1 #ifndef SND_1_H
2 #define SND_1_H
6 #define Snd_assert_sound(Origin, Snd, Offset) \
7   if (!((Xen_is_integer(Snd)) || (xen_is_sound(Snd)) || (Xen_is_false(Snd)) || (!Xen_is_bound(Snd)))) \
8     Xen_wrong_type_arg_error(Origin, Offset, Snd, "a sound object, an integer (sound index), or " PROC_FALSE);
10 #define Snd_assert_channel(Origin, Snd, Chn, Offset) \
11   if (!((Xen_is_integer(Snd)) || (xen_is_sound(Snd)) || (Xen_is_false(Snd)) || (!Xen_is_bound(Snd)))) \
12     Xen_wrong_type_arg_error(Origin, Offset, Snd, "a sound object, an integer (sound index), or " PROC_FALSE); \
13   else \
14     if (!((Xen_is_integer(Chn)) || (Xen_is_false(Chn)) || (!Xen_is_bound(Chn)))) \
15       Xen_wrong_type_arg_error(Origin, Offset + 1, Chn, "an integer (0-based channel number) or " PROC_FALSE);
19 /* these macros fix up argument order for setter procs in Scheme: (set! (proc a b) c) */
21 #define with_two_setter_args(name_reversed, name)	   \
22   static s7_pointer name_reversed(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer args)   \
23   {                                                        \
24     if (Xen_is_null(Xen_cdr(args)))		   \
25       return(name(Xen_car(args), Xen_undefined));	   \
26     return(name(Xen_cadr(args), Xen_car(args)));	   \
27   }
29 #define with_three_setter_args(name_reversed, name)                      \
30   static s7_pointer name_reversed(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer args)                 \
31   {							                 \
32     if (Xen_is_null(Xen_cdr(args)))		                 \
33       return(name(Xen_car(args), Xen_undefined, Xen_undefined));         \
34     else {					 		         \
35       if (Xen_is_null(Xen_cddr(args)))				 \
36 	return(name(Xen_cadr(args), Xen_car(args), Xen_undefined));	\
37       else return(name(Xen_caddr(args), Xen_car(args), Xen_cadr(args))); \
38   }}
40 #define with_four_setter_args(name_reversed, name)                                         \
41   static s7_pointer name_reversed(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer args)                                   \
42 {							                                   \
43   if (Xen_is_null(Xen_cdr(args)))					                   \
44     return(name(Xen_car(args), Xen_undefined, Xen_undefined, Xen_undefined));              \
45   else {								                   \
46     if (Xen_is_null(Xen_cddr(args)))				                   \
47       return(name(Xen_cadr(args), Xen_car(args), Xen_undefined, Xen_undefined));           \
48     else {								                   \
49       if (Xen_is_null(Xen_cdddr(args)))				                   \
50 	return(name(Xen_caddr(args), Xen_car(args), Xen_cadr(args), Xen_undefined));       \
51       else return(name(Xen_cadddr(args), Xen_car(args), Xen_cadr(args), Xen_caddr(args))); \
52   }}}
54 #else
56 #define with_two_setter_args(name_reversed, name)
57 #define with_three_setter_args(name_reversed, name)
58 #define with_four_setter_args(name_reversed, name)
59 #endif
61 #define Snd_assert_sample_type(Origin, Beg, Offset) \
62   Xen_check_type(Xen_is_integer(Beg) || Xen_is_false(Beg) || (!Xen_is_bound(Beg)), Beg, Offset, Origin, "an integer or " PROC_FALSE)
64 typedef struct {
65   char **values;
66   int num_values, values_size;
67   bool exact_match;
68 } list_completer_info;
70 typedef struct {
71   int samps_per_bin, peak_env_size;
72   mus_float_t fmax, fmin;
73   mus_float_t *data_max, *data_min;
74   bool completed;
75   int bin, top_bin;
76 } peak_env_info;
78 typedef struct snd_io snd_io;
80 typedef struct {
81   char *name;                  /* full name */
82   mus_long_t samples;          /* total samples = chans * framples */
83   mus_long_t data_location;    /* bytes */
84   int srate;
85   int chans;
86   mus_sample_t sample_type;    /* sample type (mus_bshort etc) */
87   mus_header_t type;           /* header type (mus_aifc etc) */
88   char *comment;               /* output case, not input */
89   int *loops;
90 } file_info;
92 typedef struct {
93   snd_data_file_t type;
94   mus_float_t *buffered_data;
95   snd_io *io;
96   char *filename;
97   file_info *hdr;
98   file_delete_t temporary;
99   int edit_ctr;
100   fd_open_t open;
101   bool inuse;
102   bool copy;
103   int chan;
104   mus_long_t data_bytes;        /* used only for edit-history descriptions (snd-edits.c display_ed_list) */
105   bool free_me;
106 } snd_data;
108 typedef struct mark mark;
109 typedef struct enved_fft enved_fft;
111 typedef struct {
112   int size, allocated_size;
113   struct ed_fragment **fragments;
114   mus_long_t beg, len;                      /* beg and len of changed portion */
115   char *origin;
116   edit_t edit_type;
117   int sound_location;
118   mus_long_t selection_beg, selection_end;  /* selection needs to follow edit list */
119   mus_float_t maxamp, selection_maxamp;
120   mus_long_t maxamp_position, selection_maxamp_position;
121   int edpos;
122   bool backed_up;
123   mus_long_t samples, cursor;
124   int mark_size, mark_ctr;
125   mark **marks;                        /* mark positions */
126   peak_env_info *peak_env;
127   enved_fft *fft;                      /* overall fft data for envelope editor */
128   void *readers;                       /* current readers of this edit (g++ stupidity forces us to use void* here -- type is sf_info, snd-edits.c) */
129   void *mixes;
130   Xen properties;
131   int properties_gc_loc;
132 } ed_list;
134 typedef struct snd_fd {
135   mus_float_t (*runf)(struct snd_fd *sf);
136   mus_float_t (*rev_runf)(struct snd_fd *sf);
137   ed_list *current_state;
138   struct ed_fragment *cb;
139   mus_long_t loc, first, last;
140   int cbi;
141   read_direction_t direction;
142   bool at_eof, freed;
143   mus_float_t *data;
144   snd_data *current_sound;
145   mus_long_t initial_samp;
146   struct chan_info *cp;
147   struct snd_info *local_sp;
148   mus_float_t fscaler;
149   mus_long_t frag_pos;
150   int edit_ctr, region;
151   reader_t type;
152   void *ramps, *mixes;
153 } snd_fd;
155 typedef struct {mus_float_t freq; mus_float_t amp;} fft_peak;
157 typedef struct {
158   mus_float_t y0, y1;                         /* scroller-dependent axis bounds */
159   double x0, x1;
160   double xmin, xmax;
161   mus_float_t ymin, ymax;                     /* data-dependent absolute limits */
162   mus_float_t y_scale, y_base, y_ambit;
163   double x_scale, x_base, x_ambit;
164   char *xlabel, *ylabel, *default_xlabel;
165   int y_axis_x0, x_axis_x0, y_axis_y0, x_axis_y0, x_axis_x1, y_axis_y1, x_label_x, x_label_y;
166   bool graph_active;
167   mus_long_t losamp, hisamp;                 /* displayed x-axis bounds in terms of sound sample numbers */
168   int graph_x0;                         /* x axis offset relative to window (for double graphs) */
169   struct tick_descriptor *x_ticks, *y_ticks;
170   graphics_context *ax;
171   int width, height;
172   struct chan_info *cp;
173   mus_float_t sy, zy;                         /* as set by user, 0.0 - 1.0 */
174   double sx, zx;
175   int y_offset;
176   int window_width;
177   bool no_data, changed;
178 #if HAVE_GL
179   bool use_gl, used_gl;
180 #endif
181 } axis_info;
183 typedef struct {
184   mus_float_t *data;
185   int pts, data_size; /* data_size is independent of actual number of points of data (can be much larger) */
186   mus_float_t base;
187 } env;
189 typedef struct {
190   int mix_id;
191   mus_long_t beg, len;
192   mus_float_t scaler, speed;
193   env *amp_env;
194   int index;           /* cp->sounds index (src writes a new temp file) */
195 } mix_state;
197 typedef struct env_editor {
198   int *current_xs;
199   int *current_ys;
200   int current_size;
201   axis_info *axis;
202   oclock_t down_time;
203   bool env_dragged;
204   int env_pos;
205   bool click_to_delete, in_dB, with_dots, clipping;
206   bool edited;
207 } env_editor;
209 typedef struct {
210   mus_long_t size;
211   mus_long_t current_size;
212   mus_fft_window_t window;
213   mus_float_t alpha, beta;
214   mus_float_t scale;
215   axis_info *axis;
216   mus_float_t *data, *phases;
217   char *xlabel;
218   struct chan_info *chan;
219 } fft_info;
221 typedef struct {
222   int total_slices;        /* size of the data array (max for allocation checks) */
223   int total_bins;          /* size other axis data array */
224   int active_slices;       /* how many slices contain current data */
225   int target_bins;         /* this many bins Y-side */
226   int target_slices;       /* how many slices in full display (current) */
227   mus_float_t **data;            /* data[total_slices][bins] -> each is a spectral magnitude */
228   mus_long_t *begs;             /* associated begin times (for data reuse) */
229   struct chan_info *cp;
230   mus_float_t scale;
231 } sono_info;
233 typedef struct {
234   int chans, fields;
235   double *axis_data;
236   bool *fftp, *wavep;
237 } axes_data;
239 typedef struct chan_info {
240   int chan;                /* which chan are we */
241   bool graph_transform_on;  /* f button state */
242   bool graph_time_on;       /* w button state */
243   bool graph_lisp_on;       /* is lisp graph active */
244   struct lisp_grf *lisp_info; /* defined in snd-chn.c */
245   bool cursor_on;          /* channel's cursor */
246   bool cursor_visible, fft_cursor_visible;     /* for XOR decisions */
247   int cursor_size;
248   cursor_style_t cursor_style, tracking_cursor_style;
249   int cx, cy, fft_cx; /* , old_cy; */ /* graph-relative cursor loc (for XOR in Motif, erase-via-overwrite in cairo) */
250   int edit_ctr;            /* channel's edit history */
251   int edit_size;           /* current edit list size */
252   ed_list **edits;         /* the edit list */
253   int sound_size;          /* edit_list associated temp sound buffers */
254   int sound_ctr;           /* current location in sounds list */
255   snd_data **sounds;       /* the associated temp buffer/file/struct list */
256   fft_info *fft;           /* possibly null fft data */
257   struct snd_info *sound;  /* containing sound */
258   axis_info *axis;         /* time domain axis */
260   idle_t fft_in_progress;
261   idle_t peak_env_in_progress;
262   struct env_state *peak_env_state;
263   graphics_context *ax;
264   bool selected;
265   mus_float_t progress_pct;
267 #if USE_MOTIF
268   Widget *widgets;
269   Pixmap fft_pix;
270   uint32_t fft_pix_width, fft_pix_height;
271   int fft_pix_x0, fft_pix_y0;
272   bool fft_pix_ready;
273   mus_float_t fft_pix_cutoff;
274   Cursor current_cursor;
275   Pixel combined_data_color;
276 #endif
277 #if USE_NO_GUI
278   int current_cursor, combined_data_color;
279 #endif
281   sono_info *sonogram_data;
282   struct sonogram_state *last_sonogram, *temp_sonogram; /* defined in snd-fft.c */
