1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) Mellanox Technologies Ltd. 2001-2014.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
3 * Copyright (C) UT-Battelle, LLC. 2014-2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
4 * Copyright (C) ARM Ltd. 2016-2017.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5 * Copyright (C) Los Alamos National Security, LLC. 2018 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6 * See file LICENSE for terms.
7 */
9 #ifndef UCP_H_
10 #define UCP_H_
12 #include <ucp/api/ucp_def.h>
13 #include <ucp/api/ucp_compat.h>
14 #include <ucp/api/ucp_version.h>
15 #include <ucs/type/thread_mode.h>
16 #include <ucs/type/cpu_set.h>
17 #include <ucs/config/types.h>
18 #include <ucs/sys/compiler_def.h>
19 #include <stdio.h>
20 #include <sys/types.h>
24 /**
25  * @defgroup UCP_API Unified Communication Protocol (UCP) API
26  * @{
27  * This section describes UCP API.
28  * @}
29  */
31 /**
32  * @defgroup UCP_CONTEXT UCP Application Context
33  * @ingroup UCP_API
34  * @{
35  * Application  context is a primary concept of UCP design which
36  * provides an isolation mechanism, allowing resources associated
37  * with the context to separate or share network communication context
38  * across multiple instances of applications.
39  *
40  * This section provides a detailed description of this concept and
41  * routines associated with it.
42  *
43  * @}
44  */
47  /**
48  * @defgroup UCP_WORKER UCP Worker
49  * @ingroup UCP_API
50  * @{
51  * UCP Worker routines
52  * @}
53  */
56  /**
57  * @defgroup UCP_MEM UCP Memory routines
58  * @ingroup UCP_API
59  * @{
60  * UCP Memory routines
61  * @}
62  */
65  /**
66  * @defgroup UCP_WAKEUP UCP Wake-up routines
67  * @ingroup UCP_API
68  * @{
69  * UCP Wake-up routines
70  * @}
71  */
74  /**
75  * @defgroup UCP_ENDPOINT UCP Endpoint
76  * @ingroup UCP_API
77  * @{
78  * UCP Endpoint routines
79  * @}
80  */
83  /**
84  * @defgroup UCP_COMM UCP Communication routines
85  * @ingroup UCP_API
86  * @{
87  * UCP Communication routines
88  * @}
89  */
92  /**
93  * @defgroup UCP_CONFIG UCP Configuration
94  * @ingroup UCP_API
95  * @{
96  * This section describes routines for configuration
97  * of the UCP network layer
98  * @}
99  */
102  /**
103  * @defgroup UCP_DATATYPE UCP Data type routines
104  * @ingroup UCP_API
105  * @{
106  * UCP Data type routines
107  * @}
108  */
111 /**
112  * @ingroup UCP_CONTEXT
113  * @brief UCP context parameters field mask.
114  *
115  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in @ref ucp_params_t are
116  * present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.
117  */
118 enum ucp_params_field {
119     UCP_PARAM_FIELD_FEATURES          = UCS_BIT(0), /**< features */
120     UCP_PARAM_FIELD_REQUEST_SIZE      = UCS_BIT(1), /**< request_size */
121     UCP_PARAM_FIELD_REQUEST_INIT      = UCS_BIT(2), /**< request_init */
122     UCP_PARAM_FIELD_REQUEST_CLEANUP   = UCS_BIT(3), /**< request_cleanup */
123     UCP_PARAM_FIELD_TAG_SENDER_MASK   = UCS_BIT(4), /**< tag_sender_mask */
124     UCP_PARAM_FIELD_MT_WORKERS_SHARED = UCS_BIT(5), /**< mt_workers_shared */
125     UCP_PARAM_FIELD_ESTIMATED_NUM_EPS = UCS_BIT(6), /**< estimated_num_eps */
126     UCP_PARAM_FIELD_ESTIMATED_NUM_PPN = UCS_BIT(7)  /**< estimated_num_ppn */
127 };
130 /**
131  * @ingroup UCP_CONTEXT
132  * @brief UCP configuration features
133  *
134  * The enumeration list describes the features supported by UCP.  An
135  * application can request the features using @ref ucp_params_t "UCP parameters"
136  * during @ref ucp_init "UCP initialization" process.
137  */
138 enum ucp_feature {
139     UCP_FEATURE_TAG          = UCS_BIT(0),  /**< Request tag matching
140                                                  support */
141     UCP_FEATURE_RMA          = UCS_BIT(1),  /**< Request remote memory
142                                                  access support */
143     UCP_FEATURE_AMO32        = UCS_BIT(2),  /**< Request 32-bit atomic
144                                                  operations support */
145     UCP_FEATURE_AMO64        = UCS_BIT(3),  /**< Request 64-bit atomic
146                                                  operations support */
147     UCP_FEATURE_WAKEUP       = UCS_BIT(4),  /**< Request interrupt
148                                                  notification support */
149     UCP_FEATURE_STREAM       = UCS_BIT(5),  /**< Request stream support */
150     UCP_FEATURE_AM           = UCS_BIT(6)   /**< Request Active Message
151                                                  support */
152 };
155 /**
156  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
157  * @brief UCP worker parameters field mask.
158  *
159  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in @ref ucp_worker_params_t are
160  * present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.
161  */
162 enum ucp_worker_params_field {
163     UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_THREAD_MODE  = UCS_BIT(0), /**< UCP thread mode */
164     UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_CPU_MASK     = UCS_BIT(1), /**< Worker's CPU bitmap */
165     UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_EVENTS       = UCS_BIT(2), /**< Worker's events bitmap */
166     UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_USER_DATA    = UCS_BIT(3), /**< User data */
167     UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_EVENT_FD     = UCS_BIT(4)  /**< External event file
168                                                            descriptor */
169 };
172 /**
173  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
174  * @brief UCP listener parameters field mask.
175  *
176  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in @ref ucp_listener_params_t
177  * are present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.
178  */
179 enum ucp_listener_params_field {
180     /**
181      * Sock address and length.
182      */
185     /**
186      * User's callback and argument for handling the creation of an endpoint.
187      * */
190     /**< User's callback and argument for handling the incoming connection
191      *   request. */
193 };
196 /**
197  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
198  * @brief UCP worker address flags.
199  *
200  * The enumeration list describes possible UCP worker address flags, indicating
201  * what needs to be included to the worker address returned by
202  * @ref ucp_worker_query "ucp_worker_query()" routine.
203  */
204 typedef enum {
206     /**< Pack addresses of network devices only. Using such shortened addresses
207      *   for the remote node peers will reduce the amount of wireup data being
208      *   exchanged during connection establishment phase. */
210 } ucp_worker_address_flags_t;
213 /**
214  * @ingroup UCP_ENDPOINT
215  * @brief UCP endpoint parameters field mask.
216  *
217  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in @ref ucp_ep_params_t are
218  * present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.
219  */
220 enum ucp_ep_params_field {
221     UCP_EP_PARAM_FIELD_REMOTE_ADDRESS    = UCS_BIT(0), /**< Address of remote
222                                                             peer */
223     UCP_EP_PARAM_FIELD_ERR_HANDLING_MODE = UCS_BIT(1), /**< Error handling mode.
224                                                             @ref ucp_err_handling_mode_t */
225     UCP_EP_PARAM_FIELD_ERR_HANDLER       = UCS_BIT(2), /**< Handler to process
226                                                             transport level errors */
227     UCP_EP_PARAM_FIELD_USER_DATA         = UCS_BIT(3), /**< User data pointer */
228     UCP_EP_PARAM_FIELD_SOCK_ADDR         = UCS_BIT(4), /**< Socket address field */
229     UCP_EP_PARAM_FIELD_FLAGS             = UCS_BIT(5), /**< Endpoint flags */
230     UCP_EP_PARAM_FIELD_CONN_REQUEST      = UCS_BIT(6)  /**< Connection request field */
231 };
234 /**
235  * @ingroup UCP_ENDPOINT
236  * @brief UCP endpoint parameters flags.
237  *
238  * The enumeration list describes the endpoint's parameters flags supported by
239  * @ref ucp_ep_create() function.
240  */
241 enum ucp_ep_params_flags_field {
242     UCP_EP_PARAMS_FLAGS_CLIENT_SERVER  = UCS_BIT(0),  /**< Using a client-server
243                                                            connection establishment
244                                                            mechanism.
245                                                            @ref ucs_sock_addr_t
246                                                            sockaddr field
247                                                            must be provided and
248                                                            contain the address
249                                                            of the remote peer */
250     UCP_EP_PARAMS_FLAGS_NO_LOOPBACK    = UCS_BIT(1)   /**< Avoid connecting the
251                                                            endpoint to itself when
252                                                            connecting the endpoint
253                                                            to the same worker it
254                                                            was created on.
255                                                            Affects protocols which
256                                                            send to a particular
257                                                            remote endpoint, for
258                                                            example stream */
259 };
262 /**
263  * @ingroup UCP_ENDPOINT
264  * @brief Close UCP endpoint modes.
265  *
266  * The enumeration is used to specify the behavior of @ref ucp_ep_close_nbx.
267  */
268 typedef enum {
269     UCP_EP_CLOSE_FLAG_FORCE = UCS_BIT(0) /**< @ref ucp_ep_close_nbx releases
270                                               the endpoint without any
271                                               confirmation from the peer. All
272                                               outstanding requests will be
273                                               completed with
274                                               @ref UCS_ERR_CANCELED error.
275                                               @note This mode may cause
276                                               transport level errors on remote
277                                               side, so it requires set
278                                               @ref UCP_ERR_HANDLING_MODE_PEER
279                                               for all endpoints created on
280                                               both (local and remote) sides to
281                                               avoid undefined behavior. If this
282                                               flag is not set then
283                                               @ref ucp_ep_close_nbx schedules
284                                               flushes on all outstanding
285                                               operations. */
286 } ucp_ep_close_flags_t;
289 /**
290  * @ingroup UCP_ENDPOINT
291  * @brief Close UCP endpoint modes.
292  *
293  * The enumeration is used to specify the behavior of @ref ucp_ep_close_nb.
294  */
295 enum ucp_ep_close_mode {
296     UCP_EP_CLOSE_MODE_FORCE         = 0, /**< @ref ucp_ep_close_nb releases
297                                               the endpoint without any
298                                               confirmation from the peer. All
299                                               outstanding requests will be
300                                               completed with
301                                               @ref UCS_ERR_CANCELED error.
302                                               @note This mode may cause
303                                               transport level errors on remote
304                                               side, so it requires set
305                                               @ref UCP_ERR_HANDLING_MODE_PEER
306                                               for all endpoints created on
307                                               both (local and remote) sides to
308                                               avoid undefined behavior. */
309     UCP_EP_CLOSE_MODE_FLUSH         = 1  /**< @ref ucp_ep_close_nb schedules
310                                               flushes on all outstanding
311                                               operations. */
312 };
315 /**
316  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
317  * @brief UCP memory mapping parameters field mask.
318  *
319  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in @ref ucp_mem_map_params_t are
320  * present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.
321  */
322 enum ucp_mem_map_params_field {
323     UCP_MEM_MAP_PARAM_FIELD_ADDRESS = UCS_BIT(0), /**< Address of the memory that
324                                                        will be used in the
325                                                        @ref ucp_mem_map routine. */
326     UCP_MEM_MAP_PARAM_FIELD_LENGTH  = UCS_BIT(1), /**< The size of memory that
327                                                        will be allocated or
328                                                        registered in the
329                                                        @ref ucp_mem_map routine.*/
330     UCP_MEM_MAP_PARAM_FIELD_FLAGS   = UCS_BIT(2)  /**< Allocation flags. */
331 };
333 /**
334  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
335  * @brief UCP memory advice parameters field mask.
336  *
337  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in @ref ucp_mem_advise_params_t are
338  * present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.
339  */
340 enum ucp_mem_advise_params_field {
341     UCP_MEM_ADVISE_PARAM_FIELD_ADDRESS = UCS_BIT(0), /**< Address of the memory */
342     UCP_MEM_ADVISE_PARAM_FIELD_LENGTH  = UCS_BIT(1), /**< The size of memory */
343     UCP_MEM_ADVISE_PARAM_FIELD_ADVICE  = UCS_BIT(2)  /**< Advice on memory usage */
344 };
347 /**
348  * @ingroup UCP_CONTEXT
349  * @brief UCP context attributes field mask.
350  *
351  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in @ref ucp_context_attr_t are
352  * present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.
353  */
354 enum ucp_context_attr_field {
355     UCP_ATTR_FIELD_REQUEST_SIZE = UCS_BIT(0), /**< UCP request size */
356     UCP_ATTR_FIELD_THREAD_MODE  = UCS_BIT(1)  /**< UCP context thread flag */
357 };
360 /**
361  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
362  * @brief UCP worker attributes field mask.
363  *
364  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in @ref ucp_worker_attr_t are
365  * present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.
366  */
367 enum ucp_worker_attr_field {
368     UCP_WORKER_ATTR_FIELD_THREAD_MODE   = UCS_BIT(0), /**< UCP thread mode */
369     UCP_WORKER_ATTR_FIELD_ADDRESS       = UCS_BIT(1), /**< UCP address */
370     UCP_WORKER_ATTR_FIELD_ADDRESS_FLAGS = UCS_BIT(2)  /**< UCP address flags */
371 };
374 /**
375  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
376  * @brief UCP listener attributes field mask.
377  *
378  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in @ref ucp_listener_attr_t are
379  * present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.
380  */
381 enum ucp_listener_attr_field {
382     UCP_LISTENER_ATTR_FIELD_SOCKADDR = UCS_BIT(0) /**< Sockaddr used for listening */
383 };
386 /**
387  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
388  * @brief UCP listener's connection request attributes field mask.
389  *
390  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in @ref ucp_conn_request_attr_t
391  * are present. It is used to enable backward compatibility support.
392  */
393 enum ucp_conn_request_attr_field {
394     UCP_CONN_REQUEST_ATTR_FIELD_CLIENT_ADDR = UCS_BIT(0) /**< Client's address */
395 };
398 /**
399  * @ingroup UCP_DATATYPE
400  * @brief UCP data type classification
401  *
402  * The enumeration list describes the datatypes supported by UCP.
403  */
404 enum ucp_dt_type {
405     UCP_DATATYPE_CONTIG  = 0,      /**< Contiguous datatype */
406     UCP_DATATYPE_STRIDED = 1,      /**< Strided datatype */
407     UCP_DATATYPE_IOV     = 2,      /**< Scatter-gather list with multiple pointers */
408     UCP_DATATYPE_GENERIC = 7,      /**< Generic datatype with
409                                         user-defined pack/unpack routines */
410     UCP_DATATYPE_SHIFT   = 3,      /**< Number of bits defining
411                                         the datatype classification */
413                                                                 mask */
414 };
417 /**
418  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
419  * @brief UCP memory mapping flags.
420  *
421  * The enumeration list describes the memory mapping flags supported by @ref
422  * ucp_mem_map() function.
423  */
424 enum {
425     UCP_MEM_MAP_NONBLOCK = UCS_BIT(0), /**< Complete the mapping faster, possibly by
426                                             not populating the pages in the mapping
427                                             up-front, and mapping them later when
428                                             they are accessed by communication
429                                             routines. */
430     UCP_MEM_MAP_ALLOCATE = UCS_BIT(1), /**< Identify requirement for allocation,
431                                             if passed address is not a null-pointer
432                                             then it will be used as a hint or direct
433                                             address for allocation. */
434     UCP_MEM_MAP_FIXED    = UCS_BIT(2)  /**< Don't interpret address as a hint:
435                                             place the mapping at exactly that
436                                             address. The address must be a multiple
437                                             of the page size. */
438 };
441 /**
442  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
443  * @brief Flags for a UCP Active Message callback.
444  *
445  * Flags that indicate how to handle UCP Active Messages
446  * Currently only UCP_AM_FLAG_WHOLE_MSG is supported,
447  * which indicates the entire message is handled in one
448  * callback.
449  */
450 enum ucp_am_cb_flags {
452 };
455 /**
456  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
457  * @brief Flags for sending a UCP Active Message.
458  *
459  * Flags dictate the behavior of ucp_am_send_nb
460  * currently the only flag tells UCP to pass in
461  * the sending endpoint to the call
462  * back so a reply can be defined.
463  */
464 enum ucp_send_am_flags {
466 };
469 /**
470  * @ingroup UCP_ENDPOINT
471  * @brief Descriptor flags for Active Message callback.
472  *
473  * In a callback, if flags is set to UCP_CB_PARAM_FLAG_DATA in
474  * a callback then data was allocated, so if UCS_INPROGRESS is
475  * returned from the callback, the data parameter will persist
476  * and the user has to call @ref ucp_am_data_release when data is
477  * no longer needed.
478  */
479 enum ucp_cb_param_flags {
481 };
484 /**
485  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
486  * @brief Atomic operation requested for ucp_atomic_post
487  *
488  * This enumeration defines which atomic memory operation should be
489  * performed by the ucp_atomic_post family of fuctions. All of these are
490  * non-fetching atomics and will not result in a request handle.
491  */
492 typedef enum {
493     UCP_ATOMIC_POST_OP_ADD, /**< Atomic add */
494     UCP_ATOMIC_POST_OP_AND, /**< Atomic and */
495     UCP_ATOMIC_POST_OP_OR,  /**< Atomic or  */
496     UCP_ATOMIC_POST_OP_XOR, /**< Atomic xor */
498 } ucp_atomic_post_op_t;
501 /**
502  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
503  * @brief Atomic operation requested for ucp_atomic_fetch
504  *
505  * This enumeration defines which atomic memory operation should be performed
506  * by the ucp_atomic_fetch family of functions. All of these functions
507  * will fetch data from the remote node.
508  */
509 typedef enum {
510     UCP_ATOMIC_FETCH_OP_FADD,  /**< Atomic Fetch and add    */
511     UCP_ATOMIC_FETCH_OP_SWAP,  /**< Atomic swap             */
512     UCP_ATOMIC_FETCH_OP_CSWAP, /**< Atomic conditional swap */
513     UCP_ATOMIC_FETCH_OP_FAND,  /**< Atomic Fetch and and    */
514     UCP_ATOMIC_FETCH_OP_FOR,   /**< Atomic Fetch and or     */
515     UCP_ATOMIC_FETCH_OP_FXOR,  /**< Atomic Fetch and xor    */
517 } ucp_atomic_fetch_op_t;
520 /**
521  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
522  * @brief Atomic operation requested for ucp_atomic_op_nbx
523  *
524  * This enumeration defines which atomic memory operation should be
525  * performed by the @ref ucp_atomic_op_nbx routine.
526  */
527 typedef enum {
528     UCP_ATOMIC_OP_ADD,   /**< Atomic add  */
529     UCP_ATOMIC_OP_SWAP,  /**< Atomic swap */
530     UCP_ATOMIC_OP_CSWAP, /**< Atomic conditional swap */
531     UCP_ATOMIC_OP_AND,   /**< Atomic and  */
532     UCP_ATOMIC_OP_OR,    /**< Atomic or   */
533     UCP_ATOMIC_OP_XOR,   /**< Atomic xor  */
535 } ucp_atomic_op_t;
538 /**
539  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
540  * @brief Flags to define behavior of @ref ucp_stream_recv_nb function
541  *
542  * This enumeration defines behavior of @ref ucp_stream_recv_nb function.
