1 use super::helper::Float;
2 use geo_types::Coordinate;
3 use std::cell::RefCell;
4 use std::cmp::Ordering;
5 use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
7 use super::helper::less_if;
8 use super::signed_area::signed_area;
10 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
11 pub enum EdgeType {
12     Normal,
13     NonContributing,
14     SameTransition,
15     DifferentTransition,
16 }
18 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
19 pub enum ResultTransition {
20     None,
21     InOut,
22     OutIn,
23 }
25 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
26 struct MutablePart<F>
27 where
28     F: Float,
29 {
30     left: bool,
31     other_event: Weak<SweepEvent<F>>,
32     prev_in_result: Weak<SweepEvent<F>>,
33     edge_type: EdgeType,
34     in_out: bool,
35     other_in_out: bool,
36     result_transition: ResultTransition,
37     other_pos: i32,
38     output_contour_id: i32,
39 }
41 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
42 pub struct SweepEvent<F>
43 where
44     F: Float,
45 {
46     mutable: RefCell<MutablePart<F>>,
47     pub contour_id: u32,
48     pub point: Coordinate<F>,
49     pub is_subject: bool,
50     pub is_exterior_ring: bool,
51 }
53 impl<F> SweepEvent<F>
54 where
55     F: Float,
56 {
new_rc( contour_id: u32, point: Coordinate<F>, left: bool, other_event: Weak<SweepEvent<F>>, is_subject: bool, is_exterior_ring: bool, ) -> Rc<SweepEvent<F>>57     pub fn new_rc(
58         contour_id: u32,
59         point: Coordinate<F>,
60         left: bool,
61         other_event: Weak<SweepEvent<F>>,
62         is_subject: bool,
63         is_exterior_ring: bool,
64     ) -> Rc<SweepEvent<F>> {
65         Rc::new(SweepEvent {
66             mutable: RefCell::new(MutablePart {
67                 left,
68                 other_event,
69                 prev_in_result: Weak::new(),
70                 edge_type: EdgeType::Normal,
71                 in_out: false,
72                 other_in_out: false,
73                 result_transition: ResultTransition::None,
74                 other_pos: 0,
75                 output_contour_id: -1,
76             }),
77             contour_id,
78             point,
79             is_subject,
80             is_exterior_ring,
81         })
82     }
is_left(&self) -> bool84     pub fn is_left(&self) -> bool {
85         self.mutable.borrow().left
86     }
set_left(&self, left: bool)88     pub fn set_left(&self, left: bool) {
89         self.mutable.borrow_mut().left = left
90     }
get_other_event(&self) -> Option<Rc<SweepEvent<F>>>92     pub fn get_other_event(&self) -> Option<Rc<SweepEvent<F>>> {
93         self.mutable.borrow().other_event.upgrade()
94     }
set_other_event(&self, other_event: &Rc<SweepEvent<F>>)96     pub fn set_other_event(&self, other_event: &Rc<SweepEvent<F>>) {
97         self.mutable.borrow_mut().other_event = Rc::downgrade(other_event);
98     }
get_prev_in_result(&self) -> Option<Rc<SweepEvent<F>>>100     pub fn get_prev_in_result(&self) -> Option<Rc<SweepEvent<F>>> {
101         self.mutable.borrow().prev_in_result.upgrade()
102     }
set_prev_in_result(&self, prev_in_result: &Rc<SweepEvent<F>>)104     pub fn set_prev_in_result(&self, prev_in_result: &Rc<SweepEvent<F>>) {
105         self.mutable.borrow_mut().prev_in_result = Rc::downgrade(prev_in_result);
106     }
unset_prev_in_result(&self)108     pub fn unset_prev_in_result(&self) {
109         self.mutable.borrow_mut().prev_in_result = Weak::new();
110     }
get_edge_type(&self) -> EdgeType112     pub fn get_edge_type(&self) -> EdgeType {
113         self.mutable.borrow().edge_type
114     }
set_edge_type(&self, edge_type: EdgeType)116     pub fn set_edge_type(&self, edge_type: EdgeType) {
117         self.mutable.borrow_mut().edge_type = edge_type
