1 /*
2   Teem: Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images             .
3   Copyright (C) 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009  University of Chicago
4   Copyright (C) 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005  Gordon Kindlmann
5   Copyright (C) 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998  University of Utah
7   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
9   (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11   The terms of redistributing and/or modifying this software also
12   include exceptions to the LGPL that facilitate static linking.
14   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17   Lesser General Public License for more details.
19   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20   along with this library; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
21   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
22 */
27 #include <stdio.h>
28 #include <stdlib.h>
29 #include <limits.h>
30 #include <math.h>
32 #include <teem/air.h>
33 #include <teem/biff.h>
34 #include <teem/nrrd.h>
35 #include <teem/ell.h>
37 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(TEEM_STATIC)
38 #  if defined(TEEM_BUILD) || defined(gage_EXPORTS) || defined(teem_EXPORTS)
39 #    define GAGE_EXPORT extern __declspec(dllexport)
40 #  else
41 #    define GAGE_EXPORT extern __declspec(dllimport)
42 #  endif
43 #else /* TEEM_STATIC || UNIX */
44 #  define GAGE_EXPORT extern
45 #endif
47 #ifdef __cplusplus
48 extern "C" {
49 #endif
51 #define GAGE gageBiffKey
53 /*
54 ** GAGE_DERIV_MAX is the maximum derivative that gage knows how to
55 ** work with. The 0th derivative is the reonstructed value (no
56 ** derivative).  Many short arrays are allocated to 1 + this value
57 **
58 ** MUST KEEP IN SYNC with GAGE_DV_* macros below
59 */
60 #define GAGE_DERIV_MAX 2
62 /*
63 ** Convenience macros for arrays declared like blah[GAGE_DERIV_MAX+1]
64 ** (so these need to be kept in sync with GAGE_DERIV_MAX above).  Note
65 ** that "DV" is short for "derivative vector".  With consistent use of
66 ** these, changes to GAGE_DERIV_MAX will either obviously break code
67 ** (in an easy to fix way) or there will be no change needed at all.
68 **
69 */
70 #define GAGE_DV_SET(v, d0, d1, d2) \
71   ((v)[0] = (d0),                  \
72    (v)[1] = (d1),                  \
73    (v)[2] = (d2))
75 #define GAGE_DV_EQUAL(a, b)        \
76   ((a)[0] == (b)[0] &&             \
77    (a)[1] == (b)[1] &&             \
78    (a)[2] == (b)[2])
80 #define GAGE_DV_COPY(a, b)         \
81   ((a)[0] = (b)[0],                \
82    (a)[1] = (b)[1],                \
83    (a)[2] = (b)[2])
85 /*
86 ** the only extent to which gage treats different axes differently is
87 ** the spacing between samples along the axis.  To have different
88 ** filters for the same function, but along different axes, would be
89 ** too messy.  [Sun Mar 9 13:32:22 EDT 2008: Actually, doing per-axis
90 ** kernels is looking more and more sensible all the time. . .] Thus,
91 ** gage is not very useful as the engine for downsampling: it can't
92 ** tell that along one axis samples should be blurred while they
93 ** should be interpolated along another.  Rather, it assumes that the
94 ** main task of probing is *reconstruction*: of values, of
95 ** derivatives, or lots of different quantities
96 */
98 /*
99 ** terminology: gage is intended to measure multiple things at one
100 ** point in a volume.  The SET of ALL the things that you want
101 ** gage to measure is called the "QUERY".  Each of the many quantities
102 ** comprising the query are called "ITEM"s.
103 */
105 /*
106 ******** gageParm.. enum
107 **
108 ** these are passed to gageSet.  Look for like-wise named field of
109 ** gageParm for documentation on what these mean.
110 **
111 ** The following things have to agree:
112 ** - gageParm* enum
113 ** - fields of gageParm struct
114 ** - analogous gageDef* defaults (their declaration and setting)
115 ** - action of gageParmSet (ctx.c)
116 ** - action of gageParmReset (miscGage.c)
117 */
118 enum {
119   gageParmUnknown,
120   gageParmVerbose,                 /* non-boolean int */
121   gageParmRenormalize,             /* int */
122   gageParmCheckIntegrals,          /* int */
123   gageParmK3Pack,                  /* int */
124   gageParmGradMagCurvMin,          /* double */
125   gageParmCurvNormalSide,          /* int */
126   gageParmKernelIntegralNearZero,  /* double */
127   gageParmDefaultCenter,           /* int */
128   gageParmStackUse,                /* int */
129   gageParmStackNormalizeDeriv,     /* int; does NOT imply gageParmStackUse */
130   gageParmStackNormalizeDerivBias, /* double; does NOT imply      "        */
131   gageParmStackNormalizeRecon,     /* int; does NOT imply         "        */
132   gageParmOrientationFromSpacing,  /* int */
133   gageParmGenerateErrStr,          /* int */
134   gageParmLast
135 };
137 /* keep in synch with gageErr airEnum */
138 enum {
139   gageErrUnknown,            /* 0: nobody knows */
140   gageErrNone,               /* 1: no error, actually, all's well */
141   gageErrBoundsSpace,        /* 2: out of 3-D (index-space) bounds */
142   gageErrBoundsStack,        /* 3: out of 1-D bounds of stack */
143   gageErrStackIntegral,      /* 4: stack recon coeff's sum to 0, so can't
144                                    normalize them */
145   gageErrStackSearch,        /* 5: for some reason couldn't find the index
146                                    position of the probed stack location */
147   gageErrStackUnused,        /* 6: can't probe stack without parm.stackUse */
148   gageErrLast
149 };
150 #define GAGE_ERR_MAX            6
152 /*
153 ******** gage{Ctx,Pvl}Flag.. enum
154 **
155 ** organizes all the dependendies within a context and between a
156 ** context and pervolumes.  This logic is to determine the support
157 ** required for a query: different queries need different kernels,
158 ** different kernels have different supports.  The user should not
159 ** have to be concerned about any of this; it should be useful only
160 ** to gageUpdate().
161 */
162 enum {
163   gageCtxFlagUnknown,
164   gageCtxFlagNeedD,      /*  1: derivatives required for query */
165   gageCtxFlagK3Pack,     /*  2: whether to use 3 or 6 kernels */
166   gageCtxFlagNeedK,      /*  3: which of the kernels will actually be used */
167   gageCtxFlagKernel,     /*  4: any one of the kernels or its parameters */
168   gageCtxFlagRadius,     /*  5: radius of support for kernels with query */
169   gageCtxFlagShape,      /*  6: a new pervolume shape was set */
170   gageCtxFlagLast
171 };
172 #define GAGE_CTX_FLAG_MAX    6
174 enum {
175   gagePvlFlagUnknown,
176   gagePvlFlagVolume,     /*  1: got a new volume */
177   gagePvlFlagQuery,      /*  2: what do you really care about */
178   gagePvlFlagNeedD,      /*  3: derivatives required for query */
179   gagePvlFlagLast
180 };
181 #define GAGE_PVL_FLAG_MAX    3
184 /*
185 ******** gageKernel.. enum
186 **
187 ** these are the different kernels that might be used in gage, regardless
188 ** of what kind of volume is being probed.
