1 // Copyright 2010-2021 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
17 #include <cstdint>
18 #include <limits>
19 #include <utility>
20 #include <vector>
22 #include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
23 #include "ortools/base/int_type.h"
24 #include "ortools/base/strong_vector.h"
25 #include "ortools/glop/revised_simplex.h"
26 #include "ortools/lp_data/lp_data.h"
27 #include "ortools/lp_data/lp_data_utils.h"
28 #include "ortools/lp_data/lp_types.h"
29 #include "ortools/sat/cuts.h"
30 #include "ortools/sat/implied_bounds.h"
31 #include "ortools/sat/integer.h"
32 #include "ortools/sat/integer_expr.h"
33 #include "ortools/sat/linear_constraint.h"
34 #include "ortools/sat/linear_constraint_manager.h"
35 #include "ortools/sat/model.h"
36 #include "ortools/sat/util.h"
37 #include "ortools/sat/zero_half_cuts.h"
38 #include "ortools/util/rev.h"
39 #include "ortools/util/time_limit.h"
41 namespace operations_research {
42 namespace sat {
44 // Stores for each IntegerVariable its temporary LP solution.
45 //
46 // This is shared between all LinearProgrammingConstraint because in the corner
47 // case where we have many different LinearProgrammingConstraint and a lot of
48 // variable, we could theoretically use up a quadratic amount of memory
49 // otherwise.
50 //
51 // TODO(user): find a better way?
52 struct LinearProgrammingConstraintLpSolution
53     : public absl::StrongVector<IntegerVariable, double> {
LinearProgrammingConstraintLpSolutionLinearProgrammingConstraintLpSolution54   LinearProgrammingConstraintLpSolution() {}
55 };
57 // Helper struct to combine info generated from solving LP.
58 struct LPSolveInfo {
59   glop::ProblemStatus status;
60   double lp_objective = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
61   IntegerValue new_obj_bound = kMinIntegerValue;
62 };
64 // Simple class to combine linear expression efficiently. First in a sparse
65 // way that switch to dense when the number of non-zeros grows.
66 class ScatteredIntegerVector {
67  public:
68   // This must be called with the correct size before any other functions are
69   // used.
70   void ClearAndResize(int size);
72   // Does vector[col] += value and return false in case of overflow.
73   bool Add(glop::ColIndex col, IntegerValue value);
75   // Similar to Add() but for multiplier * terms.
76   // Returns false in case of overflow.
77   bool AddLinearExpressionMultiple(
78       IntegerValue multiplier,
79       const std::vector<std::pair<glop::ColIndex, IntegerValue>>& terms);
81   // This is not const only because non_zeros is sorted. Note that sorting the
82   // non-zeros make the result deterministic whether or not we were in sparse
83   // mode.
84   //
85   // TODO(user): Ideally we should convert to IntegerVariable as late as
86   // possible. Prefer to use GetTerms().
87   void ConvertToLinearConstraint(
88       const std::vector<IntegerVariable>& integer_variables,
89       IntegerValue upper_bound, LinearConstraint* result);
91   // Similar to ConvertToLinearConstraint().
92   std::vector<std::pair<glop::ColIndex, IntegerValue>> GetTerms();
94   // We only provide the const [].
95   IntegerValue operator[](glop::ColIndex col) const {
96     return dense_vector_[col];
97   }
IsSparse()99   const bool IsSparse() const { return is_sparse_; }
101  private:
102   // If is_sparse is true we maintain the non_zeros positions and bool vector
103   // of dense_vector_. Otherwise we don't. Note that we automatically switch
104   // from sparse to dense as needed.
105   bool is_sparse_ = true;
106   std::vector<glop::ColIndex> non_zeros_;
107   absl::StrongVector<glop::ColIndex, bool> is_zeros_;
109   // The dense representation of the vector.
110   absl::StrongVector<glop::ColIndex, IntegerValue> dense_vector_;
111 };
113 // A SAT constraint that enforces a set of linear inequality constraints on
114 // integer variables using an LP solver.
115 //
116 // The propagator uses glop's revised simplex for feasibility and propagation.
117 // It uses the Reduced Cost Strengthening technique, a classic in mixed integer
118 // programming, for instance see the thesis of Tobias Achterberg,
119 // "Constraint Integer Programming", sections 7.7 and 8.8, algorithm 7.11.
