1 /*  _______________________________________________________________________
3     DAKOTA: Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications
4     Copyright 2014-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
5     This software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
6     For more information, see the README file in the top Dakota directory.
7     _______________________________________________________________________ */
9 //- Class:	 NonDMultilevelSampling
10 //- Description: Implementation code for NonDMultilevelSampling class
11 //- Owner:       Mike Eldred
12 //- Checked by:
13 //- Version:
15 #include "dakota_system_defs.hpp"
16 #include "dakota_data_io.hpp"
17 #include "dakota_tabular_io.hpp"
18 #include "DakotaModel.hpp"
19 #include "DakotaResponse.hpp"
20 #include "NonDMultilevelSampling.hpp"
21 #include "ProblemDescDB.hpp"
22 #include "DiscrepancyCalculator.hpp"
23 #include "DakotaIterator.hpp"
25 #ifdef HAVE_NPSOL
26 #include "NPSOLOptimizer.hpp"
27 #elif HAVE_OPTPP
28 #include "SNLLOptimizer.hpp"
29 #endif
31 static const char rcsId[]="@(#) $Id: NonDMultilevelSampling.cpp 7035 2010-10-22 21:45:39Z mseldre $";
34 namespace Dakota {
36 /** This constructor is called for a standard letter-envelope iterator
37     instantiation.  In this case, set_db_list_nodes has been called and
38     probDescDB can be queried for settings from the method specification. */
39 NonDMultilevelSampling::
NonDMultilevelSampling(ProblemDescDB & problem_db,Model & model)40 NonDMultilevelSampling(ProblemDescDB& problem_db, Model& model):
41   NonDSampling(problem_db, model),
42   pilotSamples(problem_db.get_sza("method.nond.pilot_samples")),
43   randomSeedSeqSpec(problem_db.get_sza("method.random_seed_sequence")),
44   mlmfIter(0),
45   allocationTarget(problem_db.get_short("method.nond.allocation_target")),
46   qoiAggregation(problem_db.get_short("method.nond.qoi_aggregation")),
47   useTargetVarianceOptimizationFlag(problem_db.get_bool("method.nond.allocation_target.variance.optimization")),
48   finalCVRefinement(true),
49   exportSampleSets(problem_db.get_bool("method.nond.export_sample_sequence")),
50   exportSamplesFormat(
51     problem_db.get_ushort("method.nond.export_samples_format"))
52 {
53   // initialize scalars from sequence
54   seedSpec = randomSeed = random_seed(0);
56   // Support multilevel LHS as a specification override.  The estimator variance
57   // is known/correct for MC and an assumption/approximation for LHS.  To get an
58   // accurate LHS estimator variance, one would need:
59   // (a) assumptions about separability -> analytic variance reduction by a
60   //     constant factor
61   // (b) similarly, assumptions about the form relative to MC (e.g., a constant
62   //     factor largely cancels out within the relative sample allocation.)
63   // (c) numerically-generated estimator variance (from, e.g., replicated LHS)
64   if (!sampleType) // SUBMETHOD_DEFAULT
65     sampleType = SUBMETHOD_RANDOM;
67   // check iteratedModel for model form hierarchy and/or discretization levels;
68   // set initial response mode for set_communicators() (precedes core_run()).
69   if (iteratedModel.surrogate_type() == "hierarchical")
70     aggregated_models_mode();
71   else {
72     Cerr << "Error: Multilevel Monte Carlo requires a hierarchical "
73 	 << "surrogate model specification." << std::endl;
74     abort_handler(METHOD_ERROR);
75   }
77   ModelList& ordered_models = iteratedModel.subordinate_models(false);
78   size_t i, j, num_mf = ordered_models.size(), num_lev,
79     prev_lev = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(),
80     pilot_size = pilotSamples.size();
81   ModelLRevIter ml_rit; bool err_flag = false;
82   NLev.resize(num_mf);
83   for (i=num_mf-1, ml_rit=ordered_models.rbegin();
84        ml_rit!=ordered_models.rend(); --i, ++ml_rit) { // high fid to low fid
85     // for now, only SimulationModel supports solution_{levels,costs}()
86     num_lev = ml_rit->solution_levels(); // lower bound is 1 soln level
88     if (num_lev > prev_lev) {
89       Cerr << "\nWarning: unused solution levels in multilevel sampling for "
90 	   << "model " << ml_rit->model_id() << ".\n         Ignoring "
91 	   << num_lev - prev_lev << " of " << num_lev << " levels."<< std::endl;
92       num_lev = prev_lev;
93     }
95     // Ensure there is consistent cost data available as SimulationModel must
96     // be allowed to have empty solnCntlCostMap (when optional solution control
97     // is not specified).  Passing false bypasses lower bound of 1.
98     if (num_lev > ml_rit->solution_levels(false)) { // default is 0 soln costs
99       Cerr << "Error: insufficient cost data provided for multilevel sampling."
100 	   << "\n       Please provide solution_level_cost estimates for model "
101 	   << ml_rit->model_id() << '.' << std::endl;
102       err_flag = true;
103     }
105     //Sizet2DArray& Nl_i = NLev[i];
106     NLev[i].resize(num_lev); //Nl_i.resize(num_lev);
107     //for (j=0; j<num_lev; ++j)
108     //  Nl_i[j].resize(numFunctions); // defer to pre_run()
110     prev_lev = num_lev;
111   }
112   if (err_flag)
113     abort_handler(METHOD_ERROR);
115   switch (pilot_size) {
116   case 0: maxEvalConcurrency *= 100;             break;
117   case 1: maxEvalConcurrency *= pilotSamples[0]; break;
118   default: {
119     size_t max_ps = 0;
120     for (i=0; i<pilot_size; ++i)
121       if (pilotSamples[i] > max_ps)
122 	max_ps = pilotSamples[i];
123     if (max_ps)
124       maxEvalConcurrency *= max_ps;
125     break;
126   }
127   }
129   // For testing multilevel_mc_Qsum():
130   //subIteratorFlag = true;
131 }
~NonDMultilevelSampling()134 NonDMultilevelSampling::~NonDMultilevelSampling()
135 { }
resize()138 bool NonDMultilevelSampling::resize()
139 {
140   bool parent_reinit_comms = NonDSampling::resize();
142   Cerr << "\nError: Resizing is not yet supported in method "
143        << method_enum_to_string(methodName) << "." << std::endl;
144   abort_handler(METHOD_ERROR);
146   return parent_reinit_comms;
147 }
pre_run()150 void NonDMultilevelSampling::pre_run()
151 {
152   NonDSampling::pre_run();
154   // reset sample counters to 0
155   size_t i, j, num_mf = NLev.size(), num_lev;
156   for (i=0; i<num_mf; ++i) {
157     Sizet2DArray& Nl_i = NLev[i];
158     num_lev = Nl_i.size();
159     for (j=0; j<num_lev; ++j)
160       Nl_i[j].assign(numFunctions, 0);
161   }
162 }
165 /** The primary run function manages the general case: a hierarchy of model
166     forms (from the ordered model fidelities within a HierarchSurrModel),
167     each of which may contain multiple discretization levels. */
core_run()168 void NonDMultilevelSampling::core_run()
169 {
170   //model,
171   //  surrogate hierarchical
172   //    ordered_model_fidelities = 'LF' 'MF' 'HF'
173   //
174   // Future: include peer alternatives (1D list --> matrix)
175   //         For MLMC, could seek adaptive selection of most correlated
176   //         alternative (or a convex combination of alternatives).
178   // TO DO: hierarchy incl peers (not peers each optionally incl hierarchy)
179   //   num_mf     = iteratedModel.model_hierarchy_depth();
180   //   num_peer_i = iteratedModel.model_peer_breadth(i);
182   // TO DO: this initial logic is limiting:
183   // > allow MLMC and CVMC for either model forms or discretization levels
184   // > separate method specs that both map to NonDMultilevelSampling ???
186   // TO DO: following pilot sample across levels and fidelities in mixed case,
187   // could pair models for CVMC based on estimation of rho2_LH.
189   // For two-model control variate methods, select lowest,highest fidelities
190   size_t num_mf = NLev.size();
191   unsigned short lf_form = 0, hf_form = num_mf - 1; // ordered_models = low:high
192   if (num_mf > 1) {
193     size_t num_hf_lev = NLev.back().size();
194     if (num_hf_lev > 1) { // ML performed on HF with CV using available LF
195       // multiple model forms + multiple solutions levels --> perform MLMC on
196       // HF model and bind 1:min(num_hf,num_lf) LF control variates starting
197       // at coarsest level (TO DO: validate case of unequal levels)
198       if (true) // reformulated approach using 1 new QoI correlation per level
199 	multilevel_control_variate_mc_Qcorr(lf_form, hf_form);
200       else      // original approach using 1 discrepancy correlation per level
201 	multilevel_control_variate_mc_Ycorr(lf_form, hf_form);
202     }
203     else { // multiple model forms (only) --> CVMC
204       // use nominal value from user input, ignoring solution_level_control
205       UShortArray hf_lf_key;  unsigned short lev = USHRT_MAX;
206       Pecos::DiscrepancyCalculator::
207 	form_key(0, hf_form, lev, lf_form, lev, hf_lf_key);
208       control_variate_mc(hf_lf_key);
209     }
210   }
211   else { // multiple solutions levels (only) --> traditional ML-MC
212     if (true) //(subIteratorFlag)
213       multilevel_mc_Qsum(hf_form); // w/ error est, unbiased central moments
214     else
215       multilevel_mc_Ysum(hf_form); // lighter weight
216   }
217 }
220 /** This function performs "geometrical" MLMC on a single model form
221     with multiple discretization levels. */
multilevel_mc_Ysum(unsigned short model_form)222 void NonDMultilevelSampling::multilevel_mc_Ysum(unsigned short model_form)
223 {
224   // Formulate as a coordinated progression towards convergence, where, e.g.,
225   // time step is inferred from the spatial discretization (NOT an additional
226   // solution control) based on stability criteria, e.g. CFL condition.  Can
227   // we reliably capture runtime estimates as part of pilot run w/i Dakota?
228   // Ultimately seems desirable to support either online or offline cost
229   // estimates, to allow more accurate resource allocation when possible
230   // or necessary (e.g., combustion processes with expense that is highly
231   // parameter dependent).
232   //   model
233   //     id_model = 'LF'
234   //     simulation
235   //       # point to state vars; ordered based on set values for h, delta-t
236   //       solution_level_control = 'dssiv1'
237   //       # relative cost estimates in same order as state set values
238   //       # --> re-sort into map keyed by increasing cost
239   //       solution_level_cost = 10 2 200
241   // How to manage the set of MLMC statistics:
242   // 1. Simplest: proposal is to use the mean estimator to drive the algorithm,
243   //    but carry along other estimates.
244   // 2. Later: could consider a refinement for converging the estimator of the
245   //    variance after convergence of the mean estimator.
247   // How to manage the vector of QoI:
248   // 1. Worst case: select N_l based only on QoI w/ highest total variance
249   //      from pilot run --> fix for all levels and don't allow switching
250   //      across major iterations (possible oscillation?  Or simple overlay
251   //      of resolution reqmts?)
252   // 2. Better: select N_l based on convergence in aggregated variance.
254   // assign truth model form (solution level assignment is deferred until loop)
255   UShortArray truth_key;
256   unsigned short seq_index = 2, lev = USHRT_MAX; // lev updated in loop below
257   Pecos::DiscrepancyCalculator::form_key(0, model_form, lev, truth_key);
258   iteratedModel.active_model_key(truth_key);
259   Model& truth_model = iteratedModel.truth_model();
261   size_t qoi, num_steps = truth_model.solution_levels();// 1 model form
262   unsigned short& step = (true) ? lev : model_form; // option not active
263   size_t max_iter = (maxIterations < 0) ? 25 : maxIterations; // default = -1
264   Real eps_sq_div_2, sum_sqrt_var_cost, estimator_var0 = 0., lev_cost;
265   // retrieve cost estimates across soln levels for a particular model form
266   RealVector cost = truth_model.solution_level_costs(), agg_var(num_steps);
267   // For moment estimation, we accumulate telescoping sums for Q^i using
268   // discrepancies Yi = Q^i_{lev} - Q^i_{lev-1} (sum_Y[i] for i=1:4).
269   // For computing N_l from estimator variance, we accumulate square of Y1
270   // estimator (YY[i] = (Y^i)^2 for i=1).
271   IntRealMatrixMap sum_Y; RealMatrix sum_YY(numFunctions, num_steps);
272   initialize_ml_Ysums(sum_Y, num_steps);
274   // Initialize for pilot sample
275   SizetArray delta_N_l;
276   load_pilot_sample(pilotSamples, NLev, delta_N_l);
278   // raw eval counts are accumulation of allSamples irrespective of resp faults
279   SizetArray raw_N_l(num_steps, 0);
280   RealVectorArray mu_hat(num_steps);
281   Sizet2DArray& N_l = NLev[model_form];
283   // now converge on sample counts per level (N_l)
284   mlmfIter = 0;
285   while (Pecos::l1_norm(delta_N_l) && mlmfIter <= max_iter) {
287     sum_sqrt_var_cost = 0.;
288     for (step=0; step<num_steps; ++step) { // step is reference to lev
290       configure_indices(step, model_form, lev, seq_index);
291       lev_cost = level_cost(cost, step);
293       // set the number of current samples from the defined increment
294       numSamples = delta_N_l[step];
296       // aggregate variances across QoI for estimating N_l (justification:
297       // for independent QoI, sum of QoI variances = variance of QoI sum)
298       Real& agg_var_l = agg_var[step]; // carried over from prev iter if no samp
299       if (numSamples) {
301 	// advance any sequence specifications (seed_sequence)
302 	assign_specification_sequence(step);
303 	// generate new MC parameter sets
304 	get_parameter_sets(iteratedModel);// pull dist params from any model
306 	// export separate output files for each data set.  truth_model()
307 	// has the correct data when in bypass-surrogate mode.
308 	if (exportSampleSets)
309 	  export_all_samples("ml_", iteratedModel.truth_model(), mlmfIter, step);
311 	// compute allResponses from allVariables using hierarchical model
312 	evaluate_parameter_sets(iteratedModel, true, false);
314 	// process allResponses: accumulate new samples for each qoi and
315 	// update number of successful samples for each QoI
316 	//if (mlmfIter == 0) accumulate_offsets(mu_hat[lev]);
317 	accumulate_ml_Ysums(sum_Y, sum_YY, lev, mu_hat[step], N_l[step]);
318 	if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT)
319 	  Cout << "Accumulated sums (Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y1sq):\n" << sum_Y[1]
320 	       << sum_Y[2] << sum_Y[3] << sum_Y[4] << sum_YY << std::endl;
321 	// update raw evaluation counts
322 	raw_N_l[step] += numSamples;
324 	// compute estimator variance from current sample accumulation:
325 	if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)
326 	  Cout << "variance of Y[" << step << "]: ";
327 	agg_var_l
328 	  = aggregate_variance_Ysum(sum_Y[1][step], sum_YY[step], N_l[step]);
329       }
331       sum_sqrt_var_cost += std::sqrt(agg_var_l * lev_cost);
332       // MSE reference is MLMC with pilot sample, prior to any N_l adaptation:
333       if (mlmfIter == 0)
334 	estimator_var0
335 	  += aggregate_mse_Ysum(sum_Y[1][step], sum_YY[step], N_l[step]);
336     }
337     // compute epsilon target based on relative tolerance: total MSE = eps^2
338     // which is equally apportioned (eps^2 / 2) among discretization MSE and
339     // estimator variance (\Sum var_Y_l / N_l).  Since we do not know the
340     // discretization error, we compute an initial estimator variance from MLMC
341     // on the pilot sample and then seek to reduce it by a relative_factor <= 1.
342     if (mlmfIter == 0) { // eps^2 / 2 = var * relative factor
343       eps_sq_div_2 = estimator_var0 * convergenceTol;
344       if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT)
345 	Cout << "Epsilon squared target = " << eps_sq_div_2 << std::endl;
346     }
348     // update targets based on variance estimates
349     Real fact = sum_sqrt_var_cost / eps_sq_div_2, N_target;
350     for (step=0; step<num_steps; ++step) {
351       // Equation 3.9 in CTR Annual Research Briefs:
352       // "A multifidelity control variate approach for the multilevel Monte
353       // Carlo technique," Geraci, Eldred, Iaccarino, 2015.
354       N_target = std::sqrt(agg_var[step] / level_cost(cost, step)) * fact;
355       delta_N_l[step] = one_sided_delta(average(N_l[step]), N_target);
356     }
357     ++mlmfIter;
358     Cout << "\nMLMC iteration " << mlmfIter << " sample increments:\n"
359 	 << delta_N_l << std::endl;
360   }
362   // aggregate expected value of estimators for Y, Y^2, Y^3, Y^4. Final expected
363   // value is sum of expected values from telescopic sum.  Note: raw moments
364   // have no bias correction (no additional variance from an estimated center).
365   RealMatrix Q_raw_mom(numFunctions, 4);
366   RealMatrix &sum_Y1 = sum_Y[1], &sum_Y2 = sum_Y[2],
367 	     &sum_Y3 = sum_Y[3], &sum_Y4 = sum_Y[4];
368   for (qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
369     for (step=0; step<num_steps; ++step) {
370       size_t Nlq = N_l[lev][qoi];
371       Q_raw_mom(qoi,0) += sum_Y1(qoi,step) / Nlq;
372       Q_raw_mom(qoi,1) += sum_Y2(qoi,step) / Nlq;
373       Q_raw_mom(qoi,2) += sum_Y3(qoi,step) / Nlq;
374       Q_raw_mom(qoi,3) += sum_Y4(qoi,step) / Nlq;
375     }
376   }
377   // Convert uncentered raw moment estimates to final moments (central or std)
378   convert_moments(Q_raw_mom, momentStats);
380   // compute the equivalent number of HF evaluations (includes any sim faults)
381   equivHFEvals = raw_N_l[0] * cost[0]; // first level is single eval
382   for (step=1; step<num_steps; ++step) // subsequent levels incur 2 model costs
383     equivHFEvals += raw_N_l[step] * (cost[step] + cost[step-1]);
384   equivHFEvals /= cost[num_steps-1]; // normalize into equivalent HF evals
385 }
388   static RealVector *static_lev_cost_vec(NULL);
389   static size_t *static_qoi(NULL);
390   static Real *static_eps_sq_div_2(NULL);
391   static RealVector *static_Nlq_pilot(NULL);
393   static IntRealMatrixMap *static_sum_Ql(NULL);
394   static IntRealMatrixMap *static_sum_Qlm1(NULL);
395   static IntIntPairRealMatrixMap *static_sum_QlQlm1(NULL);
target_var_objective_eval_npsol(int & mode,int & n,double * x,double & f,double * gradf,int & nstate)397   void NonDMultilevelSampling::target_var_objective_eval_npsol(int &mode, int &n, double *x, double &f, double *gradf,
398                                                                int &nstate) {
399     RealVector optpp_x;
400     RealVector optpp_grad_f;
401     optpp_x.size(n);
402     optpp_grad_f.size(n);
404     f = -1; //Dummy value
406     for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
407       optpp_x[i] = x[i];
408     }
409     target_var_objective_eval_optpp(mode, n, optpp_x, f, optpp_grad_f, nstate);
411     for (size_t i = 0; i < n && mode; ++i) {
412       gradf[i] = optpp_grad_f[i];
413     }
415   }
417   void
target_var_constraint_eval_npsol(int & mode,int & m,int & n,int & ldJ,int * needc,double * x,double * g,double * grad_g,int & nstate)418   NonDMultilevelSampling::target_var_constraint_eval_npsol(int &mode, int &m, int &n, int &ldJ, int *needc, double *x,
419                                                            double *g, double *grad_g, int &nstate) {
420     RealVector optpp_x;
421     RealVector optpp_g;
422     RealMatrix optpp_grad_g(1, n);
423     optpp_x.size(n);
424     optpp_g.size(n);
426     for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
427       optpp_x[i] = x[i];
428     }
430     target_var_constraint_eval_optpp(mode, n, optpp_x, optpp_g, optpp_grad_g, nstate);
432     g[0] = optpp_g[0];
433     for (size_t i = 0; i < n && mode; ++i) {
434       grad_g[i] = optpp_grad_g[0][i];
435     }
436   }
target_var_constraint_eval_logscale_npsol(int & mode,int & m,int & n,int & ldJ,int * needc,double * x,double * g,double * grad_g,int & nstate)439   void NonDMultilevelSampling::target_var_constraint_eval_logscale_npsol(int& mode, int& m, int& n, int& ldJ, int* needc, double* x, double* g, double* grad_g, int& nstate){
440     RealVector optpp_x;
441     RealVector optpp_g;
442     RealMatrix optpp_grad_g(1, n);
443     optpp_x.size(n);
444     optpp_g.size(n);
446     for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
447       optpp_x[i] = x[i];
448     }
450     target_var_constraint_eval_logscale_optpp(mode, n, optpp_x, optpp_g, optpp_grad_g, nstate);
452     g[0] = optpp_g[0];
453     for (size_t i = 0; i < n && mode; ++i) {
454       grad_g[i] = optpp_grad_g[0][i];
455     }
456   }
target_var_objective_eval_optpp(int mode,int n,const RealVector & x,double & f,RealVector & grad_f,int & result_mode)458   void NonDMultilevelSampling::target_var_objective_eval_optpp(int mode, int n, const RealVector &x, double &f,
459                                                                RealVector &grad_f, int &result_mode) {
460     f = 0;
462 #ifdef HAVE_NPSOL
463 #elif HAVE_OPTPP
464     if(mode & OPTPP::NLPFunction){
465         result_mode = OPTPP::NLPFunction;
466 #endif
467     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
468       f += x[i] * (*static_lev_cost_vec)[i];
469     }
470 #ifdef HAVE_NPSOL
471 #elif HAVE_OPTPP
472     }
473 #endif
475 #ifdef HAVE_NPSOL
476 #elif HAVE_OPTPP
477     if(mode & OPTPP::NLPGradient){
478         result_mode = OPTPP::NLPGradient;
479 #endif
480     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
481       grad_f[i] = (*static_lev_cost_vec)[i];
482     }
483 #ifdef HAVE_NPSOL
484 #elif HAVE_OPTPP
485     }
486 #endif
488   }
target_var_constraint_eval_logscale_optpp(int mode,int n,const RealVector & x,RealVector & g,RealMatrix & grad_g,int & result_mode)490   void NonDMultilevelSampling::target_var_constraint_eval_logscale_optpp(int mode, int n, const RealVector& x, RealVector& g,
491                                                         RealMatrix& grad_g, int& result_mode){
492     Real agg_estim_var = 0;
493     size_t num_lev = n;
494     target_var_constraint_eval_optpp(mode, n, x, g, grad_g, result_mode);
495     agg_estim_var = g[0];
496 #ifdef HAVE_NPSOL
497 #elif HAVE_OPTPP
498     if(mode & OPTPP::NLPFunction) {
499 #endif
500     g[0] = std::log(g[0]); // - (*static_eps_sq_div_2);
501 #ifdef HAVE_NPSOL
502 #elif HAVE_OPTPP
503     }
504     if(mode & OPTPP::NLPGradient) {
505 #endif
506     for (size_t lev = 0; lev < num_lev; ++lev) {
507       grad_g[0][lev] = grad_g[0][lev]/agg_estim_var;
508     }
509 #ifdef HAVE_NPSOL
510 #elif HAVE_OPTPP
511     }
512 #endif
513   }
target_var_constraint_eval_optpp(int mode,int n,const RealVector & x,RealVector & g,RealMatrix & grad_g,int & result_mode)516   void NonDMultilevelSampling::target_var_constraint_eval_optpp(int mode, int n, const RealVector &x, RealVector &g,
517                                                                 RealMatrix &grad_g, int &result_mode) {
519     bool compute_gradient = false;
520 #ifdef HAVE_NPSOL
521     compute_gradient = mode; //if mode == 0, NPSOL ignores gradients
522 #elif HAVE_OPTPP
523     if(mode & OPTPP::NLPFunction) {
524       result_mode = OPTPP::NLPFunction;
525     }
526     if(mode & OPTPP::NLPGradient){
527       compute_gradient = true;
528       result_mode = OPTPP::NLPGradient;
529     }
530 #endif
532     // std error in variance or std deviation estimate
533     size_t lev = 0;
534     Real Nlq = x[lev];
535     size_t Nlq_pilot = (*static_Nlq_pilot)[lev];
536     size_t qoi = *static_qoi;
537     size_t num_lev = n;
538     RealVector agg_estim_var_l;
539     agg_estim_var_l.size(num_lev);
540     Real agg_estim_var = 0;
542     agg_estim_var_l[0] = var_of_var_ml_l0(*static_sum_Ql, *static_sum_Qlm1, *static_sum_QlQlm1, Nlq_pilot, Nlq, qoi,
543                                      compute_gradient, grad_g[0][0]);
544     agg_estim_var += agg_estim_var_l[0];
545     for (lev = 1; lev < num_lev; ++lev) {
546       Nlq = x[lev];
547       Nlq_pilot = (*static_Nlq_pilot)[lev];
549       agg_estim_var_l[lev] = var_of_var_ml_l(*static_sum_Ql, *static_sum_Qlm1, *static_sum_QlQlm1, Nlq_pilot, Nlq, qoi, lev,
550                                        compute_gradient, grad_g[0][lev]);
551       agg_estim_var += agg_estim_var_l[lev];
552     }
554     g[0] = agg_estim_var; // - (*static_eps_sq_div_2);
555   }
557 /** This function performs "geometrical" MLMC on a single model form
558     with multiple discretization levels. */
multilevel_mc_Qsum(unsigned short model_form)559 void NonDMultilevelSampling::multilevel_mc_Qsum(unsigned short model_form)
560 {
561     // assign truth model form (solution level assignment is deferred until loop)
562     UShortArray truth_key;
563     unsigned short seq_index = 2, lev = USHRT_MAX; // lev updated in loop below
564     Pecos::DiscrepancyCalculator::form_key(0, model_form, lev, truth_key);
565     iteratedModel.active_model_key(truth_key);
566     Model& truth_model = iteratedModel.truth_model();
568     size_t qoi, num_steps = truth_model.solution_levels();//1 model form
569     unsigned short& step = (true) ? lev : model_form; // option not active
571     size_t max_iter = (maxIterations < 0) ? 25 : maxIterations; // default = -1
572     Real eps_sq_div_2, sum_sqrt_var_cost, estimator_var0 = 0., lev_cost, place_holder;
573     // retrieve cost estimates across soln levels for a particular model form
574     RealVector cost = truth_model.solution_level_costs(), agg_var(num_steps), agg_var_of_var(num_steps),
575       estimator_var0_qoi(numFunctions), eps_sq_div_2_qoi(numFunctions),
576       sum_sqrt_var_cost_qoi(numFunctions), sum_sqrt_var_cost_var_qoi(numFunctions), sum_sqrt_var_cost_mean_qoi(numFunctions),
577       agg_var_l_qoi(numFunctions), level_cost_vec(num_steps);
578     RealMatrix agg_var_qoi(numFunctions, num_steps), agg_var_mean_qoi(numFunctions, num_steps),
579       agg_var_var_qoi(numFunctions, num_steps), N_target_qoi(numFunctions, num_steps);
580     RealMatrix N_target_qoi_FN(numFunctions, num_steps);
582     // For moment estimation, we accumulate telescoping sums for Q^i using
583     // discrepancies Yi = Q^i_{lev} - Q^i_{lev-1} (Y_diff_Qpow[i] for i=1:4).
