1 #pragma once
3 #include <stdlib.h>
4 #include <stddef.h>
5 #include <assert.h>
7 #define TLL_PASTE2( a, b) a##b
8 #define TLL_PASTE( a, b) TLL_PASTE2( a, b)
10 /* Utility macro to generate a list element struct with a unique struct tag */
12     struct TLL_PASTE(__tllist_ , ID) {         \
13         TYPE item;                             \
14         struct TLL_PASTE(__tllist_, ID) *prev; \
15         struct TLL_PASTE(__tllist_, ID) *next; \
16     } *head, *tail;
18 /*
19  * Defines a new typed-list type, or directly instantiate a typed-list variable
20  *
21  * Example a, declare a variable (list of integers):
22  *  tll(int) my_list;
23  *
24  * Example b, declare a type, and then use the type:
25  *   tll(int, my_list_type);
26  *   struct my_list_type my_list;
27  */
28 #define tll(TYPE)                                                       \
29     struct {                                                            \
30         TLL_UNIQUE_INNER_STRUCT(TYPE, __COUNTER__)                      \
31         size_t length;                                                  \
32     }
34 /* Initializer: tll(int) my_list = tll_init(); */
35 #define tll_init() {.head = NULL, .tail = NULL, .length = 0}
37 /* Length/size of list: printf("size: %zu\n", tll_length(my_list)); */
38 #define tll_length(list) (list).length
40 /* Adds a new item to the back of the list */
41 #define tll_push_back(list, new_item)                   \
42     do {                                                \
43         tll_insert_after(list, (list).tail, new_item);  \
44         if ((list).head == NULL)                        \
45             (list).head = (list).tail;                  \
46     } while (0)
48 /* Adds a new item to the front of the list */
49 #define tll_push_front(list, new_item) \
50     do {                                                \
51         tll_insert_before(list, (list).head, new_item); \
52         if ((list).tail == NULL)                        \
53             (list).tail = (list).head;                  \
54     } while (0)
56 /*
57  * Iterates the list. <it> is an iterator pointer. You can access the
58  * list item with ->item:
59  *
60  *   tll(int) my_list = vinit();
61  *   tll_push_back(my_list, 5);
62  *
63  *   tll_foreach(my_list i) {
64  *       printf("%d\n", i->item);
65  *   }
66 */
67 #define tll_foreach(list, it)                                           \
68     for (__typeof__(*(list).head) *it = (list).head,                    \
69              *it_next = it != NULL ? it->next : NULL;                   \
70          it != NULL;                                                    \
71          it = it_next,                                                  \
72              it_next = it_next != NULL ? it_next->next : NULL)
74 /* Same as tll_foreach(), but iterates backwards */
75 #define tll_rforeach(list, it)                                          \
76     for (__typeof__(*(list).tail) *it = (list).tail,                    \
77              *it_prev = it != NULL ? it->prev : NULL;                   \
78          it != NULL;                                                    \
79          it = it_prev,                                                  \
80              it_prev = it_prev != NULL ? it_prev->prev : NULL)
82 /*
83  * Inserts a new item after <it>, which is an iterator. I.e. you can
84  * only call this from inside a tll_foreach() or tll_rforeach() loop.
85  */
86 #define tll_insert_after(list, it, new_item) \
87     do {                                                    \
88         __typeof__((list).head) __e = malloc(sizeof(*__e)); \
89         __e->item = (new_item);                             \
90         __e->prev = (it);                                   \
91         __e->next = (it) != NULL ? (it)->next : NULL;       \
92         if ((it) != NULL) {                                 \
93             if ((it)->next != NULL)                         \
94                 (it)->next->prev = __e;                     \
95             (it)->next = __e;                               \
96         }                                                   \
97         if ((it) == (list).tail)                            \
98             (list).tail = __e;                              \
99         (list).length++;                                    \
100     } while (0)
102 /*
103  * Inserts a new item before <it>, which is an iterator. I.e. you can
104  * only call this from inside a tll_foreach() or tll_rforeach() loop.
105  */
106 #define tll_insert_before(list, it, new_item)   \
107     do {                                                    \
108         __typeof__((list).head) __e = malloc(sizeof(*__e)); \
109         __e->item = (new_item);                             \
110         __e->prev = (it) != NULL ? (it)->prev : NULL;       \
111         __e->next = (it);                                   \
112         if ((it) != NULL) {                                 \
113             if ((it)->prev != NULL)                         \
114                 (it)->prev->next = __e;                     \
115             (it)->prev = __e;                               \
116         }                                                   \
117         if ((it) == (list).head)                            \
118             (list).head = __e;                              \
119         (list).length++;                                    \
120     } while (0)
122 /*
123  * Removes an entry from the list. <it> is an iterator. I.e. you can
124  * only call this from inside a tll_foreach() or tll_rforeach() loop.
125  */
126 #define tll_remove(list, it)                              \
127     do {                                                  \
128         assert((list).length > 0);                        \
129         __typeof__((list).head) __prev = it->prev;        \
130         __typeof__((list).head) __next = it->next;        \
131         if (__prev != NULL)                               \
132             __prev->next = __next;                        \
133         else                                              \
134             (list).head = __next;                         \
135         if (__next != NULL)                               \
136             __next->prev = __prev;                        \
137         else                                              \
138             (list).tail = __prev;                         \
139         free(it);                                         \
140         (list).length--;                                  \
141     } while (0)
143 /* Same as tll_remove(), but calls free_callback(it->item) */
144 #define tll_remove_and_free(list, it, free_callback)            \
145     do {                                                        \
146         free_callback((it)->item);                              \
147         tll_remove((list), (it));                               \
148     } while (0)
150 #define tll_front(list) (list).head->item
151 #define tll_back(list) (list).tail->item
153 /*
154  * Removes the first element from the list, and returns it (note:
155  * returns the *actual* item, not an iterator.
156  */
157 #define tll_pop_front(list) __extension__                  \
158     ({                                                     \
159         __typeof__((list).head) it = (list).head;          \
160         __typeof__((list).head->item) __ret = it->item;    \
161         tll_remove((list), it);                            \
162         __ret;                                             \
163     })
165 /* Same as tll_pop_front(), but returns/removes the *last* element */
166 #define tll_pop_back(list) __extension__                                \
167     ({                                                                  \
168         __typeof__((list).tail) it = (list).tail;                       \
169         __typeof__((list).tail->item) __ret = it->item;                 \
170         tll_remove((list), it);                                         \
171         __ret;                                                          \
172     })
174 /* Frees the list. This call is *not* needed if the list is already empty. */
175 #define tll_free(list)                          \
176     do {                                        \
177         tll_foreach(list, __it)                 \
178             free(__it);                         \
179         (list).length = 0;                      \
180         (list).head = (list).tail = NULL;       \
181     } while (0)
183 /* Same as tll_free(), but also calls free_callback(item) for every item */
184 #define tll_free_and_free(list, free_callback)              \
185     do {                                                    \
186         tll_foreach(list, __it) {                           \
187             free_callback(__it->item);                      \
188             free(__it);                                     \
189         }                                                   \
190         (list).length = 0;                                  \
191         (list).head = (list).tail = NULL;                   \
192     } while (0)