1 mod borrowed_box;
2 mod box_collection;
3 mod linked_list;
4 mod option_option;
5 mod rc_buffer;
6 mod rc_mutex;
7 mod redundant_allocation;
8 mod type_complexity;
9 mod utils;
10 mod vec_box;
12 use rustc_hir as hir;
13 use rustc_hir::intravisit::FnKind;
14 use rustc_hir::{
15     Body, FnDecl, FnRetTy, GenericArg, HirId, ImplItem, ImplItemKind, Item, ItemKind, Local, MutTy, QPath, TraitItem,
16     TraitItemKind, TyKind,
17 };
18 use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LateLintPass};
19 use rustc_session::{declare_tool_lint, impl_lint_pass};
20 use rustc_span::source_map::Span;
22 declare_clippy_lint! {
23     /// ### What it does
24     /// Checks for use of `Box<T>` where T is a collection such as Vec anywhere in the code.
25     /// Check the [Box documentation](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/boxed/index.html) for more information.
26     ///
27     /// ### Why is this bad?
28     /// Collections already keeps their contents in a separate area on
29     /// the heap. So if you `Box` them, you just add another level of indirection
30     /// without any benefit whatsoever.
31     ///
32     /// ### Example
33     /// ```rust,ignore
34     /// struct X {
35     ///     values: Box<Vec<Foo>>,
36     /// }
37     /// ```
38     ///
39     /// Better:
40     ///
41     /// ```rust,ignore
42     /// struct X {
43     ///     values: Vec<Foo>,
44     /// }
45     /// ```
46     pub BOX_COLLECTION,
47     perf,
48     "usage of `Box<Vec<T>>`, vector elements are already on the heap"
49 }
51 declare_clippy_lint! {
52     /// ### What it does
53     /// Checks for use of `Vec<Box<T>>` where T: Sized anywhere in the code.
54     /// Check the [Box documentation](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/boxed/index.html) for more information.
55     ///
56     /// ### Why is this bad?
57     /// `Vec` already keeps its contents in a separate area on
58     /// the heap. So if you `Box` its contents, you just add another level of indirection.
59     ///
60     /// ### Known problems
61     /// Vec<Box<T: Sized>> makes sense if T is a large type (see [#3530](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/3530),
62     /// 1st comment).
63     ///
64     /// ### Example
65     /// ```rust
66     /// struct X {
67     ///     values: Vec<Box<i32>>,
68     /// }
69     /// ```
70     ///
71     /// Better:
72     ///
73     /// ```rust
74     /// struct X {
75     ///     values: Vec<i32>,
76     /// }
77     /// ```
78     pub VEC_BOX,
79     complexity,
80     "usage of `Vec<Box<T>>` where T: Sized, vector elements are already on the heap"
81 }
83 declare_clippy_lint! {
84     /// ### What it does
85     /// Checks for use of `Option<Option<_>>` in function signatures and type
86     /// definitions
87     ///
88     /// ### Why is this bad?
89     /// `Option<_>` represents an optional value. `Option<Option<_>>`
90     /// represents an optional optional value which is logically the same thing as an optional
91     /// value but has an unneeded extra level of wrapping.
92     ///
93     /// If you have a case where `Some(Some(_))`, `Some(None)` and `None` are distinct cases,
94     /// consider a custom `enum` instead, with clear names for each case.
95     ///
96     /// ### Example
97     /// ```rust
98     /// fn get_data() -> Option<Option<u32>> {
99     ///     None
100     /// }
101     /// ```
102     ///
103     /// Better:
104     ///
105     /// ```rust
106     /// pub enum Contents {
107     ///     Data(Vec<u8>), // Was Some(Some(Vec<u8>))
108     ///     NotYetFetched, // Was Some(None)
109     ///     None,          // Was None
110     /// }
111     ///
112     /// fn get_data() -> Contents {
113     ///     Contents::None
114     /// }
115     /// ```
116     pub OPTION_OPTION,
117     pedantic,
118     "usage of `Option<Option<T>>`"
119 }
121 declare_clippy_lint! {
122     /// ### What it does
123     /// Checks for usage of any `LinkedList`, suggesting to use a
124     /// `Vec` or a `VecDeque` (formerly called `RingBuf`).