543  */
544 typedef enum {
545     UCP_STREAM_RECV_FLAG_WAITALL = UCS_BIT(0)  /**< This flag requests that
546                                                     the operation will not be
547                                                     completed until all
548                                                     requested data is received
549                                                     and placed in the user
550                                                     buffer. */
551 } ucp_stream_recv_flags_t;
554 /**
555  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
556  * @brief UCP operation fields and flags
557  *
558  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in @ref ucp_request_param_t are
559  * present and operation flags are used. It is used to enable backward
560  * compatibility support.
561  */
562 typedef enum {
563     UCP_OP_ATTR_FIELD_REQUEST       = UCS_BIT(0),  /**< request field */
564     UCP_OP_ATTR_FIELD_CALLBACK      = UCS_BIT(1),  /**< cb field */
565     UCP_OP_ATTR_FIELD_USER_DATA     = UCS_BIT(2),  /**< user_data field */
566     UCP_OP_ATTR_FIELD_DATATYPE      = UCS_BIT(3),  /**< datatype field */
567     UCP_OP_ATTR_FIELD_FLAGS         = UCS_BIT(4),  /**< operation-specific flags */
568     UCP_OP_ATTR_FIELD_REPLY_BUFFER  = UCS_BIT(5),  /**< reply_buffer field */
570     UCP_OP_ATTR_FLAG_NO_IMM_CMPL    = UCS_BIT(16), /**< deny immediate completion */
571     UCP_OP_ATTR_FLAG_FAST_CMPL      = UCS_BIT(17), /**< expedite local completion,
572                                                         even if it delays remote
573                                                         data delivery. Note for
574                                                         implementer: this option
575                                                         can disable zero copy
576                                                         and/or rendezvous protocols
577                                                         which require
578                                                         synchronization with the
579                                                         remote peer before releasing
580                                                         the local send buffer */
581     UCP_OP_ATTR_FLAG_FORCE_IMM_CMPL = UCS_BIT(18)  /**< force immediate complete
582                                                         operation, fail if the
583                                                         operation cannot be
584                                                         completed immediately */
585 } ucp_op_attr_t;
588 /**
589  * @ingroup UCP_DATATYPE
590  * @brief Generate an identifier for contiguous data type.
591  *
592  * This macro creates an identifier for contiguous datatype that is defined by
593  * the size of the basic element.
594  *
595  * @param [in]  _elem_size    Size of the basic element of the type.
596  *
597  * @return Data-type identifier.
598  *
599  * @note In case of partial receive, the buffer will be filled with integral
600  *       count of elements.
601  */
602 #define ucp_dt_make_contig(_elem_size) \
603     (((ucp_datatype_t)(_elem_size) << UCP_DATATYPE_SHIFT) | UCP_DATATYPE_CONTIG)
606 /**
607  * @ingroup UCP_DATATYPE
608  * @brief Generate an identifier for Scatter-gather IOV data type.
609  *
610  * This macro creates an identifier for datatype of scatter-gather list
611  * with multiple pointers
612  *
613  * @return Data-type identifier.
614  *
615  * @note In case of partial receive, @ref ucp_dt_iov_t::buffer can be filled
616  *       with any number of bytes according to its @ref ucp_dt_iov_t::length.
617  */
618 #define ucp_dt_make_iov() (UCP_DATATYPE_IOV)
621 /**
622  * @ingroup UCP_DATATYPE
623  * @brief Structure for scatter-gather I/O.
624  *
625  * This structure is used to specify a list of buffers which can be used
626  * within a single data transfer function call.
627  *
628  * @note If @a length is zero, the memory pointed to by @a buffer
629  *       will not be accessed. Otherwise, @a buffer must point to valid memory.
630  */
631 typedef struct ucp_dt_iov {
632     void   *buffer;   /**< Pointer to a data buffer */
633     size_t  length;   /**< Length of the @a buffer in bytes */
634 } ucp_dt_iov_t;
637 /**
638  * @ingroup UCP_DATATYPE
639  * @brief UCP generic data type descriptor
640  *
641  * This structure provides a generic datatype descriptor that
642  * is used for definition of application defined datatypes.
644  * Typically, the descriptor is used for an integration with datatype
645  * engines implemented within MPI and SHMEM implementations.
646  *
647  * @note In case of partial receive, any amount of received data is acceptable
648  *       which matches buffer size.
649  */
650 typedef struct ucp_generic_dt_ops {
652     /**
653      * @ingroup UCP_DATATYPE
654      * @brief Start a packing request.
655      *
656      * The pointer refers to application defined start-to-pack routine. It will
657      * be called from the @ref ucp_tag_send_nb routine.
658      *
659      * @param [in]  context        User-defined context.
660      * @param [in]  buffer         Buffer to pack.
661      * @param [in]  count          Number of elements to pack into the buffer.
662      *
663      * @return  A custom state that is passed to the following
664      *          @ref ucp_generic_dt_ops::pack "pack()" routine.
665      */
666     void* (*start_pack)(void *context, const void *buffer, size_t count);
668     /**
669      * @ingroup UCP_DATATYPE
670      * @brief Start an unpacking request.
671      *
672      * The pointer refers to application defined start-to-unpack routine. It will
673      * be called from the @ref ucp_tag_recv_nb routine.
674      *
675      * @param [in]  context        User-defined context.
676      * @param [in]  buffer         Buffer to unpack to.
677      * @param [in]  count          Number of elements to unpack in the buffer.
678      *
679      * @return  A custom state that is passed later to the following
680      *          @ref ucp_generic_dt_ops::unpack "unpack()" routine.
681      */
682     void* (*start_unpack)(void *context, void *buffer, size_t count);
684     /**
685      * @ingroup UCP_DATATYPE
686      * @brief Get the total size of packed data.
687      *
688      * The pointer refers to user defined routine that returns the size of data
689      * in a packed format.
690      *
691      * @param [in]  state          State as returned by
692      *                             @ref ucp_generic_dt_ops::start_pack
693      *                             "start_pack()" routine.
694      *
695      * @return  The size of the data in a packed form.
696      */
697     size_t (*packed_size)(void *state);
699     /**
700      * @ingroup UCP_DATATYPE
701      * @brief Pack data.
702      *
703      * The pointer refers to application defined pack routine.
704      *
705      * @param [in]  state          State as returned by
706      *                             @ref ucp_generic_dt_ops::start_pack
707      *                             "start_pack()" routine.
708      * @param [in]  offset         Virtual offset in the output stream.
709      * @param [in]  dest           Destination to pack the data to.
710      * @param [in]  max_length     Maximal length to pack.
711      *
712      * @return The size of the data that was written to the destination buffer.
713      *         Must be less than or equal to @e max_length.
714      */
715     size_t (*pack) (void *state, size_t offset, void *dest, size_t max_length);
717     /**
718      * @ingroup UCP_DATATYPE
719      * @brief Unpack data.
720      *
721      * The pointer refers to application defined unpack routine.
722      *
723      * @param [in]  state          State as returned by
724      *                             @ref ucp_generic_dt_ops::start_unpack
725      *                             "start_unpack()" routine.
726      * @param [in]  offset         Virtual offset in the input stream.
727      * @param [in]  src            Source to unpack the data from.
728      * @param [in]  length         Length to unpack.
729      *
730      * @return UCS_OK or an error if unpacking failed.
731      */
732     ucs_status_t (*unpack)(void *state, size_t offset, const void *src, size_t length);
734     /**
735      * @ingroup UCP_DATATYPE
736      * @brief Finish packing/unpacking.
737      *
738      * The pointer refers to application defined finish routine.
739      *
740      * @param [in]  state          State as returned by
741      *                             @ref ucp_generic_dt_ops::start_pack
742      *                             "start_pack()"
743      *                             and
744      *                             @ref ucp_generic_dt_ops::start_unpack
745      *                             "start_unpack()"
746      *                             routines.
747      */
748     void (*finish)(void *state);
749 } ucp_generic_dt_ops_t;
752 /**
753  * @ingroup UCP_CONFIG
754  * @brief Tuning parameters for UCP library.
755  *
756  * The structure defines the parameters that are used for
757  * UCP library tuning during UCP library @ref ucp_init "initialization".
758  *
759  * @note UCP library implementation uses the @ref ucp_feature "features"
760  * parameter to optimize the library functionality that minimize memory
761  * footprint. For example, if the application does not require send/receive
762  * semantics UCP library may avoid allocation of expensive resources associated with
763  * send/receive queues.
764  */
765 typedef struct ucp_params {
766     /**
767      * Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from @ref ucp_params_field.
768      * Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored.
769      * Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.
770      */
771     uint64_t                           field_mask;
773     /**
774      * UCP @ref ucp_feature "features" that are used for library
775      * initialization. It is recommended for applications only to request
776      * the features that are required for an optimal functionality
777      * This field must be specified.
778      */
779     uint64_t                           features;
781     /**
782      * The size of a reserved space in a non-blocking requests. Typically
783      * applications use this space for caching own structures in order to avoid
784      * costly memory allocations, pointer dereferences, and cache misses.
785      * For example, MPI implementation can use this memory for caching MPI
786      * descriptors
787      * This field defaults to 0 if not specified.
788      */
789     size_t                             request_size;
791     /**
792      * Pointer to a routine that is used for the request initialization.
793      * This function will be called only on the very first time a request memory
794      * is initialized, and may not be called again if a request is reused.
795      * If a request should be reset before the next reuse, it can be done before
796      * calling @ref ucp_request_free.
797      *
798      * @e NULL can be used if no such is function required, which is also the
799      * default if this field is not specified by @ref field_mask.
800      */
801     ucp_request_init_callback_t        request_init;
803     /**
804      * Pointer to a routine that is responsible for final cleanup of the memory
805      * associated with the request. This routine may not be called every time a
806      * request is released. For some implementations, the cleanup call may be
807      * delayed and only invoked at @ref ucp_worker_destroy.
808      *
809      * @e NULL can be used if no such function is required, which is also the
810      * default if this field is not specified by @ref field_mask.
811      */
812     ucp_request_cleanup_callback_t     request_cleanup;
814     /**
815      * Mask which specifies particular bits of the tag which can uniquely
816      * identify the sender (UCP endpoint) in tagged operations.
817      * This field defaults to 0 if not specified.
818      */
819     uint64_t                           tag_sender_mask;
821     /**
822      * This flag indicates if this context is shared by multiple workers
823      * from different threads. If so, this context needs thread safety
824      * support; otherwise, the context does not need to provide thread
825      * safety.
826      * For example, if the context is used by single worker, and that
827      * worker is shared by multiple threads, this context does not need
828      * thread safety; if the context is used by worker 1 and worker 2,
829      * and worker 1 is used by thread 1 and worker 2 is used by thread 2,
830      * then this context needs thread safety.
831      * Note that actual thread mode may be different from mode passed
832      * to @ref ucp_init. To get actual thread mode use
833      * @ref ucp_context_query.
834      */
835     int                                mt_workers_shared;
837     /**
838      * An optimization hint of how many endpoints will be created on this context.
839      * For example, when used from MPI or SHMEM libraries, this number will specify
840      * the number of ranks (or processing elements) in the job.
841      * Does not affect semantics, but only transport selection criteria and the
842      * resulting performance.
843      * The value can be also set by UCX_NUM_EPS environment variable. In such case
844      * it will override the number of endpoints set by @e estimated_num_eps
845      */
846     size_t                             estimated_num_eps;
848     /**
849      * An optimization hint for a single node. For example, when used from MPI or
850      * OpenSHMEM libraries, this number will specify the number of Processes Per
851      * Node (PPN) in the job. Does not affect semantics, only transport selection
852      * criteria and the resulting performance.
853      * The value can be also set by the UCX_NUM_PPN environment variable, which
854      * will override the number of endpoints set by @e estimated_num_ppn
855      */
856     size_t                             estimated_num_ppn;
857 } ucp_params_t;
860 /**
861  * @ingroup UCP_CONTEXT
862  * @brief Context attributes.
863  *
864  * The structure defines the attributes which characterize
865  * the particular context.
866  */
867 typedef struct ucp_context_attr {
868     /**
869      * Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from
870      * @ref ucp_context_attr_field.
871      * Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored.
872      * Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.
873      */
874     uint64_t              field_mask;
876     /**
877      * Size of UCP non-blocking request. When pre-allocated request is used
878      * (e.g. in @ref ucp_tag_recv_nbr) it should have enough space to fit
879      * UCP request data, which is defined by this value.
880      */
881     size_t                request_size;
883     /**
884      * Thread safe level of the context. For supported thread levels please
885      * see @ref ucs_thread_mode_t.
886      */
887     ucs_thread_mode_t     thread_mode;
888 } ucp_context_attr_t;
891 /**
892  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
893  * @brief UCP worker attributes.
894  *
895  * The structure defines the attributes which characterize
896  * the particular worker.
897  */
898 typedef struct ucp_worker_attr {
899     /**
900      * Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from
901      * @ref ucp_worker_attr_field.
902      * Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored.
903      * Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.
904      */
905     uint64_t              field_mask;
907     /**
908      * Thread safe level of the worker.
909      */
910     ucs_thread_mode_t     thread_mode;
912     /**
913      * Flags indicating requested details of the worker address.
914      * If @ref UCP_WORKER_ATTR_FIELD_ADDRESS_FLAGS bit is set in the field_mask,
915      * this value should be set as well. Possible flags are specified
916      * in @ref ucp_worker_address_flags_t. @note This is an input attribute.
917      */
918     uint32_t              address_flags;
920     /**
921      * Worker address, which can be passed to remote instances of the UCP library
922      * in order to connect to this worker. The memory for the address handle is
923      * allocated by @ref ucp_worker_query "ucp_worker_query()" routine, and
924      * must be released by using @ref ucp_worker_release_address
925      * "ucp_worker_release_address()" routine.
926      */
927     ucp_address_t         *address;
929     /**
930      * Size of worker address in bytes.
931      */
932     size_t                address_length;
933 } ucp_worker_attr_t;
936 /**
937  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
938  * @brief Tuning parameters for the UCP worker.
939  *
940  * The structure defines the parameters that are used for the
941  * UCP worker tuning during the UCP worker @ref ucp_worker_create "creation".
942  */
943 typedef struct ucp_worker_params {
944     /**
945      * Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from @ref ucp_worker_params_field.
946      * Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored.
947      * Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.
948      */
949     uint64_t                field_mask;
951     /**
952      * The parameter thread_mode suggests the thread safety mode which worker
953      * and the associated resources should be created with. This is an
954      * optional parameter. The default value is UCS_THREAD_MODE_SINGLE and
955      * it is used when the value of the parameter is not set. When this
956      * parameter along with its corresponding bit in the
957      * field_mask - UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_THREAD_MODE is set, the
958      * @ref ucp_worker_create attempts to create worker with this thread mode.
959      * The thread mode with which worker is created can differ from the
960      * suggested mode. The actual thread mode of the worker should be obtained
961      * using the query interface @ref ucp_worker_query.
962      */
963     ucs_thread_mode_t       thread_mode;
965     /**
966      * Mask of which CPUs worker resources should preferably be allocated on.
967      * This value is optional.
968      * If it's not set (along with its corresponding bit in the field_mask -
969      * UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_CPU_MASK), resources are allocated according to
970      * system's default policy.
971      */
972     ucs_cpu_set_t           cpu_mask;
974     /**
975      * Mask of events (@ref ucp_wakeup_event_t) which are expected on wakeup.
976      * This value is optional.
977      * If it's not set (along with its corresponding bit in the field_mask -
978      * UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_EVENTS), all types of events will trigger on
979      * wakeup.
980      */
981     unsigned                events;
983     /**
984      * User data associated with the current worker.
985      * This value is optional.
986      * If it's not set (along with its corresponding bit in the field_mask -
987      * UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_USER_DATA), it will default to NULL.
988      */
989     void                    *user_data;
991     /**
992      * External event file descriptor.
993      * This value is optional.
994      * If @ref UCP_WORKER_PARAM_FIELD_EVENT_FD is set in the field_mask, events
995      * on the worker will be reported on the provided event file descriptor. In
996      * this case, calling @ref ucp_worker_get_efd will result in an error.
997      * The provided file descriptor must be capable of aggregating notifications
998      * for arbitrary events, for example @c epoll(7) on Linux systems.
999      * @ref user_data will be used as the event user-data on systems which
1000      * support it. For example, on Linux, it will be placed in
1001      * @c epoll_data_t::ptr, when returned from @c epoll_wait(2).
1002      *
1003      * Otherwise, events will be reported to the event file descriptor returned
1004      * from @ref ucp_worker_get_efd().
1005      */
1006     int                     event_fd;
1008 } ucp_worker_params_t;
1011 /**
1012  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
1013  * @brief UCP listener attributes.
1014  *
1015  * The structure defines the attributes which characterize
1016  * the particular listener.
1017  */
1018 typedef struct ucp_listener_attr {
1019     /**
1020      * Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from
1021      * @ref ucp_listener_attr_field.
1022      * Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored.
1023      * Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.
1024      */
1025     uint64_t                field_mask;
1027     /**
1028      * Sockaddr on which this listener is listening for incoming connection
1029      * requests.
1030      */
1031     struct sockaddr_storage sockaddr;
1032 } ucp_listener_attr_t;
1035 /**
1036  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
1037  * @brief UCP listener's connection request attributes.
1038  *
1039  * The structure defines the attributes that characterize
1040  * the particular connection request received on the server side.
1041  */
1042 typedef struct ucp_conn_request_attr {
1043     /**
1044      * Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from
1045      * @ref ucp_conn_request_attr_field.
1046      * Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored.
1047      * Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.
1048      */
1049     uint64_t                field_mask;
1051     /**
1052      * The address of the remote client that sent the connection request to the
1053      * server.
1054      */
1055     struct sockaddr_storage client_address;
1056 } ucp_conn_request_attr_t;
1059 /**
1060  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
1061  * @brief Parameters for a UCP listener object.
1062  *
1063  * This structure defines parameters for @ref ucp_listener_create, which is used to
1064  * listen for incoming client/server connections.
1065  */
1066 typedef struct ucp_listener_params {
1067     /**
1068      * Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from
1069      * @ref ucp_listener_params_field.
1070      * Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored.
1071      * Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.
1072      */
1073     uint64_t                            field_mask;
1075     /**
1076      * An address in the form of a sockaddr.
1077      * This field is mandatory for filling (along with its corresponding bit
1078      * in the field_mask - @ref UCP_LISTENER_PARAM_FIELD_SOCK_ADDR).
1079      * The @ref ucp_listener_create routine will return with an error if sockaddr
1080      * is not specified.
1081      */
1082     ucs_sock_addr_t                     sockaddr;
1084     /**
1085      * Handler to endpoint creation in a client-server connection flow.
1086      * In order for the callback inside this handler to be invoked, the
1087      * UCP_LISTENER_PARAM_FIELD_ACCEPT_HANDLER needs to be set in the
1088      * field_mask.
1089      */
1090     ucp_listener_accept_handler_t       accept_handler;
1092     /**
1093      * Handler of an incoming connection request in a client-server connection
1094      * flow. In order for the callback inside this handler to be invoked, the
1095      * @ref UCP_LISTENER_PARAM_FIELD_CONN_HANDLER needs to be set in the
1096      * field_mask.
1097      */
1098     ucp_listener_conn_handler_t         conn_handler;
1099 } ucp_listener_params_t;
1102 /**
1103  * @ingroup UCP_ENDPOINT
1104  * @brief Output parameter of @ref ucp_stream_worker_poll function.
1105  *
1106  * The structure defines the endpoint and its user data.