584     // For computing N_l from estimator variance, we accumulate square of Y1
585     // estimator (YY[i] = (Y^i)^2 for i=1).
586     IntRealMatrixMap sum_Ql, sum_Qlm1;
587     IntIntPairRealMatrixMap sum_QlQlm1;
588     initialize_ml_Qsums(sum_Ql, sum_Qlm1, sum_QlQlm1, num_steps);
589     IntIntPair pr11(1, 1);
591     bool have_npsol = false, have_optpp = false;
592 #ifdef HAVE_NPSOL
593     have_npsol = true;
594 #endif
595 #ifdef HAVE_OPTPP
596     have_optpp = true;
597 #endif
599     // Initialize for pilot sample
600     SizetArray delta_N_l;
601     IntMatrix delta_N_l_qoi(numFunctions, num_steps);
602     load_pilot_sample(pilotSamples, NLev, delta_N_l);
604     // raw eval counts are accumulation of allSamples irrespective of resp faults
605     SizetArray raw_N_l(num_steps, 0);
606     RealVectorArray mu_hat(num_steps);
607     Sizet2DArray &N_l = NLev[model_form];
609     // Safe guard.
610     for(qoi = 0; qoi < numFunctions; ++qoi) {
611       for (step = 0; step < num_steps; ++step) {
612         N_target_qoi(qoi, step) = -1;
613       }
614     }
616     // now converge on sample counts per level (N_l)
617     mlmfIter = 0;
618     while (Pecos::l1_norm(delta_N_l) && mlmfIter <= max_iter) {
619       Real underrelaxation_factor = static_cast<Real>(mlmfIter + 1)/static_cast<Real>(max_iter + 1);
621       sum_sqrt_var_cost = 0.;
622       for (qoi = 0; qoi < numFunctions; ++qoi) {
623         sum_sqrt_var_cost_qoi[qoi] = 0.;
624         sum_sqrt_var_cost_mean_qoi[qoi] = 0.;
625         sum_sqrt_var_cost_var_qoi[qoi] = 0.;
626       }
627       for (step=0; step<num_steps; ++step) {
629         configure_indices(step, model_form, lev, seq_index);
630         lev_cost = level_cost(cost, step);
631         level_cost_vec[step] = lev_cost;
633         // set the number of current samples from the defined increment
634         numSamples = delta_N_l[step];
636         // aggregate variances across QoI for estimating N_l (justification:
637         // for independent QoI, sum of QoI variances = variance of QoI sum)
638         Real &agg_var_l = agg_var[step]; // carried over from prev iter if no samp
640         if (numSamples) {
642 	  // advance any sequence specifications (seed_sequence)
643 	  assign_specification_sequence(step);
644           // generate new MC parameter sets
645           get_parameter_sets(iteratedModel);// pull dist params from any model
647           // export separate output files for each data set.  truth_model()
648           // has the correct data when in bypass-surrogate mode.
649           if (exportSampleSets)
650             export_all_samples("ml_", iteratedModel.truth_model(),
651 			       mlmfIter, step);
653           // compute allResponses from allVariables using hierarchical model
654           evaluate_parameter_sets(iteratedModel, true, false);
656           // process allResponses: accumulate new samples for each qoi and
657           // update number of successful samples for each QoI
658           //if (mlmfIter == 0) accumulate_offsets(mu_hat[step]);
660           accumulate_ml_Qsums(sum_Ql, sum_Qlm1, sum_QlQlm1, step,
661                               mu_hat[step], N_l[step]);
662           if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT)
663             Cout << "Accumulated sums (Ql[1,2], Qlm1[1,2]):\n" << sum_Ql[1]
664                  << sum_Ql[2] << sum_Qlm1[1] << sum_Qlm1[2] << std::endl;
665           // update raw evaluation counts
666           raw_N_l[step] += numSamples;
668           // compute estimator variance from current sample accumulation:
669           if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)
670             Cout << "variance of Y[" << step << "]: ";
671           //if (target_mean)
672           agg_var_l = 0;
673           if (qoiAggregation==QOI_AGGREGATION_SUM) {
674             if (allocationTarget == TARGET_MEAN) {
675               agg_var_l = aggregate_variance_Qsum(sum_Ql[1][step], sum_Qlm1[1][step],
676                                                   sum_Ql[2][step], sum_QlQlm1[pr11][step], sum_Qlm1[2][step],
677                                                   N_l[step], step);
678             } else if (allocationTarget == TARGET_VARIANCE) {
679               for (qoi = 0; qoi < numFunctions; ++qoi) {
680                 agg_var_l += ((step == 0) ? var_of_var_ml_l0(sum_Ql, sum_Qlm1, sum_QlQlm1, N_l[step][qoi],
681                                                             N_l[step][qoi], qoi, false, place_holder)
682                                          : var_of_var_ml_l(sum_Ql, sum_Qlm1, sum_QlQlm1, N_l[step][qoi],
683                                                            N_l[step][qoi], qoi, step, false, place_holder)) *
684                              N_l[step][qoi]; //As described in the paper by Krumscheid, Pisaroni, Nobile
685               }
686             } else{
687               Cout << "NonDMultilevelSampling::multilevel_mc_Qsum: allocationTarget is not implemented.\n";
688               abort_handler(INTERFACE_ERROR);
689             }
690             check_negative(agg_var_l);
691           }else if (qoiAggregation==QOI_AGGREGATION_MAX) {
692             for (qoi = 0; qoi < numFunctions; ++qoi) {
693               agg_var_mean_qoi(qoi, step) = aggregate_variance_Qsum(sum_Ql[1][step], sum_Qlm1[1][step],
694                                                                    sum_Ql[2][step], sum_QlQlm1[pr11][step],
695                                                                    sum_Qlm1[2][step],
696                                                                    N_l[step], step, qoi);
697               agg_var_var_qoi(qoi, step) = ((step == 0) ? var_of_var_ml_l0(sum_Ql, sum_Qlm1, sum_QlQlm1, N_l[step][qoi],
698                                                                          N_l[step][qoi], qoi, false, place_holder)
699                                                       : var_of_var_ml_l(sum_Ql, sum_Qlm1, sum_QlQlm1, N_l[step][qoi],
700                                                                         N_l[step][qoi], qoi, step, false, place_holder)) *
701                                           N_l[step][qoi]; //As described in the paper by Krumscheid, Pisaroni, Nobile
702               agg_var_qoi(qoi, step) = (allocationTarget == TARGET_MEAN) ? agg_var_mean_qoi(qoi, step) : agg_var_var_qoi(qoi, step);
703               check_negative(agg_var_qoi(qoi, step));
704             }
705           }else{
706             Cout << "NonDMultilevelSampling::multilevel_mc_Qsum: qoiAggregation is not known.\n";
707             abort_handler(INTERFACE_ERROR);
708           }
709         }
711         sum_sqrt_var_cost += std::sqrt(agg_var_l * lev_cost);
712         for (qoi = 0; qoi < numFunctions && qoiAggregation==QOI_AGGREGATION_MAX; ++qoi) {
713           sum_sqrt_var_cost_qoi[qoi] += std::sqrt(agg_var_qoi(qoi, step) * lev_cost);
714         }
715         // MSE reference is MC applied to HF:
716         if (mlmfIter == 0) {
717           estimator_var0 += aggregate_mse_Qsum(sum_Ql[1][step], sum_Qlm1[1][step],
718                                                sum_Ql[2][step], sum_QlQlm1[pr11][step], sum_Qlm1[2][step],
719                                                N_l[step], step);
720           for (qoi = 0; qoi < numFunctions; ++qoi) {
721             estimator_var0_qoi[qoi] += aggregate_mse_Qsum(sum_Ql[1][step], sum_Qlm1[1][step],
722                                                           sum_Ql[2][step], sum_QlQlm1[pr11][step], sum_Qlm1[2][step],
723                                                           N_l[step], step, qoi);
724           }
725         }
726       }
727       // compute epsilon target based on relative tolerance: total MSE = eps^2
728       // which is equally apportioned (eps^2 / 2) among discretization MSE and
729       // estimator variance (\Sum var_Y_l / N_l).  Since we do not know the
730       // discretization error, we compute an initial estimator variance and
731       // then seek to reduce it by a relative_factor <= 1.
732       if (mlmfIter == 0) { // eps^2 / 2 = var * relative factor
733         //if(target_mean)
734         eps_sq_div_2 = estimator_var0 * convergenceTol;
735         for (qoi = 0; qoi < numFunctions; ++qoi) {
736           eps_sq_div_2_qoi[qoi] = estimator_var0_qoi[qoi] * convergenceTol; //1.389824213484928e-7; //2.23214285714257e-5; //estimator_var0_qoi[qoi] * convergenceTol;
737         }
738         if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
739           Cout << "Epsilon squared target = " << eps_sq_div_2 << std::endl;
740           Cout << "Epsilon squared target per QoI = " << eps_sq_div_2_qoi << std::endl;
741         }
742       }
744       // update targets based on variance estimates
745       //if(target_mean){
746       Real fact = sum_sqrt_var_cost / eps_sq_div_2, fact_qoi, N_target;
747       if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT) Cout << "N_target: " << std::endl;
748       for (step = 0; step < num_steps && (qoiAggregation==QOI_AGGREGATION_SUM); ++step) {
749         // Equation 3.9 in CTR Annual Research Briefs:
750         // "A multifidelity control variate approach for the multilevel Monte
751         // Carlo technique," Geraci, Eldred, Iaccarino, 2015.
752         N_target = std::sqrt(agg_var[step] / level_cost_vec[step]) * fact;
753         for (qoi = 0; qoi < numFunctions; ++qoi) N_target_qoi(qoi, step) = N_target;
754         delta_N_l[step] = one_sided_delta(average(N_l[step]), N_target);
756         if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT) Cout << N_target << " ";
757       }
759       for (qoi = 0; qoi < numFunctions && (qoiAggregation==QOI_AGGREGATION_MAX); ++qoi) {
760         fact_qoi = sum_sqrt_var_cost_qoi[qoi]/eps_sq_div_2_qoi[qoi];
761         if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT)
762           Cout << "\n\tN_target for Qoi: " << qoi << ", with lagrange: " << fact_qoi << std::endl;
763         for (step = 0; step < num_steps; ++step) {
764           N_target_qoi(qoi, step) = std::sqrt(agg_var_qoi(qoi, step) / level_cost_vec[step]) * fact_qoi;
765           //N_target_qoi_FN(qoi, step) = N_target_qoi(qoi, step);
766           if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
767             Cout << "\t\tVar of target: " << agg_var_qoi(qoi, step) << std::endl;
768             Cout << "\t\tCost: " << level_cost_vec[step] << "\n";
769             Cout << "\t\tN_target_qoi: " << N_target_qoi(qoi, step) << "\n";
770           }
771         }
772       }
773       if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT) Cout << "\n";
775       if( allocationTarget == TARGET_VARIANCE && (have_npsol || have_optpp) && useTargetVarianceOptimizationFlag){
777         Cout << "Numerical Optimization for sample allocation targeting variance using " << (have_npsol ? "NPSOL" : "OPTPP") << std::endl;
778         for (qoi = 0; qoi < numFunctions; ++qoi) {
779           RealVector initial_point, pilot_samples;
780           initial_point.size(N_l.size());
781           pilot_samples.size(N_l.size());
782           for (step = 0; step < N_l.size(); ++step) {
783             pilot_samples[step] = N_l[step][qoi];
784             initial_point[step] = 8. > N_target_qoi(qoi, step) ? 8 : N_target_qoi(qoi, step);
785           }
787           RealVector var_lower_bnds, var_upper_bnds, lin_ineq_lower_bnds, lin_ineq_upper_bnds, lin_eq_targets,
788               nonlin_ineq_lower_bnds, nonlin_ineq_upper_bnds, nonlin_eq_targets;
789           RealMatrix lin_ineq_coeffs, lin_eq_coeffs;
791           //Bound constraints only allowing positive values for Nlq
792           var_lower_bnds.size(num_steps); //init to 0
793           for (step = 0; step < N_l.size(); ++step) {
794             var_lower_bnds[step] = 6.;
795           }
797           var_upper_bnds.size(num_steps); //init to 0
798           var_upper_bnds.putScalar(1e10); //Set to high upper bound
800           //Number of linear inequality constraints = 0
801           lin_ineq_coeffs.shape(0, 0);
802           lin_ineq_lower_bnds.size(0);
803           lin_ineq_upper_bnds.size(0);
805           //Number of linear equality constraints = 0
806           lin_eq_coeffs.shape(0, 0);
807           lin_eq_targets.size(0);
808           //Number of nonlinear inequality bound constraints = 0
809           nonlin_ineq_lower_bnds.size(0);
810           nonlin_ineq_upper_bnds.size(0);
811           //Number of nonlinear equality constraints = 1, s.t. c_eq: c_1(Nlq) = convergenceTol;
812           nonlin_eq_targets.size(1); //init to 0
813           nonlin_eq_targets[0] = eps_sq_div_2_qoi[qoi]; //convergenceTol;
815           assign_static_member(nonlin_eq_targets[0], qoi, level_cost_vec, sum_Ql, sum_Qlm1, sum_QlQlm1, pilot_samples);
817           std::unique_ptr<Iterator> optimizer;
818   #ifdef HAVE_NPSOL
819           optimizer.reset(new NPSOLOptimizer(initial_point,
820                                          var_lower_bnds, var_upper_bnds,
821                                          lin_ineq_coeffs, lin_ineq_lower_bnds,
822                                          lin_ineq_upper_bnds, lin_eq_coeffs,
823                                          lin_eq_targets, nonlin_ineq_lower_bnds,
824                                          nonlin_ineq_upper_bnds, nonlin_eq_targets,
825                                          &target_var_objective_eval_npsol,
826                                          &target_var_constraint_eval_npsol,
827                                          3, 1e-15) //derivative_level = 3 means user_supplied gradients
828                                          );
829   #elif HAVE_OPTPP
830           optimizer.reset(new SNLLOptimizer(initial_point,
831                                         var_lower_bnds, var_upper_bnds,
832                                         lin_ineq_coeffs, lin_ineq_lower_bnds,
833                                         lin_ineq_upper_bnds, lin_eq_coeffs,
834                                         lin_eq_targets,nonlin_ineq_lower_bnds,
835                                         nonlin_ineq_upper_bnds, nonlin_eq_targets,
836                                         &target_var_objective_eval_optpp,
837                                         &target_var_constraint_eval_optpp,
838                                         100000, 100000, 1.e-14,
839                                         1.e-14, 100000)
840                                         );
841   #endif
842           optimizer->output_level(DEBUG_OUTPUT);
843           optimizer->run();
846           //Cout << optimizer->all_variables() << std::endl;
847           if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
848             Cout << "Optimization Run: Initial point: \n";
849             for (int i = 0; i < initial_point.length(); ++i) {
850               Cout << initial_point[i] << " ";
851             }
852             Cout << "\nOptimization Run. Best point: \n";
853             Cout << optimizer->variables_results().continuous_variables() << std::endl;
854             Cout << "Objective: " << optimizer->response_results().function_value(0) << std::endl;
855             Cout << "Constraint: " << optimizer->response_results().function_value(1) << std::endl;
856             Cout << "Relative Constraint violation: " << std::abs(1 - optimizer->response_results().function_value(1)/nonlin_eq_targets[0]) << std::endl;
857             Cout << "\n";
858           }
860           if(std::abs(1. - optimizer->response_results().function_value(1)/nonlin_eq_targets[0]) > 1.0e-5){
861             Cout << "Relative Constraint violation violated: Switching to log scale " << std::endl;
862             for (step = 0; step < N_l.size(); ++step) {
863               initial_point[step] = 8. > N_target_qoi(qoi, step) ? 8 : N_target_qoi(qoi, step); //optimizer->variables_results().continuous_variable(step) > pilot_samples[step] ? optimizer->variables_results().continuous_variable(step) : pilot_samples[step];
864             }
865             nonlin_eq_targets[0] = std::log(eps_sq_div_2_qoi[qoi]); //std::log(convergenceTol);
866 #ifdef HAVE_NPSOL
867             optimizer.reset(new NPSOLOptimizer(initial_point,
868                                            var_lower_bnds, var_upper_bnds,
869                                            lin_ineq_coeffs, lin_ineq_lower_bnds,
870                                            lin_ineq_upper_bnds, lin_eq_coeffs,
871                                            lin_eq_targets, nonlin_ineq_lower_bnds,
872                                            nonlin_ineq_upper_bnds, nonlin_eq_targets,
873                                            &target_var_objective_eval_npsol,
874                                            &target_var_constraint_eval_logscale_npsol,
875                                            3, 1e-15)
876                                            ); //derivative_level = 3 means user_supplied gradients
877 #elif HAVE_OPTPP
878             optimizer.reset(new SNLLOptimizer(initial_point,
879                         var_lower_bnds,      var_upper_bnds,
880                         lin_ineq_coeffs, lin_ineq_lower_bnds,
881                         lin_ineq_upper_bnds, lin_eq_coeffs,
882                         lin_eq_targets,     nonlin_ineq_lower_bnds,
883                         nonlin_ineq_upper_bnds, nonlin_eq_targets,
884                         &target_var_objective_eval_optpp,
885                         &target_var_constraint_eval_logscale_optpp,
886                         100000, 100000, 1.e-14,
887                         1.e-14, 100000));
888 #endif
889             optimizer->run();
891           }
893           for (step=0; step<num_steps; ++step) {
894               N_target_qoi(qoi, step) = optimizer->variables_results().continuous_variable(step);
895           }
897         }
899         if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
900           Cout << "Final Optimization results: \n";
901           Cout << N_target_qoi << std::endl<< std::endl;
902         }
903       }
905       if(allocationTarget == TARGET_VARIANCE && qoiAggregation==QOI_AGGREGATION_SUM){
906           for (step = 0; step < num_steps; ++step) {
908             Real N_l_step_avg = 0;
909             Real N_l_target_step_avg = 0;
910             for (qoi = 0; qoi < numFunctions; ++qoi) {
911               N_l_step_avg += N_l[step][qoi];
912               N_l_target_step_avg += N_target_qoi(qoi, step);
913             }
914             N_l_step_avg /= numFunctions;
915             N_l_target_step_avg /= numFunctions;
917             delta_N_l[step] = std::ceil(std::min<Real>(N_l_step_avg*2, one_sided_delta( N_l_step_avg, N_l_target_step_avg)));
918           }
919       }
920       if(qoiAggregation==QOI_AGGREGATION_MAX) {
921         for (qoi = 0; qoi < numFunctions; ++qoi) {
922           for (step=0; step<num_steps; ++step) {
923             if(allocationTarget == TARGET_MEAN){
924               delta_N_l_qoi(qoi, step) = one_sided_delta(N_l[step][qoi], N_target_qoi(qoi, step));
925             }else if (allocationTarget == TARGET_VARIANCE){
926               delta_N_l_qoi(qoi, step) = std::min(N_l[step][qoi]*2, one_sided_delta(N_l[step][qoi], N_target_qoi(qoi, step)));
927             }else{
928               Cout << "NonDMultilevelSampling::multilevel_mc_Qsum: allocationTarget is not implemented.\n";
929               abort_handler(INTERFACE_ERROR);
930             }
931           }
932         }
933         Real max_qoi_idx = -1, max_cost = -1, cur_cost = 0;
934         for (step=0; step<num_steps; ++step) {
935           max_qoi_idx = 0;
936           for (qoi = 1; qoi < numFunctions; ++qoi) {
937             max_qoi_idx = delta_N_l_qoi(qoi, step) > delta_N_l_qoi(max_qoi_idx, step) ? qoi : max_qoi_idx;
938           }
939           delta_N_l[step] = delta_N_l_qoi(max_qoi_idx, step);
940         }
941       }
943       ++mlmfIter;
944       Cout << "\nMLMC iteration " << mlmfIter << " sample increments:\n"
945 	   << delta_N_l << std::endl;
947     }
949     // Roll up expected value estimators for central moments.  Final expected
950     // value is sum of expected values from telescopic sum.  Note: raw moments
951     // have no bias correction (no additional variance from an estimated center).