189 ** (synch with miscGage.c:gageKernel airEnum)
190 */
191 enum {
192   gageKernelUnknown,    /*  0: nobody knows */
193   gageKernel00,         /*  1: measuring values */
194   gageKernel10,         /*  2: reconstructing 1st derivatives */
195   gageKernel11,         /*  3: measuring 1st derivatives */
196   gageKernel20,         /*  4: reconstructing 1st partials and 2nd deriv.s */
197   gageKernel21,         /*  5: measuring 1st partials for a 2nd derivative */
198   gageKernel22,         /*  6: measuring 2nd derivatives */
199   gageKernelStack,      /*  7: for reconstructing across a stack */
200   gageKernelLast
201 };
202 #define GAGE_KERNEL_MAX     7
204 /*
206 **
207 ** Max number of prerequisites for any item in *any* kind.
208 **
209 ** This value has gotten bumped periodically, which used to mean
210 ** that *all* item tables had to be updated, when "-1" was used
211 ** represent the unknown item.  But now that 0 represents the
212 ** unknown item, and because struct elements are implicitly
213 ** initialized to zero, this is no longer the case.
214 **
215 ** Wed Nov  8 14:12:44 EST 2006 pre-emptively upping this from 6
216 */
219 /*
220 ******** gageItemEntry struct
221 **
222 ** necessary information about each item supported by the kind, which
223 ** is defined at compile-time in a per-kind table (at least it is for
224 ** the scalar, vector, and tensor kinds)
225 **
226 ** NOTE!!! YOU CAN NOT re-arrange these variables, because of all the
227 ** compile-time definitions that are done to define the gageKind->table
228 ** for all current kinds.
229 */
230 typedef struct {
231   int enumVal;          /* the item's enum value */
232   unsigned int
233     answerLength;       /* how many double's are needed to store the answer,
234                            or (for non-zero items), 0 to represent
235                            "the length will be learned later at runtime" */
236   int needDeriv,        /* what kind of derivative info is immediately needed
237                            for this item (not recursively expanded). This is
238                            NO LONGER a bitvector: values are 0, 1, 2, .. */
239     prereq[GAGE_ITEM_PREREQ_MAXNUM],
240                         /* what are the other items this item depends on
241                            (not recusively expanded), you can list up to
242                            GAGE_ITEM_PREREQ_MAXNUM of them, and use 0
243                            (the unknown item) to fill out the list.
244                            _OR_ -1 if this is a dynamic kind and the prereqs
245                            will not be known until later in runtime */
246     parentItem,         /* the enum value of an item (answerLength > 1)
247                            containing the smaller value for which we are
248                            merely an alias
249                            _OR_ 0 if there's no parent */
250     parentIndex,        /* where our value starts in parents value
251                            _OR_ 0 if there's no parent */
252     needData;           /* whether non-NULL gagePerVolume->data is needed
253                            for answering this item */
254 } gageItemEntry;
256 /*
257 ** modifying the enums below (scalar, vector, etc query quantities)
258 ** necesitates modifying:
259 ** - the central item table in scl.c, vecGage.c
260 ** - the associated arrays in scl.c, vecGage.c
261 ** - the "answer" method itself in sclanswer.c, vecGage.c
262 */
264 /*
265 ******** gageScl* enum
266 **
267 ** all the "items" that gage can measure in a scalar volume.
268 **
269 ** NOTE: although it is currently listed that way, it is not necessary
270 ** that prerequisite measurements are listed before the other measurements
271 ** which need them (that is represented by _gageSclPrereq)
272 **
273 ** The description for each enum value starts with the numerical value
274 ** followed by a string which identifies the value in the gageScl airEnum.
275 ** The "[N]" indicates how many doubles are used for storing the quantity.
276 */
277 enum {
278   gageSclUnknown,      /*  0: nobody knows */
279   gageSclValue,        /*  1: "v", data value: [1] */
280   gageSclGradVec,      /*  2: "grad", gradient vector, un-normalized: [3] */
281   gageSclGradMag,      /*  3: "gm", gradient magnitude: [1] */
282   gageSclNormal,       /*  4: "n", gradient vector, normalized: [3] */
283   gageSclNProj,        /*  5: "nproj", projection onto normal: [9] */
284   gageSclNPerp,        /*  6: "np", projection onto tangent plane: [9] */
285   gageSclHessian,      /*  7: "h", Hessian: [9] (column-order) */
286   gageSclHessianTen,   /*  8: "ht", Hessian as 7-component tensor: [7]
287                            In principle this is a dependency inversion
288                            since gage doesn't know about the ten library,
289                            where the 7-element tensor is based. */
290   gageSclLaplacian,    /*  9: "l", Laplacian: Dxx + Dyy + Dzz: [1] */
291   gageSclHessFrob,     /* 10: "hf", Frobenius norm of Hessian: [1] */
292   gageSclHessEval,     /* 11: "heval", Hessian's eigenvalues: [3] */
293   gageSclHessEval0,    /* 12: "heval0", Hessian's 1st eigenvalue: [1] */
294   gageSclHessEval1,    /* 13: "heval1", Hessian's 2nd eigenvalue: [1] */
295   gageSclHessEval2,    /* 14: "heval2", Hessian's 3rd eigenvalue: [1] */
296   gageSclHessEvec,     /* 15: "hevec", Hessian's eigenvectors: [9] */
297   gageSclHessEvec0,    /* 16: "hevec0", Hessian's 1st eigenvector: [3] */
298   gageSclHessEvec1,    /* 17: "hevec1", Hessian's 2nd eigenvector: [3] */
299   gageSclHessEvec2,    /* 18: "hevec2", Hessian's 3rd eigenvector: [3] */
300   gageScl2ndDD,        /* 19: "2d", 2nd dir.deriv. along gradient: [1] */
301   gageSclGeomTens,     /* 20: "gten", sym. matx w/ evals {0, K1, K2} and
302                               evecs {grad, cdir0, cdir1}: [9] */
303   gageSclGeomTensTen,  /* 21: "gtenten", 7-element geometry tensor [7] */
304   gageSclK1,           /* 22: "k1", 1st principle curvature: [1] */
305   gageSclK2,           /* 23: "k2", 2nd principle curvature (k2 <= k1): [1] */
306   gageSclTotalCurv,    /* 24: "tc", L2 norm(K1,K2) (not Koen.'s "C"): [1] */
307   gageSclShapeTrace,   /* 25, "st", (K1+K2)/Curvedness: [1] */
308   gageSclShapeIndex,   /* 26: "si", Koen.'s shape index, ("S"): [1] */
309   gageSclMeanCurv,     /* 27: "mc", mean curvature (K1 + K2)/2: [1] */
310   gageSclGaussCurv,    /* 28: "gc", gaussian curvature K1*K2: [1] */
311   gageSclCurvDir1,     /* 29: "cdir1", 1st principle curv direction: [3] */
312   gageSclCurvDir2,     /* 30: "cdir2", 2nd principle curv direction: [3] */
313   gageSclFlowlineCurv, /* 31: "fc", curvature of normal streamline: [1] */
314   gageSclMedian,       /* 32: "med", median filter */
315   gageSclHessValleyness,   /* 33: "hvalley", vallyness measure: [1] */
316   gageSclHessRidgeness,    /* 34: "hridge", ridgeness measure: [1] */
317   gageSclHessMode,     /* 35: "hmode", Hessian's mode: [1] */
318   gageSclLast
319 };
320 #define GAGE_SCL_ITEM_MAX 35
322 /*
323 ******** gageVec* enum
324 **
325 ** all the "items" that gage knows how to measure in a 3-vector volume
326 **
327 ** The strings gives one of the gageVec airEnum identifiers, and [x]
328 ** says how many scalars are associated with this value.
