1 /**
2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4  * distributed with this work for additional information
5  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  */
18 package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf;
21 import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.RegionSpecifier.RegionSpecifierType.REGION_NAME;
23 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
24 import java.io.IOException;
25 import java.io.InputStream;
26 import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
27 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
28 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
29 import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
30 import java.lang.reflect.Type;
31 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
32 import java.util.ArrayList;
33 import java.util.Collection;
34 import java.util.HashMap;
35 import java.util.List;
36 import java.util.Map;
37 import java.util.Map.Entry;
38 import java.util.NavigableSet;
39 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
41 import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
42 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
43 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
44 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellScanner;
45 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil;
46 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException;
47 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
48 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
49 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo;
50 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor;
51 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
52 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NamespaceDescriptor;
53 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
54 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
55 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Tag;
56 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience;
57 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Append;
58 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Consistency;
59 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete;
60 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Durability;
61 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
62 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Increment;
63 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation;
64 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
65 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
66 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
67 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.metrics.ScanMetrics;
68 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.security.SecurityCapability;
69 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.DeserializationException;
70 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.ByteArrayComparable;
71 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter;
72 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.LimitInputStream;
73 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.TimeRange;
74 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos;
75 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.AccessControlService;
76 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.AdminService;
77 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.CloseRegionRequest;
78 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.CloseRegionResponse;
79 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetOnlineRegionRequest;
80 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetOnlineRegionResponse;
81 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetRegionInfoRequest;
82 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetRegionInfoResponse;
83 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetServerInfoRequest;
84 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetServerInfoResponse;
85 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetStoreFileRequest;
86 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetStoreFileResponse;
87 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.MergeRegionsRequest;
88 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.OpenRegionRequest;
89 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.ServerInfo;
90 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.SplitRegionRequest;
91 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.WarmupRegionRequest;
92 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AuthenticationProtos;
93 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.CellProtos;
94 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos;
95 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.BulkLoadHFileRequest;
96 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.BulkLoadHFileResponse;
97 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.ClientService;
98 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.Column;
99 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.CoprocessorServiceCall;
100 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.CoprocessorServiceRequest;
101 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.CoprocessorServiceResponse;
102 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.GetRequest;
103 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.GetResponse;
104 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.MutationProto;
105 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.MutationProto.ColumnValue;
106 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.MutationProto.ColumnValue.QualifierValue;
107 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.MutationProto.DeleteType;
108 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.MutationProto.MutationType;
109 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.ScanRequest;
110 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClusterStatusProtos;
111 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClusterStatusProtos.RegionLoad;
112 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ComparatorProtos;
113 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.FilterProtos;
114 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos;
115 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.NameBytesPair;
116 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.RegionInfo;
117 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.RegionSpecifier;
118 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.RegionSpecifier.RegionSpecifierType;
119 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MapReduceProtos;
120 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MasterProtos;
121 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MasterProtos.CreateTableRequest;
122 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MasterProtos.GetTableDescriptorsResponse;
123 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MasterProtos.MasterService;
124 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.QuotaProtos;
125 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.RegionServerStatusProtos.RegionServerReportRequest;
126 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.RegionServerStatusProtos.RegionServerStartupRequest;
127 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.WALProtos;
128 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.CompactionDescriptor;
129 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.FlushDescriptor;
130 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.FlushDescriptor.FlushAction;
131 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.RegionEventDescriptor;
132 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.RegionEventDescriptor.EventType;
133 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.BulkLoadDescriptor;
134 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.StoreDescriptor;
135 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas.QuotaScope;
136 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas.QuotaType;
137 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas.ThrottleType;
138 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.ReplicationLoadSink;
139 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.ReplicationLoadSource;
140 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access.Permission;
141 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access.TablePermission;
142 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access.UserPermission;
143 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.token.AuthenticationTokenIdentifier;
144 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.visibility.Authorizations;
145 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.visibility.CellVisibility;
146 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ByteStringer;
147 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
148 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.DynamicClassLoader;
149 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ExceptionUtil;
150 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Methods;
151 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair;
152 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.VersionInfo;
153 import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
154 import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException;
155 import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.Token;
157 import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap;
158 import com.google.common.collect.ListMultimap;
159 import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
160 import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
161 import com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream;
162 import com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException;
163 import com.google.protobuf.Message;
164 import com.google.protobuf.Parser;
165 import com.google.protobuf.RpcChannel;
166 import com.google.protobuf.RpcController;
167 import com.google.protobuf.Service;
168 import com.google.protobuf.ServiceException;
169 import com.google.protobuf.TextFormat;
171 /**
172  * Protobufs utility.
173  */
174 @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value="DP_CREATE_CLASSLOADER_INSIDE_DO_PRIVILEGED",
175   justification="None. Address sometime.")
176 @InterfaceAudience.Private // TODO: some clients (Hive, etc) use this class
177 public final class ProtobufUtil {
ProtobufUtil()179   private ProtobufUtil() {
180   }
182   /**
183    * Primitive type to class mapping.
184    */
185   private final static Map<String, Class<?>>
186     PRIMITIVES = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>();
189   /**
190    * Many results are simple: no cell, exists true or false. To save on object creations,
191    *  we reuse them across calls.
192    */
193   private final static Cell[] EMPTY_CELL_ARRAY = new Cell[]{};
194   private final static Result EMPTY_RESULT = Result.create(EMPTY_CELL_ARRAY);
195   private final static Result EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_TRUE = Result.create(null, true);
196   private final static Result EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_FALSE = Result.create(null, false);
197   private final static Result EMPTY_RESULT_STALE = Result.create(EMPTY_CELL_ARRAY, null, true);
198   private final static Result EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_TRUE_STALE
199     = Result.create((Cell[])null, true, true);
200   private final static Result EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_FALSE_STALE
201     = Result.create((Cell[])null, false, true);
203   private final static ClientProtos.Result EMPTY_RESULT_PB;
204   private final static ClientProtos.Result EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_TRUE;
205   private final static ClientProtos.Result EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_FALSE;
206   private final static ClientProtos.Result EMPTY_RESULT_PB_STALE;
207   private final static ClientProtos.Result EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_TRUE_STALE;
208   private final static ClientProtos.Result EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_FALSE_STALE;
211   static {
212     ClientProtos.Result.Builder builder = ClientProtos.Result.newBuilder();
214     builder.setExists(true);
215     builder.setAssociatedCellCount(0);
216     EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_TRUE =  builder.build();
218     builder.setStale(true);
219     EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_TRUE_STALE = builder.build();
builder.clear()220     builder.clear();
222     builder.setExists(false);
223     builder.setAssociatedCellCount(0);
224     EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_FALSE =  builder.build();
225     builder.setStale(true);
226     EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_FALSE_STALE = builder.build();
builder.clear()228     builder.clear();
229     builder.setAssociatedCellCount(0);
230     EMPTY_RESULT_PB =  builder.build();
231     builder.setStale(true);
232     EMPTY_RESULT_PB_STALE = builder.build();
233   }
235   /**
236    * Dynamic class loader to load filter/comparators
237    */
238   private final static ClassLoader CLASS_LOADER;
240   static {
241     ClassLoader parent = ProtobufUtil.class.getClassLoader();
242     Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
243     CLASS_LOADER = new DynamicClassLoader(conf, parent);
Boolean.TYPE.getName()245     PRIMITIVES.put(Boolean.TYPE.getName(), Boolean.TYPE);
Byte.TYPE.getName()246     PRIMITIVES.put(Byte.TYPE.getName(), Byte.TYPE);
Character.TYPE.getName()247     PRIMITIVES.put(Character.TYPE.getName(), Character.TYPE);
Short.TYPE.getName()248     PRIMITIVES.put(Short.TYPE.getName(), Short.TYPE);
Integer.TYPE.getName()249     PRIMITIVES.put(Integer.TYPE.getName(), Integer.TYPE);
Long.TYPE.getName()250     PRIMITIVES.put(Long.TYPE.getName(), Long.TYPE);
Float.TYPE.getName()251     PRIMITIVES.put(Float.TYPE.getName(), Float.TYPE);
Double.TYPE.getName()252     PRIMITIVES.put(Double.TYPE.getName(), Double.TYPE);
Void.TYPE.getName()253     PRIMITIVES.put(Void.TYPE.getName(), Void.TYPE);
254   }
256   /**
257    * Magic we put ahead of a serialized protobuf message.
258    * For example, all znode content is protobuf messages with the below magic
259    * for preamble.
260    */
261   public static final byte [] PB_MAGIC = new byte [] {'P', 'B', 'U', 'F'};
262   private static final String PB_MAGIC_STR = Bytes.toString(PB_MAGIC);
264   /**
265    * Prepend the passed bytes with four bytes of magic, {@link #PB_MAGIC}, to flag what
266    * follows as a protobuf in hbase.  Prepend these bytes to all content written to znodes, etc.
267    * @param bytes Bytes to decorate
268    * @return The passed <code>bytes</code> with magic prepended (Creates a new
269    * byte array that is <code>bytes.length</code> plus {@link #PB_MAGIC}.length.
270    */
prependPBMagic(final byte [] bytes)271   public static byte [] prependPBMagic(final byte [] bytes) {
272     return Bytes.add(PB_MAGIC, bytes);
273   }
275   /**
276    * @param bytes Bytes to check.
277    * @return True if passed <code>bytes</code> has {@link #PB_MAGIC} for a prefix.
278    */
isPBMagicPrefix(final byte [] bytes)279   public static boolean isPBMagicPrefix(final byte [] bytes) {
280     if (bytes == null) return false;
281     return isPBMagicPrefix(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
282   }
284   /**
285    * @param bytes Bytes to check.
286    * @param offset offset to start at
287    * @param len length to use
288    * @return True if passed <code>bytes</code> has {@link #PB_MAGIC} for a prefix.
289    */
isPBMagicPrefix(final byte [] bytes, int offset, int len)290   public static boolean isPBMagicPrefix(final byte [] bytes, int offset, int len) {
291     if (bytes == null || len < PB_MAGIC.length) return false;
292     return Bytes.compareTo(PB_MAGIC, 0, PB_MAGIC.length, bytes, offset, PB_MAGIC.length) == 0;
293   }
295   /**
296    * @param bytes bytes to check
297    * @throws DeserializationException if we are missing the pb magic prefix
298    */
expectPBMagicPrefix(final byte [] bytes)299   public static void expectPBMagicPrefix(final byte [] bytes) throws DeserializationException {
300     if (!isPBMagicPrefix(bytes)) {
301       throw new DeserializationException("Missing pb magic " + PB_MAGIC_STR + " prefix");
302     }
303   }
305   /**
306    * @return Length of {@link #PB_MAGIC}
307    */
lengthOfPBMagic()308   public static int lengthOfPBMagic() {
309     return PB_MAGIC.length;
310   }
312   /**
313    * Return the IOException thrown by the remote server wrapped in
314    * ServiceException as cause.
315    *
316    * @param se ServiceException that wraps IO exception thrown by the server
317    * @return Exception wrapped in ServiceException or
318    *   a new IOException that wraps the unexpected ServiceException.
319    */
getRemoteException(ServiceException se)320   public static IOException getRemoteException(ServiceException se) {
321     Throwable e = se.getCause();
322     if (e == null) {
323       return new IOException(se);
324     }
325     if (ExceptionUtil.isInterrupt(e)) {
326       return ExceptionUtil.asInterrupt(e);
327     }
328     if (e instanceof RemoteException) {
329       e = ((RemoteException) e).unwrapRemoteException();
330     }
331     return e instanceof IOException ? (IOException) e : new IOException(se);
332   }
334   /**
335    * Convert a ServerName to a protocol buffer ServerName
336    *
337    * @param serverName the ServerName to convert
338    * @return the converted protocol buffer ServerName
339    * @see #toServerName(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.ServerName)
340    */
341   public static HBaseProtos.ServerName
toServerName(final ServerName serverName)342       toServerName(final ServerName serverName) {
343     if (serverName == null) return null;
344     HBaseProtos.ServerName.Builder builder =
345       HBaseProtos.ServerName.newBuilder();
346     builder.setHostName(serverName.getHostname());
347     if (serverName.getPort() >= 0) {
348       builder.setPort(serverName.getPort());
349     }
350     if (serverName.getStartcode() >= 0) {
351       builder.setStartCode(serverName.getStartcode());
352     }
353     return builder.build();
354   }
356   /**
357    * Convert a protocol buffer ServerName to a ServerName
358    *
359    * @param proto the protocol buffer ServerName to convert
360    * @return the converted ServerName
361    */
toServerName(final HBaseProtos.ServerName proto)362   public static ServerName toServerName(final HBaseProtos.ServerName proto) {
363     if (proto == null) return null;
364     String hostName = proto.getHostName();
365     long startCode = -1;
366     int port = -1;
367     if (proto.hasPort()) {
368       port = proto.getPort();
369     }
370     if (proto.hasStartCode()) {
371       startCode = proto.getStartCode();
372     }
373     return ServerName.valueOf(hostName, port, startCode);
374   }
376   /**
377    * Get HTableDescriptor[] from GetTableDescriptorsResponse protobuf
378    *
379    * @param proto the GetTableDescriptorsResponse
380    * @return HTableDescriptor[]
381    */
getHTableDescriptorArray(GetTableDescriptorsResponse proto)382   public static HTableDescriptor[] getHTableDescriptorArray(GetTableDescriptorsResponse proto) {
383     if (proto == null) return null;
385     HTableDescriptor[] ret = new HTableDescriptor[proto.getTableSchemaCount()];
386     for (int i = 0; i < proto.getTableSchemaCount(); ++i) {
387       ret[i] = HTableDescriptor.convert(proto.getTableSchema(i));
388     }
389     return ret;
390   }
392   /**
393    * get the split keys in form "byte [][]" from a CreateTableRequest proto
394    *
395    * @param proto the CreateTableRequest
396    * @return the split keys
397    */
getSplitKeysArray(final CreateTableRequest proto)398   public static byte [][] getSplitKeysArray(final CreateTableRequest proto) {
399     byte [][] splitKeys = new byte[proto.getSplitKeysCount()][];
400     for (int i = 0; i < proto.getSplitKeysCount(); ++i) {
401       splitKeys[i] = proto.getSplitKeys(i).toByteArray();
402     }
403     return splitKeys;
404   }
406   /**
407    * Convert a protobuf Durability into a client Durability
408    */
toDurability( final ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability proto)409   public static Durability toDurability(
410       final ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability proto) {
411     switch(proto) {
412     case USE_DEFAULT:
413       return Durability.USE_DEFAULT;
414     case SKIP_WAL:
415       return Durability.SKIP_WAL;
416     case ASYNC_WAL:
417       return Durability.ASYNC_WAL;
418     case SYNC_WAL:
419       return Durability.SYNC_WAL;
420     case FSYNC_WAL:
421       return Durability.FSYNC_WAL;
422     default:
423       return Durability.USE_DEFAULT;
424     }
425   }
427   /**
428    * Convert a client Durability into a protbuf Durability
429    */
toDurability( final Durability d)430   public static ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability toDurability(
431       final Durability d) {
432     switch(d) {
433     case USE_DEFAULT:
434       return ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability.USE_DEFAULT;
435     case SKIP_WAL:
436       return ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability.SKIP_WAL;
437     case ASYNC_WAL:
438       return ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability.ASYNC_WAL;
439     case SYNC_WAL:
440       return ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability.SYNC_WAL;
441     case FSYNC_WAL:
442       return ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability.FSYNC_WAL;
443     default:
444       return ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability.USE_DEFAULT;
445     }
446   }
448   /**
449    * Convert a protocol buffer Get to a client Get
450    *
451    * @param proto the protocol buffer Get to convert
452    * @return the converted client Get
453    * @throws IOException
454    */
toGet( final ClientProtos.Get proto)455   public static Get toGet(
456       final ClientProtos.Get proto) throws IOException {
457     if (proto == null) return null;
458     byte[] row = proto.getRow().toByteArray();
459     Get get = new Get(row);
460     if (proto.hasCacheBlocks()) {
461       get.setCacheBlocks(proto.getCacheBlocks());
462     }
463     if (proto.hasMaxVersions()) {
464       get.setMaxVersions(proto.getMaxVersions());
465     }
466     if (proto.hasStoreLimit()) {
467       get.setMaxResultsPerColumnFamily(proto.getStoreLimit());
468     }
469     if (proto.hasStoreOffset()) {
470       get.setRowOffsetPerColumnFamily(proto.getStoreOffset());
471     }
472     if (proto.getCfTimeRangeCount() > 0) {
473       for (HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilyTimeRange cftr : proto.getCfTimeRangeList()) {
474         TimeRange timeRange = protoToTimeRange(cftr.getTimeRange());
475         get.setColumnFamilyTimeRange(cftr.getColumnFamily().toByteArray(),
476             timeRange.getMin(), timeRange.getMax());
477       }
478     }
479     if (proto.hasTimeRange()) {
480       TimeRange timeRange = protoToTimeRange(proto.getTimeRange());
481       get.setTimeRange(timeRange.getMin(), timeRange.getMax());
482     }
483     if (proto.hasFilter()) {
484       FilterProtos.Filter filter = proto.getFilter();
485       get.setFilter(ProtobufUtil.toFilter(filter));
486     }
487     for (NameBytesPair attribute: proto.getAttributeList()) {
488       get.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray());
489     }
490     if (proto.getColumnCount() > 0) {
491       for (Column column: proto.getColumnList()) {
492         byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray();
493         if (column.getQualifierCount() > 0) {
494           for (ByteString qualifier: column.getQualifierList()) {
495             get.addColumn(family, qualifier.toByteArray());
496           }
497         } else {
498           get.addFamily(family);
499         }
500       }
501     }
502     if (proto.hasExistenceOnly() && proto.getExistenceOnly()){
503       get.setCheckExistenceOnly(true);
504     }
505     if (proto.hasClosestRowBefore() && proto.getClosestRowBefore()){
506       get.setClosestRowBefore(true);
507     }
508     if (proto.hasConsistency()) {
509       get.setConsistency(toConsistency(proto.getConsistency()));
510     }
511     return get;
512   }
toConsistency(ClientProtos.Consistency consistency)514   public static Consistency toConsistency(ClientProtos.Consistency consistency) {
515     switch (consistency) {
516       case STRONG : return Consistency.STRONG;
517       case TIMELINE : return Consistency.TIMELINE;
518       default : return Consistency.STRONG;
519     }
520   }
toConsistency(Consistency consistency)522   public static ClientProtos.Consistency toConsistency(Consistency consistency) {
523     switch (consistency) {
524       case STRONG : return ClientProtos.Consistency.STRONG;
525       case TIMELINE : return ClientProtos.Consistency.TIMELINE;
526       default : return ClientProtos.Consistency.STRONG;
527     }
528   }
530   /**
531    * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to a Put.