952     //RealMatrix Q_raw_mom(numFunctions, 4);
953     RealMatrix &sum_Q1l = sum_Ql[1], &sum_Q2l = sum_Ql[2],
954         &sum_Q3l = sum_Ql[3], &sum_Q4l = sum_Ql[4],
955         &sum_Q1lm1 = sum_Qlm1[1], &sum_Q2lm1 = sum_Qlm1[2],
956         &sum_Q3lm1 = sum_Qlm1[3], &sum_Q4lm1 = sum_Qlm1[4];
957     Real cm1, cm2, cm3, cm4, cm1l, cm2l, cm3l, cm4l;
958     if (momentStats.empty())
959       momentStats.shapeUninitialized(4, numFunctions);
960     for (qoi = 0; qoi < numFunctions; ++qoi) {
961       cm1 = cm2 = cm3 = cm4 = 0.;
962       for (step=0; step<num_steps; ++step) {
963         size_t Nlq = N_l[step][qoi];
964         // roll up unbiased moments centered on level mean
965         uncentered_to_centered(sum_Q1l(qoi, step) / Nlq, sum_Q2l(qoi, step) / Nlq,
966                                sum_Q3l(qoi, step) / Nlq, sum_Q4l(qoi, step) / Nlq,
967                                cm1l, cm2l, cm3l, cm4l, Nlq);
968         cm1 += cm1l;
969         cm2 += cm2l;
970         cm3 += cm3l;
971         cm4 += cm4l;
972         if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT)
973         Cout << "CM_l   for level " << step << ": "
974              << cm1l << ' ' << cm2l << ' ' << cm3l << ' ' << cm4l << '\n';
975         if (step) {
976           uncentered_to_centered(sum_Q1lm1(qoi, step) / Nlq, sum_Q2lm1(qoi, step) / Nlq,
977                                  sum_Q3lm1(qoi, step) / Nlq, sum_Q4lm1(qoi, step) / Nlq,
978                                  cm1l, cm2l, cm3l, cm4l, Nlq);
979           cm1 -= cm1l;
980           cm2 -= cm2l;
981           cm3 -= cm3l;
982           cm4 -= cm4l;
983           if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT)
984           Cout << "CM_lm1 for level " << step << ": "
985                << cm1l << ' ' << cm2l << ' ' << cm3l << ' ' << cm4l << '\n';
986         }
987       }
988       check_negative(cm2);
989       check_negative(cm4);
990       Real *mom_q = momentStats[qoi];
991       if (finalMomentsType == CENTRAL_MOMENTS) {
992         mom_q[0] = cm1;
993         mom_q[1] = cm2;
994         mom_q[2] = cm3;
995         mom_q[3] = cm4;
996       } else
997         centered_to_standard(cm1, cm2, cm3, cm4,
998                              mom_q[0], mom_q[1], mom_q[2], mom_q[3]);
999     }
1001     // populate finalStatErrors
1002     compute_error_estimates(sum_Ql, sum_Qlm1, sum_QlQlm1, N_l);
1004     // compute the equivalent number of HF evaluations (includes any sim faults)
1005     equivHFEvals = raw_N_l[0] * cost[0]; // first level is single eval
1006     for (step=1; step<num_steps; ++step)// subsequent levels incur 2 model costs
1007       equivHFEvals += raw_N_l[step] * (cost[step] + cost[step - 1]);
1008     equivHFEvals /= cost[num_steps - 1]; // normalize into equivalent HF evals
1009 }
assign_static_member(Real & conv_tol,size_t & qoi,RealVector & level_cost_vec,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ql,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Qlm1,IntIntPairRealMatrixMap & sum_QlQlm1,RealVector & pilot_samples) const1012 void NonDMultilevelSampling::assign_static_member(Real &conv_tol, size_t &qoi, RealVector &level_cost_vec,
1013 						  IntRealMatrixMap &sum_Ql, IntRealMatrixMap &sum_Qlm1,
1014 						  IntIntPairRealMatrixMap &sum_QlQlm1,
1015 						  RealVector &pilot_samples) const
1016 {
1017     static_lev_cost_vec= &level_cost_vec;
1018     static_qoi = &qoi;
1019     static_sum_Ql = &sum_Ql;
1020     static_sum_Qlm1 = &sum_Qlm1;
1021     static_sum_QlQlm1 = &sum_QlQlm1;
1022     static_eps_sq_div_2 = &conv_tol;
1023     static_Nlq_pilot = &pilot_samples;
1024 }
1027 /** This function performs control variate MC across two combinations of
1028     model form and discretization level. */
1029 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
control_variate_mc(const UShortArray & active_key)1030 control_variate_mc(const UShortArray& active_key)
1031 {
1032   // Current implementation performs pilot + shared increment + LF increment,
1033   // where these increments are targeting a prescribed MSE reduction.
1034   // **********
1035   // *** TO DO: should CV MC iterate (new shared + LF increments)
1036   // ***        until MSE target is met?
1037   // **********
1039   aggregated_models_mode();
1040   iteratedModel.active_model_key(active_key); // data group 0
1041   Model& truth_model = iteratedModel.truth_model();
1042   Model& surr_model  = iteratedModel.surrogate_model();
1044   // retrieve active index
1045   //unsigned short lf_lev_index =  surr_model.solution_level_index(),
1046   //               hf_lev_index = truth_model.solution_level_index();
1047   // retrieve cost estimates across model forms for a particular soln level
1048   Real lf_cost =  surr_model.solution_level_cost(),
1049        hf_cost = truth_model.solution_level_cost(),
1050     cost_ratio = hf_cost / lf_cost, avg_eval_ratio, avg_mse_ratio;
1052   IntRealVectorMap sum_L_shared, sum_L_refined, sum_H, sum_LL, sum_LH;
1053   initialize_cv_sums(sum_L_shared, sum_L_refined, sum_H, sum_LL, sum_LH);
1054   RealVector sum_HH(numFunctions), var_H(numFunctions, false),
1055             rho2_LH(numFunctions, false);
1057   // Initialize for pilot sample
1058   SizetArray delta_N_l;
1059   load_pilot_sample(pilotSamples, NLev, delta_N_l);
1061   // NLev allocations currently enforce truncation to #HF levels (1)
1062   UShortArray hf_key, lf_key;
1063   Pecos::DiscrepancyCalculator::extract_keys(active_key, hf_key, lf_key);
1064   unsigned short hf_model_form = hf_key[1], lf_model_form = lf_key[1];
1065   SizetArray& N_lf = NLev[lf_model_form][0];//[lf_lev_index];
1066   SizetArray& N_hf = NLev[hf_model_form][0];//[hf_lev_index];
1067   size_t raw_N_lf = 0, raw_N_hf = 0;
1068   RealVector mu_hat;
1070   // ---------------------
1071   // Compute Pilot Samples
1072   // ---------------------
1074   mlmfIter = 0;
1076   // Initialize for pilot sample (shared sample count discarding any excess)
1077   numSamples = std::min(delta_N_l[lf_model_form], delta_N_l[hf_model_form]);
1078   shared_increment(mlmfIter, 0);
1079   accumulate_cv_sums(sum_L_shared, sum_L_refined, sum_H, sum_LL, sum_LH,
1080 		     sum_HH, mu_hat, N_lf, N_hf);
1081   raw_N_lf += numSamples; raw_N_hf += numSamples;
1083   // Compute the LF/HF evaluation ratio, averaged over the QoI.
1084   // This includes updating var_H and rho2_LH.
1085   avg_eval_ratio = eval_ratio(sum_L_shared[1], sum_H[1], sum_LL[1], sum_LH[1],
1086 			      sum_HH, cost_ratio, N_hf, var_H, rho2_LH);
1087   // compute the ratio of MC and CVMC mean squared errors (controls convergence)
1088   avg_mse_ratio  = MSE_ratio(avg_eval_ratio, var_H, rho2_LH, mlmfIter, N_hf);
1090   // ----------------------------------------------------------
1091   // Compute shared increment targeting specified MSE reduction
1092   // ----------------------------------------------------------
1094   // bypass refinement if maxIterations == 0 or convergenceTol already
1095   // satisfied by pilot sample
1096   if (maxIterations && avg_mse_ratio > convergenceTol) {
1098     // Assuming rho_AB, evaluation_ratio and var_H to be relatively invariant,
1099     // we seek a relative reduction in MSE using the convergence tol spec:
1100     //   convTol = CV_mse / MC^0_mse = mse_ratio * N0 / N
1101     //   delta_N = mse_ratio*N0/convTol - N0 = (mse_ratio/convTol - 1) * N0
1102     Real incr = (avg_mse_ratio / convergenceTol - 1.) * numSamples;
1103     numSamples = (size_t)std::floor(incr + .5); // round
1105     if (numSamples) {
1106       shared_increment(++mlmfIter, 0);
1107       accumulate_cv_sums(sum_L_shared, sum_L_refined, sum_H, sum_LL, sum_LH,
1108 			 sum_HH, mu_hat, N_lf, N_hf);
1109       raw_N_lf += numSamples; raw_N_hf += numSamples;
1110       // update ratios:
1111       avg_eval_ratio = eval_ratio(sum_L_shared[1], sum_H[1], sum_LL[1],
1112 				  sum_LH[1], sum_HH, cost_ratio, N_hf,
1113 				  var_H, rho2_LH);
1114       avg_mse_ratio  = MSE_ratio(avg_eval_ratio, var_H, rho2_LH,mlmfIter,N_hf);
1115     }
1116   }
1118   // --------------------------------------------------
1119   // Compute LF increment based on the evaluation ratio
1120   // --------------------------------------------------
1121   uncorrected_surrogate_mode(); // also needed for assignment of lf_key below
1122   // Group id in lf_key is not currently important, since no SurrogateData
1123   // (correlations are computed based on the paired LF/HF data group, prior
1124   // to the augmentation, which could imply a future group segregation)
1125   iteratedModel.active_model_key(lf_key); // sets activeKey and surrModelKey
1126   if (lf_increment(avg_eval_ratio, N_lf, N_hf, ++mlmfIter, 0)) { // level 0
1127     accumulate_cv_sums(sum_L_refined, mu_hat, N_lf);
1128     raw_N_lf += numSamples;
1129   }
1131   // Compute/apply control variate parameter to estimate uncentered raw moments
1132   RealMatrix H_raw_mom(numFunctions, 4);
1133   cv_raw_moments(sum_L_shared, sum_H, sum_LL, sum_LH, N_hf, sum_L_refined, N_lf,
1134 		 rho2_LH, H_raw_mom);
1135   // Convert uncentered raw moment estimates to final moments (central or std)
1136   convert_moments(H_raw_mom, momentStats);
1138   // compute the equivalent number of HF evaluations
1139   equivHFEvals = raw_N_hf + (Real)raw_N_lf / cost_ratio;
1140 }
1143 /** This function performs "geometrical" MLMC across discretization
1144     levels for the high fidelity model form where CVMC si employed
1145     across two model forms to exploit correlation in the discrepancies
1146     at each level (Y_l). */
1147 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
multilevel_control_variate_mc_Ycorr(unsigned short lf_model_form,unsigned short hf_model_form)1148 multilevel_control_variate_mc_Ycorr(unsigned short lf_model_form,
1149 				    unsigned short hf_model_form)
1150 {
1151   // assign model forms (solution level assignments are deferred until loop)
1152   UShortArray active_key;
1153   unsigned short seq_index = 2, lev = USHRT_MAX; // lev updated in loop below
1154   Pecos::DiscrepancyCalculator::
1155     form_key(0, hf_model_form, lev, lf_model_form, lev, active_key);
1156   iteratedModel.active_model_key(active_key);
1157   Model& truth_model = iteratedModel.truth_model();
1158   Model& surr_model  = iteratedModel.surrogate_model();
1160   size_t qoi, num_hf_lev = truth_model.solution_levels(),
1161     num_cv_lev = std::min(num_hf_lev, surr_model.solution_levels());
1162   unsigned short& group = lev; // no alias switch for this algorithm
1163   size_t max_iter = (maxIterations < 0) ? 25 : maxIterations; // default = -1
1164   Real avg_eval_ratio, eps_sq_div_2, sum_sqrt_var_cost, estimator_var0 = 0.,
1165     lf_lev_cost, hf_lev_cost;
1166   // retrieve cost estimates across solution levels for HF model
1167   RealVector hf_cost = truth_model.solution_level_costs(),
1168     lf_cost = surr_model.solution_level_costs(), agg_var_hf(num_hf_lev),
1169     avg_eval_ratios(num_cv_lev);
1170   // For moment estimation, we accumulate telescoping sums for Q^i using
1171   // discrepancies Yi = Q^i_{lev} - Q^i_{lev-1} (Y_diff_Qpow[i] for i=1:4).
1172   // For computing N_l from estimator variance, we accumulate square of Y1
1173   // estimator (YY[1] = (Y^i)^2 for i=1).
1174   IntRealMatrixMap sum_L_refined, sum_L_shared, sum_H, sum_LL, sum_LH, sum_HH;
1175   initialize_mlcv_sums(sum_L_shared, sum_L_refined, sum_H, sum_LL, sum_LH,
1176 		       sum_HH, num_hf_lev, num_cv_lev);
1177   RealMatrix var_H(numFunctions, num_cv_lev, false),
1178            rho2_LH(numFunctions, num_cv_lev, false);
1179   RealVector Lambda(num_cv_lev, false), avg_rho2_LH(num_cv_lev, false);
1181   // Initialize for pilot sample
1182   Sizet2DArray&       N_lf =      NLev[lf_model_form];
1183   Sizet2DArray&       N_hf =      NLev[hf_model_form];
1184   Sizet2DArray  delta_N_l;   load_pilot_sample(pilotSamples, NLev, delta_N_l);
1185   //SizetArray& delta_N_lf = delta_N_l[lf_model_form];
1186   SizetArray&   delta_N_hf = delta_N_l[hf_model_form];
1188   // raw eval counts are accumulation of allSamples irrespective of resp faults
1189   SizetArray raw_N_lf(num_cv_lev, 0), raw_N_hf(num_hf_lev, 0);
1190   RealVector mu_L_hat, mu_H_hat;
1192   // now converge on sample counts per level (N_hf)
1193   mlmfIter = 0;
1194   while (Pecos::l1_norm(delta_N_hf) && mlmfIter <= max_iter) {
1196     sum_sqrt_var_cost = 0.;
1197     for (lev=0; lev<num_hf_lev; ++lev) {
1199       configure_indices(group, hf_model_form, lev, seq_index);
1200       hf_lev_cost = level_cost(hf_cost, lev);
1202       // set the number of current samples from the defined increment
1203       numSamples = delta_N_hf[lev];
1205       // aggregate variances across QoI for estimating N_hf (justification:
1206       // for independent QoI, sum of QoI variances = variance of QoI sum)
1207       Real& agg_var_hf_l = agg_var_hf[lev];//carried over from prev iter if!samp
1208       if (numSamples) {
1210 	// advance any sequence specifications (seed_sequence)
1211 	assign_specification_sequence(lev);
1212 	// generate new MC parameter sets
1213 	get_parameter_sets(iteratedModel);// pull dist params from any model
1215 	// export separate output files for each data set.  Note that
1216 	// truth_model() is indexed with hf_model_form at this stage for
1217 	// all levels.  The exported discretization level (e.g., state variable
1218 	// value) can't capture a level discrepancy for lev>0 and will reflect
1219 	// the most recent evaluation state.
1220 	if (exportSampleSets)
1221 	  export_all_samples("ml_", iteratedModel.truth_model(), mlmfIter, lev);
1223 	// compute allResponses from allVariables using hierarchical model
1224 	evaluate_parameter_sets(iteratedModel, true, false);
1226 	// control variate betwen LF and HF for this discretization level:
1227 	// if unequal number of levels, loop over all HF levels for MLMC and
1228 	// apply CVMC when LF levels are available.  LF levels are assigned as
1229 	// control variates to the leading set of HF levels, since these will
1230 	// tend to have larger variance.
1231 	if (lev < num_cv_lev) {
1233 	  // store allResponses used for sum_H (and sum_HH)
1234 	  IntResponseMap hf_resp = allResponses; // shallow copy
1235 	  // activate LF response (lev 0) or LF response discrepancy (lev > 0)
1236 	  // within the hierarchical surrogate model.  Level indices & surrogate
1237 	  // response mode are same as HF above, only the model form changes.
1238 	  // However, we must pass the unchanged level index to update the
1239 	  // corresponding variable values for the new model form.
1240 	  configure_indices(group, lf_model_form, lev, seq_index);
1241 	  lf_lev_cost = level_cost(lf_cost, lev);
1242 	  // compute allResp w/ LF model form reusing allVars from MLMC step
1243 	  evaluate_parameter_sets(iteratedModel, true, false);
1244 	  // process previous and new set of allResponses for CV sums
1245 	  accumulate_mlcv_Ysums(allResponses, hf_resp, sum_L_shared,
1246 				sum_L_refined, sum_H, sum_LL, sum_LH,
1247 				sum_HH, lev, mu_L_hat, mu_H_hat,
1248 				N_lf[lev], N_hf[lev]);
1249 	  if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT)
1250 	    Cout << "Accumulated sums (L_shared[1,2], L_refined[1,2], LH[1,2])"
1251 		 << ":\n" << sum_L_shared[1] << sum_L_shared[2]
1252 		 << sum_L_refined[1] << sum_L_refined[2]
1253 		 << sum_LH[1] << sum_LH[2];
1254 	  // update raw evaluation counts
1255 	  raw_N_lf[lev] += numSamples; raw_N_hf[lev] += numSamples;
1257 	  // compute the average evaluation ratio and Lambda factor
1258 	  avg_eval_ratio = avg_eval_ratios[lev] =
1259 	    eval_ratio(sum_L_shared[1], sum_H[1], sum_LL[1], sum_LH[1],
1260 		       sum_HH[1], hf_lev_cost/lf_lev_cost, lev, N_hf[lev],
1261 		       var_H, rho2_LH);
1262 	  avg_rho2_LH[lev] = average(rho2_LH[lev], numFunctions);
1263 	  Lambda[lev] = 1. - avg_rho2_LH[lev]
1264 	              * (avg_eval_ratio - 1.) / avg_eval_ratio;
1265 	  agg_var_hf_l = sum(var_H[lev], numFunctions);
1266 	}
1267 	else { // no LF model for this level; accumulate only multilevel sums
1268 	  RealMatrix& sum_HH1 = sum_HH[1];
1269 	  accumulate_ml_Ysums(sum_H, sum_HH1, lev, mu_H_hat,
1270 			      N_hf[lev]); // sum_Y for lev>0
1271 	  if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT)
1272 	    Cout << "Accumulated sums (H[1], H[2], HH):\n"
1273 		 << sum_H[1] << sum_H[2] << sum_HH1;
1274 	  raw_N_hf[lev] += numSamples;
1275 	  // aggregate Y variances across QoI for this level
1276 	  if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)
1277 	    Cout << "variance of Y[" << lev << "]: ";
1278 	  agg_var_hf_l
1279 	    = aggregate_variance_Ysum(sum_H[1][lev], sum_HH1[lev], N_hf[lev]);
1280 	}
1281       }
1283       // accumulate sum of sqrt's of estimator var * cost used in N_target
1284       sum_sqrt_var_cost += (lev < num_cv_lev) ?
1285 	std::sqrt(agg_var_hf_l * hf_lev_cost / (1. - avg_rho2_LH[lev]))
1286 	  * Lambda[lev] : std::sqrt(agg_var_hf_l * hf_lev_cost);
1287       // MSE reference is MLMF MC applied to {HF,LF} pilot sample aggregated
1288       // across qoi.  Note: if the pilot sample for LF is not shaped, then r=1
1289       // will result in no additional variance reduction beyond MLMC.
1290       if (mlmfIter == 0)
1291 	estimator_var0 += (lev < num_cv_lev) ?
1292 	  aggregate_mse_Yvar(var_H[lev], N_hf[lev]) :
1293 	  aggregate_mse_Ysum(sum_H[1][lev], sum_HH[1][lev], N_hf[lev]);
1294     }
1295     // compute epsilon target based on relative tolerance: total MSE = eps^2
1296     // which is equally apportioned (eps^2 / 2) among discretization MSE and
1297     // estimator variance (\Sum var_Y_l / N_l).  Since we do not know the
1298     // discretization error, we compute an initial estimator variance and
1299     // then seek to reduce it by a relative_factor <= 1.
1300     if (mlmfIter == 0) { // eps^2 / 2 = var * relative factor
1301       eps_sq_div_2 = estimator_var0 * convergenceTol;
1302       if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT)
1303 	Cout << "Epsilon squared target = " << eps_sq_div_2 << std::endl;
1304     }
1306     // All CV lf_increment() calls now follow all ML level evals:
1307     for (lev=0; lev<num_cv_lev; ++lev) {
1308       if (delta_N_hf[lev]) {
1309 	configure_indices(group, lf_model_form, lev, seq_index);//augment LF grp
1311 	// execute additional LF sample increment, if needed
1312 	if (lf_increment(avg_eval_ratios[lev], N_lf[lev], N_hf[lev],
1313 			 mlmfIter, lev)) {
1314 	  accumulate_mlcv_Ysums(sum_L_refined, lev, mu_L_hat, N_lf[lev]);
1315 	  raw_N_lf[lev] += numSamples;
1316 	  if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT)
1317 	    Cout << "Accumulated sums (L_refined[1,2]):\n"
1318 		 << sum_L_refined[1] << sum_L_refined[2];
1319 	}
1320       }
1321     }
1323     // update targets based on variance estimates
1324     Real fact = sum_sqrt_var_cost / eps_sq_div_2, N_target;
1325     for (lev=0; lev<num_hf_lev; ++lev) {
1326       hf_lev_cost = (lev) ? hf_cost[lev] + hf_cost[lev-1] : hf_cost[lev];
1327       N_target = (lev < num_cv_lev) ? fact *
1328 	std::sqrt(agg_var_hf[lev] / hf_lev_cost * (1. - avg_rho2_LH[lev])) :
1329 	fact * std::sqrt(agg_var_hf[lev] / hf_lev_cost);
1330       delta_N_hf[lev] = one_sided_delta(average(N_hf[lev]), N_target);
1331     }
1332     ++mlmfIter;
1333     Cout << "\nMLCVMC iteration " << mlmfIter << " sample increments:\n"
1334 	 << delta_N_hf << std::endl;
1335   }
1337   // Iteration complete.  Now roll up raw moments from CVMC and MLMC estimators.
1338   RealMatrix Y_mlmc_mom(numFunctions, 4), Y_cvmc_mom(numFunctions, 4, false);
1339   for (lev=0; lev<num_cv_lev; ++lev) {
1340     cv_raw_moments(sum_L_shared, sum_H, sum_LL, sum_LH, N_hf[lev],
1341 		   sum_L_refined, N_lf[lev], rho2_LH, lev, Y_cvmc_mom);
1342     Y_mlmc_mom += Y_cvmc_mom;
1343   }
1344   if (num_hf_lev > num_cv_lev) {
1345     RealMatrix &sum_H1 = sum_H[1], &sum_H2 = sum_H[2],
1346                &sum_H3 = sum_H[3], &sum_H4 = sum_H[4];
1347     for (qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
1348       for (lev=num_cv_lev; lev<num_hf_lev; ++lev) {
1349 	size_t Nlq = N_hf[lev][qoi];
1350 	Y_mlmc_mom(qoi,0) += sum_H1(qoi,lev) / Nlq;
1351 	Y_mlmc_mom(qoi,1) += sum_H2(qoi,lev) / Nlq;
1352 	Y_mlmc_mom(qoi,2) += sum_H3(qoi,lev) / Nlq;
1353 	Y_mlmc_mom(qoi,3) += sum_H4(qoi,lev) / Nlq;
1354       }
1355     }
1356   }
1357   // Convert uncentered raw moment estimates to final moments (central or std)
1358   convert_moments(Y_mlmc_mom, momentStats);
1360   // compute the equivalent number of HF evaluations
1361   equivHFEvals = raw_N_hf[0] * hf_cost[0] + raw_N_lf[0] * lf_cost[0]; // 1st lev
1362   for (lev=1; lev<num_hf_lev; ++lev) // subsequent levels incur 2 model costs
1363     equivHFEvals += raw_N_hf[lev] * (hf_cost[lev] + hf_cost[lev-1]);
1364   for (lev=1; lev<num_cv_lev; ++lev) // subsequent levels incur 2 model costs
1365     equivHFEvals += raw_N_lf[lev] * (lf_cost[lev] + lf_cost[lev-1]);
1366   equivHFEvals /= hf_cost[num_hf_lev-1]; // normalize into equivalent HF evals
1367 }
1370 /** This function performs "geometrical" MLMC across discretization
1371     levels for the high fidelity model form where CVMC is employed
1372     across two model forms.  It generalizes the Y_l correlation case
1373     to separately target correlations for each QoI level embedded
1374     within the level discrepancies. */
1375 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
multilevel_control_variate_mc_Qcorr(unsigned short lf_model_form,unsigned short hf_model_form)1376 multilevel_control_variate_mc_Qcorr(unsigned short lf_model_form,
1377 				    unsigned short hf_model_form)
1378 {
1379   // assign model forms (solution level assignments are deferred until loop)
1380   UShortArray active_key;
1381   unsigned short seq_index = 2, lev = USHRT_MAX; // lev updated in loop below
1382   Pecos::DiscrepancyCalculator::
1383     form_key(0, hf_model_form, lev, lf_model_form, lev, active_key);
1384   iteratedModel.active_model_key(active_key);
1385   Model& truth_model = iteratedModel.truth_model();
1386   Model& surr_model  = iteratedModel.surrogate_model();
1388   size_t qoi, num_hf_lev = truth_model.solution_levels(),
1389     num_cv_lev = std::min(num_hf_lev, surr_model.solution_levels());
1390   unsigned short& group = lev; // no alias switch for this algorithm
1391   size_t max_iter = (maxIterations < 0) ? 25 : maxIterations; // default = -1
1392   Real avg_eval_ratio, eps_sq_div_2, sum_sqrt_var_cost, estimator_var0 = 0.,
1393     lf_lev_cost, hf_lev_cost;
1394   // retrieve cost estimates across solution levels for HF model
1395   RealVector hf_cost = truth_model.solution_level_costs(),
1396     lf_cost = surr_model.solution_level_costs(), agg_var_hf(num_hf_lev),
1397     avg_eval_ratios(num_cv_lev);
1399   // CV requires cross-level covariance combinations in Qcorr approach
1400   IntRealMatrixMap sum_Ll, sum_Llm1,
1401     sum_Ll_refined, sum_Llm1_refined, sum_Hl, sum_Hlm1,
1402     sum_Ll_Ll, sum_Ll_Llm1,   // for Var(Q_l^L), Covar(Q_l^L,Q_lm1^L)
1403     sum_Llm1_Llm1, sum_Hl_Ll, // for Var(Q_lm1^L), Covar(Q_l^H,Q_l^L)
1404     sum_Hl_Llm1, sum_Hlm1_Ll, // for Covar(Q_l^H,Q_lm1^L), Covar(Q_lm1^H,Q_l^L)
1405     sum_Hlm1_Llm1,            // for Covar(Q_lm1^H,Q_lm1^L)
1406     sum_Hl_Hl,                // for Var(Q_l^H)
1407     sum_Hl_Hlm1,              // for Covar(Q_l^H,Q_lm1^H)
1408     sum_Hlm1_Hlm1;            // for Var(Q_lm1^H)
1409   // Initialize accumulators and related arrays/maps, allowing for different
1410   // number of ML and CV levels (num_hf_lev & num_cv_lev, respectively).
