1 /* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 noet:
2  *
3  * VIM - Vi IMproved	by Bram Moolenaar
4  * X command server by Flemming Madsen
5  *
6  * Do ":help uganda"  in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
7  * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
8  * See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code.
9  *
10  * if_xcmdsrv.c: Functions for passing commands through an X11 display.
11  *
12  */
14 #include "vim.h"
15 #include "version.h"
17 #if defined(FEAT_CLIENTSERVER) || defined(PROTO)
19 # ifdef FEAT_X11
20 #  include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
21 #  include <X11/Xatom.h>
22 # endif
24 /*
25  * This file provides procedures that implement the command server
26  * functionality of Vim when in contact with an X11 server.
27  *
28  * Adapted from TCL/TK's send command  in tkSend.c of the tk 3.6 distribution.
29  * Adapted for use in Vim by Flemming Madsen. Protocol changed to that of tk 4
30  */
32 /*
33  * Copyright (c) 1989-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
34  * All rights reserved.
35  *
36  * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
37  * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
38  * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the
39  * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in
40  * all copies of this software.
41  *
46  *
52  */
55 /*
56  * When a result is being awaited from a sent command, one of
57  * the following structures is present on a list of all outstanding
58  * sent commands.  The information in the structure is used to
59  * process the result when it arrives.  You're probably wondering
60  * how there could ever be multiple outstanding sent commands.
61  * This could happen if Vim instances invoke each other recursively.
62  * It's unlikely, but possible.
63  */
65 typedef struct PendingCommand
66 {
67     int	    serial;	// Serial number expected in result.
68     int	    code;	// Result Code. 0 is OK
69     char_u  *result;	// String result for command (malloc'ed).
70 			// NULL means command still pending.
71     struct PendingCommand *nextPtr;
72 			// Next in list of all outstanding commands.
73 			// NULL means end of list.
74 } PendingCommand;
76 static PendingCommand *pendingCommands = NULL;
77 				// List of all commands currently
78 				// being waited for.
80 /*
81  * The information below is used for communication between processes
82  * during "send" commands.  Each process keeps a private window, never
83  * even mapped, with one property, "Comm".  When a command is sent to
84  * an interpreter, the command is appended to the comm property of the
85  * communication window associated with the interp's process.  Similarly,
86  * when a result is returned from a sent command, it is also appended
87  * to the comm property.
88  *
89  * Each command and each result takes the form of ASCII text.  For a
90  * command, the text consists of a nul character followed by several
91  * nul-terminated ASCII strings.  The first string consists of a
92  * single letter:
93  * "c" for an expression
94  * "k" for keystrokes
95  * "r" for reply
96  * "n" for notification.
97  * Subsequent strings have the form "option value" where the following options
98  * are supported:
99  *
100  * -r commWindow serial
101  *
102  *	This option means that a response should be sent to the window
103  *	whose X identifier is "commWindow" (in hex), and the response should
104  *	be identified with the serial number given by "serial" (in decimal).
105  *	If this option isn't specified then the send is asynchronous and
106  *	no response is sent.
107  *
108  * -n name
109  *	"Name" gives the name of the application for which the command is
110  *	intended.  This option must be present.
111  *
112  * -E encoding
113  *	Encoding name used for the text.  This is the 'encoding' of the
114  *	sender.  The receiver may want to do conversion to his 'encoding'.
115  *
116  * -s script
117  *	"Script" is the script to be executed.  This option must be
118  *	present.  Taken as a series of keystrokes in a "k" command where
119  *	<Key>'s are expanded
120  *
121  * The options may appear in any order.  The -n and -s options must be
122  * present, but -r may be omitted for asynchronous RPCs.  For compatibility
123  * with future releases that may add new features, there may be additional
124  * options present;  as long as they start with a "-" character, they will
125  * be ignored.
126  *
127  * A result also consists of a zero character followed by several null-
128  * terminated ASCII strings.  The first string consists of the single
129  * letter "r".  Subsequent strings have the form "option value" where
130  * the following options are supported:
131  *
132  * -s serial
133  *	Identifies the command for which this is the result.  It is the
134  *	same as the "serial" field from the -s option in the command.  This
135  *	option must be present.
136  *
137  * -r result
138  *	"Result" is the result string for the script, which may be either
139  *	a result or an error message.  If this field is omitted then it
140  *	defaults to an empty string.
141  *
142  * -c code
143  *	0: for OK. This is the default.
144  *	1: for error: Result is the last error
145  *
146  * -i errorInfo
147  * -e errorCode
148  *	Not applicable for Vim
149  *
150  * Options may appear in any order, and only the -s option must be
151  * present.  As with commands, there may be additional options besides
152  * these;  unknown options are ignored.
153  */
155 /*
156  * Maximum size property that can be read at one time by
157  * this module:
158  */
160 #define MAX_PROP_WORDS 100000
162 struct ServerReply
163 {
164     Window  id;
165     garray_T strings;
166 };
167 static garray_T serverReply = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
168 enum ServerReplyOp { SROP_Find, SROP_Add, SROP_Delete };
170 typedef int (*EndCond)(void *);
172 struct x_cmdqueue
173 {
174     char_u		*propInfo;
175     long_u		len;
176     struct x_cmdqueue	*next;
177     struct x_cmdqueue	*prev;
178 };
180 typedef struct x_cmdqueue x_queue_T;
182 // dummy node, header for circular queue
183 static x_queue_T head = {NULL, 0, NULL, NULL};
185 /*
186  * Forward declarations for procedures defined later in this file:
187  */
189 static Window	LookupName(Display *dpy, char_u *name, int delete, char_u **loose);
190 static int	SendInit(Display *dpy);
191 static int	DoRegisterName(Display *dpy, char_u *name);
192 static void	DeleteAnyLingerer(Display *dpy, Window w);
193 static int	GetRegProp(Display *dpy, char_u **regPropp, long_u *numItemsp, int domsg);
194 static int	WaitForPend(void *p);
195 static int	WindowValid(Display *dpy, Window w);
196 static void	ServerWait(Display *dpy, Window w, EndCond endCond, void *endData, int localLoop, int seconds);
197 static int	AppendPropCarefully(Display *display, Window window, Atom property, char_u *value, int length);
198 static int	x_error_check(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *error_event);
199 static int	IsSerialName(char_u *name);
200 static void	save_in_queue(char_u *buf, long_u len);
201 static void	server_parse_message(Display *dpy, char_u *propInfo, long_u numItems);
203 // Private variables for the "server" functionality
204 static Atom	registryProperty = None;
205 static Atom	vimProperty = None;
206 static int	got_x_error = FALSE;
208 static char_u	*empty_prop = (char_u *)"";	// empty GetRegProp() result
210 /*
211  * Associate an ASCII name with Vim.  Try real hard to get a unique one.
