1#!/usr/bin/env python3
4# treeselection.py, provides a class for the tree view's selection model
6# TreeLine, an information storage program
7# Copyright (C) 2018, Douglas W. Bell
9# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
10# terms of the GNU General Public License, either Version 2 or any later
11# version.  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  See the included LICENSE file for details.
15import collections
16import json
17from PyQt5.QtCore import QItemSelectionModel, QMimeData
18from PyQt5.QtGui import QClipboard
19from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
20import treestructure
21import treespotlist
22import globalref
25_maxHistoryLength = 10
27class TreeSelection(QItemSelectionModel):
28    """Class override for the tree view's selection model.
30    Provides methods for easier access to selected nodes.
31    """
32    def __init__(self, model, parent=None):
33        """Initialize the selection model.
35        Arguments:
36            model -- the model for view data
37            parent -- the parent tree view
38        """
39        super().__init__(model, parent)
40        self.modelRef = model
41        self.tempExpandedSpots = []
42        self.prevSpots = []
43        self.nextSpots = []
44        self.restoreFlag = False
45        self.selectionChanged.connect(self.updateSelectLists)
47    def selectedCount(self):
48        """Return the number of selected spots.
49        """
50        return len(self.selectedIndexes())
52    def selectedSpots(self):
53        """Return a SpotList of selected spots, sorted in tree order.
54        """
55        return treespotlist.TreeSpotList([index.internalPointer() for index in
56                                          self.selectedIndexes()])
58    def selectedBranchSpots(self):
59        """Return a SpotList of spots at the top of selected branches.
61        Remvoves any duplicate spots that are already covered by the branches.
62        """
63        spots = self.selectedSpots()
64        spotSet = set(spots)
65        return treespotlist.TreeSpotList([spot for spot in spots if
66                                          spot.parentSpotSet().
67                                          isdisjoint(spotSet)])
69    def selectedNodes(self):
70        """Return a list of the currently selected tree nodes.
72        Removes any duplicate (cloned) nodes.
73        """
74        tmpDict = collections.OrderedDict()
75        for spot in self.selectedSpots():
76            node = spot.nodeRef
77            tmpDict[node.uId] = node
78        return list(tmpDict.values())
80    def selectedBranches(self):
81        """Return a list of nodes at the top of selected branches.
83        Remvoves any duplicates that are already covered by the branches.
84        """
85        tmpDict = collections.OrderedDict()
86        for spot in self.selectedBranchSpots():
87            node = spot.nodeRef
88            tmpDict[node.uId] = node
89        return list(tmpDict.values())
91    def currentSpot(self):
92        """Return the current tree spot.
94        Can raise AttributeError if no spot is current.
95        """
96        return self.currentIndex().internalPointer()
98    def currentNode(self):
99        """Return the current tree node.
101        Can raise AttributeError if no node is current.
102        """
103        return self.currentSpot().nodeRef
105    def selectSpots(self, spotList, signalUpdate=True, expandParents=False):
106        """Clear the current selection and select the given spots.
108        Arguments:
109            spotList -- the spots to select
110            signalUpdate -- if False, block normal select update signals
111            expandParents -- open parent spots to make selection visible
112        """
113        if expandParents:
114            treeView = (globalref.mainControl.activeControl.activeWindow.
115                        treeView)
116            for spot in self.tempExpandedSpots:
117                treeView.collapseSpot(spot)
118            self.tempExpandedSpots = []
119            for spot in spotList:
120                parent = spot.parentSpot
121                while parent.parentSpot:
122                    if not treeView.isSpotExpanded(parent):
123                        treeView.expandSpot(parent)
124                        self.tempExpandedSpots.append(parent)
125                    parent = parent.parentSpot
126        if not signalUpdate:
127            self.blockSignals(True)
128            self.addToHistory(spotList)
129        self.clear()
130        if spotList:
131            for spot in spotList:
132                self.select(spot.index(self.modelRef),
133                            QItemSelectionModel.Select)
134            self.setCurrentIndex(spotList[0].index(self.modelRef),
135                                 QItemSelectionModel.Current)
136        self.blockSignals(False)
138    def selectNodeById(self, nodeId):
139        """Select the first spot from the given node ID.
