1 /*
4 	Copyright (C) 1991-2001 and beyond by Bungie Studios, Inc.
5 	and the "Aleph One" developers.
7 	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 	the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10 	(at your option) any later version.
12 	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 	GNU General Public License for more details.
17 	This license is contained in the file "COPYING",
18 	which is included with this source code; it is available online at
19 	http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
21 Sunday, May 31, 1992 3:57:12 PM
23 Friday, January 15, 1993 9:59:14 AM
24 	added arctangent function.
25 Thursday, January 21, 1993 9:46:24 PM
26 	fixed arctangent function.  normalize_angle() could stand to be improved.
27 Saturday, January 23, 1993 9:46:34 PM
28 	fixed arctangent, hopefully for the last time.  normalize_angle() is a little faster.
29 Monday, January 25, 1993 3:01:47 PM
30 	arctangent works (tested at 0.5� increments against SANE�s tan), the only anomoly was
31 	apparently arctan(0)==180�.
32 Wednesday, January 27, 1993 3:49:04 PM
33 	final fix to arctangent, we swear.  recall lim(arctan(x)) as x approaches �/2 or 3�/4 is ��,
34 	depending on which side we come from.  because we didn't realize this, arctan failed in the
35 	case where x was very close to but slightly below �/2.  i think we�ve seen the last monster
36 	suddenly �panic� and bolt directly into a wall.
37 Sunday, July 25, 1993 11:51:42 PM
38 	the arctan of 0/0 is now (arbitrairly) �/2 because we�re sick of assert(y) failing.
39 Monday, June 20, 1994 4:15:06 PM
40 	bug fix in translate_point3d().
42 Feb 10, 2000 (Loren Petrich):
43 	Fixed range check in translate_point3d()
45 Feb 14, 2000 (Loren Petrich):
46 	Doing some arithmetic as long values instead of short ones, so as to avoid annoying long-distance wraparound.
48 Feb 17, 2000 (Loren Petrich):
49 	Fixed arctangent() so that it gets the values into the right octants, and then does a binary search
51 Jul 1, 2000 (Loren Petrich):
52 	Inlined the angle normalization; doing it automatically for all the functions that work with angles
53 */
55 #include "cseries.h"
56 #include "world.h"
57 #include "FilmProfile.h"
59 #include <stdlib.h>
60 #include <math.h>
61 #include <limits.h>
66 /* ---------- globals */
68 int16 *cosine_table;
69 int16 *sine_table;
70 static int32 *tangent_table;
72 static uint16 random_seed= 0x1;
73 static uint16 local_random_seed= 0x1;
75 /* ---------- code */
77 /*
78 angle normalize_angle(
79 	angle theta)
80 {
81 	while (theta<0) theta+= NUMBER_OF_ANGLES;
82 	while (theta>=NUMBER_OF_ANGLES) theta-= NUMBER_OF_ANGLES;
84 	return theta;
85 }
86 */
88 /* remember this is not wholly accurate, both distance or the sine/cosine values could be
89 	negative, and the shift can�t make negative numbers zero; this is probably ok because
90 	we�ll have -1/1024th instead of zero, which is basically our margin for error anyway ... */
translate_point2d(world_point2d * point,world_distance distance,angle theta)91 world_point2d *translate_point2d(
92 	world_point2d *point,
93 	world_distance distance,
94 	angle theta)
95 {
96 	// LP change: idiot-proofed this
97 	theta = normalize_angle(theta);
98 	fc_assert(cosine_table[0]==TRIG_MAGNITUDE);
100 	point->x+= (distance*cosine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT;
101 	point->y+= (distance*sine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT;
103 	return point;
104 }
106 /* same comment as above */
translate_point3d(world_point3d * point,world_distance distance,angle theta,angle phi)107 world_point3d *translate_point3d(
108 	world_point3d *point,