283   struct wavogram_state *last_wavogram;                 /* defined in snd-chn.c */
284   bool show_sonogram_cursor;
285   struct fft_state *fft_data;          /* parallels sonogram -- try to avoid repeating large ffts needlessly */
286   printing_t printing;
287   fft_change_t fft_changed;
288   mus_float_t gsy, gzy;
289   int height;
290   mus_long_t original_cursor, original_left_sample, original_window_size;   /* for cursor reset after cursor-moving play */
291   with_hook_t hookable;
292   mus_long_t selection_transform_size;
293   bool squelch_update, previous_squelch_update, waiting_to_make_graph;
294   int in_as_one_edit, as_one_edit_positions_size;
295   int *as_one_edit_positions;
296   /* moved from global to channel-local 4-Aug-00 */
297   mus_float_t spectro_x_scale, spectro_y_scale, spectro_z_scale, spectro_z_angle, spectro_x_angle, spectro_y_angle;
298   mus_float_t spectrum_end, spectrum_start;
299   mus_float_t lin_dB, min_dB, fft_window_alpha, fft_window_beta, beats_per_minute, grid_density;
300   bool show_y_zero, show_marks, with_verbose_cursor;
301   with_grid_t show_grid;
302   int wavo_hop, wavo_trace, zero_pad, wavelet_type, max_transform_peaks, beats_per_measure;
303   x_axis_style_t x_axis_style;
304   show_axes_t show_axes;
305   mus_long_t transform_size;
306   mus_fft_window_t fft_window;
307   graph_type_t transform_graph_type, time_graph_type;
308   bool show_transform_peaks, fft_log_frequency, fft_log_magnitude, fft_with_phases;
309   graph_style_t time_graph_style, lisp_graph_style, transform_graph_style;
310   int dot_size;
311   fft_normalize_t transform_normalization;
312   int transform_type, spectro_hop, edhist_base;
313   bool show_mix_waveforms, graphs_horizontal;
314   Xen edit_hook;
315   Xen undo_hook;
316   Xen cursor_proc;
317   Xen after_edit_hook;
318   Xen properties;
319   int cursor_proc_loc, edit_hook_loc, undo_hook_loc, after_edit_hook_loc, properties_loc;
320   bool selection_visible;
321   channel_state_t active;
322   int old_x0, old_x1;
323   mus_float_t *amp_control; /* local amp controls in snd-dac; should it be extended to other controls? */
324   bool just_zero, new_peaks, editable, updating;
325   struct inset_graph_info_t *inset_graph; /* defined in snd-chn.c */
326 #if HAVE_GL
327   int gl_fft_list, gl_wavo_list;
328 #endif
329 } chan_info;
331 #define current_samples(Cp) (Cp)->edits[(Cp)->edit_ctr]->samples
332 #define cursor_sample(Cp) (Cp)->edits[(Cp)->edit_ctr]->cursor
334 typedef struct snd_info {
335   sound_inuse_t inuse;
336   int index;
337   int playing;
338   int sync, previous_sync;
339   bool expand_control_on;
340   bool contrast_control_on;
341   bool reverb_control_on;
342   bool filter_control_on, filter_control_in_dB, filter_control_in_hz;
343   mus_float_t amp_control;
344   mus_float_t speed_control;
345   int speed_control_direction, speed_control_tones, speed_control_numerator, speed_control_denominator;
346   speed_style_t speed_control_style;
347   mus_float_t last_speed_control, last_amp_control, last_expand_control, last_contrast_control;
348   mus_float_t last_reverb_control_length, last_reverb_control_scale;
349   mus_float_t saved_speed_control, saved_amp_control, saved_expand_control, saved_contrast_control;
350   mus_float_t saved_reverb_control_length, saved_reverb_control_scale;
351   mus_float_t expand_control, expand_control_length, expand_control_ramp, expand_control_hop, expand_control_jitter;
352   mus_float_t contrast_control, contrast_control_amp;
353   mus_float_t reverb_control_length, reverb_control_scale, reverb_control_feedback, reverb_control_lowpass;
354   mus_float_t reverb_control_decay, filter_control_xmax;
355   mus_float_t contrast_control_min, contrast_control_max, expand_control_min, expand_control_max, speed_control_min, speed_control_max;
356   mus_float_t amp_control_min, amp_control_max, reverb_control_scale_min, reverb_control_scale_max;
357   mus_float_t reverb_control_length_min, reverb_control_length_max;
358   int filter_control_order;
359   bool filter_control_changed;
360   env *filter_control_envelope;
361   int selected_channel;
362   char *filename;
363   char *short_filename;
364   uint32_t nchans;  /* "unsigned" to make gcc 7.1 happy */
365   Xen properties;
366   int properties_loc;
367   bool remembering;
368   read_only_t user_read_only, file_read_only;
369   chan_info **chans;
371   struct env_editor *flt;
372 #if USE_MOTIF
373   Widget *widgets;
374   Widget *progress_widgets;
375   int num_progress_widgets;
376   Widget tab;
377   Widget dialog;
378   int bomb_ctr;
379 #endif
380 #if USE_NO_GUI
381   bool widgets;
382 #endif
384   file_info *hdr;             /* header of file that would be affected if we were to save current edits */
385   time_t write_date, update_warning_write_date;   /* check for change behind back while editing */
386   bool need_update, file_unreadable; /* current in-core data does not match actual file (someone wrote it behind our back) */
387   channel_style_t channel_style;
388   int allocated_chans, selectpos;
389   struct region *edited_region;
390   void *delete_me;
391   chan_info *lacp;
392   struct ctrl_state *saved_controls;
393   bool apply_ok, applying;
394   bool active;
395   char *name_string;
396   void *file_watcher;
397   bool writing, bomb_in_progress;
398 } snd_info;
400 #define snd_srate(Sp) (((Sp)->hdr)->srate)
401 #define has_widgets(Sp) ((Sp) && ((Sp)->widgets))
403 typedef struct snd_state {
404   int selected_sound;         /* NO_SELECTION = none selected = which sound is currently receiving user's attention */
405   int active_sounds;
406   int channel_min_height;
407   snd_info **sounds;
408   char *search_expr, *startup_title, *startup_errors;
409   Xen search_proc;
410   int file_sorters_size, file_filters_size;
411   Xen file_sorters, file_filters;
412   int search_proc_loc, local_errno, local_open_errno;
413   int position_slider_width, zoom_slider_width, toggle_size, channel_sash_indent, sash_size, channel_sash_size, sash_indent;
414   int max_sounds, sound_sync_max;
415   char *translated_filename;
416   print_choice_t print_choice;
417   snd_apply_t apply_choice;
418   bool gl_has_double_buffer;
419   bool stopped_explicitly, checking_explicitly, selection_play_stop;
420   int reloading_updated_file;
421   int init_window_width, init_window_height;
422   int init_window_x, init_window_y;
423   bool graph_hook_active, lisp_graph_hook_active;
425   bool Show_Transform_Peaks, Show_Y_Zero, Show_Marks;
426   with_grid_t Show_Grid;
427   bool Fft_Log_Frequency, Fft_Log_Magnitude, Fft_With_Phases;
428   channel_style_t Channel_Style;
429   sync_style_t Sync_Style;
430   sound_style_t Sound_Style;
431   show_axes_t Show_Axes;
432   char *Eps_File, *Temp_Dir, *Save_Dir, *Ladspa_Dir, *Peak_Env_Dir;
433   char *Listener_Font, *Axis_Label_Font, *Axis_Numbers_Font, *Tiny_Font, *Peaks_Font, *Bold_Peaks_Font;
434   char *orig_listener_font, *orig_axis_label_font, *orig_axis_numbers_font, *orig_tiny_font, *orig_peaks_font, *orig_bold_peaks_font;
435   bool With_Verbose_Cursor, With_Inset_Graph, With_Pointer_Focus, With_Smpte_Label, With_Interrupts;
436   int Enved_Filter_Order;
437   mus_float_t Eps_Left_Margin, Eps_Bottom_Margin, Eps_Size, Log_Freq_Start;
438   mus_float_t Spectro_X_Scale, Spectro_Y_Scale, Spectro_Z_Scale, Spectro_Z_Angle, Spectro_X_Angle, Spectro_Y_Angle;
439   mus_float_t Spectrum_End, Spectrum_Start;
440   mus_header_t Default_Output_Header_Type;
441   mus_sample_t Default_Output_Sample_Type;
442   int Default_Output_Chans, Default_Output_Srate;
443   int Spectro_Hop, Color_Map, Color_Map_Size, Wavelet_Type, Transform_Type;
444   int Dot_Size;
445   int Zero_Pad, Wavo_Hop, Wavo_Trace;
446   mus_long_t Transform_Size;
447   mus_fft_window_t Fft_Window;
448   graph_type_t Transform_Graph_Type, Time_Graph_Type;
449   bool Ask_Before_Overwrite, Ask_About_Unsaved_Edits, Show_Full_Duration, Show_Full_Range, Remember_Sound_State;
450   bool Save_As_Dialog_Src, Save_As_Dialog_Auto_Comment, With_Toolbar, With_Tooltips, With_Menu_Icons;
451   mus_float_t Fft_Window_Alpha, Fft_Window_Beta, Grid_Density, Initial_Beg, Initial_Dur;
452   mus_float_t Color_Scale, Color_Cutoff, Beats_Per_Minute;
453   bool Color_Inverted, Show_Mix_Waveforms;
454   int Mix_Waveform_Height, Beats_Per_Measure;
455   fft_normalize_t Transform_Normalization;
456   int Sinc_Width;
457   x_axis_style_t X_Axis_Style;
458   zoom_focus_t Zoom_Focus_Style;
459   graph_style_t Graph_Style, Region_Graph_Style;
460   bool Auto_Resize, Auto_Update;
461   int Max_Regions, Max_Transform_Peaks;
462   bool With_GL, With_Relative_Panes;
463   int Print_Length, Dac_Size, View_Files_Sort;
464   bool Dac_Combines_Channels, Show_Selection_Transform, With_Mix_Tags, Selection_Creates_Region;
465   char *Save_State_File, *Listener_Prompt, *Stdin_Prompt;
466   mus_float_t Enved_Base, Enved_Power, Auto_Update_Interval;
467   bool Enved_With_Wave, Graphs_Horizontal, With_Background_Processes, With_File_Monitor;
468   env_type_t Enved_Style;
469   int Mix_Tag_Width, Mix_Tag_Height, Mark_Tag_Height, Mark_Tag_Width;
470   enved_target_t Enved_Target;
471   bool Clipping, Show_Indices, Just_Sounds;
472   int Cursor_Size;
473   cursor_style_t Cursor_Style, Tracking_Cursor_Style;
474   bool Filter_Control_In_Db, Filter_Control_In_Hz, Show_Sonogram_Cursor;
475   int Speed_Control_Tones;
476   speed_style_t Speed_Control_Style;
477   mus_float_t Expand_Control_Length, Expand_Control_Ramp, Expand_Control_Hop, Expand_Control_Jitter;
478   mus_float_t Contrast_Control_Amp;
479   mus_float_t Reverb_Control_Feedback, Reverb_Control_Lowpass;
480   mus_float_t Reverb_Control_Decay, Cursor_Update_Interval;
481   mus_float_t Contrast_Control_Min, Contrast_Control_Max, Expand_Control_Min, Expand_Control_Max, Speed_Control_Min, Speed_Control_Max;
482   mus_float_t Amp_Control_Min, Amp_Control_Max, Reverb_Control_Scale_Min, Reverb_Control_Scale_Max;
483   mus_float_t Reverb_Control_Length_Min, Reverb_Control_Length_Max;
484   int Filter_Control_Order, Cursor_Location_Offset, Play_Arrow_Size;
485   mus_float_t Min_dB;
486   bool Show_Controls;
487   tracking_cursor_t With_Tracking_Cursor;
488   char *HTML_Dir, *HTML_Program, *Open_File_Dialog_Directory;
491   s7_pointer show_transform_peaks_symbol, show_y_zero_symbol, show_marks_symbol,
492     show_grid_symbol,
493     fft_log_frequency_symbol, fft_log_magnitude_symbol, fft_with_phases_symbol,
494     channel_style_symbol,
495     sync_style_symbol,
496     show_axes_symbol,
497     eps_file_symbol, temp_dir_symbol, save_dir_symbol, ladspa_dir_symbol, peak_env_dir_symbol,
498     listener_font_symbol, axis_label_font_symbol, axis_numbers_font_symbol, tiny_font_symbol, peaks_font_symbol, bold_peaks_font_symbol,