141        Return True on success.
142        Arguments:
143            nodeId -- the ID of the node to select
144        """
145        try:
146            node = self.modelRef.treeStructure.nodeDict[nodeId]
147            self.selectSpots([node.spotByNumber(0)], True, True)
148        except KeyError:
149            return False
150        return True
152    def setCurrentSpot(self, spot):
153        """Set the current spot.
155        Arguments:
156            spot -- the spot to make current
157        """
158        self.blockSignals(True)
159        self.setCurrentIndex(spot.index(self.modelRef),
160                             QItemSelectionModel.Current)
161        self.blockSignals(False)
163    def copySelectedNodes(self):
164        """Copy these node branches to the clipboard.
165        """
166        nodes = self.selectedBranches()
167        if not nodes:
168            return
169        clip = QApplication.clipboard()
170        if clip.supportsSelection():
171            titleList = []
172            for node in nodes:
173                titleList.extend(node.exportTitleText())
174            clip.setText('\n'.join(titleList), QClipboard.Selection)
175        struct = treestructure.TreeStructure(topNodes=nodes, addSpots=False)
176        generics = {formatRef.genericType for formatRef in
177                    struct.treeFormats.values() if formatRef.genericType}
178        for generic in generics:
179            genericRef = self.modelRef.treeStructure.treeFormats[generic]
180            struct.treeFormats.addTypeIfMissing(genericRef)
181            for formatRef in genericRef.derivedTypes:
182                struct.treeFormats.addTypeIfMissing(formatRef)
183        data = struct.fileData()
184        dataStr = json.dumps(data, indent=0, sort_keys=True)
185        mime = QMimeData()
186        mime.setData('application/json', bytes(dataStr, encoding='utf-8'))
187        clip.setMimeData(mime)
189    def restorePrevSelect(self):
190        """Go back to the most recent saved selection.
191        """
192        self.validateHistory()
193        if len(self.prevSpots) > 1:
194            del self.prevSpots[-1]
195            oldSelect = self.selectedSpots()
196            if oldSelect and (not self.nextSpots or
197                              oldSelect != self.nextSpots[-1]):
198                self.nextSpots.append(oldSelect)
199            self.restoreFlag = True
200            self.selectSpots(self.prevSpots[-1], expandParents=True)
201            self.restoreFlag = False
203    def restoreNextSelect(self):
204        """Go forward to the most recent saved selection.
205        """
206        self.validateHistory()
207        if self.nextSpots:
208            select = self.nextSpots.pop(-1)
209            if select and (not self.prevSpots or
210                           select != self.prevSpots[-1]):
211                self.prevSpots.append(select)
212            self.restoreFlag = True
213            self.selectSpots(select, expandParents=True)
214            self.restoreFlag = False
216    def addToHistory(self, spots):
217        """Add given spots to previous select list.
219        Arguments:
220            spots -- a list of spots to be added
221        """
222        if spots and not self.restoreFlag and (not self.prevSpots or
223                                               spots != self.prevSpots[-1]):
224            self.prevSpots.append(spots)
225            if len(self.prevSpots) > _maxHistoryLength:
226                del self.prevSpots[:2]
227            self.nextSpots = []
229    def validateHistory(self):
230        """Clear invalid items from history lists.
231        """
232        for histList in (self.prevSpots, self.nextSpots):
233            for spots in histList:
234                spots[:] = [spot for spot in spots if spot.isValid()]
235            histList[:] = [spots for spots in histList if spots]
237    def updateSelectLists(self):
238        """Update history after a selection change.
239        """
240        self.addToHistory(self.selectedSpots())
242    def selectTitleMatch(self, searchText, forward=True, includeCurrent=False):
243        """Select a node with a title matching the search text.
245        Returns True if found, otherwise False.
246        Arguments:
247            searchText -- the text to look for
248            forward -- next if True, previous if False
249            includeCurrent -- look in current node if True
250        """
251        searchText = searchText.lower()
252        currentSpot = self.currentSpot()
253        spot = currentSpot
254        while True:
255            if not includeCurrent:
256                if forward:
257                    spot = spot.nextTreeSpot(True)
258                else:
259                    spot = spot.prevTreeSpot(True)
260                if spot is currentSpot:
261                    return False
262            includeCurrent = False
263            if searchText in spot.nodeRef.title().lower():
264                self.selectSpots([spot], True, True)
265                return True