109 	world_distance distance,
110 	angle theta,
111 	angle phi)
112 {
113 	world_distance transformed_distance;
115 	// LP change: idiot-proofed this
116 	theta = normalize_angle(theta);
117 	phi = normalize_angle(phi);
119 	transformed_distance= (distance*cosine_table[phi])>>TRIG_SHIFT;
120 	point->x+= (transformed_distance*cosine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT;
121 	point->y+= (transformed_distance*sine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT;
122 	point->z+= (distance*sine_table[phi])>>TRIG_SHIFT;
124 	return point;
125 }
rotate_point2d(world_point2d * point,world_point2d * origin,angle theta)127 world_point2d *rotate_point2d(
128 	world_point2d *point,
129 	world_point2d *origin,
130 	angle theta)
131 {
132 	// LP change: lengthening the values for more precise calculations
133 	long_vector2d temp;
135 	theta = normalize_angle(theta);
136 	fc_assert(cosine_table[0]==TRIG_MAGNITUDE);
138 	temp.i= int32(point->x)-int32(origin->x);
139 	temp.j= int32(point->y)-int32(origin->y);
141 	point->x= ((temp.i*cosine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT) + ((temp.j*sine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT) +
142 		origin->x;
143 	point->y= ((temp.j*cosine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT) - ((temp.i*sine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT) +
144 		origin->y;
146 	return point;
147 }
transform_point2d(world_point2d * point,world_point2d * origin,angle theta)149 world_point2d *transform_point2d(
150 	world_point2d *point,
151 	world_point2d *origin,
152 	angle theta)
153 {
154 	// LP change: lengthening the values for more precise calculations
155 	long_vector2d temp;
157 	theta = normalize_angle(theta);
158 	fc_assert(cosine_table[0]==TRIG_MAGNITUDE);
160 	temp.i= int32(point->x)-int32(origin->x);
161 	temp.j= int32(point->y)-int32(origin->y);
163 	point->x= ((temp.i*cosine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT) + ((temp.j*sine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT);
164 	point->y= ((temp.j*cosine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT) - ((temp.i*sine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT);
166 	return point;
167 }
transform_point3d(world_point3d * point,world_point3d * origin,angle theta,angle phi)169 world_point3d *transform_point3d(
170 	world_point3d *point,
171 	world_point3d *origin,
172 	angle theta,
173 	angle phi)
174 {
175 	// LP change: lengthening the values for more precise calculations
176 	long_vector3d temporary;
178 	temporary.i= int32(point->x)-int32(origin->x);
179 	temporary.j= int32(point->y)-int32(origin->y);
180 	temporary.k= int32(point->z)-int32(origin->z);
182 	/* do theta rotation (in x-y plane) */
183 	point->x= ((temporary.i*cosine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT) + ((temporary.j*sine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT);
184 	point->y= ((temporary.j*cosine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT) - ((temporary.i*sine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT);
186 	/* do phi rotation (in x-z plane) */
187 	if (phi)
188 	{
189 		temporary.i= point->x;
190 		/* temporary.z is already set */
192 		point->x= ((temporary.i*cosine_table[phi])>>TRIG_SHIFT) + ((temporary.k*sine_table[phi])>>TRIG_SHIFT);
193 		point->z= ((temporary.k*cosine_table[phi])>>TRIG_SHIFT) - ((temporary.i*sine_table[phi])>>TRIG_SHIFT);
194 		/* y-coordinate is unchanged */
195 	}
196 	else
197 	{
198 		point->z= temporary.k;
199 	}
201 	return point;
202 }
build_trig_tables(void)204 void build_trig_tables(
205 	void)
206 {
207 	short i;
208 	double two_pi= 8.0*atan(1.0);