212  * Returns FAIL or OK.
213  */
214     int
serverRegisterName(Display * dpy,char_u * name)215 serverRegisterName(
216     Display	*dpy,		// display to register with
217     char_u	*name)		// the name that will be used as a base
218 {
219     int		i;
220     int		res;
221     char_u	*p = NULL;
223     res = DoRegisterName(dpy, name);
224     if (res < 0)
225     {
226 	i = 1;
227 	do
228 	{
229 	    if (res < -1 || i >= 1000)
230 	    {
231 		msg_attr(_("Unable to register a command server name"),
232 							      HL_ATTR(HLF_W));
233 		return FAIL;
234 	    }
235 	    if (p == NULL)
236 		p = alloc(STRLEN(name) + 10);
237 	    if (p == NULL)
238 	    {
239 		res = -10;
240 		continue;
241 	    }
242 	    sprintf((char *)p, "%s%d", name, i++);
243 	    res = DoRegisterName(dpy, p);
244 	}
245 	while (res < 0)
246 	    ;
247 	vim_free(p);
248     }
249     return OK;
250 }
252     static int
DoRegisterName(Display * dpy,char_u * name)253 DoRegisterName(Display *dpy, char_u *name)
254 {
255     Window	w;
256     XErrorHandler old_handler;
257 #define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 100
258     char_u	propInfo[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 20];
260     if (commProperty == None)
261     {
262 	if (SendInit(dpy) < 0)
263 	    return -2;
264     }
266     /*
267      * Make sure the name is unique, and append info about it to
268      * the registry property.  It's important to lock the server
269      * here to prevent conflicting changes to the registry property.
270      * WARNING: Do not step through this while debugging, it will hangup the X
271      * server!
272      */
273     XGrabServer(dpy);
274     w = LookupName(dpy, name, FALSE, NULL);
275     if (w != (Window)0)
276     {
277 	Status		status;
278 	int		dummyInt;
279 	unsigned int	dummyUns;
280 	Window		dummyWin;
282 	/*
283 	 * The name is currently registered.  See if the commWindow
284 	 * associated with the name exists.  If not, or if the commWindow
285 	 * is *our* commWindow, then just unregister the old name (this
286 	 * could happen if an application dies without cleaning up the
287 	 * registry).
288 	 */
289 	old_handler = XSetErrorHandler(x_error_check);
290 	status = XGetGeometry(dpy, w, &dummyWin, &dummyInt, &dummyInt,
291 				  &dummyUns, &dummyUns, &dummyUns, &dummyUns);
292 	(void)XSetErrorHandler(old_handler);
293 	if (status != Success && w != commWindow)
294 	{
295 	    XUngrabServer(dpy);
296 	    XFlush(dpy);
297 	    return -1;
298 	}
299 	(void)LookupName(dpy, name, /*delete=*/TRUE, NULL);
300     }
301     sprintf((char *)propInfo, "%x %.*s", (int_u)commWindow,
302 						       MAX_NAME_LENGTH, name);
303     old_handler = XSetErrorHandler(x_error_check);
304     got_x_error = FALSE;
305     XChangeProperty(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, 0), registryProperty, XA_STRING, 8,
306 		    PropModeAppend, propInfo, STRLEN(propInfo) + 1);
307     XUngrabServer(dpy);
308     XSync(dpy, False);
309     (void)XSetErrorHandler(old_handler);
311     if (!got_x_error)
312     {
313 #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
314 	set_vim_var_string(VV_SEND_SERVER, name, -1);
315 #endif
316 	serverName = vim_strsave(name);
317 	need_maketitle = TRUE;
318 	return 0;
319     }
320     return -2;
321 }
323 #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(PROTO)
324 /*
325  * Clean out new ID from registry and set it as comm win.
326  * Change any registered window ID.
327  */
328     void
serverChangeRegisteredWindow(Display * dpy,Window newwin)329 serverChangeRegisteredWindow(
330     Display	*dpy,		// Display to register with
331     Window	newwin)		// Re-register to this ID
332 {
333     char_u	propInfo[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 20];
335     commWindow = newwin;
337     // Always call SendInit() here, to make sure commWindow is marked as a Vim
338     // window.
339     if (SendInit(dpy) < 0)
340 	return;
342     // WARNING: Do not step through this while debugging, it will hangup the X
343     // server!
344     XGrabServer(dpy);
345     DeleteAnyLingerer(dpy, newwin);
346     if (serverName != NULL)
347     {
348 	// Reinsert name if we was already registered
349 	(void)LookupName(dpy, serverName, /*delete=*/TRUE, NULL);
350 	sprintf((char *)propInfo, "%x %.*s",
351 		(int_u)newwin, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, serverName);
352 	XChangeProperty(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, 0), registryProperty, XA_STRING, 8,
353 			PropModeAppend, (char_u *)propInfo,
354 			STRLEN(propInfo) + 1);
355     }
356     XUngrabServer(dpy);
357 }
358 #endif
360 /*
361  * Send to an instance of Vim via the X display.
362  * Returns 0 for OK, negative for an error.
363  */
364     int
serverSendToVim(Display * dpy,char_u * name,char_u * cmd,char_u ** result,Window * server,Bool asExpr,int timeout,Bool localLoop,int silent)365 serverSendToVim(
366     Display	*dpy,			// Where to send.
367     char_u	*name,			// Where to send.
368     char_u	*cmd,			// What to send.
