1 /**
2  * Licensed to the University Corporation for Advanced Internet
3  * Development, Inc. (UCAID) under one or more contributor license
4  * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
5  * additional information regarding copyright ownership.
6  *
7  * UCAID licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
8  * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
9  * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
10  * License at
11  *
12  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13  *
14  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
15  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
17  * either express or implied. See the License for the specific
18  * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
19  */
21 /**
22  * @file xmltooling/soap/SOAPTransport.h
23  *
24  * Encapsulates a transport layer protocol for sending/receiving messages.
25  */
27 #ifndef __xmltooling_soaptrans_h__
28 #define __xmltooling_soaptrans_h__
30 #include <xmltooling/base.h>
32 #include <string>
33 #include <iostream>
35 namespace xmltooling {
37     class XMLTOOL_API Credential;
38     class XMLTOOL_API CredentialCriteria;
39     class XMLTOOL_API CredentialResolver;
40     class XMLTOOL_API X509TrustEngine;
42     /**
43      * Encapsulates a transport layer protocol for sending/receiving messages.
44      *
45      * Most of the methods are const, meaning they don't affect the transport
46      * layer until the data is sent.
47      */
48     class XMLTOOL_API SOAPTransport
49     {
50         MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(SOAPTransport);
51     protected:
52         SOAPTransport();
53     public:
54         virtual ~SOAPTransport();
56         /**
57          * A simple structure to capture SOAP addressing information.
58          */
59         struct XMLTOOL_API Address {
60             /**
61              * Constructor.
62              *
63              * @param from      name of sender
64              * @param to        name of recipient
65              * @param endpoint  endpoint URL
66              */
AddressAddress67             Address(const char* from, const char* to, const char* endpoint) : m_from(from), m_to(to), m_endpoint(endpoint) {
68             }
70             /** Name of sender. */
71             const char* m_from;
73             /** Name of recipient. */
74             const char* m_to;
76             /** Endpoint URL. */
77             const char* m_endpoint;
78         };
80         /**
81          * Indicates whether transport provides confidentiality.
82          *
83          * @return  true iff transport layer provides confidentiality
84          */
85         virtual bool isConfidential() const=0;
87         /**
88          * Sets the connection timeout.
89          *
90          * @param timeout  time to wait for connection to server in seconds, or -1 for no timeout
91          * @return  true iff the transport supports connection timeouts
92          */
93         virtual bool setConnectTimeout(long timeout)=0;
95         /**
96          * Sets the request timeout.
97          *
98          * @param timeout  time to wait for a response in seconds, or -1 for no timeout
99          * @return  true iff the transport supports request/response timeouts
100          */
101         virtual bool setTimeout(long timeout)=0;
103         /**
104          * Common types of transport authentication that may be supported.
105          */
106         enum transport_auth_t {
107             transport_auth_none = 0,
108             transport_auth_basic = 1,
109             transport_auth_digest = 2,
110             transport_auth_ntlm = 3,
111             transport_auth_gss = 4
112         };
114         /**
115          * Sets a particular form of transport authentication and credentials.
116          *
117          * @param authType  type of transport authentication to use
118          * @param username  username for transport authentication
119          * @param password  simple password/credential for transport authentication
120          * @return  true iff the transport supports the indicated form of authentication
121          */
122         virtual bool setAuth(transport_auth_t authType, const char* username=nullptr, const char* password=nullptr)=0;
124         /**
125          * Determines whether TLS/SSL connections include a check of the server's certificate
126          * against the expected hostname or address. Defaults to true, and has no effect for
127          * insecure protocols.
128          *
129          * @param verify    true iff the hostname should be verified against the server's certificate
130          * @return  true iff the transport supports hostname verification
131          */
132         virtual bool setVerifyHost(bool verify)=0;
135         /**
136          * Supplies transport credentials.
137          *
138          * <p>The lifetime of the credential must be longer than the lifetime of this object.
139          *
140          * @param credential  a Credential instance, or nullptr
141          * @return true iff the transport supports the use of the Credential
142          */
143         virtual bool setCredential(const Credential* credential=nullptr)=0;
145         /**
146          * Provides an X509TrustEngine to the transport to authenticate the transport peer.
147          * The lifetime of the engine must be longer than the lifetime of this object.
148          *
149          * @param trustEngine   an X509TrustEngine instance, or nullptr
150          * @param credResolver  a CredentialResolver to supply the peer's trusted credentials, or nullptr
151          * @param criteria      optional criteria for selecting peer credentials
152          * @param mandatory     flag controls whether message is sent at all if the
153          *                      transport isn't authenticated using the TrustEngine
154          * @return true iff the transport supports the use of a TrustEngine
155          */
156         virtual bool setTrustEngine(
157             const X509TrustEngine* trustEngine=nullptr,
158             const CredentialResolver* credResolver=nullptr,
159             CredentialCriteria* criteria=nullptr,
160             bool mandatory=true
161             )=0;
162 #endif
164         /**
165          * Installs (or clears) a pointer to an object used for cache management of the
166          * content being accessed. The lifetime of the object must be longer than the lifetime
167          * of this object.
168          *
169          * @param cacheTag  optional pointer to string used for cache management
170          */
171         virtual bool setCacheTag(std::string* cacheTag=nullptr);
173         /**
174          * Sets an implementation-specific transport provider option.
175          *
176          * <p>Requires knowledge of the underlying SOAPTransport implementation.
177          * Without the proper knowledge and inputs, crashes may result.
178          *
179          * @param provider  name of the SOAPTransport class the caller believes is in use
180          * @param option    implementation-specific string containing the option to set
181          * @param value     implementation- and option-specific string to use
182          * @return  true iff the transport supports the option and value supplied
183          */
184         virtual bool setProviderOption(const char* provider, const char* option, const char* value);
186         /**
187          * Sends a stream of data over the transport. The function may return without
188          * having received any data, depending on the nature of the transport.
189          *
190          * <p>If the stream is empty, a request may be issued with no body if the transport
191          * supports that feature.
192          *
193          * @param in    input stream to send
194          */
195         virtual void send(std::istream& in)=0;
197         /**
198          * Sends an optional stream of data over the transport. The function may return without
199          * having received any data, depending on the nature of the transport.
200          *
201          * <p>If the parameter is omitted, a request may be issued with no body if the transport
202          * supports that feature.
203          *
204          * @param in    input stream to send
205          */
206         virtual void send(std::istream* in=nullptr);
208         /**
209          * Returns reference to response stream.  The resulting stream must be
210          * checked directly to determine whether data is available.
211          *
212          * @return  reference to a stream containing the response, if any
213          */
214         virtual std::istream& receive()=0;
216         /**
217          * Returns result of authenticating transport peer.
218          *
219          * @return true iff TrustEngine or other mechanism successfully authenticated the peer
220          */
221         virtual bool isAuthenticated() const=0;
223         /**
224          * Returns the MIME type of the response, if any.
225          *
226          * @return  MIME type of response, or an empty string
227          */
228         virtual std::string getContentType() const=0;
230         /**
231          * Returns the status code of the response.
232          *
233          * @return  transport status code, or 0 if unknown
234          */
235         virtual long getStatusCode() const;
236     };
238     /**
239      * Registers SOAPTransport classes into the runtime.
240      */
241     void XMLTOOL_API registerSOAPTransports();
243     /**
244      * Notifies transport infrastructure to initialize.
245      */
246     void XMLTOOL_API initSOAPTransports();
248     /**
249      * Notifies transport infrastructure to shutdown.
250      */
251     void XMLTOOL_API termSOAPTransports();
253 };
255 #endif /* __xmltooling_soaptrans_h__ */