209 	double theta;
211 	sine_table= (int16 *) malloc(sizeof(int16)*NUMBER_OF_ANGLES);
212 	cosine_table= (int16 *) malloc(sizeof(int16)*NUMBER_OF_ANGLES);
213 	tangent_table= (int32 *) malloc(sizeof(int32)*NUMBER_OF_ANGLES);
214 	fc_assert(sine_table&&cosine_table&&tangent_table);
216 	for (i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_ANGLES;++i)
217 	{
218 		theta= two_pi*(double)i/(double)NUMBER_OF_ANGLES;
220 		cosine_table[i]= (short) ((double)TRIG_MAGNITUDE*cos(theta)+0.5);
221 		sine_table[i]= (short) ((double)TRIG_MAGNITUDE*sin(theta)+0.5);
223 		if (i==0) sine_table[i]= 0, cosine_table[i]= TRIG_MAGNITUDE;
224 		if (i==QUARTER_CIRCLE) sine_table[i]= TRIG_MAGNITUDE, cosine_table[i]= 0;
225 		if (i==HALF_CIRCLE) sine_table[i]= 0, cosine_table[i]= -TRIG_MAGNITUDE;
226 		if (i==THREE_QUARTER_CIRCLE) sine_table[i]= -TRIG_MAGNITUDE, cosine_table[i]= 0;
228 		/* what we care about here is NOT accuracy, rather we�re concerned with matching the
229 			ratio of the existing sine and cosine tables as exactly as possible */
230 		if (cosine_table[i])
231 		{
232 			tangent_table[i]= ((TRIG_MAGNITUDE*sine_table[i])/cosine_table[i]);
233 		}
234 		else
235 		{
236 			/* we always take -�, even though the limit is ��, depending on which side you
237 				approach it from.  this is because of the direction we traverse the circle
238 				looking for matches during arctan. */
239 			tangent_table[i]= INT32_MIN;
240 		}
241 	}
242 }
m2_arctangent(int32 xx,int32 yy)244 static angle m2_arctangent(
245 	int32 xx,
246 	int32 yy)
247 {
248 	// the original Marathon 2 function took world_distance parameters
249 	world_distance x = xx;
250 	world_distance y = yy;
252 	long tangent;
253 	long last_difference, new_difference;
254 	angle search_arc, theta;
256 	if (x)
257 	{
258 		tangent= (TRIG_MAGNITUDE*y)/x;
260 		if (tangent)
261 		{
262 			theta= (y>0) ? 1 : HALF_CIRCLE+1;
263 			if (tangent<0) theta+= QUARTER_CIRCLE;
265 			last_difference= tangent-tangent_table[theta-1];
266 			for (search_arc=QUARTER_CIRCLE-1;search_arc;search_arc--,theta++)
267 			{
268 				new_difference= tangent-tangent_table[theta];
270 				if ((last_difference<=0&&new_difference>=0) || (last_difference>=0&&new_difference<=0))
271 				{
272 					if (ABS(last_difference)<ABS(new_difference))
273 					{
274 						return theta-1;
275 					}
276 					else
277 					{
278 						return theta;
279 					}
280 				}
282 				last_difference= new_difference;
283 			}
285 			return theta==NUMBER_OF_ANGLES ? 0 : theta;
286 		}
287 		else
288 		{
289 			return x<0 ? HALF_CIRCLE : 0;
290 		}
291 	}
292 	else
293 	{
294 		/* so arctan(0,0)==�/2 (bill me) */
296 	}
297 }
298 /* one day we�ll come back here and actually make this run fast */
299 // LP change: made this long-distance friendly
300 //
a1_arctangent(int32 x,int32 y)301 static angle a1_arctangent(
302 	int32 x, // world_distance x,
303 	int32 y) // world_distance y)
304 {
305 	int32 tangent;
306 	angle theta;
308 	// LP change: reworked everything in here
310 	// Intermediate transformed values
311 	int32 xtfm = x, ytfm = y;
313 	// Initial angle:
314 	theta = 0;
316 	// Reduce 2nd/3rd quadrant to 1st/4th quadrant
317 	if (xtfm < 0)
318 	{
319 		xtfm = -xtfm;
320 		ytfm = -ytfm;
321 		theta += HALF_CIRCLE;
322 	}
324 	// Reduce 4th quadrant to 1st quadrant
325 	if (ytfm < 0)
326 	{
327 		int32 temp = ytfm;
328 		ytfm = xtfm;
329 		xtfm = - temp;
330 		theta += THREE_QUARTER_CIRCLE;
331 	}
333 	// The 1st quadrant has two octants; which one to choose?
334 	bool other_octant = false;
335 	if (ytfm > xtfm)
336 	{
337 		// Choosing the second octant instead of the first one..
