2! Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
10MODULE symm_base
11  !
12  !! This module contains the variables needed to describe the symmetry properties
13  !! and the routines to find crystal symmetries.
14  !
15  USE kinds,      ONLY : DP
16  USE io_global,  ONLY : stdout
17  USE cell_base,  ONLY : at, bg
18  !
19  ! ... these are acceptance criteria
20  !
21  REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: eps1 = 1.0d-6, eps2 = 1.0d-5
22  !
23  SAVE
24  !
26  !
27  ! ... Exported variables
28  !
29  PUBLIC :: s, sr, sname, ft, nrot, nsym, nsym_ns, nsym_na, t_rev,  &
30            no_t_rev, time_reversal, irt, invs, invsym, d1, d2, d3, &
31            allfrac, nofrac, nosym, nosym_evc, fft_fact, spacegroup
32  !
33  INTEGER :: s(3,3,48)
34  !! symmetry matrices, in crystal axis
35  INTEGER :: invs(48)
36  !! index of inverse operation: S^{-1}_i=S(invs(i))
37  INTEGER :: fft_fact(3) = 1
38  !! FFT dimensions must be multiple of fft_fact
39  INTEGER :: nrot
40  !! number of bravais lattice symmetries
41  INTEGER :: spacegroup = 0
42  !! space group index, as read from input
43  INTEGER :: nsym = 1
44  !! total number of crystal symmetries
45  INTEGER :: nsym_ns = 0
46  !! nonsymmorphic (fractional translation) symms
47  INTEGER :: nsym_na = 0
48  !! excluded nonsymmorphic symmetries because
49  !! fract. transl. is noncommensurate with FFT grid
50  REAL(DP) :: ft (3,48)
51  !! fractional translations, in crystal axis
52  REAL(DP) :: sr (3,3,48)
53  !! symmetry matrices, in cartesian axis
54  REAL(DP) :: accep = 1.0d-5
55  !! initial value of the acceptance threshold
56  !! for position comparison by eqvect in checksym
57  !
58  CHARACTER(LEN=45) :: sname(48)
59  !! name of the symmetries
60  INTEGER :: t_rev(48) = 0
61  !! time reversal flag, for noncolinear magnetism
62  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: irt(:,:)
63  !! symmetric atom for each atom and sym.op.
64  LOGICAL :: time_reversal = .TRUE.
65  !! if .TRUE. the system has time reversal symmetry
66  LOGICAL :: invsym
67  !! if .TRUE. the system has inversion symmetry
68  LOGICAL :: nofrac = .FALSE.
69  !! if .TRUE. fract. translations are not allowed
70  LOGICAL :: allfrac = .FALSE.
71  !! if .TRUE. all fractionary translations allowed,
72  !! even those not commensurate with FFT grid
73  LOGICAL :: nosym = .FALSE.
74  !! if .TRUE. no symmetry is used
75  LOGICAL :: nosym_evc = .FALSE.
76  !! if .TRUE. symmetry is used only to symmetrize
77  !! k points
78  LOGICAL :: no_t_rev = .FALSE.
79  !! if .TRUE. remove the symmetries that
80  !! require time reversal
81  REAL(DP), TARGET :: d1(3,3,48)
82  !! matrix d1 for rotation of spherical harmonics (d1 for l=1, ...)
83  REAL(DP), TARGET :: d2(5,5,48)
84  !! matrix d2 for rotation of spherical harmonics
85  REAL(DP), TARGET :: d3(7,7,48)
86  !! matrix d3 for rotation of spherical harmonics
87  !
88  ! ... Exported routines
89  !
90  PUBLIC ::  find_sym, inverse_s, copy_sym, checkallsym, &
91             s_axis_to_cart, set_sym, set_sym_bl, check_grid_sym
92  PUBLIC ::  find_sym_ifc ! FIXME: should be merged with find_sym
93  PUBLIC ::  remove_sym   ! FIXME: is this still useful?
94  !
96   !
97   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
98   SUBROUTINE inverse_s()
99     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
100     !! Locate index of \(S^{-1}\).
101     !
103     !
104     INTEGER :: isym, jsym, ss(3,3)
105     LOGICAL :: found
106     !
107     DO isym = 1, nsym
108        found = .FALSE.
109        DO jsym = 1, nsym
110           !
111           ss = MATMUL( s(:,:,jsym), s(:,:,isym) )
112           ! s(:,:,1) is the identity
113           IF (ALL( s(:,:,1) == ss(:,:) )) THEN
114              invs(isym) = jsym
115              found = .TRUE.
116           ENDIF
117           !
118        ENDDO
119        IF (.NOT.found) CALL errore( 'inverse_s', ' Not a group', 1 )
120     ENDDO
121     !
122   END SUBROUTINE inverse_s
123   !
124   !
125   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
126   SUBROUTINE set_sym_bl()
127     !---------------------------------------------------------------------
128     !! Provides symmetry operations for all bravais lattices.
129     !! Tests the 24 proper rotations for the cubic lattice first, then
130     !! the 8 rotations specific for the hexagonal axis (special axis c),
131     !! then inversion is added.
132     !
133     USE matrix_inversion
134     !
136     !
137     CHARACTER(LEN=6), EXTERNAL :: int_to_char
138     !
139     ! sin3 = sin(pi/3), cos3 = cos(pi/3), msin3 = -sin(pi/3), mcos3 = -cos(pi/3)
140     !
141     REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: sin3 = 0.866025403784438597d0,  cos3 =  0.5d0, &
142                           msin3 =-0.866025403784438597d0, mcos3 = -0.5d0
143     !
144     REAL(DP) :: s0(3,3,32), overlap(3,3), rat(3), rot(3,3), value
145     ! s0: the s matrices in cartesian axis
146     ! overlap: inverse overlap matrix between direct lattice
147     ! rat: the rotated of a direct vector ( cartesian )
148     ! rot: the rotated of a direct vector ( crystal axis )
149     ! value: component of the s matrix in axis basis
150     INTEGER :: jpol, kpol, mpol, irot, imat(32)
151     ! counters over the polarizations and the rotations
152     !
153     CHARACTER(LEN=45) :: s0name(64)
154     ! full name of the rotational part of each symmetry operation
155     !
