1 // Created on: 1993-11-18
2 // Created by: Isabelle GRIGNON
3 // Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Matra Datavision
4 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
5 //
6 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
10 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
11 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
12 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
13 //
14 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
15 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
18 #include <Adaptor2d_Curve2d.hxx>
19 #include <Adaptor3d_Surface.hxx>
20 #include <Adaptor3d_TopolTool.hxx>
21 #include <AppBlend_Approx.hxx>
22 #include <Blend_CurvPointFuncInv.hxx>
23 #include <Blend_FuncInv.hxx>
24 #include <Blend_Function.hxx>
25 #include <Blend_RstRstFunction.hxx>
26 #include <Blend_SurfCurvFuncInv.hxx>
27 #include <Blend_SurfPointFuncInv.hxx>
28 #include <Blend_SurfRstFunction.hxx>
29 #include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
30 #include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
31 #include <BRepAdaptor_Curve2d.hxx>
32 #include <BRepAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
33 #include <BRepBlend_Line.hxx>
34 #include <BRepLib.hxx>
35 #include <BRepTopAdaptor_TopolTool.hxx>
36 #include <ChFi3d.hxx>
37 #include <ChFi3d_Builder.hxx>
38 #include <ChFi3d_Builder_0.hxx>
39 #include <ChFiDS_CommonPoint.hxx>
40 #include <ChFiDS_HData.hxx>
41 #include <ChFiDS_ElSpine.hxx>
42 #include <ChFiDS_ListIteratorOfListOfStripe.hxx>
43 #include <ChFiDS_SequenceOfSurfData.hxx>
44 #include <ChFiDS_Spine.hxx>
45 #include <ChFiDS_Stripe.hxx>
46 #include <ChFiDS_SurfData.hxx>
47 #include <Geom2d_Curve.hxx>
48 #include <Geom_Surface.hxx>
49 #include <gp_Pnt2d.hxx>
50 #include <Precision.hxx>
51 #include <ShapeFix.hxx>
52 #include <Standard_ConstructionError.hxx>
53 #include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx>
54 #include <Standard_Failure.hxx>
55 #include <Standard_NoSuchObject.hxx>
56 #include <Standard_NotImplemented.hxx>
57 #include <Standard_OutOfRange.hxx>
58 #include <TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger.hxx>
59 #include <TColStd_MapIteratorOfMapOfInteger.hxx>
60 #include <TColStd_MapOfInteger.hxx>
61 #include <TopAbs.hxx>
62 #include <TopAbs_Orientation.hxx>
63 #include <TopAbs_ShapeEnum.hxx>
64 #include <TopExp.hxx>
65 #include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
66 #include <TopoDS.hxx>
67 #include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
68 #include <TopoDS_Face.hxx>
69 #include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
70 #include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
71 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_HBuilder.hxx>
72 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_BuildTool.hxx>
73 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_Curve.hxx>
74 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_CurveExplorer.hxx>
75 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference.hxx>
76 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure.hxx>
77 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure.hxx>
78 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference.hxx>
79 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_PointIterator.hxx>
80 #include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
81 #include <TopTools_ListOfShape.hxx>
83 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
84 #include <OSD_Chronometer.hxx>
88 // variables for performances
91 OSD_Chronometer cl_total,cl_extent,cl_perfsetofsurf,cl_perffilletonvertex,
92 cl_filds,cl_reconstruction,cl_setregul,cl_perform1corner,cl_perform2corner,
93 cl_performatend,cl_perform3corner,cl_performmore3corner;
95 Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real t_total, t_extent,t_perfsetofsurf,
96 t_perffilletonvertex, t_filds,t_reconstruction,t_setregul, t_perfsetofkgen,
97 t_perfsetofkpart,t_makextremities,t_performatend,t_startsol,t_performsurf,
98 t_perform1corner,t_perform2corner,t_perform3corner,t_performmore3corner,
99 t_batten,t_inter,t_sameinter,t_same,t_plate,t_approxplate,t_t2cornerinit,
100 t_perf2cornerbyinter,t_chfikpartcompdata,t_cheminement,t_remplissage,
101 t_t3cornerinit ,t_spherique,t_torique, t_notfilling,t_filling,t_sameparam,
102 t_computedata,t_completedata,t_t2cornerDS,t_t3cornerDS;
104 extern void ChFi3d_InitChron(OSD_Chronometer& ch);
