1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Christopho, Solarus - http://www.solarus-games.org
3  *
4  * Solarus is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * Solarus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15  * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16  */
17 #include "solarus/audio/Sound.h"
18 #include "solarus/core/Debug.h"
19 #include "solarus/core/CommandsEffects.h"
20 #include "solarus/core/Equipment.h"
21 #include "solarus/core/EquipmentItem.h"
22 #include "solarus/core/Game.h"
23 #include "solarus/core/Geometry.h"
24 #include "solarus/core/Map.h"
25 #include "solarus/core/System.h"
26 #include "solarus/entities/Block.h"
27 #include "solarus/entities/Bomb.h"
28 #include "solarus/entities/Boomerang.h"
29 #include "solarus/entities/Chest.h"
30 #include "solarus/entities/Crystal.h"
31 #include "solarus/entities/Destination.h"
32 #include "solarus/entities/Destructible.h"
33 #include "solarus/entities/Enemy.h"
34 #include "solarus/entities/Entities.h"
35 #include "solarus/entities/GroundInfo.h"
36 #include "solarus/entities/Hero.h"
37 #include "solarus/entities/Jumper.h"
38 #include "solarus/entities/Sensor.h"
39 #include "solarus/entities/Stairs.h"
40 #include "solarus/entities/Stream.h"
41 #include "solarus/entities/StreamAction.h"
42 #include "solarus/entities/Switch.h"
43 #include "solarus/entities/Teletransporter.h"
44 #include "solarus/graphics/Sprite.h"
45 #include "solarus/hero/BackToSolidGroundState.h"
46 #include "solarus/hero/BoomerangState.h"
47 #include "solarus/hero/BowState.h"
48 #include "solarus/hero/CarryingState.h"
49 #include "solarus/hero/CustomState.h"
50 #include "solarus/hero/FallingState.h"
51 #include "solarus/hero/ForcedWalkingState.h"
52 #include "solarus/hero/FreeState.h"
53 #include "solarus/hero/FrozenState.h"
54 #include "solarus/hero/GrabbingState.h"
55 #include "solarus/hero/HeroSprites.h"
56 #include "solarus/hero/HookshotState.h"
57 #include "solarus/hero/HurtState.h"
58 #include "solarus/hero/JumpingState.h"
59 #include "solarus/hero/LiftingState.h"
60 #include "solarus/hero/PlungingState.h"
61 #include "solarus/hero/PullingState.h"
62 #include "solarus/hero/PushingState.h"
63 #include "solarus/hero/RunningState.h"
64 #include "solarus/hero/StairsState.h"
65 #include "solarus/hero/SwordLoadingState.h"
66 #include "solarus/hero/SwordSwingingState.h"
67 #include "solarus/hero/SwimmingState.h"
68 #include "solarus/hero/TreasureState.h"
69 #include "solarus/hero/UsingItemState.h"
70 #include "solarus/hero/VictoryState.h"
71 #include "solarus/lua/LuaContext.h"
72 #include "solarus/lua/LuaTools.h"
73 #include "solarus/movements/StraightMovement.h"
74 #include <lua.hpp>
75 #include <algorithm>
76 #include <sstream>
77 #include <utility>
79 namespace Solarus {
81 namespace {
83 /**
84  * \brief Implementation of the callback used to return solid ground coordinates.
85  * \param l A Lua state.
86  * \return Number of values to return to Lua.
87  */
l_solid_ground_callback(lua_State * l)88 int l_solid_ground_callback(lua_State* l) {
90   int x = LuaTools::check_int(l, lua_upvalueindex(1));
91   int y = LuaTools::check_int(l, lua_upvalueindex(2));
92   int layer = LuaTools::check_int(l, lua_upvalueindex(3));
94   lua_pushinteger(l, x);
95   lua_pushinteger(l, y);
96   lua_pushinteger(l, layer);
97   return 3;
98 }
100 }
102 /**
103  * \brief Creates a hero.
104  * \param equipment the equipment (needed to build the sprites even outside a game)
105  */
Hero(Equipment & equipment)106 Hero::Hero(Equipment& equipment):
107   Entity("hero", 0, 0, Point(0, 0), Size(16, 16)),
108   invincible(false),
109   end_invincible_date(0),
110   normal_walking_speed(88),
111   walking_speed(normal_walking_speed),
112   delayed_teletransporter(nullptr),
113   on_raised_blocks(false),
114   last_solid_ground_coords(0, 0),
115   last_solid_ground_layer(0),
116   target_solid_ground_callback(),
117   next_ground_date(0),
118   next_ice_date(0),
119   ice_movement_direction8(0) {
121   // position
122   set_origin(8, 13);
123   last_solid_ground_coords = { -1, -1 };
124   last_solid_ground_layer = 0;
126   // sprites
127   set_drawn_in_y_order(true);
128   sprites = std::unique_ptr<HeroSprites>(new HeroSprites(*this, equipment));
129 }
131 /**
132  * \brief Returns the type of entity.
133  * \return the type of entity
134  */
get_type() const135 EntityType Hero::get_type() const {
136   return ThisType;
137 }
139 /**
140  * \brief Returns the item currently carried by the hero, if any.
141  *
142  * This function is used internally to allow this item to be preserved between
143  * different hero states.
144  *
145  * \return The carried object or nullptr.
146  */
get_carried_object()147 std::shared_ptr<CarriedObject> Hero::get_carried_object() {
148   return get_state()->get_carried_object();
149 }
151 /**
152  * \brief Suspends or resumes the animation and the movements of the hero.
153  *
154  * This function is called by the map when the game is suspended or resumed.
155  *
156  * \param suspended true to suspend the hero, false to resume it
157  */
set_suspended(bool suspended)158 void Hero::set_suspended(bool suspended) {
160   Entity::set_suspended(suspended);
162   if (!suspended) {
164     uint32_t diff = System::now() - get_when_suspended();
165     next_ground_date += diff;
167     if (end_invincible_date != 0) {
168       end_invincible_date += diff;
169     }
170   }
172   sprites->set_suspended(suspended);
173   get_state()->set_suspended(suspended);
174 }
176 /**
177  * \brief Updates the hero's position, movement and animation.
178  *
179  * This function is called repeatedly by the game loop.
180  */
update()181 void Hero::update() {
183   update_invincibility();
184   update_movement();
185   update_direction();
186   sprites->update();
188   // Update the state now because it may be impacted by movements and sprites.
189   update_state();
191   if (!is_suspended()) {
192     update_ground_effects();
193     check_collision_with_detectors();
194     check_gameover();
195   }
196 }
198 /**
199  * \brief Updates the sprites direction according to the wanted movement direction.
200  */
update_direction()201 void Hero::update_direction() {
203   int wanted_direction8 = get_wanted_movement_direction8();
204   if (wanted_direction8 == -1) {
205     return;
206   }
208   int old_animation_direction = sprites->get_animation_direction();
209   int animation_direction = sprites->get_animation_direction(wanted_direction8, get_real_movement_direction8());
211   if (animation_direction != old_animation_direction
212       && animation_direction != -1
213       && !is_direction_locked()) {
214     // If the direction defined by the directional keys has changed,
215     // update the sprite's direction of animation
216     // (unless the direction is locked).
217     sprites->set_animation_direction(animation_direction);
218   }
219 }
221 /**
222  * \brief Updates the hero's position according to its movement.
223  *
224  * This function is called repeatedly by update().
225  */
update_movement()226 void Hero::update_movement() {
228   if (!get_map().is_loaded()) {
229     // Can happen during transitions.
230     return;
231   }
233   if (on_raised_blocks && !get_state()->is_touching_ground()) {
234     // If the hero was already over raised blocks, keep it that way while he
235     // is not touching ground.
236   }
237   else {
238     on_raised_blocks = get_entities().overlaps_raised_blocks(get_layer(), get_bounding_box());
239   }
241   if (get_movement() != nullptr) {
242     get_movement()->update();
243   }
244   // TODO clear_old_movements() is missing
246   update_stream_action();
247 }
249 /**
250  * \brief Updates the effects (if any) of the ground below the hero.
251  *
252  * This function is called repeatedly.
253  */
update_ground_effects()254 void Hero::update_ground_effects() {
256   // see if it's time to do something (depending on the ground)
257   uint32_t now = System::now();
258   if (now >= next_ground_date) {
260     if (is_ground_visible() && get_movement() != nullptr) {
262       // a special ground is displayed under the hero and it's time to play a sound
263       const std::shared_ptr<StraightMovement> movement =
264           std::dynamic_pointer_cast<StraightMovement>(get_movement());
265       if (movement != nullptr) {
266         // TODO replace the dynamic_pointer_cast by a virtual method get_speed() in Movement.
267         double speed = movement->get_speed();
268         next_ground_date = now + std::max(150, (int) (20000 / speed));
269         if (sprites->is_walking() && get_state()->is_touching_ground()) {
270           sprites->play_ground_sound();
271         }
272       }
273     }
275     else {
277       Ground ground = get_ground_below();
278       if (ground == Ground::HOLE && !get_state()->can_avoid_hole()) {
279         // the hero is being attracted by a hole and it's time to move one more pixel into the hole
281         next_ground_date = now + 60;
283         if (get_distance(last_solid_ground_coords) >= 8) {
284           // too far from the solid ground: make the hero fall
285           set_walking_speed(normal_walking_speed);
286           set_state(std::make_shared<FallingState>(*this));
287         }
288         else {
289           // not too far yet
290           apply_additional_ground_movement();
291         }
292       }
293       else if (ground == Ground::ICE) {
295         // Slide on ice.
296         if (!get_state()->can_avoid_ice()) {
297           apply_additional_ground_movement();
298         }
300         next_ground_date = now + 30;
302         if (now >= next_ice_date) {
303           // Time to update the additional movement.
304           update_ice();
305           ice_movement_direction8 = get_wanted_movement_direction8();
306         }
307       }
308     }
309   }
310 }
312 /**
313  * \brief Updates the additional movement applied when the hero is on ice ground.
314  */
update_ice()315 void Hero::update_ice() {
317   uint32_t now = System::now();
318   int wanted_movement_direction8 = get_wanted_movement_direction8();
319   if (wanted_movement_direction8 == -1) {
320     // The player wants to stop.
321     if (ice_movement_direction8 == -1) {
322       // And he does for a while so stop.
323       ground_dxy = { 0, 0 };
324       next_ice_date = now + 300;
325     }
326     else {
327       // But he was just moving on ice: continue the ice movement.
328       ground_dxy = direction_to_xy_move(ice_movement_direction8) * 2;
329       next_ice_date = now + 300;
330     }
331   }
332   else {
333     // The player wants to move.
334     if (ice_movement_direction8 == -1) {
335       // But he was not just moving on ice: resist to the wanted movement.
336       ground_dxy = direction_to_xy_move((wanted_movement_direction8 + 4) % 8);
337       next_ice_date = now + 300;
338     }
339     else if (ice_movement_direction8 != wanted_movement_direction8) {
340       // He changed his direction: continue the ice movement strongly.
341       ground_dxy = direction_to_xy_move(ice_movement_direction8) * 2;
342       next_ice_date = now + 300;
343     }
344     else {
345       // He continues in the same direction.
346       ground_dxy = direction_to_xy_move(wanted_movement_direction8);
347       next_ice_date = now + 300;
348     }
349   }
350 }
352 /**
353  * \brief Stops the additional movement applied when the hero is on ice ground.
354  */
stop_ice_movement()355 void Hero::stop_ice_movement() {
357   ice_movement_direction8 = 0;
358   ground_dxy = { 0, 0 };
359 }
361 /**
362  * \brief Changes the position of the hero as an effect of his current ground
363  * (like hole or ice).
364  */
apply_additional_ground_movement()365 void Hero::apply_additional_ground_movement() {
367   if (ground_dxy.x == 0 && ground_dxy.y == 0) {
368     return;
369   }
371   bool moved = false;
372   Rectangle collision_box = get_bounding_box();
373   collision_box.add_xy(ground_dxy);
375   if (!get_map().test_collision_with_obstacles(get_layer(), collision_box, *this)) {
376     set_bounding_box(collision_box);
377     notify_position_changed();
378     moved = true;
379   }
381   if (!moved && ground_dxy.x != 0) { // try x only
382     collision_box = get_bounding_box();
383     collision_box.add_xy(ground_dxy.x, 0);
384     if (!get_map().test_collision_with_obstacles(get_layer(), collision_box, *this)) {
385       set_bounding_box(collision_box);
386       notify_position_changed();
387       moved = true;
388     }
389   }
391   if (!moved && ground_dxy.y != 0) { // try y only
392     collision_box = get_bounding_box();
393     collision_box.add_xy(0, ground_dxy.y);
394     if (!get_map().test_collision_with_obstacles(get_layer(), collision_box, *this)) {
395       set_bounding_box(collision_box);
396       notify_position_changed();
397       moved = true;
398     }
399   }
401   if (!moved) {
402     if (get_ground_below() == Ground::HOLE) {
403       // the hero cannot be moved towards the direction previously calculated
404       set_walking_speed(normal_walking_speed);
405       set_state(std::make_shared<FallingState>(*this));
406     }
407   }
408 }
410 /**
411  * \brief Checks that the hero has still some life.
