1 // (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation and
2 // Carnegie Mellon University 2004, 2007
3 //
4 // All Rights Reserved.
5 // This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
6 //
7 // Authors :
8 // Pierre Bonami, Carnegie Mellon University,
9 // Carl D. Laird, Carnegie Mellon University,
10 // Andreas Waechter, International Business Machines Corporation
11 //
12 // Date : 12/01/2004
14 #include "BonminConfig.h"
16 #include "BonOsiTMINLPInterface.hpp"
17 #include "BonTMINLP.hpp"
18 #include "BonTMINLP2TNLP.hpp"
19 #include "BonTNLP2FPNLP.hpp"
20 #include "BonTMINLP2OsiLP.hpp"
21 #include "BonTNLPSolver.hpp"
22 #include "CoinTime.hpp"
23 #include <climits>
24 #include <string>
25 #include <sstream>
26 #include "BonAuxInfos.hpp"
28 #include "Ipopt/BonIpoptSolver.hpp"
29 #include "Ipopt/BonIpoptWarmStart.hpp"
31 #include "Filter/BonFilterSolver.hpp"
32 #include "Filter/BonFilterWarmStart.hpp"
33 //#include "Filter/BonBqpdWarmStart.hpp"
34 #endif
36 #include "OsiBranchingObject.hpp"
37 #include "OsiRowCutDebugger.hpp"
38 #include "BonStrongBranchingSolver.hpp"
40 //Macros to try and make messages definition less heavy
41 #include "BonMsgUtils.hpp"
43 using namespace Ipopt;
46 extern bool BonminAbortAll;
47 namespace Bonmin {
48 ///Register options
49 static void
register_general_options(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions)50 register_general_options
51 (SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions)
52 {
53   roptions->SetRegisteringCategory("NLP interface", RegisteredOptions::BonminCategory);
54   roptions->AddStringOption3("nlp_solver",
55                              "Choice of the solver for local optima of continuous NLP's",
56                              "Ipopt",
57                              "Ipopt", "Interior Point OPTimizer (https://projects.coin-or.org/Ipopt)",
58                              "filterSQP", "Sequential quadratic programming trust region "
59                                           "algorithm (http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/~leyffer/solvers.html)",
60                              "all", "run all available solvers at each node",
61                              "Note that option will work only if the specified solver has been installed. Ipopt will usually be installed with Bonmin by default. For FilterSQP please see http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/~leyffer/solvers.html on how to obtain it and https://projects.coin-or.org/Bonmin/wiki/HintTricks on how to configure Bonmin to use it.");
62   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("nlp_solver",127);
64   roptions->AddStringOption4("warm_start",
65       "Select the warm start method",
66       "none",
67       "none","No warm start, just start NLPs from optimal solution of the root relaxation",
68       "fake_basis", "builds fake basis, useful for cut management in Cbc (warm start is the same as in none)",
69       "optimum","Warm start with direct parent optimum",
70       "interior_point","Warm start with an interior point of direct parent",
71       "This will affect the function getWarmStart(), and as a consequence the warm starting in the various algorithms.");
72   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("warm_start",8);
74   roptions->SetRegisteringCategory("Output and Loglevel", RegisteredOptions::BonminCategory);
76   roptions->AddBoundedIntegerOption("nlp_log_level",
77                                     "specify NLP solver interface log level (independent from ipopt print_level).",
78                                      0,2,1,
79                                     "Set the level of output of the OsiTMINLPInterface : "
80                                     "0 - none, 1 - normal, 2 - verbose"
81                                    );
82   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("nlp_log_level",127);
84   roptions->AddStringOption2("file_solution",
85        "Write a file bonmin.sol with the solution",
86        "no",
87        "yes","",
88        "no","","");
89   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("file_solution",127);
91   roptions->SetRegisteringCategory("NLP solution robustness", RegisteredOptions::BonminCategory);
93   roptions->AddLowerBoundedNumberOption("max_random_point_radius",
94       "Set max value r for coordinate of a random point.",
95       0.,1,1e5,
96       "When picking a random point, coordinate i will be in the interval [min(max(l,-r),u-r), max(min(u,r),l+r)] "
97       "(where l is the lower bound for the variable and u is its upper bound)");
98   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("max_random_point_radius",8);
100   roptions->AddStringOption3("random_point_type","method to choose a random starting point",
101 			     "Jon",
102 			     "Jon", "Choose random point uniformly between the bounds",
103 			     "Andreas", "perturb the starting point of the problem within a prescribed interval",
104 			     "Claudia", "perturb the starting point using the perturbation radius suffix information",
105 			     "");
106   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("random_point_type",8);
108     roptions->AddLowerBoundedNumberOption("random_point_perturbation_interval",
109 					   "Amount by which starting point is perturbed when choosing to pick random point by perturbing starting point",
110 					   0.,true, 1.,
111 					   "");
112   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("random_point_perturbation_interval",8);
115   roptions->AddLowerBoundedIntegerOption
116   ("num_iterations_suspect",
117    "Number of iterations over which a node is considered \"suspect\" (for debugging purposes only, see detailed documentation).",
118    -1,-1,
119    "When the number of iterations to solve a node is above this number, the subproblem at this"
120    " node is considered to be suspect and it will be written into a file (set to -1 to deactivate this).");
121   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("num_iterations_suspect",127);
125   roptions->AddLowerBoundedIntegerOption("num_retry_unsolved_random_point",
126       "Number $k$ of times that the algorithm will try to resolve an unsolved NLP with a random starting point "
127       "(we call unsolved an NLP for which Ipopt is not "
128       "able to guarantee optimality within the specified tolerances).",
129       0,0,
130       "When Ipopt fails to solve a continuous NLP sub-problem, if $k > 0$, the algorithm will "
131       "try again to solve the failed NLP with $k$ new randomly chosen starting points "
132       " or until the problem is solved with success.");
133   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("num_retry_unsolved_random_point",127);
135   roptions->AddLowerBoundedNumberOption("resolve_on_small_infeasibility",
136       "If a locally infeasible problem is infeasible by less than this, resolve it "
137       "with initial starting point.",
138       0.,false, 0.,
139      "It is set to 0 by default with Ipopt. "
140      "When using FilterSQP, Bonmin sets it to a small value.");
141   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("resolve_on_small_infeasibility",8);
144   roptions->SetRegisteringCategory("Nonconvex problems", RegisteredOptions::BonminCategory);
147   roptions->AddLowerBoundedIntegerOption("num_resolve_at_root",
148       "Number $k$ of tries to resolve the root node with different starting points.",
149       0,0,
150       "The algorithm will solve the root node with $k$ random starting points"
151       " and will keep the best local optimum found.");
152   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("num_resolve_at_root",8);
154   roptions->AddLowerBoundedIntegerOption("num_resolve_at_node",
155       "Number $k$ of tries to resolve a node (other than the root) of the tree with different starting point.",
156       0,0,
157       "The algorithm will solve all the nodes with $k$ different random starting points "
158       "and will keep the best local optimum found.");
159   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("num_resolve_at_node",8);
161   roptions->AddLowerBoundedIntegerOption("num_resolve_at_infeasibles",
162       "Number $k$ of tries to resolve an infeasible node (other than the root) of the tree with different starting point.",
163       0,0,
164       "The algorithm will solve all the infeasible nodes with $k$ different random starting points "
165       "and will keep the best local optimum found.");
166   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("num_resolve_at_infeasibles",8);
169   roptions->AddStringOption2("dynamic_def_cutoff_decr",
170       "Do you want to define the parameter cutoff_decr dynamically?",
171       "no",
172       "no", "",
173       "yes", "");
174   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("dynamic_def_cutoff_decr",8);
176   roptions->AddLowerBoundedNumberOption("coeff_var_threshold",
177       "Coefficient of variation threshold (for dynamic definition of cutoff_decr).",
178       0.0,
179       false,
180       0.1);
181   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("coeff_var_threshold",8);
183   roptions->AddNumberOption("first_perc_for_cutoff_decr",
184       "The percentage used when, the coeff of variance is smaller than the threshold, to compute the cutoff_decr dynamically.",
185       -0.02);
186   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("first_perc_for_cutoff_decr",8);
188   roptions->AddNumberOption("second_perc_for_cutoff_decr",
189       "The percentage used when, the coeff of variance is greater than the threshold, to compute the cutoff_decr dynamically.",
190       -0.05);
191   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("second_perc_for_cutoff_decr",8);
193   }
register_OA_options(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions)195 static void register_OA_options
196 (SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions)
197 {
198 	//
200   roptions->SetRegisteringCategory("Outer Approximation strengthening", RegisteredOptions::UndocumentedCategory);
201   roptions->AddStringOption2("disjunctive_cut_type",
202       "Determine if and what kind of disjunctive cuts should be computed.",
203       "none",
204       "none", "No disjunctive cuts.",
205       "most-fractional", "If discrete variables present, compute disjunction for most-fractional variable");
206   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("disjunctive_cut_type",119);
211   roptions->AddStringOption4("cut_strengthening_type",
212                              "Determines if and what kind of cut strengthening should be performed.",
213                              "none",
214                              "none", "No strengthening of cuts.",
215                              "sglobal", "Strengthen global cuts.",
216                              "uglobal-slocal", "Unstrengthened global and strengthened local cuts",
217                              "sglobal-slocal", "Strengthened global and strengthened local cuts",
218                              "");
219   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("cut_strengthening_type",119);
221   roptions->SetRegisteringCategory("Outer Approximation cuts generation", RegisteredOptions::BonminCategory);
223   roptions->AddStringOption2("oa_cuts_scope","Specify if OA cuts added are to be set globally or locally valid",
224                              "global",
225 			     "local","Cuts are treated as locally valid",
226 			     "global", "Cuts are treated as globally valid",
227 			     "");
228   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("oa_cuts_scope",119);
230   roptions->AddStringOption2("add_only_violated_oa","Do we add all OA cuts or only the ones violated by current point?",
231 			     "no",
232 			     "no","Add all cuts",
233 			     "yes","Add only violated cuts","");
234   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("add_only_violated_oa",119);
237   roptions->AddLowerBoundedNumberOption("tiny_element","Value for tiny element in OA cut",
238       -0.,0,1e-08,
239       "We will remove \"cleanly\" (by relaxing cut) an element lower"
240       " than this.");
241   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("tiny_element",119);
243   roptions->AddLowerBoundedNumberOption("very_tiny_element","Value for very tiny element in OA cut",
244       -0.,0,1e-17,
245       "Algorithm will take the risk of neglecting an element lower"
246       " than this.");
247   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("very_tiny_element",119);
249   roptions->AddLowerBoundedNumberOption("oa_rhs_relax","Value by which to relax OA cut",
250       -0.,0,1e-8,
251       "RHS of OA constraints will be relaxed by this amount times the absolute value of the initial rhs if it is >= 1 (otherwise by this amount)."
252       );
253   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("oa_rhs_relax",119);
255   roptions->SetRegisteringCategory("Output and Loglevel", RegisteredOptions::BonminCategory);
257   roptions->AddLowerBoundedIntegerOption("oa_cuts_log_level",
258                                          "level of log when generating OA cuts.",
259                                          0, 0,
260                                          "0: outputs nothing,\n"
261                                          "1: when a cut is generated, its violation and index of row from which it originates,\n"
262                                          "2: always output violation of the cut.\n"
263                                          "3: output generated cuts incidence vectors.");
264   roptions->setOptionExtraInfo("oa_cuts_log_level",119);
266 }
269 ///Register options
270 void
registerOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions)271 OsiTMINLPInterface::registerOptions
272 (SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions)
273 {
274   // We try to register the options - if those have been registered
275   // already, we catch the exception and don't need to do it again
276   try {
277     register_general_options(roptions);
278     register_OA_options(roptions);
280     FilterSolver::RegisterOptions(roptions);
281 #endif
282     IpoptSolver::RegisterOptions(roptions);
283   }
284   catch(RegisteredOptions::OPTION_ALREADY_REGISTERED) {
285     // skipping
286   }
289 }
291 /** To set some application specific defaults. */
292 void
setAppDefaultOptions(SmartPtr<OptionsList> Options)293 OsiTMINLPInterface::setAppDefaultOptions(SmartPtr<OptionsList> Options)
294 {}
Messages()296 OsiTMINLPInterface::Messages::Messages
298 {
299   strcpy(source_ ,"NLP");
300   ADD_MSG(SOLUTION_FOUND, std_m, 2,
301           "After %d tries found a solution of %g (previous best %g).");
304           "After %d tries found an solution of %g infeasible problem.");
307           "After %d tries found an solution of %g unsolved problem.");
308   ADD_MSG(WARN_SUCCESS_WS, warn_m, 2,
309        "Problem not solved with warm start but solved without");
312        "Trying to resolve NLP with different starting point (%d attempts).");
314        "Problem initially not solved but solved with a random starting point (success on %d attempt)");
316        "Warning : continuing branching, while there are unrecovered failures at nodes");
318   ADD_MSG(SUSPECT_PROBLEM, std_m, 2, "NLP number %d is suspect (see bounds and start file)");
319   ADD_MSG(IPOPT_SUMMARY, std_m, 2, "Ipopt return (for %s): status %2d, iter count %4d, time %g");
320   ADD_MSG(BETTER_SOL, std_m, 2, "Solution of value %g found on %d'th attempt");
322   ADD_MSG(LOG_HEAD, std_m, 1,
323           "\n          "
324           "    Num      Status      Obj             It       time                 Location");
325   ADD_MSG(LOG_LINE, std_m, 1,
326           "%c    %8d %11s %g %8d %g %20s");
328   ADD_MSG(ALTERNATE_OBJECTIVE, std_m, 1, "Objective value recomputed with alternate objective: %g.");
331          "resolve called before any call to initialSol  can not use warm starts.");
332   ADD_MSG(ERROR_NO_TNLPSOLVER, warn_m, 1,"Can not parse options when no IpApplication has been created");
334           "OA on non-convex constraint is very experimental.");
335   ADD_MSG(SOLVER_DISAGREE_STATUS, warn_m, 1, "%s says problem %s, %s says %s.");
336   ADD_MSG(SOLVER_DISAGREE_VALUE, warn_m, 1, "%s gives objective %.16g, %s gives %.16g.");
338 }
341 void
print(OsiRowCut & row)342 OsiTMINLPInterface::OaMessageHandler::print(OsiRowCut &row){
343   FILE * fp = filePointer();
344   const int &n = row.row().getNumElements();
345   fprintf(fp,"Row cut has %d elements. Lower bound: %g, upper bound %g.\n", n, row.lb(), row.ub());
346   const int * idx = row.row().getIndices();
347   const double * val = row.row().getElements();
348   for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
349     fprintf(fp,"%g, x%d",val[i], idx[i]);
350     if(i && i % 7 == 0)
351       fprintf(fp,"\n");
352   }
353 }
OaMessages()355 OsiTMINLPInterface::OaMessages::OaMessages(): CoinMessages((int) OA_MESSAGES_DUMMY_END){
356    strcpy(source_,"OaCg");