369     char_u	**result,		// Result of eval'ed expression
370     Window	*server,		// Actual ID of receiving app
371     Bool	asExpr,			// Interpret as keystrokes or expr ?
372     int		timeout,		// seconds to wait or zero
373     Bool	localLoop,		// Throw away everything but result
374     int		silent)			// don't complain about no server
375 {
376     Window	    w;
377     char_u	    *property;
378     int		    length;
379     int		    res;
380     static int	    serial = 0;	// Running count of sent commands.
381 				// Used to give each command a
382 				// different serial number.
383     PendingCommand  pending;
384     char_u	    *loosename = NULL;
386     if (result != NULL)
387 	*result = NULL;
388     if (name == NULL || *name == NUL)
389 	name = (char_u *)"GVIM";    // use a default name
391     if (commProperty == None && dpy != NULL)
392     {
393 	if (SendInit(dpy) < 0)
394 	    return -1;
395     }
397     // Execute locally if no display or target is ourselves
398     if (dpy == NULL || (serverName != NULL && STRICMP(name, serverName) == 0))
399 	return sendToLocalVim(cmd, asExpr, result);
401     /*
402      * Bind the server name to a communication window.
403      *
404      * Find any survivor with a serialno attached to the name if the
405      * original registrant of the wanted name is no longer present.
406      *
407      * Delete any lingering names from dead editors.
408      */
409     while (TRUE)
410     {
411 	w = LookupName(dpy, name, FALSE, &loosename);
412 	// Check that the window is hot
413 	if (w != None)
414 	{
415 	    if (!WindowValid(dpy, w))
416 	    {
417 		LookupName(dpy, loosename ? loosename : name,
418 			   /*DELETE=*/TRUE, NULL);
419 		vim_free(loosename);
420 		continue;
421 	    }
422 	}
423 	break;
424     }
425     if (w == None)
426     {
427 	if (!silent)
428 	    semsg(_(e_noserver), name);
429 	return -1;
430     }
431     else if (loosename != NULL)
432 	name = loosename;
433     if (server != NULL)
434 	*server = w;
436     /*
437      * Send the command to target interpreter by appending it to the
438      * comm window in the communication window.
439      * Length must be computed exactly!
440      */
441     length = STRLEN(name) + STRLEN(p_enc) + STRLEN(cmd) + 14;
442     property = alloc(length + 30);
444     sprintf((char *)property, "%c%c%c-n %s%c-E %s%c-s %s",
445 		      0, asExpr ? 'c' : 'k', 0, name, 0, p_enc, 0, cmd);
446     if (name == loosename)
447 	vim_free(loosename);
448     // Add a back reference to our comm window
449     serial++;
450     sprintf((char *)property + length, "%c-r %x %d",
451 						0, (int_u)commWindow, serial);
452     // Add length of what "-r %x %d" resulted in, skipping the NUL.
453     length += STRLEN(property + length + 1) + 1;
455     res = AppendPropCarefully(dpy, w, commProperty, property, length + 1);
456     vim_free(property);
457     if (res < 0)
458     {
459 	emsg(_("E248: Failed to send command to the destination program"));
460 	return -1;
461     }
463     if (!asExpr) // There is no answer for this - Keys are sent async
464 	return 0;
466     /*
467      * Register the fact that we're waiting for a command to
468      * complete (this is needed by SendEventProc and by
469      * AppendErrorProc to pass back the command's results).
470      */
471     pending.serial = serial;
472     pending.code = 0;
473     pending.result = NULL;
474     pending.nextPtr = pendingCommands;
475     pendingCommands = &pending;
477     ServerWait(dpy, w, WaitForPend, &pending, localLoop,
478 						  timeout > 0 ? timeout : 600);
480     /*
481      * Unregister the information about the pending command
482      * and return the result.
483      */
484     if (pendingCommands == &pending)
485 	pendingCommands = pending.nextPtr;
486     else
487     {
488 	PendingCommand *pcPtr;
490 	for (pcPtr = pendingCommands; pcPtr != NULL; pcPtr = pcPtr->nextPtr)
491 	    if (pcPtr->nextPtr == &pending)
492 	    {
493 		pcPtr->nextPtr = pending.nextPtr;
494 		break;
495 	    }
496     }
497     if (result != NULL)
498 	*result = pending.result;
499     else
500 	vim_free(pending.result);
502     return pending.code == 0 ? 0 : -1;
503 }
505     static int
WaitForPend(void * p)506 WaitForPend(void *p)
507 {
508     PendingCommand *pending = (PendingCommand *) p;
509     return pending->result != NULL;
510 }
512 /*
513  * Return TRUE if window "w" exists and has a "Vim" property on it.
514  */
515     static int
WindowValid(Display * dpy,Window w)516 WindowValid(Display *dpy, Window w)
517 {
518     XErrorHandler   old_handler;
519     Atom	    *plist;
520     int		    numProp;
521     int		    i;
523     old_handler = XSetErrorHandler(x_error_check);
524     got_x_error = 0;
525     plist = XListProperties(dpy, w, &numProp);
526     XSync(dpy, False);
527     XSetErrorHandler(old_handler);
528     if (plist == NULL || got_x_error)
529 	return FALSE;
531     for (i = 0; i < numProp; i++)
532 	if (plist[i] == vimProperty)
533 	{
534 	    XFree(plist);
535 	    return TRUE;
536 	}
537     XFree(plist);
538     return FALSE;
539 }
541 /*
542  * Enter a loop processing X events & polling chars until we see a result
543  */
544     static void
ServerWait(Display * dpy,Window w,EndCond endCond,void * endData,int localLoop,int seconds)545 ServerWait(
546     Display	*dpy,
547     Window	w,
548     EndCond	endCond,
549     void	*endData,
550     int		localLoop,
551     int		seconds)
552 {
553     time_t	    start;
554     time_t	    now;
555     XEvent	    event;
557 #define UI_MSEC_DELAY 53
558 #define SEND_MSEC_POLL 500
559 #ifndef HAVE_SELECT
560     struct pollfd   fds;
562     fds.fd = ConnectionNumber(dpy);
563     fds.events = POLLIN;
564 #else
565     fd_set	    fds;
566     struct timeval  tv;
568     tv.tv_sec = 0;
569     tv.tv_usec =  SEND_MSEC_POLL * 1000;
570     FD_ZERO(&fds);
571     FD_SET(ConnectionNumber(dpy), &fds);
572 #endif
574     time(&start);
575     while (TRUE)
576     {
577 	while (XCheckWindowEvent(dpy, commWindow, PropertyChangeMask, &event))
578 	    serverEventProc(dpy, &event, 1);
579 	server_parse_messages();
581 	if (endCond(endData) != 0)
582 	    break;
583 	if (!WindowValid(dpy, w))
584 	    break;
585 	time(&now);
586 	if (seconds >= 0 && (now - start) >= seconds)
587 	    break;
589 #ifdef FEAT_TIMERS
590 	check_due_timer();
591 #endif
593 	// Just look out for the answer without calling back into Vim
594 	if (localLoop)
595 	{
596 #ifndef HAVE_SELECT
597 	    if (poll(&fds, 1, SEND_MSEC_POLL) < 0)
598 		break;
599 #else
600 	    if (select(FD_SETSIZE, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) < 0)
601 		break;
602 #endif
603 	}
604 	else
605 	{
606 	    if (got_int)
607 		break;
608 	    ui_delay((long)UI_MSEC_DELAY, TRUE);
609 	    ui_breakcheck();
610 	}
611     }
612 }
615 /*
616  * Fetch a list of all the Vim instance names currently registered for the
617  * display.