156     DATA s0/ 1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0, &
157             -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0, &
158             -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0, &
159              1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0, &
160              0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0, &
161              0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0, &
162              0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0, &
163              0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0, &
164              0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, &
165              0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, &
166              0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, &
167              0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, &
168             -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0, &
169             -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0, &
170              1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0, &
171              1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0, &
172              0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0, &
173              0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0, &
174              0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0, &
175              0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0, &
176              0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, &
177              0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, &
178              0.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  1.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, &
179              0.d0,  1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, -1.d0, -1.d0,  0.d0,  0.d0, &
180              cos3,  sin3, 0.d0, msin3,  cos3, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0,  1.d0, &
181              cos3, msin3, 0.d0,  sin3,  cos3, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0,  1.d0, &
182             mcos3,  sin3, 0.d0, msin3, mcos3, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0,  1.d0, &
183             mcos3, msin3, 0.d0,  sin3, mcos3, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0,  1.d0, &
184              cos3, msin3, 0.d0, msin3, mcos3, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, -1.d0, &
185              cos3,  sin3, 0.d0,  sin3, mcos3, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, -1.d0, &
186             mcos3, msin3, 0.d0, msin3,  cos3, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, -1.d0, &
187             mcos3,  sin3, 0.d0,  sin3,  cos3, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, -1.d0 /
188     !
189     DATA s0name/  'identity                                     ',&
190                   '180 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,0,1]        ',&
191                   '180 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,1,0]        ',&
192                   '180 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,0,0]        ',&
193                   '180 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,1,0]        ',&
194                   '180 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,-1,0]       ',&
195                   ' 90 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,0,-1]       ',&
196                   ' 90 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,0,1]        ',&
197                   '180 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,0,1]        ',&
198                   '180 deg rotation - cart. axis [-1,0,1]       ',&
199                   ' 90 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,1,0]        ',&
200                   ' 90 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,-1,0]       ',&
201                   '180 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,1,1]        ',&
202                   '180 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,1,-1]       ',&
203                   ' 90 deg rotation - cart. axis [-1,0,0]       ',&
204                   ' 90 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,0,0]        ',&
205                   '120 deg rotation - cart. axis [-1,-1,-1]     ',&
206                   '120 deg rotation - cart. axis [-1,1,1]       ',&
207                   '120 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,1,-1]       ',&
208                   '120 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,-1,1]       ',&
209                   '120 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,1,1]        ',&
210                   '120 deg rotation - cart. axis [-1,1,-1]      ',&
211                   '120 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,-1,-1]      ',&
212                   '120 deg rotation - cart. axis [-1,-1,1]      ',&
213                   ' 60 deg rotation - cryst. axis [0,0,1]       ',&
214                   ' 60 deg rotation - cryst. axis [0,0,-1]      ',&
215                   '120 deg rotation - cryst. axis [0,0,1]       ',&
216                   '120 deg rotation - cryst. axis [0,0,-1]      ',&
217                   '180 deg rotation - cryst. axis [1,-1,0]      ',&
218                   '180 deg rotation - cryst. axis [2,1,0]       ',&
219                   '180 deg rotation - cryst. axis [0,1,0]       ',&
220                   '180 deg rotation - cryst. axis [1,1,0]       ',&
221                   'inversion                                    ',&
222                   'inv. 180 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,0,1]   ',&
223                   'inv. 180 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,1,0]   ',&
224                   'inv. 180 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,0,0]   ',&
225                   'inv. 180 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,1,0]   ',&
226                   'inv. 180 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,-1,0]  ',&
227                   'inv.  90 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,0,-1]  ',&
228                   'inv.  90 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,0,1]   ',&
229                   'inv. 180 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,0,1]   ',&
230                   'inv. 180 deg rotation - cart. axis [-1,0,1]  ',&
231                   'inv.  90 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,1,0]   ',&
232                   'inv.  90 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,-1,0]  ',&
233                   'inv. 180 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,1,1]   ',&
234                   'inv. 180 deg rotation - cart. axis [0,1,-1]  ',&
235                   'inv.  90 deg rotation - cart. axis [-1,0,0]  ',&
236                   'inv.  90 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,0,0]   ',&
237                   'inv. 120 deg rotation - cart. axis [-1,-1,-1]',&
238                   'inv. 120 deg rotation - cart. axis [-1,1,1]  ',&
239                   'inv. 120 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,1,-1]  ',&
240                   'inv. 120 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,-1,1]  ',&
241                   'inv. 120 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,1,1]   ',&
242                   'inv. 120 deg rotation - cart. axis [-1,1,-1] ',&
243                   'inv. 120 deg rotation - cart. axis [1,-1,-1] ',&
244                   'inv. 120 deg rotation - cart. axis [-1,-1,1] ',&
245                   'inv.  60 deg rotation - cryst. axis [0,0,1]  ',&
246                   'inv.  60 deg rotation - cryst. axis [0,0,-1] ',&
247                   'inv. 120 deg rotation - cryst. axis [0,0,1]  ',&
248                   'inv. 120 deg rotation - cryst. axis [0,0,-1] ',&
249                   'inv. 180 deg rotation - cryst. axis [1,-1,0] ',&
250                   'inv. 180 deg rotation - cryst. axis [2,1,0]  ',&
251                   'inv. 180 deg rotation - cryst. axis [0,1,0]  ',&
252                   'inv. 180 deg rotation - cryst. axis [1,1,0]  ' /
253     !
254     ! ... compute the overlap matrix for crystal axis
255     DO jpol = 1, 3
256        DO kpol = 1, 3
257           rot(kpol,jpol) = at(1,kpol)*at(1,jpol) + &
258                            at(2,kpol)*at(2,jpol) + &
259                            at(3,kpol)*at(3,jpol)
260        ENDDO
261     ENDDO
262     !
263     ! ... then its inverse (rot is used as work space)
264     CALL invmat( 3, rot, overlap )
265     !
266     nrot = 1
267     !
268     DO irot = 1, 32
269        !
270        ! ... for each possible symmetry
271        DO jpol = 1, 3
272           DO mpol = 1, 3
273              !
274              ! ... compute, in cartesian coordinates the rotated vector
275              rat(mpol) = s0(mpol,1,irot)*at(1,jpol) + &
276                          s0(mpol,2,irot)*at(2,jpol) + &
277                          s0(mpol,3,irot)*at(3,jpol)
278           ENDDO
280           DO kpol = 1, 3
281              !
282              ! ... the rotated vector is projected on the direct lattice
283              rot(kpol,jpol) = at(1,kpol)*rat(1) + &
284                               at(2,kpol)*rat(2) + &
285                               at(3,kpol)*rat(3)
286           ENDDO
287        ENDDO
288        !
289        ! ... and the inverse of the overlap matrix is applied
290        DO jpol = 1,3
291           DO kpol = 1,3
292              value = overlap(jpol,1)*rot(1,kpol) + &
293                      overlap(jpol,2)*rot(2,kpol) + &
294                      overlap(jpol,3)*rot(3,kpol)
295              !
