1#  ___________________________________________________________________________
3#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
4#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
5#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
6#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
7#  rights in this software.
8#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
9#  ___________________________________________________________________________
11"""Solution of NLP subproblems."""
12from __future__ import division
13import logging
14from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap
15from pyomo.contrib.mindtpy.cut_generation import (add_oa_cuts,
16                                                  add_no_good_cuts, add_affine_cuts)
17from pyomo.contrib.mindtpy.util import add_feas_slacks, set_solver_options
18from pyomo.contrib.gdpopt.util import copy_var_list_values, get_main_elapsed_time, time_code
19from pyomo.core import (Constraint, Objective,
20                        TransformationFactory, minimize, value)
21from pyomo.opt import TerminationCondition as tc
22from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory, SolverResults, SolverStatus
23from pyomo.contrib.gdpopt.util import SuppressInfeasibleWarning
25logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.contrib.mindtpy')
28def solve_subproblem(solve_data, config):
29    """
30    Solves the Fixed-NLP (with fixed integers)
32    This function sets up the 'fixed_nlp' by fixing binaries, sets continuous variables to their intial var values,
33    precomputes dual values, deactivates trivial constraints, and then solves NLP model.
35    Parameters
36    ----------
37    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
38        data container that holds solve-instance data
39    config: ConfigBlock
40        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
42    Returns
43    -------
44    fixed_nlp: Pyomo model
45        integer-variable-fixed NLP model
46    results: Pyomo results object
47        result from solving the Fixed-NLP
48    """
50    fixed_nlp = solve_data.working_model.clone()
51    MindtPy = fixed_nlp.MindtPy_utils
52    solve_data.nlp_iter += 1
53    config.logger.info('Fixed-NLP %s: Solve subproblem for fixed integers.'
54                       % (solve_data.nlp_iter,))
56    # Set up NLP
57    TransformationFactory('core.fix_integer_vars').apply_to(fixed_nlp)
59    MindtPy.cuts.deactivate()
60    if config.calculate_dual:
61        fixed_nlp.tmp_duals = ComponentMap()
62        # tmp_duals are the value of the dual variables stored before using deactivate trivial contraints
63        # The values of the duals are computed as follows: (Complementary Slackness)
64        #
65        # | constraint | c_geq | status at x1 | tmp_dual (violation) |
66        # |------------|-------|--------------|----------------------|
67        # | g(x) <= b  | -1    | g(x1) <= b   | 0                    |
68        # | g(x) <= b  | -1    | g(x1) > b    | g(x1) - b            |
69        # | g(x) >= b  | +1    | g(x1) >= b   | 0                    |
70        # | g(x) >= b  | +1    | g(x1) < b    | b - g(x1)            |
71        evaluation_error = False
72        for c in fixed_nlp.component_data_objects(ctype=Constraint, active=True,
73                                                  descend_into=True):
74            # We prefer to include the upper bound as the right hand side since we are
75            # considering c by default a (hopefully) convex function, which would make
76            # c >= lb a nonconvex inequality which we wouldn't like to add linearizations
77            # if we don't have to
78            rhs = value(c.upper) if c.has_ub() else value(c.lower)
79            c_geq = -1 if c.has_ub() else 1
80            # c_leq = 1 if c.has_ub else -1
81            try:
82                fixed_nlp.tmp_duals[c] = c_geq * max(
83                    0, c_geq*(rhs - value(c.body)))
84            except (ValueError, OverflowError) as error:
85                fixed_nlp.tmp_duals[c] = None
86                evaluation_error = True
87        if evaluation_error:
88            for nlp_var, orig_val in zip(
89                    MindtPy.variable_list,
90                    solve_data.initial_var_values):
91                if not nlp_var.fixed and not nlp_var.is_binary():
92                    nlp_var.value = orig_val
93            # fixed_nlp.tmp_duals[c] = c_leq * max(
94            #     0, c_leq*(value(c.body) - rhs))
95            # TODO: change logic to c_leq based on benchmarking
96    try:
97        TransformationFactory('contrib.deactivate_trivial_constraints').apply_to(
98            fixed_nlp, tmp=True, ignore_infeasible=False, tolerance=config.constraint_tolerance)
99    except ValueError:
100        config.logger.warning(
101            'infeasibility detected in deactivate_trivial_constraints')
102        results = SolverResults()
103        results.solver.termination_condition = tc.infeasible
104        return fixed_nlp, results
105    # Solve the NLP
106    nlpopt = SolverFactory(config.nlp_solver)
107    nlp_args = dict(config.nlp_solver_args)
108    set_solver_options(nlpopt, solve_data, config, solver_type='nlp')
109    with SuppressInfeasibleWarning():
110        with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'fixed subproblem'):
111            results = nlpopt.solve(
112                fixed_nlp, tee=config.nlp_solver_tee, **nlp_args)
113    return fixed_nlp, results
116def handle_nlp_subproblem_tc(fixed_nlp, result, solve_data, config, cb_opt=None):
117    '''