532    *
533    * @param proto The protocol buffer MutationProto to convert
534    * @return A client Put.
535    * @throws IOException
536    */
toPut(final MutationProto proto)537   public static Put toPut(final MutationProto proto)
538   throws IOException {
539     return toPut(proto, null);
540   }
542   /**
543    * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to a Put.
544    *
545    * @param proto The protocol buffer MutationProto to convert
546    * @param cellScanner If non-null, the Cell data that goes with this proto.
547    * @return A client Put.
548    * @throws IOException
549    */
toPut(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner)550   public static Put toPut(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner)
551   throws IOException {
552     // TODO: Server-side at least why do we convert back to the Client types?  Why not just pb it?
553     MutationType type = proto.getMutateType();
554     assert type == MutationType.PUT: type.name();
555     long timestamp = proto.hasTimestamp()? proto.getTimestamp(): HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP;
556     Put put = proto.hasRow() ? new Put(proto.getRow().toByteArray(), timestamp) : null;
557     int cellCount = proto.hasAssociatedCellCount()? proto.getAssociatedCellCount(): 0;
558     if (cellCount > 0) {
559       // The proto has metadata only and the data is separate to be found in the cellScanner.
560       if (cellScanner == null) {
561         throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but no cellScanner: " +
562             toShortString(proto));
563       }
564       for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
565         if (!cellScanner.advance()) {
566           throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but at index " + i +
567             " no cell returned: " + toShortString(proto));
568         }
569         Cell cell = cellScanner.current();
570         if (put == null) {
571           put = new Put(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength(), timestamp);
572         }
573         put.add(cell);
574       }
575     } else {
576       if (put == null) {
577         throw new IllegalArgumentException("row cannot be null");
578       }
579       // The proto has the metadata and the data itself
580       for (ColumnValue column: proto.getColumnValueList()) {
581         byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray();
582         for (QualifierValue qv: column.getQualifierValueList()) {
583           if (!qv.hasValue()) {
584             throw new DoNotRetryIOException(
585                 "Missing required field: qualifier value");
586           }
587           ByteBuffer qualifier =
588               qv.hasQualifier() ? qv.getQualifier().asReadOnlyByteBuffer() : null;
589           ByteBuffer value =
590               qv.hasValue() ? qv.getValue().asReadOnlyByteBuffer() : null;
591           long ts = timestamp;
592           if (qv.hasTimestamp()) {
593             ts = qv.getTimestamp();
594           }
595           byte[] tags;
596           if (qv.hasTags()) {
597             tags = qv.getTags().toByteArray();
598             Object[] array = Tag.asList(tags, 0, (short)tags.length).toArray();
599             Tag[] tagArray = new Tag[array.length];
600             for(int i = 0; i< array.length; i++) {
601               tagArray[i] = (Tag)array[i];
602             }
603             if(qv.hasDeleteType()) {
604               byte[] qual = qv.hasQualifier() ? qv.getQualifier().toByteArray() : null;
605               put.add(new KeyValue(proto.getRow().toByteArray(), family, qual, ts,
606                   fromDeleteType(qv.getDeleteType()), null, tags));
607             } else {
608               put.addImmutable(family, qualifier, ts, value, tagArray);
609             }
610           } else {
611             if(qv.hasDeleteType()) {
612               byte[] qual = qv.hasQualifier() ? qv.getQualifier().toByteArray() : null;
613               put.add(new KeyValue(proto.getRow().toByteArray(), family, qual, ts,
614                   fromDeleteType(qv.getDeleteType())));
615             } else{
616               put.addImmutable(family, qualifier, ts, value);
617             }
618           }
619         }
620       }
621     }
622     put.setDurability(toDurability(proto.getDurability()));
623     for (NameBytesPair attribute: proto.getAttributeList()) {
624       put.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray());
625     }
626     return put;
627   }
629   /**
630    * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to a Delete
631    *
632    * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert
633    * @return the converted client Delete
634    * @throws IOException
635    */
toDelete(final MutationProto proto)636   public static Delete toDelete(final MutationProto proto)
637   throws IOException {
638     return toDelete(proto, null);
639   }
641   /**
642    * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to a Delete
643    *
644    * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert
645    * @param cellScanner if non-null, the data that goes with this delete.
646    * @return the converted client Delete
647    * @throws IOException
648    */
toDelete(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner)649   public static Delete toDelete(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner)
650   throws IOException {
651     MutationType type = proto.getMutateType();
652     assert type == MutationType.DELETE : type.name();
653     long timestamp = proto.hasTimestamp() ? proto.getTimestamp() : HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP;
654     Delete delete = proto.hasRow() ? new Delete(proto.getRow().toByteArray(), timestamp) : null;
655     int cellCount = proto.hasAssociatedCellCount()? proto.getAssociatedCellCount(): 0;
656     if (cellCount > 0) {
657       // The proto has metadata only and the data is separate to be found in the cellScanner.
658       if (cellScanner == null) {
659         // TextFormat should be fine for a Delete since it carries no data, just coordinates.
660         throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but no cellScanner: " +
661           TextFormat.shortDebugString(proto));
662       }
663       for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
664         if (!cellScanner.advance()) {
665           // TextFormat should be fine for a Delete since it carries no data, just coordinates.
666           throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but at index " + i +
667             " no cell returned: " + TextFormat.shortDebugString(proto));
668         }
669         Cell cell = cellScanner.current();
670         if (delete == null) {
671           delete =
672             new Delete(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength(), timestamp);
673         }
674         delete.addDeleteMarker(cell);
675       }
676     } else {
677       if (delete == null) {
678         throw new IllegalArgumentException("row cannot be null");
679       }
680       for (ColumnValue column: proto.getColumnValueList()) {
681         byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray();
682         for (QualifierValue qv: column.getQualifierValueList()) {
683           DeleteType deleteType = qv.getDeleteType();
684           byte[] qualifier = null;
685           if (qv.hasQualifier()) {
686             qualifier = qv.getQualifier().toByteArray();
687           }
688           long ts = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP;
689           if (qv.hasTimestamp()) {
690             ts = qv.getTimestamp();
691           }
692           if (deleteType == DeleteType.DELETE_ONE_VERSION) {
693             delete.deleteColumn(family, qualifier, ts);
694           } else if (deleteType == DeleteType.DELETE_MULTIPLE_VERSIONS) {
695             delete.deleteColumns(family, qualifier, ts);
696           } else if (deleteType == DeleteType.DELETE_FAMILY_VERSION) {
697             delete.deleteFamilyVersion(family, ts);
698           } else {
699             delete.deleteFamily(family, ts);
700           }
701         }
702       }
703     }
704     delete.setDurability(toDurability(proto.getDurability()));
705     for (NameBytesPair attribute: proto.getAttributeList()) {
706       delete.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray());
707     }
708     return delete;
709   }
711   /**
712    * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to an Append
713    * @param cellScanner
714    * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert
715    * @return the converted client Append
716    * @throws IOException
717    */
toAppend(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner)718   public static Append toAppend(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner)
719   throws IOException {
720     MutationType type = proto.getMutateType();
721     assert type == MutationType.APPEND : type.name();
722     byte [] row = proto.hasRow()? proto.getRow().toByteArray(): null;
723     Append append = null;
724     int cellCount = proto.hasAssociatedCellCount()? proto.getAssociatedCellCount(): 0;
725     if (cellCount > 0) {
726       // The proto has metadata only and the data is separate to be found in the cellScanner.
727       if (cellScanner == null) {
728         throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but no cellScanner: " +
729           toShortString(proto));
730       }
731       for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
732         if (!cellScanner.advance()) {
733           throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but at index " + i +
734             " no cell returned: " + toShortString(proto));
735         }
736         Cell cell = cellScanner.current();
737         if (append == null) {
738           append = new Append(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength());
739         }
740         append.add(cell);
741       }
742     } else {
743       append = new Append(row);
744       for (ColumnValue column: proto.getColumnValueList()) {
745         byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray();
746         for (QualifierValue qv: column.getQualifierValueList()) {
747           byte[] qualifier = qv.getQualifier().toByteArray();
748           if (!qv.hasValue()) {
749             throw new DoNotRetryIOException(
750               "Missing required field: qualifier value");
751           }
752           byte[] value = qv.getValue().toByteArray();
753           byte[] tags = null;
754           if (qv.hasTags()) {
755             tags = qv.getTags().toByteArray();
756           }
757           append.add(CellUtil.createCell(row, family, qualifier, qv.getTimestamp(),
758               KeyValue.Type.Put, value, tags));
759         }
760       }
761     }
762     append.setDurability(toDurability(proto.getDurability()));
763     for (NameBytesPair attribute: proto.getAttributeList()) {
764       append.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray());
765     }
766     return append;
767   }
769   /**
770    * Convert a MutateRequest to Mutation
771    *
772    * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert
773    * @return the converted Mutation
774    * @throws IOException
775    */
toMutation(final MutationProto proto)776   public static Mutation toMutation(final MutationProto proto) throws IOException {
777     MutationType type = proto.getMutateType();
778     if (type == MutationType.APPEND) {
779       return toAppend(proto, null);
780     }
781     if (type == MutationType.DELETE) {
782       return toDelete(proto, null);
783     }
784     if (type == MutationType.PUT) {
785       return toPut(proto, null);
786     }
787     throw new IOException("Unknown mutation type " + type);
788   }
790   /**
791    * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to an Increment
792    *
793    * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert
794    * @return the converted client Increment
795    * @throws IOException
796    */
toIncrement(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner)797   public static Increment toIncrement(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner)
798   throws IOException {
799     MutationType type = proto.getMutateType();
800     assert type == MutationType.INCREMENT : type.name();
801     byte [] row = proto.hasRow()? proto.getRow().toByteArray(): null;
802     Increment increment = null;
803     int cellCount = proto.hasAssociatedCellCount()? proto.getAssociatedCellCount(): 0;
804     if (cellCount > 0) {
805       // The proto has metadata only and the data is separate to be found in the cellScanner.
806       if (cellScanner == null) {
807         throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but no cellScanner: " +
808           TextFormat.shortDebugString(proto));
809       }
810       for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
811         if (!cellScanner.advance()) {
812           throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but at index " + i +
813             " no cell returned: " + TextFormat.shortDebugString(proto));
814         }
815         Cell cell = cellScanner.current();
816         if (increment == null) {
817           increment = new Increment(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength());
818         }
819         increment.add(cell);
820       }
821     } else {
822       increment = new Increment(row);
823       for (ColumnValue column: proto.getColumnValueList()) {
824         byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray();
825         for (QualifierValue qv: column.getQualifierValueList()) {
826           byte[] qualifier = qv.getQualifier().toByteArray();
827           if (!qv.hasValue()) {
828             throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Missing required field: qualifier value");
829           }
830           byte[] value = qv.getValue().toByteArray();
831           byte[] tags = null;
832           if (qv.hasTags()) {
833             tags = qv.getTags().toByteArray();
834           }
835           increment.add(CellUtil.createCell(row, family, qualifier, qv.getTimestamp(),
836               KeyValue.Type.Put, value, tags));
837         }
838       }
839     }
840     if (proto.hasTimeRange()) {
841       TimeRange timeRange = protoToTimeRange(proto.getTimeRange());
842       increment.setTimeRange(timeRange.getMin(), timeRange.getMax());
843     }
844     increment.setDurability(toDurability(proto.getDurability()));
845     for (NameBytesPair attribute : proto.getAttributeList()) {
846       increment.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray());
847     }
848     return increment;
849   }
851   /**
852    * Convert a client Scan to a protocol buffer Scan
853    *
854    * @param scan the client Scan to convert
855    * @return the converted protocol buffer Scan
856    * @throws IOException
857    */
toScan( final Scan scan)858   public static ClientProtos.Scan toScan(
859       final Scan scan) throws IOException {
860     ClientProtos.Scan.Builder scanBuilder =
861       ClientProtos.Scan.newBuilder();
862     scanBuilder.setCacheBlocks(scan.getCacheBlocks());
863     if (scan.getBatch() > 0) {
864       scanBuilder.setBatchSize(scan.getBatch());
865     }
866     if (scan.getMaxResultSize() > 0) {
867       scanBuilder.setMaxResultSize(scan.getMaxResultSize());
868     }
869     if (scan.isSmall()) {
870       scanBuilder.setSmall(scan.isSmall());
871     }
872     if (scan.getAllowPartialResults()) {
873       scanBuilder.setAllowPartialResults(scan.getAllowPartialResults());
874     }
875     Boolean loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand = scan.getLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemandValue();
876     if (loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand != null) {
877       scanBuilder.setLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand(loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand.booleanValue());
878     }
879     scanBuilder.setMaxVersions(scan.getMaxVersions());
880     for (Entry<byte[], TimeRange> cftr : scan.getColumnFamilyTimeRange().entrySet()) {
881       HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilyTimeRange.Builder b = HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilyTimeRange.newBuilder();
882       b.setColumnFamily(ByteString.copyFrom(cftr.getKey()));
883       b.setTimeRange(timeRangeToProto(cftr.getValue()));
884       scanBuilder.addCfTimeRange(b);
885     }
886     TimeRange timeRange = scan.getTimeRange();
887     if (!timeRange.isAllTime()) {
888       HBaseProtos.TimeRange.Builder timeRangeBuilder =
889         HBaseProtos.TimeRange.newBuilder();
890       timeRangeBuilder.setFrom(timeRange.getMin());
891       timeRangeBuilder.setTo(timeRange.getMax());
892       scanBuilder.setTimeRange(timeRangeBuilder.build());
893     }
894     Map<String, byte[]> attributes = scan.getAttributesMap();
895     if (!attributes.isEmpty()) {
896       NameBytesPair.Builder attributeBuilder = NameBytesPair.newBuilder();
897       for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> attribute: attributes.entrySet()) {
898         attributeBuilder.setName(attribute.getKey());
899         attributeBuilder.setValue(ByteStringer.wrap(attribute.getValue()));
900         scanBuilder.addAttribute(attributeBuilder.build());
901       }
902     }
903     byte[] startRow = scan.getStartRow();
904     if (startRow != null && startRow.length > 0) {
905       scanBuilder.setStartRow(ByteStringer.wrap(startRow));
906     }
907     byte[] stopRow = scan.getStopRow();
908     if (stopRow != null && stopRow.length > 0) {
909       scanBuilder.setStopRow(ByteStringer.wrap(stopRow));
910     }
911     if (scan.hasFilter()) {
912       scanBuilder.setFilter(ProtobufUtil.toFilter(scan.getFilter()));
913     }
914     if (scan.hasFamilies()) {
915       Column.Builder columnBuilder = Column.newBuilder();
916       for (Map.Entry<byte[],NavigableSet<byte []>>
917           family: scan.getFamilyMap().entrySet()) {
918         columnBuilder.setFamily(ByteStringer.wrap(family.getKey()));
919         NavigableSet<byte []> qualifiers = family.getValue();
920         columnBuilder.clearQualifier();
921         if (qualifiers != null && qualifiers.size() > 0) {
922           for (byte [] qualifier: qualifiers) {
923             columnBuilder.addQualifier(ByteStringer.wrap(qualifier));
924           }
925         }
926         scanBuilder.addColumn(columnBuilder.build());
927       }
928     }
929     if (scan.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily() >= 0) {
930       scanBuilder.setStoreLimit(scan.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily());
931     }
932     if (scan.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily() > 0) {
933       scanBuilder.setStoreOffset(scan.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily());
934     }
935     if (scan.isReversed()) {
936       scanBuilder.setReversed(scan.isReversed());
937     }
938     if (scan.getConsistency() == Consistency.TIMELINE) {
939       scanBuilder.setConsistency(toConsistency(scan.getConsistency()));
940     }
941     if (scan.getCaching() > 0) {
942       scanBuilder.setCaching(scan.getCaching());
943     }
944     return scanBuilder.build();
945   }
947   /**
948    * Convert a protocol buffer Scan to a client Scan
949    *
950    * @param proto the protocol buffer Scan to convert
951    * @return the converted client Scan
952    * @throws IOException
953    */
toScan( final ClientProtos.Scan proto)954   public static Scan toScan(
955       final ClientProtos.Scan proto) throws IOException {
956     byte [] startRow = HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW;
957     byte [] stopRow  = HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW;
958     if (proto.hasStartRow()) {
959       startRow = proto.getStartRow().toByteArray();
960     }
961     if (proto.hasStopRow()) {
962       stopRow = proto.getStopRow().toByteArray();
963     }
964     Scan scan = new Scan(startRow, stopRow);
965     if (proto.hasCacheBlocks()) {
966       scan.setCacheBlocks(proto.getCacheBlocks());
967     }
968     if (proto.hasMaxVersions()) {
969       scan.setMaxVersions(proto.getMaxVersions());
970     }
971     if (proto.hasStoreLimit()) {
972       scan.setMaxResultsPerColumnFamily(proto.getStoreLimit());
973     }
974     if (proto.hasStoreOffset()) {
975       scan.setRowOffsetPerColumnFamily(proto.getStoreOffset());
976     }
977     if (proto.hasLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand()) {
978       scan.setLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand(proto.getLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand());
979     }
980     if (proto.getCfTimeRangeCount() > 0) {
981       for (HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilyTimeRange cftr : proto.getCfTimeRangeList()) {
982         TimeRange timeRange = protoToTimeRange(cftr.getTimeRange());
983         scan.setColumnFamilyTimeRange(cftr.getColumnFamily().toByteArray(),
984             timeRange.getMin(), timeRange.getMax());
985       }
986     }
987     if (proto.hasTimeRange()) {
988       TimeRange timeRange = protoToTimeRange(proto.getTimeRange());
989       scan.setTimeRange(timeRange.getMin(), timeRange.getMax());
990     }
991     if (proto.hasFilter()) {
992       FilterProtos.Filter filter = proto.getFilter();
993       scan.setFilter(ProtobufUtil.toFilter(filter));
994     }
995     if (proto.hasBatchSize()) {
996       scan.setBatch(proto.getBatchSize());
997     }
998     if (proto.hasMaxResultSize()) {
999       scan.setMaxResultSize(proto.getMaxResultSize());
1000     }
1001     if (proto.hasSmall()) {
1002       scan.setSmall(proto.getSmall());
1003     }
1004     if (proto.hasAllowPartialResults()) {
1005       scan.setAllowPartialResults(proto.getAllowPartialResults());
1006     }
1007     for (NameBytesPair attribute: proto.getAttributeList()) {
1008       scan.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray());
1009     }
1010     if (proto.getColumnCount() > 0) {
1011       for (Column column: proto.getColumnList()) {
1012         byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray();
1013         if (column.getQualifierCount() > 0) {
1014           for (ByteString qualifier: column.getQualifierList()) {
1015             scan.addColumn(family, qualifier.toByteArray());
1016           }
1017         } else {
1018           scan.addFamily(family);
1019         }
1020       }
1021     }
1022     if (proto.hasReversed()) {
1023       scan.setReversed(proto.getReversed());
1024     }
1025     if (proto.hasConsistency()) {
1026       scan.setConsistency(toConsistency(proto.getConsistency()));
1027     }
1028     if (proto.hasCaching()) {
1029       scan.setCaching(proto.getCaching());
1030     }
1031     return scan;
1032   }
1034   /**
1035    * Create a protocol buffer Get based on a client Get.