329 */
330 enum {
331   gageVecUnknown,         /*  0: nobody knows */
332   gageVecVector,          /*  1: "v", component-wise-interpolated
333                                  (CWI) vec: [3] */
334   gageVecVector0,         /*  2: "v0", vector[0]: [1] */
335   gageVecVector1,         /*  3: "v1", vector[0]: [1] */
336   gageVecVector2,         /*  4: "v2", vector[0]: [1] */
337   gageVecLength,          /*  5: "l", length of CWI vector: [1] */
338   gageVecNormalized,      /*  6: "n", normalized CWI vector: [3] */
339   gageVecJacobian,        /*  7: "j", component-wise Jacobian: [9]
340                                 0:dv_x/dx  1:dv_x/dy  2:dv_x/dz
341                                 3:dv_y/dx  4:dv_y/dy  5:dv_y/dz
342                                 6:dv_z/dx  7:dv_z/dy  8:dv_z/dz */
343   gageVecStrain,          /*  8: "S", rate-of-strain tensor: [9] */
344   gageVecDivergence,      /*  9: "d", divergence (based on Jacobian): [1] */
345   gageVecCurl,            /* 10: "c", curl (based on Jacobian): [3] */
346   gageVecCurlNorm,        /* 11: "cm", curl magnitude: [1] */
347   gageVecHelicity,        /* 12: "h", helicity: vec . curl: [1] */
348   gageVecNormHelicity,    /* 13: "nh", normalized helicity: [1] */
349   gageVecSOmega,          /* 14: "somega", S squared + Omega squared: [9] */
350   gageVecLambda2,         /* 15: "lambda2", lambda2 criterion: [1] */
351   gageVecImaginaryPart,   /* 16: "imag", imag. part of jacobian's
352                                   complex-conjugate eigenvalues: [1] */
353   gageVecHessian,         /* 17: "vh", second-order derivative: [27]
354                                  HEY: indices here need to be double checked
355                                  0:d2v_x/dxdx   1:d2v_x/dxdy   2:d2v_x/dxdz
356                                  3:d2v_x/dydx   4:d2v_x/dydy   5:d2v_x/dydz
357                                  6:d2v_x/dzdx   7:d2v_x/dzdy   8:d2v_x/dzdz
358                                  9:d2v_y/dxdx       [..]
359                                     [..]
360                                 24:dv2_z/dzdx  25:d2v_z/dzdy  26:d2v_z/dzdz */
361   gageVecDivGradient,     /* 18: "dg", divergence gradient: [3] */
362   gageVecCurlGradient,    /* 19: "cg", curl gradient: [9] */
363   gageVecCurlNormGrad,    /* 20: "cng", curl norm gradient: [3] */
364   gageVecNCurlNormGrad,   /* 21: "ncng", normalized curl norm gradient: [3] */
365   gageVecHelGradient,     /* 22: "hg", helicity gradient: [3] */
366   gageVecDirHelDeriv,     /* 23: "dhd", directional derivative
367                                  of helicity: [1] */
368   gageVecProjHelGradient, /* 24: "phg", projected helicity gradient: [3] */
369   gageVecGradient0,       /* 25: "g0", gradient of 1st coeff of vector: [3] */
370   gageVecGradient1,       /* 26: "g1", gradient of 2nd coeff of vector: [3] */
371   gageVecGradient2,       /* 27: "g2", gradient of 3rd coeff of vector: [3] */
372   gageVecMultiGrad,       /* 28: "mg", sum of outer products of grads: [9] */
373   gageVecMGFrob,          /* 29: "mgfrob", frob norm of multi-gradient: [1] */
374   gageVecMGEval,          /* 30: "mgeval", evals of multi-gradient: [3] */
375   gageVecMGEvec,          /* 31: "mgevec", evecs of multi-gradient: [9] */
376   gageVecLast
377 };
378 #define GAGE_VEC_ITEM_MAX     31
380 struct gageKind_t;       /* dumb forward declaraction, ignore */
381 struct gagePerVolume_t;  /* dumb forward declaraction, ignore */
383 /*
384 ******** gageItemPackPart* enum
385 **
386 ** the different ways that some items can be related for a gagePack
387 */
388 enum {
389   gageItemPackPartUnknown,     /*  0 */
390   gageItemPackPartScalar,      /*  1 */
391   gageItemPackPartGradVec,     /*  2 */
392   gageItemPackPartGradMag,     /*  3 */
393   gageItemPackPartNormal,      /*  4 */
394   gageItemPackPartHessian,     /*  5 */
395   gageItemPackPartHessEval0,   /*  6 */
396   gageItemPackPartHessEval1,   /*  7 */
397   gageItemPackPartHessEval2,   /*  8 */
398   gageItemPackPartHessEvec0,   /*  9 */
399   gageItemPackPartHessEvec1,   /* 10 */
400   gageItemPackPartHessEvec2,   /* 11 */
401   gageItemPackPartLast
402 };
403 #define GAGE_ITEM_PACK_PART_MAX   11
405 /*
406 ******** gageShape struct
407 **
408 ** just a container for all the information related to the "shape"
409 ** of all the volumes associated with a context
410 **
411 ** Note that the utility of gageShape has extended well beyond doing
412 ** convolution-based measurements in volumes- it has become the
413 ** one-stop place for all of Teem to figure out a reasonable way of
414 ** locating a logically a volume in 3-D space, including using a
415 ** nrrd's full orientation information if it is known.
416 */
417 typedef struct gageShape_t {
418   /* ========= INPUT ========= (controls for _gageShapeSet) */
419   int defaultCenter,          /* default centering to use when given volume
420                                  has no centering set. */
421     orientationFromSpacing;   /* only meaningful if nrrd has per-axis spacing,
422                                  but not full orientation info. If zero, the
423                                  volume is crammed into the bi-unit cube.
424                                  If non-zero, gage treats the volume as if it
425                                  had axis-aligned spaceDirection vectors, with
426                                  the non-zero values determined by the given
427                                  per-axis spacing. */
428   /* ======== OUTPUT ========= (set by _gageShapeSet) */
429   int center,                 /* the sample centering of the volume(s)- this
430                                  determines the extent of the locations
431                                  that may be probed */
432     fromOrientation;          /* non-zero iff the spaceDirections and
433                                  spaceOrigin information was used */
434   unsigned int size[3];       /* raster dimensions of volume
435                                  HEY: shouldn't this be size_t? */
436   double spacing[3];          /* spacings for each axis */
437   /* fwScale[GAGE_KERNEL_MAX+1][3] has been superceded by the cleaner and
438      more general ItoWSubInvTransp and ItoWSubInv matrices below */
439   double ItoW[16],            /* homogeneous coord transform from index
440                                  to world space (defined either by bi-unit
441                                  cube or from full orientation info ) */
442     WtoI[16],                 /* inverse of above */
443     ItoWSubInvTransp[9],      /* inverse transpose of 3x3 sub-matrix of ItoW,
444                                  to transform (covariant) gradients */
445     ItoWSubInv[9];            /* tranpose of above, to transform hessians */
447 } gageShape;
449 /*
450 ******** gageParm struct
451 **
452 ** a container for the various switches and knobs which control
453 ** gage, aside from the obvious inputs (kernels, queries, volumes)
454 */
455 typedef struct gageParm_t {
456   int renormalize;            /* hack to make sure that sum of
457                                  discrete value reconstruction weights
458                                  is same as kernel's continuous
459                                  integral, and that the 1nd and 2nd
460                                  deriv weights really sum to 0.0 */
461   int checkIntegrals;         /* call the "integral" method of the
462                                  kernel to verify that it is
463                                  appropriate for the task for which
464                                  the kernel is being set:
465                                  reconstruction: 1.0, derivatives: 0.0 */
466   int k3pack;                 /* non-zero (true) iff we do not use kernels
467                                  gageKernelIJ with I != J. So, we use the
468                                  value reconstruction kernel (gageKernel00)
469                                  for 1st and 2nd derivative reconstruction,
470                                  and so on. This is faster because we can
471                                  re-use results from low-order convolutions.
