3    Ephemeris computations
5   Authors: Dieter Koch and Alois Treindl, Astrodienst Zurich
7 **************************************************************/
8 /* Copyright (C) 1997 - 2021 Astrodienst AG, Switzerland.  All rights reserved.
10   License conditions
11   ------------------
13   This file is part of Swiss Ephemeris.
15   Swiss Ephemeris is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.  No author
16   or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
17   or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
18   or she says so in writing.
20   Swiss Ephemeris is made available by its authors under a dual licensing
21   system. The software developer, who uses any part of Swiss Ephemeris
22   in his or her software, must choose between one of the two license models,
23   which are
24   a) GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
25   b) Swiss Ephemeris Professional License
27   The choice must be made before the software developer distributes software
28   containing parts of Swiss Ephemeris to others, and before any public
29   service using the developed software is activated.
31   If the developer choses the AGPL software license, he or she must fulfill
32   the conditions of that license, which includes the obligation to place his
33   or her whole software project under the AGPL or a compatible license.
34   See https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
36   If the developer choses the Swiss Ephemeris Professional license,
37   he must follow the instructions as found in http://www.astro.com/swisseph/
38   and purchase the Swiss Ephemeris Professional Edition from Astrodienst
39   and sign the corresponding license contract.
41   The License grants you the right to use, copy, modify and redistribute
42   Swiss Ephemeris, but only under certain conditions described in the License.
43   Among other things, the License requires that the copyright notices and
44   this notice be preserved on all copies.
46   Authors of the Swiss Ephemeris: Dieter Koch and Alois Treindl
48   The authors of Swiss Ephemeris have no control or influence over any of
49   the derived works, i.e. over software or services created by other
50   programmers which use Swiss Ephemeris functions.
52   The names of the authors or of the copyright holder (Astrodienst) must not
53   be used for promoting any software, product or service which uses or contains
54   the Swiss Ephemeris. This copyright notice is the ONLY place where the
55   names of the authors can legally appear, except in cases where they have
56   given special permission in writing.
58   The trademarks 'Swiss Ephemeris' and 'Swiss Ephemeris inside' may be used
59   for promoting such software, products or services.
60 */
63 #include <string.h>
64 #include <ctype.h>
65 #if MSDOS
66 #include <tchar.h>
67 #include <windows.h>
68 #endif
69 #include "swejpl.h"
70 #include "swephexp.h"
71 #include "sweph.h"
72 #include "swephlib.h"
74 #ifdef _MSC_VER
75 #define CMP_CALL_CONV __cdecl
76 #else
77 #define CMP_CALL_CONV
78 #endif
80 #define IS_PLANET 		0
81 #define IS_MOON			1
82 #define IS_ANY_BODY		2
83 #define IS_MAIN_ASTEROID	3
85 #define DO_SAVE			TRUE
86 #define NO_SAVE			FALSE
91 struct meff_ele {double r,m;};
93 /****************
94  * global stuff *
95  ****************/
96 TLS struct swe_data swed = {FALSE,	/* ephe_path_is_set = FALSE */
97                             FALSE,	/* jpl_file_is_open = FALSE */
98                             NULL,	/* fixfp, fixed stars file pointer */
99 #if 0
100 			    SE_EPHE_PATH,	/* ephepath, ephemeris path */
101 			    SE_FNAME_DFT,	/* jplfnam, JPL file name, default */
102 #else
103 			    "",		/* ephepath, ephemeris path */
104 			    "",		/* jplfnam, JPL file name, default */
105 #endif
106 			    0,		/* jpldenum */
107 			    0,          /* last_epheflag */
108 			    FALSE,	/* geopos_is_set, for topocentric */
109 			    FALSE,	/* ayana_is_set, ayanamsa is set */
110 			    FALSE,	/* is_old_starfile, fixstars.cat is used (default is sefstars.txt) */
111 			    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, /* eop_tjd_... */
112 			    0,          /* eop_dpsi_loaded */
113 			    0.0, 	/* tid_acc */
114 			    FALSE,	/* is_tid_acc_manual */
115 			    FALSE,	/* init_dt_done */
116 			    FALSE,	/* swed_is_initialised */
117 			    FALSE,	/* delta_t_userdef_is_set */
118 			    0.0,	/* delta_t_userdef */
119 			    0.0,	/* ast_G */
120 			    0.0,	/* ast_H */
121 			    0.0,	/* ast_diam */
122 			    "",		/* astelem[] */
123 			    0, 		/* i_saved_planet_name */
124 			    "",		/* saved_planet_name[] */
125 			    NULL,	/* dpsi */
126 			    NULL,	/* deps */
127 			    0,		/* timeout */
128 			    {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,}, /* astro_models */
129 			    };
131 /*************
132  * constants *
133  *************/
135 static const char *ayanamsa_name[] = {
136    "Fagan/Bradley",                    /*  0 SE_SIDM_FAGAN_BRADLEY */
137    "Lahiri",                           /*  1 SE_SIDM_LAHIRI */
138    "De Luce",                          /*  2 SE_SIDM_DELUCE */
139    "Raman",                            /*  3 SE_SIDM_RAMAN */
140    "Usha/Shashi",                      /*  4 SE_SIDM_USHASHASHI */
141    "Krishnamurti",                     /*  5 SE_SIDM_KRISHNAMURTI */
142    "Djwhal Khul",                      /*  6 SE_SIDM_DJWHAL_KHUL */
143    "Yukteshwar",                       /*  7 SE_SIDM_YUKTESHWAR */
144    "J.N. Bhasin",                      /*  8 SE_SIDM_JN_BHASIN */
145    "Babylonian/Kugler 1",              /*  9 SE_SIDM_BABYL_KUGLER1 */
146    "Babylonian/Kugler 2",              /* 10 SE_SIDM_BABYL_KUGLER2 */
147    "Babylonian/Kugler 3",              /* 11 SE_SIDM_BABYL_KUGLER3 */
148    "Babylonian/Huber",                 /* 12 SE_SIDM_BABYL_HUBER */
149    "Babylonian/Eta Piscium",           /* 13 SE_SIDM_BABYL_ETPSC */
150    "Babylonian/Aldebaran = 15 Tau",    /* 14 SE_SIDM_ALDEBARAN_15TAU */
151    "Hipparchos",                       /* 15 SE_SIDM_HIPPARCHOS */
152    "Sassanian",                        /* 16 SE_SIDM_SASSANIAN */
153    "Galact. Center = 0 Sag",           /* 17 SE_SIDM_GALCENT_0SAG */
154    "J2000",                            /* 18 SE_SIDM_J2000 */
155    "J1900",                            /* 19 SE_SIDM_J1900 */
156    "B1950",                            /* 20 SE_SIDM_B1950 */
157    "Suryasiddhanta",                   /* 21 SE_SIDM_SURYASIDDHANTA */
158    "Suryasiddhanta, mean Sun",         /* 22 SE_SIDM_SURYASIDDHANTA_MSUN */
159    "Aryabhata",                        /* 23 SE_SIDM_ARYABHATA */
160    "Aryabhata, mean Sun",              /* 24 SE_SIDM_ARYABHATA_MSUN */
161    "SS Revati",                        /* 25 SE_SIDM_SS_REVATI */
162    "SS Citra",                         /* 26 SE_SIDM_SS_CITRA */
163    "True Citra",                       /* 27 SE_SIDM_TRUE_CITRA */
164    "True Revati",                      /* 28 SE_SIDM_TRUE_REVATI */
165    "True Pushya (PVRN Rao)",           /* 29 SE_SIDM_TRUE_PUSHYA */
166    "Galactic Center (Gil Brand)",      /* 30 SE_SIDM_GALCENT_RGILBRAND */
167    "Galactic Equator (IAU1958)",       /* 31 SE_SIDM_GALEQU_IAU1958 */
168    "Galactic Equator",                 /* 32 SE_SIDM_GALEQU_TRUE */
169    "Galactic Equator mid-Mula",        /* 33 SE_SIDM_GALEQU_MULA */
170    "Skydram (Mardyks)",                /* 34 SE_SIDM_GALALIGN_MARDYKS */
171    "True Mula (Chandra Hari)",         /* 35 SE_SIDM_TRUE_MULA */
172    "Dhruva/Gal.Center/Mula (Wilhelm)", /* 36 SE_SIDM_GALCENT_MULA_WILHELM */
173    "Aryabhata 522",                    /* 37 SE_SIDM_ARYABHATA_522 */
174    "Babylonian/Britton",               /* 38 SE_SIDM_BABYL_BRITTON */
175    "\"Vedic\"/Sheoran",                /* 39 SE_SIDM_TRUE_SHEORAN */
176    "Cochrane (Gal.Center = 0 Cap)",    /* 40 SE_SIDM_GALCENT_COCHRANE */
177    "Galactic Equator (Fiorenza)",      /* 41 SE_SIDM_GALEQU_FIORENZA */
178    "Vettius Valens",                   /* 42 SE_SIDM_VALENS_MOON */
179    "Lahiri 1940",                      /* 43 SE_SIDM_LAHIRI_1940 */
180    "Lahiri VP285",                     /* 44 SE_SIDM_LAHIRI_VP285 */
181    "Krishnamurti-Senthilathiban",      /* 45 SE_SIDM_KRISHNAMURTI_VP291 */
182    "Lahiri ICRC",                      /* 46 SE_SIDM_LAHIRI_ICRC */
183    /*"Manjula/Laghumanasa",*/
184 };
185 static const int pnoint2jpl[]   = PNOINT2JPL;
189 static int32 swecalc(double tjd, int ipl, int iplmoon, int32 iflag, double *x, char *serr);
190 static int do_fread(void *targ, int size, int count, int corrsize,
191 		    FILE *fp, int32 fpos, int freord, int fendian, int ifno,
192 		    char *serr);
193 static int get_new_segment(double tjd, int ipli, int ifno, char *serr);
194 static int main_planet(double tjd, int ipli, int iplmoon, int32 epheflag, int32 iflag,
195 		       char *serr);
196 static int main_planet_bary(double tjd, int ipli, int32 epheflag, int32 iflag,
197 		AS_BOOL do_save,
198 		double *xp, double *xe, double *xs, double *xm,
199 		char *serr);
200 static int sweplan(double tjd, int ipli, int ifno, int32 iflag, AS_BOOL do_save,
201 		   double *xp, double *xpe, double *xps, double *xpm,
202 		   char *serr);
203 static int swemoon(double tjd, int32 iflag, AS_BOOL do_save, double *xp, char *serr);
204 static int sweph(double tjd, int ipli, int ifno, int32 iflag, double *xsunb, AS_BOOL do_save,
205 		double *xp, char *serr);
206 static int jplplan(double tjd, int ipli, int32 iflag, AS_BOOL do_save,
207 		   double *xp, double *xpe, double *xps, char *serr);
208 static void rot_back(int ipl);
209 static int read_const(int ifno, char *serr);
210 static void embofs(double *xemb, double *xmoon);
211 static int app_pos_etc_plan(int ipli, int iplmoon, int32 iflag, char *serr);
212 static int app_pos_etc_plan_osc(int ipl, int ipli, int32 iflag, char *serr);
213 static int app_pos_etc_sun(int32 iflag, char *serr);
214 static int app_pos_etc_moon(int32 iflag, char *serr);
215 static int app_pos_etc_sbar(int32 iflag, char *serr);
216 extern int swi_plan_for_osc_elem(int32 iflag, double tjd, double *xx);
217 static void swi_close_keep_topo_etc(void);
218 static int app_pos_etc_mean(int ipl, int32 iflag, char *serr);
219 static void nut_matrix(struct nut *nu, struct epsilon *oec);
220 static void calc_epsilon(double tjd, int32 iflag, struct epsilon *e);
221 static int lunar_osc_elem(double tjd, int ipl, int32 iflag, char *serr);
222 static int intp_apsides(double tjd, int ipl, int32 iflag, char *serr);
223 static double meff(double r);
224 static void denormalize_positions(double *x0, double *x1, double *x2);
225 static void calc_speed(double *x0, double *x1, double *x2, double dt);
226 static int32 plaus_iflag(int32 iflag, int32 ipl, double tjd, char *serr);
227 static int app_pos_rest(struct plan_data *pdp, int32 iflag,
228     double *xx, double *x2000, struct epsilon *oe, char *serr);
229 static int open_jpl_file(double *ss, char *fname, char *fpath, char *serr);
230 static void free_planets(void);
232 #ifdef TRACE
233 static void trace_swe_calc(int param, double tjd, int ipl, int32 iflag, double *xx, char *serr);
234 static void trace_swe_fixstar(int swtch, char *star, double tjd, int32 iflag, double *xx, char *serr);
235 static void trace_swe_get_planet_name(int swtch, int ipl, char *s);
236 #endif
swe_version(char * s)239 char *CALL_CONV swe_version(char *s)
240 {
241   strcpy(s, SE_VERSION);
242   return s;
243 }
245 #ifndef NO_SWE_GLP	// -DNO_SWE_GLP to suppress this function
246 #if MSDOS
247 HANDLE dllhandle = NULL;        // global used in swe_version
248 				// if DLL, set by DllMain()
249 #else
250 #ifdef __GNUC__
251 // The following define is actually forbidden.
252 // It would be better to compile with -D_GNU_SOURCE.
253 #ifndef __USE_GNU
254 #define __USE_GNU
255 #endif
256 #include <dlfcn.h>		// must be linked with -ldl
257   static Dl_info dli;
258 #endif
259 #endif // MSDOS
swe_get_library_path(char * s)261 char *CALL_CONV swe_get_library_path(char *s)
262 {
263   size_t bytes;
264   size_t len;
265   *s = '\0';
266 #if !defined(__APPLE)
267   len = AS_MAXCH;
268   bytes = 0;
269 #if MSDOS
270   bytes = GetModuleFileName((HMODULE) dllhandle, (TCHAR*) s, (DWORD) len);
271 #else
272   #ifdef __GNUC__
273     if (dladdr((void *)swe_version, &dli) != 0) {
274       if (strlen(dli.dli_fname) >= len) {
275 	strncpy(s, dli.dli_fname, len);
276 	s[len] = '\0';
277       } else{
278 	strcpy(s, dli.dli_fname);
279       }
280       bytes = strlen(s);
281     } else {
282       bytes = readlink("/proc/self/exe", s, len);
283     }
284   #else
285     bytes = readlink("/proc/self/exe", s, len);
286   #endif
287 #endif
288   s[bytes] = '\0';
289 #endif
290   return s;
291 }
292 #else	// NO_SWE_GLP
293 // we need this function because swetest requires it
swe_get_library_path(char * s)294 char *CALL_CONV swe_get_library_path(char *s)
295 {
296   *s = '\0';
297   return s;
298 }
299 #endif	// NO_SWE_GLP
301 /* The routine called by the user.
302  * It checks whether a position for the same planet, the same t, and the
303  * same flag bits has already been computed.
304  * If yes, this position is returned. Otherwise it is computed.
305  * -> If the SEFLG_SPEED flag has been specified, the speed will be returned
306  * at offset 3 of position array x[]. Its precision is probably better
307  * than 0.002"/day.
308  * -> If the SEFLG_SPEED3 flag has been specified, the speed will be computed
309  * from three positions. This speed is less accurate than SEFLG_SPEED,
310  * i.e. better than 0.1"/day. And it is much slower. It is used for
311  * program tests only.
312  * -> If no speed flag has been specified, no speed will be returned.
313  */
swe_calc(double tjd,int ipl,int32 iflag,double * xx,char * serr)314 int32 CALL_CONV swe_calc(double tjd, int ipl, int32 iflag,
315 	double *xx, char *serr)
316 {
317   int i, j;
318   int32 iplmoon = 0, iflgsave = iflag;
319   int32 epheflag;
320   AS_BOOL use_speed3 = FALSE;
321   struct save_positions *sd;
322   double x[6], *xs, x0[24], x2[24];
323   double dt;
324   if (serr != NULL)
325     *serr = '\0';
326 #ifdef TRACE
327 #ifdef FORCE_IFLAG
328   /*
329    * If this source file is compiled with /DFORCE_IFLAG or -DFORCE_IFLAG
330    * and also with TRACE, then the actual value of iflag used in swe_calc()
331    * can be manipulated from the outside of an application:
332    * Create a text file 'force.flg' and put one text line into it
333    * containing a number, e.g. 1024
334    * This number will be or'ed into the iflag used by the caller of swe_calc()
335    *
336    * See the code below for the details.
337    * This is not an important mechanism. We used it to debug an application
338    * which showed strange behaviour, by compiling a special DLL with TRACE and
339    * FORCE_IFLAG and then running the application with this DLL (we had no
340    * source code of the application itself).
341    */
342   static TLS int force_flag = 0;
343   static TLS int32 iflag_forced = 0;
344   static TLS int force_flag_checked = 0;
345   FILE *fp;
346   char s[AS_MAXCH], *sp;
347   memset(x, 0, sizeof(double) * 6);
348   /* if the following file exists, flag is read from it and or'ed into iflag */
349   if (!force_flag_checked) {
350     if ((fp = fopen(fname_force_flg, BFILE_R_ACCESS)) != NULL) {
351       force_flag = 1;
352       fgets(s, AS_MAXCH, fp);
353       if ((sp = strchr(s, '\n')) != NULL)
354 	*sp = '\0';
355       iflag_forced = atol(s);
356       fclose(fp);
357     }
358     force_flag_checked = 1;
359   }
360   if (force_flag)
361     iflag |= iflag_forced;
362 #endif
363   swi_open_trace(serr);
364   trace_swe_calc(1, tjd, ipl, iflag, xx, NULL);
365 #endif /* TRACE */
366   /* function calls for Pluto with asteroid number 134340
367    * are treated as calls for Pluto as main body SE_PLUTO.
368    * Reason: Our numerical integrator takes into account Pluto
369    * perturbation and therefore crashes with body 134340 Pluto. */
370   if (ipl == SE_AST_OFFSET + 134340)
371     ipl = SE_PLUTO;
372   /* if ephemeris flag != ephemeris flag of last call,
373    * we clear the save area, to prevent swecalc() using
374    * previously computed data for current calculation.
375    * except with ipl = SE_ECL_NUT which is not dependent
376    * on ephemeris, and except if change is from
377    * ephemeris = 0 to ephemeris = SEFLG_DEFAULTEPH
378    * or vice-versa.
379    */
380   epheflag = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
381   if (epheflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH)
382     epheflag = SEFLG_MOSEPH;
383   else if (epheflag & SEFLG_JPLEPH)
384     epheflag = SEFLG_JPLEPH;
385   else
386     epheflag = SEFLG_SWIEPH;
387   if (swi_init_swed_if_start() == 1 && !(epheflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH) && serr != NULL) {
388     strcpy(serr, "Please call swe_set_ephe_path() or swe_set_jplfile() before calling swe_calc() or swe_calc_ut()");
389   }
390   if (swed.last_epheflag != epheflag) {
391     free_planets();
392     /* close and free ephemeris files */
393     if (ipl != SE_ECL_NUT) {  /* because file will not be reopened with this ipl */
394       if (swed.jpl_file_is_open) {
395 	swi_close_jpl_file();
396 	swed.jpl_file_is_open = FALSE;
397       }
398       for (i = 0; i < SEI_NEPHFILES; i ++) {
399 	if (swed.fidat[i].fptr != NULL)
400 	  fclose(swed.fidat[i].fptr);
401 	memset((void *) &swed.fidat[i], 0, sizeof(struct file_data));
402       }
403       swed.last_epheflag = epheflag;
404     }
405   }
406   /* high precision speed prevails fast speed */
407   if ((iflag & SEFLG_SPEED3) && (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED))
408     iflag = iflag & ~SEFLG_SPEED3;
409   if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED3)
410     use_speed3 = TRUE;
411   /* topocentric with SEFLG_SPEED is not good if aberration is included.
412    * in such cases we calculate speed from three positions */
413   if ((iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) && (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR) && !(iflag & SEFLG_NOABERR))
414     use_speed3 = TRUE;
415   /* cartesian flag excludes radians flag */
416   if ((iflag & SEFLG_XYZ) && (iflag & SEFLG_RADIANS))
417     iflag = iflag & ~SEFLG_RADIANS;
418 /*  if (iflag & SEFLG_ICRS)
419     iflag |= SEFLG_J2000;*/
420   /* planetary center of body or planetary moon: either planet is called
421    * with SEFLG_CENTER_BODY or center of body with ipl = 9n99 is called.
422    * we want to handle both cases the same way. */
423   // planet is called with SE_PLUTO etc. and SEFLG_CENTER_BODY:
424   // get number of center of body
425   if ((iflag & SEFLG_CENTER_BODY) && ipl <= SE_PLUTO && (iflag & SEFLG_TEST_PLMOON) != SEFLG_TEST_PLMOON) {
426     iplmoon = ipl * 100 + 9099; // planetary center of body
427   }
428   // planet center of body or planetary moon is called using 9... number:
429   // moon number and planet number
430   if (ipl >= SE_PLMOON_OFFSET && ipl < SE_AST_OFFSET && (iflag & SEFLG_TEST_PLMOON) != SEFLG_TEST_PLMOON) {
431     iplmoon = ipl; // planetary center of body or planetary moon
432     ipl = (int) ((ipl - 9000) / 100);
433     iflag |= SEFLG_CENTER_BODY;
434   }
435   // with Mercury to Mars, we do not have center of body different from barycenter
436   if ((iflag & SEFLG_CENTER_BODY) && ipl <= SE_MARS && (iplmoon % 100) == 99) {
437     iplmoon = 0;
438     iflag &= ~SEFLG_CENTER_BODY;
439   }
440   if ((iflag & SEFLG_CENTER_BODY) || iplmoon > 0)
441     swi_force_app_pos_etc();
442   /* pointer to save area */
443   if (ipl < SE_NPLANETS && ipl >= SE_SUN) {
444     sd = &swed.savedat[ipl];
445 //    if (iflag & SEFLG_CENTER_BODY)
446 //      sd = &swed.savedat[SE_NPLANETS];
447   } else {
448     /* other bodies, e.g. asteroids called with ipl = SE_AST_OFFSET + MPC# */
449     sd = &swed.savedat[SE_NPLANETS];
450   }
451   /*
452    * if position is available in save area, it is returned.
453    * this is the case, if tjd = tsave and iflag = iflgsave.
454    * coordinate flags can be neglected, because save area
455    * provides all coordinate types.
456    * if ipl > SE_AST(EROID)_OFFSET, ipl must be checked,
457    * because all asteroids called by MPC number share the same
458    * save area.
459    */
460   if (sd->tsave == tjd && tjd != 0 && ipl == sd->ipl && iplmoon == 0) {
461     if ((sd->iflgsave & ~SEFLG_COORDSYS) == (iflag & ~SEFLG_COORDSYS))
462       goto end_swe_calc;
463   }
464   /*
465    * otherwise, new position must be computed
466    */
467   if (!use_speed3) {
468     /*
469      * with high precision speed from one call of swecalc()
470      * (FAST speed)
471      */
472     sd->tsave = tjd;
473     sd->ipl = ipl;
474     if ((sd->iflgsave = swecalc(tjd, ipl, iplmoon, iflag, sd->xsaves, serr)) == ERR)
475       goto return_error;
476   } else {
477     /*
478      * with speed from three calls of swecalc(), slower and less accurate.
479      * (SLOW speed, for test only)
480      */
481     sd->tsave = tjd;
482     sd->ipl = ipl;
483     switch(ipl) {
484       case SE_MOON:
485 	dt = MOON_SPEED_INTV;
486 	break;
487       case SE_OSCU_APOG:
488       case SE_TRUE_NODE:
489 	/* this is the optimum dt with Moshier ephemeris, but not with
490 	 * JPL ephemeris or SWISSEPH. To avoid completely false speed
491 	 * in case that JPL is wanted but the program returns Moshier,
492 	 * we use Moshier optimum.
493 	 * For precise speed, use JPL and FAST speed computation,
494 	 */
496 	break;
497       default:
498 	dt = PLAN_SPEED_INTV;
499 	break;
500     }
501     if ((sd->iflgsave = swecalc(tjd-dt, ipl, iplmoon, iflag, x0, serr)) == ERR)
502       goto return_error;
503     if ((sd->iflgsave = swecalc(tjd+dt, ipl, iplmoon, iflag, x2, serr)) == ERR)
504       goto return_error;
505     if ((sd->iflgsave = swecalc(tjd, ipl, iplmoon, iflag, sd->xsaves, serr)) == ERR)
506       goto return_error;
507     denormalize_positions(x0, sd->xsaves, x2);
508     calc_speed(x0, sd->xsaves, x2, dt);
509   }
510   end_swe_calc:
511   if (iflag & SEFLG_EQUATORIAL) {
512     xs = sd->xsaves+12;	/* equatorial coordinates */
513   } else {
514     xs = sd->xsaves;	/* ecliptic coordinates */
515   }
516   if (iflag & SEFLG_XYZ)
517     xs = xs+6;		/* cartesian coordinates */
518   if (ipl == SE_ECL_NUT)
519     i = 4;
520   else
521     i = 3;
522   for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
523     x[j] = *(xs + j);
524   for (j = i; j < 6; j++)
525     x[j] = 0;
526   if (iflag & (SEFLG_SPEED3 | SEFLG_SPEED)) {
527     for (j = 3; j < 6; j++)
528       x[j] = *(xs + j);
529   }
530 #if 1
531   if (iflag & SEFLG_RADIANS) {
532     if (ipl == SE_ECL_NUT) {
533       for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
534         x[j] *= DEGTORAD;
535     } else {
536       for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
537         x[j] *= DEGTORAD;
538       if (iflag & (SEFLG_SPEED3 | SEFLG_SPEED)) {
539         for (j = 3; j < 5; j++)
540 	  x[j] *= DEGTORAD;
541       }
542     }
543   }
544 #endif
545   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
546     xx[i] = x[i];
547   //iflag = sd->iflgsave | (iflag & SEFLG_COORDSYS);
548   // iflag from previous call of swe_calc(), without coordinate system flags
549   iflag = sd->iflgsave & ~SEFLG_COORDSYS;
550   // add correct coordinate system flags
551   iflag |= (iflgsave & SEFLG_COORDSYS);
552   /* if no ephemeris has been specified, do not return chosen ephemeris */
553   if ((iflgsave & SEFLG_EPHMASK) == 0)
554     iflag = iflag & ~SEFLG_DEFAULTEPH;
555 #ifdef TRACE
556   trace_swe_calc(2, tjd, ipl, iflag, xx, serr);
557 #endif
558   return iflag;
559 return_error:
560   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
561     xx[i] = 0;
562 #ifdef TRACE
563   trace_swe_calc(2, tjd, ipl, iflag, xx, serr);
564 #endif
565   return ERR;
566 }
swe_calc_ut(double tjd_ut,int32 ipl,int32 iflag,double * xx,char * serr)568 int32 CALL_CONV swe_calc_ut(double tjd_ut, int32 ipl, int32 iflag,
569 	double *xx, char *serr)
570 {
571   double deltat;
572   int32 retval = OK;
573   int32 epheflag = 0;
574   iflag = plaus_iflag(iflag, ipl, tjd_ut, serr);
575   epheflag = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
576   if (epheflag == 0) {
577     epheflag = SEFLG_SWIEPH;
578     iflag |= SEFLG_SWIEPH;
579   }
580   deltat = swe_deltat_ex(tjd_ut, iflag, serr);
581   retval = swe_calc(tjd_ut + deltat, ipl, iflag, xx, serr);
582   /* if ephe required is not ephe returned, adjust delta t: */
583   if ((retval & SEFLG_EPHMASK) != epheflag) {
584     deltat = swe_deltat_ex(tjd_ut, retval, NULL);
585     retval = swe_calc(tjd_ut + deltat, ipl, iflag, xx, NULL);
586   }
587   return retval;
588 }
swecalc(double tjd,int ipl,int32 iplmoon,int32 iflag,double * x,char * serr)590 static int32 swecalc(double tjd, int ipl, int32 iplmoon, int32 iflag, double *x, char *serr)
591 {
592   int i;
593   int ipli, ipli_ast, ifno;
594   int retc;
595   int32 epheflag = SEFLG_DEFAULTEPH;
596   struct plan_data *pdp;
597   struct plan_data *pedp = &swed.pldat[SEI_EARTH];
598   struct plan_data *psdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_SUNBARY];
599 #if 0
600   struct node_data *ndp;
601 #else
602   struct plan_data *ndp;
603 #endif
604   double *xp, *xp2;
605   double ss[3];
606   char serr2[AS_MAXCH];
607   //if (serr != NULL)
608   //  *serr = '\0';  // is done in calling function
609   serr2[0] = '\0';
610   /******************************************
611    * iflag plausible?                       *
612    ******************************************/
613   iflag = plaus_iflag(iflag, ipl, tjd, serr);
614   /******************************************
615    * which ephemeris is wanted, which is used?
616    * Three ephemerides are possible: MOSEPH, SWIEPH, JPLEPH.
617    * JPLEPH is best, SWIEPH is nearly as good, MOSEPH is least precise.
618    * The availability of the various ephemerides depends on the installed
619    * ephemeris files in the users ephemeris directory. This can change at
620    * any time.
621    * Swisseph should try to fulfil the wish of the user for a specific
622    * ephemeris, but use a less precise one if the desired ephemeris is not
623    * available for the given date and body.
624    * If internal ephemeris errors are detected (data error, file length error)
625    * an error is returned.
626    * If the time range is bad but another ephemeris can deliver this range,
627    * the other ephemeris is used.
628    * If no ephemeris is specified, DEFAULTEPH is assumed as desired.
629    * DEFAULTEPH is defined at compile time, usually as JPLEPH.
630    * The caller learns from the return flag which ephemeris was used.
631    * ephe_flag is extracted from iflag, but can change later if the
632    * desired ephe is not available.
633    ******************************************/
634   if (iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH)
635     epheflag = SEFLG_MOSEPH;
636   if (iflag & SEFLG_SWIEPH)
637     epheflag = SEFLG_SWIEPH;
638   if (iflag & SEFLG_JPLEPH)
639     epheflag = SEFLG_JPLEPH;
640   /* no barycentric calculations with Moshier ephemeris */
641   if ((iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR) && (iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH)) {
642     if (serr != NULL)
643       strcpy(serr, "barycentric Moshier positions are not supported.");
644     return ERR;
645   }
646   if (epheflag != SEFLG_MOSEPH && !swed.ephe_path_is_set && !swed.jpl_file_is_open)
647     swe_set_ephe_path(NULL);
648   if ((iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL) && !swed.ayana_is_set)
649     swe_set_sid_mode(SE_SIDM_FAGAN_BRADLEY, 0, 0);
650   /******************************************
651    * obliquity of ecliptic 2000 and of date *
652    ******************************************/
653   swi_check_ecliptic(tjd, iflag);
654   /******************************************
655    * nutation                               *
656    ******************************************/
657   swi_check_nutation(tjd, iflag);
658   /******************************************
659    * select planet and ephemeris            *
660    *                                        *
661    * ecliptic and nutation                  *
662    ******************************************/
663   if (ipl == SE_ECL_NUT) {
664     x[0] = swed.oec.eps + swed.nut.nutlo[1];	/* true ecliptic */
665     x[1] = swed.oec.eps;			/* mean ecliptic */
666     x[2] = swed.nut.nutlo[0];		/* nutation in longitude */
667     x[3] = swed.nut.nutlo[1];		/* nutation in obliquity */
668     /*if ((iflag & SEFLG_RADIANS) == 0)*/
669       for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
670 	x[i] *= RADTODEG;
671     return(iflag);
672   /******************************************
673    * moon                                   *
674    ******************************************/
675   } else if (ipl == SE_MOON) {
676     /* internal planet number */
677     ipli = SEI_MOON;
678     pdp = &swed.pldat[ipli];
679     xp = pdp->xreturn;
680     switch(epheflag) {
681       case SEFLG_JPLEPH:
682 	retc = jplplan(tjd, ipli, iflag, DO_SAVE, NULL, NULL, NULL, serr);
683 	/* read error or corrupt file */
684 	if (retc == ERR)
685 	  goto return_error;
686         /* jpl ephemeris not on disk or date beyond ephemeris range
687 	 *     or file corrupt */
688         if (retc == NOT_AVAILABLE) {
689 	  iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_JPLEPH) | SEFLG_SWIEPH;
690 	  if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
691 	    strcat(serr, " \ntrying Swiss Eph; ");
692 	  goto sweph_moon;
693 	} else if (retc == BEYOND_EPH_LIMITS) {
694 	  if (tjd > MOSHLUEPH_START && tjd < MOSHLUEPH_END) {
695 	    iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_JPLEPH) | SEFLG_MOSEPH;
696 	    if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
697 	      strcat(serr, " \nusing Moshier Eph; ");
698 	    goto moshier_moon;
699 	  } else
700 	    goto return_error;
701 	}
702 	break;
703       case SEFLG_SWIEPH:
704 	sweph_moon:
705 #if 0
706 	/* for hel. or bary. position, we need earth and sun as well;
707          * this is done by sweplan(), but not by swemoon() */
708         if (iflag & (SEFLG_HELCTR | SEFLG_BARYCTR | SEFLG_NOABERR))
709 	  retc = sweplan(tjd, ipli, SEI_FILE_MOON, iflag, DO_SAVE,
710 			NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, serr);
711 	else
712 	  retc = swemoon(tjd, iflag, DO_SAVE, pdp->x, serr);/**/
713 #else
714 	retc = sweplan(tjd, ipli, SEI_FILE_MOON, iflag, DO_SAVE,
715 			NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, serr);
716 #endif
717 	if (retc == ERR)
718 	  goto return_error;
719 	/* if sweph file not found, switch to moshier */
720         if (retc == NOT_AVAILABLE) {
721 	  if (tjd > MOSHLUEPH_START && tjd < MOSHLUEPH_END) {
722 	    iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_SWIEPH) | SEFLG_MOSEPH;
723 	    if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
724 	      strcat(serr, " \nusing Moshier eph.; ");
725 	    goto moshier_moon;
726 	  } else
727 	    goto return_error;
728 	}
729 	break;
730       case SEFLG_MOSEPH:
731 	moshier_moon:
732         retc = swi_moshmoon(tjd, DO_SAVE, NULL, serr);/**/
733 	if (retc == ERR)
734 	  goto return_error;
735 	/* for hel. position, we need earth as well */
736 	retc = swi_moshplan(tjd, SEI_EARTH, DO_SAVE, NULL, NULL, serr);/**/
737 	if (retc == ERR)
738 	  goto return_error;
739 	break;
740       default:
741 	break;
742     }
743     /* heliocentric, lighttime etc. */
744     if ((retc = app_pos_etc_moon(iflag, serr)) != OK)
745       goto return_error; /* retc may be wrong with sidereal calculation */
746   /**********************************************
747    * barycentric sun                            *
748    * (only JPL and SWISSEPH ephemerises)        *
749    **********************************************/
750   } else if (ipl == SE_SUN && (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR)) {
751     /* barycentric sun must be handled separately because of
752      * the following reasons:
753      * ordinary planetary computations use the function
754      * main_planet() and its subfunction jplplan(),
755      * see further below.
756      * now, these functions need the swisseph internal
757      * planetary indices, where SEI_EARTH = SEI_SUN = 0.
758      * therefore they don't know the difference between
759      * a barycentric sun and a barycentric earth and
760      * always return barycentric earth.
761      * to avoid this problem, many functions would have to
762      * be changed. as an alternative, we choose a more
763      * separate handling. */
764     ipli = SEI_SUN;	/* = SEI_EARTH ! */
765     xp = pedp->xreturn;
766     switch(epheflag) {
767       case SEFLG_JPLEPH:
768 	/* open ephemeris, if still closed */
769 	if (!swed.jpl_file_is_open) {
770 	  retc = open_jpl_file(ss, swed.jplfnam, swed.ephepath, serr);
771 	  if (retc != OK)
772 	    goto sweph_sbar;
773 	}
774 	retc = swi_pleph(tjd, J_SUN, J_SBARY, psdp->x, serr);
775 	if (retc == ERR || retc == BEYOND_EPH_LIMITS) {
776 	  swi_close_jpl_file();
777 	  swed.jpl_file_is_open = FALSE;
778 	  goto return_error;
779 	}
780         /* jpl ephemeris not on disk or date beyond ephemeris range
781 	 *     or file corrupt */
782         if (retc == NOT_AVAILABLE) {
783 	  iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_JPLEPH) | SEFLG_SWIEPH;
784 	  if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
785 	    strcat(serr, " \ntrying Swiss Eph; ");
786 	  goto sweph_sbar;
787 	}
788 	psdp->teval = tjd;
789 	break;
790       case SEFLG_SWIEPH:
791 	sweph_sbar:
792 	/* sweplan() provides barycentric sun as a by-product in save area;
793 	 * it is saved in swed.pldat[SEI_SUNBARY].x */
794 	retc = sweplan(tjd, SEI_EARTH, SEI_FILE_PLANET, iflag, DO_SAVE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, serr);
795 #if 1
796 	if (retc == ERR || retc == NOT_AVAILABLE)
797 	  goto return_error;
798 #else	/* this code would be needed if barycentric moshier calculation
799 	 * were implemented */
800 	if (retc == ERR)
801 	  goto return_error;
802 	/* if sweph file not found, switch to moshier */
803         if (retc == NOT_AVAILABLE) {
804 	  if (tjd > MOSHLUEPH_START && tjd < MOSHLUEPH_END) {
805 	    iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_SWIEPH) | SEFLG_MOSEPH;
806 	    if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
807 	      strcat(serr, " \nusing Moshier; ");
808 	    goto moshier_sbar;
809 	  } else
810 	    goto return_error;
811 	}
812 #endif
813 	psdp->teval = tjd;
814 	/* pedp->teval = tjd; */
815 	break;
816       default:
817 #if 0
818 	moshier_sbar:
819 #endif
820 	return ERR;
821 	break;
822     }
823     /* flags */
824     if ((retc = app_pos_etc_sbar(iflag, serr)) != OK)
825       goto return_error;
826     /* iflag has possibly changed */
827     iflag = pedp->xflgs;
828     /* barycentric sun is now in save area of barycentric earth.
829      * (pedp->xreturn = swed.pldat[SEI_EARTH].xreturn).
830      * in case a barycentric earth computation follows for the same
831      * date, the planetary functions will return the barycentric
832      * SUN unless we force a new computation of pedp->xreturn.
833      * this can be done by initializing the save of iflag.
834      */
835     pedp->xflgs = -1;
836   /******************************************
837    * mercury - pluto                        *
838    ******************************************/
839   } else if (ipl == SE_SUN 	/* main planet */
840 	  || ipl == SE_MERCURY
841 	  || ipl == SE_VENUS
842 	  || ipl == SE_MARS
843 	  || ipl == SE_JUPITER
844 	  || ipl == SE_SATURN
845 	  || ipl == SE_URANUS
846 	  || ipl == SE_NEPTUNE
847 	  || ipl == SE_PLUTO
848 	  || ipl == SE_EARTH) {
849     if (iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) {
850       if (ipl == SE_SUN) {
851 	/* heliocentric position of Sun does not exist */
852 	for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
853 	  x[i] = 0;
854 	return iflag;
855       }
856     } else if (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR) {
857       ;
858     } else {		/* geocentric */
859       if (ipl == SE_EARTH) {
860 	/* geocentric position of Earth does not exist */
861 	for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
862 	  x[i] = 0;
863 	return iflag;
864       }
865     }
866     /* internal planet number */
867     ipli = pnoext2int[ipl];
868     pdp = &swed.pldat[ipli];
869     xp = pdp->xreturn;
870     retc = main_planet(tjd, ipli, iplmoon, epheflag, iflag, serr);
871     if (retc == ERR)
872       goto return_error;
873     /* iflag has possibly changed in main_planet() */
874     iflag = pdp->xflgs;
875   /*********************i************************
876    * mean lunar node                            *
877    * for comment s. moshmoon.c, swi_mean_node() *
878    **********************************************/
879   } else if (ipl == SE_MEAN_NODE) {
880     if ((iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) || (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR)) {
881       /* heliocentric/barycentric lunar node not allowed */
882       for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
883 	x[i] = 0;
884       return iflag;
885     }
886     ndp = &swed.nddat[SEI_MEAN_NODE];
887     xp = ndp->xreturn;
888     xp2 = ndp->x;
889     retc = swi_mean_node(tjd, xp2, serr);
890     if (retc == ERR)
891       goto return_error;
892     /* speed (is almost constant; variation < 0.001 arcsec) */
893     retc = swi_mean_node(tjd - MEAN_NODE_SPEED_INTV, xp2+3, serr);
894     if (retc == ERR)
895       goto return_error;
896     xp2[3] = swe_difrad2n(xp2[0], xp2[3]) / MEAN_NODE_SPEED_INTV;
897     xp2[4] = xp2[5] = 0;
898     ndp->teval = tjd;
899     ndp->xflgs = -1;
900     /* lighttime etc. */
901     if ((retc = app_pos_etc_mean(SEI_MEAN_NODE, iflag, serr)) != OK)
902       goto return_error;
903     /* to avoid infinitesimal deviations from latitude = 0
904      * that result from conversions */
905     if (!(iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL) && !(iflag & SEFLG_J2000)) {
906       ndp->xreturn[1] = 0.0;	/* ecl. latitude       */
907       ndp->xreturn[4] = 0.0;	/*               speed */
908       ndp->xreturn[5] = 0.0;	/*      radial   speed */
909       ndp->xreturn[8] = 0.0;	/* z coordinate        */
910       ndp->xreturn[11] = 0.0;	/*               speed */
911     }
912     if (retc == ERR)
913       goto return_error;
914   /**********************************************
915    * mean lunar apogee ('dark moon', 'lilith')  *
916    * for comment s. moshmoon.c, swi_mean_apog() *
917    **********************************************/
918   } else if (ipl == SE_MEAN_APOG) {
919     if ((iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) || (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR)) {
920       /* heliocentric/barycentric lunar apogee not allowed */
921       for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
922 	x[i] = 0;
923       return iflag;
924     }
925     ndp = &swed.nddat[SEI_MEAN_APOG];
926     xp = ndp->xreturn;
927     xp2 = ndp->x;
928     retc = swi_mean_apog(tjd, xp2, serr);
929     if (retc == ERR)
930       goto return_error;
931     /* speed (is not constant! variation ~= several arcsec) */
932     retc = swi_mean_apog(tjd - MEAN_NODE_SPEED_INTV, xp2+3, serr);
933     if (retc == ERR)
934       goto return_error;
935     for(i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
936       xp2[3+i] = swe_difrad2n(xp2[i], xp2[3+i]) / MEAN_NODE_SPEED_INTV;
937     xp2[5] = 0;
938     ndp->teval = tjd;
939     ndp->xflgs = -1;
940     /* lighttime etc. */
941     if ((retc = app_pos_etc_mean(SEI_MEAN_APOG, iflag, serr)) != OK)
942       goto return_error;
943     /* to avoid infinitesimal deviations from r-speed = 0
944      * that result from conversions */
945     ndp->xreturn[5] = 0.0;	/*               speed */
946     if (retc == ERR)
947       goto return_error;
948   /***********************************************
949    * osculating lunar node ('true node')         *
950    ***********************************************/
951   } else if (ipl == SE_TRUE_NODE) {
952     if ((iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) || (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR)) {
953       /* heliocentric/barycentric lunar node not allowed */
954       for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
955 	x[i] = 0;
956       return iflag;
957     }
958     ndp = &swed.nddat[SEI_TRUE_NODE];
959     xp = ndp->xreturn;
960     retc = lunar_osc_elem(tjd, SEI_TRUE_NODE, iflag, serr);
961     iflag = ndp->xflgs;
962     /* to avoid infinitesimal deviations from latitude = 0
963      * that result from conversions */
964     if (!(iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL) && !(iflag & SEFLG_J2000)) {
965       ndp->xreturn[1] = 0.0;	/* ecl. latitude       */
966       ndp->xreturn[4] = 0.0;	/*               speed */
967       ndp->xreturn[8] = 0.0;	/* z coordinate        */
968       ndp->xreturn[11] = 0.0;	/*               speed */
969     }
970     if (retc == ERR)
971       goto return_error;
972   /***********************************************
973    * osculating lunar apogee                     *
974    ***********************************************/
975   } else if (ipl == SE_OSCU_APOG) {
976     if ((iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) || (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR)) {
977       /* heliocentric/barycentric lunar apogee not allowed */
978       for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
979 	x[i] = 0;
980       return iflag;
981     }
982     ndp = &swed.nddat[SEI_OSCU_APOG];
983     xp = ndp->xreturn;
984     retc = lunar_osc_elem(tjd, SEI_OSCU_APOG, iflag, serr);
985     iflag = ndp->xflgs;
986     if (retc == ERR)
987       goto return_error;
988   /***********************************************
989    * interpolated lunar apogee                   *
990    ***********************************************/
991   } else if (ipl == SE_INTP_APOG) {
992     if ((iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) || (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR)) {
993       /* heliocentric/barycentric lunar apogee not allowed */
994       for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
995 	x[i] = 0;
996       return iflag;
997     }
998     if (tjd < MOSHLUEPH_START || tjd > MOSHLUEPH_END) {
999       for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
1000 	x[i] = 0;
1001       if (serr != NULL)
1002 	sprintf(serr, "Interpolated apsides are restricted to JD %8.1f - JD %8.1f",
1004       return ERR;
1005     }
1006     ndp = &swed.nddat[SEI_INTP_APOG];
1007     xp = ndp->xreturn;
1008     retc = intp_apsides(tjd, SEI_INTP_APOG, iflag, serr);
1009     iflag = ndp->xflgs;
1010     if (retc == ERR)
1011       goto return_error;
1012   /***********************************************
1013    * interpolated lunar perigee                  *
1014    ***********************************************/
1015   } else if (ipl == SE_INTP_PERG) {
1016     if ((iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) || (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR)) {
1017       /* heliocentric/barycentric lunar apogee not allowed */
1018       for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
1019 	x[i] = 0;
1020       return iflag;
1021     }
1022     if (tjd < MOSHLUEPH_START || tjd > MOSHLUEPH_END) {
1023       for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
1024 	x[i] = 0;
1025       if (serr != NULL)
1026 	sprintf(serr, "Interpolated apsides are restricted to JD %8.1f - JD %8.1f",
1028       return ERR;
1029     }
1030     ndp = &swed.nddat[SEI_INTP_PERG];
1031     xp = ndp->xreturn;
1032     retc = intp_apsides(tjd, SEI_INTP_PERG, iflag, serr);
1033     iflag = ndp->xflgs;
1034     if (retc == ERR)
1035       goto return_error;
1036   /***********************************************
1037    * minor planets                               *
1038    ***********************************************/
1039   } else if (ipl == SE_CHIRON
1040     || ipl == SE_PHOLUS
1041     || ipl == SE_CERES		/* Ceres - Vesta */
1042     || ipl == SE_PALLAS
1043     || ipl == SE_JUNO
1044     || ipl == SE_VESTA
1045     || ipl > SE_PLMOON_OFFSET
1046     || ipl > SE_AST_OFFSET // obsolete after previous condition
1047     ) {
1048     /* internal planet number */
1049     if (ipl < SE_NPLANETS)
1050       ipli = pnoext2int[ipl];
1051     else if (ipl <= SE_AST_OFFSET + MPC_VESTA && ipl > SE_AST_OFFSET) {
1052       ipli = SEI_CERES + ipl - SE_AST_OFFSET - 1;
1053       ipl = SE_CERES + ipl - SE_AST_OFFSET - 1;
1054 #if 0
1055     } else if (ipl == SE_AST_OFFSET + MPC_CHIRON) {
1056       ipli = SEI_CHIRON;
1057       ipl = SE_CHIRON;
1058     } else if (ipl == SE_AST_OFFSET + MPC_PHOLUS) {
1059       ipli = SEI_PHOLUS;
1060       ipl = SE_PHOLUS;
1061 #endif
1062     } else {			/* any asteroid except*/
1063       ipli = SEI_ANYBODY;
1064     }
1065     if (ipli == SEI_ANYBODY)
1066       ipli_ast = ipl;
1067     else
1068       ipli_ast = ipli;
1069     pdp = &swed.pldat[ipli];
1070     xp = pdp->xreturn;
1071     if (ipli_ast > SE_AST_OFFSET)
1072       ifno = SEI_FILE_ANY_AST;
1073     else if (ipli_ast > SE_PLMOON_OFFSET)
1074       ifno = SEI_FILE_ANY_AST;
1075     else
1076       ifno = SEI_FILE_MAIN_AST;
1077     if (ipli == SEI_CHIRON && (tjd < CHIRON_START || tjd > CHIRON_END)) {
1078       if (serr != NULL)
1079 	sprintf(serr, "Chiron's ephemeris is restricted to JD %8.1f - JD %8.1f",
1081       return ERR;
1082     }
1083     if (ipli == SEI_PHOLUS && (tjd < PHOLUS_START || tjd > PHOLUS_END)) {
1084       if (serr != NULL)
1085 	sprintf(serr,
1086 		"Pholus's ephemeris is restricted to JD %8.1f - JD %8.1f",
1088       return ERR;
1089     }
1090   do_asteroid:
1091     /* earth and sun are also needed */
1092     retc = main_planet(tjd, SEI_EARTH, 0, epheflag, iflag, serr);
1093     if (retc == ERR)
1094       goto return_error;
1095     /* iflag (ephemeris bit) has possibly changed in main_planet() */
1096     iflag = swed.pldat[SEI_EARTH].xflgs;
1097     /* asteroid */
1098     if (serr != NULL) {
1099       strcpy(serr2, serr);
1100       *serr = '\0';
1101     }
1102     /* asteroid */
1103     retc = sweph(tjd, ipli_ast, ifno, iflag, psdp->x, DO_SAVE, NULL, serr);
1104     if (retc == ERR || retc == NOT_AVAILABLE)
1105       goto return_error;
1106     retc = app_pos_etc_plan(ipli_ast, 0, iflag, serr);
1107     if (retc == ERR)
1108       goto return_error;
1109     /* app_pos_etc_plan() might have failed, if t(light-time)
1110      * is beyond ephemeris range. in this case redo with Moshier
1111      */
1112     if (retc == NOT_AVAILABLE || retc == BEYOND_EPH_LIMITS) {
1113       if (epheflag != SEFLG_MOSEPH) {
1114 	iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_EPHMASK) | SEFLG_MOSEPH;
1115 	epheflag = SEFLG_MOSEPH;
1116 	if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
1117 	  strcat(serr, "\nusing Moshier eph.; ");
1118 	goto do_asteroid;
1119       } else
1120 	goto return_error;
1121     }
1122     /* add warnings from earth/sun computation */
1123     if (serr != NULL && *serr == '\0' && *serr2 != '\0') {
1124       strcpy(serr, "sun: ");
1125       serr2[AS_MAXCH-5] = '\0';
1126       strcat(serr, serr2);
1127     }
1128   /***********************************************
1129    * fictitious planets                          *
1130    * (Isis-Transpluto and Uranian planets)       *
1131    ***********************************************/
1132   } else if (ipl >= SE_FICT_OFFSET && ipl <= SE_FICT_MAX) {
1133 #if 0
1134        ipl == SE_CUPIDO
1135     || ipl == SE_HADES
1136     || ipl == SE_ZEUS
1137     || ipl == SE_KRONOS
1138     || ipl == SE_APOLLON
1139     || ipl == SE_ADMETOS
1140     || ipl == SE_VULKANUS
1141     || ipl == SE_POSEIDON
1142     || ipl == SE_ISIS
1143     || ipl == SE_NEPTUNE_LEVERRIER
1144     || ipl == SE_NEPTUNE_ADAMS)
1145 #endif
1146     /* internal planet number */
1147     ipli = SEI_ANYBODY;
1148     pdp = &swed.pldat[ipli];
1149     xp = pdp->xreturn;
1150   do_fict_plan:
1151     /* the earth for geocentric position */
1152     retc = main_planet(tjd, SEI_EARTH, 0, epheflag, iflag, serr);
1153     /* iflag (ephemeris bit) has possibly changed in main_planet() */
1154     iflag = swed.pldat[SEI_EARTH].xflgs;
1155     /* planet from osculating elements */
1156     if (swi_osc_el_plan(tjd, pdp->x, ipl-SE_FICT_OFFSET, ipli, pedp->x, psdp->x, serr) != OK)
1157       goto return_error;
1158     if (retc == ERR)
1159       goto return_error;
1160     retc = app_pos_etc_plan_osc(ipl, ipli, iflag, serr);
1161     if (retc == ERR)
1162       goto return_error;
1163     /* app_pos_etc_plan_osc() might have failed, if t(light-time)
1164      * is beyond ephemeris range. in this case redo with Moshier
1165      */
1166     if (retc == NOT_AVAILABLE || retc == BEYOND_EPH_LIMITS) {
1167       if (epheflag != SEFLG_MOSEPH) {
1168 	iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_EPHMASK) | SEFLG_MOSEPH;
1169 	epheflag = SEFLG_MOSEPH;
1170 	if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
1171 	  strcat(serr, "\nusing Moshier eph.; ");
1172 	goto do_fict_plan;
1173       } else
1174 	goto return_error;
1175     }
1176   /***********************************************
1177    * invalid body number                         *
1178    ***********************************************/
1179   } else {
1180     if (serr != NULL) {
1181       sprintf(serr, "illegal planet number %d.", ipl);
1182     }
1183     goto return_error;
1184   }
1185   for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
1186     x[i] = xp[i];
1187   return(iflag);
1188   /***********************************************
1189    * return error                                *
1190    ***********************************************/
1191   return_error:;
1192   for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
1193     x[i] = 0;
1194   return ERR;
1195 }
free_planets(void)1197 static void free_planets(void)
1198 {
1199   int i;
1200   /* free planets data space */
1201   for (i = 0; i < SEI_NPLANETS; i++) {
1202     if (swed.pldat[i].segp != NULL) {
1203       free((void *) swed.pldat[i].segp);
1204     }
1205     if (swed.pldat[i].refep != NULL) {
1206       free((void *) swed.pldat[i].refep);
1207     }
1208     memset((void *) &swed.pldat[i], 0, sizeof(struct plan_data));
1209   }
1210   for (i = 0; i <= SE_NPLANETS; i++) /* "<=" is correct! see decl. */
1211     memset((void *) &swed.savedat[i], 0, sizeof(struct save_positions));
1212   /* clear node data space */
1213   for (i = 0; i < SEI_NNODE_ETC; i++) {
1214 #if 0
1215     memset((void *) &swed.nddat[i], 0, sizeof(struct node_data));
1216 #else
1217     memset((void *) &swed.nddat[i], 0, sizeof(struct plan_data));
1218 #endif
1219   }
1220 }
1222 /* Function initialises swed structure.