296              IF ( ABS(DBLE(NINT(value))-value) > eps1 ) THEN
297                 !
298                 ! ... if a noninteger is obtained, this implies that this operation
299                 ! is not a symmetry operation for the given lattice
300                 !
301                 GOTO 10
302              ENDIF
303              !
304              s(kpol,jpol,nrot) = NINT(value)
305           ENDDO
306        ENDDO
307        !
308        sname(nrot) = s0name(irot)
309        imat(nrot) = irot
310        nrot = nrot+1
311        !
312   10   CONTINUE
313        !
314     ENDDO
315     !
316     nrot = nrot-1
317     !
318     IF ( nrot /= 1 .AND. nrot /= 2 .AND. nrot /= 4 .AND. nrot /= 6 .AND. &
319          nrot /= 8 .AND. nrot /=12 .AND. nrot /=24 ) THEN
320          WRITE (stdout, '(80("-"),/,"NOTICE: Bravais lattice has wrong number (",&
321         & i2,") of symmetries - symmetries are disabled",/,80("-"))' ) nrot
322         nrot = 1
323     ENDIF
324     !
325     ! ... set the inversion symmetry (Bravais lattices have always inversion symmetry)
326     DO irot = 1, nrot
327        sname(irot+nrot) = s0name(imat(irot)+32)
328        DO kpol = 1, 3
329           DO jpol = 1, 3
330              s(kpol,jpol,irot+nrot) = -s(kpol,jpol,irot)
331           ENDDO
332        ENDDO
333     ENDDO
334     !
335     nrot = 2*nrot
336     !
337     ! ... reset fractional translations to zero before checking the group
338     ft(:,:) = 0.0_dp
339     IF ( .NOT. is_group(nrot) ) THEN
340        ! ... This happens for instance for an hexagonal lattice with one axis
341        ! oriented at 15 degrees from the x axis, the other along (-1,1,0)
342        CALL infomsg( 'set_sym_bl', 'NOTICE: Symmetry group for Bravais lattice &
343                     &is not a group (' // TRIM(int_to_char(nrot)) // &
344                      ') - symmetries are disabled' )
345         nrot = 1
346     ENDIF
347     !
348     RETURN
349     !
350   END SUBROUTINE set_sym_bl
351   !
352   !
353   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
354   SUBROUTINE find_sym( nat, tau, ityp, magnetic_sym, m_loc, no_z_inv )
355     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
356     !! This routine finds the point group of the crystal, by eliminating
357     !! the symmetries of the Bravais lattice which are not allowed
358     !! by the atomic positions (or by the magnetization if present).
359     !
361     !
362     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nat
363     !! total number of atoms of all species
364     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ityp(nat)
365     !! the type of each i-th atom in stdin
366     REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: tau(3,nat)
367     !! atomic positions
368     REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: m_loc(3,nat)
369     !! local integrated magnetization
370     LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: magnetic_sym
371     !! magnetic_sym = noncolin .AND. domag
372     LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: no_z_inv
373     !! if .TRUE., disable symmetries sending z into -z.
374     !! Some calculations (e.g. gate fields) require this.
375     !
376     ! ... local variables
377     !
378     INTEGER :: i
379     LOGICAL :: sym(48)
380     ! if true the corresponding operation is a symmetry operation
381     !
382     IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(irt) ) ALLOCATE( irt(48,nat) )
383     irt(:,:) = 0
384     !
385     !    Here we find the true symmetries of the crystal
386     !
387     symm: DO i = 1, 3 !emine: if it is not resolved in 3 steps it is sth else?
388       IF ( PRESENT(no_z_inv) ) THEN
389          CALL sgam_at( nat, tau, ityp, sym, no_z_inv )
390       ELSE
391          CALL sgam_at( nat, tau, ityp, sym )
392       ENDIF
393       !
394       ! ... Here we check for magnetic symmetries
395       IF ( magnetic_sym ) CALL sgam_at_mag( nat, m_loc, sym )
396       !
397       ! ... If nosym_evc is true from now on we do not use the symmetry any more
398       IF (nosym_evc) THEN
399          sym = .FALSE.
400          sym(1) = .TRUE.
401       ENDIF
402       !
403       ! ... Here we re-order all rotations in such a way that true sym.ops
404       ! are the first nsym; rotations that are not sym.ops. follow
405       nsym = copy_sym( nrot, sym )
406       !
407       IF ( .NOT. is_group( nsym ) ) THEN
408          IF (i == 1) CALL infomsg( 'find_sym', &
409                         'Not a group! Trying with lower acceptance parameter...' )
410          accep = accep * 0.5d0
411          IF (i == 3) THEN
412            CALL infomsg( 'find_sym', 'Still not a group! symmetry disabled' )
413            nsym = 1
414          ENDIF
415          CYCLE symm
416       ELSE
417          IF (i > 1) CALL infomsg( 'find_sym', 'Symmetry operations form a group' )
418          EXIT symm
419       ENDIF
420     ENDDO symm
421     !
422     ! ... check if inversion (I) is a symmetry.
423     ! If so, it should be the (nsym/2+1)-th operation of the group
424     !
425     invsym = ALL( s(:,:,nsym/2+1) == -s(:,:,1) )
426     !
427     CALL inverse_s()
428     !
429     CALL s_axis_to_cart()
430     !
431     RETURN
432     !
433   END SUBROUTINE find_sym
434   !
435   !
436   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
437   SUBROUTINE sgam_at( nat, tau, ityp, sym, no_z_inv )
438     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
439     !! Given the point group of the Bravais lattice, this routine finds
440     !! the subgroup which is the point group of the considered crystal.
441     !! Non symmorphic groups are allowed, provided that fractional
442     !! translations are allowed (nofrac=.false) and that the unit cell
443     !! is not a supercell.
444     !
445     !! On output, the array sym is set to .TRUE.. for each operation
446     !! of the original point group that is also a symmetry operation
447     !! of the crystal symmetry point group.
448     !
450     !
451     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nat
452     !! number of atoms in the unit cell
453     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ityp(nat)
454     !! species of each atom in the unit cell
455     REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: tau(3,nat)
456     !! cartesian coordinates of the atoms
457     LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: no_z_inv
458     !! if .TRUE., disable symmetry operations sending z into -z.
459     !! Some calculations (e.g. gate fields) require this
460     LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: sym(48)
461     !! flag indicating if sym.op. isym in the parent group
462     !! is a true symmetry operation of the crystal.
463     !
464     ! ... local variables
465     !