105 extern void ChFi3d_ResultChron(OSD_Chronometer & ch, Standard_Real& time);
106 extern Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_GettraceCHRON();
107 #endif
110 //=======================================================================
111 //function : CompleteDS
112 //purpose  :
113 //=======================================================================
CompleteDS(TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure & DStr,const TopoDS_Shape & S)115 static void CompleteDS(TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr,
116 		       const TopoDS_Shape& S)
117 {
118   ChFiDS_Map MapEW,MapFS;
119   MapEW.Fill(S,TopAbs_EDGE,TopAbs_WIRE);
120   MapFS.Fill(S,TopAbs_FACE,TopAbs_SHELL);
122   TopExp_Explorer ExpE;
123   for (ExpE.Init(S,TopAbs_EDGE); ExpE.More(); ExpE.Next()) {
124     const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(ExpE.Current());
125     Standard_Boolean hasgeom = DStr.HasGeometry(E);
126     if (hasgeom) {
127       const TopTools_ListOfShape& WireListAnc = MapEW(E);
128       TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itaW(WireListAnc);
129       while (itaW.More()) {
130 	const TopoDS_Shape& WireAnc = itaW.Value();
131 	DStr.AddShape(WireAnc);
132 	itaW.Next();
133       }
134     }
135   }
137   TopExp_Explorer ExpF;
138   for (ExpF.Init(S,TopAbs_FACE); ExpF.More(); ExpF.Next()) {
139     const TopoDS_Face& F = TopoDS::Face(ExpF.Current());
140     Standard_Boolean hasgeom = DStr.HasGeometry(F);
141     if (hasgeom) {
142       const TopTools_ListOfShape& ShellListAnc = MapFS(F);
143       TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itaS(ShellListAnc);
144       while (itaS.More()) {
145 	const TopoDS_Shape& ShellAnc = itaS.Value();
146 	DStr.AddShape(ShellAnc);
147 	itaS.Next();
148       }
149     }
150   }
152   // set the range on the DS Curves
153   for (Standard_Integer ic = 1; ic <= DStr.NbCurves(); ic++) {
154     Standard_Real parmin = RealLast(), parmax = RealFirst();
155     const TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& LI = DStr.CurveInterferences(ic);
156     for (TopOpeBRepDS_PointIterator it(LI);
157 	 it.More();
158 	 it.Next() ) {
159       Standard_Real par = it.Parameter();
160       parmin = Min (parmin,par); parmax = Max (parmax,par);
161     }
162     DStr.ChangeCurve(ic).SetRange(parmin,parmax);
163   }
164 }
166 //=======================================================================
167 //function : ~ChFi3d_Builder
168 //purpose  :
169 //=======================================================================
~ChFi3d_Builder()171 ChFi3d_Builder::~ChFi3d_Builder()
172 {}
174 //=======================================================================
175 //function : ExtentAnalyse
176 //purpose  :
177 //=======================================================================
ExtentAnalyse()179 void ChFi3d_Builder::ExtentAnalyse ()
180 {
181   Standard_Integer nbedges, nbs;
182   for (Standard_Integer iv = 1; iv <= myVDataMap.Extent(); iv++) {
183     nbs = myVDataMap(iv).Extent();
184     const TopoDS_Vertex& Vtx = myVDataMap.FindKey(iv);
185     //nbedges = ChFi3d_NumberOfEdges(Vtx, myVEMap);
186     nbedges = ChFi3d_NumberOfSharpEdges(Vtx, myVEMap, myEFMap);
187     switch (nbs) {
188     case 1 :
189       ExtentOneCorner(Vtx, myVDataMap.FindFromIndex(iv).First());
190       break;
191     case 2 :
192       if (nbedges <= 3)
193 	ExtentTwoCorner(Vtx, myVDataMap.FindFromIndex(iv));
194       break;
195     case 3 :
196       if (nbedges <= 3)
197 	ExtentThreeCorner(Vtx, myVDataMap.FindFromIndex(iv));
198       break;
199     default :
200       break;
201     }
202   }
203 }
205 //=======================================================================
206 //function : Compute
207 //purpose  :
208 //=======================================================================
Compute()210 void  ChFi3d_Builder::Compute()
211 {
213 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG   //perf
214   t_total=0;t_extent=0; t_perfsetofsurf=0;t_perffilletonvertex=0;
215   t_filds=0;t_reconstruction=0;t_setregul=0;
216   t_perfsetofkpart=0; t_perfsetofkgen=0;t_makextremities=0;
217   t_performsurf=0;t_startsol=0; t_perform1corner=0;t_perform2corner=0;
218   t_perform3corner=0;t_performmore3corner=0;t_inter=0;t_same=0;t_sameinter=0;
219   t_plate=0;t_approxplate=0; t_batten=0;t_remplissage=0;t_t3cornerinit=0;
220   t_spherique=0;t_torique=0;t_notfilling=0;t_filling=0;t_performatend=0;
221   t_t2cornerinit=0; t_perf2cornerbyinter=0;t_chfikpartcompdata=0;