125     ///
126     /// ### Why is this bad?
127     /// Gankro says:
128     ///
129     /// > The TL;DR of `LinkedList` is that it's built on a massive amount of
130     /// pointers and indirection.
131     /// > It wastes memory, it has terrible cache locality, and is all-around slow.
132     /// `RingBuf`, while
133     /// > "only" amortized for push/pop, should be faster in the general case for
134     /// almost every possible
135     /// > workload, and isn't even amortized at all if you can predict the capacity
136     /// you need.
137     /// >
138     /// > `LinkedList`s are only really good if you're doing a lot of merging or
139     /// splitting of lists.
140     /// > This is because they can just mangle some pointers instead of actually
141     /// copying the data. Even
142     /// > if you're doing a lot of insertion in the middle of the list, `RingBuf`
143     /// can still be better
144     /// > because of how expensive it is to seek to the middle of a `LinkedList`.
145     ///
146     /// ### Known problems
147     /// False positives – the instances where using a
148     /// `LinkedList` makes sense are few and far between, but they can still happen.
149     ///
150     /// ### Example
151     /// ```rust
152     /// # use std::collections::LinkedList;
153     /// let x: LinkedList<usize> = LinkedList::new();
154     /// ```
155     pub LINKEDLIST,
156     pedantic,
157     "usage of LinkedList, usually a vector is faster, or a more specialized data structure like a `VecDeque`"
158 }
160 declare_clippy_lint! {
161     /// ### What it does
162     /// Checks for use of `&Box<T>` anywhere in the code.
163     /// Check the [Box documentation](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/boxed/index.html) for more information.
164     ///
165     /// ### Why is this bad?
166     /// Any `&Box<T>` can also be a `&T`, which is more
167     /// general.
168     ///
169     /// ### Example
170     /// ```rust,ignore
171     /// fn foo(bar: &Box<T>) { ... }
172     /// ```
173     ///
174     /// Better:
175     ///
176     /// ```rust,ignore
177     /// fn foo(bar: &T) { ... }
178     /// ```
179     pub BORROWED_BOX,
180     complexity,
181     "a borrow of a boxed type"
182 }
184 declare_clippy_lint! {
185     /// ### What it does
186     /// Checks for use of redundant allocations anywhere in the code.
187     ///
188     /// ### Why is this bad?
189     /// Expressions such as `Rc<&T>`, `Rc<Rc<T>>`, `Rc<Arc<T>>`, `Rc<Box<T>>`, `Arc<&T>`, `Arc<Rc<T>>`,
190     /// `Arc<Arc<T>>`, `Arc<Box<T>>`, `Box<&T>`, `Box<Rc<T>>`, `Box<Arc<T>>`, `Box<Box<T>>`, add an unnecessary level of indirection.
191     ///
192     /// ### Example
193     /// ```rust
194     /// # use std::rc::Rc;
195     /// fn foo(bar: Rc<&usize>) {}
196     /// ```
197     ///
198     /// Better:
199     ///
200     /// ```rust
201     /// fn foo(bar: &usize) {}
202     /// ```
204     perf,
205     "redundant allocation"
206 }
208 declare_clippy_lint! {
209     /// ### What it does
210     /// Checks for `Rc<T>` and `Arc<T>` when `T` is a mutable buffer type such as `String` or `Vec`.
211     ///
212     /// ### Why is this bad?
213     /// Expressions such as `Rc<String>` usually have no advantage over `Rc<str>`, since
214     /// it is larger and involves an extra level of indirection, and doesn't implement `Borrow<str>`.
215     ///
216     /// While mutating a buffer type would still be possible with `Rc::get_mut()`, it only
217     /// works if there are no additional references yet, which usually defeats the purpose of
218     /// enclosing it in a shared ownership type. Instead, additionally wrapping the inner
219     /// type with an interior mutable container (such as `RefCell` or `Mutex`) would normally
220     /// be used.