466     INTEGER :: na, kpol, nb, irot, i, j
467     ! counters
468     REAL(DP) , ALLOCATABLE :: xau(:,:), rau(:,:)
469     ! atomic coordinates in crystal axis
470     LOGICAL :: fractional_translations, no_z
471     INTEGER :: nfrac
472     REAL(DP) :: ft_(3), ftaux(3)
473     !
474     ALLOCATE( xau(3,nat) )
475     ALLOCATE( rau(3,nat) )
476     !
477     ! ... Compute the coordinates of each atom in the basis of
478     ! the direct lattice vectors
479     DO na = 1, nat
480        xau(:,na) = bg(1,:)*tau(1,na) + bg(2,:)*tau(2,na) + bg(3,:)*tau(3,na)
481     ENDDO
482     !
483     ! ... check if the identity has fractional translations (this means
484     ! that the cell is actually a supercell). When this happens, fractional
485     ! translations are disabled, because there is no guarantee that the
486     ! generated sym.ops. form a group.
487     !
488     nb = 1
489     irot = 1
490     !
491     fractional_translations = .NOT. nofrac
492     !
493     IF ( fractional_translations ) THEN
494        DO na = 2, nat
495           IF (ityp(nb) == ityp(na)) THEN
496              !
497              ft_(:) = xau(:,na) - xau(:,nb) - NINT( xau(:,na) - xau(:,nb) )
498              sym(irot) = checksym ( irot, nat, ityp, xau, xau, ft_ )
499              IF (sym(irot)) THEN
500                 fractional_translations = .FALSE.
501                 WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"Found symmetry operation: I + (",&
502                &   3f8.4, ")",/,5x,"This is a supercell,", &
503                &   " fractional translations are disabled")') ft_
504                 GOTO 10
505              ENDIF
506              !
507           ENDIF
508        ENDDO
509     ENDIF
510     !
511   10 CONTINUE
512     !
513     nsym_ns = 0
514     fft_fact(:) = 1
515     !
516     DO irot = 1, nrot
517        !
518        DO na = 1, nat
519           ! rau = rotated atom coordinates
520           rau(:,na) = s(1,:,irot) * xau(1,na) + &
521                       s(2,:,irot) * xau(2,na) + &
522                       s(3,:,irot) * xau(3,na)
523        ENDDO
524        !
525        ! ... first attempt: no fractional translation
526        ft(:,irot) = 0
527        ft_(:) = 0.d0
528        !
529        sym(irot) = checksym( irot, nat, ityp, xau, rau, ft_ )
530        !
531        IF (.NOT.sym(irot) .AND. fractional_translations) THEN
532           nb = 1
533           DO na = 1, nat
534              IF (ityp(nb) == ityp(na)) THEN
535                 !
536                 ! ... second attempt: check all possible fractional translations
537                 ft_(:) = rau(:,na) - xau(:,nb) - NINT( rau(:,na) - xau(:,nb) )
538                 !
539                 ! ... ft_ is in crystal axis and is a valid fractional translation
540                 ! only if ft_(i)=0 or ft_(i)=1/n, with n=2,3,4,
541                 !
542                 DO i = 1, 3
543                    IF ( ABS (ft_(i)) > eps2 ) THEN
544                       ftaux(i) = ABS (1.0_dp/ft_(i) - NINT(1.0_dp/ft_(i)) )
545                       nfrac = NINT(1.0_dp/ABS(ft_(i)))
546                       IF ( ftaux(i) < eps2 .AND. nfrac /= 2 .AND. &
547                            nfrac /= 3 .AND. nfrac /= 4 .AND. nfrac /= 6 ) &
548                            ftaux(i) = 2*eps2
549                    ELSE
550                       ftaux(i) = 0.0_dp
551                    ENDIF
552                 ENDDO
553                 !
554                 IF ( ANY( ftaux(:) > eps2 ) ) CYCLE
555                 !
556                 sym(irot) = checksym( irot, nat, ityp, xau, rau, ft_ )
557                 !
558                 IF ( sym(irot) ) THEN
559                    nsym_ns = nsym_ns + 1
560                    ft(:,irot) = ft_(:)
561                    !
562                    ! ... Find factors that must be present in FFT grid dimensions
563                    ! in order to ensure that fractional translations are
564                    ! commensurate with FFT grids.
565                    DO i = 1, 3
566                       IF ( ABS (ft_(i)) > eps2 ) THEN
567                          nfrac = NINT(1.0_dp/ABS(ft_(i)))
568                       ELSE
569                          nfrac = 0
570                       END IF
571                       fft_fact(i) = mcm(fft_fact(i),nfrac)
572                    ENDDO
573                    !
574                    GOTO 20
575                 ENDIF
576              ENDIF
577           ENDDO
578           !
579        ENDIF
580        !
581   20   CONTINUE
582        !
583     ENDDO
584     !
585     ! ... disable all symmetries z -> -z
586     IF ( PRESENT(no_z_inv) ) THEN
587        IF ( no_z_inv ) THEN
588           DO irot = 1, nrot
589              IF (s(3,3,irot) == -1) sym(irot) = .FALSE.
590           ENDDO
591        ENDIF
592     ENDIF
593     !
594     ! ... deallocate work space
595     DEALLOCATE( rau )
596     DEALLOCATE( xau )
597     !
598     RETURN
599     !
600   END SUBROUTINE sgam_at
601   !
602   !
603   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
604   SUBROUTINE sgam_at_mag( nat, m_loc, sym )
605     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
606     !! Find magnetic symmetries, i.e. point-group symmetries that are
607     !! also symmetries of the local magnetization - including
608     !! rotation + time reversal operations.
609     !
611     !
612     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nat
613     !! numbero of atoms of all species
614     REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: m_loc(3,nat)
615     !! local magnetization, must be invariant under the sym.op.
616     LOGICAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: sym(48)
617     !! .TRUE. if rotation isym is a sym.op. of the crystal
618     !! (i.e. not of the bravais lattice only)
619     !
620     ! ... local variables
621     !
622     INTEGER :: na, nb, irot
623     LOGICAL :: t1, t2
624     REAL(DP) , ALLOCATABLE ::  mxau(:,:), mrau(:,:)
625     ! magnetization and rotated magnetization in crystal axis
626     !
627     ALLOCATE( mxau(3,nat), mrau(3,nat) )
628     !
629     ! ... Compute the local magnetization of each atom in the basis of
630     ! the direct lattice vectors
631     DO na = 1, nat
632        mxau(:,na) = bg(1,:) * m_loc(1,na) + &
633                     bg(2,:) * m_loc(2,na) + &
634                     bg(3,:) * m_loc(3,na)
635     ENDDO
636     !
