1 /*
2  * Hydrogen
3  * Copyright(c) 2002-2008 by Alex >Comix< Cominu [comix@users.sourceforge.net]
4  *
5  * http://www.hydrogen-music.org
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
20  *
21  */
23 #ifndef H2C_NOTE_H
24 #define H2C_NOTE_H
26 #include <hydrogen/object.h>
27 #include <hydrogen/basics/instrument.h>
29 #define KEY_MIN                 0
30 #define KEY_MAX                 11
31 #define OCTAVE_MIN              -3
32 #define OCTAVE_MAX              3
33 #define OCTAVE_OFFSET           3
34 #define OCTAVE_DEFAULT          0
35 #define KEYS_PER_OCTAVE         12
37 #define MIDI_MIDDLE_C           60
38 #define MIDI_FACTOR             127
40 #define VELOCITY_MIN            0.0f
41 #define VELOCITY_MAX            1.0f
42 #define PAN_MIN                 0.0f
43 #define PAN_MAX                 0.5f
44 #define LEAD_LAG_MIN            -1.0f
45 #define LEAD_LAG_MAX            1.0f
47 /* Should equal (default __octave + OCTAVE_OFFSET) * KEYS_PER_OCTAVE + default __key */
48 #define MIDI_DEFAULT_OFFSET     36
50 namespace H2Core
51 {
53 class XMLNode;
54 class ADSR;
55 class Instrument;
56 class InstrumentList;
58 struct SelectedLayerInfo {
59 	int SelectedLayer;		///< selected layer during layer selection
60 	float SamplePosition;	///< place marker for overlapping process() cycles
61 };
63 /**
64  * A note plays an associated instrument with a velocity left and right pan
65  */
66 class Note : public H2Core::Object
67 {
68 		H2_OBJECT
69 	public:
70 		/** possible keys */
71 		enum Key { C=KEY_MIN, Cs, D, Ef, E, F, Fs, G, Af, A, Bf, B };
72 		/** possible octaves */
73 		enum Octave { P8Z=-3, P8Y=-2, P8X=-1, P8=OCTAVE_DEFAULT, P8A=1, P8B=2, P8C=3 };
75 		/**
76 		 * constructor
77 		 * \param instrument the instrument played by this note
78 		 * \param position the position of the note within the pattern
79 		 * \param velocity it's velocity
80 		 * \param pan_l left pan
81 		 * \param pan_r right pan
82 		 * \param length it's length
83 		 * \param pitch it's pitch
84 		 */
85 		Note( Instrument* instrument, int position, float velocity, float pan_l, float pan_r, int length, float pitch );
87 		/**
88 		 * copy constructor with an optional parameter
89 		 * \param other
90 		 * \param instrument if set will be used as note instrument
91 		 */
92 		Note( Note* other, Instrument* instrument=nullptr );
93 		/** destructor */
94 		~Note();
96 		/*
97 		 * save the note within the given XMLNode
98 		 * \param node the XMLNode to feed
99 		 */
100 		void save_to( XMLNode* node );
101 		/**
102 		 * load a note from an XMLNode
103 		 * \param node the XMLDode to read from
104 		 * \param instruments the current instrument list to search instrument into
105 		 * \return a new Note instance
106 		 */
107 		static Note* load_from( XMLNode* node, InstrumentList* instruments );
109 		/** output details through logger with DEBUG severity */
110 		void dump();
112 		/**
113 		 * find the corresponding instrument and point to it, or an empty instrument
114 		 * \param instruments the list of instrument to look into
115 		 */
116 		void map_instrument( InstrumentList* instruments );
117 		/** #__instrument accessor */
118 		Instrument* get_instrument();
119 		/** return true if #__instrument is set */
120 		bool has_instrument() const;
121 		/**
122 		 * #__instrument_id setter
123 		 * \param value the new value
124 		 */
125 		void set_instrument_id( int value );
126 		/** #__instrument_id accessor */
127 		int get_instrument_id() const;
128 		/**
129 		 * #__specific_compo_id setter
130 		 * \param value the new value
131 		 */
132 		void set_specific_compo_id( int value );
133 		/** #__specific_compo_id accessor */
134 		int get_specific_compo_id() const;
135 		/**
136 		 * #__position setter
137 		 * \param value the new value
138 		 */
139 		void set_position( int value );
140 		/** #__position accessor */
141 		int get_position() const;
142 		/**
143 		 * #__velocity setter
144 		 * \param value the new value
145 		 */
146 		void set_velocity( float value );
147 		/** #__velocity accessor */
148 		float get_velocity() const;
149 		/**
150 		 * #__pan_l setter