1411   initialize_mlcv_sums(sum_Ll, sum_Llm1, sum_Ll_refined, sum_Llm1_refined,
1412 		       sum_Hl, sum_Hlm1, sum_Ll_Ll, sum_Ll_Llm1, sum_Llm1_Llm1,
1413 		       sum_Hl_Ll, sum_Hl_Llm1, sum_Hlm1_Ll, sum_Hlm1_Llm1,
1414 		       sum_Hl_Hl, sum_Hl_Hlm1, sum_Hlm1_Hlm1, num_hf_lev,
1415 		       num_cv_lev);
1416   RealMatrix var_Yl(numFunctions, num_cv_lev, false),
1417              rho_dot2_LH(numFunctions, num_cv_lev, false);
1418   RealVector Lambda(num_cv_lev, false), avg_rho_dot2_LH(num_cv_lev, false);
1420   // Initialize for pilot sample
1421   Sizet2DArray&       N_lf =      NLev[lf_model_form];
1422   Sizet2DArray&       N_hf =      NLev[hf_model_form];
1423   Sizet2DArray  delta_N_l; load_pilot_sample(pilotSamples, NLev, delta_N_l);
1424   //SizetArray& delta_N_lf = delta_N_l[lf_model_form];
1425   SizetArray&   delta_N_hf = delta_N_l[hf_model_form];
1427   // raw eval counts are accumulation of allSamples irrespective of resp faults
1428   SizetArray raw_N_lf(num_cv_lev, 0), raw_N_hf(num_hf_lev, 0);
1429   RealVector mu_L_hat, mu_H_hat;
1431   // now converge on sample counts per level (N_hf)
1432   mlmfIter = 0;
1433   while (Pecos::l1_norm(delta_N_hf) && mlmfIter <= max_iter) {
1435     sum_sqrt_var_cost = 0.;
1436     for (lev=0; lev<num_hf_lev; ++lev) {
1438       configure_indices(group, hf_model_form, lev, seq_index);
1439       hf_lev_cost = level_cost(hf_cost, lev);
1441       // set the number of current samples from the defined increment
1442       numSamples = delta_N_hf[lev];
1444       // aggregate variances across QoI for estimating N_hf (justification:
1445       // for independent QoI, sum of QoI variances = variance of QoI sum)
1446       Real& agg_var_hf_l = agg_var_hf[lev];//carried over from prev iter if!samp
1447       if (numSamples) {
1449 	// advance any sequence specifications (seed_sequence)
1450 	assign_specification_sequence(lev);
1451 	// generate new MC parameter sets
1452 	get_parameter_sets(iteratedModel);// pull dist params from any model
1454 	// export separate output files for each data set.  Note that
1455 	// truth_model() is indexed with hf_model_form at this stage for
1456 	// all levels.  The exported discretization level (e.g., state variable
1457 	// value) can't capture a level discrepancy for lev>0 and will reflect
1458 	// the most recent evaluation state.
1459 	if (exportSampleSets)
1460 	  export_all_samples("ml_", iteratedModel.truth_model(), mlmfIter, lev);
1462 	// compute allResponses from allVariables using hierarchical model
1463 	evaluate_parameter_sets(iteratedModel, true, false);
1465 	// control variate betwen LF and HF for this discretization level:
1466 	// if unequal number of levels, loop over all HF levels for MLMC and
1467 	// apply CVMC when LF levels are available.  LF levels are assigned as
1468 	// control variates to the leading set of HF levels, since these will
1469 	// tend to have larger variance.
1470 	if (lev < num_cv_lev) {
1472 	  // store allResponses used for sum_H (and sum_HH)
1473 	  IntResponseMap hf_resp = allResponses; // shallow copy is sufficient
1474 	  // activate LF response (lev 0) or LF response discrepancy (lev > 0)
1475 	  // within the hierarchical surrogate model.  Level indices & surrogate
1476 	  // response mode are same as HF above, only the model form changes.
1477 	  // However, we must pass the unchanged level index to update the
1478 	  // corresponding variable values for the new model form.
1479 	  configure_indices(group, lf_model_form, lev, seq_index);
1480 	  lf_lev_cost = level_cost(lf_cost, lev);
1481 	  // eval allResp w/ LF model reusing allVars from ML step above
1482 	  evaluate_parameter_sets(iteratedModel, true, false);
1483 	  // process previous and new set of allResponses for MLCV sums;
1484 	  accumulate_mlcv_Qsums(allResponses, hf_resp, sum_Ll, sum_Llm1,
1485 				sum_Ll_refined, sum_Llm1_refined, sum_Hl,
1486 				sum_Hlm1, sum_Ll_Ll, sum_Ll_Llm1, sum_Llm1_Llm1,
1487 				sum_Hl_Ll, sum_Hl_Llm1, sum_Hlm1_Ll,
1488 				sum_Hlm1_Llm1, sum_Hl_Hl, sum_Hl_Hlm1,
1489 				sum_Hlm1_Hlm1, lev, mu_L_hat, mu_H_hat,
1490 				N_lf[lev], N_hf[lev]);
1491 	  if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT)
1492 	    Cout << "Accumulated sums (Ll[1,2], L_refined[1,2], Hl[1,2]):\n"
1493 		 << sum_Ll[1] << sum_Ll[2] << sum_Ll_refined[1]
1494 		 << sum_Ll_refined[2] << sum_Hl[1] << sum_Hl[2];
1495 	  // update raw evaluation counts
1496 	  raw_N_lf[lev] += numSamples; raw_N_hf[lev] += numSamples;
1498 	  // compute the average evaluation ratio and Lambda factor
1499 	  avg_eval_ratio = avg_eval_ratios[lev] =
1500 	    eval_ratio(sum_Ll[1], sum_Llm1[1], sum_Hl[1], sum_Hlm1[1],
1501 		       sum_Ll_Ll[1], sum_Ll_Llm1[1], sum_Llm1_Llm1[1],
1502 		       sum_Hl_Ll[1], sum_Hl_Llm1[1], sum_Hlm1_Ll[1],
1503 		       sum_Hlm1_Llm1[1], sum_Hl_Hl[1], sum_Hl_Hlm1[1],
1504 		       sum_Hlm1_Hlm1[1], hf_lev_cost/lf_lev_cost, lev,
1505 		       N_hf[lev], var_Yl, rho_dot2_LH);
1506 	  avg_rho_dot2_LH[lev] = average(rho_dot2_LH[lev], numFunctions);
1507 	  Lambda[lev] = 1. - avg_rho_dot2_LH[lev]
1508 	              * (avg_eval_ratio - 1.) / avg_eval_ratio;
1509 	  agg_var_hf_l = sum(var_Yl[lev], numFunctions);
1510 	}
1511 	else { // no LF model for this level; accumulate only multilevel
1512 	       // discrepancy sums (Hl is Yl) as in standard MLMC
1513 	  RealMatrix& sum_HH1 = sum_Hl_Hl[1];
1514 	  accumulate_ml_Ysums(sum_Hl, sum_HH1, lev, mu_H_hat,
1515 			      N_hf[lev]); // sum_Y for lev>0
1516 	  if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT)
1517 	    Cout << "Accumulated sums (H[1], H[2], HH[1]):\n"
1518 		 << sum_Hl[1] << sum_Hl[2] << sum_HH1;
1519 	  raw_N_hf[lev] += numSamples;
1520 	  // aggregate Y variances across QoI for this level
1521 	  if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)
1522 	    Cout << "variance of Y[" << lev << "]: ";
1523 	  agg_var_hf_l
1524 	    = aggregate_variance_Ysum(sum_Hl[1][lev], sum_HH1[lev], N_hf[lev]);
1525 	}
1526       }
1528       // accumulate sum of sqrt's of estimator var * cost used in N_target
1529       sum_sqrt_var_cost += (lev < num_cv_lev) ?
1530 	std::sqrt(agg_var_hf_l * hf_lev_cost / (1. - avg_rho_dot2_LH[lev]))
1531 	  * Lambda[lev] : std::sqrt(agg_var_hf_l * hf_lev_cost);
1532       // MSE reference is MLMF MC applied to {HF,LF} pilot sample aggregated
1533       // across qoi.  Note: if the pilot sample for LF is not shaped, then r=1
1534       // will result in no additional variance reduction beyond MLMC.
1535       if (mlmfIter == 0)
1536 	estimator_var0 += (lev < num_cv_lev) ?
1537 	  aggregate_mse_Yvar(var_Yl[lev], N_hf[lev]) :
1538 	  aggregate_mse_Ysum(sum_Hl[1][lev], sum_Hl_Hl[1][lev], N_hf[lev]);
1539     }
1540     // compute epsilon target based on relative tolerance: total MSE = eps^2
1541     // which is equally apportioned (eps^2 / 2) among discretization MSE and
1542     // estimator variance (\Sum var_Y_l / N_l).  Since we do not know the
1543     // discretization error, we compute an initial estimator variance and
1544     // then seek to reduce it by a relative_factor <= 1.
1545     if (mlmfIter == 0) { // eps^2 / 2 = var * relative factor
1546       eps_sq_div_2 = estimator_var0 * convergenceTol;
1547       if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT)
1548 	Cout << "Epsilon squared target = " << eps_sq_div_2 << std::endl;
1549     }
1551     // All CV lf_increment() calls now follow all ML level evals:
1552     // > Provides separation of pilot sample from refinements (simplifying
1553     //   offline execution with data importing w/o undesirable seed progression)
1554     // > Improves application of max_iterations control in general: user
1555     //   specification results in consistent count for ML and CV refinements
1556     // > Incurs a bit more overhead: avg_eval_ratios array, mode resetting
1557     // > Could potentially have parallel scheduling benefits by grouping
1558     //   similar Model eval sets for aggregated scheduling
1559     for (lev=0; lev<num_cv_lev; ++lev) {
1560       if (delta_N_hf[lev]) {
1561 	configure_indices(group, lf_model_form, lev, seq_index);//augment LF grp
1563 	// now execute additional LF sample increment, if needed
1564 	if (lf_increment(avg_eval_ratios[lev], N_lf[lev], N_hf[lev],
1565 			 mlmfIter, lev)) {
1566 	  accumulate_mlcv_Qsums(sum_Ll_refined, sum_Llm1_refined, lev, mu_L_hat,
1567 				N_lf[lev]);
1568 	  raw_N_lf[lev] += numSamples;
1569 	  if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT)
1570 	    Cout << "Accumulated sums (L_refined[1,2]):\n"
1571 		 << sum_Ll_refined[1] << sum_Ll_refined[2];
1572 	}
1573       }
1574     }
1576     // update targets based on variance estimates
1577     Real fact = sum_sqrt_var_cost / eps_sq_div_2, N_target;
1578     for (lev=0; lev<num_hf_lev; ++lev) {
1579       hf_lev_cost = (lev) ? hf_cost[lev] + hf_cost[lev-1] : hf_cost[lev];
1580       N_target = (lev < num_cv_lev) ? fact *
1581 	std::sqrt(agg_var_hf[lev] / hf_lev_cost * (1. - avg_rho_dot2_LH[lev])) :
1582 	fact * std::sqrt(agg_var_hf[lev] / hf_lev_cost);
1583       delta_N_hf[lev] = one_sided_delta(average(N_hf[lev]), N_target);
1584     }
1585     ++mlmfIter;
1586     Cout << "\nMLCVMC iteration " << mlmfIter << " sample increments:\n"
1587 	 << delta_N_hf << std::endl;
1588   }
1590   // Iteration complete. Now roll up raw moments from CVMC and MLMC estimators.
1591   RealMatrix Y_mlmc_mom(numFunctions, 4), Y_cvmc_mom(numFunctions, 4, false);
1592   for (lev=0; lev<num_cv_lev; ++lev) {
1593     cv_raw_moments(sum_Ll, sum_Llm1, sum_Hl, sum_Hlm1, sum_Ll_Ll, sum_Ll_Llm1,
1594 		   sum_Llm1_Llm1, sum_Hl_Ll, sum_Hl_Llm1, sum_Hlm1_Ll,
1595 		   sum_Hlm1_Llm1, sum_Hl_Hl, sum_Hl_Hlm1, sum_Hlm1_Hlm1,
1596 		   N_hf[lev], sum_Ll_refined, sum_Llm1_refined, N_lf[lev],
1597 		   rho_dot2_LH, lev, Y_cvmc_mom);
1598     Y_mlmc_mom += Y_cvmc_mom;
1599   }
1600   if (num_hf_lev > num_cv_lev) {
1601     // MLMC without CV: sum_H = HF Q sums for lev = 0 and HF Y sums for lev > 0
1602     RealMatrix &sum_H1 = sum_Hl[1], &sum_H2 = sum_Hl[2],
1603                &sum_H3 = sum_Hl[3], &sum_H4 = sum_Hl[4];
1604     for (qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
1605       for (lev=num_cv_lev; lev<num_hf_lev; ++lev) {
1606 	size_t Nlq = N_hf[lev][qoi];
1607 	Y_mlmc_mom(qoi,0) += sum_H1(qoi,lev) / Nlq;
1608 	Y_mlmc_mom(qoi,1) += sum_H2(qoi,lev) / Nlq;
1609 	Y_mlmc_mom(qoi,2) += sum_H3(qoi,lev) / Nlq;
1610 	Y_mlmc_mom(qoi,3) += sum_H4(qoi,lev) / Nlq;
1611       }
1612     }
1613   }
1614   // Convert uncentered raw moment estimates to final moments (central or std)
1615   convert_moments(Y_mlmc_mom, momentStats);
1617   // compute the equivalent number of HF evaluations
1618   equivHFEvals = raw_N_hf[0] * hf_cost[0] + raw_N_lf[0] * lf_cost[0]; // 1st lev
1619   for (lev=1; lev<num_hf_lev; ++lev) // subsequent levels incur 2 model costs
1620     equivHFEvals += raw_N_hf[lev] * (hf_cost[lev] + hf_cost[lev-1]);
1621   for (lev=1; lev<num_cv_lev; ++lev) // subsequent levels incur 2 model costs
1622     equivHFEvals += raw_N_lf[lev] * (lf_cost[lev] + lf_cost[lev-1]);
1623   equivHFEvals /= hf_cost[num_hf_lev-1]; // normalize into equivalent HF evals
1624 }
1627 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
configure_indices(unsigned short group,unsigned short form,unsigned short lev,unsigned short s_index)1628 configure_indices(unsigned short group, unsigned short form,
1629 		  unsigned short lev,   unsigned short s_index)
1630 {
1631   // Notes:
1632   // > could consolidate with NonDExpansion::configure_indices() with a passed
1633   //   model and virtual *_mode() assignments.  Leaving separate for now...
1634   // > group index is assigned based on step in model form/resolution sequence
1635   // > CVMC does not use this helper; it requires uncorrected_surrogate_mode()
1637   UShortArray hf_key;
1638   Pecos::DiscrepancyCalculator::form_key(group, form, lev, hf_key);
1640   if (hf_key[s_index] == 0) { // step 0 in the sequence
1641     bypass_surrogate_mode();
1642     iteratedModel.active_model_key(hf_key);          // one active fidelity
1643   }
1644   else { //if (multilevDiscrepEmulation == DISTINCT_EMULATION) {
1645     aggregated_models_mode();
1647     UShortArray lf_key(hf_key), aggregate_key;
1648     Pecos::DiscrepancyCalculator::decrement_key(lf_key, s_index);
1649     Pecos::DiscrepancyCalculator::aggregate_keys(hf_key, lf_key, aggregate_key);
1650     iteratedModel.active_model_key(aggregate_key); // two active fidelities
1651   }
1652 }
assign_specification_sequence(size_t index)1655 void NonDMultilevelSampling::assign_specification_sequence(size_t index)
1656 {
1657   // Note: seedSpec/randomSeed initialized from randomSeedSeqSpec in ctor
1659   // advance any sequence specifications, as admissible
1660   // Note: no colloc pts sequence as load_pilot_sample() handles this separately
1661   int seed_i = random_seed(index);
1662   if (seed_i) randomSeed = seed_i;// propagate to NonDSampling::initialize_lhs()
1663   // else previous value will allow existing RNG to continue for varyPattern
1664 }
1667 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
initialize_ml_Ysums(IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Y,size_t num_lev)1668 initialize_ml_Ysums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Y, size_t num_lev)
1669 {
1670   // sum_* are running sums across all increments
1671   std::pair<int, RealMatrix> empty_pr;
1672   for (int i=1; i<=4; ++i) {
1673     empty_pr.first = i;
1674     // std::map::insert() returns std::pair<IntRMMIter, bool>:
1675     // use iterator to shape RealMatrix in place and init sums to 0
1676     sum_Y.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_lev);
1677   }
1678 }
1681 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
initialize_ml_Qsums(IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ql,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Qlm1,IntIntPairRealMatrixMap & sum_QlQlm1,size_t num_lev)1682 initialize_ml_Qsums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ql, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Qlm1,
1683 		    IntIntPairRealMatrixMap& sum_QlQlm1, size_t num_lev)
1684 {
1685   // sum_* are running sums across all increments
1686   std::pair<int, RealMatrix> empty_irm_pr; int i, j;
1687   for (i=1; i<=4; ++i) {
1688     empty_irm_pr.first = i;
1689     // std::map::insert() returns std::pair<IntRMMIter, bool>:
1690     // use iterator to shape RealMatrix in place and init sums to 0
1691     sum_Ql.insert(empty_irm_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_lev);
1692     sum_Qlm1.insert(empty_irm_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_lev);
1693   }
1694   std::pair<IntIntPair, RealMatrix> empty_iirm_pr;
1695   IntIntPair& ii = empty_iirm_pr.first;
1696   for (i=1; i<=2; ++i)
1697     for (j=1; j<=2; ++j) {
1698       ii.first = i; ii.second = j;
1699       // std::map::insert() returns std::pair<IIPRMMap::iterator, bool>
1700       sum_QlQlm1.insert(empty_iirm_pr).first->
1701 	second.shape(numFunctions, num_lev);
1702     }
1703 }
1706 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
initialize_cv_sums(IntRealVectorMap & sum_L_shared,IntRealVectorMap & sum_L_refined,IntRealVectorMap & sum_H,IntRealVectorMap & sum_LL,IntRealVectorMap & sum_LH)1707 initialize_cv_sums(IntRealVectorMap& sum_L_shared,
1708 		   IntRealVectorMap& sum_L_refined, IntRealVectorMap& sum_H,
1709 		   IntRealVectorMap& sum_LL,      //IntRealVectorMap& sum_HH,
1710 		   IntRealVectorMap& sum_LH)
1711 {
1712   // sum_* are running sums across all increments
1713   std::pair<int, RealVector> empty_pr;
1714   for (int i=1; i<=4; ++i) {
1715     empty_pr.first = i;
1716     // std::map::insert() returns std::pair<IntRVMIter, bool>:
1717     // use iterator to size RealVector in place and init sums to 0
1718     sum_L_shared.insert(empty_pr).first->second.size(numFunctions);
1719     sum_L_refined.insert(empty_pr).first->second.size(numFunctions);
1720     sum_H.insert(empty_pr).first->second.size(numFunctions);
1721     sum_LL.insert(empty_pr).first->second.size(numFunctions);
1722   //sum_HH.insert(empty_pr).first->second.size(numFunctions);
1723     sum_LH.insert(empty_pr).first->second.size(numFunctions);
1724   }
1725 }
1728 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
initialize_mlcv_sums(IntRealMatrixMap & sum_L_shared,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_L_refined,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_H,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_LL,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_LH,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_HH,size_t num_ml_lev,size_t num_cv_lev)1729 initialize_mlcv_sums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_shared,
1730 		     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_refined, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_H,
1731 		     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LL,        IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LH,
1732 		     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_HH,        size_t num_ml_lev,
1733 		     size_t num_cv_lev)
1734 {
1735   // sum_* are running sums across all increments
1736   std::pair<int, RealMatrix> empty_pr;
1737   for (int i=1; i<=4; ++i) {
1738     empty_pr.first = i;
1739     // std::map::insert() returns std::pair<IntRVMIter, bool>:
1740     // use iterator to shape RealMatrix in place and init sums to 0
1742     // num_cv_lev:
1743     sum_L_shared.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_cv_lev);
1744     sum_L_refined.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions,num_cv_lev);
1745     sum_LL.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_cv_lev);
1746     sum_LH.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_cv_lev);
1748     // num_ml_lev:
1749     sum_H.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_ml_lev);
1750   }
1752   // Only need order 1 accumulation for HH
1753   empty_pr.first = 1;
1754   sum_HH.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_ml_lev);
1755 }
1758 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
initialize_mlcv_sums(IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ll,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Llm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ll_refined,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Llm1_refined,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hl,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hlm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ll_Ll,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ll_Llm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Llm1_Llm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hl_Ll,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hl_Llm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hlm1_Ll,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hlm1_Llm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hl_Hl,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hl_Hlm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hlm1_Hlm1,size_t num_ml_lev,size_t num_cv_lev)1759 initialize_mlcv_sums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1,
1760 		     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_refined,
1761 		     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1_refined,
1762 		     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1,
1763 		     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_Ll, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_Llm1,
1764 		     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1_Llm1,
1765 		     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Ll, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Llm1,
1766 		     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Ll,
1767 		     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Llm1,
1768 		     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Hl, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Hlm1,
1769 		     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Hlm1, size_t num_ml_lev,
1770 		     size_t num_cv_lev)
1771 {
1772   // sum_* are running sums across all increments
1773   std::pair<int, RealMatrix> empty_pr;
1774   for (int i=1; i<=4; ++i) {
1775     empty_pr.first = i;
1776     // std::map::insert() returns std::pair<IntRVMIter, bool>:
1777     // use iterator to shape RealMatrix in place and init sums to 0
1779     // num_cv_lev:
1780     sum_Ll.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_cv_lev);
1781     sum_Llm1.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_cv_lev);
1782     sum_Ll_refined.insert(empty_pr).first->
1783       second.shape(numFunctions, num_cv_lev);
1784     sum_Llm1_refined.insert(empty_pr).first->
1785       second.shape(numFunctions, num_cv_lev);
1786     sum_Hlm1.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_cv_lev);
1787     sum_Ll_Ll.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_cv_lev);
1788     sum_Ll_Llm1.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_cv_lev);
1789     sum_Llm1_Llm1.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions,num_cv_lev);
1790     sum_Hl_Ll.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_cv_lev);
1791     sum_Hl_Llm1.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_cv_lev);
1792     sum_Hlm1_Ll.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_cv_lev);
1793     sum_Hlm1_Llm1.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions,num_cv_lev);
1794     // num_ml_lev:
1795     sum_Hl.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_ml_lev);
1796     sum_Hl_Hl.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_ml_lev);
1797     sum_Hl_Hlm1.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions, num_ml_lev);
1798     sum_Hlm1_Hlm1.insert(empty_pr).first->second.shape(numFunctions,num_ml_lev);
1799   }
1800 }
1803 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
accumulate_ml_Qsums(IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Q,size_t lev,const RealVector & offset,SizetArray & num_Q)1804 accumulate_ml_Qsums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Q, size_t lev,
1805 		    const RealVector& offset, SizetArray& num_Q)
1806 {
1807   using std::isfinite;
1808   Real q_l, q_l_prod;
1809   int ord, active_ord; size_t qoi;
1810   IntRespMCIter r_it; IntRMMIter q_it;
1811   bool os = !offset.empty();
1813   for (r_it=allResponses.begin(); r_it!=allResponses.end(); ++r_it) {
1814     const RealVector& fn_vals = r_it->second.function_values();
1816     for (qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
1817       q_l_prod = q_l = (os) ? fn_vals[qoi] - offset[qoi] : fn_vals[qoi];
1819       if (isfinite(q_l)) { // neither NaN nor +/-Inf
1820 	q_it = sum_Q.begin(); ord = q_it->first;
1821 	active_ord = 1;
1822 	while (q_it!=sum_Q.end()) {
1824 	  if (ord == active_ord) {
1825 	    q_it->second(qoi,lev) += q_l_prod; ++q_it;
1826 	    ord = (q_it == sum_Q.end()) ? 0 : q_it->first;
1827 	  }
1829 	  q_l_prod *= q_l; ++active_ord;
1830 	}
1831 	++num_Q[qoi];
1832       }
1833     }
1834     //Cout << r_it->first << ": " << sum_Q[1];
1835   }
1836 }
1839 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
accumulate_ml_Qsums(IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ql,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Qlm1,IntIntPairRealMatrixMap & sum_QlQlm1,size_t lev,const RealVector & offset,SizetArray & num_Q)1840 accumulate_ml_Qsums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ql, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Qlm1,
1841 		    IntIntPairRealMatrixMap& sum_QlQlm1, size_t lev,
1842 		    const RealVector& offset, SizetArray& num_Q)
1843 {
1844   if (lev == 0)
1845     accumulate_ml_Qsums(sum_Ql, lev, offset, num_Q);
1846   else {
1847     using std::isfinite;
1848     Real q_l, q_lm1, q_l_prod, q_lm1_prod, qq_prod;
1849     int l1_ord, l2_ord, active_ord; size_t qoi;
1850     IntRespMCIter r_it; IntRMMIter l1_it, l2_it; IntIntPair pr;
1851     bool os = !offset.empty();
1853     for (r_it=allResponses.begin(); r_it!=allResponses.end(); ++r_it) {
1854       const RealVector& fn_vals = r_it->second.function_values();
1856       for (qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
1857 	// response mode AGGREGATED_MODELS orders HF (active model key)
1858 	// followed by LF (previous/decremented model key)
1859 	q_l_prod   = q_l   = (os) ?  fn_vals[qoi] - offset[qoi] : fn_vals[qoi];
1860 	q_lm1_prod = q_lm1 = (os) ?