222   t_cheminement=0; t_sameparam=0; t_computedata=0;t_completedata=0;
223   t_t2cornerDS=0;t_t3cornerDS=0;
224   ChFi3d_InitChron(cl_total);
225   ChFi3d_InitChron(cl_extent);
226 #endif
228   if (myListStripe.IsEmpty())
229     throw Standard_Failure("There are no suitable edges for chamfer or fillet");
231   Reset();
232   myDS = new TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure();
233   TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr = myDS->ChangeDS();
234   done = Standard_True;
235   hasresult=Standard_False;
237   // filling of myVDatatMap
238   ChFiDS_ListIteratorOfListOfStripe itel;
240   for (itel.Initialize(myListStripe);itel.More(); itel.Next()) {
241     if ((itel.Value()->Spine()->FirstStatus() <= ChFiDS_BreakPoint))
242       myVDataMap.Add(itel.Value()->Spine()->FirstVertex(),itel.Value());
243     else if (itel.Value()->Spine()->FirstStatus() == ChFiDS_FreeBoundary)
244       ExtentOneCorner(itel.Value()->Spine()->FirstVertex(),itel.Value());
245     if ((itel.Value()->Spine()->LastStatus() <= ChFiDS_BreakPoint))
246       myVDataMap.Add(itel.Value()->Spine()->LastVertex() ,itel.Value());
247     else if (itel.Value()->Spine()->LastStatus() == ChFiDS_FreeBoundary)
248       ExtentOneCorner(itel.Value()->Spine()->LastVertex(),itel.Value());
249   }
250   // preanalysis to evaluate the extensions.
251   ExtentAnalyse();
254 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
255   ChFi3d_ResultChron(cl_extent,t_extent);
256   ChFi3d_InitChron(cl_perfsetofsurf);
257 #endif
259   // Construction of the stripe of fillet on each stripe.
260   for (itel.Initialize(myListStripe);itel.More(); itel.Next()) {
261     itel.Value()->Spine()->SetErrorStatus(ChFiDS_Ok);
262     try {
264       PerformSetOfSurf(itel.Value());
265     }
266     catch(Standard_Failure const& anException) {
267 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
268       std::cout <<"EXCEPTION Stripe compute " << anException << std::endl;
269 #endif
270       (void)anException;
271       badstripes.Append(itel.Value());
272       done = Standard_True;
273       if (itel.Value()->Spine()->ErrorStatus()==ChFiDS_Ok)
274       itel.Value()->Spine()->SetErrorStatus(ChFiDS_Error);
275     }
276     if (!done) badstripes.Append(itel.Value());
277     done = Standard_True;
278   }
279   done = (badstripes.IsEmpty());
281 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
282   ChFi3d_ResultChron(cl_perfsetofsurf,t_perfsetofsurf);
283   ChFi3d_InitChron(cl_perffilletonvertex);
284 #endif
286   //construct fillets on each vertex + feed the Ds
287   if (done) {
288     Standard_Integer j;
289     for (j=1;j<=myVDataMap.Extent();j++)
290     {
291       try
292       {
294         PerformFilletOnVertex(j);
295       }
296       catch(Standard_Failure const& anException) {
297 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
298         std::cout <<"EXCEPTION Corner compute " << anException << std::endl;
299 #endif
300         (void)anException;
301         badvertices.Append(myVDataMap.FindKey(j));
302         hasresult=Standard_False;
303         done = Standard_True;
304       }
305       if (!done) badvertices.Append(myVDataMap.FindKey(j));
306       done = Standard_True;
307     }
308     if (!hasresult) done = badvertices.IsEmpty();
309   }
312 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
313   ChFi3d_ResultChron(cl_perffilletonvertex,t_perffilletonvertex);
314   ChFi3d_InitChron(cl_filds);
315 #endif
317   TColStd_MapOfInteger MapIndSo;
318   TopExp_Explorer expso(myShape,TopAbs_SOLID);
319   for(; expso.More(); expso.Next()){
320     const TopoDS_Shape& cursol = expso.Current();
321     Standard_Integer indcursol = DStr.AddShape(cursol);
322     MapIndSo.Add(indcursol);
323   }
324   TopExp_Explorer expsh(myShape,TopAbs_SHELL,TopAbs_SOLID);
325   for(; expsh.More(); expsh.Next()){
326     const TopoDS_Shape& cursh = expsh.Current();
327     Standard_Integer indcursh = DStr.AddShape(cursh);
328     MapIndSo.Add(indcursh);
329   }
330   if (done) {
331     Standard_Integer i1;
332     for (itel.Initialize(myListStripe), i1=0;
333 	 itel.More();
334 	 itel.Next(), i1++) {
335       const Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& st = itel.Value();
336       // 05/02/02 akm vvv : (OCC119) First we'll check ain't there
337       //                    intersections between fillets
338       ChFiDS_ListIteratorOfListOfStripe itel1;