618  *
619  * Returns a newline separated list in allocated memory or NULL.
620  */
621     char_u *
serverGetVimNames(Display * dpy)622 serverGetVimNames(Display *dpy)
623 {
624     char_u	*regProp;
625     char_u	*entry;
626     char_u	*p;
627     long_u	numItems;
628     int_u	w;
629     garray_T	ga;
631     if (registryProperty == None)
632     {
633 	if (SendInit(dpy) < 0)
634 	    return NULL;
635     }
637     /*
638      * Read the registry property.
639      */
640     if (GetRegProp(dpy, &regProp, &numItems, TRUE) == FAIL)
641 	return NULL;
643     /*
644      * Scan all of the names out of the property.
645      */
646     ga_init2(&ga, 1, 100);
647     for (p = regProp; (long_u)(p - regProp) < numItems; p++)
648     {
649 	entry = p;
650 	while (*p != 0 && !isspace(*p))
651 	    p++;
652 	if (*p != 0)
653 	{
654 	    w = None;
655 	    sscanf((char *)entry, "%x", &w);
656 	    if (WindowValid(dpy, (Window)w))
657 	    {
658 		ga_concat(&ga, p + 1);
659 		ga_concat(&ga, (char_u *)"\n");
660 	    }
661 	    while (*p != 0)
662 		p++;
663 	}
664     }
665     if (regProp != empty_prop)
666 	XFree(regProp);
667     ga_append(&ga, NUL);
668     return ga.ga_data;
669 }
671 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
672 // Reply stuff
674     static struct ServerReply *
ServerReplyFind(Window w,enum ServerReplyOp op)675 ServerReplyFind(Window w, enum ServerReplyOp op)
676 {
677     struct ServerReply *p;
678     struct ServerReply e;
679     int		i;
681     p = (struct ServerReply *) serverReply.ga_data;
682     for (i = 0; i < serverReply.ga_len; i++, p++)
683 	if (p->id == w)
684 	    break;
685     if (i >= serverReply.ga_len)
686 	p = NULL;
688     if (p == NULL && op == SROP_Add)
689     {
690 	if (serverReply.ga_growsize == 0)
691 	    ga_init2(&serverReply, sizeof(struct ServerReply), 1);
692 	if (ga_grow(&serverReply, 1) == OK)
693 	{
694 	    p = ((struct ServerReply *) serverReply.ga_data)
695 		+ serverReply.ga_len;
696 	    e.id = w;
697 	    ga_init2(&e.strings, 1, 100);
698 	    mch_memmove(p, &e, sizeof(e));
699 	    serverReply.ga_len++;
700 	}
701     }
702     else if (p != NULL && op == SROP_Delete)
703     {
704 	ga_clear(&p->strings);
705 	mch_memmove(p, p + 1, (serverReply.ga_len - i - 1) * sizeof(*p));
706 	serverReply.ga_len--;
707     }
709     return p;
710 }
712 /*
713  * Convert string to windowid.
714  * Issue an error if the id is invalid.
715  */
716     Window
serverStrToWin(char_u * str)717 serverStrToWin(char_u *str)
718 {
719     unsigned  id = None;
721     sscanf((char *)str, "0x%x", &id);
722     if (id == None)
723 	semsg(_("E573: Invalid server id used: %s"), str);
725     return (Window)id;
726 }
728 /*
729  * Send a reply string (notification) to client with id "name".
730  * Return -1 if the window is invalid.
731  */
732     int
serverSendReply(char_u * name,char_u * str)733 serverSendReply(char_u *name, char_u *str)
734 {
735     char_u	*property;
736     int		length;
737     int		res;
738     Display	*dpy = X_DISPLAY;
739     Window	win = serverStrToWin(name);
741     if (commProperty == None)
742     {
743 	if (SendInit(dpy) < 0)
744 	    return -2;
745     }
746     if (!WindowValid(dpy, win))
747 	return -1;
749     length = STRLEN(p_enc) + STRLEN(str) + 14;
750     if ((property = alloc(length + 30)) != NULL)
751     {
752 	sprintf((char *)property, "%cn%c-E %s%c-n %s%c-w %x",
753 			    0, 0, p_enc, 0, str, 0, (unsigned int)commWindow);
754 	// Add length of what "%x" resulted in.
755 	length += STRLEN(property + length);
756 	res = AppendPropCarefully(dpy, win, commProperty, property, length + 1);
757 	vim_free(property);
758 	return res;
759     }
760     return -1;
761 }
763     static int
WaitForReply(void * p)764 WaitForReply(void *p)
765 {
766     Window  *w = (Window *) p;
768     return ServerReplyFind(*w, SROP_Find) != NULL;
769 }
771 /*
772  * Wait for replies from id (win)
773  * When "timeout" is non-zero wait up to this many seconds.
774  * Return 0 and the malloc'ed string when a reply is available.
775  * Return -1 if the window becomes invalid while waiting.