499     with_verbose_cursor_symbol, with_inset_graph_symbol, with_pointer_focus_symbol, with_smpte_label_symbol, with_interrupts_symbol,
500     enved_filter_order_symbol,
501     eps_left_margin_symbol, eps_bottom_margin_symbol, eps_size_symbol, log_freq_start_symbol,
502     spectro_x_scale_symbol, spectro_y_scale_symbol, spectro_z_scale_symbol, spectro_z_angle_symbol, spectro_x_angle_symbol, spectro_y_angle_symbol,
503     spectrum_end_symbol, spectrum_start_symbol,
504     default_output_header_type_symbol, default_output_sample_type_symbol, default_output_chans_symbol, default_output_srate_symbol,
505     spectro_hop_symbol, color_map_symbol, color_map_size_symbol, wavelet_type_symbol, transform_type_symbol,
506     dot_size_symbol,
507     zero_pad_symbol, wavo_hop_symbol, wavo_trace_symbol,
508     transform_size_symbol,
509     fft_window_symbol,
510     transform_graph_type_symbol, time_graph_type_symbol,
511     ask_before_overwrite_symbol, ask_about_unsaved_edits_symbol, show_full_duration_symbol, show_full_range_symbol, remember_sound_state_symbol,
512     save_as_dialog_src_symbol, save_as_dialog_auto_comment_symbol, with_toolbar_symbol, with_tooltips_symbol, with_menu_icons_symbol,
513     fft_window_alpha_symbol, fft_window_beta_symbol, grid_density_symbol, initial_beg_symbol, initial_dur_symbol,
514     color_scale_symbol, color_cutoff_symbol, beats_per_minute_symbol,
515     color_inverted_symbol, show_mix_waveforms_symbol,
516     mix_waveform_height_symbol, beats_per_measure_symbol,
517     transform_normalization_symbol,
518     sinc_width_symbol,
519     x_axis_style_symbol,
520     zoom_focus_style_symbol,
521     graph_style_symbol, region_graph_style_symbol,
522     auto_resize_symbol, auto_update_symbol,
523     max_regions_symbol, max_transform_peaks_symbol,
524     with_gl_symbol, with_relative_panes_symbol,
525     print_length_symbol, dac_size_symbol, view_files_sort_symbol,
526     dac_combines_channels_symbol, show_selection_transform_symbol, with_mix_tags_symbol, selection_creates_region_symbol,
527     save_state_file_symbol, listener_prompt_symbol, stdin_prompt_symbol,
528     enved_base_symbol, enved_power_symbol, auto_update_interval_symbol,
529     enved_with_wave_symbol, graphs_horizontal_symbol, with_background_processes_symbol, with_file_monitor_symbol,
530     enved_style_symbol,
531     graph_cursor_symbol, mix_tag_width_symbol, mix_tag_height_symbol, mark_tag_height_symbol, mark_tag_width_symbol,
532     enved_target_symbol,
533     clipping_symbol, show_indices_symbol, just_sounds_symbol,
534     cursor_size_symbol,
535     cursor_style_symbol, tracking_cursor_style_symbol,
536     filter_control_in_db_symbol, filter_control_in_hz_symbol, show_sonogram_cursor_symbol,
537     speed_control_tones_symbol,
538     speed_control_style_symbol,
539     expand_control_length_symbol, expand_control_ramp_symbol, expand_control_hop_symbol, expand_control_jitter_symbol,
540     contrast_control_amp_symbol,
541     reverb_control_feedback_symbol, reverb_control_lowpass_symbol,
542     reverb_control_decay_symbol, cursor_update_interval_symbol,
543     filter_control_order_symbol, cursor_location_offset_symbol, play_arrow_size_symbol,
544     min_db_symbol,
545     show_controls_symbol,
546     with_tracking_cursor_symbol,
547     html_dir_symbol, html_program_symbol, open_file_dialog_directory_symbol;
548 #endif
549   int Graph_Cursor;
551   bool tracking;
552   Xen cursor_proc;
553   int cursor_proc_loc, listener_prompt_length;
554   Xen zoom_focus_proc;
555   int zoom_focus_proc_loc;
556   mus_float_t lin_dB;
557   char *io_error_info;
558   int deferred_regions;
559   open_requestor_t open_requestor;
560   void *open_requestor_data;
561   bool batch_mode;
562   bool jump_ok, exiting;
563   env_editor *enved;
564   oclock_t click_time;
565   bool file_monitor_ok, C_g_typed, squelch_mark_drag_info;
566   void (*snd_error_handler)(const char *error_msg, void *data);
567   void *snd_error_data;
568   void (*snd_warning_handler)(const char *warning_msg, void *data);
569   void *snd_warning_data;
570   void (*xen_error_handler)(const char *error_msg, void *data);
571   void *xen_error_data;
572   void (*snd_print_handler)(const char *msg, void *data);
573   void *snd_print_data;
574   channel_style_t update_sound_channel_style;
575 #if HAVE_GL && WITH_GL2PS
576   bool gl_printing;
577 #endif
578   Xen mus_error_hook;
579   Xen snd_error_hook;
580   Xen snd_warning_hook;
581   Xen snd_open_file_hook;
582   Xen effects_hook;
584 #if USE_MOTIF
585   XtAppContext mainapp;
586   Widget mainshell;
587   Widget mainpane;
588   Widget soundpane;
589   Widget soundpanebox;
590   Widget toolbar;
591   Display *mdpy;
592   xm_font_t peaks_fontlist;
593   XFontStruct *peaks_fontstruct;
594   xm_font_t bold_peaks_fontlist;
595   XFontStruct *bold_peaks_fontstruct;
596   xm_font_t listener_fontlist;
597   XFontStruct *listener_fontstruct;
598   XFontStruct *axis_label_fontstruct;
599   XFontStruct *axis_numbers_fontstruct;
600   xm_font_t tiny_fontlist;
601   XFontStruct *tiny_fontstruct;
603   Pixel white, black, red, yellow, green, blue, light_blue, lighter_blue;
604   Pixel data_color, selected_data_color, mark_color, graph_color, selected_graph_color, listener_color, listener_text_color;
605   Pixel basic_color, selection_color, zoom_color, position_color, highlight_color, enved_waveform_color, cursor_color;
606   Pixel text_focus_color, filter_control_waveform_color, mix_color, sash_color;
607   Pixel selected_grid_color, grid_color, axis_color;
608   Pixel orig_data_color, orig_selected_data_color, orig_mark_color, orig_mix_color;
609   Pixel orig_graph_color, orig_selected_graph_color, orig_listener_color, orig_listener_text_color, orig_cursor_color;
610   Pixel orig_basic_color, orig_selection_color, orig_zoom_color, orig_position_color, orig_highlight_color;
612   GC basic_gc, selected_basic_gc, combined_basic_gc;
613   GC cursor_gc, selected_cursor_gc;
614   GC selection_gc, selected_selection_gc;
615   GC erase_gc, selected_erase_gc;
616   GC mark_gc, selected_mark_gc;
617   GC mix_gc;
618   GC fltenv_basic_gc, fltenv_data_gc;
619   Widget listener_pane;
620   Widget *dialogs;
621   int num_dialogs, dialogs_size;
622   Cursor graph_cursor, wait_cursor, bounds_cursor, play_cursor, loop_play_cursor, yaxis_cursor;
623   Widget requestor_dialog;
624 #if HAVE_GL
625 #if USE_MOTIF
626   GLXContext cx;
627 #endif
628 #endif
629   Widget *mw;
630   bool axis_color_set;
631 #endif
633 #if USE_NO_GUI
634   int data_color, selected_data_color, mix_color, basic_color, grid_color, selected_grid_color, mark_color, axis_color;
635   int white, black, red, yellow, green, blue, light_blue;
636   int fltenv_basic_gc, fltenv_data_gc;
637   int basic_gc, selected_basic_gc, combined_basic_gc;
638   int cursor_gc, selected_cursor_gc;
639   int selection_gc, selected_selection_gc;
640   int erase_gc, selected_erase_gc;
641   int mark_gc, selected_mark_gc;
642   int mix_gc;
643   void *ignore_me;
644   int requestor_dialog;
645   bool axis_color_set;
646   int bounds_cursor, graph_cursor, play_cursor, loop_play_cursor, yaxis_cursor;
647 #endif
649   s7_pointer data_color_symbol, selected_data_color_symbol, mark_color_symbol, graph_color_symbol,
650     selected_graph_color_symbol, listener_color_symbol, listener_text_color_symbol,
651     basic_color_symbol, selection_color_symbol, zoom_color_symbol, position_color_symbol,
652     highlight_color_symbol, enved_waveform_color_symbol, cursor_color_symbol,
653     text_focus_color_symbol, filter_control_waveform_color_symbol, mix_color_symbol,
654     sash_color_symbol, axis_color_symbol;
655 #endif
656 } snd_state;
658 extern snd_state *ss;
660 typedef struct {
661   int chans;
662   mus_long_t *begs;
663   chan_info **cps;
664 } sync_info;
666 typedef struct {
667   int len;
668   char **name;
669 } region_state;
671 typedef struct {
672   const char *key;
673   bool c, m, x;
674 } key_info;
678 /* -------- snd-io.c -------- */
680 int snd_creat(const char *filename, mode_t mode);
681 FILE *snd_fopen(const char *filename, const char *modes);
682 int snd_open(const char *filename, int flags, mode_t mode);
684 void snd_remove(const char *name, cache_remove_t forget);
685 void snd_close(int fd, const char *name);
686 void snd_fclose(FILE *fd, const char *name);
687 io_error_t copy_file(const char *oldname, const char *newname);
688 io_error_t move_file(const char *oldfile, const char *newfile);
690 int snd_open_read(const char *arg);
691 int snd_reopen_write(const char *arg);
692 io_error_t snd_write_header(const char *name, mus_header_t type, int srate, int chans, mus_long_t samples,
693 			    mus_sample_t sample_type, const char *comment, int *loops);
694 io_error_t sndlib_error_to_snd(int sndlib_err);
695 int snd_file_open_descriptors(int tfd, const char *name, mus_sample_t sample_type, mus_long_t location, int chans, mus_header_t type);
696 snd_io *make_file_state(int fd, file_info *hdr, int chan, mus_long_t beg, int suggested_bufsize);
697 void file_buffers_forward(mus_long_t ind0, mus_long_t ind1, mus_long_t indx, snd_fd *sf, snd_data *cur_snd);
698 void file_buffers_back(mus_long_t ind0, mus_long_t ind1, mus_long_t indx, snd_fd *sf, snd_data *cur_snd);
700 void remember_temp(const char *filename, int chans);
701 void forget_temp(const char *filename, int chan);
702 void forget_temps(void);
704 snd_data *make_snd_data_file(const char *name, snd_io *io, file_info *hdr, file_delete_t temp, int ctr, int temp_chan);
705 snd_data *copy_snd_data(snd_data *sd, mus_long_t beg, int bufsize);
706 snd_data *free_snd_data(snd_data *sf);
707 snd_data *make_snd_data_buffer(mus_float_t *data, int len, int ctr);
708 snd_data *make_snd_data_buffer_for_simple_channel(int len);
709 int open_temp_file(const char *ofile, int chans, file_info *hdr, io_error_t *err);
710 io_error_t close_temp_file(const char *filename, int ofd, mus_header_t type, mus_long_t bytes);
712 void set_up_snd_io(chan_info *cp, int i, int fd, const char *filename, file_info *hdr, bool post_close);
713 mus_long_t io_beg(snd_io *io);
714 mus_long_t io_end(snd_io *io);
718 /* -------- snd-help.c -------- */
720 void about_snd_help(void);
721 void controls_help(void);
722 void fft_help(void);
723 void find_help(void);
724 void undo_help(void);
725 void sync_help(void);
726 void debug_help(void);
727 void env_help(void);
728 void marks_help(void);
729 void mix_help(void);
730 void sound_files_help(void);
731 void init_file_help(void);
732 void region_help(void);
733 void selection_help(void);
734 void colors_help(void);
735 char *version_info(void);
736 void transform_dialog_help(void);
737 void color_orientation_dialog_help(void);
738 void envelope_editor_dialog_help(void);
739 void region_dialog_help(void);
740 void raw_data_dialog_help(const char *info);
