1 /*
2 File statisticsexport.h
3 */
5 /***************************************************************************
6                                 FET
7                           -------------------
8    copyright            : (C) by Lalescu Liviu
9     email                : Please see https://lalescu.ro/liviu/ for details about contacting Liviu Lalescu (in particular, you can find here the e-mail address)
10  ***************************************************************************
11                       statisticsexport.h  -  description
12                              -------------------
13     begin                : Sep 2008
14     copyright            : (C) by Volker Dirr
15                          : https://www.timetabling.de/
16  ***************************************************************************
17  *                                                                         *
18  *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
19  *   it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as        *
20  *   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the    *
21  *   License, or (at your option) any later version.                       *
22  *                                                                         *
23  ***************************************************************************/
28 #include <QString>
29 #include <QStringList>
31 #include <QHash>
32 #include <QMultiHash>
34 class QWidget;
36 #include "timetable.h"		//needed?
37 #include "timetable_defs.h"	//needed?
39 class FetStatistics{
40 public:
41 	//can be replaced by the key if I use SQL or other database
42 	QHash<QString, QString> hashSubjectIDsStatistics;
43 	QHash<QString, QString> hashActivityTagIDsStatistics;
44 	QHash<QString, QString> hashStudentIDsStatistics;
45 	QHash<QString, QString> hashTeacherIDsStatistics;
46 	//QHash<QString, QString> hashRoomIDsStatistics;
47 	//QHash<QString, QString> hashDayIDsStatistics;
49 	//needed values
50 	QHash<QString, int> teachersTotalNumberOfHours;
51 	QHash<QString, int> teachersTotalNumberOfHours2;
52 	QHash<QString, int> studentsTotalNumberOfHours;
53 	QHash<QString, int> studentsTotalNumberOfHours2;
54 	QHash<QString, int> subjectsTotalNumberOfHours;
55 	QHash<QString, int> subjectsTotalNumberOfHours4;
56 	QStringList allStudentsNames;				//NOT QSet<QString>!!! Because that does an incorrect order of the lists!
57 	QStringList allTeachersNames;				//NOT QSet<QString>!!! Because that does an incorrect order of the lists!
58 	QStringList allSubjectsNames;				//NOT QSet<QString>!!! Because that does an incorrect order of the lists!
59 	QMultiHash<QString, int> studentsActivities;
60 	QMultiHash<QString, int> teachersActivities;
61 	QMultiHash<QString, int> subjectsActivities;
62 };
65 class StatisticsExport: public QObject{
68 public:
69 	StatisticsExport();
70 	~StatisticsExport();
72 	static void exportStatistics(QWidget* parent);
74 	static QString exportStatisticsTeachersSubjectsHtml(QWidget* parent, QString saveTime, FetStatistics statisticValues, int htmlLevel, bool printActivityTags, int maxNames, QSet<int> *excludedNames);
75 	static QString exportStatisticsSubjectsTeachersHtml(QWidget* parent, QString saveTime, FetStatistics statisticValues, int htmlLevel, bool printActivityTags, int maxNames, QSet<int> *excludedNames);
76 	static QString exportStatisticsTeachersStudentsHtml(QWidget* parent, QString saveTime, FetStatistics statisticValues, int htmlLevel, bool printActivityTags, int maxNames, QSet<int> *excludedNames);
77 	static QString exportStatisticsStudentsTeachersHtml(QWidget* parent, QString saveTime, FetStatistics statisticValues, int htmlLevel, bool printActivityTags, int maxNames, QSet<int> *excludedNames);
78 	static QString exportStatisticsSubjectsStudentsHtml(QWidget* parent, QString saveTime, FetStatistics statisticValues, int htmlLevel, bool printActivityTags, int maxNames, QSet<int> *excludedNames);
79 	static QString exportStatisticsStudentsSubjectsHtml(QWidget* parent, QString saveTime, FetStatistics statisticValues, int htmlLevel, bool printActivityTags, int maxNames, QSet<int> *excludedNames);
81 	//this function must be called before export html files, because it compute the IDs
82 	static void computeHashForIDsStatistics(FetStatistics *statisticValues);
83 	static void getNamesAndHours(FetStatistics *statisticValues);
84 private:
85 	//the following functions write the css and html statistics files
86 	static bool exportStatisticsStylesheetCss(QWidget* parent, QString saveTime, FetStatistics statisticValues);
87 	static bool exportStatisticsIndex(QWidget* parent, QString saveTime);
88 	static bool exportStatisticsTeachersSubjects(QWidget* parent, QString saveTime, FetStatistics statisticValues, int htmlLevel);
89 	static bool exportStatisticsSubjectsTeachers(QWidget* parent, QString saveTime, FetStatistics statisticValues, int htmlLevel);
90 	static bool exportStatisticsTeachersStudents(QWidget* parent, QString saveTime, FetStatistics statisticValues, int htmlLevel);
91 	static bool exportStatisticsStudentsTeachers(QWidget* parent, QString saveTime, FetStatistics statisticValues, int htmlLevel);
92 	static bool exportStatisticsSubjectsStudents(QWidget* parent, QString saveTime, FetStatistics statisticValues, int htmlLevel);
93 	static bool exportStatisticsStudentsSubjects(QWidget* parent, QString saveTime, FetStatistics statisticValues, int htmlLevel);
94 };
96 #endif