120 // http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-11129
121 //
122 // Per-constraint bounds propagation is NOT done by this constraint,
123 // it should be done by redundant constraints, as reduced cost propagation
124 // may miss some filtering.
125 //
126 // Note that this constraint works with double floating-point numbers, so one
127 // could be worried that it may filter too much in case of precision issues.
128 // However, by default, we interpret the LP result by recomputing everything
129 // in integer arithmetic, so we are exact.
130 class LinearProgrammingDispatcher;
131 class LinearProgrammingConstraint : public PropagatorInterface,
132                                     ReversibleInterface {
133  public:
134   typedef glop::RowIndex ConstraintIndex;
136   explicit LinearProgrammingConstraint(Model* model);
138   // Add a new linear constraint to this LP.
139   void AddLinearConstraint(const LinearConstraint& ct);
141   // Set the coefficient of the variable in the objective. Calling it twice will
142   // overwrite the previous value.
143   void SetObjectiveCoefficient(IntegerVariable ivar, IntegerValue coeff);
145   // The main objective variable should be equal to the linear sum of
146   // the arguments passed to SetObjectiveCoefficient().
SetMainObjectiveVariable(IntegerVariable ivar)147   void SetMainObjectiveVariable(IntegerVariable ivar) { objective_cp_ = ivar; }
ObjectiveVariable()148   IntegerVariable ObjectiveVariable() const { return objective_cp_; }
150   // Register a new cut generator with this constraint.
151   void AddCutGenerator(CutGenerator generator);
153   // Returns the LP value and reduced cost of a variable in the current
154   // solution. These functions should only be called when HasSolution() is true.
155   //
156   // Note that this solution is always an OPTIMAL solution of an LP above or
157   // at the current decision level. We "erase" it when we backtrack over it.
HasSolution()158   bool HasSolution() const { return lp_solution_is_set_; }
SolutionObjectiveValue()159   double SolutionObjectiveValue() const { return lp_objective_; }
160   double GetSolutionValue(IntegerVariable variable) const;
161   double GetSolutionReducedCost(IntegerVariable variable) const;
SolutionIsInteger()162   bool SolutionIsInteger() const { return lp_solution_is_integer_; }
164   // PropagatorInterface API.
165   bool Propagate() override;
166   bool IncrementalPropagate(const std::vector<int>& watch_indices) override;
167   void RegisterWith(Model* model);
169   // ReversibleInterface API.
170   void SetLevel(int level) override;
NumVariables()172   int NumVariables() const { return integer_variables_.size(); }
integer_variables()173   const std::vector<IntegerVariable>& integer_variables() const {
174     return integer_variables_;
175   }
DimensionString()176   std::string DimensionString() const { return lp_data_.GetDimensionString(); }
178   // Returns a IntegerLiteral guided by the underlying LP constraints.
179   //
180   // This looks at all unassigned 0-1 variables, takes the one with
181   // a support value closest to 0.5, and tries to assign it to 1.
182   // If all 0-1 variables have an integer support, returns kNoLiteralIndex.
183   // Tie-breaking is done using the variable natural order.
184   //
185   // TODO(user): This fixes to 1, but for some problems fixing to 0
186   // or to the std::round(support value) might work better. When this is the
187   // case, change behaviour automatically?
188   std::function<IntegerLiteral()> HeuristicLpMostInfeasibleBinary(Model* model);
190   // Returns a IntegerLiteral guided by the underlying LP constraints.
191   //
192   // This computes the mean of reduced costs over successive calls,
193   // and tries to fix the variable which has the highest reduced cost.
194   // Tie-breaking is done using the variable natural order.
195   // Only works for 0/1 variables.
196   //
197   // TODO(user): Try to get better pseudocosts than averaging every time
198   // the heuristic is called. MIP solvers initialize this with strong branching,
199   // then keep track of the pseudocosts when doing tree search. Also, this
200   // version only branches on var >= 1 and keeps track of reduced costs from var
201   // = 1 to var = 0. This works better than the conventional MIP where the
202   // chosen variable will be argmax_var min(pseudocost_var(0->1),
203   // pseudocost_var(1->0)), probably because we are doing DFS search where MIP
204   // does BFS. This might depend on the model, more trials are necessary. We
205   // could also do exponential smoothing instead of decaying every N calls, i.e.