1223  * Returns 1 if initialisation is done, otherwise 0 */
swi_init_swed_if_start(void)1224 int32 swi_init_swed_if_start(void)
1225 {
1226   /* initialisation of swed, when called first time from */
1227   if (!swed.swed_is_initialised) {
1228     memset((void *) &swed, 0, sizeof(struct swe_data));
1229     strcpy(swed.ephepath, SE_EPHE_PATH);
1230     strcpy(swed.jplfnam, SE_FNAME_DFT);
1231     swe_set_tid_acc(SE_TIDAL_AUTOMATIC);
1232     swed.swed_is_initialised = TRUE;
1233     return 1;
1234   }
1235   return 0;
1236 }
1238 /* closes all open files, frees space of planetary data,
1239  * deletes memory of all computed positions
1240  */
swi_close_keep_topo_etc(void)1241 static void swi_close_keep_topo_etc(void)
1242 {
1243   int i;
1244   /* close SWISSEPH files */
1245   for (i = 0; i < SEI_NEPHFILES; i ++) {
1246     if (swed.fidat[i].fptr != NULL)
1247       fclose(swed.fidat[i].fptr);
1248     memset((void *) &swed.fidat[i], 0, sizeof(struct file_data));
1249   }
1250   free_planets();
1251   memset((void *) &swed.oec, 0, sizeof(struct epsilon));
1252   memset((void *) &swed.oec2000, 0, sizeof(struct epsilon));
1253   memset((void *) &swed.nut, 0, sizeof(struct nut));
1254   memset((void *) &swed.nut2000, 0, sizeof(struct nut));
1255   memset((void *) &swed.nutv, 0, sizeof(struct nut));
1256   memset((void *) &swed.astro_models, 0, SEI_NMODELS * sizeof(int32));
1257   /* close JPL file */
1258   swi_close_jpl_file();
1259   swed.jpl_file_is_open = FALSE;
1260   swed.jpldenum = 0;
1261   /* close fixed stars */
1262   if (swed.fixfp != NULL) {
1263     fclose(swed.fixfp);
1264     swed.fixfp = NULL;
1265   }
1266   swe_set_tid_acc(SE_TIDAL_AUTOMATIC);
1267   swed.is_old_starfile = FALSE;
1268   swed.i_saved_planet_name = 0;
1269   *(swed.saved_planet_name) = '\0';
1270   swed.timeout = 0;
1271 }
1273 /* closes all open files, frees space of planetary data,
1274  * deletes memory of all computed positions
1275  */
swe_close(void)1276 void CALL_CONV swe_close(void)
1277 {
1278   int i;
1279   /* close SWISSEPH files */
1280   for (i = 0; i < SEI_NEPHFILES; i ++) {
1281     if (swed.fidat[i].fptr != NULL)
1282       fclose(swed.fidat[i].fptr);
1283     memset((void *) &swed.fidat[i], 0, sizeof(struct file_data));
1284   }
1285   free_planets();
1286   memset((void *) &swed.oec, 0, sizeof(struct epsilon));
1287   memset((void *) &swed.oec2000, 0, sizeof(struct epsilon));
1288   memset((void *) &swed.nut, 0, sizeof(struct nut));
1289   memset((void *) &swed.nut2000, 0, sizeof(struct nut));
1290   memset((void *) &swed.nutv, 0, sizeof(struct nut));
1291   memset((void *) &swed.astro_models, 0, SEI_NMODELS * sizeof(int32));
1292   /* close JPL file */
1293   swi_close_jpl_file();
1294   swed.jpl_file_is_open = FALSE;
1295   swed.jpldenum = 0;
1296   /* close fixed stars */
1297   if (swed.fixfp != NULL) {
1298     fclose(swed.fixfp);
1299     swed.fixfp = NULL;
1300   }
1301   swe_set_tid_acc(SE_TIDAL_AUTOMATIC);
1302   swed.geopos_is_set = FALSE;
1303   swed.ayana_is_set = FALSE;
1304   swed.is_old_starfile = FALSE;
1305   swed.i_saved_planet_name = 0;
1306   *(swed.saved_planet_name) = '\0';
1307   memset((void *) &swed.topd, 0, sizeof(struct topo_data));
1308   memset((void *) &swed.sidd, 0, sizeof(struct sid_data));
1309   swed.timeout = 0;
1310   swed.last_epheflag = 0;
1311   if (swed.dpsi != NULL) {
1312     free(swed.dpsi);
1313     swed.dpsi = NULL;
1314   }
1315   if (swed.deps != NULL) {
1316     free(swed.deps);
1317     swed.deps = NULL;
1318   }
1319   if (swed.n_fixstars_records > 0) {
1320     free(swed.fixed_stars);
1321     swed.fixed_stars = NULL;
1322     swed.n_fixstars_real = 0;
1323     swed.n_fixstars_named = 0;
1324     swed.n_fixstars_records = 0;
1325   }
1326 /*  swed.ephe_path_is_set = FALSE;
1327   *swed.ephepath = '\0'; */
1328 #ifdef TRACE
1329 #define TRACE_CLOSE FALSE
1330   swi_open_trace(NULL);
1331   if (swi_fp_trace_c != NULL) {
1332     if (swi_trace_count < TRACE_COUNT_MAX) {
1333       fputs("\n/*SWE_CLOSE*/\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
1334       fputs("  swe_close();\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
1335 #if TRACE_CLOSE
1336       fputs("}\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
1337 #endif
1338       fflush(swi_fp_trace_c);
1339     }
1340 #if TRACE_CLOSE
1341     fclose(swi_fp_trace_c);
1342 #endif
1343   }
1344 #if TRACE_CLOSE
1345   if (swi_fp_trace_out != NULL)
1346     fclose(swi_fp_trace_out);
1347   swi_fp_trace_c = NULL;
1348   swi_fp_trace_out = NULL;
1349 #endif
1350 #endif  /* TRACE */
1351 }
1353 /* sets ephemeris file path.
1354  * also calls swe_close(). this makes sure that swe_calc()
1355  * won't return planet positions previously computed from other
1356  * ephemerides
1357  */
swe_set_ephe_path(char * path)1358 void CALL_CONV swe_set_ephe_path(char *path)
1359 {
1360   int i, iflag;
1361   char s[AS_MAXCH];
1362   char *sp;
1363   double xx[6];
1364   /* close all open files and delete all planetary data */
1365   swi_close_keep_topo_etc();
1366   swi_init_swed_if_start();
1367   swed.ephe_path_is_set = TRUE;
1368   /* environment variable SE_EPHE_PATH has priority */
1369   if ((sp = getenv("SE_EPHE_PATH")) != NULL
1370     && strlen(sp) != 0
1371     && strlen(sp) <= AS_MAXCH-1-13) {
1372     strcpy(s, sp);
1373   } else if (path == NULL || *path == '\0') {
1374     strcpy(s, SE_EPHE_PATH);
1375   } else if (strlen(path) <= AS_MAXCH-1-13) {
1376     strcpy(s, path);
1377   } else {
1378     strcpy(s, SE_EPHE_PATH);
1379   }
1380 /*
1381 #if MSDOS
1382   if (strchr(s, '/') != NULL)
1383     strcpy(s, SE_EPHE_PATH);
1384 #else
1385   if (strchr(s, '\\') != NULL)
1386     strcpy(s, SE_EPHE_PATH);
1387 #endif
1388 */
1389   i = (int) strlen(s);
1390   if (*(s + i - 1) != *DIR_GLUE && *s != '\0')
1391     strcat(s, DIR_GLUE);
1392   strcpy(swed.ephepath, s);
1393 //swe_set_interpolate_nut(TRUE);
1394   /* try to open lunar ephemeris, in order to get DE number and set
1395    * tidal acceleration of the Moon */
1397   swed.last_epheflag = 2;
1398   swe_calc(J2000, SE_MOON, iflag, xx, NULL);
1399   if (swed.fidat[SEI_FILE_MOON].fptr != NULL) {
1400     swi_set_tid_acc(0, 0, swed.fidat[SEI_FILE_MOON].sweph_denum, NULL);
1401   }
1402 #ifdef TRACE
1403   swi_open_trace(NULL);
1404   if (swi_trace_count < TRACE_COUNT_MAX) {
1405     if (swi_fp_trace_c != NULL) {
1406       fputs("\n/*SWE_SET_EPHE_PATH*/\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
1407       if (path == NULL)
1408         fputs("  *s = '\\0';\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
1409       else
1410 	fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, "  strcpy(s, \"%s\");\n", path);
1411       fputs("  swe_set_ephe_path(s);\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
1412       fputs("  printf(\"swe_set_ephe_path: path_in = \");", swi_fp_trace_c);
1413       fputs("  printf(s);\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
1414       fputs("  \tprintf(\"\\tpath_set = unknown to swetrace\\n\"); /* unknown to swetrace */\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
1415       fflush(swi_fp_trace_c);
1416     }
1417     if (swi_fp_trace_out != NULL) {
1418       fputs("swe_set_ephe_path: path_in = ", swi_fp_trace_out);
1419       if (path != NULL)
1420 	fputs(path, swi_fp_trace_out);
1421       fputs("\tpath_set = ", swi_fp_trace_out);
1422       fputs(s, swi_fp_trace_out);
1423       fputs("\n", swi_fp_trace_out);
1424       fflush(swi_fp_trace_out);
1425     }
1426   }
1427 #endif
1428 }
load_dpsi_deps(void)1430 void load_dpsi_deps(void)
1431 {
1432   FILE *fp;
1433   char s[AS_MAXCH];
1434   char *cpos[20];
1435   int n = 0, iyear, mjd = 0, mjdsv = 0;
1436   double dpsi, deps, TJDOFS = 2400000.5;
1437   if (swed.eop_dpsi_loaded > 0)
1438     return;
1439   fp = swi_fopen(-1, DPSI_DEPS_IAU1980_FILE_EOPC04, swed.ephepath, NULL);
1440   if (fp == NULL) {
1441     swed.eop_dpsi_loaded = ERR;
1442     return;
1443   }
1444   if ((swed.dpsi = (double *) calloc((size_t) SWE_DATA_DPSI_DEPS, sizeof(double))) == NULL) {
1445     swed.eop_dpsi_loaded = ERR;
1446     return;
1447   }
1448   if ((swed.deps = (double *) calloc((size_t) SWE_DATA_DPSI_DEPS, sizeof(double))) == NULL) {
1449     swed.eop_dpsi_loaded = ERR;
1450     return;
1451   }
1452   swed.eop_tjd_beg_horizons = DPSI_DEPS_IAU1980_TJD0_HORIZONS;
1453   while (fgets(s, AS_MAXCH, fp) != NULL) {
1454     swi_cutstr(s, " ", cpos, 16);
1455     if ((iyear = atoi(cpos[0])) == 0)
1456       continue;
1457     mjd = atoi(cpos[3]);
1458     /* is file in one-day steps? */
1459     if (mjdsv > 0 && mjd - mjdsv != 1) {
1460       /* we cannot return error but we note it as follows: */
1461       swed.eop_dpsi_loaded = -2;
1462       fclose(fp);
1463       return;
1464     }
1465     if (n == 0)
1466       swed.eop_tjd_beg = mjd + TJDOFS;
1467     swed.dpsi[n] = atof(cpos[8]);
1468     swed.deps[n] = atof(cpos[9]);
1469 /*    fprintf(stderr, "n=%d, tjd=%f, dpsi=%f, deps=%f\n", n, mjd + 2400000.5, swed.dpsi[n] * 1000, swed.deps[n] * 1000);exit(0);*/
1470     n++;
1471     mjdsv = mjd;
1472   }
1473   swed.eop_tjd_end = mjd + TJDOFS;
1474   swed.eop_dpsi_loaded = 1;
1475   fclose(fp);
1476   /* file finals.all may have some more data, and especially estimations
1477    * for the near future */
1478   fp = swi_fopen(-1, DPSI_DEPS_IAU1980_FILE_FINALS, swed.ephepath, NULL);
1479   if (fp == NULL)
1480     return; /* return without error as existence of file is not mandatory */
1481   while (fgets(s, AS_MAXCH, fp) != NULL) {
1482     mjd = atoi(s + 7);
1483     if (mjd + TJDOFS <= swed.eop_tjd_end)
1484       continue;
1485     if (n >= SWE_DATA_DPSI_DEPS)
1486       return;
1487     /* are data in one-day steps? */
1488     if (mjdsv > 0 && mjd - mjdsv != 1) {
1489       /* no error, as we do have data; however, if this file is usefull,
1490        * then swed.eop_dpsi_loaded will be set to 2 */
1491       swed.eop_dpsi_loaded = -3;
1492       fclose(fp);
1493       return;
1494     }
1495     /* dpsi, deps Bulletin B */
1496     dpsi = atof(s + 168);
1497     deps = atof(s + 178);
1498     if (dpsi == 0) {
1499       /* try dpsi, deps Bulletin A */
1500       dpsi = atof(s + 99);
1501       deps = atof(s + 118);
1502     }
1503     if (dpsi == 0) {
1504       swed.eop_dpsi_loaded = 2;
1505       /*printf("dpsi from %f to %f \n", swed.eop_tjd_beg, swed.eop_tjd_end);*/
1506       fclose(fp);
1507       return;
1508     }
1509     swed.eop_tjd_end = mjd + TJDOFS;
1510     swed.dpsi[n] = dpsi / 1000.0;
1511     swed.deps[n] = deps / 1000.0;
1512     /*fprintf(stderr, "tjd=%f, dpsi=%f, deps=%f\n", mjd + 2400000.5, swed.dpsi[n] * 1000, swed.deps[n] * 1000);*/
1513     n++;
1514     mjdsv = mjd;
1515   }
1516   swed.eop_dpsi_loaded = 2;
1517   fclose(fp);
1518 }
1520 /* sets jpl file name.
1521  * also calls swe_close(). this makes sure that swe_calc()
1522  * won't return planet positions previously computed from other
1523  * ephemerides
1524  */
swe_set_jpl_file(char * fname)1525 void CALL_CONV swe_set_jpl_file(char *fname)
1526 {
1527   char *sp;
1528   int retc;
1529   double ss[3];
1530   /* close all open files and delete all planetary data */
1531   swi_close_keep_topo_etc();
1532   swi_init_swed_if_start();
1533   /* if path is contained in fnam, it is filled into the path variable */
1534   sp = strrchr(fname, (int) *DIR_GLUE);
1535   if (sp == NULL)
1536     sp = fname;
1537   else
1538     sp = sp + 1;
1539   if (strlen(sp) >= AS_MAXCH)
1540     sp[AS_MAXCH] = '\0';
1541   strcpy(swed.jplfnam, sp);
1542   /* open ephemeris */
1543   retc = open_jpl_file(ss, swed.jplfnam, swed.ephepath, NULL);
1544   if (retc == OK) {
1545     if (swed.jpldenum >= 403) {
1546       /*if (INCLUDE_CODE_FOR_DPSI_DEPS_IAU1980) */
1547 	load_dpsi_deps();
1548     }
1549   }
1550 #ifdef TRACE
1551   swi_open_trace(NULL);
1552   if (swi_trace_count < TRACE_COUNT_MAX) {
1553     if (swi_fp_trace_c != NULL) {
1554       fputs("\n/*SWE_SET_JPL_FILE*/\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
1555       fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, "  strcpy(s, \"%s\");\n", fname);
1556       fputs("  swe_set_jpl_file(s);\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
1557       fputs("  printf(\"swe_set_jpl_file: fname_in = \");", swi_fp_trace_c);
1558       fputs("  printf(s);\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
1559       fputs("  printf(\"\\tfname_set = unknown to swetrace\\n\");  /* unknown to swetrace */\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
1560       fflush(swi_fp_trace_c);
1561     }
1562     if (swi_fp_trace_out != NULL) {
1563       fputs("swe_set_jpl_file: fname_in = ", swi_fp_trace_out);
1564       fputs(fname, swi_fp_trace_out);
1565       fputs("\tfname_set = ", swi_fp_trace_out);
1566       fputs(sp, swi_fp_trace_out);
1567       fputs("\n", swi_fp_trace_out);
1568       fflush(swi_fp_trace_out);
1569     }
1570   }
1571 #endif
1572 }
1574 /* calculates obliquity of ecliptic and stores it together
1575  * with its date, sine, and cosine
1576  */
calc_epsilon(double tjd,int32 iflag,struct epsilon * e)1577 static void calc_epsilon(double tjd, int32 iflag, struct epsilon *e)
1578 {
1579     e->teps = tjd;
1580     e->eps = swi_epsiln(tjd, iflag);
1581     e->seps = sin(e->eps);
1582     e->ceps = cos(e->eps);
1583 }
1585 /* computes a main planet from any ephemeris, if it
1586  * has not yet been computed for this date.
1587  * since a geocentric position requires the earth, the
1588  * earth's position will be computed as well. With SWISSEPH
1589  * files the barycentric sun will be done as well.
1590  * With Moshier, the moon will be done as well.
1591  *
1592  * tjd 		= julian day
1593  * ipli		= body number
1594  * epheflag	= which ephemeris? JPL, SWISSEPH, Moshier?
1595  * iflag	= other flags
1596  *
1597  * the geocentric apparent position of ipli (or whatever has
1598  * been specified in iflag) will be saved in
1599  * &swed.pldat[ipli].xreturn[];
1600  *
1601  * the barycentric (heliocentric with Moshier) position J2000
1602  * will be kept in
1603  * &swed.pldat[ipli].x[];
1604  */
main_planet(double tjd,int ipli,int iplmoon,int32 epheflag,int32 iflag,char * serr)1605 static int main_planet(double tjd, int ipli, int iplmoon, int32 epheflag, int32 iflag,
1606 		       char *serr)
1607 {
1608   int retc;
1609   if ((iflag & SEFLG_CENTER_BODY)
1610     && ipli >= SE_MARS && ipli <= SE_PLUTO) {
1611     //ipli_com = ipli * 100 + 9099;
1612     /* jupiter center of body, relative to jupiter barycenter */
1613     retc = sweph(tjd, iplmoon, SEI_FILE_ANY_AST, iflag, NULL, DO_SAVE, NULL, serr);
1614     if (retc == ERR || retc == NOT_AVAILABLE)
1615       return ERR;
1616   }
1617   switch(epheflag) {
1618     case SEFLG_JPLEPH:
1619       retc = jplplan(tjd, ipli, iflag, DO_SAVE, NULL, NULL, NULL, serr);
1620       /* read error or corrupt file */
1621       if (retc == ERR)
1622 	return ERR;
1623       /* jpl ephemeris not on disk or date beyond ephemeris range */
1624       if (retc == NOT_AVAILABLE) {
1625 	iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_JPLEPH) | SEFLG_SWIEPH;
1626 	if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
1627 	  strcat(serr, " \ntrying Swiss Eph; ");
1628 	goto sweph_planet;
1629       } else if (retc == BEYOND_EPH_LIMITS) {
1630 	if (tjd > MOSHPLEPH_START && tjd < MOSHPLEPH_END) {
1631 	  iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_JPLEPH) | SEFLG_MOSEPH;
1632 	  if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
1633 	    strcat(serr, " \nusing Moshier Eph; ");
1634 	  goto moshier_planet;
1635 	} else {
1636 	  return ERR;
1637 	}
1638       }
1639       /* geocentric, lighttime etc. */
1640       if (ipli == SEI_SUN) {
1641 	retc = app_pos_etc_sun(iflag, serr)/**/;
1642       } else {
1643 	retc = app_pos_etc_plan(ipli, iplmoon, iflag, serr);
1644       }
1645       if (retc == ERR)
1646 	return ERR;
1647       /* t for light-time beyond ephemeris range */
1648       if (retc == NOT_AVAILABLE) {
1649 	iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_JPLEPH) | SEFLG_SWIEPH;
1650 	if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
1651 	  strcat(serr, " \ntrying Swiss Eph; ");
1652 	goto sweph_planet;
1653       } else if (retc == BEYOND_EPH_LIMITS) {
1654 	if (tjd > MOSHPLEPH_START && tjd < MOSHPLEPH_END) {
1655 	  iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_JPLEPH) | SEFLG_MOSEPH;
1656 	  if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
1657 	    strcat(serr, " \nusing Moshier Eph; ");
1658 	  goto moshier_planet;
1659 	} else
1660 	  return ERR;
1661       }
1662       break;
1663     case SEFLG_SWIEPH:
1664       sweph_planet:
1665       /* compute barycentric planet (+ earth, sun, moon) */
1666       retc = sweplan(tjd, ipli, SEI_FILE_PLANET, iflag, DO_SAVE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, serr);
1667       if (retc == ERR)
1668 	return ERR;
1669       /* if sweph file not found, switch to moshier */
1670       if (retc == NOT_AVAILABLE) {
1671 	if (tjd > MOSHPLEPH_START && tjd < MOSHPLEPH_END) {
1672 	  iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_SWIEPH) | SEFLG_MOSEPH;
1673 	  if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
1674 	    strcat(serr, " \nusing Moshier eph.; ");
1675 	  goto moshier_planet;
1676 	} else
1677 	  return ERR;
1678       }
1679       /* geocentric, lighttime etc. */
1680       if (ipli == SEI_SUN)
1681 	retc = app_pos_etc_sun(iflag, serr)/**/;
1682       else
1683 	retc = app_pos_etc_plan(ipli, iplmoon, iflag, serr);
1684       if (retc == ERR)
1685 	return ERR;
1686       /* if sweph file for t(lighttime) not found, switch to moshier */
1687       if (retc == NOT_AVAILABLE) {
1688 	if (tjd > MOSHPLEPH_START && tjd < MOSHPLEPH_END) {
1689 	  iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_SWIEPH) | SEFLG_MOSEPH;
1690 	  if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
1691 	    strcat(serr, " \nusing Moshier eph.; ");
1692 	  goto moshier_planet;
1693 	} else
1694 	  return ERR;
1695       }
1696       break;
1697     case SEFLG_MOSEPH:
1698       moshier_planet:
1699       retc = swi_moshplan(tjd, ipli, DO_SAVE, NULL, NULL, serr);/**/
1700       if (retc == ERR)
1701 	return ERR;
1702       /* geocentric, lighttime etc. */
1703       if (ipli == SEI_SUN)
1704 	retc = app_pos_etc_sun(iflag, serr)/**/;
1705       else
1706 	retc = app_pos_etc_plan(ipli, iplmoon, iflag, serr);
1707       if (retc == ERR)
1708 	return ERR;
1709       break;
1710     default:
1711       break;
1712   }
1713   return OK;
1714 }
1716 /* Computes a main planet from any ephemeris or returns
1717  * it again, if it has been computed before.
1718  * In barycentric equatorial position of the J2000 equinox.
1719  * The earth's position is computed as well. With SWISSEPH
1720  * and JPL ephemeris the barycentric sun is computed, too.
1721  * With Moshier, the moon is returned, as well.
1722  *
1723  * tjd 		= julian day
1724  * ipli		= body number
1725  * epheflag	= which ephemeris? JPL, SWISSEPH, Moshier?
1726  * iflag	= other flags
1727  * xp, xe, xs, and xm are the pointers, where the program
1728  * either finds or stores (if not found) the barycentric
1729  * (heliocentric with Moshier) positions of the following
1730  * bodies:
1731  * xp		planet
1732  * xe		earth
1733  * xs		sun
1734  * xm		moon
1735  *
1736  * xm is used with Moshier only
1737  */
main_planet_bary(double tjd,int ipli,int32 epheflag,int32 iflag,AS_BOOL do_save,double * xp,double * xe,double * xs,double * xm,char * serr)1738 static int main_planet_bary(double tjd, int ipli, int32 epheflag, int32 iflag, AS_BOOL do_save,
1739 		       double *xp, double *xe, double *xs, double *xm,
1740 		       char *serr)
1741 {
1742   int i, retc;
1743   switch(epheflag) {
1744     case SEFLG_JPLEPH:
1745       retc = jplplan(tjd, ipli, iflag, do_save, xp, xe, xs, serr);
1746       /* read error or corrupt file */
1747       if (retc == ERR || retc == BEYOND_EPH_LIMITS)
1748 	return retc;
1749       /* jpl ephemeris not on disk or date beyond ephemeris range */
1750       if (retc == NOT_AVAILABLE) {
1751 	iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_JPLEPH) | SEFLG_SWIEPH;
1752 	if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
1753 	  strcat(serr, " \ntrying Swiss Eph; ");
1754 	goto sweph_planet;
1755       }
1756       break;
1757     case SEFLG_SWIEPH:
1758       sweph_planet:
1759       /* compute barycentric planet (+ earth, sun, moon) */
1760       retc = sweplan(tjd, ipli, SEI_FILE_PLANET, iflag, do_save, xp, xe, xs, xm, serr);
1761 #if 0
1762       if (retc == ERR || retc == NOT_AVAILABLE)
1763 	return retc;
1764 #else /* if barycentric moshier calculation were implemented */
1765       if (retc == ERR)
1766 	return ERR;
1767       /* if sweph file not found, switch to moshier */
1768       if (retc == NOT_AVAILABLE) {
1769 	if (tjd > MOSHPLEPH_START && tjd < MOSHPLEPH_END) {
1770 	  iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_SWIEPH) | SEFLG_MOSEPH;
1771 	  if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
1772 	    strcat(serr, " \nusing Moshier eph.; ");
1773 	  goto moshier_planet;
1774 	} else {
1775 	  return ERR;
1776 	}
1777       }
1778 #endif
1779       break;
1780     case SEFLG_MOSEPH:
1781 #if 1
1782       moshier_planet:
1783 #endif
1784       retc = swi_moshplan(tjd, ipli, do_save, xp, xe, serr);/**/
1785       if (retc == ERR)
1786 	return ERR;
1787       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
1788 	xs[i] = 0;
1789       break;
1790     default:
1791       break;
1792   }
1793   return OK;
1794 }
1796 /* SWISSEPH
1797  * this routine computes heliocentric cartesian equatorial coordinates
1798  * of equinox 2000 of
1799  * geocentric moon
1800  *
1801  * tjd 		julian date
1802  * iflag	flag
1803  * do_save	save J2000 position in save area pdp->x ?
1804  * xp		array of 6 doubles for lunar position and speed
1805  * serr		error string
1806  */
swemoon(double tjd,int32 iflag,AS_BOOL do_save,double * xpret,char * serr)1807 static int swemoon(double tjd, int32 iflag, AS_BOOL do_save, double *xpret, char *serr)
1808 {
1809   int i, retc;
1810   struct plan_data *pdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_MOON];
1811   int32 speedf1, speedf2;
1812   double xx[6], *xp;
1813   if (do_save)
1814     xp = pdp->x;
1815   else
1816     xp = xx;
1817   /* if planet has already been computed for this date, return
1818    * if speed flag has been turned on, recompute planet */
1819   speedf1 = pdp->xflgs & SEFLG_SPEED;
1820   speedf2 = iflag & SEFLG_SPEED;
1821   if (tjd == pdp->teval
1822 	&& pdp->iephe == SEFLG_SWIEPH
1823 	&& (!speedf2 || speedf1)) {
1824     xp = pdp->x;
1825   } else {
1826     /* call sweph for moon */
1827     retc = sweph(tjd, SEI_MOON, SEI_FILE_MOON, iflag, NULL, do_save, xp, serr);
1828     if (retc != OK)
1829       return(retc);
1830     if (do_save) {
1831       pdp->teval = tjd;
1832       pdp->xflgs = -1;
1833       pdp->iephe = SEFLG_SWIEPH;
1834     }
1835   }
1836   if (xpret != NULL)
1837     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
1838       xpret[i] = xp[i];
1839   return(OK);
1840 }
1842 /* SWISSEPH
1843  * this function computes
1844  * 1. a barycentric planet
1845  * plus, under certain conditions,
1846  * 2. the barycentric sun,
1847  * 3. the barycentric earth, and
1848  * 4. the geocentric moon,
1849  * in barycentric cartesian equatorial coordinates J2000.
1850  *
1851  * these are the data needed for calculation of light-time etc.
1852  *
1853  * tjd 		julian date
1854  * ipli		SEI_ planet number
1855  * ifno		ephemeris file number
1856  * do_save	write new positions in save area
1857  * xp		array of 6 doubles for planet's position and velocity
1858  * xpe                                 earth's
1859  * xps                                 sun's
1860  * xpm                                 moon's
1861  * serr		error string
1862  *
1863  * xp - xpm can be NULL. if do_save is TRUE, all of them can be NULL.
1864  * the positions will be written into the save area (swed.pldat[ipli].x)
1865  */
sweplan(double tjd,int ipli,int ifno,int32 iflag,AS_BOOL do_save,double * xpret,double * xperet,double * xpsret,double * xpmret,char * serr)1866 static int sweplan(double tjd, int ipli, int ifno, int32 iflag, AS_BOOL do_save,
1867 		   double *xpret, double *xperet, double *xpsret, double *xpmret,
1868 		   char *serr)
1869 {
1870   int i, retc;
1871   int do_earth = FALSE, do_moon = FALSE, do_sunbary = FALSE;
1872   struct plan_data *pdp = &swed.pldat[ipli];
1873   struct plan_data *pebdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_EMB];
1874   struct plan_data *psbdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_SUNBARY];
1875   struct plan_data *pmdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_MOON];
1876   double xxp[6], xxm[6], xxs[6], xxe[6];
1877   double *xp, *xpe, *xpm, *xps;
1878   int32 speedf1, speedf2;
1879   /* xps (barycentric sun) may be necessary because some planets on sweph
1880    * file are heliocentric, other ones are barycentric. without xps,
1881    * the heliocentric ones cannot be returned barycentrically.
1882    */
1883   if (do_save || ipli == SEI_SUNBARY || (pdp->iflg & SEI_FLG_HELIO)
1884     || xpsret != NULL || (iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR))
1885     do_sunbary = TRUE;
1886   if (do_save || ipli == SEI_EARTH || xperet != NULL)
1887     do_earth = TRUE;
1888   if (ipli == SEI_MOON) {
1889 #if 0
1891       do_earth = TRUE;
1892   if (iflag & (SEFLG_HELCTR | SEFLG_NOABERR))
1893       do_sunbary = TRUE;
1894 #else
1895     do_earth = TRUE;
1896     do_sunbary = TRUE;
1897 #endif
1898   }
1899   if (do_save || ipli == SEI_MOON || ipli == SEI_EARTH || xperet != NULL || xpmret != NULL)
1900     do_moon = TRUE;
1901   if (do_save)  {
1902     xp = pdp->x;
1903     xpe = pebdp->x;
1904     xps = psbdp->x;
1905     xpm = pmdp->x;
1906   } else {
1907     xp = xxp;
1908     xpe = xxe;
1909     xps = xxs;
1910     xpm = xxm;
1911   }
1912   speedf2 = iflag & SEFLG_SPEED;
1913   /* barycentric sun */
1914   if (do_sunbary) {
1915     speedf1 = psbdp->xflgs & SEFLG_SPEED;
1916     /* if planet has already been computed for this date, return
1917      * if speed flag has been turned on, recompute planet */
1918     if (tjd == psbdp->teval
1919 	  && psbdp->iephe == SEFLG_SWIEPH
1920 	  && (!speedf2 || speedf1)) {
1921       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
1922 	xps[i] = psbdp->x[i];
1923     } else {
1924       retc = sweph(tjd, SEI_SUNBARY, SEI_FILE_PLANET, iflag, NULL, do_save, xps, serr);/**/
1925       if (retc != OK)
1926 	return(retc);
1927     }
1928     if (xpsret != NULL)
1929       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
1930 	xpsret[i] = xps[i];
1931   }
1932   /* moon */
1933   if (do_moon) {
1934     speedf1 = pmdp->xflgs & SEFLG_SPEED;
1935     if (tjd == pmdp->teval
1936 	  && pmdp->iephe == SEFLG_SWIEPH
1937 	  && (!speedf2 || speedf1)) {
1938       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
1939 	xpm[i] = pmdp->x[i];
1940     } else {
1941       retc = sweph(tjd, SEI_MOON, SEI_FILE_MOON, iflag, NULL, do_save, xpm, serr);
1942       if (retc == ERR)
1943 	return(retc);
1944       /* if moon file doesn't exist, take moshier moon */
1945       if (swed.fidat[SEI_FILE_MOON].fptr == NULL) {
1946 	if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 35 < AS_MAXCH)
1947 	  strcat(serr, " \nusing Moshier eph. for moon; ");
1948 	retc = swi_moshmoon(tjd, do_save, xpm, serr);
1949 	if (retc != OK)
1950 	  return(retc);
1951       }
1952     }
1953     if (xpmret != NULL)
1954       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
1955 	xpmret[i] = xpm[i];
1956   }
1957   /* barycentric earth */
1958   if (do_earth) {
1959     speedf1 = pebdp->xflgs & SEFLG_SPEED;
1960     if (tjd == pebdp->teval
1961 	  && pebdp->iephe == SEFLG_SWIEPH
1962 	  && (!speedf2 || speedf1)) {
1963       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
1964 	xpe[i] = pebdp->x[i];
1965     } else {
1966       retc = sweph(tjd, SEI_EMB, SEI_FILE_PLANET, iflag, NULL, do_save, xpe, serr);
1967       if (retc != OK)
1968 	return(retc);
1969       /* earth from emb and moon */
1970       embofs(xpe, xpm);
1971       /* speed is needed, if
1972        * 1. true position is being computed before applying light-time etc.
1973        *    this is the position saved in pdp->x.
1974        *    in this case, speed is needed for light-time correction.
1975        * 2. the speed flag has been specified.
1976        */
1977       if (xpe == pebdp->x || (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED))
1978 	embofs(xpe+3, xpm+3);
1979     }
1980     if (xperet != NULL)
1981       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
1982 	xperet[i] = xpe[i];
1983   }
1984   if (ipli == SEI_MOON) {
1985     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
1986       xp[i] = xpm[i];
1987   } else if (ipli == SEI_EARTH) {
1988     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
1989       xp[i] = xpe[i];
1990   } else if (ipli == SEI_SUN) {
1991     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
1992       xp[i] = xps[i];
1993   } else {
1994     /* planet */
1995     speedf1 = pdp->xflgs & SEFLG_SPEED;
1996     if (tjd == pdp->teval
1997 	  && pdp->iephe == SEFLG_SWIEPH
1998 	  && (!speedf2 || speedf1)) {
1999       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2000 	xp[i] = pdp->x[i];
2001       return(OK);
2002     } else {
2003       retc = sweph(tjd, ipli, ifno, iflag, NULL, do_save, xp, serr);
2004       if (retc != OK)
2005 	return(retc);
2006       /* if planet is heliocentric, it must be transformed to barycentric */
2007       if (pdp->iflg & SEI_FLG_HELIO) {
2008 	/* now barycentric planet */
2009 	for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
2010 	  xp[i] += xps[i];
2011 	if (do_save || (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED))
2012 	  for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
2013 	    xp[i] += xps[i];
2014       }
2015     }
2016   }
2017   if (xpret != NULL)
2018     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2019       xpret[i] = xp[i];
2020   return(OK);
2021 }
2023 /* jpl ephemeris.
2024  * this function computes
2025  * 1. a barycentric planet position
2026  * plus, under certain conditions,
2027  * 2. the barycentric sun,
2028  * 3. the barycentric earth,
2029  * in barycentric cartesian equatorial coordinates J2000.
2031  * tjd		julian day
2032  * ipli		sweph internal planet number
2033  * do_save	write new positions in save area
2034  * xp		array of 6 doubles for planet's position and speed vectors
2035  * xpe		                       earth's
2036  * xps		                       sun's
2037  * serr		pointer to error string
2038  *
2039  * xp - xps can be NULL. if do_save is TRUE, all of them can be NULL.