151 		 * \param value the new value
152 		 */
153 		void set_pan_l( float value );
154 		/** #__pan_l accessor */
155 		float get_pan_l() const;
156 		/**
157 		 * #__pan_r setter
158 		 * \param value the new value
159 		 */
160 		void set_pan_r( float value );
161 		/** #__pan_r accessor */
162 		float get_pan_r() const;
163 		/**
164 		 * #__lead_lag setter
165 		 * \param value the new value
166 		 */
167 		void set_lead_lag( float value );
168 		/** #__lead_lag accessor */
169 		float get_lead_lag() const;
170 		/**
171 		 * #__length setter
172 		 * \param value the new value
173 		 */
174 		void set_length( int value );
175 		/** #__length accessor */
176 		int get_length() const;
177 		/**
178 		 * #__pitch setter
179 		 * \param value the new value
180 		 */
181 		void set_pitch( float value );
182 		/** #__pitch accessor */
183 		float get_pitch() const;
184 		/**
185 		 * #__note_off setter
186 		 * \param value the new value
187 		 */
188 		void set_note_off( bool value );
189 		/** #__note_off accessor */
190 		bool get_note_off() const;
191 		/** #__midi_msg accessor */
192 		int get_midi_msg() const;
193 		/**
194 		 * #__pattern_idx setter
195 		 * \param value the new value
196 		 */
197 		void set_pattern_idx( int value );
198 		/** #__pattern_idx accessor */
199 		int get_pattern_idx() const;
200 		/**
201 		 * #__just_recorded setter
202 		 * \param value the new value
203 		 */
204 		void set_just_recorded( bool value );
205 		/** #__just_recorded accessor */
206 		bool get_just_recorded() const;
208 		/*
209 		 * selected sample
210 		 * */
211 		SelectedLayerInfo* get_layer_selected( int CompoID );
214 		void set_probability( float value );
215 		float get_probability() const;
217 		/**
218 		 * #__humanize_delay setter
219 		 * \param value the new value
220 		 */
221 		void set_humanize_delay( int value );
222 		/** #__humanize_delay accessor */
223 		int get_humanize_delay() const;
224 		/** #__cut_off accessor */
225 		float get_cut_off() const;
226 		/** #__resonance accessor */
227 		float get_resonance() const;
228 		/** #__bpfb_l accessor */
229 		float get_bpfb_l() const;
230 		/** #__bpfb_r accessor */
231 		float get_bpfb_r() const;
232 		/** #__lpfb_l accessor */
233 		float get_lpfb_l() const;
234 		/** #__lpfb_r accessor */
235 		float get_lpfb_r() const;
236 		/** #__key accessor */
237 		Key get_key();
238 		/** #__octave accessor */
239 		Octave get_octave();
240 		/** return scaled key for midi output, !!! DO NOT CHECK IF INSTRUMENT IS SET !!! */
241 		int get_midi_key() const;
242 		/** midi velocity accessor
243 		 * \code{.cpp}
244 		 * __velocity * #MIDI_FACTOR
245 		 * \endcode */
246 		int get_midi_velocity() const;
247 		/** note key pitch accessor
248 		 * \code{.cpp}
249 		 * __octave * KEYS_PER_OCTAVE + __key
250 		 * \endcode */
251 		float get_notekey_pitch() const;
252 	        /** returns
253 		 * \code{.cpp}
254 		 * __octave * 12 + __key + __pitch
255 		 * \endcode*/
256 		float get_total_pitch() const;
258 		/** return a string representation of key-octave */
259 		QString key_to_string();
260 		/**
261 		 * parse str and set #__key and #__octave
262 		 * \param str the string to be parsed
263 		 */
264 		void set_key_octave( const QString& str );
265 		/**
266 		 * set #__key and #__octave only if within acceptable range
267 		 * \param key the key to set
268 		 * \param octave the octave to be set
269 		 */
270 		void set_key_octave( Key key, Octave octave );
271 		/**
272 		 * set #__key, #__octave and #__midi_msg only if within acceptable range
273 		 * \param key the key to set
274 		 * \param octave the octave to be set
275 		 * \param msg
276 		 */
277 		void set_midi_info( Key key, Octave octave, int msg );
279 		/** get the ADSR of the note */
280 		ADSR* get_adsr() const;
281 		/** call release on adsr */
282 		//float release_adsr() const              { return __adsr->release(); }
283 		/** call get value on adsr */
284 		//float get_adsr_value(float v) const     { return __adsr->get_value( v ); }
286 		/** return true if instrument, key and octave matches with internal
287 		 * \param instrument the instrument to match with #__instrument
