1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2 /*  NOMAD - Nonlinear Optimization by Mesh Adaptive Direct search - version 3.7.2      */
3 /*                                                                                     */
4 /*  Copyright (C) 2001-2015  Mark Abramson        - the Boeing Company, Seattle        */
5 /*                           Charles Audet        - Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal      */
6 /*                           Gilles Couture       - Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal      */
7 /*                           John Dennis          - Rice University, Houston           */
8 /*                           Sebastien Le Digabel - Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal      */
9 /*                           Christophe Tribes    - Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal      */
10 /*                                                                                     */
11 /*  funded in part by AFOSR and Exxon Mobil                                            */
12 /*                                                                                     */
13 /*  Author: Sebastien Le Digabel                                                       */
14 /*                                                                                     */
15 /*  Contact information:                                                               */
16 /*    Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal - GERAD                                          */
17 /*    C.P. 6079, Succ. Centre-ville, Montreal (Quebec) H3C 3A7 Canada                  */
18 /*    e-mail: nomad@gerad.ca                                                           */
19 /*    phone : 1-514-340-6053 #6928                                                     */
20 /*    fax   : 1-514-340-5665                                                           */
21 /*                                                                                     */
22 /*  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the  */
23 /*  terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software   */
24 /*  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later         */
25 /*  version.                                                                           */
26 /*                                                                                     */
27 /*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY    */
28 /*  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A    */
29 /*  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.   */
30 /*                                                                                     */
31 /*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along     */
32 /*  with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                     */
33 /*                                                                                     */
34 /*  You can find information on the NOMAD software at www.gerad.ca/nomad               */
35 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
36 /**
37  \file   Mads.hpp
38  \brief  MADS algorithm (headers)
39  \author Sebastien Le Digabel
40  \date   2010-04-20
41  \see    Mads.cpp
42  */
43 #ifndef __MADS__
44 #define __MADS__
46 #include "Quad_Model_Search.hpp"
47 #include "Speculative_Search.hpp"
48 #include "LH_Search.hpp"
49 #include "VNS_Search.hpp"
50 #include "Cache_Search.hpp"
51 #include "Phase_One_Search.hpp"
52 #include "L_Curve.hpp"
53 #include "Extended_Poll.hpp"
55 #include "XMesh.hpp"
56 #include "SMesh.hpp"
58 #ifdef USE_TGP
59 #include "TGP_Model_Search.hpp"
60 #endif
62 namespace NOMAD {
64     // forward declaration of Extended_Poll:
65     class Extended_Poll;
67     /// The MADS algorithm.
68     class Mads : private NOMAD::Uncopyable {
70     private:
72         static bool _force_quit; ///< Forces NOMAD to terminate if Ctrl-C is pressed.
74         NOMAD::Parameters      & _p;             ///< Parameters.
75         NOMAD::Stats             _stats;         ///< Statistics.
76         NOMAD::Evaluator_Control _ev_control;    ///< Evaluator control.
77         NOMAD::Evaluator_Control _ev_control_for_sorting;    ///< Evaluator control.
78         NOMAD::Barrier           _true_barrier;  ///< Barrier for true function evaluations.
79         NOMAD::Barrier           _sgte_barrier;  ///< Barrier for surrogate evaluations.
81         NOMAD::OrthogonalMesh * _mesh;   ///< Access to the OrthogonalMesh
83         /// Pareto front for multi-objective optimization.
84         NOMAD::Pareto_Front  * _pareto_front;
86         /// User search defined with NOMAD::Mads::set_user_search().
87         NOMAD::Search        * _user_search;
89         NOMAD::Search        * _model_search1;  ///< Model search #1.
90         NOMAD::Search        * _model_search2;  ///< Model search #2.
92         NOMAD::Search        * _VNS_search;     ///< VNS search.
93         NOMAD::Search        * _cache_search;   ///< Cache search.
94         NOMAD::L_Curve       * _L_curve;        ///< L-curve target.
95         NOMAD::Extended_Poll * _extended_poll;  ///< Extended poll for categorical variables.
96         bool                   _user_ext_poll;  ///< Flag for user-defined extended poll.
98         // MADS flags (these are not parameters as users do not modify them):
100         static bool _flag_check_bimads;   ///< Flag for the multi-objective test in \c run().
101         static bool _flag_reset_mesh;     ///< Reset or not the mesh before a MADS run.
102         static bool _flag_reset_barriers; ///< Reset or not the barriers before a MADS run.