118     }
is_in_out(&self) -> bool120     pub fn is_in_out(&self) -> bool {
121         self.mutable.borrow().in_out
122     }
is_other_in_out(&self) -> bool124     pub fn is_other_in_out(&self) -> bool {
125         self.mutable.borrow().other_in_out
126     }
is_in_result(&self) -> bool128     pub fn is_in_result(&self) -> bool {
129         self.mutable.borrow().result_transition != ResultTransition::None
130     }
set_result_transition(&self, result_transition: ResultTransition)132     pub fn set_result_transition(&self, result_transition: ResultTransition) {
133         self.mutable.borrow_mut().result_transition = result_transition
134     }
get_result_transition(&self) -> ResultTransition136     pub fn get_result_transition(&self) -> ResultTransition {
137         self.mutable.borrow().result_transition
138     }
set_in_out(&self, in_out: bool, other_in_out: bool)140     pub fn set_in_out(&self, in_out: bool, other_in_out: bool) {
141         let mut mutable = self.mutable.borrow_mut();
143         mutable.in_out = in_out;
144         mutable.other_in_out = other_in_out;
145     }
get_other_pos(&self) -> i32147     pub fn get_other_pos(&self) -> i32 {
148         self.mutable.borrow().other_pos
149     }
set_other_pos(&self, other_pos: i32)151     pub fn set_other_pos(&self, other_pos: i32) {
152         self.mutable.borrow_mut().other_pos = other_pos
153     }
get_output_contour_id(&self) -> i32155     pub fn get_output_contour_id(&self) -> i32 {
156         self.mutable.borrow().output_contour_id
157     }
set_output_contour_id(&self, output_contour_id: i32)159     pub fn set_output_contour_id(&self, output_contour_id: i32) {
160         self.mutable.borrow_mut().output_contour_id = output_contour_id
161     }
is_below(&self, p: Coordinate<F>) -> bool163     pub fn is_below(&self, p: Coordinate<F>) -> bool {
164         if let Some(ref other_event) = self.get_other_event() {
165             if self.is_left() {
166                 signed_area(self.point, other_event.point, p) > 0.
167             } else {
168                 signed_area(other_event.point, self.point, p) > 0.
169             }
170         } else {
171             false
172         }
173     }
is_above(&self, p: Coordinate<F>) -> bool175     pub fn is_above(&self, p: Coordinate<F>) -> bool {
176         !self.is_below(p)
177     }
is_vertical(&self) -> bool179     pub fn is_vertical(&self) -> bool {
180         match self.get_other_event() {
181             Some(ref other_event) => self.point.x == other_event.point.x,
182             None => false,
183         }
184     }
186     /// Helper function to avoid confusion by inverted ordering
is_before(&self, other: &SweepEvent<F>) -> bool187     pub fn is_before(&self, other: &SweepEvent<F>) -> bool {
188         self > other
189     }
191     /// Helper function to avoid confusion by inverted ordering
is_after(&self, other: &SweepEvent<F>) -> bool192     pub fn is_after(&self, other: &SweepEvent<F>) -> bool {
193         self < other
194     }
195 }
197 impl<F> PartialEq for SweepEvent<F>
198 where
199     F: Float,
200 {
eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool201     fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
202         self.contour_id == other.contour_id
203             && self.is_left() == other.is_left()
204             && self.point == other.point
205             && self.is_subject == other.is_subject
206     }
207 }
209 impl<F> Eq for SweepEvent<F> where F: Float {}
211 impl<F> PartialOrd for SweepEvent<F>
212 where
213     F: Float,
214 {
partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering>215     fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
216         Some(self.cmp(other))
217     }
218 }
220 impl<F> Ord for SweepEvent<F>
221 where
222     F: Float,