357    ADD_MSG(VIOLATED_OA_CUT_GENERATED, std_m, 1,"Row %d, cut violation is %g: Outer approximation cut generated.");
359    ADD_MSG(CUT_NOT_VIOLATED_ENOUGH, std_m, 2,"Row %d, cut violation is %g: Outer approximation cut not generated.");
361    ADD_MSG(OA_CUT_GENERATED, std_m, 1,"Row %d: Outer approximation cut not generated.");
362 }
363 bool OsiTMINLPInterface::hasPrintedOptions=0;
365 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
366 // Constructors and desctructors                                  //
367 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
368 /// Default Constructor
OsiTMINLPInterface()369 OsiTMINLPInterface::OsiTMINLPInterface():
370     OsiSolverInterface(),
371     tminlp_(NULL),
372     problem_(NULL),
373     problem_to_optimize_(NULL),
374     feasibility_mode_(false),
375     app_(NULL),
376     debug_apps_(),
377     testOthers_(false),
378     warmstart_(NULL),
379     rowsense_(NULL),
380     rhs_(NULL),
381     rowrange_(NULL),
382     reducedCosts_(NULL),
383     OsiDualObjectiveLimit_(1e200),
384     hasVarNamesFile_(true),
385     nCallOptimizeTNLP_(0),
386     totalNlpSolveTime_(0),
387     totalIterations_(0),
388     maxRandomRadius_(1e08),
389     randomGenerationType_(0),
390     max_perturbation_(COIN_DBL_MAX),
391     pushValue_(1e-02),
392     numRetryInitial_(-1),
393     numRetryResolve_(-1),
394     numRetryInfeasibles_(-1),
395     numRetryUnsolved_(1),
396     infeasibility_epsilon_(0),
397     dynamicCutOff_(0),
398     coeff_var_threshold_(0.1),
399     first_perc_for_cutoff_decr_(-0.02),
400     second_perc_for_cutoff_decr_(-0.05),
401     messages_(),
402     pretendFailIsInfeasible_(0),
403     pretendSucceededNext_(0),
404     hasContinuedAfterNlpFailure_(false),
405     numIterationSuspect_(-1),
406     hasBeenOptimized_(false),
407     obj_(NULL),
408     feasibilityProblem_(NULL),
409     jRow_(NULL),
410     jCol_(NULL),
411     jValues_(NULL),
412     nnz_jac(0),
413     constTypes_(NULL),
414     nNonLinear_(0),
415     tiny_(1e-8),
416     veryTiny_(1e-20),
417     rhsRelax_(tiny_),
418     infty_(1e100),
419     warmStartMode_(None),
420     firstSolve_(true),
421     cutStrengthener_(NULL),
422     oaMessages_(),
423     oaHandler_(NULL),
424     newCutoffDecr(COIN_DBL_MAX)
426 {
427    oaHandler_ = new OaMessageHandler;
428    oaHandler_->setLogLevel(0);
429 }
431 void
initialize(Ipopt::SmartPtr<Bonmin::RegisteredOptions> roptions,Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::OptionsList> options,Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::Journalist> journalist,const std::string & prefix,Ipopt::SmartPtr<TMINLP> tminlp)432 OsiTMINLPInterface::initialize(Ipopt::SmartPtr<Bonmin::RegisteredOptions> roptions,
433                                Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::OptionsList> options,
434                                Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::Journalist> journalist,
435                                const std::string & prefix,
436                                Ipopt::SmartPtr<TMINLP> tminlp){
437   if(!IsValid(app_))
438      createApplication(roptions, options, journalist, prefix);
439   setModel(tminlp);
440 }
setSolver(Ipopt::SmartPtr<TNLPSolver> app)442 void OsiTMINLPInterface::setSolver(Ipopt::SmartPtr<TNLPSolver> app){
443   app_ = app;
444   }
447 void
createApplication(Ipopt::SmartPtr<Bonmin::RegisteredOptions> roptions,Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::OptionsList> options,Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::Journalist> journalist,const std::string & prefix)448 OsiTMINLPInterface::createApplication(Ipopt::SmartPtr<Bonmin::RegisteredOptions> roptions,
449                                       Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::OptionsList> options,
450                                       Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::Journalist> journalist,
451                                       const std::string & prefix
452                                       )
453 {
454   assert(!IsValid(app_));
455   int ival;
456   options->GetEnumValue("nlp_solver", ival, prefix.c_str());
457   Solver s = (Solver) ival;
458   if(s == EFilterSQP){
459     testOthers_ = false;;
461     app_ = new Bonmin::FilterSolver(roptions, options, journalist, prefix);
462 #else
463    throw SimpleError("createApplication",
464                      "Bonmin not configured to run with FilterSQP.");
465 #endif
467    debug_apps_.push_back(new IpoptSolver(roptions, options, journalist, prefix));
468   }
469   else if(s == EIpopt){
470     testOthers_ = false;
471     app_ = new IpoptSolver(roptions, options, journalist, prefix);
474     debug_apps_.push_back(new Bonmin::FilterSolver(roptions, options, journalist, prefix));
475 #endif
476   }
477   else if(s == EAll){
479     app_ = new Bonmin::FilterSolver(roptions, options, journalist, prefix);
480 #else
481    throw SimpleError("createApplication",
482                      "Bonmin not configured to run with Ipopt.");
483 #endif
484    debug_apps_.push_back(new IpoptSolver(roptions, options, journalist, prefix));
485     testOthers_ = true;
486   }
487   if (!app_->Initialize("")) {
488     throw CoinError("Error during initialization of app_","createApplication", "OsiTMINLPInterface");
489   }
490   for(std::list<Ipopt::SmartPtr<TNLPSolver> >::iterator i = debug_apps_.begin() ;
491       i != debug_apps_.end() ; i++){
492     (*i)->Initialize("");
493   }
494   extractInterfaceParams();
496 }
498 /** Facilitator to allocate a tminlp and an application. */
499 void
setModel(SmartPtr<TMINLP> tminlp)500 OsiTMINLPInterface::setModel(SmartPtr<TMINLP> tminlp)
501 {
502   assert(IsValid(tminlp));
503   tminlp_ = tminlp;
504   problem_ = new TMINLP2TNLP(tminlp_);
505   feasibilityProblem_ = new TNLP2FPNLP
506         (SmartPtr<TNLP>(GetRawPtr(problem_)));
507   if(feasibility_mode_){
508     problem_to_optimize_ = GetRawPtr(feasibilityProblem_);
509   }
510   else {
511     problem_to_optimize_ = GetRawPtr(problem_);
512   }
513 }
517 void
readOptionFile(const std::string & fileName)518 OsiTMINLPInterface::readOptionFile(const std::string & fileName)
519 {
520   if(IsValid(app_)){
521   std::ifstream is;
522   if (fileName != "") {
523     try {
524       is.open(fileName.c_str());
525     }
526     catch(std::bad_alloc) {
527       throw CoinError("Not enough memory to open option file.\n", "readOptionFile", "OsiTMINLPInterface");
528     }
529   }
530   options()->ReadFromStream(*app_->journalist(), is);
531   extractInterfaceParams();
532   }
533 }
535 /// Copy constructor
OsiTMINLPInterface(const OsiTMINLPInterface & source)536 OsiTMINLPInterface::OsiTMINLPInterface (const OsiTMINLPInterface &source):
537     OsiSolverInterface(source),
538     tminlp_(source.tminlp_),
539     problem_(NULL),
540     problem_to_optimize_(NULL),
541     feasibility_mode_(source.feasibility_mode_),
542     rowsense_(NULL),
543     rhs_(NULL),
544     rowrange_(NULL),
545     reducedCosts_(NULL),
546     OsiDualObjectiveLimit_(source.OsiDualObjectiveLimit_),
547     hasVarNamesFile_(source.hasVarNamesFile_),
548     nCallOptimizeTNLP_(0),
549     totalNlpSolveTime_(0),
550     totalIterations_(0),
551     maxRandomRadius_(source.maxRandomRadius_),
552     randomGenerationType_(source.randomGenerationType_),
553     max_perturbation_(source.max_perturbation_),
554     pushValue_(source.pushValue_),
555     numRetryInitial_(source.numRetryInitial_),
556     numRetryResolve_(source.numRetryResolve_),
557     numRetryInfeasibles_(source.numRetryInfeasibles_),
558     numRetryUnsolved_(source.numRetryUnsolved_),
559     infeasibility_epsilon_(source.infeasibility_epsilon_),
560     dynamicCutOff_(source.dynamicCutOff_),
561     coeff_var_threshold_(source.coeff_var_threshold_),
562     first_perc_for_cutoff_decr_(source.first_perc_for_cutoff_decr_),
563     second_perc_for_cutoff_decr_(source.second_perc_for_cutoff_decr_),
564     messages_(),
565     pretendFailIsInfeasible_(source.pretendFailIsInfeasible_),
566     pretendSucceededNext_(source.pretendSucceededNext_),
567     hasContinuedAfterNlpFailure_(source.hasContinuedAfterNlpFailure_),
568     numIterationSuspect_(source.numIterationSuspect_),
569     hasBeenOptimized_(source.hasBeenOptimized_),
570     obj_(NULL),
571     feasibilityProblem_(NULL),
572     jRow_(NULL),
573     jCol_(NULL),
574     jValues_(NULL),
575     nnz_jac(source.nnz_jac),
576     constTypes_(NULL),
577 //    constTypesNum_(NULL),
578     nNonLinear_(0),
579     tiny_(source.tiny_),
580     veryTiny_(source.veryTiny_),
581     rhsRelax_(source.rhsRelax_),
582     infty_(source.infty_),
583     warmStartMode_(source.warmStartMode_),
584     firstSolve_(true),
585     cutStrengthener_(source.cutStrengthener_),
586     oaMessages_(),
587     oaHandler_(NULL),
588     newCutoffDecr(source.newCutoffDecr),
589     strong_branching_solver_(source.strong_branching_solver_)
590 {
591   if(IsValid(source.tminlp_)) {
592     problem_ = source.problem_->clone();
593     feasibilityProblem_ = new TNLP2FPNLP
594         (SmartPtr<TNLP>(GetRawPtr(problem_)), source.feasibilityProblem_);
595     if(feasibility_mode_)
596       problem_to_optimize_ = GetRawPtr(feasibilityProblem_);
597     else
598       problem_to_optimize_ = GetRawPtr(problem_);
599     pretendFailIsInfeasible_ = source.pretendFailIsInfeasible_;
600     pretendSucceededNext_ = source.pretendSucceededNext_;
602     setAuxiliaryInfo(source.getAuxiliaryInfo());
603     // Copy options from old application
604     app_ = source.app_->clone();
605     for(std::list<Ipopt::SmartPtr<TNLPSolver> >::const_iterator i = source.debug_apps_.begin();
606         i != source.debug_apps_.end() ; i++){
607       debug_apps_.push_back((*i)->clone());
608     }
609     testOthers_ = source.testOthers_;
610   }
611   else {
612     throw SimpleError("Don't know how to copy an empty IpoptInterface.",
613         "copy constructor");
614   }
616   warmstart_ = source.warmstart_ ? source.warmstart_->clone() : NULL;
618   if(source.obj_) {
619     obj_ = new double[source.getNumCols()];
620     CoinCopyN(source.obj_, source.getNumCols(), obj_);
621   }
624    oaHandler_ = new OaMessageHandler(*source.oaHandler_);;
626 }
628 OsiSolverInterface *
clone(bool copyData) const629 OsiTMINLPInterface::clone(bool copyData ) const
630 {
631   if(copyData)
632     return new OsiTMINLPInterface(*this);
633   else return new OsiTMINLPInterface;
634 }
636 /// Assignment operator
operator =(const OsiTMINLPInterface & rhs)637 OsiTMINLPInterface & OsiTMINLPInterface::operator=(const OsiTMINLPInterface& rhs)
638 {
639   if(this!= &rhs) {
640     OsiSolverInterface::operator=(rhs);
641     OsiDualObjectiveLimit_ = rhs.OsiDualObjectiveLimit_;
642     nCallOptimizeTNLP_ = rhs.nCallOptimizeTNLP_;
643     totalNlpSolveTime_ = rhs.nCallOptimizeTNLP_;
644     totalIterations_ = rhs.totalIterations_;
645     maxRandomRadius_ = rhs.maxRandomRadius_;
646     hasVarNamesFile_ = rhs.hasVarNamesFile_;
647     pushValue_ = rhs.pushValue_;
649     delete warmstart_;
650     warmstart_ = NULL;
652     if(IsValid(rhs.tminlp_)) {
654       tminlp_ = rhs.tminlp_;
655       problem_ = new TMINLP2TNLP(tminlp_);
656       problem_to_optimize_ = GetRawPtr(problem_);
657       app_ = rhs.app_->clone();
659       warmstart_ = rhs.warmstart_ ? rhs.warmstart_->clone() : NULL;
661       feasibilityProblem_ = new TNLP2FPNLP
662           (SmartPtr<TNLP>(GetRawPtr(problem_)));
663       nnz_jac = rhs.nnz_jac;
665       if(constTypes_ != NULL) {
666         delete [] constTypes_;
667         constTypes_ = NULL;
668       }
669       if(rhs.constTypes_ != NULL) {
670         constTypes_ = new TNLP::LinearityType[getNumRows()];
671         CoinCopyN(rhs.constTypes_, getNumRows(), constTypes_);
672       }
673 /*
674       if(constTypesNum_ != NULL) {
675         delete [] constTypesNum_;
676         constTypesNum_ = NULL;
677       }
678       if(rhs.constTypesNum_ != NULL) {
679         constTypesNum_ = new int[getNumRows()];
680         CoinCopyN(rhs.constTypesNum_, getNumRows(), constTypesNum_);
681       }
682 */
683       if(rhs.jValues_!=NULL && rhs.jRow_ != NULL && rhs.jCol_ != NULL && nnz_jac>0) {
684         jValues_ = new double [nnz_jac];
685         jCol_    = new Index [nnz_jac];
686         jRow_    = new Index [nnz_jac];
687         CoinCopyN(rhs.jValues_ , nnz_jac,jValues_ );
688         CoinCopyN(rhs.jCol_    , nnz_jac,jCol_    );
689         CoinCopyN(rhs.jRow_    , nnz_jac,jRow_    );
690       }
691       else if(nnz_jac > 0) {
692         throw CoinError("Arrays for storing jacobian are inconsistant.",
693             "copy constructor",
694             "IpoptOAInterface");
695       }
696       tiny_ = rhs.tiny_;
697       veryTiny_ = rhs.veryTiny_;
698       rhsRelax_ = rhs.rhsRelax_;
699       infty_ = rhs.infty_;
700       warmStartMode_ = rhs.warmStartMode_;
701       newCutoffDecr = rhs.newCutoffDecr;
703     }
704     else {
705       tminlp_ =NULL;
706       problem_ = NULL;
707       app_ = NULL;
708       feasibilityProblem_ = NULL;
709     }
712     if(obj_) {
713       delete [] obj_;
714       obj_ = NULL;
715     }
716     if(rhs.obj_) {
717       obj_ = new double[rhs.getNumCols()];
718       CoinCopyN(rhs.obj_, rhs.getNumCols(), obj_);
719     }
721     hasVarNamesFile_ = rhs.hasVarNamesFile_;
723     nCallOptimizeTNLP_ = rhs.nCallOptimizeTNLP_;
724     totalNlpSolveTime_ = rhs.totalNlpSolveTime_;
725     totalIterations_ = rhs.totalIterations_;
726     maxRandomRadius_ = rhs.maxRandomRadius_;
727     pushValue_ = rhs.pushValue_;
728     numRetryInitial_ = rhs.numRetryInitial_;
729     numRetryResolve_ = rhs.numRetryResolve_;
730     numRetryInfeasibles_ = rhs.numRetryInfeasibles_;
731     numRetryUnsolved_ = rhs.numRetryUnsolved_;
732     infeasibility_epsilon_ = rhs.infeasibility_epsilon_;
733     pretendFailIsInfeasible_ = rhs.pretendFailIsInfeasible_;
734     pretendSucceededNext_ = rhs.pretendSucceededNext_;
735     numIterationSuspect_ = rhs.numIterationSuspect_;
737     hasBeenOptimized_ = rhs.hasBeenOptimized_;
738     cutStrengthener_ = rhs.cutStrengthener_;
740     delete oaHandler_;
741     oaHandler_ = new OaMessageHandler(*rhs.oaHandler_);
742     strong_branching_solver_ = rhs.strong_branching_solver_;
744     dynamicCutOff_ = rhs.dynamicCutOff_;
745     coeff_var_threshold_ = rhs.coeff_var_threshold_;
746     first_perc_for_cutoff_decr_ = rhs.first_perc_for_cutoff_decr_;
747     second_perc_for_cutoff_decr_ = rhs.second_perc_for_cutoff_decr_;
749     freeCachedData();
750   }
751   return *this;
752 }
options() const754 const SmartPtr<OptionsList> OsiTMINLPInterface::options() const
755 {
756   if(!IsValid(app_)) {
757     messageHandler()->message(ERROR_NO_TNLPSOLVER, messages_)<<CoinMessageEol;
758     return NULL;
759   }
760   else
761     return app_->options();
762 }
options()764 SmartPtr<OptionsList> OsiTMINLPInterface::options()
765 {
766   if(!IsValid(app_)) {
767     messageHandler()->message(ERROR_NO_TNLPSOLVER, messages_)<<CoinMessageEol;
768     return NULL;
769   }
770   else
771     return app_->options();
772 }
774 /// Destructor
~OsiTMINLPInterface()775 OsiTMINLPInterface::~OsiTMINLPInterface ()
776 {
777   freeCachedData();
778   delete [] jRow_;
779   delete [] jCol_;
780   delete [] jValues_;
781   delete [] constTypes_;
782   delete [] obj_;
783   delete oaHandler_;
784   delete warmstart_;
785 }
787 void
freeCachedColRim()788 OsiTMINLPInterface::freeCachedColRim()
789 {
790     if(reducedCosts_!=NULL) {
791     delete []  reducedCosts_;
792     reducedCosts_ = NULL;
793   }
795 }
797 void
freeCachedRowRim()798 OsiTMINLPInterface::freeCachedRowRim()
799 {
800   if(rowsense_!=NULL) {
801     delete []  rowsense_;
802     rowsense_ = NULL;
803   }
804   if(rhs_!=NULL) {
805     delete []  rhs_;
806     rhs_ = NULL;
807   }
808   if(rowrange_!=NULL) {
809     delete []  rowrange_;
810     rowrange_ = NULL;
811   }
812   //   if(dualsol_!=NULL)
813   //     {
814   //       delete []  dualsol_; dualsol_ = NULL;
815   //     }
816 }
818 void
freeCachedData()819 OsiTMINLPInterface::freeCachedData()
820 {
821   freeCachedColRim();
822   freeCachedRowRim();
823 }
825 const char * OsiTMINLPInterface::OPT_SYMB="OPT";
826 const char * OsiTMINLPInterface::FAILED_SYMB="FAILED";
827 const char * OsiTMINLPInterface::UNBOUND_SYMB="UNBOUNDED";
828 const char * OsiTMINLPInterface::INFEAS_SYMB="INFEAS";
829 const char * OsiTMINLPInterface::TIME_SYMB="TIME";
830 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
831 // WarmStart Information                                                                           //
832 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
835 void
resolveForCost(int numsolve,bool keepWarmStart)836 OsiTMINLPInterface::resolveForCost(int numsolve, bool keepWarmStart)
837 {
838   // This method assumes that a problem has just been solved and we try for a
839   // different solution. So disregard (in fact, clear out) any warmstart info
840   // we might have, and acquire a new one before returning.