776  */
777     int
serverReadReply(Display * dpy,Window win,char_u ** str,int localLoop,int timeout)778 serverReadReply(
779     Display	*dpy,
780     Window	win,
781     char_u	**str,
782     int		localLoop,
783     int		timeout)
784 {
785     int		len;
786     char_u	*s;
787     struct	ServerReply *p;
789     ServerWait(dpy, win, WaitForReply, &win, localLoop,
790 						   timeout > 0 ? timeout : -1);
792     if ((p = ServerReplyFind(win, SROP_Find)) != NULL && p->strings.ga_len > 0)
793     {
794 	*str = vim_strsave(p->strings.ga_data);
795 	len = STRLEN(*str) + 1;
796 	if (len < p->strings.ga_len)
797 	{
798 	    s = (char_u *) p->strings.ga_data;
799 	    mch_memmove(s, s + len, p->strings.ga_len - len);
800 	    p->strings.ga_len -= len;
801 	}
802 	else
803 	{
804 	    // Last string read.  Remove from list
805 	    ga_clear(&p->strings);
806 	    ServerReplyFind(win, SROP_Delete);
807 	}
808 	return 0;
809     }
810     return -1;
811 }
813 /*
814  * Check for replies from id (win).
815  * Return TRUE and a non-malloc'ed string if there is.  Else return FALSE.
816  */
817     int
serverPeekReply(Display * dpy,Window win,char_u ** str)818 serverPeekReply(Display *dpy, Window win, char_u **str)
819 {
820     struct ServerReply *p;
822     if ((p = ServerReplyFind(win, SROP_Find)) != NULL && p->strings.ga_len > 0)
823     {
824 	if (str != NULL)
825 	    *str = p->strings.ga_data;
826 	return 1;
827     }
828     if (!WindowValid(dpy, win))
829 	return -1;
830     return 0;
831 }
834 /*
835  * Initialize the communication channels for sending commands and receiving
836  * results.
837  */
838     static int
SendInit(Display * dpy)839 SendInit(Display *dpy)
840 {
841     XErrorHandler old_handler;
843     /*
844      * Create the window used for communication, and set up an
845      * event handler for it.
846      */
847     old_handler = XSetErrorHandler(x_error_check);
848     got_x_error = FALSE;
850     if (commProperty == None)
851 	commProperty = XInternAtom(dpy, "Comm", False);
852     if (vimProperty == None)
853 	vimProperty = XInternAtom(dpy, "Vim", False);
854     if (registryProperty == None)
855 	registryProperty = XInternAtom(dpy, "VimRegistry", False);
857     if (commWindow == None)
858     {
859 	commWindow = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, XDefaultRootWindow(dpy),
860 				getpid(), 0, 10, 10, 0,
861 				WhitePixel(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)),
862 				WhitePixel(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)));
863 	XSelectInput(dpy, commWindow, PropertyChangeMask);
864 	// WARNING: Do not step through this while debugging, it will hangup
865 	// the X server!
866 	XGrabServer(dpy);
867 	DeleteAnyLingerer(dpy, commWindow);
868 	XUngrabServer(dpy);
869     }
871     // Make window recognizable as a vim window
872     XChangeProperty(dpy, commWindow, vimProperty, XA_STRING,
873 		    8, PropModeReplace, (char_u *)VIM_VERSION_SHORT,
874 			(int)STRLEN(VIM_VERSION_SHORT) + 1);
876     XSync(dpy, False);
877     (void)XSetErrorHandler(old_handler);
879     return got_x_error ? -1 : 0;
880 }
882 /*
883  * Given a server name, see if the name exists in the registry for a
884  * particular display.
885  *
886  * If the given name is registered, return the ID of the window associated
887  * with the name.  If the name isn't registered, then return 0.
888  *
889  * Side effects:
890  *	If the registry property is improperly formed, then it is deleted.
891  *	If "delete" is non-zero, then if the named server is found it is
892  *	removed from the registry property.
893  */
894     static Window
LookupName(Display * dpy,char_u * name,int delete,char_u ** loose)895 LookupName(
896     Display	*dpy,	    // Display whose registry to check.
897     char_u	*name,	    // Name of a server.
898     int		delete,	    // If non-zero, delete info about name.
899     char_u	**loose)    // Do another search matching -999 if not found
900 			    // Return result here if a match is found
901 {
902     char_u	*regProp, *entry;
903     char_u	*p;
904     long_u	numItems;
905     int_u	returnValue;
907     /*
908      * Read the registry property.
909      */
910     if (GetRegProp(dpy, &regProp, &numItems, FALSE) == FAIL)
911 	return 0;
913     /*
914      * Scan the property for the desired name.
915      */
916     returnValue = (int_u)None;
917     entry = NULL;	// Not needed, but eliminates compiler warning.
918     for (p = regProp; (long_u)(p - regProp) < numItems; )
919     {
920 	entry = p;
921 	while (*p != 0 && !isspace(*p))
922 	    p++;
923 	if (*p != 0 && STRICMP(name, p + 1) == 0)
924 	{
925 	    sscanf((char *)entry, "%x", &returnValue);
926 	    break;
927 	}
928 	while (*p != 0)
929 	    p++;
930 	p++;
931     }
933     if (loose != NULL && returnValue == (int_u)None && !IsSerialName(name))
934     {
935 	for (p = regProp; (long_u)(p - regProp) < numItems; )
936 	{
937 	    entry = p;
938 	    while (*p != 0 && !isspace(*p))
939 		p++;
940 	    if (*p != 0 && IsSerialName(p + 1)
941 		    && STRNICMP(name, p + 1, STRLEN(name)) == 0)
942 	    {
943 		sscanf((char *)entry, "%x", &returnValue);
944 		*loose = vim_strsave(p + 1);
945 		break;
946 	    }
947 	    while (*p != 0)
948 		p++;
949 	    p++;
950 	}
951     }
953     /*
954      * Delete the property, if that is desired (copy down the
955      * remainder of the registry property to overlay the deleted
956      * info, then rewrite the property).