338 		other_octant = true;
339 		int32 temp = ytfm;
340 		ytfm = xtfm;
341 		xtfm = temp;
342 	}
344 	// Find the tangent; exit if both xtfm and ytfm are 0
345 	if (xtfm == 0) return 0;
346 	tangent= (TRIG_MAGNITUDE*ytfm)/xtfm;
348 	// Find the search endpoints and test them:
349 	angle dtheta = 0, dth0 = 0, dth1 = EIGHTH_CIRCLE;
350 	int32 tan0 = tangent_table[dth0];
351 	int32 tan1 = tangent_table[dth1];
352 	if (tangent <= tan0) dtheta = dth0;
353 	else if (tangent >= tan1) dtheta = dth1;
354 	else
355 	{
356 		// Do binary search
357 		bool exact_hit = false;
358 		while(dth1 > dth0+1)
359 		{
360 			// Divide the interval in half
361 			angle dthnew = (dth0 + dth1) >> 1;
362 			// Where's the point?
363 			int32 tannew = tangent_table[dthnew];
364 			if (tangent > tannew)
365 			{
366 				dth0 = dthnew;
367 				tan0 = tannew;
368 			}
369 			else if (tangent < tannew)
370 			{
371 				dth1 = dthnew;
372 				tan1 = tannew;
373 			}
374 			else
375 			{
376 				dtheta = dthnew;
377 				exact_hit = true;
378 				break;
379 			}
380 		}
381 		// If didn't hit exactly, find the closest one
382 		if (!exact_hit)
383 		{
384 			if ((tan1 - tangent) < (tangent - tan0))
385 				dtheta = dth1;
386 			else
387 				dtheta = dth0;
388 		}
389 	}
391 	// Adjust the octant and add in
392 	if (other_octant) dtheta = QUARTER_CIRCLE - dtheta;
393 	theta += dtheta;
395 	// Idiot-proofed exit
396 	return NORMALIZE_ANGLE(theta);
397 }
arctangent(int32 x,int32 y)399 angle arctangent(int32 x, int32 y)
400 {
401 	if (film_profile.long_distance_physics)
402 	{
403 		return a1_arctangent(x, y);
404 	}
405 	else
406 	{
407 		return m2_arctangent(x, y);
408 	}
409 }
set_random_seed(uint16 seed)411 void set_random_seed(
412 	uint16 seed)
413 {
414 	random_seed= seed ? seed : DEFAULT_RANDOM_SEED;
415 }
get_random_seed(void)417 uint16 get_random_seed(
418 	void)
419 {
420 	return random_seed;
421 }
global_random(void)423 uint16 global_random(
424 	void)
425 {
426 	uint16 seed= random_seed;
428 	if (seed&1)
429 	{
430 		seed= (seed>>1)^0xb400;
431 	}
432 	else
433 	{
434 		seed>>= 1;
435 	}
437 	return (random_seed= seed);
438 }
local_random(void)440 uint16 local_random(
441 	void)
442 {
443 	uint16 seed= local_random_seed;
445 	if (seed&1)
446 	{
447 		seed= (seed>>1)^0xb400;
448 	}
449 	else
450 	{
451 		seed>>= 1;
452 	}
454 	return (local_random_seed= seed);
455 }
guess_distance2d(world_point2d * p0,world_point2d * p1)457 world_distance guess_distance2d(
458 	world_point2d *p0,
459 	world_point2d *p1)
460 {
461 	int32 dx= (int32)p0->x - p1->x;
462 	int32 dy= (int32)p0->y - p1->y;
463 	int32 distance;
465 	if (dx<0) dx= -dx;
466 	if (dy<0) dy= -dy;
467 	distance= GUESS_HYPOTENUSE(dx, dy);
469 	return distance>INT16_MAX ? INT16_MAX : distance;
470 }
472 // Return min(round(distance), INT16_MAX)
distance3d(world_point3d * p0,world_point3d * p1)473 world_distance distance3d(
474 	world_point3d *p0,
475 	world_point3d *p1)
476 {
477 	int32 dx= (int32)p0->x - p1->x;
478 	int32 dy= (int32)p0->y - p1->y;
479 	int32 dz= (int32)p0->z - p1->z;
480 	const Sint64 dist_squared = 1LL*dx*dx + 1LL*dy*dy + 1LL*dz*dz; // [0, ~2^33.6]
481 	return dist_squared < 1L*INT16_MAX*INT16_MAX ? isqrt(dist_squared) : INT16_MAX;
482 }
484 // Return round(distance) if distance < 65536, else nonsense value round(sqrt(distance^2 - 2^32)); output in [0, 65536]
m2_distance2d_int32(const world_point2d * p0,const world_point2d * p1)485 static int32 m2_distance2d_int32(
486 	const world_point2d* p0,
487 	const world_point2d* p1)
488 {
489 	const int32 dx = 1L*p1->x - p0->x; // [-65535, 65535]
490 	const int32 dy = 1L*p1->y - p0->y; // [-65535, 65535]
491 	const Sint64 dist_squared = 1LL*dx*dx + 1LL*dy*dy; // [0, ~2^33]
492 	return isqrt(uint32(dist_squared));
493 }
m2_distance2d(world_point2d * p0,world_point2d * p1)495 static world_distance m2_distance2d(
496         world_point2d *p0,
