1 /* -*- C++ -*-
2  *
3  *  This file is part of RawTherapee.
4  *
5  *  Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Gabor Horvath <hgabor@rawtherapee.com>
6  *
7  *  RawTherapee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10  *  (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  *  RawTherapee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  *  along with RawTherapee.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  */
20 #ifndef _OPTIONS_
21 #define _OPTIONS_
23 #include <set>
24 #include <gtkmm.h>
25 #include "../rtengine/rtengine.h"
26 #include <exception>
29 #define STARTUPDIR_HOME    1
31 #define STARTUPDIR_LAST    3
33 #define THEMEREGEXSTR      "^(.+)-GTK3-(\\d{1,2})?_(\\d{1,2})?\\.css$"
35 // Profile name to use for internal values' profile
36 #define DEFPROFILE_INTERNAL "Neutral"
37 // Special name for the Dynamic profile
38 #define DEFPROFILE_DYNAMIC  "Dynamic"
39 // Default bundled profile name to use for Standard images
41 // Default bundled profile name to use for Raw images
44 struct SaveFormat {
SaveFormatSaveFormat45     SaveFormat(
46         const Glib::ustring& _format,
47         int _png_bits,
48         int _jpeg_quality,
49         int _jpeg_sub_samp,
50         int _tiff_bits,
51         bool _tiff_float,
52         bool _tiff_uncompressed,
53         bool _save_params
54     ) :
55         format(_format),
56         pngBits(_png_bits),
57         jpegQuality(_jpeg_quality),
58         jpegSubSamp(_jpeg_sub_samp),
59         tiffBits(_tiff_bits),
60         tiffFloat(_tiff_float),
61         tiffUncompressed(_tiff_uncompressed),
62         saveParams(_save_params)
63     {
64     }
SaveFormatSaveFormat65     SaveFormat(
66         const Glib::ustring& _format,
67         int _png_bits,
68         int _tiff_bits,
69         bool _tiff_float
70     ) :
71         SaveFormat(
72             _format,
73             _png_bits,
74             90,
75             2,
76             _tiff_bits,
77             _tiff_float,
78             true,
79             true
80         )
81     {
82     }
SaveFormatSaveFormat83     SaveFormat() :
84         SaveFormat("jpg", 8, 8, false)
85     {
86     }
88     Glib::ustring format;
89     int pngBits;
90     int jpegQuality;
91     int jpegSubSamp;  // 1=best compression, 3=best quality
92     int tiffBits;
93     bool tiffFloat;
94     bool tiffUncompressed;
95     bool saveParams;
96 };
98 enum ThFileType {FT_Invalid = -1, FT_None = 0, FT_Raw = 1, FT_Jpeg = 2, FT_Tiff = 3, FT_Png = 4, FT_Custom = 5, FT_Tiff16 = 6, FT_Png16 = 7, FT_Custom16 = 8};
99 enum PPLoadLocation {PLL_Cache = 0, PLL_Input = 1};
100 enum CPBKeyType {CPBKT_TID = 0, CPBKT_NAME = 1, CPBKT_TID_NAME = 2};
101 enum prevdemo_t {PD_Sidecar = 1, PD_Fast = 0};
103 class Options {
104 public:
105     class Error: public std::exception {
106     public:
Error(const Glib::ustring & msg)107         explicit Error (const Glib::ustring &msg): msg_ (msg) {}
what()108         const char *what() const throw() override
109         {
110             return msg_.c_str();
111         }
get_msg()112         const Glib::ustring &get_msg() const throw()
113         {
114             return msg_;
115         }
117     private:
118         Glib::ustring msg_;
119     };
121 private:
122     enum class DefProfError : short {
123         defProfRawMissing        = 1 << 0,
124         bundledDefProfRawMissing = 1 << 1,
125         defProfImgMissing        = 1 << 2,
126         bundledDefProfImgMissing = 1 << 3
127     };
128     short defProfError;
129     Glib::ustring userProfilePath;
130     Glib::ustring globalProfilePath;
131     bool checkProfilePath (Glib::ustring &path);
132     bool checkDirPath (Glib::ustring &path, Glib::ustring errString);
133     void updatePaths();
134     int getString (const char* src, char* dst);
135     void error (int line);
136     /**
137      * Safely reads a directory from the configuration file and only applies it
138      * to the provided destination variable if there is a non-empty string in
139      * the configuration.