103         static bool _flag_p1_active;      ///< Flag equal to \c true if phase one is active.
105         /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
107         /// Initializations.
108         void init ( void );
110         /// Starting point evaluation.
111         /**
112          \param stop        Stop flag   -- \b IN/OUT.
113          \param stop_reason Stop reason -- \b OUT.
114          */
115         void eval_x0 (  bool & stop , NOMAD::stop_type & stop_reason );
117         /// One MADS iteration.
118         /**
119          \param stop           Stop flag                               -- \b IN/OUT.
120          \param stop_reason    Stop reason                             -- \b OUT.
121          \param success        Success for this iteration              -- \b OUT.
122          \param new_feas_inc   Pointer to the new feasible incumbent   -- \b OUT.
123          \param new_infeas_inc Pointer to the new infeasible incumbent -- \b OUT.
124          */
125         void iteration ( bool                     & stop           ,
126                         NOMAD::stop_type         & stop_reason    ,
127                         NOMAD::success_type      & success        ,
128                         const NOMAD::Eval_Point *& new_feas_inc   ,
129                         const NOMAD::Eval_Point *& new_infeas_inc   );
131         /// The search step.
132         /**
133          \param stop           Stop flag                               -- \b IN/OUT.
134          \param stop_reason    Stop reason                             -- \b OUT.
135          \param success        Success for this step                   -- \b OUT.
136          \param new_feas_inc   Pointer to the new feasible incumbent   -- \b OUT.
137          \param new_infeas_inc Pointer to the new infeasible incumbent -- \b OUT.
138          */
139         void search ( bool                     & stop           ,
140                      NOMAD::stop_type         & stop_reason    ,
141                      NOMAD::success_type      & success        ,
142                      const NOMAD::Eval_Point *& new_feas_inc   ,
143                      const NOMAD::Eval_Point *& new_infeas_inc   );
145         /// The poll step.
146         /**
147          \param stop           Stop flag                               -- \b IN/OUT.
148          \param stop_reason    Stop reason                             -- \b OUT.
149          \param success        Success for this step                   -- \b OUT.
150          \param new_feas_inc   Pointer to the new feasible incumbent   -- \b OUT.
151          \param new_infeas_inc Pointer to the new infeasible incumbent -- \b OUT.
152          \param forbid_poll_size_stop Boolean used to check if the min poll
153          size stopping criterion has to be
154          disabled for integer variables -- \b OUT.
155          */
156         void poll ( bool					& stop,
157                    NOMAD::stop_type		& stop_reason,
158                    NOMAD::success_type		& success,
159                    const NOMAD::Eval_Point *& new_feas_inc,
160                    const NOMAD::Eval_Point *& new_infeas_inc,
161                    bool					& forbid_poll_size_stop   );
163         /// Sets the poll trial points from poll direction, poll center and mesh size
164         /**
165          \param  stop          Stop flag                                         -- \b IN/OUT.
166          \param  stop_reason   Stop reason                                       -- \b OUT.
167          \param  dirs          List of directions for the poll                   -- \b IN.
168          \param  poll_center   the poll center (can be null)                     -- \b IN.
169          \param  offset        Dir index offset for primary and sec. poll center -- \b IN.
170          \param  sorting       If true than the points are for sorting           -- \b IN.
171          */
172         void set_poll_trial_points (  std::list<NOMAD::Direction> & dirs,
173                                     size_t                           offset,
174                                     const NOMAD::Eval_Point     &  poll_center,
175                                     bool					    	& stop,
176                                     NOMAD::stop_type				&stop_reason,
177                                     bool							sorting);
180         /// Compute a prospect point by optimization on quadratic models.
181         /**
182          \param  poll_center The poll center       -- \b IN.
183          \param  dirs The directions that delimit the hypercube for optimization       -- \b IN.
184          \param  prospect_point  The prospect point  -- \b OUT.
185          \return A flag equal to \c true if the prospect direction has been computed.
186          */
187         bool optimize_quad_model ( const NOMAD::Eval_Point         & poll_center ,
188                                   const std::list<NOMAD::Direction> & dirs    ,
189                                   NOMAD::Point                    & prospect_point    )  ;
192         /// Sets the poll directions from signature, poll center and mesh size
193         /**
194          \param dirs			List of directions for the poll			          -- \b OUT.
195          \param i_pc			Poll type                                         -- \b IN.