1107  */
1108 typedef struct ucp_stream_poll_ep {
1109     /**
1110      * Endpoint handle.
1111      */
1112     ucp_ep_h    ep;
1114     /**
1115      * User data associated with an endpoint passed in
1116      * @ref ucp_ep_params_t::user_data.
1117      */
1118     void        *user_data;
1120     /**
1121      * Reserved for future use.
1122      */
1123     unsigned    flags;
1125     /**
1126      * Reserved for future use.
1127      */
1128     uint8_t     reserved[16];
1129 } ucp_stream_poll_ep_t;
1132 /**
1133  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
1134  * @brief Tuning parameters for the UCP memory mapping.
1135  *
1136  * The structure defines the parameters that are used for the
1137  * UCP memory mapping tuning during the @ref ucp_mem_map "ucp_mem_map" routine.
1138  */
1139 typedef struct ucp_mem_map_params {
1140     /**
1141      * Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from
1142      * @ref ucp_mem_map_params_field.
1143      * Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored.
1144      * Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.
1145      */
1146     uint64_t                field_mask;
1148     /**
1149      * If the address is not NULL, the routine maps (registers) the memory segment
1150      * pointed to by this address.
1151      * If the pointer is NULL, the library allocates mapped (registered) memory
1152      * segment and returns its address in this argument.
1153      * Therefore, this value is optional.
1154      * If it's not set (along with its corresponding bit in the field_mask -
1155      * @ref UCP_MEM_MAP_PARAM_FIELD_ADDRESS), the ucp_mem_map routine will consider
1156      * address as set to NULL and will allocate memory.
1157      */
1158      void                   *address;
1160      /**
1161       * Length (in bytes) to allocate or map (register).
1162       * This field is mandatory for filling (along with its corresponding bit
1163       * in the field_mask - @ref UCP_MEM_MAP_PARAM_FIELD_LENGTH).
1164       * The @ref ucp_mem_map routine will return with an error if the length isn't
1165       * specified.
1166       */
1167      size_t                 length;
1169      /**
1170       * Allocation flags, e.g. @ref UCP_MEM_MAP_NONBLOCK.
1171       * This value is optional.
1172       * If it's not set (along with its corresponding bit in the field_mask -
1173       * @ref UCP_MEM_MAP_PARAM_FIELD_FLAGS), the @ref ucp_mem_map routine will
1174       * consider the flags as set to zero.
1175       */
1176      unsigned               flags;
1177 } ucp_mem_map_params_t;
1180 /**
1181  * @ingroup UCP_CONTEXT
1182  * @brief UCP receive information descriptor
1183  *
1184  * The UCP receive information descriptor is allocated by application and filled
1185  * in with the information about the received message by @ref ucp_tag_probe_nb
1186  * or @ref ucp_tag_recv_request_test routines or
1187  * @ref ucp_tag_recv_callback_t callback argument.
1188  */
1189 struct ucp_tag_recv_info {
1190     /** Sender tag */
1191     ucp_tag_t                              sender_tag;
1192     /** The size of the received data */
1193     size_t                                 length;
1194 };
1197 /**
1198  * @ingroup UCP_CONTEXT
1199  * @brief Operation parameters passed to @ref ucp_tag_send_nbx,
1200  *        @ref ucp_tag_send_sync_nbx, @ref ucp_tag_recv_nbx, @ref ucp_put_nbx,
1201  *        @ref ucp_get_nbx
1202  *
1203  * The structure @ref ucp_request_param_t is used to specify datatype of
1204  * operation, provide user request in case the external request is used,
1205  * set completion callback and custom user data passed to this callback.
1206  *
1207  * Example: implementation of function to send contiguous buffer to ep and
1208  *          invoke callback function at operation completion. If the
1209  *          operation completed immediately (status == UCS_OK) then
1210  *          callback is not called.
1211  *
1212  * @code{.c}
1213  * ucs_status_ptr_t send_data(ucp_ep_h ep, void *buffer, size_t length,
1214  *                            ucp_tag_t tag, void *request)
1215  * {
1216  *     ucp_request_param_t param = {
1217  *         .op_attr_mask               = UCP_OP_ATTR_FIELD_CALLBACK |
1218  *                                       UCP_OP_ATTR_FIELD_REQUEST,
1219  *         .request                    = request,
1220  *         .cb.ucp_send_nbx_callback_t = custom_send_callback_f,
1221  *         .user_data                  = pointer_to_user_context_passed_to_cb
1222  *     };
1223  *
1224  *     ucs_status_ptr_t status;
1225  *
1226  *     status = ucp_tag_send_nbx(ep, buffer, length, tag, &param);
1227  *     if (UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(status)) {
1228  *         handle_error(status);
1229  *     } else if (status == UCS_OK) {
1230  *         // operation is completed
1231  *     }
1232  *
1233  *     return status;
1234  * }
1235  * @endcode
1236  */
1237 typedef struct {
1238     /**
1239      * Mask of valid fields in this structure and operation flags, using
1240      * bits from @ref ucp_op_attr_t. Fields not specified in this mask will be
1241      * ignored. Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.
1242      */
1243     uint32_t       op_attr_mask;
1245     /* Operation specific flags. */
1246     uint32_t       flags;
1248     /**
1249      * Request handle allocated by the user. There should
1250      * be at least UCP request size bytes of available
1251      * space before the @a request. The size of the UCP request
1252      * can be obtained by @ref ucp_context_query function.
1253      */
1254     void          *request;
1256     /**
1257      * Callback function that is invoked whenever the
1258      * send or receive operation is completed.
1259      */
1260     union {
1261         ucp_send_nbx_callback_t        send;
1262         ucp_tag_recv_nbx_callback_t    recv;
1263         ucp_stream_recv_nbx_callback_t recv_stream;
1264     }              cb;
1266     /**
1267      * Datatype descriptor for the elements in the buffer. In case the
1268      * op_attr_mask & UCP_OP_ATTR_FIELD_DATATYPE bit is not set, then use
1269      * default datatype ucp_dt_make_contig(1)
1270      */
1271     ucp_datatype_t datatype;
1273     /**
1274      * Pointer to user data passed to callback function.
1275      */
1276     void          *user_data;
1278     /**
1279      * Reply buffer. Can be used for storing operation result, for example by
1280      * @ref ucp_atomic_op_nbx.
1281      */
1282     void          *reply_buffer;
1283 } ucp_request_param_t;
1286 /**
1287  * @ingroup UCP_CONFIG
1288  * @brief Read UCP configuration descriptor
1289  *
1290  * The routine fetches the information about UCP library configuration from
1291  * the run-time environment. Then, the fetched descriptor is used for
1292  * UCP library @ref ucp_init "initialization". The Application can print out the
1293  * descriptor using @ref ucp_config_print "print" routine. In addition
1294  * the application is responsible for @ref ucp_config_release "releasing" the
1295  * descriptor back to the UCP library.
1296  *
1297  * @param [in]  env_prefix    If non-NULL, the routine searches for the
1298  *                            environment variables that start with
1299  *                            @e \<env_prefix\>_UCX_ prefix.
1300  *                            Otherwise, the routine searches for the
1301  *                            environment variables that start with
1302  *                            @e UCX_ prefix.
1303  * @param [in]  filename      If non-NULL, read configuration from the file
1304  *                            defined by @e filename. If the file does not
1305  *                            exist, it will be ignored and no error reported
1306  *                            to the application.
1307  * @param [out] config_p      Pointer to configuration descriptor as defined by
1308  *                            @ref ucp_config_t "ucp_config_t".
1309  *
1310  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
1311  */
1312 ucs_status_t ucp_config_read(const char *env_prefix, const char *filename,
1313                              ucp_config_t **config_p);
1316 /**
1317  * @ingroup UCP_CONFIG
1318  * @brief Release configuration descriptor
1319  *
1320  * The routine releases the configuration descriptor that was allocated through
1321  * @ref ucp_config_read "ucp_config_read()" routine.
1322  *
1323  * @param [out] config        Configuration descriptor as defined by
1324  *                            @ref ucp_config_t "ucp_config_t".
1325  */
1326 void ucp_config_release(ucp_config_t *config);
1329 /**
1330  * @ingroup UCP_CONFIG
1331  * @brief Modify context configuration.
1332  *
1333  * The routine changes one configuration setting stored in @ref ucp_config_t
1334  * "configuration" descriptor.
1335  *
1336  * @param [in]  config        Configuration to modify.
1337  * @param [in]  name          Configuration variable name.
1338  * @param [in]  value         Value to set.
1339  *
1340  * @return Error code.
1341  */
1342 ucs_status_t ucp_config_modify(ucp_config_t *config, const char *name,
1343                                const char *value);
1346 /**
1347  * @ingroup UCP_CONFIG
1348  * @brief Print configuration information
1349  *
1350  * The routine prints the configuration information that is stored in
1351  * @ref ucp_config_t "configuration" descriptor.
1352  *
1353  * @todo Expose ucs_config_print_flags_t
1354  *
1355  * @param [in]  config        @ref ucp_config_t "Configuration descriptor"
1356  *                            to print.
1357  * @param [in]  stream        Output stream to print the configuration to.
1358  * @param [in]  title         Configuration title to print.
1359  * @param [in]  print_flags   Flags that control various printing options.
1360  */
1361 void ucp_config_print(const ucp_config_t *config, FILE *stream,
1362                       const char *title, ucs_config_print_flags_t print_flags);
1365 /**
1366  * @ingroup UCP_CONTEXT
1367  * @brief Get UCP library version.
1368  *
1369  * This routine returns the UCP library version.
1370  *
1371  * @param [out] major_version       Filled with library major version.
1372  * @param [out] minor_version       Filled with library minor version.
1373  * @param [out] release_number      Filled with library release number.
1374  */
1375 void ucp_get_version(unsigned *major_version, unsigned *minor_version,
1376                      unsigned *release_number);
1379 /**
1380  * @ingroup UCP_CONTEXT
1381  * @brief Get UCP library version as a string.
1382  *
1383  * This routine returns the UCP library version as a string which consists of:
1384  * "major.minor.release".
1385  */
1386 const char *ucp_get_version_string(void);
1389 /** @cond PRIVATE_INTERFACE */
1390 /**
1391  * @ingroup UCP_CONTEXT
1392  * @brief UCP context initialization with particular API version.
1393  *
1394  *  This is an internal routine used to check compatibility with a particular
1395  * API version. @ref ucp_init should be used to create UCP context.
1396  */
1397 ucs_status_t ucp_init_version(unsigned api_major_version, unsigned api_minor_version,
1398                               const ucp_params_t *params, const ucp_config_t *config,
1399                               ucp_context_h *context_p);
1400 /** @endcond */
1403 /**
1404  * @ingroup UCP_CONTEXT
1405  * @brief UCP context initialization.
1406  *
1407  * This routine creates and initializes a @ref ucp_context_h
1408  * "UCP application context".
1409  *
1410  * @warning This routine must be called before any other UCP function
1411  * call in the application.
1412  *
1413  * This routine checks API version compatibility, then discovers the available
1414  * network interfaces, and initializes the network resources required for
1415  * discovering of the network and memory related devices.
1416  *  This routine is responsible for initialization all information required for
1417  * a particular application scope, for example, MPI application, OpenSHMEM
1418  * application, etc.
1419  *
1420  * @note
1421  * @li Higher level protocols can add additional communication isolation, as
1422  * MPI does with it's communicator object. A single communication context may
1423  * be used to support multiple MPI communicators.
1424  * @li The context can be used to isolate the communication that corresponds to
1425  * different protocols. For example, if MPI and OpenSHMEM are using UCP to
1426  * isolate the MPI communication from the OpenSHMEM communication, users should
1427  * use different application context for each of the communication libraries.
1428  *
1429  * @param [in]  config        UCP configuration descriptor allocated through
1430  *                            @ref ucp_config_read "ucp_config_read()" routine.
1431  * @param [in]  params        User defined @ref ucp_params_t configurations for the
1432  *                            @ref ucp_context_h "UCP application context".
1433  * @param [out] context_p     Initialized @ref ucp_context_h
1434  *                            "UCP application context".
1435  *
1436  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
1437  */
ucp_init(const ucp_params_t * params,const ucp_config_t * config,ucp_context_h * context_p)1438 static inline ucs_status_t ucp_init(const ucp_params_t *params,
1439                                     const ucp_config_t *config,
1440                                     ucp_context_h *context_p)
1441 {
1442     return ucp_init_version(UCP_API_MAJOR, UCP_API_MINOR, params, config,
1443                             context_p);
1444 }
1447 /**
1448  * @ingroup UCP_CONTEXT
1449  * @brief Release UCP application context.
1450  *
1451  * This routine finalizes and releases the resources associated with a
1452  * @ref ucp_context_h "UCP application context".
1453  *
1454  * @warning An application cannot call any UCP routine
1455  * once the UCP application context released.
1456  *
1457  * The cleanup process releases and shuts down all resources associated    with
1458  * the application context. After calling this routine, calling any UCP
1459  * routine without calling @ref ucp_init "UCP initialization routine" is invalid.
1460  *
1461  * @param [in] context_p   Handle to @ref ucp_context_h
1462  *                         "UCP application context".
1463  */
1464 void ucp_cleanup(ucp_context_h context_p);
1467 /**
1468  * @ingroup UCP_CONTEXT
1469  * @brief Get attributes specific to a particular context.
1470  *
1471  * This routine fetches information about the context.
1472  *
1473  * @param [in]  context_p  Handle to @ref ucp_context_h
1474  *                         "UCP application context".
1475  *
1476  * @param [out] attr       Filled with attributes of @p context_p context.
1477  *
1478  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
1479  */
1480 ucs_status_t ucp_context_query(ucp_context_h context_p,
1481                                ucp_context_attr_t *attr);
1484 /**
1485  * @ingroup UCP_CONTEXT
1486  * @brief Print context information.
1487  *
1488  * This routine prints information about the context configuration: including
1489  * memory domains, transport resources, and other useful information associated
1490  * with the context.
1491  *
1492  * @param [in] context      Print this context object's configuration.
1493  * @param [in] stream       Output stream on which to print the information.
1494  */
1495 void ucp_context_print_info(const ucp_context_h context, FILE *stream);
1498 /**
1499  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
1500  * @brief Create a worker object.
1501  *
1502  * This routine allocates and initializes a @ref ucp_worker_h "worker" object.
1503  * Each worker is associated with one and only one @ref ucp_context_h
1504  * "application" context.  In the same time, an application context can create
1505  * multiple @ref ucp_worker_h "workers" in order to enable concurrent access to
1506  * communication resources. For example, application can allocate a dedicated
1507  * worker for each application thread, where every worker can be progressed
1508  * independently of others.
1509  *
1510  * @note The worker object is allocated within context of the calling thread
1511  *
1512  * @param [in] context     Handle to @ref ucp_context_h
1513  *                         "UCP application context".
1514  * @param [in] params      User defined @ref ucp_worker_params_t configurations for the
1515  *                         @ref ucp_worker_h "UCP worker".
1516  * @param [out] worker_p   A pointer to the worker object allocated by the
1517  *                         UCP library
1518  *
1519  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
1520  */
1521 ucs_status_t ucp_worker_create(ucp_context_h context,
1522                                const ucp_worker_params_t *params,
1523                                ucp_worker_h *worker_p);
1526 /**
1527  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
1528  * @brief Destroy a worker object.
1529  *
1530  * This routine releases the resources associated with a
1531  * @ref ucp_worker_h "UCP worker".
1532  *
1533  * @warning Once the UCP worker destroy the worker handle cannot be used with any
1534  * UCP routine.
1535  *
1536  * The destroy process releases and shuts down all resources associated    with
1537  * the @ref ucp_worker_h "worker".
1538  *
1539  * @param [in]  worker        Worker object to destroy.
1540  */
1541 void ucp_worker_destroy(ucp_worker_h worker);
1544 /**
1545  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
1546  * @brief Get attributes specific to a particular worker.
1547  *
1548  * This routine fetches information about the worker.
1549  *
1550  * @param [in]  worker     Worker object to query.
1551  * @param [out] attr       Filled with attributes of worker.
1552  *
1553  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
1554  */
1555 ucs_status_t ucp_worker_query(ucp_worker_h worker,
1556                               ucp_worker_attr_t *attr);
1559 /**
1560  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
1561  * @brief Print information about the worker.
1562  *
1563  * This routine prints information about the protocols being used, thresholds,
1564  * UCT transport methods, and other useful information associated with the worker.
1565  *
1566  * @param [in] worker       Worker object to print information for.
1567  * @param [in] stream       Output stream to print the information to.
1568  */
1569 void ucp_worker_print_info(ucp_worker_h worker, FILE *stream);
1572 /**
1573  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
1574  * @brief Get the address of the worker object.
1575  *
1576  * This routine returns the address of the worker object.  This address can be
1577  * passed to remote instances of the UCP library in order to connect to this
1578  * worker. The memory for the address handle is allocated by this function, and
1579  * must be released by using @ref ucp_worker_release_address
1580  * "ucp_worker_release_address()" routine.
1581  *
1582  * @param [in]  worker            Worker object whose address to return.
1583  * @param [out] address_p         A pointer to the worker address.
1584  * @param [out] address_length_p  The size in bytes of the address.
1585  *
1586  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
1587  */
1588 ucs_status_t ucp_worker_get_address(ucp_worker_h worker,
1589                                     ucp_address_t **address_p,
1590                                     size_t *address_length_p);
1593 /**
1594  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
1595  * @brief Release an address of the worker object.
1596  *
1597  * This routine release an @ref ucp_address_t "address handle" associated within
1598  * the @ref ucp_worker_h "worker" object.
1599  *
1600  * @warning Once the address released the address handle cannot be used with any
1601  * UCP routine.
1602  *
1603  * @param [in]  worker            Worker object that is associated with the
1604  *                                address object.
1605  * @param [in] address            Address to release; the address object has to
1606  *                                be allocated using @ref ucp_worker_get_address
1607  *                                "ucp_worker_get_address()" routine.
1608  *
1609  * @todo We should consider to change it to return int so we can catch the
1610  * errors when worker != address
1611  */
1612 void ucp_worker_release_address(ucp_worker_h worker, ucp_address_t *address);
1615 /**
1616  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
1617  * @brief Progress all communications on a specific worker.
1618  *
1619  * This routine explicitly progresses all communication operations on a worker.
1620  *
1621  * @note
1622  * @li Typically, request wait and test routines call @ref
1623  * ucp_worker_progress "this routine" to progress any outstanding operations.
1624  * @li Transport layers, implementing asynchronous progress using threads,
1625  * require callbacks and other user code to be thread safe.
1626  * @li The state of communication can be advanced (progressed) by blocking
1627  * routines. Nevertheless, the non-blocking routines can not be used for
1628  * communication progress.
1629  *
1630  * @param [in]  worker    Worker to progress.
1631  *
1632  * @return Non-zero if any communication was progressed, zero otherwise.
1633  */
1634 unsigned ucp_worker_progress(ucp_worker_h worker);
1637 /**
1638  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
1639  * @brief Poll for endpoints that are ready to consume streaming data.
1640  *
1641  * This non-blocking routine returns endpoints on a worker which are ready
1642  * to consume streaming data. The ready endpoints are placed in @a poll_eps
1643  * array, and the function return value indicates how many are there.
1644  *
1645  * @param [in]   worker    Worker to poll.
1646  * @param [out]  poll_eps  Pointer to array of endpoints, should be
1647  *                         allocated by user.