140      *
141      * @param keyFile file to read configuration from
142      * @param section name of the section in the configuration file
143      * @param entryName name of the entry in the configuration file
144      * @param destination destination variable to store to
145      * @return @c true if @p destination was changed
146      */
147     bool safeDirGet (const Glib::KeyFile& keyFile, const Glib::ustring& section,
148                      const Glib::ustring& entryName, Glib::ustring& destination);
150 public:
152     enum class NavigatorUnit {
153         PERCENT,
154         R0_255,
155         R0_1,
156         _COUNT
157     };
159     enum class ScopeType {
160         NONE = -1,
161         HISTOGRAM,
162         HISTOGRAM_RAW,
163         PARADE,
164         VECTORSCOPE_HC,
165         VECTORSCOPE_HS,
166         WAVEFORM
167     };
169     enum class ThumbnailOrder {
170         FILENAME,
171         DATE,
172         DATE_REV,
173         MODTIME,
174         MODTIME_REV,
175         PROCTIME,
176         PROCTIME_REV
177     };
179     SaveFormat saveFormat;
180     SaveFormat saveFormatBatch;
181     Glib::ustring savePathTemplate;
182     Glib::ustring savePathFolder;
183     bool saveUsePathTemplate;
184     Glib::ustring defProfRaw;
185     Glib::ustring defProfImg;
186     Glib::ustring dateFormat;
187     int adjusterMinDelay;
188     int adjusterMaxDelay;
189     int startupDir;
190     Gtk::SortType dirBrowserSortType;
191     Glib::ustring startupPath;
192     Glib::ustring profilePath; // can be an absolute or relative path; depending on this value, bundled profiles may not be found
193     bool useBundledProfiles;   // only used if multiUser == true
194     Glib::ustring lastCopyMovePath;
195     Glib::ustring loadSaveProfilePath;
196     Glib::ustring lastSaveAsPath;
197     int saveAsDialogWidth;
198     int saveAsDialogHeight;
199     int toolPanelWidth;
200     int browserToolPanelWidth;
201     int browserToolPanelHeight;
202     bool browserToolPanelOpened;
203     bool browserDirPanelOpened;
204     bool editorFilmStripOpened;
205     bool inspectorDirPanelOpened;
206     int historyPanelWidth;
207     int windowX;
208     int windowY;
209     int windowWidth;
210     int windowHeight;
211     bool windowMaximized;
212     int windowMonitor;
213     int meowMonitor;
214     bool meowFullScreen;
215     bool meowMaximized;
216     int meowWidth;
217     int meowHeight;
218     int meowX;
219     int meowY;
220     int detailWindowWidth;
221     int detailWindowHeight;
222     int dirBrowserWidth;
223     int dirBrowserHeight;
224     int preferencesWidth;
225     int preferencesHeight;
226     int lastScale;
227     int panAccelFactor;
228     Glib::ustring fontFamily;    // RT's main font family
229     int fontSize;                // RT's main font size (units: pt)
230     Glib::ustring CPFontFamily;  // ColorPicker font family
231     int CPFontSize;              // ColorPicker font size (units: pt)
232     bool pseudoHiDPISupport;
233     bool fbShowDateTime;
234     bool fbShowBasicExif;
235     bool fbShowExpComp;
236     bool fbShowHidden;
237     NavigatorUnit navRGBUnit;
238     NavigatorUnit navLCHUnit;
239     bool multiUser;
240     static Glib::ustring rtdir;
241     Glib::ustring version;
242     int thumbSize;
243     int thumbSizeTab;
244     int thumbSizeQueue;
245     bool sameThumbSize;     // Will use only one thumb size for the file browser and the single editor tab, and avoid recomputing them
246     ThumbnailOrder thumbnailOrder;
247     bool showHistory;
248     bool showInfo;
249     bool mainNBVertical;  // main notebook vertical tabs?