339       Standard_Integer i2;
340       for (itel1.Initialize(myListStripe), i2=0;
341 	   itel1.More();
342 	   itel1.Next(), i2++) {
343 	if (i2 <= i1)
344 	  // Do not twice intersect the stripes
345 	  continue;
346 	Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe) aCheckStripe = itel1.Value();
347 	try {
349 	  ChFi3d_StripeEdgeInter (st, aCheckStripe, DStr, tol2d);
350 	}
351 	catch(Standard_Failure const& anException) {
352 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
353 	  std::cout <<"EXCEPTION Fillets compute " << anException << std::endl;
354 #endif
355 	  (void)anException;
356 	  badstripes.Append(itel.Value());
357 	  hasresult=Standard_False;
358 	  done = Standard_False;
359 	  break;
360 	}
361       }
362       // 05/02/02 akm ^^^
363       Standard_Integer solidindex = st->SolidIndex();
364       ChFi3d_FilDS(solidindex,st,DStr,myRegul,tolesp,tol2d);
365       if (!done) break;
366     }
368 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
369     ChFi3d_ResultChron(cl_filds,t_filds);
370     ChFi3d_InitChron(cl_reconstruction);
371 #endif
374     if (done) {
375       BRep_Builder B1;
376       CompleteDS(DStr,myShape);
377       //Update tolerances on vertex to max adjacent edges or
378       //Update tolerances on degenerated edge to max of adjacent vertexes.
379       TopOpeBRepDS_CurveExplorer cex(DStr);
380       for(;cex.More();cex.Next()){
381 	TopOpeBRepDS_Curve& c = *((TopOpeBRepDS_Curve*)(void*)&(cex.Curve()));
382 	Standard_Real tolc = 0.;
383 	Standard_Boolean degen = c.Curve().IsNull();
384 	if(!degen) tolc = c.Tolerance();
385 	Standard_Integer ic = cex.Index();
386 	TopOpeBRepDS_PointIterator It(myDS->CurvePoints(ic));
387 	for(;It.More();It.Next()){
388 	  Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) II;
389 	  II = Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference)::DownCast(It.Value());
390 	  if (II.IsNull()) continue;
391 	  TopOpeBRepDS_Kind gk = II->GeometryType();
392 	  Standard_Integer gi = II->Geometry();
393 	  if(gk == TopOpeBRepDS_VERTEX){
394 	    const TopoDS_Vertex& v = TopoDS::Vertex(myDS->Shape(gi));
395 	    Standard_Real tolv = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(v);
396 	    if( tolv > 0.0001 ) {
397 	      tolv += 0.0003;
398 	      if( tolc < tolv ) tolc = tolv + 0.00001;
399 	    }
400 	    if(degen && tolc < tolv) tolc = tolv;
401 	    else if(tolc>tolv) B1.UpdateVertex(v,tolc);
402 	  }
403 	  else if(gk == TopOpeBRepDS_POINT){
404 	    TopOpeBRepDS_Point& p = DStr.ChangePoint(gi);
405 	    Standard_Real tolp = p.Tolerance();
406 	    if(degen && tolc < tolp) tolc = tolp;
407 	    else if(tolc>tolp) p.Tolerance(tolc);
408 	  }
409 	}
410 	if(degen) c.Tolerance(tolc);
411       }
412       myCoup->Perform(myDS);
413       TColStd_MapIteratorOfMapOfInteger It(MapIndSo);
414       for(; It.More(); It.Next()){
415 	Standard_Integer indsol = It.Key();
416 	const TopoDS_Shape& curshape = DStr.Shape(indsol);
417 	myCoup->MergeSolid(curshape,TopAbs_IN);
418       }
420       Standard_Integer i=1,n=DStr.NbShapes();
421       for (;i<=n;i++) {
422 	const TopoDS_Shape S = DStr.Shape(i);
423 	if (S.ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE) continue;
424 	Standard_Boolean issplitIN = myCoup->IsSplit(S,TopAbs_IN);
425 	if ( !issplitIN ) continue;
426 	TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(myCoup->Splits(S,TopAbs_IN));
427 	for (; it.More(); it.Next() ) {
428 	  const TopoDS_Edge& newE = TopoDS::Edge(it.Value());
429 	  Standard_Real tole = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(newE);
430 	  TopExp_Explorer exv(newE,TopAbs_VERTEX);
431 	  for (; exv.More(); exv.Next() ) {
432 	    const TopoDS_Vertex& v = TopoDS::Vertex(exv.Current());
433 	    Standard_Real tolv = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(v);
434 	    if (tole>tolv) B1.UpdateVertex(v,tole);
435 	  }
436 	}
437       }
438       if (!hasresult) {
439       B1.MakeCompound(TopoDS::Compound(myShapeResult));
440       for(It.Reset(); It.More(); It.Next()){
441 	Standard_Integer indsol = It.Key();
442 	const TopoDS_Shape& curshape = DStr.Shape(indsol);
443 	TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape
444 	  its = myCoup->Merged(curshape,TopAbs_IN);
445 	if(!its.More()) B1.Add(myShapeResult,curshape);
446 	else {
447 	  //If the old type of Shape is Shell, Shell is placed instead of Solid,
448           //However there is a problem for compound of open Shell.
