1 #include <ios>
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <fstream>
4 #include <sstream>
5 #include <iomanip>
6 #include "bwm_observer_fiducial.h"
7 //:
8 // \file
9 #include <bwm/bwm_observer_mgr.h>
10 #include <bwm/algo/bwm_algo.h>
11 #include <bwm/algo/bwm_image_processor.h>
12 #include <bwm/bwm_tableau_mgr.h>
14 #ifdef _MSC_VER
15 #  include <vcl_msvc_warnings.h>
16 #endif
17 #include <cassert>
18 #include <vgui/vgui.h>
19 #include <vnl/vnl_math.h>
20 #include <bwm/io/bwm_fiducial_io.h>
21 #include <bwm/io/bwm_io_config_parser.h>
22 #include <bwm/bwm_site_mgr.h>
23 #include <vgui/vgui_dialog.h>
24 #include <vgui/vgui_dialog_extensions.h>
25 #include <vgui/vgui_projection_inspector.h>
26 #include <bgui/bgui_vsol_soview2D.h>
27 #include "bwm_observer_fiducial.h"
28 #include "bwm_utils.h"
29 float fiducial_corr::cross_radius_ = 2.0f;
add_fiducial_corrs(bwm_io_config_parser * parser)30 bool bwm_observer_fiducial::add_fiducial_corrs(bwm_io_config_parser* parser){
31   if(!parser){
32     std::cerr <<"null parser in add_fiducial_corrs" << std::endl;
33     return false;
34   }
35   site_name_ = parser->fid_site_name();
36   mode_ = parser->fid_mode();
37   type_ = parser->fid_type();
38   composite_image_path_ = parser->fid_image_path();
39   std::vector<std::pair<float, float> > fid_corrs = parser->fiducial_locations();
40   size_t n = fid_corrs.size();
41   for(size_t i = 0; i<n; ++i){
42     fiducial_corr fc;
43     float u = fid_corrs[i].first, v = fid_corrs[i].second;
44     bwm_soview2D_cross* cross = new bwm_soview2D_cross(u, v, fiducial_corr::cross_radius_);
45     cross->set_style(COMMITED_STYLE);
46     fc.soview_ = cross;
47     fc.loc_ = vgl_point_2d<double>(u, v);
48     vgui_displaylist2D_tableau::add(cross);
49     committed_fid_corrs_.push_back(fc);
50   }
51   return true;
52 }
bwm_observer_fiducial(bgui_image_tableau_sptr const & img,std::string const & site_name,std::string const & image_path,std::string const & fid_path,bool display_image_path)53 bwm_observer_fiducial::bwm_observer_fiducial(bgui_image_tableau_sptr const& img,
54                                              std::string const& site_name,
55                                              std::string const& image_path,
56                                              std::string const& fid_path,
57                                              bool display_image_path): bwm_observer_vgui(img)
58 {
59   COMMITED_STYLE =  vgui_style::new_style(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
60   img->show_image_path(display_image_path);
61   if(image_path != "" && fid_path == ""){
62     site_name_ = site_name;
63     composite_image_path_=image_path;
64   }else if(image_path == "" && fid_path != ""){
65   // user must delete
66     bwm_io_config_parser* parser = bwm_site_mgr::instance()->site_parser(fid_path);
67     if(parser == nullptr){
68       bwm_utils::show_error("Fiducial [" + image_path + "] is NOT found");
69       return;
70     }
71     this->add_fiducial_corrs(parser);
72     delete parser;
73   }
74   // LOAD IMAGE
75   vgui_range_map_params_sptr params;
76   vil_image_resource_sptr img_res = bwm_utils::load_image(composite_image_path_, params);
77   if (!img_res) {
78     bwm_utils::show_error("Image [" + image_path + "] is NOT found");
79     return;
80   }
81   img->set_image_resource(img_res, params);
82   img->set_file_name(composite_image_path_);
83   std::string temp = site_name_;
84   if(temp == "")
85     temp = image_path;
86   set_tab_name(temp);
87   bwm_observer_mgr::instance()->add(this);
88 }
~bwm_observer_fiducial()89 bwm_observer_fiducial::~bwm_observer_fiducial(){
90   if(pending_corr_.soview_ != nullptr){
91     this->remove(pending_corr_.soview_);
92     pending_corr_.soview_ = nullptr;
93   }
94   for(size_t i = 0; i<committed_fid_corrs_.size(); ++i){