118    This function handles different terminaton conditions of the fixed-NLP subproblem.
120    Parameters
121    ----------
122    fixed_nlp: Pyomo model
123        integer-variable-fixed NLP model
124    results: Pyomo results object
125        result from solving the Fixed-NLP
126    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
127        data container that holds solve-instance data
128    config: ConfigBlock
129        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
130    cb_opt: SolverFactory
131            the gurobi_persistent solver
132    '''
133    if result.solver.termination_condition in {tc.optimal, tc.locallyOptimal, tc.feasible}:
134        handle_subproblem_optimal(fixed_nlp, solve_data, config, cb_opt)
135    elif result.solver.termination_condition in {tc.infeasible, tc.noSolution}:
136        handle_subproblem_infeasible(fixed_nlp, solve_data, config, cb_opt)
137    elif result.solver.termination_condition is tc.maxTimeLimit:
138        config.logger.info(
139            'NLP subproblem failed to converge within the time limit.')
140        solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition = tc.maxTimeLimit
141        solve_data.should_terminate = True
142    elif result.solver.termination_condition is tc.maxEvaluations:
143        config.logger.info(
144            'NLP subproblem failed due to maxEvaluations.')
145        solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition = tc.maxEvaluations
146        solve_data.should_terminate = True
147    else:
148        handle_subproblem_other_termination(fixed_nlp, result.solver.termination_condition,
149                                            solve_data, config)
152# The next few functions deal with handling the solution we get from the above NLP solver function
155def handle_subproblem_optimal(fixed_nlp, solve_data, config, cb_opt=None, fp=False):
156    """
157    This function copies the result of the NLP solver function ('solve_subproblem') to the working model, updates
158    the bounds, adds OA and no-good cuts, and then stores the new solution if it is the new best solution. This
159    function handles the result of the latest iteration of solving the NLP subproblem given an optimal solution.
161    Parameters
162    ----------
163    fixed_nlp: Pyomo model
164        integer-variable-fixed NLP model
165    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
166        data container that holds solve-instance data
167    config: ConfigBlock
168        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
169    cb_opt: SolverFactory
170        the gurobi_persistent solver
171    fp: bool, optional
172        this parameter acts as a Boolean flag that signals whether it is in the loop of feasibility pump
173    """
174    copy_var_list_values(
175        fixed_nlp.MindtPy_utils.variable_list,
176        solve_data.working_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list,
177        config)
178    if config.calculate_dual:
179        for c in fixed_nlp.tmp_duals:
180            if fixed_nlp.dual.get(c, None) is None:
181                fixed_nlp.dual[c] = fixed_nlp.tmp_duals[c]
182        dual_values = list(fixed_nlp.dual[c]
183                           for c in fixed_nlp.MindtPy_utils.constraint_list)
184    else:
185        dual_values = None
186    main_objective = fixed_nlp.MindtPy_utils.objective_list[-1]
187    if solve_data.objective_sense == minimize:
188        solve_data.UB = min(value(main_objective.expr), solve_data.UB)
189        solve_data.solution_improved = solve_data.UB < solve_data.UB_progress[-1]
190        solve_data.UB_progress.append(solve_data.UB)
191    else:
192        solve_data.LB = max(value(main_objective.expr), solve_data.LB)
193        solve_data.solution_improved = solve_data.LB > solve_data.LB_progress[-1]
194        solve_data.LB_progress.append(solve_data.LB)
195    config.logger.info(
196        'Fixed-NLP {}: OBJ: {}  LB: {}  UB: {}  TIME: {}s'
197        .format(solve_data.nlp_iter if not fp else solve_data.fp_iter, value(main_objective.expr),
198                solve_data.LB, solve_data.UB, round(get_main_elapsed_time(solve_data.timing), 2)))
200    if solve_data.solution_improved:
201        solve_data.best_solution_found = fixed_nlp.clone()
202        solve_data.best_solution_found_time = get_main_elapsed_time(
203            solve_data.timing)
204        if config.strategy == 'GOA':
205            if solve_data.objective_sense == minimize:
206                solve_data.num_no_good_cuts_added.update(
207                    {solve_data.UB: len(solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils.cuts.no_good_cuts)})
208            else:
209                solve_data.num_no_good_cuts_added.update(
210                    {solve_data.LB: len(solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils.cuts.no_good_cuts)})
212        # add obj increasing constraint for fp
213        if fp:
214            solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils.cuts.del_component(
215                'improving_objective_cut')
216            if solve_data.objective_sense == minimize:
217                solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils.cuts.improving_objective_cut = Constraint(expr=solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils.objective_value
218                                                                                       <= solve_data.UB - config.fp_cutoffdecr*max(1, abs(solve_data.UB)))