412  *
413  * If his life reaches zero, this function starts the gameover sequence.
414  */
check_gameover()415 void Hero::check_gameover() {
417   if (get_equipment().get_life() <= 0 &&
418       get_state()->can_start_gameover_sequence()) {
419     sprites->stop_blinking();
420     get_game().start_game_over();
421   }
422 }
424 /**
425  * \copydoc Entity::built_in_draw
426  */
built_in_draw(Camera &)427 void Hero::built_in_draw(Camera& /* camera */) {
429   get_state()->draw_on_map();
430 }
432 /**
433  * \brief This function is called when a low-level input event occurs.
434  * \param event The event to handle.
435  * \return \c true if the event was handled.
436  * If \c false, notify_command_pressed/released() can then still be called
437  * if they apply.
438  */
notify_input(const InputEvent & event)439 bool Hero::notify_input(const InputEvent& event) {
440   return get_state()->notify_input(event);
441 }
443 /**
444  * \brief This function is called when a game command is pressed
445  * and the game is not suspended.
446  * \param command The command pressed.
447  */
notify_command_pressed(GameCommand command)448 void Hero::notify_command_pressed(GameCommand command) {
449   get_state()->notify_command_pressed(command);
450 }
452 /**
453  * \brief This function is called when a game command is released
454  * if the game is not suspended.
455  * \param command The command released.
456  */
notify_command_released(GameCommand command)457 void Hero::notify_command_released(GameCommand command) {
458   get_state()->notify_command_released(command);
459 }
461 /**
462  * \brief Returns the sprites currently representing the hero.
463  * \return the sprites
464  */
get_hero_sprites() const465 const HeroSprites& Hero::get_hero_sprites() const {
466   return *sprites;
467 }
469 /**
470  * \overload Non-const version.
471  */
get_hero_sprites()472 HeroSprites& Hero::get_hero_sprites() {
473   return *sprites;
474 }
476 /**
477  * \brief Returns the direction of the hero's sprites.
478  *
479  * It is different from the movement direction.
480  *
481  * \return the direction of the sprites (0 to 3)
482  */
get_animation_direction() const483 int Hero::get_animation_direction() const {
484   return sprites->get_animation_direction();
485 }
487 /**
488  * \brief Changes the direction of the hero's sprites.
489  *
490  * It is different from the movement direction.
491  *
492  * \param direction4 the direction to set (0 to 3)
493  */
set_animation_direction(int direction4)494 void Hero::set_animation_direction(int direction4) {
495   sprites->set_animation_direction(direction4);
496 }
498 /**
499  * \brief Returns whether the sprites animations are finished.
500  * \return true if the animation is finished
501  */
is_animation_finished() const502 bool Hero::is_animation_finished() const {
503   return sprites->is_animation_finished();
504 }
506 /**
507  * \brief Loads (or reloads) the sprites and sounds of the hero and his equipment.
508  *
509  * The sprites and sounds depend on its tunic, sword and shield as specified in the savegame.
510  * This function must be called at the game beginning
511  * and as soon as the hero's equipment is changed.
512  */
rebuild_equipment()513 void Hero::rebuild_equipment() {
515   sprites->rebuild_equipment();
516 }
518 /**
519  * \brief Returns whether the shadow should be currently displayed, separate from the tunic sprite.
520  * \return true if the shadow should be currently displayed.
521  */
is_shadow_visible() const522 bool Hero::is_shadow_visible() const {
523   return get_displayed_xy().y != get_y();
524 }
526 /**
527  * \copydoc Entity::notify_creating
528  */
notify_creating()529 void Hero::notify_creating() {
531   Entity::notify_creating();
532   get_hero_sprites().notify_creating();
534   // At this point the map is known and loaded. Notify the state.
535   get_state()->set_map(get_map());
536 }
538 /**
539  * \copydoc Entity::notify_map_starting
540  */
notify_map_starting(Map & map,const std::shared_ptr<Destination> & destination)541 void Hero::notify_map_starting(Map& map, const std::shared_ptr<Destination>& destination) {
543   Entity::notify_map_starting(map, destination);
545   // At this point the map is known and loaded. Notify the state.
546   get_state()->set_map(get_map());
547 }
549 /**
550  * \copydoc Entity::notify_map_started
551  */
notify_map_started(Map & map,const std::shared_ptr<Destination> & destination)552 void Hero::notify_map_started(Map& map, const std::shared_ptr<Destination>& destination) {
554   Entity::notify_map_started(map, destination);
555   get_state()->notify_map_started(map, destination);
556 }
558 /**
559  * \copydoc Entity::notify_map_opening_transition_finishing
560  */
notify_map_opening_transition_finishing(Map & map,const std::shared_ptr<Destination> & destination)561 void Hero::notify_map_opening_transition_finishing(Map& map, const std::shared_ptr<Destination>& destination) {
563   Entity::notify_map_opening_transition_finishing(map, destination);
565   int side = get_map().get_destination_side();
566   if (side != -1) {
567     // the hero was placed on the side of the map:
568     // there was a scrolling between the previous map and this one
570     switch (side) {
572     case 0: // right side
573       set_x(get_map().get_width() - 8);
574       break;
576     case 1: // top side
577       set_y(13);
578       break;
580     case 2: // left side
581       set_x(8);
582       break;
584     case 3: // bottom side
585       set_y(get_map().get_height() - 3);
586       break;
588     default:
589       Debug::die("Invalid destination side");
590     }
591   }
592   check_position();
593   if (get_state()->is_touching_ground()) {  // Don't change the state during stairs.
594     start_state_from_ground();
595   }
596 }
598 /**
599  * \copydoc Entity::notify_map_opening_transition_finished
600  */
notify_map_opening_transition_finished(Map & map,const std::shared_ptr<Destination> & destination)601 void Hero::notify_map_opening_transition_finished(Map& map, const std::shared_ptr<Destination>& destination) {
603   Entity::notify_map_opening_transition_finished(map, destination);
604   get_state()->notify_map_opening_transition_finished(map, destination);
605 }
607 /**
608  * \copydoc Entity::notify_map_finished
609  */
notify_map_finished()610 void Hero::notify_map_finished() {
612   Entity::notify_map_finished();
613   get_state()->notify_map_finished();
614 }
616 /**
617  * \copydoc Entity::notify_tileset_changed
618  */
notify_tileset_changed()619 void Hero::notify_tileset_changed() {
621   Entity::notify_tileset_changed();
622   get_hero_sprites().notify_tileset_changed();
623 }
625 /**
626  * \brief Puts the hero on a map.
627  *
628  * This function is called when the current map is changed.
629  * Does nothing if the hero is already on this map.
630  *
631  * \param map The map.
632  */
place_on_map(Map & map)633 void Hero::place_on_map(Map& map) {
635   if (is_on_map() &&
636       &get_map() == &map
637   ) {
638     // No change.
639     return;
640   }
642   // Add the hero to the map.
643   const HeroPtr& shared_hero = std::static_pointer_cast<Hero>(shared_from_this());
644   map.get_entities().add_entity(shared_hero);
646   last_solid_ground_coords = { -1, -1 };
647   last_solid_ground_layer = 0;
648   reset_target_solid_ground_callback();
649   get_hero_sprites().set_clipping_rectangle();
651   get_state()->set_map(map);
653   Entity::set_map(map);
654 }
656 /**
657  * \brief Places the hero on the map specified and at its destination point selected.
658  * \param map The new map.
659  * \param previous_map_location Position of the previous map in its world
660  * (because the previous map is already destroyed).
661  */
place_on_destination(Map & map,const Rectangle & previous_map_location)662 void Hero::place_on_destination(Map& map, const Rectangle& previous_map_location) {
664   const std::string& destination_name = map.get_destination_name();
666   if (destination_name == "_same") {
668     // The hero's coordinates are the same as on the previous map
669     // but 1) we need to take into account the location of both maps
670     // and 2) we may have to change the layer.
672     const Rectangle& next_map_location = map.get_location();
673     int x = get_x() - next_map_location.get_x() + previous_map_location.get_x();
674     int y = get_y() - next_map_location.get_y() + previous_map_location.get_y();
676     int layer = map.get_max_layer();
677     while (layer > map.get_min_layer() &&
678         map.get_ground(layer, x, y, this) == Ground::EMPTY) {
679       // TODO check the whole hero's bounding box rather than just a point.
680       --layer;
681     }
682     place_on_map(map);
683     set_xy(x, y);
684     map.get_entities().notify_entity_bounding_box_changed(*this);
685     map.get_entities().set_entity_layer(*this, layer);
686     last_solid_ground_coords = { x, y };
687     last_solid_ground_layer = get_layer();
689     start_free();
690     check_position();  // To appear initially swimming, for example.
691   }
692   else {
693     int side = map.get_destination_side();
695     if (side != -1) {
697       // Go to a side of the other map.
698       int layer = get_layer();
699       if (!map.is_valid_layer(layer)) {
700         std::ostringstream oss;
701         oss << "Layer " << layer << " does not exist on map '" << map.get_id()
702                + "'. Placing the hero on layer 0 instead.";
703         Debug::error(oss.str());
704         layer = 0;
705         set_layer(layer);
706       }
707       place_on_map(map);
709       switch (side) {
711       case 0: // Right side.
712         set_x(map.get_width());
713         set_y(get_y() - map.get_location().get_y() + previous_map_location.get_y());
714         break;
716       case 1: // Top side.
717         set_y(5);
718         set_x(get_x() - map.get_location().get_x() + previous_map_location.get_x());
719         break;
721       case 2: // Left side.
722         set_x(0);
723         set_y(get_y() - map.get_location().get_y() + previous_map_location.get_y());
724         break;
726       case 3: // Bottom side.
727         set_y(map.get_height() + 5);
728         set_x(get_x() - map.get_location().get_x() + previous_map_location.get_x());
729         break;
731       default:
732         Debug::die("Invalid destination side");
733       }
734       map.get_entities().notify_entity_bounding_box_changed(*this);
735       map.get_entities().set_entity_layer(*this, layer);
736       last_solid_ground_coords = get_xy();
737       last_solid_ground_layer = get_layer();
739       // Note that we keep the hero's state from the previous map.
740       check_position();  // Correctly initialize the ground.
741     }
742     else {
744       // Normal case: the location is specified by a destination point object.
746       const std::shared_ptr<Destination> destination = map.get_destination();
748       if (destination == nullptr) {
749         // This is embarrassing: there is no valid destination that we can use.
750         // The map is probably in an early development phase.
751         // For now, let's place the hero at the top-left corner of the map.
752         Debug::error(
753             std::string("No valid destination on map '") + map.get_id()
754             + "'. Placing the hero at (0,0) instead."
755         );
756         place_on_map(map);
757         sprites->set_animation_direction(3);
758         set_top_left_xy(0, 0);
759         map.get_entities().notify_entity_bounding_box_changed(*this);
760         map.get_entities().set_entity_layer(*this, map.get_max_layer());
761       }
762       else {
763         // Normal case.
764         place_on_map(map);
765         if (destination->get_direction() != -1) {
766           sprites->set_animation_direction(destination->get_direction());
767         }
768         set_xy(destination->get_xy());
769         map.get_entities().notify_entity_bounding_box_changed(*this);
770         map.get_entities().set_entity_layer(*this, destination->get_layer());
771       }
772       last_solid_ground_coords = get_xy();
773       last_solid_ground_layer = get_layer();
775       // Remove boomerangs in case the map remains the same.
776       const std::set<std::shared_ptr<Boomerang>>& boomerangs =
777           map.get_entities().get_entities_by_type<Boomerang>();
778       for (const std::shared_ptr<Boomerang>& boomerang : boomerangs) {
779         boomerang->remove_from_map();
780       }
782       if (destination != nullptr) {
783         get_lua_context()->destination_on_activated(*destination);
784       }
786       const std::shared_ptr<const Stairs> stairs = get_stairs_overlapping();
787       if (stairs != nullptr) {
788         // The hero arrived on the map by stairs.
789         set_state(std::make_shared<StairsState>(*this, stairs, Stairs::REVERSE_WAY));
790       }
791       else {
792         // The hero arrived on the map by a usual destination point.
793         start_free();
794         check_position();  // To appear initially swimming, for example.