449 	  while (its.More()) {
450 	    const TopAbs_ShapeEnum letype = curshape.ShapeType();
451 	    if (letype == TopAbs_SHELL){
452 	      TopExp_Explorer expsh2(its.Value(),TopAbs_SHELL);
453 	      const TopoDS_Shape& cursh = expsh2.Current();
454 	      TopoDS_Shape tt = cursh;
455 	      B1.Add(myShapeResult,cursh);
456 	      its.Next();
457 	    }
458 	    else {
459 	      B1.Add(myShapeResult,its.Value());
460 	      its.Next();
461 	    }
462 	  }
463 	}
464       }
465       }
466       else {
467        done=Standard_False;
468        B1.MakeCompound(TopoDS::Compound(badShape));
469       for(It.Reset(); It.More(); It.Next()){
470 	Standard_Integer indsol = It.Key();
471 	const TopoDS_Shape& curshape = DStr.Shape(indsol);
472 	TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape
473 	  its = myCoup->Merged(curshape,TopAbs_IN);
474 	if(!its.More()) B1.Add(badShape,curshape);
475 	else {
476 	  while (its.More()) {
477 	    B1.Add(badShape,its.Value());
478 	    its.Next();
479 	  }
480 	}
481       }
482       }
483 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
484       ChFi3d_ResultChron(cl_reconstruction ,t_reconstruction);
485       ChFi3d_InitChron(cl_setregul);
486 #endif
488       // Regularities are coded after cutting.
489       SetRegul();
492 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
493  ChFi3d_ResultChron(cl_setregul ,t_setregul);
494 #endif
495     }
496   }
497 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
498   ChFi3d_ResultChron(cl_total,t_total);
499 #endif
502   // display of time for perfs
504 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
505   if(ChFi3d_GettraceCHRON()){
506     std::cout<<std::endl;
507     std::cout<<"COMPUTE: temps total "<<t_total<<"s  dont :"<<std::endl;
508     std::cout<<"- Init + ExtentAnalyse "<<t_extent<<"s"<<std::endl;
509     std::cout<<"- PerformSetOfSurf "<<t_perfsetofsurf<<"s"<<std::endl;
510     std::cout<<"- PerformFilletOnVertex "<<t_perffilletonvertex<<"s"<<std::endl;
511     std::cout<<"- FilDS "<<t_filds<<"s"<<std::endl;
512     std::cout<<"- Reconstruction "<<t_reconstruction<<"s"<<std::endl;
513     std::cout<<"- SetRegul "<<t_setregul<<"s"<<std::endl<<std::endl;
515     std::cout<<std::endl;
516     std::cout <<"temps PERFORMSETOFSURF "<<t_perfsetofsurf <<"s  dont : "<<std::endl;
517     std::cout <<"- SetofKPart "<<t_perfsetofkpart<<"s"<<std::endl;
518     std::cout <<"- SetofKGen "<< t_perfsetofkgen <<"s"<<std::endl;
519     std::cout <<"- MakeExtremities "<<t_makextremities<<"s"<<std::endl<<std::endl;
522     std::cout <<"temps SETOFKGEN "<< t_perfsetofkgen<<"s dont : "<<std::endl;
523     std::cout<<"- PerformSurf "<<t_performsurf<<"s"<<std::endl;
524     std::cout<<"- starsol "<< t_startsol <<"s"<<std::endl<<std::endl;
526     std::cout<<"temps PERFORMSURF "<<t_performsurf<<"s  dont : "  << std::endl;
527     std::cout<<"- computedata "<<t_computedata<<"s"<<std::endl;
528     std::cout<<"- completedata "<<t_completedata<<"s"<<std::endl<<std::endl;
531     std::cout<<"temps PERFORMFILLETVERTEX "<<t_perffilletonvertex <<"s dont : "  << std::endl;
532     std::cout<<"- PerformOneCorner "<<t_perform1corner<<"s"<<std::endl;
533     std::cout<<"- PerformIntersectionAtEnd "<<t_performatend<<"s"<<std::endl;
534     std::cout<<"- PerformTwoCorner "<<t_perform2corner<<"s"<<std::endl;
535     std::cout<<"- PerformThreeCorner "<<t_perform3corner<<"s"<<std::endl;
536     std::cout<<"- PerformMoreThreeCorner "<<t_performmore3corner<<"s"<<std::endl<<std::endl;
539     std::cout<<"temps PerformOneCorner "<<t_perform1corner<<"s dont:"<<std::endl;
540     std::cout<<"- temps condition if (same) "<<t_same << "s "<<std::endl;
541     std::cout<<"- temps condition if (inter) "<<t_inter<<"s " <<std::endl;