95     fiducial_corr& fc = committed_fid_corrs_[i];
96     if(fc.soview_ != nullptr){
97       this->remove(fc.soview_);
98       fc.soview_ = nullptr;
99     }
100   }
101 }
handle(const vgui_event & e)103 bool bwm_observer_fiducial::handle(const vgui_event &e){
104   if (e.type==vgui_KEY_PRESS && e.key == 'a')
105   {
106     this->commit_pending();
107     return true;
108   }
110   if (e.type==vgui_KEY_PRESS && e.key == 'r')
111   {
112     std::cout << "REMOVE.." << std::endl;
113     this->remove_sel_committed();
114     return true;
115   }
117   if (e.type == vgui_BUTTON_DOWN &&
118       e.button == vgui_LEFT &&
119       e.modifier == vgui_SHIFT &&
120       bwm_observer_mgr::instance()->in_corr_picking())
121     {
122       vgui_projection_inspector pi;
123       float x,y;
124       pi.window_to_image_coordinates(e.wx, e.wy, x, y);
125       vgl_point_2d<double> pt(x,y);
126       this->update_pending(pt);
127       return true;
128     }
130   return base::handle(e);
131 }
update_pending(vgl_point_2d<double> const & pt)132 void bwm_observer_fiducial::update_pending(vgl_point_2d<double> const& pt){
133   if(pending_corr_.soview_ != nullptr){
134     this->remove(pending_corr_.soview_);
135     pending_corr_.soview_ = nullptr;
136   }
137   bwm_soview2D_cross* cross = new bwm_soview2D_cross(pt.x(), pt.y(), fiducial_corr::cross_radius_);
138   pending_corr_.soview_ = cross;
139   pending_corr_.loc_ = pt;
140   this->add(cross);
141   this->post_redraw();
142   std::cout << "UPDATE..." << std::endl;
143 }
commit_pending()144 void bwm_observer_fiducial::commit_pending(){
145   std::cout << "COMMIT.." << std::endl;
146   fiducial_corr fid_corr = pending_corr_;
147   if (fid_corr.soview_ == nullptr) {
148     std::cerr << "no pending corr to commit" << std::endl;
149     return;
150   }
151   pending_corr_.soview_ = nullptr;
152   fid_corr.soview_->set_style(COMMITED_STYLE);
153   committed_fid_corrs_.push_back(fid_corr);
154   this->post_redraw();
155 }
remove_sel_committed()156 void bwm_observer_fiducial::remove_sel_committed(){
157   size_t nc = committed_fid_corrs_.size();
158   if(nc == 0){
159     std::cerr << "no committed fiducial corrsespondences" << std::endl;
160     return;
161   }
162   std::vector<vgui_soview*> select_list = this->get_selected_soviews();
163   size_t n = select_list.size();
164   if(n == 0){
165     std::cerr << "no fiducial corrsespondence selected to delete" << std::endl;
166     return;
167   }
168   bool found = false;
169   for(size_t i = 0; i<n&&!found; ++i)
170     for(size_t j = 0; j<committed_fid_corrs_.size()&&!found; ++j){
171       if(select_list[i]->get_id() == committed_fid_corrs_[j].soview_->get_id()){
172         found = true;
173         if(committed_fid_corrs_[j].soview_ != nullptr){
174           this->remove(committed_fid_corrs_[j].soview_);
175           committed_fid_corrs_[j].soview_ = nullptr;
176         }
177         committed_fid_corrs_.erase(committed_fid_corrs_.begin() + j);
178       }
179     }
180   this->post_redraw();
181 }
save_fiducial_corrs(std::string path)183 bool bwm_observer_fiducial::save_fiducial_corrs(std::string path){
184   std::ofstream ostr(path.c_str());
185   if(!ostr){
186     std::cerr << "Can't open " << path << " to write fiducial correspondences" << std::endl;
187     return false;
188   }
189    bwm_fiducial_io fid_io(site_name_, composite_image_path_, fiducial_path_, committed_fid_corrs_);
190   fid_io.x_write(ostr);
191   return true;
192 }
start_fid_corrs()193 void bwm_observer_fiducial::start_fid_corrs(){
194   bwm_observer_mgr::instance()->start_corr();
195   this->post_redraw();
196 }
stop_fid_corrs()198 void bwm_observer_fiducial::stop_fid_corrs(){
199   bwm_observer_mgr::instance()->stop_corr();
200   this->post_redraw();
201 }