1648  * @param [in]   max_eps   Maximal number of endpoints which should be filled
1649  *                         in @a poll_eps.
1650  * @param [in]   flags     Reserved for future use.
1651  *
1652  * @return Negative value indicates an error according to @ref ucs_status_t.
1653  *         On success, non-negative value (less or equal @a max_eps) indicates
1654  *         actual number of endpoints filled in @a poll_eps array.
1655  *
1656  */
1657 ssize_t ucp_stream_worker_poll(ucp_worker_h worker,
1658                                ucp_stream_poll_ep_t *poll_eps, size_t max_eps,
1659                                unsigned flags);
1662 /**
1663  * @ingroup UCP_WAKEUP
1664  * @brief Obtain an event file descriptor for event notification.
1665  *
1666  * This routine returns a valid file descriptor for polling functions.
1667  * The file descriptor will get signaled when an event occurs, as part of the
1668  * wake-up mechanism. Signaling means a call to poll() or select() with this
1669  * file descriptor will return at this point, with this descriptor marked as the
1670  * reason (or one of the reasons) the function has returned. The user does not
1671  * need to release the obtained file descriptor.
1672  *
1673  * The wake-up mechanism exists to allow for the user process to register for
1674  * notifications on events of the underlying interfaces, and wait until such
1675  * occur. This is an alternative to repeated polling for request completion.
1676  * The goal is to allow for waiting while consuming minimal resources from the
1677  * system. This is recommended for cases where traffic is infrequent, and
1678  * latency can be traded for lower resource consumption while waiting for it.
1679  *
1680  * There are two alternative ways to use the wakeup mechanism: the first is the
1681  * file descriptor obtained per worker (this function) and the second is the
1682  * @ref ucp_worker_wait function for waiting on the next event internally.
1683  *
1684  * @note UCP @ref ucp_feature "features" have to be triggered
1685  *   with @ref UCP_FEATURE_WAKEUP to select proper transport
1686  *
1687  * @param [in]  worker    Worker of notified events.
1688  * @param [out] fd        File descriptor.
1689  *
1690  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
1691  */
1692 ucs_status_t ucp_worker_get_efd(ucp_worker_h worker, int *fd);
1695 /**
1696  * @ingroup UCP_WAKEUP
1697  * @brief Wait for an event of the worker.
1698  *
1699  * This routine waits (blocking) until an event has happened, as part of the
1700  * wake-up mechanism.
1701  *
1702  * This function is guaranteed to return only if new communication events occur
1703  * on the @a worker. Therefore one must drain all existing events before waiting
1704  * on the file descriptor. This can be achieved by calling
1705  * @ref ucp_worker_progress repeatedly until it returns 0.
1706  *
1707  * There are two alternative ways to use the wakeup mechanism. The first is by
1708  * polling on a per-worker file descriptor obtained from @ref ucp_worker_get_efd.
1709  * The second is by using this function to perform an internal wait for the next
1710  * event associated with the specified worker.
1711  *
1712  * @note During the blocking call the wake-up mechanism relies on other means of
1713  * notification and may not progress some of the requests as it would when
1714  * calling @ref ucp_worker_progress (which is not invoked in that duration).
1715  *
1716  * @note UCP @ref ucp_feature "features" have to be triggered
1717  *   with @ref UCP_FEATURE_WAKEUP to select proper transport
1718  *
1719  * @param [in]  worker    Worker to wait for events on.
1720  *
1721  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
1722  */
1723 ucs_status_t ucp_worker_wait(ucp_worker_h worker);
1726 /**
1727  * @ingroup UCP_WAKEUP
1728  * @brief Wait for memory update on the address
1729  *
1730  * This routine waits for a memory update at the local memory @a address.  This
1731  * is a blocking routine. The routine returns when the memory address is
1732  * updated ("write") or an event occurs in the system.
1733  *
1734  * This function is guaranteed to return only if new communication events occur
1735  * on the worker or @a address is modified. Therefore one must drain all existing
1736  * events before waiting on the file descriptor. This can be achieved by calling
1737  * @ref ucp_worker_progress repeatedly until it returns 0.
1738  *
1739  * @note This routine can be used by an application that executes busy-waiting
1740  * loop checking for a memory update. Instead of continuous busy-waiting on an
1741  * address the application can use @a ucp_worker_wait_mem, which may suspend
1742  * execution until the memory is updated. The goal of the routine is to provide
1743  * an opportunity for energy savings for architectures that support this
1744  * functionality.
1745  *
1746  * @param [in] worker           Worker to wait for updates on.
1747  * @param [in] address          Local memory address
1748  */
1749 void ucp_worker_wait_mem(ucp_worker_h worker, void *address);
1752 /**
1753  * @ingroup UCP_WAKEUP
1754  * @brief Turn on event notification for the next event.
1755  *
1756  * This routine needs to be called before waiting on each notification on this
1757  * worker, so will typically be called once the processing of the previous event
1758  * is over, as part of the wake-up mechanism.
1759  *
1760  * The worker must be armed before waiting on an event (must be re-armed after
1761  * it has been signaled for re-use) with @ref ucp_worker_arm.
1762  * The events triggering a signal of the file descriptor from
1763  * @ref ucp_worker_get_efd depend on the interfaces used by the worker and
1764  * defined in the transport layer, and typically represent a request completion
1765  * or newly available resources. It can also be triggered by calling
1766  * @ref ucp_worker_signal .
1767  *
1768  * The file descriptor is guaranteed to become signaled only if new communication
1769  * events occur on the @a worker. Therefore one must drain all existing events
1770  * before waiting on the file descriptor. This can be achieved by calling
1771  * @ref ucp_worker_progress repeatedly until it returns 0.
1772  *
1773  * @code {.c}
1774  * void application_initialization() {
1775  * // should be called once in application init flow and before
1776  * // process_comminucation() is used
1777  *     ...
1778  *     status = ucp_worker_get_efd(worker, &fd);
1779  *     ...
1780  * }
1781  *
1782  * void process_comminucation() {
1783  * // should be called every time need to wait for some condition such as
1784  * // ucp request completion in sleep mode.
1785  *
1786  *     for (;;) {
1787  *         // check for stop condition as long as progress is made
1788  *         if (check_for_events()) {
1789  *              break;
1790  *         } else if (ucp_worker_progress(worker)) {
1791  *              continue;                 // some progress happened but condition not met
1792  *         }
1793  *
1794  *         // arm the worker and clean-up fd
1795  *         status = ucp_worker_arm(worker);
1796  *         if (UCS_OK == status) {
1797  *             poll(&fds, nfds, timeout);  // wait for events (sleep mode)
1798  *         } else if (UCS_ERR_BUSY == status) {
1799  *             continue;                   // could not arm, need to progress more
1800  *         } else {
1801  *             abort();
1802  *         }
1803  *     }
1804  * }
1805  * @endcode
1806  *
1807  * @note UCP @ref ucp_feature "features" have to be triggered
1808  *   with @ref UCP_FEATURE_WAKEUP to select proper transport
1809  *
1810  * @param [in]  worker    Worker of notified events.
1811  *
1812  * @return ::UCS_OK        The operation completed successfully. File descriptor
1813  *                         will be signaled by new events.
1814  * @return ::UCS_ERR_BUSY  There are unprocessed events which prevent the
1815  *                         file descriptor from being armed. These events should
1816  *                         be removed by calling @ref ucp_worker_progress().
1817  *                         The operation is not completed. File descriptor
1818  *                         will not be signaled by new events.
1819  * @return @ref ucs_status_t "Other" different error codes in case of issues.
1820  */
1821 ucs_status_t ucp_worker_arm(ucp_worker_h worker);
1824 /**
1825  * @ingroup UCP_WAKEUP
1826  * @brief Cause an event of the worker.
1827  *
1828  * This routine signals that the event has happened, as part of the wake-up
1829  * mechanism. This function causes a blocking call to @ref ucp_worker_wait or
1830  * waiting on a file descriptor from @ref ucp_worker_get_efd to return, even
1831  * if no event from the underlying interfaces has taken place.
1832  *
1833  * @note It's safe to use this routine from any thread, even if UCX is compiled
1834  *       without multi-threading support and/or initialized with any value of
1835  *       @ref ucp_params_t::mt_workers_shared and
1836  *       @ref ucp_worker_params_t::thread_mode parameters
1837  *
1838  * @param [in]  worker    Worker to wait for events on.
1839  *
1840  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
1841  */
1842 ucs_status_t ucp_worker_signal(ucp_worker_h worker);
1845 /**
1846  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
1847  * @brief Accept connections on a local address of the worker object.
1848  *
1849  * This routine binds the worker object to a @ref ucs_sock_addr_t sockaddr
1850  * which is set by the user.
1851  * The worker will listen to incoming connection requests and upon receiving such
1852  * a request from the remote peer, an endpoint to it will be created.
1853  * The user's call-back will be invoked once the endpoint is created.
1854  *
1855  * @param [in]  worker           Worker object that is associated with the
1856  *                               params object.
1857  * @param [in]  params           User defined @ref ucp_listener_params_t
1858  *                               configurations for the @ref ucp_listener_h.
1859  * @param [out] listener_p       A handle to the created listener, can be released
1860  *                               by calling @ref ucp_listener_destroy
1861  *
1862  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
1863  */
1864 ucs_status_t ucp_listener_create(ucp_worker_h worker,
1865                                  const ucp_listener_params_t *params,
1866                                  ucp_listener_h *listener_p);
1869 /**
1870  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
1871  * @brief Stop accepting connections on a local address of the worker object.
1872  *
1873  * This routine unbinds the worker from the given handle and stops
1874  * listening for incoming connection requests on it.
1875  *
1876  * @param [in] listener        A handle to the listener to stop listening on.
1877  */
1878 void ucp_listener_destroy(ucp_listener_h listener);
1881 /**
1882  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
1883  * @brief Get attributes specific to a particular listener.
1884  *
1885  * This routine fetches information about the listener.
1886  *
1887  * @param [in]  listener   listener object to query.
1888  * @param [out] attr       Filled with attributes of the listener.
1889  *
1890  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
1891  */
1892 ucs_status_t ucp_listener_query(ucp_listener_h listener, ucp_listener_attr_t *attr);
1895 /**
1896  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
1897  * @brief Get attributes specific to a particular connection request received
1898  * on the server side.
1899  *
1900  * This routine fetches information about the connection request.
1901  *
1902  * @param [in]  conn_request  connection request object to query.
1903  * @param [out] attr          Filled with attributes of the connection request.
1904  *
1905  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
1906  */
1907 ucs_status_t ucp_conn_request_query(ucp_conn_request_h conn_request,
1908                                     ucp_conn_request_attr_t *attr);
1911 /**
1912  * @ingroup UCP_ENDPOINT
1913  * @brief Create and connect an endpoint.
1914  *
1915  * This routine creates and connects an @ref ucp_ep_h "endpoint" on a @ref
1916  * ucp_worker_h "local worker" for a destination @ref ucp_address_t "address"
1917  * that identifies the remote @ref ucp_worker_h "worker". This function is
1918  * non-blocking, and communications may begin immediately after it returns. If
1919  * the connection process is not completed, communications may be delayed.
1920  * The created @ref ucp_ep_h "endpoint" is associated with one and only one
1921  * @ref ucp_worker_h "worker".
1922  *
1923  * @param [in]  worker      Handle to the worker; the endpoint
1924  *                          is associated with the worker.
1925  * @param [in]  params      User defined @ref ucp_ep_params_t configurations
1926  *                          for the @ref ucp_ep_h "UCP endpoint".
1927  * @param [out] ep_p        A handle to the created endpoint.
1928  *
1929  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
1930  *
1931  * @note One of the following fields has to be specified:
1932  *  - ucp_ep_params_t::address
1933  *  - ucp_ep_params_t::sockaddr
1934  *  - ucp_ep_params_t::conn_request
1936  * @note By default, ucp_ep_create() will connect an endpoint to itself if
1937  * the endpoint is destined to the same @a worker on which it was created,
1938  * i.e. @a params.address belongs to @a worker. This behavior can be changed by
1939  * passing the @ref UCP_EP_PARAMS_FLAGS_NO_LOOPBACK flag in @a params.flags.
1940  * In that case, the endpoint will be connected to the *next* endpoint created
1941  * in the same way on the same @a worker.
1942  */
1943 ucs_status_t ucp_ep_create(ucp_worker_h worker, const ucp_ep_params_t *params,
1944                            ucp_ep_h *ep_p);
1947 /**
1948  * @ingroup UCP_ENDPOINT
1949  *
1950  * @brief Non-blocking @ref ucp_ep_h "endpoint" closure.
1951  *
1952  * This routine releases the @ref ucp_ep_h "endpoint". The endpoint closure
1953  * process depends on the selected @a mode.
1954  *
1955  * @param [in]  ep      Handle to the endpoint to close.
1956  * @param [in]  mode    One from @ref ucp_ep_close_mode value.
1957  *
1958  * @return UCS_OK           - The endpoint is closed successfully.
1959  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The closure failed and an error code indicates
1960  *                                the transport level status. However, resources
1961  *                                are released and the @a endpoint can no longer
1962  *                                be used.
1963  * @return otherwise        - The closure process is started, and can be
1964  *                            completed at any point in time. A request handle
1965  *                            is returned to the application in order to track
1966  *                            progress of the endpoint closure. The application
1967  *                            is responsible for releasing the handle using the
1968  *                            @ref ucp_request_free routine.
1969  *
1970  * @note @ref ucp_ep_close_nb replaces deprecated @ref ucp_disconnect_nb and
1971  *       @ref ucp_ep_destroy
1972  */
1973 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_ep_close_nb(ucp_ep_h ep, unsigned mode);
1976 /**
1977  * @ingroup UCP_ENDPOINT
1978  *
1979  * @brief Non-blocking @ref ucp_ep_h "endpoint" closure.
1980  *
1981  * @param [in]  ep      Handle to the endpoint to close.
1982  * @param [in]  param   Operation parameters, see @ref ucp_request_param_t.
1983  *                      This operation supports specific flags, which can be
1984  *                      passed in @a param by @ref ucp_request_param_t.flags.
1985  *                      The exact set of flags is defined
1986  *                      by @ref ucp_ep_close_flags_t.
1987  *
1988  * @return NULL                 - The endpoint is closed successfully.
1989  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The closure failed and an error code indicates
1990  *                                the transport level status. However, resources
1991  *                                are released and the @a endpoint can no longer
1992  *                                be used.
1993  * @return otherwise            - The closure process is started, and can be
1994  *                                completed at any point in time. A request
1995  *                                handle is returned to the application in order
1996  *                                to track progress of the endpoint closure.
1997  */
1998 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_ep_close_nbx(ucp_ep_h ep,
1999                                   const ucp_request_param_t *param);
2002 /**
2003  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
2004  *
2005  * @brief Reject an incoming connection request.
2006  *
2007  * Reject the incoming connection request and release associated resources. If
2008  * the remote initiator endpoint has set an @ref ucp_ep_params_t::err_handler,
2009  * it will be invoked with status @ref UCS_ERR_REJECTED.
2010  *
2011  * @param [in]  listener        Handle to the listener on which the connection
2012  *                              request was received.
2013  * @param [in]  conn_request    Handle to the connection request to reject.
2014  *
2015  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
2016  *
2017  */
2018 ucs_status_t ucp_listener_reject(ucp_listener_h listener,
2019                                  ucp_conn_request_h conn_request);
2022 /**
2023  * @ingroup UCP_ENDPOINT
2024  * @brief Print endpoint information.
2025  *
2026  * This routine prints information about the endpoint transport methods, their
2027  * thresholds, and other useful information associated with the endpoint.
2028  *
2029  * @param [in] ep           Endpoint object whose configuration to print.
2030  * @param [in] stream       Output stream to print the information to.
2031  */
2032 void ucp_ep_print_info(ucp_ep_h ep, FILE *stream);
2035 /**
2036  * @ingroup UCP_ENDPOINT
2037  *
2038  * @brief Non-blocking flush of outstanding AMO and RMA operations on the
2039  * @ref ucp_ep_h "endpoint".
2040  *
2041  * This routine flushes all outstanding AMO and RMA communications on the
2042  * @ref ucp_ep_h "endpoint". All the AMO and RMA operations issued on the
2043  * @a ep prior to this call are completed both at the origin and at the target
2044  * @ref ucp_ep_h "endpoint" when this call returns.
2045  *
2046  * @param [in] ep        UCP endpoint.
2047  * @param [in] flags     Flags for flush operation. Reserved for future use.
2048  * @param [in] cb        Callback which will be called when the flush operation
2049  *                       completes.
2050  *
2051  * @return NULL             - The flush operation was completed immediately.
2052  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The flush operation failed.
2053  * @return otherwise        - Flush operation was scheduled and can be completed
2054  *                          in any point in time. The request handle is returned
2055  *                          to the application in order to track progress. The
2056  *                          application is responsible for releasing the handle
2057  *                          using @ref ucp_request_free "ucp_request_free()"
2058  *                          routine.
2059  *
2060  *
2061  * The following example demonstrates how blocking flush can be implemented
2062  * using non-blocking flush:
2063  * @code {.c}
2064  * void empty_function(void *request, ucs_status_t status)
2065  * {
2066  * }
2067  *
2068  * ucs_status_t blocking_ep_flush(ucp_ep_h ep, ucp_worker_h worker)
2069  * {
2070  *     void *request;
2071  *
2072  *     request = ucp_ep_flush_nb(ep, 0, empty_function);
2073  *     if (request == NULL) {
2074  *         return UCS_OK;
2075  *     } else if (UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(request)) {
2076  *         return UCS_PTR_STATUS(request);
2077  *     } else {
2078  *         ucs_status_t status;
2079  *         do {
2080  *             ucp_worker_progress(worker);
2081  *             status = ucp_request_check_status(request);
2082  *         } while (status == UCS_INPROGRESS);
2083  *         ucp_request_free(request);
2084  *         return status;
2085  *     }
2086  * }
2087  * @endcode */
2088 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_ep_flush_nb(ucp_ep_h ep, unsigned flags,
2089                                  ucp_send_callback_t cb);
2092 /**
2093  * @ingroup UCP_ENDPOINT
2094  *
2095  * @brief Non-blocking flush of outstanding AMO and RMA operations on the
2096  * @ref ucp_ep_h "endpoint".
2097  *
2098  * This routine flushes all outstanding AMO and RMA communications on the
2099  * @ref ucp_ep_h "endpoint". All the AMO and RMA operations issued on the
2100  * @a ep prior to this call are completed both at the origin and at the target
2101  * @ref ucp_ep_h "endpoint" when this call returns.
2102  *
2103  * @param [in] ep        UCP endpoint.
2104  * @param [in] param     Operation parameters, see @ref ucp_request_param_t.
2105  *
2106  * @return NULL                 - The flush operation was completed immediately.
2107  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The flush operation failed.
2108  * @return otherwise            - Flush operation was scheduled and can be
2109  *                                completed in any point in time. The request
2110  *                                handle is returned to the application in
2111  *                                order to track progress.
2112  */
2113 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_ep_flush_nbx(ucp_ep_h ep, const ucp_request_param_t *param);
2116 /**
2117  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
2118  * @brief Map or allocate memory for zero-copy operations.