637     DO irot = 1, nrot
638        !
639        t_rev(irot) = 0
640        !
641        IF ( sym(irot) ) THEN
642           !
643           ! ... mrau = rotated local magnetization
644           DO na = 1, nat
645               mrau(:,na) = s(1,:,irot) * mxau(1,na) + &
646                            s(2,:,irot) * mxau(2,na) + &
647                            s(3,:,irot) * mxau(3,na)
648           ENDDO
649           !
650           IF (sname(irot)(1:3) == 'inv') mrau = -mrau
651           !
652           ! ... check if this a magnetic symmetry
653           t1 = .TRUE.
654           t2 = .TRUE.
655           !
656           DO na = 1, nat
657              !
658              nb = irt(irot,na)
659              IF ( nb < 1 .OR. nb > nat ) CALL errore( 'check_mag_sym', &
660                  'internal error: out-of-bound atomic index', na )
661              !
662              t1 = ( ABS(mrau(1,na) - mxau(1,nb)) +       &
663                     ABS(mrau(2,na) - mxau(2,nb)) +       &
664                     ABS(mrau(3,na) - mxau(3,nb)) < eps2 ) .AND. t1
665              t2 = ( ABS(mrau(1,na) + mxau(1,nb)) +       &
666                     ABS(mrau(2,na) + mxau(2,nb)) +       &
667                     ABS(mrau(3,na) + mxau(3,nb)) < eps2 ) .AND. t2
668              !
669           ENDDO
670           !
671           IF ( .NOT. t1 .AND. .NOT. t2 ) THEN
672              ! not a magnetic symmetry
673              sym(irot) = .FALSE.
674           ELSEIF( t2 .AND. .NOT. t1 ) THEN
675              ! magnetic symmetry with time reversal, if allowed
676              IF (no_t_rev) THEN
677                 sym(irot) = .FALSE.
678              ELSE
679                 t_rev(irot) = 1
680              ENDIF
681           ENDIF
682           IF ( (.NOT. sym(irot) ) .AND. &
683                ( ABS(ft(1,irot)) > eps2 .OR. &
684                  ABS(ft(2,irot)) > eps2 .OR. &
685                  ABS(ft(3,irot)) > eps2 ) ) nsym_ns = nsym_ns-1
686           !
687        ENDIF
688        !
689     ENDDO
690     !
691     ! ... deallocate work space
692     DEALLOCATE( mrau, mxau )
693     !
694     RETURN
695     !
696   END SUBROUTINE sgam_at_mag
697   !
698   !
699   !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
700   SUBROUTINE set_sym( nat, tau, ityp, nspin_mag, m_loc )
701     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
702     !! This routine receives as input atomic types and positions, if there
703     !! is noncollinear magnetism and the initial magnetic moments
704     !! it sets the symmetry elements of this module.
705     !! Note that \(at\) and \(bg\) are those in \(\textrm{cell_base}\). It sets nrot, nsym, s,
706     !! sname, sr, invs, ft, irt, t_rev,  time_reversal, and invsym.
707     !
709     !
710     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nat
711     !! number of atoms in the unit cell
712     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ityp(nat)
713     !! species of each atom in the unit cell
714     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nspin_mag
715     !! =1 when nspin=1,4 (domag=.false.), =2 when
716     !! nspin=2, =4 nspin=4 (domag=.true.)
717     REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: tau(3,nat)
718     !! cartesian coordinates of the atoms
719     REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: m_loc(3,nat)
720     !! local magnetization, must be invariant under the sym.op.
721     !
722     time_reversal = (nspin_mag /= 4)
723     t_rev(:) = 0
724     !
725     CALL set_sym_bl()
726     CALL find_sym( nat, tau, ityp, .NOT.time_reversal, m_loc )
727     !
728     RETURN
729     !
730   END SUBROUTINE set_sym
731   !
732   !
733   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
734   INTEGER FUNCTION copy_sym( nrot_, sym )
735     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
736     !! Copy symmetry operations in sequential order so that:
737     !
738     !! * \(s(i,j,\text{irot})\), with \(\text{irot} \leq \text{nsym}\) are the symmetry
739     !!   operations of the crystal;
740     !! * \(s(i,j,\text{irot})\), with \(\text{nsym}+1<\text{irot}\leq \text{nrot}\) are
741     !!   the symmetry operations of the lattice.
742     !
743     !! On exit \(\textrm{copy_sym}\) returns nsym.
744     !
746     !
747     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nrot_
748     !! number of rotations
749     LOGICAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: sym(48)
750     !! .TRUE. if rotation isym is a sym.op. of the crystal
751     !! (i.e. not of the bravais lattice only)
752     !
753     ! ... local variables
754     !
755     INTEGER :: stemp(3,3), ftemp(3), ttemp, irot, jrot
756     REAL(DP) :: ft_(3)
757     INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: irtemp(:)
758     CHARACTER(LEN=45) :: nametemp
759     !
760     !
761     ALLOCATE ( irtemp(SIZE(irt,2)) )
762     !
763     jrot = 0
764     !
765     DO irot = 1, nrot_
766        IF ( sym(irot) ) THEN
767           jrot = jrot + 1
768           IF (irot > jrot) THEN
769              stemp = s(:,:,jrot)
770              s(:,:,jrot) = s(:,:,irot)
771              s(:,:,irot) = stemp
772              ft_(:) = ft(:,jrot)
773              ft(:,jrot) = ft(:,irot)
774              ft(:,irot) = ft_(:)
775              irtemp(:) = irt(jrot,:)
776              irt(jrot,:) = irt(irot,:)
777              irt(irot,:) = irtemp (:)
778              nametemp = sname(jrot)
779              sname(jrot) = sname(irot)
780              sname(irot) = nametemp
781              ttemp = t_rev(jrot)
782              t_rev(jrot) = t_rev(irot)
783              t_rev(irot) = ttemp
784           ENDIF
785        ENDIF
786     ENDDO
787     !
788     sym(1:jrot) = .TRUE.
789     sym(jrot+1:nrot_) = .FALSE.
790     !
791     DEALLOCATE( irtemp )
792     !
793     copy_sym = jrot
794     !
795     RETURN
796     !
797   END FUNCTION copy_sym
798   !
799   !
800   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
801   LOGICAL FUNCTION is_group( nsym_ )
802     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
803     !! Checks that {S} is a group.
804     !
806     !
807     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nsym_
808     INTEGER :: isym, jsym, ksym, ss (3,3)
809     REAL(DP) :: st(3), dt(3)
810     LOGICAL :: found
811     !
