
39 #  else
40 #    define PUSH_EXPORT extern __declspec(dllimport)
41 #  endif
42 #else /* TEEM_STATIC || UNIX */
43 #  define PUSH_EXPORT extern
44 #endif
46 #ifdef __cplusplus
47 extern "C" {
48 #endif
50 #define PUSH pushBiffKey
51 #define PUSH_THREAD_MAXNUM 512
53 /*
54 ******** pushPoint
55 **
56 ** information about a point in the simulation.  There are really two
57 ** kinds of information here: "pos", "enr", "frc" pertain to the
58 ** simulation of point dynamics, while "ten", "inv", "cnt", "grav",
59 ** "gravGrad", "seedThresh" are properties of the field sampled at the
60 ** point.
61 */
62 typedef struct pushPoint_t {
63   unsigned int ttaagg;
64   double pos[3],               /* position in world space */
65     enr,                       /* energy accumulator (current iteration) */
66     frc[3],                    /* force accumulator (current iteration) */
67     ten[7],                    /* tensor here */
68     inv[7],                    /* inverse of tensor */
69     cnt[3],                    /* mask's containment gradient */
70     grav, gravGrad[3],         /* gravity stuff */
71     seedThresh;                /* seed thresh */
72   /* per-point list of active neighbors- which is updated only periodically.
73      In addition to spatial binning, this greatly reduces the number of
74      pair-wise interactions computed (based on idea from Meyer et al.) */
75   struct pushPoint_t **neigh;
76   unsigned int neighNum;
77   airArray *neighArr;
78 } pushPoint;
80 /*
81 ******** pushBin
82 **
83 ** the data structure for doing spatial binning.
84 **
85 ** in tractlet-less push, bins do own the points they contain
86 */
87 typedef struct pushBin_t {
88   unsigned int pointNum;       /* # of points in this bin */
89   pushPoint **point;           /* dyn. alloc. array of point pointers */
90   airArray *pointArr;          /* airArray around point and pointNum */
91   struct pushBin_t **neighbor; /* pre-computed NULL-terminated list of all
92                                   neighboring bins, including myself */
93 } pushBin;
95 /*
96 ******** pushTask
97 **
98 ** The information specific for a thread.
99 */
100 typedef struct pushTask_t {
101   struct pushContext_t *pctx;  /* parent's context */
102   gageContext *gctx;           /* result of gageContextCopy(pctx->gctx) */
103   const double *tenAns,        /* results of gage probing */
104     *invAns, *cntAns,
105     *gravAns, *gravGradAns,
106     *seedThreshAns;
107   airThread *thread;           /* my thread */
108   unsigned int threadIdx,      /* which thread am I */
109     pointNum;                  /* # points I let live this iteration */
110   double energySum,            /* sum of energies of points I processed */
111     deltaFracSum;              /* contribution to pctx->deltaFrac */
112   airRandMTState *rng;         /* state for my RNG */
113   void *returnPtr;             /* for airThreadJoin */
114 } pushTask;
116 /*
117 ******** pushEnergyType* enum
118 **
119 ** the different shapes of potential energy profiles that can be used
120 */
121 enum {
122   pushEnergyTypeUnknown,       /* 0 */
123   pushEnergyTypeSpring,        /* 1 */
124   pushEnergyTypeGauss,         /* 2 */
125   pushEnergyTypeCoulomb,       /* 3 */
126   pushEnergyTypeCotan,         /* 4 */
127   pushEnergyTypeZero,          /* 5 */
128   pushEnergyTypeLast
129 };
130 #define PUSH_ENERGY_TYPE_MAX      5
131 #define PUSH_ENERGY_PARM_NUM 3
133 /*
134 ******** pushEnergy
135 **
136 ** the functions which determine inter-point forces
137 **
138 ** NOTE: the eval() function probably does NOT check to see it was passed
139 ** non-NULL pointers into which to store energy and force
140 */
141 typedef struct {
142   char name[AIR_STRLEN_SMALL];
143   unsigned int parmNum;
144   void (*eval)(double *energy, double *force,
145                double dist, const double parm[PUSH_ENERGY_PARM_NUM]);
146   double (*support)(const double parm[PUSH_ENERGY_PARM_NUM]);
147 } pushEnergy;
149 typedef struct {
150   const pushEnergy *energy;
151   double parm[PUSH_ENERGY_PARM_NUM];
152 } pushEnergySpec;
154 /*
155 ******** pushContext
156 **
157 ** everything for doing one simulation computation
158 **
159 */
160 typedef struct pushContext_t {
161   /* INPUT ----------------------------- */
162   unsigned int pointNum;           /* number points to start simulation w/ */
163   Nrrd *nin,                       /* 3D image of 3D masked tensors, though
164                                       it may only be a single slice */