841   delete warmstart_;
842   warmstart_ = NULL;
844   double * of_current = (numsolve > 0) ? new double[numsolve]: NULL;
845   int num_failed, num_infeas;
846   double mean, std_dev, var_coeff;
847   double min = DBL_MAX;
848   double max = -DBL_MAX;
850   Coin::SmartPtr<SimpleReferencedPtr<CoinWarmStart> > ws_backup = NULL;
851   if(warmStartMode_ <= Optimum && keepWarmStart){
852     //if warm start is not exposed, we need to store the current starting point to
853     //restore it at the end of the method
854     ws_backup = make_referenced(app_->getUsedWarmStart(problem_));
855   }
856   /** Save current optimum. */
857   vector<double> point(getNumCols()*3+ getNumRows());
858   double bestBound = (isProvenOptimal()) ? getObjValue() : DBL_MAX;
859   CoinCopyN(getColSolution(),
860       getNumCols(), point());
861   CoinCopyN(getRowPrice(),
862       2*getNumCols()+ getNumRows(),
863       point() + getNumCols());
864   TNLPSolver::ReturnStatus savedStatus = optimizationStatus_;
865   if(isProvenOptimal())
866     messageHandler()->message(SOLUTION_FOUND,
867         messages_)
868     <<1<<getObjValue()<<bestBound
869     <<CoinMessageEol;
870   else
871     messageHandler()->message(INFEASIBLE_SOLUTION_FOUND,
872         messages_)
873     <<1
874     <<CoinMessageEol;
876   num_failed = 0;
877   num_infeas = 0;
878   mean = 0;
880   for(int f = 0; f < numsolve ; f++) {
881     messageHandler()->message(WARNING_RESOLVING,
882         messages_)
883     <<f+1<< CoinMessageEol ;
884     randomStartingPoint();
885     solveAndCheckErrors(0,0,"resolve cost");
888     char c=' ';
889     //Is solution better than previous
890     if(isProvenOptimal() &&
891         getObjValue()<bestBound) {
892       c='*';
893       messageHandler()->message(BETTER_SOL, messages_)<<getObjValue()<<f+1<< CoinMessageEol;
894       CoinCopyN(getColSolution(),
895           getNumCols(), point());
896       CoinCopyN(getRowPrice(),
897           2*getNumCols()+ getNumRows(),
898           point() + getNumCols());
899       bestBound = getObjValue();
900       savedStatus = optimizationStatus_;
901     }
903     messageHandler()->message(LOG_LINE, messages_)
904     <<c<<f+1<<statusAsString()<<getObjValue()<<app_->IterationCount()<<app_->CPUTime()<<"resolve cost"<<CoinMessageEol;
906     if(isAbandoned()) {
907       num_failed++;
908     }
909     else if(isProvenPrimalInfeasible()) {
910        num_infeas++;
911     }
913     else if(isProvenOptimal())
914       messageHandler()->message(SOLUTION_FOUND,
915           messages_)
916       <<f+2<<getObjValue()<<bestBound
917       <<CoinMessageEol;
918     else if(!isAbandoned())
919       messageHandler()->message(UNSOLVED_PROBLEM_FOUND,
920           messages_)
921       <<f+2
922       <<CoinMessageEol;
923     else
924       messageHandler()->message(INFEASIBLE_SOLUTION_FOUND,
925           messages_)
926       <<f+2
927       <<CoinMessageEol;
929   if(of_current != NULL){
930     if(isProvenOptimal())
931     {
932       of_current[f] = getObjValue();
933       mean=mean+of_current[f];
934       if (of_current[f] < min)
935          min = of_current[f];
936       else if (of_current[f] > max)
937          max = of_current[f];
938     }
939     else
940     {
941       of_current[f] = 0;
942     }
943   }
944 }
947   if(of_current != NULL){
948     //calculate the mean
949     mean=mean/(numsolve-num_failed-num_infeas);
951     std_dev = 0;
953     //calculate the std deviation
954     for(int i=0; i<numsolve; i++)
955     {
956       if(of_current[i]!=0)
957         std_dev=std_dev+pow(of_current[i]-mean,2);
958     }
959     std_dev=pow((std_dev/(numsolve-num_failed-num_infeas)),0.5);
961     //calculate coeff of variation
962     var_coeff=std_dev/mean;
964     if(dynamicCutOff_)
965     {
966       if(var_coeff<0.1)
967       {
968         setNewCutoffDecr(mean*first_perc_for_cutoff_decr_);
969       }
970       else
971       {
972         setNewCutoffDecr(mean*second_perc_for_cutoff_decr_);
973       }
974     }
975   }
977   problem_->Set_x_sol(getNumCols(),point());
978   problem_->Set_dual_sol((int) point.size()-getNumCols(), point() + getNumCols());
979   problem_->set_obj_value(bestBound);
980   optimizationStatus_ = savedStatus;
981   hasBeenOptimized_ = true;
983   if(warmStartMode_ < Optimum && keepWarmStart) {
984     app_->setWarmStart(ws_backup->ptr(), problem_);
985   }
986 }
988 void
resolveForRobustness(int numsolve)989 OsiTMINLPInterface::resolveForRobustness(int numsolve)
990 {
991   // This method assumes that a problem has just been solved and we try for a
992   // different solution. So disregard (in fact, clear out) any warmstart info
993   // we might have, and acquire a new one before returning.
994   delete warmstart_;
995   warmstart_ = NULL;
998   CoinWarmStart * ws_backup = NULL;
999   if(warmStartMode_ < Optimum){
1000     //if warm start is not exposed, we need to store the current starting point to
1001     //restore it at the end of the method
1002     ws_backup = app_->getUsedWarmStart(problem_);
1003   }
1004   //std::cerr<<"Resolving the problem for robustness"<<std::endl;
1005   //First remove warm start point and resolve
1006   app_->disableWarmStart();
1007   problem()->resetStartingPoint();
1008   messageHandler()->message(WARNING_RESOLVING,
1009       messages_)
1010   <<1<< CoinMessageEol ;
1011   solveAndCheckErrors(0,0,"resolve robustness");
1014   char c='*';
1015   if(isAbandoned()) {
1016     c=' ';
1017   }
1018   messageHandler()->message(LOG_LINE, messages_)
1019   <<c<<1<<statusAsString()<<getObjValue()<<app_->IterationCount()<<
1020     app_->CPUTime()<<"resolve robustness"<<CoinMessageEol;
1023   if(!isAbandoned()) {
1024     messageHandler()->message(WARN_SUCCESS_WS, messages_) << CoinMessageEol ;
1025     // re-enable warmstart and get it
1026     app_->enableWarmStart();
1027     if (warmStartMode_ < Optimum) {
1028       app_->setWarmStart(ws_backup, problem_);
1029       delete ws_backup;
1030     }
1031     return; //we won go on
1032   }
1034   //still unsolved try again with different random starting points
1035   for(int f = 0; f < numsolve ; f++) {
1036     messageHandler()->message(WARNING_RESOLVING,
1037         messages_)
1038     <<f+2<< CoinMessageEol ;
1040     randomStartingPoint();
1041     solveAndCheckErrors(0,0,"resolve robustness");
1044     messageHandler()->message(IPOPT_SUMMARY, messages_)
1045     <<"resolveForRobustness"<<optimizationStatus_<<app_->IterationCount()<<app_->CPUTime()<<CoinMessageEol;
1048     char c='*';
1049     if(isAbandoned()) {
1050       c=' ';
1051     }
1052     messageHandler()->message(LOG_LINE, messages_)
1053     <<c<<f+2<<statusAsString()<<getObjValue()
1054     <<app_->IterationCount()<<app_->CPUTime()<<"resolve robustness"<<CoinMessageEol;
1057     if(!isAbandoned()) {
1058       messageHandler()->message(WARN_SUCCESS_RANDOM, messages_)
1059 	<< f+2 << CoinMessageEol ;
1060       // re-enable warmstart and get it
1061       app_->enableWarmStart();
1062       if (warmStartMode_ < Optimum) {
1063         app_->setWarmStart(ws_backup, problem_);
1064         delete ws_backup;
1065       }
1067       return; //we have found a solution and continue
1068     }
1069   }
1072   if(warmStartMode_ < Optimum){
1073     app_->setWarmStart(ws_backup, problem_);
1074     delete ws_backup;
1075   }
1076   if(pretendFailIsInfeasible_) {
1077     pretendSucceededNext_ = true;
1078     if(pretendFailIsInfeasible_ == 1) {
1079       messageHandler()->message(WARN_CONTINUING_ON_FAILURE,
1080           messages_)
1081       <<CoinMessageEol;
1082       hasContinuedAfterNlpFailure_ = 1;
1083     }
1084     return;
1085   }
1086   else {
1087     std::string probName;
1088     getStrParam(OsiProbName,probName);
1089     throw newUnsolvedError(app_->errorCode(), problem_,
1090                            probName);
1091   }
1092   // Do NOT get warmstart in other cases
1093 }
1095 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1096 // Problem information methods                                    //
1097 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1098 /// Get number of columns
getNumCols() const1099 int OsiTMINLPInterface::getNumCols() const
1100 {
1102   return problem_->num_variables();
1103 }
1106 /// Get number of rows
1107 int
getNumRows() const1108 OsiTMINLPInterface::getNumRows() const
1109 {
1110   return problem_->num_constraints();
1111 }
1113 const double *
getColLower() const1114 OsiTMINLPInterface::getColLower() const
1115 {
1116   return problem_->x_l();
1117 }
1119 const double *
getColUpper() const1120 OsiTMINLPInterface::getColUpper() const
1121 {
1122   return problem_->x_u();
1123 }
1125 #if 1
1128 ///get name of variables
1129 const OsiSolverInterface::OsiNameVec&
getVarNames()1130 OsiTMINLPInterface::getVarNames() {
1131   return getColNames();
1132 }
1133 #endif
extractSenseRhsAndRange() const1136 void OsiTMINLPInterface::extractSenseRhsAndRange() const
1137 {
1138   assert(rowsense_==NULL&&rhs_==NULL&&rowrange_==NULL);
1139   int numrows = problem_->num_constraints();
1140   if(numrows == 0) return;
1141   const double * rowLower = getRowLower();
1142   const double * rowUpper = getRowUpper();
1143   rowsense_ = new char [numrows];
1144   rhs_ = new double [numrows];
1145   rowrange_ = new double [numrows];
1146   for(int i = 0 ; i < numrows ; i++) {
1147     rowrange_[i]=0.;
1148     convertBoundToSense(rowLower[i], rowUpper[i], rowsense_[i], rhs_[i], rowrange_[i]);
1149   }
1150 }
1152 /** Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row constraint senses.
1153     <ul>
1154     <li>'L': <= constraint
1155     <li>'E': =  constraint
1156     <li>'G': >= constraint
1157     <li>'R': ranged constraint
1158     <li>'N': free constraint
1159     </ul>
1160 */
1161 const char *
getRowSense() const1162 OsiTMINLPInterface::getRowSense() const
1163 {
1164   if(rowsense_==NULL) {
1165     extractSenseRhsAndRange();
1166   }
1167   return rowsense_;
1168 }
1170 /** Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of rows right-hand sides
1171     <ul>
1172     <li> if rowsense()[i] == 'L' then rhs()[i] == rowupper()[i]
1173     <li> if rowsense()[i] == 'G' then rhs()[i] == rowlower()[i]
1174     <li> if rowsense()[i] == 'R' then rhs()[i] == rowupper()[i]
1175     <li> if rowsense()[i] == 'N' then rhs()[i] == 0.0
1176     </ul>
1177 */
1178 const double *
getRightHandSide() const1179 OsiTMINLPInterface::getRightHandSide() const
1180 {
1181   if(rhs_==NULL) {
1182     extractSenseRhsAndRange();
1183   }
1184   return rhs_;
1185 }
1187 /** Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row ranges.
1188     <ul>
1189     <li> if rowsense()[i] == 'R' then
1190     rowrange()[i] == rowupper()[i] - rowlower()[i]
1191     <li> if rowsense()[i] != 'R' then
1192     rowrange()[i] is 0.0
1193     </ul>
1194 */
1195 const double *
getRowRange() const1196 OsiTMINLPInterface::getRowRange() const
1197 {
1198   if(rowrange_==NULL) {
1199     extractSenseRhsAndRange();
1200   }
1201   return rowrange_;
1202 }
1204 const double *
getRowLower() const1205 OsiTMINLPInterface::getRowLower() const
1206 {
1207   return problem_->g_l();
1208 }
1210 const double *
getRowUpper() const1211 OsiTMINLPInterface::getRowUpper() const
1212 {
1213   return problem_->g_u();
1214 }
1216 /// Return true if column is continuous
1217 bool
isContinuous(int colNumber) const1218 OsiTMINLPInterface::isContinuous(int colNumber) const
1219 {
1220   return (problem_->var_types()[colNumber]==TMINLP::CONTINUOUS);
1221 }
1223 /// Return true if column is binary
1224 bool
isBinary(int colNumber) const1225 OsiTMINLPInterface::isBinary(int colNumber) const
1226 {
1227   return (problem_->var_types()[colNumber]==TMINLP::BINARY);
1228 }
1230 /** Return true if column is integer.