542     std::cout<<"- temps condition if (same inter) "<<t_sameinter<<"s " <<std::endl<<std::endl;
544     std::cout<<"temps PerformTwocorner "<<t_perform2corner<<"s  dont:"<<std::endl;
545     std::cout<<"- temps initialisation "<< t_t2cornerinit<<"s"<<std::endl;
546     std::cout<<"- temps PerformTwoCornerbyInter "<<t_perf2cornerbyinter<<"s"<<std::endl;
547     std::cout<<"- temps ChFiKPart_ComputeData "<<t_chfikpartcompdata <<"s"<<std::endl;
548     std::cout<<"- temps cheminement "<<t_cheminement<<"s"<<std::endl;
549     std::cout<<"- temps remplissage "<<t_remplissage<<"s"<<std::endl;
550     std::cout<<"- temps mise a jour stripes  "<<t_t2cornerDS<<"s"<<std::endl<<std::endl;
552     std::cout<<" temps PerformThreecorner "<<t_perform3corner<<"s  dont:"<<std::endl;
553     std::cout<<"- temps initialisation "<< t_t3cornerinit<<"s"<<std::endl;
554     std::cout<<"- temps cas spherique  "<<t_spherique<<"s"<<std::endl;
555     std::cout<<"- temps cas torique  "<<t_torique<<"s"<<std::endl;
556     std::cout<<"- temps notfilling "<<t_notfilling<<"s"<<std::endl;
557     std::cout<<"- temps filling "<<t_filling<<"s"<<std::endl;
558     std::cout<<"- temps mise a jour stripes  "<<t_t3cornerDS<<"s"<<std::endl<<std::endl;
560     std::cout<<"temps PerformMore3Corner "<<t_performmore3corner<<"s dont:"<<std::endl;
561     std::cout<<"-temps plate "<<t_plate << "s "<<std::endl;
562     std::cout<<"-temps approxplate "<<t_approxplate<<"s " <<std::endl;
563     std::cout<<"-temps batten "<< t_batten<<"s " <<std::endl<<std::endl;
565     std::cout <<"TEMPS DIVERS "<<std::endl;
566     std::cout<<"-temps ChFi3d_sameparameter "<<t_sameparam<<"s"<<std::endl<<std::endl;
567   }
568 #endif
569   //
570   // Inspect the new faces to provide sameparameter
571   // if it is necessary
572   if (IsDone())
573   {
574     Standard_Real SameParTol = Precision::Confusion();
575     Standard_Integer aNbSurfaces, iF;
576     TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aIt;
577     //
578     aNbSurfaces=myDS->NbSurfaces();
580     for (iF=1; iF<=aNbSurfaces; ++iF) {
581       const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLF=myCoup->NewFaces(iF);
582       aIt.Initialize(aLF);
583       for (; aIt.More(); aIt.Next()) {
584 	const TopoDS_Shape& aF=aIt.Value();
585 	BRepLib::SameParameter(aF, SameParTol, Standard_True);
586 	ShapeFix::SameParameter(aF, Standard_False, SameParTol);
587       }
588     }
589   }
590 }
592 //=======================================================================
593 //function : PerformSingularCorner
594 //purpose  : Load vertex and degenerated edges.
595 //=======================================================================
PerformSingularCorner(const Standard_Integer Index)597 void ChFi3d_Builder::PerformSingularCorner
598 (const Standard_Integer Index){
599   ChFiDS_ListIteratorOfListOfStripe It;
600   Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe) stripe;
601   TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure&  DStr = myDS->ChangeDS();
602   const TopoDS_Vertex& Vtx = myVDataMap.FindKey(Index);
604   Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData) Fd;
605   Standard_Integer i, Icurv;
606   Standard_Integer Ivtx = 0;
607   for (It.Initialize(myVDataMap(Index)), i=0; It.More(); It.Next(),i++){
608     stripe = It.Value();
609     // SurfData concerned and its CommonPoints,
610     Standard_Integer sens = 0;
611     Standard_Integer num = ChFi3d_IndexOfSurfData(Vtx,stripe,sens);
612     Standard_Boolean isfirst = (sens == 1);
613     Fd =  stripe->SetOfSurfData()->Sequence().Value(num);
614     const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& CV1 = Fd->Vertex(isfirst,1);
615     const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& CV2 = Fd->Vertex(isfirst,2);
616     // Is it always degenerated ?