288 		 * \param key the key to match with #__key
289 		 * \param octave the octave to match with #__octave
290 		 */
291 		bool match( Instrument* instrument, Key key, Octave octave ) const;
293 		/**
294 		 * compute left and right output based on filters
295 		 * \param val_l the left channel value
296 		 * \param val_r the right channel value
297 		 */
298 		void compute_lr_values( float* val_l, float* val_r );
300 	private:
301 		Instrument*		__instrument;   ///< the instrument to be played by this note
302 		int				__instrument_id;        ///< the id of the instrument played by this note
303 		int				__specific_compo_id;    ///< play a specific component, -1 if playing all
304 		int				__position;             ///< note position inside the pattern
305 		float			__velocity;           ///< velocity (intensity) of the note [0;1]
306 		float			__pan_l;              ///< pan of the note (left volume) [0;0.5]
307 		float			__pan_r;              ///< pan of the note (right volume) [0;0.5]
308 		int				__length;               ///< the length of the note
309 		float			__pitch;              ///< the frequency of the note
310 		Key				__key;                  ///< the key, [0;11]==[C;B]
311 		Octave			 __octave;            ///< the octave [-3;3]
312 		ADSR*			__adsr;               ///< attack decay sustain release
313 		float			__lead_lag;           ///< lead or lag offset of the note
314 		float			__cut_off;            ///< filter cutoff [0;1]
315 		float			__resonance;          ///< filter resonant frequency [0;1]
316 		int				__humanize_delay;       ///< used in "humanize" function
317 		std::map< int, SelectedLayerInfo* > __layers_selected;
318 		float			__bpfb_l;             ///< left band pass filter buffer
319 		float			__bpfb_r;             ///< right band pass filter buffer
320 		float			__lpfb_l;             ///< left low pass filter buffer
321 		float			__lpfb_r;             ///< right low pass filter buffer
322 		int				__pattern_idx;          ///< index of the pattern holding this note for undo actions
323 		int				__midi_msg;             ///< TODO
324 		bool			__note_off;            ///< note type on|off
325 		bool			__just_recorded;       ///< used in record+delete
326 		float			__probability;        ///< note probability
327 		static const char* __key_str[]; ///< used to build QString from #__key an #__octave
328 };
get_adsr()332 inline ADSR* Note::get_adsr() const
333 {
334 	return __adsr;
335 }
get_instrument()337 inline Instrument* Note::get_instrument()
338 {
339 	return __instrument;
340 }
has_instrument()342 inline bool Note::has_instrument() const
343 {
344 	return __instrument!=nullptr;
345 }
set_instrument_id(int value)347 inline void Note::set_instrument_id( int value )
348 {
349 	__instrument_id = value;
350 }
get_instrument_id()352 inline int Note::get_instrument_id() const
353 {
354 	return __instrument_id;
355 }
set_specific_compo_id(int value)357 inline void Note::set_specific_compo_id( int value )
358 {
359 	__specific_compo_id = value;
360 }
get_specific_compo_id()362 inline int Note::get_specific_compo_id() const
363 {
364 	return __specific_compo_id;
365 }
set_position(int value)367 inline void Note::set_position( int value )
368 {
369 	__position = value;
370 }
get_position()372 inline int Note::get_position() const
373 {
374 	return __position;
375 }
get_velocity()377 inline float Note::get_velocity() const
378 {
379 	return __velocity;
380 }
get_pan_l()382 inline float Note::get_pan_l() const
383 {
384 	return __pan_l;
385 }
get_pan_r()387 inline float Note::get_pan_r() const
388 {
389 	return __pan_r;
390 }
get_lead_lag()392 inline float Note::get_lead_lag() const
393 {
394 	return __lead_lag;
395 }
set_length(int value)397 inline void Note::set_length( int value )
398 {
399 	__length = value;
400 }
get_length()402 inline int Note::get_length() const
403 {
404 	return __length;
405 }
set_pitch(float value)407 inline void Note::set_pitch( float value )
408 {
409 	__pitch = value;
410 }
get_pitch()412 inline float Note::get_pitch() const
413 {
414 	return __pitch;
415 }
set_note_off(bool value)417 inline void Note::set_note_off( bool value )