741 void new_file_dialog_help(void);
742 void edit_header_dialog_help(void);
743 void print_dialog_help(void);
744 void view_files_dialog_help(void);
745 void mix_dialog_help(void);
746 void find_dialog_help(void);
747 void open_file_dialog_help(void);
748 void mix_file_dialog_help(void);
749 void insert_file_dialog_help(void);
750 void save_as_dialog_help(void);
751 char* word_wrap(const char *text, int widget_len);
752 void g_init_help(void);
753 Xen g_snd_help_with_search(Xen text, int widget_wid, bool search);
754 Xen g_snd_help(Xen text, int widget_wid);
755 const char *snd_url(const char *name);
756 void set_html_dir(char *new_dir);
757 void key_help(void);
758 void play_help(void);
759 void save_help(void);
760 void reverb_help(void);
761 void resample_help(void);
762 void filter_help(void);
763 void insert_help(void);
764 void delete_help(void);
765 void name_to_html_viewer(const char *red_text);
766 void url_to_html_viewer(const char *url);
767 bool snd_topic_help(const char *topic);
768 const char **help_name_to_xrefs(const char *name);
772 /* -------- snd-menu.c -------- */
774 void reflect_file_revert_in_label(snd_info *sp);
775 void set_menu_label(widget_t w, const char *label);
776 void g_init_menu(void);
779 /* -------- snd-main.c -------- */
781 const char *save_options_in_prefs(void);
782 void open_save_sound_block(snd_info *sp, FILE *fd, bool with_nth);
783 void close_save_sound_block(FILE *fd, bool need_f);
784 void save_sound_state(snd_info *sp, void *ptr);
785 bool snd_exit_cleanly(bool force_exit);
786 void sound_not_current(snd_info *sp);
787 void save_state(const char *save_state_name);
788 void global_control_panel_state(void);
789 void global_fft_state(void);
790 int handle_next_startup_arg(int auto_open_ctr, char **auto_open_file_names, bool with_title, int args);
792 void g_init_main(void);
795 /* -------- snd-completion.c -------- */
797 char *expression_completer(widget_t w, const char *text, void *data);
798 void preload_best_completions(void);
799 void save_completion_choice(const char *selection);
800 int find_best_completion(char **choices, int num_choices);
801 int add_completer_func(char *(*func)(widget_t w, const char *text, void *context), void *data);
802 int add_completer_func_with_multicompleter(char *(*func)(widget_t w, const char *text, void *context), void *data, void (*multi_func)(widget_t w, void *data));
803 int get_completion_matches(void);
804 void set_completion_matches(int matches);
805 void set_save_completions(bool save);
806 void add_possible_completion(const char *text);
807 int get_possible_completions_size(void);
808 char **get_possible_completions(void);
809 void clear_possible_completions(void);
810 void handle_completions(widget_t w, int completer);
811 char *complete_text(widget_t w, const char *text, int func);
812 char *filename_completer(widget_t w, const char *text, void *data);
813 char *sound_filename_completer(widget_t w, const char *text, void *data);
814 char *srate_completer(widget_t w, const char *text, void *data);
815 char *list_completer(widget_t w, const char *text, void *data);
816 char *complete_listener_text(char *old_text, int end, bool *try_completion, char **to_file_text);
817 void add_srate_to_completion_list(int srate);
818 char *direct_completions(const char *str);
820   void call_read_hook_or_eval(const char *text);
821 #endif
825 /* -------- snd-print.c -------- */
827 void ps_set_grf_points(double x, int j, mus_float_t ymin, mus_float_t ymax);
828 void ps_set_grf_point(double x, int j, mus_float_t y);
829 void ps_allocate_grf_points(void);
830 void ps_draw_grf_points(axis_info *ap, int j, mus_float_t y0, graph_style_t graph_style, int dot_size);
831 void ps_draw_both_grf_points(axis_info *ap, int j, graph_style_t graph_style, int dot_size);
832 void ps_draw_sono_rectangle(axis_info *ap, int color, mus_float_t x, mus_float_t y, mus_float_t width, mus_float_t height);
833 void ps_reset_color(void);
834 void ps_bg(axis_info *ap, graphics_context *ax);
835 void ps_fg(chan_info *cp, graphics_context *ax);
836 void ps_draw_line(axis_info *ap, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);
837 void ps_draw_spectro_line(axis_info *ap, int color, mus_float_t x0, mus_float_t y0, mus_float_t x1, mus_float_t y1);
838 void ps_fill_rectangle(axis_info *ap, int x0, int y0, int width, int height);
839 void ps_draw_string(axis_info *ap, int x0, int y0, const char *str);
840 void ps_set_number_font(void);
841 void ps_set_label_font(void);
842 void ps_set_bold_peak_numbers_font(void);
843 void ps_set_peak_numbers_font(void);
844 void ps_set_tiny_numbers_font(void);
845 bool snd_print(const char *output);
846 void print_enved(const char *output, int y0);
847 void g_init_print(void);
851 /* -------- snd-marks.c -------- */
853 int mark_sync_max(void);
854 void set_mark_sync(mark *m, int val);
855 int mark_to_int(mark *m);
856 int mark_sync(mark *m);
857 mus_long_t mark_sample(mark *m);
858 void marks_off(chan_info *cp);
859 mark *hit_mark(chan_info *cp, int x, int y);
860 void set_mark_control(chan_info *cp, mark *mp, int key_state);
861 mark *hit_mark_triangle(chan_info *cp, int x, int y);
862 void move_mark(chan_info *cp, mark *mp, int x);
863 void play_syncd_mark(chan_info *cp, mark *mp);
864 void finish_moving_mark(chan_info *cp, mark *m);
865 mark *add_mark(mus_long_t samp, const char *name, chan_info *cp);
866 bool delete_mark_samp(mus_long_t samp, chan_info *cp);
867 void free_mark_list(ed_list *ed);
868 bool goto_mark(chan_info *cp, int count);
869 mark *active_mark(chan_info *cp);
870 mus_long_t mark_beg(chan_info *cp);
871 void display_channel_marks(chan_info *cp);
872 void ripple_marks(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t change);
873 bool mark_define_region(chan_info *cp, int count);
874 void save_mark_list(FILE *fd, chan_info *cp, bool all_chans);
875 void reverse_marks(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t dur);
876 void src_marks(chan_info *cp, mus_float_t ratio, mus_long_t old_samps, mus_long_t new_samps, mus_long_t beg, bool over_selection);
877 void reset_marks(chan_info *cp, int cur_marks, mus_long_t *samps, mus_long_t end, mus_long_t extension, bool over_selection);
878 void ripple_trailing_marks(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t old_len, mus_long_t new_len);
879 void swap_marks(chan_info *cp0, chan_info *cp1);
880 void g_init_marks(void);
881 void *sound_store_marks(snd_info *sp);
882 void sound_restore_marks(snd_info *sp, void *marks);
883 mus_long_t mark_id_to_sample(int id);
885 Xen new_xen_mark(int n);
886 bool xen_is_mark(Xen obj);
887 int xen_mark_to_int(Xen n);
888 #define Xen_mark_to_C_int(n) xen_mark_to_int(n)
889 Xen g_mark_sync(Xen mark_n);
890 Xen g_set_mark_sync(Xen mark_n, Xen sync_n);
894 /* -------- snd-data.c -------- */
896 chan_info *make_chan_info(chan_info *cip, int chan, snd_info *sound);
897 snd_info *make_snd_info(snd_info *sip, const char *filename, file_info *hdr, int snd_slot, read_only_t read_only);
898 snd_info *make_basic_snd_info(int chans);
899 void initialize_control_panel(snd_info *sp);
900 void free_snd_info(snd_info *sp);
901 snd_info *completely_free_snd_info(snd_info *sp);
902 void for_each_chan_with_int(void (*func)(chan_info *ncp, int val), int value);
903 void for_each_chan_with_mus_long_t(void (*func)(chan_info *ncp, mus_long_t val), mus_long_t value);
904 void for_each_chan_with_bool(void (*func)(chan_info *ncp, bool val), bool value);
905 void for_each_chan_with_float(void (*func)(chan_info *ncp, mus_float_t val), mus_float_t value);
906 void for_each_chan(void (*func)(chan_info *ncp));
907 void for_each_normal_chan(void (*func)(chan_info *ncp));
908 void for_each_normal_chan_with_void(void (*func)(chan_info *ncp, void *ptr), void *userptr);
909 void for_each_normal_chan_with_int(void (*func)(chan_info *ncp, int val), int value);
910 void for_each_normal_chan_with_refint(void (*func)(chan_info *ncp, int *val), int *value);
911 void for_each_sound_chan(snd_info *sp, void (*func)(chan_info *ncp));
912 void for_each_sound_chan_with_int(snd_info *sp, void (*func)(chan_info *ncp, int val1), int value);
913 void for_each_sound(void (*func)(snd_info *usp));
914 void for_each_sound_with_void(void (*func)(snd_info *usp, void *ptr), void *userptr);
915 void for_each_separate_chan(void (*func)(chan_info *ncp));
916 bool map_over_sound_chans(snd_info *sp, bool (*func)(chan_info *ncp));
917 bool snd_ok(snd_info *sp);
918 int active_channels(virtual_channels_t count_virtual_channels);
919 int syncd_channels(int sync);
920 int find_free_sound_slot(int desired_chans);
921 int find_free_sound_slot_for_channel_display(void);
922 snd_info *selected_sound(void);
923 chan_info *selected_channel(void);
924 chan_info *color_selected_channel(snd_info *sp);
925 snd_info *any_selected_sound(void);
926 chan_info *any_selected_channel(snd_info *sp);
927 void select_channel(snd_info *sp, int chan);
928 chan_info *current_channel(void);
929 sync_info *free_sync_info(sync_info *si);
930 sync_info *snd_sync(int sync);
931 sync_info *sync_to_chan(chan_info *cp);
932 sync_info *make_simple_sync(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg);
933 snd_info *find_sound(const char *name, int nth);
934 void mix_display_during_drag(int mix_id, mus_long_t drag_beg, mus_long_t drag_end);
935 void g_init_data(void);
939 /* -------- snd-edits.c -------- */
941 mus_float_t channel_maxamp(chan_info *cp, int edpos);
942 mus_long_t channel_maxamp_position(chan_info *cp, int edpos);
943 mus_float_t channel_maxamp_and_position(chan_info *cp, int edpos, mus_long_t *maxpos);
944 ed_list *initial_ed_list(mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t end);
945 snd_info *sound_is_silence(snd_info *sp);
946 mus_long_t edit_changes_begin_at(chan_info *cp, int edpos);
947 mus_long_t edit_changes_end_at(chan_info *cp, int edpos);
948 bool has_unsaved_edits(snd_info *sp);
949 char *run_save_state_hook(const char *filename);
950 void edit_history_to_file(FILE *fd, chan_info *cp, bool with_save_state_hook);
951 char *edit_to_string(chan_info *cp, int edit);
952 void free_edit_list(chan_info *cp);
953 void backup_edit_list(chan_info *cp);
954 void as_one_edit(chan_info *cp, int one_edit);
955 void free_sound_list(chan_info *cp);
956 void after_edit(chan_info *cp);
957 bool extend_with_zeros(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, int edpos, const char *origin);
958 bool insert_samples(mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, mus_float_t *vals, chan_info *cp, const char *origin, int edpos);
959 bool file_insert_samples(mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, const char *tempfile, chan_info *cp, int chan,
960 			 file_delete_t auto_delete, const char *origin, int edpos);