1036    *
1037    * @param get the client Get
1038    * @return a protocol buffer Get
1039    * @throws IOException
1040    */
toGet( final Get get)1041   public static ClientProtos.Get toGet(
1042       final Get get) throws IOException {
1043     ClientProtos.Get.Builder builder =
1044       ClientProtos.Get.newBuilder();
1045     builder.setRow(ByteStringer.wrap(get.getRow()));
1046     builder.setCacheBlocks(get.getCacheBlocks());
1047     builder.setMaxVersions(get.getMaxVersions());
1048     if (get.getFilter() != null) {
1049       builder.setFilter(ProtobufUtil.toFilter(get.getFilter()));
1050     }
1051     for (Entry<byte[], TimeRange> cftr : get.getColumnFamilyTimeRange().entrySet()) {
1052       HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilyTimeRange.Builder b = HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilyTimeRange.newBuilder();
1053       b.setColumnFamily(ByteString.copyFrom(cftr.getKey()));
1054       b.setTimeRange(timeRangeToProto(cftr.getValue()));
1055       builder.addCfTimeRange(b);
1056     }
1057     TimeRange timeRange = get.getTimeRange();
1058     if (!timeRange.isAllTime()) {
1059       HBaseProtos.TimeRange.Builder timeRangeBuilder =
1060         HBaseProtos.TimeRange.newBuilder();
1061       timeRangeBuilder.setFrom(timeRange.getMin());
1062       timeRangeBuilder.setTo(timeRange.getMax());
1063       builder.setTimeRange(timeRangeBuilder.build());
1064     }
1065     Map<String, byte[]> attributes = get.getAttributesMap();
1066     if (!attributes.isEmpty()) {
1067       NameBytesPair.Builder attributeBuilder = NameBytesPair.newBuilder();
1068       for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> attribute: attributes.entrySet()) {
1069         attributeBuilder.setName(attribute.getKey());
1070         attributeBuilder.setValue(ByteStringer.wrap(attribute.getValue()));
1071         builder.addAttribute(attributeBuilder.build());
1072       }
1073     }
1074     if (get.hasFamilies()) {
1075       Column.Builder columnBuilder = Column.newBuilder();
1076       Map<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> families = get.getFamilyMap();
1077       for (Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> family: families.entrySet()) {
1078         NavigableSet<byte[]> qualifiers = family.getValue();
1079         columnBuilder.setFamily(ByteStringer.wrap(family.getKey()));
1080         columnBuilder.clearQualifier();
1081         if (qualifiers != null && qualifiers.size() > 0) {
1082           for (byte[] qualifier: qualifiers) {
1083             columnBuilder.addQualifier(ByteStringer.wrap(qualifier));
1084           }
1085         }
1086         builder.addColumn(columnBuilder.build());
1087       }
1088     }
1089     if (get.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily() >= 0) {
1090       builder.setStoreLimit(get.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily());
1091     }
1092     if (get.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily() > 0) {
1093       builder.setStoreOffset(get.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily());
1094     }
1095     if (get.isCheckExistenceOnly()){
1096       builder.setExistenceOnly(true);
1097     }
1098     if (get.isClosestRowBefore()){
1099       builder.setClosestRowBefore(true);
1100     }
1101     if (get.getConsistency() != null && get.getConsistency() != Consistency.STRONG) {
1102       builder.setConsistency(toConsistency(get.getConsistency()));
1103     }
1105     return builder.build();
1106   }
1108   /**
1109    * Convert a client Increment to a protobuf Mutate.
1110    *
1111    * @param increment
1112    * @return the converted mutate
1113    */
toMutation( final Increment increment, final MutationProto.Builder builder, long nonce)1114   public static MutationProto toMutation(
1115     final Increment increment, final MutationProto.Builder builder, long nonce) {
1116     builder.setRow(ByteStringer.wrap(increment.getRow()));
1117     builder.setMutateType(MutationType.INCREMENT);
1118     builder.setDurability(toDurability(increment.getDurability()));
1119     if (nonce != HConstants.NO_NONCE) {
1120       builder.setNonce(nonce);
1121     }
1122     TimeRange timeRange = increment.getTimeRange();
1123     if (!timeRange.isAllTime()) {
1124       HBaseProtos.TimeRange.Builder timeRangeBuilder =
1125         HBaseProtos.TimeRange.newBuilder();
1126       timeRangeBuilder.setFrom(timeRange.getMin());
1127       timeRangeBuilder.setTo(timeRange.getMax());
1128       builder.setTimeRange(timeRangeBuilder.build());
1129     }
1130     ColumnValue.Builder columnBuilder = ColumnValue.newBuilder();
1131     QualifierValue.Builder valueBuilder = QualifierValue.newBuilder();
1132     for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<Cell>> family: increment.getFamilyCellMap().entrySet()) {
1133       columnBuilder.setFamily(ByteStringer.wrap(family.getKey()));
1134       columnBuilder.clearQualifierValue();
1135       List<Cell> values = family.getValue();
1136       if (values != null && values.size() > 0) {
1137         for (Cell cell: values) {
1138           valueBuilder.clear();
1139           valueBuilder.setQualifier(ByteStringer.wrap(
1140               cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(), cell.getQualifierLength()));
1141           valueBuilder.setValue(ByteStringer.wrap(
1142               cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength()));
1143           if (cell.getTagsLength() > 0) {
1144             valueBuilder.setTags(ByteStringer.wrap(cell.getTagsArray(),
1145                 cell.getTagsOffset(), cell.getTagsLength()));
1146           }
1147           columnBuilder.addQualifierValue(valueBuilder.build());
1148         }
1149       }
1150       builder.addColumnValue(columnBuilder.build());
1151     }
1152     Map<String, byte[]> attributes = increment.getAttributesMap();
1153     if (!attributes.isEmpty()) {
1154       NameBytesPair.Builder attributeBuilder = NameBytesPair.newBuilder();
1155       for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> attribute : attributes.entrySet()) {
1156         attributeBuilder.setName(attribute.getKey());
1157         attributeBuilder.setValue(ByteStringer.wrap(attribute.getValue()));
1158         builder.addAttribute(attributeBuilder.build());
1159       }
1160     }
1161     return builder.build();
1162   }
toMutation(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation)1164   public static MutationProto toMutation(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation)
1165     throws IOException {
1166     return toMutation(type, mutation, HConstants.NO_NONCE);
1167   }
1169   /**
1170    * Create a protocol buffer Mutate based on a client Mutation
1171    *
1172    * @param type
1173    * @param mutation
1174    * @return a protobuf'd Mutation
1175    * @throws IOException
1176    */
toMutation(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation, final long nonce)1177   public static MutationProto toMutation(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation,
1178     final long nonce) throws IOException {
1179     return toMutation(type, mutation, MutationProto.newBuilder(), nonce);
1180   }
toMutation(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation, MutationProto.Builder builder)1182   public static MutationProto toMutation(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation,
1183       MutationProto.Builder builder) throws IOException {
1184     return toMutation(type, mutation, builder, HConstants.NO_NONCE);
1185   }
toMutation(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation, MutationProto.Builder builder, long nonce)1187   public static MutationProto toMutation(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation,
1188       MutationProto.Builder builder, long nonce)
1189   throws IOException {
1190     builder = getMutationBuilderAndSetCommonFields(type, mutation, builder);
1191     if (nonce != HConstants.NO_NONCE) {
1192       builder.setNonce(nonce);
1193     }
1194     ColumnValue.Builder columnBuilder = ColumnValue.newBuilder();
1195     QualifierValue.Builder valueBuilder = QualifierValue.newBuilder();
1196     for (Map.Entry<byte[],List<Cell>> family: mutation.getFamilyCellMap().entrySet()) {
1197       columnBuilder.clear();
1198       columnBuilder.setFamily(ByteStringer.wrap(family.getKey()));
1199       for (Cell cell: family.getValue()) {
1200         valueBuilder.clear();
1201         valueBuilder.setQualifier(ByteStringer.wrap(
1202             cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(), cell.getQualifierLength()));
1203         valueBuilder.setValue(ByteStringer.wrap(
1204             cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength()));
1205         valueBuilder.setTimestamp(cell.getTimestamp());
1206         if (type == MutationType.DELETE || (type == MutationType.PUT && CellUtil.isDelete(cell))) {
1207           KeyValue.Type keyValueType = KeyValue.Type.codeToType(cell.getTypeByte());
1208           valueBuilder.setDeleteType(toDeleteType(keyValueType));
1209         }
1210         columnBuilder.addQualifierValue(valueBuilder.build());
1211       }
1212       builder.addColumnValue(columnBuilder.build());
1213     }
1214     return builder.build();
1215   }
1217   /**
1218    * Create a protocol buffer MutationProto based on a client Mutation. Does NOT include data.
1219    * Understanding is that the Cell will be transported other than via protobuf.
1220    * @param type
1221    * @param mutation
1222    * @param builder
1223    * @return a protobuf'd Mutation
1224    * @throws IOException
1225    */
toMutationNoData(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation, final MutationProto.Builder builder)1226   public static MutationProto toMutationNoData(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation,
1227       final MutationProto.Builder builder)  throws IOException {
1228     return toMutationNoData(type, mutation, builder, HConstants.NO_NONCE);
1229   }
1231   /**
1232    * Create a protocol buffer MutationProto based on a client Mutation.  Does NOT include data.
1233    * Understanding is that the Cell will be transported other than via protobuf.
1234    * @param type
1235    * @param mutation
1236    * @return a protobuf'd Mutation
1237    * @throws IOException
1238    */
toMutationNoData(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation)1239   public static MutationProto toMutationNoData(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation)
1240   throws IOException {
1241     MutationProto.Builder builder =  MutationProto.newBuilder();
1242     return toMutationNoData(type, mutation, builder);
1243   }
toMutationNoData(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation, final MutationProto.Builder builder, long nonce)1245   public static MutationProto toMutationNoData(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation,
1246       final MutationProto.Builder builder, long nonce) throws IOException {
1247     getMutationBuilderAndSetCommonFields(type, mutation, builder);
1248     builder.setAssociatedCellCount(mutation.size());
1249     if (nonce != HConstants.NO_NONCE) {
1250       builder.setNonce(nonce);
1251     }
1252     return builder.build();
1253   }
1255   /**
1256    * Code shared by {@link #toMutation(MutationType, Mutation)} and
1257    * {@link #toMutationNoData(MutationType, Mutation)}
1258    * @param type
1259    * @param mutation
1260    * @return A partly-filled out protobuf'd Mutation.
1261    */
getMutationBuilderAndSetCommonFields(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation, MutationProto.Builder builder)1262   private static MutationProto.Builder getMutationBuilderAndSetCommonFields(final MutationType type,
1263       final Mutation mutation, MutationProto.Builder builder) {
1264     builder.setRow(ByteStringer.wrap(mutation.getRow()));
1265     builder.setMutateType(type);
1266     builder.setDurability(toDurability(mutation.getDurability()));
1267     builder.setTimestamp(mutation.getTimeStamp());
1268     Map<String, byte[]> attributes = mutation.getAttributesMap();
1269     if (!attributes.isEmpty()) {
1270       NameBytesPair.Builder attributeBuilder = NameBytesPair.newBuilder();
1271       for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> attribute: attributes.entrySet()) {
1272         attributeBuilder.setName(attribute.getKey());
1273         attributeBuilder.setValue(ByteStringer.wrap(attribute.getValue()));
1274         builder.addAttribute(attributeBuilder.build());
1275       }
1276     }
1277     return builder;
1278   }
1280   /**
1281    * Convert a client Result to a protocol buffer Result
1282    *
1283    * @param result the client Result to convert
1284    * @return the converted protocol buffer Result
1285    */
toResult(final Result result)1286   public static ClientProtos.Result toResult(final Result result) {
1287     if (result.getExists() != null) {
1288       return toResult(result.getExists(), result.isStale());
1289     }
1291     Cell[] cells = result.rawCells();
1292     if (cells == null || cells.length == 0) {
1293       return result.isStale() ? EMPTY_RESULT_PB_STALE : EMPTY_RESULT_PB;
1294     }
1296     ClientProtos.Result.Builder builder = ClientProtos.Result.newBuilder();
1297     for (Cell c : cells) {
1298       builder.addCell(toCell(c));
1299     }
1301     builder.setStale(result.isStale());
1302     builder.setPartial(result.isPartial());
1304     return builder.build();
1305   }
1307   /**
1308    * Convert a client Result to a protocol buffer Result
1309    *
1310    * @param existence the client existence to send
1311    * @return the converted protocol buffer Result
1312    */
toResult(final boolean existence, boolean stale)1313   public static ClientProtos.Result toResult(final boolean existence, boolean stale) {
1314     if (stale){
1316     } else {
1318     }
1319   }
1321   /**
1322    * Convert a client Result to a protocol buffer Result.