1231     Note: This function returns true if the the column
1232     is binary or a general integer.
1233 */
1234 bool
isInteger(int colNumber) const1235 OsiTMINLPInterface::isInteger(int colNumber) const
1236 {
1237   return ((problem_->var_types()[colNumber]==TMINLP::BINARY)||
1238       (problem_->var_types()[colNumber]==TMINLP::INTEGER));
1239 }
1241 /// Return true if column is general integer
1242 bool
isIntegerNonBinary(int colNumber) const1243 OsiTMINLPInterface::isIntegerNonBinary(int colNumber) const
1244 {
1245   return (problem_->var_types()[colNumber]==TMINLP::INTEGER);
1246 }
1247 /// Return true if column is binary and not fixed at either bound
1248 bool
isFreeBinary(int colNumber) const1249 OsiTMINLPInterface::isFreeBinary(int colNumber) const
1250 {
1251   return ((problem_->var_types()[colNumber]==TMINLP::BINARY)
1252       &&((getColUpper()[colNumber]-getColLower()[colNumber]) > 1 - 1e-09));
1253 }
1255 /// Get solver's value for infinity
1256 double
getInfinity() const1257 OsiTMINLPInterface::getInfinity() const
1258 {
1259   return COIN_DBL_MAX;
1260 }
1262 /// Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of primal solution vector
1263 const double *
getColSolution() const1264 OsiTMINLPInterface::getColSolution() const
1265 {
1266   if(hasBeenOptimized_)
1267     return problem_->x_sol();
1268   else
1269     return problem_->x_init();
1270 }
1272 /// Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of dual prices
1273 const double *
getRowPrice() const1274 OsiTMINLPInterface::getRowPrice() const
1275 {
1276   if(hasBeenOptimized_)
1277     return problem_->duals_sol();
1278   else
1279     return problem_->duals_init();
1280 }
1282 /// Get a pointer to array[getNumCols()] of reduced costs
1283 const double *
getReducedCost() const1284 OsiTMINLPInterface::getReducedCost() const
1285 {
1286   (*handler_)<<"WARNING : trying to access reduced cost in Ipopt always retrun 0"<<CoinMessageEol;
1287   if(reducedCosts_==NULL) {
1288     reducedCosts_ = new double [getNumCols()];
1289     CoinFillN(reducedCosts_,getNumCols(),0.);
1290   }
1291   return reducedCosts_;
1292 }
1294 /** Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row activity levels (constraint
1295     matrix times the solution vector */
1296 const double *
getRowActivity() const1297 OsiTMINLPInterface::getRowActivity() const
1298 {
1299   return problem_->g_sol();
1300 }
1302 /** Get how many iterations it took to solve the problem (whatever
1303     "iteration" mean to the solver.
1304 */
1305 int
getIterationCount() const1306 OsiTMINLPInterface::getIterationCount() const
1307 {
1308     return app_->IterationCount();
1309 }
1312 /** Set a single column lower bound.
1313     Use -getInfinity() for -infinity. */
1314 void
setColLower(int elementIndex,double elementValue)1315 OsiTMINLPInterface::setColLower( int elementIndex, double elementValue )
1316 {
1317   //  if(fabs(problem_->x_l()[elementIndex]-elementValue)>1e-06)
1318   problem_->SetVariableLowerBound(elementIndex,elementValue);
1319   hasBeenOptimized_ = false;
1320 }
1322 /** Set a single column upper bound.
1323     Use getInfinity() for infinity. */
1324 void
setColUpper(int elementIndex,double elementValue)1325 OsiTMINLPInterface::setColUpper( int elementIndex, double elementValue )
1326 {
1327   //  if(fabs(problem_->x_u()[elementIndex]-elementValue)>1e-06)
1328   problem_->SetVariableUpperBound(elementIndex,elementValue);
1329   hasBeenOptimized_ = false;
1330 }
1332 /** Set the lower bounds for all columns
1333     Use -getInfinity() for -infinity. */
1334 void
setColLower(const double * array)1335 OsiTMINLPInterface::setColLower( const double* array )
1336 {
1337   problem_->SetVariablesLowerBounds(problem_->num_variables(),
1338                                   array);
1339   hasBeenOptimized_ = false;
1340 }
1342 /** Set Set the upper bounds for all columns
1343     Use getInfinity() for infinity. */
1344 void
setColUpper(const double * array)1345 OsiTMINLPInterface::setColUpper( const double* array )
1346 {
1347   problem_->SetVariablesUpperBounds(problem_->num_variables(),
1348                                   array);
1349   hasBeenOptimized_ = false;
1350 }
1352 /** Set a single row lower bound.
1353     Use -getInfinity() for -infinity. */
1354 void
setRowLower(int elementIndex,double elementValue)1355 OsiTMINLPInterface::setRowLower( int elementIndex, double elementValue )
1356 {
1357   throw SimpleError("Not implemented yet but should be if necessary.",
1358       "setRowLower");
1359   hasBeenOptimized_ = false;
1360 }
1362 /** Set a single row upper bound.
1363     Use getInfinity() for infinity. */
1364 void
setRowUpper(int elementIndex,double elementValue)1365 OsiTMINLPInterface::setRowUpper( int elementIndex, double elementValue )
1366 {
1367   throw SimpleError("Not implemented yet but should be if necessary.",
1368       "setRowUpper");
1369   hasBeenOptimized_ = false;
1370 }
1372 /** Set the type of a single row */
1373 void
setRowType(int index,char sense,double rightHandSide,double range)1374 OsiTMINLPInterface::setRowType(int index, char sense, double rightHandSide,
1375     double range)
1376 {
1377   throw SimpleError("Not implemented yet but should be if necessary.",
1378       "setRowType");
1379   hasBeenOptimized_ = false;
1380 }
1383 /// Set the objective function sense.
1384 /// (1 for min (default), -1 for max)
1385 void
setObjSense(double s)1386 OsiTMINLPInterface::setObjSense(double s)
1387 {
1388   throw SimpleError("Can not change objective sense of an Ipopt problem.",
1389       "setObjSense");
1390   hasBeenOptimized_ = false;
1391 }
1393 /** Set the primal solution variable values
1395 colsol[getNumCols()] is an array of values for the primal variables.
1396 These values are copied to memory owned by the solver interface object
1397 or the solver.  They will be returned as the result of getColSolution()
1398 until changed by another call to setColSolution() or by a call to any
1399 solver routine.  Whether the solver makes use of the solution in any
1400 way is solver-dependent.
1401 */
1402 void
setColSolution(const double * colsol)1403 OsiTMINLPInterface::setColSolution(const double *colsol)
1404 {
1405   if(colsol != NULL)
1406     problem_->setxInit(getNumCols(), colsol);
1407   else
1408     problem_->resetStartingPoint();
1409   hasBeenOptimized_ = false;
1410 }
1412 /** Set dual solution variable values
1414 rowprice[getNumRows()] is an array of values for the dual
1415 variables. These values are copied to memory owned by the solver
1416 interface object or the solver.  They will be returned as the result of
1417 getRowPrice() until changed by another call to setRowPrice() or by a
1418 call to any solver routine.  Whether the solver makes use of the
1419 solution in any way is solver-dependent.
1420 */
1422 void
setRowPrice(const double * rowprice)1423 OsiTMINLPInterface::setRowPrice(const double * rowprice)
1424 {
1425   problem_->setDualsInit(getNumCols()*2 + getNumRows(), rowprice);
1426   hasBeenOptimized_ = false;
1427 }
1429   /*! \brief Get an empty warm start object
1431   This routine returns an empty CoinWarmStartBasis object. Its purpose is
1432   to provide a way to give a client a warm start basis object of the
1433   appropriate type, which can resized and modified as desired.
1434   */
1435 CoinWarmStart *
getEmptyWarmStart() const1436 OsiTMINLPInterface::getEmptyWarmStart () const
1437 {return app_->getEmptyWarmStart();}
1439   /** Get warmstarting information */
1440 CoinWarmStart*
getWarmStart() const1441 OsiTMINLPInterface::getWarmStart() const
1442 {
1443   if (warmStartMode_ >= Optimum) {
1444     return internal_getWarmStart();;
1445   }
1446   else if(warmStartMode_ == FakeBasis){
1447     return build_fake_basis();
1448   }
1449   else {
1450     return getEmptyWarmStart();
1451   }
1452 }
1453   /** Set warmstarting information. Return true/false depending on whether
1454       the warmstart information was accepted or not. */
1455 bool
setWarmStart(const CoinWarmStart * ws)1456 OsiTMINLPInterface::setWarmStart(const CoinWarmStart* ws)
1457 {
1458   if (warmStartMode_ >= Optimum) {
1459     return internal_setWarmStart(ws);
1460   }
1461   else {
1462     return true;
1463   }
1464 }
1467 #define EPSILON 1e-4
1469 CoinWarmStart*
build_fake_basis() const1470 OsiTMINLPInterface::build_fake_basis() const{
1471    CoinWarmStartBasis * r_val = new CoinWarmStartBasis();
1472    int n_con = problem_->num_constraints();
1473    r_val->setSize(problem_->num_variables(), n_con);
1474    const double * act = problem_->g_sol();
1475    const double * lb = problem_->g_l();
1476    const double * ub = problem_->g_u();
1477    for(int i = 0 ; i < n_con ; i++){
1478      if(lb[i] > ub[i] - EPSILON){
1479         r_val->setArtifStatus(i, CoinWarmStartBasis::isFree);
1480      }
1481      if(act[i] > ub[i] - EPSILON){
1482         r_val->setArtifStatus(i, CoinWarmStartBasis::atLowerBound);
1483      }
1484      else if(act[i] < lb[i] + EPSILON){
1485         r_val->setArtifStatus(i, CoinWarmStartBasis::atLowerBound);
1486      }
1487      else {
1488         r_val->setArtifStatus(i, CoinWarmStartBasis::basic);
1489      }
1490    }
1491    return r_val;
1492 }
1494   /** Get warmstarting information */
1495 CoinWarmStart*
internal_getWarmStart() const1496 OsiTMINLPInterface::internal_getWarmStart() const
1497 {
1498   if (warmStartMode_ >= Optimum && warmstart_) {
1499     return warmstart_->clone();
1500   }
1501   else {
1502     return getEmptyWarmStart();
1503   }
1504 }
1505   /** Set warmstarting information. Return true/false depending on whether
1506       the warmstart information was accepted or not. */
1507 bool
internal_setWarmStart(const CoinWarmStart * ws)1508 OsiTMINLPInterface::internal_setWarmStart(const CoinWarmStart* ws)
1509 {
1510   delete warmstart_;
1511   warmstart_ = NULL;
1512   hasBeenOptimized_ = false;
1513   if (warmStartMode_ >= Optimum) {
1514     if (ws == NULL) {
1515       return true;
1516     }
1517   if(app_->warmStartIsValid(ws)) {
1518     warmstart_ = ws->clone();
1519     return true;
1520   }
1521   // See if it is anything else than the CoinWarmStartBasis that all others
1522   // derive from
1523   const CoinWarmStartPrimalDual* pdws =
1524     dynamic_cast<const CoinWarmStartPrimalDual*>(ws);
1525   if (pdws) {
1526     // Must be an IpoptWarmStart, since the others do not derive from this.
1527     // Accept it.