2040  * the positions will be written into the save area (swed.pldat[ipli].x)
2041  */
jplplan(double tjd,int ipli,int32 iflag,AS_BOOL do_save,double * xpret,double * xperet,double * xpsret,char * serr)2042 static int jplplan(double tjd, int ipli, int32 iflag, AS_BOOL do_save,
2043 		   double *xpret, double *xperet, double *xpsret, char *serr)
2044 {
2045   int i, retc;
2046   AS_BOOL do_earth = FALSE, do_sunbary = FALSE;
2047   double ss[3];
2048   double xxp[6], xxe[6], xxs[6];
2049   double *xp, *xpe, *xps;
2050   int ictr = J_SBARY;
2051   struct plan_data *pdp = &swed.pldat[ipli];
2052   struct plan_data *pedp = &swed.pldat[SEI_EARTH];
2053   struct plan_data *psdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_SUNBARY];
2054   iflag = SEFLG_JPLEPH; /* currently not used, but this stops compiler warning */
2055   /* we assume Teph ~= TDB ~= TT. The maximum error is < 0.002 sec,
2056    * corresponding to an ephemeris error < 0.001 arcsec for the moon */
2057   /* double tjd_tdb, T;
2058      T = (tjd - 2451545.0)/36525.0;
2059      tjd_tdb = tjd + (0.001657 * sin(628.3076 * T + 6.2401)
2060 		+ 0.000022 * sin(575.3385 * T + 4.2970)
2061 		+ 0.000014 * sin(1256.6152 * T + 6.1969)) / 8640.0;*/
2062   if (do_save) {
2063     xp = pdp->x;
2064     xpe = pedp->x;
2065     xps = psdp->x;
2066   } else {
2067     xp = xxp;
2068     xpe = xxe;
2069     xps = xxs;
2070   }
2071   if (do_save || ipli == SEI_EARTH || xperet != NULL
2072     || (ipli == SEI_MOON)) /* && (iflag & (SEFLG_HELCTR | SEFLG_BARYCTR | SEFLG_NOABERR)))) */
2073     do_earth = TRUE;
2074   if (do_save || ipli == SEI_SUNBARY || xpsret != NULL
2075     || (ipli == SEI_MOON)) /* && (iflag & (SEFLG_HELCTR | SEFLG_NOABERR)))) */
2076     do_sunbary = TRUE;
2077   if (ipli == SEI_MOON)
2078     ictr = J_EARTH;
2079   /* open ephemeris, if still closed */
2080   if (!swed.jpl_file_is_open) {
2081     retc = open_jpl_file(ss, swed.jplfnam, swed.ephepath, serr);
2082     if (retc != OK)
2083       return (retc);
2084   }
2085   if (do_earth) {
2086     /* barycentric earth */
2087     if (tjd != pedp->teval || tjd == 0) {
2088       retc = swi_pleph(tjd, J_EARTH, J_SBARY, xpe, serr);
2089       if (do_save) {
2090 	pedp->teval = tjd;
2091 	pedp->xflgs = -1;	/* new light-time etc. required */
2092 	pedp->iephe = SEFLG_JPLEPH;
2093       }
2094       if (retc != OK) {
2095 	swi_close_jpl_file();
2096 	swed.jpl_file_is_open = FALSE;
2097 	return retc;
2098       }
2099     } else {
2100       xpe = pedp->x;
2101     }
2102     if (xperet != NULL)
2103       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2104 	xperet[i] = xpe[i];
2106   }
2107   if (do_sunbary) {
2108     /* barycentric sun */
2109     if (tjd != psdp->teval || tjd == 0) {
2110       retc = swi_pleph(tjd, J_SUN, J_SBARY, xps, serr);
2111       if (do_save) {
2112 	psdp->teval = tjd;
2113 	psdp->xflgs = -1;
2114 	psdp->iephe = SEFLG_JPLEPH;
2115       }
2116       if (retc != OK) {
2117 	swi_close_jpl_file();
2118 	swed.jpl_file_is_open = FALSE;
2119 	return retc;
2120       }
2121     } else {
2122       xps = psdp->x;
2123     }
2124     if (xpsret != NULL)
2125       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2126 	xpsret[i] = xps[i];
2127   }
2128   /* earth is wanted */
2129   if (ipli == SEI_EARTH) {
2130     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2131       xp[i] = xpe[i];
2132   /* sunbary is wanted */
2133   } if (ipli == SEI_SUNBARY) {
2134     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2135       xp[i] = xps[i];
2136   /* other planet */
2137   } else {
2138     /* if planet already computed */
2139     if (tjd == pdp->teval && pdp->iephe == SEFLG_JPLEPH) {
2140       xp = pdp->x;
2141     } else {
2142       retc = swi_pleph(tjd, pnoint2jpl[ipli], ictr, xp, serr);
2143       if (do_save) {
2144 	pdp->teval = tjd;
2145 	pdp->xflgs = -1;
2146 	pdp->iephe = SEFLG_JPLEPH;
2147       }
2148       if (retc != OK) {
2149 	swi_close_jpl_file();
2150 	swed.jpl_file_is_open = FALSE;
2151 	return retc;
2152       }
2153     }
2154   }
2155   if (xpret != NULL)
2156     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2157       xpret[i] = xp[i];
2158   return (OK);
2159 }
2161 /*
2162  * this function looks for an ephemeris file,
2163  * opens it, if not yet open,
2164  * reads constants, if not yet read,
2165  * computes a planet, if not yet computed
2166  * attention: asteroids are heliocentric
2167  *            other planets barycentric
2168  *
2169  * tjd 		julian date
2170  * ipli		SEI_ planet number
2171  * ifno		ephemeris file number
2172  * xsunb	INPUT (!) array of 6 doubles containing barycentric sun
2173  *              (must be given with asteroids)
2174  * do_save	boolean: save result in save area
2175  * xp		return array of 6 doubles for planet's position
2176  * serr		error string
2177  */
sweph(double tjd,int ipli,int ifno,int32 iflag,double * xsunb,AS_BOOL do_save,double * xpret,char * serr)2178 static int sweph(double tjd, int ipli, int ifno, int32 iflag, double *xsunb, AS_BOOL do_save, double *xpret, char *serr)
2179 {
2180   int i, ipl, retc, subdirlen;
2181   char s[2 * AS_MAXCH], subdirnam[AS_MAXCH], fname[AS_MAXCH], *sp;
2182   double t, tsv;
2183   double xemb[6], xx[6], *xp;
2184   struct plan_data *pdp;
2185   struct plan_data *pedp = &swed.pldat[SEI_EARTH];
2186   struct plan_data *psdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_SUNBARY];
2187   struct file_data *fdp = &swed.fidat[ifno];
2188   int32 speedf1, speedf2;
2189   AS_BOOL need_speed;
2190   ipl = ipli;
2191   if (ipli > SE_AST_OFFSET)
2192     ipl = SEI_ANYBODY;
2193   if (ipli > SE_PLMOON_OFFSET)
2194     ipl = SEI_ANYBODY;
2195   pdp = &swed.pldat[ipl];
2196   if (do_save)
2197     xp = pdp->x;
2198   else
2199     xp = xx;
2200   /* if planet has already been computed for this date, return.
2201    * if speed flag has been turned on, recompute planet */
2202   speedf1 = pdp->xflgs & SEFLG_SPEED;
2203   speedf2 = iflag & SEFLG_SPEED;
2204   if (tjd == pdp->teval
2205 	&& pdp->iephe == SEFLG_SWIEPH
2206 	&& (!speedf2 || speedf1)
2207         && ipl < SEI_ANYBODY) {
2208     if (xpret != NULL)
2209       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2210 	xpret[i] = pdp->x[i];
2211     return(OK);
2212   }
2213   /******************************
2214    * get correct ephemeris file *
2215    ******************************/
2216   if (fdp->fptr != NULL) {
2217     /* if tjd is beyond file range, close old file.
2218      * if new asteroid, close old file. */
2219     if (tjd < fdp->tfstart || tjd > fdp->tfend
2220       || (ipl == SEI_ANYBODY && ipli != pdp->ibdy)) {
2221       fclose(fdp->fptr);
2222       fdp->fptr = NULL;
2223       if (pdp->refep != NULL)
2224 	free((void *) pdp->refep);
2225       pdp->refep = NULL;
2226       if (pdp->segp != NULL)
2227 	free((void *) pdp->segp);
2228       pdp->segp = NULL;
2229     }
2230   }
2231   /* if sweph file not open, find and open it */
2232   if (fdp->fptr == NULL) {
2233     swi_gen_filename(tjd, ipli, fname);
2234     strcpy(subdirnam, fname);
2235     sp = strrchr(subdirnam, (int) *DIR_GLUE);
2236     if (sp != NULL) {
2237       *sp = '\0';
2238       subdirlen = (int) strlen(subdirnam);
2239     } else {
2240       subdirlen = 0;
2241     }
2242     strcpy(s, fname);
2243 again:
2244     fdp->fptr = swi_fopen(ifno, s, swed.ephepath, serr);
2245     if (fdp->fptr == NULL) {
2246       // if it is a planetary moon, also try without the directory "sat/"
2247       if (ipli > SE_PLMOON_OFFSET && ipli < SE_AST_OFFSET) {
2248 	if (subdirlen > 0 && strncmp(s, subdirnam, (size_t) subdirlen) == 0) {
2249 	  swi_strcpy(s, s + subdirlen + 1);	/* remove "sat/" etc. */
2250 	  goto again;
2251 	}
2252       /*
2253        * if it is a numbered asteroid file, try also for short files (..s.se1)
2254        * On the second try, the inserted 's' will be seen and not tried again.
2255        */
2256       } else if (ipli > SE_AST_OFFSET) {
2257 	char *spp;
2258 	spp = strchr(s, '.');
2259 	if (spp > s && *(spp-1) != 's') {	/* no 's' before '.' ? */
2260 	  sprintf(spp, "s.%s", SE_FILE_SUFFIX);	/* insert an 's' */
2261 	  goto again;
2262 	}
2263 	/*
2264 	 * if we still have 'ast0' etc. in front of the filename,
2265 	 * we remove it now, remove the 's' also,
2266 	 * and try in the main ephemeris directory instead of the
2267 	 * asteroid subdirectory.
2268 	 */
2269         spp--;	/* point to the character before '.' which must be a 's' */
2270 	swi_strcpy(spp, spp + 1);	/* remove the s */
2271 	if (subdirlen > 0 && strncmp(s, subdirnam, (size_t) subdirlen) == 0) {
2272 	  swi_strcpy(s, s + subdirlen + 1);	/* remove "ast0/" etc. */
2273 	  goto again;
2274 	}
2275       }
2276       return(NOT_AVAILABLE);
2277     }
2278     /* during the search error messages may have been built, delete them */
2279     if (serr != NULL) *serr = '\0';
2280     retc = read_const(ifno, serr);
2281     if (retc != OK)
2282       return(retc);
2283   }
2284   /* if first ephemeris file (J-3000), it might start a mars period
2285    * after -3000. if last ephemeris file (J3000), it might end a
2286    * 4000-day-period before 3000. */
2287   if (tjd < fdp->tfstart || tjd > fdp->tfend) {
2288     if (serr != NULL) {
2289       sp = strrchr(fname, (int) *DIR_GLUE);
2290       if (sp != NULL)
2291         sp++;
2292       else
2293         sp = fname;
2294       if (ipli > SE_AST_OFFSET) {
2295         sprintf(s, "asteroid No. %d (%s): ", ipli - SE_AST_OFFSET, sp);
2296       } else if (ipli > SE_PLMOON_OFFSET) {
2297 	if (strstr(fname, "99.") != NULL)
2298 	  sprintf(s, "plan. COB No. %d (%s): ", ipli, sp);
2299 	else
2300 	  sprintf(s, "plan. moon No. %d (%s): ", ipli, sp);
2301       } else if (ipli > SEI_PLUTO) {
2302         sprintf(s, "asteroid eph. file (%s): ", sp);
2303       } else if (ipli != SEI_MOON) {
2304         sprintf(s, "planets eph. file (%s): ", sp);
2305       } else {
2306         sprintf(s, "moon eph. file (%s): ", sp);
2307       }
2308       if (tjd < fdp->tfstart)
2309 	sprintf(s + strlen(s), "jd %f < lower limit %f;",
2310 		  tjd, fdp->tfstart);
2311       else
2312 	sprintf(s + strlen(s), "jd %f > upper limit %f;",
2313 		  tjd, fdp->tfend);
2314       if (strlen(serr) + strlen(s) < AS_MAXCH)
2315 	strcat(serr, s);
2316     }
2317     return(NOT_AVAILABLE);
2318   }
2319   /******************************
2320    * get planet's position
2321    ******************************/
2322   /* get new segment, if necessary */
2323   if (pdp->segp == NULL || tjd < pdp->tseg0 || tjd > pdp->tseg1) {
2324     retc = get_new_segment(tjd, ipl, ifno, serr);
2325     if (retc != OK)
2326       return(retc);
2327     /* rotate cheby coeffs back to equatorial system.
2328      * if necessary, add reference orbit. */
2329     if (pdp->iflg & SEI_FLG_ROTATE)
2330       rot_back(ipl); /**/
2331     else
2332       pdp->neval = pdp->ncoe;
2333   }
2334   /* evaluate chebyshew polynomial for tjd */
2335   t = (tjd - pdp->tseg0) / pdp->dseg;
2336   t = t * 2 - 1;
2337   /* speed is needed, if
2338    * 1. true position is being computed before applying light-time etc.
2339    *    this is the position saved in pdp->x.
2340    *    in this case, speed is needed for light-time correction.
2341    * 2. the speed flag has been specified.
2342    */
2343   need_speed = (do_save || (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED));
2344   for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
2345     xp[i]  = swi_echeb (t, pdp->segp+(i*pdp->ncoe), pdp->neval);
2346     if (need_speed)
2347       xp[i+3] = swi_edcheb(t, pdp->segp+(i*pdp->ncoe), pdp->neval) / pdp->dseg * 2;
2348     else
2349       xp[i+3] = 0;	/* von Alois als billiger fix, evtl. illegal */
2350   }
2351   /* if planet wanted is barycentric sun:
2352    * current sepl* files have do not have barycentric sun,
2353    * but have heliocentric earth and barycentric earth.
2354    * So barycentric sun and must be computed
2355    * from heliocentric earth and barycentric earth: the
2356    * computation above gives heliocentric earth, therefore we
2357    * have to compute barycentric earth and subtract heliocentric
2358    * earth from it. this may be necessary with calls from
2359    * sweplan() and from app_pos_etc_sun() (light-time). */
2360   if (ipl == SEI_SUNBARY && (pdp->iflg & SEI_FLG_EMBHEL)) {
2361     /* sweph() calls sweph() !!! for EMB.
2362      * Attention: a new calculation must be forced in any case.
2363      * Otherwise EARTH (instead of EMB) will possibly taken from
2364      * save area.
2365      * to force new computation, set pedp->teval = 0 and restore it
2366      * after call of sweph(EMB).
2367      */
2368     tsv = pedp->teval;
2369     pedp->teval = 0;
2370     retc = sweph(tjd, SEI_EMB, ifno, iflag | SEFLG_SPEED, NULL, NO_SAVE, xemb, serr);
2371     if (retc != OK)
2372       return(retc);
2373     pedp->teval = tsv;
2374     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
2375       xp[i] = xemb[i] - xp[i];
2376     if (need_speed)
2377       for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
2378 	xp[i] = xemb[i] - xp[i];
2379   }
2380 #if 1
2381   /* asteroids are heliocentric.
2382    * if JPL or SWISSEPH, convert to barycentric */
2383   if (xsunb != NULL && ((iflag & SEFLG_JPLEPH) || (iflag & SEFLG_SWIEPH))) {
2384     if (ipl >= SEI_ANYBODY) {
2385       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
2386 	xp[i] += xsunb[i];
2387       if (need_speed)
2388 	for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
2389 	  xp[i] += xsunb[i];
2390     }
2391   }
2392 #endif
2393   if (do_save) {
2394     pdp->teval = tjd;
2395     pdp->xflgs = -1;	/* do new computation of light-time etc. */
2396     if (ifno == SEI_FILE_PLANET || ifno == SEI_FILE_MOON)
2397       pdp->iephe = SEFLG_SWIEPH;/**/
2398     else
2399       pdp->iephe = psdp->iephe;
2400   }
2401   if (xpret != NULL)
2402     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2403       xpret[i] = xp[i];
2404   return(OK);
2405 }
2407 /*
2408  * Alois 2.12.98: inserted error message generation for file not found
2409  */
swi_fopen(int ifno,char * fname,char * ephepath,char * serr)2410 FILE *swi_fopen(int ifno, char *fname, char *ephepath, char *serr)
2411 {
2412   int np, i, j;
2413   FILE *fp = NULL;
2414   char *fnamp, fn[AS_MAXCH];
2415   char *cpos[20];
2416   char s[2 * AS_MAXCH];
2417   char s1[AS_MAXCH];
2418   if (ifno >= 0) {
2419     fnamp = swed.fidat[ifno].fnam;
2420   } else {
2421     fnamp = fn;
2422   }
2423   strcpy(s1, ephepath);
2424   np = swi_cutstr(s1, PATH_SEPARATOR, cpos, 20);
2425   *s = '\0';
2426   for (i = 0; i < np; i++) {
2427     strcpy(s, cpos[i]);
2428     if (strcmp(s, ".") == 0) { /* current directory */
2429       *s = '\0';
2430     } else {
2431       j = (int) strlen(s);
2432       if (*s != '\0' && *(s + j - 1) != *DIR_GLUE)
2433 	strcat(s, DIR_GLUE);
2434     }
2435     if (strlen(s) + strlen(fname) < AS_MAXCH) {
2436       strcat(s, fname);
2437     } else {
2438       if (serr != NULL)
2439 	sprintf(serr, "error: file path and name must be shorter than %d.", AS_MAXCH);
2440       return NULL;
2441     }
2442     strcpy(fnamp, s);
2443     fp = fopen(fnamp, BFILE_R_ACCESS);
2444     if (fp != NULL)
2445       return fp;
2446   }
2447   sprintf(s, "SwissEph file '%s' not found in PATH '%s'", fname, ephepath);
2448   s[AS_MAXCH-1] = '\0';		/* s must not be longer then AS_MAXCH */
2449   if (serr != NULL)
2450     strcpy(serr, s);
2451   return NULL;
2452 }
swi_get_denum(int32 ipli,int32 iflag)2454 int32 swi_get_denum(int32 ipli, int32 iflag)
2455 {
2456   struct file_data *fdp = NULL;
2457   if (iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH)
2458     return 403;
2459   if (iflag & SEFLG_JPLEPH) {
2460     if (swed.jpldenum > 0)
2461       return swed.jpldenum;
2462     else
2463       return SE_DE_NUMBER;
2464   }
2465   if (ipli > SE_AST_OFFSET) {
2466     fdp = &swed.fidat[SEI_FILE_ANY_AST];
2467   } else if (ipli > SE_PLMOON_OFFSET) {
2468     fdp = &swed.fidat[SEI_FILE_ANY_AST];
2469   } else if (ipli == SEI_CHIRON
2470       || ipli == SEI_PHOLUS
2471       || ipli == SEI_CERES
2472       || ipli == SEI_PALLAS
2473       || ipli == SEI_JUNO
2474       || ipli == SEI_VESTA) {
2475     fdp = &swed.fidat[SEI_FILE_MAIN_AST];
2476   } else if (ipli == SEI_MOON) {
2477     fdp = &swed.fidat[SEI_FILE_MOON];
2478   } else {
2479     fdp = &swed.fidat[SEI_FILE_PLANET];
2480   }
2481   if (fdp != NULL) {
2482     if (fdp->sweph_denum != 0)
2483       return fdp->sweph_denum;
2484     else
2485       return SE_DE_NUMBER;
2486   }
2487   return SE_DE_NUMBER;
2488 }
calc_center_body(int32 ipli,int32 iflag,double * xx,double * xcom,char * serr)2490 static int calc_center_body(int32 ipli, int32 iflag, double *xx, double *xcom, char *serr)
2491 {
2492   int i;
2493   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_CENTER_BODY))
2494     return OK;
2495   if (ipli < SEI_MARS || ipli > SEI_PLUTO)
2496     return OK;
2497   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2498     xx[i] += xcom[i];
2499   return OK;
2500 }
2502 /* converts planets from barycentric to geocentric,
2503  * apparent positions
2504  * precession and nutation
2505  * according to flags
2506  * ipli		planet number
2507  * iflag	flags
2508  * serr         error string
2509  */
app_pos_etc_plan(int ipli,int iplmoon,int32 iflag,char * serr)2510 static int app_pos_etc_plan(int ipli, int iplmoon, int32 iflag, char *serr)
2511 {
2512   int i, j, niter, retc = OK;
2513   int ipl, ifno, ibody;
2514   int32 flg1, flg2;
2515   double xx[6], xx0[6], dx[3], dt, t, dtsave_for_defl;
2516   double xobs[6], xobs2[6];
2517   double xearth[6], xsun[6], xcom[6];
2518   double xxsp[6], xxsv[6];
2519   struct plan_data *pedp = &swed.pldat[SEI_EARTH];
2520   struct plan_data *pdp;
2521   struct epsilon *oe = &swed.oec2000;
2522   int32 epheflag = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
2523   dtsave_for_defl = 0;
2524   /* ephemeris file */
2525   if (ipli > SE_PLMOON_OFFSET || ipli > SE_AST_OFFSET) { // 2nd condition obsolete
2526     ifno = SEI_FILE_ANY_AST;
2527     ibody = IS_ANY_BODY;
2528     pdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_ANYBODY];
2529   } else if (ipli == SEI_CHIRON
2530       || ipli == SEI_PHOLUS
2531       || ipli == SEI_CERES
2532       || ipli == SEI_PALLAS
2533       || ipli == SEI_JUNO
2534       || ipli == SEI_VESTA) {
2535     ifno = SEI_FILE_MAIN_AST;
2536     ibody = IS_MAIN_ASTEROID;
2537     pdp = &swed.pldat[ipli];
2538   } else {
2539     ifno = SEI_FILE_PLANET;
2540     ibody = IS_PLANET;
2541     pdp = &swed.pldat[ipli];
2542   }
2543   t = pdp->teval;
2544 #if 0
2545   {
2546   struct plan_data *psp = &swed.pldat[SEI_SUNBARY];
2547   printf("planet %.14f %.14f %.14f\n", pdp->x[0], pdp->x[1], pdp->x[2]);
2548   printf("sunbary %.14f %.14f %.14f\n", psp->x[0], psp->x[1], psp->x[2]);
2549   }
2550 #endif
2551   /* if the same conversions have already been done for the same
2552    * date, then return */
2553   flg1 = iflag & ~SEFLG_EQUATORIAL & ~SEFLG_XYZ;
2554   flg2 = pdp->xflgs & ~SEFLG_EQUATORIAL & ~SEFLG_XYZ;
2555   if (flg1 == flg2) {
2556     pdp->xflgs = iflag;
2557     pdp->iephe = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
2558     return OK;
2559   }
2560   /* the conversions will be done with xx[]. */
2561   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2562     xx[i] = pdp->x[i];
2563   /* center body of planet, if SEFLG_CENTER_BODY (which is checked inside function) */
2564   calc_center_body(ipli, iflag, xx, swed.pldat[SEI_ANYBODY].x, serr);
2565   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2566     xx0[i] = xx[i];
2567   /* if heliocentric position is wanted */
2568   if (iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) {
2569     if (pdp->iephe == SEFLG_JPLEPH || pdp->iephe == SEFLG_SWIEPH)
2570       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2571 	xx[i] -= swed.pldat[SEI_SUNBARY].x[i];
2572   }
2573   /************************************
2574    * observer: geocenter or topocenter
2575    ************************************/
2576   /* if topocentric position is wanted  */
2577   if (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR) {
2578     if (swed.topd.teval != pedp->teval
2579       || swed.topd.teval == 0) {
2580       if (swi_get_observer(pedp->teval, iflag | SEFLG_NONUT, DO_SAVE, xobs, serr) != OK)
2581         return ERR;
2582     } else {
2583       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2584         xobs[i] = swed.topd.xobs[i];
2585     }
2586     /* barycentric position of observer */
2587     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2588       xobs[i] = xobs[i] + pedp->x[i];
2589   } else {
2590     /* barycentric position of geocenter */
2591     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2592       xobs[i] = pedp->x[i];
2593   }
2594   /*******************************
2595    * light-time geocentric       *
2596    *******************************/
2597   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS)) {
2598     /* number of iterations - 1 */
2599     if (pdp->iephe == SEFLG_JPLEPH || pdp->iephe == SEFLG_SWIEPH)
2600       niter = 1;
2601     else 	/* SEFLG_MOSEPH or planet from osculating elements */
2602       niter = 0;
2603     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
2604       /*
2605        * Apparent speed is influenced by the fact that dt changes with
2606        * time. This makes a difference of several hundredths of an
2607        * arc second / day. To take this into account, we compute
2608        * 1. true position - apparent position at time t - 1.
2609        * 2. true position - apparent position at time t.
2610        * 3. the difference between the two is the part of the daily motion
2611        * that results from the change of dt.
2612        */
2613       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
2614 	xxsv[i] = xxsp[i] = xx[i] - xx[i+3];
2615       for (j = 0; j <= niter; j++) {
2616 	for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
2617 	  dx[i] = xxsp[i];
2618 	  if (!(iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) && !(iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR))
2619 	    dx[i] -= (xobs[i] - xobs[i+3]);
2620 	}
2621 	/* new dt */
2622 	dt = sqrt(square_sum(dx)) * AUNIT / CLIGHT / 86400.0;
2623 	for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { 	/* rough apparent position at t-1 */
2624 	  //xxsp[i] = xxsv[i] - dt * pdp->x[i+3];
2625 	  xxsp[i] = xxsv[i] - dt * xx0[i+3];
2626 	}
2627       }
2628       /* true position - apparent position at time t-1 */
2629       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
2630 	xxsp[i] = xxsv[i] - xxsp[i];
2631     }
2632     /* dt and t(apparent) */
2633     for (j = 0; j <= niter; j++) {
2634       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
2635 	dx[i] = xx[i];
2636 	if (!(iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) && !(iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR))
2637 	  dx[i] -= xobs[i];
2638       }
2639       dt = sqrt(square_sum(dx)) * AUNIT / CLIGHT / 86400.0;
2640       /* new t */
2641       t = pdp->teval - dt;
2642       dtsave_for_defl = dt;
2643       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {	/* rough apparent position at t*/
2644 	//xx[i] = pdp->x[i] - dt * pdp->x[i+3];
2645 	xx[i] = xx0[i] - dt * xx0[i+3];
2646       }
2647     }
2648     /* part of daily motion resulting from change of dt */
2649     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
2650       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
2651 	//xxsp[i] = pdp->x[i] - xx[i] - xxsp[i];
2652 	xxsp[i] = xx0[i] - xx[i] - xxsp[i];
2653       }
2654     }
2655     /* new position, accounting for light-time (accurate) */
2656     if ((iflag & SEFLG_CENTER_BODY)
2657       && ipli >= SE_MARS && ipli <= SE_PLUTO) {
2658       //ipli_com = ipli * 100 + 9099;
2659       /* jupiter center of body, relative to jupiter barycenter */
2660       retc = sweph(t, iplmoon, SEI_FILE_ANY_AST, iflag, NULL, NO_SAVE, xcom, serr);
2661       if (retc == ERR || retc == NOT_AVAILABLE)
2662 	return ERR;
2663     }
2664     switch(epheflag) {
2665       case SEFLG_JPLEPH:
2666 	if (ibody >= IS_ANY_BODY)
2667 	  ipl = -1; /* will not be used */ /*pnoint2jpl[SEI_ANYBODY];*/
2668 	else
2669 	  ipl = pnoint2jpl[ipli];
2670 	if (ibody == IS_PLANET) {
2671 	  retc = swi_pleph(t, ipl, J_SBARY, xx, serr);
2672 	  if (retc != OK) {
2673 	    swi_close_jpl_file();
2674 	    swed.jpl_file_is_open = FALSE;
2675 	  }
2676 	} else { 	/* asteroid */
2677 	  /* first sun */
2678 	  retc = swi_pleph(t, J_SUN, J_SBARY, xsun, serr);
2679 	  if (retc != OK) {
2680 	    swi_close_jpl_file();
2681 	    swed.jpl_file_is_open = FALSE;
2682 	  }
2683 	  /* asteroid */
2684 	  retc = sweph(t, ipli, ifno, iflag, xsun, NO_SAVE, xx, serr);
2685 	}
2686 	if (retc != OK)
2687 	  return(retc);
2688         /* for accuracy in speed, we need earth as well */
2689 	if ((iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
2690 	  && !(iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) && !(iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR)) {
2691 	  retc = swi_pleph(t, J_EARTH, J_SBARY, xearth, serr);
2692 	  if (retc != OK) {
2693 	    swi_close_jpl_file();
2694 	    swed.jpl_file_is_open = FALSE;
2695 	    return(retc);
2696 	  }
2697 	}
2698 	break;
2699       case SEFLG_SWIEPH:
2700 	if (ibody == IS_PLANET) {
2701 	  retc = sweplan(t, ipli, ifno, iflag, NO_SAVE, xx, xearth, xsun, NULL, serr);
2702 	} else { 		/*asteroid*/
2703 	  retc = sweplan(t, SEI_EARTH, SEI_FILE_PLANET, iflag, NO_SAVE, xearth, NULL, xsun, NULL, serr);
2704 	  if (retc == OK)
2705 	    retc = sweph(t, ipli, ifno, iflag, xsun, NO_SAVE, xx, serr);
2706 	}
2707 	if (retc != OK)
2708 	  return(retc);
2709 	break;
2710       case SEFLG_MOSEPH:
2711       default:
2712 	/*
2713 	 * with moshier or other ephemerides, subtraction of dt * speed
2714 	 * is sufficient (has been done in light-time iteration above)
2715 	 */
2716 #if 0
2717 	for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
2718 	  xx[i] = pdp->x[i] - dt * pdp->x[i+3];/**/
2719 	  xx[i+3] = pdp->x[i+3];
2720 	}
2721 #endif
2722         /* if speed flag is true, we call swi_moshplan() for new t.
2723 	 * this does not increase position precision,
2724 	 * but speed precision, which becomes better than 0.01"/day.
2725 	 * for precise speed, we need earth as well.
2726 	 */
2727 	if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED
2728 	  && !(iflag & (SEFLG_HELCTR | SEFLG_BARYCTR))) {
2729 	  if (ibody == IS_PLANET) {
2730 	    retc = swi_moshplan(t, ipli, NO_SAVE, xxsv, xearth, serr);
2731           } else {		/* if asteroid */
2732 	    retc = sweph(t, ipli, ifno, iflag, NULL, NO_SAVE, xxsv, serr);
2733 	    if (retc == OK)
2734 	      retc = swi_moshplan(t, SEI_EARTH, NO_SAVE, xearth, xearth, serr);
2735           }
2736 	  if (retc != OK)
2737 	    return(retc);
2738 	  /* only speed is taken from this computation, otherwise position
2739 	   * calculations with and without speed would not agree. The difference
2740 	   * would be about 0.01", which is far below the intrinsic error of the
2741 	   * moshier ephemeris.
2742 	   */
2743 	  for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
2744 	    xx[i] = xxsv[i];
2745         }
2746 	break;
2747     }
2748     calc_center_body(ipli, iflag, xx, xcom, serr);
2749     if (iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) {
2750       if (pdp->iephe == SEFLG_JPLEPH || pdp->iephe == SEFLG_SWIEPH)
2751 	for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2752 	  xx[i] -= swed.pldat[SEI_SUNBARY].x[i];
2753     }
2754     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
2755       /* observer position for t(light-time) */
2756       if (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR) {
2757         if (swi_get_observer(t, iflag | SEFLG_NONUT, NO_SAVE, xobs2, serr) != OK)
2758           return ERR;
2759         for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2760           xobs2[i] += xearth[i];
2761       } else {
2762         for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2763           xobs2[i] = xearth[i];
2764       }
2765     }
2766   }
2767   /*******************************
2768    * conversion to geocenter     *
2769    *******************************/
2770   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) && !(iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR)) {
2771     /* subtract earth */
2772     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2773       xx[i] -= xobs[i];
2774 #if 0
2775     /* earth and planets are barycentric with jpl and swisseph,
2776      * but asteroids are heliocentric. therefore, add baryctr. sun */
2777     if (ibody != IS_PLANET && !(iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH)) {
2778       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2779 	xx[i] += swed.pldat[SEI_SUNBARY].x[i];
2780     }
2781 #endif
2782     if ((iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) == 0 ) {
2783       /*
2784        * Apparent speed is also influenced by
2785        * the change of dt during motion.
2786        * Neglect of this would result in an error of several 0.01"
2787        */
2788       if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
2789 	for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
2790 	  xx[i] -= xxsp[i-3];
2791     }
2792   }
2793   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_SPEED))
2794     for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
2795       xx[i] = 0;
2796   /************************************
2797    * relativistic deflection of light *
2798    ************************************/
2799   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) && !(iflag & SEFLG_NOGDEFL))
2801     swi_deflect_light(xx, dtsave_for_defl, iflag);
2802   /**********************************
2803    * 'annual' aberration of light   *
2804    **********************************/
2805   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) && !(iflag & SEFLG_NOABERR)) {
2807     swi_aberr_light(xx, xobs, iflag);
2808     /*
2809      * Apparent speed is also influenced by
2810      * the difference of speed of the earth between t and t-dt.
2811      * Neglecting this would involve an error of several 0.1"
2812      */
2813     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
2814       for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
2815 	xx[i] += xobs[i] - xobs2[i];
2816     }
2817   }
2818   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_SPEED))
2819     for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
2820       xx[i] = 0;
2821 #if 0
2822 swi_cartpol(xx, xx);
2823 xx[0] -= 0.053 / 3600.0 * DEGTORAD;
2824 swi_polcart(xx, xx);
2825 #endif
2826   /* ICRS to J2000 */
2827   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_ICRS) && swi_get_denum(ipli, epheflag) >= 403) {
2828     swi_bias(xx, t, iflag, FALSE);
2829   }/**/
2830   /* save J2000 coordinates; required for sidereal positions */
2831   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2832     xxsv[i] = xx[i];
2833   /************************************************
2834    * precession, equator 2000 -> equator of date *
2835    ************************************************/
2836   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_J2000)) {
2837     swi_precess(xx, pdp->teval, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
2838     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
2839       swi_precess_speed(xx, pdp->teval, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
2840     oe = &swed.oec;
2841   } else {
2842     oe = &swed.oec2000;
2843   }
2844   return app_pos_rest(pdp, iflag, xx, xxsv, oe, serr);
2845 }
app_pos_rest(struct plan_data * pdp,int32 iflag,double * xx,double * x2000,struct epsilon * oe,char * serr)2847 static int app_pos_rest(struct plan_data *pdp, int32 iflag,
2848                         double *xx, double *x2000,
2849                         struct epsilon *oe, char *serr)
2850 {
2851   int i;
2852   double daya[2];
2853   double xxsv[24];
2854   /************************************************
2855    * nutation                                     *
2856    ************************************************/
2857   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT))
2858     swi_nutate(xx, iflag, FALSE);
2859   /* now we have equatorial cartesian coordinates; save them */
2860   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2861     pdp->xreturn[18+i] = xx[i];
2862   /************************************************
2863    * transformation to ecliptic.                  *
2864    * with sidereal calc. this will be overwritten *
2865    * afterwards.                                  *
2866    ************************************************/
2867   swi_coortrf2(xx, xx, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
2868   if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
2869     swi_coortrf2(xx+3, xx+3, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
2870   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT)) {
2871     swi_coortrf2(xx, xx, swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
2872     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
2873       swi_coortrf2(xx+3, xx+3, swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
2874   }
2875   /* now we have ecliptic cartesian coordinates */
2876   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
2877     pdp->xreturn[6+i] = xx[i];
2878   /************************************
2879    * sidereal positions               *
2880    ************************************/
2881   if (iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL) {
2882     /* project onto ecliptic t0 */
2883     if (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_ECL_T0) {
2884       if (swi_trop_ra2sid_lon(x2000, pdp->xreturn+6, pdp->xreturn+18, iflag) != OK)
2885 	return ERR;
2886     /* project onto solar system equator */
2887     } else if (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_SSY_PLANE) {
2888       if (swi_trop_ra2sid_lon_sosy(x2000, pdp->xreturn+6, iflag) != OK)
2889 	return ERR;
2890     } else {
2891     /* traditional algorithm */
2892       swi_cartpol_sp(pdp->xreturn+6, pdp->xreturn);
2893       /* note, swi_get_ayanamsa_ex() disturbs present calculations, if sun is calculated with
2894        * TRUE_CHITRA ayanamsha, because the ayanamsha also calculates the sun.
2895        * Therefore current values are saved... */
2896       for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
2897         xxsv[i] = pdp->xreturn[i];
2898       if (swi_get_ayanamsa_with_speed(pdp->teval, iflag, daya, serr) == ERR)
2899         return ERR;
2900       /* ... and restored */
2901       for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
2902         pdp->xreturn[i] = xxsv[i];
2903       pdp->xreturn[0] -= daya[0] * DEGTORAD;
2904       pdp->xreturn[3] -= daya[1] * DEGTORAD;
2905       swi_polcart_sp(pdp->xreturn, pdp->xreturn+6);
2906     }
2907   }
2908   /************************************************
2909    * transformation to polar coordinates          *
2910    ************************************************/
2911   swi_cartpol_sp(pdp->xreturn+18, pdp->xreturn+12);
2912   swi_cartpol_sp(pdp->xreturn+6, pdp->xreturn);
2913   /**********************
2914    * radians to degrees *
2915    **********************/
2916   /*if ((iflag & SEFLG_RADIANS) == 0) {*/
2917     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
2918       pdp->xreturn[i] *= RADTODEG;		/* ecliptic */
2919       pdp->xreturn[i+3] *= RADTODEG;
2920       pdp->xreturn[i+12] *= RADTODEG;	/* equator */
2921       pdp->xreturn[i+15] *= RADTODEG;
2922     }
2923 /*pdp->xreturn[12] -= (0.053 / 3600.0); */
2924   /*}*/
2925   /* save, what has been done */
2926   pdp->xflgs = iflag;
2927   pdp->iephe = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
2928   return OK;
2929 }
swe_set_sid_mode(int32 sid_mode,double t0,double ayan_t0)2931 void CALL_CONV swe_set_sid_mode(int32 sid_mode, double t0, double ayan_t0)
2932 {
2933   struct sid_data *sip = &swed.sidd;
2934   swi_init_swed_if_start();
2935   if (sid_mode < 0)
2936     sid_mode = 0;
2937   sip->sid_mode = sid_mode;
2938   if (sid_mode >= SE_SIDBITS)
2939     sid_mode %= SE_SIDBITS;
2940   /* standard equinoxes: positions always referred to ecliptic of t0 */
2941   if (sid_mode == SE_SIDM_J2000
2942 	  || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_J1900
2943 	  || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_B1950
2944 	  || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALALIGN_MARDYKS
2945 	  ) {
2946     //sip->sid_mode &= ~SE_SIDBIT_SSY_PLANE;
2947     sip->sid_mode = sid_mode;
2948     sip->sid_mode |= SE_SIDBIT_ECL_T0;
2949   }
2950   if (sid_mode == SE_SIDM_TRUE_CITRA
2951       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_TRUE_REVATI
2952       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_TRUE_PUSHYA
2953       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_TRUE_SHEORAN
2954       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_TRUE_MULA
2955       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALCENT_0SAG
2956       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALCENT_COCHRANE
2957       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALCENT_RGILBRAND
2958       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALCENT_MULA_WILHELM
2959       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALEQU_IAU1958
2960       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALEQU_TRUE
2961       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALEQU_MULA
2962       ) {
2963     //sip->sid_mode &= ~(SE_SIDBIT_ECL_T0 | SE_SIDBIT_SSY_PLANE | SE_SIDBIT_USER_UT);
2964     sip->sid_mode = sid_mode;
2965   }
2966   if (sid_mode >= SE_NSIDM_PREDEF && sid_mode != SE_SIDM_USER)
2967     sip->sid_mode = sid_mode = SE_SIDM_FAGAN_BRADLEY;
2968   swed.ayana_is_set = TRUE;
2969   if (sid_mode == SE_SIDM_USER) {
2970     sip->t0 = t0;
2971     sip->ayan_t0 = ayan_t0;
2972     sip->t0_is_UT = FALSE;
2973     if (sip->sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_USER_UT)
2974       sip->t0_is_UT = TRUE;
2975   } else {
2976     sip->t0 = ayanamsa[sid_mode].t0;
2977     sip->ayan_t0 = ayanamsa[sid_mode].ayan_t0;
2978     sip->t0_is_UT = ayanamsa[sid_mode].t0_is_UT;
2979   }
2980   // test feature: ayanamsha using its original precession model
2981   if ((sip->sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_PREC_ORIG) && ayanamsa[sid_mode].prec_offset > 0) {
2982     swed.astro_models[SE_MODEL_PREC_LONGTERM] = ayanamsa[sid_mode].prec_offset;
2983     swed.astro_models[SE_MODEL_PREC_SHORTTERM] = ayanamsa[sid_mode].prec_offset;
2984     // add a corresponding nutation model
2985     switch(ayanamsa[sid_mode].prec_offset) {
2986       case SEMOD_PREC_NEWCOMB:
2987         swed.astro_models[SE_MODEL_NUT] = SEMOD_NUT_WOOLARD;
2988 	break;
2989       case SEMOD_PREC_IAU_1976:
2990         swed.astro_models[SE_MODEL_NUT] = SEMOD_NUT_IAU_1980;
2991 	break;
2992       default:
2993         break;
2994     }
2995   }
2996   swi_force_app_pos_etc();
2997 }
swe_get_ayanamsa_ex(double tjd_et,int32 iflag,double * daya,char * serr)2999 int32 CALL_CONV swe_get_ayanamsa_ex(double tjd_et, int32 iflag, double *daya, char *serr)
3000 {
3001   struct nut nuttmp;
3002   struct nut *nutp = &nuttmp;	/* dummy assign, to silence gcc warning */
3003   int32 retval = swi_get_ayanamsa_ex(tjd_et, iflag, daya, serr);
3004   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT)) {
3005     if (tjd_et == swed.nut.tnut) {
3006       nutp = &swed.nut;
3007     } else {
3008       nutp = &nuttmp;
3009       swi_nutation(tjd_et, iflag, nutp->nutlo);
3010     }
3011     *daya += nutp->nutlo[0] * RADTODEG;
3012   }
3013   return retval;
3014 }
3016 /*
3017  * Function calculates a correction for ayanamsha if the ayanamsha was
3018  * defined using a different precession model than our standard one.
3019  * This allows us to use this ayanamsha with our standard precession
3020  * model and still remain very accurate in ephemeris positions.
3021  * It has the effect that ayanamsha values change depending on the precession
3022  * model used, but sidereal planetary positions remain the same.
3023  *
3024  * For this function to work correctly, our standard precession model
3025  * must be relative to J2000. Any future precession model should not
3026  * use a different starting epoch.
3027  */
get_aya_correction(int iflag,double * corr,char * serr)3028 static int get_aya_correction(int iflag, double *corr, char *serr) {
3029   double x[6], eps, t0;
3030   struct sid_data *sip = &swed.sidd;
3031   int prec_model = swed.astro_models[SE_MODEL_PREC_LONGTERM];
3032   int prec_model_short = swed.astro_models[SE_MODEL_PREC_SHORTTERM];
3033   int prec_offset = 0;
3034   int sid_mode = sip->sid_mode;
3035   sid_mode %= SE_SIDBITS;
3036   *corr = 0;
3037   if (sip->t0 == J2000)
3038     return 0;
3039   if (sip->sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_NO_PREC_OFFSET)
3040     return 0;
3041   prec_offset = ayanamsa[sid_mode].prec_offset;
3042   if (prec_offset < 0) prec_offset = 0;
3043   if (prec_model == prec_offset)
3044     return 0;
3045   t0 = sip->t0;
3046   if (sip->t0_is_UT)
3047     t0 += swe_deltat_ex(t0, iflag, serr);
3048   /* vernal point (tjd), cartesian */
3049   x[0] = 1;
3050   x[1] = x[2] = 0;
3051   swi_precess(x, t0, 0, J_TO_J2000);
3052   swed.astro_models[SE_MODEL_PREC_LONGTERM] = prec_offset;
3053   swed.astro_models[SE_MODEL_PREC_SHORTTERM] = prec_offset;
3054   swi_precess(x, t0, 0, J2000_TO_J);
3055   swed.astro_models[SE_MODEL_PREC_LONGTERM] = prec_model;
3056   swed.astro_models[SE_MODEL_PREC_SHORTTERM] = prec_model_short;
3057   /* to ecliptic */
3058   eps = swi_epsiln(t0, 0);
3059   swi_coortrf(x, x, eps);
3060   /* to polar */
3061   swi_cartpol(x, x);
3062   /* get ayanamsa */
3063   *corr = x[0] * RADTODEG;
3064   if (*corr > 350 /*correct!*/) *corr -= 360; // a signed value near 0
3065   //fprintf(stderr, "corr=%f\n", *corr * 3600.0);
3066   return OK;
3067 }
swi_get_ayanamsa_ex(double tjd_et,int32 iflag,double * daya,char * serr)3069 int32 swi_get_ayanamsa_ex(double tjd_et, int32 iflag, double *daya, char *serr)
3070 {
3071   double x[6], eps, t0, corr;
3072   struct sid_data *sip = &swed.sidd;
3073   char star[AS_MAXCH];
3074   int32 epheflag, otherflag, retflag, iflag_true, iflag_galequ;
3075   int sid_mode = sip->sid_mode;
3076   iflag = plaus_iflag(iflag, -1, tjd_et, serr);
3077   epheflag = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
3078   otherflag = iflag & ~SEFLG_EPHMASK;
3079   *daya = 0.0;
3080   iflag &= SEFLG_EPHMASK;
3081   iflag |= SEFLG_NONUT;
3082   sid_mode %= SE_SIDBITS;
3083   /* ayanamshas based on the intersection point of galactic equator and
3084    * ecliptic always need SEFLG_TRUEPOS, because position of galactic
3085    * pole is required without aberration or light deflection */
3086   iflag_galequ = iflag | SEFLG_TRUEPOS;
3087 #if 1
3088   /* _TRUE_ ayanamshas can have the following SEFLG_s;
3089    * The star will have the intended fixed position even if these flags are
3090    * provided */
3091   iflag_true = iflag;
3092   if (otherflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) iflag_true |= SEFLG_TRUEPOS;
3093   if (otherflag & SEFLG_NOABERR) iflag_true |= SEFLG_NOABERR;
3094   if (otherflag & SEFLG_NOGDEFL) iflag_true |= SEFLG_NOGDEFL;
3095 #endif
3096   /* warning, if swe_set_ephe_path() or swe_set_jplfile() was not called yet,
3097    * although ephemeris files are required */
3098   if (swi_init_swed_if_start() == 1 && !(epheflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH)
3099      && (sid_mode ==  SE_SIDM_TRUE_CITRA
3100       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_TRUE_REVATI
3101       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_TRUE_PUSHYA
3102       || sip->sid_mode == SE_SIDM_TRUE_SHEORAN
3103       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_TRUE_MULA
3104       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALCENT_0SAG
3105       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALCENT_COCHRANE
3106       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALCENT_RGILBRAND
3107       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALCENT_MULA_WILHELM
3108       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALEQU_IAU1958
3109       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALEQU_TRUE
3110       || sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALEQU_MULA)
3111       && serr != NULL) {
3112     strcpy(serr, "Please call swe_set_ephe_path() or swe_set_jplfile() before calling swe_get_ayanamsa_ex()");
3113   }
3114   if (!swed.ayana_is_set)
3115     swe_set_sid_mode(SE_SIDM_FAGAN_BRADLEY, 0, 0);
3116   if (sid_mode == SE_SIDM_TRUE_CITRA) {
3117     strcpy(star, "Spica"); /* Citra */
3118     if ((retflag = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag_true, x, serr)) == ERR) {
3119       return ERR;
3120     }
3121     /*fprintf(stderr, "serr=%s\n", serr);*/
3122     *daya = swe_degnorm(x[0] - 180);
3123     return (retflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK);
3124   }
3125   if (sid_mode == SE_SIDM_TRUE_REVATI) {
3126     strcpy(star, ",zePsc"); /* Revati */
3127     if ((retflag = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag_true, x, serr)) == ERR)
3128       return ERR;
3129     *daya = swe_degnorm(x[0] - 359.8333333333);
3130     return (retflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK);
3131   }
3132   if (sid_mode == SE_SIDM_TRUE_PUSHYA) {
3133     strcpy(star, ",deCnc"); /* Pushya = Asellus Australis */
3134     if ((retflag = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag_true, x, serr)) == ERR)
3135       return ERR;
3136     *daya = swe_degnorm(x[0] - 106);
3137     return (retflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK);
3138   }
3139   if (sid_mode == SE_SIDM_TRUE_SHEORAN) {
3140     strcpy(star, ",deCnc"); /* Asellus Australis */
3141     if ((retflag = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag_true, x, serr)) == ERR)
3142       return ERR;
3143     *daya = swe_degnorm(x[0] - 103.49264221625);
3144     return (retflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK);
3145   }
3146   if (sid_mode == SE_SIDM_TRUE_MULA) {
3147     strcpy(star, ",laSco"); /* Mula = lambda Scorpionis */
3148     if ((retflag = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag_true, x, serr)) == ERR)
3149       return ERR;
3150     *daya = swe_degnorm(x[0] - 240);
3151     return (retflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK);
3152   }
3153   if (sid_mode ==  SE_SIDM_GALCENT_0SAG) {
3154     strcpy(star, ",SgrA*"); /* Galactic Centre */
3155     if ((retflag = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag_true, x, serr)) == ERR)
3156       return ERR;
3157     *daya = swe_degnorm(x[0] - 240.0);
3158     return (retflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK);
3159     /*return swe_degnorm(x[0] - 359.83333333334);*/
3160   }
3161   if (sid_mode ==  SE_SIDM_GALCENT_COCHRANE) {
3162     strcpy(star, ",SgrA*"); /* Galactic Centre */
3163     if ((retflag = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag_true, x, serr)) == ERR)
3164       return ERR;
3165     *daya = swe_degnorm(x[0] - 270.0);
3166     return (retflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK);
3167     /*return swe_degnorm(x[0] - 359.83333333334);*/
3168   }
3169   if (sid_mode ==  SE_SIDM_GALCENT_RGILBRAND) {
3170     strcpy(star, ",SgrA*"); /* Galactic Centre */
3171     if ((retflag = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag_true, x, serr)) == ERR)
3172       return ERR;
3173     *daya = swe_degnorm(x[0] - 210.0 - 90.0 * 0.3819660113);
3174     return (retflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK);
3175     /*return swe_degnorm(x[0] - 359.83333333334);*/
3176   }
3177   if (sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALCENT_MULA_WILHELM) {
3178     strcpy(star, ",SgrA*"); /* Galactic Centre */
3179     /* right ascension in polar projection onto the ecliptic,
3180      * and that point is put in the middle of Mula */
3181     if ((retflag = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag_true | SEFLG_EQUATORIAL, x, serr)) == ERR)
3182       return ERR;
3183     eps = swi_epsiln(tjd_et, iflag) * RADTODEG;
3184     *daya = swi_armc_to_mc(x[0], eps);
3185     *daya = swe_degnorm(*daya - 246.6666666667);
3186     return (retflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK);
3187     /*return swe_degnorm(x[0] - 359.83333333334);*/
3188   }
3189   if (sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALEQU_IAU1958) {
3190     strcpy(star, ",GP1958"); /* Galactic Pole IAU 1958 */
3191     if ((retflag = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag_galequ, x, serr)) == ERR)
3192       return ERR;
3193     *daya = swe_degnorm(x[0] - 150);
3194     return (retflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK);
3195   }
3196   if (sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALEQU_TRUE) {
3197     strcpy(star, ",GPol"); /* Galactic Pole modern, true */
3198     if ((retflag = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag_galequ, x, serr)) == ERR)
3199       return ERR;
3200     *daya = swe_degnorm(x[0] - 150);
3201     return (retflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK);
3202   }
3203   if (sid_mode == SE_SIDM_GALEQU_MULA) {
3204     strcpy(star, ",GPol"); /* Galactic Pole modern, true */
3205     if ((retflag = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag_galequ, x, serr)) == ERR)
3206       return ERR;
3207     *daya = swe_degnorm(x[0] - 150 - 6.6666666667);
3208     return (retflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK);
3209   }
3210   if (!(sip->sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_ECL_DATE)) {
3211     // Now calculate precession for ayanamsha.