795       }
796     }
797   }
798 }
800 /**
801  * \copydoc Entity::get_facing_point
802  *
803  * TODO remove this override
804  */
get_facing_point() const805 Point Hero::get_facing_point() const {
807   return get_touching_point(get_animation_direction());
808 }
810 /**
811  * \copydoc Entity::notify_facing_entity_changed
812  */
notify_facing_entity_changed(Entity * facing_entity)813 void Hero::notify_facing_entity_changed(Entity* facing_entity) {
815   CommandsEffects& commands_effects = get_commands_effects();
816   if (facing_entity != nullptr) {
817     if (facing_entity->can_be_lifted() &&
818         is_free() &&
819         commands_effects.get_action_key_effect() == CommandsEffects::ACTION_KEY_NONE) {
820       commands_effects.set_action_key_effect(CommandsEffects::ACTION_KEY_LIFT);
821     }
822   }
823   else {
824     // No more facing entity.
825     if (commands_effects.is_action_key_acting_on_facing_entity()) {
826       // The hero just stopped facing an entity that was showing an action icon.
827       commands_effects.set_action_key_effect(CommandsEffects::ACTION_KEY_NONE);
828     }
829   }
830 }
832 /**
833  * \brief Returns whether there is an obstacle in front of the hero.
834  *
835  * This function returns whether he is touching an obstacle that
836  * is just in front of him.
837  * Note that even if this function returns true, the hero
838  * may still be able to move in that direction due to the possibly sliding movement.
839  * This information is calculated and not stored, so it is
840  * always up to date.
841  *
842  * \return true if the hero is facing an obstacle
843  */
is_facing_obstacle()844 bool Hero::is_facing_obstacle() {
846   Rectangle collision_box = get_bounding_box();
847   switch (sprites->get_animation_direction()) {
849     case 0:
850       collision_box.add_x(1);
851       break;
853     case 1:
854       collision_box.add_y(-1);
855       break;
857     case 2:
858       collision_box.add_x(-1);
859       break;
861     case 3:
862       collision_box.add_y(1);
863       break;
865     default:
866       Debug::die("Invalid animation direction");
867       break;
868   }
870   return get_map().test_collision_with_obstacles(get_layer(), collision_box, *this);
871 }
873 /**
874  * \brief Returns whether the facing point of the hero is overlapping an obstacle.
875  *
876  * This function returns whether his facing point is overlapping an obstacle of the map.
877  * This information is calculated and not stored, so it is always up to date.
878  *
879  * \return true if the facing point is overlapping an obstacle
880  */
is_facing_point_on_obstacle()881 bool Hero::is_facing_point_on_obstacle() {
883   const Point& facing_point = get_facing_point();
884   return get_map().test_collision_with_obstacles(
885       get_layer(), facing_point, *this);
886 }
888 /**
889  * \brief Returns whether the hero is looking towards the specified direction.
890  * \param direction4 a direction (0 to 3)
891  * \return true if the hero is looking towards the specified direction
892  */
is_facing_direction4(int direction4) const893 bool Hero::is_facing_direction4(int direction4) const {
894   return get_animation_direction() == direction4;
895 }
897 /**
898  * \brief Returns whether the hero is looking towards the specified direction.
899  * \param direction8 a direction (0 to 7)
900  * \return true if the hero is looking towards the specified direction
901  * (always false for diagonal directions)
902  */
is_facing_direction8(int direction8) const903 bool Hero::is_facing_direction8(int direction8) const {
904   return get_animation_direction() * 2 == direction8;
905 }
907 /**
908  * \brief Returns whether the hero is currently on raised crystal blocks.
909  * \return true if the hero is currently on raised crystal blocks
910  */
is_on_raised_blocks() const911 bool Hero::is_on_raised_blocks() const {
912   return on_raised_blocks;
913 }
915 /**
916  * \brief Returns the stairs the hero may be currently overlapping.
917  * \return the stairs the hero is currently overlapping, or nullptr
918  */
get_stairs_overlapping() const919 std::shared_ptr<const Stairs> Hero::get_stairs_overlapping() const {
921   std::set<std::shared_ptr<const Stairs>> all_stairs =
922       get_entities().get_entities_by_type<Stairs>(get_layer());
923   for (const std::shared_ptr<const Stairs>& stairs: all_stairs) {
925     if (overlaps(*stairs)) {
926       return stairs;
927     }
928   }
930   return nullptr;
931 }
933 /**
934  * \brief Returns whether the player can control his movements in the current state.
935  * \return true if the player can control his movements
936  */
can_control_movement() const937 bool Hero::can_control_movement() const {
939   if (has_stream_action()
940       && !get_stream_action()->get_stream().get_allow_movement()) {
941     // A stream prevents the control.
942     return false;
943   }
945   return get_state()->get_can_control_movement();
946 }
948 /**
949  * \brief Returns the speed applied to the walking movement on normal ground.
950  * \return The normal walking speed in pixels per second.
951  */
get_normal_walking_speed() const952 int Hero::get_normal_walking_speed() const {
953   return normal_walking_speed;
954 }
956 /**
957  * \brief Sets the speed applied to the walking movement on normal ground.
958  * \param normal_walking_speed The normal walking speed to set in pixels per second.
959  */
set_normal_walking_speed(int normal_walking_speed)960 void Hero::set_normal_walking_speed(int normal_walking_speed) {
962   bool was_normal = (this->walking_speed == this->normal_walking_speed);
963   this->normal_walking_speed = normal_walking_speed;
964   if (was_normal) {
965     set_walking_speed(normal_walking_speed);
966   }
967 }
969 /**
970  * \brief Returns the current speed applied to the hero's movements when he is walking.
971  * \return The current walking speed.
972  */
get_walking_speed() const973 int Hero::get_walking_speed() const {
974   return walking_speed;
975 }
977 /**
978  * \brief Sets the speed to apply to the hero's movements when he is walking.
979  * \param walking_speed the new walking speed
980  */
set_walking_speed(int walking_speed)981 void Hero::set_walking_speed(int walking_speed) {
983   if (walking_speed != this->walking_speed) {
984     this->walking_speed = walking_speed;
985     get_state()->notify_walking_speed_changed();
986   }
987 }
989 /**
990  * \brief Returns the direction of the hero's movement as defined by the controls applied by the player.
991  *
992  * If he is not moving, -1 is returned.
993  * This direction may be different from the real movement direction because of obstacles.
994  *
995  * \return the hero's wanted direction between 0 and 7, or -1 if he is stopped
996  */
get_wanted_movement_direction8() const997 int Hero::get_wanted_movement_direction8() const {
998   return get_state()->get_wanted_movement_direction8();
999 }
1001 /**
1002  * \brief Returns the actual direction of the hero's movement.
1003  *
1004  * This function returns the actual direction of the hero's movement, which can be different from the one
1005  * defined by the directional keys pressed by the player because we consider obstacles here.
1006  * If he does not want to move, -1 is returned. If he is trying to move but cannot because of obstacles,
1007  * the direction he is trying to move toward is returned.
1008  * This function is not used to compute the hero's movement (PlayerMovement does that) but only
1009  * to decide what direction to give to its sprites once the movement is already computed.
1010  *
1011  * \return the hero's actual direction between 0 and 7, or -1 if he is stopped
1012  */
get_real_movement_direction8()1013 int Hero::get_real_movement_direction8() {
1015   int result;
1017   int wanted_direction8 = get_wanted_movement_direction8();
1018   if (wanted_direction8 == -1) {
1019     // the hero does not want to move
1020     result = -1;
1021   }
1022   else {
1023     // the hero wants to move
1025     Rectangle collision_box(get_bounding_box());
1027     // if we can move towards the wanted direction, no problem
1028     Point xy_move = direction_to_xy_move(wanted_direction8);
1029     collision_box.add_xy(xy_move);
1030     if (!get_map().test_collision_with_obstacles(get_layer(), collision_box, *this)) {
1031       result = wanted_direction8;
1032     }
1033     else {
1034       // otherwise, see if he can move in one of the two closest directions (i.e. he is sliding)
1036       int alternative_direction8 = (wanted_direction8 + 1) % 8;
1037       collision_box = get_bounding_box();
1038       xy_move = direction_to_xy_move(alternative_direction8);
1039       collision_box.add_xy(xy_move);
1040       if (!get_map().test_collision_with_obstacles(get_layer(), collision_box, *this)) {
1041         result = alternative_direction8;
1042       }
1043       else {
1044         alternative_direction8 = (wanted_direction8 - 1) % 8;
1045         collision_box = get_bounding_box();
1046         xy_move = direction_to_xy_move(alternative_direction8);
1047         collision_box.add_xy(xy_move);
1048         if (!get_map().test_collision_with_obstacles(get_layer(), collision_box, *this)) {
1049           result = alternative_direction8;
1050         }
1051         else {
1052           // he is not sliding, he wants to move but can't
1053           result = wanted_direction8;
1054         }
1055       }
1056     }
1057   }
1059   return result;
1060 }
1062 /**
1063  * \brief Returns whether the hero is moving towards the specified direction
1064  * among the four main directions.
1065  *
1066  * If the hero is not moving, false is returned.
1067  * If he is making a diagonal move, this function considers that he is moving
1068  * towards both directions.
1069  *
1070  * \param direction4 One of the four main directions (0 to 3).
1071  * \return \c true if the hero is moving in that direction,
1072  * even if he is actually doing a diagonal move.
1073  */
is_moving_towards(int direction4) const1074 bool Hero::is_moving_towards(int direction4) const {
1076   const std::shared_ptr<const Movement>& movement = get_movement();
1077   if (movement == nullptr || movement->is_stopped()) {
1078     return false;
1079   }
1081   int direction8 = direction4 * 2;
1082   int movement_direction8 = get_wanted_movement_direction8();
1084   return movement_direction8 != -1
1085       && (movement_direction8 == direction8
1086           || (movement_direction8 + 1) % 8 == direction8
1087           || (movement_direction8 + 7) % 8 == direction8);
1088 }
1090 /**
1091  * \brief Returns whether the animation direction is locked.
1092  *
1093  * When this function returns false, which is the case most of the time,
1094  * it means that the animation direction is set to the movement direction.
1095  * When it returns true, it means that the animation direction is fixed
1096  * and do not depends on the movement direction anymore (this is the case
1097  * when the hero is loading his sword).
1098  *
1099  * \return true if the animation direction is locked
1100  */
is_direction_locked() const1101 bool Hero::is_direction_locked() const {
1102   return get_state()->is_direction_locked();
1103 }
1105 /**
1106  * \brief This function is called when the hero's position is changed.
1107  */
notify_position_changed()1108 void Hero::notify_position_changed() {
1110   if (is_on_map()) {
1111     get_entities().notify_entity_bounding_box_changed(*this);
1112   }
1114   check_position();
1115   get_state()->notify_position_changed();
1117   if (are_movement_notifications_enabled()) {
1118     get_lua_context()->entity_on_position_changed(*this, get_xy(), get_layer());
1119   }
1120 }
1122 /**
1123  * \brief This function is called when the layer of this entity has just changed.
1124  */
notify_layer_changed()1125 void Hero::notify_layer_changed() {
1126   get_state()->notify_layer_changed();
1127 }
1129 /**
1130  * \brief Notifies this entity that it has just failed to change its position
1131  * because of obstacles.
1132  */
notify_obstacle_reached()1133 void Hero::notify_obstacle_reached() {
1135   Entity::notify_obstacle_reached();
1137   get_state()->notify_obstacle_reached();
1139   if (get_ground_below() == Ground::ICE) {
1140     ground_dxy = { 0, 0 };
1141     ice_movement_direction8 = -1;
1142   }
1143 }
1145 /**
1146  * \brief This function is called when the movement of the entity starts.
1147  */
notify_movement_started()1148 void Hero::notify_movement_started() {
1150   Entity::notify_movement_started();
1151   get_state()->notify_movement_started();
1152 }
1154 /**
1155  * \brief This function is called when the movement of the entity is finished.
1156  */
notify_movement_finished()1157 void Hero::notify_movement_finished() {
1159   Entity::notify_movement_finished();
1160   get_state()->notify_movement_finished();
1161 }
1163 /**
1164  * \brief Updates the hero depending on its movement.
1165  *
1166  * This function is called when the hero's movement direction changes (for instance
1167  * because the player pressed or released a directional key, or the hero just reached an obstacle).
1168  * It updates the hero's animations and collisions according to the new movement.
1169  */
notify_movement_changed()1170 void Hero::notify_movement_changed() {
1172   update_direction();
1174   // let the state pick the animation corresponding to the movement tried by the player
1175   get_state()->notify_movement_changed();
1176   check_position();
1178   if (get_ground_below() == Ground::ICE) {
1179     update_ice();
1180   }
1181   Entity::notify_movement_changed();
1182 }
1184 /**
1185  * \brief Checks collisions with detectors, determines the facing entity
1186  * and the ground below the hero in its current position.