1528     warmstart_ = new IpoptWarmStart(*pdws);
1529     return true;
1530   }
1531   return false;
1532   }
1533   else {
1534     return true;
1535   }
1536 }
1538 /** Set the index-th variable to be a continuous variable */
1539 void
setContinuous(int index)1540 OsiTMINLPInterface::setContinuous(int index)
1541 {
1542   problem_->SetVariableType(index, TMINLP::CONTINUOUS);
1543   hasBeenOptimized_ = false;
1544 }
1545 /** Set the index-th variable to be an integer variable */
1546 void
setInteger(int index)1547 OsiTMINLPInterface::setInteger(int index)
1548 {
1549   problem_->SetVariableType(index, TMINLP::INTEGER);
1550   hasBeenOptimized_ = false;
1551 }
1553 /// Get objective function value (can't use default)
1554 double
getObjValue() const1555 OsiTMINLPInterface::getObjValue() const
1556 {
1557   return problem_->obj_value();
1558 }
1560 //#############################################################################
1561 // Parameter related methods
1562 //#############################################################################
1564 bool
setIntParam(OsiIntParam key,int value)1565 OsiTMINLPInterface::setIntParam(OsiIntParam key, int value)
1566 {
1567   //  debugMessage("OsiCpxSolverInterface::setIntParam(%d, %d)\n", key, value);
1569   bool retval = false;
1570   switch (key) {
1571   case OsiMaxNumIteration:
1572     retval = false;
1573     break;
1574   case OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart:
1575     if( value >= 0 ) {
1576       retval = false;
1577     }
1578     else
1579       retval = false;
1580     break;
1581   case OsiLastIntParam:
1582     retval = false;
1583     break;
1584   default:
1585     retval = false;
1586     (*handler_)<< "Unhandled case in setIntParam\n"<<CoinMessageEol;
1587     break;
1588   }
1589   return retval;
1590 }
1592 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1594 bool
setDblParam(OsiDblParam key,double value)1595 OsiTMINLPInterface::setDblParam(OsiDblParam key, double value)
1596 {
1597   //  debugMessage("OsiTMINLPInterface::setDblParam(%d, %g)\n", key, value);
1599   bool retval = false;
1600   switch (key) {
1601   case OsiDualObjectiveLimit:
1602     OsiDualObjectiveLimit_ = value;
1603     retval = true;
1604     break;
1605   case OsiPrimalObjectiveLimit:
1606     (*handler_)<<"Can not set primal objective limit parameter"<<CoinMessageEol;
1607     retval = false;
1608     break;
1609   case OsiDualTolerance:
1610     (*handler_)<<"Can not set dual tolerance parameter"<<CoinMessageEol;
1611     retval = false;
1612     break;
1613   case OsiPrimalTolerance:
1614     (*handler_)<<"Can not set primal tolerance parameter"<<CoinMessageEol;
1615     retval = false;
1616   case OsiObjOffset:
1617     retval = OsiSolverInterface::setDblParam(key,value);
1618     break;
1619   case OsiLastDblParam:
1620     retval = false;
1621     break;
1622   default:
1623     retval = false;
1624     (*handler_) << "Unhandled case in setDblParam"<<CoinMessageEol;
1625     break;
1626   }
1627   return retval;
1628 }
1631 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1633 bool
setStrParam(OsiStrParam key,const std::string & value)1634 OsiTMINLPInterface::setStrParam(OsiStrParam key, const std::string & value)
1635 {
1636   //  debugMessage("OsiTMINLPInterface::setStrParam(%d, %s)\n", key, value.c_str());
1638   bool retval=false;
1639   switch (key) {
1640   case OsiProbName:
1641     OsiSolverInterface::setStrParam(key,value);
1642     return retval = true;
1643   case OsiSolverName:
1644     return false;
1645   case OsiLastStrParam:
1646     return false;
1647   }
1648   return false;
1649 }
1651 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1653 bool
getIntParam(OsiIntParam key,int & value) const1654 OsiTMINLPInterface::getIntParam(OsiIntParam key, int& value) const
1655 {
1656   //  debugMessage("OsiTMINLPInterface::getIntParam(%d)\n", key);
1658   value = -COIN_INT_MAX; // Give a dummy value
1659   bool retval = false;
1660   switch (key) {
1661   case OsiMaxNumIteration:
1662     retval = false;
1663     break;
1664   case OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart:
1665     retval = false;
1666     break;
1667   case OsiLastIntParam:
1668     retval = false;
1669     break;
1670   default:
1671     retval = false;
1672     (*handler_) << "Unhandled case in setIntParam"<<CoinMessageEol;
1673   }
1674   return retval;
1675 }
1677 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1679 bool
getDblParam(OsiDblParam key,double & value) const1680 OsiTMINLPInterface::getDblParam(OsiDblParam key, double& value) const
1681 {
1682   //  debugMessage("OsiTMINLPInterface::getDblParam(%d)\n", key);
1684   bool retval = false;
1685   switch (key) {
1686   case OsiDualObjectiveLimit:
1687     value = OsiDualObjectiveLimit_;
1688     retval = true;
1689     break;
1690   case OsiPrimalObjectiveLimit:
1691     value = getInfinity();
1692     retval = true;
1693     break;
1694   case OsiDualTolerance:
1695     retval = false;
1696     break;
1697   case OsiPrimalTolerance:
1698     options()->GetNumericValue("tol", value,"");
1699     value = 1e-07;
1700     retval = true;
1701     break;
1702   case OsiObjOffset:
1703     retval = OsiSolverInterface::getDblParam(key, value);
1704     break;
1705   case OsiLastDblParam:
1706     retval = false;
1707     break;
1708   }
1709   return retval;
1710 }
1713 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1715 bool
getStrParam(OsiStrParam key,std::string & value) const1716 OsiTMINLPInterface::getStrParam(OsiStrParam key, std::string & value) const
1717 {
1718   //  debugMessage("OsiTMINLPInterface::getStrParam(%d)\n", key);
1720   switch (key) {
1721   case OsiProbName:
1722     OsiSolverInterface::getStrParam(key, value);
1723     break;
1724   case OsiSolverName:
1725     value = "Ipopt";
1726     break;
1727   case OsiLastStrParam:
1728     return false;
1729   }
1731   return true;
1732 }
1734 void
set_linearizer(Ipopt::SmartPtr<TMINLP2OsiLP> linearizer)1735 OsiTMINLPInterface::set_linearizer(Ipopt::SmartPtr<TMINLP2OsiLP> linearizer)
1736 {
1737   linearizer_ = linearizer->clone();
1738   linearizer_->set_tols(tiny_, veryTiny_, rhsRelax_, infty_);
1739   linearizer_->set_model(GetRawPtr(problem_));
1740 }
1742 Ipopt::SmartPtr<TMINLP2OsiLP>
linearizer()1743 OsiTMINLPInterface::linearizer(){
1744    return linearizer_;
1745 }
1748 void
randomStartingPoint()1749 OsiTMINLPInterface::randomStartingPoint()
1750 {
1751   int numcols = getNumCols();
1752   const double * colLower = getColLower();
1753   const double * colUpper = getColUpper();
1754   double * sol = new double[numcols];
1755   const Number * x_init = problem_->x_init_user();
1756   const double* perturb_radius = NULL;
1757   if (randomGenerationType_ == perturb_suffix) {
1758     const TMINLP::PerturbInfo* pertubinfo = tminlp_->perturbInfo();
1759     if (pertubinfo) {
1760       perturb_radius = pertubinfo->GetPerturbationArray();
1761     }
1762     if (!perturb_radius) {
1763       throw SimpleError("Can't use perturb_radius if no radii are given.",
1764 			"randomStartingPoint");
1765     }
1766   }
1767   for(int i = 0 ; i < numcols ; i++) {
1768     if(randomGenerationType_ == uniform || x_init[i] < colLower[i] || x_init[i] > colUpper[i]) {
1769       double lower = std::min(-maxRandomRadius_,colUpper[i] - maxRandomRadius_);
1770       lower = std::max(colLower[i], lower);
1771       double upper = std::max(maxRandomRadius_,colLower[i] + maxRandomRadius_);
1772       upper = std::min(colUpper[i],upper);
1773       lower = std::min(upper,lower);
1774       upper = std::max(upper, lower);
1775       double interval = upper - lower;
1776       sol[i] = CoinDrand48()*(interval) + lower;
1777     }
1778     else if (randomGenerationType_ == perturb) {
1779       const double lower = std::max(x_init[i] - max_perturbation_, colLower[i]);
1780       const double upper = std::min(x_init[i] + max_perturbation_, colUpper[i]);
1781       const double interval = upper - lower;
1782       sol[i]  = lower + CoinDrand48()*(interval);
1783     }
1784     else if (randomGenerationType_ == perturb_suffix) {
1785       const double radius = perturb_radius[i];
1786       const double lower = std::max(x_init[i] - radius*max_perturbation_, colLower[i]);
1787       const double upper = std::min(x_init[i] + radius*max_perturbation_, colUpper[i]);
1788       const double interval = upper - lower;
1789       sol[i]  = lower + CoinDrand48()*(interval);
1790     }
1791   }
1792   app_->disableWarmStart();
1793   setColSolution(sol);
1794   delete [] sol;
1795 }
1799 /** This methods initialiaze arrays for storing the jacobian */
initializeJacobianArrays()1800 int OsiTMINLPInterface::initializeJacobianArrays()
1801 {
1802   Index n, m, nnz_h_lag;
1803   TNLP::IndexStyleEnum index_style;
1804   problem_to_optimize_->get_nlp_info( n, m, nnz_jac, nnz_h_lag, index_style);
1806   if(jRow_ != NULL) delete [] jRow_;
1807   if(jCol_ != NULL) delete [] jCol_;
1808   if(jValues_ != NULL) delete [] jValues_;
1810   jRow_ = new Index[nnz_jac];
1811   jCol_ = new Index[nnz_jac];
1812   jValues_ = new Number[nnz_jac];
1813   problem_to_optimize_->eval_jac_g(n, NULL, 0, m, nnz_jac, jRow_, jCol_, NULL);
1814   if(index_style == Ipopt::TNLP::FORTRAN_STYLE)//put C-style
1815   {
1816     for(int i = 0 ; i < nnz_jac ; i++){
1817       jRow_[i]--;
1818       jCol_[i]--;
1819     }
1820   }
1822   if(constTypes_ != NULL) delete [] constTypes_;
1823 //  if(constTypesNum_ != NULL) delete [] constTypesNum_;
1825   constTypes_ = new TNLP::LinearityType[getNumRows()];
1826   problem_to_optimize_->get_constraints_linearity(getNumRows(), constTypes_);
1827 //  constTypesNum_ = new int[getNumRows()];
1828   for(int i = 0; i < getNumRows() ; i++) {
1829     if(constTypes_[i]==TNLP::NON_LINEAR) {
1830       //constTypesNum_[i] =
1831       nNonLinear_++;
1832     }
1833   }
1834   return nnz_jac;
1835 }
1838 double
getConstraintsViolation(const double * x,double & obj)1839 OsiTMINLPInterface::getConstraintsViolation(const double *x, double &obj)
1840 {
1841   int numcols = getNumCols();
1842   int numrows = getNumRows();
1843   double * g = new double[numrows];
1844   tminlp_->eval_g(numcols, x, 1, numrows, g);
1845   const double * rowLower = getRowLower();
1846   const double * rowUpper = getRowUpper();
1849   double norm = 0;
1850   for(int i = 0; i< numrows ; i++) {
1851     if(!constTypes_ || constTypes_[i] == TNLP::NON_LINEAR) {
1852       double rowViolation = 0;
1853       if(rowLower[i] > -1e10)
1854          rowViolation = std::max(0.,rowLower[i] - g[i]);
1856       if(rowUpper[i] < 1e10);
1857         rowViolation = std::max(rowViolation, g[i] - rowUpper[i]);
1859       norm = rowViolation > norm ? rowViolation : norm;
1860     }
1861   }
1862   tminlp_->eval_f(numcols, x, 1, obj);
1863   delete [] g;
1864   return norm;
1865 }
1867 /** get infinity norm of constraint violation of a point and objective error*/
1868 double
getNonLinearitiesViolation(const double * x,const double obj)1869 OsiTMINLPInterface::getNonLinearitiesViolation(const double *x, const double obj)
1870 {
1871   double f;
1872   double norm = getConstraintsViolation(x, f);
1873   assert((f - obj) > -1e-08);
1874   norm =  (f - obj) > norm ? f - obj : norm;
1875   return norm;
1876 }
1880 //A procedure to try to remove small coefficients in OA cuts (or make it non small
1881 static inline
cleanNnz(double & value,double colLower,double colUpper,double rowLower,double rowUpper,double colsol,double & lb,double & ub,double tiny,double veryTiny,double infty)1882 bool cleanNnz(double &value, double colLower, double colUpper,
1883     double rowLower, double rowUpper, double colsol,
1884     double & lb, double &ub, double tiny, double veryTiny,
1885     double infty)
1886 {
1887   //return 1;
1888   if(fabs(value)>= tiny) return 1;
1890   if(fabs(value)<veryTiny) return 0;//Take the risk?
1892   //try and remove
1893   bool colUpBounded = colUpper < infty;
1894   bool colLoBounded = colLower > -infty;
1895   bool rowNotLoBounded =  rowLower <= - infty;
1896   bool rowNotUpBounded = rowUpper >= infty;
1897   bool pos =  value > 0;
1898   if(colUpBounded && pos && rowNotUpBounded) {
1899     lb += value * (colsol - colUpper);
1900     return 0;
1901   }
1902   else
1903     if(colUpBounded && !pos && rowNotLoBounded) {
1904       ub += value * (colsol - colUpper);
1905       return 0;
1906     }
1907     else
1908       if(colLoBounded && !pos && rowNotUpBounded) {
1909         lb += value * (colsol - colLower);
1910         return 0;
1911       }
1912       else
1913         if(colLoBounded && pos && rowNotLoBounded) {
1914           ub += value * (colsol - colLower);
1915           return 0;
1916         }
1917   //can not remove coefficient
1918   return 1;
1919 }
1921 /** Get the outer approximation constraints at the point x.
1922 */
1923 void
getOuterApproximation(OsiCuts & cs,const double * x,int getObj,const double * x2,double theta,bool global)1924 OsiTMINLPInterface::getOuterApproximation(OsiCuts &cs, const double * x,
1925                                           int getObj, const double * x2,
1926                                           double theta, bool global)
1927 {
1928   if(IsValid(linearizer_) && x2 == NULL){
1929     linearizer_->get_oas(cs, x, getObj, global);
1930     return;
1931   }
1932   int n,m, nnz_jac_g, nnz_h_lag;
1933   TNLP::IndexStyleEnum index_style;
1934   problem_to_optimize_->get_nlp_info( n, m, nnz_jac_g, nnz_h_lag, index_style);
1935   if(jRow_ == NULL || jCol_ == NULL || jValues_ == NULL)
1936     initializeJacobianArrays();
1937   assert(jRow_ != NULL);
1938   assert(jCol_ != NULL);
1939   vector<double> g(m);
1940   problem_to_optimize_->eval_jac_g(n, x, 1, m, nnz_jac_g, NULL, NULL, jValues_);
1941   problem_to_optimize_->eval_g(n,x,1,m,g());
1942   //As jacobian is stored by cols fill OsiCuts with cuts
1943   vector<CoinPackedVector>  cuts(nNonLinear_ + 1);
1944   vector<double> lb(nNonLinear_ + 1);
1945   vector<double> ub(nNonLinear_ + 1);
1947   vector<int> row2cutIdx(m,-1);//store correspondance between index of row and index of cut (some cuts are not generated for rows because linear, or not binding). -1 if constraint does not generate a cut, otherwise index in cuts.