196          \param offset		Dir index offset for primary and sec. poll center -- \b IN.
197          \param poll_center   The poll center                                   -- \b IN.
198          \param stop 			Stop flag, true if cannot get direction   		  -- \b IN/OUT.
199          \param stop_reason	Stop type										  -- \b OUT.
200          */
201         void set_poll_directions ( std::list<NOMAD::Direction> & dirs        ,
202                                   NOMAD::poll_type              i_pc        ,
203                                   size_t                        offset      ,
204                                   const NOMAD::Eval_Point     & poll_center ,
205                                   bool                        & stop        ,
206                                   NOMAD::stop_type            & stop_reason   );
208         /// Reduce the number of poll directions -> n
209         /**
210          \param dirs			List of directions for the poll			-- \b IN/OUT.
211          \param  poll_center   the poll center                         -- \b IN.
212          \return success for this step.
213          */
214         bool set_reduced_poll_to_n_directions(std::list<NOMAD::Direction>	& dirs,
215                                               const NOMAD::Eval_Point		& poll_center);
217         /// Compute the rank of a list of directions
218         /**
219          \param dirs List of directions for the poll -- \b IN/OUT.
220          \return     rank>0 of the dirs if successfull or 0 if rank cannot be evaluated
221          */
222         int get_rank_from_dirs(const std::list<NOMAD::Direction> & dirs);
225         /// Check the directions after the poll step.
226         /**
227          \param forbid_poll_size_stop Boolean equal to \c true if
228          the \c MIN_POLL_SIZE parameter is valid for
229          the last set of poll directions -- \b OUT.
230          */
231         void check_directions ( bool & forbid_poll_size_stop );
233         /// Update of the success directions.
234         /**
235          - Occurs after the poll.
236          \param new_inc    Pointer to the new incumbent -- \b IN (may be \c NULL).
237          \param feasible   Flag equal to \c true if the incumbent is feasible -- \b IN.
238          */
239         void update_success_directions ( const NOMAD::Eval_Point         * new_inc    ,
240                                         bool                              feasible  ) const;
242         /// Launch a single-objective MADS run for multi-objective optimization.
243         /**
244          \param display_degree Display degree                                -- \b IN.
245          \param mads_runs      Total number of MADS runs to execute          -- \b IN.
246          \param overall_bbe    Global maximum number of blackbox evaluations -- \b IN.
247          \param ev             Evaluator for multi-objective                 -- \b IN/OUT.
248          \param stagnation_cnt Counter to detect a stagnation                -- \b IN/OUT.
249          \param multi_stats    Stats for multi-objective                     -- \b IN/OUT.
250          \param stop           Stop flag                                     -- \b IN/OUT.
251          \param stop_reason    Stop reason                                   -- \b OUT.
252          */
253         void multi_launch_single_opt ( NOMAD::dd_type               display_degree ,
254                                       int                          mads_runs      ,
255                                       int                          overall_bbe    ,
256                                       NOMAD::Multi_Obj_Evaluator & ev             ,
257                                       int                        & stagnation_cnt ,
258                                       NOMAD::Stats               & multi_stats    ,
259                                       bool                       & stop           ,
260                                       NOMAD::stop_type           & stop_reason      );
262         /// Compute and set the minimal poll size for multi-objective optimization.
263         /**
264          \param lb        Lower bounds                        -- \b IN.
265          \param ub        Upper bounds                        -- \b IN.
266          \param delta_p_0 Initial poll size                   -- \b IN.
267          \param delta_j   Delta criterion for multi-objective -- \b IN/OUT.
268          */
269         void multi_set_min_poll_size ( const NOMAD::Point & lb        ,
270                                       const NOMAD::Point & ub        ,
271                                       const NOMAD::Point & delta_p_0 ,
272                                       NOMAD::Double        delta_j     );
274         // Display mesh and poll sizes for a given signature.
275         /**
276          \param s The signature -- \b IN.
277          */
278         void display_deltas ( const NOMAD::Signature & s ) const;
280         /// Displays at the beginning of an iteration.
281         void display_iteration_begin ( void ) const;
283         /// Displays at the end of an iteration.
284         /**
285          \param stop           Stop flag                               -- \b IN.
286          \param stop_reason    Stop reason                             -- \b IN.
287          \param success        Iteration success                       -- \b IN.
288          \param new_feas_inc   Pointer to the new feasible incumbent   -- \b IN.