1323    * The pb Result does not include the Cell data.  That is for transport otherwise.
1324    *
1325    * @param result the client Result to convert
1326    * @return the converted protocol buffer Result
1327    */
toResultNoData(final Result result)1328   public static ClientProtos.Result toResultNoData(final Result result) {
1329     if (result.getExists() != null) return toResult(result.getExists(), result.isStale());
1330     int size = result.size();
1331     if (size == 0) return result.isStale() ? EMPTY_RESULT_PB_STALE : EMPTY_RESULT_PB;
1332     ClientProtos.Result.Builder builder = ClientProtos.Result.newBuilder();
1333     builder.setAssociatedCellCount(size);
1334     builder.setStale(result.isStale());
1335     return builder.build();
1336   }
1338   /**
1339    * Convert a protocol buffer Result to a client Result
1340    *
1341    * @param proto the protocol buffer Result to convert
1342    * @return the converted client Result
1343    */
toResult(final ClientProtos.Result proto)1344   public static Result toResult(final ClientProtos.Result proto) {
1345     if (proto.hasExists()) {
1346       if (proto.getStale()) {
1348       }
1349       return proto.getExists() ? EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_TRUE : EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_FALSE;
1350     }
1352     List<CellProtos.Cell> values = proto.getCellList();
1353     if (values.isEmpty()){
1354       return proto.getStale() ? EMPTY_RESULT_STALE : EMPTY_RESULT;
1355     }
1357     List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<Cell>(values.size());
1358     for (CellProtos.Cell c : values) {
1359       cells.add(toCell(c));
1360     }
1361     return Result.create(cells, null, proto.getStale(), proto.getPartial());
1362   }
1364   /**
1365    * Convert a protocol buffer Result to a client Result
1366    *
1367    * @param proto the protocol buffer Result to convert
1368    * @param scanner Optional cell scanner.
1369    * @return the converted client Result
1370    * @throws IOException
1371    */
toResult(final ClientProtos.Result proto, final CellScanner scanner)1372   public static Result toResult(final ClientProtos.Result proto, final CellScanner scanner)
1373   throws IOException {
1374     List<CellProtos.Cell> values = proto.getCellList();
1376     if (proto.hasExists()) {
1377       if ((values != null && !values.isEmpty()) ||
1378           (proto.hasAssociatedCellCount() && proto.getAssociatedCellCount() > 0)) {
1379         throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad proto: exists with cells is no allowed " + proto);
1380       }
1381       if (proto.getStale()) {
1383       }
1384       return proto.getExists() ? EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_TRUE : EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_FALSE;
1385     }
1387     // TODO: Unit test that has some Cells in scanner and some in the proto.
1388     List<Cell> cells = null;
1389     if (proto.hasAssociatedCellCount()) {
1390       int count = proto.getAssociatedCellCount();
1391       cells = new ArrayList<Cell>(count + values.size());
1392       for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
1393         if (!scanner.advance()) throw new IOException("Failed get " + i + " of " + count);
1394         cells.add(scanner.current());
1395       }
1396     }
1398     if (!values.isEmpty()){
1399       if (cells == null) cells = new ArrayList<Cell>(values.size());
1400       for (CellProtos.Cell c: values) {
1401         cells.add(toCell(c));
1402       }
1403     }
1405     return (cells == null || cells.isEmpty())
1406         ? (proto.getStale() ? EMPTY_RESULT_STALE : EMPTY_RESULT)
1407         : Result.create(cells, null, proto.getStale());
1408   }
1411   /**
1412    * Convert a ByteArrayComparable to a protocol buffer Comparator
1413    *
1414    * @param comparator the ByteArrayComparable to convert
1415    * @return the converted protocol buffer Comparator
1416    */
toComparator(ByteArrayComparable comparator)1417   public static ComparatorProtos.Comparator toComparator(ByteArrayComparable comparator) {
1418     ComparatorProtos.Comparator.Builder builder = ComparatorProtos.Comparator.newBuilder();
1419     builder.setName(comparator.getClass().getName());
1420     builder.setSerializedComparator(ByteStringer.wrap(comparator.toByteArray()));
1421     return builder.build();
1422   }
1424   /**
1425    * Convert a protocol buffer Comparator to a ByteArrayComparable
1426    *
1427    * @param proto the protocol buffer Comparator to convert
1428    * @return the converted ByteArrayComparable
1429    */
1430   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
toComparator(ComparatorProtos.Comparator proto)1431   public static ByteArrayComparable toComparator(ComparatorProtos.Comparator proto)
1432   throws IOException {
1433     String type = proto.getName();
1434     String funcName = "parseFrom";
1435     byte [] value = proto.getSerializedComparator().toByteArray();
1436     try {
1437       Class<? extends ByteArrayComparable> c =
1438         (Class<? extends ByteArrayComparable>)Class.forName(type, true, CLASS_LOADER);
1439       Method parseFrom = c.getMethod(funcName, byte[].class);
1440       if (parseFrom == null) {
1441         throw new IOException("Unable to locate function: " + funcName + " in type: " + type);
1442       }
1443       return (ByteArrayComparable)parseFrom.invoke(null, value);
1444     } catch (Exception e) {
1445       throw new IOException(e);
1446     }
1447   }
1449   /**
1450    * Convert a protocol buffer Filter to a client Filter
1451    *
1452    * @param proto the protocol buffer Filter to convert
1453    * @return the converted Filter
1454    */
1455   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
toFilter(FilterProtos.Filter proto)1456   public static Filter toFilter(FilterProtos.Filter proto) throws IOException {
1457     String type = proto.getName();
1458     final byte [] value = proto.getSerializedFilter().toByteArray();
1459     String funcName = "parseFrom";
1460     try {
1461       Class<? extends Filter> c =
1462         (Class<? extends Filter>)Class.forName(type, true, CLASS_LOADER);
1463       Method parseFrom = c.getMethod(funcName, byte[].class);
1464       if (parseFrom == null) {
1465         throw new IOException("Unable to locate function: " + funcName + " in type: " + type);
1466       }
1467       return (Filter)parseFrom.invoke(c, value);
1468     } catch (Exception e) {
1469       // Either we couldn't instantiate the method object, or "parseFrom" failed.
1470       // In either case, let's not retry.
1471       throw new DoNotRetryIOException(e);
1472     }
1473   }
1475   /**
1476    * Convert a client Filter to a protocol buffer Filter
1477    *
1478    * @param filter the Filter to convert
1479    * @return the converted protocol buffer Filter
1480    */
toFilter(Filter filter)1481   public static FilterProtos.Filter toFilter(Filter filter) throws IOException {
1482     FilterProtos.Filter.Builder builder = FilterProtos.Filter.newBuilder();
1483     builder.setName(filter.getClass().getName());
1484     builder.setSerializedFilter(ByteStringer.wrap(filter.toByteArray()));
1485     return builder.build();
1486   }
1488   /**
1489    * Convert a delete KeyValue type to protocol buffer DeleteType.
1490    *
1491    * @param type
1492    * @return protocol buffer DeleteType
1493    * @throws IOException
1494    */
toDeleteType( KeyValue.Type type)1495   public static DeleteType toDeleteType(
1496       KeyValue.Type type) throws IOException {
1497     switch (type) {
1498     case Delete:
1499       return DeleteType.DELETE_ONE_VERSION;
1500     case DeleteColumn:
1501       return DeleteType.DELETE_MULTIPLE_VERSIONS;
1502     case DeleteFamily:
1503       return DeleteType.DELETE_FAMILY;
1504     case DeleteFamilyVersion:
1505       return DeleteType.DELETE_FAMILY_VERSION;
1506     default:
1507         throw new IOException("Unknown delete type: " + type);
1508     }
1509   }
1511   /**
1512    * Convert a protocol buffer DeleteType to delete KeyValue type.
1513    *
1514    * @param type The DeleteType
1515    * @return The type.
1516    * @throws IOException
1517    */
fromDeleteType( DeleteType type)1518   public static KeyValue.Type fromDeleteType(
1519       DeleteType type) throws IOException {
1520     switch (type) {
1521     case DELETE_ONE_VERSION:
1522       return KeyValue.Type.Delete;
1524       return KeyValue.Type.DeleteColumn;
1525     case DELETE_FAMILY:
1526       return KeyValue.Type.DeleteFamily;
1528       return KeyValue.Type.DeleteFamilyVersion;
1529     default:
1530       throw new IOException("Unknown delete type: " + type);
1531     }
1532   }
1534   /**
1535    * Convert a stringified protocol buffer exception Parameter to a Java Exception
1536    *
1537    * @param parameter the protocol buffer Parameter to convert
1538    * @return the converted Exception
1539    * @throws IOException if failed to deserialize the parameter
1540    */
1541   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
toException(final NameBytesPair parameter)1542   public static Throwable toException(final NameBytesPair parameter) throws IOException {
1543     if (parameter == null || !parameter.hasValue()) return null;
1544     String desc = parameter.getValue().toStringUtf8();
1545     String type = parameter.getName();
1546     try {
1547       Class<? extends Throwable> c =
1548         (Class<? extends Throwable>)Class.forName(type, true, CLASS_LOADER);
1549       Constructor<? extends Throwable> cn = null;
1550       try {
1551         cn = c.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class);
1552         return cn.newInstance(desc);
1553       } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
1554         // Could be a raw RemoteException. See HBASE-8987.
1555         cn = c.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class, String.class);
1556         return cn.newInstance(type, desc);
1557       }
1558     } catch (Exception e) {
1559       throw new IOException(e);
1560     }
1561   }
1563 // Start helpers for Client
1565   /**
1566    * A helper to get a row of the closet one before using client protocol.
1567    *
1568    * @param client
1569    * @param regionName
1570    * @param row
1571    * @param family
1572    * @return the row or the closestRowBefore if it doesn't exist
1573    * @throws IOException
1574    * @deprecated since 0.99 - use reversed scanner instead.
1575    */
1576   @Deprecated
getRowOrBefore(final ClientService.BlockingInterface client, final byte[] regionName, final byte[] row, final byte[] family)1577   public static Result getRowOrBefore(final ClientService.BlockingInterface client,
1578       final byte[] regionName, final byte[] row,
1579       final byte[] family) throws IOException {
1580     GetRequest request =
1581       RequestConverter.buildGetRowOrBeforeRequest(
1582         regionName, row, family);
1583     try {
1584       GetResponse response = client.get(null, request);
1585       if (!response.hasResult()) return null;
1586       return toResult(response.getResult());
1587     } catch (ServiceException se) {
1588       throw getRemoteException(se);
1589     }
1590   }
1592   /**
1593    * A helper to bulk load a list of HFiles using client protocol.
1594    *
1595    * @param client
1596    * @param familyPaths
1597    * @param regionName
1598    * @param assignSeqNum
1599    * @return true if all are loaded
1600    * @throws IOException
1601    */
bulkLoadHFile(final ClientService.BlockingInterface client, final List<Pair<byte[], String>> familyPaths, final byte[] regionName, boolean assignSeqNum)1602   public static boolean bulkLoadHFile(final ClientService.BlockingInterface client,
1603       final List<Pair<byte[], String>> familyPaths,
1604       final byte[] regionName, boolean assignSeqNum) throws IOException {
1605     BulkLoadHFileRequest request =
1606       RequestConverter.buildBulkLoadHFileRequest(familyPaths, regionName, assignSeqNum);
1607     try {
1608       BulkLoadHFileResponse response =
1609         client.bulkLoadHFile(null, request);
1610       return response.getLoaded();
1611     } catch (ServiceException se) {
1612       throw getRemoteException(se);
1613     }
1614   }
execService(final RpcController controller, final ClientService.BlockingInterface client, final CoprocessorServiceCall call, final byte[] regionName)1616   public static CoprocessorServiceResponse execService(final RpcController controller,
1617       final ClientService.BlockingInterface client, final CoprocessorServiceCall call,
1618       final byte[] regionName) throws IOException {
1619     CoprocessorServiceRequest request = CoprocessorServiceRequest.newBuilder()
1620         .setCall(call).setRegion(
1621             RequestConverter.buildRegionSpecifier(REGION_NAME, regionName)).build();
1622     try {
1623       CoprocessorServiceResponse response =
1624           client.execService(controller, request);
1625       return response;
1626     } catch (ServiceException se) {
1627       throw getRemoteException(se);
1628     }
1629   }
execService(final RpcController controller, final MasterService.BlockingInterface client, final CoprocessorServiceCall call)1631   public static CoprocessorServiceResponse execService(final RpcController controller,
1632     final MasterService.BlockingInterface client, final CoprocessorServiceCall call)
1633   throws IOException {
1634     CoprocessorServiceRequest request = CoprocessorServiceRequest.newBuilder()
1635         .setCall(call).setRegion(
1636             RequestConverter.buildRegionSpecifier(REGION_NAME, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY)).build();
1637     try {
1638       CoprocessorServiceResponse response =
1639           client.execMasterService(controller, request);
1640       return response;
1641     } catch (ServiceException se) {
1642       throw getRemoteException(se);
1643     }
1644   }
1646   /**
1647    * Make a region server endpoint call
1648    * @param client
1649    * @param call
1650    * @return CoprocessorServiceResponse
1651    * @throws IOException
1652    */
execRegionServerService( final RpcController controller, final ClientService.BlockingInterface client, final CoprocessorServiceCall call)1653   public static CoprocessorServiceResponse execRegionServerService(
1654       final RpcController controller, final ClientService.BlockingInterface client,
1655       final CoprocessorServiceCall call)
1656       throws IOException {
1657     CoprocessorServiceRequest request =
1658         CoprocessorServiceRequest
1659             .newBuilder()
1660             .setCall(call)
1661             .setRegion(
1662               RequestConverter.buildRegionSpecifier(REGION_NAME, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY))
1663             .build();
1664     try {
1665       CoprocessorServiceResponse response = client.execRegionServerService(controller, request);
1666       return response;
1667     } catch (ServiceException se) {
1668       throw getRemoteException(se);
1669     }
1670   }
1672   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
newServiceStub(Class<T> service, RpcChannel channel)1673   public static <T extends Service> T newServiceStub(Class<T> service, RpcChannel channel)
1674       throws Exception {
1675     return (T)Methods.call(service, null, "newStub",
1676         new Class[]{ RpcChannel.class }, new Object[]{ channel });
1677   }
1679 // End helpers for Client
1680 // Start helpers for Admin
1682   /**
1683    * A helper to retrieve region info given a region name
1684    * using admin protocol.
1685    *
1686    * @param admin
1687    * @param regionName
1688    * @return the retrieved region info
1689    * @throws IOException
1690    */
getRegionInfo(final RpcController controller, final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, final byte[] regionName)1691   public static HRegionInfo getRegionInfo(final RpcController controller,
1692       final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, final byte[] regionName) throws IOException {
1693     try {
1694       GetRegionInfoRequest request =
1695         RequestConverter.buildGetRegionInfoRequest(regionName);
1696       GetRegionInfoResponse response =
1697         admin.getRegionInfo(controller, request);
1698       return HRegionInfo.convert(response.getRegionInfo());
1699     } catch (ServiceException se) {
1700       throw getRemoteException(se);
1701     }
1702   }
1704   /**
1705    * A helper to close a region given a region name
1706    * using admin protocol.
1707    *
1708    * @param admin
1709    * @param regionName
1710    * @param transitionInZK
1711    * @throws IOException
1712    */
closeRegion(final RpcController controller, final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, final ServerName server, final byte[] regionName, final boolean transitionInZK)1713   public static void closeRegion(final RpcController controller,
1714       final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, final ServerName server, final byte[] regionName,
1715       final boolean transitionInZK) throws IOException {
1716     CloseRegionRequest closeRegionRequest =
1717       RequestConverter.buildCloseRegionRequest(server, regionName, transitionInZK);
1718     try {
1719       admin.closeRegion(controller, closeRegionRequest);
1720     } catch (ServiceException se) {
1721       throw getRemoteException(se);
1722     }
1723   }
1725   /**
1726    * A helper to close a region given a region name
1727    * using admin protocol.