1948   int numCuts = 0;
1950   const double * rowLower = getRowLower();
1951   const double * rowUpper = getRowUpper();
1952   const double * colLower = getColLower();
1953   const double * colUpper = getColUpper();
1954   const double * duals = getRowPrice() + 2 * n;
1955   double infty = getInfinity();
1957   for(int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < m ; rowIdx++) {
1958     if(constTypes_[rowIdx] == TNLP::NON_LINEAR) {
1959       row2cutIdx[rowIdx] = numCuts;
1960       if(rowLower[rowIdx] > - infty_)
1961         lb[numCuts] = rowLower[rowIdx] - g[rowIdx];
1962       else
1963         lb[numCuts] = - infty;
1964       if(rowUpper[rowIdx] < infty_)
1965         ub[numCuts] = rowUpper[rowIdx] - g[rowIdx];
1966       else
1967         ub[numCuts] = infty;
1968       if(rowLower[rowIdx] > -infty && rowUpper[rowIdx] < infty)
1969       {
1970         if(duals[rowIdx] >= 0)// <= inequality
1971           lb[numCuts] = - infty;
1972         if(duals[rowIdx] <= 0)// >= inequality
1973           ub[numCuts] = infty;
1974       }
1976       numCuts++;
1977     }
1978   }
1981   for(int i = 0 ; i < nnz_jac_g ; i++) {
1982     const int &rowIdx = jRow_[i];
1983     const int & cutIdx = row2cutIdx[ rowIdx ];
1984     if(cutIdx != -1) {
1985       const int &colIdx = jCol_[i];
1986       //"clean" coefficient
1987       if(cleanNnz(jValues_[i],colLower[colIdx], colUpper[colIdx],
1988 		  rowLower[rowIdx], rowUpper[rowIdx],
1989 		  x[colIdx],
1990 		  lb[cutIdx],
1991 		  ub[cutIdx], tiny_, veryTiny_, infty_)) {
1992         cuts[cutIdx].insert(colIdx,jValues_[i]);
1993         if(lb[cutIdx] > - infty)
1994           lb[cutIdx] += jValues_[i] * x[colIdx];
1995         if(ub[cutIdx] < infty)
1996 	  ub[cutIdx] += jValues_[i] * x[colIdx];
1997       }
1998     }
1999   }
2001   vector<int> cut2rowIdx(0);
2002   if (IsValid(cutStrengthener_) || oaHandler_->logLevel() > 0) {
2003     cut2rowIdx.resize(numCuts);// Store correspondance between indices of cut and indices of rows. For each cut
2004     for(int rowIdx = 0 ; rowIdx < m ; rowIdx++){
2005        if(row2cutIdx[rowIdx] >= 0){
2006           cut2rowIdx[row2cutIdx[rowIdx]] = rowIdx;
2007        }
2008     }
2009   }
2011   for(int cutIdx = 0; cutIdx < numCuts; cutIdx++) {
2012     //Compute cut violation
2013     if(x2 != NULL) {
2014       double rhs = cuts[cutIdx].dotProduct(x2);
2015       double violation = 0.;
2016       violation = std::max(violation, rhs - ub[cutIdx]);
2017       violation = std::max(violation, lb[cutIdx] - rhs);
2018       if(violation < theta && oaHandler_->logLevel() > 0) {
2019           oaHandler_->message(CUT_NOT_VIOLATED_ENOUGH, oaMessages_)<<cut2rowIdx[cutIdx]<<violation<<CoinMessageEol;
2020         continue;}
2021       if(oaHandler_->logLevel() > 0)
2022           oaHandler_->message(VIOLATED_OA_CUT_GENERATED, oaMessages_)<<cut2rowIdx[cutIdx]<<violation<<CoinMessageEol;
2023     }
2024   OsiRowCut newCut;
2025     //    if(lb[i]>-1e20) assert (ub[i]>1e20);
2027     if (IsValid(cutStrengthener_)) {
2028       const int& rowIdx = cut2rowIdx[cutIdx];
2029       bool retval =
2030 	cutStrengthener_->ComputeCuts(cs, GetRawPtr(tminlp_),
2031 				       GetRawPtr(problem_), rowIdx,
2032 				       cuts[cutIdx], lb[cutIdx], ub[cutIdx], g[rowIdx],
2033 				       rowLower[rowIdx], rowUpper[rowIdx],
2034 				       n, x, infty);
2035       if (!retval) {
2036 	(*messageHandler()) << "error in cutStrengthener_->ComputeCuts\n";
2037 	//exit(-2);
2038       }
2039     }
2040     if(global) {
2041       newCut.setGloballyValidAsInteger(1);
2042     }
2043     if(lb[cutIdx] > infty) lb[cutIdx] -= rhsRelax_*std::max(fabs(lb[cutIdx]), 1.);
2044     if(ub[cutIdx] < infty) ub[cutIdx] += rhsRelax_*std::max(fabs(ub[cutIdx]), 1.);
2045     newCut.setLb(lb[cutIdx]);
2046     newCut.setUb(ub[cutIdx]);
2047     newCut.setRow(cuts[cutIdx]);
2048     if(oaHandler_->logLevel()>2){
2049       oaHandler_->print(newCut);}
2050     cs.insert(newCut);
2051   }
2053   if(getObj == 2 || (getObj && !problem_->hasLinearObjective())) { // Get the objective cuts
2054     vector<double> obj(n);
2055     problem_to_optimize_->eval_grad_f(n, x, 1,obj());
2056     double f;
2057     problem_to_optimize_->eval_f(n, x, 1, f);
2059     CoinPackedVector v;
2060     v.reserve(n);
2061     lb[nNonLinear_] = -f;
2062     ub[nNonLinear_] = -f;
2063     //double minCoeff = 1e50;
2064     for(int i = 0; i<n ; i++) {
2065       if(cleanNnz(obj[i],colLower[i], colUpper[i],
2066           -getInfinity(), 0,
2067           x[i],
2068           lb[nNonLinear_],
2069           ub[nNonLinear_],tiny_, 1e-15, infty_)) {
2070         v.insert(i,obj[i]);
2071         lb[nNonLinear_] += obj[i] * x[i];
2072         ub[nNonLinear_] += obj[i] * x[i];
2073       }
2074     }
2075     v.insert(n,-1);
2076     //Compute cut violation
2077     bool genCut = true;
2078     if(x2 != NULL) {
2079       double rhs = v.dotProduct(x2);
2080       double violation = std::max(0., rhs - ub[nNonLinear_]);
2081       if(violation < theta) genCut = false;
2082     }
2083     if(genCut) {
2084       if (IsValid(cutStrengthener_)) {
2085 	lb[nNonLinear_] = -infty;
2086 	bool retval =
2087 	  cutStrengthener_->ComputeCuts(cs, GetRawPtr(tminlp_),
2088 					 GetRawPtr(problem_), -1,
2089 					 v, lb[nNonLinear_], ub[nNonLinear_],
2090 					 ub[nNonLinear_], -infty, 0.,
2091 					 n, x, infty);
2092 	if (!retval) {
2093     (*handler_)<< "error in cutStrengthener_->ComputeCuts"<<CoinMessageEol;
2094 	  //exit(-2);
2095 	}
2096       }
2097       OsiRowCut newCut;
2098       if(global)
2099 	newCut.setGloballyValidAsInteger(1);
2100       //newCut.setEffectiveness(99.99e99);
2101       newCut.setRow(v);
2102       newCut.setLb(-COIN_DBL_MAX/*Infinity*/);
2103       newCut.setUb(ub[nNonLinear_]);
2104       cs.insert(newCut);
2105     }
2106     }
2107 }
2109 /** Get a benders cut from solution.*/
2110 void
getBendersCut(OsiCuts & cs,bool global)2111 OsiTMINLPInterface::getBendersCut(OsiCuts &cs,
2112                                   bool global){
2113   int n,m, nnz_jac_g, nnz_h_lag;
2114   TNLP::IndexStyleEnum index_style;
2115   problem_to_optimize_->get_nlp_info( n, m, nnz_jac_g, nnz_h_lag, index_style);
2116   if(jRow_ == NULL || jCol_ == NULL || jValues_ == NULL)
2117     initializeJacobianArrays();
2118   assert(jRow_ != NULL);
2119   assert(jCol_ != NULL);
2120   vector<double> g(m);
2121   const double * x = getColSolution();
2122   problem_to_optimize_->eval_jac_g(n, x, 1, m, nnz_jac_g, NULL, NULL, jValues_);
2123   problem_to_optimize_->eval_g(n,x,1,m,g());
2124   //As jacobian is stored by cols fill OsiCuts with cuts
2125   vector<double> cut(n+1,0.);
2126   vector<bool> keep(m+1,false);
2127   double lb = 0;
2128   double ub = 0;
2130   const double * rowLower = getRowLower();
2131   const double * rowUpper = getRowUpper();
2132   const double * colLower = getColLower();
2133   const double * colUpper = getColUpper();
2134   const double * duals = getRowPrice() + 2 * n;
2135   //double infty = getInfinity();
2137   for(int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < m ; rowIdx++) {
2138     if(constTypes_[rowIdx] == TNLP::NON_LINEAR && fabs(duals[rowIdx]) > 1e-06)
2139     {
2140       const double & lam = duals[rowIdx];
2141       keep[rowIdx] = true;
2142       assert(lam < 0 || rowUpper[rowIdx] < 1e10);
2143       assert(lam > 0 || rowLower[rowIdx] > -1e10);
2144       if(lam < 0){
2145         assert(rowLower[rowIdx] > -1e10);
2146         ub += lam*(rowLower[rowIdx] -g[rowIdx]);
2147       }
2148       else {
2149         assert(rowUpper[rowIdx] < 1e10);
2150         ub += lam*(rowUpper[rowIdx] -g[rowIdx]);
2151       }
2152     }
2153   }
2156   for(int i = 0 ; i < nnz_jac_g ; i++) {
2157     const int &rowIdx = jRow_[i];
2158     if (!keep[rowIdx]) continue;
2159     const int &colIdx = jCol_[i];
2160     //"clean" coefficient
2161     const double & lam = duals[rowIdx];
2162     double coeff = lam*jValues_[i];
2163     if(cleanNnz(coeff,colLower[colIdx], colUpper[colIdx],
2164       	  rowLower[rowIdx], rowUpper[rowIdx], x[colIdx], lb,
2165       	  ub, tiny_, veryTiny_, infty_)) {
2166       cut[colIdx] += coeff;
2167       ub += coeff * x[colIdx];
2168     }
2169   }
2171   CoinPackedVector v;
2172   if(!problem_->hasLinearObjective() &&
2173      isProvenOptimal()) { // Get the objective cuts
2174     vector<double> obj(n);
2175     problem_to_optimize_->eval_grad_f(n, x, 1,obj());
2176     double f;
2177     problem_to_optimize_->eval_f(n, x, 1, f);
2179     ub = -f;
2180     //double minCoeff = 1e50;
2181     for(int i = 0; i<n ; i++) {
2182       if(cleanNnz(obj[i],colLower[i], colUpper[i], -getInfinity(), 0,
2183           x[i], lb, ub,tiny_, 1e-15, infty_)) {
2184         cut[i] += obj[i];
2185         ub += obj[i] * x[i];
2186       }
2187     }
2188   v.insert(n,-1);
2189   }
2190   for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
2191     if(fabs(cut[i])>1e-020){
2192       v.insert(i, cut[i]);
2193     }
2194   }
2195   OsiRowCut newCut;
2196   if(global)
2197     newCut.setGloballyValidAsInteger(1);
2198   newCut.setLb(-COIN_DBL_MAX/*Infinity*/);
2199   newCut.setUb(ub);
2200   newCut.setRow(v);
2201   cs.insert(newCut);
2202 }
2204 /** Get the outer approximation of a single constraint at the point x.
2205 */
2206 void
getConstraintOuterApproximation(OsiCuts & cs,int rowIdx,const double * x,const double * x2,bool global)2207 OsiTMINLPInterface::getConstraintOuterApproximation(OsiCuts &cs, int rowIdx,
2208                                                     const double * x,
2209                                                     const double * x2, bool global)
2210 {
2211   double g;
2212   int * indices = new int[getNumCols()];
2213   double * values = new double[getNumCols()];
2214   int nnz;
2215   problem_->eval_grad_gi(getNumCols(), x, 1, rowIdx, nnz, indices, values);
2216   problem_->eval_gi(getNumCols(),x,1, rowIdx, g);
2218   CoinPackedVector cut;
2219   double lb;
2220   double ub;
2223   const double rowLower = getRowLower()[rowIdx];
2224   const double rowUpper = getRowUpper()[rowIdx];
2225   const double * colLower = getColLower();
2226   const double * colUpper = getColUpper();
2227   const double dual = (getRowPrice() + 2 * getNumCols())[rowIdx];
2228   double infty = getInfinity();
2230   if(rowLower > - infty_)
2231     lb = rowLower - g;
2232   else
2233     lb = - infty;
2234   if(rowUpper < infty_)
2235     ub = rowUpper - g;
2236   else
2237     ub = infty;
2238   if(rowLower > -infty && rowUpper < infty)
2239   {
2240     if(dual >= 0)// <= inequality
2241       lb = - infty;
2242     if(dual <= 0)// >= inequality
2243       ub = infty;
2244   }
2246   for(int i = 0 ; i < nnz; i++) {
2247      const int &colIdx = indices[i];
2248       //"clean" coefficient
2249       if(cleanNnz(values[i],colLower[colIdx], colUpper[colIdx],
2250 		  rowLower, rowUpper,
2251 		  x[colIdx],
2252 		  lb,
2253 		  ub, tiny_, veryTiny_, infty_)) {
2254         cut.insert(colIdx,values[i]);
2255         if(lb > - infty)
2256           lb += values[i] * x[colIdx];
2257         if(ub < infty)
2258 	  ub += values[i] * x[colIdx];
2259     }
2260   }
2262   OsiRowCut newCut;
2264   if(global) {
2265     newCut.setGloballyValidAsInteger(1);
2266   }
2267   //newCut.setEffectiveness(99.99e99);
2268   newCut.setLb(lb);
2269   newCut.setUb(ub);
2270   newCut.setRow(cut);
2271   cs.insert(newCut);
2273   delete [] indices;
2274   delete [] values;
2275 }
2277 void
switchToFeasibilityProblem(size_t n,const double * x_bar,const int * inds,double a,double s,int L)2278 OsiTMINLPInterface::switchToFeasibilityProblem(size_t n,const double * x_bar,const int *inds,
2279                                             double a, double s, int L){
2280   if(! IsValid(feasibilityProblem_)) {
2281     throw SimpleError("No feasibility problem","getFeasibilityOuterApproximation");
2282   }
2283   feasibilityProblem_->set_use_feasibility_pump_objective(true);
2284   feasibilityProblem_->set_dist_to_point_obj(n,(const Number *) x_bar,(const Index *) inds);
2285   feasibilityProblem_->setLambda(a);
2286   feasibilityProblem_->setSigma(s);
2287   feasibilityProblem_->setNorm(L);
2288   feasibilityProblem_->set_use_cutoff_constraint(false);
2289   feasibilityProblem_->set_use_local_branching_constraint(false);
2290   problem_to_optimize_ = GetRawPtr(feasibilityProblem_);
2291   feasibility_mode_ = true;
2292 }
2294 void
switchToFeasibilityProblem(size_t n,const double * x_bar,const int * inds,double rhs_local_branching_constraint)2295 OsiTMINLPInterface::switchToFeasibilityProblem(size_t n,const double * x_bar,const int *inds,
2296 					       double rhs_local_branching_constraint){
2297   if(! IsValid(feasibilityProblem_)) {
2298     throw SimpleError("No feasibility problem","getFeasibilityOuterApproximation");
2299   }
2300   feasibilityProblem_->set_use_feasibility_pump_objective(false);
2301   feasibilityProblem_->set_dist_to_point_obj(n,(const Number *) x_bar,(const Index *) inds);
2302   feasibilityProblem_->set_use_cutoff_constraint(false);
2303   feasibilityProblem_->set_use_local_branching_constraint(true);
2304   feasibilityProblem_->set_rhs_local_branching_constraint(rhs_local_branching_constraint);
2305   problem_to_optimize_ = GetRawPtr(feasibilityProblem_);
2306   feasibility_mode_ = true;
2307 }
2309 void
switchToOriginalProblem()2310 OsiTMINLPInterface::switchToOriginalProblem(){
2311   problem_to_optimize_ = GetRawPtr(problem_);
2312   feasibility_mode_ = false;
2313 }
2315 double
solveFeasibilityProblem(size_t n,const double * x_bar,const int * inds,double a,double s,int L)2316 OsiTMINLPInterface::solveFeasibilityProblem(size_t n,const double * x_bar,const int *inds,
2317                                             double a, double s, int L)
2318 {
2319   if(! IsValid(feasibilityProblem_)) {
2320     throw SimpleError("No feasibility problem","getFeasibilityOuterApproximation");
2321   }
2322   feasibilityProblem_->set_use_feasibility_pump_objective(true);
2323   feasibilityProblem_->set_dist_to_point_obj(n,(const Number *) x_bar,(const Index *) inds);
2324   feasibilityProblem_->setLambda(a);
2325   feasibilityProblem_->setSigma(s);
2326   feasibilityProblem_->setNorm(L);
2327   feasibilityProblem_->set_use_cutoff_constraint(false);
2328   feasibilityProblem_->set_use_local_branching_constraint(false);
2329   nCallOptimizeTNLP_++;
2330   totalNlpSolveTime_-=CoinCpuTime();
2331   SmartPtr<TNLPSolver> app2 = app_->clone();
2332   app2->options()->SetIntegerValue("print_level", (Index) 0);
2333   optimizationStatus_ = app2->OptimizeTNLP(GetRawPtr(feasibilityProblem_));
2334   totalNlpSolveTime_+=CoinCpuTime();
2335   hasBeenOptimized_=true;
2336   return getObjValue();
2337 }
2339 double
solveFeasibilityProblem(size_t n,const double * x_bar,const int * inds,int L,double cutoff)2340 OsiTMINLPInterface::solveFeasibilityProblem(size_t n,const double * x_bar,const int *inds,
2341                                             int L, double cutoff)
2342 {
2343   if(! IsValid(feasibilityProblem_)) {
2344     throw SimpleError("No feasibility problem","getFeasibilityOuterApproximation");
2345   }
2346   feasibilityProblem_->set_use_feasibility_pump_objective(true);
2347   feasibilityProblem_->set_dist_to_point_obj(n,(const Number *) x_bar,(const Index *) inds);
2348   feasibilityProblem_->setLambda(1.0);
2349   feasibilityProblem_->setSigma(0.0);
2350   feasibilityProblem_->setNorm(L);
2351   feasibilityProblem_->set_use_cutoff_constraint(true);
2352   feasibilityProblem_->set_cutoff(cutoff);
2353   feasibilityProblem_->set_use_local_branching_constraint(false);
2354   nCallOptimizeTNLP_++;
2355   totalNlpSolveTime_-=CoinCpuTime();
2356   SmartPtr<TNLPSolver> app2 = app_->clone();
2357   app2->options()->SetIntegerValue("print_level", (Index) 0);
2358   optimizationStatus_ = app2->OptimizeTNLP(GetRawPtr(feasibilityProblem_));
2359   totalNlpSolveTime_+=CoinCpuTime();
2360   hasBeenOptimized_=true;
2361   return getObjValue();
2362 }
2364 #if 0
2365 double
2366 OsiTMINLPInterface::getFeasibilityOuterApproximation(int n,const double * x_bar,const int *inds, OsiCuts &cs, bool addOnlyViolated, bool global)
2367 {
2368   double ret_val = solveFeasibilityProblem(n, x_bar, inds, 1, 0, 2);
2369   getOuterApproximation(cs, getColSolution(), 0, (addOnlyViolated? x_bar:NULL)
2370 			, global);
2371   return ret_val;
2372 }
2373 #endif
2375 static bool WarnedForNonConvexOa=false;
2377 void
extractLinearRelaxation(OsiSolverInterface & si,const double * x,bool getObj)2378 OsiTMINLPInterface::extractLinearRelaxation(OsiSolverInterface &si,
2379                                             const double * x, bool getObj
2380                                             )
2381 {
2382   if(IsValid(linearizer_)){
2383     linearizer_->extract(&si, x, getObj);
2384     return;
2385   }
2386   int n;
2387   int m;
2388   int nnz_jac_g;
2389   int nnz_h_lag;
2390   TNLP::IndexStyleEnum index_style;
2391   //Get problem information
2392   problem_to_optimize_->get_nlp_info( n, m, nnz_jac_g, nnz_h_lag, index_style);
2394   //if not allocated allocate spaced for stroring jacobian
2395   //if(jRow_ == NULL || jCol_ == NULL || jValues_ == NULL)
2396     initializeJacobianArrays();
2398   //get Jacobian
2399   problem_to_optimize_->eval_jac_g(n, x, 1, m, nnz_jac_g, NULL, NULL, jValues_);
2402   vector<double> g(m);
2403   problem_to_optimize_->eval_g(n, x, 1, m, g());
2405   vector<double> rowLow(m);
2406   vector<double> rowUp(m);
2407   vector<int> nonBindings(m);;//store non binding constraints (which are to be removed from OA)
2408   int numNonBindings = 0;
2409   const double * rowLower = getRowLower();
2410   const double * rowUpper = getRowUpper();
2411   vector<double> colLower(n);
2412   vector<double> colUpper(n);
2413   std::copy(getColLower(), getColLower() + n, colLower.begin());
2414   std::copy(getColUpper(), getColUpper() + n, colUpper.begin());
2415   const double * duals = getRowPrice() + 2*n;
2416   assert(m==getNumRows());
2417   double infty = si.getInfinity();
2418   for(int i = 0 ; i < m ; i++) {
2419     if(constTypes_[i] == TNLP::NON_LINEAR) {
2420       //If constraint is range not binding prepare to remove it
2421       if(rowLower[i] > -infty_ && rowUpper[i] < infty_ && fabs(duals[i]) == 0.)