250     bool showClippedHighlights;
251     bool showClippedShadows;
252     int highlightThreshold;
253     int shadowThreshold;
254     int bgcolor;
255     Glib::ustring language;
256     bool languageAutoDetect;
257     Glib::ustring theme;
258     static Glib::ustring cacheBaseDir;
259     bool autoSuffix;
260     bool forceFormatOpts;
261     int saveMethodNum;
262     bool saveParamsFile;
263     bool saveParamsCache;
264     PPLoadLocation paramsLoadLocation;
265     bool params_out_embed;
266     bool params_sidecar_strip_extension;
268     bool procQueueEnabled;
269     Glib::ustring gimpDir;
270     Glib::ustring psDir;
271     Glib::ustring customEditorProg;
272     Glib::ustring CPBPath; // Custom Profile Builder's path
273     CPBKeyType CPBKeys; // Custom Profile Builder's key type
274     int editorToSendTo;
275     enum EditorOutDir {
276         EDITOR_OUT_DIR_TEMP,
279     };
280     EditorOutDir editor_out_dir; // output directory for "open in external editor"
281     Glib::ustring editor_custom_out_dir;
282     bool editor_float32;
283     bool editor_bypass_output_profile;
285     int maxThumbnailHeight;
286     int maxThumbnailWidth;
287     std::size_t maxCacheEntries;
288     int thumbInterp; // 0: nearest, 1: bilinear
289     std::vector<Glib::ustring> parseExtensions;   // List containing all extensions type
290     std::vector<int> parseExtensionsEnabled;      // List of bool to retain extension or not
291     std::vector<Glib::ustring> parsedExtensions;  // List containing all retained extensions (lowercase)
292     std::set<std::string> parsedExtensionsSet;  // Set containing all retained extensions (lowercase)
293     std::vector<int> tpOpen;
294     bool autoSaveTpOpen;
295     rtengine::Settings rtSettings;
297     std::vector<Glib::ustring> favoriteDirs;
298     bool internalThumbIfUntouched;
299     bool overwriteOutputFile;
301     std::vector<double> thumbnailZoomRatios;
302     bool overlayedFileNames;
303     bool filmStripOverlayedFileNames;
304     bool showFileNames;
305     bool filmStripShowFileNames;
306     bool tabbedUI;
307     bool rememberZoomAndPan;
308     int multiDisplayMode;  // 0=none, 1=Edit panels on other display
309     std::vector<double> cutOverlayBrush;  // Red;Green;Blue;Alpha , all ranging 0..1
310     std::vector<double> navGuideBrush;  // Red;Green;Blue;Alpha , all ranging 0..1
312     Glib::ustring sndBatchQueueDone;
313     Glib::ustring sndLngEditProcDone;
314     double sndLngEditProcDoneSecs;  // Minimum processing time seconds till the sound is played
315     bool sndEnable;
317     int histogramPosition;  // 0=disabled, 1=left pane, 2=right pane
318     bool histogramRed;
319     bool histogramGreen;
320     bool histogramBlue;
321     bool histogramLuma;
322     bool histogramChroma;
323     //bool histogramRAW;
324     bool histogramBar;
325     int histogramHeight;
326     int histogramDrawMode;
327     double histogram_scaling_factor;
328     ScopeType histogramScopeType;
329     bool histogramShowOptionButtons;
330     float histogramTraceBrightness;
332     bool FileBrowserToolbarSingleRow;
333     bool hideTPVScrollbar;
334     int whiteBalanceSpotSize;
335     int curvebboxpos; // 0=above, 1=right, 2=below, 3=left
337     bool showFilmStripToolBar;
339     // cropping options
340     int cropPPI;
342     // Performance options
343     Glib::ustring clutsDir;