1728    *
1729    * @param admin
1730    * @param regionName
1731    * @param versionOfClosingNode
1732    * @return true if the region is closed
1733    * @throws IOException
1734    */
closeRegion(final RpcController controller, final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, final ServerName server, final byte[] regionName, final int versionOfClosingNode, final ServerName destinationServer, final boolean transitionInZK)1735   public static boolean closeRegion(final RpcController controller,
1736       final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin,
1737       final ServerName server,
1738       final byte[] regionName,
1739       final int versionOfClosingNode, final ServerName destinationServer,
1740       final boolean transitionInZK) throws IOException {
1741     CloseRegionRequest closeRegionRequest =
1742       RequestConverter.buildCloseRegionRequest(server,
1743         regionName, versionOfClosingNode, destinationServer, transitionInZK);
1744     try {
1745       CloseRegionResponse response = admin.closeRegion(controller, closeRegionRequest);
1746       return ResponseConverter.isClosed(response);
1747     } catch (ServiceException se) {
1748       throw getRemoteException(se);
1749     }
1750   }
1752   /**
1753    * A helper to warmup a region given a region name
1754    * using admin protocol
1755    *
1756    * @param admin
1757    * @param regionInfo
1758    *
1759    */
warmupRegion(final RpcController controller, final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, final HRegionInfo regionInfo)1760   public static void warmupRegion(final RpcController controller,
1761       final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, final HRegionInfo regionInfo) throws IOException {
1763     try {
1764       WarmupRegionRequest warmupRegionRequest =
1765            RequestConverter.buildWarmupRegionRequest(regionInfo);
1767       admin.warmupRegion(controller, warmupRegionRequest);
1768     } catch (ServiceException e) {
1769       throw getRemoteException(e);
1770     }
1771   }
1773   /**
1774    * A helper to open a region using admin protocol.
1775    * @param admin
1776    * @param region
1777    * @throws IOException
1778    */
openRegion(final RpcController controller, final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, ServerName server, final HRegionInfo region)1779   public static void openRegion(final RpcController controller,
1780       final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, ServerName server, final HRegionInfo region)
1781           throws IOException {
1782     OpenRegionRequest request =
1783       RequestConverter.buildOpenRegionRequest(server, region, -1, null, null);
1784     try {
1785       admin.openRegion(controller, request);
1786     } catch (ServiceException se) {
1787       throw ProtobufUtil.getRemoteException(se);
1788     }
1789   }
1791   /**
1792    * A helper to get the all the online regions on a region
1793    * server using admin protocol.
1794    *
1795    * @param admin
1796    * @return a list of online region info
1797    * @throws IOException
1798    */
getOnlineRegions(final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin)1799   public static List<HRegionInfo> getOnlineRegions(final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin)
1800       throws IOException {
1801     return getOnlineRegions(null, admin);
1802   }
1804   /**
1805    * A helper to get the all the online regions on a region
1806    * server using admin protocol.
1807    * @return a list of online region info
1808    */
getOnlineRegions(final RpcController controller, final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin)1809   public static List<HRegionInfo> getOnlineRegions(final RpcController controller,
1810       final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin)
1811   throws IOException {
1812     GetOnlineRegionRequest request = RequestConverter.buildGetOnlineRegionRequest();
1813     GetOnlineRegionResponse response = null;
1814     try {
1815       response = admin.getOnlineRegion(controller, request);
1816     } catch (ServiceException se) {
1817       throw getRemoteException(se);
1818     }
1819     return getRegionInfos(response);
1820   }
1822   /**
1823    * Get the list of region info from a GetOnlineRegionResponse
1824    *
1825    * @param proto the GetOnlineRegionResponse
1826    * @return the list of region info or null if <code>proto</code> is null
1827    */
getRegionInfos(final GetOnlineRegionResponse proto)1828   static List<HRegionInfo> getRegionInfos(final GetOnlineRegionResponse proto) {
1829     if (proto == null) return null;
1830     List<HRegionInfo> regionInfos = new ArrayList<HRegionInfo>();
1831     for (RegionInfo regionInfo: proto.getRegionInfoList()) {
1832       regionInfos.add(HRegionInfo.convert(regionInfo));
1833     }
1834     return regionInfos;
1835   }
1837   /**
1838    * A helper to get the info of a region server using admin protocol.
1839    * @return the server name
1840    */
getServerInfo(final RpcController controller, final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin)1841   public static ServerInfo getServerInfo(final RpcController controller,
1842       final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin)
1843   throws IOException {
1844     GetServerInfoRequest request = RequestConverter.buildGetServerInfoRequest();
1845     try {
1846       GetServerInfoResponse response = admin.getServerInfo(controller, request);
1847       return response.getServerInfo();
1848     } catch (ServiceException se) {
1849       throw getRemoteException(se);
1850     }
1851   }
1853   /**
1854    * A helper to get the list of files of a column family
1855    * on a given region using admin protocol.
1856    *
1857    * @return the list of store files
1858    */
getStoreFiles(final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, final byte[] regionName, final byte[] family)1859   public static List<String> getStoreFiles(final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin,
1860       final byte[] regionName, final byte[] family)
1861   throws IOException {
1862     return getStoreFiles(null, admin, regionName, family);
1863   }
1865   /**
1866    * A helper to get the list of files of a column family
1867    * on a given region using admin protocol.
1868    *
1869    * @return the list of store files
1870    */
getStoreFiles(final RpcController controller, final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, final byte[] regionName, final byte[] family)1871   public static List<String> getStoreFiles(final RpcController controller,
1872       final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, final byte[] regionName, final byte[] family)
1873   throws IOException {
1874     GetStoreFileRequest request =
1875       RequestConverter.buildGetStoreFileRequest(regionName, family);
1876     try {
1877       GetStoreFileResponse response = admin.getStoreFile(controller, request);
1878       return response.getStoreFileList();
1879     } catch (ServiceException se) {
1880       throw ProtobufUtil.getRemoteException(se);
1881     }
1882   }
1884   /**
1885    * A helper to split a region using admin protocol.
1886    *
1887    * @param admin
1888    * @param hri
1889    * @param splitPoint
1890    * @throws IOException
1891    */
split(final RpcController controller, final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, final HRegionInfo hri, byte[] splitPoint)1892   public static void split(final RpcController controller,
1893       final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, final HRegionInfo hri, byte[] splitPoint)
1894           throws IOException {
1895     SplitRegionRequest request =
1896       RequestConverter.buildSplitRegionRequest(hri.getRegionName(), splitPoint);
1897     try {
1898       admin.splitRegion(controller, request);
1899     } catch (ServiceException se) {
1900       throw ProtobufUtil.getRemoteException(se);
1901     }
1902   }
1904   /**
1905    * A helper to merge regions using admin protocol. Send request to
1906    * regionserver.
1907    * @param admin
1908    * @param region_a
1909    * @param region_b
1910    * @param forcible true if do a compulsory merge, otherwise we will only merge
1911    *          two adjacent regions
1912    * @throws IOException
1913    */
mergeRegions(final RpcController controller, final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, final HRegionInfo region_a, final HRegionInfo region_b, final boolean forcible)1914   public static void mergeRegions(final RpcController controller,
1915       final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin,
1916       final HRegionInfo region_a, final HRegionInfo region_b,
1917       final boolean forcible) throws IOException {
1918     MergeRegionsRequest request = RequestConverter.buildMergeRegionsRequest(
1919         region_a.getRegionName(), region_b.getRegionName(),forcible);
1920     try {
1921       admin.mergeRegions(controller, request);
1922     } catch (ServiceException se) {
1923       throw ProtobufUtil.getRemoteException(se);
1924     }
1925   }
1927 // End helpers for Admin
1929   /*
1930    * Get the total (read + write) requests from a RegionLoad pb
1931    * @param rl - RegionLoad pb
1932    * @return total (read + write) requests
1933    */
getTotalRequestsCount(RegionLoad rl)1934   public static long getTotalRequestsCount(RegionLoad rl) {
1935     if (rl == null) {
1936       return 0;
1937     }
1939     return rl.getReadRequestsCount() + rl.getWriteRequestsCount();
1940   }
1943   /**
1944    * @param m Message to get delimited pb serialization of (with pb magic prefix)
1945    */
toDelimitedByteArray(final Message m)1946   public static byte [] toDelimitedByteArray(final Message m) throws IOException {
1947     // Allocate arbitrary big size so we avoid resizing.
1948     ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4096);
1949     baos.write(PB_MAGIC);
1950     m.writeDelimitedTo(baos);
1951     return baos.toByteArray();
1952   }
1954   /**
1955    * Converts a Permission proto to a client Permission object.
1956    *
1957    * @param proto the protobuf Permission
1958    * @return the converted Permission
1959    */
toPermission(AccessControlProtos.Permission proto)1960   public static Permission toPermission(AccessControlProtos.Permission proto) {
1961     if (proto.getType() != AccessControlProtos.Permission.Type.Global) {
1962       return toTablePermission(proto);
1963     } else {
1964       List<Permission.Action> actions = toPermissionActions(proto.getGlobalPermission().getActionList());
1965       return new Permission(actions.toArray(new Permission.Action[actions.size()]));
1966     }
1967   }
1969   /**
1970    * Converts a Permission proto to a client TablePermission object.
1971    *
1972    * @param proto the protobuf Permission
1973    * @return the converted TablePermission
1974    */
toTablePermission(AccessControlProtos.Permission proto)1975   public static TablePermission toTablePermission(AccessControlProtos.Permission proto) {
1976     if(proto.getType() == AccessControlProtos.Permission.Type.Global) {
1977       AccessControlProtos.GlobalPermission perm = proto.getGlobalPermission();
1978       List<Permission.Action> actions = toPermissionActions(perm.getActionList());
1980       return new TablePermission(null, null, null,
1981           actions.toArray(new Permission.Action[actions.size()]));
1982     }
1983     if(proto.getType() == AccessControlProtos.Permission.Type.Namespace) {
1984       AccessControlProtos.NamespacePermission perm = proto.getNamespacePermission();
1985       List<Permission.Action> actions = toPermissionActions(perm.getActionList());
1987       if(!proto.hasNamespacePermission()) {
1988         throw new IllegalStateException("Namespace must not be empty in NamespacePermission");
1989       }
1990       String namespace = perm.getNamespaceName().toStringUtf8();
1991       return new TablePermission(namespace, actions.toArray(new Permission.Action[actions.size()]));
1992     }
1993     if(proto.getType() == AccessControlProtos.Permission.Type.Table) {
1994       AccessControlProtos.TablePermission perm = proto.getTablePermission();
1995       List<Permission.Action> actions = toPermissionActions(perm.getActionList());
1997       byte[] qualifier = null;
1998       byte[] family = null;
1999       TableName table = null;
2001       if (!perm.hasTableName()) {
2002         throw new IllegalStateException("TableName cannot be empty");
2003       }
2004       table = ProtobufUtil.toTableName(perm.getTableName());
2006       if (perm.hasFamily()) family = perm.getFamily().toByteArray();
2007       if (perm.hasQualifier()) qualifier = perm.getQualifier().toByteArray();
2009       return new TablePermission(table, family, qualifier,
2010           actions.toArray(new Permission.Action[actions.size()]));
2011     }
2012     throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognize Perm Type: "+proto.getType());
2013   }
2015   /**
2016    * Convert a client Permission to a Permission proto
2017    *
2018    * @param perm the client Permission
2019    * @return the protobuf Permission
2020    */
toPermission(Permission perm)2021   public static AccessControlProtos.Permission toPermission(Permission perm) {
2022     AccessControlProtos.Permission.Builder ret = AccessControlProtos.Permission.newBuilder();
2023     if (perm instanceof TablePermission) {
2024       TablePermission tablePerm = (TablePermission)perm;
2025       if(tablePerm.hasNamespace()) {
2026         ret.setType(AccessControlProtos.Permission.Type.Namespace);
2028         AccessControlProtos.NamespacePermission.Builder builder =
2029             AccessControlProtos.NamespacePermission.newBuilder();
2030         builder.setNamespaceName(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(tablePerm.getNamespace()));
2031         Permission.Action actions[] = perm.getActions();
2032         if (actions != null) {
2033           for (Permission.Action a : actions) {
2034             builder.addAction(toPermissionAction(a));
2035           }
2036         }
2037         ret.setNamespacePermission(builder);
2038         return ret.build();
2039       } else if (tablePerm.hasTable()) {
2040         ret.setType(AccessControlProtos.Permission.Type.Table);
2042         AccessControlProtos.TablePermission.Builder builder =
2043             AccessControlProtos.TablePermission.newBuilder();
2044         builder.setTableName(ProtobufUtil.toProtoTableName(tablePerm.getTableName()));
2045         if (tablePerm.hasFamily()) {
2046           builder.setFamily(ByteStringer.wrap(tablePerm.getFamily()));
2047         }
2048         if (tablePerm.hasQualifier()) {
2049           builder.setQualifier(ByteStringer.wrap(tablePerm.getQualifier()));
2050         }
2051         Permission.Action actions[] = perm.getActions();
2052         if (actions != null) {
2053           for (Permission.Action a : actions) {
2054             builder.addAction(toPermissionAction(a));
2055           }
2056         }
2057         ret.setTablePermission(builder);
2058         return ret.build();
2059       }
2060     }
2062     ret.setType(AccessControlProtos.Permission.Type.Global);
2064     AccessControlProtos.GlobalPermission.Builder builder =
2065         AccessControlProtos.GlobalPermission.newBuilder();
2066     Permission.Action actions[] = perm.getActions();
2067     if (actions != null) {
2068       for (Permission.Action a: actions) {
2069         builder.addAction(toPermissionAction(a));
2070       }
2071     }
2072     ret.setGlobalPermission(builder);
2073     return ret.build();
2074   }
2076   /**
2077    * Converts a list of Permission.Action proto to a list of client Permission.Action objects.
2078    *
2079    * @param protoActions the list of protobuf Actions
2080    * @return the converted list of Actions
2081    */
toPermissionActions( List<AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action> protoActions)2082   public static List<Permission.Action> toPermissionActions(
2083       List<AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action> protoActions) {
2084     List<Permission.Action> actions = new ArrayList<Permission.Action>(protoActions.size());
2085     for (AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action a : protoActions) {
2086       actions.add(toPermissionAction(a));
2087     }
2088     return actions;
2089   }
2091   /**
2092    * Converts a Permission.Action proto to a client Permission.Action object.
2093    *
2094    * @param action the protobuf Action
2095    * @return the converted Action
2096    */
toPermissionAction( AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action action)2097   public static Permission.Action toPermissionAction(
2098       AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action action) {
2099     switch (action) {
2100       case READ:
2101         return Permission.Action.READ;
2102       case WRITE:
2103         return Permission.Action.WRITE;
2104       case EXEC:
2105         return Permission.Action.EXEC;
2106       case CREATE:
2107         return Permission.Action.CREATE;
2108       case ADMIN:
2109         return Permission.Action.ADMIN;
2110     }
2111     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown action value "+action.name());
2112   }
2114   /**
2115    * Convert a client Permission.Action to a Permission.Action proto
2116    *
2117    * @param action the client Action
2118    * @return the protobuf Action
2119    */
toPermissionAction( Permission.Action action)2120   public static AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action toPermissionAction(
2121       Permission.Action action) {
2122     switch (action) {
2123       case READ:
2124         return AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action.READ;
2125       case WRITE:
2126         return AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action.WRITE;
2127       case EXEC:
2128         return AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action.EXEC;
2129       case CREATE:
2130         return AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action.CREATE;
2131       case ADMIN:
2132         return AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action.ADMIN;
2133     }
2134     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown action value "+action.name());
2135   }
2137   /**
2138    * Convert a client user permission to a user permission proto
2139    *
2140    * @param perm the client UserPermission
2141    * @return the protobuf UserPermission
2142    */
toUserPermission(UserPermission perm)2143   public static AccessControlProtos.UserPermission toUserPermission(UserPermission perm) {
2144     return AccessControlProtos.UserPermission.newBuilder()
2145         .setUser(ByteStringer.wrap(perm.getUser()))
2146         .setPermission(toPermission(perm))
2147         .build();
2148   }
2150   /**
2151    * Converts a user permission proto to a client user permission object.
2152    *
2153    * @param proto the protobuf UserPermission
2154    * @return the converted UserPermission
2155    */
toUserPermission(AccessControlProtos.UserPermission proto)2156   public static UserPermission toUserPermission(AccessControlProtos.UserPermission proto) {
2157     return new UserPermission(proto.getUser().toByteArray(),
2158         toTablePermission(proto.getPermission()));
2159   }
2161   /**
2162    * Convert a ListMultimap&lt;String, TablePermission&gt; where key is username
2163    * to a protobuf UserPermission
2164    *
2165    * @param perm the list of user and table permissions
2166    * @return the protobuf UserTablePermissions
2167    */
toUserTablePermissions( ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> perm)2168   public static AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions toUserTablePermissions(
2169       ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> perm) {
2170     AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions.Builder builder =
2171                   AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions.newBuilder();
2172     for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<TablePermission>> entry : perm.asMap().entrySet()) {
2173       AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions.UserPermissions.Builder userPermBuilder =
2174                   AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions.UserPermissions.newBuilder();
2175       userPermBuilder.setUser(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(entry.getKey()));
2176       for (TablePermission tablePerm: entry.getValue()) {
2177         userPermBuilder.addPermissions(toPermission(tablePerm));
2178       }
2179       builder.addUserPermissions(userPermBuilder.build());
2180     }
2181     return builder.build();
2182   }
2184   /**
2185    * A utility used to grant a user global permissions.