472                                  The name "3pack" will likely persist even
473                                  with 3rd dervatives, for which "4pack" would
474                                  make more sense (for 00, 11, 22, 33) */
475   double gradMagCurvMin,      /* punt on computing curvature information if
476                                  gradient magnitude is less than this. Yes,
477                                  this is scalar-kind-specific, but there's
478                                  no other good place for it */
479     kernelIntegralNearZero,   /* tolerance with checkIntegrals on derivative
480                                  kernels */
481     stackNormalizeDerivBias;  /* when using stackNormalizeDeriv, a bias
482                                  on the effective scale, used for the
483                                  normalization */
484   int curvNormalSide,         /* determines direction of gradient that is used
485                                  as normal in curvature calculations, exactly
486                                  the same as miteUser's normalSide: 1 for
487                                  normal pointing to lower values (higher
488                                  values are more "inside"); -1 for normal
489                                  pointing to higher values (low values more
490                                  "inside") */
491     defaultCenter,            /* what centering to use when you have to invent
492                                  one, because its not set on any axis */
493     stackUse,                 /* if non-zero: treat the pvl's (all same kind)
494                                  as multiple values of a single logical volume
495                                  (e.g. for approximating scale space).
496                                  The first pvl is effectively just a buffer;
497                                  the N-1 pvls used are at index 1 through N-2.
498                                  The query in pvl[0] will determine the
499                                  computations done, and answers for the whole
500                                  stack will be stored in pvl[0]. */
501     stackNormalizeRecon,      /* if non-zero (and if stackUse is non-zero):
502                                  the weights used to reconstruct across
503                                  stack samples are normalized to unit sum; not
504                                  needed if the kernel is accurate enough */
505     stackNormalizeDeriv,      /* if non-zero (and if stackUse is non-zero):
506                                  derivatives at filter stage (before answer
507                                  stage) are renormalized based on the stack
508                                  position */
509     orientationFromSpacing,   /* only meaningful if nrrd has per-axis spacing,
510                                  but not full orientation info. If zero, the
511                                  volume is crammed into the bi-unit cube.
512                                  If non-zero, gage treats the volume as if it
513                                  had axis-aligned spaceDirection vectors, with
514                                  the non-zero values determined by the given
515                                  per-axis spacing. */
516     generateErrStr;           /* when errors happen, biff is never used, but
517                                  a descriptive error is sprintf into
518                                  gctx->errStr as long as this is non-zero. */
519 } gageParm;
521 /*
522 ******** gagePoint struct
523 **
524 ** stores *Index Space* location of last query location, which is used
525 ** to determine whether the ctx->fsl, ctx->fw values can be re-used
526 ** (based on the "Frac" values), and, whether all the pvl->iv3 have to
527 ** be refilled (based on the "Idx" values).  The last index (frac[3]
528 ** and idx[3])is for the stack, and can safely stay 0 if the stack
529 ** isn't being used.
530 **
531 ** with stack usage, stackFwNonZeroNum records how many pvls had
532 ** non-zero stack filter weights, which is used to detect when
533 ** iv3s have to be refilled.  Looking at idx[3] alone is not always
534 ** sufficient for this.
535 */
536 typedef struct gagePoint_t {
537   double frac[4];         /* last fractional voxel location */
538   unsigned int idx[4],    /* last integral voxel location; actually the
539                              *upper* corner of the containing voxel */
540     stackFwNonZeroNum;    /* last number of non-zero values of stack filter
541                              weights (ctx->stackFw) */
542 } gagePoint;
544 /*
545 ******** gageQuery typedef
546 **
547 ** this short, fixed-length array is used as a bit-vector to store
548 ** all the items that comprise a query.  Its length sets an upper
549 ** bound on the maximum item value that a gageKind may use.
550 **
551 ** The important thing to keep in mind is that a variable of type
552 ** gageKind ends up being passed by reference, even though the
553 ** syntax of its usage doesn't immediately announce that.
554 **
555 ** gageKindCheck currently has the role of verifying that a gageKind's
556 ** maximum item value is within the bounds set here. Using
557 ** GAGE_QUERY_BYTES_NUM == 8 gives a max item value of 63, which is
558 ** far above anything being used now.
559 **
560 ** Sat Jan 21 18:12:01 EST 2006: ha! second derivatives of tensors blew
561 ** past old GAGE_QUERY_BYTES_NUM, now GAGE_QUERY_BYTES_NUM == 16
562 **
563 ** Tue Nov  7 19:51:05 EST 2006; tenGage items now pushing 127,
564 ** guardedly changing GAGE_QUERY_BYTES_NUM to 24 --> max item 191
565 **
566 ** Wed Nov 18 17:53:23 CST 2009; yikes, tenGage items now at 190,
567 ** changing GAGE_QUERY_BYTES_NUM to 32 --> max item 255
568 **
569 ** NOTE: increasing GAGE_QUERY_BYTES_NUM means that the macros below
570 ** have to be redefined as well!
571 */
572 #define GAGE_QUERY_BYTES_NUM 32
574 typedef unsigned char gageQuery[GAGE_QUERY_BYTES_NUM];
576 /*
579 **
580 ** Macros for manipulating a gageQuery.