812     DO isym = 1, nsym_
813        DO jsym = 1, nsym_
814           !
815           ss = MATMUL(s(:,:,isym), s(:,:,jsym))
816           st(:) = ft(:,jsym) + s(1,:,jsym)*ft(1,isym) + &
817                                s(2,:,jsym)*ft(2,isym) + &
818                                s(3,:,jsym)*ft(3,isym)
819           !
820           ! ... here we check that the input matrices really form a group:
821           ! S(k) = S(i)*S(j)
822           ! ftau_k = S(j)*ftau_i+ftau_j (modulo a lattice vector)
823           !
824           found = .FALSE.
825           !
826           DO ksym = 1, nsym_
827              dt(:) = ft(:,ksym) - st(:) - NINT(ft(:,ksym) - st(:))
828              IF ( ALL( s(:,:,ksym) == ss(:,:) ) .AND. &
829                   ( ABS( dt(1) ) < eps2 ) .AND. &
830                   ( ABS( dt(2) ) < eps2 ) .AND. &
831                   ( ABS( dt(3) ) < eps2 ) ) THEN
832                 IF (found) THEN
833                    is_group = .FALSE.
834                    RETURN
835                 ENDIF
836                 found = .TRUE.
837              ENDIF
838           ENDDO
839           !
840           IF ( .NOT. found ) THEN
841              is_group = .FALSE.
842              RETURN
843           ENDIF
844           !
845        ENDDO
846     ENDDO
847     !
848     is_group=.TRUE.
849     !
850     RETURN
851     !
852   END FUNCTION is_group
853   !
854   !
855   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
856   LOGICAL FUNCTION checksym( irot, nat, ityp, xau, rau, ft_ )
857     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
858     !! This function receives as input all the atomic positions xau,
859     !! and the rotated rau by the symmetry operation ir. It returns
860     !! .TRUE. if, for each atom na, it is possible to find an atom nb
861     !! which is of the same type of na, and coincides with it after the
862     !! symmetry operation. Fractional translations are allowed.
863     !
865     !
866     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nat
867     !! number of atoms
868     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ityp(nat)
869     !! the type of each atom
870     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: irot
871     !! rotation index
872     REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: xau(3,nat)
873     !! the initial vectors (in crystal coordinates)
874     REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: rau(3,nat)
875     !! the rotated vectors (as above)
876     REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: ft_(3)
877     !! fractionary translation (as above)
878     !
879     ! ... local variables
880     !
881     INTEGER :: na, nb
882     LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: eqvect
883     ! the testing function
884     !
885     DO na = 1, nat
886        DO nb = 1, nat
887           !
888           IF( ityp (nb) == ityp (na) ) THEN
889              checksym =  eqvect( rau(1,na), xau(1,nb), ft_ , accep )
890              IF ( checksym ) THEN
891                 !
892                 ! ... the rotated atom does coincide with one of the like atoms
893                 ! keep track of which atom the rotated atom coincides with
894                 irt (irot, na) = nb
895                 GOTO 10
896                 !
897              ENDIF
898           ENDIF
899           !
900        ENDDO
901        !
902        ! ... the rotated atom does not coincide with any of the like atoms
903        ! s(ir) + ft is not a symmetry operation
904        checksym = .FALSE.
905        RETURN
906        !
907   10   CONTINUE
908     ENDDO
909     !
910     ! ... s(ir) + ft is a symmetry operation
911     !
912     RETURN
913     !
914   END FUNCTION checksym
915   !
916   !
917   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
918   SUBROUTINE checkallsym( nat, tau, ityp )
919     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
920     !! Given a crystal group this routine checks that the actual atomic
921     !! positions and bravais lattice vectors are compatible with it.
922     !! Used in relaxation/MD runs to check that atomic motion is
923     !! consistent with assumed symmetry.
924     !
926     !
927     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nat
928     !! number of atoms
929     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ityp(nat)
930     !! the type of each atom
931     REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: tau(3,nat)
932     !! postion of each atom
933     !
934     ! ... local variables
935     !
936     INTEGER :: na, kpol, isym, i, j, k, l
937     LOGICAL :: loksym(48)
938     REAL(DP) :: sx(3,3), sy(3,3)
939     REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: xau(:,:), rau(:,:)
940     !
941     ALLOCATE( xau(3,nat) )
942     ALLOCATE( rau(3,nat) )
943     !
944     ! ... check that s(i,j, isym) is an orthogonal operation
945     DO isym = 1, nsym
946        sx = DBLE( s(:,:,isym) )
947        sy = MATMUL( bg, sx )
948        sx = MATMUL( sy, TRANSPOSE(at) )
949        ! sx is s in cartesian axis
950        sy = MATMUL( TRANSPOSE(sx), sx )
951        ! sy = s*TRANSPOSE(s) = I
952        DO i = 1, 3
953           sy(i,i) = sy(i,i) - 1.0_dp
954        ENDDO
955        IF ( ANY(ABS(sy) > eps1) ) &
956            CALL errore( 'checkallsym', 'not orthogonal operation', isym )
957     ENDDO
958     !
959     ! ... Compute the coordinates of each atom in the basis of the lattice
960     DO na = 1, nat
961        DO kpol = 1, 3
962           xau(kpol,na) = bg(1,kpol) * tau(1,na) + &
963                          bg(2,kpol) * tau(2,na) + &
964                          bg(3,kpol) * tau(3,na)
965        ENDDO
966     ENDDO
967     !
968     ! ... Generate the coordinates of the rotated atoms
969     DO isym = 1, nsym
970        DO na = 1, nat
971           DO kpol = 1, 3
972              rau(kpol,na) = s(1,kpol,isym) * xau(1,na) + &
973                             s(2,kpol,isym) * xau(2,na) + &
974                             s(3,kpol,isym) * xau(3,na)
975           ENDDO
976        ENDDO
977        !
978        loksym(isym) =  checksym( isym, nat, ityp, xau, rau, ft(1,isym) )
979     ENDDO
980     !
981     ! ... deallocate work space
982     !
983     DEALLOCATE( rau )
984     DEALLOCATE( xau )
985     !
986     DO isym = 1,nsym
987        IF ( .NOT.loksym(isym) ) CALL errore( 'checkallsym', &
988             'the following symmetry operation is not satisfied  ', -isym )
989     ENDDO
990     !
991     IF (ANY(.NOT.loksym(1:nsym) ) ) THEN
992         !call symmetrize_at (nsym, s, invs, ft, irt, nat, tau, at, bg, &
993         !                    alat, omega)
994         CALL errore( 'checkallsym', &
995              'some of the original symmetry operations not satisfied ',1 )
996     ENDIF
997     !
