1 #include <string.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include "lib/mlr_arch.h"
4 #include "lib/mlrutil.h"
5 #include "containers/slls.h"
7 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
slls_alloc()8 slls_t* slls_alloc() {
9 	slls_t* plist = mlr_malloc_or_die(sizeof(slls_t));
10 	plist->phead  = NULL;
11 	plist->ptail  = NULL;
12 	plist->length = 0;
13 	return plist;
14 }
16 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
slls_size(slls_t * plist)17 int slls_size(slls_t* plist) {
18 	return plist->length;
19 }
21 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
slls_copy(slls_t * pold)22 slls_t* slls_copy(slls_t* pold) {
23 	slls_t* pnew = slls_alloc();
24 	for (sllse_t* pe = pold->phead; pe != NULL; pe = pe->pnext)
25 		slls_append_with_free(pnew, mlr_strdup_or_die(pe->value));
26 	return pnew;
27 }
29 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
slls_free(slls_t * plist)30 void slls_free(slls_t* plist) {
31 	if (plist == NULL)
32 		return;
33 	sllse_t* pnode = plist->phead;
34 	while (pnode != NULL) {
35 		sllse_t* pdel = pnode;
36 		pnode = pnode->pnext;
37 		if (pdel->free_flag & FREE_ENTRY_VALUE)
38 			free(pdel->value);
39 		free(pdel);
40 	}
41 	plist->phead  = NULL;
42 	plist->ptail  = 0;
43 	plist->length = 0;
44 	free(plist);
45 }
47 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
slls_single_with_free(char * value)48 slls_t* slls_single_with_free(char* value) {
49 	slls_t* pslls = slls_alloc();
50 	slls_append_with_free(pslls, value);
51 	return pslls;
52 }
54 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
slls_single_no_free(char * value)55 slls_t* slls_single_no_free(char* value) {
56 	slls_t* pslls = slls_alloc();
57 	slls_append_no_free(pslls, value);
58 	return pslls;
59 }
61 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
slls_append(slls_t * plist,char * value,char free_flag)62 void slls_append(slls_t* plist, char* value, char free_flag) {
63 	sllse_t* pnode = mlr_malloc_or_die(sizeof(sllse_t));
64 	pnode->value = value;
65 	pnode->free_flag = free_flag;
67 	if (plist->ptail == NULL) {
68 		pnode->pnext = NULL;
69 		plist->phead = pnode;
70 		plist->ptail = pnode;
71 	} else {
72 		pnode->pnext = NULL;
73 		plist->ptail->pnext = pnode;
74 		plist->ptail = pnode;
75 	}
76 	plist->length++;
77 }
slls_append_with_free(slls_t * plist,char * value)79 void slls_append_with_free(slls_t* plist, char* value) {
80 	slls_append(plist, value, FREE_ENTRY_VALUE);
81 }
slls_append_no_free(slls_t * plist,char * value)82 void slls_append_no_free(slls_t* plist, char* value) {
83 	slls_append(plist, value, 0);
84 }
86 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
slls_equals(slls_t * pa,slls_t * pb)87 int slls_equals(slls_t* pa, slls_t* pb) {
88 	if (pa->length != pb->length)
89 		return FALSE;
90 	sllse_t* pea = pa->phead;
91 	sllse_t* peb = pb->phead;
92 	for ( ; pea != NULL && peb != NULL; pea = pea->pnext, peb = peb->pnext) {
93 		if (!streq(pea->value, peb->value))
94 			return FALSE;
95 	}
96 	return TRUE;
97 }
99 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
slls_from_line(char * line,char ifs,int allow_repeat_ifs)100 slls_t* slls_from_line(char* line, char ifs, int allow_repeat_ifs) {
101 	slls_t* plist = slls_alloc();
102 	if (*line == 0) // empty string splits to empty list
103 		return plist;
105 	char seps[2] = {ifs, 0};
106 	char* sep = &seps[0];
107 	int seplen = 1;
108 	char* walker = line;
109 	char* piece;
110 	while ((piece = mlr_strmsep(&walker, sep, seplen)) != NULL) {
111 		mlr_rstrip(piece); // https://github.com/johnkerl/miller/issues/313
112 		slls_append_no_free(plist, piece);
113 	}
115 	return plist;
116 }
118 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
119 // This is inefficient and intended only for debug use.