3212     // The following is the original method implemented in 1999 and
3213     // still used as our default method, although it is not logical.
3214     // Precession is measured on the ecliptic of the start epoch t0 (ayan_t0),
3215     // then the initial value of ayanamsha is added.
3216     // The procedure is as follows: The vernal point of the end epoch tjd_et
3217     // is precessed to t0. Ayanamsha is the resulting longitude of that
3218     // point at t0 plus the initial value.
3219     // This method is not really consistent because later this ayanamsha,
3220     // which is based on the ecliptic t0, will be applied to planetary
3221     // positions relative to the ecliptic of date.
3222     //
3223     /* vernal point (tjd), cartesian */
3224     x[0] = 1;
3225     x[1] = x[2] = x[3] = x[4] = x[5] = 0;
3226     /* to J2000 */
3227     if (tjd_et != J2000)
3228       swi_precess(x, tjd_et, 0, J_TO_J2000);
3229     /* to t0 */
3230     t0 = sip->t0;
3231     if (sip->t0_is_UT)
3232       t0 += swe_deltat_ex(t0, iflag, serr);
3233     swi_precess(x, t0, 0, J2000_TO_J);
3234     /* to ecliptic t0 */
3235     eps = swi_epsiln(t0, 0);
3236     swi_coortrf(x, x, eps);
3237     /* to polar */
3238     swi_cartpol(x, x);
3239     /* subtract initial value of ayanamsa */
3240     x[0] = -x[0] * RADTODEG + sip->ayan_t0;
3241   } else {
3242     // Alternative method, more consistent, programmed on 15 may 2020.
3243     // The ayanamsha is measured on the ecliptic of date. This is more
3244     // correct because the ayanamsha will be applied to planetary positions
3245     // relative to the ecliptic of date.
3246     //
3247     // at t0, we have ayanamsha sip->ayan_t0
3248     x[0] = swe_degnorm(sip->ayan_t0) * DEGTORAD;
3249     x[1] = 0; x[2] = 1;
3250     // get epsilon for t0
3251     t0 = sip->t0;
3252     if (sip->t0_is_UT)
3253       t0 += swe_deltat_ex(t0, iflag, serr);
3254     eps = swi_epsiln(t0, 0);
3255     // to polar equatorial relative to equinox t0
3256     swi_polcart(x, x);
3257     swi_coortrf(x, x, -eps);
3258     // precess to J2000
3259     if (t0 != J2000)
3260       swi_precess(x, t0, 0, J_TO_J2000);
3261     // precess to date
3262     swi_precess(x, tjd_et, 0, J2000_TO_J);
3263     // epsilon of date
3264     eps = swi_epsiln(tjd_et, 0);
3265     // to polar
3266     swi_coortrf(x, x, eps);
3267     swi_cartpol(x, x);
3268     x[0] = swe_degnorm(x[0] * RADTODEG);
3269   }
3270   get_aya_correction(iflag, &corr, serr);
3271   /* get ayanamsa */
3272   *daya = swe_degnorm(x[0] - corr);
3273   //*daya = swe_degnorm(x[0]);
3274   return iflag;
3275 }
swi_get_ayanamsa_with_speed(double tjd_et,int32 iflag,double * daya,char * serr)3277 int32 swi_get_ayanamsa_with_speed(double tjd_et, int32 iflag, double *daya, char *serr)
3278 {
3279   double daya_t2, t2;
3280   double tintv = 0.001;
3281   int32 retflag;
3282   t2 = tjd_et - tintv;
3283   retflag = swi_get_ayanamsa_ex(t2, iflag, &daya_t2, serr);
3284   if (retflag == ERR)
3285     return ERR;
3286   retflag = swi_get_ayanamsa_ex(tjd_et, iflag, daya, serr);
3287   if (retflag == ERR)
3288     return ERR;
3289   daya[1] = (daya[0] - daya_t2) / tintv;
3290   return retflag;
3291 }
swe_get_ayanamsa_ex_ut(double tjd_ut,int32 iflag,double * daya,char * serr)3293 int32 CALL_CONV swe_get_ayanamsa_ex_ut(double tjd_ut, int32 iflag, double *daya, char *serr)
3294 {
3295   double deltat;
3296   int32 retflag = OK;
3297   int32 epheflag = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
3298   if (epheflag == 0) {
3299     epheflag = SEFLG_SWIEPH;
3300     iflag |= SEFLG_SWIEPH;
3301   }
3302   deltat = swe_deltat_ex(tjd_ut, iflag, serr);
3303   // swe... includes nutation, unless SEFLG_NONUT
3304   retflag = swe_get_ayanamsa_ex(tjd_ut + deltat, iflag, daya, serr);
3305   /* if ephe required is not ephe returned, adjust delta t: */
3306   if ((retflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK) != epheflag) {
3307     deltat = swe_deltat_ex(tjd_ut, retflag, serr);
3308     retflag = swe_get_ayanamsa_ex(tjd_ut + deltat, iflag, daya, serr);
3309   }
3310   return retflag;
3311 }
3313 /* the ayanamsa (precession in longitude)
3314  * according to Newcomb's definition: 360 -
3315  * longitude of the vernal point of t referred to the
3316  * ecliptic of t0.
3317  */
swe_get_ayanamsa(double tjd_et)3318 double CALL_CONV swe_get_ayanamsa(double tjd_et)
3319 {
3320   double daya;
3321   int32 iflag = swi_guess_ephe_flag();
3322   // swi... function never includes nutation
3323   swi_get_ayanamsa_ex(tjd_et, iflag, &daya, NULL);
3324   return daya;
3325 }
swe_get_ayanamsa_ut(double tjd_ut)3327 double CALL_CONV swe_get_ayanamsa_ut(double tjd_ut)
3328 {
3329   double daya;
3330   int32 iflag = swi_guess_ephe_flag();
3331   swi_get_ayanamsa_ex(tjd_ut + swe_deltat_ex(tjd_ut, iflag, NULL), 0, &daya, NULL);
3332   return daya;
3333 }
3335 /*
3336  * input coordinates are J2000, cartesian.
3337  * xout 	ecliptical sidereal position (relative to ecliptic t0)
3338  * xoutr 	equatorial sidereal position (relative to equator t0)
3339  */
swi_trop_ra2sid_lon(double * xin,double * xout,double * xoutr,int32 iflag)3340 int swi_trop_ra2sid_lon(double *xin, double *xout, double *xoutr, int32 iflag)
3341 {
3342   double x[6], corr;
3343   int i;
3344   struct sid_data *sip = &swed.sidd;
3345   struct epsilon oectmp;
3346   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3347     x[i] = xin[i];
3348   if (sip->t0 != J2000) {
3349     /* iflag must not contain SEFLG_JPLHOR here */
3350     swi_precess(x, sip->t0, 0, J2000_TO_J);
3351     swi_precess(x+3, sip->t0, 0, J2000_TO_J);	/* speed */
3352   }
3353   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3354     xoutr[i] = x[i];
3355   calc_epsilon(swed.sidd.t0, iflag, &oectmp);
3356   swi_coortrf2(x, x, oectmp.seps, oectmp.ceps);
3357   if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
3358     swi_coortrf2(x+3, x+3, oectmp.seps, oectmp.ceps);
3359   /* to polar coordinates */
3360   swi_cartpol_sp(x, x);
3361   /* subtract ayan_t0 */
3362   get_aya_correction(iflag, &corr, NULL);
3363   x[0] -= sip->ayan_t0 * DEGTORAD;
3364   x[0] = swe_radnorm(x[0] + corr * DEGTORAD);
3365   /* back to cartesian */
3366   swi_polcart_sp(x, xout);
3367   return OK;
3368 }
3370 /*
3371  * input coordinates are J2000, cartesian.
3372  * xout 	ecliptical sidereal position
3373  * xoutr 	equatorial sidereal position
3374  */
swi_trop_ra2sid_lon_sosy(double * xin,double * xout,int32 iflag)3375 int swi_trop_ra2sid_lon_sosy(double *xin, double *xout, int32 iflag)
3376 {
3377   double x[6], x0[6], corr;
3378   int i;
3379   struct sid_data *sip = &swed.sidd;
3380   struct epsilon *oe = &swed.oec2000;
3381   double plane_node = SSY_PLANE_NODE_E2000;
3382   double plane_incl = SSY_PLANE_INCL;
3383   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3384     x[i] = xin[i];
3385   /* planet to ecliptic 2000 */
3386   swi_coortrf2(x, x, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
3387   if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
3388     swi_coortrf2(x+3, x+3, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
3389   /* to polar coordinates */
3390   swi_cartpol_sp(x, x);
3391   /* to solar system equator */
3392   x[0] -= plane_node;
3393   swi_polcart_sp(x, x);
3394   swi_coortrf(x, x, plane_incl);
3395   swi_coortrf(x+3, x+3, plane_incl);
3396   swi_cartpol_sp(x, x);
3397   /* zero point of t0 in J2000 system */
3398   x0[0] = 1;
3399   x0[1] = x0[2] = 0;
3400   if (sip->t0 != J2000) {
3401     /* iflag must not contain SEFLG_JPLHOR here */
3402     swi_precess(x0, sip->t0, 0, J_TO_J2000);
3403   }
3404   /* zero point to ecliptic 2000 */
3405   swi_coortrf2(x0, x0, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
3406   /* to polar coordinates */
3407   swi_cartpol(x0, x0);
3408   /* to solar system equator */
3409   x0[0] -= plane_node;
3410   swi_polcart(x0, x0);
3411   swi_coortrf(x0, x0, plane_incl);
3412   swi_cartpol(x0, x0);
3413   /* measure planet from zero point */
3414   x[0] -= x0[0];
3415   x[0] *= RADTODEG;
3416   /* subtract ayan_t0 */
3417   get_aya_correction(iflag, &corr, NULL);
3418   x[0] -= sip->ayan_t0;
3419   x[0] = swe_degnorm(x[0] + corr) * DEGTORAD;
3420   /* back to cartesian */
3421   swi_polcart_sp(x, xout);
3422   return OK;
3423 }
3425 /* converts planets from barycentric to geocentric,
3426  * apparent positions
3427  * precession and nutation
3428  * according to flags
3429  * ipli		planet number
3430  * iflag	flags
3431  */
app_pos_etc_plan_osc(int ipl,int ipli,int32 iflag,char * serr)3432 static int app_pos_etc_plan_osc(int ipl, int ipli, int32 iflag, char *serr)
3433 {
3434   int i, j, niter, retc;
3435   double xx[6], dx[3], dt, dtsave_for_defl;
3436   double xearth[6], xsun[6], xmoon[6];
3437   double xxsv[6], xxsp[3]={0}, xobs[6], xobs2[6];
3438   double t;
3439   struct plan_data *pdp = &swed.pldat[ipli];
3440   struct plan_data *pedp = &swed.pldat[SEI_EARTH];
3441   struct plan_data *psdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_SUNBARY];
3442   struct epsilon *oe = &swed.oec2000;
3443   int32 epheflag = SEFLG_DEFAULTEPH;
3444   dt = dtsave_for_defl = 0;	/* dummy assign to silence gcc */
3445   if (iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH)
3446     epheflag = SEFLG_MOSEPH;
3447   else if (iflag & SEFLG_SWIEPH)
3448     epheflag = SEFLG_SWIEPH;
3449   else if (iflag & SEFLG_JPLEPH)
3450     epheflag = SEFLG_JPLEPH;
3451   /* the conversions will be done with xx[]. */
3452   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3453     xx[i] = pdp->x[i];
3454   /************************************
3455    * barycentric position is required *
3456    ************************************/
3457   /* = heliocentric position with Moshier ephemeris */
3458   /************************************
3459    * observer: geocenter or topocenter
3460    ************************************/
3461   /* if topocentric position is wanted  */
3462   if (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR) {
3463     if (swed.topd.teval != pedp->teval
3464       || swed.topd.teval == 0) {
3465       if (swi_get_observer(pedp->teval, iflag | SEFLG_NONUT, DO_SAVE, xobs, serr) != OK)
3466         return ERR;
3467     } else {
3468       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3469         xobs[i] = swed.topd.xobs[i];
3470     }
3471     /* barycentric position of observer */
3472     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3473       xobs[i] = xobs[i] + pedp->x[i];
3474   } else if (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR) {
3475     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3476       xobs[i] = 0;
3477   } else if (iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) {
3478     if (iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH) {
3479       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3480         xobs[i] = 0;
3481     } else {
3482       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3483         xobs[i] = psdp->x[i];
3484     }
3485   } else {
3486     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3487       xobs[i] = pedp->x[i];
3488   }
3489   /*******************************
3490    * light-time                  *
3491    *******************************/
3492   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS)) {
3493     niter = 1;
3494     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
3495       /*
3496        * Apparent speed is influenced by the fact that dt changes with
3497        * motion. This makes a difference of several hundredths of an
3498        * arc second. To take this into account, we compute
3499        * 1. true position - apparent position at time t - 1.
3500        * 2. true position - apparent position at time t.
3501        * 3. the difference between the two is the daily motion resulting from
3502        * the change of dt.
3503        */
3504       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3505 	xxsv[i] = xxsp[i] = xx[i] - xx[i+3];
3506       for (j = 0; j <= niter; j++) {
3507 	for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
3508 	  dx[i] = xxsp[i];
3509 	  if (!(iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) && !(iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR))
3510 	    dx[i] -= (xobs[i] - xobs[i+3]);
3511 	}
3512 	/* new dt */
3513 	dt = sqrt(square_sum(dx)) * AUNIT / CLIGHT / 86400.0;
3514 	for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3515 	  xxsp[i] = xxsv[i] - dt * pdp->x[i+3];/* rough apparent position */
3516       }
3517       /* true position - apparent position at time t-1 */
3518       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3519 	xxsp[i] = xxsv[i] - xxsp[i];
3520     }
3521     /* dt and t(apparent) */
3522     for (j = 0; j <= niter; j++) {
3523       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
3524 	dx[i] = xx[i];
3525 	if (!(iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) && !(iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR))
3526 	  dx[i] -= xobs[i];
3527       }
3528       /* new dt */
3529       dt = sqrt(square_sum(dx)) * AUNIT / CLIGHT / 86400.0;
3530       dtsave_for_defl = dt;
3531       /* new position: subtract t * speed
3532        */
3533       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
3534 	xx[i] = pdp->x[i] - dt * pdp->x[i+3];/**/
3535 	xx[i+3] = pdp->x[i+3];
3536       }
3537     }
3538     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
3539       /* part of daily motion resulting from change of dt */
3540       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3541 	xxsp[i] = pdp->x[i] - xx[i] - xxsp[i];
3542       t = pdp->teval - dt;
3543       /* for accuracy in speed, we will need earth as well */
3544       retc = main_planet_bary(t, SEI_EARTH, epheflag, iflag, NO_SAVE, xearth, xearth, xsun, xmoon, serr);
3545       if (swi_osc_el_plan(t, xx, ipl-SE_FICT_OFFSET, ipli, xearth, xsun, serr) != OK)
3546 	return ERR;
3547       if (retc != OK)
3548 	return(retc);
3549       if (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR) {
3550         if (swi_get_observer(t, iflag | SEFLG_NONUT, NO_SAVE, xobs2, serr) != OK)
3551           return ERR;
3552         for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3553           xobs2[i] += xearth[i];
3554       } else {
3555         for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3556           xobs2[i] = xearth[i];
3557       }
3558     }
3559   }
3560   /*******************************
3561    * conversion to geocenter     *
3562    *******************************/
3563   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3564     xx[i] -= xobs[i];
3565   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS)) {
3566     /*
3567      * Apparent speed is also influenced by
3568      * the change of dt during motion.
3569      * Neglect of this would result in an error of several 0.01"
3570      */
3571     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
3572       for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
3573 	xx[i] -= xxsp[i-3];
3574   }
3575   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_SPEED))
3576     for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
3577       xx[i] = 0;
3578   /************************************
3579    * relativistic deflection of light *
3580    ************************************/
3581   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) && !(iflag & SEFLG_NOGDEFL))
3583     swi_deflect_light(xx, dtsave_for_defl, iflag);
3584   /**********************************
3585    * 'annual' aberration of light   *
3586    **********************************/
3587   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) && !(iflag & SEFLG_NOABERR)) {
3589     swi_aberr_light(xx, xobs, iflag);
3590     /*
3591      * Apparent speed is also influenced by
3592      * the difference of speed of the earth between t and t-dt.
3593      * Neglecting this would involve an error of several 0.1"
3594      */
3595     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
3596       for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
3597 	xx[i] += xobs[i] - xobs2[i];
3598   }
3599   /* save J2000 coordinates; required for sidereal positions */
3600   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3601     xxsv[i] = xx[i];
3602   /************************************************
3603    * precession, equator 2000 -> equator of date *
3604    ************************************************/
3605   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_J2000)) {
3606     swi_precess(xx, pdp->teval, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
3607     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
3608       swi_precess_speed(xx, pdp->teval, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
3609     oe = &swed.oec;
3610   } else
3611     oe = &swed.oec2000;
3612   return app_pos_rest(pdp, iflag, xx, xxsv, oe, serr);
3613 }
3615 /* influence of precession on speed
3616  * xx		position and speed of planet in equatorial cartesian
3617  *		coordinates */
swi_precess_speed(double * xx,double t,int32 iflag,int direction)3618 void swi_precess_speed(double *xx, double t, int32 iflag, int direction)
3619 {
3620   struct epsilon *oe;
3621   double fac, dpre, dpre2;
3622   double tprec = (t - J2000) / 36525.0;
3623   int prec_model = swed.astro_models[SE_MODEL_PREC_LONGTERM];
3624   if (prec_model == 0) prec_model = SEMOD_PREC_DEFAULT;
3625   if (direction == J2000_TO_J) {
3626     fac = 1;
3627     oe = &swed.oec;
3628   } else {
3629     fac = -1;
3630     oe = &swed.oec2000;
3631   }
3632   /* first correct rotation.
3633    * this costs some sines and cosines, but neglect might
3634    * involve an error > 1"/day */
3635   swi_precess(xx+3, t, iflag, direction);
3636   /* then add 0.137"/day */
3637   swi_coortrf2(xx, xx, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
3638   swi_coortrf2(xx+3, xx+3, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
3639   swi_cartpol_sp(xx, xx);
3640 if (1) {
3641   if (prec_model == SEMOD_PREC_VONDRAK_2011) {
3642     swi_ldp_peps(t, &dpre, NULL);
3643     swi_ldp_peps(t + 1, &dpre2, NULL);
3644     xx[3] += (dpre2 - dpre) * fac;
3645   } else {
3646     xx[3] += (50.290966 + 0.0222226 * tprec) / 3600 / 365.25 * DEGTORAD * fac;
3647 			/* formula from Montenbruck, German 1994, p. 18 */
3648   }
3649 }
3650   swi_polcart_sp(xx, xx);
3651   swi_coortrf2(xx, xx, -oe->seps, oe->ceps);
3652   swi_coortrf2(xx+3, xx+3, -oe->seps, oe->ceps);
3653 }
3655 /* multiplies cartesian equatorial coordinates with previously
3656  * calculated nutation matrix. also corrects speed.
3657  */
swi_nutate(double * xx,int32 iflag,AS_BOOL backward)3658 void swi_nutate(double *xx, int32 iflag, AS_BOOL backward)
3659 {
3660   int i;
3661   double x[6], xv[6];
3662   for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
3663     if (backward)
3664       x[i] = xx[0] * swed.nut.matrix[i][0] +
3665 	     xx[1] * swed.nut.matrix[i][1] +
3666 	     xx[2] * swed.nut.matrix[i][2];
3667     else
3668       x[i] = xx[0] * swed.nut.matrix[0][i] +
3669 	     xx[1] * swed.nut.matrix[1][i] +
3670 	     xx[2] * swed.nut.matrix[2][i];
3671   }
3672   if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
3673     /* correct speed:
3674      * first correct rotation */
3675     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
3676       if (backward)
3677 	x[i+3] = xx[3] * swed.nut.matrix[i][0] +
3678 		 xx[4] * swed.nut.matrix[i][1] +
3679 		 xx[5] * swed.nut.matrix[i][2];
3680       else
3681 	x[i+3] = xx[3] * swed.nut.matrix[0][i] +
3682 		 xx[4] * swed.nut.matrix[1][i] +
3683 		 xx[5] * swed.nut.matrix[2][i];
3684     }
3685     /* then apparent motion due to change of nutation during day.
3686      * this makes a difference of 0.01" */
3687     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
3688       if (backward)
3689 	xv[i] = xx[0] * swed.nutv.matrix[i][0] +
3690 	       xx[1] * swed.nutv.matrix[i][1] +
3691 	       xx[2] * swed.nutv.matrix[i][2];
3692       else
3693 	xv[i] = xx[0] * swed.nutv.matrix[0][i] +
3694 	       xx[1] * swed.nutv.matrix[1][i] +
3695 	       xx[2] * swed.nutv.matrix[2][i];
3696       /* new speed */
3697       xx[3+i] = x[3+i] + (x[i] - xv[i]) / NUT_SPEED_INTV;
3698     }
3699   }
3700   /* new position */
3701   for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3702     xx[i] = x[i];
3703 }
3705 /* computes 'annual' aberration
3706  * xx		planet's position accounted for light-time
3707  *              and gravitational light deflection
3708  * xe    	earth's position and speed
3709  */
aberr_light(double * xx,double * xe)3710 static void aberr_light(double *xx, double *xe) {
3711   int i;
3712   double xxs[6], v[6], u[6], ru;
3713   double b_1, f1, f2;
3714   double v2;
3715   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3716     u[i] = xxs[i] = xx[i];
3717   ru = sqrt(square_sum(u));
3718   for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3719     v[i] = xe[i+3] / 24.0 / 3600.0 / CLIGHT * AUNIT;
3720   v2 = square_sum(v);
3721   b_1 = sqrt(1 - v2);
3722   f1 = dot_prod(u, v) / ru;
3723   f2 = 1.0 + f1 / (1.0 + b_1);
3724   for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3725     xx[i] = (b_1*xx[i] + f2*ru*v[i]) / (1.0 + f1);
3726 }
3728 /* computes 'annual' aberration
3729  * xx		planet's position accounted for light-time
3730  *              and gravitational light deflection
3731  * xe    	earth's position and speed
3732  * xe_dt    	earth's position and speed at t - dt
3733  * dt    	time difference for which xe_dt is given
3734  */
swi_aberr_light_ex(double * xx,double * xe,double * xe_dt,double dt,int32 iflag)3735 void swi_aberr_light_ex(double *xx, double *xe, double *xe_dt, double dt, int32 iflag) {
3736   int i;
3737   double xxs[6];
3738   double xx2[6];
3739   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
3740     xxs[i] = xx[i];
3741   }
3742   aberr_light(xx, xe);
3743   /* correction of speed
3744    * the influence of aberration on apparent velocity can
3745    * reach 0.4"/day
3746    */
3747   if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
3748     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3749       xx2[i] = xxs[i] - dt * xxs[i + 3];
3750     aberr_light(xx2, xe_dt);
3751     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
3752       xx[i+3] = (xx[i] - xx2[i]) / dt;
3753     }
3754   }
3755 }
3757 /* computes 'annual' aberration
3758  * xx		planet's position accounted for light-time
3759  *              and gravitational light deflection
3760  * xe    	earth's position and speed
3761  */
swi_aberr_light(double * xx,double * xe,int32 iflag)3762 void swi_aberr_light(double *xx, double *xe, int32 iflag) {
3763   int i;
3764   double xxs[6], v[6], u[6], ru;
3765   double xx2[6], dx1, dx2;
3766   double b_1, f1, f2;
3767   double v2;
3768   double intv = PLAN_SPEED_INTV;
3769   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3770     u[i] = xxs[i] = xx[i];
3771   ru = sqrt(square_sum(u));
3772   for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3773     v[i] = xe[i+3] / 24.0 / 3600.0 / CLIGHT * AUNIT;
3774   v2 = square_sum(v);
3775   b_1 = sqrt(1 - v2);
3776   f1 = dot_prod(u, v) / ru;
3777   f2 = 1.0 + f1 / (1.0 + b_1);
3778   for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3779     xx[i] = (b_1*xx[i] + f2*ru*v[i]) / (1.0 + f1);
3780   if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
3781     /* correction of speed
3782      * the influence of aberration on apparent velocity can
3783      * reach 0.4"/day
3784      */
3785     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3786       u[i] = xxs[i] - intv * xxs[i+3];
3787     ru = sqrt(square_sum(u));
3788     f1 = dot_prod(u, v) / ru;
3789     f2 = 1.0 + f1 / (1.0 + b_1);
3790     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3791       xx2[i] = (b_1*u[i] + f2*ru*v[i]) / (1.0 + f1);
3792     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
3793       dx1 = xx[i] - xxs[i];
3794       dx2 = xx2[i] - u[i];
3795       dx1 -= dx2;
3796       xx[i+3] += dx1 / intv;
3797     }
3798   }
3799 }
3801 /* computes relativistic light deflection by the sun
3802  * ipli 	sweph internal planet number
3803  * xx		planet's position accounted for light-time
3804  * dt		dt of light-time
3805  */
swi_deflect_light(double * xx,double dt,int32 iflag)3806 void swi_deflect_light(double *xx, double dt, int32 iflag)
3807 {
3808   int i;
3809   double xx2[6];
3810   double u[6], e[6], q[6], ru, re, rq, uq, ue, qe, g1, g2;
3811 #if 1
3812   double xx3[6], dx1, dx2, dtsp;
3813 #endif
3814   double xsun[6], xearth[6];
3815   double sina, sin_sunr, meff_fact;
3816   struct plan_data *pedp = &swed.pldat[SEI_EARTH];
3817   struct plan_data *psdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_SUNBARY];
3818   int32 iephe = pedp->iephe;
3819   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3820     xearth[i] = pedp->x[i];
3821   if (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR)
3822     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3823       xearth[i] += swed.topd.xobs[i];
3824   /* U = planetbary(t-tau) - earthbary(t) = planetgeo */
3825   for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3826     u[i] = xx[i];
3827   /* Eh = earthbary(t) - sunbary(t) = earthhel */
3828   if (iephe == SEFLG_JPLEPH || iephe == SEFLG_SWIEPH)
3829     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3830       e[i] = xearth[i] - psdp->x[i];
3831   else
3832     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3833       e[i] = xearth[i];
3834   /* Q = planetbary(t-tau) - sunbary(t-tau) = 'planethel' */
3835   /* first compute sunbary(t-tau) for */
3836   if (iephe == SEFLG_JPLEPH || iephe == SEFLG_SWIEPH) {
3837     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3838       /* this is sufficient precision */
3839       xsun[i] = psdp->x[i] - dt * psdp->x[i+3];
3840     for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
3841       xsun[i] = psdp->x[i];
3842   } else {
3843     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3844       xsun[i] = psdp->x[i];
3845   }
3846   for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3847     q[i] = xx[i] + xearth[i] - xsun[i];
3848   ru = sqrt(square_sum(u));
3849   rq = sqrt(square_sum(q));
3850   re = sqrt(square_sum(e));
3851   for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
3852     u[i] /= ru;
3853     q[i] /= rq;
3854     e[i] /= re;
3855   }
3856   uq = dot_prod(u,q);
3857   ue = dot_prod(u,e);
3858   qe = dot_prod(q,e);
3859   /* When a planet approaches the center of the sun in superior
3860    * conjunction, the formula for the deflection angle as given
3861    * in Expl. Suppl. p. 136 cannot be used. The deflection seems
3862    * to increase rapidly towards infinity. The reason is that the
3863    * formula considers the sun as a point mass. AA recommends to
3864    * set deflection = 0 in such a case.
3865    * However, to get a continous motion, we modify the formula
3866    * for a non-point-mass, taking into account the mass distribution
3867    * within the sun. For more info, s. meff().
3868    */
3869   sina = sqrt(1 - ue * ue);	/* sin(angle) between sun and planet */
3870   sin_sunr = SUN_RADIUS / re; 	/* sine of sun radius (= sun radius) */
3871   if (sina < sin_sunr)
3872     meff_fact = meff(sina / sin_sunr);
3873   else
3874     meff_fact = 1;
3875   g1 = 2.0 * HELGRAVCONST * meff_fact / CLIGHT / CLIGHT / AUNIT / re;
3876   g2 = 1.0 + qe;
3877   /* compute deflected position */
3878   for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3879     xx2[i] = ru * (u[i] + g1/g2 * (uq * e[i] - ue * q[i]));
3880   if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
3881     /* correction of speed
3882      * influence of light deflection on a planet's apparent speed:
3883      * for an outer planet at the solar limb with
3884      * |v(planet) - v(sun)| = 1 degree, this makes a difference of 7"/day.
3885      * if the planet is within the solar disc, the difference may increase
3886      * to 30" or more.
3887      * e.g. mercury at j2434871.45:
3888      *	distance from sun 		45"
3889      *	1. speed without deflection     2d10'10".4034
3890      *    2. speed with deflection        2d10'42".8460 (-speed flag)
3891      *    3. speed with deflection        2d10'43".4824 (< 3 positions/
3892      *							   -speed3 flag)
3893      * 3. is not very precise. Smaller dt would give result closer to 2.,
3894      * but will probably never be as good as 2, unless int32 doubles are
3895      * used. (try also j2434871.46!!)
3896      * however, in such a case speed changes rapidly. before being
3897      * passed by the sun, the planet accelerates, and after the sun
3898      * has passed it slows down. some time later it regains 'normal'
3899      * speed.
3900      * to compute speed, we do the same calculation as above with
3901      * slightly different u, e, q, and find out the difference in
3902      * deflection.
3903      */
3904     dtsp = -DEFL_SPEED_INTV;
3905     /* U = planetbary(t-tau) - earthbary(t) = planetgeo */
3906     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3907       u[i] = xx[i] - dtsp * xx[i+3];
3908     /* Eh = earthbary(t) - sunbary(t) = earthhel */
3909     if (iephe == SEFLG_JPLEPH || iephe == SEFLG_SWIEPH) {
3910       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3911 	e[i] = xearth[i] - psdp->x[i] -
3912 	       dtsp * (xearth[i+3] - psdp->x[i+3]);
3913     } else
3914       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3915 	e[i] = xearth[i] - dtsp * xearth[i+3];
3916     /* Q = planetbary(t-tau) - sunbary(t-tau) = 'planethel' */
3917     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3918       q[i] = u[i] + xearth[i] - xsun[i] -
3919 	     dtsp * (xearth[i+3] - xsun[i+3]);
3920     ru = sqrt(square_sum(u));
3921     rq = sqrt(square_sum(q));
3922     re = sqrt(square_sum(e));
3923     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
3924       u[i] /= ru;
3925       q[i] /= rq;
3926       e[i] /= re;
3927     }
3928     uq = dot_prod(u,q);
3929     ue = dot_prod(u,e);
3930     qe = dot_prod(q,e);
3931     sina = sqrt(1 - ue * ue);	/* sin(angle) between sun and planet */
3932     sin_sunr = SUN_RADIUS / re; 	/* sine of sun radius (= sun radius) */
3933     if (sina < sin_sunr)
3934       meff_fact = meff(sina / sin_sunr);
3935     else
3936       meff_fact = 1;
3937     g1 = 2.0 * HELGRAVCONST * meff_fact / CLIGHT / CLIGHT / AUNIT / re;
3938     g2 = 1.0 + qe;
3939     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3940       xx3[i] = ru * (u[i] + g1/g2 * (uq * e[i] - ue * q[i]));
3941     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
3942       dx1 = xx2[i] - xx[i];
3943       dx2 = xx3[i] - u[i] * ru;
3944       dx1 -= dx2;
3945       xx[i+3] += dx1 / dtsp;
3946     }
3947   } /* endif speed */
3948   /* deflected position */
3949   for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
3950     xx[i] = xx2[i];
3951 }
3953 /* converts the sun from barycentric to geocentric,
3954  *          the earth from barycentric to heliocentric
3955  * computes
3956  * apparent position,
3957  * precession, and nutation
3958  * according to flags
3959  * iflag	flags
3960  * serr         error string
3961  */
app_pos_etc_sun(int32 iflag,char * serr)3962 static int app_pos_etc_sun(int32 iflag, char *serr)
3963 {
3964   int i, j, niter, retc = OK;
3965   int32 flg1, flg2;
3966   double xx[6], xxsv[6], dx[3], dt, t = 0;
3967   double xearth[6], xsun[6], xobs[6];
3968   struct plan_data *pedp = &swed.pldat[SEI_EARTH];
3969   struct plan_data *psdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_SUNBARY];
3970   struct epsilon *oe = &swed.oec2000;
3971   /* if the same conversions have already been done for the same
3972    * date, then return */
3973   flg1 = iflag & ~SEFLG_EQUATORIAL & ~SEFLG_XYZ;
3974   flg2 = pedp->xflgs & ~SEFLG_EQUATORIAL & ~SEFLG_XYZ;
3975   if (flg1 == flg2) {
3976     pedp->xflgs = iflag;
3977     pedp->iephe = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
3978     return OK;
3979   }
3980   /************************************
3981    * observer: geocenter or topocenter
3982    ************************************/
3983   /* if topocentric position is wanted  */
3984   if (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR) {
3985     if (swed.topd.teval != pedp->teval
3986       || swed.topd.teval == 0) {
3987       if (swi_get_observer(pedp->teval, iflag | SEFLG_NONUT, DO_SAVE, xobs, serr) != OK)
3988         return ERR;
3989     } else {
3990       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3991         xobs[i] = swed.topd.xobs[i];
3992     }
3993     /* barycentric position of observer */
3994     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3995       xobs[i] = xobs[i] + pedp->x[i];
3996   } else {
3997     /* barycentric position of geocenter */
3998     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
3999       xobs[i] = pedp->x[i];
4000   }
4001   /***************************************
4002    * true heliocentric position of earth *
4003    ***************************************/
4004   if (pedp->iephe == SEFLG_MOSEPH || (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR))
4005     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4006       xx[i] = xobs[i];
4007   else
4008     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4009       xx[i] = xobs[i] - psdp->x[i];
4010   /*******************************
4011    * light-time                  *
4012    *******************************/
4013   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS)) {
4014     /* number of iterations - 1
4015      * the following if() does the following:
4016      * with jpl and swiss ephemeris:
4017      *   with geocentric computation of sun:
4018      *     light-time correction of barycentric sun position.
4019      *   with heliocentric or barycentric computation of earth:
4020      *     light-time correction of barycentric earth position.
4021      * with moshier ephemeris (heliocentric!!!):
4022      *   with geocentric computation of sun:
4023      *     nothing! (aberration will be done later)
4024      *   with heliocentric or barycentric computation of earth:
4025      *     light-time correction of heliocentric earth position.
4026      */
4027     if (pedp->iephe == SEFLG_JPLEPH || pedp->iephe == SEFLG_SWIEPH
4028       || (iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) || (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR)) {
4029       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
4030         xearth[i] = xobs[i];
4031 	if (pedp->iephe == SEFLG_MOSEPH)
4032 	  xsun[i] = 0;
4033 	else
4034 	  xsun[i] = psdp->x[i];
4035       }
4036       niter = 1;	/* # of iterations */
4037       for (j = 0; j <= niter; j++) {
4038 	/* distance earth-sun */
4039 	for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
4040 	  dx[i] = xearth[i];
4041 	  if (!(iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR))
4042 	    dx[i] -= xsun[i];
4043 	}
4044 	/* new t */
4045 	dt = sqrt(square_sum(dx)) * AUNIT / CLIGHT / 86400.0;
4046 	t = pedp->teval - dt;
4047 	/* new position */
4048 	switch(pedp->iephe) {
4049 	  /* if geocentric sun, new sun at t'
4050 	   * if heliocentric or barycentric earth, new earth at t' */
4051 	  case SEFLG_JPLEPH:
4052 	    if ((iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) || (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR))
4053 	      retc = swi_pleph(t, J_EARTH, J_SBARY, xearth, serr);
4054 	    else
4055 	      retc = swi_pleph(t, J_SUN, J_SBARY, xsun, serr);
4056 	    if (retc != OK) {
4057 	      swi_close_jpl_file();
4058 	      swed.jpl_file_is_open = FALSE;
4059 	      return(retc);
4060 	    }
4061 	    break;
4062 	  case SEFLG_SWIEPH:
4063 	    /*
4064 	      retc = sweph(t, SEI_SUN, SEI_FILE_PLANET, iflag, NULL, NO_SAVE, xearth, serr);
4065 	    */
4066 	    if ((iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) || (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR))
4067 	      retc = sweplan(t, SEI_EARTH, SEI_FILE_PLANET, iflag, NO_SAVE, xearth, NULL, xsun, NULL, serr);
4068             else
4069 	      retc = sweph(t, SEI_SUNBARY, SEI_FILE_PLANET, iflag, NULL, NO_SAVE, xsun, serr);
4070 	    break;
4071 	  case SEFLG_MOSEPH:
4072 	    if ((iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) || (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR))
4073 	      retc = swi_moshplan(t, SEI_EARTH, NO_SAVE, xearth, xearth, serr);
4074 	    /* with moshier there is no barycentric sun */
4075 	    break;
4076           default:
4077 	    retc = ERR;
4078 	    break;
4079 	}
4080 	if (retc != OK)
4081 	  return(retc);
4082       }
4083       /* apparent heliocentric earth */
4084       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
4085         xx[i] = xearth[i];
4086 	if (!(iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR))
4087 	  xx[i] -= xsun[i];
4088       }
4089     }
4090   }
4091   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_SPEED))
4092     for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
4093       xx[i] = 0;
4094   /*******************************
4095    * conversion to geocenter     *
4096    *******************************/
4097   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) && !(iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR))
4098     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4099       xx[i] = -xx[i];
4100   /**********************************
4101    * 'annual' aberration of light   *
4102    **********************************/
4103   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) && !(iflag & SEFLG_NOABERR)) {
4105     swi_aberr_light(xx, xobs, iflag);
4106   }
4107   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_SPEED))
4108     for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
4109       xx[i] = 0;
4110   /* ICRS to J2000 */
4111   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_ICRS) && swi_get_denum(SEI_SUN, iflag) >= 403) {
4112     swi_bias(xx, t, iflag, FALSE);
4113   }/**/
4114   /* save J2000 coordinates; required for sidereal positions */
4115   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4116     xxsv[i] = xx[i];
4117   /************************************************
4118    * precession, equator 2000 -> equator of date *
4119    ************************************************/
4120   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_J2000)) {
4121     swi_precess(xx, pedp->teval, iflag, J2000_TO_J);/**/
4122     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
4123       swi_precess_speed(xx, pedp->teval, iflag, J2000_TO_J);/**/
4124     oe = &swed.oec;
4125   } else
4126     oe = &swed.oec2000;
4127   return app_pos_rest(pedp, iflag, xx, xxsv, oe, serr);
4128 }
4131 /* transforms the position of the moon:
4132  * heliocentric position
4133  * barycentric position
4134  * astrometric position
4135  * apparent position
4136  * precession and nutation
4137  *
4138  * note:
4139  * for apparent positions, we consider the earth-moon
4140  * system as independant.
4141  * for astrometric positions (SEFLG_NOABERR), we
4142  * consider the motions of the earth and the moon
4143  * related to the solar system barycenter.
4144  */
app_pos_etc_moon(int32 iflag,char * serr)4145 static int app_pos_etc_moon(int32 iflag, char *serr)
4146 {
4147   int i;
4148   int32 flg1, flg2;
4149   double xx[6], xxsv[6], xobs[6], xxm[6], xs[6], xe[6], xobs2[6], dt;
4150   struct plan_data *pedp = &swed.pldat[SEI_EARTH];
4151   struct plan_data *psdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_SUNBARY];
4152   struct plan_data *pdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_MOON];
4153   struct epsilon *oe = &swed.oec;
4154   double t = 0;
4155   int32 retc;
4156   /* if the same conversions have already been done for the same
4157    * date, then return */
4158   flg1 = iflag & ~SEFLG_EQUATORIAL & ~SEFLG_XYZ;
4159   flg2 = pdp->xflgs & ~SEFLG_EQUATORIAL & ~SEFLG_XYZ;
4160   if (flg1 == flg2) {
4161     pdp->xflgs = iflag;
4162     pdp->iephe = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
4163     return OK;
4164   }
4165   /* the conversions will be done with xx[]. */
4166   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
4167     xx[i] = pdp->x[i];
4168     xxm[i] = xx[i];
4169   }
4170   /***********************************
4171    * to solar system barycentric
4172    ***********************************/
4173   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4174 	xx[i] += pedp->x[i];
4175   /*******************************
4176    * observer
4177    *******************************/
4178   if (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR) {
4179     if (swed.topd.teval != pdp->teval
4180       || swed.topd.teval == 0) {
4181       if (swi_get_observer(pdp->teval, iflag | SEFLG_NONUT, DO_SAVE, xobs, serr) != OK)
4182         return ERR;
4183     } else {
4184       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4185         xobs[i] = swed.topd.xobs[i];
4186     }
4187     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4188       xxm[i] -= xobs[i];
4189     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4190       xobs[i] += pedp->x[i];
4191   } else if (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR) {
4192     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4193       xobs[i] = 0;
4194     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4195       xxm[i] += pedp->x[i];
4196   } else if (iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) {
4197     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4198       xobs[i] = psdp->x[i];
4199     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4200       xxm[i] += pedp->x[i] - psdp->x[i];
4201   } else {
4202     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4203       xobs[i] = pedp->x[i];
4204   }
4205   /*******************************
4206    * light-time                  *
4207    *******************************/
4208   t = pdp->teval;
4209   if ((iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) == 0) {
4210     dt = sqrt(square_sum(xxm)) * AUNIT / CLIGHT / 86400.0;
4211     t = pdp->teval - dt;
4212     switch(pdp->iephe) {
4213       case SEFLG_JPLEPH:
4214         retc = swi_pleph(t, J_MOON, J_EARTH, xx, serr);
4215         if (retc == OK)
4216           retc = swi_pleph(t, J_EARTH, J_SBARY, xe, serr);
4217         if (retc == OK && (iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR))
4218           retc = swi_pleph(t, J_SUN, J_SBARY, xs, serr);
4219         if (retc != OK) {
4220 	      swi_close_jpl_file();
4221 	      swed.jpl_file_is_open = FALSE;
4222         }
4223 	for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4224 	  xx[i] += xe[i];
4225 	    break;
4226       case SEFLG_SWIEPH:
4227         retc = sweplan(t, SEI_MOON, SEI_FILE_MOON, iflag, NO_SAVE, xx, xe, xs, NULL, serr);
4228         if (retc != OK)
4229           return(retc);
4230 	for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4231 	  xx[i] += xe[i];
4232 	    break;
4233       case SEFLG_MOSEPH:
4234         /* this method results in an error of a milliarcsec in speed */
4235         for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
4236           xx[i] -= dt * xx[i+3];
4237           xe[i] = pedp->x[i] - dt * pedp->x[i+3];
4238 		  xe[i+3] = pedp->x[i+3];
4239 	  xs[i] = 0;
4240 	  xs[i+3] = 0;
4241         }
4242         break;
4243     }
4244     if (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR) {
4245       if (swi_get_observer(t, iflag | SEFLG_NONUT, NO_SAVE, xobs2, NULL) != OK)
4246 	  return ERR;
4247       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4248 	xobs2[i] += xe[i];
4249     } else if (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR) {
4250       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4251 	xobs2[i] = 0;
4252     } else if (iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) {
4253       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4254 	xobs2[i] = xs[i];
4255     } else {
4256       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4257 	xobs2[i] = xe[i];
4258     }
4259   }
4260   /*************************
4261    * to correct center
4262    *************************/
4263   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4264     xx[i] -= xobs[i];
4265   /**********************************
4266    * 'annual' aberration of light   *
4267    **********************************/
4268   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) && !(iflag & SEFLG_NOABERR)) {
4270     swi_aberr_light(xx, xobs, iflag);
4271     /*
4272      * Apparent speed is also influenced by
4273      * the difference of speed of the earth between t and t-dt.