497         world_point2d *p1)
498 {
499 	return int16(m2_distance2d_int32(p0, p1));
500 }
a1_distance2d(world_point2d * p0,world_point2d * p1)502 static world_distance a1_distance2d(
503 	world_point2d *p0,
504 	world_point2d *p1)
505 {
506 	const int32 distance = m2_distance2d_int32(p0, p1);
507 	return distance>INT16_MAX ? INT16_MAX : distance;
508 }
distance2d(world_point2d * p0,world_point2d * p1)510 world_distance distance2d(
511 	world_point2d *p0,
512 	world_point2d *p1)
513 {
514 	if (film_profile.long_distance_physics)
515 	{
516 		return a1_distance2d(p0, p1);
517 	}
518 	else
519 	{
520 		return m2_distance2d(p0, p1);
521 	}
522 }
524 /*
525  * It requires more space to describe this implementation of the manual
526  * square root algorithm than it did to code it.  The basic idea is that
527  * the square root is computed one bit at a time from the high end.  Because
528  * the original number is 32 bits (unsigned), the root cannot exceed 16 bits
529  * in length, so we start with the 0x8000 bit.
530  *
531  * Let "x" be the value whose root we desire, "t" be the square root
532  * that we desire, and "s" be a bitmask.  A simple way to compute
533  * the root is to set "s" to 0x8000, and loop doing the following:
534  *
535  *      t = 0;
536  *      s = 0x8000;
537  *      do {
538  *              if ((t + s) * (t + s) <= x)
539  *                      t += s;
540  *              s >>= 1;
541  *      while (s != 0);
542  *
543  * The primary disadvantage to this approach is the multiplication.  To
544  * eliminate this, we begin simplying.  First, we observe that
545  *
546  *      (t + s) * (t + s) == (t * t) + (2 * t * s) + (s * s)
547  *
548  * Therefore, if we redefine "x" to be the original argument minus the
549  * current value of (t * t), we can determine if we should add "s" to
550  * the root if
551  *
552  *      (2 * t * s) + (s * s) <= x
553  *
554  * If we define a new temporary "nr", we can express this as
555  *
556  *      t = 0;
557  *      s = 0x8000;
558  *      do {
559  *              nr = (2 * t * s) + (s * s);
560  *              if (nr <= x) {
561  *                      x -= nr;
562  *                      t += s;
563  *              }
564  *              s >>= 1;
565  *      while (s != 0);
566  *
567  * We can improve the performance of this by noting that "s" is always a
568  * power of two, so multiplication by "s" is just a shift.  Also, because
569  * "s" changes in a predictable manner (shifted right after each iteration)
570  * we can precompute (0x8000 * t) and (0x8000 * 0x8000) and then adjust
571  * them by shifting after each step.  First, we let "m" hold the value
572  * (s * s) and adjust it after each step by shifting right twice.  We
573  * also introduce "r" to hold (2 * t * s) and adjust it after each step
574  * by shifting right once.  When we update "t" we must also update "r",
575  * and we do so by noting that (2 * (old_t + s) * s) is the same as
576  * (2 * old_t * s) + (2 * s * s).  Noting that (s * s) is "m" and that
577  * (r + 2 * m) == ((r + m) + m) == (nr + m):
578  *
579  *      t = 0;
580  *      s = 0x8000;
581  *      m = 0x40000000;
582  *      r = 0;
583  *      do {
584  *              nr = r + m;
585  *              if (nr <= x) {
586  *                      x -= nr;
587  *                      t += s;
588  *                      r = nr + m;
589  *              }
590  *              s >>= 1;
591  *              r >>= 1;
592  *              m >>= 2;
593  *      } while (s != 0);
594  *
595  * Finally, we note that, if we were using fractional arithmetic, after
596  * 16 iterations "s" would be a binary 0.5, so the value of "r" when
597  * the loop terminates is (2 * t * 0.5) or "t".  Because the values in
598  * "t" and "r" are identical after the loop terminates, and because we
599  * do not otherwise use "t"  explicitly within the loop, we can omit it.