344     int rgbDenoiseThreadLimit; // maximum number of threads for the denoising tool ; 0 = use the maximum available
345     int maxInspectorBuffers;   // maximum number of buffers (i.e. images) for the Inspector feature
346     int inspectorDelay;
347     int clutCacheSize;
348     int thumb_update_thread_limit;
349     bool thumb_delay_update;
350     bool thumb_lazy_caching;
351     bool filledProfile;  // Used as reminder for the ProfilePanel "mode"
352     prevdemo_t prevdemo; // Demosaicing method used for the <100% preview
353     bool serializeTiffRead;
354     bool denoiseZoomedOut;
355     enum WBPreviewMode {
356         WB_AFTER, // apply WB after demosaicing (faster)
357         WB_BEFORE, // always apply WB before demosaicing
358         WB_BEFORE_HIGH_DETAIL // apply WB before demosaicing only at 1:1
359     };
360     WBPreviewMode wb_preview_mode;
362     bool menuGroupRank;
363     bool menuGroupLabel;
364     bool menuGroupFileOperations;
365     bool menuGroupProfileOperations;
366     bool menuGroupExtProg;
368     // ICC Profile Creator
369     Glib::ustring ICCPC_primariesPreset;
370     double ICCPC_redPrimaryX;
371     double ICCPC_redPrimaryY;
372     double ICCPC_greenPrimaryX;
373     double ICCPC_greenPrimaryY;
374     double ICCPC_bluePrimaryX;
375     double ICCPC_bluePrimaryY;
376     Glib::ustring ICCPC_gammaPreset;
377     double ICCPC_gamma;
378     double ICCPC_slope;
379     Glib::ustring ICCPC_profileVersion;
380     Glib::ustring ICCPC_illuminant;
381     Glib::ustring ICCPC_description;
382     Glib::ustring ICCPC_copyright;
383     bool ICCPC_appendParamsToDesc;
385     // fast export options
386     bool fastexport_bypass_sharpening;
387     bool fastexport_bypass_defringe;
388     bool fastexport_bypass_dirpyrDenoise;
389     bool fastexport_bypass_localContrast;
390     Glib::ustring fastexport_raw_bayer_method;
391     bool fastexport_bypass_raw_bayer_dcb_iterations;
392     bool fastexport_bypass_raw_bayer_dcb_enhance;
393     bool fastexport_bypass_raw_bayer_lmmse_iterations;
394     bool fastexport_bypass_raw_bayer_linenoise;
395     bool fastexport_bypass_raw_bayer_greenthresh;
396     Glib::ustring fastexport_raw_xtrans_method;
397     bool fastexport_bypass_raw_ccSteps;
398     bool fastexport_bypass_raw_ca;
399     bool fastexport_bypass_raw_df;
400     bool fastexport_bypass_raw_ff;
401     Glib::ustring fastexport_icm_input_profile;
402     Glib::ustring fastexport_icm_working_profile;
403     Glib::ustring fastexport_icm_output_profile;
404     rtengine::RenderingIntent fastexport_icm_outputIntent;
405     bool fastexport_icm_outputBPC;
406     Glib::ustring fastexport_icm_custom_output_profile;
407     bool fastexport_resize_enabled;
408     double fastexport_resize_scale;
409     Glib::ustring fastexport_resize_appliesTo;
410     int fastexport_resize_dataspec;
411     int fastexport_resize_width;
412     int fastexport_resize_height;
413     bool fastexport_use_fast_pipeline;
415     std::vector<Glib::ustring> favorites;
416     // Dialog settings
417     Glib::ustring lastIccDir;
418     Glib::ustring lastDarkframeDir;
419     Glib::ustring lastFlatfieldDir;
420     Glib::ustring lastRgbCurvesDir;
421     Glib::ustring lastLabCurvesDir;
422     Glib::ustring lastPFCurvesDir;
423     Glib::ustring lastHsvCurvesDir;
424     Glib::ustring lastToneCurvesDir;