4274      * Neglecting this would lead to an error of several 0.1"
4275      */
4276 #if 1
4277     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
4278       for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
4279         xx[i] += xobs[i] - xobs2[i];
4280 #endif
4281   }
4282   /* if !speedflag, speed = 0 */
4283   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_SPEED))
4284     for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
4285       xx[i] = 0;
4286   /* ICRS to J2000 */
4287   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_ICRS) && swi_get_denum(SEI_MOON, iflag) >= 403) {
4288     swi_bias(xx, t, iflag, FALSE);
4289   }/**/
4290   /* save J2000 coordinates; required for sidereal positions */
4291   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4292     xxsv[i] = xx[i];
4293   /************************************************
4294    * precession, equator 2000 -> equator of date *
4295    ************************************************/
4296   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_J2000)) {
4297     swi_precess(xx, pdp->teval, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
4298     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
4299       swi_precess_speed(xx, pdp->teval, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
4300     oe = &swed.oec;
4301   } else
4302     oe = &swed.oec2000;
4303   return app_pos_rest(pdp, iflag, xx, xxsv, oe, serr);
4304 }
4306 /* transforms the position of the barycentric sun:
4307  * precession and nutation
4308  * according to flags
4309  * iflag	flags
4310  * serr         error string
4311  */
app_pos_etc_sbar(int32 iflag,char * serr)4312 static int app_pos_etc_sbar(int32 iflag, char *serr)
4313 {
4314   int i;
4315   double xx[6], xxsv[6], dt;
4316   struct plan_data *psdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_EARTH];
4317   struct plan_data *psbdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_SUNBARY];
4318   struct epsilon *oe = &swed.oec;
4319   /* the conversions will be done with xx[]. */
4320   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4321     xx[i] = psbdp->x[i];
4322   /**************
4323    * light-time *
4324    **************/
4325   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS)) {
4326     dt = sqrt(square_sum(xx)) * AUNIT / CLIGHT / 86400.0;
4327     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
4328       xx[i] -= dt * xx[i+3];	/* apparent position */
4329   }
4330   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_SPEED))
4331     for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
4332       xx[i] = 0;
4333   /* ICRS to J2000 */
4334   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_ICRS) && swi_get_denum(SEI_SUN, iflag) >= 403) {
4335     swi_bias(xx, psdp->teval, iflag, FALSE);
4336   }/**/
4337   /* save J2000 coordinates; required for sidereal positions */
4338   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4339     xxsv[i] = xx[i];
4340   /************************************************
4341    * precession, equator 2000 -> equator of date *
4342    ************************************************/
4343   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_J2000)) {
4344     swi_precess(xx, psbdp->teval, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
4345     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
4346       swi_precess_speed(xx, psbdp->teval, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
4347     oe = &swed.oec;
4348   } else
4349     oe = &swed.oec2000;
4350   return app_pos_rest(psdp, iflag, xx, xxsv, oe, serr);
4351 }
4353 /* transforms position of mean lunar node or apogee:
4354  * input is polar coordinates in mean ecliptic of date.
4355  * output is, according to iflag:
4356  * position accounted for light-time
4357  * position referred to J2000 (i.e. precession subtracted)
4358  * position with nutation
4359  * equatorial coordinates
4360  * cartesian coordinates
4361  * heliocentric position is not allowed ??????????????
4363  *         SCHON VORHANDEN SEIN!
4364  * ipl		bodynumber (SE_MEAN_NODE or SE_MEAN_APOG)
4365  * iflag	flags
4366  * serr         error string
4367  */
app_pos_etc_mean(int ipl,int32 iflag,char * serr)4368 static int app_pos_etc_mean(int ipl, int32 iflag, char *serr)
4369 {
4370   int i;
4371   int32 flg1, flg2;
4372   double xx[6], xxsv[6];
4373 #if 0
4374   struct node_data *pdp = &swed.nddat[ipl];
4375 #else
4376   struct plan_data *pdp = &swed.nddat[ipl];
4377 #endif
4378   struct epsilon *oe;
4379   /* if the same conversions have already been done for the same
4380    * date, then return */
4381   flg1 = iflag & ~SEFLG_EQUATORIAL & ~SEFLG_XYZ;
4382   flg2 = pdp->xflgs & ~SEFLG_EQUATORIAL & ~SEFLG_XYZ;
4383   if (flg1 == flg2) {
4384     pdp->xflgs = iflag;
4385     pdp->iephe = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
4386     return OK;
4387   }
4388   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4389     xx[i] = pdp->x[i];
4390   /* cartesian equatorial coordinates */
4391   swi_polcart_sp(xx, xx);
4392   swi_coortrf2(xx, xx, -swed.oec.seps, swed.oec.ceps);
4393   swi_coortrf2(xx+3, xx+3, -swed.oec.seps, swed.oec.ceps);
4394 #if 0
4395   /****************************************************
4396    * light-time, this is only a few milliarcseconds *
4397    ***************************************************/
4398   if ((iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) == 0) {
4399     dt = pdp->x[3] * AUNIT / CLIGHT / 86400;
4400     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
4401       xx[i] -= dt * xx[i+3];
4402   }
4403 #endif
4404   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_SPEED))
4405     for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
4406       xx[i] = 0;
4407   /* J2000 coordinates; required for sidereal positions */
4408   if (((iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL)
4409     && (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_ECL_T0))
4410       || (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_SSY_PLANE)) {
4411     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
4412       xxsv[i] = xx[i];
4413     /* xxsv is not J2000 yet! */
4414     if (pdp->teval != J2000) {
4415       swi_precess(xxsv, pdp->teval, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
4416       if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
4417         swi_precess_speed(xxsv, pdp->teval, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
4418     }
4419   }
4420   /*****************************************************
4421    * if no precession, equator of date -> equator 2000 *
4422    *****************************************************/
4423   if (iflag & SEFLG_J2000) {
4424     swi_precess(xx, pdp->teval, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
4425     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
4426       swi_precess_speed(xx, pdp->teval, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
4427     oe = &swed.oec2000;
4428   } else
4429     oe = &swed.oec;
4430   return app_pos_rest(pdp, iflag, xx, xxsv, oe, serr);
4431 }
4433 /* fetch chebyshew coefficients from sweph file for
4434  * tjd 		time
4435  * ipli		planet number
4436  * ifno		file number
4437  * serr		error string
4438  */
get_new_segment(double tjd,int ipli,int ifno,char * serr)4439 static int get_new_segment(double tjd, int ipli, int ifno, char *serr)
4440 {
4441   int i, j, k, m, n, o, icoord, retc;
4442   int32 iseg;
4443   int32 fpos;
4444   int nsizes, nsize[6];
4445   int nco;
4446   int idbl;
4447   unsigned char c[4];
4448   struct plan_data *pdp = &swed.pldat[ipli];
4449   struct file_data *fdp = &swed.fidat[ifno];
4450   FILE *fp = fdp->fptr;
4451   int freord  = (int) fdp->iflg & SEI_FILE_REORD;
4452   int fendian = (int) fdp->iflg & SEI_FILE_LITENDIAN;
4453   uint32 longs[MAXORD+1];
4454   /* compute segment number */
4455   iseg = (int32) ((tjd - pdp->tfstart) / pdp->dseg);
4456   /*if (tjd - pdp->tfstart < 0)
4457       return(NOT_AVAILABLE);*/
4458   pdp->tseg0 = pdp->tfstart + iseg * pdp->dseg;
4459   pdp->tseg1 = pdp->tseg0 + pdp->dseg;
4460   /* get file position of coefficients from file */
4461   fpos = pdp->lndx0 + iseg * 3;
4462   retc = do_fread((void *) &fpos, 3, 1, 4, fp, fpos, freord, fendian, ifno, serr);
4463   if (retc != OK)
4464     goto return_error_gns;
4465   fseek(fp, fpos, SEEK_SET);
4466   /* clear space of chebyshew coefficients */
4467   if (pdp->segp == NULL)
4468     pdp->segp = (double *) malloc((size_t) pdp->ncoe * 3 * 8);
4469   memset((void *) pdp->segp, 0, (size_t) pdp->ncoe * 3 * 8);
4470   /* read coefficients for 3 coordinates */
4471   for (icoord = 0; icoord < 3; icoord++) {
4472     idbl = icoord * pdp->ncoe;
4473     /* first read header */
4474     /* first bit indicates number of sizes of packed coefficients */
4475     retc = do_fread((void *) &c[0], 1, 2, 1, fp, SEI_CURR_FPOS, freord, fendian, ifno, serr);
4476     if (retc != OK)
4477       goto return_error_gns;
4478     if (c[0] & 128) {
4479       nsizes = 6;
4480       retc = do_fread((void *) (c+2), 1, 2, 1, fp, SEI_CURR_FPOS, freord, fendian, ifno, serr);
4481       if (retc != OK)
4482 	goto return_error_gns;
4483       nsize[0] = (int) c[1] / 16;
4484       nsize[1] = (int) c[1] % 16;
4485       nsize[2] = (int) c[2] / 16;
4486       nsize[3] = (int) c[2] % 16;
4487       nsize[4] = (int) c[3] / 16;
4488       nsize[5] = (int) c[3] % 16;
4489       nco = nsize[0] + nsize[1] + nsize[2] + nsize[3] + nsize[4] + nsize[5];
4490     } else {
4491       nsizes = 4;
4492       nsize[0] = (int) c[0] / 16;
4493       nsize[1] = (int) c[0] % 16;
4494       nsize[2] = (int) c[1] / 16;
4495       nsize[3] = (int) c[1] % 16;
4496       nco = nsize[0] + nsize[1] + nsize[2] + nsize[3];
4497     }
4498     /* there may not be more coefficients than interpolation
4499      * order + 1 */
4500     if (nco > pdp->ncoe) {
4501       if (serr != NULL) {
4502 	sprintf(serr, "error in ephemeris file: %d coefficients instead of %d. ", nco, pdp->ncoe);
4503 	if (strlen(serr) + strlen(fdp->fnam) < AS_MAXCH - 1) {
4504 	  sprintf(serr, "error in ephemeris file %s: %d coefficients instead of %d. ", fdp->fnam, nco, pdp->ncoe);
4505 	}
4506       }
4507       free(pdp->segp);
4508       pdp->segp = NULL;
4509       return (ERR);
4510     }
4511     /* now unpack */
4512     for (i = 0; i < nsizes; i++) {
4513       if (nsize[i] == 0)
4514 	continue;
4515       if (i < 4) {
4516 	j = (4 - i);
4517 	k = nsize[i];
4518 	retc = do_fread((void *) &longs[0], j, k, 4, fp, SEI_CURR_FPOS, freord, fendian, ifno, serr);
4519 	if (retc != OK)
4520 	  goto return_error_gns;
4521 	for (m = 0; m < k; m++, idbl++) {
4522 	  if (longs[m] & 1) 	/* will be negative */
4523 	    pdp->segp[idbl] = -(((longs[m]+1) / 2) / 1e+9 * pdp->rmax / 2);
4524 	  else
4525 	    pdp->segp[idbl] = (longs[m] / 2) / 1e+9 * pdp->rmax / 2;
4526 	}
4527       } else if (i == 4) {		/* half byte packing */
4528 	j = 1;
4529 	k = (nsize[i] + 1) / 2;
4530 	retc = do_fread((void *) longs, j, k, 4, fp, SEI_CURR_FPOS, freord, fendian, ifno, serr);
4531 	if (retc != OK)
4532 	  goto return_error_gns;
4533 	for (m = 0, j = 0;
4534 	     m < k && j < nsize[i];
4535 	     m++) {
4536 	  for (n = 0, o = 16;
4537 	       n < 2 && j < nsize[i];
4538 	       n++, j++, idbl++, longs[m] %= o, o /= 16) {
4539 	    if (longs[m] & o)
4540 	      pdp->segp[idbl] =
4541 		   -(((longs[m]+o) / o / 2) * pdp->rmax / 2 / 1e+9);
4542 	    else
4543 	      pdp->segp[idbl] = (longs[m] / o / 2) * pdp->rmax / 2 / 1e+9;
4544 	  }
4545 	}
4546       } else if (i == 5) {		/* quarter byte packing */
4547 	j = 1;
4548 	k = (nsize[i] + 3) / 4;
4549 	retc = do_fread((void *) longs, j, k, 4, fp, SEI_CURR_FPOS, freord, fendian, ifno, serr);
4550 	if (retc != OK)
4551 	  goto return_error_gns;
4552 	for (m = 0, j = 0;
4553 	     m < k && j < nsize[i];
4554 	     m++) {
4555 	  for (n = 0, o = 64;
4556 	       n < 4 && j < nsize[i];
4557 	       n++, j++, idbl++, longs[m] %= o, o /= 4) {
4558 	    if (longs[m] & o)
4559 	      pdp->segp[idbl] =
4560 		   -(((longs[m]+o) / o / 2) * pdp->rmax / 2 / 1e+9);
4561 	    else
4562 	      pdp->segp[idbl] = (longs[m] / o / 2) * pdp->rmax / 2 / 1e+9;
4563 	  }
4564 	}
4565       }
4566     }
4567   }
4568 #if 0
4569   if (ipli == SEI_SUNBARY) {
4570     printf("%d, %x\n", fpos, fpos);
4571     for (i = 0; i < pdp->ncoe; i++)
4572       printf("%e, %e, %e\n", pdp->segp[i], pdp->segp[i+pdp->ncoe], pdp->segp[i+2*pdp->ncoe]);
4573   }
4574 #endif
4575   return(OK);
4576 return_error_gns:
4577   fclose(fdp->fptr);
4578   // free(fdp->fptr);  is not from malloc(), must not be freed by us
4579   fdp->fptr = NULL;
4580   free_planets();
4581   return ERR;
4582 }
4584 /* SWISSEPH
4585  * reads constants on ephemeris file
4586  * ifno         file #
4587  * serr         error string
4588  */
read_const(int ifno,char * serr)4589 static int read_const(int ifno, char *serr)
4590 {
4591   char *c, c2, *sp;
4592   char s[AS_MAXCH*2], s2[AS_MAXCH];
4593   char sastnam[41];
4594   int i, ipli, kpl;
4595   int retc;
4596   int fendian, freord;
4597   int lastnam = 19;
4598   FILE *fp;
4599   int32 lng;
4600   uint32 ulng;
4601   int32 flen, fpos;
4602   short nplan;
4603   int32 testendian;
4604   double doubles[20];
4605   struct plan_data *pdp;
4606   struct file_data *fdp = &swed.fidat[ifno];
4607   char *serr_file_damage = "Ephemeris file %s is damaged (0%s). ";
4608   char *smsg = "";
4609   int nbytes_ipl = 2;
4610   fp = fdp->fptr;
4611   /*************************************
4612    * version number of file            *
4613    *************************************/
4614   sp = fgets(s, AS_MAXCH, fp);
4615   if (sp == NULL || strstr(sp, "\r\n") == NULL) {
4616     goto file_damage;
4617   }
4618   sp = strchr(s, '\r');
4619   *sp = '\0';
4620   sp = s;
4621   while (isdigit((int) *sp) == 0 && *sp != '\0')
4622     sp++;
4623   if (*sp == '\0') {
4624     smsg = "a";
4625     goto file_damage;
4626   }
4627   /* version unused so far */
4628   fdp->fversion = atoi(sp);
4629   /*************************************
4630    * correct file name?                *
4631    *************************************/
4632   sp = fgets(s, AS_MAXCH, fp);
4633   if (sp == NULL || strstr(sp, "\r\n") == NULL) {
4634     smsg = "b";
4635     goto file_damage;
4636   }
4637   /* file name, without path */
4638   sp = strrchr(fdp->fnam, (int) *DIR_GLUE);
4639   if (sp == NULL)
4640     sp = fdp->fnam;
4641   else
4642     sp++;
4643   strcpy(s2, sp);
4644   /* to lower case */
4645   for (sp = s2; *sp != '\0'; sp++)
4646     *sp = tolower((int) *sp);
4647   /* prepare string of should-be file name */
4648   sp = s + strlen(s) - 1;
4649   while (*sp == '\n' || *sp == '\r' || *sp == ' ') {
4650     *sp = '\0';
4651     sp--;
4652   }
4653   for (sp = s; *sp != '\0'; sp++)
4654     *sp = tolower((int) *sp);
4655   if (strcmp(s2, s) != 0) {
4656     if (serr != NULL) {
4657       sprintf(serr, "Ephemeris file name '%s' wrong; rename '%s' ", s2, s);
4658     }
4659     goto return_error;
4660   }
4661   /*************************************
4662    * copyright                         *
4663    *************************************/
4664   sp = fgets(s, AS_MAXCH, fp);
4665   if (sp == NULL || strstr(sp, "\r\n") == NULL) {
4666     smsg = "c";
4667     goto file_damage;
4668   }
4669   /****************************************
4670    * orbital elements, if single asteroid *
4671    ****************************************/
4672   if (ifno == SEI_FILE_ANY_AST) {
4673     sp = fgets(s, AS_MAXCH * 2, fp);
4674     if (sp == NULL || strstr(sp, "\r\n") == NULL) {
4675       smsg = "d";
4676       goto file_damage;
4677     }
4678     /* MPC number and name; will be analyzed below:
4679      * search "asteroid name" */
4680     while(*sp == ' ') sp++;
4681     while(isdigit(*sp)) sp++;
4682     sp++;
4683     i = (int) (sp - s);
4684     strncpy(sastnam, s, lastnam+i);	// fixed 19-nov-19
4685     *(sastnam+lastnam+i) = '\0';
4686     /* save elements, they are required for swe_plan_pheno() */
4687     strcpy(swed.astelem, s);
4688     /* required for magnitude */
4689     swed.ast_H = atof(s + 35 + i);
4690     swed.ast_G = atof(s + 42 + i);
4691     if (swed.ast_G == 0) swed.ast_G = 0.15;
4692     /* diameter in kilometers, not always given: */
4693     strncpy(s2, s+51+i, 7);
4694     *(s2 + 7) = '\0';
4695     swed.ast_diam = atof(s2);
4696     if (swed.ast_diam == 0) {
4697       /* estimate the diameter from magnitude; assume albedo = 0.15 */
4698       swed.ast_diam = 1329/sqrt(0.15) * pow(10, -0.2 * swed.ast_H);
4699     }
4700 #if 0
4701     i = 5;
4702     while (*(sp+i) != ' ')
4703       i++;
4704     j = i - 5;
4705     strncpy(sastnam, sp, lastnam+i);
4706     *(sastnam+lastnam+i) = 0;
4707     /* save elements, they are required for swe_plan_pheno() */
4708     strcpy(swed.astelem, s);
4709     /* required for magnitude */
4710     swed.ast_G = atof(sp + 40 + j);
4711     swed.ast_H = atof(sp + 46 + j);
4712     /* diameter in kilometers, not always given: */
4713     strncpy(s2, sp+56+j, 7);
4714     *(s2 + 7) = '\0';
4715     swed.ast_diam = atof(s2);
4716 #endif
4717   }
4718   /*************************************
4719    * one int32 for test of byte order   *
4720    *************************************/
4721   if (fread((void *) &testendian, 4, 1, fp) != 1) {
4722     smsg = "e";
4723     goto file_damage;
4724   }
4725   /* is byte order correct?            */
4726   if (testendian == SEI_FILE_TEST_ENDIAN) {
4727     freord = SEI_FILE_NOREORD;
4728   } else {
4729     freord = SEI_FILE_REORD;
4730     sp = (char *) &lng;
4731     c = (char *) &testendian;
4732     for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
4733       *(sp+i) = *(c+3-i);
4734     if (lng != SEI_FILE_TEST_ENDIAN) {
4735       smsg = "f";
4736       goto file_damage;
4737     }
4738   }
4739   /* is file bigendian or littlendian?
4740    * test first byte of test integer, which is highest if bigendian */
4741   c = (char *) &testendian;
4742   c2 = SEI_FILE_TEST_ENDIAN / 16777216L;
4743   if (*c == c2)
4744     fendian = SEI_FILE_BIGENDIAN;
4745   else
4746     fendian = SEI_FILE_LITENDIAN;
4747   fdp->iflg = (int32) freord | fendian;
4748   /*************************************
4749    * length of file correct?           *
4750    *************************************/
4751   retc = do_fread((void *) &lng, 4, 1, 4, fp, SEI_CURR_FPOS, freord,
4752 fendian, ifno, serr);
4753   if (retc != OK)
4754     goto return_error;
4755   fpos = ftell(fp);
4756   if (fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END) != 0) {
4757     smsg = "g";
4758     goto file_damage;
4759   }
4760   flen = ftell(fp);
4761   if (lng != flen) {
4762     smsg = "h";
4763     goto file_damage;
4764   }
4765   /**********************************************************
4766    * DE number of JPL ephemeris which this file is based on *
4767    **********************************************************/
4768   retc = do_fread((void *) &fdp->sweph_denum, 4, 1, 4, fp, fpos, freord,
4769 fendian, ifno, serr);
4770   if (retc != OK)
4771     goto return_error;
4772   /*************************************
4773    * start and end epoch of file       *
4774    *************************************/
4775   retc = do_fread((void *) &fdp->tfstart, 8, 1, 8, fp, SEI_CURR_FPOS,
4776 freord, fendian, ifno, serr);
4777   if (retc != OK)
4778     goto return_error;
4779   retc = do_fread((void *) &fdp->tfend, 8, 1, 8, fp, SEI_CURR_FPOS, freord,
4780 fendian, ifno, serr);
4781   if (retc != OK)
4782     goto return_error;
4783   /*************************************
4784    * how many planets are in file?     *
4785    *************************************/
4786   retc = do_fread((void *) &nplan, 2, 1, 2, fp, SEI_CURR_FPOS, freord, fendian, ifno, serr);
4787   if (retc != OK)
4788     goto return_error;
4789   if (nplan > 256) {
4790     nbytes_ipl = 4;
4791     nplan %= 256;
4792   }
4793   if (nplan < 1 || nplan > 20) {
4794     smsg = "i";
4795     goto file_damage;
4796   }
4797   fdp->npl = nplan;
4798   /* which ones?                       */
4799   retc = do_fread((void *) fdp->ipl, nbytes_ipl, (int) nplan, sizeof(int), fp, SEI_CURR_FPOS,
4800 freord, fendian, ifno, serr);
4801   if (retc != OK)
4802     goto return_error;
4803   /*************************************
4804    * asteroid name                     *
4805    *************************************/
4806   if (ifno == SEI_FILE_ANY_AST) {
4807     char sastno[12];
4808     int j;
4809     /* name of asteroid is taken from orbital elements record
4810      * read above */
4811     j = 4;	/* old astorb.dat had only 4 characters for MPC# */
4812     while (sastnam[j] != ' ' && j < 10)	/* new astorb.dat has 5 */
4813       j++;
4814     strncpy(sastno, sastnam, j);
4815     sastno[j] = '\0';
4816     i = (int) atol(sastno);
4817     if (i == fdp->ipl[0] - SE_AST_OFFSET ||
4818         i == fdp->ipl[0] // planetary moon
4819 	) {
4820       /* element record is from bowell database */
4821       strncpy(fdp->astnam, sastnam+j+1, lastnam);
4822       fdp->astnam[lastnam] = '\0';
4823       /* overread old ast. name field */
4824       if (fread((void *) s, 30, 1, fp) != 1) {
4825 	smsg = "j";
4826         goto file_damage;
4827       }
4828     } else {
4829       /* older elements record structure: the name
4830        * is taken from old name field */
4831       if (fread((void *) fdp->astnam, 30, 1, fp) != 1) {
4832 	smsg = "k";
4833         goto file_damage;
4834       }
4835     }
4836     /* in worst case strlen of not null terminated area! */
4837     i = (int) (strlen(fdp->astnam) - 1);
4838     if (i < 0)
4839       i = 0;
4840     sp = fdp->astnam + i;
4841     while(*sp == ' ') {
4842       sp--;
4843     }
4844     sp[1] = '\0';
4845     if ((sp = strstr(fdp->astnam, "  ")) != NULL)
4846       *sp = '\0';
4847   }
4848   /*************************************
4849    * check CRC                         *
4850    *************************************/
4851   fpos = ftell(fp);
4852   /* read CRC from file */
4853   retc = do_fread((void *) &ulng, 4, 1, 4, fp, SEI_CURR_FPOS, freord,
4854 fendian, ifno, serr);
4855   if (retc != OK)
4856     goto return_error;
4857   /* read check area from file */
4858   fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
4859   /* must check that defined length of s is less than fpos */
4860   if (fpos - 1 > 2 * AS_MAXCH) {
4861     smsg = "l";
4862     goto file_damage;
4863   }
4864   if (fread((void *) s, (size_t) fpos, 1, fp) != 1) {
4865     smsg = "m";
4866     goto file_damage;
4867   }
4868 #if 1
4869   if (swi_crc32((unsigned char *) s, (int) fpos) != ulng) {
4870     smsg = "n";
4871     goto file_damage;
4872   }
4873 #endif
4874   fseek(fp, fpos+4, SEEK_SET);
4875   /*************************************
4876    * read general constants            *
4877    *************************************/
4878   /* clight, aunit, helgravconst, ratme, sunradius
4879    * these constants are currently not in use */
4880   retc = do_fread((void *) &doubles[0], 8, 5, 8, fp, SEI_CURR_FPOS, freord,
4881 fendian, ifno, serr);
4882   if (retc != OK)
4883     goto return_error;
4884   swed.gcdat.clight       = doubles[0];
4885   swed.gcdat.aunit        = doubles[1];
4886   swed.gcdat.helgravconst = doubles[2];
4887   swed.gcdat.ratme        = doubles[3];
4888   swed.gcdat.sunradius    = doubles[4];
4889   /*************************************
4890    * read constants of planets         *
4891    *************************************/
4892   for (kpl = 0; kpl < fdp->npl; kpl++) {
4893     /* get SEI_ planet number */
4894     ipli = fdp->ipl[kpl];
4895     if (ipli >= SE_AST_OFFSET)
4896       pdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_ANYBODY];
4897     else if (ipli >= SE_PLMOON_OFFSET)
4898       pdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_ANYBODY];
4899     else
4900       pdp = &swed.pldat[ipli];
4901     pdp->ibdy = ipli;
4902     /* file position of planet's index */
4903     retc = do_fread((void *) &pdp->lndx0, 4, 1, 4, fp, SEI_CURR_FPOS,
4904 freord, fendian, ifno, serr);
4905     if (retc != OK)
4906       goto return_error;
4907     /* flags: helio/geocentric, rotation, reference ellipse */
4908     retc = do_fread((void *) &pdp->iflg, 1, 1, sizeof(int32), fp,
4909 SEI_CURR_FPOS, freord, fendian, ifno, serr);
4910     if (retc != OK)
4911       goto return_error;
4912     /* number of chebyshew coefficients / segment  */
4913     /* = interpolation order +1                    */
4914     retc = do_fread((void *) &pdp->ncoe, 1, 1, sizeof(int), fp,
4915 SEI_CURR_FPOS, freord, fendian, ifno, serr);
4916     if (retc != OK)
4917       goto return_error;
4918     /* rmax = normalisation factor */
4919     retc = do_fread((void *) &lng, 4, 1, 4, fp, SEI_CURR_FPOS, freord,
4920 fendian, ifno, serr);
4921     if (retc != OK)
4922       goto return_error;
4923     pdp->rmax = lng / 1000.0;
4924     // planet's center of body, e.g. 9599 for Jupiter or Mars moons
4925     if (ipli >= SE_PLMOON_OFFSET && ipli < SE_AST_OFFSET) {
4926       if ((ipli % 100) == 99 || (ipli - 9000) / 100 == SE_MARS)
4927 	pdp->rmax = lng / 1000000.0;
4928     }
4929     /* start and end epoch of planetary ephemeris,   */
4930     /* segment length, and orbital elements          */
4931     retc = do_fread((void *) doubles, 8, 10, 8, fp, SEI_CURR_FPOS, freord,
4932 fendian, ifno, serr);
4933     if (retc != OK)
4934       goto return_error;
4935     pdp->tfstart  = doubles[0];
4936     pdp->tfend    = doubles[1];
4937     pdp->dseg     = doubles[2];
4938     pdp->nndx     = (int32) ((doubles[1] - doubles[0] + 0.1) /doubles[2]);
4939     pdp->telem    = doubles[3];
4940     pdp->prot     = doubles[4];
4941     pdp->dprot    = doubles[5];
4942     pdp->qrot     = doubles[6];
4943     pdp->dqrot    = doubles[7];
4944     pdp->peri     = doubles[8];
4945     pdp->dperi    = doubles[9];
4946     /* alloc space for chebyshew coefficients */
4947     /* if reference ellipse is used, read its coefficients */
4948     if (pdp->iflg & SEI_FLG_ELLIPSE) {
4949       if (pdp->refep != NULL) { /* if switch to other eph. file */
4950         free((void *) pdp->refep);
4951 	pdp->refep = NULL;    /* 2015-may-5 */
4952         if (pdp->segp != NULL) {
4953           free((void *) pdp->segp);     /* array of coefficients of */
4954           pdp->segp = NULL;     /* ephemeris segment        */
4955         }
4956       }
4957       pdp->refep = (double *) malloc((size_t) pdp->ncoe * 2 * 8);
4958       retc = do_fread((void *) pdp->refep, 8, 2*pdp->ncoe, 8, fp,
4959 SEI_CURR_FPOS, freord, fendian, ifno, serr);
4960       if (retc != OK) {
4961 	free(pdp->refep);  /* 2015-may-5 */
4962 	pdp->refep = NULL;  /* 2015-may-5 */
4963 	goto return_error;
4964       }
4965     }/**/
4966   }
4967   return(OK);
4968 file_damage:
4969   if (serr != NULL) {
4970     *serr = '\0';
4971     if (strlen(serr_file_damage) + strlen(fdp->fnam) + strlen(smsg) < AS_MAXCH) {
4972       sprintf(serr, serr_file_damage, fdp->fnam, smsg);
4973     }
4974   }
4975 return_error:
4976   fclose(fdp->fptr);
4977   // free(fdp->fptr);  is not from malloc(), must not be freed by us
4978   fdp->fptr = NULL;
4979   free_planets();
4980   return(ERR);
4981 }
4983 /* SWISSEPH
4984  * reads from a file and, if necessary, reorders bytes
4985  * targ 	target pointer
4986  * size		size of item to be read
4987  * count	number of items
4988  * corrsize	in what size should it be returned
4989  *		(e.g. 3 byte int -> 4 byte int)
4990  * fp		file pointer
4991  * fpos		file position: if (fpos >= 0) then fseek
4992  * freord	reorder bytes or no
4993  * fendian	little/bigendian
4994  * ifno		file number
4995  * serr		error string
4996  */
do_fread(void * trg,int size,int count,int corrsize,FILE * fp,int32 fpos,int freord,int fendian,int ifno,char * serr)4997 static int do_fread(void *trg, int size, int count, int corrsize, FILE *fp, int32 fpos, int freord, int fendian, int ifno, char *serr)
4998 {
4999   int i, j, k;
5000   int totsize;
5001   unsigned char space[1000];
5002   unsigned char *targ = (unsigned char *) trg;
5003   totsize = size * count;
5004   if (fpos >= 0)
5005     fseek(fp, fpos, SEEK_SET);
5006   /* if no byte reorder has to be done, and read size == return size */
5007   if (!freord && size == corrsize) {
5008     if (fread((void *) targ, (size_t) totsize, 1, fp) == 0) {
5009       if (serr != NULL) {
5010 	strcpy(serr, "Ephemeris file is damaged (1). ");
5011 	if (strlen(serr) + strlen(swed.fidat[ifno].fnam) < AS_MAXCH - 1) {
5012 	  sprintf(serr, "Ephemeris file %s is damaged (2).", swed.fidat[ifno].fnam);
5013 	}
5014       }
5015       return(ERR);
5016     } else
5017       return(OK);
5018   } else {
5019     if (fread((void *) &space[0], (size_t) totsize, 1, fp) == 0) {
5020       if (serr != NULL) {
5021 	strcpy(serr, "Ephemeris file is damaged (3). ");
5022 	if (strlen(serr) + strlen(swed.fidat[ifno].fnam) < AS_MAXCH - 1) {
5023 	  sprintf(serr, "Ephemeris file %s is damaged (4).", swed.fidat[ifno].fnam);
5024 	}
5025       }
5026       return(ERR);
5027     }
5028     if (size != corrsize) {
5029       memset((void *) targ, 0, (size_t) count * corrsize);
5030     }
5031     for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
5032       for (j = size-1; j >= 0; j--) {
5033 	if (freord)
5034 	  k = size-j-1;
5035         else
5036 	  k = j;
5037         if (size != corrsize)
5038           if ((fendian == SEI_FILE_BIGENDIAN && !freord) ||
5039               (fendian == SEI_FILE_LITENDIAN &&  freord))
5040 	    k += corrsize - size;
5041         targ[i*corrsize+k] = space[i*size+j];
5042       }
5043     }
5044   }
5045   return(OK);
5046 }
5048 /* SWISSEPH
5049  * adds reference orbit to chebyshew series (if SEI_FLG_ELLIPSE),
5050  * rotates series to mean equinox of J2000
5051  *
5052  * ipli		planet number
5053  */
rot_back(int ipli)5054 static void rot_back(int ipli)
5055 {
5056   int i;
5057   double t, tdiff;
5058   double qav, pav, dn;
5059   double omtild, com, som, cosih2;
5060   double x[MAXORD+1][3];
5061   double uix[3], uiy[3], uiz[3];
5062   double xrot, yrot, zrot;
5063   double *chcfx, *chcfy, *chcfz;
5064   double *refepx, *refepy;
5065   // epsilon as used in chopt.c
5066   // double eps2000 = 0.409092804;       	// eps 2000 in radians
5067   double seps2000 = 0.39777715572793088;  	// sin(eps2000)
5068   double ceps2000 = 0.91748206215761929;	// cos(eps2000)
5069   struct plan_data *pdp = &swed.pldat[ipli];
5070   int nco = pdp->ncoe;
5071   t = pdp->tseg0 + pdp->dseg / 2;
5072   chcfx = pdp->segp;
5073   chcfy = chcfx + nco;
5074   chcfz = chcfx + 2 * nco;
5075   tdiff= (t - pdp->telem) / 365250.0;
5076   if (ipli == SEI_MOON) {
5077     dn = pdp->prot + tdiff * pdp->dprot;
5078     i = (int) (dn / TWOPI);
5079     dn -= i * TWOPI;
5080     qav = (pdp->qrot + tdiff * pdp->dqrot) * cos(dn);
5081     pav = (pdp->qrot + tdiff * pdp->dqrot) * sin(dn);
5082   } else {
5083     qav = pdp->qrot + tdiff * pdp->dqrot;
5084     pav = pdp->prot + tdiff * pdp->dprot;
5085   }
5086   /*calculate cosine and sine of average perihelion longitude. */
5087   for (i = 0; i < nco; i++) {
5088     x[i][0] = chcfx[i];
5089     x[i][1] = chcfy[i];
5090     x[i][2] = chcfz[i];
5091   }
5092   if (pdp->iflg & SEI_FLG_ELLIPSE) {
5093     refepx = pdp->refep;
5094     refepy = refepx + nco;
5095     omtild = pdp->peri + tdiff * pdp->dperi;
5096     i = (int) (omtild / TWOPI);
5097     omtild -= i * TWOPI;
5098     com = cos(omtild);
5099     som = sin(omtild);
5100     /*add reference orbit.  */
5101     for (i = 0; i < nco; i++) {
5102       x[i][0] = chcfx[i] + com * refepx[i] - som * refepy[i];
5103       x[i][1] = chcfy[i] + com * refepy[i] + som * refepx[i];
5104     }
5105   }
5106   /* construct right handed orthonormal system with first axis along
5107      origin of longitudes and third axis along angular momentum
5108      this uses the standard formulas for equinoctal variables
5109      (see papers by broucke and by cefola).      */
5110   cosih2 = 1.0 / (1.0 + qav * qav + pav * pav);
5111   /*     calculate orbit pole. */
5112   uiz[0] = 2.0 * pav * cosih2;
5113   uiz[1] = -2.0 * qav * cosih2;
5114   uiz[2] = (1.0 - qav * qav - pav * pav) * cosih2;
5115   /*     calculate origin of longitudes vector. */
5116   uix[0] = (1.0 + qav * qav - pav * pav) * cosih2;
5117   uix[1] = 2.0 * qav * pav * cosih2;
5118   uix[2] = -2.0 * pav * cosih2;
5119   /*     calculate vector in orbital plane orthogonal to origin of
5120         longitudes.                                               */
5121   uiy[0] =2.0 * qav * pav * cosih2;
5122   uiy[1] =(1.0 - qav * qav + pav * pav) * cosih2;
5123   uiy[2] =2.0 * qav * cosih2;
5124   /*     rotate to actual orientation in space.         */
5125   for (i = 0; i < nco; i++) {
5126     xrot = x[i][0] * uix[0] + x[i][1] * uiy[0] + x[i][2] * uiz[0];
5127     yrot = x[i][0] * uix[1] + x[i][1] * uiy[1] + x[i][2] * uiz[1];
5128     zrot = x[i][0] * uix[2] + x[i][1] * uiy[2] + x[i][2] * uiz[2];
5129     if (fabs(xrot) + fabs(yrot) + fabs(zrot) >= 1e-14)
5130       pdp->neval = i;
5131     x[i][0] = xrot;
5132     x[i][1] = yrot;
5133     x[i][2] = zrot;
5134     if (ipli == SEI_MOON) {
5135       /* rotate to j2000 equator */
5136       x[i][1] = ceps2000 * yrot - seps2000 * zrot;
5137       x[i][2] = seps2000 * yrot + ceps2000 * zrot;
5138     }
5139   }
5140   for (i = 0; i < nco; i++) {
5141     chcfx[i] = x[i][0];
5142     chcfy[i] = x[i][1];
5143     chcfz[i] = x[i][2];
5144   }
5145 }
5147 /* Adjust position from Earth-Moon barycenter to Earth
5148  *
5149  * xemb = hel./bar. position or velocity vectors of emb (input)
5150  *                                                  earth (output)
5151  * xmoon= geocentric position or velocity vector of moon
5152  */
embofs(double * xemb,double * xmoon)5153 static void embofs(double *xemb, double *xmoon)
5154 {
5155   int i;
5156   for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
5157     xemb[i] -= xmoon[i] / (EARTH_MOON_MRAT + 1.0);
5158 }
5160 /* calculates the nutation matrix
5161  * nu		pointer to nutation data structure
5162  * oe		pointer to epsilon data structure
5163  */
nut_matrix(struct nut * nu,struct epsilon * oe)5164 static void nut_matrix(struct nut *nu, struct epsilon *oe)
5165 {
5166   double psi, eps;
5167   double sinpsi, cospsi, sineps, coseps, sineps0, coseps0;
5168   psi = nu->nutlo[0];
5169   eps = oe->eps + nu->nutlo[1];
5170   sinpsi = sin(psi);
5171   cospsi = cos(psi);
5172   sineps0 = oe->seps;
5173   coseps0 = oe->ceps;
5174   sineps = sin(eps);
5175   coseps = cos(eps);
5176   nu->matrix[0][0] = cospsi;
5177   nu->matrix[0][1] = sinpsi * coseps;
5178   nu->matrix[0][2] = sinpsi * sineps;
5179   nu->matrix[1][0] = -sinpsi * coseps0;
5180   nu->matrix[1][1] = cospsi * coseps * coseps0 + sineps * sineps0;
5181   nu->matrix[1][2] = cospsi * sineps * coseps0 - coseps * sineps0;
5182   nu->matrix[2][0] = -sinpsi * sineps0;
5183   nu->matrix[2][1] = cospsi * coseps * sineps0 - sineps * coseps0;
5184   nu->matrix[2][2] = cospsi * sineps * sineps0 + coseps * coseps0;
5185 }
5187 /* lunar osculating elements, i.e.
5188  * osculating node ('true' node) and
5189  * osculating apogee ('black moon', 'lilith').
5190  * tjd		julian day
5191  * ipl		body number, i.e. SEI_TRUE_NODE or SEI_OSCU_APOG
5192  * iflag	flags (which ephemeris, nutation, etc.)
5193  * serr		error string
5194  *
5195  * definitions and remarks:
5196  * the osculating node and the osculating apogee are defined
5197  * as the orbital elements of the momentary lunar orbit.
5198  * their advantage is that when the moon crosses the ecliptic,
5199  * it is really at the osculating node, and when it passes
5200  * its greatest distance from earth it is really at the
5201  * osculating apogee. with the mean elements this is not
5202  * the case. (some define the apogee as the second focus of
5203  * the lunar ellipse. but, as seen from the geocenter, both
5204  * points are in the same direction.)
5205  * problems:
5206  * the osculating apogee is given in the 'New International
5207  * Ephemerides' (Editions St. Michel) as the 'True Lilith'.
5208  * however, this name is misleading. this point is based on
5209  * the idea that the lunar orbit can be approximated by an
5210  * ellipse.
5211  * arguments against this:
5212  * 1. this procedure considers celestial motions as two body
5213  *    problems. this is quite good for planets, but not for
5214  *    the moon. the strong gravitational attraction of the sun
5215  *    destroys the idea of an ellipse.
5216  * 2. the NIE 'True Lilith' has strong oscillations around the
5217  *    mean one with an amplitude of about 30 degrees. however,
5218  *    when the moon is in apogee, its distance from the mean
5219  *    apogee never exceeds 5 degrees.
5220  * besides, the computation of NIE is INACCURATE. the mistake
5221  * reaches 20 arc minutes.
5222  * According to Santoni, the point was calculated using 'les 58
5223  * premiers termes correctifs au Perigee moyen' published by
5224  * Chapront and Chapront-Touze. And he adds: "Nous constatons
5225  * que meme en utilisant ces 58 termes CORRECTIFS, l'erreur peut
5226  * atteindre 0,5d!" (p. 13) We avoid this error, computing the
5227  * orbital elements directly from the position and the speed vector.
5228  *
5229  * how about the node? it is less problematic, because we
5230  * we needn't derive it from an orbital ellipse. we can say:
5231  * the axis of the osculating nodes is the intersection line of
5232  * the actual orbital plane of the moon and the plane of the
5233  * ecliptic. or: the osculating nodes are the intersections of
5234  * the two great circles representing the momentary apparent
5235  * orbit of the moon and the ecliptic. in this way they make
5236  * some sense. then, the nodes are really an axis, and they
5237  * have no geocentric distance. however, in this routine
5238  * we give a distance derived from the osculating ellipse.
5239  * the node could also be defined as the intersection axis
5240  * of the lunar orbital plane and the solar orbital plane,
5241  * which is not precisely identical to the ecliptic. this
5242  * would make a difference of several arcseconds.
5243  *
5244  * is it possible to keep the idea of a continuously moving
5245  * apogee that is exact at the moment when the moon passes
5246  * its greatest distance from earth?
5247  * to achieve this, we would probably have to interpolate between
5248  * the actual apogees.
5249  * the nodes could also be computed by interpolation. the resulting
5250  * nodes would deviate from the so-called 'true node' by less than
5251  * 30 arc minutes.
5252  *
5253  * sidereal and j2000 true node are first computed for the ecliptic
5254  * of epoch and then precessed to ecliptic of t0(ayanamsa) or J2000.
5255  * there is another procedure that computes the node for the ecliptic
5256  * of t0(ayanamsa) or J2000. it is excluded by
5257  * #ifdef SID_TNODE_FROM_ECL_T0
5258  */
lunar_osc_elem(double tjd,int ipl,int32 iflag,char * serr)5259 static int lunar_osc_elem(double tjd, int ipl, int32 iflag, char *serr)
5260 {
5261   int i, j, istart;
5262   int ipli = SEI_MOON;
5263   int32 epheflag = SEFLG_DEFAULTEPH;
5264   int retc = ERR;
5265   int32 flg1, flg2;
5266   double daya[2];
5267 #if 0
5268   struct node_data *ndp, *ndnp, *ndap;
5269 #else
5270   struct plan_data *ndp, *ndnp, *ndap;
5271 #endif
5272   struct epsilon *oe;
5273   double speed_intv = NODE_CALC_INTV;	/* to silence gcc warning */
5274   double a, b;
5275   double xpos[3][6], xx[3][6], xxa[3][6], xnorm[6], r[6];
5276   double *xp;
5277   double rxy, rxyz, t, dt, fac, sgn;
5278   double sinnode, cosnode, sinincl, cosincl, sinu, cosu, sinE, cosE;
5279   double uu, ny, sema, ecce, Gmsm, c2, v2, pp;
5280   int32 speedf1, speedf2;
5281 #ifdef SID_TNODE_FROM_ECL_T0
5282   struct sid_data *sip = &swed.sidd;
5283   struct epsilon oectmp;
5284   if (iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL) {
5285     calc_epsilon(sip->t0, iflag, &oectmp);
5286     oe = &oectmp;
5287   } else if (iflag & SEFLG_J2000)
5288     oe = &swed.oec2000;
5289   else
5290 #endif
5291     oe = &swed.oec;
5292   ndp = &swed.nddat[ipl];
5293   /* if elements have already been computed for this date, return
5294    * if speed flag has been turned on, recompute */
5295   flg1 = iflag & ~SEFLG_EQUATORIAL & ~SEFLG_XYZ;
5296   flg2 = ndp->xflgs & ~SEFLG_EQUATORIAL & ~SEFLG_XYZ;
5297   speedf1 = ndp->xflgs & SEFLG_SPEED;
5298   speedf2 = iflag & SEFLG_SPEED;
5299   if (tjd == ndp->teval
5300 	&& tjd != 0
5301 	&& flg1 == flg2
5302 	&& (!speedf2 || speedf1)) {
5303     ndp->xflgs = iflag;
5304     ndp->iephe = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
5305     return OK;
5306   }
5307   /* the geocentric position vector and the speed vector of the
5308    * moon make up the lunar orbital plane. the position vector
5309    * of the node is along the intersection line of the orbital
5310    * plane and the plane of the ecliptic.