2422       {
2423         nonBindings[numNonBindings++] = i;
2424         continue;
2425       }
2426       else
2427         if(rowLower[i] > - infty_){
2428           rowLow[i] = (rowLower[i] - g[i]) - 1e-07;
2429           if(! WarnedForNonConvexOa && rowUpper[i] < infty_){
2430              messageHandler()->message(WARNING_NON_CONVEX_OA, messages_)<<CoinMessageEol;
2431              WarnedForNonConvexOa = true;
2432           }
2433         }
2434       else
2435         rowLow[i] = - infty;
2436       if(rowUpper[i] < infty_)
2437         rowUp[i] =  (rowUpper[i] - g[i]) + 1e-07;
2438       else
2439         rowUp[i] = infty;
2441       //If equality or ranged constraint only add one side by looking at sign of dual multiplier
2442       if(rowLower[i] > -infty_ && rowUpper[i] < infty_)
2443       {
2444         if(duals[i] >= 0.)// <= inequality
2445           rowLow[i] = - infty;
2446         if(duals[i] <= 0.)// >= inequality
2447           rowUp[i] = infty;
2448       }
2449     }
2450     else {
2451       if(rowLower[i] > -infty_){
2452          rowLow[i] = (rowLower[i]);
2453       }
2454       else
2455         rowLow[i] = - infty;
2456       if(rowUpper[i] < infty_){
2457          rowUp[i] =  (rowUpper[i]);
2458       }
2459       else
2460         rowUp[i] = infty;
2461     }
2462   }
2466   //Then convert everything to a CoinPackedMatrix
2467   //Go through values, clean coefficients and fix bounds
2468   for(int i = 0 ; i < nnz_jac_g ; i++) {
2469     if(constTypes_[jRow_[i]] != TNLP::LINEAR){//For linear just copy is fine.
2470        if(//For other clean tinys
2471        cleanNnz(jValues_[i],colLower[jCol_[i]], colUpper[jCol_[i]],
2472                 rowLower[jRow_[i]], rowUpper[jRow_[i]],
2473                 x[jCol_[i]],
2474                 rowLow[jRow_[i]],
2475                 rowUp[jRow_[i]], tiny_, veryTiny_, infty_)) {
2476           if(rowLow[jRow_[i]] > - infty)
2477           rowLow[jRow_[i]] += jValues_[i] * x[jCol_ [i]];
2478           if(rowUp[jRow_[i]] < infty)
2479           rowUp[jRow_[i]] += jValues_[i] *x[jCol_[i]];
2480        }
2481     }
2482     else {
2483       //double value = jValues_[i] * x[jCol_[i]];
2484       //rowLow[jRow_[i]] += value;
2485       //rowUp[jRow_[i]] += value;
2486     }
2487   }
2490   CoinPackedMatrix mat(true, jRow_, jCol_, jValues_, nnz_jac_g);
2491   mat.setDimensions(m,n); // In case matrix was empty, this should be enough
2493   //remove non-bindings equality constraints
2494   mat.deleteRows(numNonBindings, nonBindings());
2496   int numcols=getNumCols();
2497   vector<double> obj(numcols);
2498   for(int i = 0 ; i < numcols ; i++){
2499     obj[i] = 0.;
2500     if(colLower[i] <= - infty_) colLower[i] = - infty;
2501     if(colUpper[i] >= infty_) colUpper[i] = infty;
2502   }
2505   //Relax rhs's by tiny_
2506   for(size_t i = 0 ; i < rowLow.size() ; i++){
2507      if(rowLow[i] > infty) rowLow[i] -= rhsRelax_*std::max(fabs(rowLow[i]), 1.);
2508      if(rowUp[i] < infty) rowUp[i] += rhsRelax_*std::max(fabs(rowUp[i]), 1.);
2509   }
2511   si.loadProblem(mat, colLower(), colUpper(), obj(), rowLow(), rowUp());
2512   for(int i = 0 ; i < numcols ; i++) {
2513     if(isInteger(i))
2514       si.setInteger(i);
2515   }
2516   if(getObj) {
2517      bool addObjVar = false;
2518      if(problem_->hasLinearObjective()){
2519        double zero;
2520        vector<double> x0(n,0.);
2521        problem_to_optimize_->eval_f(n, x0(), 1, zero);
2522        si.setDblParam(OsiObjOffset, -zero);
2523        //Copy the linear objective and don't create a dummy variable.
2524        problem_to_optimize_->eval_grad_f(n, x, 1,obj());
2525        si.setObjective(obj());
2526     }
2527     else {
2528       addObjVar = true;
2529    }
2531    if(addObjVar){
2532       addObjectiveFunction(si, x);
2533     }
2534   }
2536   //si.writeMpsNative("Toto.mps", NULL, NULL, 1);
2537 }
2539 void
addObjectiveFunction(OsiSolverInterface & si,const double * x)2540 OsiTMINLPInterface::addObjectiveFunction(OsiSolverInterface &si,
2541                                          const double *x){
2542   const double * colLower = getColLower();
2543   const double * colUpper = getColUpper();
2544   int numcols = getNumCols();
2545   assert(numcols == si.getNumCols() );
2546   vector<double> obj(numcols);
2547   problem_to_optimize_->eval_grad_f(numcols, x, 1,obj());
2548   //add variable alpha
2549   //(alpha should be empty in the matrix with a coefficient of -1 and unbounded)
2550   CoinPackedVector a;
2551   si.addCol(a,-si.getInfinity(), si.getInfinity(), 1.);
2553   // Now get the objective cuts
2554   // get the gradient, pack it and add the cut
2555   double ub;
2556   problem_to_optimize_->eval_f(numcols, x, 1, ub);
2557   ub*=-1;
2558   double lb = -1e300;
2559   CoinPackedVector objCut;
2560   CoinPackedVector * v = &objCut;
2561   v->reserve(numcols+1);
2562   for(int i = 0; i<numcols ; i++) {
2563     if(si.getNumRows())
2564     {
2565      if(cleanNnz(obj[i],colLower[i], colUpper[i],
2566          -getInfinity(), 0,
2567          x[i],
2568          lb,
2569          ub, tiny_, veryTiny_, infty_)) {
2570        v->insert(i,obj[i]);
2571        lb += obj[i] * x[i];
2572        ub += obj[i] * x[i];
2573      }
2574     }
2575     else //Unconstrained problem can not put clean coefficient
2576     {
2577        if(cleanNnz(obj[i],colLower[i], colUpper[i],
2578         -getInfinity(), 0,
2579         x[i],
2580         lb,
2581         ub, 1e-03, 1e-08, infty_)) {
2582       v->insert(i,obj[i]);
2583       lb += obj[i] * x[i];
2584       ub += obj[i] * x[i];
2585        }
2586     }
2587   }
2588   v->insert(numcols,-1);
2589   si.addRow(objCut, lb, ub);
2590 }
2592 /** Add a collection of linear cuts to problem formulation.*/
2593 void
applyRowCuts(int numberCuts,const OsiRowCut * cuts)2594 OsiTMINLPInterface::applyRowCuts(int numberCuts, const OsiRowCut * cuts)
2595 {
2596   if(numberCuts)
2597     freeCachedRowRim();
2598   const OsiRowCut ** cutsPtrs = new const OsiRowCut*[numberCuts];
2599   for(int i = 0 ; i < numberCuts ; i++)
2600   {
2601     cutsPtrs[i] = &cuts[i];
2602   }
2603   problem_->addCuts(numberCuts, cutsPtrs);
2604   delete [] cutsPtrs;
2605 }
2607 void
solveAndCheckErrors(bool warmStarted,bool throwOnFailure,const char * whereFrom)2608 OsiTMINLPInterface::solveAndCheckErrors(bool warmStarted, bool throwOnFailure,
2609     const char * whereFrom)
2610 {
2611   if (BonminAbortAll == true) return;
2612   totalNlpSolveTime_-=CoinCpuTime();
2613   if(warmStarted)
2614     optimizationStatus_ = app_->ReOptimizeTNLP(GetRawPtr(problem_to_optimize_));
2615   else
2616     optimizationStatus_ = app_->OptimizeTNLP(GetRawPtr(problem_to_optimize_));
2617   totalNlpSolveTime_+=CoinCpuTime();
2618   nCallOptimizeTNLP_++;
2619   hasBeenOptimized_ = true;
2621    if(getRowCutDebugger()){
2622       //printf("On the optimal path %g < %g?\n", getObjValue(),  getRowCutDebugger()->optimalValue());
2623       if(! (isProvenOptimal() && getObjValue() <= getRowCutDebugger()->optimalValue())){
2624          std::string probName;
2625          getStrParam(OsiProbName, probName);
2626          fprintf(stderr, "Problem on optimal path is infeasible!\n");
2627          throw newUnsolvedError(app_->errorCode(), problem_, probName);
2628       }
2629    }
2631   //Options should have been printed if not done already turn off Ipopt output
2632   if(!hasPrintedOptions) {
2633     hasPrintedOptions = 1;
2634     //app_->Options()->SetIntegerValue("print_level",0, true, true);
2635     app_->options()->SetStringValue("print_user_options","no", false, true);
2636   }
2638   bool otherDisagree = false ;
2639     if(!app_->isRecoverable(optimizationStatus_))//Solver failed and the error can not be recovered, throw it
2640     {
2641       std::string probName;
2642       getStrParam(OsiProbName, probName);
2643       throw newUnsolvedError(app_->errorCode(), problem_, probName);
2644     }
2645     else if(testOthers_ && !app_->isError(optimizationStatus_)){
2646       Ipopt::SmartPtr<TMINLP2TNLP> problem_copy = problem_->clone();
2647       //Try other solvers and see if they agree
2648       int f =1;
2649       for(std::list<Ipopt::SmartPtr<TNLPSolver> >::iterator i = debug_apps_.begin();
2650           i != debug_apps_.end() ; i++){
2651         TNLPSolver::ReturnStatus otherStatus = (*i)->OptimizeTNLP(GetRawPtr(problem_copy));
2652        messageHandler()->message(LOG_LINE, messages_)
2653          <<'d'<<f++<<statusAsString(otherStatus)<<problem_copy->obj_value()
2654          <<(*i)->IterationCount()<<(*i)->CPUTime()<<"retry with "+(*i)->solverName()<<CoinMessageEol;
2655         if(!(*i)->isError(otherStatus)){
2656            CoinRelFltEq eq(1e-05);
2657            if(otherStatus != optimizationStatus_){
2658              otherDisagree = true;
2659              messageHandler()->message(SOLVER_DISAGREE_STATUS, messages_)
2660              <<app_->solverName()<<statusAsString()
2661              <<(*i)->solverName()<<statusAsString(otherStatus)<<CoinMessageEol;
2662            }
2663            else if(isProvenOptimal() && !eq(problem_->obj_value(),problem_copy->obj_value()))
2664            {
2665              otherDisagree = true;
2666              messageHandler()->message(SOLVER_DISAGREE_VALUE, messages_)
2667              <<app_->solverName()<<problem_->obj_value()
2668              <<(*i)->solverName()<<problem_copy->obj_value()<<CoinMessageEol;
2669            }
2670         }
2671      }
2672   }
2673   else if(app_->isError(optimizationStatus_) && ! debug_apps_.empty()){
2674       int f =1;
2675       for(std::list<Ipopt::SmartPtr<TNLPSolver> >::iterator i = debug_apps_.begin();
2676           i != debug_apps_.end() && app_->isError(optimizationStatus_) ; i++){
2677         optimizationStatus_ = (*i)->OptimizeTNLP(GetRawPtr(problem_));
2678         messageHandler()->message(LOG_LINE, messages_)
2679           <<'d'<<f++<<statusAsString(optimizationStatus_)<<problem_->obj_value()
2680           <<(*i)->IterationCount()<<(*i)->CPUTime()<<"retry with "+(*i)->solverName()<<CoinMessageEol;
2681       }
2682   }
2683   try{
2684     totalIterations_ += app_->IterationCount();
2685   }
2686   catch(SimpleError &E)
2687   {
2688     if (throwOnFailure)//something failed throw
2689     {
2690       throw SimpleError("No statistics available from Ipopt",whereFrom);
2691     }
2692     else {
2693       return;
2694     }
2695   }
2696   if(problem_->hasUpperBoundingObjective()){//Check if solution is integer and recompute objective value using alternative objective function
2697     const double * sol = getColSolution();
2698     bool integerSol = true;
2699     double intTol = 1e-08;
2700     if(objects()){
2701       int nObjects = numberObjects();
2702       OsiObject ** object = objects();
2703       for(int i = 0 ; i< nObjects ; i++){
2704         int dummy;
2705         if(object[i]->infeasibility(this,dummy) > intTol)
2706         {
2707           integerSol=false;
2708           break;
2709         }
2710       }
2711     }
2712     else{//Only works for integer constraints
2713       int numcols = getNumCols();
2714       for(int i = 0 ; i < numcols ; i++){
2715         if(isInteger(i) || isBinary(i)){
2716           if(fabs(sol[i] - floor(sol[i]+0.5)) > intTol){
2717             integerSol = false;
2718             break;
2719           }
2720         }
2721       }
2722     }
2723     if(integerSol&&isProvenOptimal()){
2724       double help= problem_->evaluateUpperBoundingFunction(sol);
2727       OsiAuxInfo * auxInfo = getAuxiliaryInfo();
2728       Bonmin::AuxInfo * bonInfo = dynamic_cast<Bonmin::AuxInfo *>(auxInfo);
2729       if(bonInfo!=0)
2730       {
2732         if(help<bonInfo->bestObj2())
2733         {
2734           bonInfo->setBestObj2(help);
2735           bonInfo->setBestSolution2(getNumCols(), const_cast<double *>(getColSolution()));
2737            messageHandler()->message(ALTERNATE_OBJECTIVE, messages_)
2738            <<help<<CoinMessageEol;
2739         }
2740       }
2741       else {
2742         printf("\nWARNING: the algorithm selected does not consider the second objective function\n");
2743       }
2744     }
2745   }
2747   messageHandler()->message(IPOPT_SUMMARY, messages_)
2748     <<whereFrom<<optimizationStatus_<<app_->IterationCount()<<app_->CPUTime()<<CoinMessageEol;
2750   if((nCallOptimizeTNLP_ % 20) == 1)
2751     messageHandler()->message(LOG_HEAD, messages_)<<CoinMessageEol;
2754   if ( (numIterationSuspect_ >= 0 && (getIterationCount()>numIterationSuspect_ || isAbandoned())) ||
2755        ( otherDisagree )){
2756     messageHandler()->message(SUSPECT_PROBLEM,
2757                               messages_)<<nCallOptimizeTNLP_<<CoinMessageEol;
2758     std::string subProbName;
2759     getStrParam(OsiProbName, subProbName);
2760     std::ostringstream os;
2761     os<<"_"<<nCallOptimizeTNLP_;
2762     subProbName+=os.str();
2763     problem_->outputDiffs(subProbName, NULL/*getVarNames()*/);
2764   }
2766 }
2768 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2769 // Solve Methods                                                  //
2770 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
initialSolve()2771 void OsiTMINLPInterface::initialSolve()
2772 {
2773    initialSolve("");
2774 }
2776 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2777 // Solve Methods                                                  //
2778 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
initialSolve(const char * whereFrom)2779 void OsiTMINLPInterface::initialSolve(const char * whereFrom)
2780 {
2781   assert(IsValid(app_));
2782   assert(IsValid(problem_));
2784   if (BonminAbortAll == true) return;
2785   // Discard warmstart_ if we had one
2786   delete warmstart_;
2787   warmstart_ = NULL;
2789   if(!hasPrintedOptions) {
2790     int printOptions;
2791     app_->options()->GetEnumValue("print_user_options",printOptions,app_->prefix());
2792     if(printOptions)
2793       app_->options()->SetStringValue("print_user_options","yes",true,true);
2794   }
2795   if(warmStartMode_ >= Optimum)
2796     app_->disableWarmStart();
2797   solveAndCheckErrors(0,1,"initialSolve");
2799   //Options should have been printed if not done already turn off Ipopt output
2800   if(!hasPrintedOptions) {
2801     hasPrintedOptions = 1;
2802     app_->options()->SetStringValue("print_user_options","no");
2803     app_->options()->SetIntegerValue("print_level",0);
2804   }
2806   messageHandler()->message(LOG_LINE, messages_)<<' '<<nCallOptimizeTNLP_
2807 						      <<statusAsString()
2808                                                       <<getObjValue()
2809                                                       <<app_->IterationCount()
2810                                                       <<app_->CPUTime()
2811                                                       <<whereFrom<<CoinMessageEol;
2813   if(BonminAbortAll){
2814     return;
2815   }
2816   int numRetry = firstSolve_ ? numRetryInitial_ : numRetryResolve_;
2817   if(isAbandoned() ||
2818     ( isProvenPrimalInfeasible() && getObjValue() < infeasibility_epsilon_)) {
2819     resolveForRobustness(numRetryUnsolved_);
2820   }
2821   else if(numRetry)
2822     {
2823       resolveForCost(numRetry, numRetryInitial_ > 0);
2824       /** Only do it once at the root.*/
2825       numRetryInitial_ = 0;
2826     }
2827   firstSolve_ = false;
2829   // if warmstart_ is not empty then had to use resolveFor... and that created
2830   // the warmstart at the end, and we have nothing to do here. Otherwise...