581 **
582 ** airSanity ensures that an unsigned char is in fact 8 bits
583 */
584 #define GAGE_QUERY_RESET(q) \
585   q[ 0] = q[ 1] = q[ 2] = q[ 3] = \
586   q[ 4] = q[ 5] = q[ 6] = q[ 7] = \
587   q[ 8] = q[ 9] = q[10] = q[11] = \
588   q[12] = q[13] = q[14] = q[15] = \
589   q[16] = q[17] = q[18] = q[19] = \
590   q[20] = q[21] = q[22] = q[23] = \
591   q[24] = q[25] = q[26] = q[27] = \
592   q[28] = q[29] = q[30] = q[31] = 0
594 #define GAGE_QUERY_COPY(p, q) \
595   p[ 0] = q[ 0]; p[ 1] = q[ 1]; p[ 2] = q[ 2]; p[ 3] = q[ 3]; \
596   p[ 4] = q[ 4]; p[ 5] = q[ 5]; p[ 6] = q[ 6]; p[ 7] = q[ 7]; \
597   p[ 8] = q[ 8]; p[ 9] = q[ 9]; p[10] = q[10]; p[11] = q[11]; \
598   p[12] = q[12]; p[13] = q[13]; p[14] = q[14]; p[15] = q[15]; \
599   p[16] = q[16]; p[17] = q[17]; p[18] = q[18]; p[19] = q[19]; \
600   p[20] = q[20]; p[21] = q[21]; p[22] = q[22]; p[23] = q[23]; \
601   p[24] = q[24]; p[25] = q[25]; p[26] = q[26]; p[27] = q[27]; \
602   p[28] = q[28]; p[29] = q[29]; p[30] = q[30]; p[31] = q[31]
604 #define GAGE_QUERY_ADD(p, q) \
605   p[ 0] |= q[ 0]; p[ 1] |= q[ 1]; p[ 2] |= q[ 2]; p[ 3] |= q[ 3]; \
606   p[ 4] |= q[ 4]; p[ 5] |= q[ 5]; p[ 6] |= q[ 6]; p[ 7] |= q[ 7]; \
607   p[ 8] |= q[ 8]; p[ 9] |= q[ 9]; p[10] |= q[10]; p[11] |= q[11]; \
608   p[12] |= q[12]; p[13] |= q[13]; p[14] |= q[14]; p[15] |= q[15]; \
609   p[16] |= q[16]; p[17] |= q[17]; p[18] |= q[18]; p[19] |= q[19]; \
610   p[20] |= q[20]; p[21] |= q[21]; p[22] |= q[22]; p[23] |= q[23]; \
611   p[24] |= q[24]; p[25] |= q[25]; p[26] |= q[26]; p[27] |= q[27]; \
612   p[28] |= q[28]; p[29] |= q[29]; p[30] |= q[30]; p[31] |= q[31]
614 #define GAGE_QUERY_EQUAL(p, q) ( \
615   p[ 0] == q[ 0] && p[ 1] == q[ 1] && p[ 2] == q[ 2] && p[ 3] == q[ 3] && \
616   p[ 4] == q[ 4] && p[ 5] == q[ 5] && p[ 6] == q[ 6] && p[ 7] == q[ 7] && \
617   p[ 8] == q[ 8] && p[ 9] == q[ 9] && p[10] == q[10] && p[11] == q[11] && \
618   p[12] == q[12] && p[13] == q[13] && p[14] == q[14] && p[15] == q[15] && \
619   p[16] == q[16] && p[17] == q[17] && p[18] == q[18] && p[19] == q[19] && \
620   p[20] == q[20] && p[21] == q[21] && p[22] == q[22] && p[23] == q[23] && \
621   p[24] == q[24] && p[25] == q[25] && p[26] == q[26] && p[27] == q[27] && \
622   p[28] == q[28] && p[29] == q[29] && p[30] == q[30] && p[31] == q[31] )
624 #define GAGE_QUERY_NONZERO(q) ( \
625   q[ 0] | q[ 1] | q[ 2] | q[ 3] | \
626   q[ 4] | q[ 5] | q[ 6] | q[ 7] | \
627   q[ 8] | q[ 9] | q[10] | q[11] | \
628   q[12] | q[13] | q[14] | q[15] | \
629   q[16] | q[17] | q[18] | q[19] | \
630   q[20] | q[21] | q[22] | q[23] | \
631   q[24] | q[25] | q[26] | q[27] | \
632   q[28] | q[29] | q[30] | q[31] )
634 #define GAGE_QUERY_ITEM_TEST(q, i) (q[i/8] & (1 << (i % 8)))
635 #define GAGE_QUERY_ITEM_ON(q, i) (q[i/8] |= (1 << (i % 8)))
636 #define GAGE_QUERY_ITEM_OFF(q, i) (q[i/8] &= ~(1 << (i % 8)))
638 /* increment for ctx->pvlArr airArray */
641 /* extents of known information about optimal sigma samples for
642    Hermite-spline-based scale-space reconstruction */
646 /*
647 ******** gageContext struct
648 **
649 ** The information here is specific to the dimensions, scalings, and
650 ** radius of kernel support, but not to kind of volume (all kind-specific
651 ** information is in the gagePerVolume).  One context can be used in
652 ** conjuction with probing multiple volumes.
653 */
654 typedef struct gageContext_t {
655   /* INPUT ------------------------- */
656   int verbose;                /* verbosity */
657   gageParm parm;              /* all parameters */
659   /* all the kernels we'll ever need, including the stack kernel */
660   NrrdKernelSpec *ksp[GAGE_KERNEL_MAX+1];
662   /* all the pervolumes attached to this context.  If using stack,
663      the base pvl is the LAST, pvl[pvlNum-1], and the stack samples
664      are pvl[0] through pvl[pvlNum-2] */
665   struct gagePerVolume_t **pvl;
667   /* number of pervolumes currently attached. If using stack,
668      this is one more than number of stack samples (because of the
669      base volume at the end) */
670   unsigned int pvlNum;
672   /* airArray for managing pvl and pvlNum */
673   airArray *pvlArr;
675   /* sizes, spacings, centering, and other geometric aspects of the
676      volume */
677   gageShape *shape;
679   /* if stack is being used, allocated for length pvlNum-1, and
680      stackPos[0] through stackPos[pvlNum-2] MUST exist and be
681      monotonically increasing stack positions for each volume.
682      Otherwise NULL */
683   double *stackPos;
685   /* INTERNAL ------------------------- */
686   /* if using stack: allocated for length pvlNum-1, and filter sample
687      locations and weights for reconstruction along the stack.
688      Otherwise NULL. */
689   double *stackFsl;
690   double *stackFw;
692   /* all the flags used by gageUpdate() used to describe what changed
693      in this context */
694   int flag[GAGE_CTX_FLAG_MAX+1];
696   /* which value/derivatives need to be calculated for all pervolumes
697      (doV, doD1, doD2) */
698   int needD[GAGE_DERIV_MAX+1];
700   /* which kernels are needed for all pvls.  needK[gageKernelStack]
701      is currently not set by the update function that sets needK[] */
702   int needK[GAGE_KERNEL_MAX+1];
704   /* radius of support of samples needed to satisfy query, given the
705      set of kernels.  The "filter diameter" fd == 2*radius.  This is
706      incremented by one when filtering across the stack with
707      nrrdKernelHermiteScaleSpaceFlag */
708   unsigned int radius;
710   /* filter sample locations (all axes): logically a fd x 3 array
711      (and its 3 because gage works on 3D fields, not because of
712      the number of derivatives supported) */
713   double *fsl;
715   /* filter weights (all axes, all kernels): logically a
716      fd x 3 x GAGE_KERNEL_MAX+1 (fast-to-slow) array */
717   double *fw;
719   /* offsets to other fd^3 samples needed to fill 3D intermediate
720      value cache. Allocated size is dependent on kernels, values
721      inside are dependent on the dimensions of the volume. It may be
722      more correct to be using size_t instead of uint, but the X and Y
723      dimensions of the volume would have to be super-outrageous for
724      that to be a problem */
725   unsigned int *off;
727   /* last probe location */
728   gagePoint point;
730   /* errStr and errNum are for describing errors that happen in gageProbe():
731      using biff is too heavy-weight for this, and the idea is that no ill
732      should occur if the error is repeatedly ignored. Whether or not
733      something is actually sprintf'ed into errStr is controlled by
734      parm.generateErrStr.
735      NOTE: these variables used to be globals "gageErrStr" and "gageErrNum" */
736   char errStr[AIR_STRLEN_LARGE];
737   int errNum;                 /* takes values from the gageErr enum */
739   /* what fraction of the values in the kernel support had to be invented
740      (by bleeding out the margin) in order to satisfy a probe that was near
741      the edge (any axis, either high or low) of the volume */
742   double edgeFrac;
743 } gageContext;
745 /*
746 ******** gagePerVolume
747 **
748 ** information that is specific to one volume, and to one kind of
749 ** volume.