5311    * to calculate the osculating node, we need one lunar position
5312    * with speed.
5313    * to calculate the speed of the osculating node, we need
5314    * three lunar positions and the speed of each of them.
5315    * this is relatively cheap, if the jpl-moon or the swisseph
5316    * moon is used. with the moshier moon this is much more
5317    * expensive, because then we need 9 lunar positions for
5318    * three speeds. but one position and speed can normally
5319    * be taken from swed.pldat[moon], which corresponds to
5320    * three moshier moon calculations.
5321    * the same is also true for the osculating apogee: we need
5322    * three lunar positions and speeds.
5323    */
5324   /*********************************************
5325    * now three lunar positions with speeds     *
5326    *********************************************/
5327   if (iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH)
5328     epheflag = SEFLG_MOSEPH;
5329   else if (iflag & SEFLG_SWIEPH)
5330     epheflag = SEFLG_SWIEPH;
5331   else if (iflag & SEFLG_JPLEPH)
5332     epheflag = SEFLG_JPLEPH;
5333   /* there may be a moon of wrong ephemeris in save area
5334    * force new computation: */
5335   swed.pldat[SEI_MOON].teval = 0;
5336   if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5337     istart = 0;
5338   else
5339     istart = 2;
5340   if (serr != NULL)
5341     *serr = '\0';
5342   three_positions:
5343   switch(epheflag) {
5344     case SEFLG_JPLEPH:
5345       speed_intv = NODE_CALC_INTV;
5346       for (i = istart; i <= 2; i++) {
5347 	if (i == 0)
5348 	  t = tjd - speed_intv;
5349         else if (i == 1)
5350 	  t = tjd + speed_intv;
5351         else
5352 	  t = tjd;
5353 	xp = xpos[i];
5354 	retc = jplplan(t, ipli, iflag, NO_SAVE, xp, NULL, NULL, serr);
5355 	/* read error or corrupt file */
5356 	if (retc == ERR)
5357 	  return(ERR);
5358 	/* light-time-corrected moon for apparent node
5359 	 * this makes a difference of several milliarcseconds with
5360 	 * the node and 0.1" with the apogee.
5361 	 * the simple formual 'x[j] -= dt * speed' should not be
5362 	 * used here. the error would be greater than the advantage
5363 	 * of computation speed. */
5364 	if ((iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) == 0 && retc >= OK) {
5365 	  dt = sqrt(square_sum(xpos[i])) * AUNIT / CLIGHT / 86400.0;
5366 	  retc = jplplan(t-dt, ipli, iflag, NO_SAVE, xpos[i], NULL, NULL, serr);/**/
5367 	  /* read error or corrupt file */
5368 	  if (retc == ERR)
5369 	    return(ERR);
5370         }
5371 	/* jpl ephemeris not on disk, or date beyond ephemeris range */
5372 	if (retc == NOT_AVAILABLE) {
5373 	  iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_JPLEPH) | SEFLG_SWIEPH;
5374 	  epheflag = SEFLG_SWIEPH;
5375 	  if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
5376 	    strcat(serr, " \ntrying Swiss Eph; ");
5377 	  break;
5378 	} else if (retc == BEYOND_EPH_LIMITS) {
5379 	  if (tjd > MOSHLUEPH_START && tjd < MOSHLUEPH_END) {
5380 	    iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_JPLEPH) | SEFLG_MOSEPH;
5381 	    epheflag = SEFLG_MOSEPH;
5382 	    if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
5383 	      strcat(serr, " \nusing Moshier Eph; ");
5384 	    break;
5385 	  } else
5386 	    return ERR;
5387 	}
5388 	/* precession and nutation etc. */
5389 	retc = swi_plan_for_osc_elem(iflag|SEFLG_SPEED, t, xpos[i]); /* retc is always ok */
5390       }
5391       break;
5392     case SEFLG_SWIEPH:
5393 #if 0
5394       sweph_moon:
5395 #endif
5396       speed_intv = NODE_CALC_INTV;
5397       for (i = istart; i <= 2; i++) {
5398 	if (i == 0)
5399 	  t = tjd - speed_intv;
5400         else if (i == 1)
5401 	  t = tjd + speed_intv;
5402         else
5403 	  t = tjd;
5404 	retc = swemoon(t, iflag | SEFLG_SPEED, NO_SAVE, xpos[i], serr);/**/
5405 	if (retc == ERR)
5406 	  return(ERR);
5407 	/* light-time-corrected moon for apparent node (~ 0.006") */
5408 	if ((iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) == 0 && retc >= OK) {
5409 	  dt = sqrt(square_sum(xpos[i])) * AUNIT / CLIGHT / 86400.0;
5410 	  retc = swemoon(t-dt, iflag | SEFLG_SPEED, NO_SAVE, xpos[i], serr);/**/
5411 	  if (retc == ERR)
5412 	    return(ERR);
5413         }
5414 	if (retc == NOT_AVAILABLE) {
5415 	  if (tjd > MOSHPLEPH_START && tjd < MOSHPLEPH_END) {
5416 	    iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_SWIEPH) | SEFLG_MOSEPH;
5417 	    epheflag = SEFLG_MOSEPH;
5418 	    if (serr != NULL && strlen(serr) + 30 < AS_MAXCH)
5419 	      strcat(serr, " \nusing Moshier eph.; ");
5420 	    break;
5421 	  } else
5422 	    return ERR;
5423 	}
5424 	/* precession and nutation etc. */
5425 	retc = swi_plan_for_osc_elem(iflag|SEFLG_SPEED, t, xpos[i]); /* retc is always ok */
5426       }
5427       break;
5428     case SEFLG_MOSEPH:
5429 #if 0
5430       moshier_moon:
5431 #endif
5432       /* with moshier moon, we need a greater speed_intv, because here the
5433        * node and apogee oscillate wildly within small intervals */
5434       speed_intv = NODE_CALC_INTV_MOSH;
5435       for (i = istart; i <= 2; i++) {
5436 	if (i == 0)
5437 	  t = tjd - speed_intv;
5438         else if (i == 1)
5439 	  t = tjd + speed_intv;
5440         else
5441 	  t = tjd;
5442 	retc = swi_moshmoon(t, NO_SAVE, xpos[i], serr);/**/
5443 	if (retc == ERR)
5444 	  return(retc);
5445 #if 0
5446 	/* light-time-corrected moon for apparent node.
5447 	 * can be neglected with moshier */
5448 	if ((iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) == 0 && retc >= OK) {
5449 	  dt = sqrt(square_sum(xpos[i])) * AUNIT / CLIGHT / 86400;
5450 	  retc = swi_moshmoon(t-dt, NO_SAVE, xpos[i], serr);/**/
5451         }
5452 #endif
5453 	/* precession and nutation etc. */
5454 	retc = swi_plan_for_osc_elem(iflag|SEFLG_SPEED, t, xpos[i]); /* retc is always ok */
5455       }
5456       break;
5457     default:
5458       break;
5459   }
5460   if (retc == NOT_AVAILABLE || retc == BEYOND_EPH_LIMITS)
5461     goto three_positions;
5462   /*********************************************
5463    * node with speed                           *
5464    *********************************************/
5465   /* node is always needed, even if apogee is wanted */
5466   ndnp = &swed.nddat[SEI_TRUE_NODE];
5467   /* three nodes */
5468   for (i = istart; i <= 2; i++) {
5469     if (fabs(xpos[i][5]) < 1e-15)
5470       xpos[i][5] = 1e-15;
5471     fac = xpos[i][2] / xpos[i][5];
5472     sgn = xpos[i][5] / fabs(xpos[i][5]);
5473     for (j = 0; j <= 2; j++)
5474       xx[i][j] = (xpos[i][j] - fac * xpos[i][j+3]) * sgn;
5475   }
5476   /* now we have the correct direction of the node, the
5477    * intersection of the lunar plane and the ecliptic plane.
5478    * the distance is the distance of the point where the tangent
5479    * of the lunar motion penetrates the ecliptic plane.
5480    * this can be very large, e.g. j2415080.37372.
5481    * below, a new distance will be derived from the osculating
5482    * ellipse.
5483    */
5484   /* save position and speed */
5485   for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
5486     ndnp->x[i] = xx[2][i];
5487     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
5488       b = (xx[1][i] - xx[0][i]) / 2;
5489       a = (xx[1][i] + xx[0][i]) / 2 - xx[2][i];
5490       ndnp->x[i+3] = (2 * a + b) / speed_intv;
5491     } else
5492       ndnp->x[i+3] = 0;
5493     ndnp->teval = tjd;
5494     ndnp->iephe = epheflag;
5495   }
5496   /************************************************************
5497    * apogee with speed                                        *
5498    * must be computed anyway to get the node's distance       *
5499    ************************************************************/
5500   ndap = &swed.nddat[SEI_OSCU_APOG];
5501   Gmsm = GEOGCONST * (1 + 1 / EARTH_MOON_MRAT) /AUNIT/AUNIT/AUNIT*86400.0*86400.0;
5502   /* three apogees */
5503   for (i = istart; i <= 2; i++) {
5504     /* node */
5505     rxy =  sqrt(xx[i][0] * xx[i][0] + xx[i][1] * xx[i][1]);
5506     cosnode = xx[i][0] / rxy;
5507     sinnode = xx[i][1] / rxy;
5508     /* inclination */
5509     swi_cross_prod(xpos[i], xpos[i]+3, xnorm);
5510     rxy =  xnorm[0] * xnorm[0] + xnorm[1] * xnorm[1];
5511     c2 = (rxy + xnorm[2] * xnorm[2]);
5512     rxyz = sqrt(c2);
5513     rxy = sqrt(rxy);
5514     sinincl = rxy / rxyz;
5515     cosincl = sqrt(1 - sinincl * sinincl);
5516     /* argument of latitude */
5517     cosu = xpos[i][0] * cosnode + xpos[i][1] * sinnode;
5518     sinu = xpos[i][2] / sinincl;
5519     uu = atan2(sinu, cosu);
5520     /* semi-axis */
5521     rxyz = sqrt(square_sum(xpos[i]));
5522     v2 = square_sum((xpos[i]+3));
5523     sema = 1 / (2 / rxyz - v2 / Gmsm);
5524     /* eccentricity */
5525     pp = c2 / Gmsm;
5526     ecce = sqrt(1 - pp / sema);
5527     /* eccentric anomaly */
5528     cosE = 1 / ecce * (1 - rxyz / sema);
5529     sinE = 1 / ecce / sqrt(sema * Gmsm) * dot_prod(xpos[i], (xpos[i]+3));
5530     /* true anomaly */
5531     ny = 2 * atan(sqrt((1+ecce)/(1-ecce)) * sinE / (1 + cosE));
5532     /* distance of apogee from ascending node */
5533     xxa[i][0] = swi_mod2PI(uu - ny + PI);
5534     xxa[i][1] = 0;			/* latitude */
5535     xxa[i][2] = sema * (1 + ecce);	/* distance */
5536     /* transformation to ecliptic coordinates */
5537     swi_polcart(xxa[i], xxa[i]);
5538     swi_coortrf2(xxa[i], xxa[i], -sinincl, cosincl);
5539     swi_cartpol(xxa[i], xxa[i]);
5540     /* adding node, we get apogee in ecl. coord. */
5541     xxa[i][0] += atan2(sinnode, cosnode);
5542     swi_polcart(xxa[i], xxa[i]);
5543     /* new distance of node from orbital ellipse:
5544      * true anomaly of node: */
5545     ny = swi_mod2PI(ny - uu);
5546     /* eccentric anomaly */
5547     cosE = cos(2 * atan(tan(ny / 2) / sqrt((1+ecce) / (1-ecce))));
5548     /* new distance */
5549     r[0] = sema * (1 - ecce * cosE);
5550     /* old node distance */
5551     r[1] = sqrt(square_sum(xx[i]));
5552     /* correct length of position vector */
5553     for (j = 0; j <= 2; j++)
5554       xx[i][j] *= r[0] / r[1];
5555   }
5556   /* save position and speed */
5557   for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
5558     /* apogee */
5559     ndap->x[i] = xxa[2][i];
5560     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5561       ndap->x[i+3] = (xxa[1][i] - xxa[0][i]) / speed_intv / 2;
5562     else
5563       ndap->x[i+3] = 0;
5564     ndap->teval = tjd;
5565     ndap->iephe = epheflag;
5566     /* node */
5567     ndnp->x[i] = xx[2][i];
5568     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5569       ndnp->x[i+3] = (xx[1][i] - xx[0][i]) / speed_intv / 2;/**/
5570     else
5571       ndnp->x[i+3] = 0;
5572   }
5573   /**********************************************************************
5574    * precession and nutation have already been taken into account
5575    * because the computation is on the basis of lunar positions
5576    * that have gone through swi_plan_for_osc_elem.
5577    * light-time is already contained in lunar positions.
5578    * now compute polar and equatorial coordinates:
5579    **********************************************************************/
5580   for (j = 0; j <= 1; j++) {
5581     double x[6];
5582     if (j == 0)
5583       ndp = &swed.nddat[SEI_TRUE_NODE];
5584     else
5585       ndp = &swed.nddat[SEI_OSCU_APOG];
5586     memset((void *) ndp->xreturn, 0, 24 * sizeof(double));
5587     /* cartesian ecliptic */
5588     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
5589       ndp->xreturn[6+i] = ndp->x[i];
5590     /* polar ecliptic */
5591     swi_cartpol_sp(ndp->xreturn+6, ndp->xreturn);
5592     /* cartesian equatorial */
5593     swi_coortrf2(ndp->xreturn+6, ndp->xreturn+18, -oe->seps, oe->ceps);
5594     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5595       swi_coortrf2(ndp->xreturn+9, ndp->xreturn+21, -oe->seps, oe->ceps);
5596 #ifdef SID_TNODE_FROM_ECL_T0
5597     /* sideral: we return NORMAL equatorial coordinates, there are no
5598      * sidereal ones */
5599     if (iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL) {
5600       /* to J2000 */
5601       swi_precess(ndp->xreturn+18, sip->t0, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
5602       if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5603 	swi_precess_speed(ndp->xreturn+21, sip->t0, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
5604       if (!(iflag & SEFLG_J2000)) {
5605 	/* to tjd */
5606 	swi_precess(ndp->xreturn+18, tjd, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
5607 	if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5608 	  swi_precess_speed(ndp->xreturn+21, tjd, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
5609       }
5610     }
5611 #endif
5612     if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT)) {
5613       swi_coortrf2(ndp->xreturn+18, ndp->xreturn+18, -swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
5614       if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5615 	swi_coortrf2(ndp->xreturn+21, ndp->xreturn+21, -swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
5616     }
5617     /* polar equatorial */
5618     swi_cartpol_sp(ndp->xreturn+18, ndp->xreturn+12);
5619     ndp->xflgs = iflag;
5620     ndp->iephe = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
5621 #ifdef SID_TNODE_FROM_ECL_T0
5622     /* node and apogee are already referred to t0;
5623      * nothing has to be done */
5624 #else
5625     if (iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL) {
5626       /* node and apogee are referred to t;
5627        * the ecliptic position must be transformed to t0 */
5628       /* rigorous algorithm */
5629       if ((swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_ECL_T0)
5630         || (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_SSY_PLANE)) {
5631 	for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
5632 	  x[i] = ndp->xreturn[18+i];
5633 	/* remove nutation */
5634 	if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT))
5635 	  swi_nutate(x, iflag, TRUE);
5636 	/* precess to J2000 */
5637 	swi_precess(x, tjd, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
5638 	if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5639 	  swi_precess_speed(x, tjd, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
5640         if (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_ECL_T0)
5641 	  swi_trop_ra2sid_lon(x, ndp->xreturn+6, ndp->xreturn+18, iflag);
5642         /* project onto solar system equator */
5643         else if (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_SSY_PLANE)
5644           swi_trop_ra2sid_lon_sosy(x, ndp->xreturn+6, iflag);
5645 	/* to polar */
5646 	swi_cartpol_sp(ndp->xreturn+6, ndp->xreturn);
5647         swi_cartpol_sp(ndp->xreturn+18, ndp->xreturn+12);
5648       /* traditional algorithm;
5649        * this is a bit clumsy, but allows us to keep the
5650        * sidereal code together */
5651       } else {
5652 	swi_cartpol_sp(ndp->xreturn+6, ndp->xreturn);
5653 	if (swi_get_ayanamsa_with_speed(ndp->teval, iflag, daya, serr) == ERR)
5654 	  return ERR;
5655 	ndp->xreturn[0] -= daya[0] * DEGTORAD;
5656 	ndp->xreturn[3] -= daya[1] * DEGTORAD;
5657 	swi_polcart_sp(ndp->xreturn, ndp->xreturn+6);
5658       }
5659     } else if (iflag & SEFLG_J2000) {
5660       /* node and apogee are referred to t;
5661        * the ecliptic position must be transformed to J2000 */
5662       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
5663         x[i] = ndp->xreturn[18+i];
5664       /* precess to J2000 */
5665       swi_precess(x, tjd, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
5666       if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5667         swi_precess_speed(x, tjd, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
5668       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
5669         ndp->xreturn[18+i] = x[i];
5670       swi_cartpol_sp(ndp->xreturn+18, ndp->xreturn+12);
5671       swi_coortrf2(ndp->xreturn+18, ndp->xreturn+6, swed.oec2000.seps, swed.oec2000.ceps);
5672       if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5673         swi_coortrf2(ndp->xreturn+21, ndp->xreturn+9, swed.oec2000.seps, swed.oec2000.ceps);
5674       swi_cartpol_sp(ndp->xreturn+6, ndp->xreturn);
5675     }
5676 #endif
5677     /**********************
5678      * radians to degrees *
5679      **********************/
5680     /*if (!(iflag & SEFLG_RADIANS)) {*/
5681       for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
5682         ndp->xreturn[i] *= RADTODEG;	/* ecliptic */
5683         ndp->xreturn[i+3] *= RADTODEG;
5684         ndp->xreturn[i+12] *= RADTODEG;	/* equator */
5685         ndp->xreturn[i+15] *= RADTODEG;
5686       }
5687       ndp->xreturn[0] = swe_degnorm(ndp->xreturn[0]);
5688       ndp->xreturn[12] = swe_degnorm(ndp->xreturn[12]);
5689     /*}*/
5690   }
5691   return OK;
5692 }
5694 /* lunar osculating elements, i.e.
5695  */
intp_apsides(double tjd,int ipl,int32 iflag,char * serr)5696 static int intp_apsides(double tjd, int ipl, int32 iflag, char *serr)
5697 {
5698   int i;
5699   int32 flg1, flg2;
5700   struct plan_data *ndp;
5701   struct epsilon *oe;
5702   struct nut *nut;
5703   double daya[2];
5704   double speed_intv = 0.1;
5705   double t, dt;
5706   double xpos[3][6], xx[6], x[6];
5707   int32 speedf1, speedf2;
5708   oe = &swed.oec;
5709   nut = &swed.nut;
5710   ndp = &swed.nddat[ipl];
5711   /* if same calculation was done before, return
5712    * if speed flag has been turned on, recompute */
5713   flg1 = iflag & ~SEFLG_EQUATORIAL & ~SEFLG_XYZ;
5714   flg2 = ndp->xflgs & ~SEFLG_EQUATORIAL & ~SEFLG_XYZ;
5715   speedf1 = ndp->xflgs & SEFLG_SPEED;
5716   speedf2 = iflag & SEFLG_SPEED;
5717   if (tjd == ndp->teval
5718 	&& tjd != 0
5719 	&& flg1 == flg2
5720 	&& (!speedf2 || speedf1)) {
5721     ndp->xflgs = iflag;
5722     ndp->iephe = iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH;
5723     return OK;
5724   }
5725   /*********************************************
5726    * now three apsides *
5727    *********************************************/
5728   for (t = tjd - speed_intv, i = 0; i < 3; t += speed_intv, i++) {
5729     if (! (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) && i != 1) continue;
5730     swi_intp_apsides(t, xpos[i], ipl);
5731   }
5732   /************************************************************
5733    * apsis with speed                                         *
5734    ************************************************************/
5735   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
5736     xx[i] = xpos[1][i];
5737     xx[i+3] = 0;
5738   }
5739   if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
5740     xx[3] = swe_difrad2n(xpos[2][0], xpos[0][0]) / speed_intv / 2.0;
5741     xx[4] = (xpos[2][1] - xpos[0][1]) / speed_intv / 2.0;
5742     xx[5] = (xpos[2][2] - xpos[0][2]) / speed_intv / 2.0;
5743   }
5744   memset((void *) ndp->xreturn, 0, 24 * sizeof(double));
5745   /* ecliptic polar to cartesian */
5746   swi_polcart_sp(xx, xx);
5747   /* light-time */
5748   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS)) {
5749     dt = sqrt(square_sum(xx)) * AUNIT / CLIGHT / 86400.0;
5750     for (i = 1; i < 3; i++)
5751       xx[i] -= dt * xx[i+3];
5752   }
5753   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
5754     ndp->xreturn[i+6] = xx[i];
5755   /*printf("%.10f, %.10f, %.10f, %.10f\n", xx[0] /DEGTORAD, xx[1] / DEGTORAD, xx [2], xx[3] /DEGTORAD);*/
5756   /* equatorial cartesian */
5757   swi_coortrf2(ndp->xreturn+6, ndp->xreturn+18, -oe->seps, oe->ceps);
5758   if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5759     swi_coortrf2(ndp->xreturn+9, ndp->xreturn+21, -oe->seps, oe->ceps);
5760   ndp->teval = tjd;
5761   ndp->xflgs = iflag;
5762   ndp->iephe = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
5763   if (iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL) {
5764     /* apogee is referred to t;
5765      * the ecliptic position must be transformed to t0 */
5766     /* rigorous algorithm */
5767     if ((swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_ECL_T0)
5768 	|| (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_SSY_PLANE)) {
5769       for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
5770 	x[i] = ndp->xreturn[18+i];
5771       /* precess to J2000 */
5772       swi_precess(x, tjd, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
5773       if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5774 	swi_precess_speed(x, tjd, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
5775       if (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_ECL_T0)
5776 	swi_trop_ra2sid_lon(x, ndp->xreturn+6, ndp->xreturn+18, iflag);
5777       /* project onto solar system equator */
5778       else if (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_SSY_PLANE)
5779 	swi_trop_ra2sid_lon_sosy(x, ndp->xreturn+6, iflag);
5780       /* to polar */
5781       swi_cartpol_sp(ndp->xreturn+6, ndp->xreturn);
5782       swi_cartpol_sp(ndp->xreturn+18, ndp->xreturn+12);
5783     } else {
5784     /* traditional algorithm */
5785       swi_cartpol_sp(ndp->xreturn+6, ndp->xreturn);
5786       if (swi_get_ayanamsa_with_speed(ndp->teval, iflag, daya, serr) == ERR)
5787         return ERR;
5788       ndp->xreturn[0] -= daya[0] * DEGTORAD;
5789       ndp->xreturn[3] -= daya[1] * DEGTORAD;
5790       swi_polcart_sp(ndp->xreturn, ndp->xreturn+6);
5791       swi_cartpol_sp(ndp->xreturn+18, ndp->xreturn+12);
5792     }
5793   } else if (iflag & SEFLG_J2000) {
5794     /* node and apogee are referred to t;
5795      * the ecliptic position must be transformed to J2000 */
5796     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
5797       x[i] = ndp->xreturn[18+i];
5798     /* precess to J2000 */
5799     swi_precess(x, tjd, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
5800     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5801       swi_precess_speed(x, tjd, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
5802     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
5803       ndp->xreturn[18+i] = x[i];
5804     swi_cartpol_sp(ndp->xreturn+18, ndp->xreturn+12);
5805     swi_coortrf2(ndp->xreturn+18, ndp->xreturn+6, swed.oec2000.seps, swed.oec2000.ceps);
5806     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5807       swi_coortrf2(ndp->xreturn+21, ndp->xreturn+9, swed.oec2000.seps, swed.oec2000.ceps);
5808     swi_cartpol_sp(ndp->xreturn+6, ndp->xreturn);
5809   } else {
5810     /* tropical ecliptic positions */
5811     /* precession has already been taken into account, but not nutation */
5812     if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT)) {
5813       swi_nutate(ndp->xreturn+18, iflag, FALSE);
5814     }
5815     /* equatorial polar */
5816     swi_cartpol_sp(ndp->xreturn+18, ndp->xreturn+12);
5817     /* ecliptic cartesian */
5818     swi_coortrf2(ndp->xreturn+18, ndp->xreturn+6, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
5819     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5820       swi_coortrf2(ndp->xreturn+21, ndp->xreturn+9, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
5821     if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT)) {
5822       swi_coortrf2(ndp->xreturn+6, ndp->xreturn+6, nut->snut, nut->cnut);
5823       if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
5824 	swi_coortrf2(ndp->xreturn+9, ndp->xreturn+9, nut->snut, nut->cnut);
5825     }
5826     /* ecliptic polar */
5827     swi_cartpol_sp(ndp->xreturn+6, ndp->xreturn);
5828   }
5829   /**********************
5830    * radians to degrees *
5831    **********************/
5832   /*if (!(iflag & SEFLG_RADIANS)) {*/
5833   for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
5834     ndp->xreturn[i] *= RADTODEG;		/* ecliptic */
5835     ndp->xreturn[i+3] *= RADTODEG;
5836     ndp->xreturn[i+12] *= RADTODEG;	/* equator */
5837     ndp->xreturn[i+15] *= RADTODEG;
5838   }
5839   ndp->xreturn[0] = swe_degnorm(ndp->xreturn[0]);
5840   ndp->xreturn[12] = swe_degnorm(ndp->xreturn[12]);
5841   /*}*/
5842   return OK;
5843 }
5845 /* transforms the position of the moon in a way we can use it
5846  * for calculation of osculating node and apogee:
5847  * precession and nutation (attention to speed vector!)
5848  * according to flags
5849  * iflag	flags
5850  * tjd          time for which the element is computed
5851  *              i.e. date of ecliptic
5852  * xx           array equatorial cartesian position and speed
5853  * serr         error string
5854  */
swi_plan_for_osc_elem(int32 iflag,double tjd,double * xx)5855 int swi_plan_for_osc_elem(int32 iflag, double tjd, double *xx)
5856 {
5857   int i;
5858   double x[6];
5859   struct nut nuttmp;
5860   struct nut *nutp = &nuttmp;	/* dummy assign, to silence gcc warning */
5861   struct epsilon *oe = &swed.oec;
5862   struct epsilon oectmp;
5863   /* ICRS to J2000 */
5864   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_ICRS) && swi_get_denum(SEI_SUN, iflag) >= 403) {
5865     swi_bias(xx, tjd, iflag, FALSE);
5866   }/**/
5867   /************************************************
5868    * precession, equator 2000 -> equator of date  *
5869    * attention: speed vector has to be rotated,   *
5870    * but daily precession 0.137" may not be added!*/
5871 #ifdef SID_TNODE_FROM_ECL_T0
5872   struct sid_data *sip = &swed.sidd;
5873   /* For sidereal calculation we need node refered*
5874    * to ecliptic of t0 of ayanamsa                *
5875    ************************************************/
5876   if (iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL) {
5877     tjd = sip->t0;
5878     swi_precess(xx, tjd, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
5879     swi_precess(xx+3, tjd, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
5880     calc_epsilon(tjd, iflag, &oectmp);
5881     oe = &oectmp;
5882   } else if (!(iflag & SEFLG_J2000)) {
5883 #endif
5884     swi_precess(xx, tjd, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
5885     swi_precess(xx+3, tjd, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
5886     /* epsilon */
5887     if (tjd == swed.oec.teps)
5888       oe = &swed.oec;
5889     else if (tjd == J2000)
5890       oe = &swed.oec2000;
5891     else  {
5892       calc_epsilon(tjd, iflag, &oectmp);
5893       oe = &oectmp;
5894     }
5895 #ifdef SID_TNODE_FROM_ECL_T0
5896   } else	/* if SEFLG_J2000 */
5897     oe = &swed.oec2000;
5898 #endif
5899   /************************************************
5900    * nutation                                     *
5901    * again: speed vector must be rotated, but not *
5902    * added 'speed' of nutation                    *
5903    ************************************************/
5904   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT)) {
5905     if (tjd == swed.nut.tnut) {
5906       nutp = &swed.nut;
5907     } else if (tjd == J2000) {
5908       nutp = &swed.nut2000;
5909     } else if (tjd == swed.nutv.tnut) {
5910       nutp = &swed.nutv;
5911     } else {
5912       nutp = &nuttmp;
5913       swi_nutation(tjd, iflag, nutp->nutlo);
5914       nutp->tnut = tjd;
5915       nutp->snut = sin(nutp->nutlo[1]);
5916       nutp->cnut = cos(nutp->nutlo[1]);
5917       nut_matrix(nutp, oe);
5918     }
5919     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
5920       x[i] = xx[0] * nutp->matrix[0][i] +
5921 	     xx[1] * nutp->matrix[1][i] +
5922 	     xx[2] * nutp->matrix[2][i];
5923     }
5924     /* speed:
5925      * rotation only */
5926     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
5927       x[i+3] = xx[3] * nutp->matrix[0][i] +
5928 	       xx[4] * nutp->matrix[1][i] +
5929 	       xx[5] * nutp->matrix[2][i];
5930     }
5931     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
5932       xx[i] = x[i];
5933   }
5934   /************************************************
5935    * transformation to ecliptic                   *
5936    ************************************************/
5937   swi_coortrf2(xx, xx, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
5938   swi_coortrf2(xx+3, xx+3, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
5939 #ifdef SID_TNODE_FROM_ECL_T0
5940   if (iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL) {
5941     /* subtract ayan_t0 */
5942     swi_cartpol_sp(xx, xx);
5943     xx[0] -= sip->ayan_t0;
5944     swi_polcart_sp(xx, xx);
5945   } else
5946 #endif
5947   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT)) {
5948     swi_coortrf2(xx, xx, nutp->snut, nutp->cnut);
5949     swi_coortrf2(xx+3, xx+3, nutp->snut, nutp->cnut);
5950   }
5951   return(OK);
5952 }
5954 static const struct meff_ele eff_arr[] = {
5955   /*
5956    * r , m_eff for photon passing the sun at min distance r (fraction of Rsun)
5957    * the values where computed with sun_model.c, which is a classic
5958    * treatment of a photon passing a gravity field, multiplied by 2.
5959    * The sun mass distribution m(r) is from Michael Stix, The Sun, p. 47.
5960    */
5961   {1.000, 1.000000},
5962   {0.990, 0.999979},
5963   {0.980, 0.999940},
5964   {0.970, 0.999881},
5965   {0.960, 0.999811},
5966   {0.950, 0.999724},
5967   {0.940, 0.999622},
5968   {0.930, 0.999497},
5969   {0.920, 0.999354},
5970   {0.910, 0.999192},
5971   {0.900, 0.999000},
5972   {0.890, 0.998786},
5973   {0.880, 0.998535},
5974   {0.870, 0.998242},
5975   {0.860, 0.997919},
5976   {0.850, 0.997571},
5977   {0.840, 0.997198},
5978   {0.830, 0.996792},
5979   {0.820, 0.996316},
5980   {0.810, 0.995791},
5981   {0.800, 0.995226},
5982   {0.790, 0.994625},
5983   {0.780, 0.993991},
5984   {0.770, 0.993326},
5985   {0.760, 0.992598},
5986   {0.750, 0.991770},
5987   {0.740, 0.990873},
5988   {0.730, 0.989919},
5989   {0.720, 0.988912},
5990   {0.710, 0.987856},
5991   {0.700, 0.986755},
5992   {0.690, 0.985610},
5993   {0.680, 0.984398},
5994   {0.670, 0.982986},
5995   {0.660, 0.981437},
5996   {0.650, 0.979779},
5997   {0.640, 0.978024},
5998   {0.630, 0.976182},
5999   {0.620, 0.974256},
6000   {0.610, 0.972253},
6001   {0.600, 0.970174},
6002   {0.590, 0.968024},
6003   {0.580, 0.965594},
6004   {0.570, 0.962797},
6005   {0.560, 0.959758},
6006   {0.550, 0.956515},
6007   {0.540, 0.953088},
6008   {0.530, 0.949495},
6009   {0.520, 0.945741},
6010   {0.510, 0.941838},
6011   {0.500, 0.937790},
6012   {0.490, 0.933563},
6013   {0.480, 0.928668},
6014   {0.470, 0.923288},
6015   {0.460, 0.917527},
6016   {0.450, 0.911432},
6017   {0.440, 0.905035},
6018   {0.430, 0.898353},
6019   {0.420, 0.891022},
6020   {0.410, 0.882940},
6021   {0.400, 0.874312},
6022   {0.390, 0.865206},
6023   {0.380, 0.855423},
6024   {0.370, 0.844619},
6025   {0.360, 0.833074},
6026   {0.350, 0.820876},
6027   {0.340, 0.808031},
6028   {0.330, 0.793962},
6029   {0.320, 0.778931},
6030   {0.310, 0.763021},
6031   {0.300, 0.745815},
6032   {0.290, 0.727557},
6033   {0.280, 0.708234},
6034   {0.270, 0.687583},
6035   {0.260, 0.665741},
6036   {0.250, 0.642597},
6037   {0.240, 0.618252},
6038   {0.230, 0.592586},
6039   {0.220, 0.565747},
6040   {0.210, 0.537697},
6041   {0.200, 0.508554},
6042   {0.190, 0.478420},
6043   {0.180, 0.447322},
6044   {0.170, 0.415454},
6045   {0.160, 0.382892},
6046   {0.150, 0.349955},
6047   {0.140, 0.316691},
6048   {0.130, 0.283565},
6049   {0.120, 0.250431},
6050   {0.110, 0.218327},
6051   {0.100, 0.186794},
6052   {0.090, 0.156287},
6053   {0.080, 0.128421},
6054   {0.070, 0.102237},
6055   {0.060, 0.077393},
6056   {0.050, 0.054833},
6057   {0.040, 0.036361},
6058   {0.030, 0.020953},
6059   {0.020, 0.009645},
6060   {0.010, 0.002767},
6061   {0.000, 0.000000}
6062 };
meff(double r)6063 static double meff(double r)
6064 {
6065   double f, m;
6066   int i;
6067   if (r <= 0)
6068     return 0.0;
6069   else if (r >= 1)
6070     return 1.0;
6071   for (i = 0; eff_arr[i].r > r; i++)
6072     ;	/* empty body */
6073   f = (r - eff_arr[i-1].r) / (eff_arr[i].r - eff_arr[i-1].r);
6074   m = eff_arr[i-1].m + f * (eff_arr[i].m - eff_arr[i-1].m);
6075   return m;
6076 }
denormalize_positions(double * x0,double * x1,double * x2)6078 static void denormalize_positions(double *x0, double *x1, double *x2)
6079 {
6080   int i;
6081   /* x*[0] = ecliptic longitude, x*[12] = rectascension */
6082   for (i = 0; i <= 12; i += 12) {
6083     if (x1[i] - x0[i] < -180)
6084       x0[i] -= 360;
6085     if (x1[i] - x0[i] > 180)
6086       x0[i] += 360;
6087     if (x1[i] - x2[i] < -180)
6088       x2[i] -= 360;
6089     if (x1[i] - x2[i] > 180)
6090       x2[i] += 360;
6091   }
6092 }
calc_speed(double * x0,double * x1,double * x2,double dt)6094 static void calc_speed(double *x0, double *x1, double *x2, double dt)
6095 {
6096   int i, j, k;
6097   double a, b;
6098   for (j = 0; j <= 18; j += 6) {
6099     for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
6100       k = j + i;
6101       b = (x2[k] - x0[k]) / 2;
6102       a = (x2[k] + x0[k]) / 2 - x1[k];
6103       x1[k+3] = (2 * a + b) / dt;
6104     }
6105   }
6106 }
swi_check_ecliptic(double tjd,int32 iflag)6108 void swi_check_ecliptic(double tjd, int32 iflag)
6109 {
6110   if (swed.oec2000.teps != J2000) {
6111     calc_epsilon(J2000, iflag, &swed.oec2000);
6112   }
6113   if (tjd == J2000) {
6114     swed.oec.teps = swed.oec2000.teps;
6115     swed.oec.eps = swed.oec2000.eps;
6116     swed.oec.seps = swed.oec2000.seps;
6117     swed.oec.ceps = swed.oec2000.ceps;
6118     return;
6119   }
6120   if (swed.oec.teps != tjd || tjd == 0) {
6121     calc_epsilon(tjd, iflag, &swed.oec);
6122   }
6123 }
6125 /* computes nutation, if it is wanted and has not yet been computed.
6126  * if speed flag has been turned on since last computation,
6127  * nutation is recomputed */
swi_check_nutation(double tjd,int32 iflag)6128 void swi_check_nutation(double tjd, int32 iflag)
6129 {
6130   int32 speedf1, speedf2;
6131   static TLS int32 nutflag = 0;
6132   double t;
6133   speedf1 = nutflag & SEFLG_SPEED;
6134   speedf2 = iflag & SEFLG_SPEED;
6135   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT)
6136 	&& (tjd != swed.nut.tnut || tjd == 0
6137 	|| (!speedf1 && speedf2))) {
6138     swi_nutation(tjd, iflag, swed.nut.nutlo);
6139     swed.nut.tnut = tjd;
6140     swed.nut.snut = sin(swed.nut.nutlo[1]);
6141     swed.nut.cnut = cos(swed.nut.nutlo[1]);
6142     nutflag = iflag;
6143     nut_matrix(&swed.nut, &swed.oec);
6144     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
6145       /* once more for 'speed' of nutation, which is needed for
6146        * planetary speeds */
6147       t = tjd - NUT_SPEED_INTV;
6148       swi_nutation(t, iflag, swed.nutv.nutlo);
6149       swed.nutv.tnut = t;
6150       swed.nutv.snut = sin(swed.nutv.nutlo[1]);
6151       swed.nutv.cnut = cos(swed.nutv.nutlo[1]);
6152       nut_matrix(&swed.nutv, &swed.oec);
6153     }
6154   }
6155 }
6157 /* function
6158  * - corrects nonsensical iflags
6159  * - completes incomplete iflags
6160  */
plaus_iflag(int32 iflag,int32 ipl,double tjd,char * serr)6161 static int32 plaus_iflag(int32 iflag, int32 ipl, double tjd, char *serr)
6162 {
6163   int32 epheflag = 0;
6164   int jplhor_model = swed.astro_models[SE_MODEL_JPLHOR_MODE];
6165   int jplhora_model = swed.astro_models[SE_MODEL_JPLHORA_MODE];
6166   if (jplhor_model == 0) jplhor_model = SEMOD_JPLHOR_DEFAULT;
6167   if (jplhora_model == 0) jplhora_model = SEMOD_JPLHORA_DEFAULT;
6168   /* either Horizons mode or simplified Horizons mode, not both */
6169   if (iflag & SEFLG_JPLHOR)
6170     iflag &= ~SEFLG_JPLHOR_APPROX;
6171   /* if topocentric bit, turn helio- and barycentric bits off;
6172    */
6173   if (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR) {
6174     iflag = iflag & ~(SEFLG_HELCTR | SEFLG_BARYCTR);
6175   }
6176   /* if barycentric bit, turn heliocentric bit off */
6177   if (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR)
6178     iflag = iflag & ~(SEFLG_HELCTR);
6179   if (iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR)
6180     iflag = iflag & ~(SEFLG_BARYCTR);
6181   /* if heliocentric bit, turn aberration and deflection off */
6182   if (iflag & (SEFLG_HELCTR|SEFLG_BARYCTR))
6183     iflag |= SEFLG_NOABERR | SEFLG_NOGDEFL; /*iflag |= SEFLG_TRUEPOS;*/
6184   /* if no_precession bit is set, set also no_nutation bit */
6185   if (iflag & SEFLG_J2000)
6186     iflag |= SEFLG_NONUT;
6187   /* if sidereal bit is set, set also no_nutation bit *
6188    * also turn JPL Horizons mode off */
6189   if (iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL) {
6190     iflag |= SEFLG_NONUT;
6191     iflag = iflag & ~(SEFLG_JPLHOR | SEFLG_JPLHOR_APPROX);
6192   }
6193   /* if truepos is set, turn off grav. defl. and aberration */
6194   if (iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS)
6195     iflag |= (SEFLG_NOGDEFL | SEFLG_NOABERR);
6196   if (iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH)
6197     epheflag = SEFLG_MOSEPH;
6198   if (iflag & SEFLG_SWIEPH)
6199     epheflag = SEFLG_SWIEPH;
6200   if (iflag & SEFLG_JPLEPH)
6201     epheflag = SEFLG_JPLEPH;
6202   if (epheflag == 0)
6203     epheflag = SEFLG_DEFAULTEPH;
6204   iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_EPHMASK) | epheflag;
6205   /* SEFLG_JPLHOR only with JPL and Swiss Ephemeeris */
6206   if (!(epheflag & SEFLG_JPLEPH))
6207     iflag = iflag & ~(SEFLG_JPLHOR | SEFLG_JPLHOR_APPROX);
6208   /* planets that have no JPL Horizons mode */
6209   if (ipl == SE_OSCU_APOG || ipl == SE_TRUE_NODE
6210       || ipl == SE_MEAN_APOG || ipl == SE_MEAN_NODE
6211       || ipl == SE_INTP_APOG || ipl == SE_INTP_PERG)
6212     iflag = iflag & ~(SEFLG_JPLHOR | SEFLG_JPLHOR_APPROX);
6213   if (ipl >= SE_FICT_OFFSET && ipl <= SE_FICT_MAX)
6214     iflag = iflag & ~(SEFLG_JPLHOR | SEFLG_JPLHOR_APPROX);
6215   /* SEFLG_JPLHOR requires SEFLG_ICRS, if calculated with * precession/nutation IAU 1980 and corrections dpsi, deps */
6216   if (iflag & SEFLG_JPLHOR) {
6217     if (swed.eop_dpsi_loaded <= 0) {
6218       if (serr != NULL) {
6219 	switch (swed.eop_dpsi_loaded) {
6220 	  case 0:
6221 	    strcpy(serr, "you did not call swe_set_jpl_file(); default to SEFLG_JPLHOR_APPROX");
6222 	    break;
6223 	  case -1:
6224 	    strcpy(serr, "file eop_1962_today.txt not found; default to SEFLG_JPLHOR_APPROX");
6225 	    break;
6226 	  case -2:
6227 	    strcpy(serr, "file eop_1962_today.txt corrupt; default to SEFLG_JPLHOR_APPROX");
6228 	    break;
6229 	  case -3:
6230 	    strcpy(serr, "file eop_finals.txt corrupt; default to SEFLG_JPLHOR_APPROX");
6231 	    break;
6232 	}
6233       }
6234       iflag &= ~SEFLG_JPLHOR;
6235       iflag |= SEFLG_JPLHOR_APPROX;
6236     }
6237   }
6238   if (iflag & SEFLG_JPLHOR)
6239     iflag |= SEFLG_ICRS;
6240   if ((iflag & SEFLG_JPLHOR_APPROX) && jplhora_model == SEMOD_JPLHORA_2)
6241     iflag |= SEFLG_ICRS;
6242   return iflag;
6243 }
6245 /* function formats the input search name of a star:
6246  * - remove white spaces
6247  * - traditional name to lower case (Bayer designation remains as it is)
6248  */
fixstar_format_search_name(char * star,char * sstar,char * serr)6249 static int32 fixstar_format_search_name(char *star, char *sstar, char *serr)
6250 {
6251   char *sp;
6252   size_t cmplen;
6253   strncpy(sstar, star, SWI_STAR_LENGTH);
6254   sstar[SWI_STAR_LENGTH] = '\0';
6255   // remove whitespaces from search name
6256   while ((sp = strchr(sstar, ' ')) != NULL)
6257     swi_strcpy(sp, sp+1);
6258   /* traditional name of star to lower case;
6259    * keep uppercase with Bayer/Flamsteed designations after comma */
6260   for (sp = sstar; *sp != '\0' && *sp != ','; sp++)
6261     *sp = tolower((int) *sp);
6262   cmplen = strlen(sstar);
6263   if (cmplen == 0) {
6264     if (serr != NULL)
6265       sprintf(serr, "swe_fixstar(): star name empty");
6266     return ERR;
6267   }
6268   return OK;
6269 }
6271 /* function saves a fixstar in fixed stars list
6272  */
save_star_in_struct(int nrecs,struct fixed_star * fstp,char * serr)6273 static int32 save_star_in_struct(int nrecs, struct fixed_star *fstp, char *serr)
6274 {
6275   int sizestru = sizeof(struct fixed_star);
6276   struct fixed_star *ftarget;
6277   char *serr_alloc = "error in function load_all_fixed_stars(): could not resize fixed stars array";
6278   if ((swed.fixed_stars = (struct fixed_star *) realloc(swed.fixed_stars, nrecs * sizestru)) == NULL) {
6279     if (serr != NULL) strcpy(serr, serr_alloc);
6280     return ERR;
6281   }
6282   ftarget = swed.fixed_stars + (nrecs - 1);
6283   memcpy((void *) ftarget, (void *) fstp, sizestru);
6284   return OK;
6285 }
6287 /* function for sorting fixed stars with qsort() */
fixedstar_name_compare(const void * star1,const void * star2)6288 static int CMP_CALL_CONV fixedstar_name_compare(const void *star1, const void *star2)
6289 {
6290   const struct fixed_star *fs1 = (const struct fixed_star *) star1;
6291   const struct fixed_star *fs2 = (const struct fixed_star *) star2;
6292   return strcmp(fs1->skey, fs2->skey);
6293 }
6295 /* help function for finding a fixed star with bsearch() */
fstar_node_compare(const void * node1,const void * node2)6296 static int CMP_CALL_CONV fstar_node_compare(const void *node1, const void *node2)
6297 {
6298   const struct fixed_star *n1 = (const struct fixed_star *) node1;
6299   const struct fixed_star *n2 = (const struct fixed_star *) node2;
6300   return strcmp(n1->skey, n2->skey);
6301 }
6303 /* function cuts a comma-separated fixed star data record from sefstars.txt
6304  * and fills it into a struct fixed_star.