165     *npos;                         /* positions to start with
166                                       (overrides pointNum) */
167   double stepInitial,              /* initial time step in integration
168                                       (which will be reduced as the system
169                                       converges) */
170     scale,                         /* scaling from tensor to glyph size */
171     wall,                          /* spring constant of walls */
172     cntScl,                        /* magnitude of containment gradient */
173     deltaLimit,                    /* speed limit on particles' motion, as a
174                                       fraction of glyph radius along
175                                       direction of motion */
176     deltaFracMin,                  /* lowest value of deltaFrac (see below)
177                                       that is allowed without decreasing
178                                       step size */
179     energyStepFrac,                /* when energy goes up instead of down, the
180                                       fraction by which to scale step size */
181     deltaFracStepFrac,             /* when deltaFrac goes below deltaFracMin,
182                                       fraction by which to scale step size */
183     neighborTrueProb,              /* probability that we find the true
184                                       neighbors of the particle, as opposed to
185                                       using a cached list */
186     probeProb,                     /* probability that we gageProbe() to find
187                                       the local tensor value, instead of
188                                       re-using last value */
189     energyImprovMin;               /* convergence threshold: stop when
190                                       fracional improvement (decrease) in
191                                       energy dips below this */
192   int detReject,                   /* determinant-based rejection at init */
193     midPntSmp,                     /* sample midpoint btw part.s for physics */
194     verbose;                       /* blah blah blah */
195   unsigned int seedRNG,            /* seed value for random number generator */
196     threadNum,                     /* number of threads to use */
197     maxIter,                       /* if non-zero, max number of iterations */
198     snap;                          /* if non-zero, interval between iterations
199                                       at which output snapshots are saved */
200   int gravItem,                    /* tenGage item (scalar) for "height"
201                                       potential energy associated w/ gravity */
202     gravGradItem;                  /* tenGage item (vector) for gravity */
203   double gravScl,                  /* sign and magnitude of gravity's effect:
204                                       when this is positive, higher values of
205                                       gravItem have higher potential energy */
206     gravZero;                      /* the height that corresponds to zero
207                                       potential energy from gravity */
209   int seedThreshItem,              /* item for constraining random seeding */
210     seedThreshSign;                /* +1: need val > thresh; -1: opposite */
211   double seedThresh;               /* threshold for seed constraint */
213   pushEnergySpec *ensp;            /* potential energy function to use */
215   int binSingle;                   /* disable binning (for debugging) */
216   unsigned int binIncr;            /* increment for per-bin airArray */
218   NrrdKernelSpec *ksp00,           /* for sampling tensor field */
219     *ksp11,                        /* for gradient of mask, other 1st derivs */
220     *ksp22;                        /* for 2nd derivatives */
222   /* INTERNAL -------------------------- */
224   unsigned int ttaagg;             /* next value for per-point ID */
225   Nrrd *nten,                      /* 3D image of 3D masked tensors */
226     *ninv,                         /* pre-computed inverse of nten */
227     *nmask;                        /* mask image from nten */
228   gageContext *gctx;               /* gage context around nten, ninv, nmask */
229   gagePerVolume *tpvl, *ipvl;      /* gage pervolumes around nten and ninv */
230   int finished;                    /* used to signal all threads to return */