1187  *
1188  * This function is called when these checks have to be done again,
1189  * e.g. when the position, the direction or the state of the hero changes.
1190  */
check_position()1191 void Hero::check_position() {
1193   if (!is_on_map()) {
1194     return;
1195   }
1197   if (get_state()->are_collisions_ignored()) {
1198     // Do not take care of the ground or detectors.
1199     return;
1200   }
1202   // Recompute the facing entity.
1203   set_facing_entity(nullptr);
1204   check_collision_with_detectors();
1206   if (is_suspended()
1207       && get_map().test_collision_with_border(get_ground_point())) {
1208     // When suspended, the hero may have invalid coordinates
1209     // (e.g. transition between maps).
1210     return;
1211   }
1213   // Determine the new ground if it has changed.
1214   update_ground_below();
1216   // Save the hero's last valid position.
1217   Ground ground = get_ground_below();
1218   if (ground != Ground::DEEP_WATER
1219       && ground != Ground::HOLE
1220       && ground != Ground::LAVA
1221       && ground != Ground::PRICKLE
1222       && ground != Ground::EMPTY
1223       && get_state()->get_can_come_from_bad_ground()
1224       && (get_xy() != last_solid_ground_coords)) {
1226     last_solid_ground_coords = get_xy();
1227     last_solid_ground_layer = get_layer();
1228   }
1230   // With empty ground, possibly go to the lower layer.
1231   if (ground == Ground::EMPTY && get_state()->is_touching_ground()) {
1233     int x = get_top_left_x();
1234     int y = get_top_left_y();
1235     int layer = get_layer();
1237     if (layer > get_map().get_min_layer()
1238         && get_map().get_ground(layer, x, y, this) == Ground::EMPTY
1239         && get_map().get_ground(layer, x + 15, y, this) == Ground::EMPTY
1240         && get_map().get_ground(layer, x, y + 15, this) == Ground::EMPTY
1241         && get_map().get_ground(layer, x + 15, y + 15, this) == Ground::EMPTY) {
1243       get_entities().set_entity_layer(*this, layer - 1);
1244       Ground new_ground = get_map().get_ground(get_layer(), x, y, this);
1245       if (get_state()->is_free() &&
1246           (new_ground == Ground::TRAVERSABLE
1247            || new_ground == Ground::GRASS
1248            || new_ground == Ground::LADDER)) {
1249         Sound::play("hero_lands");
1250       }
1251     }
1252   }
1253 }
1255 /**
1256  * \brief Stops the movement of the player and lets the player restart it when he can.
1257  *
1258  * This function is typically called when the player temporarily loses the control
1259  * (e.g. because of a script or a map change) whereas the movement remains the same.
1260  * Then the movement may want to move a few pixels more as soon as it is resumed.
1261  * This function removes such residual effects of the player's movement.
1262  * If the current movement is not controlled by the player, this function has no effect.
1263  */
reset_movement()1264 void Hero::reset_movement() {
1266   if (can_control_movement()) {
1267     get_movement()->stop();
1268   }
1269 }
1271 /**
1272  * \brief Starts activating the new ground of the hero.
1273  */
notify_ground_below_changed()1274 void Hero::notify_ground_below_changed() {
1276   const bool suspended = get_game().is_suspended();
1278   Entity::notify_ground_below_changed();
1280   sprites->destroy_ground();
1282   switch (get_ground_below()) {
1284   case Ground::TRAVERSABLE:
1285     set_walking_speed(normal_walking_speed);
1286     break;
1288   case Ground::DEEP_WATER:
1289     // Deep water: plunge if the hero is not jumping.
1290     if (!get_state()->can_avoid_deep_water()) {
1292       if (suspended) {
1293         // During a transition, it is okay to start swimming
1294         // but we don't want to start plunging right now.
1295         if (get_state()->is_touching_ground()) {
1296           start_deep_water();
1297         }
1298       }
1299       else {
1300         start_deep_water();
1301       }
1302     }
1303     break;
1305   case Ground::HOLE:
1306     // Hole: fall into the hole or get attracted to it.
1307     // But wait for the teletransporter opening transition to finish if any.
1308     if (!suspended
1309         && !get_state()->can_avoid_hole()) {
1310       start_hole();
1311     }
1312     break;
1314   case Ground::ICE:
1315     // Ice: make the hero slide.
1316     if (!get_state()->can_avoid_ice()) {
1317       start_ice();
1318     }
1319     break;
1321   case Ground::LAVA:
1322     // Lava: plunge into lava.
1323     if (!suspended
1324         && !get_state()->can_avoid_lava()) {
1325       start_lava();
1326     }
1327     break;
1329   case Ground::PRICKLE:
1330     // Prickles.
1331     if (!suspended
1332         && !get_state()->can_avoid_prickle()) {
1333       start_prickle(500);
1334     }
1335     break;
1337   case Ground::SHALLOW_WATER:
1338     if (get_state()->is_affected_by_shallow_water()) {
1339       start_shallow_water();
1340     }
1341     break;
1343   case Ground::GRASS:
1344     if (get_state()->is_affected_by_grass()) {
1345       start_grass();
1346     }
1347     break;
1349   case Ground::LADDER:
1350     if (!suspended &&
1351         get_state()->is_affected_by_ladder()) {
1352       set_walking_speed(normal_walking_speed * 3 / 5);
1353     }
1354     break;
1356   case Ground::WALL:
1357   case Ground::LOW_WALL:
1358   case Ground::WALL_TOP_RIGHT:
1359   case Ground::WALL_TOP_LEFT:
1360   case Ground::WALL_BOTTOM_LEFT:
1361   case Ground::WALL_BOTTOM_RIGHT:
1362   case Ground::WALL_TOP_RIGHT_WATER:
1363   case Ground::WALL_TOP_LEFT_WATER:
1364   case Ground::WALL_BOTTOM_LEFT_WATER:
1365   case Ground::WALL_BOTTOM_RIGHT_WATER:
1366     // The hero is stuck in a wall. Damn.
1367     // This is the fault of the quest maker, unless there is a bug in Solarus.
1368     // The user will have to save and quit his game.
1369     // TODO maybe we could use the back to solid ground mechanism here?
1370     break;
1372   case Ground::EMPTY:
1373     break;
1374   }
1376   // Notify the state.
1377   get_state()->notify_ground_below_changed();
1378 }
1380 /**
1381  * \brief Returns whether the hero is in a state such that
1382  * a ground can be displayed under him.
1383  */
is_ground_visible() const1384 bool Hero::is_ground_visible() const {
1386   Ground ground = get_ground_below();
1387   return (ground == Ground::GRASS || ground == Ground::SHALLOW_WATER)
1388     && get_state()->is_touching_ground();
1389 }
1391 /**
1392  * \brief Returns whether this entity is sensible to the ground below it.
1393  * \return \c true if this entity is sensible to its ground.
1394  */
is_ground_observer() const1395 bool Hero::is_ground_observer() const {
1396   return true;
1397 }
1399 /**
1400  * \brief Returns the last point of solid ground where the hero was.
1401  * \return The last solid ground coordinates, or
1402  * <tt>-1,-1</tt> if the hero never was on solid ground on this map yet.
1403  */
get_last_solid_ground_coords() const1404 const Point& Hero::get_last_solid_ground_coords() const {
1405   return last_solid_ground_coords;
1406 }
1408 /**
1409  * \brief Returns the layer of the last of solid ground where the hero was.
1410  * \return The last solid ground layer, or
1411  * 0 if the hero never was on solid ground on this map yet.
1412  */
get_last_solid_ground_layer() const1413 int Hero::get_last_solid_ground_layer() const {
1414   return last_solid_ground_layer;
1415 }
1417 /**
1418  * \brief Returns the function indicated by the last call to
1419  * set_target_solid_callback().
1420  * \return The Lua function that gives solid ground coordinates, or
1421  * an empty ref if set_target_solid_callback() was not called.
1422  */
get_target_solid_ground_callback() const1423 const ScopedLuaRef& Hero::get_target_solid_ground_callback() const {
1424   return target_solid_ground_callback;
1425 }
1427 /**
1428  * \brief Creates a Lua function that returns the given coordinates and layer.
1429  *
1430  * This function can be used as callback for specifying the solid ground position.
1431  *
1432  * \param xy Coordinates the function should return.
1433  * \param layer Layer the function should return.
1434  * \return Lua ref to a function that returns this solid position.
1435  */
make_solid_ground_callback(const Point & xy,int layer) const1436 ScopedLuaRef Hero::make_solid_ground_callback(
1437     const Point& xy, int layer) const {
1439   LuaContext* lua_context = get_lua_context();
1440   if (lua_context == nullptr) {
1441     return ScopedLuaRef();
1442   }
1443   lua_State* l = lua_context->get_internal_state();
1445   lua_pushinteger(l, xy.x);
1446   lua_pushinteger(l, xy.y);
1447   lua_pushinteger(l, layer);
1448   lua_pushcclosure(l, l_solid_ground_callback, 3);
1450   ScopedLuaRef callback_ref = LuaTools::create_ref(l, -1);
1451   lua_pop(l, 1);
1452   return callback_ref;
1453 }
1455 /**
1456  * \brief Specifies a function indicating where the hero will go back
1457  * if he falls into a hole or some other bad ground.
1458  * \param target_solid_ground_callback A Lua function that gives the
1459  * coordinates and layer of where the hero should go if he falls into
1460  * a hole or some other bad ground.
1461  * An empty ref means returning automatically to the last solid ground
1462  * position.
1463  */
set_target_solid_ground_callback(const ScopedLuaRef & target_solid_ground_callback)1464 void Hero::set_target_solid_ground_callback(
1465     const ScopedLuaRef& target_solid_ground_callback) {
1467   this->target_solid_ground_callback = target_solid_ground_callback;
1468 }
1470 /**
1471  * \brief Forgets the function indicating where the hero was supposed to go
1472  * back if he falls into a hole or some other bad ground.
1473  *
1474  * The hero will now get back to the last solid ground instead of going back
1475  * to a custom position.
1476  */
reset_target_solid_ground_callback()1477 void Hero::reset_target_solid_ground_callback() {
1479   set_target_solid_ground_callback(ScopedLuaRef());
1480 }
1482 /**
1483  * \brief Returns whether this entity is an obstacle for another one.