6305  */
fixstar_cut_string(char * srecord,char * star,struct fixed_star * stardata,char * serr)6306 int32 fixstar_cut_string(char *srecord, char *star, struct fixed_star *stardata, char *serr)
6307 {
6308   int i;
6309   char s[AS_MAXCH];
6310   char *sde_d;
6311   char *cpos[20];
6312   double epoch, radv, parall, mag;
6313   double ra_s, ra_pm, de_pm, ra, de;
6314   double ra_h, ra_m, de_d, de_m, de_s;
6315   strcpy(s, srecord);
6316   i = swi_cutstr(s, ",", cpos, 20);
6317   /* return trad. name, nomeclature name */
6318   swi_right_trim(cpos[0]);
6319   swi_right_trim(cpos[1]);
6320   if (i < 14) {
6321     if (serr != NULL) {
6322       if (i >= 2) {
6323 	sprintf(serr, "data of star '%s,%s' incomplete", cpos[0], cpos[1]);
6324       } else {
6325         if (strlen(s) > 200) s[200] = '\0';
6326 	sprintf(serr, "invalid line in fixed stars file: '%s'", s);
6327       }
6328     }
6329     return ERR;
6330   }
6331   if (strlen(cpos[0]) > SWI_STAR_LENGTH)
6332     cpos[0][SWI_STAR_LENGTH] = '\0';
6333   if (strlen(cpos[1]) > SWI_STAR_LENGTH-1)
6334     cpos[1][SWI_STAR_LENGTH-1] = '\0';
6335   if (star != NULL) {
6336     strcpy(star, cpos[0]);
6337     if (strlen(cpos[0]) + strlen(cpos[1]) + 1 < SWI_STAR_LENGTH - 1)
6338       sprintf(star + strlen(star), ",%s", cpos[1]);
6339   }
6340   strcpy(stardata->starname, cpos[0]);
6341   strcpy(stardata->starbayer, cpos[1]);
6342   // star data
6343   epoch = atof(cpos[2]);
6344   ra_h = atof(cpos[3]);
6345   ra_m = atof(cpos[4]);
6346   ra_s = atof(cpos[5]);
6347   de_d = atof(cpos[6]);
6348   sde_d = cpos[6];
6349   de_m = atof(cpos[7]);
6350   de_s = atof(cpos[8]);
6351   ra_pm = atof(cpos[9]);
6352   de_pm = atof(cpos[10]);
6353   radv = atof(cpos[11]);
6354   parall = atof(cpos[12]);
6355   mag = atof(cpos[13]);
6356   /****************************************
6357    * position and speed (equinox)
6358    ****************************************/
6359   /* ra and de in degrees */
6360   ra = (ra_s / 3600.0 + ra_m / 60.0 + ra_h) * 15.0;
6361   if (strchr(sde_d, '-') == NULL)
6362     de = de_s / 3600.0 + de_m / 60.0 + de_d;
6363   else
6364     de = -de_s / 3600.0 - de_m / 60.0 + de_d;
6365   /* speed in ra and de, degrees per century */
6366   if (swed.is_old_starfile == TRUE) {
6367     ra_pm = ra_pm * 15 / 3600.0;
6368     de_pm = de_pm / 3600.0;
6369   } else {
6370     ra_pm = ra_pm / 10.0 / 3600.0;
6371     de_pm = de_pm / 10.0 / 3600.0;
6372     parall /= 1000.0;
6373   }
6374   /* parallax, degrees */
6375   if (parall > 1)
6376     parall = (1 / parall / 3600.0);
6377   else
6378     parall /= 3600;
6379   /* radial velocity in AU per century */
6380   radv *= KM_S_TO_AU_CTY;
6381   /*printf("ra=%.17f,de=%.17f,ma=%.17f,md=%.17f,pa=%.17f,rv=%.17f\n",ra,de,ra_pm,de_pm,parall,radv);*/
6382   /* radians */
6383   ra *= DEGTORAD;
6384   de *= DEGTORAD;
6385   ra_pm *= DEGTORAD;
6386   de_pm *= DEGTORAD;
6387   ra_pm /= cos(de); /* catalogues give proper motion in RA as great circle */
6388   parall *= DEGTORAD;
6389   stardata->epoch = epoch;
6390   stardata->ra = ra;
6391   stardata->de = de;
6392   stardata->ramot = ra_pm;
6393   stardata->demot = de_pm;
6394   stardata->parall = parall;
6395   stardata->radvel = radv;
6396   stardata->mag = mag;
6397   return OK;
6398 }
6400 /* function loads all fixed stars from file sefstars.txt,
6401  * into swed.fixed_stars, which is a pointer to an array
6402  * of struct fixed_stars.
6403  * Every star has a record with its Bayer/Flamsteed designation
6404  * as its search key.
6405  * Every star also has a record with its sequential number in
6406  * the file as its search key. (Good for calculating all stars in a loop.)
6407  * If a star has a traditional name, we create a record that has
6408  * this name as its search key.
6409  * The array is sorted in ascending order by search key.
6410  *
6411  * If an error occurs, the function returns value ERR.
6412  * If the stars were loaded at an earlier time the function returns
6413  * value -2, without doing anything and without error string.
6414  * On success, the function returns value OK.
6415  * */
load_all_fixed_stars(char * serr)6416 static int32 load_all_fixed_stars(char *serr)
6417 {
6418   int32 retc = OK;
6419   int nstars = 0, line = 0, fline = 0, nrecs = 0, nnamed = 0;
6420   char s[AS_MAXCH], *sp;
6421   char srecord[AS_MAXCH];
6422   struct fixed_star fstdata;
6423   char last_starbayer[SWI_STAR_LENGTH + 1];
6424   *last_starbayer = '\0';
6425   if (swed.n_fixstars_records > 0) {
6426     return -2;
6427   }
6428   if (swed.fixfp == NULL) {
6429     if ((swed.fixfp = swi_fopen(SEI_FILE_FIXSTAR, SE_STARFILE, swed.ephepath, serr)) == NULL) {
6430       swed.is_old_starfile = TRUE;
6431       if ((swed.fixfp = swi_fopen(SEI_FILE_FIXSTAR, SE_STARFILE_OLD, swed.ephepath, NULL)) == NULL) {
6432 	swed.is_old_starfile = FALSE;
6433 	/* no fixed star file available, error message is already in serr. */
6434 	return ERR;
6435       }
6436     }
6437   }
6438   rewind(swed.fixfp);
6439   swed.fixed_stars = NULL;
6440   while (fgets(s, AS_MAXCH, swed.fixfp) != NULL) {
6441     fline++;
6442     // skip comment lines
6443     if (*s == '#') continue;
6444     if (*s == '\n') continue;
6445     if (*s == '\r') continue;
6446     if (*s == '\0') continue;
6447     line++;
6448     strcpy(srecord, s);
6449     retc = fixstar_cut_string(srecord, NULL, &fstdata, serr);
6450     if (retc == ERR) return ERR;
6451     // if star has a traditional name, save it with that name as its search key
6452     if (*fstdata.starname != '\0') {
6453       nrecs++;
6454       nnamed++;
6455       strcpy(fstdata.skey, fstdata.starname);
6456       // remove white spaces from star name
6457       while ((sp = strchr(fstdata.skey, ' ')) != NULL)
6458 	swi_strcpy(sp, sp+1);
6459       // star name to lowercase and compare with search string
6460       for (sp = fstdata.skey; *sp != '\0'; sp++)
6461 	*sp = tolower((int) *sp);
6462       if ((retc = save_star_in_struct(nrecs, &fstdata, serr)) == ERR) return ERR;
6463     }
6464     // also save it with Bayer designation as search key;
6465     // only if it has not been saved already
6466     if (strcmp(fstdata.starbayer, last_starbayer) == 0)
6467       continue;
6468     nstars++;
6469     nrecs++;
6470     //sprintf(fstdata.skey, "~%s", fstdata.starbayer); // ~ sorts after alnum
6471     sprintf(fstdata.skey, ",%s", fstdata.starbayer); // , sorts before alnum
6472     // remove white spaces from star bayer name
6473     while ((sp = strchr(fstdata.skey, ' ')) != NULL)
6474       swi_strcpy(sp, sp+1);
6475     strcpy(last_starbayer, fstdata.starbayer);
6476     if ((retc = save_star_in_struct(nrecs, &fstdata, serr)) == ERR) return ERR;
6477     // also save it with sequential star number as search key (NO!!!!)
6478     // nrecs++;
6479     // sprintf(fstdata.skey, "%07d", nstars);
6480     // if ((retc = save_star_in_struct(nrecs, &fstdata, serr)) == ERR) return ERR;
6481   }
6482   swed.n_fixstars_real = nstars;
6483   swed.n_fixstars_named = nnamed;
6484   swed.n_fixstars_records = nrecs;
6485   //printf("nstars=%d, nrecords=%d\n", nstars, nrecs);
6486   (void) qsort ((void *) swed.fixed_stars, (size_t) nrecs, sizeof (struct fixed_star),
6487                     (int (CMP_CALL_CONV *)(const void *,const void *))(fixedstar_name_compare));
6488   return retc;
6489 }
6491 /* function calculates a fixstar from a star data struct
6492  * input:
6493  * struct fixed_star stardata      fixed star data struct
6494  * double tjd        julian daynumber
6495  * int32 iflag       SEFLG_ specifications
6496  * output:
6497  * char *star        star name, Bayer designation
6498  * double xx[6]      position and speed
6499  * char *serr        error return string
6500  */
fixstar_calc_from_struct(struct fixed_star * stardata,double tjd,int32 iflag,char * star,double * xx,char * serr)6501 static int32 fixstar_calc_from_struct(struct fixed_star *stardata, double tjd, int32 iflag, char *star, double *xx, char *serr)
6502 {
6503   int i;
6504   int32 retc = OK;
6505   double epoch, radv, parall;
6506   double ra_pm, de_pm, ra, de, t;
6507   double daya[2], rdist;
6508   double x[6], xxsv[6], xobs[6], xobs_dt[6], *xpo = NULL, *xpo_dt = NULL;
6509   static TLS double xearth[6], xearth_dt[6], xsun[6], xsun_dt[6];
6510   double dt = PLAN_SPEED_INTV * 0.1;
6511   int32 epheflag, iflgsave;
6512   struct epsilon *oe = &swed.oec2000;
6513   iflgsave = iflag;
6514   iflag |= SEFLG_SPEED; /* we need this in order to work correctly */
6515   if (serr != NULL)
6516     *serr = '\0';
6517   iflag = plaus_iflag(iflag, -1, tjd, serr);
6518   epheflag = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
6519   if (swi_init_swed_if_start() == 1 && !(epheflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH) && serr != NULL) {
6520     strcpy(serr, "Please call swe_set_ephe_path() or swe_set_jplfile() before calling swe_fixstar() or swe_fixstar_ut()");
6521   }
6522   if (swed.last_epheflag != epheflag) {
6523     free_planets();
6524     /* close and free ephemeris files */
6525     if (swed.jpl_file_is_open) {
6526       swi_close_jpl_file();
6527       swed.jpl_file_is_open = FALSE;
6528     }
6529     for (i = 0; i < SEI_NEPHFILES; i ++) {
6530       if (swed.fidat[i].fptr != NULL)
6531 	fclose(swed.fidat[i].fptr);
6532       memset((void *) &swed.fidat[i], 0, sizeof(struct file_data));
6533     }
6534     swed.last_epheflag = epheflag;
6535   }
6536   /* high precision speed prevails fast speed */
6537   /* JPL Horizons is only reproduced with SEFLG_JPLEPH */
6538   if (iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL && !swed.ayana_is_set)
6539     swe_set_sid_mode(SE_SIDM_FAGAN_BRADLEY, 0, 0);
6540   /******************************************
6541    * obliquity of ecliptic 2000 and of date *
6542    ******************************************/
6543   swi_check_ecliptic(tjd, iflag);
6544   /******************************************
6545    * nutation                               *
6546    ******************************************/
6547   swi_check_nutation(tjd, iflag);
6548   sprintf(star, "%s,%s", stardata->starname, stardata->starbayer);
6549   epoch = stardata->epoch;
6550   ra_pm = stardata->ramot; de_pm = stardata->demot;
6551   radv = stardata->radvel; parall = stardata->parall;
6552   ra = stardata->ra; de = stardata->de;
6553   if (epoch == 1950)
6554     t= (tjd - B1950);	/* days since 1950.0 */
6555   else /* epoch == 2000 */
6556     t= (tjd - J2000);	/* days since 2000.0 */
6557   x[0] = ra;
6558   x[1] = de;
6559   x[2] = 1;
6560   if (parall == 0) {
6561     rdist = 1000000000;
6562   } else {
6563     rdist = 1.0 / (parall * RADTODEG * 3600) * PARSEC_TO_AUNIT;
6564     //rdist += t * radv / 36525.0;
6565   }
6566 // rdist = 10000;  // to reproduce pre-SE2.07 star positions
6567   x[2] = rdist;
6568   x[3] = ra_pm / 36525.0;
6569   x[4] = de_pm / 36525.0;
6570   x[5] = radv / 36525.0;
6571   // Cartesian space motion vector
6572   swi_polcart_sp(x, x);
6573   /******************************************
6574    * FK5
6575    ******************************************/
6576   if (epoch == 1950) {
6577     swi_FK4_FK5(x, B1950);
6578     swi_precess(x, B1950, 0, J_TO_J2000);
6579     swi_precess(x+3, B1950, 0, J_TO_J2000);
6580   }
6581   /* FK5 to ICRF, if jpl ephemeris is referred to ICRF.
6582    * With data that are already ICRF, epoch = 0 */
6583   if (epoch != 0) {
6584     swi_icrs2fk5(x, iflag, TRUE); /* backward, i. e. to icrf */
6585     /* with ephemerides < DE403, we now convert to J2000 */
6586     if (swi_get_denum(SEI_SUN, iflag) >= 403) {
6587       swi_bias(x, J2000, SEFLG_SPEED, FALSE);
6588     }
6589   }
6590   /****************************************************
6591    * earth/sun
6592    * for parallax, light deflection, and aberration,
6593    ****************************************************/
6594   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR) && (!(iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) || !(iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH))) {
6595     if ((retc =  main_planet_bary(tjd - dt, SEI_EARTH, epheflag, iflag, NO_SAVE, xearth_dt, xearth_dt, xsun_dt, NULL, serr)) != OK) {
6596       return ERR;
6597     }
6598     if ((retc =  main_planet_bary(tjd, SEI_EARTH, epheflag, iflag, DO_SAVE, xearth, xearth, xsun, NULL, serr)) != OK) {
6599       return ERR;
6600     }
6601   }
6602   /************************************
6603    * observer: geocenter or topocenter
6604    ************************************/
6605   /* if topocentric position is wanted  */
6606   if (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR) {
6607     if (swi_get_observer(tjd - dt, iflag | SEFLG_NONUT, NO_SAVE, xobs_dt, serr) != OK)
6608       return ERR;
6609     if (swi_get_observer(tjd, iflag | SEFLG_NONUT, NO_SAVE, xobs, serr) != OK)
6610       return ERR;
6611     /* barycentric position of observer */
6612     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
6613       xobs[i] = xobs[i] + xearth[i];
6614       xobs_dt[i] = xobs_dt[i] + xearth_dt[i];
6615     }
6616   } else if (!(iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR) && (!(iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) || !(iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH))) {
6617     /* barycentric position of geocenter */
6618     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
6619       xobs[i] = xearth[i];
6620       xobs_dt[i] = xearth_dt[i];
6621     }
6622   }
6623   /************************************
6624    * position and speed at tjd        *
6625    ************************************/
6626   /* for parallax */
6627   if ((iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) && (iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH)) {
6628     xpo = NULL;		/* no parallax, if moshier and heliocentric */
6629     xpo_dt = NULL;	/* no parallax, if moshier and heliocentric */
6630   } else if (iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) {
6631     xpo = xsun;//psdp->x;
6632     xpo_dt = xsun_dt;
6633   } else if (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR) {
6634     xpo = NULL;		/* no parallax, if barycentric */
6635     xpo_dt = NULL;	/* no parallax, if moshier and heliocentric */
6636   } else {
6637     xpo = xobs;
6638     xpo_dt = xobs_dt;
6639   }
6640   if (xpo == NULL) {
6641     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
6642       x[i] += t * x[i+3];
6643     }
6644   } else {
6645     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
6646       x[i] += t * x[i+3];
6647       x[i] -= xpo[i];
6648       x[i+3] -= xpo[i+3];
6649     }
6650   }
6651   /************************************
6652    * relativistic deflection of light *
6653    ************************************/
6654   if ((iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) == 0 && (iflag & SEFLG_NOGDEFL) == 0) {
6655     swi_deflect_light(x, 0, iflag & SEFLG_SPEED);
6656   }
6657   /**********************************
6658    * 'annual' aberration of light   *
6659    * speed is incorrect !!!         *
6660    **********************************/
6661   if ((iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) == 0 && (iflag & SEFLG_NOABERR) == 0)
6662     swi_aberr_light_ex(x, xpo, xpo_dt, dt, iflag & SEFLG_SPEED);
6663   /* ICRS to J2000 */
6664   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_ICRS) && (swi_get_denum(SEI_SUN, iflag) >= 403 || (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR))) {
6665     swi_bias(x, tjd, iflag, FALSE);
6666   }/**/
6667   /* save J2000 coordinates; required for sidereal positions */
6668   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
6669     xxsv[i] = x[i];
6670   /************************************************
6671    * precession, equator 2000 -> equator of date *
6672    ************************************************/
6673   /*x[0] = -0.374018403; x[1] = -0.312548592; x[2] = -0.873168719;*/
6674   if ((iflag & SEFLG_J2000) == 0) {
6675     swi_precess(x, tjd, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
6676     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
6677       swi_precess_speed(x, tjd, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
6678     oe = &swed.oec;
6679   } else
6680     oe = &swed.oec2000;
6681   /************************************************
6682    * nutation                                     *
6683    ************************************************/
6684   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT))
6685     swi_nutate(x, iflag, FALSE);
6686 if ((0)) {
6687   double r = sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2]);
6688   printf("%.17f %.17f %f\n", x[0]/r, x[1]/r, x[2]/r);
6689 }
6690   /************************************************
6691    * transformation to ecliptic.                  *
6692    * with sidereal calc. this will be overwritten *
6693    * afterwards.                                  *
6694    ************************************************/
6695   if ((iflag & SEFLG_EQUATORIAL) == 0) {
6696     swi_coortrf2(x, x, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
6697     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
6698       swi_coortrf2(x+3, x+3, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
6699     if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT)) {
6700       swi_coortrf2(x, x, swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
6701       if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
6702 	swi_coortrf2(x+3, x+3, swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
6703     }
6704   }
6705 //  printf("%.17f, %.17f\n", x[0], x[3]);
6706   /************************************
6707    * sidereal positions               *
6708    ************************************/
6709   if (iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL) {
6710     /* rigorous algorithm */
6711     if (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_ECL_T0) {
6712       if (swi_trop_ra2sid_lon(xxsv, x, xxsv, iflag) != OK)
6713         return ERR;
6714       if (iflag & SEFLG_EQUATORIAL) {
6715         for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
6716           x[i] = xxsv[i];
6717       }
6718     /* project onto solar system equator */
6719     } else if (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_SSY_PLANE) {
6720       if (swi_trop_ra2sid_lon_sosy(xxsv, x, iflag) != OK)
6721 	return ERR;
6722       if (iflag & SEFLG_EQUATORIAL) {
6723         for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
6724           x[i] = xxsv[i];
6725       }
6726     /* traditional algorithm */
6727     } else {
6728       swi_cartpol_sp(x, x);
6729       // ACHTUNG: siehe Z. 2770!!!!!
6730       if (swi_get_ayanamsa_with_speed(tjd, iflag, daya, serr) == ERR)
6731         return ERR;
6732       x[0] -= daya[0] * DEGTORAD;
6733       x[3] -= daya[1] * DEGTORAD;
6734       swi_polcart_sp(x, x);
6735     }
6736   }
6737   /************************************************
6738    * transformation to polar coordinates          *
6739    ************************************************/
6740   if ((iflag & SEFLG_XYZ) == 0)
6741     swi_cartpol_sp(x, x);
6742   /**********************
6743    * radians to degrees *
6744    **********************/
6745   if ((iflag & SEFLG_RADIANS) == 0 && (iflag & SEFLG_XYZ) == 0) {
6746     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
6747       x[i] *= RADTODEG;
6748       x[i+3] *= RADTODEG;
6749     }
6750   }
6751   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
6752     xx[i] = x[i];
6753   if (!(iflgsave & SEFLG_SPEED)) {
6754     for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
6755       xx[i] = 0;
6756   }
6757   /* if no ephemeris has been specified, do not return chosen ephemeris */
6758   if ((iflgsave & SEFLG_EPHMASK) == 0)
6759     iflag = iflag & ~SEFLG_DEFAULTEPH;
6760   iflag = iflag & ~SEFLG_SPEED;
6761   return iflag;
6762 }
6764 /* function searches a star in fixed stars list, i.e. the data loaded from file
6765  * sefstars.txt
6766  */
search_star_in_list(char * sstar,struct fixed_star * stardata,char * serr)6767 static int32 search_star_in_list(char *sstar, struct fixed_star *stardata, char *serr)
6768 {
6769   int i, star_nr = 0, ndata = 0, len;
6770   char *sp;
6771   char searchkey[AS_MAXCH];
6772   AS_BOOL is_bayer = FALSE;
6773   struct fixed_star *stardatap;
6774   struct fixed_star *stardatabegp;
6775   if (*sstar == ',') {
6776     is_bayer = TRUE;
6777   } else if (isdigit((int) *sstar)) {
6778     star_nr = atoi(sstar);
6779   } else {
6780     if ((sp = strchr(sstar, ',')) != NULL) {
6781       swi_strcpy(sstar, sp);
6782       is_bayer = TRUE;
6783     }
6784   }
6785   if (star_nr > 0) {
6786     if (star_nr > swed.n_fixstars_real) {
6787       if (serr != NULL)
6788 	sprintf(serr, "error, swe_fixstar(): sequential fixed star number %d is not available", star_nr);
6789       return ERR;
6790     }
6791     *stardata = swed.fixed_stars[star_nr - 1]; // keys start from 1
6792     //printf("seq.number: %s, %s, %s, %f\n", stardata.skey, stardata.starname, stardata.starbayer, stardata.mag);
6793     return OK;
6794   /* traditional name with wildcard '%' at end of string */
6795   } else if (!is_bayer && (sp = strchr(sstar, '%')) != NULL) {
6796     stardatabegp = &(swed.fixed_stars[swed.n_fixstars_real]);
6797     ndata = swed.n_fixstars_named;
6798     if (sp - sstar != strlen(sstar) - 1) {
6799       if (serr != NULL)
6800 	sprintf(serr, "error, swe_fixstar(): invalid search string %s", sstar);
6801       return ERR;
6802     }
6803     strcpy(searchkey, sstar);
6804     len = (int) (strlen(sstar) - 1);
6805     searchkey[len] = '\0';
6806     for (i = 0; i < ndata; i++) {
6807       if (strncmp(stardatabegp[i].skey, sstar, len) == 0) {
6808         *stardata = stardatabegp[i];
6809 	return OK;
6810       }
6811     }
6812     if (serr != NULL)
6813       sprintf(serr, "error, swe_fixstar(): star search string %s did not match", sstar);
6814     return ERR;
6815   /* traditional name or Bayer/Flamsteed: find it with binary search */
6816   } else {
6817     strcpy(searchkey, sstar);
6818     if (is_bayer) {
6819       //*searchkey = '~';
6820       //stardatabegp = &(swed.fixed_stars[swed.n_fixstars_real + swed.n_fixstars_named]);
6821       //stardatabegp = &(swed.fixed_stars[0]);
6822       stardatabegp = swed.fixed_stars;
6823       ndata = swed.n_fixstars_real;
6824     } else {
6825       stardatabegp = &(swed.fixed_stars[swed.n_fixstars_real]);
6826       ndata = swed.n_fixstars_named;
6827     }
6828     stardatap = (struct fixed_star *) bsearch((void *) searchkey,
6829 	       (void *) stardatabegp, (size_t) ndata,
6830 	       sizeof (struct fixed_star),
6831 	       fstar_node_compare);
6832     if (stardatap == NULL) {
6833       if (serr != NULL)
6834 	sprintf(serr, "error, swe_fixstar(): could not find star name %s", sstar);
6835       return ERR;
6836     }
6837     *stardata = *stardatap;
6838     //printf("name search: %s, %s, %s, %f\n", stardata.skey, stardata.starname, stardata.starbayer, stardata.mag);
6839     return OK;
6840   }
6841 }
get_builtin_star(char * star,char * sstar,char * srecord)6843 static AS_BOOL get_builtin_star(char *star, char *sstar, char *srecord)
6844 {
6845   /* some stars are built-in, because they are required for Hindu
6846    * sidereal ephemerides */
6847   /* Ayanamsha SE_SIDM_TRUE_CITRA */
6848   if (strncmp(star, "spica", 5) == 0 || strncmp(star, "Spica", 5) == 0) {
6849     strcpy(srecord, "Spica,alVir,ICRS,13,25,11.57937,-11,09,40.7501,-42.35,-30.67,1,13.06,0.97,-10,3672");
6850     strcpy(sstar, "spica");
6851     return TRUE;
6852   /* Ayanamsha SE_SIDM_TRUE_REVATI */
6853   } else if (strstr(star, ",zePsc") != NULL || strncmp(star, "revati", 6) == 0 || strncmp(star, "Revati", 6) == 0) {
6854     strcpy(srecord, "Revati,zePsc,ICRS,01,13,43.88735,+07,34,31.2745,145,-55.69,15,18.76,5.187,06,174");
6855     strcpy(sstar, "revati");
6856     return TRUE;
6857   /* Ayanamsha SE_SIDM_TRUE_PUSHYA */
6858   } else if (strstr(star, ",deCnc") != NULL || strncmp(star, "pushya", 6) == 0 || strncmp(star, "Pushya", 6) == 0 ) {
6859     strcpy(srecord, "Pushya,deCnc,ICRS,08,44,41.09921,+18,09,15.5034,-17.67,-229.26,17.14,24.98,3.94,18,2027");
6860     strcpy(sstar, "pushya");
6861     return TRUE;
6862   /* Ayanamsha SE_SIDM_TRUE_SHEORAN */
6863   } else if (strstr(star, ",deCnc") != NULL) {
6864     strcpy(srecord, "Pushya,deCnc,ICRS,08,44,41.09921,+18,09,15.5034,-17.67,-229.26,17.14,24.98,3.94,18,2027");
6865     strcpy(sstar, "pushya");
6866     return TRUE;
6867   /* Ayanamsha SE_SIDM_TRUE_MULA */
6868   } else if (strstr(star, ",laSco") != NULL || strncmp(star, "mula", 6) == 0 || strncmp(star, "Mula", 6) == 0) {
6869     strcpy(srecord, "Mula,laSco,ICRS,17,33,36.52012,-37,06,13.7648,-8.53,-30.8,-3,5.71,1.62,-37,11673");
6870     strcpy(sstar, "mula");
6871     return TRUE;
6872   /* Ayanamsha SE_SIDM_GALCENT_0SAG */
6873   /* Ayanamsha SE_SIDM_GALCENT_COCHRANE */
6874   /* Ayanamsha SE_SIDM_GALCENT_RGILBRAND */
6875   } else if (strstr(star, ",SgrA*") != NULL) {
6876     strcpy(srecord, "Gal. Center,SgrA*,2000,17,45,40.03599,-29,00,28.1699,-2.755718425,-5.547,0.0,0.125,999.99,0,0");
6877     strcpy(sstar, ",SgrA*");
6878     return TRUE;
6879   /* Ayanamsha SE_SIDM_GALEQU_IAU1958 */
6880   } else if (strstr(star, ",GP1958") != NULL) {
6881     strcpy(srecord, "Gal. Pole IAU1958,GP1958,1950,12,49,0.0,27,24,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0");
6882     strcpy(sstar, ",GP1958");
6883     return TRUE;
6884   /* Ayanamsha SE_SIDM_GALEQU_TRUE */
6885   } else if (strstr(star, ",GPol") != NULL) {
6886     strcpy(srecord, "Gal. Pole,GPol,ICRS,12,51,36.7151981,27,06,11.193172,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0");
6887     strcpy(sstar, ",GPol");
6888     return TRUE;
6889   /* Ayanamsha SE_SIDM_GALEQU_MULA */
6890   } else if (strstr(star, ",GPol") != NULL) {
6891     strcpy(srecord, "Gal. Pole,GPol,ICRS,12,51,36.7151981,27,06,11.193172,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0");
6892     strcpy(sstar, ",GPol");
6893     return TRUE;
6894   }
6895   return FALSE;
6896 }
6898 /**********************************************************
6899  * function gets fixstar positions
6900  * parameters:
6901  * star 	name of star or line number in star file
6902  *		(start from 1, don't count comment).
6903  *    		If no error occurs, the name of the star is returned
6904  *	        in the format trad_name, nomeclat_name
6905  *
6906  * tjd 		absolute julian day
6907  * iflag	s. swecalc(); speed bit does not function
6908  * x		pointer to 6 doubles for returning position coordinates
6909  * serr		error return string
6910 **********************************************************/
swe_fixstar2(char * star,double tjd,int32 iflag,double * xx,char * serr)6911 int32 CALL_CONV swe_fixstar2(char *star, double tjd, int32 iflag,
6912   double *xx, char *serr)
6913 {
6914   int i;
6915   AS_BOOL is_builtin_star = FALSE;
6916   char sstar[SWI_STAR_LENGTH + 1];
6917   //static TLS char slast_stardata[AS_MAXCH];
6918   static TLS char slast_starname[AS_MAXCH];
6919   static TLS struct fixed_star last_stardata;
6920   char srecord[AS_MAXCH + 20];	/* 20 byte for SE_STARFILE */
6921   int retc;
6922   struct fixed_star stardata;
6923   if (serr != NULL)
6924     *serr = '\0';
6925 #ifdef TRACE
6926   swi_open_trace(serr);
6927   trace_swe_fixstar(1, star, tjd, iflag, xx, serr);
6928 #endif /* TRACE */
6929   load_all_fixed_stars(serr); // loads stars unless loaded with an earlier call of function
6930 #if 0
6931 for (i = 0; i < swed.n_fixstars_records; i++) {
6932   printf("%s, %s, %s, %f\n", swed.fixed_stars[i].skey, swed.fixed_stars[i].starname, swed.fixed_stars[i].starbayer, swed.fixed_stars[i].mag);
6933 }
6934 exit(0);
6935 #endif
6936   retc = fixstar_format_search_name(star, sstar, serr);
6937   if (retc == ERR)
6938     goto return_err;
6939   /* star elements from last call: */
6940   if (swed.n_fixstars_records > 0 && strcmp(slast_starname, sstar) == 0) {
6941  //   strcpy(srecord, slast_stardata);
6942     stardata = last_stardata;
6943     goto found;
6944   }
6945   if (get_builtin_star(star, sstar, srecord)) {
6946     is_builtin_star = TRUE;
6947   }
6948   if (is_builtin_star) {
6949     retc = fixstar_cut_string(srecord, star, &stardata, serr);
6950     //printf("builtin: %s, %s, %s, %f\n", stardata.skey, stardata.starname, stardata.starbayer, stardata.mag);
6951     goto found;
6952   /* sequential fixed star number: get it from array directly */
6953   }
6954   retc = search_star_in_list(sstar, &stardata, serr);
6955   if (retc == ERR)
6956     goto return_err;
6957   /******************************************************/
6958   found:
6959   //strcpy(slast_stardata, srecord);
6960   last_stardata = stardata;
6961   strcpy(slast_starname, sstar);
6962   if ((retc = fixstar_calc_from_struct(&stardata, tjd, iflag, star, xx, serr)) == ERR)
6963     goto return_err;
6964 #ifdef TRACE
6965   trace_swe_fixstar(2, star, tjd, iflag, xx, serr);
6966 #endif
6967   return iflag;
6968   return_err:
6969   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
6970     xx[i] = 0;
6971 #ifdef TRACE
6972   trace_swe_fixstar(2, star, tjd, iflag, xx, serr);
6973 #endif
6974   return retc;
6975 }
swe_fixstar2_ut(char * star,double tjd_ut,int32 iflag,double * xx,char * serr)6977 int32 CALL_CONV swe_fixstar2_ut(char *star, double tjd_ut, int32 iflag,
6978   double *xx, char *serr)
6979 {
6980   double deltat;
6981   int32 retflag;
6982   int32 epheflag = 0;
6983   iflag = plaus_iflag(iflag, -1, tjd_ut, serr);
6984   epheflag = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
6985   if (epheflag == 0) {
6986     epheflag = SEFLG_SWIEPH;
6987     iflag |= SEFLG_SWIEPH;
6988   }
6989   deltat = swe_deltat_ex(tjd_ut, iflag, serr);
6990   /* if ephe required is not ephe returned, adjust delta t: */
6991   retflag = swe_fixstar2(star, tjd_ut + deltat, iflag, xx, serr);
6992   if (retflag != ERR && (retflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK) != epheflag) {
6993     deltat = swe_deltat_ex(tjd_ut, retflag, NULL);
6994     retflag = swe_fixstar2(star, tjd_ut + deltat, iflag, xx, NULL);
6995   }
6996   return retflag;
6997 }
6999 /**********************************************************
7000  * get fixstar magnitude
7001  * parameters:
7002  * star 	name of star or line number in star file
7003  *		(start from 1, don't count comment).
7004  *    		If no error occurs, the name of the star is returned
7005  *	        in the format trad_name, nomeclat_name
7006  *
7007  * mag 		pointer to a double, for star magnitude
7008  * serr		error return string
7009 **********************************************************/
swe_fixstar2_mag(char * star,double * mag,char * serr)7010 int32 CALL_CONV swe_fixstar2_mag(char *star, double *mag, char *serr)
7011 {
7012   char sstar[SWI_STAR_LENGTH + 1];
7013   //static TLS char slast_stardata[AS_MAXCH];
7014   static TLS char slast_starname[AS_MAXCH];
7015   static TLS struct fixed_star last_stardata;
7016   int retc;
7017   struct fixed_star stardata;
7018   if (serr != NULL)
7019     *serr = '\0';
7020   load_all_fixed_stars(serr); // loads stars unless loaded with an earlier call of function
7021   retc = fixstar_format_search_name(star, sstar, serr);
7022   if (retc == ERR)
7023     goto return_err;
7024   /* star elements from last call: */
7025   if (swed.n_fixstars_records > 0 && strcmp(slast_starname, sstar) == 0) {
7026  //   strcpy(srecord, slast_stardata);
7027     stardata = last_stardata;
7028     goto found;
7029   }
7030   retc = search_star_in_list(sstar, &stardata, serr);
7031   if (retc == ERR)
7032     goto return_err;
7033   /******************************************************/
7034   found:
7035   last_stardata = stardata;
7036   strcpy(slast_starname, sstar);
7037   *mag = stardata.mag;
7038   sprintf(star, "%s,%s", stardata.starname, stardata.starbayer);
7039   return OK;
7040   return_err:
7041   *mag = 0;
7042   return retc;
7043 }
swe_get_planet_name(int ipl,char * s)7045 char *CALL_CONV swe_get_planet_name(int ipl, char *s)
7046 {
7047   int i;
7048   int32 retc;
7049   double xp[6];
7050 #ifdef TRACE
7051   swi_open_trace(NULL);
7052   trace_swe_get_planet_name(1, ipl, s);
7053 #endif
7054   swi_init_swed_if_start();
7055   /* function calls for Pluto with asteroid number 134340
7056    * are treated as calls for Pluto as main body SE_PLUTO */
7057   if (ipl == SE_AST_OFFSET + 134340)
7058     ipl = SE_PLUTO;
7059   if (ipl != 0 && ipl == swed.i_saved_planet_name) {
7060     strcpy(s, swed.saved_planet_name);
7061     return s;
7062   }
7063   switch(ipl) {
7064     case SE_SUN:
7065       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_SUN);
7066       break;
7067     case SE_MOON:
7068       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_MOON);
7069       break;
7070     case SE_MERCURY:
7071       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_MERCURY);
7072       break;
7073     case SE_VENUS:
7074       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_VENUS);
7075       break;
7076     case SE_MARS:
7077       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_MARS);
7078       break;
7079     case SE_JUPITER:
7080       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_JUPITER);
7081       break;
7082     case SE_SATURN:
7083       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_SATURN);
7084       break;
7085     case SE_URANUS:
7086       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_URANUS);
7087       break;
7088     case SE_NEPTUNE:
7089       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_NEPTUNE);
7090       break;
7091     case SE_PLUTO:
7092       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_PLUTO);
7093       break;
7094     case SE_MEAN_NODE:
7095       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_MEAN_NODE);
7096       break;
7097     case SE_TRUE_NODE:
7098       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_TRUE_NODE);
7099       break;
7100     case SE_MEAN_APOG:
7101       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_MEAN_APOG);
7102       break;
7103     case SE_OSCU_APOG:
7104       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_OSCU_APOG);
7105       break;
7106     case SE_INTP_APOG:
7107       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_INTP_APOG);
7108       break;
7109     case SE_INTP_PERG:
7110       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_INTP_PERG);
7111       break;
7112     case SE_EARTH:
7113       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_EARTH);
7114       break;
7115     case SE_CHIRON:
7116     case SE_AST_OFFSET + MPC_CHIRON:
7117       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_CHIRON);
7118       break;
7119     case SE_PHOLUS:
7120     case SE_AST_OFFSET + MPC_PHOLUS:
7121       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_PHOLUS);
7122       break;
7123     case SE_CERES:
7124     case SE_AST_OFFSET + MPC_CERES:
7125       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_CERES);
7126       break;
7127     case SE_PALLAS:
7128     case SE_AST_OFFSET + MPC_PALLAS:
7129       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_PALLAS);
7130       break;
7131     case SE_JUNO:
7132     case SE_AST_OFFSET + MPC_JUNO:
7133       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_JUNO);
7134       break;
7135     case SE_VESTA:
7136     case SE_AST_OFFSET + MPC_VESTA:
7137       strcpy(s, SE_NAME_VESTA);
7138       break;
7139     default:
7140       /* fictitious planets */
7141       if (ipl >= SE_FICT_OFFSET && ipl <= SE_FICT_MAX) {
7142         swi_get_fict_name(ipl - SE_FICT_OFFSET, s);
7143         break;
7144       }
7145       /* asteroids */
7146       if (ipl > SE_PLMOON_OFFSET || ipl > SE_AST_OFFSET) { // 2nd condition obsolete
7147 	/* if name is already available */
7148 	if (ipl == swed.fidat[SEI_FILE_ANY_AST].ipl[0]) {
7149 	  strcpy(s, swed.fidat[SEI_FILE_ANY_AST].astnam);
7150         /* else try to get it from ephemeris file */
7151 	} else {
7152 	  retc = sweph(J2000, ipl, SEI_FILE_ANY_AST, 0, NULL, NO_SAVE, xp, NULL);
7153 	  if (retc != ERR && retc != NOT_AVAILABLE) {
7154 	    strcpy(s, swed.fidat[SEI_FILE_ANY_AST].astnam);
7155 	  } else {
7156 	    if (ipl > SE_AST_OFFSET)
7157 	      sprintf(s, "%d: not found (asteroid)", ipl - SE_AST_OFFSET);
7158             else
7159 	      sprintf(s, "%d: not found (planetary moon)", ipl);
7160 	  }
7161 	}
7162         /* If there is a provisional designation only in ephemeris file,
7163          * we look for a name in seasnam.txt, which can be updated by
7164          * the user.
7165          * Some old ephemeris files return a '?' in the first position.
7166          * There are still a couple of unnamed bodies that got their
7167          * provisional designation before 1925, when the current method
7168          * of provisional designations was introduced. They have an 'A'
7169          * as the first character, e.g. A924 RC.
7170          * The file seasnam.txt may contain comments starting with '#'.
7171          * There must be at least two columns:
7172          * 1. asteroid catalog number
7173          * 2. asteroid name
7174          * The asteroid number may or may not be in brackets
7175          */
7176         if (ipl > SE_AST_OFFSET && (s[0] == '?' || isdigit((int) s[1]))) {
7177           int ipli = (int) (ipl - SE_AST_OFFSET), iplf = 0;
7178           FILE *fp;
7179           char si[AS_MAXCH], *sp, *sp2;
7180           if ((fp = swi_fopen(-1, SE_ASTNAMFILE, swed.ephepath, NULL)) != NULL) {
7181             while(ipli != iplf && (sp = fgets(si, AS_MAXCH, fp)) != NULL) {
7182               while (*sp == ' ' || *sp == '\t'
7183                      || *sp == '(' || *sp == '[' || *sp == '{')
7184                 sp++;
7185               if (*sp == '#' || *sp == '\r' || *sp == '\n' || *sp == '\0')
7186                 continue;
7187               /* catalog number of body of current line */
7188               iplf = atoi(sp);
7189               if (ipli != iplf)
7190                 continue;
7191               /* set pointer after catalog number */
7192               sp = strpbrk(sp, " \t");
7193               if (sp == NULL)
7194                 continue; /* there is no name */
7195               while (*sp == ' ' || *sp == '\t')
7196                 sp++;
7197               sp2 = strpbrk(sp, "#\r\n");
7198               if (sp2 != NULL)
7199                 *sp2 = '\0';
7200               if (*sp == '\0')
7201                 continue;
7202               swi_right_trim(sp);
7203               strcpy(s, sp);
7204             }
7205             fclose(fp);
7206           }
7207         }
7208       } else  {
7209 	i = ipl;
7210 	sprintf(s, "%d", i);
7211       }
7212       break;
7213   }
7214 #ifdef TRACE
7215   swi_open_trace(NULL);
7216   trace_swe_get_planet_name(2, ipl, s);
7217 #endif
7218   if (strlen(s) < 80) {
7219     swed.i_saved_planet_name = ipl;
7220     strcpy(swed.saved_planet_name, s);
7221   }
7222   return s;
7223 }
swe_get_ayanamsa_name(int32 isidmode)7225 const char *CALL_CONV swe_get_ayanamsa_name(int32 isidmode)
7226 {
7227   isidmode %= SE_SIDBITS;
7228   if (isidmode < SE_NSIDM_PREDEF)
7229     return ayanamsa_name[isidmode];
7230   return NULL;
7231 }
7233 #ifdef TRACE
trace_swe_calc(int swtch,double tjd,int ipl,int32 iflag,double * xx,char * serr)7234 static void trace_swe_calc(int swtch, double tjd, int ipl, int32 iflag, double *xx, char *serr)
7235 {
7236   if (swi_trace_count >= TRACE_COUNT_MAX)
7237     return;
7238   switch(swtch) {
7239     case 1:
7240       if (swi_fp_trace_c != NULL) {
7241 	fputs("\n/*SWE_CALC*/\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
7242 	fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, "  tjd = %.9f;", tjd);
7243 	fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, " ipl = %d;", ipl);
7244 	fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, " iflag = %d;\n", iflag);
7245 	fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, "  iflgret = swe_calc(tjd, ipl, iflag, xx, serr);");
7246 	fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, "	/* xx = %p */\n", xx);
7247 	fflush(swi_fp_trace_c);
7248       }
7249       break;
7250     case 2:
7251       if (swi_fp_trace_c != NULL) {
7252 	fputs("  printf(\"swe_calc: %f\\t%d\\t%d\\t%f\\t%f\\t%f\\t%f\\t%f\\t%f\\t\", ", swi_fp_trace_c);
7253 	fputs("\n\ttjd, ipl, iflgret, xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5]);\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
7254 	fputs("  if (*serr != '\\0')", swi_fp_trace_c);
7255 	fputs(" printf(serr);", swi_fp_trace_c);
7256 	fputs(" printf(\"\\n\");\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
7257 	fflush(swi_fp_trace_c);
7258       }
7259       if (swi_fp_trace_out != NULL) {
7260 	fprintf(swi_fp_trace_out, "swe_calc: %f\t%d\t%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t",
7261 		      tjd, ipl, iflag, xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5]);
7262 	if (serr != NULL && *serr != '\0') {
7263 	  fputs(serr, swi_fp_trace_out);
7264 	}
7265 	fputs("\n", swi_fp_trace_out);
7266 	fflush(swi_fp_trace_out);
7267       }
7268       break;
7269     default:
7270       break;
7271   }
7272 }
trace_swe_fixstar(int swtch,char * star,double tjd,int32 iflag,double * xx,char * serr)7274 static void trace_swe_fixstar(int swtch, char *star, double tjd, int32 iflag, double *xx, char *serr)
7275 {
7276   if (swi_trace_count >= TRACE_COUNT_MAX)
7277     return;
7278   switch(swtch) {
7279   case 1:
7280     if (swi_fp_trace_c != NULL) {
7281       fputs("\n/*SWE_FIXSTAR*/\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
7282       fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, "  strcpy(star, \"%s\");", star);
7283       fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, " tjd = %.9f;", tjd);
7284       fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, " iflag = %d;\n", iflag);
7285       fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, "  iflgret = swe_fixstar(star, tjd, iflag, xx, serr);");
7286       fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, "   /* xx = %p */\n", xx);
7287       fflush(swi_fp_trace_c);
7288     }
7289     break;
7290   case 2:
7291     if (swi_fp_trace_c != NULL) {
7292       fputs("  printf(\"swe_fixstar: %s\\t%f\\t%d\\t%f\\t%f\\t%f\\t%f\\t%f\\t%f\\t\", ", swi_fp_trace_c);
7293       fputs("\n\tstar, tjd, iflgret, xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5]);\n", swi_fp_trace_c);/**/
7294       fputs("  if (*serr != '\\0')", swi_fp_trace_c);
7295       fputs(" printf(serr);", swi_fp_trace_c);
7296       fputs(" printf(\"\\n\");\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
7297       fflush(swi_fp_trace_c);
7298     }
7299     if (swi_fp_trace_out != NULL) {
7300       fprintf(swi_fp_trace_out, "swe_fixstar: %s\t%f\t%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t",
7301 		    star, tjd, iflag, xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5]);
7302       if (serr != NULL && *serr != '\0') {
7303 	fputs(serr, swi_fp_trace_out);
7304       }
7305       fputs("\n", swi_fp_trace_out);
7306       fflush(swi_fp_trace_out);
7307     }
7308     break;
7309   default:
7310     break;
7311   }
7312 }
trace_swe_get_planet_name(int swtch,int ipl,char * s)7314 static void trace_swe_get_planet_name(int swtch, int ipl, char *s)
7315 {
7316   if (swi_trace_count >= TRACE_COUNT_MAX)
7317     return;
7318   switch(swtch) {
7319     case 1:
7320       if (swi_fp_trace_c != NULL) {
7321 	fputs("\n/*SWE_GET_PLANET_NAME*/\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
7322 	fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, "  ipl = %d;\n", ipl);
7323 	fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, "  swe_get_planet_name(ipl, s);");
7324 	fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, "   /* s = %p */\n", s);
7325 	fflush(swi_fp_trace_c);
7326       }
7327       break;
7328     case 2:
7329       if (swi_fp_trace_c != NULL) {
7330 	fputs("  printf(\"swe_get_planet_name: %d\\t%s\\t\\n\", ", swi_fp_trace_c);
7331 	fputs("ipl, s);\n", swi_fp_trace_c);/**/
7332 	fflush(swi_fp_trace_c);
7333       }
7334       if (swi_fp_trace_out != NULL) {
7335 	fprintf(swi_fp_trace_out, "swe_get_planet_name: %d\t%s\t\n", ipl, s);
7336 	fflush(swi_fp_trace_out);
7337       }
7338       break;
7339     default:
7340       break;
7341   }
7342 }
7344 #endif
7346 /* set geographic position and altitude of observer */
swe_set_topo(double geolon,double geolat,double geoalt)7347 void CALL_CONV swe_set_topo(double geolon, double geolat, double geoalt)
7348 {
7349   swi_init_swed_if_start();
7350   if (swed.geopos_is_set == TRUE
7351     && swed.topd.geolon == geolon
7352     && swed.topd.geolat == geolat
7353     && swed.topd.geoalt == geoalt) {
7354     return;
7355   }
7356   swed.topd.geolon = geolon;
7357   swed.topd.geolat = geolat;
7358   swed.topd.geoalt = geoalt;
7359   swed.geopos_is_set = TRUE;
7360   /* to force new calculation of observer position vector */
7361   swed.topd.teval = 0;
7362   /* to force new calculation of light-time etc.