1861 	  fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions] - offset[qoi+numFunctions] :
1862 	  fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions];
1864 	// sync sample counts for Ql and Qlm1
1865 	if (isfinite(q_l) && isfinite(q_lm1)) { // neither NaN nor +/-Inf
1867 	  // covariance terms: products of q_l and q_lm1
1868 	  pr.first = pr.second = 1;
1869 	  qq_prod = q_l_prod * q_lm1_prod;
1870 	  sum_QlQlm1[pr](qoi,lev) += qq_prod;
1871 	  pr.second = 2;
1872 	  sum_QlQlm1[pr](qoi,lev) += qq_prod * q_lm1_prod;
1873 	  pr.first = 2; pr.second = 1;
1874 	  qq_prod *= q_l_prod;
1875 	  sum_QlQlm1[pr](qoi,lev) += qq_prod;
1876 	  pr.second = 2;
1877 	  sum_QlQlm1[pr](qoi,lev) += qq_prod * q_lm1_prod;
1879 	  // mean,variance terms: products of q_l or products of q_lm1
1880 	  l1_it  = sum_Ql.begin();
1881 	  l2_it  = sum_Qlm1.begin();
1882 	  l1_ord = (l1_it == sum_Ql.end())   ? 0 : l1_it->first;
1883 	  l2_ord = (l2_it == sum_Qlm1.end()) ? 0 : l2_it->first;
1884 	  active_ord = 1;
1885 	  while (l1_it != sum_Ql.end() || l2_it != sum_Qlm1.end()) {
1887 	    // Low: Ll, Llm1
1888 	    if (l1_ord == active_ord) {
1889 	      l1_it->second(qoi,lev) += q_l_prod; ++l1_it;
1890 	      l1_ord = (l1_it == sum_Ql.end()) ? 0 : l1_it->first;
1891 	    }
1892 	    if (l2_ord == active_ord) {
1893 	      l2_it->second(qoi,lev) += q_lm1_prod; ++l2_it;
1894 	      l2_ord = (l2_it == sum_Qlm1.end()) ? 0 : l2_it->first;
1895 	    }
1897 	    q_l_prod *= q_l; q_lm1_prod *= q_lm1; ++active_ord;
1898 	  }
1899 	  ++num_Q[qoi];
1900 	}
1901       }
1902       //Cout << r_it->first << ": " << sum_Ql[1] << sum_Qlm1[1];
1903     }
1904   }
1905 }
1908 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
accumulate_ml_Ysums(IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Y,RealMatrix & sum_YY,size_t lev,const RealVector & offset,SizetArray & num_Y)1909 accumulate_ml_Ysums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Y, RealMatrix& sum_YY, size_t lev,
1910 		    const RealVector& offset, SizetArray& num_Y)
1911 {
1912   using std::isfinite;
1913   Real lf_fn, lf_prod;
1914   int y_ord, active_ord; size_t qoi;
1915   IntRespMCIter r_it; IntRMMIter y_it;
1916   bool os = !offset.empty();
1918   if (lev == 0) {
1919     for (r_it=allResponses.begin(); r_it!=allResponses.end(); ++r_it) {
1920       const RealVector& fn_vals = r_it->second.function_values();
1921       for (qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
1923 	lf_prod = lf_fn = (os) ? fn_vals[qoi] - offset[qoi] : fn_vals[qoi];
1924 	if (isfinite(lf_fn)) { // neither NaN nor +/-Inf
1925 	  // add to sum_YY: running sums across all sample increments
1926 	  sum_YY(qoi,lev) += lf_prod * lf_prod;
1928 	  // add to sum_Y: running sums across all sample increments
1929 	  y_it = sum_Y.begin(); y_ord = y_it->first;
1930 	  active_ord = 1;
1931 	  while (y_it!=sum_Y.end() || active_ord <= 1) {
1932 	    if (y_ord == active_ord) {
1933 	      y_it->second(qoi,lev) += lf_prod; ++y_it;
1934 	      y_ord = (y_it == sum_Y.end()) ? 0 : y_it->first;
1935 	    }
1936 	    lf_prod *= lf_fn; ++active_ord;
1937 	  }
1938 	  ++num_Y[qoi];
1939 	}
1940       }
1941     }
1942   }
1943   else {
1944     Real hf_fn, hf_prod;
1945     for (r_it=allResponses.begin(); r_it!=allResponses.end(); ++r_it) {
1946       const RealVector& fn_vals = r_it->second.function_values();
1947       for (qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
1949 	// response mode AGGREGATED_MODELS orders HF (active model key)
1950 	// followed by LF (previous/decremented model key)
1951 	hf_prod = hf_fn = (os) ? fn_vals[qoi] - offset[qoi] : fn_vals[qoi];
1952 	lf_prod = lf_fn = (os) ?
1953 	  fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions] - offset[qoi+numFunctions] :
1954 	  fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions];
1955 	if (isfinite(lf_fn) && isfinite(hf_fn)) { // neither NaN nor +/-Inf
1957 	  // add to sum_YY: running sums across all sample increments
1958 	  Real delta_prod = hf_prod - lf_prod;
1959 	  sum_YY(qoi,lev) += delta_prod * delta_prod; // (HF^p-LF^p)^2 for p=1
1961 	  // add to sum_Y: running sums across all sample increments
1962 	  y_it = sum_Y.begin();  y_ord = y_it->first;
1963 	  active_ord = 1;
1964 	  while (y_it!=sum_Y.end() || active_ord <= 1) {
1965 	    if (y_ord == active_ord) {
1966 	      y_it->second(qoi,lev) += hf_prod - lf_prod; // HF^p-LF^p
1967 	      ++y_it; y_ord = (y_it == sum_Y.end()) ? 0 : y_it->first;
1968 	    }
1969 	    hf_prod *= hf_fn; lf_prod *= lf_fn; ++active_ord;
1970 	  }
1971 	  ++num_Y[qoi];
1972 	}
1973       }
1974     }
1975   }
1976 }
1979 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
accumulate_cv_sums(IntRealVectorMap & sum_L,const RealVector & offset,SizetArray & num_L)1980 accumulate_cv_sums(IntRealVectorMap& sum_L, const RealVector& offset,
1981 		   SizetArray& num_L)
1982 {
1983   // uses one set of allResponses in BYPASS_SURROGATE mode
1984   // IntRealVectorMap is not a multilevel case --> no discrepancies
1986   using std::isfinite;
1987   Real fn_val, prod;
1988   int ord, active_ord; size_t qoi;
1989   IntRespMCIter r_it; IntRVMIter l_it;
1990   bool os = !offset.empty();
1992   for (r_it=allResponses.begin(); r_it!=allResponses.end(); ++r_it) {
1993     const RealVector& fn_vals = r_it->second.function_values();
1995     for (qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
1996       prod = fn_val = (os) ? fn_vals[qoi] - offset[qoi] : fn_vals[qoi];
1998       if (isfinite(fn_val)) { // neither NaN nor +/-Inf
1999 	l_it = sum_L.begin(); ord = l_it->first; active_ord = 1;
2000 	while (l_it!=sum_L.end()) {
2002 	  if (ord == active_ord) {
2003 	    l_it->second[qoi] += prod; ++l_it;
2004 	    ord = (l_it == sum_L.end()) ? 0 : l_it->first;
2005 	  }
2007 	  prod *= fn_val; ++active_ord;
2008 	}
2009 	++num_L[qoi];
2010       }
2011     }
2012   }
2013 }
2016 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
accumulate_cv_sums(IntRealVectorMap & sum_L_shared,IntRealVectorMap & sum_L_refined,IntRealVectorMap & sum_H,IntRealVectorMap & sum_LL,IntRealVectorMap & sum_LH,RealVector & sum_HH,const RealVector & offset,SizetArray & num_L,SizetArray & num_H)2017 accumulate_cv_sums(IntRealVectorMap& sum_L_shared,
2018 		   IntRealVectorMap& sum_L_refined, IntRealVectorMap& sum_H,
2019 		   IntRealVectorMap& sum_LL, IntRealVectorMap& sum_LH,
2020 		   RealVector& sum_HH, const RealVector& offset,
2021 		   SizetArray& num_L, SizetArray& num_H)
2022 {
2023   // uses one set of allResponses in AGGREGATED_MODELS mode
2024   // IntRealVectorMap is not a multilevel case so no discrepancies
2026   using std::isfinite;
2027   Real lf_fn, hf_fn, lf_prod, hf_prod;
2028   IntRespMCIter r_it; IntRVMIter ls_it, lr_it, h_it, ll_it, lh_it;
2029   int ls_ord, lr_ord, h_ord, ll_ord, lh_ord, active_ord; size_t qoi;
2030   bool os = !offset.empty();
2032   for (r_it=allResponses.begin(); r_it!=allResponses.end(); ++r_it) {
2033     const RealVector& fn_vals = r_it->second.function_values();
2035     for (qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
2037       // response mode AGGREGATED_MODELS orders HF (active model key)
2038       // followed by LF (previous/decremented model key)
2039       hf_prod = hf_fn = (os) ? fn_vals[qoi] - offset[qoi] : fn_vals[qoi];
2040       lf_prod = lf_fn = (os) ?
2041 	fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions] - offset[qoi+numFunctions] :
2042 	fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions];
2044       // sync sample counts for all L and H interactions at this level
2045       if (isfinite(lf_fn) && isfinite(hf_fn)) { // neither NaN nor +/-Inf
2047 	// High-High
2048 	sum_HH[qoi] += hf_prod * hf_prod;
2050 	ls_it = sum_L_shared.begin(); lr_it = sum_L_refined.begin();
2051 	h_it  = sum_H.begin(); ll_it = sum_LL.begin(); lh_it = sum_LH.begin();
2052 	ls_ord = /*(ls_it == sum_L_shared.end())  ? 0 :*/ ls_it->first;
2053 	lr_ord = /*(lr_it == sum_L_refined.end()) ? 0 :*/ lr_it->first;
2054 	h_ord  = /*(h_it  == sum_H.end())  ? 0 :*/  h_it->first;
2055 	ll_ord = /*(ll_it == sum_LL.end()) ? 0 :*/ ll_it->first;
2056 	lh_ord = /*(lh_it == sum_LH.end()) ? 0 :*/ lh_it->first;
2057 	active_ord = 1;
2058 	while (ls_it!=sum_L_shared.end() || lr_it!=sum_L_refined.end() ||
2059 	       h_it!=sum_H.end() || ll_it!=sum_LL.end() ||
2060 	       lh_it!=sum_LH.end() || active_ord <= 1) {
2062 	  // Low shared
2063 	  if (ls_ord == active_ord) {
2064 	    ls_it->second[qoi] += lf_prod;
2065 	    ++ls_it; ls_ord = (ls_it == sum_L_shared.end())  ? 0 : ls_it->first;
2066 	  }
2067 	  // Low refined
2068 	  if (lr_ord == active_ord) {
2069 	    lr_it->second[qoi] += lf_prod;
2070 	    ++lr_it; lr_ord = (lr_it == sum_L_refined.end()) ? 0 : lr_it->first;
2071 	  }
2072 	  // High
2073 	  if (h_ord == active_ord) {
2074 	    h_it->second[qoi] += hf_prod;
2075 	    ++h_it; h_ord = (h_it == sum_H.end()) ? 0 : h_it->first;
2076 	  }
2077 	  // Low-Low
2078 	  if (ll_ord == active_ord) {
2079 	    ll_it->second[qoi] += lf_prod * lf_prod;
2080 	    ++ll_it; ll_ord = (ll_it == sum_LL.end()) ? 0 : ll_it->first;
2081 	  }
2082 	  // Low-High
2083 	  if (lh_ord == active_ord) {
2084 	    lh_it->second[qoi] += lf_prod * hf_prod;
2085 	    ++lh_it; lh_ord = (lh_it == sum_LH.end()) ? 0 : lh_it->first;
2086 	  }
2088 	  if (ls_ord || lr_ord || ll_ord || lh_ord) lf_prod *= lf_fn;
2089 	  if (h_ord  || lh_ord)                     hf_prod *= hf_fn;
2090 	  ++active_ord;
2091 	}
2092 	++num_L[qoi]; ++num_H[qoi];
2093       }
2094     }
2095   }
2096 }
2099 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
accumulate_mlcv_Qsums(IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ql,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Qlm1,size_t lev,const RealVector & offset,SizetArray & num_Q)2100 accumulate_mlcv_Qsums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ql, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Qlm1,
2101 		      size_t lev, const RealVector& offset, SizetArray& num_Q)
2102 {
2103   if (lev == 0)
2104     accumulate_ml_Qsums(sum_Ql, lev, offset, num_Q);
2105   else {
2106     using std::isfinite;
2107     Real q_l, q_l_prod, q_lm1_prod, q_lm1;
2108     int l1_ord, l2_ord, active_ord; size_t qoi;
2109     IntRespMCIter r_it; IntRMMIter l1_it, l2_it;
2110     bool os = !offset.empty();
2112     for (r_it=allResponses.begin(); r_it!=allResponses.end(); ++r_it) {
2113       const RealVector& fn_vals = r_it->second.function_values();
2115       for (qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
2116 	// response mode AGGREGATED_MODELS orders HF (active model key)
2117 	// followed by LF (previous/decremented model key)
2118 	q_l_prod   = q_l   = (os) ? fn_vals[qoi] - offset[qoi] : fn_vals[qoi];
2119 	q_lm1_prod = q_lm1 = (os) ?
2120 	  fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions] - offset[qoi+numFunctions] :
2121 	  fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions];
2123 	// sync sample counts for Ql and Qlm1
2124 	if (isfinite(q_l) && isfinite(q_lm1)) { // neither NaN nor +/-Inf
2125 	  l1_it  = sum_Ql.begin();
2126 	  l2_it  = sum_Qlm1.begin();
2127 	  l1_ord = (l1_it == sum_Ql.end())   ? 0 : l1_it->first;
2128 	  l2_ord = (l2_it == sum_Qlm1.end()) ? 0 : l2_it->first;
2130 	  active_ord = 1;
2131 	  while (l1_it != sum_Ql.end() || l2_it != sum_Qlm1.end()) {
2133 	    // Low: Ll, Llm1
2134 	    if (l1_ord == active_ord) {
2135 	      l1_it->second(qoi,lev) += q_l_prod; ++l1_it;
2136 	      l1_ord = (l1_it == sum_Ql.end()) ? 0 : l1_it->first;
2137 	    }
2138 	    if (l2_ord == active_ord) {
2139 	      l2_it->second(qoi,lev) += q_lm1_prod; ++l2_it;
2140 	      l2_ord = (l2_it == sum_Qlm1.end()) ? 0 : l2_it->first;
2141 	    }
2143 	    q_l_prod *= q_l; q_lm1_prod *= q_lm1; ++active_ord;
2144 	  }
2145 	  ++num_Q[qoi];
2146 	}
2147       }
2148       //Cout << r_it->first << ": " << sum_Ql[1] << sum_Qlm1[1];
2149     }
2150   }
2151 }
2154 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
accumulate_mlcv_Ysums(IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Y,size_t lev,const RealVector & offset,SizetArray & num_Y)2155 accumulate_mlcv_Ysums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Y, size_t lev,
2156 		      const RealVector& offset, SizetArray& num_Y)
2157 {
2158   // uses one set of allResponses in BYPASS_SURROGATE (level 0) or
2159   // AGGREGATED_MODELS (lev > 0) modes.  IntRealMatrixMap is a multilevel
2160   // case with discrepancies, indexed by level.
2162   if (lev == 0)
2163     accumulate_ml_Qsums(sum_Y, lev, offset, num_Y);
2164   else { // AGGREGATED_MODELS -> 2 sets of qoi per response map
2165     using std::isfinite;
2166     Real fn_l, prod_l, fn_lm1, prod_lm1;
2167     int ord, active_ord; size_t qoi;
2168     IntRespMCIter r_it; IntRMMIter y_it;
2169     bool os = !offset.empty();
2171     for (r_it=allResponses.begin(); r_it!=allResponses.end(); ++r_it) {
2172       const RealVector& fn_vals = r_it->second.function_values();
2174       for (qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
2175 	// response mode AGGREGATED_MODELS orders HF (active model key)
2176 	// followed by LF (previous/decremented model key)
2177 	prod_l   = fn_l   = (os) ? fn_vals[qoi] - offset[qoi] : fn_vals[qoi];
2178 	prod_lm1 = fn_lm1 = (os) ?
2179 	  fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions] - offset[qoi+numFunctions] :
2180 	  fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions];
2182 	if (isfinite(fn_l) && isfinite(fn_lm1)) { // neither NaN nor +/-Inf
2183 	  y_it = sum_Y.begin(); ord = y_it->first; active_ord = 1;
2184 	  while (y_it!=sum_Y.end()) {
2186 	    if (ord == active_ord) {
2187 	      y_it->second(qoi,lev) += prod_l - prod_lm1; ++y_it;
2188 	      ord = (y_it == sum_Y.end()) ? 0 : y_it->first;
2189 	    }
2191 	    prod_l *= fn_l; prod_lm1 *= fn_lm1;
2192 	    ++active_ord;
2193 	  }
2194 	  ++num_Y[qoi];
2195 	}
2196       }
2197       //Cout << r_it->first << ": " << sum_Y[1];
2198     }
2199   }
2200 }
2203 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
accumulate_mlcv_Qsums(const IntResponseMap & lf_resp_map,const IntResponseMap & hf_resp_map,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_L_shared,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_L_refined,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_H,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_LL,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_LH,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_HH,size_t lev,const RealVector & lf_offset,const RealVector & hf_offset,SizetArray & num_L,SizetArray & num_H)2204 accumulate_mlcv_Qsums(const IntResponseMap& lf_resp_map,
2205 		      const IntResponseMap& hf_resp_map,
2206 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_shared,
2207 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_refined, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_H,
2208 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LL, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LH,
2209 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_HH, size_t lev,
2210 		      const RealVector& lf_offset, const RealVector& hf_offset,
2211 		      SizetArray& num_L, SizetArray& num_H)
2212 {
2213   using std::isfinite;
2214   Real lf_l, hf_l, lf_l_prod, hf_l_prod;
2215   IntRespMCIter lf_r_it, hf_r_it;
2216   IntRMMIter ls_it, lr_it, h_it, ll_it, lh_it, hh_it;
2217   int ls_ord, lr_ord, h_ord, ll_ord, lh_ord, hh_ord, active_ord;
2218   size_t qoi;
2219   bool lfos = !lf_offset.empty(), hfos = !hf_offset.empty();
2221   for (lf_r_it =lf_resp_map.begin(), hf_r_it =hf_resp_map.begin();
2222        lf_r_it!=lf_resp_map.end() && hf_r_it!=hf_resp_map.end();
2223        ++lf_r_it, ++hf_r_it) {
2224     const RealVector& lf_fn_vals = lf_r_it->second.function_values();
2225     const RealVector& hf_fn_vals = hf_r_it->second.function_values();
2227     for (qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
2229       lf_l_prod = lf_l = (lfos) ?
2230 	lf_fn_vals[qoi] - lf_offset[qoi] : lf_fn_vals[qoi];
2231       hf_l_prod = hf_l = (hfos) ?