1484  * \param other another entity
1485  * \return true if this entity is an obstacle for the other one
1486  */
is_obstacle_for(Entity & other)1487 bool Hero::is_obstacle_for(Entity& other) {
1488   return other.is_hero_obstacle(*this);
1489 }
1491 /**
1492  * \copydoc Entity::is_traversable_obstacle
1493  */
is_traversable_obstacle() const1494 bool Hero::is_traversable_obstacle() const {
1495   return get_state()->is_traversable_obstacle();
1496 }
1498 /**
1499  * \copydoc Entity::is_wall_obstacle
1500  */
is_wall_obstacle() const1501 bool Hero::is_wall_obstacle() const {
1502   return get_state()->is_wall_obstacle();
1503 }
1505 /**
1506  * \copydoc Entity::is_low_wall_obstacle
1507  */
is_low_wall_obstacle() const1508 bool Hero::is_low_wall_obstacle() const {
1509   return get_state()->is_low_wall_obstacle();
1510 }
1512 /**
1513  * \copydoc Entity::is_grass_obstacle
1514  */
is_grass_obstacle() const1515 bool Hero::is_grass_obstacle() const {
1516   return get_state()->is_grass_obstacle();
1517 }
1519 /**
1520  * \copydoc Entity::is_shallow_water_obstacle
1521  */
is_shallow_water_obstacle() const1522 bool Hero::is_shallow_water_obstacle() const {
1523   return get_state()->is_shallow_water_obstacle();
1524 }
1526 /**
1527  * \copydoc Entity::is_deep_water_obstacle
1528  */
is_deep_water_obstacle() const1529 bool Hero::is_deep_water_obstacle() const {
1530   return get_state()->is_deep_water_obstacle();
1531 }
1533 /**
1534  * \copydoc Entity::is_hole_obstacle
1535  */
is_hole_obstacle() const1536 bool Hero::is_hole_obstacle() const {
1537   return get_state()->is_hole_obstacle();
1538 }
1540 /**
1541  * \copydoc Entity::is_ice_obstacle
1542  */
is_ice_obstacle() const1543 bool Hero::is_ice_obstacle() const {
1544   return get_state()->is_ice_obstacle();
1545 }
1547 /**
1548  * \copydoc Entity::is_lava_obstacle
1549  */
is_lava_obstacle() const1550 bool Hero::is_lava_obstacle() const {
1551   return get_state()->is_lava_obstacle();
1552 }
1554 /**
1555  * \copydoc Entity::is_prickle_obstacle
1556  */
is_prickle_obstacle() const1557 bool Hero::is_prickle_obstacle() const {
1558   return get_state()->is_prickle_obstacle();
1559 }
1561 /**
1562  * \copydoc Entity::is_ladder_obstacle
1563  */
is_ladder_obstacle() const1564 bool Hero::is_ladder_obstacle() const {
1565   return get_state()->is_ladder_obstacle();
1566 }
1568 /**
1569  * \copydoc Entity::is_hero_obstacle
1570  */
is_hero_obstacle(Hero & hero)1571 bool Hero::is_hero_obstacle(Hero& hero) {
1572   return get_state()->is_hero_obstacle(hero);
1573 }
1575 /**
1576  * \copydoc Entity::is_block_obstacle
1577  */
is_block_obstacle(Block & block)1578 bool Hero::is_block_obstacle(Block& block) {
1579   return get_state()->is_block_obstacle(block);
1580 }
1582 /**
1583  * \copydoc Entity::is_teletransporter_obstacle
1584  */
is_teletransporter_obstacle(Teletransporter & teletransporter)1585 bool Hero::is_teletransporter_obstacle(Teletransporter& teletransporter) {
1586   return get_state()->is_teletransporter_obstacle(teletransporter);
1587 }
1589 /**
1590  * \copydoc Entity::is_stream_obstacle
1591  */
is_stream_obstacle(Stream & stream)1592 bool Hero::is_stream_obstacle(Stream& stream) {
1593   return get_state()->is_stream_obstacle(stream);
1594 }
1596 /**
1597  * \copydoc Entity::is_stairs_obstacle
1598  */
is_stairs_obstacle(Stairs & stairs)1599 bool Hero::is_stairs_obstacle(Stairs& stairs) {
1600   return get_state()->is_stairs_obstacle(stairs);
1601 }
1603 /**
1604  * \copydoc Entity::is_sensor_obstacle
1605  */
is_sensor_obstacle(Sensor & sensor)1606 bool Hero::is_sensor_obstacle(Sensor& sensor) {
1607   return get_state()->is_sensor_obstacle(sensor);
1608 }
1610 /**
1611  * \copydoc Entity::is_switch_obstacle
1612  */
is_switch_obstacle(Switch & sw)1613 bool Hero::is_switch_obstacle(Switch& sw) {
1614   return get_state()->is_switch_obstacle(sw);
1615 }
1617 /**
1618  * \copydoc Entity::is_raised_block_obstacle
1619  */
is_raised_block_obstacle(CrystalBlock & raised_block)1620 bool Hero::is_raised_block_obstacle(CrystalBlock& raised_block) {
1621   return get_state()->is_raised_block_obstacle(raised_block);
1622 }
1624 /**
1625  * \copydoc Entity::is_crystal_obstacle
1626  */
is_crystal_obstacle(Crystal & crystal)1627 bool Hero::is_crystal_obstacle(Crystal& crystal) {
1628   return get_state()->is_crystal_obstacle(crystal);
1629 }
1631 /**
1632  * \copydoc Entity::is_npc_obstacle
1633  */
is_npc_obstacle(Npc & npc)1634 bool Hero::is_npc_obstacle(Npc& npc) {
1635   return get_state()->is_npc_obstacle(npc);
1636 }
1638 /**
1639  * \copydoc Entity::is_door_obstacle
1640  */
is_door_obstacle(Door & door)1641 bool Hero::is_door_obstacle(Door& door) {
1642   return get_state()->is_door_obstacle(door);
1643 }
1645 /**
1646  * \copydoc Entity::is_enemy_obstacle
1647  */
is_enemy_obstacle(Enemy & enemy)1648 bool Hero::is_enemy_obstacle(Enemy& enemy) {
1649   return get_state()->is_enemy_obstacle(enemy);
1650 }
1652 /**
1653  * \copydoc Entity::is_jumper_obstacle
1654  */
is_jumper_obstacle(Jumper & jumper,const Rectangle & candidate_position)1655 bool Hero::is_jumper_obstacle(Jumper& jumper, const Rectangle& candidate_position) {
1656   return get_state()->is_jumper_obstacle(jumper, candidate_position);
1657 }
1659 /**
1660  * \copydoc Entity::is_destructible_obstacle
1661  */
is_destructible_obstacle(Destructible & destructible)1662 bool Hero::is_destructible_obstacle(Destructible& destructible) {
1663   return get_state()->is_destructible_obstacle(destructible);
1664 }
1666 /**
1667  * \copydoc Entity::is_separator_obstacle
1668  */
is_separator_obstacle(Separator & separator,const Rectangle &)1669 bool Hero::is_separator_obstacle(Separator& separator, const Rectangle& /* candidate_position */) {
1670   return get_state()->is_separator_obstacle(separator);
1671 }
1673 /**
1674  * \copydoc Entity::notify_collision_with_destructible
1675  */
notify_collision_with_destructible(Destructible & destructible,CollisionMode collision_mode)1676 void Hero::notify_collision_with_destructible(
1677     Destructible& destructible, CollisionMode collision_mode) {
1678   destructible.notify_collision_with_hero(*this, collision_mode);
1679 }
1681 /**
1682  * \copydoc Enemy::notify_collision_with_enemy(Enemy&, CollisionMode)
1683  */
notify_collision_with_enemy(Enemy & enemy,CollisionMode collision_mode)1684 void Hero::notify_collision_with_enemy(Enemy& enemy, CollisionMode collision_mode) {
1686   if (enemy.get_attacking_collision_mode() != collision_mode) {
1687     // Not the collision mode used to attack the hero.
1688     return;
1689   }
1690   enemy.attack_hero(*this, nullptr);
1691 }
1693 /**
1694  * \copydoc Enemy::notify_collision_with_enemy(Enemy&, Sprite&, Sprite&))
1695  */
notify_collision_with_enemy(Enemy & enemy,Sprite & this_sprite,Sprite & enemy_sprite)1696 void Hero::notify_collision_with_enemy(
1697     Enemy& enemy, Sprite& this_sprite, Sprite& enemy_sprite) {
1699   const std::string& this_sprite_id = this_sprite.get_animation_set_id();
1700   if (this_sprite_id == get_hero_sprites().get_sword_sprite_id()) {
1701     // the hero's sword overlaps the enemy
1702     enemy.try_hurt(EnemyAttack::SWORD, *this, &enemy_sprite);
1703   }
1704   else if (this_sprite_id == get_hero_sprites().get_tunic_sprite_id()) {
1706     if (enemy.get_attacking_collision_mode() != CollisionMode::COLLISION_SPRITE) {
1707       // The enemy does not attack with sprite collisions.
1708       return;
1709     }
1711     // The hero's body sprite overlaps the enemy.
1712     // Check that the 16x16 rectangle of the hero also overlaps the enemy.
1713     const Size& enemy_sprite_size = enemy_sprite.get_size();
1714     const Point& enemy_sprite_origin = enemy_sprite.get_origin();
1715     const Point& enemy_sprite_offset = enemy_sprite.get_xy();
1716     Rectangle enemy_sprite_rectangle(
1717         enemy.get_x() - enemy_sprite_origin.x + enemy_sprite_offset.x,
1718         enemy.get_y() - enemy_sprite_origin.y + enemy_sprite_offset.y,
1719         enemy_sprite_size.width,
1720         enemy_sprite_size.height
1721     );
1723     if (overlaps(enemy_sprite_rectangle)) {
1724       enemy.attack_hero(*this, &enemy_sprite);
1725     }
1726   }
1727 }
1729 /**
1730  * \brief This function is called when a teletransporter detects a collision with the hero.
1731  * \param teletransporter the teletransporter
1732  * \param collision_mode the collision mode that detected the event
1733  */
notify_collision_with_teletransporter(Teletransporter & teletransporter,CollisionMode)1734 void Hero::notify_collision_with_teletransporter(
1735     Teletransporter& teletransporter, CollisionMode /* collision_mode */) {
1737   if (!can_avoid_teletransporter(teletransporter)) {
1739     update_ground_below();  // Make sure the ground is up-to-date.
1740     bool on_hole = get_ground_below() == Ground::HOLE;
1741     if (on_hole || get_state()->is_teletransporter_delayed()) {
1742        // Fall into the hole (or do something else) first, transport later
1743       this->delayed_teletransporter = std::static_pointer_cast<Teletransporter>(
1744             teletransporter.shared_from_this()
1745       );
1746     }
1747     else {
1748       teletransporter.transport_hero(*this); // usual case: transport right now
1749     }
1750   }
1751 }
1753 /**
1754  * \brief Returns a teletransporter that has detected a collision with the hero
1755  * bu will be activated when the current action is finished
1756  * (e.g. falling into a hole or taking stairs).
1757  * \return The delayed teletransporter or nullptr.
1758  */
get_delayed_teletransporter()1759 std::shared_ptr<Teletransporter> Hero::get_delayed_teletransporter() {
1760   return delayed_teletransporter;
1761 }
1763 /**
1764  * \copydoc Entity::notify_collision_with_stream
1765  */
notify_collision_with_stream(Stream & stream,int dx,int dy)1766 void Hero::notify_collision_with_stream(
1767     Stream& stream, int dx, int dy) {
1769   if (has_stream_action()) {
1770     // There is already an active stream.
1771     return;
1772   }
1774   if (get_state()->can_avoid_stream(stream)) {
1775     // Streams are ignored in the current state of the hero.
1776     return;
1777   }
1779   // Check that the feet of the hero are on the stream.
1780   if (!stream.overlaps(get_ground_point())) {
1781     return;
1782   }
1784   bool activate_stream = false;
1786   if (stream.get_allow_movement()) {
1787     // The stream can be forced: there is no risk.
1788     // Even if the stream is faster than the player's movement,
1789     // he can still move perpendicularly.
1790     activate_stream = true;
1791   }
1792   else if (dx != 0 && dy != 0) {
1793     // Case of a diagonal stream.
1794     // TODO Diagonal streams are always activated for now, this could be improved.
1795     activate_stream = true;
1796   }
1797   else {
1798     // This is a blocking stream.
1799     // Check that the hero can go in the stream's direction.
1800     // Otherwise the hero, would be trapped forever if there
1801     // is an obstacle after the stream.
1802     Map& map = get_map();
1803     Rectangle collision_box(0, 0, 16, 16);
1805     // First check that the exit of the stream is clear.
1806     collision_box.set_xy(stream.get_bounding_box().get_xy());
1807     collision_box.add_xy(dx, dy);
1808     if (!map.test_collision_with_obstacles(get_layer(), collision_box, *this)) {
1809       // The stream's exit is clear.
1810       // Check that we can make at least one pixel with the stream.
1811       // Because maybe we have already passed the exit and cannot do more.
1812       const bool horizontal = dx != 0;
1813       if (horizontal) {
1814         collision_box.set_xy(
1815             get_top_left_x() + dx,
1816             get_top_left_y()
1817         );
1818       }
1819       else {
1820         collision_box.set_xy(
1821             get_top_left_x(),
1822             get_top_left_y() + dy
1823         );
1824       }
1826       if (!get_map().test_collision_with_obstacles(get_layer(), collision_box, *this)) {
1827         // We can make at least one pixel with the stream.
1828         activate_stream = true;
1829       }
1830       else {
1831         // We would be blocked if we took the stream straight.
1832         // Maybe we won't get blocked when getting aligned with the stream.
1833         // Let's check that.
1835         if (horizontal) {
1836           // Horizontal stream: try to align the Y coordinate.
1837           collision_box.set_xy(
1838               get_top_left_x() + dx,
1839               stream.get_top_left_y()
1840           );
1841         }
1842         else {
1843           // Vertical stream: try to align the X coordinate.
1844           collision_box.set_xy(
1845               stream.get_top_left_x(),
1846               get_top_left_y() + dy
1847           );
1848         }
1850         if (!map.test_collision_with_obstacles(get_layer(), collision_box, *this)) {
1851           // We can move into the direction when correctly aligned.
1852           activate_stream = true;
1853         }
1854       }
1855     }
1856   }
1858   if (activate_stream) {
1859     stream.activate(*this);
1860     if (!get_state()->can_persist_on_stream(stream)) {
1861       start_free();
1862     }
1863   }
1864 }
1866 /**
1867  * \brief This function is called when a stairs entity detects a collision
1868  * with this entity.
1869  * \param stairs The stairs.
1870  * \param collision_mode The collision mode that detected the event.
1871  */
notify_collision_with_stairs(Stairs & stairs,CollisionMode collision_mode)1872 void Hero::notify_collision_with_stairs(
1873     Stairs& stairs, CollisionMode collision_mode) {
1875   if (get_state()->get_can_take_stairs()) {
1877     Stairs::Way stairs_way;
1878     if (stairs.is_inside_floor()) {
1879       stairs_way = (get_layer() == stairs.get_layer()) ?
1880           Stairs::NORMAL_WAY : Stairs::REVERSE_WAY;
1881     }
1882     else {
1883       stairs_way = (collision_mode == COLLISION_TOUCHING) ?