961 bool insert_complete_file_at_cursor(snd_info *sp, const char *filename);
962 bool insert_complete_file(snd_info *sp, const char *str, mus_long_t chan_beg, file_delete_t auto_delete);
963 bool delete_samples(mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, chan_info *cp, int edpos);
964 bool change_samples(mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, mus_float_t *vals, chan_info *cp, const char *origin, int edpos, mus_float_t mx);
965 bool file_change_samples(mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, const char *tempfile, chan_info *cp, int chan, file_delete_t auto_delete, const char *origin, int edpos);
966 bool file_override_samples(mus_long_t num, const char *tempfile, chan_info *cp, int chan, file_delete_t auto_delete, const char *origin);
967 mus_float_t chn_sample(mus_long_t samp, chan_info *cp, int pos);
968 void check_saved_temp_file(const char *type, Xen filename, Xen date_and_length);
969 bool is_editable(chan_info *cp);
970 file_delete_t xen_to_file_delete_t(Xen auto_delete, const char *caller);
971 snd_fd *free_snd_fd(snd_fd *sf);
972 char *sampler_to_string(snd_fd *fd);
973 bool is_sampler(Xen obj);
974 snd_fd *xen_to_sampler(Xen obj);
975 snd_fd *free_snd_fd_almost(snd_fd *sf);
976 bool scale_channel(chan_info *cp, mus_float_t scaler, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, int pos, bool in_as_one_edit);
977 bool scale_channel_with_origin(chan_info *cp, mus_float_t scl, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, int pos, bool in_as_one_edit, const char *origin);
978 bool ramp_channel(chan_info *cp, double start, double incr, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, int pos, bool in_as_one_edit);
979 bool xramp_channel(chan_info *cp, double start, double incr, double scaler, double offset,
980 		   mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, int pos, bool in_as_one_edit, mus_any *e, int xramp_seg_loc);
981 snd_fd *init_sample_read(mus_long_t samp, chan_info *cp, read_direction_t direction);
982 snd_fd *init_sample_read_any(mus_long_t samp, chan_info *cp, read_direction_t direction, int edit_position);
983 snd_fd *init_sample_read_any_with_bufsize(mus_long_t samp, chan_info *cp, read_direction_t direction, int edit_position, int bufsize);
984 void read_sample_change_direction(snd_fd *sf, read_direction_t dir);
985 void sampler_set_safe(snd_fd *sf, mus_long_t dur);
986 bool unrampable(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t dur, int pos, bool is_xramp);
987 bool sound_fragments_in_use(chan_info *cp, int pos);
988 #define read_sample(Sf) (*((Sf)->runf))(Sf)
989 mus_float_t channel_local_maxamp(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, int edpos, mus_long_t *maxpos);
990 bool undo_edit_with_sync(chan_info *cp, int count);
991 bool redo_edit_with_sync(chan_info *cp, int count);
992 bool undo_edit(chan_info *cp, int count);
993 bool redo_edit(chan_info *cp, int count);
994 io_error_t save_channel_edits(chan_info *cp, const char *ofile, int pos);
995 io_error_t channel_to_file_with_settings(chan_info *cp, const char *new_name, int srate,
996 					 mus_sample_t samp_type, mus_header_t hd_type, const char *comment, int pos);
997 io_error_t save_edits(snd_info *sp);
998 io_error_t save_edits_without_asking(snd_info *sp);
999 io_error_t save_edits_and_update_display(snd_info *sp);
1000 io_error_t save_edits_without_display(snd_info *sp, const char *new_name, mus_header_t type,
1001 				      mus_sample_t sample_type, int srate, const char *comment, int pos);
1002 void revert_edits(chan_info *cp);
1003 mus_long_t current_location(snd_fd *sf);
1004 void g_init_edits(void);
1005 void set_ed_maxamp(chan_info *cp, int edpos, mus_float_t val);
1006 mus_float_t ed_maxamp(chan_info *cp, int edpos);
1007 void set_ed_maxamp_position(chan_info *cp, int edpos, mus_long_t val);
1008 mus_long_t ed_maxamp_position(chan_info *cp, int edpos);
1009 void set_ed_selection_maxamp(chan_info *cp, mus_float_t val);
1010 mus_float_t ed_selection_maxamp(chan_info *cp);
1011 void set_ed_selection_maxamp_position(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t val);
1012 mus_long_t ed_selection_maxamp_position(chan_info *cp);
1013 void copy_then_swap_channels(chan_info *cp0, chan_info *cp1, int pos0, int pos1);
1014 void reflect_file_change_in_label(chan_info *cp);
1015 void reflect_file_change_in_title(void);
1016 int mix_buffer_with_tag(chan_info *cp, mus_float_t *data, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, const char *origin);
1018 int mix_file_with_tag(chan_info *cp, const char *filename, int chan, mus_long_t beg, file_delete_t auto_delete, const char *origin);
1019 void unmix(chan_info *cp, mix_state *ms);
1020 void remix(chan_info *cp, mix_state *ms);
1021 snd_fd *make_virtual_mix_reader(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t len, int index, mus_float_t scl, read_direction_t direction);
1022 bool virtual_mix_ok(chan_info *cp, int edpos);
1023 bool begin_mix_op(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t old_beg, mus_long_t old_len, mus_long_t new_beg, mus_long_t new_len, int edpos, const char *caller);
1024 void end_mix_op(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t old_beg, mus_long_t old_len);
1025 void prepare_sound_list(chan_info *cp);
1026 Xen g_sampler_file_name(Xen obj);
1027 char *edit_list_to_function(chan_info *cp, int start_pos, int end_pos);
1028 vct *samples_to_vct(mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t len, chan_info *cp, int pos, mus_float_t *buf, snd_fd *reader);
1029 vct *samples_to_vct_with_reader(mus_long_t len, mus_float_t *buf, snd_fd *reader);
1033 /* -------- snd-fft.c -------- */
1035 int find_and_sort_transform_peaks(mus_float_t *buf, fft_peak *found, int num_peaks, mus_long_t losamp, mus_long_t hisamp, mus_float_t samps_per_pixel, mus_float_t fft_scale);
1036 int find_and_sort_peaks(mus_float_t *buf, fft_peak *found, int num_peaks, mus_long_t losamp, mus_long_t hisamp);
1037 fft_info *free_fft_info(fft_info *fp);
1038 void free_sonogram_fft_state(void *ptr);
1039 bool fft_window_beta_in_use(mus_fft_window_t win);
1040 bool fft_window_alpha_in_use(mus_fft_window_t win);
1041 void free_sono_info(chan_info *cp);
1042 void sono_update(chan_info *cp);
1043 void c_convolve(const char *fname, mus_float_t amp, int filec, mus_long_t filehdr, int filterc, mus_long_t filterhdr, mus_long_t filtersize,
1044 		mus_long_t fftsize, int filter_chans, int filter_chan, mus_long_t data_size, snd_info *gsp);
1045 void *make_sonogram_state(chan_info *cp, bool force_recalc);
1046 void single_fft(chan_info *cp, bool update_display, bool force_recalc);
1047 idle_func_t sonogram_in_slices(void *sono);
1048 void clear_transform_edit_ctrs(chan_info *cp);
1049 void g_init_fft(void);
1050 mus_float_t fft_beta_max(mus_fft_window_t win);
1051 void cp_free_fft_state(chan_info *cp);
1052 void set_fft_info_xlabel(chan_info *cp, const char *new_label);
1053 void fourier_spectrum(snd_fd *sf, mus_float_t *data, mus_long_t fft_size, mus_long_t data_len, mus_float_t *window, chan_info *cp);
1054 const char *wavelet_name(int i);
1055 const char **wavelet_names(void);
1056 void set_log_freq_start(mus_float_t base);
1058 const char *transform_name(int type);
1059 const char *transform_program_name(int type);
1060 int transform_position_to_type(int pos);
1061 int transform_type_to_position(int type);
1062 int max_transform_type(void);
1063 void set_transform_position(int i, int j);
1064 bool is_transform(int type);
1066 Xen new_xen_transform(int n);
1067 bool xen_is_transform(Xen obj);
1068 int xen_transform_to_int(Xen n);
1069 #define C_int_to_Xen_transform(Val) new_xen_transform(Val)
1070 #define Xen_transform_to_C_int(n) xen_transform_to_int(n)
1074 /* -------- snd-xen.c -------- */
1076 const char *io_error_name(io_error_t err);
1077 #ifdef __GNUC__
1078   void snd_error(const char *format, ...)  __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
1079   void snd_warning(const char *format, ...)  __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
1080 #else
1081   void snd_error(const char *format, ...);
1082   void snd_warning(const char *format, ...);
1083 #endif
1084 void snd_error_without_format(const char *msg);
1085 void snd_warning_without_format(const char *msg);
1086 void redirect_snd_error_to(void (*handler)(const char *error_msg, void *ufd), void *data);
1087 void redirect_snd_warning_to(void (*handler)(const char *warning_msg, void *ufd), void *data);
1089 char *stdin_check_for_full_expression(const char *newstr);
1090 void stdin_free_str(void);
1092 void redirect_xen_error_to(void (*handler)(const char *msg, void *ufd), void *data);
1093 void redirect_errors_to(void (*handler)(const char *msg, void *ufd), void *data);
1094 void redirect_everything_to(void (*handler)(const char *msg, void *ufd), void *data);
1095 Xen snd_catch_any(Xen_catch_t body, void *body_data, const char *caller);
1096 Xen snd_no_such_file_error(const char *caller, Xen filename);
1097 Xen snd_no_such_channel_error(const char *caller, Xen snd, Xen chn);
1098 Xen snd_bad_arity_error(const char *caller, Xen errstr, Xen proc);
1099 Xen snd_no_active_selection_error(const char *caller);
1100 void g_xen_initialize(void);
1101 Xen eval_str_wrapper(void *data);
1102 Xen g_c_make_sampler(snd_fd *fd);
1103 char *procedure_ok(Xen proc, int args, const char *caller, const char *arg_name, int argn);
1104 bool procedure_arity_ok(Xen proc, int args);
1105 int snd_protect(Xen obj);
1106 void snd_unprotect_at(int loc);
1108 Xen run_or_hook(Xen hook, Xen args, const char *caller);
1109 Xen run_progn_hook(Xen hook, Xen args, const char *caller);
1110 Xen run_hook(Xen hook, Xen args, const char *caller);
1111 void check_features_list(const char *features);
1112 #if (!USE_NO_GUI)
1113   mus_float_t check_color_range(const char *caller, Xen val);
1114 #endif
1115 void set_basic_color(color_t color);
1116 void set_highlight_color(color_t color);
1117 void set_position_color(color_t color);
1118 void set_zoom_color(color_t color);
1119 void set_data_color(color_t color);
1120 void set_selected_data_color(color_t color);
1121 void set_graph_color(color_t color);
1122 void set_selected_graph_color(color_t color);
1123 mus_float_t string_to_mus_float_t(const char *str, mus_float_t lo, const char *file_name);
1124 int string_to_int(const char *str, int lo, const char *field_name);
1125 mus_long_t string_to_mus_long_t(const char *str, mus_long_t lo, const char *field_name);
1126 char *output_comment(file_info *hdr);
1127 void snd_load_init_file(bool nog, bool noi);
1128 void snd_load_file(const char *filename);
1129 void snd_display_result(const char *str, const char *endstr);
1130 void snd_report_result(Xen result, const char *buf);
1131 void snd_report_listener_result(Xen form);