2232 	hf_fn_vals[qoi] - hf_offset[qoi] : hf_fn_vals[qoi];
2234       // sync sample counts for all L and H interactions at this level
2235       if (isfinite(lf_l) && isfinite(hf_l)) { // neither NaN nor +/-Inf
2236 	ls_it = sum_L_shared.begin(); lr_it = sum_L_refined.begin();
2237 	h_it  = sum_H.begin();  ll_it = sum_LL.begin();
2238 	lh_it = sum_LH.begin(); hh_it = sum_HH.begin();
2239 	ls_ord = (ls_it == sum_L_shared.end())  ? 0 : ls_it->first;
2240 	lr_ord = (lr_it == sum_L_refined.end()) ? 0 : lr_it->first;
2241 	h_ord  = (h_it  == sum_H.end())         ? 0 :  h_it->first;
2242 	ll_ord = (ll_it == sum_LL.end())        ? 0 : ll_it->first;
2243 	lh_ord = (lh_it == sum_LH.end())        ? 0 : lh_it->first;
2244 	hh_ord = (hh_it == sum_HH.end())        ? 0 : hh_it->first;
2245 	active_ord = 1;
2247 	while (ls_it!=sum_L_shared.end() || lr_it!=sum_L_refined.end() ||
2248 	       h_it !=sum_H.end()  || ll_it!=sum_LL.end() ||
2249 	       lh_it!=sum_LH.end() || hh_it!=sum_HH.end()) {
2251 	  // Low shared
2252 	  if (ls_ord == active_ord) {
2253 	    ls_it->second(qoi,lev) += lf_l_prod; ++ls_it;
2254 	    ls_ord = (ls_it == sum_L_shared.end()) ? 0 : ls_it->first;
2255 	  }
2256 	  // Low refined
2257 	  if (lr_ord == active_ord) {
2258 	    lr_it->second(qoi,lev) += lf_l_prod; ++lr_it;
2259 	    lr_ord = (lr_it == sum_L_refined.end()) ? 0 : lr_it->first;
2260 	  }
2261 	  // High
2262 	  if (h_ord == active_ord) {
2263 	    h_it->second(qoi,lev) += hf_l_prod; ++h_it;
2264 	    h_ord = (h_it == sum_H.end()) ? 0 : h_it->first;
2265 	  }
2266 	  // Low-Low
2267 	  if (ll_ord == active_ord) {
2268 	    ll_it->second(qoi,lev) += lf_l_prod * lf_l_prod; ++ll_it;
2269 	    ll_ord = (ll_it == sum_LL.end()) ? 0 : ll_it->first;
2270 	  }
2271 	  // Low-High
2272 	  if (lh_ord == active_ord) {
2273 	    lh_it->second(qoi,lev) += lf_l_prod * hf_l_prod; ++lh_it;
2274 	    lh_ord = (lh_it == sum_LH.end()) ? 0 : lh_it->first;
2275 	  }
2276 	  // High-High (no map, only a single matrix for order 1)
2277 	  if (hh_ord == active_ord) {
2278 	    hh_it->second(qoi,lev) += hf_l_prod * hf_l_prod; ++hh_it;
2279 	    hh_ord = (hh_it == sum_HH.end()) ? 0 : hh_it->first;
2280 	  }
2282 	  if (ls_ord || lr_ord || ll_ord || lh_ord) lf_l_prod *= lf_l;
2283 	  if (h_ord  || lh_ord || hh_ord)           hf_l_prod *= hf_l;
2284 	  ++active_ord;
2285 	}
2286 	++num_L[qoi]; ++num_H[qoi];
2287       }
2288     }
2289   }
2290 }
2293 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
accumulate_mlcv_Ysums(const IntResponseMap & lf_resp_map,const IntResponseMap & hf_resp_map,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_L_shared,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_L_refined,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_H,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_LL,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_LH,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_HH,size_t lev,const RealVector & lf_offset,const RealVector & hf_offset,SizetArray & num_L,SizetArray & num_H)2294 accumulate_mlcv_Ysums(const IntResponseMap& lf_resp_map,
2295 		      const IntResponseMap& hf_resp_map,
2296 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_shared,
2297 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_refined, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_H,
2298 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LL,        IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LH,
2299 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_HH, size_t lev,
2300 		      const RealVector& lf_offset, const RealVector& hf_offset,
2301 		      SizetArray& num_L, SizetArray& num_H)
2302 {
2303   // uses two sets of responses (LF & HF) in BYPASS_SURROGATE (level 0) or
2304   // AGGREGATED_MODELS (lev > 0) modes.  IntRealMatrixMap are for multilevel
2305   // case with discrepancies, indexed by level.
2307   if (lev == 0) // BYPASS_SURROGATE -> 1 set of qoi per response map
2308     accumulate_mlcv_Qsums(lf_resp_map, hf_resp_map, sum_L_shared,
2309 			  sum_L_refined, sum_H, sum_LL, sum_LH, sum_HH,
2310 			  lev, lf_offset, hf_offset, num_L, num_H);
2311   else { // AGGREGATED_MODELS -> 2 sets of qoi per response map
2312     using std::isfinite;
2313     Real lf_l, lf_l_prod, lf_lm1, lf_lm1_prod,
2314          hf_l, hf_l_prod, hf_lm1, hf_lm1_prod;
2315     IntRespMCIter lf_r_it, hf_r_it;
2316     IntRMMIter ls_it, lr_it, h_it, ll_it, lh_it, hh_it;
2317     int ls_ord, lr_ord, h_ord, ll_ord, lh_ord, hh_ord, active_ord;
2318     size_t qoi;
2319     bool lfos = !lf_offset.empty(), hfos = !hf_offset.empty();
2321     for (lf_r_it =lf_resp_map.begin(), hf_r_it =hf_resp_map.begin();
2322 	 lf_r_it!=lf_resp_map.end() && hf_r_it!=hf_resp_map.end();
2323 	 ++lf_r_it, ++hf_r_it) {
2324       const RealVector& lf_fn_vals = lf_r_it->second.function_values();
2325       const RealVector& hf_fn_vals = hf_r_it->second.function_values();
2327       for (qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
2329 	// response mode AGGREGATED_MODELS orders level l (active model key)
2330 	// followed by level l-1 (previous/decremented model key)
2331 	lf_l_prod   = lf_l   = (lfos) ?
2332 	  lf_fn_vals[qoi] - lf_offset[qoi] : lf_fn_vals[qoi];
2333 	lf_lm1_prod = lf_lm1 = (lfos) ?
2334 	  lf_fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions] - lf_offset[qoi+numFunctions] :
2335 	  lf_fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions];
2336 	hf_l_prod   = hf_l   = (hfos) ?
2337 	  hf_fn_vals[qoi] - hf_offset[qoi] : hf_fn_vals[qoi];
2338 	hf_lm1_prod = hf_lm1 = (hfos) ?
2339 	  hf_fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions] - hf_offset[qoi+numFunctions] :
2340 	  hf_fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions];
2342 	// sync sample counts for all L and H interactions at this level
2343 	if (isfinite(lf_l) && isfinite(lf_lm1) &&
2344 	    isfinite(hf_l) && isfinite(hf_lm1)) { // neither NaN nor +/-Inf
2345 	  ls_it  = sum_L_shared.begin(); lr_it = sum_L_refined.begin();
2346 	  h_it   = sum_H.begin();  ll_it = sum_LL.begin();
2347 	  lh_it  = sum_LH.begin(); hh_it = sum_HH.begin();
2348 	  ls_ord = (ls_it == sum_L_shared.end())  ? 0 : ls_it->first;
2349 	  lr_ord = (lr_it == sum_L_refined.end()) ? 0 : lr_it->first;
2350 	  h_ord  = (h_it  == sum_H.end())         ? 0 :  h_it->first;
2351 	  ll_ord = (ll_it == sum_LL.end())        ? 0 : ll_it->first;
2352 	  lh_ord = (lh_it == sum_LH.end())        ? 0 : lh_it->first;
2353 	  hh_ord = (hh_it == sum_HH.end())        ? 0 : hh_it->first;
2354 	  active_ord = 1;
2356 	  while (ls_it!=sum_L_shared.end() || lr_it!=sum_L_refined.end() ||
2357 		 h_it !=sum_H.end()  || ll_it!=sum_LL.end() ||
2358 		 lh_it!=sum_LH.end() || hh_it!=sum_HH.end()) {
2360 	    // Low shared
2361 	    if (ls_ord == active_ord) {
2362 	      ls_it->second(qoi,lev) += lf_l_prod - lf_lm1_prod; ++ls_it;
2363 	      ls_ord = (ls_it == sum_L_shared.end()) ? 0 : ls_it->first;
2364 	    }
2365 	    // Low refined
2366 	    if (lr_ord == active_ord) {
2367 	      lr_it->second(qoi,lev) += lf_l_prod - lf_lm1_prod; ++lr_it;
2368 	      lr_ord = (lr_it == sum_L_refined.end()) ? 0 : lr_it->first;
2369 	    }
2370 	    // High
2371 	    if (h_ord == active_ord) {
2372 	      h_it->second(qoi,lev) += hf_l_prod - hf_lm1_prod; ++h_it;
2373 	      h_ord = (h_it == sum_H.end()) ? 0 : h_it->first;
2374 	    }
2375 	    // Low-Low
2376 	    if (ll_ord == active_ord) {
2377 	      Real delta_prod = lf_l_prod - lf_lm1_prod;
2378 	      ll_it->second(qoi,lev) += delta_prod * delta_prod;
2379 	      ++ll_it; ll_ord = (ll_it == sum_LL.end()) ? 0 : ll_it->first;
2380 	    }
2381 	    // Low-High
2382 	    if (lh_ord == active_ord) {
2383 	      lh_it->second(qoi,lev) += (lf_l_prod - lf_lm1_prod)
2384 		*  (hf_l_prod - hf_lm1_prod);
2385 	      ++lh_it; lh_ord = (lh_it == sum_LH.end()) ? 0 : lh_it->first;
2386 	    }
2387 	    // High-High (map only contains order 1 in some contexts)
2388 	    if (hh_ord == active_ord) {
2389 	      Real delta_prod = hf_l_prod - hf_lm1_prod;
2390 	      hh_it->second(qoi,lev) += delta_prod * delta_prod;
2391 	      ++hh_it; hh_ord = (hh_it == sum_HH.end()) ? 0 : hh_it->first;
2392 	    }
2394 	    if (ls_ord || lr_ord || ll_ord || lh_ord)
2395 	      { lf_l_prod *= lf_l; lf_lm1_prod *= lf_lm1; }
2396 	    if (h_ord || lh_ord || hh_ord)
2397 	      { hf_l_prod *= hf_l; hf_lm1_prod *= hf_lm1; }
2398 	    ++active_ord;
2399 	  }
2400 	  ++num_L[qoi]; ++num_H[qoi];
2401 	}
2402       }
2403     }
2404   }
2405 }
2408 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
accumulate_mlcv_Qsums(const IntResponseMap & lf_resp_map,const IntResponseMap & hf_resp_map,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ll,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Llm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ll_refined,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Llm1_refined,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hl,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hlm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ll_Ll,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ll_Llm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Llm1_Llm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hl_Ll,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hl_Llm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hlm1_Ll,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hlm1_Llm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hl_Hl,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hl_Hlm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hlm1_Hlm1,size_t lev,const RealVector & lf_offset,const RealVector & hf_offset,SizetArray & num_L,SizetArray & num_H)2409 accumulate_mlcv_Qsums(const IntResponseMap& lf_resp_map,
2410 		      const IntResponseMap& hf_resp_map,
2411 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1,
2412 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_refined,
2413 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1_refined,
2414 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1,
2415 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_Ll,
2416 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_Llm1,
2417 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1_Llm1,
2418 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Ll,
2419 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Llm1,
2420 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Ll,
2421 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Llm1,
2422 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Hl,
2423 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Hlm1,
2424 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Hlm1, size_t lev,
2425 		      const RealVector& lf_offset, const RealVector& hf_offset,
2426 		      SizetArray& num_L, SizetArray& num_H)
2427 {
2428   // uses two sets of responses (LF & HF) in BYPASS_SURROGATE (level 0) or
2429   // AGGREGATED_MODELS (lev > 0) modes.  IntRealMatrixMap are for multilevel
2430   // case with discrepancies, indexed by level.
2432   if (lev == 0) // level lm1 not available; accumulate only level l
2433     accumulate_mlcv_Qsums(lf_resp_map, hf_resp_map, sum_Ll, sum_Ll_refined,
2434 			  sum_Hl, sum_Ll_Ll, sum_Hl_Ll, sum_Hl_Hl, lev,
2435 			  lf_offset, hf_offset, num_L, num_H);
2436   else {
2437     using std::isfinite;
2438     Real lf_l_prod, lf_l, lf_lm1_prod, lf_lm1,
2439       hf_l_prod, hf_l, hf_lm1_prod, hf_lm1;
2440     IntRespMCIter lf_r_it, hf_r_it;
2441     IntRMMIter l1_it, l2_it, lr1_it, lr2_it, h1_it, h2_it, ll1_it, ll2_it,
2442       ll3_it, lh1_it, lh2_it, lh3_it, lh4_it, hh1_it, hh2_it, hh3_it;
2443     int active_ord, l1_ord, l2_ord, lr1_ord, lr2_ord, h1_ord, h2_ord,
2444       ll1_ord, ll2_ord, ll3_ord, lh1_ord, lh2_ord, lh3_ord, lh4_ord,
2445       hh1_ord, hh2_ord, hh3_ord;
2446     size_t qoi;
2447     bool lfos = !lf_offset.empty(), hfos = !hf_offset.empty();
2449     for (lf_r_it =lf_resp_map.begin(), hf_r_it =hf_resp_map.begin();
2450 	 lf_r_it!=lf_resp_map.end() && hf_r_it!=hf_resp_map.end();
2451 	 ++lf_r_it, ++hf_r_it) {
2452       const RealVector& lf_fn_vals = lf_r_it->second.function_values();
2453       const RealVector& hf_fn_vals = hf_r_it->second.function_values();
2455       for (qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
2457 	// response mode AGGREGATED_MODELS orders level l (active model key)
2458 	// followed by level l-1 (previous/decremented model key)
2459 	lf_l_prod   = lf_l   = (lfos) ?
2460 	  lf_fn_vals[qoi] - lf_offset[qoi] : lf_fn_vals[qoi];
2461 	lf_lm1_prod = lf_lm1 = (lfos) ?
2462 	  lf_fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions] - lf_offset[qoi+numFunctions] :
2463 	  lf_fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions];
2464 	hf_l_prod   = hf_l   = (hfos) ?
2465 	  hf_fn_vals[qoi] - hf_offset[qoi] : hf_fn_vals[qoi];
2466 	hf_lm1_prod = hf_lm1 = (hfos) ?
2467 	  hf_fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions] - hf_offset[qoi+numFunctions] :
2468 	  hf_fn_vals[qoi+numFunctions];
2470 	// sync sample counts for all L and H interactions at this level
2471 	if (isfinite(lf_l) && isfinite(lf_lm1) &&
2472 	    isfinite(hf_l) && isfinite(hf_lm1)) { // neither NaN nor +/-Inf
2473 	  // Low: Ll, Llm1, Ll_refined, Llm1_refined
2474 	  l1_it   = sum_Ll.begin();         l2_it  = sum_Llm1.begin();
2475 	  lr1_it  = sum_Ll_refined.begin(); lr2_it = sum_Llm1_refined.begin();
2476 	  l1_ord  = (l1_it == sum_Ll.end())            ? 0 : l1_it->first;
2477 	  l2_ord  = (l2_it == sum_Llm1.end())          ? 0 : l2_it->first;
2478 	  lr1_ord = (lr1_it == sum_Ll_refined.end())   ? 0 : lr1_it->first;
2479 	  lr2_ord = (lr2_it == sum_Llm1_refined.end()) ? 0 : lr2_it->first;
2480 	  // High: Hl, Hlm1
2481 	  h1_it  = sum_Hl.begin();
2482 	  h2_it  = sum_Hlm1.begin();
2483 	  h1_ord = (h1_it == sum_Hl.end())   ? 0 : h1_it->first;
2484 	  h2_ord = (h2_it == sum_Hlm1.end()) ? 0 : h2_it->first;
2485 	  // Low-Low: Ll_Ll, Ll_Llm1, Llm1_Llm1
2486 	  ll1_it = sum_Ll_Ll.begin(); ll2_it = sum_Ll_Llm1.begin();
2487 	  ll3_it = sum_Llm1_Llm1.begin();
2488 	  ll1_ord = (ll1_it == sum_Ll_Ll.end())     ? 0 : ll1_it->first;
2489 	  ll2_ord = (ll2_it == sum_Ll_Llm1.end())   ? 0 : ll2_it->first;
2490 	  ll3_ord = (ll3_it == sum_Llm1_Llm1.end()) ? 0 : ll3_it->first;
2491 	  // Low-High: Hl_Ll, Hl_Llm1, Hlm1_Ll, Hlm1_Llm1
2492 	  lh1_it = sum_Hl_Ll.begin();   lh2_it = sum_Hl_Llm1.begin();
2493 	  lh3_it = sum_Hlm1_Ll.begin(); lh4_it = sum_Hlm1_Llm1.begin();
2494 	  lh1_ord = (lh1_it == sum_Hl_Ll.end())     ? 0 : lh1_it->first;
2495 	  lh2_ord = (lh2_it == sum_Hl_Llm1.end())   ? 0 : lh2_it->first;
2496 	  lh3_ord = (lh3_it == sum_Hlm1_Ll.end())   ? 0 : lh3_it->first;
2497 	  lh4_ord = (lh4_it == sum_Hlm1_Llm1.end()) ? 0 : lh4_it->first;
2498 	  // High-High: Hl_Hl, Hl_Hlm1, Hlm1_Hlm1
2499 	  hh1_it = sum_Hl_Hl.begin();   hh2_it = sum_Hl_Hlm1.begin();
2500 	  hh3_it = sum_Hlm1_Hlm1.begin();
2501 	  hh1_ord = (hh1_it == sum_Hl_Hl.end())     ? 0 : hh1_it->first;
2502 	  hh2_ord = (hh2_it == sum_Hl_Hlm1.end())   ? 0 : hh2_it->first;
2503 	  hh3_ord = (hh3_it == sum_Hlm1_Hlm1.end()) ? 0 : hh3_it->first;
2505 	  active_ord = 1;
2507 	  while (l1_it !=sum_Ll.end()         || l2_it !=sum_Llm1.end()      ||
2508 		 lr1_it!=sum_Ll_refined.end() ||
2509 		 lr2_it!=sum_Llm1_refined.end() || h1_it !=sum_Hl.end()      ||
2510 		 h2_it !=sum_Hlm1.end()       || ll1_it!=sum_Ll_Ll.end()     ||
2511 		 ll2_it!=sum_Ll_Llm1.end()    || ll3_it!=sum_Llm1_Llm1.end() ||
2512 		 lh1_it!=sum_Hl_Ll.end()      || lh2_it!=sum_Hl_Llm1.end()   ||
2513 		 lh3_it!=sum_Hlm1_Ll.end()    || lh4_it!=sum_Hlm1_Llm1.end() ||
2514 		 hh1_it!=sum_Hl_Hl.end()      || hh2_it!=sum_Hl_Hlm1.end()   ||
2515 		 hh3_it!=sum_Hlm1_Hlm1.end()) {
2517 	    // Low: Ll, Llm1, Ll_refined, Llm1_refined
2518 	    if (l1_ord == active_ord) {
2519 	      l1_it->second(qoi,lev) += lf_l_prod; ++l1_it;
2520 	      l1_ord = (l1_it == sum_Ll.end()) ? 0 : l1_it->first;
2521 	    }
2522 	    if (l2_ord == active_ord) {
2523 	      l2_it->second(qoi,lev) += lf_lm1_prod; ++l2_it;
2524 	      l2_ord = (l2_it == sum_Llm1.end()) ? 0 : l2_it->first;
2525 	    }
2526 	    if (lr1_ord == active_ord) {
2527 	      lr1_it->second(qoi,lev) += lf_l_prod; ++lr1_it;
2528 	      lr1_ord = (lr1_it == sum_Ll_refined.end()) ? 0 : lr1_it->first;
2529 	    }
2530 	    if (lr2_ord == active_ord) {
2531 	      lr2_it->second(qoi,lev) += lf_lm1_prod; ++lr2_it;
2532 	      lr2_ord = (lr2_it == sum_Llm1_refined.end()) ? 0 : lr2_it->first;
2533 	    }
2534 	    // High: Hl, Hlm1
2535 	    if (h1_ord == active_ord) {
2536 	      h1_it->second(qoi,lev) += hf_l_prod; ++h1_it;
2537 	      h1_ord = (h1_it == sum_Hl.end()) ? 0 : h1_it->first;
2538 	    }
2539 	    if (h2_ord == active_ord) {
2540 	      h2_it->second(qoi,lev) += hf_lm1_prod; ++h2_it;
2541 	      h2_ord = (h2_it == sum_Hlm1.end()) ? 0 : h2_it->first;
2542 	    }
2543 	    // Low-Low: Ll_Ll, Ll_Llm1, Llm1_Llm1
2544 	    if (ll1_ord == active_ord) {
2545 	      ll1_it->second(qoi,lev) += lf_l_prod * lf_l_prod; ++ll1_it;
2546 	      ll1_ord = (ll1_it == sum_Ll_Ll.end()) ? 0 : ll1_it->first;
2547 	    }
2548 	    if (ll2_ord == active_ord) {
2549 	      ll2_it->second(qoi,lev) += lf_l_prod * lf_lm1_prod; ++ll2_it;
2550 	      ll2_ord = (ll2_it == sum_Ll_Llm1.end()) ? 0 : ll2_it->first;
2551 	    }
2552 	    if (ll3_ord == active_ord) {
2553 	      ll3_it->second(qoi,lev) += lf_lm1_prod * lf_lm1_prod; ++ll3_it;
2554 	      ll3_ord = (ll3_it == sum_Llm1_Llm1.end()) ? 0 : ll3_it->first;
2555 	    }
2556 	    // Low-High: Hl_Ll, Hl_Llm1, Hlm1_Ll, Hlm1_Llm1
2557 	    if (lh1_ord == active_ord) {
2558 	      lh1_it->second(qoi,lev) += hf_l_prod * lf_l_prod; ++lh1_it;
2559 	      lh1_ord = (lh1_it == sum_Hl_Ll.end()) ? 0 : lh1_it->first;
2560 	    }
2561 	    if (lh2_ord == active_ord) {
2562 	      lh2_it->second(qoi,lev) += hf_l_prod * lf_lm1_prod; ++lh2_it;
2563 	      lh2_ord = (lh2_it == sum_Hl_Llm1.end()) ? 0 : lh2_it->first;
2564 	    }
2565 	    if (lh3_ord == active_ord) {
2566 	      lh3_it->second(qoi,lev) += hf_lm1_prod * lf_l_prod; ++lh3_it;
2567 	      lh3_ord = (lh3_it == sum_Hlm1_Ll.end()) ? 0 : lh3_it->first;
2568 	    }
2569 	    if (lh4_ord == active_ord) {
2570 	      lh4_it->second(qoi,lev) += hf_lm1_prod * lf_lm1_prod; ++lh4_it;
2571 	      lh4_ord = (lh4_it == sum_Hlm1_Llm1.end()) ? 0 : lh4_it->first;
2572 	    }
2573 	    // High-High: Hl_Hl, Hl_Hlm1, Hlm1_Hlm1
2574 	    if (hh1_ord == active_ord) {
2575 	      hh1_it->second(qoi,lev) += hf_l_prod * hf_l_prod; ++hh1_it;
2576 	      hh1_ord = (hh1_it == sum_Hl_Hl.end()) ? 0 : hh1_it->first;
2577 	    }
2578 	    if (hh2_ord == active_ord) {
2579 	      hh2_it->second(qoi,lev) += hf_l_prod * hf_lm1_prod; ++hh2_it;
2580 	      hh2_ord = (hh2_it == sum_Hl_Hlm1.end()) ? 0 : hh2_it->first;
2581 	    }
2582 	    if (hh3_ord == active_ord) {
2583 	      hh3_it->second(qoi,lev) += hf_lm1_prod * hf_lm1_prod; ++hh3_it;
2584 	      hh3_ord = (hh3_it == sum_Hlm1_Hlm1.end()) ? 0 : hh3_it->first;
2585 	    }
2587 	    if (l1_ord || lr1_ord || ll1_ord || ll2_ord || lh1_ord || lh3_ord)
2588 	      lf_l_prod   *= lf_l;
2589 	    if (l2_ord || lr2_ord || ll2_ord || ll3_ord || lh2_ord || lh4_ord)
2590 	      lf_lm1_prod *= lf_lm1;
2591 	    if (h1_ord || lh1_ord || lh2_ord || hh1_ord || hh2_ord)
2592 	      hf_l_prod   *= hf_l;
2593 	    if (h2_ord || lh3_ord || lh4_ord || hh2_ord || hh3_ord)
2594 	      hf_lm1_prod *= hf_lm1;
2595 	    ++active_ord;
2596 	  }
2597 	  ++num_L[qoi]; ++num_H[qoi];
2598 	}
2599       }
2600     }
2601   }
2602 }
shared_increment(size_t iter,size_t lev)2605 void NonDMultilevelSampling::shared_increment(size_t iter, size_t lev)
2606 {
2607   if (iter == _NPOS)  Cout << "\nCVMC sample increments: ";
2608   else if (iter == 0) Cout << "\nCVMC pilot sample: ";
2609   else Cout << "\nCVMC iteration " << iter << " sample increments: ";
2610   Cout << "LF = " << numSamples << " HF = " << numSamples << '\n';
2612   //aggregated_models_mode(); // set at calling level for CV
2614   // generate new MC parameter sets
2615   get_parameter_sets(iteratedModel);// pull dist params from any model
2617   // export separate output files for each data set:
2618   if (exportSampleSets) // for HF+LF models, use the HF tags
2619     export_all_samples("cv_", iteratedModel.truth_model(), iter, lev);
2621   // compute allResponses from allVariables using hierarchical model
2622   evaluate_parameter_sets(iteratedModel, true, false);
2623 }
2626 bool NonDMultilevelSampling::
lf_increment(Real avg_eval_ratio,const SizetArray & N_lf,const SizetArray & N_hf,size_t iter,size_t lev)2627 lf_increment(Real avg_eval_ratio, const SizetArray& N_lf,
2628 	     const SizetArray& N_hf, size_t iter, size_t lev)
2629 {
2630   // ----------------------------------------------
2631   // Compute Final LF increment for control variate
2632   // ----------------------------------------------
2634   // update LF samples based on evaluation ratio
2635   // r = m/n -> m = r*n -> delta = m-n = (r-1)*n
2636   // or with inverse r  -> delta = m-n = n/inverse_r - n
2638   numSamples = one_sided_delta(average(N_lf), average(N_hf) * avg_eval_ratio);
2639   if (numSamples) {
2640     Cout << "\nCVMC LF sample increment = " << numSamples;
2641     if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)
2642       Cout << " from avg LF = " << average(N_lf) << ", avg HF = "
2643 	   << average(N_hf) << ", avg eval_ratio = " << avg_eval_ratio;
2644     Cout << std::endl;
2646     // generate new MC parameter sets
2647     get_parameter_sets(iteratedModel);// pull dist params from any model
2648     // export separate output files for each data set:
2649     if (exportSampleSets)
2650       export_all_samples("cv_", iteratedModel.surrogate_model(), iter, lev);
2652     // Iteration 0 is defined as the pilot sample, and each subsequent iter
2653     // can be defined as a CV increment followed by an ML increment.  In this
2654     // case, terminating based on max_iterations results in a final ML increment
2655     // without a corresponding CV refinement; thus the number of ML and CV
2656     // refinements is consistent although the final sample profile is not
2657     // self-consistent -- to override this and finish with a final CV increment
2658     // corresponding to the final ML increment, the finalCVRefinement flag can
2659     // be set.  Note: termination based on delta_N_hf=0 has a final ML increment
2660     // of zero and corresponding final CV increment of zero.  Therefore, this
2661     // iteration completes on the previous CV increment and is more consistent
2662     // with finalCVRefinement=true.