206   // pseudo = a * pseudo + (1-a) reduced.
207   std::function<IntegerLiteral()> HeuristicLpReducedCostBinary(Model* model);
209   // Returns a IntegerLiteral guided by the underlying LP constraints.
210   //
211   // This computes the mean of reduced costs over successive calls,
212   // and tries to fix the variable which has the highest reduced cost.
213   // Tie-breaking is done using the variable natural order.
214   std::function<IntegerLiteral()> HeuristicLpReducedCostAverageBranching();
216   // Average number of nonbasic variables with zero reduced costs.
average_degeneracy()217   double average_degeneracy() const {
218     return average_degeneracy_.CurrentAverage();
219   }
total_num_simplex_iterations()221   int64_t total_num_simplex_iterations() const {
222     return total_num_simplex_iterations_;
223   }
225   // Returns some statistics about this LP.
226   std::string Statistics() const;
228   // Important: this is only temporarily valid.
LatestOptimalConstraintOrNull()229   IntegerSumLE* LatestOptimalConstraintOrNull() const {
230     if (optimal_constraints_.empty()) return nullptr;
231     return optimal_constraints_.back().get();
232   }
OptimalConstraints()234   const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IntegerSumLE>>& OptimalConstraints() const {
235     return optimal_constraints_;
236   }
238  private:
239   // Helper methods for branching. Returns true if branching on the given
240   // variable helps with more propagation or finds a conflict.
241   bool BranchOnVar(IntegerVariable var);
242   LPSolveInfo SolveLpForBranching();
244   // Helper method to fill reduced cost / dual ray reason in 'integer_reason'.
245   // Generates a set of IntegerLiterals explaining why the best solution can not
246   // be improved using reduced costs. This is used to generate explanations for
247   // both infeasibility and bounds deductions.
248   void FillReducedCostReasonIn(const glop::DenseRow& reduced_costs,
249                                std::vector<IntegerLiteral>* integer_reason);
251   // Reinitialize the LP from a potentially new set of constraints.
252   // This fills all data structure and properly rescale the underlying LP.
253   //
254   // Returns false if the problem is UNSAT (it can happen when presolve is off
255   // and some LP constraint are trivially false).
256   bool CreateLpFromConstraintManager();
258   // Solve the LP, returns false if something went wrong in the LP solver.
259   bool SolveLp();
261   // Add a "MIR" cut obtained by first taking the linear combination of the
262   // row of the matrix according to "integer_multipliers" and then trying
263   // some integer rounding heuristic.
264   //
265   // Return true if a new cut was added to the cut manager.
266   bool AddCutFromConstraints(
267       const std::string& name,
268       const std::vector<std::pair<glop::RowIndex, IntegerValue>>&
269           integer_multipliers);
271   // Second half of AddCutFromConstraints().
272   bool PostprocessAndAddCut(
273       const std::string& name, const std::string& info,
274       IntegerVariable first_new_var, IntegerVariable first_slack,
275       const std::vector<ImpliedBoundsProcessor::SlackInfo>& ib_slack_infos,
276       LinearConstraint* cut);
278   // Computes and adds the corresponding type of cuts.
279   // This can currently only be called at the root node.
280   void AddObjectiveCut();
281   void AddCGCuts();
282   void AddMirCuts();
283   void AddZeroHalfCuts();
285   // Updates the bounds of the LP variables from the CP bounds.
286   void UpdateBoundsOfLpVariables();
288   // Use the dual optimal lp values to compute an EXACT lower bound on the
289   // objective. Fills its reason and perform reduced cost strenghtening.
290   // Returns false in case of conflict.
291   bool ExactLpReasonning();
293   // Same as FillDualRayReason() but perform the computation EXACTLY. Returns
294   // false in the case that the problem is not provably infeasible with exact
295   // computations, true otherwise.
296   bool FillExactDualRayReason();
298   // Returns number of non basic variables with zero reduced costs.
299   int64_t CalculateDegeneracy();
301   // From a set of row multipliers (at LP scale), scale them back to the CP
302   // world and then make them integer (eventually multiplying them by a new
303   // scaling factor returned in *scaling).
304   //
305   // Note that this will loose some precision, but our subsequent computation
306   // will still be exact as it will work for any set of multiplier.