998     RETURN
999     !
1000   END SUBROUTINE checkallsym
1001   !
1002   !
1003   !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1004   SUBROUTINE s_axis_to_cart()
1005     !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1006     !! This routine transforms symmetry matrices expressed in the
1007     !! basis of the crystal axis into rotations in cartesian axis.
1008     !
1010     !
1011     INTEGER :: isym
1012     REAL(DP) :: sa(3,3), sb(3,3)
1013     !
1014     DO isym = 1,nsym
1015        sa(:,:) = DBLE( s(:,:,isym) )
1016        sb = MATMUL( bg, sa )
1017        sr(:,:,isym) = MATMUL( at, TRANSPOSE(sb) )
1018     ENDDO
1019     !
1020    END SUBROUTINE s_axis_to_cart
1021    !
1022    !
1023    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1024    SUBROUTINE find_sym_ifc( nat, tau, ityp )
1025      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1026      !! This routine finds the point group of the crystal, by eliminating
1027      !! the symmetries of the Bravais lattice which are not allowed
1028      !! by the atomic positions (for use in the FD package).
1029      !
1031      !
1032      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nat
1033      !! number of atoms
1034      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ityp(nat)
1035      !! the type of each atom
1036      REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: tau(3,nat)
1037      !! postion of each atom
1038      !
1039      ! ... local variables
1040      !
1041      INTEGER :: i
1042      LOGICAL :: sym(48)
1043      ! if true the corresponding operation is a symmetry operation
1044      !
1045      IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(irt) ) ALLOCATE( irt(48,nat) )
1046      irt(:,:) = 0
1047      !
1048      ! ... Here we find the true symmetries of the crystal
1049      CALL sgam_at_ifc( nat, tau, ityp, sym )
1050      !
1051      ! ... Here we re-order all rotations in such a way that true sym.ops
1052      ! are the first nsym; rotations that are not sym.ops. follow
1053      nsym = copy_sym( nrot, sym )
1054      !
1055      ! ... check if inversion (I) is a symmetry.
1056      ! If so, it should be the (nsym/2+1)-th operation of the group
1057      invsym = ALL( s(:,:,nsym/2+1) == -s(:,:,1) )
1058      !
1059      CALL inverse_s()
1060      !
1061      CALL s_axis_to_cart()
1062      !
1063      RETURN
1064      !
1065    END SUBROUTINE find_sym_ifc
1066    !
1067    !
1068    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1069    SUBROUTINE sgam_at_ifc( nat, tau, ityp, sym )
1070      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1071      !! Given the point group of the Bravais lattice, this routine finds
1072      !! the subgroup which is the point group of the considered crystal.
1073      !! Non symmorphic groups are allowed, provided that fractional
1074      !! translations are allowed (nofrac=.false), that the unit cell is
1075      !! not a supercell.
1076      !
1077      !! On output, the array sym is set to .TRUE.. for each operation
1078      !! of the original point group that is also a symmetry operation
1079      !! of the crystal symmetry point group.
1080      !
1082      !
1083      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nat
1084      !! number of atoms in the unit cell
1085      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ityp(nat)
1086      !! species of each atom in the unit cell
1087      REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: tau(3,nat)
1088      !! cartesian coordinates of the atoms
1089      LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: sym(48)
1090      !! flag indicating if sym.op. isym in the parent group
1091      !! is a true symmetry operation of the crystal
1092      !
1093      ! ... local variables
1094      !
1095      INTEGER :: na, kpol, nb, irot, i, j
1096      ! counters
1097      REAL(DP) , ALLOCATABLE :: xau(:,:), rau(:,:)
1098      ! atomic coordinates in crystal axis
1099      LOGICAL :: fractional_translations
1100      REAL(DP) :: ft_(3)
1101      !
1102      ALLOCATE( xau(3,nat) )
1103      ALLOCATE( rau(3,nat) )
1104      !
1105      ! ... Compute the coordinates of each atom in the basis of
1106      ! the direct lattice vectors.
1107      !
1108      DO na = 1, nat
1109         xau(:,na) = bg(1,:)*tau(1,na) + bg(2,:)*tau(2,na) + bg(3,:)*tau(3,na)
1110      ENDDO
1111      !
1112      ! ... check if the identity has fractional translations
1113      ! (this means that the cell is actually a supercell).
1114      ! When this happens, fractional translations are disabled,
1115      ! because there is no guarantee that the generated sym.ops.
1116      ! form a group.
1117      !
1118      nb = 1
1119      irot = 1
1120      !
1121      fractional_translations = .NOT. nofrac
1122      !
1123      DO na = 2, nat
1124         IF ( fractional_translations ) THEN
1125            IF (ityp(nb) == ityp(na) ) THEN
1126               ft_(:) = xau(:,na) - xau(:,nb) - NINT( xau(:,na) - xau(:,nb) )
1127               !
1128               sym(irot) = checksym( irot, nat, ityp, xau, xau, ft_ )
1129               !
1130               IF ( sym (irot) .AND. &
1131                   (ABS(ft_(1)**2 + ft_(2)**2 + ft_(3)**2) < 1.d-8) ) &
1132                   CALL errore( 'sgam_at_ifc', 'overlapping atoms', na )
1133            ENDIF
1134         ENDIF
1135      ENDDO
1136      !
1137      nsym_ns = 0
1138      !
1139      DO irot = 1, nrot
1140         DO na = 1, nat
1141            ! rau = rotated atom coordinates
1142            rau(:,na) = s(1,:,irot) * xau(1,na) + &
1143                        s(2,:,irot) * xau(2,na) + &
1144                        s(3,:,irot) * xau(3,na)
1145         ENDDO
1146         !
1147         ! ... first attempt: no fractional translation
1148         ft(:,irot) = 0
1149         ft_(:) = 0.d0
1150         !
1151         sym(irot) = checksym( irot, nat, ityp, xau, rau, ft_ )
1152         !
1153         IF (.NOT.sym(irot) .AND. fractional_translations) THEN
1154            nb = 1
1155            !
1156            DO na = 1, nat
1157               IF (ityp(nb) == ityp(na) ) THEN
1158                  !
1159                  !      second attempt: check all possible fractional translations
1160                  !
1161                  ft_(:) = rau(:,na) - xau(:,nb) - NINT( rau(:,na) - xau(:,nb) )
1162                  !
1163                  sym(irot) = checksym( irot, nat, ityp, xau, rau, ft_ )
1164                  !