2663     size_t max_iter = (maxIterations < 0) ? 25 : maxIterations; // default = -1
2664     if (iter < max_iter || finalCVRefinement) {
2665       // hierarchical surrogate mode could be BYPASS_SURROGATE for CV or
2667       //bypass_surrogate_mode(); // set at calling level for CV or ML-CV
2669       // compute allResponses from allVariables using hierarchical model
2670       evaluate_parameter_sets(iteratedModel, true, false);
2671       return true;
2672     }
2673     else
2674       return false;
2675   }
2676   else {
2677     Cout << "\nNo CVMC LF sample increment";
2678     if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)
2679       Cout << " from avg LF = " << average(N_lf) << ", avg HF = "
2680 	   << average(N_hf) << ", avg eval_ratio = " << avg_eval_ratio;
2681     Cout << std::endl;
2682     return false;
2683   }
2684 }
2687 Real NonDMultilevelSampling::
eval_ratio(const RealVector & sum_L_shared,const RealVector & sum_H,const RealVector & sum_LL,const RealVector & sum_LH,const RealVector & sum_HH,Real cost_ratio,const SizetArray & N_shared,RealVector & var_H,RealVector & rho2_LH)2688 eval_ratio(const RealVector& sum_L_shared, const RealVector& sum_H,
2689 	   const RealVector& sum_LL, const RealVector& sum_LH,
2690 	   const RealVector& sum_HH, Real cost_ratio,
2691 	   const SizetArray& N_shared, RealVector& var_H, RealVector& rho2_LH)
2692 {
2693   Real eval_ratio, avg_eval_ratio = 0.; size_t num_avg = 0;
2694   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
2696     Real& rho_sq = rho2_LH[qoi];
2697     compute_control(sum_L_shared[qoi], sum_H[qoi], sum_LL[qoi], sum_LH[qoi],
2698 		    sum_HH[qoi], N_shared[qoi], var_H[qoi], rho_sq);
2700     // compute evaluation ratio which determines increment for LF samples
2701     // > the sample increment optimizes the total computational budget and is
2702     //   not treated as a worst case accuracy reqmt --> use the QoI average
2703     // > refinement based only on QoI mean statistics
2704     // Given use of 1/r in MSE_ratio, one approach would average 1/r, but
2705     // this does not seem to behave as well in limited numerical experience.
2706     //if (rho_sq > Pecos::SMALL_NUMBER) {
2707     //  avg_inv_eval_ratio += std::sqrt((1. - rho_sq)/(cost_ratio * rho_sq));
2708     if (rho_sq < 1.) { // protect against division by 0
2709       eval_ratio = std::sqrt(cost_ratio * rho_sq / (1. - rho_sq));
2710       if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)
2711 	Cout << "eval_ratio() QoI " << qoi+1 << ": cost_ratio = " << cost_ratio
2712 	     << " rho_sq = " << rho_sq << " eval_ratio = " << eval_ratio
2713 	     << std::endl;
2714       avg_eval_ratio += eval_ratio;
2715       ++num_avg;
2716     }
2717   }
2718   if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)
2719     Cout << "variance of HF Q:\n" << var_H;
2721   if (num_avg) avg_eval_ratio /= num_avg;
2722   else // should not happen, but provide a reasonable upper bound
2723     avg_eval_ratio = (Real)maxFunctionEvals / average(N_shared);
2725   return avg_eval_ratio;
2726 }
2729 Real NonDMultilevelSampling::
eval_ratio(RealMatrix & sum_L_shared,RealMatrix & sum_H,RealMatrix & sum_LL,RealMatrix & sum_LH,RealMatrix & sum_HH,Real cost_ratio,size_t lev,const SizetArray & N_shared,RealMatrix & var_H,RealMatrix & rho2_LH)2730 eval_ratio(RealMatrix& sum_L_shared, RealMatrix& sum_H, RealMatrix& sum_LL,
2731 	   RealMatrix& sum_LH, RealMatrix& sum_HH, Real cost_ratio, size_t lev,
2732 	   const SizetArray& N_shared, RealMatrix& var_H, RealMatrix& rho2_LH)
2733 {
2734   Real eval_ratio, avg_eval_ratio = 0.; size_t num_avg = 0;
2735   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
2737     Real& rho_sq = rho2_LH(qoi,lev);
2738     compute_control(sum_L_shared(qoi,lev), sum_H(qoi,lev), sum_LL(qoi,lev),
2739 		    sum_LH(qoi,lev), sum_HH(qoi,lev), N_shared[qoi],
2740 		    var_H(qoi,lev), rho_sq);
2742     if (rho_sq < 1.) { // protect against division by 0
2743       eval_ratio = std::sqrt(cost_ratio * rho_sq / (1. - rho_sq));
2744       if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)
2745 	Cout << "eval_ratio() QoI " << qoi+1 << ": cost_ratio = " << cost_ratio
2746 	     << " rho_sq = " << rho_sq << " eval_ratio = " << eval_ratio
2747 	     << std::endl;
2748       avg_eval_ratio += eval_ratio;
2749       ++num_avg;
2750     }
2751   }
2752   if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
2753     Cout << "variance of HF Q[" << lev << "]:\n";
2754     write_col_vector_trans(Cout, (int)lev, (int)numFunctions, var_H);
2755   }
2757   if (num_avg) avg_eval_ratio /= num_avg;
2758   else // should not happen, but provide a reasonable upper bound
2759     avg_eval_ratio = (Real)maxFunctionEvals / average(N_shared);
2761   return avg_eval_ratio;
2762 }
2765 Real NonDMultilevelSampling::
eval_ratio(RealMatrix & sum_Ll,RealMatrix & sum_Llm1,RealMatrix & sum_Hl,RealMatrix & sum_Hlm1,RealMatrix & sum_Ll_Ll,RealMatrix & sum_Ll_Llm1,RealMatrix & sum_Llm1_Llm1,RealMatrix & sum_Hl_Ll,RealMatrix & sum_Hl_Llm1,RealMatrix & sum_Hlm1_Ll,RealMatrix & sum_Hlm1_Llm1,RealMatrix & sum_Hl_Hl,RealMatrix & sum_Hl_Hlm1,RealMatrix & sum_Hlm1_Hlm1,Real cost_ratio,size_t lev,const SizetArray & N_shared,RealMatrix & var_YHl,RealMatrix & rho_dot2_LH)2766 eval_ratio(RealMatrix& sum_Ll,   RealMatrix& sum_Llm1,  RealMatrix& sum_Hl,
2767 	   RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1, RealMatrix& sum_Ll_Ll, RealMatrix& sum_Ll_Llm1,
2768 	   RealMatrix& sum_Llm1_Llm1, RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Ll,
2769 	   RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Llm1,   RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1_Ll,
2770 	   RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1_Llm1, RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Hl,
2771 	   RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Hlm1,   RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1_Hlm1,
2772 	   Real cost_ratio, size_t lev, const SizetArray& N_shared,
2773 	   RealMatrix& var_YHl,       RealMatrix& rho_dot2_LH)
2774 {
2775   if (lev == 0)
2776     return eval_ratio(sum_Ll, sum_Hl, sum_Ll_Ll, sum_Hl_Ll, sum_Hl_Hl,
2777 		      cost_ratio, lev, N_shared, var_YHl, rho_dot2_LH);
2778   else {
2779     Real beta_dot, gamma, eval_ratio, avg_eval_ratio = 0.;
2780     size_t qoi, num_avg = 0;
2781     for (qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
2782       Real& rho_dot_sq = rho_dot2_LH(qoi,lev);
2783       compute_control(sum_Ll(qoi,lev), sum_Llm1(qoi,lev), sum_Hl(qoi,lev),
2784 		      sum_Hlm1(qoi,lev), sum_Ll_Ll(qoi,lev),
2785 		      sum_Ll_Llm1(qoi,lev), sum_Llm1_Llm1(qoi,lev),
2786 		      sum_Hl_Ll(qoi,lev), sum_Hl_Llm1(qoi,lev),
2787 		      sum_Hlm1_Ll(qoi,lev), sum_Hlm1_Llm1(qoi,lev),
2788 		      sum_Hl_Hl(qoi,lev), sum_Hl_Hlm1(qoi,lev),
2789 		      sum_Hlm1_Hlm1(qoi,lev), N_shared[qoi], var_YHl(qoi,lev),
2790 		      rho_dot_sq, beta_dot, gamma);
2792       if (rho_dot_sq < 1.) { // protect against division by 0
2793 	eval_ratio = std::sqrt(cost_ratio * rho_dot_sq / (1.-rho_dot_sq));
2794 	if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)
2795 	  Cout << "eval_ratio() QoI " << qoi+1 << ": cost_ratio = "
2796 	       << cost_ratio << " rho_dot_sq = " << rho_dot_sq
2797 	       << " eval_ratio = " << eval_ratio << std::endl;
2798 	avg_eval_ratio += eval_ratio;
2799 	++num_avg;
2800       }
2801     }
2802     if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
2803       Cout << "variance of HF Y[" << lev << "]:\n";
2804       write_col_vector_trans(Cout, (int)lev, (int)numFunctions, var_YHl);
2805     }
2807     if (num_avg) avg_eval_ratio /= num_avg;
2808     else // should not happen, but provide a reasonable upper bound
2809       avg_eval_ratio = (Real)maxFunctionEvals / average(N_shared);
2811     return avg_eval_ratio;
2812   }
2813 }
2816 Real NonDMultilevelSampling::
MSE_ratio(Real avg_eval_ratio,const RealVector & var_H,const RealVector & rho2_LH,size_t iter,const SizetArray & N_hf)2817 MSE_ratio(Real avg_eval_ratio, const RealVector& var_H,
2818 	  const RealVector& rho2_LH, size_t iter, const SizetArray& N_hf)
2819 {
2820   if (iter == 0) mcMSEIter0.sizeUninitialized(numFunctions);
2822   Real mc_mse, cvmc_mse, mse_ratio, avg_mse_ratio = 0.;//,avg_mse_iter_ratio=0.;
2823   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
2824     // Compute ratio of MSE for high fidelity MC and multifidelity CVMC
2825     mse_ratio = 1. - rho2_LH[qoi] * (1. - 1. / avg_eval_ratio); // Ng 2014
2826     mc_mse = var_H[qoi] / N_hf[qoi]; cvmc_mse = mc_mse * mse_ratio;
2827     Cout << "Mean square error for QoI " << qoi+1 << " reduced from " << mc_mse
2828 	 << " (MC) to " << cvmc_mse << " (CV); factor = " << mse_ratio << '\n';
2830     if (iter == 0)
2831       { mcMSEIter0[qoi] = mc_mse; avg_mse_ratio += mse_ratio; }
2832     else
2833       avg_mse_ratio += cvmc_mse / mcMSEIter0[qoi];
2834   }
2835   //avg_mse_iter_ratio /= numFunctions;
2836   avg_mse_ratio /= numFunctions;
2837   Cout //<< "Average MSE reduction factor from CV for iteration "
2838        //<< std::setw(4) << iter << " = " << avg_mse_iter_ratio << '\n'
2839        << "Average MSE reduction factor since pilot MC = " << avg_mse_ratio
2840        << " targeting convergence tol = " << convergenceTol << "\n\n";
2841   return avg_mse_ratio;
2842 }
2845 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
cv_raw_moments(IntRealVectorMap & sum_L_shared,IntRealVectorMap & sum_H,IntRealVectorMap & sum_LL,IntRealVectorMap & sum_LH,const SizetArray & N_shared,IntRealVectorMap & sum_L_refined,const SizetArray & N_refined,const RealVector & rho2_LH,RealMatrix & H_raw_mom)2846 cv_raw_moments(IntRealVectorMap& sum_L_shared, IntRealVectorMap& sum_H,
2847 	       IntRealVectorMap& sum_LL,       IntRealVectorMap& sum_LH,
2848 	       const SizetArray& N_shared,     IntRealVectorMap& sum_L_refined,
2849 	       const SizetArray& N_refined,    const RealVector& rho2_LH,
2850 	       RealMatrix& H_raw_mom)
2851 {
2852   if (H_raw_mom.empty()) H_raw_mom.shapeUninitialized(numFunctions, 4);
2853   RealVector beta(numFunctions, false);
2855   // rho2_LH not stored for i > 1
2856   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi)
2857     Cout << "rho_LH (Pearson correlation) for QoI " << qoi+1 << " = "
2858 	 << std::setw(9) << std::sqrt(rho2_LH[qoi]) << '\n';
2859        //<< ", effectiveness ratio = " << std::setw(9) << rho2_LH[qoi] * cr1;
2861   for (int i=1; i<=4; ++i) {
2862     compute_control(sum_L_shared[i], sum_H[i], sum_LL[i], sum_LH[i], N_shared,
2863 		    beta);
2864     Cout << "Moment " << i << ":\n";
2865     RealVector H_rm_col(Teuchos::View, H_raw_mom[i-1], numFunctions);
2866     apply_control(sum_H[i], sum_L_shared[i], N_shared, sum_L_refined[i],
2867 		  N_refined, beta, H_rm_col);
2868   }
2869 }
2872 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
cv_raw_moments(IntRealMatrixMap & sum_L_shared,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_H,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_LL,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_LH,const SizetArray & N_shared,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_L_refined,const SizetArray & N_refined,const RealMatrix & rho2_LH,size_t lev,RealMatrix & H_raw_mom)2873 cv_raw_moments(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_shared, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_H,
2874 	       IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LL,       IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LH,
2875 	       const SizetArray& N_shared,     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_refined,
2876 	       const SizetArray& N_refined,    const RealMatrix& rho2_LH,
2877 	       size_t lev,                     RealMatrix& H_raw_mom)
2878 {
2879   if (H_raw_mom.empty()) H_raw_mom.shapeUninitialized(numFunctions, 4);
2880   RealVector beta(numFunctions, false);
2882   // rho2_LH not stored for i > 1
2883   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi)
2884     Cout << "rho_LH (Pearson correlation) for QoI " << qoi+1 << " = "
2885 	 << std::setw(9) << std::sqrt(rho2_LH(qoi,lev)) << '\n';
2886        //<< ", effectiveness ratio = " << std::setw(9) << rho2_LH(qoi,lev)*cr1;
2888   for (int i=1; i<=4; ++i) {
2889     compute_control(sum_L_shared[i], sum_H[i], sum_LL[i], sum_LH[i], N_shared,
2890 		    lev, beta);
2891     Cout << "Moment " << i << ":\n";
2892     RealVector H_rm_col(Teuchos::View, H_raw_mom[i-1], numFunctions);
2893     apply_control(sum_H[i], sum_L_shared[i], N_shared, sum_L_refined[i],
2894 		  N_refined, lev, beta, H_rm_col);
2895   }
2896   Cout << '\n'; // for loop over levels
2897 }
2900 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
cv_raw_moments(IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ll,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Llm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hl,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hlm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ll_Ll,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ll_Llm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Llm1_Llm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hl_Ll,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hl_Llm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hlm1_Ll,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hlm1_Llm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hl_Hl,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hl_Hlm1,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Hlm1_Hlm1,const SizetArray & N_shared,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ll_refined,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Llm1_refined,const SizetArray & N_refined,const RealMatrix & rho_dot2_LH,size_t lev,RealMatrix & H_raw_mom)2901 cv_raw_moments(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll,        IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1,
2902 	       IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl,        IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1,
2903 	       IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_Ll,     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_Llm1,
2904 	       IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1_Llm1, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Ll,
2905 	       IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Llm1,   IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Ll,
2906 	       IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Llm1, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Hl,
2907 	       IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Hlm1,   IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Hlm1,
2908 	       const SizetArray& N_shared, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_refined,
2909 	       IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1_refined, const SizetArray& N_refined,
2910 	       const RealMatrix& rho_dot2_LH, size_t lev, RealMatrix& H_raw_mom)
2911 {
2912   if (lev == 0)
2913     cv_raw_moments(sum_Ll, sum_Hl, sum_Ll_Ll, sum_Hl_Ll, N_shared,
2914 		   sum_Ll_refined, N_refined, rho_dot2_LH, lev, H_raw_mom);
2915   else {
2916     if (H_raw_mom.empty()) H_raw_mom.shapeUninitialized(numFunctions, 4);
2917     RealVector beta_dot(numFunctions, false), gamma(numFunctions, false);
2919     // rho_dot2_LH not stored for i > 1
2920     for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi)
2921       Cout << "rho_dot_LH (Pearson correlation) for QoI " << qoi+1 << " = "
2922 	   << std::setw(9) << std::sqrt(rho_dot2_LH(qoi,lev)) << '\n';
2923          //<< ", effectiveness ratio = " << rho_dot2_LH(qoi,lev) * cr1;
2925     // aggregate expected value of estimators for E[Y] for Y=LF^k or Y=HF^k
2926     for (int i=1; i<=4; ++i) {
2927       compute_control(sum_Ll[i], sum_Llm1[i], sum_Hl[i], sum_Hlm1[i],
2928 		      sum_Ll_Ll[i], sum_Ll_Llm1[i], sum_Llm1_Llm1[i],
2929 		      sum_Hl_Ll[i], sum_Hl_Llm1[i], sum_Hlm1_Ll[i],
2930 		      sum_Hlm1_Llm1[i], sum_Hl_Hl[i], sum_Hl_Hlm1[i],
2931 		      sum_Hlm1_Hlm1[i], N_shared, lev, beta_dot, gamma);
2932       Cout << "Moment " << i << ":\n";
2933       RealVector H_rm_col(Teuchos::View, H_raw_mom[i-1], numFunctions);
2934       apply_control(sum_Hl[i], sum_Hlm1[i], sum_Ll[i], sum_Llm1[i], N_shared,
2935 		    sum_Ll_refined[i], sum_Llm1_refined[i], N_refined, lev,
2936 		    beta_dot, gamma, H_rm_col);
2937     }
2938     Cout << '\n'; // for loop over levels
2939   }
2940 }
2943 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
compute_control(Real sum_L,Real sum_H,Real sum_LL,Real sum_LH,size_t N_shared,Real & beta)2944 compute_control(Real sum_L, Real sum_H, Real sum_LL, Real sum_LH,
2945 		size_t N_shared, Real& beta)
2946 {
2947   // unbiased mean estimator X-bar = 1/N * sum
2948   // unbiased sample variance estimator = 1/(N-1) sum[(X_i - X-bar)^2]
2949   // = 1/(N-1) [ N Raw_X - N X-bar^2 ] = bessel * [Raw_X - X-bar^2]
2950   //Real mu_L = sum_L / N_shared, mu_H = sum_H / N_shared;
2951   //Real var_L = (sum_LL / N_shared - mu_L * mu_L) * bessel_corr,
2952   //    cov_LH = (sum_LH / N_shared - mu_L * mu_H) * bessel_corr;
2954   // Cancel repeated N_shared and bessel_corr within beta = cov_LH / var_L:
2955   beta = (sum_LH - sum_L * sum_H / N_shared)
2956        / (sum_LL - sum_L * sum_L / N_shared);
2957 }
2960 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
compute_control(Real sum_L,Real sum_H,Real sum_LL,Real sum_LH,Real sum_HH,size_t N_shared,Real & var_H,Real & rho2_LH)2961 compute_control(Real sum_L, Real sum_H, Real sum_LL, Real sum_LH, Real sum_HH,
2962 		size_t N_shared, Real& var_H, Real& rho2_LH)
2963 {
2964   Real bessel_corr = (Real)N_shared / (Real)(N_shared - 1);
2966   // unbiased mean estimator X-bar = 1/N * sum
2967   Real mu_L = sum_L / N_shared, mu_H = sum_H / N_shared;
2968   // unbiased sample variance estimator = 1/(N-1) sum[(X_i - X-bar)^2]
2969   // = 1/(N-1) [ N Raw_X - N X-bar^2 ] = bessel * [Raw_X - X-bar^2]
2970   Real var_L = (sum_LL / N_shared - mu_L * mu_L) * bessel_corr,
2971       cov_LH = (sum_LH / N_shared - mu_L * mu_H) * bessel_corr;
2972   var_H      = (sum_HH / N_shared - mu_H * mu_H) * bessel_corr;
2974   //beta  = cov_LH / var_L;
2975   rho2_LH = cov_LH / var_L * cov_LH / var_H;
2976 }
2979 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
compute_control(Real sum_Ll,Real sum_Llm1,Real sum_Hl,Real sum_Hlm1,Real sum_Ll_Ll,Real sum_Ll_Llm1,Real sum_Llm1_Llm1,Real sum_Hl_Ll,Real sum_Hl_Llm1,Real sum_Hlm1_Ll,Real sum_Hlm1_Llm1,Real sum_Hl_Hl,Real sum_Hl_Hlm1,Real sum_Hlm1_Hlm1,size_t N_shared,Real & var_YH,Real & rho_dot2_LH,Real & beta_dot,Real & gamma)2980 compute_control(Real sum_Ll, Real sum_Llm1, Real sum_Hl, Real sum_Hlm1,
2981 		Real sum_Ll_Ll, Real sum_Ll_Llm1, Real sum_Llm1_Llm1,
2982 		Real sum_Hl_Ll, Real sum_Hl_Llm1, Real sum_Hlm1_Ll,
2983 		Real sum_Hlm1_Llm1, Real sum_Hl_Hl, Real sum_Hl_Hlm1,
2984 		Real sum_Hlm1_Hlm1, size_t N_shared, Real& var_YH,
2985 		Real& rho_dot2_LH, Real& beta_dot, Real& gamma)
2986 {
2987   Real bessel_corr = (Real)N_shared / (Real)(N_shared - 1);
2989   // means, variances, covariances for Q
2990   // Note: sum_*[i][lm1] is not the same as sum_*lm1[i][lev] due to
2991   //       discrepancy evaluations with different sample sets!