1884           Stairs::NORMAL_WAY : Stairs::REVERSE_WAY;
1885     }
1887     // Check that the hero is exactly aligned with the stairs.
1888     if (stairs.get_direction() % 2 == 0) {
1889       // Horizontal stairs.
1890       if (get_top_left_y() != stairs.get_top_left_y()) {
1891         return;
1892       }
1893     }
1894     else {
1895       // Vertical stairs.
1896       if (get_top_left_x() != stairs.get_top_left_x()) {
1897         return;
1898       }
1899     }
1901     // Check whether the hero is trying to move in the direction of the stairs.
1902     int correct_direction = stairs.get_movement_direction(stairs_way);
1903     if (is_moving_towards(correct_direction / 2)) {
1904       std::shared_ptr<const Stairs> shared_stairs =
1905           std::static_pointer_cast<const Stairs>(stairs.shared_from_this());
1906       set_state(std::make_shared<StairsState>(*this, shared_stairs, stairs_way));
1907     }
1908   }
1909 }
1911 /**
1912  * \copydoc Entity::notify_collision_with_jumper
1913  */
notify_collision_with_jumper(Jumper & jumper,CollisionMode collision_mode)1914 void Hero::notify_collision_with_jumper(Jumper& jumper,
1915     CollisionMode collision_mode) {
1917   if (collision_mode == COLLISION_CUSTOM) {
1918     get_state()->notify_jumper_activated(jumper);
1919   }
1920 }
1922 /**
1923  * \brief This function is called when a sensor detects a collision with this entity.
1924  * \param sensor a sensor
1925  * \param collision_mode the collision mode that detected the collision
1926  */
notify_collision_with_sensor(Sensor & sensor,CollisionMode collision_mode)1927 void Hero::notify_collision_with_sensor(Sensor& sensor, CollisionMode collision_mode) {
1929   if (collision_mode == COLLISION_CONTAINING    // the hero is entirely inside the sensor
1930       && !get_state()->can_avoid_sensor()) {
1931     sensor.activate(*this);
1932   }
1933 }
1935 /**
1936  * \brief This function is called when a switch detects a collision with this entity.
1937  * \param sw the switch
1938  * \param collision_mode the collision mode that detected the event
1939  */
notify_collision_with_switch(Switch & sw,CollisionMode)1940 void Hero::notify_collision_with_switch(Switch& sw, CollisionMode /* collision_mode */) {
1942   // it's normally a walkable switch
1943   if (sw.is_walkable()
1944       && !get_state()->can_avoid_switch()) {
1945     sw.try_activate(*this);
1946   }
1947 }
1949 /**
1950  * \brief This function is called when a the sprite of a switch
1951  * detects a pixel-precise collision with a sprite of this entity.
1952  * \param sw the switch
1953  * \param sprite_overlapping the sprite of the current entity that collides with the crystal
1954  */
notify_collision_with_switch(Switch & sw,Sprite & sprite_overlapping)1955 void Hero::notify_collision_with_switch(Switch& sw, Sprite& sprite_overlapping) {
1957   // it's normally a solid switch
1958   const std::string& sprite_id = sprite_overlapping.get_animation_set_id();
1959   if (sprite_id == get_hero_sprites().get_sword_sprite_id() && // the hero's sword is overlapping the switch
1960       sw.is_solid() &&
1961       get_state()->can_sword_hit_crystal()) {
1962     // note that solid switches and crystals have the same rules for the sword
1964     sw.try_activate();
1965   }
1966 }
1968 /**
1969  * \brief This function is called when a crystal detects a collision with this entity.
1970  * \param crystal the crystal
1971  * \param collision_mode the collision mode that detected the event
1972  */
notify_collision_with_crystal(Crystal &,CollisionMode collision_mode)1973 void Hero::notify_collision_with_crystal(Crystal& /* crystal */, CollisionMode collision_mode) {
1975   if (collision_mode == COLLISION_FACING) {
1976     // The hero is touching the crystal and is looking in its direction.
1978     if (get_commands_effects().get_action_key_effect() == CommandsEffects::ACTION_KEY_NONE
1979         && is_free()) {
1981       // We show the action icon.
1982       get_commands_effects().set_action_key_effect(CommandsEffects::ACTION_KEY_LOOK);
1983     }
1984   }
1985 }
1987 /**
1988  * \brief This function is called when a the sprite of a crystal
1989  * detects a pixel-precise collision with a sprite of this entity.
1990  * \param crystal the crystal
1991  * \param sprite_overlapping the sprite of the current entity that collides with the crystal
1992  */
notify_collision_with_crystal(Crystal & crystal,Sprite & sprite_overlapping)1993 void Hero::notify_collision_with_crystal(Crystal& crystal, Sprite& sprite_overlapping) {
1995   const std::string sprite_id = sprite_overlapping.get_animation_set_id();
1996   if (sprite_id == get_hero_sprites().get_sword_sprite_id() && // the hero's sword is overlapping the crystal
1997       get_state()->can_sword_hit_crystal()) {
1999     crystal.activate(*this);
2000   }
2001 }
2003 /**
2004  * \brief This function is called when a chest detects a collision with this entity.
2005  * \param chest the chest
2006  */
notify_collision_with_chest(Chest & chest)2007 void Hero::notify_collision_with_chest(Chest& chest) {
2009   if (get_commands_effects().get_action_key_effect() == CommandsEffects::ACTION_KEY_NONE
2010       && is_free()
2011       && is_facing_direction4(1)
2012       && !chest.is_open()) {
2014     // We show the 'open' icon even if the chest cannot be opened yet.
2015     get_commands_effects().set_action_key_effect(CommandsEffects::ACTION_KEY_OPEN);
2016   }
2017 }
2019 /**
2020  * \brief This function is called when a block detects a collision with this entity.
2021  * \param block the block
2022  */
notify_collision_with_block(Block &)2023 void Hero::notify_collision_with_block(Block& /* block */) {
2025   if (get_commands_effects().get_action_key_effect() == CommandsEffects::ACTION_KEY_NONE &&
2026       is_free() &&
2027       can_grab()
2028   ) {
2029     // We allow to grab using the action command.
2030     get_commands_effects().set_action_key_effect(CommandsEffects::ACTION_KEY_GRAB);
2031   }
2032 }
2034 /**
2035  * \copydoc Entity::notify_collision_with_separator
2036  */
notify_collision_with_separator(Separator & separator,CollisionMode)2037 void Hero::notify_collision_with_separator(
2038     Separator& separator, CollisionMode /* collision_mode */) {
2040   const CameraPtr& camera = get_map().get_camera();
2041   if (camera == nullptr) {
2042     return;
2043   }
2044   if (camera->get_tracked_entity().get() == this) {
2045     camera->notify_tracked_entity_traversing_separator(separator);
2046   }
2047 }
2049 /**
2050  * \brief This function is called when an explosion's sprite detects a collision with a sprite of the hero.
2051  * \param explosion the explosion
2052  * \param sprite_overlapping the sprite of the hero that collides with the explosion
2053  */
notify_collision_with_explosion(Explosion & explosion,Sprite & sprite_overlapping)2054 void Hero::notify_collision_with_explosion(
2055     Explosion& explosion, Sprite& sprite_overlapping) {
2057   const std::string& sprite_id = sprite_overlapping.get_animation_set_id();
2058   if (!get_state()->can_avoid_explosion() &&
2059       sprite_id == get_hero_sprites().get_tunic_sprite_id() &&
2060       can_be_hurt(&explosion)) {
2061     hurt(explosion, nullptr, 2);
2062   }
2063 }
2065 /**
2066  * \brief Makes the hero escape from an entity that is overlapping him.
2067  *
2068  * This function is called when an entity that just appeared may overlap the hero
2069  * (e.g. a chest or a door).
2070  *
2071  * \param entity the entity that just appeared
2072  * \param direction the direction of the hero relative to the entity
2073  * (the hero will be moved into this direction): 0 to 3
2074  */
avoid_collision(Entity & entity,int direction)2075 void Hero::avoid_collision(Entity& entity, int direction) {
2077   // fix the hero's position, whatever the entity's) size is
2078   switch (direction) {
2080     case 0:
2081       set_top_left_x(entity.get_top_left_x() + entity.get_width());
2082       set_top_left_y(entity.get_center_point().y - 8);
2083       break;
2085     case 1:
2086       set_top_left_y(entity.get_top_left_y() - this->get_height());
2087       set_top_left_x(entity.get_center_point().x - 8);
2088       break;
2090     case 2:
2091       set_top_left_x(entity.get_top_left_x() - this->get_width());
2092       set_top_left_y(entity.get_center_point().y - 8);
2093       break;
2095     case 3:
2096       set_top_left_y(entity.get_top_left_y() + entity.get_height());
2097       set_top_left_x(entity.get_center_point().x - 8);
2098       break;
2100     default:
2101       Debug::die("Invalid direction in Hero::avoid_collision()");
2102       break;
2103   }
2104   reset_movement();
2105 }
2107 /**
2108  * \brief Notifies the hero that the entity he is pushing or pulling
2109  * cannot move anymore because of a collision.
2110  */
notify_grabbed_entity_collision()2111 void Hero::notify_grabbed_entity_collision() {
2112   get_state()->notify_grabbed_entity_collision();
2113 }
2115 /**
2116  * \brief Tests whether the hero is cutting with his sword the specified entity
2117  * for which a collision was detected.
2118  *
2119  * When the sword sprite collides with an entity,
2120  * this function can be called to determine whether the hero is
2121  * really cutting this particular entity precisely.
2122  * This depends on the hero's state, his direction and his
2123  * distance to the detector.
2124  * This function assumes that there is already a collision
2125  * between the sword sprite and the detector's sprite.
2126  * This function should be called to check whether the
2127  * hero wants to cut a bush or some grass.
2128  * Returns false by default.
2129  *
2130  * \param entity The entity to check.
2131  * \return \c true if the sword is cutting this entity.
2132  */
is_striking_with_sword(Entity & entity) const2133 bool Hero::is_striking_with_sword(Entity& entity) const {
2134   return get_state()->is_cutting_with_sword(entity);
2135 }
2137 /**
2138  * \brief Snaps the hero to the entity he is facing.
2139  *
2140  * The hero is snapped if there is no collision and if he is not too far.
2141  */
try_snap_to_facing_entity()2142 void Hero::try_snap_to_facing_entity() {
2144   Rectangle collision_box = get_bounding_box();
2145   const Point& center = collision_box.get_center();
2146   const Entity* facing_entity = get_facing_entity();
2147   const Point& facing_entity_center = facing_entity->get_center_point();
2149   if (get_animation_direction() % 2 == 0) {
2150     if (abs(center.y - facing_entity_center.y) <= 5) {
2151       collision_box.set_center(center.x, facing_entity_center.y);
2152     }
2153   }
2154   else {
2155     if (abs(center.x - facing_entity_center.x) <= 5) {
2156       collision_box.set_center(facing_entity_center.x, center.y);
2157     }
2158   }
2160   if (!get_map().test_collision_with_obstacles(get_layer(), collision_box, *this)) {
2161     set_bounding_box(collision_box);
2162     notify_position_changed();
2163   }
2164 }
2166 /**
2167  * \copydoc Entity::notify_attacked_enemy
2168  */
notify_attacked_enemy(EnemyAttack attack,Enemy & victim,Sprite * victim_sprite,const EnemyReaction::Reaction & result,bool killed)2169 void Hero::notify_attacked_enemy(
2170     EnemyAttack attack,
2171     Enemy& victim,
2172     Sprite* victim_sprite,
2173     const EnemyReaction::Reaction& result,
2174     bool killed) {
2176   get_state()->notify_attacked_enemy(attack, victim, victim_sprite, result, killed);
2177 }
2179 /**
2180  * \brief Returns the damage power of the sword for the current attack.
2181  *
2182  * The value returned takes into account the power of the current sword
2183  * and the fact that a spin attack is more powerful than other attacks.
2184  *
2185  * \return the current damage factor of the sword
2186  */
get_sword_damage_factor() const2187 int Hero::get_sword_damage_factor() const {
2188   return get_state()->get_sword_damage_factor();
2189 }
2191 /**
2192  * \brief Returns whether the hero is currently invincible.
2193  * \return \c true if the hero is currently invincible.
2194  */
is_invincible() const2195 bool Hero::is_invincible() const {
2196   return invincible;
2197 }
2199 /**
2200  * \brief Sets the hero temporarily invincible or stops the invincibility.
2201  * \param invincible \c true to make the hero invincible, \c false to stop.
2202  * \param duration How long to stay invincible in milliseconds.
2203  * 0 means infinite. No effect if \c invincible is \c false.