2119  *
2120  * This routine maps or/and allocates a user-specified memory segment with @ref
2121  * ucp_context_h "UCP application context" and the network resources associated
2122  * with it. If the application specifies NULL as an address for the memory
2123  * segment, the routine allocates a mapped memory segment and returns its
2124  * address in the @a address_p argument.  The network stack associated with an
2125  * application context can typically send and receive data from the mapped
2126  * memory without CPU intervention; some devices and associated network stacks
2127  * require the memory to be mapped to send and receive data. The @ref ucp_mem_h
2128  * "memory handle" includes all information required to access the memory
2129  * locally using UCP routines, while @ref ucp_rkey_h
2130  * "remote registration handle" provides an information that is necessary for
2131  * remote memory access.
2132  *
2133  * @note
2134  * Another well know terminology for the "map" operation that is typically
2135  * used in the context of networking is memory "registration" or "pinning". The
2136  * UCP library registers the memory the available hardware so it can be
2137  * assessed directly by the hardware.
2138  *
2139  * Memory mapping assumptions:
2140  * @li A given memory segment can be mapped by several different communication
2141  * stacks, if these are compatible.
2142  * @li The @a memh_p handle returned may be used with any sub-region of the
2143  * mapped memory.
2144  * @li If a large segment is registered, and then segmented for subsequent use
2145  * by a user, then the user is responsible for segmentation and subsequent
2146  * management.
2147  *
2148  * <table>
2149  * <caption>Matrix of behavior</caption>
2150  * <tr><th>parameter/flag <td align="center">@ref UCP_MEM_MAP_NONBLOCK "NONBLOCK"</td>
2151  *                        <td align="center">@ref UCP_MEM_MAP_ALLOCATE "ALLOCATE"</td>
2152  *                        <td align="center">@ref UCP_MEM_MAP_FIXED "FIXED"</td>
2153  *                        <td align="center">@ref ucp_mem_map_params.address "address"</td>
2154  *                        <td align="center">@b result
2155  * <tr><td rowspan="8" align="center">@b value <td rowspan="8" align="center">0/1 - the value\n only affects the\n register/map\n phase</td>
2156  *                                               <td align="center">0 <td align="center">0 <td align="center">0 <td align="center">@ref anch_err "error" if length > 0
2157  * <tr>                                          <td align="center">1 <td align="center">0 <td align="center">0 <td align="center">@ref anch_alloc_reg "alloc+register"
2158  * <tr>                                          <td align="center">0 <td align="center">1 <td align="center">0 <td align="center">@ref anch_err "error"</td>
2159  * <tr>                                          <td align="center">0 <td align="center">0 <td align="center">defined <td align="center">@ref anch_reg "register"
2160  * <tr>                                          <td align="center">1 <td align="center">1 <td align="center">0 <td align="center">@ref anch_err "error"</td>
2161  * <tr>                                          <td align="center">1 <td align="center">0 <td align="center">defined <td align="center">@ref anch_alloc_hint_reg "alloc+register,hint"
2162  * <tr>                                          <td align="center">0 <td align="center">1 <td align="center">defined <td align="center">@ref anch_err "error"</td>
2163  * <tr>                                          <td align="center">1 <td align="center">1 <td align="center">defined <td align="center">@ref anch_alloc_fixed_reg "alloc+register,fixed"
2164  * </table>
2165  *
2166  * @note
2167  * @li \anchor anch_reg @b register means that the memory will be registered in
2168  *     corresponding transports for RMA/AMO operations. This case intends that
2169  *     the memory was allocated by user before.
2170  * @li \anchor anch_alloc_reg @b alloc+register means that the memory will be allocated
2171  *     in the memory provided by the system and registered in corresponding
2172  *     transports for RMA/AMO operations.
2173  * @li \anchor anch_alloc_hint_reg <b>alloc+register,hint</b> means that
2174  *     the memory will be allocated with using @ref ucp_mem_map_params.address
2175  *     as a hint and registered in corresponding transports for RMA/AMO operations.
2176  * @li \anchor anch_alloc_fixed_reg <b>alloc+register,fixed</b> means that the memory
2177  *     will be allocated and registered in corresponding transports for RMA/AMO
2178  *     operations.
2179  * @li \anchor anch_err @b error is an erroneous combination of the parameters.
2180  *
2181  * @param [in]     context    Application @ref ucp_context_h "context" to map
2182  *                            (register) and allocate the memory on.
2183  * @param [in]     params     User defined @ref ucp_mem_map_params_t configurations
2184  *                            for the @ref ucp_mem_h "UCP memory handle".
2185  * @param [out]    memh_p     UCP @ref ucp_mem_h "handle" for the allocated
2186  *                            segment.
2187  *
2188  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
2189  */
2190 ucs_status_t ucp_mem_map(ucp_context_h context, const ucp_mem_map_params_t *params,
2191                          ucp_mem_h *memh_p);
2194 /**
2195  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
2196  * @brief Unmap memory segment
2197  *
2198  * This routine unmaps a user specified memory segment, that was previously
2199  * mapped using the @ref ucp_mem_map "ucp_mem_map()" routine.  The unmap
2200  * routine will also release the resources associated with the memory
2201  * @ref ucp_mem_h "handle".  When the function returns, the @ref ucp_mem_h
2202  * and associated @ref ucp_rkey_h "remote key" will be invalid and cannot be
2203  * used with any UCP routine.
2204  *
2205  * @note
2206  * Another well know terminology for the "unmap" operation that is typically
2207  * used in the context of networking is memory "de-registration". The UCP
2208  * library de-registers the memory the available hardware so it can be returned
2209  * back to the operation system.
2210  *
2211  * Error cases:
2212  * @li Once memory is unmapped a network access to the region may cause a
2213  * failure.
2214  *
2215  * @param [in]  context     Application @ref ucp_context_h "context" which was
2216  *                          used to allocate/map the memory.
2217  * @param [in]  memh        @ref ucp_mem_h "Handle" to memory region.
2218  *
2219  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
2220  */
2221 ucs_status_t ucp_mem_unmap(ucp_context_h context, ucp_mem_h memh);
2224 /**
2225  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
2226  * @brief query mapped memory segment
2227  *
2228  * This routine returns address and length of memory segment mapped with
2229  * @ref ucp_mem_map "ucp_mem_map()" routine.
2230  *
2231  * @param [in]  memh    @ref ucp_mem_h "Handle" to memory region.
2232  * @param [out] attr    Filled with attributes of the @ref ucp_mem_h
2233  *                      "UCP memory handle".
2234  *
2235  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
2236  */
2237 ucs_status_t ucp_mem_query(const ucp_mem_h memh, ucp_mem_attr_t *attr);
2240 /**
2241  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
2242  * @brief Print memory mapping information.
2243  *
2244  * This routine maps memory and prints information about the created memory handle:
2245  * including the mapped memory length, the allocation method, and other useful
2246  * information associated with the memory handle.
2247  *
2248  * @param [in] mem_size     Size of the memory to map.
2249  * @param [in] context      The context on which the memory is mapped.
2250  * @param [in] stream       Output stream on which to print the information.
2251  */
2252 void ucp_mem_print_info(const char *mem_size, ucp_context_h context, FILE *stream);
2255 /**
2256  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
2257  * @brief list of UCP memory use advice.
2258  *
2259  * The enumeration list describes memory advice supported by @ref
2260  * ucp_mem_advise() function.
2261  */
2262 typedef enum ucp_mem_advice {
2263     UCP_MADV_NORMAL   = 0,  /**< No special treatment */
2264     UCP_MADV_WILLNEED       /**< can be used on the memory mapped with
2265                                  @ref UCP_MEM_MAP_NONBLOCK to speed up memory
2266                                  mapping and to avoid page faults when
2267                                  the memory is accessed for the first time. */
2268 } ucp_mem_advice_t;
2271 /**
2272  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
2273  * @brief Tuning parameters for the UCP memory advice.
2274  *
2275  * This structure defines the parameters that are used for the
2276  * UCP memory advice tuning during the @ref ucp_mem_advise "ucp_mem_advise"
2277  * routine.
2278  */
2279 typedef struct ucp_mem_advise_params {
2280     /**
2281      * Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from
2282      * @ref ucp_mem_advise_params_field. All fields are mandatory.
2283      * Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.
2284      */
2285     uint64_t                field_mask;
2287     /**
2288      * Memory base address.
2289      */
2290      void                   *address;
2292      /**
2293       * Length (in bytes) to allocate or map (register).
2294       */
2295      size_t                 length;
2297      /**
2298       * Memory use advice @ref ucp_mem_advice
2299       */
2300      ucp_mem_advice_t       advice;
2301 } ucp_mem_advise_params_t;
2304 /**
2305  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
2306  * @brief give advice about the use of memory
2307  *
2308  * This routine advises the UCP about how to handle memory range beginning at
2309  * address and size of length bytes. This call does not influence the semantics
2310  * of the application, but may influence its performance. The UCP may ignore
2311  * the advice.
2312  *
2313  * @param [in]  context     Application @ref ucp_context_h "context" which was
2314  *                          used to allocate/map the memory.
2315  * @param [in]  memh        @ref ucp_mem_h "Handle" to memory region.
2316  * @param [in]  params      Memory base address and length. The advice field
2317  *                          is used to pass memory use advice as defined in
2318  *                          the @ref ucp_mem_advice list
2319  *                          The memory range must belong to the @a memh
2320  *
2321  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
2322  */
2323 ucs_status_t ucp_mem_advise(ucp_context_h context, ucp_mem_h memh,
2324                             ucp_mem_advise_params_t *params);
2327 /**
2328  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
2329  * @brief Pack memory region remote access key.
2330  *
2331  * This routine allocates memory buffer and packs into the buffer
2332  * a remote access key (RKEY) object. RKEY is an opaque object that provides
2333  * the information that is necessary for remote memory access.
2334  * This routine packs the RKEY object in a portable format such that the
2335  * object can be @ref ucp_ep_rkey_unpack "unpacked" on any platform supported by the
2336  * UCP library. In order to release the memory buffer allocated by this routine
2337  * the application is responsible for calling the @ref ucp_rkey_buffer_release
2338  * "ucp_rkey_buffer_release()" routine.
2339  *
2340  *
2341  * @note
2342  * @li RKEYs for InfiniBand and Cray Aries networks typically includes
2343  * InifiniBand and Aries key.
2344  * @li In order to enable remote direct memory access to the memory associated
2345  * with the memory handle the application is responsible for sharing the RKEY with
2346  * the peers that will initiate the access.
2347  *
2348  * @param [in]  context       Application @ref ucp_context_h "context" which was
2349  *                            used to allocate/map the memory.
2350  * @param [in]  memh          @ref ucp_mem_h "Handle" to memory region.
2351  * @param [out] rkey_buffer_p Memory buffer allocated by the library.
2352  *                            The buffer contains packed RKEY.
2353  * @param [out] size_p        Size (in bytes) of the packed RKEY.
2354  *
2355  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
2356  */
2357 ucs_status_t ucp_rkey_pack(ucp_context_h context, ucp_mem_h memh,
2358                            void **rkey_buffer_p, size_t *size_p);
2361 /**
2362  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
2363  * @brief Release packed remote key buffer.
2364  *
2365  * This routine releases the buffer that was allocated using @ref ucp_rkey_pack
2366  * "ucp_rkey_pack()".
2367  *
2368  * @warning
2369  * @li Once memory is released an access to the memory may cause a
2370  * failure.
2371  * @li If the input memory address was not allocated using
2372  * @ref ucp_rkey_pack "ucp_rkey_pack()" routine the behaviour of this routine
2373  * is undefined.
2374  *
2375  * @param [in]  rkey_buffer   Buffer to release.
2376  */
2377 void ucp_rkey_buffer_release(void *rkey_buffer);
2380 /**
2381  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
2382  * @brief Create remote access key from packed buffer.
2383  *
2384  * This routine unpacks the remote key (RKEY) object into the local memory
2385  * such that it can be accessed and used by UCP routines. The RKEY object has
2386  * to be packed using the @ref ucp_rkey_pack "ucp_rkey_pack()" routine.
2387  * Application code should not make any changes to the content of the RKEY
2388  * buffer.
2389  *
2390  * @note The application is responsible for releasing the RKEY object when
2391  *       it is no longer needed, by calling the @ref ucp_rkey_destroy
2392  *       "ucp_rkey_destroy()" routine.
2393  * @note The remote key object can be used for communications only on the
2394  *       endpoint on which it was unpacked.
2395  *
2396  * @param [in]  ep            Endpoint to access using the remote key.
2397  * @param [in]  rkey_buffer   Packed rkey.
2398  * @param [out] rkey_p        Remote key handle.
2399  *
2400  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
2401  */
2402 ucs_status_t ucp_ep_rkey_unpack(ucp_ep_h ep, const void *rkey_buffer,
2403                                 ucp_rkey_h *rkey_p);
2406 /**
2407  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
2408  * @brief Get a local pointer to remote memory.
2409  *
2410  * This routine returns a local pointer to the remote memory described
2411  * by the rkey.
2412  *
2413  * @note This routine can return a valid pointer only for the endpoints
2414  * that are reachable via shared memory.
2415  *
2416  * @param [in]  rkey          A remote key handle.
2417  * @param [in]  raddr         A remote memory address within the memory area
2418  *                            described by the rkey.
2419  * @param [out] addr_p        A pointer that can be used for direct
2420  *                            access to the remote memory.
2421  *
2422  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t if the remote memory
2423  *         cannot be accessed directly or the remote memory address is not valid.
2424  */
2425 ucs_status_t ucp_rkey_ptr(ucp_rkey_h rkey, uint64_t raddr, void **addr_p);
2428 /**
2429  * @ingroup UCP_MEM
2430  * @brief Destroy the remote key
2431  *
2432  * This routine destroys the RKEY object and the memory that was allocated
2433  * using the @ref ucp_ep_rkey_unpack "ucp_ep_rkey_unpack()" routine. This
2434  * routine also releases any resources that are associated with the RKEY
2435  * object.
2436  *
2437  * @warning
2438  * @li Once the RKEY object is released an access to the memory will cause an
2439  * undefined failure.
2440  * @li If the RKEY object was not created using
2441  * @ref ucp_ep_rkey_unpack "ucp_ep_rkey_unpack()" routine the behavior of this
2442  * routine is undefined.
2443  * @li The RKEY object must be destroyed after all outstanding operations which
2444  * are using it are flushed, and before the endpoint on which it was unpacked
2445  * is destroyed.
2446  *
2447  * @param [in]  rkey         Remote key to destroy.
2448  */
2449 void ucp_rkey_destroy(ucp_rkey_h rkey);
2452 /**
2453  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
2454  * @brief Add user defined callback for Active Message.
2455  *
2456  * This routine installs a user defined callback to handle incoming Active
2457  * Messages with a specific id. This callback is called whenever an Active
2458  * Message that was sent from the remote peer by @ref ucp_am_send_nb is
2459  * received on this worker.
2460  *
2461  * @param [in]  worker      UCP worker on which to set the Active Message
2462  *                          handler.
2463  * @param [in]  id          Active Message id.
2464  * @param [in]  cb          Active Message callback. NULL to clear.
2465  * @param [in]  arg         Active Message argument, which will be passed
2466  *                          in to every invocation of the callback as the
2467  *                          arg argument.
2468  * @param [in]  flags       Dictates how an Active Message is handled on the
2469  *                          remote endpoint. Currently only
2470  *                          UCP_AM_FLAG_WHOLE_MSG is supported, which
2471  *                          indicates the callback will not be invoked
2472  *                          until all data has arrived.
2473  *
2474  * @return error code if the worker does not support Active Messages or
2475  *         requested callback flags.
2476  */
2477 ucs_status_t ucp_worker_set_am_handler(ucp_worker_h worker, uint16_t id,
2478                                        ucp_am_callback_t cb, void *arg,
2479                                        uint32_t flags);
2482 /**
2483  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
2484  * @brief Send Active Message.
2485  *
2486  * This routine sends an Active Message to an ep. It does not support
2487  * CUDA memory.
2488  *
2489  * @param [in]  ep          UCP endpoint where the Active Message will be run.
2490  * @param [in]  id          Active Message id. Specifies which registered
2491  *                          callback to run.
2492  * @param [in]  buffer      Pointer to the data to be sent to the target node
2493  *                          of the Active Message.
2494  * @param [in]  count       Number of elements to send.
2495  * @param [in]  datatype    Datatype descriptor for the elements in the buffer.
2496  * @param [in]  cb          Callback that is invoked upon completion of the
2497  *                          data transfer if it is not completed immediately.
2498  * @param [in]  flags       For Future use.
2499  *
2500  * @return NULL             Active Message was sent immediately.
2501  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) Error sending Active Message.
2502  * @return otherwise        Pointer to request, and Active Message is known
2503  *                          to be completed after cb is run.
2504  */
2505 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_am_send_nb(ucp_ep_h ep, uint16_t id,
2506                                 const void *buffer, size_t count,
2507                                 ucp_datatype_t datatype,
2508                                 ucp_send_callback_t cb, unsigned flags);
2511 /**
2512  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
2513  * @brief Releases Active Message data.
2514  *
2515  * This routine releases data that persisted through an Active Message
2516  * callback because that callback returned UCS_INPROGRESS.
2517  *
2518  * @param [in] worker       Worker which received the Active Message.
2519  * @param [in] data         Pointer to data that was passed into
2520  *                          the Active Message callback as the data
2521  *                          parameter.
2522  */
2523 void ucp_am_data_release(ucp_worker_h worker, void *data);
2526 /**
2527  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
2528  * @brief Non-blocking stream send operation.
2529  *
2530  * This routine sends data that is described by the local address @a buffer,
2531  * size @a count, and @a datatype object to the destination endpoint @a ep.
2532  * The routine is non-blocking and therefore returns immediately, however
2533  * the actual send operation may be delayed. The send operation is considered
2534  * completed when it is safe to reuse the source @e buffer. If the send
2535  * operation is completed immediately the routine returns UCS_OK and the
2536  * call-back function @a cb is @b not invoked. If the operation is
2537  * @b not completed immediately and no error reported, then the UCP library will
2538  * schedule invocation of the call-back @a cb upon completion of the send
2539  * operation. In other words, the completion of the operation will be signaled
2540  * either by the return code or by the call-back.
2541  *
2542  * @note The user should not modify any part of the @a buffer after this
2543  *       operation is called, until the operation completes.
2544  *
2545  * @param [in]  ep          Destination endpoint handle.
2546  * @param [in]  buffer      Pointer to the message buffer (payload).
2547  * @param [in]  count       Number of elements to send.
2548  * @param [in]  datatype    Datatype descriptor for the elements in the buffer.
2549  * @param [in]  cb          Callback function that is invoked whenever the
2550  *                          send operation is completed. It is important to note
2551  *                          that the call-back is only invoked in a case when
2552  *                          the operation cannot be completed in place.
2553  * @param [in]  flags       Reserved for future use.
2554  *
2555  * @return NULL             - The send operation was completed immediately.
2556  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The send operation failed.
2557  * @return otherwise        - Operation was scheduled for send and can be
2558  *                          completed in any point in time. The request handle
2559  *                          is returned to the application in order to track
2560  *                          progress of the message. The application is
2561  *                          responsible for releasing the handle using
2562  *                          @ref ucp_request_free routine.
2563  */
2564 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_stream_send_nb(ucp_ep_h ep, const void *buffer, size_t count,
2565                                     ucp_datatype_t datatype, ucp_send_callback_t cb,
2566                                     unsigned flags);
2569 /**
2570  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
2571  * @brief Non-blocking stream send operation.