231   unsigned int dimIn,              /* dim (2 or 3) of input, meaning whether
232                                       it was a single slice or a full volume */
233     sliceAxis;                     /* got a single 3-D slice, which axis had
234                                       only a single sample */
236   pushBin *bin;                    /* volume of bins (see binsEdge, binNum) */
237   unsigned int binsEdge[3],        /* # bins along each volume edge,
238                                       determined by maxEval and scale */
239     binNum,                        /* total # bins in grid */
240     binIdx;                        /* *next* bin of points needing to be
241                                       processed.  Stage is done when
242                                       binIdx == binNum */
243   airThreadMutex *binMutex;        /* mutex around bin */
245   double step,                     /* current working step size */
246     maxDist,                       /* max distance btween interacting points */
247     maxEval, meanEval,             /* max and mean principal eval in field */
248     maxDet,
249     energySum;                     /* potential energy of entire particles */
250   pushTask **task;                 /* dynamically allocated array of tasks */
251   airThreadBarrier *iterBarrierA;  /* barriers between iterations */
252   airThreadBarrier *iterBarrierB;  /* barriers between iterations */
253   double deltaFrac;                /* mean (over all particles in last
254                                       iteration) of fraction of distance
255                                       actually travelled to distance that it
256                                       wanted to travel (due to speed limit) */
258   /* OUTPUT ---------------------------- */
260   double timeIteration,            /* time needed for last (single) iter */
261     timeRun;                       /* total time spent in computation */
262   unsigned int iter;               /* how many iterations were needed */
263   Nrrd *noutPos,                   /* list of 2D or 3D positions */
264     *noutTen;                      /* list of 2D or 3D masked tensors */
265 } pushContext;
267 typedef union {
268   pushPoint ***point;
269   void **v;
270 } pushPtrPtrUnion;
272 /* defaultsPush.c */
273 PUSH_EXPORT const int pushPresent;
274 PUSH_EXPORT const char *pushBiffKey;
276 /* methodsPush.c */
277 PUSH_EXPORT pushPoint *pushPointNew(pushContext *pctx);
278 PUSH_EXPORT pushPoint *pushPointNix(pushPoint *pnt);
279 PUSH_EXPORT pushContext *pushContextNew(void);
280 PUSH_EXPORT pushContext *pushContextNix(pushContext *pctx);
282 /* forces.c (legacy name for info about (derivatives of) energy functions) */
283 PUSH_EXPORT const airEnum *const pushEnergyType;
284 PUSH_EXPORT const pushEnergy *const pushEnergyUnknown;
285 PUSH_EXPORT const pushEnergy *const pushEnergySpring;
286 PUSH_EXPORT const pushEnergy *const pushEnergyGauss;
287 PUSH_EXPORT const pushEnergy *const pushEnergyCoulomb;
288 PUSH_EXPORT const pushEnergy *const pushEnergyCotan;
289 PUSH_EXPORT const pushEnergy *const pushEnergyZero;
290 PUSH_EXPORT const pushEnergy *const pushEnergyAll[PUSH_ENERGY_TYPE_MAX+1];
291 PUSH_EXPORT pushEnergySpec *pushEnergySpecNew(void);
292 PUSH_EXPORT void pushEnergySpecSet(pushEnergySpec *ensp,
293                                    const pushEnergy *energy,
294                                    const double parm[PUSH_ENERGY_PARM_NUM]);
295 PUSH_EXPORT pushEnergySpec *pushEnergySpecNix(pushEnergySpec *ensp);
296 PUSH_EXPORT int pushEnergySpecParse(pushEnergySpec *ensp, const char *str);
297 PUSH_EXPORT hestCB *pushHestEnergySpec;
299 /* corePush.c */
300 PUSH_EXPORT int pushStart(pushContext *pctx);
301 PUSH_EXPORT int pushIterate(pushContext *pctx);
302 PUSH_EXPORT int pushRun(pushContext *pctx);
303 PUSH_EXPORT int pushFinish(pushContext *pctx);
305 /* binning.c */
306 PUSH_EXPORT void pushBinInit(pushBin *bin, unsigned int incr);
307 PUSH_EXPORT void pushBinDone(pushBin *bin);
308 PUSH_EXPORT int pushBinPointAdd(pushContext *pctx, pushPoint *point);
309 PUSH_EXPORT void pushBinAllNeighborSet(pushContext *pctx);
310 PUSH_EXPORT int pushRebin(pushContext *pctx);
312 /* action.c */
313 PUSH_EXPORT int pushBinProcess(pushTask *task, unsigned int myBinIdx);
314 PUSH_EXPORT int pushOutputGet(Nrrd *nPos, Nrrd *nTen, Nrrd *nEnr,
315                               pushContext *pctx);
317 #ifdef __cplusplus
318 }
319 #endif
321 #endif /* PUSH_HAS_BEEN_INCLUDED */