307   std::vector<std::pair<glop::RowIndex, IntegerValue>> ScaleLpMultiplier(
308       bool take_objective_into_account,
309       const std::vector<std::pair<glop::RowIndex, double>>& lp_multipliers,
310       glop::Fractional* scaling, int max_pow = 62) const;
312   // Computes from an integer linear combination of the integer rows of the LP a
313   // new constraint of the form "sum terms <= upper_bound". All computation are
314   // exact here.
315   //
316   // Returns false if we encountered any integer overflow.
317   bool ComputeNewLinearConstraint(
318       const std::vector<std::pair<glop::RowIndex, IntegerValue>>&
319           integer_multipliers,
320       ScatteredIntegerVector* scattered_vector,
321       IntegerValue* upper_bound) const;
323   // Simple heuristic to try to minimize |upper_bound - ImpliedLB(terms)|. This
324   // should make the new constraint tighter and correct a bit the imprecision
325   // introduced by rounding the floating points values.
326   void AdjustNewLinearConstraint(
327       std::vector<std::pair<glop::RowIndex, IntegerValue>>* integer_multipliers,
328       ScatteredIntegerVector* scattered_vector,
329       IntegerValue* upper_bound) const;
331   // Shortcut for an integer linear expression type.
332   using LinearExpression = std::vector<std::pair<glop::ColIndex, IntegerValue>>;
334   // Converts a dense representation of a linear constraint to a sparse one
335   // expressed in terms of IntegerVariable.
336   void ConvertToLinearConstraint(
337       const absl::StrongVector<glop::ColIndex, IntegerValue>& dense_vector,
338       IntegerValue upper_bound, LinearConstraint* result);
340   // Compute the implied lower bound of the given linear expression using the
341   // current variable bound. Return kMinIntegerValue in case of overflow.
342   IntegerValue GetImpliedLowerBound(const LinearConstraint& terms) const;
344   // Tests for possible overflow in the propagation of the given linear
345   // constraint.
346   bool PossibleOverflow(const LinearConstraint& constraint);
348   // Reduce the coefficient of the constraint so that we cannot have overflow
349   // in the propagation of the given linear constraint. Note that we may loose
350   // some strength by doing so.
351   //
352   // We make sure that any partial sum involving any variable value in their
353   // domain do not exceed 2 ^ max_pow.
354   void PreventOverflow(LinearConstraint* constraint, int max_pow = 62);
356   // Fills integer_reason_ with the reason for the implied lower bound of the
357   // given linear expression. We relax the reason if we have some slack.
358   void SetImpliedLowerBoundReason(const LinearConstraint& terms,
359                                   IntegerValue slack);
361   // Fills the deductions vector with reduced cost deductions that can be made
362   // from the current state of the LP solver. The given delta should be the
363   // difference between the cp objective upper bound and lower bound given by
364   // the lp.
365   void ReducedCostStrengtheningDeductions(double cp_objective_delta);
367   // Returns the variable value on the same scale as the CP variable value.
368   glop::Fractional GetVariableValueAtCpScale(glop::ColIndex var);
370   // Gets or creates an LP variable that mirrors a CP variable.
371   // The variable should be a positive reference.
372   glop::ColIndex GetOrCreateMirrorVariable(IntegerVariable positive_variable);
374   // This must be called on an OPTIMAL LP and will update the data for
375   // LPReducedCostAverageDecision().
376   void UpdateAverageReducedCosts();
378   // Callback underlying LPReducedCostAverageBranching().
379   IntegerLiteral LPReducedCostAverageDecision();
381   // Updates the simplex iteration limit for the next visit.
382   // As per current algorithm, we use a limit which is dependent on size of the
383   // problem and drop it significantly if degeneracy is detected. We use
384   // DUAL_FEASIBLE status as a signal to correct the prediction. The next limit
385   // is capped by 'min_iter' and 'max_iter'. Note that this is enabled only for
386   // linearization level 2 and above.
387   void UpdateSimplexIterationLimit(const int64_t min_iter,
388                                    const int64_t max_iter);
390   // This epsilon is related to the precision of the value/reduced_cost returned
391   // by the LP once they have been scaled back into the CP domain. So for large
392   // domain or cost coefficient, we may have some issues.