223 {
224     #[inline]
cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering225     fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
226         // Ord is exactly the other way round as in the js implementation as BinaryHeap sorts decending
227         let p1 = self.point;
228         let p2 = other.point;
230         if p1.x > p2.x {
231             return Ordering::Less;
232         }
233         if p1.x < p2.x {
234             return Ordering::Greater;
235         }
236         if p1.y > p2.y {
237             return Ordering::Less;
238         }
239         if p1.y < p2.y {
240             return Ordering::Greater;
241         }
243         if self.is_left() != other.is_left() {
244             return less_if(self.is_left());
245         }
247         if let (Some(other1), Some(other2)) = (self.get_other_event(), other.get_other_event()) {
248             if signed_area(p1, other1.point, other2.point) != 0. {
249                 return less_if(!self.is_below(other2.point));
250             }
251         }
253         less_if(!self.is_subject && other.is_subject)
254     }
255 }
257 #[cfg(feature = "debug-booleanop")]
258 pub trait JsonDebug {
to_json_debug(&self) -> String259     fn to_json_debug(&self) -> String;
to_json_debug_short(&self) -> String260     fn to_json_debug_short(&self) -> String;
261 }
263 #[cfg(feature = "debug-booleanop")]
264 impl<F> JsonDebug for Rc<SweepEvent<F>>
265 where
266     F: Float,
267 {
to_json_debug(&self) -> String268     fn to_json_debug(&self) -> String {
269         format!(
270             "{{\"self\": {}, \"other\": {}}}",
271             self.to_json_debug_short(),
272             self.get_other_event().unwrap().to_json_debug_short(),
273         )
274     }
to_json_debug_short(&self) -> String276     fn to_json_debug_short(&self) -> String {
277         format!(
278             "{{\"addr\": \"{:p}\", \"point\": [{}, {}], \"type\": \"{}\", \"poly\": \"{}\"}}",
279             *self,
280             self.point.x,
281             self.point.y,
282             if self.is_left() { "L" } else { "R" },
283             if self.is_subject { "A" } else { "B" },
284         )
285     }
286 }
288 #[cfg(test)]
289 mod test {
290     use super::super::helper::test::xy;
291     use super::*;
se_pair( contour_id: u32, x: f64, y: f64, other_x: f64, other_y: f64, is_subject: bool, ) -> (Rc<SweepEvent<f64>>, Rc<SweepEvent<f64>>)293     pub fn se_pair(
294         contour_id: u32,
295         x: f64,
296         y: f64,
297         other_x: f64,
298         other_y: f64,
299         is_subject: bool,
300     ) -> (Rc<SweepEvent<f64>>, Rc<SweepEvent<f64>>) {
301         let other = SweepEvent::new_rc(
302             contour_id,
303             Coordinate { x: other_x, y: other_y },
304             false,
305             Weak::new(),
306             is_subject,
307             true,
308         );
309         let event = SweepEvent::new_rc(
310             contour_id,
311             Coordinate { x, y },
312             true,
313             Rc::downgrade(&other),
314             is_subject,
315             true,
316         );
317         // Make sure test cases fulfill the invariant of left/right relationship.
318         assert!(event.is_before(&other));
320         (event, other)
321     }
323     #[test]
test_is_below()324     pub fn test_is_below() {
325         let other_s1 = SweepEvent::new_rc(0, xy(1, 1), false, Weak::new(), false, true);
326         let s1 = SweepEvent::new_rc(0, xy(0, 0), true, Rc::downgrade(&other_s1), false, true);
327         let s2 = SweepEvent::new_rc(0, xy(0, 0), false, Rc::downgrade(&s1), false, true);
329         assert!(s1.is_below(xy(0, 1)));
330         assert!(s1.is_below(xy(1, 2)));
331         assert!(!s1.is_below(xy(0, 0)));
332         assert!(!s1.is_below(xy(5, -1)));