7363    */
7364   swi_force_app_pos_etc();
7365 }
swi_force_app_pos_etc()7367 void swi_force_app_pos_etc()
7368 {
7369   int i;
7370   for (i = 0; i < SEI_NPLANETS; i++)
7371     swed.pldat[i].xflgs = -1;
7372   for (i = 0; i < SEI_NNODE_ETC; i++)
7373     swed.nddat[i].xflgs = -1;
7374   for (i = 0; i <= SE_NPLANETS; i++) { // "=" because save area for asteroids > SE_AST_OFFSET is at i == SE_NPLANETS
7375     swed.savedat[i].tsave = 0;
7376     swed.savedat[i].iflgsave = -1;
7377   }
7378 }
swi_get_observer(double tjd,int32 iflag,AS_BOOL do_save,double * xobs,char * serr)7380 int swi_get_observer(double tjd, int32 iflag,
7381 	AS_BOOL do_save, double *xobs, char *serr)
7382 {
7383   int i;
7384   double sidt, delt, tjd_ut, eps, nut, nutlo[2];
7385   double f = EARTH_OBLATENESS;
7386   double re = EARTH_RADIUS;
7387   double cosfi, sinfi, cc, ss, cosl, sinl, h;
7388   if (!swed.geopos_is_set) {
7389     if (serr != NULL)
7390       strcpy(serr, "geographic position has not been set");
7391     return ERR;
7392   }
7393   /* geocentric position of observer depends on sidereal time,
7394    * which depends on UT.
7395    * compute UT from ET. this UT will be slightly different
7396    * from the user's UT, but this difference is extremely small.
7397    */
7398   delt = swe_deltat_ex(tjd, iflag, serr);
7399   tjd_ut = tjd - delt;
7400   if (swed.oec.teps == tjd && swed.nut.tnut == tjd) {
7401     eps = swed.oec.eps;
7402     nutlo[1] = swed.nut.nutlo[1];
7403     nutlo[0] = swed.nut.nutlo[0];
7404   } else {
7405     eps = swi_epsiln(tjd, iflag);
7406     if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT))
7407       swi_nutation(tjd, iflag, nutlo);
7408   }
7409   if (iflag & SEFLG_NONUT) {
7410     nut = 0;
7411   } else {
7412     eps += nutlo[1];
7413     nut = nutlo[0];
7414   }
7415   /* mean or apparent sidereal time, depending on whether or
7416    * not SEFLG_NONUT is set */
7417   sidt = swe_sidtime0(tjd_ut, eps * RADTODEG, nut * RADTODEG);
7418   sidt *= 15;	/* in degrees */
7419   /* length of position and speed vectors;
7420    * the height above sea level must be taken into account.
7421    * with the moon, an altitude of 3000 m makes a difference
7422    * of about 2 arc seconds.
7423    * height is referred to the average sea level. however,
7424    * the spheroid (geoid), which is defined by the average
7425    * sea level (or rather by all points of same gravitational
7426    * potential), is of irregular shape and cannot easily
7427    * be taken into account. therefore, we refer height to
7428    * the surface of the ellipsoid. the resulting error
7429    * is below 500 m, i.e. 0.2 - 0.3 arc seconds with the moon.
7430    */
7431   cosfi = cos(swed.topd.geolat * DEGTORAD);
7432   sinfi = sin(swed.topd.geolat * DEGTORAD);
7433   cc= 1 / sqrt(cosfi * cosfi + (1-f) * (1-f) * sinfi * sinfi);
7434   ss= (1-f) * (1-f) * cc;
7435   /* neglect polar motion (displacement of a few meters), as long as
7436    * we use the earth ellipsoid */
7437   /* ... */
7438   /* add sidereal time */
7439   cosl = cos((swed.topd.geolon + sidt) * DEGTORAD);
7440   sinl = sin((swed.topd.geolon + sidt) * DEGTORAD);
7441   h = swed.topd.geoalt;
7442   xobs[0] = (re * cc + h) * cosfi * cosl;
7443   xobs[1] = (re * cc + h) * cosfi * sinl;
7444   xobs[2] = (re * ss + h) * sinfi;
7445   /* polar coordinates */
7446   swi_cartpol(xobs, xobs);
7447   /* speed */
7448   xobs[3] = EARTH_ROT_SPEED;
7449   xobs[4] = xobs[5] = 0;
7450   swi_polcart_sp(xobs, xobs);
7451   /* to AUNIT */
7452   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
7453     xobs[i] /= AUNIT;
7454   /* subtract nutation, set backward flag */
7455   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT)) {
7456     swi_coortrf2(xobs, xobs, -swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
7457     /* speed of xobs is always required, namely for aberration!!! */
7458     /*if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)*/
7459       swi_coortrf2(xobs+3, xobs+3, -swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
7460     swi_nutate(xobs, iflag | SEFLG_SPEED, TRUE);
7461   }
7462   /* precess to J2000 */
7463   swi_precess(xobs, tjd, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
7464   /*if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)*/
7465     swi_precess_speed(xobs, tjd, iflag, J_TO_J2000);
7466   /* neglect frame bias (displacement of 45cm) */
7467   /* ... */
7468   /* save */
7469   if (do_save) {
7470     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
7471       swed.topd.xobs[i] = xobs[i];
7472     swed.topd.teval = tjd;
7473     swed.topd.tjd_ut = tjd_ut;	/* -> save area */
7474   }
7475   return OK;
7476 }
7478 /* Equation of Time
7479  *
7480  * The function returns the difference between
7481  * local apparent and local mean time in days.
7482  * E = LAT - LMT
7483  * Input variable tjd is UT.
7484  */
swe_time_equ(double tjd_ut,double * E,char * serr)7485 int32 CALL_CONV swe_time_equ(double tjd_ut, double *E, char *serr)
7486 {
7487   int32 retval;
7488   double t, dt, x[6];
7489   double sidt = swe_sidtime(tjd_ut);
7490   int32 iflag = SEFLG_EQUATORIAL;
7491   iflag = plaus_iflag(iflag, -1, tjd_ut, serr);
7492   if (swi_init_swed_if_start() == 1 && !(iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH) && serr != NULL) {
7493     strcpy(serr, "Please call swe_set_ephe_path() or swe_set_jplfile() before calling swe_time_equ(), swe_lmt_to_lat() or swe_lat_to_lmt()");
7494   }
7495   if (swed.jpl_file_is_open)
7496     iflag |= SEFLG_JPLEPH;
7497   t = tjd_ut + 0.5;
7498   dt = t - floor(t);
7499   sidt -= dt * 24;
7500   sidt *= 15;
7501   if ((retval = swe_calc_ut(tjd_ut, SE_SUN, iflag, x, serr)) == ERR) {
7502     *E = 0;
7503     return ERR;
7504   }
7505   dt = swe_degnorm(sidt - x[0] - 180);
7506   if (dt > 180)
7507     dt -= 360;
7508   dt *= 4;
7509   *E = dt / 1440.0;
7510   return OK;
7511 }
swe_lmt_to_lat(double tjd_lmt,double geolon,double * tjd_lat,char * serr)7513 int32 CALL_CONV swe_lmt_to_lat(double tjd_lmt, double geolon, double *tjd_lat, char *serr)
7514 {
7515   int32 retval;
7516   double E, tjd_lmt0;
7517   tjd_lmt0 = tjd_lmt - geolon / 360.0;
7518   retval = swe_time_equ(tjd_lmt0, &E, serr);
7519   *tjd_lat = tjd_lmt + E;
7520   return retval;
7521 }
swe_lat_to_lmt(double tjd_lat,double geolon,double * tjd_lmt,char * serr)7523 int32 CALL_CONV swe_lat_to_lmt(double tjd_lat, double geolon, double *tjd_lmt, char *serr)
7524 {
7525   int32 retval;
7526   double E, tjd_lmt0;
7527   tjd_lmt0 = tjd_lat - geolon / 360.0;
7528   retval = swe_time_equ(tjd_lmt0, &E, serr);
7529   /* iteration */
7530   retval = swe_time_equ(tjd_lmt0 - E, &E, serr);
7531   retval = swe_time_equ(tjd_lmt0 - E, &E, serr);
7532   *tjd_lmt = tjd_lat - E;
7533   return retval;
7534 }
open_jpl_file(double * ss,char * fname,char * fpath,char * serr)7536 static int open_jpl_file(double *ss, char *fname, char *fpath, char *serr)
7537 {
7538   int retc;
7539   char serr2[AS_MAXCH];
7540   retc = swi_open_jpl_file(ss, fname, fpath, serr);
7541   /* If we fail with default JPL ephemeris (DE431), we try the second default
7542    * (DE406), but only if serr is not NULL and an warning message can be
7543    * returned. */
7544   if (retc != OK && strstr(fname, SE_FNAME_DFT) != NULL && serr != NULL) {
7545     retc = swi_open_jpl_file(ss, SE_FNAME_DFT2, fpath, serr2);
7546     if (retc == OK) {
7547       strcpy(swed.jplfnam, SE_FNAME_DFT2);
7548       if (serr != NULL) {
7549         strcpy(serr2, "Error with JPL ephemeris file ");
7550 	if (strlen(serr2) + strlen(SE_FNAME_DFT) < AS_MAXCH)
7551 	  strcat(serr2, SE_FNAME_DFT);
7552 	if (strlen(serr2) + strlen(serr) + 2 < AS_MAXCH)
7553 	  sprintf(serr2 + strlen(serr2), ": %s", serr);
7554 	if (strlen(serr2) + 17 < AS_MAXCH)
7555 	  strcat(serr2, ". Defaulting to ");
7556 	if (strlen(serr2) + strlen(SE_FNAME_DFT2) < AS_MAXCH)
7557 	  strcat(serr2, SE_FNAME_DFT2);
7558         strcpy(serr, serr2);
7559       }
7560     }
7561   }
7562   if (retc == OK) {
7563     swed.jpldenum = swi_get_jpl_denum();
7564     swed.jpl_file_is_open = TRUE;
7565     swi_set_tid_acc(0, 0, swed.jpldenum, serr);
7566   }
7567   return retc;
7568 }
7570 #if 1
swi_fixstar_load_record(char * star,char * srecord,char * sname,char * sbayer,double * dparams,char * serr)7571 static int32 swi_fixstar_load_record(char *star, char *srecord, char *sname, char *sbayer, double *dparams, char *serr)
7572 {
7573   char s[AS_MAXCH + 20], *sp, *sp2;	/* 20 byte for SE_STARFILE */
7574   char sstar[SWI_STAR_LENGTH + 1];
7575   char fstar[SWI_STAR_LENGTH + 1];
7576   int i, star_nr = 0;
7577   int line = 0;
7578   int fline = 0;
7579   int32 retc = OK;
7580   AS_BOOL  is_bayer = FALSE;
7581   size_t cmplen;
7582   size_t slen;
7583   struct fixed_star stardata;
7584   /* function formats the input search name of a star:
7585    * - remove white spaces
7586    * - traditional name to lower case (Bayer designation remains as it is)
7587    */
7588   retc = fixstar_format_search_name(star, sstar, serr);
7589   if (retc == ERR)
7590     return ERR;
7591   // search name is Bayer designation
7592   if (*sstar == ',') {
7593     is_bayer = TRUE;
7594   // search name star number in sefstars.txt
7595   } else if (isdigit((int) *sstar)) {
7596     star_nr = atoi(sstar);
7597   // traditional name: cut off Bayer designation
7598   } else {
7599     if ((sp = strchr(sstar, ',')) != NULL)
7600       *sp = '\0';
7601   }
7602   cmplen = strlen(sstar);
7603   /******************************************************
7604    * Star file
7605    * close to the beginning, a few stars selected by Astrodienst.
7606    * These can be accessed by giving their number instead of a name.
7607    * All other stars can be accessed by name.
7608    * Comment lines start with # and are ignored.
7609    ******************************************************/
7610   if (swed.fixfp == NULL) {
7611     if ((swed.fixfp = swi_fopen(SEI_FILE_FIXSTAR, SE_STARFILE, swed.ephepath, serr)) == NULL) {
7612       swed.is_old_starfile = TRUE;
7613       if ((swed.fixfp = swi_fopen(SEI_FILE_FIXSTAR, SE_STARFILE_OLD, swed.ephepath, NULL)) == NULL) {
7614 	swed.is_old_starfile = FALSE;
7615 	/* no fixed star file available, error message is already in serr. */
7616 	return ERR;
7617       }
7618     }
7619   }
7620   rewind(swed.fixfp);
7621   while (fgets(s, AS_MAXCH, swed.fixfp) != NULL) {
7622     fline++;
7623     // skip comment lines
7624     if (*s == '#') continue;
7625     line++;
7626     // search string is star number in sefstars.txt
7627     if (star_nr == line)
7628       goto found;
7629     else if (star_nr > 0)
7630       continue;
7631     // invalid line without comma
7632     if ((sp = strchr(s, ',')) == NULL) {
7633       if (serr != NULL) {
7634 	sprintf(serr, "star file %s damaged at line %d", SE_STARFILE, fline);
7635       }
7636       return ERR;
7637     }
7638     // search string is Bayer or Flamsteed designation
7639     if (is_bayer) {
7640       if (strncmp(sp, sstar, cmplen) == 0)
7641         goto found;
7642       else
7643         continue;
7644     }
7645     // search string is traditional name
7646     *sp = '\0';	/* cut off after first field to get star name, ',' -> '\0' */
7647     //strncpy(fstar, s, SWI_STAR_LENGTH);
7648     slen = swi_strnlen(s, SE_MAX_STNAME);
7649     memcpy(fstar, s, slen);
7650     fstar[slen] = '\0';  /* force termination */
7651     *sp = ',';  /* add comma again */
7652     //fstar[SWI_STAR_LENGTH] = '\0';	/* force termination */
7653     // remove white spaces from star name
7654     while ((sp = strchr(fstar, ' ')) != NULL)
7655       swi_strcpy(sp, sp+1);
7656     i = (int) strlen(fstar);
7657     // length of star name differs from length of search string: continue
7658     if (i < (int) cmplen)
7659       continue;
7660     // star name to lowercase and compare with search string
7661     for (sp2 = fstar; *sp2 != '\0'; sp2++) {
7662       *sp2 = tolower((int) *sp2);
7663     }
7664     if (strncmp(fstar, sstar, cmplen) == 0)
7665       goto found;
7666   }
7667   if (serr != NULL) {
7668     sprintf(serr, "star  not found");
7669     if (strlen(serr) + strlen(star) < AS_MAXCH) {
7670       sprintf(serr, "star %s not found", star);
7671     }
7672     return ERR;
7673   }
7674   found:
7675   strcpy(srecord, s);
7676   retc = fixstar_cut_string(srecord, star, &stardata, serr);
7677   if (retc == ERR) return ERR;
7678   if (dparams != NULL) {
7679     dparams[0] = stardata.epoch; // epoch
7680     // RA(epoch)
7681     dparams[1] = stardata.ra;
7682     // Decl(epoch)
7683     dparams[2] = stardata.de;
7684     // RA proper motion
7685     dparams[3] = stardata.ramot;
7686     // decl proper motion
7687     dparams[4] = stardata.demot;
7688     // radial velocity
7689     dparams[5] = stardata.radvel;
7690     // parallax
7691     dparams[6] = stardata.parall;
7692     // magnitude V
7693     dparams[7] = stardata.mag;
7694   }
7695   return OK;
7696 }
7698 /* function calculates a fixstar from a record from sefstars.txt
7699  * input:
7700  * char *srecord     fixed star data record from sefstars.txt
7701  * double tjd        julian daynumber
7702  * int32 iflag       SEFLG_ specifications
7703  * output:
7704  * char *star        star name, Bayer designation
7705  * double xx[6]      position and speed
7706  * char *serr        error return string
7707  */
swi_fixstar_calc_from_record(char * srecord,double tjd,int32 iflag,char * star,double * xx,char * serr)7708 static int32 swi_fixstar_calc_from_record(char *srecord, double tjd, int32 iflag, char *star, double *xx, char *serr)
7709 {
7710   int i;
7711   int32 retc = OK;
7712   double epoch, radv, parall;
7713   double ra_pm, de_pm, ra, de, t;
7714   struct fixed_star stardata;
7715   double daya, rdist;
7716   double x[6], xxsv[6], xobs[6], xobs_dt[6], *xpo = NULL, *xpo_dt = NULL;
7717   static TLS double xearth[6], xearth_dt[6], xsun[6], xsun_dt[6];
7718   double dt = PLAN_SPEED_INTV * 0.1;
7719   int32 epheflag, iflgsave;
7720   // char s[AS_MAXCH];
7721   struct epsilon *oe = &swed.oec2000;
7722   iflag |= SEFLG_SPEED; /* we need this in order to work correctly */
7723   iflgsave = iflag;
7724   if (serr != NULL)
7725     *serr = '\0';
7726   iflag = plaus_iflag(iflag, -1, tjd, serr);
7727   epheflag = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
7728   if (swi_init_swed_if_start() == 1 && !(epheflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH) && serr != NULL) {
7729     strcpy(serr, "Please call swe_set_ephe_path() or swe_set_jplfile() before calling swe_fixstar() or swe_fixstar_ut()");
7730   }
7731   if (swed.last_epheflag != epheflag) {
7732     free_planets();
7733     /* close and free ephemeris files */
7734     if (swed.jpl_file_is_open) {
7735       swi_close_jpl_file();
7736       swed.jpl_file_is_open = FALSE;
7737     }
7738     for (i = 0; i < SEI_NEPHFILES; i ++) {
7739       if (swed.fidat[i].fptr != NULL)
7740 	fclose(swed.fidat[i].fptr);
7741       memset((void *) &swed.fidat[i], 0, sizeof(struct file_data));
7742     }
7743     swed.last_epheflag = epheflag;
7744   }
7745   /* high precision speed prevails fast speed */
7746   /* JPL Horizons is only reproduced with SEFLG_JPLEPH */
7747   if (iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL && !swed.ayana_is_set)
7748     swe_set_sid_mode(SE_SIDM_FAGAN_BRADLEY, 0, 0);
7749   /******************************************
7750    * obliquity of ecliptic 2000 and of date *
7751    ******************************************/
7752   swi_check_ecliptic(tjd, iflag);
7753   /******************************************
7754    * nutation                               *
7755    ******************************************/
7756   swi_check_nutation(tjd, iflag);
7757   retc = fixstar_cut_string(srecord, star, &stardata, serr);
7758   if (retc == ERR) return ERR;
7759   epoch = stardata.epoch;
7760   ra_pm = stardata.ramot; de_pm = stardata.demot;
7761   radv = stardata.radvel; parall = stardata.parall;
7762   ra = stardata.ra; de = stardata.de;
7763   if (epoch == 1950)
7764     t= (tjd - B1950);	/* days since 1950.0 */
7765   else /* epoch == 2000 */
7766     t= (tjd - J2000);	/* days since 2000.0 */
7767   x[0] = ra;
7768   x[1] = de;
7769   x[2] = 1;
7770   if (parall == 0) {
7771     rdist = 1000000000;
7772   } else {
7773     rdist = 1.0 / (parall * RADTODEG * 3600) * PARSEC_TO_AUNIT;
7774     //rdist += t * radv / 36525.0;
7775   }
7776 // rdist = 10000;  // to reproduce pre-SE2.07 star positions
7777   x[2] = rdist;
7778   x[3] = ra_pm / 36525.0;
7779   x[4] = de_pm / 36525.0;
7780   x[5] = radv / 36525.0;
7781   // Cartesian space motion vector
7782   swi_polcart_sp(x, x);
7783   /******************************************
7784    * FK5
7785    ******************************************/
7786   if (epoch == 1950) {
7787     swi_FK4_FK5(x, B1950);
7788     swi_precess(x, B1950, 0, J_TO_J2000);
7789     swi_precess(x+3, B1950, 0, J_TO_J2000);
7790   }
7791   /* FK5 to ICRF, if jpl ephemeris is referred to ICRF.
7792    * With data that are already ICRF, epoch = 0 */
7793   if (epoch != 0) {
7794     swi_icrs2fk5(x, iflag, TRUE); /* backward, i. e. to icrf */
7795     /* with ephemerides < DE403, we now convert to J2000 */
7796     if (swi_get_denum(SEI_SUN, iflag) >= 403) {
7797       swi_bias(x, J2000, SEFLG_SPEED, FALSE);
7798     }
7799   }
7800   /****************************************************
7801    * earth/sun
7802    * for parallax, light deflection, and aberration,
7803    ****************************************************/
7804   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR) && (!(iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) || !(iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH))) {
7805     if ((retc =  main_planet_bary(tjd - dt, SEI_EARTH, epheflag, iflag, NO_SAVE, xearth_dt, xearth_dt, xsun_dt, NULL, serr)) != OK) {
7806       return ERR;
7807     }
7808     if ((retc =  main_planet_bary(tjd, SEI_EARTH, epheflag, iflag, DO_SAVE, xearth, xearth, xsun, NULL, serr)) != OK) {
7809       return ERR;
7810     }
7811   }
7812   /************************************
7813    * observer: geocenter or topocenter
7814    ************************************/
7815   /* if topocentric position is wanted  */
7816   if (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR) {
7817     if (swi_get_observer(tjd - dt, iflag | SEFLG_NONUT, NO_SAVE, xobs_dt, serr) != OK)
7818       return ERR;
7819     if (swi_get_observer(tjd, iflag | SEFLG_NONUT, NO_SAVE, xobs, serr) != OK)
7820       return ERR;
7821     /* barycentric position of observer */
7822     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
7823       xobs[i] = xobs[i] + xearth[i];
7824       xobs_dt[i] = xobs_dt[i] + xearth_dt[i];
7825     }
7826   } else if (!(iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR) && (!(iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) || !(iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH))) {
7827     /* barycentric position of geocenter */
7828     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
7829       xobs[i] = xearth[i];
7830       xobs_dt[i] = xearth_dt[i];
7831     }
7832   }
7833   /************************************
7834    * position and speed at tjd        *
7835    ************************************/
7836   /* for parallax */
7837   if ((iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) && (iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH)) {
7838     xpo = NULL;		/* no parallax, if moshier and heliocentric */
7839     xpo_dt = NULL;	/* no parallax, if moshier and heliocentric */
7840   } else if (iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) {
7841     xpo = xsun;//psdp->x;
7842     xpo_dt = xsun_dt;
7843   } else if (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR) {
7844     xpo = NULL;		/* no parallax, if barycentric */
7845     xpo_dt = NULL;	/* no parallax, if moshier and heliocentric */
7846   } else {
7847     xpo = xobs;
7848     xpo_dt = xobs_dt;
7849   }
7850   if (xpo == NULL) {
7851     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
7852       x[i] += t * x[i+3];
7853     }
7854   } else {
7855     for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
7856       x[i] += t * x[i+3];
7857       x[i] -= xpo[i];
7858       x[i+3] -= xpo[i+3];
7859     }
7860     // rdist of date
7861     //rdist = sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2]);
7862     // parallax of date
7863     //parall = PARSEC_TO_AUNIT / rdist / RADTODEG / 3600.0;
7864   }
7865   /************************************
7866    * relativistic deflection of light *
7867    ************************************/
7868   if ((iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) == 0 && (iflag & SEFLG_NOGDEFL) == 0) {
7869     swi_deflect_light(x, 0, iflag & SEFLG_SPEED);
7870   }
7871   /**********************************
7872    * 'annual' aberration of light   *
7873    * speed is incorrect !!!         *
7874    **********************************/
7875   if ((iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) == 0 && (iflag & SEFLG_NOABERR) == 0)
7876     swi_aberr_light_ex(x, xpo, xpo_dt, dt, iflag & SEFLG_SPEED);
7877   /* ICRS to J2000 */
7878   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_ICRS) && (swi_get_denum(SEI_SUN, iflag) >= 403 || (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR))) {
7879     swi_bias(x, tjd, iflag, FALSE);
7880   }/**/
7881   /* save J2000 coordinates; required for sidereal positions */
7882   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
7883     xxsv[i] = x[i];
7884   /************************************************
7885    * precession, equator 2000 -> equator of date *
7886    ************************************************/
7887   /*x[0] = -0.374018403; x[1] = -0.312548592; x[2] = -0.873168719;*/
7888   if ((iflag & SEFLG_J2000) == 0) {
7889     swi_precess(x, tjd, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
7890     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
7891       swi_precess_speed(x, tjd, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
7892     }
7893     oe = &swed.oec;
7894   } else {
7895     oe = &swed.oec2000;
7896   }
7897   /************************************************
7898    * nutation                                     *
7899    ************************************************/
7900   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT))
7901     swi_nutate(x, iflag, FALSE);
7902 if ((0)) {
7903   double r = sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2]);
7904   printf("%.17f %.17f %f\n", x[0]/r, x[1]/r, x[2]/r);
7905 }
7906   /************************************************
7907    * transformation to ecliptic.                  *
7908    * with sidereal calc. this will be overwritten *
7909    * afterwards.                                  *
7910    ************************************************/
7911   if ((iflag & SEFLG_EQUATORIAL) == 0) {
7912     swi_coortrf2(x, x, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
7913     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
7914       swi_coortrf2(x+3, x+3, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
7915     if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT)) {
7916       swi_coortrf2(x, x, swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
7917       if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
7918 	swi_coortrf2(x+3, x+3, swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
7919     }
7920   }
7921   /************************************
7922    * sidereal positions               *
7923    ************************************/
7924   if (iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL) {
7925     /* rigorous algorithm */
7926     if (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_ECL_T0) {
7927       if (swi_trop_ra2sid_lon(xxsv, x, xxsv, iflag) != OK)
7928         return ERR;
7929       if (iflag & SEFLG_EQUATORIAL) {
7930         for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
7931           x[i] = xxsv[i];
7932       }
7933     /* project onto solar system equator */
7934     } else if (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_SSY_PLANE) {
7935       if (swi_trop_ra2sid_lon_sosy(xxsv, x, iflag) != OK)
7936 	return ERR;
7937       if (iflag & SEFLG_EQUATORIAL) {
7938         for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
7939           x[i] = xxsv[i];
7940       }
7941     /* traditional algorithm */
7942     } else {
7943       swi_cartpol_sp(x, x);
7944       if (swi_get_ayanamsa_ex(tjd, iflag, &daya, serr) == ERR)
7945         return ERR;
7946       x[0] -= daya * DEGTORAD;
7947       swi_polcart_sp(x, x);
7948     }
7949   }
7950   /************************************************
7951    * transformation to polar coordinates          *
7952    ************************************************/
7953   if ((iflag & SEFLG_XYZ) == 0)
7954     swi_cartpol_sp(x, x);
7955   /**********************
7956    * radians to degrees *
7957    **********************/
7958   if ((iflag & SEFLG_RADIANS) == 0 && (iflag & SEFLG_XYZ) == 0) {
7959     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
7960       x[i] *= RADTODEG;
7961       x[i+3] *= RADTODEG;
7962     }
7963   }
7964   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
7965     xx[i] = x[i];
7966   if (!(iflgsave & SEFLG_SPEED)) {
7967     for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
7968       xx[i] = 0;
7969   }
7970   /* if no ephemeris has been specified, do not return chosen ephemeris */
7971   if ((iflgsave & SEFLG_EPHMASK) == 0)
7972     iflag = iflag & ~SEFLG_DEFAULTEPH;
7973   iflag = iflag & ~SEFLG_SPEED;
7974   return iflag;
7975 }
7977 /**********************************************************
7978  * get fixstar positions
7979  * parameters:
7980  * star 	name of star or line number in star file
7981  *		(start from 1, don't count comment).
7982  *    		If no error occurs, the name of the star is returned
7983  *	        in the format trad_name, nomeclat_name
7984  *
7985  * tjd 		absolute julian day
7986  * iflag	s. swecalc(); speed bit does not function
7987  * x		pointer for returning the ecliptic coordinates
7988  * serr		error return string
7989 **********************************************************/
swe_fixstar(char * star,double tjd,int32 iflag,double * xx,char * serr)7990 int32 CALL_CONV swe_fixstar(char *star, double tjd, int32 iflag,
7991   double *xx, char *serr)
7992 {
7993   int i;
7994   char sstar[SWI_STAR_LENGTH + 1];
7995   static TLS char slast_stardata[AS_MAXCH];
7996   static TLS char slast_starname[AS_MAXCH];
7997   char srecord[AS_MAXCH + 20], *sp;	/* 20 byte for SE_STARFILE */
7998   int retc;
7999   if (serr != NULL)
8000     *serr = '\0';
8001 #ifdef TRACE
8002   swi_open_trace(serr);
8003   trace_swe_fixstar(1, star, tjd, iflag, xx, serr);
8004 #endif /* TRACE */
8005   retc = fixstar_format_search_name(star, sstar, serr);
8006   if (retc == ERR)
8007     goto return_err;
8008   if (*sstar == ',') {
8009     ; // is Bayer designation
8010   } else if (isdigit((int) *sstar)) {
8011     ; // is a sequential star number
8012   } else {
8013     if ((sp = strchr(sstar, ',')) != NULL) // cut off Bayer, if trad. name
8014       *sp = '\0';
8015   }
8016   /* star elements from last call: */
8017   if (*slast_stardata != '\0' && strcmp(slast_starname, sstar) == 0) {
8018     strcpy(srecord, slast_stardata);
8019     goto found;
8020   }
8021   if (get_builtin_star(star, sstar, srecord)) {
8022     goto found;
8023   }
8024   /******************************************************
8025    * Star file
8026    * close to the beginning, a few stars selected by Astrodienst.
8027    * These can be accessed by giving their number instead of a name.
8028    * All other stars can be accessed by name.
8029    * Comment lines start with # and are ignored.
8030    ******************************************************/
8031   if ((retc = swi_fixstar_load_record(star, srecord, NULL, NULL, NULL, serr)) != OK)
8032     goto return_err;
8033   found:
8034   strcpy(slast_stardata, srecord);
8035   strcpy(slast_starname, sstar);
8036   if ((retc = swi_fixstar_calc_from_record(srecord, tjd, iflag, star, xx, serr)) == ERR)
8037     goto return_err;
8038 #ifdef TRACE
8039   trace_swe_fixstar(2, star, tjd, iflag, xx, serr);
8040 #endif
8041   return iflag;
8042   return_err:
8043   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
8044     xx[i] = 0;
8045 #ifdef TRACE
8046   trace_swe_fixstar(2, star, tjd, iflag, xx, serr);
8047 #endif
8048   return retc;
8049 }
swe_fixstar_ut(char * star,double tjd_ut,int32 iflag,double * xx,char * serr)8051 int32 CALL_CONV swe_fixstar_ut(char *star, double tjd_ut, int32 iflag,
8052   double *xx, char *serr)
8053 {
8054   double deltat;
8055   int32 retflag;
8056   int32 epheflag = 0;
8057   iflag = plaus_iflag(iflag, -1, tjd_ut, serr);
8058   epheflag = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
8059   if (epheflag == 0) {
8060     epheflag = SEFLG_SWIEPH;
8061     iflag |= SEFLG_SWIEPH;
8062   }
8063   deltat = swe_deltat_ex(tjd_ut, iflag, serr);
8064   /* if ephe required is not ephe returned, adjust delta t: */
8065   retflag = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_ut + deltat, iflag, xx, serr);
8066   if (retflag != ERR && (retflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK) != epheflag) {
8067     deltat = swe_deltat_ex(tjd_ut, retflag, NULL);
8068     retflag = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_ut + deltat, iflag, xx, NULL);
8069   }
8070   return retflag;
8071 }
8073 /**********************************************************
8074  * get fixstar magnitude
8075  * parameters:
8076  * star 	name of star or line number in star file
8077  *		(start from 1, don't count comment).
8078  *    		If no error occurs, the name of the star is returned
8079  *	        in the format trad_name, nomeclat_name
8080  *
8081  * mag 		pointer to a double, for star magnitude
8082  * serr		error return string
8083 **********************************************************/
swe_fixstar_mag(char * star,double * mag,char * serr)8084 int32 CALL_CONV swe_fixstar_mag(char *star, double *mag, char *serr)
8085 {
8086   char sstar[SWI_STAR_LENGTH + 1];
8087   static TLS char slast_stardata[AS_MAXCH];
8088   static TLS char slast_starname[AS_MAXCH];
8089   char srecord[AS_MAXCH + 20], *sp;	/* 20 byte for SE_STARFILE */
8090   struct fixed_star stardata;
8091   int retc;
8092   double dparams[20];
8093   if (serr != NULL)
8094     *serr = '\0';
8095   retc = fixstar_format_search_name(star, sstar, serr);
8096   if (retc == ERR)
8097     goto return_err;
8098   if (*sstar == ',') {
8099     ; // is Bayer designation
8100   } else if (isdigit((int) *sstar)) {
8101     ; // is a sequential star number
8102   } else {
8103     if ((sp = strchr(sstar, ',')) != NULL) // cut off Bayer, if trad. name
8104       *sp = '\0';
8105   }
8106   /* star elements from last call: */
8107   if (*slast_stardata != '\0' && strcmp(slast_starname, sstar) == 0) {
8108     strcpy(srecord, slast_stardata);
8109     retc = fixstar_cut_string(srecord, star, &stardata, serr);
8110     if (retc == ERR) goto return_err;
8111     // magnitude V
8112     dparams[7] = stardata.mag;
8113     goto found;
8114   }
8115   /******************************************************
8116    * Star file
8117    * close to the beginning, a few stars selected by Astrodienst.
8118    * These can be accessed by giving their number instead of a name.
8119    * All other stars can be accessed by name.
8120    * Comment lines start with # and are ignored.
8121    ******************************************************/
8122   if ((retc = swi_fixstar_load_record(star, srecord, NULL, NULL, dparams, serr)) != OK)
8123     goto return_err;
8124   found:
8125   strcpy(slast_stardata, srecord);
8126   strcpy(slast_starname, sstar);
8127   *mag = dparams[7];
8128   return OK;
8129   return_err:
8130   *mag = 0;
8131   return retc;
8132 }
8134 #endif
swe_calc_pctr(double tjd,int32 ipl,int32 iplctr,int32 iflag,double * xxret,char * serr)8136 int32 CALL_CONV swe_calc_pctr(double tjd, int32 ipl, int32 iplctr, int32 iflag, double *xxret, char *serr)
8137 {
8138   double t = 0, dt, daya[2], dtsave_for_defl = 0;
8139   double xx[6], xxctr[6], xxctr2[6], xx0[6], xxsv[24], xxsp[6], dx[6], xreturn[24];
8140   double *xs;
8141   int i, j, niter;
8142   int32 iflag2, epheflag, retc;
8143   struct epsilon *oe;
8144   if (ipl == iplctr) {
8145     if (serr != NULL)
8146 	  sprintf(serr, "ipl and iplctr (= %d) must not be identical\n", ipl);
8147 	return ERR;
8148   }
8149   iflag = plaus_iflag(iflag, ipl, tjd, serr);
8150   epheflag = iflag & SEFLG_EPHMASK;
8151   // this fills in obliquity and nutation values in swed
8152   swe_calc(tjd + swe_deltat_ex(tjd, epheflag, serr), SE_ECL_NUT, iflag, xx, serr);
8153   iflag &= ~(SEFLG_HELCTR|SEFLG_BARYCTR);
8154   iflag2 = epheflag;
8157   retc = swe_calc(tjd, iplctr, iflag2, xxctr, serr);
8158   if (retc == ERR)
8159     return ERR;
8160   retc = swe_calc(tjd, ipl, iflag2, xx, serr);
8161   if (retc == ERR)
8162     return ERR;
8163   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
8164     xx0[i] = xx[i];
8165     //xx[i] -= xxctr[i];
8166   }
8167   /*******************************
8168    * light-time geocentric       *
8169    *******************************/
8170   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS)) {
8171     /* number of iterations - 1 */
8172     niter = 1;
8173     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
8174       /*
8175        * Apparent speed is influenced by the fact that dt changes with
8176        * time. This makes a difference of several hundredths of an
8177        * arc second / day. To take this into account, we compute
8178        * 1. true position - apparent position at time t - 1.
8179        * 2. true position - apparent position at time t.
8180        * 3. the difference between the two is the part of the daily motion
8181        * that results from the change of dt.
8182        */
8183       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
8184 	    xxsv[i] = xxsp[i] = xx[i] - xx[i+3];
8185       for (j = 0; j <= niter; j++) {
8186         for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
8187           dx[i] = xxsp[i];
8188           dx[i] -= (xxctr[i] - xxctr[i+3]);
8189         }
8190         /* new dt */
8191         dt = sqrt(square_sum(dx)) * AUNIT / CLIGHT / 86400.0;
8192         for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) 	/* rough apparent position at t-1 */
8193           xxsp[i] = xxsv[i] - dt * xx0[i+3];
8194       }
8195       /* true position - apparent position at time t-1 */
8196       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
8197         xxsp[i] = xxsv[i] - xxsp[i];
8198     }
8199     /* dt and t(apparent) */
8200     for (j = 0; j <= niter; j++) {
8201       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
8202         dx[i] = xx[i];
8203     	dx[i] -= xxctr[i];
8204       }
8205       dt = sqrt(square_sum(dx)) * AUNIT / CLIGHT / 86400.0;
8206       /* new t */
8207       t = tjd - dt;
8208       dtsave_for_defl = dt;
8209       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) 		/* rough apparent position at t*/
8210         xx[i] = xx0[i] - dt * xx0[i+3];
8211     }
8212     /* part of daily motion resulting from change of dt */
8213     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
8214       for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
8215         xxsp[i] = xx0[i] - xx[i] - xxsp[i];
8216     }
8217     retc = swe_calc(t, iplctr, iflag2, xxctr2, serr);
8218     retc = swe_calc(t, ipl, iflag2, xx, serr);
8219   }
8220   /*******************************
8221    * conversion to planetocenter     *
8222    *******************************/
8223   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) && !(iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR)) {
8224     /* subtract earth */
8225     for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
8226       xx[i] -= xxctr[i];
8227     if ((iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) == 0 ) {
8228       /*
8229        * Apparent speed is also influenced by
8230        * the change of dt during motion.
8231        * Neglect of this would result in an error of several 0.01"
8232        */
8233       if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
8234         for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
8235           xx[i] -= xxsp[i-3];
8236     }
8237   }
8238   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_SPEED))
8239     for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
8240       xx[i] = 0;
8241   /************************************
8242    * relativistic deflection of light *
8243    ************************************/
8244   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) && !(iflag & SEFLG_NOGDEFL))
8246     swi_deflect_light(xx, dtsave_for_defl, iflag);
8247   /**********************************
8248    * 'annual' aberration of light   *
8249    **********************************/
8250   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) && !(iflag & SEFLG_NOABERR)) {
8252     swi_aberr_light(xx, xxctr, iflag);
8253     /*
8254      * Apparent speed is also influenced by
8255      * the difference of speed of the earth between t and t-dt.
8256      * Neglecting this would involve an error of several 0.1"
8257      */
8258     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
8259       for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
8260         xx[i] += xxctr[i] - xxctr2[i];
8261     }
8262   }
8263   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_SPEED))
8264     for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
8265       xx[i] = 0;
8266   /* ICRS to J2000 */
8267   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_ICRS) && swi_get_denum(ipl, epheflag) >= 403) {
8268     swi_bias(xx, t, iflag, FALSE);
8269   }/**/
8270   /* save J2000 coordinates; required for sidereal positions */
8271   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
8272     xxsv[i] = xx[i];
8273   /************************************************
8274    * precession, equator 2000 -> equator of date *
8275    ************************************************/
8276   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_J2000)) {
8277     swi_precess(xx, tjd, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
8278     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
8279       swi_precess_speed(xx, tjd, iflag, J2000_TO_J);
8280     oe = &swed.oec;
8281   } else {
8282     oe = &swed.oec2000;
8283   }
8284   /************************************************
8285    * nutation                                     *
8286    ************************************************/
8287   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT))
8288     swi_nutate(xx, iflag, FALSE);
8289   /* now we have equatorial cartesian coordinates; save them */
8290   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
8291     xreturn[18+i] = xx[i];
8292   /************************************************
8293    * transformation to ecliptic.                  *
8294    * with sidereal calc. this will be overwritten *
8295    * afterwards.                                  *
8296    ************************************************/
8297   swi_coortrf2(xx, xx, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
8298   if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
8299     swi_coortrf2(xx+3, xx+3, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
8300   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT)) {
8301     swi_coortrf2(xx, xx, swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
8302     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
8303       swi_coortrf2(xx+3, xx+3, swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
8304   }
8305   /* now we have ecliptic cartesian coordinates */
8306   for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
8307     xreturn[6+i] = xx[i];
8308   /************************************
8309    * sidereal positions               *
8310    ************************************/
8311   if (iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL) {
8312     /* project onto ecliptic t0 */
8313     if (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_ECL_T0) {
8314       if (swi_trop_ra2sid_lon(xxsv, xreturn+6, xreturn+18, iflag) != OK)
8315 	return ERR;
8316     /* project onto solar system equator */
8317     } else if (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_SSY_PLANE) {
8318       if (swi_trop_ra2sid_lon_sosy(xxsv, xreturn+6, iflag) != OK)
8319         return ERR;
8320     } else {
8321     /* traditional algorithm */
8322       swi_cartpol_sp(xreturn+6, xreturn);
8323       /* note, swi_get_ayanamsa_ex() disturbs present calculations, if sun is calculated with
8324        * TRUE_CHITRA ayanamsha, because the ayanamsha also calculates the sun.
8325        * Therefore current values are saved... */
8326       for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
8327         xxsv[i] = xreturn[i];
8328       if (swi_get_ayanamsa_with_speed(tjd, iflag, daya, serr) == ERR)
8329         return ERR;
8330       /* ... and restored */
8331       for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
8332         xreturn[i] = xxsv[i];
8333       xreturn[0] -= daya[0] * DEGTORAD;
8334       xreturn[3] -= daya[1] * DEGTORAD;
8335       swi_polcart_sp(xreturn, xreturn+6);
8336     }
8337   }
8338   /************************************************
8339    * transformation to polar coordinates          *
8340    ************************************************/
8341   swi_cartpol_sp(xreturn+18, xreturn+12);
8342   swi_cartpol_sp(xreturn+6, xreturn);
8343   /**********************
8344    * radians to degrees *
8345    **********************/
8346   for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
8347     xreturn[i] *= RADTODEG;		/* ecliptic */
8348     xreturn[i+3] *= RADTODEG;
8349     xreturn[i+12] *= RADTODEG;	/* equator */
8350     xreturn[i+15] *= RADTODEG;
8351   }
8352   // return values
8353   if (iflag & SEFLG_EQUATORIAL) {
8354     xs = xreturn+12;	/* equatorial coordinates */
8355   } else {
8356     xs = xreturn;	/* ecliptic coordinates */
8357   }
8358   if (iflag & SEFLG_XYZ)
8359     xs = xs+6;		/* cartesian coordinates */
8360   for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
8361     xxret[i] = xs[i];
8362   if (!(iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)) {
8363     for (i = 3; i < 6; i++)
8364       xxret[i] = 0;
8365   }
8366   if (iflag & SEFLG_RADIANS) {
8367     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
8368       xxret[i] *= DEGTORAD;
8369     if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED) {
8370       for (i = 3; i < 5; i++)
8371 	xxret[i] *= DEGTORAD;
8372     }
8373   }
8374   if (retc == ERR)
8375     return ERR;
8376   return(iflag);
8377 }
8379 // returns data from internal file structures sweph.fidat
8380 // used in last call to swe_calc() or swe_fixstar()
8381 // ifno = 0     planet file sepl_xxx, used for Sun .. Pluto, or jpl file
8382 // ifno = 1     moon file semo_xxx
8383 // ifno = 2     main asteroid file seas_xxx  if such an object was computed
8384 // ifno = 3     other asteroid or planetary moon file, if such object was computed
8385 // ifno = 4     star file
8386 // Return value: full file pathname, or NULL if no data
8387 // tfstart = start date of file,
8388 // tfend   = end data of fila,
8389 // denum   = jpl ephemeris number 406 or 431 from which file was derived
8390 // all three return values are zero for a jpl file or a star file.
swe_get_current_file_data(int ifno,double * tfstart,double * tfend,int * denum)8391 const char *CALL_CONV swe_get_current_file_data(int ifno, double *tfstart, double *tfend, int *denum)
8392 {
8393   if (ifno < 0 || ifno > 4) return NULL;
8394   struct file_data *pfp = &swed.fidat[ifno];
8395   if (strlen(pfp->fnam) == 0) return NULL;
8396   *tfstart = pfp->tfstart;
8397   *tfend = pfp->tfend;
8398   *denum = pfp->sweph_denum;
8399   return pfp->fnam;
8400 }