2186    * <p>
2187    * It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
2188    *
2189    * @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
2190    * @param userShortName the short name of the user to grant permissions
2191    * @param actions the permissions to be granted
2192    * @throws ServiceException
2193    */
grant(RpcController controller, AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName, Permission.Action... actions)2194   public static void grant(RpcController controller,
2195       AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName,
2196       Permission.Action... actions) throws ServiceException {
2197     List<AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action> permActions =
2198         Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(actions.length);
2199     for (Permission.Action a : actions) {
2200       permActions.add(ProtobufUtil.toPermissionAction(a));
2201     }
2202     AccessControlProtos.GrantRequest request = RequestConverter.
2203       buildGrantRequest(userShortName, permActions.toArray(
2204         new AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action[actions.length]));
2205     protocol.grant(controller, request);
2206   }
2208   /**
2209    * A utility used to grant a user table permissions. The permissions will
2210    * be for a table table/column family/qualifier.
2211    * <p>
2212    * It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
2213    *
2214    * @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
2215    * @param userShortName the short name of the user to grant permissions
2216    * @param tableName optional table name
2217    * @param f optional column family
2218    * @param q optional qualifier
2219    * @param actions the permissions to be granted
2220    * @throws ServiceException
2221    */
grant(RpcController controller, AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName, TableName tableName, byte[] f, byte[] q, Permission.Action... actions)2222   public static void grant(RpcController controller,
2223       AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName, TableName tableName,
2224       byte[] f, byte[] q, Permission.Action... actions) throws ServiceException {
2225     List<AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action> permActions =
2226         Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(actions.length);
2227     for (Permission.Action a : actions) {
2228       permActions.add(ProtobufUtil.toPermissionAction(a));
2229     }
2230     AccessControlProtos.GrantRequest request = RequestConverter.
2231       buildGrantRequest(userShortName, tableName, f, q, permActions.toArray(
2232         new AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action[actions.length]));
2233     protocol.grant(controller, request);
2234   }
2236   /**
2237    * A utility used to grant a user namespace permissions.
2238    * <p>
2239    * It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
2240    *
2241    * @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
2242    * @param namespace the short name of the user to grant permissions
2243    * @param actions the permissions to be granted
2244    * @throws ServiceException
2245    */
grant(RpcController controller, AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName, String namespace, Permission.Action... actions)2246   public static void grant(RpcController controller,
2247       AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName, String namespace,
2248       Permission.Action... actions) throws ServiceException {
2249     List<AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action> permActions =
2250         Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(actions.length);
2251     for (Permission.Action a : actions) {
2252       permActions.add(ProtobufUtil.toPermissionAction(a));
2253     }
2254     AccessControlProtos.GrantRequest request = RequestConverter.
2255       buildGrantRequest(userShortName, namespace, permActions.toArray(
2256         new AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action[actions.length]));
2257     protocol.grant(controller, request);
2258   }
2260   /**
2261    * A utility used to revoke a user's global permissions.
2262    * <p>
2263    * It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
2264    *
2265    * @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
2266    * @param userShortName the short name of the user to revoke permissions
2267    * @param actions the permissions to be revoked
2268    * @throws ServiceException
2269    */
revoke(RpcController controller, AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName, Permission.Action... actions)2270   public static void revoke(RpcController controller,
2271       AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName,
2272       Permission.Action... actions) throws ServiceException {
2273     List<AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action> permActions =
2274         Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(actions.length);
2275     for (Permission.Action a : actions) {
2276       permActions.add(ProtobufUtil.toPermissionAction(a));
2277     }
2278     AccessControlProtos.RevokeRequest request = RequestConverter.
2279       buildRevokeRequest(userShortName, permActions.toArray(
2280         new AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action[actions.length]));
2281     protocol.revoke(controller, request);
2282   }
2284   /**
2285    * A utility used to revoke a user's table permissions. The permissions will
2286    * be for a table/column family/qualifier.
2287    * <p>
2288    * It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
2289    *
2290    * @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
2291    * @param userShortName the short name of the user to revoke permissions
2292    * @param tableName optional table name
2293    * @param f optional column family
2294    * @param q optional qualifier
2295    * @param actions the permissions to be revoked
2296    * @throws ServiceException
2297    */
revoke(RpcController controller, AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName, TableName tableName, byte[] f, byte[] q, Permission.Action... actions)2298   public static void revoke(RpcController controller,
2299       AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName, TableName tableName,
2300       byte[] f, byte[] q, Permission.Action... actions) throws ServiceException {
2301     List<AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action> permActions =
2302         Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(actions.length);
2303     for (Permission.Action a : actions) {
2304       permActions.add(ProtobufUtil.toPermissionAction(a));
2305     }
2306     AccessControlProtos.RevokeRequest request = RequestConverter.
2307       buildRevokeRequest(userShortName, tableName, f, q, permActions.toArray(
2308         new AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action[actions.length]));
2309     protocol.revoke(controller, request);
2310   }
2312   /**
2313    * A utility used to revoke a user's namespace permissions.
2314    * <p>
2315    * It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
2316    *
2317    * @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
2318    * @param userShortName the short name of the user to revoke permissions
2319    * @param namespace optional table name
2320    * @param actions the permissions to be revoked
2321    * @throws ServiceException
2322    */
revoke(RpcController controller, AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName, String namespace, Permission.Action... actions)2323   public static void revoke(RpcController controller,
2324       AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName, String namespace,
2325       Permission.Action... actions) throws ServiceException {
2326     List<AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action> permActions =
2327         Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(actions.length);
2328     for (Permission.Action a : actions) {
2329       permActions.add(ProtobufUtil.toPermissionAction(a));
2330     }
2331     AccessControlProtos.RevokeRequest request = RequestConverter.
2332       buildRevokeRequest(userShortName, namespace, permActions.toArray(
2333         new AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action[actions.length]));
2334     protocol.revoke(controller, request);
2335   }
2337   /**
2338    * A utility used to get user's global permissions.
2339    * <p>
2340    * It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
2341    *
2342    * @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
2343    * @throws ServiceException
2344    */
getUserPermissions(RpcController controller, AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol)2345   public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(RpcController controller,
2346       AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol) throws ServiceException {
2347     AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsRequest.Builder builder =
2348       AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsRequest.newBuilder();
2349     builder.setType(AccessControlProtos.Permission.Type.Global);
2350     AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsRequest request = builder.build();
2351     AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsResponse response =
2352       protocol.getUserPermissions(controller, request);
2353     List<UserPermission> perms = new ArrayList<UserPermission>(response.getUserPermissionCount());
2354     for (AccessControlProtos.UserPermission perm: response.getUserPermissionList()) {
2355       perms.add(ProtobufUtil.toUserPermission(perm));
2356     }
2357     return perms;
2358   }
2360   /**
2361    * A utility used to get user table permissions.
2362    * <p>
2363    * It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
2364    *
2365    * @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
2366    * @param t optional table name
2367    * @throws ServiceException
2368    */
getUserPermissions(RpcController controller, AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, TableName t)2369   public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(RpcController controller,
2370       AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol,
2371       TableName t) throws ServiceException {
2372     AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsRequest.Builder builder =
2373       AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsRequest.newBuilder();
2374     if (t != null) {
2375       builder.setTableName(ProtobufUtil.toProtoTableName(t));
2376     }
2377     builder.setType(AccessControlProtos.Permission.Type.Table);
2378     AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsRequest request = builder.build();
2379     AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsResponse response =
2380       protocol.getUserPermissions(controller, request);
2381     List<UserPermission> perms = new ArrayList<UserPermission>(response.getUserPermissionCount());
2382     for (AccessControlProtos.UserPermission perm: response.getUserPermissionList()) {
2383       perms.add(ProtobufUtil.toUserPermission(perm));
2384     }
2385     return perms;
2386   }
2388   /**
2389    * A utility used to get permissions for selected namespace.
2390    * <p>
2391    * It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
2392    *
2393    * @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
2394    * @param namespace name of the namespace
2395    * @throws ServiceException
2396    */
getUserPermissions(RpcController controller, AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, byte[] namespace)2397   public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(RpcController controller,
2398       AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol,
2399       byte[] namespace) throws ServiceException {
2400     AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsRequest.Builder builder =
2401       AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsRequest.newBuilder();
2402     if (namespace != null) {
2403       builder.setNamespaceName(ByteStringer.wrap(namespace));
2404     }
2405     builder.setType(AccessControlProtos.Permission.Type.Namespace);
2406     AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsRequest request = builder.build();
2407     AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsResponse response =
2408       protocol.getUserPermissions(controller, request);
2409     List<UserPermission> perms = new ArrayList<UserPermission>(response.getUserPermissionCount());
2410     for (AccessControlProtos.UserPermission perm: response.getUserPermissionList()) {
2411       perms.add(ProtobufUtil.toUserPermission(perm));
2412     }
2413     return perms;
2414   }
2416   /**
2417    * Convert a protobuf UserTablePermissions to a
2418    * ListMultimap&lt;String, TablePermission&gt; where key is username.
2419    *
2420    * @param proto the protobuf UserPermission
2421    * @return the converted UserPermission
2422    */
toUserTablePermissions( AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions proto)2423   public static ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> toUserTablePermissions(
2424       AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions proto) {
2425     ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> perms = ArrayListMultimap.create();
2426     AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions.UserPermissions userPerm;
2428     for (int i = 0; i < proto.getUserPermissionsCount(); i++) {
2429       userPerm = proto.getUserPermissions(i);
2430       for (int j = 0; j < userPerm.getPermissionsCount(); j++) {
2431         TablePermission tablePerm = toTablePermission(userPerm.getPermissions(j));
2432         perms.put(userPerm.getUser().toStringUtf8(), tablePerm);
2433       }
2434     }
2436     return perms;
2437   }
2439   /**
2440    * Converts a Token instance (with embedded identifier) to the protobuf representation.
2441    *
2442    * @param token the Token instance to copy
2443    * @return the protobuf Token message
2444    */
toToken(Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier> token)2445   public static AuthenticationProtos.Token toToken(Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier> token) {
2446     AuthenticationProtos.Token.Builder builder = AuthenticationProtos.Token.newBuilder();
2447     builder.setIdentifier(ByteStringer.wrap(token.getIdentifier()));
2448     builder.setPassword(ByteStringer.wrap(token.getPassword()));
2449     if (token.getService() != null) {
2450       builder.setService(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(token.getService().toString()));
2451     }
2452     return builder.build();
2453   }
2455   /**
2456    * Converts a protobuf Token message back into a Token instance.
2457    *
2458    * @param proto the protobuf Token message
2459    * @return the Token instance
2460    */
toToken(AuthenticationProtos.Token proto)2461   public static Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier> toToken(AuthenticationProtos.Token proto) {
2462     return new Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier>(
2463         proto.hasIdentifier() ? proto.getIdentifier().toByteArray() : null,
2464         proto.hasPassword() ? proto.getPassword().toByteArray() : null,
2465         AuthenticationTokenIdentifier.AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE,
2466         proto.hasService() ? new Text(proto.getService().toStringUtf8()) : null);
2467   }
2469   /**
2470    * Find the HRegion encoded name based on a region specifier
2471    *
2472    * @param regionSpecifier the region specifier
2473    * @return the corresponding region's encoded name
2474    * @throws DoNotRetryIOException if the specifier type is unsupported
2475    */
getRegionEncodedName( final RegionSpecifier regionSpecifier)2476   public static String getRegionEncodedName(
2477       final RegionSpecifier regionSpecifier) throws DoNotRetryIOException {
2478     byte[] value = regionSpecifier.getValue().toByteArray();
2479     RegionSpecifierType type = regionSpecifier.getType();
2480     switch (type) {
2481       case REGION_NAME:
2482         return HRegionInfo.encodeRegionName(value);
2483       case ENCODED_REGION_NAME:
2484         return Bytes.toString(value);
2485       default:
2486         throw new DoNotRetryIOException(
2487           "Unsupported region specifier type: " + type);
2488     }
2489   }
toScanMetrics(final byte[] bytes)2491   public static ScanMetrics toScanMetrics(final byte[] bytes) {
2492     Parser<MapReduceProtos.ScanMetrics> parser = MapReduceProtos.ScanMetrics.PARSER;
2493     MapReduceProtos.ScanMetrics pScanMetrics = null;
2494     try {
2495       pScanMetrics = parser.parseFrom(bytes);
2496     } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
2497       //Ignored there are just no key values to add.
2498     }
2499     ScanMetrics scanMetrics = new ScanMetrics();
2500     if (pScanMetrics != null) {
2501       for (HBaseProtos.NameInt64Pair pair : pScanMetrics.getMetricsList()) {
2502         if (pair.hasName() && pair.hasValue()) {
2503           scanMetrics.setCounter(pair.getName(), pair.getValue());
2504         }
2505       }
2506     }
2507     return scanMetrics;
2508   }
toScanMetrics(ScanMetrics scanMetrics)2510   public static MapReduceProtos.ScanMetrics toScanMetrics(ScanMetrics scanMetrics) {
2511     MapReduceProtos.ScanMetrics.Builder builder = MapReduceProtos.ScanMetrics.newBuilder();
2512     Map<String, Long> metrics = scanMetrics.getMetricsMap();
2513     for (Entry<String, Long> e : metrics.entrySet()) {
2514       HBaseProtos.NameInt64Pair nameInt64Pair =
2515           HBaseProtos.NameInt64Pair.newBuilder()
2516               .setName(e.getKey())
2517               .setValue(e.getValue())
2518               .build();
2519       builder.addMetrics(nameInt64Pair);
2520     }
2521     return builder.build();
2522   }
2524   /**
2525    * Unwraps an exception from a protobuf service into the underlying (expected) IOException.
2526    * This method will <strong>always</strong> throw an exception.
2527    * @param se the {@code ServiceException} instance to convert into an {@code IOException}
2528    */
toIOException(ServiceException se)2529   public static void toIOException(ServiceException se) throws IOException {
2530     if (se == null) {
2531       throw new NullPointerException("Null service exception passed!");
2532     }
2534     Throwable cause = se.getCause();
2535     if (cause != null && cause instanceof IOException) {
2536       throw (IOException)cause;
2537     }
2538     throw new IOException(se);
2539   }
toCell(final Cell kv)2541   public static CellProtos.Cell toCell(final Cell kv) {
2542     // Doing this is going to kill us if we do it for all data passed.
2543     // St.Ack 20121205
2544     CellProtos.Cell.Builder kvbuilder = CellProtos.Cell.newBuilder();
2545     kvbuilder.setRow(ByteStringer.wrap(kv.getRowArray(), kv.getRowOffset(),
2546         kv.getRowLength()));
2547     kvbuilder.setFamily(ByteStringer.wrap(kv.getFamilyArray(),
2548         kv.getFamilyOffset(), kv.getFamilyLength()));
2549     kvbuilder.setQualifier(ByteStringer.wrap(kv.getQualifierArray(),
2550         kv.getQualifierOffset(), kv.getQualifierLength()));
2551     kvbuilder.setCellType(CellProtos.CellType.valueOf(kv.getTypeByte()));
2552     kvbuilder.setTimestamp(kv.getTimestamp());
2553     kvbuilder.setValue(ByteStringer.wrap(kv.getValueArray(), kv.getValueOffset(),
2554         kv.getValueLength()));
2555     return kvbuilder.build();
2556   }
toCell(final CellProtos.Cell cell)2558   public static Cell toCell(final CellProtos.Cell cell) {
2559     // Doing this is going to kill us if we do it for all data passed.
2560     // St.Ack 20121205
2561     return CellUtil.createCell(cell.getRow().toByteArray(),
2562       cell.getFamily().toByteArray(),
2563       cell.getQualifier().toByteArray(),
2564       cell.getTimestamp(),
2565       (byte)cell.getCellType().getNumber(),
2566       cell.getValue().toByteArray());
2567   }
toProtoNamespaceDescriptor(NamespaceDescriptor ns)2569   public static HBaseProtos.NamespaceDescriptor toProtoNamespaceDescriptor(NamespaceDescriptor ns) {
2570     HBaseProtos.NamespaceDescriptor.Builder b =
2571         HBaseProtos.NamespaceDescriptor.newBuilder()
2572             .setName(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(ns.getName()));
2573     for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry: ns.getConfiguration().entrySet()) {
2574       b.addConfiguration(HBaseProtos.NameStringPair.newBuilder()
2575           .setName(entry.getKey())
2576           .setValue(entry.getValue()));
2577     }
2578     return b.build();
2579   }
toNamespaceDescriptor( HBaseProtos.NamespaceDescriptor desc)2581   public static NamespaceDescriptor toNamespaceDescriptor(
2582       HBaseProtos.NamespaceDescriptor desc) throws IOException {
2583     NamespaceDescriptor.Builder b =
2584       NamespaceDescriptor.create(desc.getName().toStringUtf8());
2585     for(HBaseProtos.NameStringPair prop : desc.getConfigurationList()) {
2586       b.addConfiguration(prop.getName(), prop.getValue());
2587     }
2588     return b.build();
2589   }
2591   /**
2592    * Get an instance of the argument type declared in a class's signature. The
2593    * argument type is assumed to be a PB Message subclass, and the instance is
2594    * created using parseFrom method on the passed ByteString.