289          \param new_infeas_inc Pointer to the new infeasible incumbent -- \b IN.
290          */
291         void display_iteration_end ( bool                      stop           ,
292                                     NOMAD::stop_type          stop_reason    ,
293                                     NOMAD::success_type       success        ,
294                                     const NOMAD::Eval_Point * new_feas_inc   ,
295                                     const NOMAD::Eval_Point * new_infeas_inc   ) const;
298         /// Determine dynamic directions from a set of directions.
299         /**
300          - The computed opposite directions already include Delta^k_m.
301          \param dirs          List of existing directions (no snap to bounds) -- \b IN.
302          \param newDirs		New dynamic directions              -- \b OUT.
303          \param poll_center   Poll center                         -- \b IN.
304          \return true if new dynamic direction generated false otherwise
305          */
306         bool get_dynamic_directions (const std::list<NOMAD::Direction>	&	dirs,
307                                      std::list<NOMAD::Direction>			&	newDirs,
308                                      const NOMAD::Eval_Point				&	poll_center) ;
312         /// Check if a set of directions include Ortho-MADS N+1 direction.
313         /**
314          \param dirs List of directions -- \b IN.
315          \return A boolean equal to \c true if at
316          least one direction in the set is
317          of type Ortho-MADS N+1.
318          */
319         bool dirs_have_orthomads_np1 ( const std::list<NOMAD::Direction> & dirs );
322         ///  Check if a dir needs to be obtained from model optimization
323         /**
324          \param dirs List of directions -- \b IN.
325          \return A boolean equal to \c true if all directions are of type Ortho-MADS N+1 QUAD.
326          */
327         bool dir_from_model_opt( const std::list<NOMAD::Direction> & dirs);
330         /// get a single direction using quad model optimization or sum of negatives
331         /**
332          \param dirs			Reduced poll directions	(no snap to bounds)	-- \b IN.
333          \param poll_center	Poll center								    -- \b IN.
334          \return new direction
335          */
336         NOMAD::Direction get_single_dynamic_direction (const std::list<NOMAD::Direction>	&	dirs,
337                                                        const NOMAD::Eval_Point			&	poll_center) ;
340         /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
342     public:
344         /// Constructor #1.
345         /**
346          - Basic version.
347          \param p  Parameters                 -- \b IN.
348          \param ev A pointer to the evaluator -- \b IN
349          -- \b optional (default = \c NULL).
350          */
Mads(NOMAD::Parameters & p,NOMAD::Evaluator * ev=NULL)351         Mads ( NOMAD::Parameters & p , NOMAD::Evaluator * ev = NULL )
352         : _p                   ( p                             ) ,
353         _stats                 ( p.get_sgte_cost()             ) ,
354         _ev_control            ( p , _stats , ev , NULL , NULL ) ,
355         _ev_control_for_sorting( p , _stats , _ev_control.get_evaluator() , &(_ev_control.get_cache()) , &(_ev_control.get_sgte_cache()) ) ,
356         _true_barrier          ( p , NOMAD::TRUTH              ) ,
357         _sgte_barrier          ( p , NOMAD::SGTE               ) ,
358         _mesh				   ( p.get_signature()->get_mesh() ) ,
359         _pareto_front          ( NULL                          ) ,
360         _user_search           ( NULL                          ) ,
361         _model_search1         ( NULL                          ) ,
362         _model_search2         ( NULL                          ) ,
363         _VNS_search            ( NULL                          ) ,
364         _cache_search          ( NULL                          ) ,
365         _L_curve               ( NULL                          ) ,
366         _extended_poll         ( NULL                          ) ,
367         _user_ext_poll         ( false                         )   { init(); }
369         /// Constructor #2.
370         /**
371          - Advanced version.
372          \param p             Parameters                 -- \b IN.
373          \param ev            A pointer to the evaluator -- \b IN (may be \c NULL).
374          \param extended_poll A pointer to a NOMAD::Extended_Poll object
375          -- \b IN (may be \c NULL).
376          \param cache         A pointer to a cache       -- \b IN (may be \c NULL).
377          \param sgte_cache    A pointer to a cache for surrogates
378          -- \b IN (may be \c NULL).