957      */
958     if (delete && returnValue != (int_u)None)
959     {
960 	int count;
962 	while (*p != 0)
963 	    p++;
964 	p++;
965 	count = numItems - (p - regProp);
966 	if (count > 0)
967 	    mch_memmove(entry, p, count);
968 	XChangeProperty(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, 0), registryProperty, XA_STRING,
969 			8, PropModeReplace, regProp,
970 			(int)(numItems - (p - entry)));
971 	XSync(dpy, False);
972     }
974     if (regProp != empty_prop)
975 	XFree(regProp);
976     return (Window)returnValue;
977 }
979 /*
980  * Delete any lingering occurrence of window id.  We promise that any
981  * occurrence is not ours since it is not yet put into the registry (by us)
982  *
983  * This is necessary in the following scenario:
984  * 1. There is an old windowid for an exit'ed vim in the registry
985  * 2. We get that id for our commWindow but only want to send, not register.
986  * 3. The window will mistakenly be regarded valid because of own commWindow
987  */
988     static void
DeleteAnyLingerer(Display * dpy,Window win)989 DeleteAnyLingerer(
990     Display	*dpy,	// Display whose registry to check.
991     Window	win)	// Window to remove
992 {
993     char_u	*regProp, *entry = NULL;
994     char_u	*p;
995     long_u	numItems;
996     int_u	wwin;
998     /*
999      * Read the registry property.
1000      */
1001     if (GetRegProp(dpy, &regProp, &numItems, FALSE) == FAIL)
1002 	return;
1004     // Scan the property for the window id.
1005     for (p = regProp; (long_u)(p - regProp) < numItems; )
1006     {
1007 	if (*p != 0)
1008 	{
1009 	    sscanf((char *)p, "%x", &wwin);
1010 	    if ((Window)wwin == win)
1011 	    {
1012 		int lastHalf;
1014 		// Copy down the remainder to delete entry
1015 		entry = p;
1016 		while (*p != 0)
1017 		    p++;
1018 		p++;
1019 		lastHalf = numItems - (p - regProp);
1020 		if (lastHalf > 0)
1021 		    mch_memmove(entry, p, lastHalf);
1022 		numItems = (entry - regProp) + lastHalf;
1023 		p = entry;
1024 		continue;
1025 	    }
1026 	}
1027 	while (*p != 0)
1028 	    p++;
1029 	p++;
1030     }
1032     if (entry != NULL)
1033     {
1034 	XChangeProperty(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, 0), registryProperty,
1035 			XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, regProp,
1036 			(int)(p - regProp));
1037 	XSync(dpy, False);
1038     }
1040     if (regProp != empty_prop)
1041 	XFree(regProp);
1042 }
1044 /*
1045  * Read the registry property.  Delete it when it's formatted wrong.
1046  * Return the property in "regPropp".  "empty_prop" is used when it doesn't
1047  * exist yet.
1048  * Return OK when successful.
1049  */
1050     static int
GetRegProp(Display * dpy,char_u ** regPropp,long_u * numItemsp,int domsg)1051 GetRegProp(
1052     Display	*dpy,
1053     char_u	**regPropp,
1054     long_u	*numItemsp,
1055     int		domsg)		// When TRUE give error message.
1056 {
1057     int		result, actualFormat;
1058     long_u	bytesAfter;
1059     Atom	actualType;
1060     XErrorHandler old_handler;
1062     *regPropp = NULL;
1063     old_handler = XSetErrorHandler(x_error_check);
1064     got_x_error = FALSE;
1066     result = XGetWindowProperty(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, 0), registryProperty, 0L,
1067 				(long)MAX_PROP_WORDS, False,
1068 				XA_STRING, &actualType,
1069 				&actualFormat, numItemsp, &bytesAfter,
1070 				regPropp);
1072     XSync(dpy, FALSE);
1073     (void)XSetErrorHandler(old_handler);
1074     if (got_x_error)
1075 	return FAIL;
1077     if (actualType == None)
1078     {
1079 	// No prop yet. Logically equal to the empty list
1080 	*numItemsp = 0;
1081 	*regPropp = empty_prop;
1082 	return OK;
1083     }
1085     // If the property is improperly formed, then delete it.
1086     if (result != Success || actualFormat != 8 || actualType != XA_STRING)
1087     {
1088 	if (*regPropp != NULL)
1089 	    XFree(*regPropp);
1090 	XDeleteProperty(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, 0), registryProperty);
1091 	if (domsg)
1092 	    emsg(_("E251: VIM instance registry property is badly formed.  Deleted!"));
1093 	return FAIL;
1094     }
1095     return OK;
1096 }
1099 /*
1100  * This procedure is invoked by the various X event loops throughout Vims when
1101  * a property changes on the communication window.  This procedure reads the
1102  * property and enqueues command requests and responses. If immediate is true,
1103  * it runs the event immediately instead of enqueuing it. Immediate can cause
1104  * unintended behavior and should only be used for code that blocks for a
1105  * response.
1106  */
1107     void
serverEventProc(Display * dpy,XEvent * eventPtr,int immediate)1108 serverEventProc(
1109     Display	*dpy,
1110     XEvent	*eventPtr,	// Information about event.
1111     int		immediate)	// Run event immediately. Should mostly be 0.
1112 {
1113     char_u	*propInfo;
1114     int		result, actualFormat;
1115     long_u	numItems, bytesAfter;
1116     Atom	actualType;
1118     if (eventPtr != NULL)
1119     {
1120 	if (eventPtr->xproperty.atom != commProperty
1121 		|| eventPtr->xproperty.state != PropertyNewValue)
1122 	    return;
1123     }
1125     /*
1126      * Read the comm property and delete it.
1127      */
1128     propInfo = NULL;
1129     result = XGetWindowProperty(dpy, commWindow, commProperty, 0L,
1130 				(long)MAX_PROP_WORDS, True,
1131 				XA_STRING, &actualType,
1132 				&actualFormat, &numItems, &bytesAfter,
1133 				&propInfo);
1135     // If the property doesn't exist or is improperly formed then ignore it.
1136     if (result != Success || actualType != XA_STRING || actualFormat != 8)
1137     {
1138 	if (propInfo != NULL)
1139 	    XFree(propInfo);
1140 	return;
1141     }
1142     if (immediate)
1143 	server_parse_message(dpy, propInfo, numItems);
1144     else
1145 	save_in_queue(propInfo, numItems);
1146 }
1148 /*
1149  * Saves x clientserver commands in a queue so that they can be called when
1150  * vim is idle.