slls_join(slls_t * plist,char * ofs)120 char* slls_join(slls_t* plist, char* ofs) {
121 	unsigned long long len = 0;
122 	for (sllse_t* pe = plist->phead; pe != NULL; pe = pe->pnext)
123 		len += strlen(pe->value) + 1; // include space for ofs and null-terminator
124 	char* output = mlr_malloc_or_die(len);
125 	*output = 0;
126 	for (sllse_t* pe = plist->phead; pe != NULL; pe = pe->pnext) {
127 		strcat(output, pe->value);
128 		if (pe->pnext != NULL) {
129 			strcat(output, ofs);
130 		}
131 	}
133 	return output;
134 }
slls_print(slls_t * plist)136 void slls_print(slls_t* plist) {
137 	if (plist == NULL) {
138 		printf("NULL");
139 	} else {
140 		unsigned long long i = 0;
141 		for (sllse_t* pe = plist->phead; pe != NULL; pe = pe->pnext, i++) {
142 			if (i > 0)
143 				printf(",");
144 			printf("%s", pe->value);
145 		}
146 	}
147 }
slls_print_quoted(slls_t * plist)149 void slls_print_quoted(slls_t* plist) {
150 	if (plist == NULL) {
151 		printf("NULL");
152 	} else {
153 		unsigned long long i = 0;
154 		for (sllse_t* pe = plist->phead; pe != NULL; pe = pe->pnext, i++) {
155 			if (i > 0)
156 				printf(" ");
157 			printf("\"%s\"", pe->value);
158 		}
159 	}
160 }
162 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
slls_reverse(slls_t * plist)163 void slls_reverse(slls_t* plist) {
164 	if (plist->phead == NULL)
165 		return;
167 	sllse_t* pnewhead = NULL;
168 	sllse_t* pnewtail = plist->phead;
169 	sllse_t* p = plist->phead;
170 	sllse_t* q = p->pnext;
171 	while (1) {
172 		p->pnext = pnewhead;
173 		pnewhead = p;
174 		if (q == NULL)
175 			break;
176 		p = q;
177 		q = p->pnext;
178 	}
179 	plist->phead = pnewhead;
180 	plist->ptail = pnewtail;
181 }
183 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
slls_hash_func(slls_t * plist)184 int slls_hash_func(slls_t *plist) {
185 	unsigned long hash = 5381;
186 	int c;
188 	for (sllse_t* pe = plist->phead; pe != NULL; pe = pe->pnext) {
189 		char* str = pe->value;
190 		while ((c = *str++) != 0)
191 			hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; /* hash * 33 + c */
192 		// So that ["ab","c"] doesn't hash to the same as ["a","bc"]:
193 		hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + ',';
194 	}
196 	return (int)hash;
197 }
199 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
slls_compare_lexically(slls_t * pa,slls_t * pb)200 int slls_compare_lexically(slls_t* pa, slls_t* pb) {
201 	sllse_t* pe = pa->phead;
202 	sllse_t* pf = pb->phead;
203 	while (TRUE) {
204 		if (pe == NULL && pf == NULL)
205 			return 0;
206 		if (pe == NULL)
207 			return 1;
208 		if (pf == NULL)
209 			return -1;
210 		int rc = strcmp(pe->value, pf->value);
211 		if (rc != 0)
212 			return rc;
213 		pe = pe->pnext;
214 		pf = pf->pnext;
215 	}
216 }
218 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
sllse_vcmp(const void * pva,const void * pvb)219 static int sllse_vcmp(const void* pva, const void* pvb) {
220 	const sllse_t** pa = (const sllse_t**)pva;
221 	const sllse_t** pb = (const sllse_t**)pvb;
222 	return strcmp((*pa)->value, (*pb)->value);
223 }
slls_sort(slls_t * plist)225 void slls_sort(slls_t* plist) {
226 	if (plist->length < 2)
227 		return;
229 	unsigned long long i;
230 	sllse_t* pe;
232 	// Copy to array
233 	sllse_t** node_array = mlr_malloc_or_die(sizeof(sllse_t*) * plist->length);
234 	for (i = 0, pe = plist->phead; pe != NULL; i++, pe = pe->pnext)
235 		node_array[i] = pe;
237 	// Sort the array
238 	qsort(node_array, plist->length, sizeof(sllse_t*), sllse_vcmp);
240 	// Copy back
241 	plist->phead = node_array[0];
242 	plist->ptail = node_array[plist->length - 1];
243 	for (i = 1; i < plist->length; i++) {
244 		node_array[i-1]->pnext = node_array[i];
245 	}
246 	plist->ptail->pnext = NULL;
248 	free(node_array);
249 }