617     if ( CV1.Point().IsEqual( CV2.Point(), 0) ) {
618       // if yes the vertex is stored in the stripe
619       // and the edge at end is created
620       if (i==0) Ivtx = ChFi3d_IndexPointInDS(CV1, DStr);
621       Standard_Real tolreached;
622       Standard_Real Pardeb, Parfin;
623       gp_Pnt2d VOnS1, VOnS2;
624       Handle(Geom_Curve) C3d;
625       Handle(Geom2d_Curve) PCurv;
626       TopOpeBRepDS_Curve Crv;
627       if (isfirst) {
628 	VOnS1 = Fd->InterferenceOnS1().PCurveOnSurf()->
629 		    Value(Fd->InterferenceOnS1().FirstParameter());
630 	VOnS2 = Fd->InterferenceOnS2().PCurveOnSurf()->
631 		     Value(Fd->InterferenceOnS2().FirstParameter());
632       }
633       else {
634 	VOnS1 = Fd->InterferenceOnS1().PCurveOnSurf()->
635 		    Value(Fd->InterferenceOnS1().LastParameter());
636 	VOnS2 = Fd->InterferenceOnS2().PCurveOnSurf()->
637 		     Value(Fd->InterferenceOnS2().LastParameter());
638       }
640       ChFi3d_ComputeArete(CV1, VOnS1,
641 			  CV2, VOnS2,
642 			  DStr.Surface(Fd->Surf()).Surface(),
643 			  C3d, PCurv,
644 			  Pardeb,Parfin,tolapp3d,tolapp2d,tolreached,0);
645       Crv = TopOpeBRepDS_Curve(C3d,tolreached);
646       Icurv = DStr.AddCurve(Crv);
648       stripe->SetCurve(Icurv, isfirst);
649       stripe->SetParameters(isfirst, Pardeb,Parfin);
650       stripe->ChangePCurve(isfirst) = PCurv;
651       stripe->SetIndexPoint(Ivtx, isfirst, 1);
652       stripe->SetIndexPoint(Ivtx, isfirst, 2);
653     }
654   }
655 }
657 //=======================================================================
658 //function : PerformFilletOnVertex
659 //purpose  :
660 //=======================================================================
PerformFilletOnVertex(const Standard_Integer Index)662 void ChFi3d_Builder::PerformFilletOnVertex
663 (const Standard_Integer Index){
665   ChFiDS_ListIteratorOfListOfStripe It;
666   Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe) stripe;
667   Handle(ChFiDS_Spine) sp;
668   const TopoDS_Vertex& Vtx = myVDataMap.FindKey(Index);
670   Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData) Fd;
671   Standard_Integer i;
672   Standard_Boolean nondegenere = Standard_True;
673   Standard_Boolean toujoursdegenere = Standard_True;
674   Standard_Boolean isfirst = Standard_False;
675   for (It.Initialize(myVDataMap(Index)), i=0; It.More(); It.Next(),i++){
676     stripe = It.Value();
677     sp = stripe->Spine();
678     // SurfData and its CommonPoints,
679     Standard_Integer sens = 0;
680     Standard_Integer num = ChFi3d_IndexOfSurfData(Vtx,stripe,sens);
681     isfirst = (sens == 1);
682     Fd =  stripe->SetOfSurfData()->Sequence().Value(num);
683     const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& CV1 = Fd->Vertex(isfirst,1);
684     const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& CV2 = Fd->Vertex(isfirst,2);
685     // Is it always degenerated ?