1132 void snd_eval_stdin_str(const char *buf);
1133 void clear_stdin(void);
1134 #if HAVE_RUBY
1135   void snd_rb_raise(Xen type, Xen info);
1136 #endif
1137 bool is_source_file(const char *name);
1138 void save_added_source_file_extensions(FILE *fd);
1142 /* -------- snd-select.c -------- */
1144 bool selection_is_active(void);
1145 bool selection_is_active_in_channel(chan_info *cp);
1146 bool selection_is_visible_in_channel(chan_info *cp);
1147 mus_long_t selection_beg(chan_info *cp);
1148 mus_long_t selection_end(chan_info *cp);
1149 mus_long_t selection_len(void);
1150 int selection_chans(void);
1151 int selection_srate(void);
1152 mus_float_t selection_maxamp(chan_info *cp);
1153 void deactivate_selection(void);
1154 void reactivate_selection(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t end);
1155 void ripple_selection(ed_list *new_ed, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num);
1156 sync_info *selection_sync(void);
1157 void start_selection_creation(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t samp);
1158 void update_possible_selection_in_progress(mus_long_t samp);
1159 void restart_selection_creation(chan_info *cp, bool right);
1160 bool hit_selection_triangle(chan_info *cp, int x, int y);
1161 bool hit_selection_loop_triangle(chan_info *cp, int x, int y);
1162 void cp_delete_selection(chan_info *cp);
1164 int make_region_from_selection(void);
1165 void display_selection(chan_info *cp);
1166 bool delete_selection(cut_selection_regraph_t regraph);
1167 void move_selection(chan_info *cp, int x);
1168 void finish_selection_creation(void);
1169 int select_all(chan_info *cp);
1170 io_error_t save_selection(const char *ofile, int srate, mus_sample_t samp_type, mus_header_t head_type, const char *comment, int chan);
1171 bool selection_creation_in_progress(void);
1172 void add_selection_or_region(int reg, chan_info *cp);
1173 void insert_selection_from_menu(void);
1174 void cancel_selection_watch(void);
1175 void show_selection(void);
1176 bool xen_is_selection(Xen obj);
1177 Xen g_selection_chans(void);
1178 Xen g_selection_srate(void);
1179 Xen g_selection_maxamp(Xen snd, Xen chn);
1180 Xen g_selection_framples(Xen snd, Xen chn);
1182 void g_init_selection(void);
1185 /* -------- snd-region.c -------- */
1187 void allocate_regions(int numreg);
1188 bool region_ok(int n);
1189 int region_chans(int n);
1190 int region_srate(int n);
1191 const char *region_file_name(int n);
1192 mus_long_t region_len(int n);
1193 mus_float_t region_maxamp(int n);
1194 int region_list_position_to_id(int n);
1195 int region_id_to_list_position(int id);
1196 file_info *fixup_region_data(chan_info *cp, int chan, int n);
1197 region_state *region_report(void);
1198 void free_region_state(region_state *r);
1199 int remove_region_from_list(int pos);
1200 io_error_t paste_region(int n, chan_info *cp);
1201 io_error_t add_region(int n, chan_info *cp);
1202 int define_region(sync_info *si, mus_long_t *ends);
1203 snd_fd *init_region_read(mus_long_t beg, int n, int chan, read_direction_t direction);
1204 void cleanup_region_temp_files(void);
1205 int snd_regions(void);
1206 void save_regions(FILE *fd);
1207 io_error_t save_region(int rg, const char *name, mus_sample_t samp_type, mus_header_t head_type, const char *comment);
1208 void region_edit(int reg);
1209 void clear_region_backpointer(snd_info *sp);
1210 void save_region_backpointer(snd_info *sp);
1211 void sequester_deferred_regions(chan_info *cp, int edit_top);
1212 void g_init_regions(void);
1213 void for_each_region_chan_with_refint(void (*func)(chan_info *ncp, int *val), int *value);
1214 mus_long_t region_current_location(snd_fd *fd);
1215 char *region_description(int rg);
1217 Xen new_xen_region(int n);
1218 bool xen_is_region(Xen obj);
1219 int xen_region_to_int(Xen n);
1220 #define C_int_to_Xen_region(Val) new_xen_region(Val)
1221 #define Xen_region_to_C_int(n) xen_region_to_int(n)
1222 Xen g_region_srate(Xen n);
1223 Xen g_region_chans(Xen n);
1224 Xen g_region_framples(Xen n, Xen chan);
1225 Xen g_region_maxamp(Xen n);
1226 Xen g_play_region(Xen n, play_process_t back, Xen stop_proc);
1227 Xen g_region_to_vct(Xen reg_n, Xen beg_n, Xen num, Xen chn_n, Xen v);
1231 /* -------- snd-env.c -------- */
1233 env *copy_env(env *e);
1234 env *free_env(env *e);
1235 char *env_to_string(env *e);
1236 env *make_envelope_with_offset_and_scaler(mus_float_t *env_buffer, int len, mus_float_t offset, mus_float_t scaler);
1237 env *default_env(mus_float_t x1, mus_float_t y);
1238 bool is_default_env(env *e);
1239 bool envs_equal(env *e1, env *e2);
1240 env_editor *new_env_editor(void);
1241 void env_editor_button_motion_with_xy(env_editor *edp, int evx, int evy, oclock_t motion_time, env *e, mus_float_t *new_x, mus_float_t *new_y);
1242 void env_editor_button_motion(env_editor *edp, int evx, int evy, oclock_t motion_time, env *e);
1243 bool env_editor_button_press(env_editor *edp, int evx, int evy, oclock_t time, env *e);
1244 void env_editor_button_release(env_editor *edp, env *e);
1245 double env_editor_ungrf_y_dB(env_editor *edp, int y);
1246 void init_env_axes(axis_info *ap, const char *name, int x_offset, int ey0, int width, int height,
1247 		   mus_float_t xmin, mus_float_t xmax, mus_float_t ymin, mus_float_t ymax, printing_t printing);
1248 void env_editor_display_env(env_editor *edp, env *e, graphics_context *ax, const char *name,
1249 			    int x0, int y0, int width, int height, printing_t printing);
1250 void view_envs(int env_window_width, int env_window_height, printing_t printing);
1251 int hit_env(int xe, int ye, int env_window_width, int env_window_height);
1252 void prepare_enved_edit(env *new_env);
1253 void redo_env_edit(void);
1254 void undo_env_edit(void);
1255 void revert_env_edit(void);
1256 int enved_all_envs_top(void);
1257 char *enved_all_names(int n);
1258 void set_enved_env_list_top(int n);
1259 /* env *enved_all_envs(int pos); */
1260 void alert_envelope_editor(const char *name, env *val);
1261 void enved_show_background_waveform(axis_info *ap, axis_info *gray_ap, bool apply_to_selection, bool show_fft, printing_t printing);
1262 void save_envelope_editor_state(FILE *fd);
1263 char *env_name_completer(widget_t w, const char *text, void *data);
1264 env *enved_next_env(void);
1265 env *string_to_env(const char *str);
1266 void add_or_edit_symbol(const char *name, env *val);
1267 env* name_to_env(const char *str);
1268 env *position_to_env(int pos);
1269 /* void delete_envelope(const char *name); */
1270 enved_fft *free_enved_fft(enved_fft *ef);
1271 void reflect_enved_fft_change(chan_info *cp);
1273 Xen env_to_xen(env *e);
1274 env *xen_to_env(Xen res);
1275 env *get_env(Xen e, const char *origin);
1276 void g_init_env(void);
1279 /* -------- snd-dac.c -------- */
1281 void cleanup_dac(void);
1282 void stop_playing_sound(snd_info *sp, play_stop_t reason);
1283 void stop_playing_sound_without_hook(snd_info *sp, play_stop_t reason);
1284 void stop_playing_sound_no_toggle(snd_info *sp, play_stop_t reason);
1285 void stop_playing_all_sounds(play_stop_t reason);
1286 void stop_playing_region(int n, play_stop_t reason);
1287 void play_region(int n, play_process_t background);
1288 void play_region_1(int region, play_process_t background, Xen stop_proc);
1289 void play_channel(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t start, mus_long_t end);
1290 void play_channel_with_sync(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t start, mus_long_t end);
1291 void play_sound(snd_info *sp, mus_long_t start, mus_long_t end);
1292 void play_channels(chan_info **cps, int chans, mus_long_t *starts, mus_long_t *ur_ends,
1293 		   play_process_t background, Xen edpos, bool selection, const char *caller, int arg_pos);
1294 void play_selection(play_process_t background);
1295 void loop_play_selection(void);
1296 bool add_mix_to_play_list(mix_state *ms, chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg_within_mix, bool start_playing);
1297 void toggle_dac_pausing(void); /* snd-dac.c */
1298 bool play_in_progress(void);
1299 void initialize_apply(snd_info *sp, int chans, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t framples);
1300 void finalize_apply(snd_info *sp);
1301 int run_apply(int ofd);
1302 mus_float_t *sample_linear_env(env *e, int order);
1304 void g_init_dac(void);
1305 void clear_players(void);
1307 bool xen_is_player(Xen obj);
1308 #define is_player_sound(Sp) ((Sp) && ((Sp)->index < 0))
1309 snd_info *get_player_sound(Xen player);
1310 Xen no_such_player_error(const char *caller, Xen player);
1312 void dac_set_expand(snd_info *sp, mus_float_t newval);
1313 void dac_set_expand_length(snd_info *sp, mus_float_t newval);
1314 void dac_set_expand_ramp(snd_info *sp, mus_float_t newval);
1315 void dac_set_expand_hop(snd_info *sp, mus_float_t newval);
1316 void dac_set_contrast_amp(snd_info *sp, mus_float_t newval);
1317 void dac_set_reverb_feedback(snd_info *sp, mus_float_t newval);
1318 void dac_set_reverb_lowpass(snd_info *sp, mus_float_t newval);
1322 /* -------- snd-chn.c -------- */
1324 bool is_graph_style(int grf);
1325 chan_info *get_cp(Xen snd_n, Xen chn_n, const char *caller);
1326 snd_info *make_simple_channel_display(int srate, int initial_length, fw_button_t with_arrows, graph_style_t grf_style, widget_t container, bool with_events);
1327 axis_info *lisp_info_axis(chan_info *cp);
1328 void free_lisp_info(chan_info *cp);
1329 void zx_incremented(chan_info *cp, double amount);
1330 kbd_cursor_t cursor_decision(chan_info *cp);
1331 void reset_x_display(chan_info *cp, double sx, double zx);
1332 void set_x_axis_x0x1(chan_info *cp, double x0, double x1);
1333 void cursor_move(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t samps);
1334 void cursor_moveto_without_verbosity(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t samp);
1335 void cursor_moveto_with_window(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t samp, mus_long_t left_samp, mus_long_t window_size);
1336 void sync_cursors(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t samp);
1337 void set_wavo_trace(int uval);
1338 void set_dot_size(int val);
1339 chan_info *virtual_selected_channel(chan_info *cp);
1340 void handle_cursor(chan_info *cp, kbd_cursor_t redisplay);
1341 void handle_cursor_with_sync(chan_info *cp, kbd_cursor_t redisplay);
1342 void chans_field(fcp_t field, mus_float_t val);
1343 void in_set_transform_graph_type(graph_type_t val);
1344 void in_set_fft_window(mus_fft_window_t val);
1345 void set_max_transform_peaks(int val);
1346 void combine_sound(snd_info *sp);
1347 void separate_sound(snd_info *sp);
1348 void superimpose_sound(snd_info *sp);
1349 void set_sound_channel_style(snd_info *sp, channel_style_t val);
1350 void set_chan_fft_in_progress(chan_info *cp, idle_t fp);
1351 void stop_fft_in_progress(chan_info *cp);