221     ///
222     /// ### Known problems
223     /// This pattern can be desirable to avoid the overhead of a `RefCell` or `Mutex` for
224     /// cases where mutation only happens before there are any additional references.
225     ///
226     /// ### Example
227     /// ```rust,ignore
228     /// # use std::rc::Rc;
229     /// fn foo(interned: Rc<String>) { ... }
230     /// ```
231     ///
232     /// Better:
233     ///
234     /// ```rust,ignore
235     /// fn foo(interned: Rc<str>) { ... }
236     /// ```
237     pub RC_BUFFER,
238     restriction,
239     "shared ownership of a buffer type"
240 }
242 declare_clippy_lint! {
243     /// ### What it does
244     /// Checks for types used in structs, parameters and `let`
245     /// declarations above a certain complexity threshold.
246     ///
247     /// ### Why is this bad?
248     /// Too complex types make the code less readable. Consider
249     /// using a `type` definition to simplify them.
250     ///
251     /// ### Example
252     /// ```rust
253     /// # use std::rc::Rc;
254     /// struct Foo {
255     ///     inner: Rc<Vec<Vec<Box<(u32, u32, u32, u32)>>>>,
256     /// }
257     /// ```
258     pub TYPE_COMPLEXITY,
259     complexity,
260     "usage of very complex types that might be better factored into `type` definitions"
261 }
263 declare_clippy_lint! {
264     /// ### What it does
265     /// Checks for `Rc<Mutex<T>>`.
266     ///
267     /// ### Why is this bad?
268     /// `Rc` is used in single thread and `Mutex` is used in multi thread.
269     /// Consider using `Rc<RefCell<T>>` in single thread or `Arc<Mutex<T>>` in multi thread.
270     ///
271     /// ### Known problems
272     /// Sometimes combining generic types can lead to the requirement that a
273     /// type use Rc in conjunction with Mutex. We must consider those cases false positives, but
274     /// alas they are quite hard to rule out. Luckily they are also rare.
275     ///
276     /// ### Example
277     /// ```rust,ignore
278     /// use std::rc::Rc;
279     /// use std::sync::Mutex;
280     /// fn foo(interned: Rc<Mutex<i32>>) { ... }
281     /// ```
282     ///
283     /// Better:
284     ///
285     /// ```rust,ignore
286     /// use std::rc::Rc;
287     /// use std::cell::RefCell
288     /// fn foo(interned: Rc<RefCell<i32>>) { ... }
289     /// ```
290     pub RC_MUTEX,
291     restriction,
292     "usage of `Rc<Mutex<T>>`"
293 }
295 pub struct Types {
296     vec_box_size_threshold: u64,
297     type_complexity_threshold: u64,
298     avoid_breaking_exported_api: bool,
299 }
303 impl<'tcx> LateLintPass<'tcx> for Types {
check_fn(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, _: FnKind<'_>, decl: &FnDecl<'_>, _: &Body<'_>, _: Span, id: HirId)304     fn check_fn(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, _: FnKind<'_>, decl: &FnDecl<'_>, _: &Body<'_>, _: Span, id: HirId) {
305         let is_in_trait_impl = if let Some(hir::Node::Item(item)) = cx.tcx.hir().find(cx.tcx.hir().get_parent_item(id))
306         {
307             matches!(item.kind, ItemKind::Impl(hir::Impl { of_trait: Some(_), .. }))
308         } else {
309             false
310         };
312         let is_exported = cx.access_levels.is_exported(cx.tcx.hir().local_def_id(id));
314         self.check_fn_decl(
315             cx,
316             decl,
317             CheckTyContext {
318                 is_in_trait_impl,
319                 is_exported,
320                 ..CheckTyContext::default()
321             },
322         );
323     }
check_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, item: &'tcx Item<'_>)325     fn check_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, item: &'tcx Item<'_>) {
326         let is_exported = cx.access_levels.is_exported(item.def_id);
328         match item.kind {
329             ItemKind::Static(ty, _, _) | ItemKind::Const(ty, _) => self.check_ty(
330                 cx,
331                 ty,
332                 CheckTyContext {
333                     is_exported,
334                     ..CheckTyContext::default()
335                 },
336             ),