600  * When we do so, there is no need for "s" except to terminate the loop,
601  * but we observe that "m" will become zero at the same time as "s",
602  * so we can use it instead.
603  *
604  * The result we have at this point is the floor of the square root.  If
605  * we want to round to the nearest integer, we need to consider whether
606  * the remainder in "x" is greater than or equal to the difference
607  * between ((r + 0.5) * (r + 0.5)) and (r * r).  Noting that the former
608  * quantity is (r * r + r + 0.25), we want to check if the remainder is
609  * greater than or equal to (r + 0.25).  Because we are dealing with
610  * integers, we can't have equality, so we round up if "x" is strictly
611  * greater than "r":
612  *
613  *      if (x > r)
614  *              r++;
615  */
isqrt(uint32 x)617 int32 isqrt(uint32 x)
618 {
619 	uint32 r, nr, m;
621 	r= 0;
622 	m= 0x40000000;
624 	do
625 	{
626 		nr= r + m;
627 		if (nr<=x)
628 		{
629 			x-= nr;
630 			r= nr + m;
631 		}
632 		r>>= 1;
633 		m>>= 2;
634 	}
635 	while (m!=0);
637 	if (x>r) r+= 1;
638 	return r;
639 }
641 // LP additions: stuff for handling long-distance views
long_to_overflow_short_2d(long_vector2d & LVec,world_point2d & WVec,uint16 & flags)643 void long_to_overflow_short_2d(long_vector2d& LVec, world_point2d& WVec, uint16& flags)
644 {
645 	// Clear upper byte of flags
646 	flags &= 0x00ff;
648 	// Extract upper digits and put them into place
649 	uint16 xupper = uint16(LVec.i >> 16) & 0x000f;
650 	uint16 yupper = uint16(LVec.j >> 16) & 0x000f;
652 	// Put them into place
653 	flags |= xupper << 12;
654 	flags |= yupper << 8;
656 	// Move lower values
657 	WVec.x = LVec.i;
658 	WVec.y = LVec.j;
659 }
overflow_short_to_long_2d(world_point2d & WVec,uint16 & flags,long_vector2d & LVec)661 void overflow_short_to_long_2d(world_point2d& WVec, uint16& flags, long_vector2d& LVec)
662 {
663 	// Move lower values
664 	LVec.i = int32(WVec.x) & 0x0000ffff;
665 	LVec.j = int32(WVec.y) & 0x0000ffff;
667 	// Extract upper digits
668 	uint16 xupper = (flags >> 12) & 0x000f;
669 	uint16 yupper = (flags >> 8) & 0x000f;
671 	// Sign-extend them
672 	if (xupper & 0x0008) xupper |= 0xfff0;
673 	if (yupper & 0x0008) yupper |= 0xfff0;
675 	// Put them into place
676 	LVec.i |= int32(xupper) << 16;
677 	LVec.j |= int32(yupper) << 16;
678 }
transform_overflow_point2d(world_point2d * point,world_point2d * origin,angle theta,uint16 * flags)681 world_point2d *transform_overflow_point2d(
682 	world_point2d *point,
683 	world_point2d *origin,
684 	angle theta,
685 	uint16 *flags)
686 {
687 	// LP change: lengthening the values for more precise calculations
688 	long_vector2d temp, tempr;
690 	theta = normalize_angle(theta);
691 	fc_assert(cosine_table[0]==TRIG_MAGNITUDE);
693 	temp.i= int32(point->x)-int32(origin->x);
694 	temp.j= int32(point->y)-int32(origin->y);
696 	tempr.i= ((temp.i*cosine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT) + ((temp.j*sine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT);
697 	tempr.j= ((temp.j*cosine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT) - ((temp.i*sine_table[theta])>>TRIG_SHIFT);
699 	long_to_overflow_short_2d(tempr,*point,*flags);
701 	return point;
702 }