334         assert!(!s2.is_below(xy(0, 1)));
335         assert!(!s2.is_below(xy(1, 2)));
336         assert!(!s2.is_below(xy(0, 0)));
337         assert!(!s2.is_below(xy(5, -1)));
338     }
340     #[test]
test_is_above()341     pub fn test_is_above() {
342         let other_s1 = SweepEvent::new_rc(0, xy(1, 1), false, Weak::new(), false, true);
343         let s1 = SweepEvent::new_rc(0, xy(0, 0), true, Rc::downgrade(&other_s1), false, true);
344         let s2 = SweepEvent::new_rc(0, xy(0, 1), false, Rc::downgrade(&s1), false, true);
346         assert!(!s1.is_above(xy(0, 1)));
347         assert!(!s1.is_above(xy(1, 2)));
348         assert!(s1.is_above(xy(0, 0)));
349         assert!(s1.is_above(xy(5, -1)));
351         assert!(s2.is_above(xy(0, 1)));
352         assert!(s2.is_above(xy(1, 2)));
353         assert!(s2.is_above(xy(0, 0)));
354         assert!(s2.is_above(xy(5, -1)));
355     }
357     #[test]
test_is_vertical()358     pub fn test_is_vertical() {
359         let other_s1 = SweepEvent::new_rc(0, xy(0, 1), false, Weak::new(), false, true);
360         let s1 = SweepEvent::new_rc(0, xy(0, 0), true, Rc::downgrade(&other_s1), false, true);
361         let other_s2 = SweepEvent::new_rc(0, xy(0.0001, 1), false, Weak::new(), false, true);
362         let s2 = SweepEvent::new_rc(0, xy(0, 0), true, Rc::downgrade(&other_s2), false, true);
364         assert!(s1.is_vertical());
365         assert!(!s2.is_vertical());
366     }
368     #[rustfmt::skip]
369     #[test]
test_order_star_pattern()370     fn test_order_star_pattern() {
371         // This test verifies the assumption underlying the `precompute_iteration_order` logic:
372         // Events with an identical points must be ordered:
373         // - R events before L events
374         // - R events in clockwise order
375         // - L events in counter-clockwise order
376         let id = 0;
377         let z = 0.;
379         // Group 'a' which have their right event at (0, 0), clockwise
380         let (_av_l, av_r) = se_pair(id,  0., -1., z, z, true);   // vertical comes first
381         let (_a1_l, a1_r) = se_pair(id, -2., -6., z, z, true);
382         let (_a2_l, a2_r) = se_pair(id, -1., -2., z, z, true);
383         let (_a3_l, a3_r) = se_pair(id, -1., -1., z, z, true);
384         let (_a4_l, a4_r) = se_pair(id, -2., -1., z, z, true);
385         let (_a5_l, a5_r) = se_pair(id, -2.,  1., z, z, true);
386         let (_a6_l, a6_r) = se_pair(id, -1.,  1., z, z, true);
387         let (_a7_l, a7_r) = se_pair(id, -1.,  2., z, z, true);
388         let (_a8_l, a8_r) = se_pair(id, -2.,  6., z, z, true);
390         // Group 'b' which have their left event at (0, 0), counter clockwise
391         let (b1_l, _b1_r) = se_pair(id, z, z, 2., -6., true);
392         let (b2_l, _b2_r) = se_pair(id, z, z, 1., -2., true);
393         let (b3_l, _b3_r) = se_pair(id, z, z, 1., -1., true);
394         let (b4_l, _b4_r) = se_pair(id, z, z, 2., -1., true);
395         let (b5_l, _b5_r) = se_pair(id, z, z, 2.,  1., true);
396         let (b6_l, _b6_r) = se_pair(id, z, z, 1.,  1., true);
397         let (b7_l, _b7_r) = se_pair(id, z, z, 1.,  2., true);
398         let (b8_l, _b8_r) = se_pair(id, z, z, 2.,  6., true);
399         let (bv_l, _bv_r) = se_pair(id, z, z, 0.,  1., true);    // vertical comes last
401         let events_expected_order = [
402             av_r, a1_r, a2_r, a3_r, a4_r, a5_r, a6_r, a7_r, a8_r,
403             b1_l, b2_l, b3_l, b4_l, b5_l, b6_l, b7_l, b8_l, bv_l,
404         ];
406         for i in 0 .. events_expected_order.len() - 1 {
407             for j in i + 1 .. events_expected_order.len() {
408                 assert!(events_expected_order[i].is_before(&events_expected_order[j]));
409             }
410         }
412     }
413 }