2992   Real mu_Ll = sum_Ll / N_shared,  mu_Llm1 = sum_Llm1 / N_shared;
2993   Real mu_Hl = sum_Hl / N_shared,  mu_Hlm1 = sum_Hlm1 / N_shared;
2995   Real var_Ll   = (sum_Ll_Ll     / N_shared - mu_Ll   * mu_Ll)   * bessel_corr;
2996   Real var_Llm1 = (sum_Llm1_Llm1 / N_shared - mu_Llm1 * mu_Llm1) * bessel_corr;
2997   Real var_Hl   = (sum_Hl_Hl     / N_shared - mu_Hl   * mu_Hl)   * bessel_corr;
2998   Real var_Hlm1 = (sum_Hlm1_Hlm1 / N_shared - mu_Hlm1 * mu_Hlm1) * bessel_corr;
3000   Real cov_Hl_Ll   = (sum_Hl_Ll   / N_shared - mu_Hl   * mu_Ll)   * bessel_corr;
3001   Real cov_Hl_Llm1 = (sum_Hl_Llm1 / N_shared - mu_Hl   * mu_Llm1) * bessel_corr;
3002   Real cov_Hlm1_Ll = (sum_Hlm1_Ll / N_shared - mu_Hlm1 * mu_Ll)   * bessel_corr;
3003   Real cov_Hlm1_Llm1
3004     = (sum_Hlm1_Llm1 / N_shared - mu_Hlm1 * mu_Llm1) * bessel_corr;
3006   Real cov_Ll_Llm1 = (sum_Ll_Llm1 / N_shared - mu_Ll * mu_Llm1) * bessel_corr;
3007   Real cov_Hl_Hlm1 = (sum_Hl_Hlm1 / N_shared - mu_Hl * mu_Hlm1) * bessel_corr;
3009   // quantities derived from Q moments
3010   // gamma:
3011   Real cov_YHl_Ll   = cov_Hl_Ll   - cov_Hlm1_Ll;
3012   Real cov_YHl_Llm1 = cov_Hl_Llm1 - cov_Hlm1_Llm1;
3013   gamma = (cov_YHl_Llm1 * cov_Ll_Llm1 - var_Llm1 * cov_YHl_Ll)
3014         / (var_Ll * cov_YHl_Llm1 - cov_YHl_Ll * cov_Ll_Llm1);
3015   // theta, tau, beta:
3016   Real cov_YHl_YLldot = gamma * (cov_Hl_Ll - cov_Hlm1_Ll)
3017                       - cov_Hl_Llm1 + cov_Hlm1_Llm1;
3018   Real cov_YHl_YLl = cov_Hl_Ll - cov_Hlm1_Ll - cov_Hl_Llm1 + cov_Hlm1_Llm1;
3019   Real var_YLldot  = gamma * (gamma * var_Ll - 2. * cov_Ll_Llm1) + var_Llm1;
3020   Real var_YHl = var_Hl - 2. * cov_Hl_Hlm1 + var_Hlm1,
3021        var_YLl = var_Ll - 2. * cov_Ll_Llm1 + var_Llm1,
3022        theta   = cov_YHl_YLldot / cov_YHl_YLl, tau = var_YLldot / var_YLl;
3023   // carry forwards:
3024   var_YH   = var_Hl - 2. * cov_Hl_Hlm1 + var_Hlm1; // var(H_l - H_lm1)
3025   beta_dot = cov_YHl_YLldot / var_YLldot;
3027   // compute evaluation ratio which determines increment for LF samples
3028   // > the sample increment optimizes the total computational budget and is
3029   //   not treated as a worst case accuracy reqmt --> use the QoI average
3030   // > refinement based only on QoI mean statistics
3031   // Given use of 1/r in MSE_ratio, one approach would average 1/r, but
3032   // this does not seem to behave as well in limited numerical experience.
3033   Real rho2_LH = cov_YHl_YLl / var_YHl * cov_YHl_YLl / var_YLl,
3034        ratio   = theta * theta / tau;
3035   // variance reduction test
3036   //if (ratio < 1.) ...switch to Ycorr-based control...
3037   rho_dot2_LH  = rho2_LH * ratio;
3038   //rho_dot2_LH = cov_YHl_YLldot / var_YHl * cov_YHl_YLldot / var_YLldot;
3040   if (outputLevel == DEBUG_OUTPUT)
3041     Cout << "compute_control(): var reduce ratio = " << ratio << " rho2_LH = "
3042 	 << rho2_LH << " rho_dot2_LH = " << rho_dot2_LH << std::endl;
3043 }
3046 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
apply_control(Real sum_H,Real sum_L_shared,size_t N_shared,Real sum_L_refined,size_t N_refined,Real beta,Real & H_raw_mom)3047 apply_control(Real sum_H, Real sum_L_shared, size_t N_shared,
3048 	      Real sum_L_refined, size_t N_refined, Real beta, Real& H_raw_mom)
3049 {
3050   // apply control for HF uncentered raw moment estimates:
3051   H_raw_mom = sum_H / N_shared                    // mu_H from shared samples
3052             - beta * (sum_L_shared  / N_shared -  // mu_L from shared samples
3053 		      sum_L_refined / N_refined); // refined_mu_L incl increment
3054 }
3057 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
apply_control(Real sum_Hl,Real sum_Hlm1,Real sum_Ll,Real sum_Llm1,size_t N_shared,Real sum_Ll_refined,Real sum_Llm1_refined,size_t N_refined,Real beta_dot,Real gamma,Real & H_raw_mom)3058 apply_control(Real sum_Hl, Real sum_Hlm1, Real sum_Ll, Real sum_Llm1,
3059 	      size_t N_shared,  Real sum_Ll_refined, Real sum_Llm1_refined,
3060 	      size_t N_refined, Real beta_dot, Real gamma, Real& H_raw_mom)
3061 {
3062   // updated LF expectations following final sample increment:
3063   Real mu_Hl = sum_Hl / N_shared,  mu_Hlm1 = sum_Hlm1 / N_shared,
3064        mu_Ll = sum_Ll / N_shared,  mu_Llm1 = sum_Llm1 / N_shared;
3065   Real refined_mu_Ll   =   sum_Ll_refined / N_refined;
3066   Real refined_mu_Llm1 = sum_Llm1_refined / N_refined;
3068   // apply control for HF uncentered raw moment estimates:
3069   Real mu_YH            = mu_Hl - mu_Hlm1;
3070   Real mu_YLdot         = gamma *         mu_Ll -         mu_Llm1;
3071   Real refined_mu_YLdot = gamma * refined_mu_Ll - refined_mu_Llm1;
3072   H_raw_mom             = mu_YH - beta_dot * (mu_YLdot - refined_mu_YLdot);
3073 }
3076 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
convert_moments(const RealMatrix & raw_mom,RealMatrix & final_mom)3077 convert_moments(const RealMatrix& raw_mom, RealMatrix& final_mom)
3078 {
3079   // Note: raw_mom is numFunctions x 4 and final_mom is the transpose
3080   if (final_mom.empty())
3081     final_mom.shapeUninitialized(4, numFunctions);
3083   // Convert uncentered raw moment estimates to central moments
3084   if (finalMomentsType == CENTRAL_MOMENTS) {
3085     for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi)
3086       uncentered_to_centered(raw_mom(qoi,0), raw_mom(qoi,1), raw_mom(qoi,2),
3087 			     raw_mom(qoi,3), final_mom(0,qoi), final_mom(1,qoi),
3088 			     final_mom(2,qoi), final_mom(3,qoi));
3089   }
3090   // Convert uncentered raw moment estimates to standardized moments
3091   else { //if (finalMomentsType == STANDARD_MOMENTS) {
3092     Real cm1, cm2, cm3, cm4;
3093     for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
3094       uncentered_to_centered(raw_mom(qoi,0), raw_mom(qoi,1), raw_mom(qoi,2),
3095 			     raw_mom(qoi,3), cm1, cm2, cm3, cm4);
3096       centered_to_standard(cm1, cm2, cm3, cm4, final_mom(0,qoi),
3097 			   final_mom(1,qoi), final_mom(2,qoi),
3098 			   final_mom(3,qoi));
3099     }
3100   }
3102   if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)
3103     for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi)
3104       Cout <<  "raw mom 1 = "   << raw_mom(qoi,0)
3105 	   << " final mom 1 = " << final_mom(0,qoi) << '\n'
3106 	   <<  "raw mom 2 = "   << raw_mom(qoi,1)
3107 	   << " final mom 2 = " << final_mom(1,qoi) << '\n'
3108 	   <<  "raw mom 3 = "   << raw_mom(qoi,2)
3109 	   << " final mom 3 = " << final_mom(2,qoi) << '\n'
3110 	   <<  "raw mom 4 = "   << raw_mom(qoi,3)
3111 	   << " final mom 4 = " << final_mom(3,qoi) << "\n\n";
3112 }
3115 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
compute_error_estimates(IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Ql,IntRealMatrixMap & sum_Qlm1,IntIntPairRealMatrixMap & sum_QlQlm1,Sizet2DArray & num_Q)3116   compute_error_estimates(IntRealMatrixMap &sum_Ql, IntRealMatrixMap &sum_Qlm1,
3117                           IntIntPairRealMatrixMap &sum_QlQlm1,
3118                           Sizet2DArray &num_Q) {
3119     if (!finalMomentsType)
3120       return;
3122     if (finalStatErrors.empty())
3123       finalStatErrors.size(finalStatistics.num_functions()); // init to 0.
3125     Real agg_estim_var, var_Yl, cm1l, cm2l, cm3l, cm4l, cm1lm1, cm2lm1,
3126         cm3lm1, cm4lm1, cm1l_sq, cm1lm1_sq, cm2l_sq, cm2lm1_sq, var_Ql, var_Qlm1,
3127         mu_Q2l, mu_Q2lm1, mu_Q2lQ2lm1,
3128         mu_Q1lm1_mu_Q2lQ1lm1, mu_Q1lm1_mu_Q1lm1_muQ2l, mu_Q1l_mu_Q1lQ2lm1, mu_Q1l_mu_Q1l_mu_Q2lm1,
3129         mu_Q1l_mu_Qlm1_mu_Q1lQ1lm1, mu_Q1l_mu_Q1l_mu_Q1lm1_muQ1lm1, mu_Q2l_muQ2lm1, mu_Q1lQ1lm1_mu_Q1lQ1lm1,
3130         mu_P2lP2lm1, var_P2l, var_P2lm1, covar_P2lP2lm1, term, bessel_corr;
3131     size_t lev, qoi, cntr = 0, Nlq,
3132         num_lev = iteratedModel.truth_model().solution_levels();
3133     IntIntPair pr11(1, 1), pr12(1, 2), pr21(2, 1), pr22(2, 2);
3134     RealMatrix &sum_Q1l = sum_Ql[1], &sum_Q1lm1 = sum_Qlm1[1],
3135         &sum_Q2l = sum_Ql[2], &sum_Q2lm1 = sum_Qlm1[2],
3136         &sum_Q3l = sum_Ql[3], &sum_Q3lm1 = sum_Qlm1[3],
3137         &sum_Q4l = sum_Ql[4], &sum_Q4lm1 = sum_Qlm1[4],
3138         &sum_Q1lQ1lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr11], &sum_Q1lQ2lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr12],
3139         &sum_Q2lQ1lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr21], &sum_Q2lQ2lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr22];
3140     for (qoi = 0; qoi < numFunctions; ++qoi) {
3142       // std error in mean estimate
3143       lev = 0;
3144       Nlq = num_Q[lev][qoi];
3146       bessel_corr = (Real) Nlq / (Real) (Nlq - 1);
3147       cm1l = sum_Q1l(qoi, lev) / Nlq;
3148       var_Yl = (sum_Q2l(qoi, lev) / Nlq - cm1l * cm1l) * bessel_corr; // var_Ql
3149       agg_estim_var = var_Yl / Nlq;
3150       for (lev = 1; lev < num_lev; ++lev) {
3151         Nlq = num_Q[lev][qoi];
3152         cm1l = sum_Q1l(qoi, lev) / Nlq;
3153         cm1lm1 = sum_Q1lm1(qoi, lev) / Nlq;
3154         //var_Yl = var_Ql - 2.* covar_QlQlm1 + var_Qlm1;
3155         var_Yl = (sum_Q2l(qoi, lev) / Nlq - cm1l * cm1l
3156                   - 2. * (sum_Q1lQ1lm1(qoi, lev) / Nlq - cm1l * cm1lm1) +
3157                   sum_Q2lm1(qoi, lev) / Nlq - cm1lm1 * cm1lm1) * bessel_corr;
3158         agg_estim_var += var_Yl / Nlq;
3159       }
3160       check_negative(agg_estim_var);
3162       finalStatErrors[cntr++] = std::sqrt(agg_estim_var); // std error
3163       if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
3164         Cout << "Estimator variance for mean = " << agg_estim_var << "\n";
3165         Cout << "Estimator SE for mean = " << finalStatErrors[cntr - 1] << "\n";
3166       }
3167       // std error in variance or std deviation estimate
3168       lev = 0;
3169       Nlq = num_Q[lev][qoi];
3170       uncentered_to_centered(sum_Q1l(qoi, lev) / Nlq, sum_Q2l(qoi, lev) / Nlq,
3171                              sum_Q3l(qoi, lev) / Nlq, sum_Q4l(qoi, lev) / Nlq,
3172                              cm1l, cm2l, cm3l, cm4l, Nlq);
3173       cm2l_sq = cm2l * cm2l;
3175       //[fm] bias correction for var_P2l
3176       var_P2l = Nlq * (Nlq - 1.) / (Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) * (cm4l - (Nlq - 3.) / (Nlq - 1.) * cm2l_sq);
3177       agg_estim_var = var_P2l / Nlq;
3178       for (lev = 1; lev < num_lev; ++lev) {
3179         Nlq = num_Q[lev][qoi];
3180         mu_Q2l = sum_Q2l(qoi, lev) / Nlq;
3181         uncentered_to_centered(sum_Q1l(qoi, lev) / Nlq, mu_Q2l,
3182                                sum_Q3l(qoi, lev) / Nlq, sum_Q4l(qoi, lev) / Nlq,
3183                                cm1l, cm2l, cm3l, cm4l, Nlq);
3184         mu_Q2lm1 = sum_Q2lm1(qoi, lev) / Nlq;
3185         uncentered_to_centered(sum_Q1lm1(qoi, lev) / Nlq, mu_Q2lm1,
3186                                sum_Q3lm1(qoi, lev) / Nlq, sum_Q4lm1(qoi, lev) / Nlq,
3187                                cm1lm1, cm2lm1, cm3lm1, cm4lm1, Nlq);
3188         cm2l_sq = cm2l * cm2l;
3189         cm2lm1_sq = cm2lm1 * cm2lm1;
3191         //[fm] unbiased products of mean
3192         mu_Q2lQ2lm1 = sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev) / Nlq;
3193         mu_Q1lm1_mu_Q2lQ1lm1 = unbiased_mean_product_pair(sum_Q1lm1(qoi, lev), sum_Q2lQ1lm1(qoi, lev),
3194                                                           sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev), Nlq);
3195         mu_Q1lm1_mu_Q1lm1_muQ2l = unbiased_mean_product_triplet(sum_Q1lm1(qoi, lev), sum_Q1lm1(qoi, lev),
3196                                                                 sum_Q2l(qoi, lev),
3197                                                                 sum_Q2lm1(qoi, lev), sum_Q2lQ1lm1(qoi, lev),
3198                                                                 sum_Q2lQ1lm1(qoi, lev),
3199                                                                 sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev), Nlq);
3200         mu_Q1l_mu_Q1lQ2lm1 = unbiased_mean_product_pair(sum_Q1l(qoi, lev), sum_Q1lQ2lm1(qoi, lev),
3201                                                         sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev), Nlq);
3202         mu_Q1l_mu_Q1l_mu_Q2lm1 = unbiased_mean_product_triplet(sum_Q1l(qoi, lev), sum_Q1l(qoi, lev),
3203                                                                sum_Q2lm1(qoi, lev),
3204                                                                sum_Q2l(qoi, lev), sum_Q1lQ2lm1(qoi, lev),
3205                                                                sum_Q1lQ2lm1(qoi, lev),
3206                                                                sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev), Nlq);
3207         mu_Q1l_mu_Qlm1_mu_Q1lQ1lm1 = unbiased_mean_product_triplet(sum_Q1l(qoi, lev), sum_Q1lm1(qoi, lev),
3208                                                                    sum_Q1lQ1lm1(qoi, lev),
3209                                                                    sum_Q1lQ1lm1(qoi, lev), sum_Q2lQ1lm1(qoi, lev),
3210                                                                    sum_Q1lQ2lm1(qoi, lev),
3211                                                                    sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev), Nlq);
3212         mu_Q1l_mu_Q1l_mu_Q1lm1_muQ1lm1 = unbiased_mean_product_pairpair(sum_Q1l(qoi, lev), sum_Q1lm1(qoi, lev),
3213                                                                         sum_Q1lQ1lm1(qoi, lev),
3214                                                                         sum_Q2l(qoi, lev), sum_Q2lm1(qoi, lev),
3215                                                                         sum_Q2lQ1lm1(qoi, lev), sum_Q1lQ2lm1(qoi, lev),
3216                                                                         sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev), Nlq);
3217         mu_Q2l_muQ2lm1 = unbiased_mean_product_pair(sum_Q2l(qoi, lev), sum_Q2lm1(qoi, lev), sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev),
3218                                                     Nlq);
3219         mu_P2lP2lm1 = mu_Q2lQ2lm1 //E[QL2 Ql2]
3220                       - 2. * mu_Q1lm1_mu_Q2lQ1lm1 //E[Ql] E[QL2Ql]
3221                       + 2. * mu_Q1lm1_mu_Q1lm1_muQ2l //E[Ql]2 E[QL2]
3222                       - 2. * mu_Q1l_mu_Q1lQ2lm1 //E[QL] E[QLQl2]
3223                       + 2. * mu_Q1l_mu_Q1l_mu_Q2lm1 //E[QL]2 E[Ql2]
3224                       + 4. * mu_Q1l_mu_Qlm1_mu_Q1lQ1lm1 //E[QL] E[Ql] E[QLQl]
3225                       - 4. * mu_Q1l_mu_Q1l_mu_Q1lm1_muQ1lm1 //E[QL]2 E[Ql]2
3226                       - mu_Q2l_muQ2lm1; //E[QL2] E[Ql2]
3228         // [fm] bias correction for var_P2l and var_P2lm1
3229         var_P2l = Nlq * (Nlq - 1.) / (Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) * (cm4l - (Nlq - 3.) / (Nlq - 1.) * cm2l_sq);
3230         var_P2lm1 =
3231             Nlq * (Nlq - 1.) / (Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) * (cm4lm1 - (Nlq - 3.) / (Nlq - 1.) * cm2lm1_sq);
3233         // [fm] unbiased by opening up the square and compute three different term
3234         mu_Q1lQ1lm1_mu_Q1lQ1lm1 = unbiased_mean_product_pair(sum_Q1lQ1lm1(qoi, lev), sum_Q1lQ1lm1(qoi, lev),
3235                                                              sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev), Nlq);
3236         term = mu_Q1lQ1lm1_mu_Q1lQ1lm1 - 2. * mu_Q1l_mu_Qlm1_mu_Q1lQ1lm1 + mu_Q1l_mu_Q1l_mu_Q1lm1_muQ1lm1;
3238         //[fm] Using an unbiased estimator we include the var_Ql * var_Qlm1 term in mu_P2lP2lm1
3239         //     and term is already squared out
3240         covar_P2lP2lm1
3241             = mu_P2lP2lm1 + term / (Nlq - 1.);
3242         agg_estim_var += (var_P2l + var_P2lm1 - 2. * covar_P2lP2lm1) / Nlq;
3244         if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
3245           Cout << "Estimator for covariance for variance = " << covar_P2lP2lm1 << "\n";
3246           Cout << "Estimator for covariance for variance first term = " << mu_P2lP2lm1 << "\n";
3247           Cout << "Estimator for covariance for variance second  term = " << term << "\n";
3248         }
3249       }
3250       check_negative(agg_estim_var);
3251       if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)
3252         Cout << "Estimator SE for variance = " << sqrt(agg_estim_var) << "\n";
3254       Real mom2 = momentStats(1, qoi);
3255       if (finalMomentsType == STANDARD_MOMENTS && mom2 > 0.) {
3256         // std error of std deviation estimator
3258         // An approximation for std error of a fn of another std error estimator
3259         // = derivative of function * std error of the other estimator -->
3260         // d/dtheta of sqrt( variance(theta) ) = 1/2 variance^{-1/2} = 1/(2 stdev)
3261         // Note: this approx. assumes normality in the estimator distribution.
3262         // Harding et al. 2014 assumes normality in the QoI distribution and has
3263         // been observed to contain bias in numerical experiments, whereas bias
3264         // in the derivative approx goes to zero asymptotically.
3265         finalStatErrors[cntr] = std::sqrt(agg_estim_var) / (2. * mom2);
3266         ++cntr;
3267         if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)
3268           Cout << "Estimator SE for stddev = " << finalStatErrors[cntr - 1] << "\n\n";
3269       } else // std error of variance estimator
3270         finalStatErrors[cntr++] = std::sqrt(agg_estim_var);
3272       // level mapping errors not implemented at this time
3273       cntr +=
3274           requestedRespLevels[qoi].length() + requestedProbLevels[qoi].length() +
3275           requestedRelLevels[qoi].length() + requestedGenRelLevels[qoi].length();
3276     }
3277   }
3279 void NonDMultilevelSampling::
export_all_samples(String root_prepend,const Model & model,size_t iter,size_t lev)3280 export_all_samples(String root_prepend, const Model& model, size_t iter,
3281 		   size_t lev)
3282 {
3283   String tabular_filename(root_prepend);
3284   const String& iface_id = model.interface_id();
3285   size_t i, num_samp = allSamples.numCols();
3286   if (iface_id.empty()) tabular_filename += "NO_ID_i";
3287   else                  tabular_filename += iface_id + "_i";
3288   tabular_filename += std::to_string(iter)     +  "_l"
3289                    +  std::to_string(lev)      +  '_'
3290                    +  std::to_string(num_samp) + ".dat";
3291   Variables vars(model.current_variables().copy());
3293   String context_message("NonDMultilevelSampling::export_all_samples");
3294   StringArray no_resp_labels; String cntr_label("sample_id");
3296   // Rather than hard override, rely on output_precision user spec
3297   //int save_wp = write_precision;
3298   //write_precision = 16; // override
3299   std::ofstream tabular_stream;
3300   TabularIO::open_file(tabular_stream, tabular_filename, context_message);
3301   TabularIO::write_header_tabular(tabular_stream, vars, no_resp_labels,
3302 				  cntr_label, exportSamplesFormat);
3303   for (i=0; i<num_samp; ++i) {
3304     sample_to_variables(allSamples[i], vars); // NonDSampling version
3305     TabularIO::write_data_tabular(tabular_stream, vars, iface_id, i+1,
3306 				  exportSamplesFormat);
3307   }
3309   TabularIO::close_file(tabular_stream, tabular_filename, context_message);
3310   //write_precision = save_wp; // restore
3311 }
post_run(std::ostream & s)3314 void NonDMultilevelSampling::post_run(std::ostream& s)
3315 {
3316   // Final moments are generated within core_run() by convert_moments().
3317   // No addtional stats are currently supported.
3318   //if (statsFlag) // calculate statistics on allResponses
3319   //  compute_statistics(allSamples, allResponses);
3321   // NonD::update_aleatory_final_statistics() pushes momentStats into
3322   // finalStatistics
3323   update_final_statistics();
3325   Analyzer::post_run(s);
3326 }
print_results(std::ostream & s,short results_state)3329 void NonDMultilevelSampling::print_results(std::ostream& s, short results_state)
3330 {
3331   if (statsFlag) {
3332     print_multilevel_evaluation_summary(s, NLev);
3333     s << "<<<<< Equivalent number of high fidelity evaluations: "
3334       << equivHFEvals << "\n\nStatistics based on multilevel sample set:\n";
3336   //print_statistics(s);
3337     print_moments(s, "response function",
3338 		  iteratedModel.truth_model().response_labels());
3339     archive_moments();
3340     archive_equiv_hf_evals(equivHFEvals);
3341   }
3342 }
3344 } // namespace Dakota