1151  */
1152     static void
save_in_queue(char_u * propInfo,long_u len)1153 save_in_queue(char_u *propInfo, long_u len)
1154 {
1155     x_queue_T *node;
1157     node = ALLOC_ONE(x_queue_T);
1158     if (node == NULL)
1159 	return;	    // out of memory
1160     node->propInfo = propInfo;
1161     node->len = len;
1163     if (head.next == NULL)   // initialize circular queue
1164     {
1165 	head.next = &head;
1166 	head.prev = &head;
1167     }
1169     // insert node at tail of queue
1170     node->next = &head;
1171     node->prev = head.prev;
1172     head.prev->next = node;
1173     head.prev = node;
1174 }
1176 /*
1177  * Parses queued clientserver messages.
1178  */
1179     void
server_parse_messages(void)1180 server_parse_messages(void)
1181 {
1182     x_queue_T	*node;
1184     if (!X_DISPLAY)
1185 	return; // cannot happen?
1186     while (head.next != NULL && head.next != &head)
1187     {
1188 	node = head.next;
1189 	head.next = node->next;
1190 	node->next->prev = node->prev;
1191 	server_parse_message(X_DISPLAY, node->propInfo, node->len);
1192 	vim_free(node);
1193     }
1194 }
1196 /*
1197  * Returns a non-zero value if there are clientserver messages waiting
1198  * int the queue.
1199  */
1200     int
server_waiting(void)1201 server_waiting(void)
1202 {
1203     return head.next != NULL && head.next != &head;
1204 }
1206 /*
1207  * Prases a single clientserver message. A single message may contain multiple
1208  * commands.
1209  * "propInfo" will be freed.
1210  */
1211     static void
server_parse_message(Display * dpy,char_u * propInfo,long_u numItems)1212 server_parse_message(
1213     Display	*dpy,
1214     char_u	*propInfo, // A string containing 0 or more X commands
1215     long_u	numItems)  // The size of propInfo in bytes.
1216 {
1217     char_u	*p;
1218     int		code;
1219     char_u	*tofree;
1221     /*
1222      * Several commands and results could arrive in the property at
1223      * one time;  each iteration through the outer loop handles a
1224      * single command or result.
1225      */
1226     for (p = propInfo; (long_u)(p - propInfo) < numItems; )
1227     {
1228 	/*
1229 	 * Ignore leading NULs; each command or result starts with a
1230 	 * NUL so that no matter how badly formed a preceding command
1231 	 * is, we'll be able to tell that a new command/result is
1232 	 * starting.
1233 	 */
1234 	if (*p == 0)
1235 	{
1236 	    p++;
1237 	    continue;
1238 	}
1240 	if ((*p == 'c' || *p == 'k') && (p[1] == 0))
1241 	{
1242 	    Window	resWindow;
1243 	    char_u	*name, *script, *serial, *end;
1244 	    Bool	asKeys = *p == 'k';
1245 	    char_u	*enc;
1247 	    /*
1248 	     * This is an incoming command from some other application.
1249 	     * Iterate over all of its options.  Stop when we reach
1250 	     * the end of the property or something that doesn't look
1251 	     * like an option.
1252 	     */
1253 	    p += 2;
1254 	    name = NULL;
1255 	    resWindow = None;
1256 	    serial = (char_u *)"";
1257 	    script = NULL;
1258 	    enc = NULL;
1259 	    while ((long_u)(p - propInfo) < numItems && *p == '-')
1260 	    {
1261 		switch (p[1])
1262 		{
1263 		    case 'r':
1264 			end = skipwhite(p + 2);
1265 			resWindow = 0;
1266 			while (vim_isxdigit(*end))
1267 			{
1268 			    resWindow = 16 * resWindow + (long_u)hex2nr(*end);
1269 			    ++end;
1270 			}
1271 			if (end == p + 2 || *end != ' ')
1272 			    resWindow = None;
1273 			else
1274 			{
1275 			    p = serial = end + 1;
1276 			    clientWindow = resWindow; // Remember in global
1277 			}
1278 			break;
1279 		    case 'n':
1280 			if (p[2] == ' ')
1281 			    name = p + 3;
1282 			break;
1283 		    case 's':
1284 			if (p[2] == ' ')
1285 			    script = p + 3;
1286 			break;
1287 		    case 'E':
1288 			if (p[2] == ' ')
1289 			    enc = p + 3;
1290 			break;
1291 		}
1292 		while (*p != 0)
1293 		    p++;
1294 		p++;
1295 	    }
1297 	    if (script == NULL || name == NULL)
1298 		continue;
1300 	    if (serverName != NULL && STRICMP(name, serverName) == 0)
1301 	    {
1302 		script = serverConvert(enc, script, &tofree);
1303 		if (asKeys)
1304 		    server_to_input_buf(script);
1305 		else
1306 		{
1307 		    char_u      *res;
1309 		    res = eval_client_expr_to_string(script);
1310 		    if (resWindow != None)
1311 		    {
1312 			garray_T    reply;
1314 			// Initialize the result property.
1315 			ga_init2(&reply, 1, 100);
1316 			(void)ga_grow(&reply, 50 + STRLEN(p_enc));
1317 			sprintf(reply.ga_data, "%cr%c-E %s%c-s %s%c-r ",
1318 						   0, 0, p_enc, 0, serial, 0);
1319 			reply.ga_len = 14 + STRLEN(p_enc) + STRLEN(serial);
1321 			// Evaluate the expression and return the result.
1322 			if (res != NULL)
1323 			    ga_concat(&reply, res);
1324 			else
1325 			{
1326 			    ga_concat(&reply, (char_u *)_(e_invexprmsg));
1327 			    ga_append(&reply, 0);
1328 			    ga_concat(&reply, (char_u *)"-c 1");
1329 			}
1330 			ga_append(&reply, NUL);
1331 			(void)AppendPropCarefully(dpy, resWindow, commProperty,
1332 						 reply.ga_data, reply.ga_len);
1333 			ga_clear(&reply);
1334 		    }
1335 		    vim_free(res);
1336 		}
1337 		vim_free(tofree);
1338 	    }
1339 	}
1340 	else if (*p == 'r' && p[1] == 0)
1341 	{
1342 	    int		    serial, gotSerial;
1343 	    char_u	    *res;
1344 	    PendingCommand  *pcPtr;
1345 	    char_u	    *enc;
1347 	    /*
1348 	     * This is a reply to some command that we sent out.  Iterate
1349 	     * over all of its options.  Stop when we reach the end of the
1350 	     * property or something that doesn't look like an option.