1352 void goto_graph(chan_info *cp);
1353 void start_peak_env(chan_info *cp);
1354 void stop_peak_env(chan_info *cp);
1355 void write_transform_peaks(FILE *fd, chan_info *ucp);
1356 bool chan_fft_in_progress(chan_info *cp);
1357 void force_fft_clear(chan_info *cp);
1358 void chan_info_cleanup(chan_info *cp);
1359 void display_channel_data_for_print(chan_info *cp);
1360 void update_graph(chan_info *cp);
1361 void update_graph_or_warn(chan_info *cp);
1362 void make_partial_graph(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t end);
1363 void add_channel_data(char *filename, chan_info *cp, channel_graph_t graphed);
1364 bool add_channel_data_1(chan_info *cp, int srate, mus_long_t framples, channel_graph_t graphed);
1365 void set_x_bounds(axis_info *ap);
1366 void set_show_axes(show_axes_t val);
1367 void display_channel_data(chan_info *cp);
1368 void display_channel_fft_data(chan_info *cp);
1369 void display_channel_time_data(chan_info *cp);
1370 void show_cursor_info(chan_info *cp);
1371 void apply_x_axis_change(chan_info *cp);
1372 void apply_y_axis_change(chan_info *cp);
1373 void sx_incremented(chan_info *cp, double amount);
1374 int move_axis(chan_info *cp, int x);
1375 void set_axes(chan_info *cp, double x0, double x1, mus_float_t y0, mus_float_t y1);
1376 void focus_x_axis_change(chan_info *cp, int focus_style);
1377 void key_press_callback(chan_info *ur_cp, int x, int y, int key_state, int keysym);
1378 void graph_button_press_callback(chan_info *cp, void *ev, int x, int y, int key_state, int button, oclock_t time);
1379 void graph_button_release_callback(chan_info *cp, int x, int y, int key_state, int button);
1380 void graph_button_motion_callback(chan_info *cp, int x, int y, oclock_t time);
1381 void channel_resize(chan_info *cp);
1382 void edit_history_select(chan_info *cp, int row);
1383 int make_background_graph(chan_info *cp, int srate, bool *two_sided);
1384 int make_dragged_marks_graph(chan_info *cp);
1385 void reset_spectro(void);
1386 void cursor_moveto(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t samp);
1387 chan_info *which_channel(snd_info *sp, int y);
1388 void set_show_grid(with_grid_t val);
1389 void set_grid_density(mus_float_t val);
1390 void set_cursor_size(int val);
1391 void set_cursor_style(cursor_style_t val);
1392 void set_show_mix_waveforms(bool val);
1393 void clear_inset_graph(chan_info *cp);
1394 void free_inset_graph(chan_info *cp);
1395 void draw_inset_line_cursor(chan_info *cp, graphics_context *ax);
1396 void make_sonogram(chan_info *cp);
1398 void g_init_chn(void);
1399 Xen make_graph_data(chan_info *cp, int edit_pos, mus_long_t losamp, mus_long_t hisamp);
1400 void draw_graph_data(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t losamp, mus_long_t hisamp, int data_size, mus_float_t *data, mus_float_t *data1, graphics_context *ax, graph_style_t style);
1402 void fftb(chan_info *cp, bool on);
1403 void waveb(chan_info *cp, bool on);
1404 void f_button_callback(chan_info *cp, bool on, bool with_control);
1405 void w_button_callback(chan_info *cp, bool on, bool with_control);
1406 graphics_context *set_context(chan_info *cp, chan_gc_t gc);
1407 graphics_context *copy_context(chan_info *cp);
1408 graphics_context *erase_context(chan_info *cp);
1409 graphics_context *selection_context(chan_info *cp);
1410 graphics_context *mark_tag_context(chan_info *cp);
1411 graphics_context *mix_waveform_context(chan_info *cp);
1412 graphics_context *cursor_context(chan_info *cp);
1413 void calculate_fft(chan_info *cp);
1414 void set_min_db(mus_float_t db);
1415 void set_x_axis_style(x_axis_style_t val);
1416 void set_with_verbose_cursor(bool val);
1417 void set_graph_style(graph_style_t val);
1418 void set_show_marks(bool val);
1419 void set_show_y_zero(bool val);
1421 Xen g_framples(Xen snd_n, Xen chn_n, Xen edpos);
1422 void check_cursor_shape(chan_info *cp, int x, int y);
1423 widget_t channel_to_widget(chan_info *cp);
1424 chan_info *channel_to_chan(chan_info *cp);
1428 /* -------- snd-axis.c -------- */
1430 bool is_x_axis_style(int n);
1431 bool shows_axes(int n);
1432 axis_info *free_axis_info(axis_info *ap);
1433 char *x_axis_location_to_string(chan_info *cp, double loc);
1434 int grf_x(double val, axis_info *ap);
1435 int grf_y(mus_float_t val, axis_info *ap);
1436 void init_axis_scales(axis_info *ap);
1437 void make_axes_1(axis_info *ap, x_axis_style_t x_style, int srate, show_axes_t axes, printing_t printing,
1438 		 with_x_axis_t show_x_axis, with_grid_t grid, log_axis_t log_axes, mus_float_t grid_scale);
1440 #define ungrf_x(AP, X) (((X) - (AP)->x_base) / (AP)->x_scale)
1441 #define ungrf_y(AP, Y) (((Y) - (AP)->y_base) / (AP)->y_scale)
1443 axis_info *make_axis_info(chan_info *cp, double xmin, double xmax, mus_float_t ymin, mus_float_t ymax,
1444 			  const char *xlabel, double x0, double x1, mus_float_t y0, mus_float_t y1,
1445 			  axis_info *old_ap);
1446 void set_numbers_font(graphics_context *ax, printing_t printing, bool use_tiny_font);
1448 #if (!USE_NO_GUI)
1449   void g_init_axis(void);
1450 #endif
1451 #if HAVE_GL
1452   void reload_label_font(void);
1453   void reload_number_font(void);
1454 #endif
1458 /* -------- snd-snd.c -------- */
1460 snd_info *get_sp(Xen snd_n);
1461 peak_env_info *free_peak_env(chan_info *cp, int pos);
1462 void free_peak_env_state(chan_info *cp);
1463 peak_env_info *free_peak_env_info(peak_env_info *ep);
1464 void start_peak_env_state(chan_info *cp);
1465 idle_func_t get_peak_env(any_pointer_t ptr);
1466 void finish_peak_env(chan_info *cp);
1467 bool peak_env_maxamp_ok(chan_info *cp, int edpos);
1468 mus_float_t peak_env_maxamp(chan_info *cp, int edpos);
1469 bool peak_env_usable(chan_info *cp, mus_float_t samples_per_pixel, mus_long_t hisamp, bool start_new, int edit_pos, bool finish_env);
1470 int peak_env_graph(chan_info *cp, mus_float_t samples_per_pixel, int srate);
1471 int peak_env_partial_graph(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t end, mus_float_t samples_per_pixel, int srate);
1472 char *shortname(snd_info *sp);
1473 char *shortname_indexed(snd_info *sp);
1474 void add_sound_data(char *filename, snd_info *sp, channel_graph_t graphed);
1475 mus_float_t speed_changed(mus_float_t ival, char *srcbuf, speed_style_t style, int tones, int srcbuf_size);
1476 char *sp_name_click(snd_info *sp);
1477 void free_controls(snd_info *sp);
1478 void save_controls(snd_info *sp);
1479 void restore_controls(snd_info *sp);
1480 void reset_controls(snd_info *sp);
1481 void set_show_controls(bool val);
1482 void stop_applying(snd_info *sp);
1483 void expand_control_set_hop(mus_float_t hop);
1484 void expand_control_set_length(mus_float_t hop);
1485 void expand_control_set_ramp(mus_float_t hop);
1486 void expand_control_set_jitter(mus_float_t hop);
1487 void contrast_control_set_amp(mus_float_t hop);
1488 void reverb_control_set_lowpass(mus_float_t hop);
1489 void reverb_control_set_feedback(mus_float_t hop);
1490 void amp_env_env(chan_info *cp, mus_float_t *brkpts, int npts, int pos, mus_float_t base, mus_float_t scaler, mus_float_t offset);
1491 peak_env_info *copy_peak_env_info(peak_env_info *old_ep, bool reversed);
1492 void amp_env_env_selection_by(chan_info *cp, mus_any *e, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, int pos);
1493 void peak_env_insert_zeros(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, int pos);
1494 snd_info *snd_new_file(const char *newname, int chans, int srate, mus_sample_t sample_type,
1495 		       mus_header_t header_type, const char *new_comment, mus_long_t samples);
1497   void snd_rationalize(mus_float_t a, int *num, int *den);
1498 #endif
1499 void status_report(snd_info *sp, const char *format, ...);
1500 void errors_to_status_area(const char *msg, void *data);
1501 void printout_to_status_area(const char *msg, void *data);
1502 void clear_status_area(snd_info *sp);;
1504 void g_init_snd(void);
1505 Xen snd_no_such_sound_error(const char *caller, Xen n);
1507 void peak_env_scale_by(chan_info *cp, mus_float_t scl, int pos);
1508 void peak_env_scale_selection_by(chan_info *cp, mus_float_t scl, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, int pos);
1509 peak_env_info *peak_env_copy(chan_info *cp, bool reversed, int edpos);
1510 peak_env_info *peak_env_section(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, int edpos);
1511 void pick_one_bin(peak_env_info *ep, int bin, mus_long_t cursamp, chan_info *cp, int edpos);
1512 void set_channel_style(channel_style_t val);
1514 Xen new_xen_sound(int n);
1515 bool xen_is_sound(Xen obj);
1516 int xen_sound_to_int(Xen n);
1517 #define C_int_to_Xen_sound(Val) new_xen_sound(Val)
1518 #define Xen_sound_to_C_int(n) xen_sound_to_int(n)
1520 const char *read_peak_env_info_file(chan_info *cp);
1521 bool write_peak_env_info_file(chan_info *cp);
1522 void delete_peak_env_info_file(chan_info *cp);
1526 /* -------- snd-file -------- */
1528 axes_data *free_axes_data(axes_data *sa);
1529 axes_data *make_axes_data(snd_info *sp);
1530 void restore_axes_data(snd_info *sp, axes_data *sa, mus_float_t new_duration, bool need_edit_history_update);
1531 mus_long_t disk_kspace(const char *filename);
1532 time_t file_write_date(const char *filename);
1533 bool is_link_file(const char *filename);
1534 int recent_files_size(void);
1535 char **recent_files(void);
1536 bool is_directory(const char *filename);
1537 file_info *make_file_info(const char *fullname, read_only_t read_only, bool selected);
1538 file_info *free_file_info(file_info *hdr);
1539 file_info *copy_header(const char *fullname, file_info *ohdr);
1540 file_info *make_temp_header(const char *fullname, int srate, int chans, mus_long_t samples, const char *caller);
1541 bool is_sound_file(const char *name);
1542 void init_sound_file_extensions(void);
1543 void save_added_sound_file_extensions(FILE *fd);
1544 const char **get_sound_file_extensions(void);
1545 int sound_file_extensions_length(void);
1546 snd_info *snd_open_file(const char *filename, read_only_t read_only);
1547 void snd_close_file(snd_info *sp);
1548 snd_info *make_sound_readable(const char *filename, bool post_close);
1549 snd_info *snd_update(snd_info *sp);
1550 snd_info *snd_update_within_xen(snd_info *sp, const char *caller);
1551 int snd_decode(mus_header_t type, const char *input_filename, const char *output_filename);
1552 void set_fallback_srate(int sr);
1553 void set_fallback_chans(int ch);
1554 void set_fallback_sample_type(mus_sample_t fr);
1555 void set_with_tooltips(bool val);
1556 void run_after_save_as_hook(snd_info *sp, const char *already_saved_as_name, bool from_save_as_dialog);
1557 bool run_before_save_as_hook(snd_info *sp, const char *save_as_filename, bool selection, int srate,
1558 			     mus_sample_t smp_type, mus_header_t hd_type, const char *comment);