219            else:
220                solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils.cuts.improving_objective_cut = Constraint(expr=solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils.objective_value
221                                                                                       >= solve_data.LB + config.fp_cutoffdecr*max(1, abs(solve_data.UB)))
223    # Add the linear cut
224    if config.strategy == 'OA' or fp:
225        copy_var_list_values(fixed_nlp.MindtPy_utils.variable_list,
226                             solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils.variable_list,
227                             config)
228        add_oa_cuts(solve_data.mip, dual_values, solve_data, config, cb_opt)
229    elif config.strategy == 'GOA':
230        copy_var_list_values(fixed_nlp.MindtPy_utils.variable_list,
231                             solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils.variable_list,
232                             config)
233        add_affine_cuts(solve_data, config)
234    # elif config.strategy == 'PSC':
235    #     # !!THIS SEEMS LIKE A BUG!! - mrmundt #
236    #     add_psc_cut(solve_data, config)
237    # elif config.strategy == 'GBD':
238    #     # !!THIS SEEMS LIKE A BUG!! - mrmundt #
239    #     add_gbd_cut(solve_data, config)
241    var_values = list(v.value for v in fixed_nlp.MindtPy_utils.variable_list)
242    if config.add_no_good_cuts:
243        add_no_good_cuts(var_values, solve_data, config, feasible=True)
245    config.call_after_subproblem_feasible(fixed_nlp, solve_data)
248def handle_subproblem_infeasible(fixed_nlp, solve_data, config, cb_opt=None):
249    """
250    Solves feasibility problem and adds cut according to the specified strategy
252    This function handles the result of the latest iteration of solving the NLP subproblem given an infeasible
253    solution and copies the solution of the feasibility problem to the working model.
255    Parameters
256    ----------
257    fixed_nlp: Pyomo model
258        integer-variable-fixed NLP model
259    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
260        data container that holds solve-instance data
261    config: ConfigBlock
262        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
263    cb_opt: SolverFactory
264            the gurobi_persistent solver
265    """
266    # TODO try something else? Reinitialize with different initial
267    # value?
268    config.logger.info('NLP subproblem was locally infeasible.')
269    solve_data.nlp_infeasible_counter += 1
270    if config.calculate_dual:
271        for c in fixed_nlp.component_data_objects(ctype=Constraint):
272            rhs = value(c.upper) if c. has_ub() else value(c.lower)
273            c_geq = -1 if c.has_ub() else 1
274            fixed_nlp.dual[c] = (c_geq
275                                 * max(0, c_geq * (rhs - value(c.body))))
276        dual_values = list(fixed_nlp.dual[c]
277                           for c in fixed_nlp.MindtPy_utils.constraint_list)
278    else:
279        dual_values = None
281    # if config.strategy == 'PSC' or config.strategy == 'GBD':
282    #     for var in fixed_nlp.component_data_objects(ctype=Var, descend_into=True):
283    #         fixed_nlp.ipopt_zL_out[var] = 0
284    #         fixed_nlp.ipopt_zU_out[var] = 0
285    #         if var.has_ub() and abs(var.ub - value(var)) < config.bound_tolerance:
286    #             fixed_nlp.ipopt_zL_out[var] = 1
287    #         elif var.has_lb() and abs(value(var) - var.lb) < config.bound_tolerance:
288    #             fixed_nlp.ipopt_zU_out[var] = -1
290    if config.strategy in {'OA', 'GOA'}:
291        config.logger.info('Solving feasibility problem')
292        feas_subproblem, feas_subproblem_results = solve_feasibility_subproblem(
293            solve_data, config)
294        # TODO: do we really need this?
295        if solve_data.should_terminate:
296            return
297        copy_var_list_values(feas_subproblem.MindtPy_utils.variable_list,
298                             solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils.variable_list,
299                             config)
300        if config.strategy == 'OA':
301            add_oa_cuts(solve_data.mip, dual_values,
302                        solve_data, config, cb_opt)
303        elif config.strategy == 'GOA':
304            add_affine_cuts(solve_data, config)
305    # Add a no-good cut to exclude this discrete option
306    var_values = list(v.value for v in fixed_nlp.MindtPy_utils.variable_list)
307    if config.add_no_good_cuts:
308        # excludes current discrete option
309        add_no_good_cuts(var_values, solve_data, config)
312def handle_subproblem_other_termination(fixed_nlp, termination_condition,
313                                        solve_data, config):
314    """
315    Handles the result of the latest iteration of solving the NLP subproblem given a solution that is neither optimal
316    nor infeasible.
318    Parameters
319    ----------
320    termination_condition: Pyomo TerminationCondition
321        the termination condition of the NLP subproblem
322    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
323        data container that holds solve-instance data
324    config: ConfigBlock
325        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
326    """
327    if termination_condition is tc.maxIterations:
328        # TODO try something else? Reinitialize with different initial value?