2204  */
set_invincible(bool invincible,uint32_t duration)2205 void Hero::set_invincible(bool invincible, uint32_t duration) {
2207   this->invincible = invincible;
2208   this->end_invincible_date = 0;
2209   if (invincible) {
2210     this->end_invincible_date = (duration == 0) ? 0 : System::now() + duration;
2211   }
2212 }
2214 /**
2215  * \brief Checks whether the invincibility should end.
2216  */
update_invincibility()2217 void Hero::update_invincibility() {
2219   if (is_invincible() &&
2220       end_invincible_date != 0 &&
2221       System::now() >= end_invincible_date) {
2222     set_invincible(false, 0);
2223   }
2224 }
2226 /**
2227  * \brief Returns whether the hero can be hurt currently.
2228  * \param attacker An attacker that is trying to hurt the hero
2229  * (or nullptr if the source of the attack is not an entity).
2230  * \return \c true if the hero can be hurt.
2231  */
can_be_hurt(Entity * attacker) const2232 bool Hero::can_be_hurt(Entity* attacker) const {
2233   return !is_invincible() && get_state()->get_can_be_hurt(attacker);
2234 }
2236 /**
2237  * \brief Hurts the hero, an entity being the source of the attack.
2238  * \param source An entity that hurts the hero (usually an enemy).
2239  * \param source_sprite Sprite of the source entity that is hurting the hero
2240  * or nullptr.
2241  * \param damage Number of life points to remove
2242  * (this number may be reduced later by the tunic on by hero:on_taking_damage()).
2243  */
hurt(Entity & source,Sprite * source_sprite,int damage)2244 void Hero::hurt(
2245     Entity& source,
2246     Sprite* source_sprite,
2247     int damage
2248 ) {
2249   Point source_xy = source.get_xy();
2250   if (source_sprite != nullptr) {
2251     // Add the offset of the sprite if any.
2252     source_xy += source_sprite->get_xy();
2253   }
2254   set_state(std::make_shared<HurtState>(*this, &source_xy, damage));
2255 }
2257 /**
2258  * \brief Hurts the hero, a point being the source of the attack.
2259  * \param source_xy Coordinates of whatever hurts the hero.
2260  * \param damage Number of life points to remove
2261  * (this number may be reduced later by the tunic on by hero:on_taking_damage()).
2262  */
hurt(const Point & source_xy,int damage)2263 void Hero::hurt(const Point& source_xy, int damage) {
2265   set_state(std::make_shared<HurtState>(*this, &source_xy, damage));
2266 }
2268 /**
2269  * \brief Hurts the hero, with no located source of the attack.
2270  * \param damage Number of life points to remove
2271  * (this number may be reduced later by the tunic on by hero:on_taking_damage()).
2272  */
hurt(int damage)2273 void Hero::hurt(int damage) {
2275   set_state(std::make_shared<HurtState>(*this, nullptr, damage));
2276 }
2278 /**
2279  * \brief Draws a grass sprite below the hero and makes him walk slower.
2280  */
start_grass()2281 void Hero::start_grass() {
2283   // Display a special sprite below the hero.
2284   sprites->create_ground(Ground::GRASS);
2286   uint32_t now = System::now();
2287   next_ground_date = std::max(next_ground_date, now);
2289   set_walking_speed(normal_walking_speed * 4 / 5);
2290 }
2292 /**
2293  * \brief Draws a shallow water sprite below the hero and makes him walk
2294  * slower.
2295  */
start_shallow_water()2296 void Hero::start_shallow_water() {
2298   // Display a special sprite below the hero.
2299   sprites->create_ground(Ground::SHALLOW_WATER);
2301   uint32_t now = System::now();
2302   next_ground_date = std::max(next_ground_date, now);
2304   set_walking_speed(normal_walking_speed * 4 / 5);
2305 }
2307 /**
2308  * \brief This function is called when the hero was dying but the game-over
2309  * sequence was canceled.
2310  */
notify_game_over_finished()2311 void Hero::notify_game_over_finished() {
2313   if (is_on_map()) {
2314     sprites->blink(2000);
2315     start_state_from_ground();
2316   }
2317 }
2319 /**
2320  * \brief Makes the hero drown or swim.
2321  */
start_deep_water()2322 void Hero::start_deep_water() {
2324   const bool can_swim = get_equipment().has_ability(Ability::SWIM);
2325   const bool can_jump_over_water = get_equipment().has_ability(Ability::JUMP_OVER_WATER);
2327   if (!get_state()->is_touching_ground()) {
2328     // Entering water from above the ground
2329     // (e.g. after a jump).
2330     set_state(std::make_shared<PlungingState>(*this));
2331   }
2332   else {
2333     // Entering water normally (e.g. by walking).
2334     if (can_swim) {
2335       set_state(std::make_shared<SwimmingState>(*this));
2336     }
2337     else if (can_jump_over_water) {
2338       int direction8 = get_wanted_movement_direction8();
2339       if (direction8 == -1) {
2340         direction8 = get_animation_direction() * 2;
2341       }
2342       start_jumping(direction8, 32, false, true);
2343     }
2344     else {
2345       set_state(std::make_shared<PlungingState>(*this));
2346     }
2347   }
2348 }
2350 /**
2351  * \brief Makes the hero move towards a hole of fall into it.
2352  */
start_hole()2353 void Hero::start_hole() {
2355   if (!can_control_movement()) {
2356     // the player has no control (e.g. he is running or being hurt):
2357     // fall immediately
2358     set_state(std::make_shared<FallingState>(*this));
2359   }
2360   else {
2361     // otherwise, push the hero towards the hole
2363     next_ground_date = System::now();
2365     // Don't calculate the attraction direction based on the wanted movement
2366     // because the wanted movement may be different from the real one.
2368     if (last_solid_ground_coords.x == -1 ||
2369         (last_solid_ground_coords == get_xy())) {
2370       // Fall immediately because the hero was not moving but directly placed on the hole.
2371       set_state(std::make_shared<FallingState>(*this));
2372     }
2373     else {
2374       ground_dxy = { 0, 0 };
2376       if (get_x() > last_solid_ground_coords.x) {
2377         ground_dxy.x = 1;
2378       }
2379       else if (get_x() < last_solid_ground_coords.x) {
2380         ground_dxy.x = -1;
2381       }
2383       if (get_y() > last_solid_ground_coords.y) {
2384         ground_dxy.y = 1;
2385       }
2386       else if (get_y() < last_solid_ground_coords.y) {
2387         ground_dxy.y = -1;
2388       }
2389       set_walking_speed(normal_walking_speed / 3);
2390     }
2391   }
2392 }
2394 /**
2395  * \brief Makes the hero slide on ice ground.
2396  */
start_ice()2397 void Hero::start_ice() {
2399   next_ground_date = System::now();
2400   next_ice_date = System::now();
2402   ice_movement_direction8 = get_wanted_movement_direction8();
2403   if (ice_movement_direction8 == -1) {
2404     ground_dxy = { 0, 0 };
2405   }
2406   else {
2407     // Exagerate the movement.
2408     ground_dxy = direction_to_xy_move(ice_movement_direction8);
2409   }
2410 }
2412 /**
2413  * \brief Makes the hero drown into lava.
2414  */
start_lava()2415 void Hero::start_lava() {
2417   // plunge into the lava
2418   set_state(std::make_shared<PlungingState>(*this));
2419 }
2421 /**
2422  * \brief Makes the hero being hurt by prickles.
2423  * \param delay delay before returning control to the player
2424  */
start_prickle(uint32_t delay)2425 void Hero::start_prickle(uint32_t delay) {
2427   Sound::play("hero_hurt");
2428   get_equipment().remove_life(2);
2429   start_back_to_solid_ground(true, delay, false);
2430 }
2432 /**
2433  * \brief Returns whether the hero can walk normally and interact with entities.
2434  * \return true if the hero can walk normally
2435  */
is_free() const2436 bool Hero::is_free() const {
2438   return get_state()->is_free();
2439 }
2441 /**
2442  * \brief Returns whether the hero is currently using an equipment item.
2443  * \return true if the hero is using an equipment item.
2444  */
is_using_item() const2445 bool Hero::is_using_item() const {
2447   return get_state()->is_using_item();
2448 }
2450 /**
2451  * \brief When the hero is using an equipment item, returns that item.
2452  * \return The current equipment item.
2453  */
get_item_being_used()2454 EquipmentItemUsage& Hero::get_item_being_used() {
2456   return get_state()->get_item_being_used();
2457 }
2459 /**
2460  * \brief Returns whether the hero is grabbing and moving an entity in its current state.
2461  *
2462  * If he is not grabbing any entity, false is returned.
2463  *
2464  * \return true if the hero is grabbing and moving an entity
2465  */
is_moving_grabbed_entity() const2466 bool Hero::is_moving_grabbed_entity() const {
2468   return get_state()->is_moving_grabbed_entity();
2469 }
2471 /**
2472  * \brief Returns whether the hero is brandishing a treasure.
2473  * \return \c true if the hero is brandishing a treasure.
2474  */
is_brandishing_treasure() const2475 bool Hero::is_brandishing_treasure() const {
2477   return get_state()->is_brandishing_treasure();
2478 }
2480 /**
2481  * \brief Returns whether the hero is grabbing or pulling an entity.
2482  * \return true if the hero is grabbing or pulling an entity
2483  */
is_grabbing_or_pulling() const2484 bool Hero::is_grabbing_or_pulling() const {
2486   return get_state()->is_grabbing_or_pulling();
2487 }
2489 /**
2490  * \brief Lets the hero walk normally.
2491  */
start_free()2492 void Hero::start_free() {
2494   set_state(std::make_shared<FreeState>(*this));
2495 }
2497 /**
2498  * \brief Lets the hero walk.
2499  *
2500  * If the hero is carrying item in the current state, the item is preserved.
2501  * If the hero is loading his sword in the current state, this continues.
2502  * If the hero is running in the current state, he continues to run.
2503  */
start_free_carrying_loading_or_running()2504 void Hero::start_free_carrying_loading_or_running() {
2506   if (get_state()->get_name() == "sword loading") {
2507     // Nothing to do: just keep the sword loaded.
2508     return;
2509   }
2511   if (get_state()->get_name() == "running" && get_state()->is_touching_ground()) {
2512     // Nothing to do: just keep running.
2513     return;
2514   }
2516   if (get_state()->is_carrying_item()) {
2517     set_state(std::make_shared<CarryingState>(*this, get_state()->get_carried_object()));
2518   }
2519   else {
2520     set_state(std::make_shared<FreeState>(*this));
2521   }
2522 }
2524 /**
2525  * \brief Makes the hero brandish a treasure.
2526  * \param treasure The treasure to give him. It must be obtainable.
2527  * \param callback_ref Lua ref to a function to call when the
2528  * treasure's dialog finishes (possibly an empty ref).
2529  */
start_treasure(const Treasure & treasure,const ScopedLuaRef & callback_ref)2530 void Hero::start_treasure(
2531     const Treasure& treasure,
2532     const ScopedLuaRef& callback_ref
2533 ) {
2534   set_state(std::make_shared<TreasureState>(*this, treasure, callback_ref));
2535 }
2537 /**
2538  * \brief Makes the hero walk with a predetermined path.
2539  *
2540  * The player does not control him anymore.
2541  *
2542  * \param path the succession of basic moves
2543  * composing this movement (each character represents
2544  * a direction between '0' and '7'), as in PathMovement
2545  * \param loop true to make the movement return to the beginning
2546  * once finished
2547  * \param ignore_obstacles true to make the movement ignore obstacles
2548  */
start_forced_walking(const std::string & path,bool loop,bool ignore_obstacles)2549 void Hero::start_forced_walking(const std::string& path, bool loop, bool ignore_obstacles) {
2550   set_state(std::make_shared<ForcedWalkingState>(*this, path, loop, ignore_obstacles));
2551 }
2553 /**
2554  * \brief Makes the hero jump into a direction.
2555  *
2556  * While he is jumping, the player does not control him anymore.
2557  *
2558  * \param direction8 direction of the jump (0 to 7)
2559  * \param distance distance of the jump in pixels
2560  * \param ignore_obstacles true make the movement ignore obstacles
2561  * \param with_sound true to play the "jump" sound
2562  */
start_jumping(int direction8,int distance,bool ignore_obstacles,bool with_sound)2563 void Hero::start_jumping(
2564     int direction8,
2565     int distance,
2566     bool ignore_obstacles,
2567     bool with_sound) {
2569   set_state(std::make_shared<JumpingState>(
2570       *this,
2571       direction8,
2572       distance,
2573       ignore_obstacles,
2574       with_sound));
2575 }
2577 /**
2578  * \brief Makes the hero brandish his sword meaning a victory.
2579  * \param callback_ref Lua ref to a function to call when the
2580  * victory sequence finishes (possibly an empty ref).