750 */
751 typedef struct gagePerVolume_t {
752   int verbose;                /* verbosity */
753   const struct gageKind_t *kind;  /* what kind of volume is this for */
754   gageQuery query;            /* the query, recursively expanded */
755   int needD[GAGE_DERIV_MAX+1];/* which derivatives need to be calculated for
756                                  the query (above) in this volume */
757   const Nrrd *nin;            /* the volume to sample within */
758   int flag[GAGE_PVL_FLAG_MAX+1];/* for the kind-specific flags .. */
759   double *iv3, *iv2, *iv1;    /* 3D, 2D, 1D, value caches.  These are cubical,
760                                  square, and linear arrays, all length fd on
761                                  each edge.  Currently gageIv3Fill() fills
762                                  the iv3 (at a latter point this will be
763                                  delegated back to the gageKind to facilitate
764                                  bricking), and currently the tuple axis (with
765                                  length valLen) always slowest.  However, use
766                                  of iv2 and iv1 is entirely up the kind's
767                                  filter method. */
768   double (*lup)(const void *ptr, size_t I);
769                               /* nrrd{F,D}Lookup[] element, according to
770                                  nin->type and double */
771   double *answer;             /* main buffer to hold all the answers */
772   double **directAnswer;      /* array of pointers into answer */
773   void *data;                 /* extra data, parameters, buffers, etc.
774                                  required for answering some items (as per
775                                  the gageItemEntry->needData) managed with
776                                  kind->pvlDataNew, kind->pvlDataCopy,
777                                  kind->pvlDataUpdate, and kind->pvlDataNix,
778                                  so there is no channel for extra info to be
779                                  passed into the pvl->data, other that what
780                                  was put into kind->data */
781 } gagePerVolume;
783 /*
784 ******** gageKind struct
785 **
786 ** all the information and functions that are needed to handle one
787 ** kind of volume (such as scalar, vector, etc.)
788 **
789 ** these are either statically allocated (e.g. gageKindScl, gageKindVec,
790 ** tenGageKind), or dynamically allocated, which case the kind itself
791 ** needs a constructor (e.g. tenDwiGageKindNew()).  The "dynamicAlloc"
792 ** variable indicates this distinction.
793 **
794 ** Having dynamically allocated kinds raises the possibility of having
795 ** to set and update (or modify and update) their internal state,
796 ** which is currently completely outside the update framework of gage.
797 ** So as far as the core gage functions are concerned, all kinds are
798 ** static, because there is nothing to modify.  It also means that
799 ** those who dynamically create kinds should try to minimize the
800 ** state info that can/must be dynamically modified (i.e. maybe
801 ** the kind constructor should take all the various parameters,
802 ** and set everything in a single shot).
803 */
804 typedef struct gageKind_t {
805   int dynamicAlloc;                 /* non-zero if this kind struct was
806                                        dynamically allocated */
807   char name[AIR_STRLEN_SMALL];      /* short identifying string for kind */
808   const airEnum *enm;               /* such as gageScl.  NB: the "unknown"
809                                        value in the enum *must* be 0. */
810   unsigned int baseDim,             /* dimension that x,y,z axes start on
811                                        (e.g. 0 for scalars, 1 for vectors) */
812     valLen;                         /* number of scalars per data point,
813                                        -or- 0 to represent "this value will
814                                        be learned later at runtime" */
815   int itemMax;                      /* such as GAGE_SCL_ITEM_MAX */
816   gageItemEntry *table;             /* array of gageItemEntry's, indexed
817                                        by the item value,
818                                        -or- NULL if the table cannot be
819                                        statically allocated (not because it
820                                        can come in different sizes, but
821                                        because it needs to be a modified
822                                        version of the compile-time table */
823   void (*iv3Print)(FILE *,          /* such as _gageSclIv3Print() */
824                    gageContext *,
825                    gagePerVolume *),
826     (*filter)(gageContext *,        /* such as _gageSclFilter() */
827               gagePerVolume *),
828     (*answer)(gageContext *,        /* such as _gageSclAnswer() */
829               gagePerVolume *),
830     /* for allocating, copying, updating, and nixing the pervolume->data */
831     /* pvlDataNew and pvlDataCopy can use biff, but:
832        --> they must use GAGE key (and not callback's library's key), and
833        --> pvlDataNix can not use biff */
834     *(*pvlDataNew)(const struct gageKind_t *kind),
835     *(*pvlDataCopy)(const struct gageKind_t *kind, const void *pvlDataOld),
836     *(*pvlDataNix)(const struct gageKind_t *kind, void *pvlData);
837   int (*pvlDataUpdate)(const struct gageKind_t *kind,
838                        const gageContext *ctx,
839                        const gagePerVolume *pvl,
840                        const void *data);
841   void *data;                       /* extra information about the kind of
842                                        volume that's being probed.  Likely
843                                        used by filter, answer, and the
844                                        pvlData functions */
845 } gageKind;
847 /*
848 ******** gageItemSpec struct
849 **
850 ** dumb little way to store a kind/item pair.  Formerly known
851 ** as a gageQuerySpec.
852 */
853 typedef struct {
854   const gageKind *kind;       /* the kind of the volume to measure */
855   int item;                   /* the quantity to measure */
856 } gageItemSpec;
858 /*
859 ******** gageItemPack struct
860 **
861 ** A way of coherently representing a related set of gageItems. This
862 ** kind of inter-item relationship may eventually be part of the
863 ** definition of a gageKind.
864 **
865 ** These are intended to be set up at compile-time, just like nearly all
866 ** the gageKinds.
867 **
868 ** This is not to be confused with the gageMultiItem, which is (or
869 ** will be) a list of items, set at run-time, to learn from a given
870 ** volume.
871 */
872 typedef struct {
873   const gageKind *kind;
874   int item[GAGE_ITEM_PACK_PART_MAX+1];
875 } gageItemPack;
877 /*
878 ******** gageStackBlurParm struct
879 **
880 ** all parameters associated with blurring one volume to form a "stack"
881 */
882 typedef struct {
883   unsigned int num;      /* # of blurring scales == # volumes */
884   double *scale;         /* scale parameter for each blurred volume */
885   double sigmaMax,       /* nrrdKernelDiscreteGaussian is implemented with
886                             airBesselInExpScaled, which has numerical issues
887                             for very large kernel sizes.  Instead of doing
888                             the blurring in one step, the diffusion is done
889                             iteratively, with steps in diffusion time
890                             of sigmaMax^2 */
891     padValue;            /* padding value for nrrdBoundaryPad */
892   NrrdKernelSpec *kspec; /* NOTE: parm[0] will get over-written as part
893                             of running the resampler at each scale */
894   int dataCheck,         /* when checking given stack to see if its the