393   static constexpr double kCpEpsilon = 1e-4;
395   // Same but at the LP scale.
396   static constexpr double kLpEpsilon = 1e-6;
398   // Anything coming from the LP with a magnitude below that will be assumed to
399   // be zero.
400   static constexpr double kZeroTolerance = 1e-12;
402   // Class responsible for managing all possible constraints that may be part
403   // of the LP.
404   LinearConstraintManager constraint_manager_;
406   // Initial problem in integer form.
407   // We always sort the inner vectors by increasing glop::ColIndex.
408   struct LinearConstraintInternal {
409     IntegerValue lb;
410     IntegerValue ub;
411     LinearExpression terms;
412   };
413   LinearExpression integer_objective_;
414   IntegerValue integer_objective_offset_ = IntegerValue(0);
415   IntegerValue objective_infinity_norm_ = IntegerValue(0);
416   absl::StrongVector<glop::RowIndex, LinearConstraintInternal> integer_lp_;
417   absl::StrongVector<glop::RowIndex, IntegerValue> infinity_norms_;
419   // Underlying LP solver API.
420   glop::LinearProgram lp_data_;
421   glop::RevisedSimplex simplex_;
422   int64_t next_simplex_iter_ = 500;
424   // For the scaling.
425   glop::LpScalingHelper scaler_;
427   // Temporary data for cuts.
428   ZeroHalfCutHelper zero_half_cut_helper_;
429   CoverCutHelper cover_cut_helper_;
430   IntegerRoundingCutHelper integer_rounding_cut_helper_;
431   LinearConstraint cut_;
433   ScatteredIntegerVector tmp_scattered_vector_;
435   std::vector<double> tmp_lp_values_;
436   std::vector<IntegerValue> tmp_var_lbs_;
437   std::vector<IntegerValue> tmp_var_ubs_;
438   std::vector<glop::RowIndex> tmp_slack_rows_;
439   std::vector<IntegerValue> tmp_slack_bounds_;
441   // Used by ScaleLpMultiplier().
442   mutable std::vector<std::pair<glop::RowIndex, double>> tmp_cp_multipliers_;
444   // Structures used for mirroring IntegerVariables inside the underlying LP
445   // solver: an integer variable var is mirrored by mirror_lp_variable_[var].
446   // Note that these indices are dense in [0, mirror_lp_variable_.size()] so
447   // they can be used as vector indices.
448   //
449   // TODO(user): This should be absl::StrongVector<glop::ColIndex,
450   // IntegerVariable>.
451   std::vector<IntegerVariable> integer_variables_;
452   absl::flat_hash_map<IntegerVariable, glop::ColIndex> mirror_lp_variable_;
454   // We need to remember what to optimize if an objective is given, because
455   // then we will switch the objective between feasibility and optimization.
456   bool objective_is_defined_ = false;
457   IntegerVariable objective_cp_;
459   // Singletons from Model.
460   const SatParameters& parameters_;
461   Model* model_;
462   TimeLimit* time_limit_;
463   IntegerTrail* integer_trail_;
464   Trail* trail_;
465   IntegerEncoder* integer_encoder_;
466   ModelRandomGenerator* random_;
468   // Used while deriving cuts.
469   ImpliedBoundsProcessor implied_bounds_processor_;
471   // The dispatcher for all LP propagators of the model, allows to find which
472   // LinearProgrammingConstraint has a given IntegerVariable.
473   LinearProgrammingDispatcher* dispatcher_;
475   std::vector<IntegerLiteral> integer_reason_;
476   std::vector<IntegerLiteral> deductions_;
477   std::vector<IntegerLiteral> deductions_reason_;
479   // Repository of IntegerSumLE that needs to be kept around for the lazy
480   // reasons. Those are new integer constraint that are created each time we
481   // solve the LP to a dual-feasible solution. Propagating these constraints
482   // both improve the objective lower bound but also perform reduced cost
483   // fixing.
484   int rev_optimal_constraints_size_ = 0;
485   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IntegerSumLE>> optimal_constraints_;
487   // Last OPTIMAL solution found by a call to the underlying LP solver.
488   // On IncrementalPropagate(), if the bound updates do not invalidate this
489   // solution, Propagate() will not find domain reductions, no need to call it.