337             // functions, enums, structs, impls and traits are covered
338             _ => (),
339         }
340     }
check_impl_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, item: &'tcx ImplItem<'_>)342     fn check_impl_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, item: &'tcx ImplItem<'_>) {
343         match item.kind {
344             ImplItemKind::Const(ty, _) | ImplItemKind::TyAlias(ty) => self.check_ty(
345                 cx,
346                 ty,
347                 CheckTyContext {
348                     is_in_trait_impl: true,
349                     ..CheckTyContext::default()
350                 },
351             ),
352             // methods are covered by check_fn
353             ImplItemKind::Fn(..) => (),
354         }
355     }
check_field_def(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, field: &hir::FieldDef<'_>)357     fn check_field_def(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, field: &hir::FieldDef<'_>) {
358         let is_exported = cx.access_levels.is_exported(cx.tcx.hir().local_def_id(field.hir_id));
360         self.check_ty(
361             cx,
362             field.ty,
363             CheckTyContext {
364                 is_exported,
365                 ..CheckTyContext::default()
366             },
367         );
368     }
check_trait_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, item: &TraitItem<'_>)370     fn check_trait_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, item: &TraitItem<'_>) {
371         let is_exported = cx.access_levels.is_exported(item.def_id);
373         let context = CheckTyContext {
374             is_exported,
375             ..CheckTyContext::default()
376         };
378         match item.kind {
379             TraitItemKind::Const(ty, _) | TraitItemKind::Type(_, Some(ty)) => {
380                 self.check_ty(cx, ty, context);
381             },
382             TraitItemKind::Fn(ref sig, _) => self.check_fn_decl(cx, sig.decl, context),
383             TraitItemKind::Type(..) => (),
384         }
385     }
check_local(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, local: &Local<'_>)387     fn check_local(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, local: &Local<'_>) {
388         if let Some(ty) = local.ty {
389             self.check_ty(
390                 cx,
391                 ty,
392                 CheckTyContext {
393                     is_local: true,
394                     ..CheckTyContext::default()
395                 },
396             );
397         }
398     }
399 }
401 impl Types {
new(vec_box_size_threshold: u64, type_complexity_threshold: u64, avoid_breaking_exported_api: bool) -> Self402     pub fn new(vec_box_size_threshold: u64, type_complexity_threshold: u64, avoid_breaking_exported_api: bool) -> Self {
403         Self {
404             vec_box_size_threshold,
405             type_complexity_threshold,
406             avoid_breaking_exported_api,
407         }
408     }
check_fn_decl(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, decl: &FnDecl<'_>, context: CheckTyContext)410     fn check_fn_decl(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, decl: &FnDecl<'_>, context: CheckTyContext) {
411         for input in decl.inputs {
412             self.check_ty(cx, input, context);
413         }
415         if let FnRetTy::Return(ty) = decl.output {
416             self.check_ty(cx, ty, context);
417         }
418     }
420     /// Recursively check for `TypePass` lints in the given type. Stop at the first
421     /// lint found.
422     ///
423     /// The parameter `is_local` distinguishes the context of the type.
check_ty(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, hir_ty: &hir::Ty<'_>, mut context: CheckTyContext)424     fn check_ty(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, hir_ty: &hir::Ty<'_>, mut context: CheckTyContext) {
425         if hir_ty.span.from_expansion() {
426             return;
427         }
429         if !context.is_nested_call && type_complexity::check(cx, hir_ty, self.type_complexity_threshold) {
430             return;
431         }
433         // Skip trait implementations; see issue #605.