2595    * @param runtimeClass the runtime type of the class
2596    * @param position the position of the argument in the class declaration
2597    * @param b the ByteString which should be parsed to get the instance created
2598    * @return the instance
2599    * @throws IOException
2600    */
2601   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
2602   public static <T extends Message>
getParsedGenericInstance(Class<?> runtimeClass, int position, ByteString b)2603   T getParsedGenericInstance(Class<?> runtimeClass, int position, ByteString b)
2604       throws IOException {
2605     Type type = runtimeClass.getGenericSuperclass();
2606     Type argType = ((ParameterizedType)type).getActualTypeArguments()[position];
2607     Class<T> classType = (Class<T>)argType;
2608     T inst;
2609     try {
2610       Method m = classType.getMethod("parseFrom", ByteString.class);
2611       inst = (T)m.invoke(null, b);
2612       return inst;
2613     } catch (SecurityException e) {
2614       throw new IOException(e);
2615     } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
2616       throw new IOException(e);
2617     } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
2618       throw new IOException(e);
2619     } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
2620       throw new IOException(e);
2621     } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
2622       throw new IOException(e);
2623     }
2624   }
toCompactionDescriptor(HRegionInfo info, byte[] family, List<Path> inputPaths, List<Path> outputPaths, Path storeDir)2626   public static CompactionDescriptor toCompactionDescriptor(HRegionInfo info, byte[] family,
2627       List<Path> inputPaths, List<Path> outputPaths, Path storeDir) {
2628     return toCompactionDescriptor(info, null, family, inputPaths, outputPaths, storeDir);
2629   }
2631   @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
toCompactionDescriptor(HRegionInfo info, byte[] regionName, byte[] family, List<Path> inputPaths, List<Path> outputPaths, Path storeDir)2632   public static CompactionDescriptor toCompactionDescriptor(HRegionInfo info, byte[] regionName,
2633       byte[] family, List<Path> inputPaths, List<Path> outputPaths, Path storeDir) {
2634     // compaction descriptor contains relative paths.
2635     // input / output paths are relative to the store dir
2636     // store dir is relative to region dir
2637     CompactionDescriptor.Builder builder = CompactionDescriptor.newBuilder()
2638         .setTableName(ByteStringer.wrap(info.getTableName()))
2639         .setEncodedRegionName(ByteStringer.wrap(
2640           regionName == null ? info.getEncodedNameAsBytes() : regionName))
2641         .setFamilyName(ByteStringer.wrap(family))
2642         .setStoreHomeDir(storeDir.getName()); //make relative
2643     for (Path inputPath : inputPaths) {
2644       builder.addCompactionInput(inputPath.getName()); //relative path
2645     }
2646     for (Path outputPath : outputPaths) {
2647       builder.addCompactionOutput(outputPath.getName());
2648     }
2649     builder.setRegionName(ByteStringer.wrap(info.getRegionName()));
2650     return builder.build();
2651   }
toFlushDescriptor(FlushAction action, HRegionInfo hri, long flushSeqId, Map<byte[], List<Path>> committedFiles)2653   public static FlushDescriptor toFlushDescriptor(FlushAction action, HRegionInfo hri,
2654       long flushSeqId, Map<byte[], List<Path>> committedFiles) {
2655     FlushDescriptor.Builder desc = FlushDescriptor.newBuilder()
2656         .setAction(action)
2657         .setEncodedRegionName(ByteStringer.wrap(hri.getEncodedNameAsBytes()))
2658         .setRegionName(ByteStringer.wrap(hri.getRegionName()))
2659         .setFlushSequenceNumber(flushSeqId)
2660         .setTableName(ByteStringer.wrap(hri.getTable().getName()));
2662     for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<Path>> entry : committedFiles.entrySet()) {
2663       WALProtos.FlushDescriptor.StoreFlushDescriptor.Builder builder =
2664           WALProtos.FlushDescriptor.StoreFlushDescriptor.newBuilder()
2665           .setFamilyName(ByteStringer.wrap(entry.getKey()))
2666           .setStoreHomeDir(Bytes.toString(entry.getKey())); //relative to region
2667       if (entry.getValue() != null) {
2668         for (Path path : entry.getValue()) {
2669           builder.addFlushOutput(path.getName());
2670         }
2671       }
2672       desc.addStoreFlushes(builder);
2673     }
2674     return desc.build();
2675   }
toRegionEventDescriptor( EventType eventType, HRegionInfo hri, long seqId, ServerName server, Map<byte[], List<Path>> storeFiles)2677   public static RegionEventDescriptor toRegionEventDescriptor(
2678       EventType eventType, HRegionInfo hri, long seqId, ServerName server,
2679       Map<byte[], List<Path>> storeFiles) {
2680     final byte[] tableNameAsBytes = hri.getTable().getName();
2681     final byte[] encodedNameAsBytes = hri.getEncodedNameAsBytes();
2682     final byte[] regionNameAsBytes = hri.getRegionName();
2683     return toRegionEventDescriptor(eventType,
2684         tableNameAsBytes,
2685         encodedNameAsBytes,
2686         regionNameAsBytes,
2687         seqId,
2689         server,
2690         storeFiles);
2691   }
toRegionEventDescriptor(EventType eventType, byte[] tableNameAsBytes, byte[] encodedNameAsBytes, byte[] regionNameAsBytes, long seqId, ServerName server, Map<byte[], List<Path>> storeFiles)2693   public static RegionEventDescriptor toRegionEventDescriptor(EventType eventType,
2694                                                               byte[] tableNameAsBytes,
2695                                                               byte[] encodedNameAsBytes,
2696                                                               byte[] regionNameAsBytes,
2697                                                                long seqId,
2699                                                               ServerName server,
2700                                                               Map<byte[], List<Path>> storeFiles) {
2701     RegionEventDescriptor.Builder desc = RegionEventDescriptor.newBuilder()
2702         .setEventType(eventType)
2703         .setTableName(ByteStringer.wrap(tableNameAsBytes))
2704         .setEncodedRegionName(ByteStringer.wrap(encodedNameAsBytes))
2705         .setRegionName(ByteStringer.wrap(regionNameAsBytes))
2706         .setLogSequenceNumber(seqId)
2707         .setServer(toServerName(server));
2709     for (Entry<byte[], List<Path>> entry : storeFiles.entrySet()) {
2710       StoreDescriptor.Builder builder = StoreDescriptor.newBuilder()
2711           .setFamilyName(ByteStringer.wrap(entry.getKey()))
2712           .setStoreHomeDir(Bytes.toString(entry.getKey()));
2713       for (Path path : entry.getValue()) {
2714         builder.addStoreFile(path.getName());
2715       }
2717       desc.addStores(builder);
2718     }
2719     return desc.build();
2720   }
2722   /**
2723    * Return short version of Message toString'd, shorter than TextFormat#shortDebugString.
2724    * Tries to NOT print out data both because it can be big but also so we do not have data in our
2725    * logs. Use judiciously.
2726    * @param m
2727    * @return toString of passed <code>m</code>
2728    */
getShortTextFormat(Message m)2729   public static String getShortTextFormat(Message m) {
2730     if (m == null) return "null";
2731     if (m instanceof ScanRequest) {
2732       // This should be small and safe to output.  No data.
2733       return TextFormat.shortDebugString(m);
2734     } else if (m instanceof RegionServerReportRequest) {
2735       // Print a short message only, just the servername and the requests, not the full load.
2736       RegionServerReportRequest r = (RegionServerReportRequest)m;
2737       return "server " + TextFormat.shortDebugString(r.getServer()) +
2738         " load { numberOfRequests: " + r.getLoad().getNumberOfRequests() + " }";
2739     } else if (m instanceof RegionServerStartupRequest) {
2740       // Should be small enough.
2741       return TextFormat.shortDebugString(m);
2742     } else if (m instanceof MutationProto) {
2743       return toShortString((MutationProto)m);
2744     } else if (m instanceof GetRequest) {
2745       GetRequest r = (GetRequest) m;
2746       return "region= " + getStringForByteString(r.getRegion().getValue()) +
2747           ", row=" + getStringForByteString(r.getGet().getRow());
2748     } else if (m instanceof ClientProtos.MultiRequest) {
2749       ClientProtos.MultiRequest r = (ClientProtos.MultiRequest) m;
2750       // Get first set of Actions.
2751       ClientProtos.RegionAction actions = r.getRegionActionList().get(0);
2752       String row = actions.getActionCount() <= 0? "":
2753         getStringForByteString(actions.getAction(0).hasGet()?
2754           actions.getAction(0).getGet().getRow():
2755           actions.getAction(0).getMutation().getRow());
2756       return "region= " + getStringForByteString(actions.getRegion().getValue()) +
2757           ", for " + r.getRegionActionCount() +
2758           " actions and 1st row key=" + row;
2759     } else if (m instanceof ClientProtos.MutateRequest) {
2760       ClientProtos.MutateRequest r = (ClientProtos.MutateRequest) m;
2761       return "region= " + getStringForByteString(r.getRegion().getValue()) +
2762           ", row=" + getStringForByteString(r.getMutation().getRow());
2763     }
2764     return "TODO: " + m.getClass().toString();
2765   }
getStringForByteString(ByteString bs)2767   private static String getStringForByteString(ByteString bs) {
2768     return Bytes.toStringBinary(bs.toByteArray());
2769   }
2771   /**
2772    * Print out some subset of a MutationProto rather than all of it and its data
2773    * @param proto Protobuf to print out
2774    * @return Short String of mutation proto
2775    */
toShortString(final MutationProto proto)2776   static String toShortString(final MutationProto proto) {
2777     return "row=" + Bytes.toString(proto.getRow().toByteArray()) +
2778         ", type=" + proto.getMutateType().toString();
2779   }
toTableName(HBaseProtos.TableName tableNamePB)2781   public static TableName toTableName(HBaseProtos.TableName tableNamePB) {
2782     return TableName.valueOf(tableNamePB.getNamespace().asReadOnlyByteBuffer(),
2783         tableNamePB.getQualifier().asReadOnlyByteBuffer());
2784   }
toProtoTableName(TableName tableName)2786   public static HBaseProtos.TableName toProtoTableName(TableName tableName) {
2787     return HBaseProtos.TableName.newBuilder()
2788         .setNamespace(ByteStringer.wrap(tableName.getNamespace()))
2789         .setQualifier(ByteStringer.wrap(tableName.getQualifier())).build();
2790   }
getTableNameArray(List<HBaseProtos.TableName> tableNamesList)2792   public static TableName[] getTableNameArray(List<HBaseProtos.TableName> tableNamesList) {
2793     if (tableNamesList == null) {
2794       return new TableName[0];
2795     }
2796     TableName[] tableNames = new TableName[tableNamesList.size()];
2797     for (int i = 0; i < tableNamesList.size(); i++) {
2798       tableNames[i] = toTableName(tableNamesList.get(i));
2799     }
2800     return tableNames;
2801   }
2803   /**
2804    * Convert a protocol buffer CellVisibility to a client CellVisibility
2805    *
2806    * @param proto
2807    * @return the converted client CellVisibility
2808    */
toCellVisibility(ClientProtos.CellVisibility proto)2809   public static CellVisibility toCellVisibility(ClientProtos.CellVisibility proto) {
2810     if (proto == null) return null;
2811     return new CellVisibility(proto.getExpression());
2812   }
2814   /**
2815    * Convert a protocol buffer CellVisibility bytes to a client CellVisibility
2816    *
2817    * @param protoBytes
2818    * @return the converted client CellVisibility
2819    * @throws DeserializationException
2820    */
toCellVisibility(byte[] protoBytes)2821   public static CellVisibility toCellVisibility(byte[] protoBytes) throws DeserializationException {
2822     if (protoBytes == null) return null;
2823     ClientProtos.CellVisibility.Builder builder = ClientProtos.CellVisibility.newBuilder();
2824     ClientProtos.CellVisibility proto = null;
2825     try {
2826       ProtobufUtil.mergeFrom(builder, protoBytes);
2827       proto = builder.build();
2828     } catch (IOException e) {
2829       throw new DeserializationException(e);
2830     }
2831     return toCellVisibility(proto);
2832   }
2834   /**
2835    * Create a protocol buffer CellVisibility based on a client CellVisibility.
2836    *
2837    * @param cellVisibility
2838    * @return a protocol buffer CellVisibility
2839    */
toCellVisibility(CellVisibility cellVisibility)2840   public static ClientProtos.CellVisibility toCellVisibility(CellVisibility cellVisibility) {
2841     ClientProtos.CellVisibility.Builder builder = ClientProtos.CellVisibility.newBuilder();
2842     builder.setExpression(cellVisibility.getExpression());
2843     return builder.build();
2844   }
2846   /**
2847    * Convert a protocol buffer Authorizations to a client Authorizations
2848    *
2849    * @param proto
2850    * @return the converted client Authorizations
2851    */
toAuthorizations(ClientProtos.Authorizations proto)2852   public static Authorizations toAuthorizations(ClientProtos.Authorizations proto) {
2853     if (proto == null) return null;
2854     return new Authorizations(proto.getLabelList());
2855   }
2857   /**
2858    * Convert a protocol buffer Authorizations bytes to a client Authorizations
2859    *
2860    * @param protoBytes
2861    * @return the converted client Authorizations
2862    * @throws DeserializationException
2863    */
toAuthorizations(byte[] protoBytes)2864   public static Authorizations toAuthorizations(byte[] protoBytes) throws DeserializationException {
2865     if (protoBytes == null) return null;
2866     ClientProtos.Authorizations.Builder builder = ClientProtos.Authorizations.newBuilder();
2867     ClientProtos.Authorizations proto = null;
2868     try {
2869       ProtobufUtil.mergeFrom(builder, protoBytes);
2870       proto = builder.build();
2871     } catch (IOException e) {
2872       throw new DeserializationException(e);
2873     }
2874     return toAuthorizations(proto);
2875   }
2877   /**
2878    * Create a protocol buffer Authorizations based on a client Authorizations.