2581  */
start_victory(const ScopedLuaRef & callback_ref)2582 void Hero::start_victory(const ScopedLuaRef& callback_ref) {
2583   set_state(std::make_shared<VictoryState>(*this, callback_ref));
2584 }
2586 /**
2587  * \brief Freezes the hero.
2588  *
2589  * When the hero is frozen, he cannot move.
2590  * The current animation of the hero's sprites is stopped and the "stopped" animation is played.
2591  * You can call start_free() to unfreeze him.
2592  */
start_frozen()2593 void Hero::start_frozen() {
2594   set_state(std::make_shared<FrozenState>(*this));
2595 }
2597 /**
2598  * \brief Makes the hero lift a destructible item.
2599  * \param item_to_lift The item to lift.
2600  */
start_lifting(const std::shared_ptr<CarriedObject> & item_to_lift)2601 void Hero::start_lifting(const std::shared_ptr<CarriedObject>& item_to_lift) {
2602   set_state(std::make_shared<LiftingState>(*this, item_to_lift));
2603 }
2605 /**
2606  * \brief Starts running with the speed shoes.
2607  */
start_running()2608 void Hero::start_running() {
2610   // The running state may be triggered by the action command or an
2611   // item command.
2612   GameCommand command;
2613   if (is_free()) {
2614     command = GameCommand::ACTION;
2615   }
2616   else {
2617     command = get_commands().is_command_pressed(GameCommand::ITEM_1) ?
2618         GameCommand::ITEM_1 : GameCommand::ITEM_2;
2619   }
2620   set_state(std::make_shared<RunningState>(*this, command));
2621 }
2623 /**
2624  * \brief Starts pushing an obstacle.
2625  */
start_pushing()2626 void Hero::start_pushing() {
2628   get_equipment().notify_ability_used(Ability::PUSH);
2629   set_state(std::make_shared<PushingState>(*this));
2630 }
2632 /**
2633  * \brief Starts grabbing an obstacle.
2634  */
start_grabbing()2635 void Hero::start_grabbing() {
2637   get_equipment().notify_ability_used(Ability::GRAB);
2638   set_state(std::make_shared<GrabbingState>(*this));
2639 }
2641 /**
2642  * \brief Starts pulling an obstacle.
2643  */
start_pulling()2644 void Hero::start_pulling() {
2646   get_equipment().notify_ability_used(Ability::PULL);
2647   set_state(std::make_shared<PullingState>(*this));
2648 }
2650 /**
2651  * \brief Returns whether the hero can pick a treasure in his current state.
2652  * \param item The equipment item to pick.
2653  * \return true if this equipment item can currently be picked.
2654  */
can_pick_treasure(EquipmentItem & item)2655 bool Hero::can_pick_treasure(EquipmentItem& item) {
2657   return get_state()->get_can_pick_treasure(item);
2658 }
2660 /**
2661  * \brief Returns whether the hero currently ignores the effect of a teletransporter.
2662  * \param teletransporter A candidate teletransporter.
2663  * \return \c true if the hero currently ignores this teletransporter.
2664  */
can_avoid_teletransporter(const Teletransporter & teletransporter) const2665 bool Hero::can_avoid_teletransporter(const Teletransporter& teletransporter) const {
2667   if (teletransporter.is_on_map_side()) {
2668     // Never ignore this kind of teletransporter.
2669     return false;
2670   }
2672   if (has_stream_action()) {
2673     // Ignore teletransporters until the stream is finished.
2674     return true;
2675   }
2677   return get_state()->can_avoid_teletransporter();
2678 }
2680 /**
2681  * \brief Returns whether the hero can currently start running.
2682  * \return \c true if the hero can run.
2683  */
can_run() const2684 bool Hero::can_run() const {
2686   if (!get_equipment().has_ability(Ability::RUN)) {
2687     return false;
2688   }
2690   if (
2691       has_stream_action() &&
2692       !get_stream_action()->get_stream().get_allow_movement()
2693   ) {
2694     // Don't run on a blocking stream.
2695     return false;
2696   }
2698   return is_free();
2699 }
2701 /**
2702  * \brief Returns whether the hero can currently push an obstacle.
2703  * \return \c true if the hero can push.
2704  */
can_push() const2705 bool Hero::can_push() const {
2707   return get_equipment().has_ability(Ability::PUSH);
2708 }
2710 /**
2711  * \brief Returns whether the hero can currently grab an obstacle.
2712  * \return \c true if the hero can grab.
2713  */
can_grab() const2714 bool Hero::can_grab() const {
2716   return get_equipment().has_ability(Ability::GRAB);
2717 }
2719 /**
2720  * \brief Returns whether the hero can currently pull an obstacle.
2721  * \return \c true if the hero can pull.
2722  */
can_pull() const2723 bool Hero::can_pull() const {
2725   return get_equipment().has_ability(Ability::PULL);
2726 }
2728 /**
2729  * \brief Returns whether the hero can interact with the given NPC.
2730  * \param npc A non-playing character.
2731  * \return \c true if the hero can interact with this NPC.
2732  */
can_interact_with_npc(Npc & npc)2733 bool Hero::can_interact_with_npc(Npc& npc) {
2734   return get_state()->get_can_interact_with_npc(npc);
2735 }
2737 /**
2738  * \brief Returns whether the hero can stop attacks with a shield in his
2739  * current state.
2740  * \return \c true if the shield is active is this state.
2741  */
can_use_shield() const2742 bool Hero::can_use_shield() const {
2744   return get_state()->get_can_use_shield();
2745 }
2748 /**
2749  * \brief Returns whether the hero can currently use his sword.
2750  * \return \c true if the sword can be used now.
2751  */
can_start_sword() const2752 bool Hero::can_start_sword() const {
2754   if (has_stream_action() &&
2755       !get_stream_action()->get_stream().get_allow_attack()) {
2756     // A stream prevents from using the sword.
2757     return false;
2758   }
2760   return get_state()->get_can_start_sword();
2761 }
2763 /**
2764  * \brief Starts using the sword.
2765  */
start_sword()2766 void Hero::start_sword() {
2767   set_state(std::make_shared<SwordSwingingState>(*this));
2768 }
2770 /**
2771  * \brief Starts loading the sword.
2772  * \param spin_attack_delay Delay before allowing the spin attack (-1 means never).
2773  */
start_sword_loading(int spin_attack_delay)2774 void Hero::start_sword_loading(int spin_attack_delay) {
2775   set_state(std::make_shared<SwordLoadingState>(*this, spin_attack_delay));
2776 }
2778 /**
2779  * \brief Returns whether the hero can starts using an equipment item.
2780  * \param item The equipment item to use.
2781  * \return true if this equipment item can currently be used.
2782  */
can_start_item(EquipmentItem & item)2783 bool Hero::can_start_item(EquipmentItem& item) {
2785   if (!item.is_saved()) {
2786     // This item has no possession state, it cannot be used.
2787     return false;
2788   }
2790   if (!item.is_assignable()) {
2791     // This item cannot be used explicitly.
2792     return false;
2793   }
2795   if (item.get_variant() == 0) {
2796     // The player does not have this item.
2797     return false;
2798   }
2800   if (has_stream_action() &&
2801       !get_stream_action()->get_stream().get_allow_item()) {
2802     // A stream prevents from using items.
2803     return false;
2804   }
2806   return get_state()->get_can_start_item(item);
2807 }
2809 /**
2810  * \brief Starts using an equipment item.
2811  * \param item The equipment item to use.
2812  */
start_item(EquipmentItem & item)2813 void Hero::start_item(EquipmentItem& item) {
2814   Debug::check_assertion(can_start_item(item),
2815       std::string("The hero cannot start using item '")
2816       + item.get_name() + "' now");
2817   set_state(std::make_shared<UsingItemState>(*this, item));
2818 }
2820 /**
2821  * \brief Starts shooting a boomerang.
2822  * \param max_distance maximum distance of the movement in pixels
2823  * \param speed speed of the movement in pixels per second
2824  * \param tunic_preparing_animation animation name of the hero's tunic sprite
2825  * when preparing the boomerang
2826  * \param sprite_name animation set id that represents the boomerang
2827  */
start_boomerang(int max_distance,int speed,const std::string & tunic_preparing_animation,const std::string & sprite_name)2828 void Hero::start_boomerang(int max_distance, int speed,
2829     const std::string& tunic_preparing_animation,
2830     const std::string& sprite_name) {
2832   set_state(std::make_shared<BoomerangState>(*this, max_distance, speed,
2833       tunic_preparing_animation, sprite_name));
2834 }
2836 /**
2837  * \brief Starts shooting an arrow with a bow.
2838  */
start_bow()2839 void Hero::start_bow() {
2840   set_state(std::make_shared<BowState>(*this));
2841 }
2843 /**
2844  * \brief Starts shooting the hookshot.
2845  */
start_hookshot()2846 void Hero::start_hookshot() {
2847   set_state(std::make_shared<HookshotState>(*this));
2848 }
2850 /**
2851  * \brief Makes the hero return to his last solid ground position.
2852  * \param use_specified_position true to get back to the place previously specified (if any),
2853  * false to get back to the last coordinates with solid ground
2854  * \param end_delay a delay to add at the end before returning control to the hero (default 0)
2855  * \param with_sound true to play a sound when returning to solid ground (default true)
2856  */
start_back_to_solid_ground(bool use_specified_position,uint32_t end_delay,bool with_sound)2857 void Hero::start_back_to_solid_ground(bool use_specified_position,
2858     uint32_t end_delay, bool with_sound) {
2860   set_state(std::make_shared<BackToSolidGroundState>(
2861               *this, use_specified_position, end_delay, with_sound));
2862 }
2864 /**
2865  * \brief Activates immediately the state corresponding to the current ground.
2866  *
2867  * Only the state is changed here.
2868  * Some other functions like start_deep_water() and start_hole()
2869  * are triggered when the ground changes (for example,
2870  * going from normal ground to deep water ground) and make more
2871  * complex transitions.
2872  * This function is supposed to called when the ground was ignored
2873  * and you want to apply its effect now (no matter whether it has changed or not).
2874  * This function is typically called at the end of a state that ignores
2875  * the ground (like JumpingState) to choose the
2876  * correct next state depending on the ground the hero lands on.
2877  */
start_state_from_ground()2878 void Hero::start_state_from_ground() {
2880   update_ground_below();  // Make sure the ground is up-to-date.
2882   switch (get_ground_below()) {
2884   case Ground::DEEP_WATER:
2885     if (get_state()->is_touching_ground()
2886         && get_equipment().has_ability(Ability::SWIM)) {
2887       set_state(std::make_shared<SwimmingState>(*this));
2888     }
2889     else {
2890       set_state(std::make_shared<PlungingState>(*this));
2891     }
2892     break;
2894   case Ground::HOLE:
2895     set_state(std::make_shared<FallingState>(*this));
2896     break;
2898   case Ground::LAVA:
2899     set_state(std::make_shared<PlungingState>(*this));
2900     break;
2902   case Ground::PRICKLE:
2903     // There is no specific state for prickles (yet?).
2904     set_state(std::make_shared<FreeState>(*this));
2905     start_prickle(0);
2906     break;
2908   case Ground::SHALLOW_WATER:
2909     start_shallow_water();
2910     start_free_carrying_loading_or_running();
2911     break;
2913   case Ground::GRASS:
2914     start_grass();
2915     start_free_carrying_loading_or_running();
2916     break;
2918   case Ground::TRAVERSABLE:
2919   case Ground::EMPTY:
2920   case Ground::LADDER:
2921   case Ground::ICE:
2922     start_free_carrying_loading_or_running();
2923     break;
2925   case Ground::WALL:
2926   case Ground::LOW_WALL:
2927   case Ground::WALL_TOP_RIGHT:
2928   case Ground::WALL_TOP_LEFT:
2929   case Ground::WALL_BOTTOM_LEFT:
2930   case Ground::WALL_BOTTOM_RIGHT:
2931   case Ground::WALL_TOP_RIGHT_WATER:
2932   case Ground::WALL_TOP_LEFT_WATER:
2933   case Ground::WALL_BOTTOM_LEFT_WATER:
2934   case Ground::WALL_BOTTOM_RIGHT_WATER:
2935     // The hero is stuck in a wall,
2936     // possibly because a teletransporter sent him here.
2937     // It is the fault of the quest maker and there is not much we can do.
2938     start_free_carrying_loading_or_running();
2939     break;
2940   }
2941 }
2943 /**
2944  * @brief Starts the given custom Lua state.
2945  * @param custom_state The Lua state object.
2946  */
start_custom_state(const std::shared_ptr<CustomState> & custom_state)2947 void Hero::start_custom_state(const std::shared_ptr<CustomState>& custom_state) {
2949   custom_state->set_entity(*this);
2950   set_state(custom_state);
2951 }
2953 }