1559 void during_open(int fd, const char *file, open_reason_t reason);
1560 void after_open(snd_info *sp);
1561 void set_with_toolbar_and_display(bool val);
1562 #if (!USE_NO_GUI)
1563   void display_info(snd_info *sp);
1564 #endif
1565 void g_init_file(void);
1566 void initialize_sample_type_lists(void);
1567 void set_with_menu_icons(bool val);
1568 Xen g_expand_vector(Xen vector, int new_size);
1572 /* -------- snd-utils -------- */
1574 int snd_round(double x);
1575 mus_long_t snd_round_mus_long_t(double x);
1576 mus_long_t snd_abs_mus_long_t(mus_long_t val);
1577 int snd_int_pow2(int n);
1578 mus_long_t snd_mus_long_t_pow2(int n);
1579 int snd_to_int_pow2(int n);
1580 int snd_int_log2(int n);
1581 bool snd_feq(mus_float_t val1, mus_float_t val2);
1583 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (!(defined(__cplusplus)))
1584   #define in_dB(Min_Db, Lin_Db, Val)  ({ mus_float_t _snd_1_h_1 = Val; (_snd_1_h_1 <= Lin_Db) ? Min_Db : (20.0 * log10(_snd_1_h_1)); })
1585 #else
1586   mus_float_t in_dB(mus_float_t min_dB, mus_float_t lin_dB, mus_float_t val);
1587 #endif
1589 char *snd_local_time(void);
1590 char *snd_io_strerror(void);
1591 char *snd_open_strerror(void);
1592 char *string_to_colon(char *val);
1593 char *filename_without_directory(const char *name);
1594 char *just_filename(char *name);
1595 char *just_directory(const char *name);
1596 char *file_to_string(const char *filename);
1598 #ifdef __GNUC__
1599   char *vstr(const char *format, va_list ap)  __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 0)));
1600   char *snd_strftime(const char *format, time_t date) __attribute__ ((format (strftime, 1, 0)));
1601 #else
1602   char *vstr(const char *format, va_list ap);
1603   char *snd_strftime(const char *format, time_t date);
1604 #endif
1606 disk_space_t disk_has_space(mus_long_t bytes, const char *filename);
1607 char *prettyf(double num, int tens);
1608 char *shorter_tempnam(const char *dir, const char *prefix);
1609 char *snd_tempnam(void);
1610 void snd_exit(int val);
1611 void g_init_utils(void);
1615 /* -------- snd-listener -------- */
1617 void g_init_listener(void);
1618 #if HAVE_SCHEME
1619 void listener_begin_hook(s7_scheme *sc, bool *val);
1620 #endif
1621 void set_listener_prompt(const char *new_prompt);
1622 bool listener_is_visible(void);
1623 Xen run_read_hook(char *str);
1624 bool have_read_hook(void);
1628 /* -------- snd-mix.c -------- */
1630 void free_ed_mixes(void *ptr);
1631 bool mix_exists(int n);
1632 bool mix_is_active(int n);
1633 bool channel_has_mixes(chan_info *cp);
1634 bool channel_has_active_mixes(chan_info *cp);
1635 const char *mix_name(int id);
1636 const char *mix_file_name(int id);
1637 int mix_name_to_id(const char *name);
1638 void goto_mix(chan_info *cp, int count);
1639 mus_long_t zoom_focus_mix_in_channel_to_position(chan_info *cp);
1640 int any_mix_id(void);
1641 int next_mix_id(int id);
1642 int previous_mix_id(int id);
1643 int lowest_mix_id(void);
1644 int highest_mix_id(void);
1645 void reset_mix_ctr(void);
1646 void preload_mixes(mix_state **mixes, int low_id, ed_list *ed);
1647 void free_channel_mixes(chan_info *cp);
1648 void delete_any_remaining_mix_temp_files_at_exit(chan_info *cp);
1649 void mix_info_to_file(FILE *fd, chan_info *cp);
1650 int mix_sync_from_id(int id);
1651 int mix_set_sync_from_id(int id, int new_sync);
1652 void set_mix_waveform_height(int new_val);
1653 Xen new_xen_mix(int n);
1654 Xen g_make_mix_sampler(Xen mix_id, Xen ubeg);
1655 bool xen_is_mix(Xen obj);
1656 snd_fd *xen_mix_to_snd_fd(Xen obj);
1657 int xen_mix_to_int(Xen n);
1658 #define Xen_mix_to_C_int(n) xen_mix_to_int(n)
1659 Xen g_mix_length(Xen n);
1660 Xen g_mix_sync(Xen n);
1661 Xen g_set_mix_sync(Xen n, Xen val);
1662 Xen g_mix_maxamp(Xen mix_id);
1663 Xen g_mix_to_vct(Xen mix_n, Xen beg_n, Xen num);
1665 mus_long_t mix_position_from_id(int id);
1666 mus_long_t mix_length_from_id(int id);
1667 mus_float_t mix_amp_from_id(int id);
1668 mus_float_t mix_speed_from_id(int id);
1669 env *mix_amp_env_from_id(int id);
1670 chan_info *mix_chan_info_from_id(int id);
1671 int copy_mix(int id);
1673 mix_state *prepare_mix_state_for_channel(chan_info *cp, int mix_loc, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t len);
1674 void add_ed_mix(ed_list *ed, mix_state *ms);
1675 mix_state *copy_mix_state(mix_state *old_ms);
1677 void g_init_mix(void);
1679 bool mix_set_position_edit(int id, mus_long_t pos);
1680 bool mix_set_amp_env_edit(int id, env *e);
1681 bool mix_set_amp_edit(int id, mus_float_t amp);
1682 bool mix_set_speed_edit(int id, mus_float_t spd);
1683 void after_mix_edit(int id);
1685 void syncd_mix_set_color(int id, color_t col);
1686 void syncd_mix_unset_color(int id);
1687 void syncd_mix_set_amp(int id, mus_float_t amp);
1688 void syncd_mix_set_speed(int id, mus_float_t amp);
1689 void syncd_mix_set_amp_env(int id, env *e);
1690 void syncd_mix_play(int id);
1691 void mix_unset_color_from_id(int id);
1692 color_t mix_color_from_id(int mix_id);
1693 color_t mix_set_color_from_id(int id, color_t new_color);
1694 void start_dragging_syncd_mixes(int mix_id);
1695 void keep_dragging_syncd_mixes(int mix_id);
1696 void stop_dragging_syncd_mixes(int mix_id);
1697 void after_syncd_mix_edit(int id);
1698 void syncd_mix_change_position(int mix_id, mus_long_t change);
1700 int mix_complete_file(snd_info *sp, mus_long_t beg, const char *fullname, bool with_tag, file_delete_t auto_delete, mix_sync_t all_chans, int *out_chans);
1701 int mix_complete_file_at_cursor(snd_info *sp, const char *str);
1702 int mix_file(mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, int chans, chan_info **cps, const char *mixinfile, file_delete_t temp, const char *origin, bool with_tag, int start_chan);
1704 bool is_mix_sampler(Xen obj);
1705 Xen g_copy_mix_sampler(Xen obj);
1706 Xen g_mix_sampler_home(Xen obj);
1707 Xen g_mix_sampler_is_at_end(Xen obj);
1708 Xen g_mix_sampler_position(Xen obj);
1709 Xen g_free_mix_sampler(Xen obj);
1710 char *edit_list_mix_init(chan_info *cp);
1711 void channel_set_mix_tags_erased(chan_info *cp);
1712 void color_mixes(color_t color);
1713 void move_mix_tag(int mix_tag, int x, int y);
1714 void finish_moving_mix_tag(int mix_tag, int x);
1715 int hit_mix(chan_info *cp, int x, int y);
1716 int hit_mix_triangle(chan_info *cp, int x, int y);
1717 int prepare_mix_dialog_waveform(int mix_id, axis_info *ap, bool *two_sided);
1718 void display_channel_mixes(chan_info *cp);
1720 bool play_mix_from_id(int mix_id);
1721 Xen g_play_mix(Xen num, mus_long_t beg);
1722 void drag_and_drop_mix_at_x_y(int data, const char *filename, int x, int y);
1724 snd_fd *mf_to_snd_fd(void *p);
1727 /* -------- snd-find.c -------- */
1730   void find_dialog_find(char *str, read_direction_t direction, chan_info *cp);
1731 #endif
1732 void g_init_find(void);
1736 /* -------- snd-trans.c -------- */
1738 int snd_translate(const char *oldname, const char *newname, mus_header_t type);
1741 /* -------- snd.c -------- */
1743 void snd_set_global_defaults(bool need_cleanup);
1744 void g_init_base(void);
1747 /* -------- snd-kbd.c -------- */
1749 int in_keymap(int key, int state, bool cx_extended);
1750 void set_keymap_entry(int key, int state, int args, Xen func, bool cx_extended, const char *origin, const char *prefs_info);
1751 char *key_description(int key, int state, bool cx_extended);
1752 char *make_key_name(char *buf, int buf_size, int key, int state, bool extended);
1753 void map_over_keys(bool (*func)(int key, int state, bool cx, Xen xf));
1754 key_info *find_prefs_key(const char *prefs_name);
1756 void save_edits_from_kbd(snd_info *sp);
1757 void keyboard_command(chan_info *cp, int keysym, int state);
1758 void control_g(snd_info *sp);
1759 void g_init_kbd(void);
1762 /* -------- snd-sig.c -------- */
1764 void scale_by(chan_info *cp, mus_float_t *scalers, int len, bool selection);
1765 bool scale_to(snd_info *sp, chan_info *cp, mus_float_t *scalers, int len, bool selection);
1766 void src_env_or_num(chan_info *cp, env *e, mus_float_t ratio, bool just_num,
1767 		    const char *origin, bool over_selection, mus_any *gen, Xen edpos, int arg_pos);
1768 void apply_filter(chan_info *ncp, int order, env *e, const char *caller, const char *origin,
1769 		  bool over_selection, mus_float_t *ur_a, mus_any *gen, Xen edpos, int arg_pos, bool truncate);
1770 void apply_env(chan_info *cp, env *e, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t dur, bool over_selection,
1771 	       const char *origin, mus_any *gen, Xen edpos, int arg_pos);
1772 void cos_smooth(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t num, bool over_selection);
1773 void display_frequency_response(env *e, axis_info *ap, graphics_context *gax, int order, bool dBing);
1774 void cursor_delete(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t count);
1775 void cursor_zeros(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t count, bool over_selection);
1776 void cursor_insert(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t beg, mus_long_t count);
1777 void cut_and_smooth(chan_info *cp);
1778 void src_file(const char *file, double ratio);
1779 mus_long_t scan_channel(chan_info *cp, mus_long_t start, mus_long_t end, Xen proc);
1781 void g_init_sig(void);
1782 int to_c_edit_position(chan_info *cp, Xen edpos, const char *caller, int arg_pos);
1783 mus_long_t to_c_edit_samples(chan_info *cp, Xen edpos, const char *caller, int arg_pos);
1784 mus_long_t beg_to_sample(Xen beg, const char *caller);
1785 mus_long_t dur_to_samples(Xen dur, mus_long_t beg, chan_info *cp, int edpos, int argn, const char *caller);
1786 #if USE_MOTIF
1787 char *scale_and_src(char **files, int len, int max_chans, mus_float_t amp, mus_float_t speed, env *amp_env, bool *err);
1788 #endif
1789 Xen g_scale_selection_by(Xen scalers);
1790 void reverse_sound(chan_info *ncp, bool over_selection, Xen edpos, int arg_pos);
1793 /* -------- snd-draw.c -------- */
1795 point_t *get_grf_points(void);
1796 point_t *get_grf_points1(void);
1797 void draw_cursor(chan_info *cp);
1798 void set_grf_points(int xi, int j, int ymin, int ymax);
1799 void set_grf_point(int xi, int j, int yi);
1800 void draw_grf_points(int dot_size, graphics_context *ax, int j, axis_info *ap, mus_float_t y0, graph_style_t graph_style);
1801 void draw_both_grf_points(int dot_size, graphics_context *ax, int j, graph_style_t graph_style);
1802 void g_init_draw(void);
1803 void set_dialog_widget(snd_dialog_t which, widget_t wid);
1804 void run_new_widget_hook(widget_t w);
1805 bool foreground_color_ok(Xen color, graphics_context *ax);
1807 #if HAVE_GL
1808   void sgl_save_currents(void);
1809   void sgl_set_currents(bool with_dialogs);
1810 #endif
1813 /* -------- snd-ladspa.c -------- */
1814 #if HAVE_LADSPA
1815 void g_ladspa_to_snd(void);
1816 #endif
1818 #endif