2572  *
2573  * This routine sends data that is described by the local address @a buffer,
2574  * size @a count object to the destination endpoint @a ep. The routine is
2575  * non-blocking and therefore returns immediately, however the actual send
2576  * operation may be delayed. The send operation is considered completed when
2577  * it is safe to reuse the source @e buffer. If the send operation is
2578  * completed immediately the routine returns UCS_OK.
2579  *
2580  * @note The user should not modify any part of the @a buffer after this
2581  *       operation is called, until the operation completes.
2582  *
2583  * @param [in]  ep          Destination endpoint handle.
2584  * @param [in]  buffer      Pointer to the message buffer (payload).
2585  * @param [in]  count       Number of elements to send.
2586  * @param [in]  param       Operation parameters, see @ref ucp_request_param_t.
2587  *
2588  * @return NULL                 - The send operation was completed immediately.
2589  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The send operation failed.
2590  * @return otherwise            - Operation was scheduled for send and can be
2591  *                                completed at any point in time. The request
2592  *                                handle is returned to the application in
2593  *                                order to track progress of the message.
2594  */
2595 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_stream_send_nbx(ucp_ep_h ep, const void *buffer, size_t count,
2596                                      const ucp_request_param_t *param);
2599 /**
2600  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
2601  * @brief Non-blocking tagged-send operations
2602  *
2603  * This routine sends a messages that is described by the local address @a
2604  * buffer, size @a count, and @a datatype object to the destination endpoint
2605  * @a ep. Each message is associated with a @a tag value that is used for
2606  * message matching on the @ref ucp_tag_recv_nb "receiver". The routine is
2607  * non-blocking and therefore returns immediately, however the actual send
2608  * operation may be delayed. The send operation is considered completed when
2609  * it is safe to reuse the source @e buffer. If the send operation is
2610  * completed immediately the routine return UCS_OK and the call-back function
2611  * @a cb is @b not invoked. If the operation is @b not completed immediately
2612  * and no error reported then the UCP library will schedule to invoke the
2613  * call-back @a cb whenever the send operation will be completed. In other
2614  * words, the completion of a message can be signaled by the return code or
2615  * the call-back.
2616  *
2617  * @note The user should not modify any part of the @a buffer after this
2618  *       operation is called, until the operation completes.
2619  *
2620  * @param [in]  ep          Destination endpoint handle.
2621  * @param [in]  buffer      Pointer to the message buffer (payload).
2622  * @param [in]  count       Number of elements to send
2623  * @param [in]  datatype    Datatype descriptor for the elements in the buffer.
2624  * @param [in]  tag         Message tag.
2625  * @param [in]  cb          Callback function that is invoked whenever the
2626  *                          send operation is completed. It is important to note
2627  *                          that the call-back is only invoked in a case when
2628  *                          the operation cannot be completed in place.
2629  *
2630  * @return NULL            - The send operation was completed immediately.
2631  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The send operation failed.
2632  * @return otherwise        - Operation was scheduled for send and can be
2633  *                          completed in any point in time. The request handle
2634  *                          is returned to the application in order to track
2635  *                          progress of the message. The application is
2636  *                          responsible for releasing the handle using
2637  *                          @ref ucp_request_free "ucp_request_free()" routine.
2638  */
2639 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_tag_send_nb(ucp_ep_h ep, const void *buffer, size_t count,
2640                                  ucp_datatype_t datatype, ucp_tag_t tag,
2641                                  ucp_send_callback_t cb);
2643 /**
2644  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
2645  * @brief Non-blocking tagged-send operations with user provided request
2646  *
2647  * This routine provides a convenient and efficient way to implement a
2648  * blocking send pattern. It also completes requests faster than
2649  * @ref ucp_tag_send_nb() because:
2650  * @li it always uses @ref uct_ep_am_bcopy() to send data up to the
2651  *     rendezvous threshold.
2652  * @li its rendezvous threshold is higher than the one used by
2653  *     the @ref ucp_tag_send_nb(). The threshold is controlled by
2654  *     the @b UCX_SEND_NBR_RNDV_THRESH environment variable.
2655  * @li its request handling is simpler. There is no callback and no need
2656  *     to allocate and free requests. In fact request can be allocated by
2657  *     caller on the stack.
2658  *
2659  * This routine sends a messages that is described by the local address @a
2660  * buffer, size @a count, and @a datatype object to the destination endpoint
2661  * @a ep. Each message is associated with a @a tag value that is used for
2662  * message matching on the @ref ucp_tag_recv_nbr "receiver".
2663  *
2664  * The routine is non-blocking and therefore returns immediately, however
2665  * the actual send operation may be delayed. The send operation is considered
2666  * completed when it is safe to reuse the source @e buffer. If the send
2667  * operation is completed immediately the routine returns UCS_OK.
2668  *
2669  * If the operation is @b not completed immediately and no error reported
2670  * then the UCP library will fill a user provided @a req and
2671  * return UCS_INPROGRESS status. In order to monitor completion of the
2672  * operation @ref ucp_request_check_status() should be used.
2673  *
2674  * Following pseudo code implements a blocking send function:
2675  * @code
2676  * MPI_send(...)
2677  * {
2678  *     char *request;
2679  *     ucs_status_t status;
2680  *
2681  *     // allocate request on the stack
2682  *     // ucp_context_query() was used to get ucp_request_size
2683  *     request = alloca(ucp_request_size);
2684  *
2685  *     // note: make sure that there is enough memory before the
2686  *     // request handle
2687  *     status = ucp_tag_send_nbr(ep, ..., request + ucp_request_size);
2688  *     if (status != UCS_INPROGRESS) {
2689  *         return status;
2690  *     }
2691  *
2692  *     do {
2693  *         ucp_worker_progress(worker);
2694  *         status = ucp_request_check_status(request + ucp_request_size);
2695  *     } while (status == UCS_INPROGRESS);
2696  *
2697  *     return status;
2698  * }
2699  * @endcode
2700  *
2701  * @note The user should not modify any part of the @a buffer after this
2702  *       operation is called, until the operation completes.
2703  *
2704  *
2705  * @param [in]  ep          Destination endpoint handle.
2706  * @param [in]  buffer      Pointer to the message buffer (payload).
2707  * @param [in]  count       Number of elements to send
2708  * @param [in]  datatype    Datatype descriptor for the elements in the buffer.
2709  * @param [in]  tag         Message tag.
2710  * @param [in]  req         Request handle allocated by the user. There should
2711  *                          be at least UCP request size bytes of available
2712  *                          space before the @a req. The size of UCP request
2713  *                          can be obtained by @ref ucp_context_query function.
2714  *
2715  * @return UCS_OK           - The send operation was completed immediately.
2716  * @return UCS_INPROGRESS   - The send was not completed and is in progress.
2717  *                            @ref ucp_request_check_status() should be used to
2718  *                            monitor @a req status.
2719  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
2720  */
2721 ucs_status_t ucp_tag_send_nbr(ucp_ep_h ep, const void *buffer, size_t count,
2722                               ucp_datatype_t datatype, ucp_tag_t tag, void *req);
2724 /**
2725  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
2726  * @brief Non-blocking synchronous tagged-send operation.
2727  *
2728  * Same as @ref ucp_tag_send_nb, except the request completes only after there
2729  * is a remote tag match on the message (which does not always mean the remote
2730  * receive has been completed). This function never completes "in-place", and
2731  * always returns a request handle.
2732  *
2733  * @note The user should not modify any part of the @a buffer after this
2734  *       operation is called, until the operation completes.
2735  * @note Returns @ref UCS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED if @ref UCP_ERR_HANDLING_MODE_PEER is
2736  *       enabled. This is a temporary implementation-related constraint that
2737  *       will be addressed in future releases.
2738  *
2739  * @param [in]  ep          Destination endpoint handle.
2740  * @param [in]  buffer      Pointer to the message buffer (payload).
2741  * @param [in]  count       Number of elements to send
2742  * @param [in]  datatype    Datatype descriptor for the elements in the buffer.
2743  * @param [in]  tag         Message tag.
2744  * @param [in]  cb          Callback function that is invoked whenever the
2745  *                          send operation is completed.
2746  *
2747  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The send operation failed.
2748  * @return otherwise        - Operation was scheduled for send and can be
2749  *                          completed in any point in time. The request handle
2750  *                          is returned to the application in order to track
2751  *                          progress of the message. The application is
2752  *                          responsible for releasing the handle using
2753  *                          @ref ucp_request_free "ucp_request_free()" routine.
2754  */
2755 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_tag_send_sync_nb(ucp_ep_h ep, const void *buffer, size_t count,
2756                                       ucp_datatype_t datatype, ucp_tag_t tag,
2757                                       ucp_send_callback_t cb);
2760 /**
2761  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
2762  * @brief Non-blocking tagged-send operation
2763  *
2764  * This routine sends a messages that is described by the local address @a
2765  * buffer, size @a count object to the destination endpoint @a ep. Each
2766  * message is associated with a @a tag value that is used for message
2767  * matching on the @ref ucp_tag_recv_nb or @ref ucp_tag_recv_nbx "receiver".
2768  * The routine is non-blocking and therefore returns immediately, however the
2769  * actual send operation may be delayed. The send operation is considered
2770  * completed when it is safe to reuse the source @e buffer. If the send
2771  * operation is completed immediately the routine returns UCS_OK and the
2772  * call-back function is @b not invoked. If the operation is @b not completed
2773  * immediately and no error reported then the UCP library will schedule to
2774  * invoke the call-back whenever the send operation is completed. In other
2775  * words, the completion of a message can be signaled by the return code or
2776  * the call-back.
2777  * Immediate completion signals can be fine-tuned via the
2778  * @ref ucp_request_param_t.op_attr_mask field in the
2779  * @ref ucp_request_param_t structure. The values of this field
2780  * are a bit-wise OR of the @ref ucp_op_attr_t enumeration.
2781  *
2782  * @note The user should not modify any part of the @a buffer after this
2783  *       operation is called, until the operation completes.
2784  *
2785  * @param [in]  ep          Destination endpoint handle.
2786  * @param [in]  buffer      Pointer to the message buffer (payload).
2787  * @param [in]  count       Number of elements to send
2788  * @param [in]  tag         Message tag.
2789  * @param [in]  param       Operation parameters, see @ref ucp_request_param_t
2790  *
2791  * @return UCS_OK               - The send operation was completed immediately.
2792  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The send operation failed.
2793  * @return otherwise            - Operation was scheduled for send and can be
2794  *                                completed in any point in time. The request handle
2795  *                                is returned to the application in order to track
2796  *                                progress of the message.
2797  */
2798 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_tag_send_nbx(ucp_ep_h ep, const void *buffer, size_t count,
2799                                   ucp_tag_t tag, const ucp_request_param_t *param);
2802 /**
2803  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
2804  * @brief Non-blocking synchronous tagged-send operation.
2805  *
2806  * Same as @ref ucp_tag_send_nbx, except the request completes only after there
2807  * is a remote tag match on the message (which does not always mean the remote
2808  * receive has been completed). This function never completes "in-place", and
2809  * always returns a request handle.
2810  *
2811  * @note The user should not modify any part of the @a buffer after this
2812  *       operation is called, until the operation completes.
2813  * @note Returns @ref UCS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED if @ref UCP_ERR_HANDLING_MODE_PEER is
2814  *       enabled. This is a temporary implementation-related constraint that
2815  *       will be addressed in future releases.
2816  *
2817  * @param [in]  ep          Destination endpoint handle.
2818  * @param [in]  buffer      Pointer to the message buffer (payload).
2819  * @param [in]  count       Number of elements to send
2820  * @param [in]  tag         Message tag.
2821  * @param [in]  param       Operation parameters, see @ref ucp_request_param_t
2822  *
2823  * @return UCS_OK               - The send operation was completed immediately.
2824  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The send operation failed.
2825  * @return otherwise            - Operation was scheduled for send and can be
2826  *                                completed in any point in time. The request handle
2827  *                                is returned to the application in order to track
2828  *                                progress of the message.
2829  */
2830 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_tag_send_sync_nbx(ucp_ep_h ep, const void *buffer,
2831                                        size_t count, ucp_tag_t tag,
2832                                        const ucp_request_param_t *param);
2835 /**
2836  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
2837  * @brief Non-blocking stream receive operation of structured data into a
2838  *        user-supplied buffer.
2839  *
2840  * This routine receives data that is described by the local address @a buffer,
2841  * size @a count, and @a datatype object on the endpoint @a ep. The routine is
2842  * non-blocking and therefore returns immediately. The receive operation is
2843  * considered complete when the message is delivered to the buffer. If data is
2844  * not immediately available, the operation will be scheduled for receive and
2845  * a request handle will be returned. In order to notify the application about
2846  * completion of a scheduled receive operation, the UCP library will invoke
2847  * the call-back @a cb when data is in the receive buffer and ready for
2848  * application access. If the receive operation cannot be started, the routine
2849  * returns an error.
2850  *
2851  * @param [in]     ep       UCP endpoint that is used for the receive operation.
2852  * @param [in]     buffer   Pointer to the buffer to receive the data to.
2853  * @param [in]     count    Number of elements to receive into @a buffer.
2854  * @param [in]     datatype Datatype descriptor for the elements in the buffer.
2855  * @param [in]     cb       Callback function that is invoked whenever the
2856  *                          receive operation is completed and the data is ready
2857  *                          in the receive @a buffer. It is important to note
2858  *                          that the call-back is only invoked in a case when
2859  *                          the operation cannot be completed immediately.
2860  * @param [out]    length   Size of the received data in bytes. The value is
2861  *                          valid only if return code is UCS_OK.
2862  * @note                    The amount of data received, in bytes, is always an
2863  *                          integral multiple of the @a datatype size.
2864  * @param [in]     flags    Flags defined in @ref ucp_stream_recv_flags_t.
2865  *
2866  * @return NULL                 - The receive operation was completed
2867  *                                immediately.
2868  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The receive operation failed.
2869  * @return otherwise            - Operation was scheduled for receive. A request
2870  *                                handle is returned to the application in order
2871  *                                to track progress of the operation.
2872  *                                The application is responsible for releasing
2873  *                                the handle by calling the
2874  *                                @ref ucp_request_free routine.
2875  */
2876 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_stream_recv_nb(ucp_ep_h ep, void *buffer, size_t count,
2877                                     ucp_datatype_t datatype,
2878                                     ucp_stream_recv_callback_t cb,
2879                                     size_t *length, unsigned flags);
2882 /**
2883  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
2884  * @brief Non-blocking stream receive operation of structured data into a
2885  *        user-supplied buffer.
2886  *
2887  * This routine receives data that is described by the local address @a buffer,
2888  * size @a count object on the endpoint @a ep. The routine is non-blocking
2889  * and therefore returns immediately. The receive operation is considered
2890  * complete when the message is delivered to the buffer. If the receive
2891  * operation cannot be started, the routine returns an error.
2892  *
2893  * @param [in]     ep       UCP endpoint that is used for the receive operation.
2894  * @param [in]     buffer   Pointer to the buffer that will receive the data.
2895  * @param [in]     count    Number of elements to receive into @a buffer.
2896  * @param [out]    length   Size of the received data in bytes. The value is
2897  *                          valid only if return code is NULL.
2898  * @param [in]     param    Operation parameters, see @ref ucp_request_param_t.
2899  *                          This operation supports specific flags, which can be
2900  *                          passed in @a param by @ref ucp_request_param_t.flags.
2901  *                          The exact set of flags is defined by
2902  *                          @ref ucp_stream_recv_flags_t.
2903  *
2904  * @return NULL                 - The receive operation was completed
2905  *                                immediately. In this case the value pointed by
2906  *                                @a length is updated by the size of received
2907  *                                data.
2908  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The receive operation failed.
2909  * @return otherwise            - Operation was scheduled for receive. A request
2910  *                                handle is returned to the application in order
2911  *                                to track progress of the operation.
2912  *
2913  * @note The amount of data received, in bytes, is always an integral multiple
2914  *       of the @a datatype size.
2915  */
2916 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_stream_recv_nbx(ucp_ep_h ep, void *buffer, size_t count,
2917                                      size_t *length,
2918                                      const ucp_request_param_t *param);
2921 /**
2922  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
2923  * @brief Non-blocking stream receive operation of unstructured data into
2924  *        a UCP-supplied buffer.
2925  *
2926  * This routine receives any available data from endpoint @a ep.
2927  * Unlike @ref ucp_stream_recv_nb, the returned data is unstructured and is
2928  * treated as an array of bytes. If data is immediately available,
2929  * UCS_STATUS_PTR(_ptr) is returned as a pointer to the data, and @a length
2930  * is set to the size of the returned data buffer. The routine is non-blocking
2931  * and therefore returns immediately.
2932  *
2933  * @param [in]   ep               UCP endpoint that is used for the receive
2934  *                                operation.
2935  * @param [out]  length           Length of received data.
2936  *
2937  * @return NULL                 - No received data available on the @a ep.
2938  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - the receive operation failed and
2939  *                                UCS_PTR_STATUS(_ptr) indicates an error.
2940  * @return otherwise            - The pointer to the data UCS_STATUS_PTR(_ptr)
2941  *                                is returned to the application. After the data
2942  *                                is processed, the application is responsible
2943  *                                for releasing the data buffer by calling the
2944  *                                @ref ucp_stream_data_release routine.
2945  *
2946  * @note This function returns packed data (equivalent to ucp_dt_make_contig(1)).
2947  * @note This function returns a pointer to a UCP-supplied buffer, whereas
2948  *       @ref ucp_stream_recv_nb places the data into a user-provided buffer.
2949  *       In some cases, receiving data directly into a UCP-supplied buffer can
2950  *       be more optimal, for example by processing the incoming data in-place
2951  *       and thus avoiding extra memory copy operations.
2952  */
2953 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_stream_recv_data_nb(ucp_ep_h ep, size_t *length);
2956 /**
2957  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
2958  * @brief Non-blocking tagged-receive operation.
2959  *
2960  * This routine receives a message that is described by the local address @a
2961  * buffer, size @a count, and @a datatype object on the @a worker. The tag
2962  * value of the receive message has to match the @a tag and @a tag_mask values,
2963  * where the @a tag_mask indicates which bits of the tag have to be matched. The
2964  * routine is non-blocking and therefore returns immediately. The receive
2965  * operation is considered completed when the message is delivered to the @a
2966  * buffer.  In order to notify the application about completion of the receive
2967  * operation the UCP library will invoke the call-back @a cb when the received
2968  * message is in the receive buffer and ready for application access.  If the
2969  * receive operation cannot be stated the routine returns an error.
2970  *
2971  * @note This routine cannot return UCS_OK. It always returns a request
2972  *       handle or an error.
2973  *
2974  * @param [in]  worker      UCP worker that is used for the receive operation.
2975  * @param [in]  buffer      Pointer to the buffer to receive the data to.
2976  * @param [in]  count       Number of elements to receive
2977  * @param [in]  datatype    Datatype descriptor for the elements in the buffer.
2978  * @param [in]  tag         Message tag to expect.
2979  * @param [in]  tag_mask    Bit mask that indicates the bits that are used for
2980  *                          the matching of the incoming tag
2981  *                          against the expected tag.
2982  * @param [in]  cb          Callback function that is invoked whenever the
2983  *                          receive operation is completed and the data is ready
2984  *                          in the receive @a buffer.
2985  *
2986  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The receive operation failed.