434         if context.is_in_trait_impl {
435             return;
436         }
438         match hir_ty.kind {
439             TyKind::Path(ref qpath) if !context.is_local => {
440                 let hir_id = hir_ty.hir_id;
441                 let res = cx.qpath_res(qpath, hir_id);
442                 if let Some(def_id) = res.opt_def_id() {
443                     if self.is_type_change_allowed(context) {
444                         // All lints that are being checked in this block are guarded by
445                         // the `avoid_breaking_exported_api` configuration. When adding a
446                         // new lint, please also add the name to the configuration documentation
447                         // in `clippy_lints::utils::conf.rs`
449                         let mut triggered = false;
450                         triggered |= box_collection::check(cx, hir_ty, qpath, def_id);
451                         triggered |= redundant_allocation::check(cx, hir_ty, qpath, def_id);
452                         triggered |= rc_buffer::check(cx, hir_ty, qpath, def_id);
453                         triggered |= vec_box::check(cx, hir_ty, qpath, def_id, self.vec_box_size_threshold);
454                         triggered |= option_option::check(cx, hir_ty, qpath, def_id);
455                         triggered |= linked_list::check(cx, hir_ty, def_id);
456                         triggered |= rc_mutex::check(cx, hir_ty, qpath, def_id);
458                         if triggered {
459                             return;
460                         }
461                     }
462                 }
463                 match *qpath {
464                     QPath::Resolved(Some(ty), p) => {
465                         context.is_nested_call = true;
466                         self.check_ty(cx, ty, context);
467                         for ty in p.segments.iter().flat_map(|seg| {
468                             seg.args
469                                 .as_ref()
470                                 .map_or_else(|| [].iter(), |params| params.args.iter())
471                                 .filter_map(|arg| match arg {
472                                     GenericArg::Type(ty) => Some(ty),
473                                     _ => None,
474                                 })
475                         }) {
476                             self.check_ty(cx, ty, context);
477                         }
478                     },
479                     QPath::Resolved(None, p) => {
480                         context.is_nested_call = true;
481                         for ty in p.segments.iter().flat_map(|seg| {
482                             seg.args
483                                 .as_ref()
484                                 .map_or_else(|| [].iter(), |params| params.args.iter())
485                                 .filter_map(|arg| match arg {
486                                     GenericArg::Type(ty) => Some(ty),
487                                     _ => None,
488                                 })
489                         }) {
490                             self.check_ty(cx, ty, context);
491                         }
492                     },
493                     QPath::TypeRelative(ty, seg) => {
494                         context.is_nested_call = true;
495                         self.check_ty(cx, ty, context);
496                         if let Some(params) = seg.args {
497                             for ty in params.args.iter().filter_map(|arg| match arg {
498                                 GenericArg::Type(ty) => Some(ty),
499                                 _ => None,
500                             }) {
501                                 self.check_ty(cx, ty, context);
502                             }
503                         }
504                     },
505                     QPath::LangItem(..) => {},
506                 }
507             },
508             TyKind::Rptr(ref lt, ref mut_ty) => {
509                 context.is_nested_call = true;
510                 if !borrowed_box::check(cx, hir_ty, lt, mut_ty) {
511                     self.check_ty(cx, mut_ty.ty, context);
512                 }
513             },
514             TyKind::Slice(ty) | TyKind::Array(ty, _) | TyKind::Ptr(MutTy { ty, .. }) => {
515                 context.is_nested_call = true;
516                 self.check_ty(cx, ty, context);
517             },
518             TyKind::Tup(tys) => {
519                 context.is_nested_call = true;
520                 for ty in tys {
521                     self.check_ty(cx, ty, context);
522                 }
523             },
524             _ => {},
525         }
526     }
528     /// This function checks if the type is allowed to change in the current context
529     /// based on the `avoid_breaking_exported_api` configuration
is_type_change_allowed(&self, context: CheckTyContext) -> bool530     fn is_type_change_allowed(&self, context: CheckTyContext) -> bool {
531         !(context.is_exported && self.avoid_breaking_exported_api)
532     }
533 }
535 #[allow(clippy::struct_excessive_bools)]
536 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
537 struct CheckTyContext {
538     is_in_trait_impl: bool,
539     /// `true` for types on local variables.
540     is_local: bool,
541     /// `true` for types that are part of the public API.
542     is_exported: bool,
543     is_nested_call: bool,
544 }