490   int lp_solution_level_ = 0;
491   bool lp_solution_is_set_ = false;
492   bool lp_solution_is_integer_ = false;
493   double lp_objective_;
494   std::vector<double> lp_solution_;
495   std::vector<double> lp_reduced_cost_;
497   // If non-empty, this is the last known optimal lp solution at root-node. If
498   // the variable bounds changed, or cuts where added, it is possible that this
499   // solution is no longer optimal though.
500   std::vector<double> level_zero_lp_solution_;
502   // True if the last time we solved the exact same LP at level zero, no cuts
503   // and no lazy constraints where added.
504   bool lp_at_level_zero_is_final_ = false;
506   // Same as lp_solution_ but this vector is indexed differently.
507   LinearProgrammingConstraintLpSolution& expanded_lp_solution_;
509   // Linear constraints cannot be created or modified after this is registered.
510   bool lp_constraint_is_registered_ = false;
512   std::vector<CutGenerator> cut_generators_;
514   // Store some statistics for HeuristicLPReducedCostAverage().
515   bool compute_reduced_cost_averages_ = false;
516   int num_calls_since_reduced_cost_averages_reset_ = 0;
517   std::vector<double> sum_cost_up_;
518   std::vector<double> sum_cost_down_;
519   std::vector<int> num_cost_up_;
520   std::vector<int> num_cost_down_;
521   std::vector<double> rc_scores_;
523   // All the entries before rev_rc_start_ in the sorted positions correspond
524   // to fixed variables and can be ignored.
525   int rev_rc_start_ = 0;
526   RevRepository<int> rc_rev_int_repository_;
527   std::vector<std::pair<double, int>> positions_by_decreasing_rc_score_;
529   // Defined as average number of nonbasic variables with zero reduced costs.
530   IncrementalAverage average_degeneracy_;
531   bool is_degenerate_ = false;
533   // Used by the strong branching heuristic.
534   int branching_frequency_ = 1;
535   int64_t count_since_last_branching_ = 0;
537   // Sum of all simplex iterations performed by this class. This is useful to
538   // test the incrementality and compare to other solvers.
539   int64_t total_num_simplex_iterations_ = 0;
541   // Some stats on the LP statuses encountered.
542   int64_t num_solves_ = 0;
543   std::vector<int64_t> num_solves_by_status_;
544 };
546 // A class that stores which LP propagator is associated to each variable.
547 // We need to give the hash_map a name so it can be used as a singleton in our
548 // model.
549 //
550 // Important: only positive variable do appear here.
551 class LinearProgrammingDispatcher
552     : public absl::flat_hash_map<IntegerVariable,
553                                  LinearProgrammingConstraint*> {
554  public:
LinearProgrammingDispatcher(Model * model)555   explicit LinearProgrammingDispatcher(Model* model) {}
556 };
558 // A class that stores the collection of all LP constraints in a model.
559 class LinearProgrammingConstraintCollection
560     : public std::vector<LinearProgrammingConstraint*> {
561  public:
LinearProgrammingConstraintCollection()562   LinearProgrammingConstraintCollection() {}
563 };
565 // Cut generator for the circuit constraint, where in any feasible solution, the
566 // arcs that are present (variable at 1) must form a circuit through all the
567 // nodes of the graph. Self arc are forbidden in this case.
568 //
569 // In more generality, this currently enforce the resulting graph to be strongly
570 // connected. Note that we already assume basic constraint to be in the lp, so
571 // we do not add any cuts for components of size 1.
572 CutGenerator CreateStronglyConnectedGraphCutGenerator(
573     int num_nodes, const std::vector<int>& tails, const std::vector<int>& heads,
574     const std::vector<Literal>& literals, Model* model);
576 // Almost the same as CreateStronglyConnectedGraphCutGenerator() but for each
577 // components, computes the demand needed to serves it, and depending on whether
578 // it contains the depot (node zero) or not, compute the minimum number of
579 // vehicle that needs to cross the component border.
580 CutGenerator CreateCVRPCutGenerator(int num_nodes,
581                                     const std::vector<int>& tails,
582                                     const std::vector<int>& heads,
583                                     const std::vector<Literal>& literals,
584                                     const std::vector<int64_t>& demands,
585                                     int64_t capacity, Model* model);
586 }  // namespace sat
587 }  // namespace operations_research