895                             blurring of a volume, actually go in and look at
896                             values of first (probably the least blurred)
897                             volume */
898     boundary,            /* passed to nrrdResampleBoundarySet */
899     renormalize,         /* passed to nrrdResampleRenormalizeSet */
900     verbose;
901 } gageStackBlurParm;
903 /*
904 ******** gageOptimSigParm struct
905 **
906 ** a fairly disorganized mess of parameters.  under construction
907 */
908 typedef struct {
909   /* INPUT ------------------------- */
910   /* these determine the allocation and (slow) computation of ntruth */
911   unsigned int dim;            /* either 1, 2, or 3 */
912   double sigmaMax,             /* highest sigma in current computation */
913     cutoff;                    /* parm[1] for discrete gaussian kernel */
914   unsigned int measrSampleNum; /* how many samples along sigma to use
915                                   for measurements of error */
917   /* these can be changed more often */
918   unsigned int sampleNum;      /* how many scale samples to optimize */
919   int volMeasr,                /* how to measure error at each reconstructed
920                                   scale (interpolated volume) */
921     lineMeasr,                 /* how to summarize errors across all scales */
922     plotting,                  /* we're plotting, not optimizing */
923     tentRecon;                 /* for plotting: use tent instead of hermite */
924   unsigned int maxIter;        /* allowed iterations in optimization */
925   double convEps;              /* convergence threshold */
927   /* INTERNAL ------------------------- */
928   /* these related to the allocation and (slow) computation of ntruth */
929   unsigned int sx, sy, sz;     /* volume size for testing */
930   double *sigmatru,            /* sigmas for all lines of ntruth, allocated
931                                   for measrSampleNum */
932     *truth;                    /* data pointer of ntruth */
933   Nrrd *ntruth,                /* big array of all truth volumes, logically
934                                   a sx x sy x sz x measrSampleNum array */
935     *nerr,                     /* line of all errors, across scale */
936     *ntruline,                 /* *wrapper* around some scanline of ntruth */
937     *ninterp,                  /* last recon result */
938     *ndiff;                    /* diff between recon and truth, single vol */
939   /* most of these allocated according sampleNumMax */
940   unsigned int sampleNumMax;   /* largest number of SS samples to look at;
941                                   this is set at parm creation time and can't
942                                   be changed safely during parm lifetime */
943   double *scalePos,            /* current SS sample locations, allocated
944                                   for sampleNumMax */
945     *step;                     /* per-point stepsize for descent */
946   Nrrd **nsampvol;             /* current set of SS samples, allocated for
947                                   sampleNumMax */
948   gagePerVolume *pvl, **pvlSS; /* for gage; pvlSS allocation different than
949                                   scalePos or nsampvol */
950   gageContext *gctx;           /* context around nsamplevol */
952   /* OUTPUT ------------------------- */
953   double finalErr;             /* error of converged points */
954 } gageOptimSigParm;
956 /* defaultsGage.c */
957 GAGE_EXPORT const char *gageBiffKey;
958 GAGE_EXPORT int gageDefVerbose;
959 GAGE_EXPORT double gageDefGradMagCurvMin;
960 GAGE_EXPORT int gageDefRenormalize;
961 GAGE_EXPORT int gageDefCheckIntegrals;
962 GAGE_EXPORT int gageDefK3Pack;
963 GAGE_EXPORT int gageDefCurvNormalSide;
964 GAGE_EXPORT double gageDefKernelIntegralNearZero;
965 GAGE_EXPORT int gageDefDefaultCenter;
966 GAGE_EXPORT int gageDefStackUse;
967 GAGE_EXPORT int gageDefStackNormalizeRecon;
968 GAGE_EXPORT int gageDefStackNormalizeDeriv;
969 GAGE_EXPORT double gageDefStackNormalizeDerivBias;
970 GAGE_EXPORT double gageDefStackBlurSigmaMax;
971 GAGE_EXPORT int gageDefOrientationFromSpacing;
972 GAGE_EXPORT int gageDefGenerateErrStr;
974 /* miscGage.c */
975 GAGE_EXPORT const int gagePresent;
976 GAGE_EXPORT double gageZeroNormal[3];
977 GAGE_EXPORT const airEnum *const gageErr;
978 GAGE_EXPORT const airEnum *const gageKernel;
979 GAGE_EXPORT const airEnum *const gageItemPackPart;
980 GAGE_EXPORT void gageParmReset(gageParm *parm);
981 GAGE_EXPORT void gagePointReset(gagePoint *point);
982 GAGE_EXPORT gageItemSpec *gageItemSpecNew(void);
983 GAGE_EXPORT void gageItemSpecInit(gageItemSpec *isp);
984 GAGE_EXPORT gageItemSpec *gageItemSpecNix(gageItemSpec *isp);
986 /* kind.c */
987 GAGE_EXPORT int gageKindCheck(const gageKind *kind);
988 GAGE_EXPORT unsigned int gageKindTotalAnswerLength(const gageKind *kind);
989 GAGE_EXPORT unsigned int gageKindAnswerLength(const gageKind *kind, int item);
990 GAGE_EXPORT int gageKindAnswerOffset(const gageKind *kind, int item);
991 GAGE_EXPORT int gageKindVolumeCheck(const gageKind *kind, const Nrrd *nrrd);
993 /* print.c */
994 GAGE_EXPORT void gageQueryPrint(FILE *file, const gageKind *kind,
995                                 gageQuery query);
997 /* sclfilter.c */
998 typedef void (gageScl3PFilter_t)(gageShape *shape,
999                                  double *iv3, double *iv2, double *iv1,
1000                                  double *fw00, double *fw11, double *fw22,
1001                                  double *val, double *gvec, double *hess,
1002                                  const int *needD);
1003 GAGE_EXPORT gageScl3PFilter_t gageScl3PFilter2;
1004 GAGE_EXPORT gageScl3PFilter_t gageScl3PFilter4;
1005 GAGE_EXPORT gageScl3PFilter_t gageScl3PFilter6;
1006 GAGE_EXPORT gageScl3PFilter_t gageScl3PFilter8;
1007 GAGE_EXPORT void gageScl3PFilterN(gageShape *shape, int fd,
1008                                   double *iv3, double *iv2, double *iv1,
1009                                   double *fw00, double *fw11, double *fw22,
1010                                   double *val, double *gvec, double *hess,
1011                                   const int *needD);
1013 /* scl.c */
1014 GAGE_EXPORT const airEnum *const gageScl;
1015 /* HEY: this should perhaps be a "const gageKind", but pointers for
1016    general kinds may want to point to this, or to the return of
1017    a dynamic kind generator like tenDwiGageKindNew(), which is
1018    most certainly not "const gageKind". */
1019 GAGE_EXPORT gageKind *const gageKindScl;
1020 GAGE_EXPORT const gageItemPack *const gageItemPackSclValue;
1022 /* vecGage.c (together with vecprint.c, these contain everything to
1023    implement the "vec" kind, and could be used as examples of what it
1024    takes to create a new gageKind) */
1025 GAGE_EXPORT const airEnum *const gageVec;
1026 GAGE_EXPORT gageKind *const gageKindVec;
1028 /* shape.c */
1029 GAGE_EXPORT void gageShapeReset(gageShape *shp);
1030 GAGE_EXPORT gageShape *gageShapeNew(void);
1031 GAGE_EXPORT gageShape *gageShapeCopy(const gageShape *shp);
1032 GAGE_EXPORT gageShape *gageShapeNix(gageShape *shape);
1033 GAGE_EXPORT int gageShapeSet(gageShape *shp, const Nrrd *nin, int baseDim);
1034 GAGE_EXPORT void gageShapeWtoI(const gageShape *shape,
1035                                double index[3], const double world[3]);
1036 GAGE_EXPORT void gageShapeItoW(const gageShape *shape,
1037                                double world[3], const double index[3]);
1038 GAGE_EXPORT int gageShapeEqual(const gageShape *shp1, const char *name1,
1039                                const gageShape *shp2, const char *name2);
1040 GAGE_EXPORT void gageShapeBoundingBox(double min[3], double max[3],
1041                                       const gageShape *shape);
1043 /* the organization of the next two files used to be according to
1044    what the first argument is, not what appears in the function name,
1045    but that's just a complete mess now */