686     if ( CV1.Point().IsEqual( CV2.Point(), 0) )
687       nondegenere = Standard_False;
688     else  toujoursdegenere = Standard_False;
689   }
691   // calcul du nombre de faces = nombre d'aretes
692 /*  TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ItF,JtF,ItE;
693   Standard_Integer nbf = 0, jf = 0;
694   for (ItF.Initialize(myVFMap(Vtx)); ItF.More(); ItF.Next()){
695     jf++;
696     Standard_Integer kf = 1;
697     const TopoDS_Shape& cur = ItF.Value();
698     for (JtF.Initialize(myVFMap(Vtx)); JtF.More() && (kf < jf); JtF.Next(), kf++){
699       if(cur.IsSame(JtF.Value())) break;
700     }
701     if(kf == jf) nbf++;
702   }
703   Standard_Integer nba=myVEMap(Vtx).Extent();
704   for (ItE.Initialize(myVEMap(Vtx)); ItE.More(); ItE.Next()){
705     const TopoDS_Edge& cur = TopoDS::Edge(ItE.Value());
706     if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(cur)) nba--;
707   }
708   nba=nba/2;*/
709   Standard_Integer nba = ChFi3d_NumberOfSharpEdges(Vtx, myVEMap, myEFMap);
711   if (nondegenere) { // Normal processing
712     switch (i) {
713     case 1 :
714       {
715 	if(sp->Status(isfirst) == ChFiDS_FreeBoundary) return;
716 	if(nba>3) {
717 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
718 	  ChFi3d_InitChron(cl_performatend);
719 #endif
720 	  PerformIntersectionAtEnd(Index);
721 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
722 	  ChFi3d_ResultChron(cl_performatend,t_performatend);
723 #endif
724 	}
725 	else {
726 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
727 	  ChFi3d_InitChron(cl_perform1corner);
728 #endif
729           if (MoreSurfdata(Index))
730              PerformMoreSurfdata(Index);
731 	  else PerformOneCorner(Index);
732 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
733 	  ChFi3d_ResultChron(cl_perform1corner,t_perform1corner);
734 #endif
735 	}
736       }
737       break;
738     case 2 :
739       {
740 	if(nba>3){
741 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
742 	  ChFi3d_InitChron(cl_performmore3corner);
743 #endif
744 	  PerformMoreThreeCorner(Index, i);
745 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
746 	  ChFi3d_ResultChron(cl_performmore3corner,t_performmore3corner);
747 #endif
748 	}
749 	else {
750 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
751 	  ChFi3d_InitChron(cl_perform2corner);
752 #endif
753 	  PerformTwoCorner(Index);
754 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
755 	  ChFi3d_ResultChron(cl_perform2corner,t_perform2corner);
756 #endif
757 	}
758       }
759       break;
760     case 3 :
761       {
762 	if(nba>3){
763 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
764 	  ChFi3d_InitChron(cl_performmore3corner);
765 #endif
766 	  PerformMoreThreeCorner(Index, i);
767 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
768 	  ChFi3d_ResultChron(cl_performmore3corner,t_performmore3corner);
769 #endif
770 	}
771 	else {
772 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
773 	  ChFi3d_InitChron(cl_perform3corner);
774 #endif
775 	  PerformThreeCorner(Index);
776 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
777 	  ChFi3d_ResultChron(cl_perform3corner,t_perform3corner);
778 #endif
779 	}
780       }
781       break;
782       default : {
783 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
784 	ChFi3d_InitChron(cl_performmore3corner);
785 #endif
786 	PerformMoreThreeCorner(Index, i);
787 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //perf
788 	ChFi3d_ResultChron(cl_performmore3corner,t_performmore3corner);
789 #endif
790       }
791     }
792   }
793   else { // Single case processing
794     if (toujoursdegenere) PerformSingularCorner(Index);
795     else                  PerformMoreThreeCorner(Index, i);//Last chance...
796   }
797 }
800 //=======================================================================
801 //function : Reset
802 //purpose  :
803 //=======================================================================
Reset()805 void  ChFi3d_Builder::Reset()
806 {
807   done = Standard_False;
808   myVDataMap.Clear();
809   myRegul.Clear();
810   myEVIMap.Clear();
811   badstripes.Clear();
812   badvertices.Clear();
814   ChFiDS_ListIteratorOfListOfStripe itel;
815   for (itel.Initialize(myListStripe); itel.More(); ){
816     if(!itel.Value()->Spine().IsNull()){
817       itel.Value()->Reset();
818       itel.Next();
819     }
820     else myListStripe.Remove(itel);
821   }
822 }
824 //=======================================================================
825 //function : Generated
826 //purpose  :
827 //=======================================================================
Generated(const TopoDS_Shape & EouV)829 const TopTools_ListOfShape& ChFi3d_Builder::Generated(const TopoDS_Shape& EouV)
830 {
831   myGenerated.Clear();
832   if(EouV.IsNull()) return myGenerated;
833   if(EouV.ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE &&
834      EouV.ShapeType() != TopAbs_VERTEX) return myGenerated;
835   if(myEVIMap.IsBound(EouV)) {
836     const TColStd_ListOfInteger& L = myEVIMap.Find(EouV);
837     TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger IL;
838     for(IL.Initialize(L); IL.More(); IL.Next()){
839       Standard_Integer I = IL.Value();
840       const TopTools_ListOfShape& LS =  myCoup->NewFaces(I);
841       TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ILS;
842       for(ILS.Initialize(LS); ILS.More(); ILS.Next()){
843 	myGenerated.Append(ILS.Value());
844       }
845     }
846   }
847   return myGenerated;
848 }