2987  * @return otherwise          - Operation was scheduled for receive. The request
2988  *                              handle is returned to the application in order
2989  *                              to track progress of the operation. The
2990  *                              application is responsible for releasing the
2991  *                              handle using @ref ucp_request_free
2992  *                              "ucp_request_free()" routine.
2993  */
2994 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_tag_recv_nb(ucp_worker_h worker, void *buffer, size_t count,
2995                                  ucp_datatype_t datatype, ucp_tag_t tag,
2996                                  ucp_tag_t tag_mask, ucp_tag_recv_callback_t cb);
2999 /**
3000  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3001  * @brief Non-blocking tagged-receive operation.
3002  *
3003  * This routine receives a message that is described by the local address @a
3004  * buffer, size @a count, and @a datatype object on the @a worker. The tag
3005  * value of the receive message has to match the @a tag and @a tag_mask values,
3006  * where the @a tag_mask indicates which bits of the tag have to be matched. The
3007  * routine is non-blocking and therefore returns immediately. The receive
3008  * operation is considered completed when the message is delivered to the @a
3009  * buffer. In order to monitor completion of the operation
3010  * @ref ucp_request_check_status or @ref ucp_tag_recv_request_test should be
3011  * used.
3012  *
3013  * @param [in]  worker      UCP worker that is used for the receive operation.
3014  * @param [in]  buffer      Pointer to the buffer to receive the data to.
3015  * @param [in]  count       Number of elements to receive
3016  * @param [in]  datatype    Datatype descriptor for the elements in the buffer.
3017  * @param [in]  tag         Message tag to expect.
3018  * @param [in]  tag_mask    Bit mask that indicates the bits that are used for
3019  *                          the matching of the incoming tag
3020  *                          against the expected tag.
3021  * @param [in]  req         Request handle allocated by the user. There should
3022  *                          be at least UCP request size bytes of available
3023  *                          space before the @a req. The size of UCP request
3024  *                          can be obtained by @ref ucp_context_query function.
3025  *
3026  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
3027  */
3028 ucs_status_t ucp_tag_recv_nbr(ucp_worker_h worker, void *buffer, size_t count,
3029                               ucp_datatype_t datatype, ucp_tag_t tag,
3030                               ucp_tag_t tag_mask, void *req);
3033 /**
3034  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3035  * @brief Non-blocking tagged-receive operation.
3036  *
3037  * This routine receives a message that is described by the local address @a
3038  * buffer, size @a count, and @a info object on the @a worker. The tag
3039  * value of the receive message has to match the @a tag and @a tag_mask values,
3040  * where the @a tag_mask indicates what bits of the tag have to be matched. The
3041  * routine is a non-blocking and therefore returns immediately. The receive
3042  * operation is considered completed when the message is delivered to the @a
3043  * buffer.  In order to notify the application about completion of the receive
3044  * operation the UCP library will invoke the call-back @a cb when the received
3045  * message is in the receive buffer and ready for application access.  If the
3046  * receive operation cannot be stated the routine returns an error.
3047  *
3048  * @note This routine cannot return UCS_OK. It always returns a request
3049  *       handle or an error.
3050  *
3051  * @param [in]  worker      UCP worker that is used for the receive operation.
3052  * @param [in]  buffer      Pointer to the buffer to receive the data to.
3053  * @param [in]  count       Number of elements to receive
3054  * @param [in]  tag         Message tag to expect.
3055  * @param [in]  tag_mask    Bit mask that indicates the bits that are used for
3056  *                          the matching of the incoming tag
3057  *                          against the expected tag.
3058  * @param [in]  param       Operation parameters, see @ref ucp_request_param_t
3059  *
3060  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The receive operation failed.
3061  * @return otherwise          - Operation was scheduled for receive. The request
3062  *                              handle is returned to the application in order
3063  *                              to track progress of the operation. The
3064  *                              application is responsible for releasing the
3065  *                              handle using @ref ucp_request_free
3066  *                              "ucp_request_free()" routine.
3067  */
3068 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_tag_recv_nbx(ucp_worker_h worker, void *buffer, size_t count,
3069                                   ucp_tag_t tag, ucp_tag_t tag_mask,
3070                                   const ucp_request_param_t *param);
3073 /**
3074  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3075  * @brief Non-blocking probe and return a message.
3076  *
3077  * This routine probes (checks) if a messages described by the @a tag and
3078  * @a tag_mask was received (fully or partially) on the @a worker. The tag
3079  * value of the received message has to match the @a tag and @a tag_mask
3080  * values, where the @a tag_mask indicates what bits of the tag have to be
3081  * matched. The function returns immediately and if the message is matched it
3082  * returns a handle for the message.
3083  *
3084  * @param [in]  worker      UCP worker that is used for the probe operation.
3085  * @param [in]  tag         Message tag to probe for.
3086  * @param [in]  tag_mask    Bit mask that indicates the bits that are used for
3087  *                          the matching of the incoming tag
3088  *                          against the expected tag.
3089  * @param [in]  remove      The flag indicates if the matched message has to
3090  *                          be removed from UCP library.
3091  *                          If true (1), the message handle is removed from
3092  *                          the UCP library and the application is responsible
3093  *                          to call @ref ucp_tag_msg_recv_nb
3094  *                          "ucp_tag_msg_recv_nb()" in order to receive the data
3095  *                          and release the resources associated with the
3096  *                          message handle.
3097  *                          If false (0), the return value is merely an indication
3098  *                          to whether a matching message is present, and it cannot
3099  *                          be used in any other way, and in particular it cannot
3100  *                          be passed to @ref ucp_tag_msg_recv_nb().
3101  * @param [out] info        If the matching message is found the descriptor is
3102  *                          filled with the details about the message.
3103  *
3104  * @return NULL                      - No match found.
3105  * @return Message handle (not NULL) - If message is matched the message handle
3106  *                                     is returned.
3107  *
3108  * @note This function does not advance the communication state of the network.
3109  *       If this routine is used in busy-poll mode, need to make sure
3110  *       @ref ucp_worker_progress() is called periodically to extract messages
3111  *       from the transport.
3112  */
3113 ucp_tag_message_h ucp_tag_probe_nb(ucp_worker_h worker, ucp_tag_t tag,
3114                                    ucp_tag_t tag_mask, int remove,
3115                                    ucp_tag_recv_info_t *info);
3118 /**
3119  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3120  * @brief Non-blocking receive operation for a probed message.
3121  *
3122  * This routine receives a message that is described by the local address @a
3123  * buffer, size @a count, @a message handle, and @a datatype object on the @a
3124  * worker. The @a message handle can be obtained by calling the @ref
3125  * ucp_tag_probe_nb "ucp_tag_probe_nb()" routine.  @ref ucp_tag_msg_recv_nb
3126  * "ucp_tag_msg_recv_nb()" routine is non-blocking and therefore returns
3127  * immediately. The receive operation is considered completed when the message
3128  * is delivered to the @a buffer. In order to notify the application about
3129  * completion of the receive operation the UCP library will invoke the
3130  * call-back @a cb when the received message is in the receive buffer and ready
3131  * for application access. If the receive operation cannot be started the
3132  * routine returns an error.
3133  *
3134  * @param [in]  worker      UCP worker that is used for the receive operation.
3135  * @param [in]  buffer      Pointer to the buffer to receive the data to.
3136  * @param [in]  count       Number of elements to receive
3137  * @param [in]  datatype    Datatype descriptor for the elements in the buffer.
3138  * @param [in]  message     Message handle.
3139  * @param [in]  cb          Callback function that is invoked whenever the
3140  *                          receive operation is completed and the data is ready
3141  *                          in the receive @a buffer.
3142  *
3143  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The receive operation failed.
3144  * @return otherwise          - Operation was scheduled for receive. The request
3145  *                              handle is returned to the application in order
3146  *                              to track progress of the operation. The
3147  *                              application is responsible for releasing the
3148  *                              handle using @ref ucp_request_free
3149  *                              "ucp_request_free()" routine.
3150  */
3151 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_tag_msg_recv_nb(ucp_worker_h worker, void *buffer,
3152                                      size_t count, ucp_datatype_t datatype,
3153                                      ucp_tag_message_h message,
3154                                      ucp_tag_recv_callback_t cb);
3157 /**
3158  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3159  * @brief Non-blocking implicit remote memory put operation.
3160  *
3161  * This routine initiates a storage of contiguous block of data that is
3162  * described by the local address @a buffer in the remote contiguous memory
3163  * region described by @a remote_addr address and the @ref ucp_rkey_h "memory
3164  * handle" @a rkey. The routine returns immediately and @b does @b not
3165  * guarantee re-usability of the source address @e buffer. If the operation is
3166  * completed immediately the routine return UCS_OK, otherwise UCS_INPROGRESS
3167  * or an error is returned to user.
3168  *
3169  * @note A user can use @ref ucp_worker_flush_nb "ucp_worker_flush_nb()"
3170  * in order to guarantee re-usability of the source address @e buffer.
3171  *
3172  * @param [in]  ep           Remote endpoint handle.
3173  * @param [in]  buffer       Pointer to the local source address.
3174  * @param [in]  length       Length of the data (in bytes) stored under the
3175  *                           source address.
3176  * @param [in]  remote_addr  Pointer to the destination remote memory address
3177  *                           to write to.
3178  * @param [in]  rkey         Remote memory key associated with the
3179  *                           remote memory address.
3180  *
3181  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
3182  */
3183 ucs_status_t ucp_put_nbi(ucp_ep_h ep, const void *buffer, size_t length,
3184                          uint64_t remote_addr, ucp_rkey_h rkey);
3186 /**
3187  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3188  * @brief Non-blocking remote memory put operation.
3189  *
3190  * This routine initiates a storage of contiguous block of data that is
3191  * described by the local address @a buffer in the remote contiguous memory
3192  * region described by @a remote_addr address and the @ref ucp_rkey_h "memory
3193  * handle" @a rkey.  The routine returns immediately and @b does @b not
3194  * guarantee re-usability of the source address @e buffer. If the operation is
3195  * completed immediately the routine return UCS_OK, otherwise UCS_INPROGRESS
3196  * or an error is returned to user. If the put operation completes immediately,
3197  * the routine returns UCS_OK and the call-back routine @a cb is @b not
3198  * invoked. If the operation is @b not completed immediately and no error is
3199  * reported, then the UCP library will schedule invocation of the call-back
3200  * routine @a cb upon completion of the put operation. In other words, the
3201  * completion of a put operation can be signaled by the return code or
3202  * execution of the call-back.
3203  *
3204  * @note A user can use @ref ucp_worker_flush_nb "ucp_worker_flush_nb()"
3205  * in order to guarantee re-usability of the source address @e buffer.
3206  *
3207  * @param [in]  ep           Remote endpoint handle.
3208  * @param [in]  buffer       Pointer to the local source address.
3209  * @param [in]  length       Length of the data (in bytes) stored under the
3210  *                           source address.
3211  * @param [in]  remote_addr  Pointer to the destination remote memory address
3212  *                           to write to.
3213  * @param [in]  rkey         Remote memory key associated with the
3214  *                           remote memory address.
3215  * @param [in]  cb           Call-back function that is invoked whenever the
3216  *                           put operation is completed and the local buffer
3217  *                           can be modified. Does not guarantee remote
3218  *                           completion.
3219  *
3220  * @return NULL                 - The operation was completed immediately.
3221  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The operation failed.
3222  * @return otherwise            - Operation was scheduled and can be
3223  *                              completed at any point in time. The request handle
3224  *                              is returned to the application in order to track
3225  *                              progress of the operation. The application is
3226  *                              responsible for releasing the handle using
3227  *                              @ref ucp_request_free "ucp_request_free()" routine.
3228  */
3229 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_put_nb(ucp_ep_h ep, const void *buffer, size_t length,
3230                             uint64_t remote_addr, ucp_rkey_h rkey,
3231                             ucp_send_callback_t cb);
3234 /**
3235  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3236  * @brief Non-blocking remote memory put operation.
3237  *
3238  * This routine initiates a storage of contiguous block of data that is
3239  * described by the local address @a buffer in the remote contiguous memory
3240  * region described by @a remote_addr address and the @ref ucp_rkey_h "memory
3241  * handle" @a rkey.  The routine returns immediately and @b does @b not
3242  * guarantee re-usability of the source address @e buffer. If the operation is
3243  * completed immediately the routine return UCS_OK, otherwise UCS_INPROGRESS
3244  * or an error is returned to user. If the put operation completes immediately,
3245  * the routine returns UCS_OK and the call-back routine @a param.cb.send is
3246  * @b not invoked. If the operation is @b not completed immediately and no
3247  * error is reported, then the UCP library will schedule invocation of the
3248  * call-back routine @a param.cb.send upon completion of the put operation.
3249  * In other words, the completion of a put operation can be signaled by the
3250  * return code or execution of the call-back.
3251  * Immediate completion signals can be fine-tuned via the
3252  * @ref ucp_request_param_t.op_attr_mask field in the
3253  * @ref ucp_request_param_t structure. The values of this field
3254  * are a bit-wise OR of the @ref ucp_op_attr_t enumeration.
3255  *
3256  * @note A user can use @ref ucp_worker_flush_nb "ucp_worker_flush_nb()"
3257  * in order to guarantee re-usability of the source address @e buffer.
3258  *
3259  * @param [in]  ep           Remote endpoint handle.
3260  * @param [in]  buffer       Pointer to the local source address.
3261  * @param [in]  count        Number of elements of type
3262  *                           @ref ucp_request_param_t.datatype to put. If
3263  *                           @ref ucp_request_param_t.datatype is not specified,
3264  *                           the type defaults to ucp_dt_make_contig(1), which
3265  *                           corresponds to byte elements.
3266  * @param [in]  remote_addr  Pointer to the destination remote memory address
3267  *                           to write to.
3268  * @param [in]  rkey         Remote memory key associated with the
3269  *                           remote memory address.
3270  * @param [in]  param       Operation parameters, see @ref ucp_request_param_t
3271  *
3272  * @return UCS_OK               - The operation was completed immediately.
3273  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The operation failed.
3274  * @return otherwise            - Operation was scheduled and can be
3275  *                                completed at any point in time. The request handle
3276  *                                is returned to the application in order to track
3277  *                                progress of the operation. The application is
3278  *                                responsible for releasing the handle using
3279  *                                @ref ucp_request_free "ucp_request_free()" routine.
3280  *
3281  * @note Only the datatype ucp_dt_make_contig(1) is supported
3282  * for @a param->datatype, see @ref ucp_dt_make_contig.
3283  */
3284 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_put_nbx(ucp_ep_h ep, const void *buffer, size_t count,
3285                              uint64_t remote_addr, ucp_rkey_h rkey,
3286                              const ucp_request_param_t *param);
3289 /**
3290  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3291  * @brief Non-blocking implicit remote memory get operation.
3292  *
3293  * This routine initiate a load of contiguous block of data that is described
3294  * by the remote memory address @a remote_addr and the @ref ucp_rkey_h "memory handle"
3295  * @a rkey in the local contiguous memory region described by @a buffer
3296  * address. The routine returns immediately and @b does @b not guarantee that
3297  * remote data is loaded and stored under the local address @e buffer.
3298  *
3299  * @note A user can use @ref ucp_worker_flush_nb "ucp_worker_flush_nb()" in order
3300  * guarantee that remote data is loaded and stored under the local address
3301  * @e buffer.
3302  *
3303  * @param [in]  ep           Remote endpoint handle.
3304  * @param [in]  buffer       Pointer to the local destination address.
3305  * @param [in]  length       Length of the data (in bytes) stored under the
3306  *                           destination address.
3307  * @param [in]  remote_addr  Pointer to the source remote memory address
3308  *                           to read from.
3309  * @param [in]  rkey         Remote memory key associated with the
3310  *                           remote memory address.
3311  *
3312  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
3313  */
3314 ucs_status_t ucp_get_nbi(ucp_ep_h ep, void *buffer, size_t length,
3315                          uint64_t remote_addr, ucp_rkey_h rkey);
3317 /**
3318  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3319  * @brief Non-blocking remote memory get operation.
3320  *
3321  * This routine initiates a load of a contiguous block of data that is
3322  * described by the remote memory address @a remote_addr and the @ref ucp_rkey_h
3323  * "memory handle" @a rkey in the local contiguous memory region described
3324  * by @a buffer address. The routine returns immediately and @b does @b not
3325  * guarantee that remote data is loaded and stored under the local address @e
3326  * buffer. If the operation is completed immediately the routine return UCS_OK,
3327  * otherwise UCS_INPROGRESS or an error is returned to user. If the get
3328  * operation completes immediately, the routine returns UCS_OK and the
3329  * call-back routine @a cb is @b not invoked. If the operation is @b not
3330  * completed immediately and no error is reported, then the UCP library will
3331  * schedule invocation of the call-back routine @a cb upon completion of the
3332  * get operation. In other words, the completion of a get operation can be
3333  * signaled by the return code or execution of the call-back.
3334  *
3335  * @note A user can use @ref ucp_worker_flush_nb "ucp_worker_flush_nb()"
3336  * in order to guarantee re-usability of the source address @e buffer.
3337  *
3338  * @param [in]  ep           Remote endpoint handle.
3339  * @param [in]  buffer       Pointer to the local destination address.
3340  * @param [in]  length       Length of the data (in bytes) stored under the
3341  *                           destination address.
3342  * @param [in]  remote_addr  Pointer to the source remote memory address
3343  *                           to read from.
3344  * @param [in]  rkey         Remote memory key associated with the
3345  *                           remote memory address.
3346  * @param [in]  cb           Call-back function that is invoked whenever the
3347  *                           get operation is completed and the data is
3348  *                           visible to the local process.
3349  *
3350  * @return NULL                 - The operation was completed immediately.
3351  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The operation failed.
3352  * @return otherwise            - Operation was scheduled and can be
3353  *                              completed at any point in time. The request handle
3354  *                              is returned to the application in order to track
3355  *                              progress of the operation. The application is
3356  *                              responsible for releasing the handle using
3357  *                              @ref ucp_request_free "ucp_request_free()" routine.
3358  */
3359 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_get_nb(ucp_ep_h ep, void *buffer, size_t length,
3360                             uint64_t remote_addr, ucp_rkey_h rkey,
3361                             ucp_send_callback_t cb);
3364 /**
3365  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3366  * @brief Non-blocking remote memory get operation.
3367  *
3368  * This routine initiates a load of a contiguous block of data that is
3369  * described by the remote memory address @a remote_addr and the @ref ucp_rkey_h
3370  * "memory handle" @a rkey in the local contiguous memory region described
3371  * by @a buffer address. The routine returns immediately and @b does @b not
3372  * guarantee that remote data is loaded and stored under the local address @e
3373  * buffer. If the operation is completed immediately the routine return UCS_OK,
3374  * otherwise UCS_INPROGRESS or an error is returned to user. If the get
3375  * operation completes immediately, the routine returns UCS_OK and the
3376  * call-back routine @a param.cb.send is @b not invoked. If the operation is
3377  * @b not completed immediately and no error is reported, then the UCP library
3378  * will schedule invocation of the call-back routine @a param.cb.send upon
3379  * completion of the get operation. In other words, the completion of a get
3380  * operation can be signaled by the return code or execution of the call-back.
3381  *
3382  * @note A user can use @ref ucp_worker_flush_nb "ucp_worker_flush_nb()"
3383  * in order to guarantee re-usability of the source address @e buffer.
3384  *
3385  * @param [in]  ep           Remote endpoint handle.
3386  * @param [in]  buffer       Pointer to the local destination address.
