2! Copyright (C) 2004 PWSCF group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
10subroutine set_rho_core
11  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
12  !
13  !      input : all-electron wavefunctions + valence states
14  !      output: smoothed core charge for r > rcore
15  !
16  use kinds, only : dp
17  use constants, only : pi
18  use io_global, only : stdout, ionode, ionode_id
19  use mp,        only : mp_bcast
20  use mp_world,  only : world_comm
21  use ld1inc, only : nlcc, grid, rhoc, aeccharge, psccharge, rcore, &
22                     nwf, oc, rel, core_state, psi, file_core, new_core_ps,&
23                     lpaw, lnc2paw
24  implicit none
26  real(DP) :: drho, const, br1, br2, &
27       eps1, eps2, br12, xc(8), a, b, eps12, totrho
28  real(DP), allocatable:: rhov(:)
29  real(DP), external :: int_0_inf_dr
30  integer :: i, ik, n, ns, ios
32  if (nlcc) then
33     write(stdout,'(/,5x,'' Computing core charge for nlcc: '')')
34  else
35     if (lpaw) write(stdout,'(/,5x,'' Computing core charge for PAW: '')')
36  end if
37  allocate (rhov(grid%mesh))
38  !
39  !      calculates core charge density
40  !
41  do n=1,grid%mesh
42     rhov(n) = 0.0_dp
43     rhoc(n) = 0.0_dp
44     do ns=1,nwf
45        if (rel==2) then
46           if (core_state(ns)) then
47              rhoc(n)=rhoc(n)+oc(ns)*(psi(n,1,ns)**2+psi(n,2,ns)**2)
48           else
49              rhov(n)=rhov(n)+oc(ns)*(psi(n,1,ns)**2+psi(n,2,ns)**2)
50           endif
51        else
52           if (core_state(ns)) then
53              rhoc(n) = rhoc(n) + oc(ns)*psi(n,1,ns)**2
54           else
55              rhov(n) = rhov(n) + oc(ns)*psi(n,1,ns)**2
56           endif
57        endif
58     enddo
59  enddo
60  totrho = int_0_inf_dr(rhoc,grid,grid%mesh,2)
61  if (totrho<1.d-6.and.lpaw) then
63!  All valence charge for this atom (mainly for H)
65     aeccharge(1:grid%mesh) = 0.0_DP
66     psccharge(1:grid%mesh) = 0.0_DP
67     goto 1100
68  endif
70!  write(stdout,'("Integrated core charge",f15.10)') totrho
71  aeccharge(1:grid%mesh) = rhoc(1:grid%mesh)
72  !
73  if (rcore > 0.0_dp) then
74     !      rcore read on input
75     do ik=1,grid%mesh
76        if (grid%r(ik) > rcore) go to 100
77     enddo
78     call infomsg('set_rho_core','rcore too big')
79     return
80  else
81     !      rcore determined by the condition  rhoc(rcore) = 2*rhov(rcore)
82     do ik=1,grid%mesh
83        if (rhoc(ik) < 2.0 * rhov(ik)) go to 100
84     enddo
85  end if
86100 rcore=grid%r(ik)
87  drho = ( rhoc(ik+1)/grid%r2(ik+1) - rhoc(ik)/grid%r2(ik) ) / grid%dx / grid%r(ik)
88  !
89  !   true_rho = rhoc(r)/r**2/4 pi
90  !      (factor 1/r from logarithmic mesh)
91  !   smoothened core charge density for nonlinear core correction:
92  !      rhoc(r) = core charge        for r > rcore
93  !      rhoc(r) = r^2 a sin(b r)/r   for r < rcore
94  !
95  if (new_core_ps) then
96     call compute_phius(1,ik,aeccharge,rhoc,xc,0,'  ')
97  else
98     if (drho > 0.0_dp) then
99        call infomsg('set_rho_core','d rho/ d r > 0')
100        return
101     endif
102     const= grid%r(ik)*drho / ( rhoc(ik)/grid%r2(ik) ) + 1.0_dp
103     if (const > 0.0_dp) then
104        br1 = 0.00001_dp
105        br2 = pi/2.0_dp-0.00001_dp
106     else
107        br1 = pi/2.0_dp+0.00001_dp
108        br2 = pi
109     end if
110     do n=1, 15
111        eps1 = br1 - const*tan(br1)
112        eps2 = br2 - const*tan(br2)
113        br12 = (br1+br2)/2.0_dp
114        eps12 = br12 - const*tan(br12)
115        if(eps1*eps12 < 0.0_dp) then
116           br2 = br12
117        else if(eps12*eps2 < 0.0_dp) then
118           br1 = br12
119        else
120           call errore('set_rho_core','error in bisection',n)
121        end if
122     end do
123     b = br12/grid%r(ik)
124     a = ( rhoc(ik)/grid%r2(ik) ) * grid%r(ik)/sin(br12)
125     do n=1,ik
126        rhoc(n) = a*sin(b*grid%r(n))/grid%r(n) * grid%r2(n)
127     end do
128  endif
129  if (lpaw) then
130     if (lnc2paw) then
131        ! Mimic NC calculation. If NLCC, the pseudized core charge.
132        if (nlcc) then
133           aeccharge(1:grid%mesh) = rhoc(1:grid%mesh)
134           ! Here one could set another pseudized ccharge, for
135           ! example with a larger matching radius. Right now,
136           ! just take the same as the AE (ie NC) one:
137           psccharge(1:grid%mesh) = rhoc(1:grid%mesh)
138        else
139           ! Reference NC calculation does not have core charge.
140           aeccharge(1:grid%mesh) = 0._dp
141           psccharge(1:grid%mesh) = 0._dp
142        end if
143     else
144!        aeccharge(1:grid%mesh) = rhoc(1:grid%mesh)
145        if (nlcc) then
146           psccharge(1:grid%mesh) = rhoc(1:grid%mesh)
147        else
148           psccharge(1:grid%mesh) = 0._dp
149        end if
150     end if
151  end if
152  write(stdout,'(/,5x,''  r > '',f4.2,'' : true rho core'')') grid%r(ik)
153  if (new_core_ps) then
154     write(stdout,'(6x,"Core charge pseudized with two Bessel functions")')
155  else
156     write(stdout,110) grid%r(ik), a, b
157  endif
158110 format (5x, '  r < ',f4.2,' : rho core = a sin(br)/r', &
159       '    a=',f7.2,'  b=',f7.2/)
1601100 continue
161  if (file_core .ne. ' ') then
162     write(stdout,'(6x, "***Writing file ",a, " ***")') trim(file_core)
163     if (ionode) &
164        open(unit=26,file=file_core, status='unknown', iostat=ios, err=300 )
165300  call mp_bcast(ios, ionode_id, world_comm)
166     call errore('set_rho_core','opening file '//file_core,abs(ios))
167     if (ionode) then
168        if (totrho>1.d-6) then
169           do n=1,grid%mesh
170              write(26,'(4f20.10)') grid%r(n),rhoc(n),rhov(n),aeccharge(n)
171           enddo
172        else
173           do n=1,grid%mesh
174              write(26,'(2f20.10)') grid%r(n),rhov(n)
175           enddo
176        endif
177        close(26)
178     endif
179  endif
180  totrho = int_0_inf_dr(rhoc,grid,grid%mesh,2)
181  write(stdout,'(6x,''Integrated core pseudo-charge : '',f6.2)')  totrho
182  if (.not.nlcc) rhoc(1:grid%mesh) = 0.0_dp
183  deallocate (rhov)
184  return
185end subroutine set_rho_core