425     Glib::ustring lastColorToningCurvesDir;
426     Glib::ustring lastProfilingReferenceDir;
427     Glib::ustring lastLensProfileDir;
428     Glib::ustring lastICCProfCreatorDir;
429     bool gimpPluginShowInfoDialog;
431     size_t maxRecentFolders;                   // max. number of recent folders stored in options file
432     std::vector<Glib::ustring> recentFolders;  // List containing all recent folders
434     enum class ThumbnailRatingMode {
435         PROCPARAMS, // store ranking and color labels in procparams sidecars
436         XMP // store in FILENAME.xmp for FILENAME.raw
437     };
438     ThumbnailRatingMode thumbnail_rating_mode;
440     bool thumbnail_inspector_zoom_fit;
441     bool thumbnail_inspector_show_info;
442     bool thumbnail_inspector_enable_cms;
443     int browser_width_for_inspector;
444     bool thumbnail_inspector_show_histogram;
445     bool thumbnail_inspector_hover;
447     Glib::ustring batch_queue_profile_path;
448     bool batch_queue_use_profile;
450     bool toolpanels_disable;
451     bool adjuster_force_linear;
453     int error_message_duration; // in milliseconds
454     int max_error_messages;
456     // maps a IRE value to a false color
457     // taken from
458     // https://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/how-to-use-false-color-nail-skin-tone-exposure/
459     std::map<int, std::string> falseColorsMap;
461     struct RenameOptions {
462         Glib::ustring pattern;
463         Glib::ustring sidecars;
464         int name_norm;
465         int ext_norm;
466         bool allow_whitespace;
467         int on_existing;
468         int progressive_number;
470         RenameOptions();
471     };
472     RenameOptions renaming;
474     int sidecar_autosave_interval; // in seconds
476     Options();
478     Options *copyFrom(Options *other);
479     void filterOutParsedExtensions();
480     void setDefaults();
481     void readFromFile(Glib::ustring fname);
482     void saveToFile(Glib::ustring fname);
483     static void load(bool lightweight=false, int verbose=-1);
484     static void save();
486     // if multiUser=false, send back the global profile path
487     Glib::ustring getPreferredProfilePath();
488     Glib::ustring getUserProfilePath();
489     Glib::ustring getGlobalProfilePath();
490     Glib::ustring findProfilePath (Glib::ustring &profName);
491     bool is_parse_extention(Glib::ustring fname);
492     bool has_retained_extention(const Glib::ustring& fname);
493     bool is_new_version();
494     bool is_extention_enabled(const Glib::ustring& ext);
495     bool is_defProfRawMissing();
496     bool is_bundledDefProfRawMissing();
497     bool is_defProfImgMissing();
498     bool is_bundledDefProfImgMissing();
499     void setDefProfRawMissing(bool value);
500     void setBundledDefProfRawMissing(bool value);
501     void setDefProfImgMissing(bool value);
502     void setBundledDefProfImgMissing(bool value);
503     static Glib::ustring getICCProfileCopyright();
505     Glib::ustring getParamFile(const Glib::ustring &fname);
506     Glib::ustring getXmpSidecarFile(const Glib::ustring &fname);
507 };
509 extern Options options;
510 extern Glib::ustring argv0;
511 extern Glib::ustring argv1;
512 extern bool simpleEditor;
513 extern bool gimpPlugin;
514 extern bool remote;
515 extern Glib::ustring versionString;
516 extern Glib::ustring paramFileExtension;
518 #endif