1351 	     */
1352 	    p += 2;
1353 	    gotSerial = 0;
1354 	    res = (char_u *)"";
1355 	    code = 0;
1356 	    enc = NULL;
1357 	    while ((long_u)(p - propInfo) < numItems && *p == '-')
1358 	    {
1359 		switch (p[1])
1360 		{
1361 		    case 'r':
1362 			if (p[2] == ' ')
1363 			    res = p + 3;
1364 			break;
1365 		    case 'E':
1366 			if (p[2] == ' ')
1367 			    enc = p + 3;
1368 			break;
1369 		    case 's':
1370 			if (sscanf((char *)p + 2, " %d", &serial) == 1)
1371 			    gotSerial = 1;
1372 			break;
1373 		    case 'c':
1374 			if (sscanf((char *)p + 2, " %d", &code) != 1)
1375 			    code = 0;
1376 			break;
1377 		}
1378 		while (*p != 0)
1379 		    p++;
1380 		p++;
1381 	    }
1383 	    if (!gotSerial)
1384 		continue;
1386 	    /*
1387 	     * Give the result information to anyone who's
1388 	     * waiting for it.
1389 	     */
1390 	    for (pcPtr = pendingCommands; pcPtr != NULL; pcPtr = pcPtr->nextPtr)
1391 	    {
1392 		if (serial != pcPtr->serial || pcPtr->result != NULL)
1393 		    continue;
1395 		pcPtr->code = code;
1396 		res = serverConvert(enc, res, &tofree);
1397 		if (tofree == NULL)
1398 		    res = vim_strsave(res);
1399 		pcPtr->result = res;
1400 		break;
1401 	    }
1402 	}
1403 	else if (*p == 'n' && p[1] == 0)
1404 	{
1405 	    Window	win = 0;
1406 	    unsigned int u;
1407 	    int		gotWindow;
1408 	    char_u	*str;
1409 	    struct	ServerReply *r;
1410 	    char_u	*enc;
1412 	    /*
1413 	     * This is a (n)otification.  Sent with serverreply_send in Vim
1414 	     * script.  Execute any autocommand and save it for later retrieval
1415 	     */
1416 	    p += 2;
1417 	    gotWindow = 0;
1418 	    str = (char_u *)"";
1419 	    enc = NULL;
1420 	    while ((long_u)(p - propInfo) < numItems && *p == '-')
1421 	    {
1422 		switch (p[1])
1423 		{
1424 		    case 'n':
1425 			if (p[2] == ' ')
1426 			    str = p + 3;
1427 			break;
1428 		    case 'E':
1429 			if (p[2] == ' ')
1430 			    enc = p + 3;
1431 			break;
1432 		    case 'w':
1433 			if (sscanf((char *)p + 2, " %x", &u) == 1)
1434 			{
1435 			    win = u;
1436 			    gotWindow = 1;
1437 			}
1438 			break;
1439 		}
1440 		while (*p != 0)
1441 		    p++;
1442 		p++;
1443 	    }
1445 	    if (!gotWindow)
1446 		continue;
1447 	    str = serverConvert(enc, str, &tofree);
1448 	    if ((r = ServerReplyFind(win, SROP_Add)) != NULL)
1449 	    {
1450 		ga_concat(&(r->strings), str);
1451 		ga_append(&(r->strings), NUL);
1452 	    }
1453 	    {
1454 		char_u	winstr[30];
1456 		sprintf((char *)winstr, "0x%x", (unsigned int)win);
1457 		apply_autocmds(EVENT_REMOTEREPLY, winstr, str, TRUE, curbuf);
1458 	    }
1459 	    vim_free(tofree);
1460 	}
1461 	else
1462 	{
1463 	    /*
1464 	     * Didn't recognize this thing.  Just skip through the next
1465 	     * null character and try again.
1466 	     * Even if we get an 'r'(eply) we will throw it away as we
1467 	     * never specify (and thus expect) one
1468 	     */
1469 	    while (*p != 0)
1470 		p++;
1471 	    p++;
1472 	}
1473     }
1474     XFree(propInfo);
1475 }
1477 /*
1478  * Append a given property to a given window, but set up an X error handler so
1479  * that if the append fails this procedure can return an error code rather
1480  * than having Xlib panic.
1481  * Return: 0 for OK, -1 for error
1482  */
1483     static int
AppendPropCarefully(Display * dpy,Window window,Atom property,char_u * value,int length)1484 AppendPropCarefully(
1485     Display	*dpy,		// Display on which to operate.
1486     Window	window,		// Window whose property is to be modified.
1487     Atom	property,	// Name of property.
1488     char_u	*value,		// Characters  to append to property.
1489     int		length)		// How much to append
1490 {
1491     XErrorHandler old_handler;
1493     old_handler = XSetErrorHandler(x_error_check);
1494     got_x_error = FALSE;
1495     XChangeProperty(dpy, window, property, XA_STRING, 8,
1496 					       PropModeAppend, value, length);
1497     XSync(dpy, False);
1498     (void) XSetErrorHandler(old_handler);
1499     return got_x_error ? -1 : 0;
1500 }
1503 /*
1504  * Another X Error handler, just used to check for errors.
1505  */
1506     static int
x_error_check(Display * dpy UNUSED,XErrorEvent * error_event UNUSED)1507 x_error_check(Display *dpy UNUSED, XErrorEvent *error_event UNUSED)
1508 {
1509     got_x_error = TRUE;
1510     return 0;
1511 }
1513 /*
1514  * Check if "str" looks like it had a serial number appended.
1515  * Actually just checks if the name ends in a digit.
1516  */
1517     static int
IsSerialName(char_u * str)1518 IsSerialName(char_u *str)
1519 {
1520     int len = STRLEN(str);
1522     return (len > 1 && vim_isdigit(str[len - 1]));
1523 }
1524 #endif	// FEAT_CLIENTSERVER