379          */
Mads(NOMAD::Parameters & p,NOMAD::Evaluator * ev,NOMAD::Extended_Poll * extended_poll,NOMAD::Cache * cache,NOMAD::Cache * sgte_cache)380         Mads ( NOMAD::Parameters    & p             ,
381               NOMAD::Evaluator     * ev            ,     // may be NULL
382               NOMAD::Extended_Poll * extended_poll ,     // may be NULL
383               NOMAD::Cache         * cache         ,     // may be NULL
384               NOMAD::Cache         * sgte_cache      )   // may be NULL
385         : _p                     ( p                                    ) ,
386         _stats                 ( p.get_sgte_cost()                    ) ,
387         _ev_control            ( p , _stats , ev , cache , sgte_cache ) ,
388         _ev_control_for_sorting( p , _stats , _ev_control.get_evaluator() , cache , sgte_cache ) ,
389         _true_barrier          ( p , NOMAD::TRUTH                     ) ,
390         _sgte_barrier          ( p , NOMAD::SGTE                      ) ,
391         _mesh                  ( p.get_signature()->get_mesh()		  ) ,
392         _pareto_front          ( NULL                                 ) ,
393         _user_search           ( NULL                                 ) ,
394         _model_search1         ( NULL                                 ) ,
395         _model_search2         ( NULL                                 ) ,
396         _VNS_search            ( NULL                                 ) ,
397         _cache_search          ( NULL                                 ) ,
398         _L_curve               ( NULL                                 ) ,
399         _extended_poll         ( extended_poll                        ) ,
400         _user_ext_poll         ( (extended_poll!=NULL)                )   { init(); }
402         /// Destructor.
403         virtual ~Mads ( void );
405         /// Algorithm execution for single-objective.
406         /**
407          \return Stop reason.
408          */
409         NOMAD::stop_type run ( void );
411         /// Algorithm execution for multi-objective.
412         /**
413          \return Stop reason.
414          */
415         NOMAD::stop_type multi_run ( void );
417         /// Force quit.
418         /**
419          Called by pressing Ctrl-C.
420          \param signalValue Signal value -- \b IN.
421          */
422         static void force_quit ( int signalValue );
424         /// Reset.
425         /**
426          - Also resets the user search.
427          \param keep_barriers A boolean equal to \c true if NOMAD::Barrier objects
428          have to be reseted
429          -- \b IN -- \b optional (default = \c false).
430          \param keep_stats    A boolean equal to \c true if the stats object
431          has to be reseted
432          -- \b IN -- \b optional (default = \c false).
433          */
434         void reset ( bool keep_barriers = false , bool keep_stats = false );
436         /// Set user search.
437         /**
438          \param us A pointer to the user search -- \b IN.
439          */
set_user_search(NOMAD::Search * us)440         void set_user_search  ( NOMAD::Search * us ) { _user_search  = us; }
442         /// Set an extern Pareto front.
443         /**
444          \param pf A pointer to a Pareto front -- \b IN.
445          */
set_pareto_front(NOMAD::Pareto_Front * pf)446         void set_pareto_front ( NOMAD::Pareto_Front * pf ) { _pareto_front = pf; }
448         /// Set the flag for the multi-objective test.
449         /**
450          \param fcb The flag for the multi-objective test -- \b IN.
451          */
set_flag_check_bimads(bool fcb)452         static void set_flag_check_bimads ( bool fcb ) { _flag_check_bimads = fcb; }
454         /// Set the flag \c _flag_reset_mesh.
455         /**
456          \param frm The flag -- \b IN.
457          */
set_flag_reset_mesh(bool frm)458         static void set_flag_reset_mesh ( bool frm ) { _flag_reset_mesh = frm; }
460         /// Set the flag \c _flag_reset_barriers.
461         /**
462          \param frb The flag -- \b IN.
463          */
set_flag_reset_barriers(bool frb)464         static void set_flag_reset_barriers ( bool frb ) { _flag_reset_barriers = frb; }
466         /// Set the flag \c _flag_p1_active -- \b IN.
467         /**
468          \param fpa The flag.
469          */
set_flag_p1_active(bool fpa)470         static void set_flag_p1_active ( bool fpa ) { _flag_p1_active = fpa; }
472         /// Access to the flags.
473         /**
474          \param flag_check_bimads   Multi-objective flag -- \b OUT.
475          \param flag_reset_mesh     Mesh reset flag      -- \b OUT.
476          \param flag_reset_barriers Reset barriers flag  -- \b OUT.
477          \param flag_p1_active      Phase one flag       -- \b OUT.