329        config.logger.info(
330            'NLP subproblem failed to converge within iteration limit.')
331        var_values = list(
332            v.value for v in fixed_nlp.MindtPy_utils.variable_list)
333        if config.add_no_good_cuts:
334            # excludes current discrete option
335            add_no_good_cuts(var_values, solve_data, config)
337    else:
338        raise ValueError(
339            'MindtPy unable to handle NLP subproblem termination '
340            'condition of {}'.format(termination_condition))
343def solve_feasibility_subproblem(solve_data, config):
344    """
345    Solves a feasibility NLP if the fixed_nlp problem is infeasible
347    Parameters
348    ----------
349    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
350        data container that holds solve-instance data
351    config: ConfigBlock
352        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
354    Returns
355    -------
356    feas_subproblem: Pyomo model
357        feasibility NLP from the model
358    feas_soln: Pyomo results object
359        result from solving the feasibility NLP
360    """
361    feas_subproblem = solve_data.working_model.clone()
362    add_feas_slacks(feas_subproblem, config)
364    MindtPy = feas_subproblem.MindtPy_utils
365    if MindtPy.find_component('objective_value') is not None:
366        MindtPy.objective_value.value = 0
368    next(feas_subproblem.component_data_objects(
369        Objective, active=True)).deactivate()
370    for constr in feas_subproblem.MindtPy_utils.nonlinear_constraint_list:
371        constr.deactivate()
373    MindtPy.feas_opt.activate()
374    if config.feasibility_norm == 'L1':
375        MindtPy.feas_obj = Objective(
376            expr=sum(s for s in MindtPy.feas_opt.slack_var[...]),
377            sense=minimize)
378    elif config.feasibility_norm == 'L2':
379        MindtPy.feas_obj = Objective(
380            expr=sum(s*s for s in MindtPy.feas_opt.slack_var[...]),
381            sense=minimize)
382    else:
383        MindtPy.feas_obj = Objective(
384            expr=MindtPy.feas_opt.slack_var,
385            sense=minimize)
386    TransformationFactory('core.fix_integer_vars').apply_to(feas_subproblem)
387    nlpopt = SolverFactory(config.nlp_solver)
388    nlp_args = dict(config.nlp_solver_args)
389    set_solver_options(nlpopt, solve_data, config, solver_type='nlp')
390    with SuppressInfeasibleWarning():
391        try:
392            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'feasibility subproblem'):
393                feas_soln = nlpopt.solve(
394                    feas_subproblem, tee=config.nlp_solver_tee, **nlp_args)
395        except (ValueError, OverflowError) as error:
396            for nlp_var, orig_val in zip(
397                    MindtPy.variable_list,
398                    solve_data.initial_var_values):
399                if not nlp_var.fixed and not nlp_var.is_binary():
400                    nlp_var.value = orig_val
401            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'feasibility subproblem'):
402                feas_soln = nlpopt.solve(
403                    feas_subproblem, tee=config.nlp_solver_tee, **nlp_args)
404    handle_feasibility_subproblem_tc(
405        feas_soln.solver.termination_condition, MindtPy, solve_data, config)
406    return feas_subproblem, feas_soln
409def handle_feasibility_subproblem_tc(subprob_terminate_cond, MindtPy, solve_data, config):
410    if subprob_terminate_cond in {tc.optimal, tc.locallyOptimal, tc.feasible}:
411        copy_var_list_values(
412            MindtPy.variable_list,
413            solve_data.working_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list,
414            config)
415        if value(MindtPy.feas_obj.expr) <= config.zero_tolerance:
416            config.logger.warning('The objective value %.4E of feasibility problem is less than zero_tolerance. '
417                                  'This indicates that the nlp subproblem is feasible, although it is found infeasible in the previous step. '
418                                  'Check the nlp solver output' % value(MindtPy.feas_obj.expr))
419    elif subprob_terminate_cond in {tc.infeasible, tc.noSolution}:
420        config.logger.error('Feasibility subproblem infeasible. '
421                            'This should never happen.')
422        solve_data.should_terminate = True
423        solve_data.results.solver.status = SolverStatus.error
424    elif subprob_terminate_cond is tc.maxIterations:
425        config.logger.error('Subsolver reached its maximum number of iterations without converging, '
426                            'consider increasing the iterations limit of the subsolver or reviewing your formulation.')
427        solve_data.should_terminate = True
428        solve_data.results.solver.status = SolverStatus.error
429    else:
430        config.logger.error('MindtPy unable to handle feasibility subproblem termination condition '
431                            'of {}'.format(subprob_terminate_cond))
432        solve_data.should_terminate = True
433        solve_data.results.solver.status = SolverStatus.error