418 {
419 	__note_off = value;
420 }
get_note_off()422 inline bool Note::get_note_off() const
423 {
424 	return __note_off;
425 }
get_midi_msg()427 inline int Note::get_midi_msg() const
428 {
429 	return __midi_msg;
430 }
set_pattern_idx(int value)432 inline void Note::set_pattern_idx( int value )
433 {
434 	__pattern_idx = value;
435 }
get_pattern_idx()437 inline int Note::get_pattern_idx() const
438 {
439 	return __pattern_idx;
440 }
set_just_recorded(bool value)442 inline void Note::set_just_recorded( bool value )
443 {
444 	__just_recorded = value;
445 }
get_just_recorded()447 inline bool Note::get_just_recorded() const
448 {
449 	return __just_recorded;
450 }
get_probability()452 inline float Note::get_probability() const
453 {
454 	return __probability;
455 }
set_probability(float value)457 inline void Note::set_probability( float value )
458 {
459 	__probability = value;
460 }
get_layer_selected(int CompoID)462 inline SelectedLayerInfo* Note::get_layer_selected( int CompoID )
463 {
464 	return __layers_selected[ CompoID ];
465 }
set_humanize_delay(int value)467 inline void Note::set_humanize_delay( int value )
468 {
469 	__humanize_delay = value;
470 }
get_humanize_delay()472 inline int Note::get_humanize_delay() const
473 {
474 	return __humanize_delay;
475 }
get_cut_off()477 inline float Note::get_cut_off() const
478 {
479 	return __cut_off;
480 }
get_resonance()482 inline float Note::get_resonance() const
483 {
484 	return __resonance;
485 }
get_bpfb_l()487 inline float Note::get_bpfb_l() const
488 {
489 	return __bpfb_l;
490 }
get_bpfb_r()492 inline float Note::get_bpfb_r() const
493 {
494 	return __bpfb_r;
495 }
get_lpfb_l()497 inline float Note::get_lpfb_l() const
498 {
499 	return __lpfb_l;
500 }
get_lpfb_r()502 inline float Note::get_lpfb_r() const
503 {
504 	return __lpfb_r;
505 }
get_key()507 inline Note::Key Note::get_key()
508 {
509 	return __key;
510 }
get_octave()512 inline Note::Octave Note::get_octave()
513 {
514 	return __octave;
515 }
get_midi_key()517 inline int Note::get_midi_key() const
518 {
519 	/* TODO ???
520 	if( !has_instrument() ) { return (__octave + OCTAVE_OFFSET ) * KEYS_PER_OCTAVE + __key; }
521 	*/
522 	return ( __octave + OCTAVE_OFFSET ) * KEYS_PER_OCTAVE + __key + __instrument->get_midi_out_note() - MIDI_DEFAULT_OFFSET;
523 }
get_midi_velocity()525 inline int Note::get_midi_velocity() const
526 {
527 	return __velocity * MIDI_FACTOR;
528 }
get_notekey_pitch()530 inline float Note::get_notekey_pitch() const
531 {
532 	return __octave * KEYS_PER_OCTAVE + __key;
533 }
get_total_pitch()535 inline float Note::get_total_pitch() const
536 {
537 	return __octave * KEYS_PER_OCTAVE + __key + __pitch;
538 }
set_key_octave(Key key,Octave octave)540 inline void Note::set_key_octave( Key key, Octave octave )
541 {
542 	if( key>=KEY_MIN && key<=KEY_MAX ) __key = key;
543 	if( octave>=OCTAVE_MIN && octave<=OCTAVE_MAX ) __octave = octave;
544 }
set_midi_info(Key key,Octave octave,int msg)546 inline void Note::set_midi_info( Key key, Octave octave, int msg )
547 {
548 	if( key>=KEY_MIN && key<=KEY_MAX ) __key = key;
549 	if( octave>=OCTAVE_MIN && octave<=OCTAVE_MAX ) __octave = octave;
550 	__midi_msg = msg;
551 }
match(Instrument * instrument,Key key,Octave octave)553 inline bool Note::match( Instrument* instrument, Key key, Octave octave ) const
554 {
555 	return ( ( __instrument==instrument ) && ( __key==key ) && ( __octave==octave ) );
556 }
compute_lr_values(float * val_l,float * val_r)558 inline void Note::compute_lr_values( float* val_l, float* val_r )
559 {
560 	/* TODO ???
561 	if( !has_instrument() ) {
562 		*val_l = 0.0f;
563 		*val_r = 0.0f;
564 		return;
565 	}
566 	*/
567 	float cut_off = __instrument->get_filter_cutoff();
568 	float resonance = __instrument->get_filter_resonance();
569 	__bpfb_l  =  resonance * __bpfb_l  + cut_off * ( *val_l - __lpfb_l );
570 	__lpfb_l +=  cut_off   * __bpfb_l;
571 	__bpfb_r  =  resonance * __bpfb_r  + cut_off * ( *val_r - __lpfb_r );
572 	__lpfb_r +=  cut_off   * __bpfb_r;
573 	*val_l = __lpfb_l;
574 	*val_r = __lpfb_r;
575 }
577 };
579 #endif // H2C_NOTE_H
581 /* vim: set softtabstop=4 noexpandtab: */