1046 /* pvl.c */
1047 GAGE_EXPORT int gageVolumeCheck(const gageContext *ctx, const Nrrd *nin,
1048                                 const gageKind *kind);
1049 GAGE_EXPORT gagePerVolume *gagePerVolumeNew(gageContext *ctx,
1050                                             const Nrrd *nin,
1051                                             const gageKind *kind);
1052 GAGE_EXPORT gagePerVolume *gagePerVolumeNix(gagePerVolume *pvl);
1053 GAGE_EXPORT const double *gageAnswerPointer(const gageContext *ctx,
1054                                             const gagePerVolume *pvl,
1055                                             int item);
1056 GAGE_EXPORT unsigned int gageAnswerLength(const gageContext *ctx,
1057                                           const gagePerVolume *pvl,
1058                                           int item);
1059 GAGE_EXPORT int gageQueryReset(gageContext *ctx, gagePerVolume *pvl);
1060 GAGE_EXPORT int gageQuerySet(gageContext *ctx, gagePerVolume *pvl,
1061                              gageQuery query);
1062 GAGE_EXPORT int gageQueryAdd(gageContext *ctx, gagePerVolume *pvl,
1063                              gageQuery query);
1064 GAGE_EXPORT int gageQueryItemOn(gageContext *ctx, gagePerVolume *pvl,
1065                                 int item);
1067 /* optimsig.c */
1068 GAGE_EXPORT int gageOptimSigSet(double *scale, unsigned int num,
1069                                 unsigned int sigmaMax);
1070 GAGE_EXPORT gageOptimSigParm *gageOptimSigParmNew(unsigned int sampleMaxNum);
1071 GAGE_EXPORT gageOptimSigParm *gageOptimSigParmNix(gageOptimSigParm *parm);
1072 GAGE_EXPORT int gageOptimSigTruthSet(gageOptimSigParm *parm,
1073                                      unsigned int dim,
1074                                      double sigmaMax, double cutoff,
1075                                      unsigned int measrSampleNum);
1076 GAGE_EXPORT int gageOptimSigCalculate(gageOptimSigParm *parm,
1077                                       double *scalePos, unsigned int num,
1078                                       int volMeasr, int lineMeasr,
1079                                       double convEps, unsigned int maxIter);
1080 GAGE_EXPORT int gageOptimSigPlot(gageOptimSigParm *parm, Nrrd *nout,
1081                                  const double *plotpos,
1082                                  unsigned int plotPosNum,
1083                                  int volMeasr, int tentRecon);
1085 /* stack.c */
1086 GAGE_EXPORT double gageTauOfTee(double tee);
1087 GAGE_EXPORT double gageTeeOfTau(double tau);
1088 GAGE_EXPORT double gageSigOfTau(double tau);
1089 GAGE_EXPORT double gageTauOfSig(double sig);
1090 GAGE_EXPORT double gageStackWtoI(gageContext *ctx, double swrl,
1091                                  int *outside);
1092 GAGE_EXPORT double gageStackItoW(gageContext *ctx, double si,
1093                                  int *outside);
1094 GAGE_EXPORT int gageStackPerVolumeNew(gageContext *ctx,
1095                                       gagePerVolume **pvlStack,
1096                                       const Nrrd *const *nblur,
1097                                       unsigned int blnum,
1098                                       const gageKind *kind);
1099 GAGE_EXPORT int gageStackPerVolumeAttach(gageContext *ctx,
1100                                          gagePerVolume *pvlBase,
1101                                          gagePerVolume **pvlStack,
1102                                          const double *stackPos,
1103                                          unsigned int blnum);
1104 GAGE_EXPORT int gageStackProbe(gageContext *ctx,
1105                                double xi, double yi, double zi, double si);
1106 GAGE_EXPORT int gageStackProbeSpace(gageContext *ctx,
1107                                     double x, double y, double z, double s,
1108                                     int indexSpace, int clamp);
1110 /* stackBlur.c */
1111 GAGE_EXPORT gageStackBlurParm *gageStackBlurParmNew(void);
1112 GAGE_EXPORT gageStackBlurParm *gageStackBlurParmNix(gageStackBlurParm *sbp);
1113 GAGE_EXPORT int gageStackBlurParmScaleSet(gageStackBlurParm *sbp,
1114                                           unsigned int num,
1115                                           double scaleMin, double scaleMax,
1116                                           int uniform, int optim);
1117 GAGE_EXPORT int gageStackBlurParmKernelSet(gageStackBlurParm *sbp,
1118                                            const NrrdKernelSpec *kspec,
1119                                            int renormalize);
1120 GAGE_EXPORT int gageStackBlurParmBoundarySet(gageStackBlurParm *sbp,
1121                                              int boundary, double padValue);
1122 GAGE_EXPORT int gageStackBlurParmVerboseSet(gageStackBlurParm *sbp,
1123                                             int verbose);
1124 GAGE_EXPORT int gageStackBlurParmCheck(gageStackBlurParm *sbp);
1125 GAGE_EXPORT int gageStackBlur(Nrrd *const nblur[], gageStackBlurParm *sbp,
1126                               const Nrrd *nin, const gageKind *kind);
1127 GAGE_EXPORT int gageStackBlurCheck(const Nrrd *const nblur[],
1128                                    gageStackBlurParm *sbp,
1129                                    const Nrrd *nin, const gageKind *kind);
1130 GAGE_EXPORT int gageStackBlurGet(Nrrd *const nblur[], int *recomputedP,
1131                                  gageStackBlurParm *sbp,
1132                                  const char *format,
1133                                  const Nrrd *nin, const gageKind *kind);
1134 GAGE_EXPORT int gageStackBlurManage(Nrrd ***nblurP, int *recomputedP,
1135                                     gageStackBlurParm *sbp,
1136                                     const char *format,
1137                                     int saveIfComputed, NrrdEncoding *enc,
1138                                     const Nrrd *nin, const gageKind *kind);
1140 /* ctx.c */
1141 GAGE_EXPORT gageContext *gageContextNew(void);
1142 GAGE_EXPORT gageContext *gageContextCopy(gageContext *ctx);
1143 GAGE_EXPORT gageContext *gageContextNix(gageContext *ctx);
1144 GAGE_EXPORT void gageParmSet(gageContext *ctx, int which, double val);
1145 GAGE_EXPORT int gagePerVolumeIsAttached(const gageContext *ctx,
1146                                         const gagePerVolume *pvl);
1147 GAGE_EXPORT int gagePerVolumeAttach(gageContext *ctx, gagePerVolume *pvl);
1148 GAGE_EXPORT int gagePerVolumeDetach(gageContext *ctx, gagePerVolume *pvl);
1149 GAGE_EXPORT int gageKernelSet(gageContext *ctx, int which,
1150                               const NrrdKernel *k, const double *kparm);
1151 GAGE_EXPORT void gageKernelReset(gageContext *ctx);
1152 GAGE_EXPORT int gageProbe(gageContext *ctx, double xi, double yi, double zi);
1153 GAGE_EXPORT int gageProbeSpace(gageContext *ctx, double x, double y, double z,
1154                                int indexSpace, int clamp);
1156 /* update.c */
1157 GAGE_EXPORT int gageUpdate(gageContext *ctx);
1159 /* st.c */
1160 GAGE_EXPORT int gageStructureTensor(Nrrd *nout, const Nrrd *nin,
1161                                     int dScale, int iScale, int dsmp);
1163 /* deconvolve.c */
1164 GAGE_EXPORT int gageDeconvolve(Nrrd *nout, double *lastDiffP,
1165                                const Nrrd *nin, const gageKind *kind,
1166                                const NrrdKernelSpec *ksp, int typeOut,
1167                                unsigned int maxIter, int saveAnyway,
1168                                double step, double epsilon, int verbose);
1169 GAGE_EXPORT int gageDeconvolveSeparableKnown(const NrrdKernelSpec *ksp);
1170 GAGE_EXPORT int gageDeconvolveSeparable(Nrrd *nout, const Nrrd *nin,
1171                                         const gageKind *kind,
1172                                         const NrrdKernelSpec *ksp,
1173                                         int typeOut);
1175 #ifdef __cplusplus
1176 }
1177 #endif
1179 #endif /* GAGE_HAS_BEEN_INCLUDED */