2879    *
2880    * @param authorizations
2881    * @return a protocol buffer Authorizations
2882    */
toAuthorizations(Authorizations authorizations)2883   public static ClientProtos.Authorizations toAuthorizations(Authorizations authorizations) {
2884     ClientProtos.Authorizations.Builder builder = ClientProtos.Authorizations.newBuilder();
2885     for (String label : authorizations.getLabels()) {
2886       builder.addLabel(label);
2887     }
2888     return builder.build();
2889   }
toUsersAndPermissions(String user, Permission perms)2891   public static AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions toUsersAndPermissions(String user,
2892       Permission perms) {
2893     return AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions.newBuilder()
2894       .addUserPermissions(AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions.UserPermissions.newBuilder()
2895         .setUser(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(user))
2896         .addPermissions(toPermission(perms))
2897         .build())
2898       .build();
2899   }
toUsersAndPermissions( ListMultimap<String, Permission> perms)2901   public static AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions toUsersAndPermissions(
2902       ListMultimap<String, Permission> perms) {
2903     AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions.Builder builder =
2904         AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions.newBuilder();
2905     for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<Permission>> entry : perms.asMap().entrySet()) {
2906       AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions.UserPermissions.Builder userPermBuilder =
2907         AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions.UserPermissions.newBuilder();
2908       userPermBuilder.setUser(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(entry.getKey()));
2909       for (Permission perm: entry.getValue()) {
2910         userPermBuilder.addPermissions(toPermission(perm));
2911       }
2912       builder.addUserPermissions(userPermBuilder.build());
2913     }
2914     return builder.build();
2915   }
toUsersAndPermissions( AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions proto)2917   public static ListMultimap<String, Permission> toUsersAndPermissions(
2918       AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions proto) {
2919     ListMultimap<String, Permission> result = ArrayListMultimap.create();
2920     for (AccessControlProtos.UsersAndPermissions.UserPermissions userPerms:
2921         proto.getUserPermissionsList()) {
2922       String user = userPerms.getUser().toStringUtf8();
2923       for (AccessControlProtos.Permission perm: userPerms.getPermissionsList()) {
2924         result.put(user, toPermission(perm));
2925       }
2926     }
2927     return result;
2928   }
2930   /**
2931    * Convert a protocol buffer TimeUnit to a client TimeUnit
2932    * @param proto
2933    * @return the converted client TimeUnit
2934    */
toTimeUnit(final HBaseProtos.TimeUnit proto)2935   public static TimeUnit toTimeUnit(final HBaseProtos.TimeUnit proto) {
2936     switch (proto) {
2937     case NANOSECONDS:
2938       return TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS;
2939     case MICROSECONDS:
2940       return TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS;
2941     case MILLISECONDS:
2942       return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
2943     case SECONDS:
2944       return TimeUnit.SECONDS;
2945     case MINUTES:
2946       return TimeUnit.MINUTES;
2947     case HOURS:
2948       return TimeUnit.HOURS;
2949     case DAYS:
2950       return TimeUnit.DAYS;
2951     default:
2952       throw new RuntimeException("Invalid TimeUnit " + proto);
2953     }
2954   }
2956   /**
2957    * Convert a client TimeUnit to a protocol buffer TimeUnit
2958    * @param timeUnit
2959    * @return the converted protocol buffer TimeUnit
2960    */
toProtoTimeUnit(final TimeUnit timeUnit)2961   public static HBaseProtos.TimeUnit toProtoTimeUnit(final TimeUnit timeUnit) {
2962     switch (timeUnit) {
2963     case NANOSECONDS:
2964       return HBaseProtos.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS;
2965     case MICROSECONDS:
2966       return HBaseProtos.TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS;
2967     case MILLISECONDS:
2968       return HBaseProtos.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
2969     case SECONDS:
2970       return HBaseProtos.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
2971     case MINUTES:
2972       return HBaseProtos.TimeUnit.MINUTES;
2973     case HOURS:
2974       return HBaseProtos.TimeUnit.HOURS;
2975     case DAYS:
2976       return HBaseProtos.TimeUnit.DAYS;
2977     default:
2978       throw new RuntimeException("Invalid TimeUnit " + timeUnit);
2979     }
2980   }
2982   /**
2983    * Convert a protocol buffer ThrottleType to a client ThrottleType
2984    * @param proto
2985    * @return the converted client ThrottleType
2986    */
toThrottleType(final QuotaProtos.ThrottleType proto)2987   public static ThrottleType toThrottleType(final QuotaProtos.ThrottleType proto) {
2988     switch (proto) {
2989     case REQUEST_NUMBER:
2990       return ThrottleType.REQUEST_NUMBER;
2991     case REQUEST_SIZE:
2992       return ThrottleType.REQUEST_SIZE;
2993     case WRITE_NUMBER:
2994       return ThrottleType.WRITE_NUMBER;
2995     case WRITE_SIZE:
2996       return ThrottleType.WRITE_SIZE;
2997     case READ_NUMBER:
2998       return ThrottleType.READ_NUMBER;
2999     case READ_SIZE:
3000       return ThrottleType.READ_SIZE;
3001     default:
3002       throw new RuntimeException("Invalid ThrottleType " + proto);
3003     }
3004   }
3006   /**
3007    * Convert a client ThrottleType to a protocol buffer ThrottleType
3008    * @param type
3009    * @return the converted protocol buffer ThrottleType
3010    */
toProtoThrottleType(final ThrottleType type)3011   public static QuotaProtos.ThrottleType toProtoThrottleType(final ThrottleType type) {
3012     switch (type) {
3013     case REQUEST_NUMBER:
3014       return QuotaProtos.ThrottleType.REQUEST_NUMBER;
3015     case REQUEST_SIZE:
3016       return QuotaProtos.ThrottleType.REQUEST_SIZE;
3017     case WRITE_NUMBER:
3018       return QuotaProtos.ThrottleType.WRITE_NUMBER;
3019     case WRITE_SIZE:
3020       return QuotaProtos.ThrottleType.WRITE_SIZE;
3021     case READ_NUMBER:
3022       return QuotaProtos.ThrottleType.READ_NUMBER;
3023     case READ_SIZE:
3024       return QuotaProtos.ThrottleType.READ_SIZE;
3025     default:
3026       throw new RuntimeException("Invalid ThrottleType " + type);
3027     }
3028   }
3030   /**
3031    * Convert a protocol buffer QuotaScope to a client QuotaScope
3032    * @param proto
3033    * @return the converted client QuotaScope
3034    */
toQuotaScope(final QuotaProtos.QuotaScope proto)3035   public static QuotaScope toQuotaScope(final QuotaProtos.QuotaScope proto) {
3036     switch (proto) {
3037     case CLUSTER:
3038       return QuotaScope.CLUSTER;
3039     case MACHINE:
3040       return QuotaScope.MACHINE;
3041     default:
3042       throw new RuntimeException("Invalid QuotaScope " + proto);
3043     }
3044   }
3046   /**
3047    * Convert a client QuotaScope to a protocol buffer QuotaScope
3048    * @param scope
3049    * @return the converted protocol buffer QuotaScope
3050    */
toProtoQuotaScope(final QuotaScope scope)3051   public static QuotaProtos.QuotaScope toProtoQuotaScope(final QuotaScope scope) {
3052     switch (scope) {
3053     case CLUSTER:
3054       return QuotaProtos.QuotaScope.CLUSTER;
3055     case MACHINE:
3056       return QuotaProtos.QuotaScope.MACHINE;
3057     default:
3058       throw new RuntimeException("Invalid QuotaScope " + scope);
3059     }
3060   }
3062   /**
3063    * Convert a protocol buffer QuotaType to a client QuotaType
3064    * @param proto
3065    * @return the converted client QuotaType
3066    */
toQuotaScope(final QuotaProtos.QuotaType proto)3067   public static QuotaType toQuotaScope(final QuotaProtos.QuotaType proto) {
3068     switch (proto) {
3069     case THROTTLE:
3070       return QuotaType.THROTTLE;
3071     default:
3072       throw new RuntimeException("Invalid QuotaType " + proto);
3073     }
3074   }
3076   /**
3077    * Convert a client QuotaType to a protocol buffer QuotaType
3078    * @param type
3079    * @return the converted protocol buffer QuotaType
3080    */
toProtoQuotaScope(final QuotaType type)3081   public static QuotaProtos.QuotaType toProtoQuotaScope(final QuotaType type) {
3082     switch (type) {
3083     case THROTTLE:
3084       return QuotaProtos.QuotaType.THROTTLE;
3085     default:
3086       throw new RuntimeException("Invalid QuotaType " + type);
3087     }
3088   }
3090   /**
3091    * Build a protocol buffer TimedQuota
3092    * @param limit the allowed number of request/data per timeUnit
3093    * @param timeUnit the limit time unit
3094    * @param scope the quota scope
3095    * @return the protocol buffer TimedQuota
3096    */
toTimedQuota(final long limit, final TimeUnit timeUnit, final QuotaScope scope)3097   public static QuotaProtos.TimedQuota toTimedQuota(final long limit, final TimeUnit timeUnit,
3098       final QuotaScope scope) {
3099     return QuotaProtos.TimedQuota.newBuilder().setSoftLimit(limit)
3100         .setTimeUnit(toProtoTimeUnit(timeUnit)).setScope(toProtoQuotaScope(scope)).build();
3101   }
3103   /**
3104    * Generates a marker for the WAL so that we propagate the notion of a bulk region load
3105    * throughout the WAL.
3106    *
3107    * @param tableName         The tableName into which the bulk load is being imported into.
3108    * @param encodedRegionName Encoded region name of the region which is being bulk loaded.
3109    * @param storeFiles        A set of store files of a column family are bulk loaded.
3110    * @param bulkloadSeqId     sequence ID (by a force flush) used to create bulk load hfile
3111    *                          name
3112    * @return The WAL log marker for bulk loads.
3113    */
toBulkLoadDescriptor(TableName tableName, ByteString encodedRegionName, Map<byte[], List<Path>> storeFiles, long bulkloadSeqId)3114   public static WALProtos.BulkLoadDescriptor toBulkLoadDescriptor(TableName tableName,
3115       ByteString encodedRegionName, Map<byte[], List<Path>> storeFiles, long bulkloadSeqId) {
3116     BulkLoadDescriptor.Builder desc = BulkLoadDescriptor.newBuilder()
3117         .setTableName(ProtobufUtil.toProtoTableName(tableName))
3118         .setEncodedRegionName(encodedRegionName).setBulkloadSeqNum(bulkloadSeqId);
3120     for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<Path>> entry : storeFiles.entrySet()) {
3121       WALProtos.StoreDescriptor.Builder builder = StoreDescriptor.newBuilder()
3122           .setFamilyName(ByteStringer.wrap(entry.getKey()))
3123           .setStoreHomeDir(Bytes.toString(entry.getKey())); // relative to region
3124       for (Path path : entry.getValue()) {
3125         builder.addStoreFile(path.getName());
3126       }
3127       desc.addStores(builder);
3128     }
3130     return desc.build();
3131   }
3133   /**
3134    * This version of protobuf's mergeDelimitedFrom avoids the hard-coded 64MB limit for decoding
3135    * buffers
3136    * @param builder current message builder
3137    * @param in Inputsream with delimited protobuf data
3138    * @throws IOException
3139    */
mergeDelimitedFrom(Message.Builder builder, InputStream in)3140   public static void mergeDelimitedFrom(Message.Builder builder, InputStream in)
3141     throws IOException {
3142     // This used to be builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(in);
3143     // but is replaced to allow us to bump the protobuf size limit.
3144     final int firstByte = in.read();
3145     if (firstByte != -1) {
3146       final int size = CodedInputStream.readRawVarint32(firstByte, in);
3147       final InputStream limitedInput = new LimitInputStream(in, size);
3148       final CodedInputStream codedInput = CodedInputStream.newInstance(limitedInput);
3149       codedInput.setSizeLimit(size);
3150       builder.mergeFrom(codedInput);
3151       codedInput.checkLastTagWas(0);
3152     }
3153   }
3155   /**
3156    * This version of protobuf's mergeFrom avoids the hard-coded 64MB limit for decoding
3157    * buffers where the message size is known
3158    * @param builder current message builder
3159    * @param in InputStream containing protobuf data
3160    * @param size known size of protobuf data
3161    * @throws IOException
3162    */
mergeFrom(Message.Builder builder, InputStream in, int size)3163   public static void mergeFrom(Message.Builder builder, InputStream in, int size)
3164       throws IOException {
3165     final CodedInputStream codedInput = CodedInputStream.newInstance(in);
3166     codedInput.setSizeLimit(size);
3167     builder.mergeFrom(codedInput);
3168     codedInput.checkLastTagWas(0);
3169   }
3171   /**
3172    * This version of protobuf's mergeFrom avoids the hard-coded 64MB limit for decoding
3173    * buffers where the message size is not known
3174    * @param builder current message builder
3175    * @param in InputStream containing protobuf data
3176    * @throws IOException
3177    */
mergeFrom(Message.Builder builder, InputStream in)3178   public static void mergeFrom(Message.Builder builder, InputStream in)
3179       throws IOException {
3180     final CodedInputStream codedInput = CodedInputStream.newInstance(in);
3181     codedInput.setSizeLimit(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
3182     builder.mergeFrom(codedInput);
3183     codedInput.checkLastTagWas(0);
3184   }
3186   /**
3187    * This version of protobuf's mergeFrom avoids the hard-coded 64MB limit for decoding
3188    * buffers when working with ByteStrings
3189    * @param builder current message builder
3190    * @param bs ByteString containing the
3191    * @throws IOException
3192    */
mergeFrom(Message.Builder builder, ByteString bs)3193   public static void mergeFrom(Message.Builder builder, ByteString bs) throws IOException {
3194     final CodedInputStream codedInput = bs.newCodedInput();
3195     codedInput.setSizeLimit(bs.size());
3196     builder.mergeFrom(codedInput);
3197     codedInput.checkLastTagWas(0);
3198   }
3200   /**
3201    * This version of protobuf's mergeFrom avoids the hard-coded 64MB limit for decoding
3202    * buffers when working with byte arrays
3203    * @param builder current message builder
3204    * @param b byte array
3205    * @throws IOException
3206    */
mergeFrom(Message.Builder builder, byte[] b)3207   public static void mergeFrom(Message.Builder builder, byte[] b) throws IOException {
3208     final CodedInputStream codedInput = CodedInputStream.newInstance(b);
3209     codedInput.setSizeLimit(b.length);
3210     builder.mergeFrom(codedInput);
3211     codedInput.checkLastTagWas(0);
3212   }
3214   /**
3215    * This version of protobuf's mergeFrom avoids the hard-coded 64MB limit for decoding
3216    * buffers when working with byte arrays
3217    * @param builder current message builder
3218    * @param b byte array
3219    * @param offset
3220    * @param length
3221    * @throws IOException
3222    */
mergeFrom(Message.Builder builder, byte[] b, int offset, int length)3223   public static void mergeFrom(Message.Builder builder, byte[] b, int offset, int length)
3224       throws IOException {
3225     final CodedInputStream codedInput = CodedInputStream.newInstance(b, offset, length);
3226     codedInput.setSizeLimit(length);
3227     builder.mergeFrom(codedInput);
3228     codedInput.checkLastTagWas(0);
3229   }
toReplicationLoadSink( ClusterStatusProtos.ReplicationLoadSink cls)3231   public static ReplicationLoadSink toReplicationLoadSink(
3232       ClusterStatusProtos.ReplicationLoadSink cls) {
3233     return new ReplicationLoadSink(cls.getAgeOfLastAppliedOp(), cls.getTimeStampsOfLastAppliedOp());
3234   }
toReplicationLoadSource( ClusterStatusProtos.ReplicationLoadSource cls)3236   public static ReplicationLoadSource toReplicationLoadSource(
3237       ClusterStatusProtos.ReplicationLoadSource cls) {
3238     return new ReplicationLoadSource(cls.getPeerID(), cls.getAgeOfLastShippedOp(),
3239         cls.getSizeOfLogQueue(), cls.getTimeStampOfLastShippedOp(), cls.getReplicationLag());
3240   }
toReplicationLoadSourceList( List<ClusterStatusProtos.ReplicationLoadSource> clsList)3242   public static List<ReplicationLoadSource> toReplicationLoadSourceList(
3243       List<ClusterStatusProtos.ReplicationLoadSource> clsList) {
3244     ArrayList<ReplicationLoadSource> rlsList = new ArrayList<ReplicationLoadSource>();
3245     for (ClusterStatusProtos.ReplicationLoadSource cls : clsList) {
3246       rlsList.add(toReplicationLoadSource(cls));
3247     }
3248     return rlsList;
3249   }
3251   /**
3252    * Get a protocol buffer VersionInfo
3253    *
3254    * @return the converted protocol buffer VersionInfo
3255    */
getVersionInfo()3256   public static HBaseProtos.VersionInfo getVersionInfo() {
3257     HBaseProtos.VersionInfo.Builder builder = HBaseProtos.VersionInfo.newBuilder();
3258     builder.setVersion(VersionInfo.getVersion());
3259     builder.setUrl(VersionInfo.getUrl());
3260     builder.setRevision(VersionInfo.getRevision());
3261     builder.setUser(VersionInfo.getUser());
3262     builder.setDate(VersionInfo.getDate());
3263     builder.setSrcChecksum(VersionInfo.getSrcChecksum());
3264     return builder.build();
3265   }
3267   /**
3268    * Convert SecurityCapabilitiesResponse.Capability to SecurityCapability
3269    * @param capabilities capabilities returned in the SecurityCapabilitiesResponse message
3270    * @return the converted list of SecurityCapability elements
3271    */
toSecurityCapabilityList( List<MasterProtos.SecurityCapabilitiesResponse.Capability> capabilities)3272   public static List<SecurityCapability> toSecurityCapabilityList(
3273       List<MasterProtos.SecurityCapabilitiesResponse.Capability> capabilities) {
3274     List<SecurityCapability> scList = new ArrayList<>(capabilities.size());
3275     for (MasterProtos.SecurityCapabilitiesResponse.Capability c: capabilities) {
3276       try {
3277         scList.add(SecurityCapability.valueOf(c.getNumber()));
3278       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
3279         // Unknown capability, just ignore it. We don't understand the new capability
3280         // but don't care since by definition we cannot take advantage of it.
3281       }
3282     }
3283     return scList;
3284   }
timeRangeToProto(TimeRange timeRange)3286   private static HBaseProtos.TimeRange.Builder timeRangeToProto(TimeRange timeRange) {
3287     HBaseProtos.TimeRange.Builder timeRangeBuilder =
3288         HBaseProtos.TimeRange.newBuilder();
3289     timeRangeBuilder.setFrom(timeRange.getMin());
3290     timeRangeBuilder.setTo(timeRange.getMax());
3291     return timeRangeBuilder;
3292   }
protoToTimeRange(HBaseProtos.TimeRange timeRange)3294   private static TimeRange protoToTimeRange(HBaseProtos.TimeRange timeRange) throws IOException {
3295       long minStamp = 0;
3296       long maxStamp = Long.MAX_VALUE;
3297       if (timeRange.hasFrom()) {
3298         minStamp = timeRange.getFrom();
3299       }
3300       if (timeRange.hasTo()) {
3301         maxStamp = timeRange.getTo();
3302       }
3303     return new TimeRange(minStamp, maxStamp);
3304   }
3306 }