2831   if (! warmstart_ && ! isAbandoned()) {
2832     if (warmStartMode_ >= Optimum) {
2833       warmstart_ = app_->getWarmStart(problem_);
2834     }
2835   }
2836 }
2838 /** Resolve the continuous relaxation after problem modification. */
2839 void
resolve()2840 OsiTMINLPInterface::resolve(){
2841    resolve("");
2842 }
2843 /** Resolve the continuous relaxation after problem modification.
2844  * \note for Ipopt, same as resolve */
2845 void
resolve(const char * whereFrom)2846 OsiTMINLPInterface::resolve(const char * whereFrom)
2847 {
2848   assert(IsValid(app_));
2849   assert(IsValid(problem_));
2850   if (BonminAbortAll == true) return;
2851   int has_warmstart = warmstart_ == NULL ? 0 : 1;
2852   if(warmstart_ == NULL) has_warmstart = 0;
2853   else if(!app_->warmStartIsValid(warmstart_)) has_warmstart = 1;
2854   else has_warmstart = 2;
2855   if (has_warmstart < 2) {
2856     // empty (or unrecognized) warmstart
2857     initialSolve(whereFrom);
2858     return;
2859   }
2860   app_->setWarmStart(warmstart_, problem_);
2861   delete warmstart_;
2862   warmstart_ = NULL;
2864   if (INT_BIAS > 0.) {
2865     app_->options()->SetStringValue("warm_start_same_structure", "yes");
2866   }
2867   else {
2868     app_->options()->SetStringValue("warm_start_same_structure", "no");
2869   }
2871   if(problem_->duals_init() != NULL)
2872     app_->enableWarmStart();
2873   else app_->disableWarmStart();
2874   solveAndCheckErrors(1,1,"resolve");
2876   messageHandler()->message(LOG_LINE, messages_)<<' '<<nCallOptimizeTNLP_
2877 						<<statusAsString()
2878                                                 <<getObjValue()
2879                                                 <<app_->IterationCount()
2880                                                 <<app_->CPUTime()
2881                                                 <<whereFrom
2882                                                 <<"totot"
2883                                                 <<CoinMessageEol;
2885   if(isAbandoned() ||
2886     ( (getObjValue() < 1e-06) && isProvenPrimalInfeasible())) {
2887     resolveForRobustness(numRetryUnsolved_);
2888   }
2889   else if(numRetryResolve_ ||
2890 	  (numRetryInfeasibles_ && isProvenPrimalInfeasible() ))
2891     resolveForCost(std::max(numRetryResolve_, numRetryInfeasibles_), 0);
2893   // if warmstart_ is not empty then had to use resolveFor... and that created
2894   // the warmstart at the end, and we have nothing to do here. Otherwise...
2895   if (! warmstart_ && ! isAbandoned()) {
2896     if (warmStartMode_ >= Optimum) {
2897       warmstart_ = app_->getWarmStart(problem_);
2898     }
2899   }
2900 }
2903 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2904 // Methods returning info on how the solution process terminated  //
2905 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2906 /// Are there a numerical difficulties?
isAbandoned() const2907 bool OsiTMINLPInterface::isAbandoned() const
2908 {
2909   if (pretendSucceededNext_)
2910     return false;
2911   pretendSucceededNext_ = false;
2912   return (
2913         (optimizationStatus_==TNLPSolver::iterationLimit)||
2914         (optimizationStatus_==TNLPSolver::computationError)||
2915         (optimizationStatus_==TNLPSolver::illDefinedProblem)||
2916         (optimizationStatus_==TNLPSolver::illegalOption)||
2917         (optimizationStatus_==TNLPSolver::externalException)|
2918         (optimizationStatus_==TNLPSolver::exception)
2919       );
2920 }
2922 /// Is optimality proven?
isProvenOptimal() const2923 bool OsiTMINLPInterface::isProvenOptimal() const
2924 {
2925   return (optimizationStatus_==TNLPSolver::solvedOptimal) ||
2926 	  (optimizationStatus_==TNLPSolver::solvedOptimalTol);
2927 }
2928 /// Is primal infeasiblity proven?
isProvenPrimalInfeasible() const2929 bool OsiTMINLPInterface::isProvenPrimalInfeasible() const
2930 {
2931   return (optimizationStatus_ == TNLPSolver::provenInfeasible);
2932 }
2933 /// Is dual infeasiblity proven?
isProvenDualInfeasible() const2934 bool OsiTMINLPInterface::isProvenDualInfeasible() const
2935 {
2936   return (optimizationStatus_ == TNLPSolver::unbounded);
2937 }
2938 /// Is the given primal objective limit reached?
isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached() const2939 bool OsiTMINLPInterface::isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached() const
2940 {
2941   (*handler_)<<"Warning : isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached not implemented yet"<<CoinMessageEol;
2942   return 0;
2943 }
2944 /// Is the given dual objective limit reached?
isDualObjectiveLimitReached() const2945 bool OsiTMINLPInterface::isDualObjectiveLimitReached() const
2946 {
2947   //  (*messageHandler_)<<"Warning : isDualObjectiveLimitReached not implemented yet"<<CoinMessageEol;
2948   return (optimizationStatus_==TNLPSolver::unbounded);
2950 }
2951 /// Iteration limit reached?
isIterationLimitReached() const2952 bool OsiTMINLPInterface::isIterationLimitReached() const
2953 {
2954   return (optimizationStatus_==TNLPSolver::iterationLimit);
2955 }
2957 void
extractInterfaceParams()2958 OsiTMINLPInterface::extractInterfaceParams()
2959 {
2960   if (IsValid(app_)) {
2961     int logLevel;
2962     app_->options()->GetIntegerValue("nlp_log_level", logLevel,app_->prefix());
2963     messageHandler()->setLogLevel(logLevel);
2966     FilterSolver * filter = dynamic_cast<FilterSolver *>(GetRawPtr(app_));
2968     bool is_given =
2969 #endif
2970       app_->options()->GetNumericValue("max_random_point_radius",maxRandomRadius_,app_->prefix());
2973     if(filter && !is_given){
2974       // overwriting default for filter
2975       maxRandomRadius_ = 10.;
2976     }
2977 #endif
2979    int oaCgLogLevel = 0;
2980    app_->options()->GetIntegerValue("oa_cuts_log_level", oaCgLogLevel,app_->prefix());
2981    oaHandler_->setLogLevel(oaCgLogLevel);
2983     int buffy;
2984     app_->options()->GetEnumValue("warm_start", buffy, app_->prefix());
2985     warmStartMode_ = (WarmStartModes) buffy;
2987     app_->options()->GetIntegerValue("num_retry_unsolved_random_point", numRetryUnsolved_,app_->prefix());
2988     app_->options()->GetIntegerValue("num_resolve_at_root", numRetryInitial_,app_->prefix());
2989     app_->options()->GetIntegerValue("num_resolve_at_node", numRetryResolve_,app_->prefix());
2990     app_->options()->GetIntegerValue("num_resolve_at_infeasibles", numRetryInfeasibles_,app_->prefix());
2991     app_->options()->GetIntegerValue("num_iterations_suspect", numIterationSuspect_,app_->prefix());
2992     app_->options()->GetEnumValue("nlp_failure_behavior",pretendFailIsInfeasible_,app_->prefix());
2993     app_->options()->GetNumericValue
2994     ("warm_start_bound_frac" ,pushValue_,app_->prefix());
2995     app_->options()->GetNumericValue("tiny_element",tiny_,app_->prefix());
2996     app_->options()->GetNumericValue("very_tiny_element",veryTiny_,app_->prefix());
2997     app_->options()->GetNumericValue("oa_rhs_relax",rhsRelax_,app_->prefix());
2998     app_->options()->GetNumericValue("random_point_perturbation_interval",max_perturbation_,app_->prefix());
2999     app_->options()->GetEnumValue("random_point_type",randomGenerationType_,app_->prefix());
3000     int cut_strengthening_type;
3001     app_->options()->GetEnumValue("cut_strengthening_type", cut_strengthening_type,app_->prefix());
3002     double lo_inf, up_inf;
3003     app_->options()->GetNumericValue("nlp_lower_bound_inf",lo_inf, app_->prefix());
3004     app_->options()->GetNumericValue("nlp_upper_bound_inf",up_inf, app_->prefix());
3005     infty_ = std::min(fabs(lo_inf), fabs(up_inf));
3008     is_given =
3009 #endif
3010     app_->options()->GetNumericValue("resolve_on_small_infeasibility", infeasibility_epsilon_, app_->prefix());
3013     if(filter && !is_given){
3014       // overwriting default for filter
3015       infeasibility_epsilon_ = 1e-06;
3016       std::string o_name = app_->prefix();
3017       o_name += "resolve_on_small_infeasibility";
3018       app_->options()->SetNumericValue(o_name.c_str(), infeasibility_epsilon_, true, true);
3019     }
3020 #endif
3021     if (cut_strengthening_type != CS_None) {
3022       // TNLP solver to be used in the cut strengthener
3023       cutStrengthener_ = new CutStrengthener(app_->clone(), app_->options());
3024     }
3025   }
3026 }
3028 void
SetStrongBrachingSolver(SmartPtr<StrongBranchingSolver> strong_branching_solver)3029 OsiTMINLPInterface::SetStrongBrachingSolver(SmartPtr<StrongBranchingSolver> strong_branching_solver)
3030 {
3031   strong_branching_solver_ = strong_branching_solver;
3032 }
3034   //#define STRONG_COMPARE
3035 #ifdef STRONG_COMPARE
3036   static double objorig;
3037 #endif
3039 void
markHotStart()3040 OsiTMINLPInterface::markHotStart()
3041 {
3042   if (IsValid(strong_branching_solver_)) {
3043 #ifdef STRONG_COMPARE
3044     // AWDEBUG
3045     OsiSolverInterface::markHotStart();
3046     objorig = getObjValue();
3047 #endif
3048     optimizationStatusBeforeHotStart_ = optimizationStatus_;
3049     strong_branching_solver_->markHotStart(this);
3050   }
3051   else {
3052     // Default Implementation
3053     OsiSolverInterface::markHotStart();
3054   }
3055 }
3057 void
solveFromHotStart()3058 OsiTMINLPInterface::solveFromHotStart()
3059 {
3060   if (IsValid(strong_branching_solver_)) {
3061 #ifdef STRONG_COMPARE
3062     // AWDEBUG
3063     OsiSolverInterface::solveFromHotStart();
3064     double obj_nlp = getObjValue() - objorig;
3065 #endif
3066     optimizationStatus_ = strong_branching_solver_->solveFromHotStart(this);
3067     hasBeenOptimized_ = true;
3068 #ifdef STRONG_COMPARE
3069     double obj_other = getObjValue() - objorig;
3070     printf("AWDEBUG: Strong Branching results: NLP = %15.8e Other = %15.8e\n",
3071 	   obj_nlp, obj_other);
3072 #endif
3073   }
3074   else {
3075     // Default Implementation
3076     OsiSolverInterface::solveFromHotStart();
3077   }
3078 }
3080 void
unmarkHotStart()3081 OsiTMINLPInterface::unmarkHotStart()
3082 {
3083   if (IsValid(strong_branching_solver_)) {
3084 #ifdef STRONG_COMPARE
3085     // AWDEBUG
3086     OsiSolverInterface::unmarkHotStart();
3087 #endif
3088     strong_branching_solver_->unmarkHotStart(this);
3089     optimizationStatus_ = optimizationStatusBeforeHotStart_;
3090   }
3091   else {
3092     // Default Implementation
3093     OsiSolverInterface::unmarkHotStart();
3094   }
3095 }
getObjCoefficients() const3097 const double * OsiTMINLPInterface::getObjCoefficients() const
3098 {
3099   const int n = getNumCols();
3100   delete [] obj_;
3101   obj_ = NULL;
3102   obj_ = new double[n];
3104   bool new_x = true;
3105   const double* x_sol = problem_->x_sol();
3106   bool retval = problem_->eval_grad_f(n, x_sol, new_x, obj_);
3108   if (!retval) {
3109     // Let's see if that happens - it will cause a crash
3110     fprintf(stderr, "ERROR WHILE EVALUATING GRAD_F in OsiTMINLPInterface::getObjCoefficients()\n");
3111     delete [] obj_;
3112     obj_ = NULL;
3113   }
3115   return obj_;
3116 }
3118   /** Sets the TMINLP2TNLP to be used by the interface.*/
3119   void
use(Ipopt::SmartPtr<TMINLP2TNLP> tminlp2tnlp)3120   OsiTMINLPInterface::use(Ipopt::SmartPtr<TMINLP2TNLP> tminlp2tnlp){
3121      problem_ = tminlp2tnlp;
3122      problem_to_optimize_ = GetRawPtr(problem_);
3123      feasibilityProblem_->use(GetRawPtr(tminlp2tnlp));}
3125 }/** end namespace Bonmin*/