1165                  IF (sym(irot) ) THEN
1166                     nsym_ns = nsym_ns + 1
1167                     ft(:,irot) = ft_(:)
1168                     GOTO 100
1169                  ENDIF
1170               ENDIF
1171            ENDDO
1172            !
1173         ENDIF
1174         !
1175    100  CONTINUE
1176         !
1177      ENDDO
1178      !
1179      DEALLOCATE( rau )
1180      DEALLOCATE( xau )
1181      !
1182      RETURN
1183      !
1184    END SUBROUTINE sgam_at_ifc
1185    !
1186    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1187    FUNCTION check_grid_sym ( nr1, nr2, nr3 ) RESULT ( compatible )
1188      !---------------------------------------------------------------------
1189      !! Check that symmetry operations and FFT grid are compatible
1190      !! Needed to prevent trouble with real-space symmetrization
1191      !
1193      !
1194      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nr1, nr2, nr3
1195      LOGICAL :: compatible, bad
1196      INTEGER :: isym,i,j
1197      !
1198      compatible = .true.
1199      DO isym = 1, nsym
1200         !
1201         bad = ( MOD( s(2,1,isym)*nr1, nr2) /= 0 .OR. &
1202                 MOD( s(3,1,isym)*nr1, nr3) /= 0 .OR. &
1203                 MOD( s(1,2,isym)*nr2, nr1) /= 0 .OR. &
1204                 MOD( s(3,2,isym)*nr2, nr3) /= 0 .OR. &
1205                 MOD( s(1,3,isym)*nr3, nr1) /= 0 .OR. &
1206                 MOD( s(2,3,isym)*nr3, nr2) /= 0 )
1207         IF ( bad ) THEN
1208            WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"warning: symmetry operation # ",i2, &
1209                 &         " not compatible with FFT grid. ")') isym
1210            WRITE( stdout, '(3i4)') ( (s(i,j,isym), j=1,3), i=1,3 )
1211            compatible = .false.
1212         ENDIF
1213         !
1214      ENDDO
1215      !
1216    END FUNCTION check_grid_sym
1217    !
1218    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1219    SUBROUTINE remove_sym( nr1, nr2, nr3 )
1220      !---------------------------------------------------------------------
1221      !! Compute ftau used for symmetrization in real space (phonon, exx)
1222      !! ensure that they are commensurated with the FFT grid.
1223      !
1225      !
1226      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nr1, nr2, nr3
1227      !
1228      ! ... local variables
1229      !
1230      LOGICAL :: sym(48)
1231      INTEGER :: isym, nsym_, i, j
1232      REAL(dp) :: ftaux(3)
1233      !
1234      nsym_ = nsym
1235      sym(1:nsym_) = .TRUE.
1236      nsym_na = 0
1237      !
1238      DO isym = 1, nsym_
1239         !
1240         ! check that the grid is compatible with the S rotation
1241         !
1242         IF ( MOD( s(2,1,isym)*nr1, nr2) /= 0 .OR. &
1243              MOD( s(3,1,isym)*nr1, nr3) /= 0 .OR. &
1244              MOD( s(1,2,isym)*nr2, nr1) /= 0 .OR. &
1245              MOD( s(3,2,isym)*nr2, nr3) /= 0 .OR. &
1246              MOD( s(1,3,isym)*nr3, nr1) /= 0 .OR. &
1247              MOD( s(2,3,isym)*nr3, nr2) /= 0 ) THEN
1248            sym(isym) = .FALSE.
1249            WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"warning: symmetry operation # ",i2, &
1250                 &         " not compatible with FFT grid. ")') isym
1251            WRITE( stdout, '(3i4)') ( (s(i,j,isym), j=1,3), i=1,3 )
1252            sym(isym) = .FALSE.
1253            IF ( ABS(ft(1,isym)) > eps2 .OR. &
1254                 ABS(ft(2,isym)) > eps2 .OR. &
1255                 ABS(ft(3,isym)) > eps2 ) nsym_ns = nsym_ns-1
1256         ENDIF
1257         !
1258         ! convert ft to FFT coordinates, check if compatible with FFT grid
1259         ! for real-space symmetrization
1260         !
1261         ftaux(1) = ft(1,isym) * nr1
1262         ftaux(2) = ft(2,isym) * nr2
1263         ftaux(3) = ft(3,isym) * nr3
1264         ! check if the fractional translations are commensurate
1265         ! with the FFT grid, discard sym.op. if not
1266         ! (needed because ph.x symmetrizes in real space)
1267         IF ( ABS(ftaux(1) - NINT(ftaux(1)) ) / nr1 > eps2 .OR. &
1268              ABS(ftaux(2) - NINT(ftaux(2)) ) / nr2 > eps2 .OR. &
1269              ABS(ftaux(3) - NINT(ftaux(3)) ) / nr3 > eps2 ) THEN
1270            !     WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"warning: symmetry operation", &
1271            !          &     " # ",i2," not allowed.   fractional ", &
1272            !          &     "translation:"/5x,3f11.7,"  in crystal", &
1273            !          &     " coordinates")') isym, ft_
1274            sym(isym) = .FALSE.
1275            nsym_na = nsym_na + 1
1276            nsym_ns = nsym_ns - 1
1277         ENDIF
1278         !
1279      ENDDO
1280      !
1281      ! ... count symmetries, reorder them exactly as in "find_sym"
1282      !
1283      nsym = copy_sym( nsym_, sym )
1284      invsym = ALL( s(:,:,nsym/2+1) == -s(:,:,1) )
1285      !
1286      CALL inverse_s()
1287      CALL s_axis_to_cart()
1288      !
1289    END SUBROUTINE remove_sym
1290    !
1291    !
1292    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1293    INTEGER FUNCTION mcm( i, j )
1294      !------------------------------------------------------------------------
1295      !! Returns minimum common multiple of two integers
1296      !! if i=0, returns j, and vice versa; if i<0 or j<0, returns -1.
1297      !
1298      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: i,j
1299      INTEGER :: n1,n2,k
1300      !
1301      IF (i < 0 .OR. j < 0) THEN
1302         mcm = -1
1303      ELSEIF (i == 0 .AND. j == 0) THEN
1304         mcm = 0
1305      ELSE
1306         n1 = MIN(i,j)
1307         n2 = MAX(i,j)
1308         DO k = 1, n1
1309            mcm = k*n2
1310            IF (MOD(mcm,n1) == 0) RETURN
1311         ENDDO
1312         mcm = n2
1313      ENDIF
1314      !
1315    END FUNCTION mcm
1316    !
1317    !
1318END MODULE symm_base