3387  * @param [in]  count        Number of elements of type
3388  *                           @ref ucp_request_param_t.datatype to put. If
3389  *                           @ref ucp_request_param_t.datatype is not specified,
3390  *                           the type defaults to ucp_dt_make_contig(1), which
3391  *                           corresponds to byte elements.
3392  * @param [in]  remote_addr  Pointer to the source remote memory address
3393  *                           to read from.
3394  * @param [in]  rkey         Remote memory key associated with the
3395  *                           remote memory address.
3396  * @param [in]  param        Operation parameters, see @ref ucp_request_param_t.
3397  *
3398  * @return UCS_OK               - The operation was completed immediately.
3399  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The operation failed.
3400  * @return otherwise            - Operation was scheduled and can be
3401  *                                completed at any point in time. The request handle
3402  *                                is returned to the application in order to track
3403  *                                progress of the operation. The application is
3404  *                                responsible for releasing the handle using
3405  *                                @ref ucp_request_free "ucp_request_free()" routine.
3406  *
3407  * @note Only the datatype ucp_dt_make_contig(1) is supported
3408  * for @a param->datatype, see @ref ucp_dt_make_contig.
3409  */
3410 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_get_nbx(ucp_ep_h ep, void *buffer, size_t count,
3411                              uint64_t remote_addr, ucp_rkey_h rkey,
3412                              const ucp_request_param_t *param);
3415 /**
3416  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3417  * @brief Post an atomic memory operation.
3418  *
3419  * This routine posts an atomic memory operation to a remote value.
3420  * The remote value is described by the combination of the remote
3421  * memory address @a remote_addr and the @ref ucp_rkey_h "remote memory handle"
3422  * @a rkey.
3423  * Return from the function does not guarantee completion. A user must
3424  * call @ref ucp_ep_flush_nb or @ref ucp_worker_flush_nb to guarantee that the
3425  * remote value has been updated.
3426  *
3427  * @param [in] ep          UCP endpoint.
3428  * @param [in] opcode      One of @ref ucp_atomic_post_op_t.
3429  * @param [in] value       Source operand for the atomic operation.
3430  * @param [in] op_size     Size of value in bytes
3431  * @param [in] remote_addr Remote address to operate on.
3432  * @param [in] rkey        Remote key handle for the remote memory address.
3433  *
3434  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
3435  */
3436 ucs_status_t ucp_atomic_post(ucp_ep_h ep, ucp_atomic_post_op_t opcode, uint64_t value,
3437                              size_t op_size, uint64_t remote_addr, ucp_rkey_h rkey);
3440 /**
3441  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3442  * @brief Post an atomic fetch operation.
3443  *
3444  * This routine will post an atomic fetch operation to remote memory.
3445  * The remote value is described by the combination of the remote
3446  * memory address @a remote_addr and the @ref ucp_rkey_h "remote memory handle"
3447  * @a rkey.
3448  * The routine is non-blocking and therefore returns immediately. However the
3449  * actual atomic operation may be delayed. The atomic operation is not considered complete
3450  * until the values in remote and local memory are completed. If the atomic operation
3451  * completes immediately, the routine returns UCS_OK and the call-back routine
3452  * @a cb is @b not invoked. If the operation is @b not completed immediately and no
3453  * error is reported, then the UCP library will schedule invocation of the call-back
3454  * routine @a cb upon completion of the atomic operation. In other words, the completion
3455  * of an atomic operation can be signaled by the return code or execution of the call-back.
3456  *
3457  * @note The user should not modify any part of the @a result after this
3458  *       operation is called, until the operation completes.
3459  *
3460  * @param [in] ep          UCP endpoint.
3461  * @param [in] opcode      One of @ref ucp_atomic_fetch_op_t.
3462  * @param [in] value       Source operand for atomic operation. In the case of CSWAP
3463  *                         this is the conditional for the swap. For SWAP this is
3464  *                         the value to be placed in remote memory.
3465  * @param [inout] result   Local memory address to store resulting fetch to.
3466  *                         In the case of CSWAP the value in result will be
3467  *                         swapped into the @a remote_addr if the condition
3468  *                         is true.
3469  * @param [in] op_size     Size of value in bytes and pointer type for result
3470  * @param [in] remote_addr Remote address to operate on.
3471  * @param [in] rkey        Remote key handle for the remote memory address.
3472  * @param [in] cb          Call-back function that is invoked whenever the
3473  *                         send operation is completed. It is important to note
3474  *                         that the call-back function is only invoked in a case when
3475  *                         the operation cannot be completed in place.
3476  *
3477  * @return NULL                 - The operation was completed immediately.
3478  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The operation failed.
3479  * @return otherwise            - Operation was scheduled and can be
3480  *                              completed at any point in time. The request handle
3481  *                              is returned to the application in order to track
3482  *                              progress of the operation. The application is
3483  *                              responsible for releasing the handle using
3484  *                              @ref ucp_request_free "ucp_request_free()" routine.
3485  */
3486 ucs_status_ptr_t
3487 ucp_atomic_fetch_nb(ucp_ep_h ep, ucp_atomic_fetch_op_t opcode,
3488                     uint64_t value, void *result, size_t op_size,
3489                     uint64_t remote_addr, ucp_rkey_h rkey,
3490                     ucp_send_callback_t cb);
3493 /**
3494  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3495  * @brief Post an atomic memory operation.
3496  *
3497  * This routine will post an atomic operation to remote memory.
3498  * The remote value is described by the combination of the remote
3499  * memory address @a remote_addr and the @ref ucp_rkey_h "remote memory handle"
3500  * @a rkey. The routine is non-blocking and therefore returns immediately.
3501  * However, the actual atomic operation may be delayed. In order to enable
3502  * fetching semantics for atomic operations user has to specify
3503  * @a param.reply_buffer. Please see @ref atomic_ops "table" below for more
3504  * details.
3505  *
3506  * @note    The user should not modify any part of the @a buffer (or also
3507  *          @a param->reply_buffer for fetch operations), until the operation
3508  *          completes.
3509  * @note    Only ucp_dt_make_config(4) and ucp_dt_make_contig(8) are supported
3510  *          in @a param->datatype, see @ref ucp_dt_make_contig.
3511  *
3512  * <table>
3513  * <caption id="atomic_ops">Atomic Operations Semantic</caption>
3514  * <tr> <th align="center">Atomic Operation <th align="center">Pseudo code
3515  *      <th align="center">X <th align="center">Y <th align="center">Z
3516  *      <th align="center">Result
3517  * <tr> <td align="left">@ref UCP_ATOMIC_OP_ADD <td align="left"> Result=Y; Y+=X
3518  *      <td align="left">buffer<td align="left">remote_addr<td align="center">-
3519  *      <td align="left">param.reply_buffer(optional)
3520  * <tr> <td align="left">@ref UCP_ATOMIC_OP_SWAP <td align="left"> Result=Y; Y=X
3521  *      <td align="left">buffer<td align="left">remote_addr <td align="center">-
3522  *      <td align="left">param.reply_buffer
3523  * <tr> <td align="left">@ref UCP_ATOMIC_OP_CSWAP
3524  *      <td align="left">Result=Y; if (X==Y) then Y=Z<td align="left">buffer
3525  *      <td align="left">remote_addr <td align="left">param.reply_buffer
3526  *      <td align="left">param.reply_buffer
3527  * <tr> <td align="left">@ref UCP_ATOMIC_OP_AND <td align="left"> Result=Y; Y&=X
3528  *      <td align="left">buffer<td align="left">remote_addr <td align="center">-
3529  *      <td align="left">param.reply_buffer(optional)
3530  * <tr> <td align="left">@ref UCP_ATOMIC_OP_OR <td align="left"> Result=Y; Y|=X
3531  *      <td align="left">buffer<td align="left">remote_addr <td align="center">-
3532  *      <td align="left">param.reply_buffer(optional)
3533  * <tr> <td align="left">@ref UCP_ATOMIC_OP_XOR <td align="left"> Result=Y; Y^=X
3534  *      <td align="left">buffer<td align="left">remote_addr <td align="center">-
3535  *      <td align="left">param.reply_buffer(optional)
3536  * </table>
3537  *
3538  * @param [in] ep          UCP endpoint.
3539  * @param [in] opcode      One of @ref ucp_atomic_op_t.
3540  * @param [in] buffer      Address of operand for the atomic operation. See
3541  *                         @ref atomic_ops "Atomic Operations Semantic table"
3542  *                         for exact usage by different atomic operations.
3543  * @param [in] count       Number of elements in @a buffer and @a result. The
3544  *                         size of each element is specified by
3545  *                         @ref ucp_request_param_t.datatype
3546  * @param [in] remote_addr Remote address to operate on.
3547  * @param [in] rkey        Remote key handle for the remote memory address.
3548  * @param [in] param       Operation parameters, see @ref ucp_request_param_t.
3549  *
3550  * @return NULL                 - The operation completed immediately.
3551  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The operation failed.
3552  * @return otherwise            - Operation was scheduled and can be
3553  *                                completed at some time in the future. The
3554  *                                request handle is returned to the application
3555  *                                in order to track progress of the operation.
3556  */
3557 ucs_status_ptr_t
3558 ucp_atomic_op_nbx(ucp_ep_h ep, ucp_atomic_op_t opcode, const void *buffer,
3559                   size_t count, uint64_t remote_addr, ucp_rkey_h rkey,
3560                   const ucp_request_param_t *param);
3563 /**
3564  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3565  * @brief Check the status of non-blocking request.
3566  *
3567  * This routine checks the state of the request and returns its current status.
3568  * Any value different from UCS_INPROGRESS means that request is in a completed
3569  * state.
3570  *
3571  * @param [in]  request     Non-blocking request to check.
3572  *
3573  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
3574  */
3575 ucs_status_t ucp_request_check_status(void *request);
3578 /**
3579  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3580  * @brief Check the status and currently available state of non-blocking request
3581  *        returned from @ref ucp_tag_recv_nb routine.
3582  *
3583  * This routine checks the state and returns current status of the request
3584  * returned from @ref ucp_tag_recv_nb routine or the user allocated request
3585  * for @ref ucp_tag_recv_nbr. Any value different from UCS_INPROGRESS means
3586  * that the request is in a completed state.
3587  *
3588  * @param [in]  request     Non-blocking request to check.
3589  * @param [out] info        It is filled with the details about the message
3590  *                          available at the moment of calling.
3591  *
3592  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
3593  */
3594 ucs_status_t ucp_tag_recv_request_test(void *request, ucp_tag_recv_info_t *info);
3597 /**
3598  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3599  * @brief Check the status and currently available state of non-blocking request
3600  *        returned from @ref ucp_stream_recv_nb routine.
3601  *
3602  * This routine checks the state and returns current status of the request
3603  * returned from @ref ucp_stream_recv_nb routine. Any value different from
3604  * UCS_INPROGRESS means that the request is in a completed state.
3605  *
3606  * @param [in]  request     Non-blocking request to check.
3607  * @param [out] length_p    The size of the received data in bytes. This value
3608  *                          is only valid if the status is UCS_OK. If valid, it
3609  *                          is always an integral multiple of the datatype size
3610  *                          associated with the request.
3611  *
3612  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
3613  */
3614 ucs_status_t ucp_stream_recv_request_test(void *request, size_t *length_p);
3616 /**
3617  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3618  * @brief Cancel an outstanding communications request.
3619  *
3620  * @param [in]  worker       UCP worker.
3621  * @param [in]  request      Non-blocking request to cancel.
3622  *
3623  * This routine tries to cancels an outstanding communication request.  After
3624  * calling this routine, the @a request will be in completed or canceled (but
3625  * not both) state regardless of the status of the target endpoint associated
3626  * with the communication request.  If the request is completed successfully,
3627  * the @ref ucp_send_callback_t "send" or @ref ucp_tag_recv_callback_t
3628  * "receive" completion callbacks (based on the type of the request) will be
3629  * called with the @a status argument of the callback set to UCS_OK, and in a
3630  * case it is canceled the @a status argument is set to UCS_ERR_CANCELED.  It is
3631  * important to note that in order to release the request back to the library
3632  * the application is responsible for calling @ref ucp_request_free
3633  * "ucp_request_free()".
3634  */
3635 void ucp_request_cancel(ucp_worker_h worker, void *request);
3638 /**
3639  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3640  * @brief Release UCP data buffer returned by @ref ucp_stream_recv_data_nb.
3641  *
3642  * @param [in]  ep        Endpoint @a data received from.
3643  * @param [in]  data      Data pointer to release, which was returned from
3644  *                        @ref ucp_stream_recv_data_nb.
3645  *
3646  * This routine releases internal UCP data buffer returned by
3647  * @ref ucp_stream_recv_data_nb when @a data is processed, the application can't
3648  * use this buffer after calling this function.
3649  */
3650 void ucp_stream_data_release(ucp_ep_h ep, void *data);
3653 /**
3654  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3655  * @brief Release a communications request.
3656  *
3657  * @param [in]  request      Non-blocking request to release.
3658  *
3659  * This routine releases the non-blocking request back to the library, regardless
3660  * of its current state. Communications operations associated with this request
3661  * will make progress internally, however no further notifications or callbacks
3662  * will be invoked for this request.
3663  */
3664 void ucp_request_free(void *request);
3667 /**
3668  * @ingroup UCP_COMM
3669  * @brief Create an empty communications request.
3670  *
3671  * @param [in]  worker       UCP worker.
3672  *
3673  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
3674  *
3675  * This routine creates request which may be used in functions
3676  * @ref ucp_tag_send_nbx, @ref ucp_tag_recv_nbx, etc. The application
3677  * is responsible for releasing the handle using the @ref ucp_request_free
3678  * routine
3679  */
3680 void *ucp_request_alloc(ucp_worker_h worker);
3683 /**
3684  * @ingroup UCP_DATATYPE
3685  * @brief Create a generic datatype.
3686  *
3687  * This routine create a generic datatype object.
3688  * The generic datatype is described by the @a ops @ref ucp_generic_dt_ops_t
3689  * "object" which provides a table of routines defining the operations for
3690  * generic datatype manipulation. Typically, generic datatypes are used for
3691  * integration with datatype engines provided with MPI implementations (MPICH,
3692  * Open MPI, etc).
3693  * The application is responsible for releasing the @a datatype_p  object using
3694  * @ref ucp_dt_destroy "ucp_dt_destroy()" routine.
3695  *
3696  * @param [in]  ops          Generic datatype function table as defined by
3697  *                           @ref ucp_generic_dt_ops_t .
3698  * @param [in]  context      Application defined context passed to this
3699  *                           routine.  The context is passed as a parameter
3700  *                           to the routines in the @a ops table.
3701  * @param [out] datatype_p   A pointer to datatype object.
3702  *
3703  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
3704  */
3705 ucs_status_t ucp_dt_create_generic(const ucp_generic_dt_ops_t *ops, void *context,
3706                                    ucp_datatype_t *datatype_p);
3709 /**
3710  * @ingroup UCP_DATATYPE
3711  * @brief Destroy a datatype and release its resources.
3712  *
3713  * This routine destroys the @a datatype object and
3714  * releases any resources that are associated with the object.
3715  * The @a datatype object must be allocated using @ref ucp_dt_create_generic
3716  * "ucp_dt_create_generic()" routine.
3717  *
3718  * @warning
3719  * @li Once the @a datatype object is released an access to this object may
3720  * cause an undefined failure.
3721  *
3722  * @param [in]  datatype     Datatype object to destroy.
3723  */
3724 void ucp_dt_destroy(ucp_datatype_t datatype);
3727 /**
3728  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
3729  *
3730  * @brief Assures ordering between non-blocking operations
3731  *
3732  * This routine ensures ordering of non-blocking communication operations on
3733  * the @ref ucp_worker_h "UCP worker".  Communication operations issued on the
3734  * @a worker prior to this call are guaranteed to be completed before any
3735  * subsequent communication operations to the same @ref ucp_worker_h "worker"
3736  * which follow the call to @ref ucp_worker_fence "fence".
3737  *
3738  * @note The primary difference between @ref ucp_worker_fence "ucp_worker_fence()"
3739  * and the @ref ucp_worker_flush_nb "ucp_worker_flush_nb()" is the fact the fence
3740  * routine does not guarantee completion of the operations on the call return but
3741  * only ensures the order between communication operations. The
3742  * @ref ucp_worker_flush_nb "flush" operation on return guarantees that all
3743  * operations are completed and corresponding memory regions were updated.
3744  *
3745  * @param [in] worker        UCP worker.
3746  *
3747  * @return Error code as defined by @ref ucs_status_t
3748  */
3749 ucs_status_t ucp_worker_fence(ucp_worker_h worker);
3752 /**
3753  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
3754  *
3755  * @brief Flush outstanding AMO and RMA operations on the @ref ucp_worker_h
3756  * "worker"
3757  *
3758  * This routine flushes all outstanding AMO and RMA communications on the
3759  * @ref ucp_worker_h "worker". All the AMO and RMA operations issued on the
3760  * @a worker prior to this call are completed both at the origin and at the
3761  * target when this call returns.
3762  *
3763  * @note For description of the differences between @ref ucp_worker_flush_nb
3764  * "flush" and @ref ucp_worker_fence "fence" operations please see
3765  * @ref ucp_worker_fence "ucp_worker_fence()"
3766  *
3767  * @param [in] worker    UCP worker.
3768  * @param [in] flags     Flags for flush operation. Reserved for future use.
3769  * @param [in] cb        Callback which will be called when the flush operation
3770  *                       completes.
3771  *
3772  * @return NULL             - The flush operation was completed immediately.
3773  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The flush operation failed.
3774  * @return otherwise        - Flush operation was scheduled and can be completed
3775  *                          in any point in time. The request handle is returned
3776  *                          to the application in order to track progress. The
3777  *                          application is responsible for releasing the handle
3778  *                          using @ref ucp_request_free "ucp_request_free()"
3779  *                          routine.
3780  */
3781 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_worker_flush_nb(ucp_worker_h worker, unsigned flags,
3782                                      ucp_send_callback_t cb);
3785 /**
3786  * @ingroup UCP_WORKER
3787  *
3788  * @brief Flush outstanding AMO and RMA operations on the @ref ucp_worker_h
3789  * "worker"
3790  *
3791  * This routine flushes all outstanding AMO and RMA communications on the
3792  * @ref ucp_worker_h "worker". All the AMO and RMA operations issued on the
3793  * @a worker prior to this call are completed both at the origin and at the
3794  * target when this call returns.
3795  *
3796  * @note For description of the differences between @ref ucp_worker_flush_nb
3797  * "flush" and @ref ucp_worker_fence "fence" operations please see
3798  * @ref ucp_worker_fence "ucp_worker_fence()"
3799  *
3800  * @param [in] worker    UCP worker.
3801  * @param [in] param     Operation parameters, see @ref ucp_request_param_t
3802  *
3803  * @return NULL                 - The flush operation was completed immediately.
3804  * @return UCS_PTR_IS_ERR(_ptr) - The flush operation failed.
3805  * @return otherwise            - Flush operation was scheduled and can be
3806  *                                completed in any point in time. The request
3807  *                                handle is returned to the application in order
3808  *                                to track progress.
3809  */
3810 ucs_status_ptr_t ucp_worker_flush_nbx(ucp_worker_h worker,
3811                                       const ucp_request_param_t *param);
3814 /**
3815  * @example ucp_hello_world.c
3816  * UCP hello world client / server example utility.
3817  */
3821 #endif