478          */
479         static void get_flags ( bool & flag_check_bimads   ,
480                                bool & flag_reset_mesh     ,
481                                bool & flag_reset_barriers ,
482                                bool & flag_p1_active        );
484         /// Access to the stats.
485         /**
486          \return The stats.
487          */
get_stats(void)488         NOMAD::Stats & get_stats ( void ) { return _stats; }
490         /// Access to the evaluator control.
491         /**
492          \return The evaluator control.
493          */
get_evaluator_control(void)494         NOMAD::Evaluator_Control & get_evaluator_control ( void ) { return _ev_control; }
496         /// Access to the barrier for true function evaluations.
497         /**
498          \return The barrier for the true function evaluations.
499          */
get_true_barrier(void)500         NOMAD::Barrier & get_true_barrier ( void ) { return _true_barrier; }
502         /// Access to the barrier for surrogate evaluations.
503         /**
504          \return The barrier for the surrogates.
505          */
get_sgte_barrier(void)506         NOMAD::Barrier & get_sgte_barrier ( void ) { return _sgte_barrier; }
508         /// Access to the NOMAD::Extended_Poll object.
509         /**
510          \return A pointer to \c _extended_poll.
511          */
get_extended_poll(void) const512         NOMAD::Extended_Poll * get_extended_poll ( void ) const { return _extended_poll; }
516         /// Access to the Pareto front.
517         /**
518          \return A pointer to the Pareto front.
519          */
get_pareto_front(void) const520         NOMAD::Pareto_Front * get_pareto_front ( void ) const { return _pareto_front; }
522         /// Access to the active cache (truth or surrogate).
523         /**
524          \return The active cache.
525          */
get_cache(void) const526         const NOMAD::Cache & get_cache ( void ) const
527         {
528             return ( _p.get_opt_only_sgte() ) ?
529             _ev_control.get_sgte_cache() : _ev_control.get_cache();
530         }
532         /// Access to the active barrier (truth or surrogate).
533         /**
534          \return The active barrier.
535          */
get_active_barrier(void) const536         const NOMAD::Barrier & get_active_barrier ( void ) const
537         {
538             return ( _p.get_opt_only_sgte() ) ? _sgte_barrier : _true_barrier;
539         }
541         /// Access to the best feasible point.
542         /**
543          \return A pointer to the best feasible point;
544          \return \c NULL if there is no feasible point.
545          */
get_best_feasible(void) const546         const NOMAD::Eval_Point * get_best_feasible ( void ) const
547         {
548             return get_active_barrier().get_best_feasible();
549         }
551         /// Access to the best infeasible point.
552         /**
553          \return A pointer to the best infeasible point;
554          \return \c NULL if there is no infeasible point.
555          */
get_best_infeasible(void) const556         const NOMAD::Eval_Point * get_best_infeasible( void ) const
557         {
558             return get_active_barrier().get_best_infeasible();
559         }
561         /// Access to the best infeasible point with minimun constraint violation.
562         /**
563          \return A pointer to the best infeasible point with min. viol.;
564          \return \c NULL if there is no infeasible point.
565          */
get_best_infeasible_min_viol(void) const566         const NOMAD::Eval_Point * get_best_infeasible_min_viol ( void ) const
567         {
568             return get_active_barrier().get_best_infeasible_min_viol();
569         }
571         /// Display model stats.
572         /**
573          \param out The NOMAD::Display object -- \b IN.
574          */
575         void display_model_stats ( const NOMAD::Display & out ) const;
577         /// Display the Pareto front.
578         /**
579          Displays the front at the standard output or in a stats file.
580          */
581         void display_pareto_front ( void ) const;
583         /// Display.
584         /**
585          \param out The NOMAD::Display object -- \b IN.
586          */
587         void display ( const NOMAD::Display & out ) const;
589         /// Display.
590         /**
591          Uses the NOMAD::Display object of the NOMAD::Parameters class.
592          */
display(void) const593         void display ( void ) const { display ( _p.out() ); }
594     };
596     /// Display a NOMAD::Mads object.
597     /**
598      \param out The NOMAD::Display object -- \b IN.
599      \param m   The NOMAD::Mads object to be displayed -- \b IN.
600      \return    The NOMAD::Display object.
601      */
operator <<(const NOMAD::Display & out,const NOMAD::Mads & m)602     inline const NOMAD::Display & operator << ( const NOMAD::Display & out ,
603                                                const NOMAD::Mads    & m     )
604     {
605         m.display ( out );
606         return out;
607     }
608 }
610 #endif