1 /**
2 * Copyright (C) Mellanox Technologies Ltd. 2001-2019.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
3 *
4 * See file LICENSE for terms.
5 */
7 #ifndef UCT_DEF_H_
8 #define UCT_DEF_H_
10 #include <ucs/config/types.h>
11 #include <ucs/type/status.h>
13 #include <stddef.h>
14 #include <stdint.h>
15 #include <sys/types.h>
18 #define UCT_COMPONENT_NAME_MAX     16
19 #define UCT_TL_NAME_MAX            10
20 #define UCT_MD_NAME_MAX            16
21 #define UCT_DEVICE_NAME_MAX        32
22 #define UCT_PENDING_REQ_PRIV_LEN   40
23 #define UCT_TAG_PRIV_LEN           32
24 #define UCT_AM_ID_BITS             5
25 #define UCT_AM_ID_MAX              UCS_BIT(UCT_AM_ID_BITS)
26 #define UCT_MEM_HANDLE_NULL        NULL
27 #define UCT_INVALID_RKEY           ((uintptr_t)(-1))
28 #define UCT_INLINE_API             static UCS_F_ALWAYS_INLINE
31 /**
32  * @ingroup UCT_AM
33  * @brief Trace types for active message tracer.
34  */
35 enum uct_am_trace_type {
41 };
44 /**
45  * @ingroup UCT_RESOURCE
46  * @brief Flags for active message and tag-matching offload callbacks (callback's parameters).
47  *
48  * If UCT_CB_PARAM_FLAG_DESC flag is enabled, then data is part of a descriptor
49  * which includes the user-defined rx_headroom, and the callback may return
50  * UCS_INPROGRESS and hold on to that descriptor. Otherwise, the data can't be
51  * used outside the callback. If needed, the data must be copied-out.
52  *
53    @verbatim
54     descriptor    data
55     |             |
56     +-------------+-------------------------+
57     | rx_headroom | payload                 |
58     +-------------+-------------------------+
59    @endverbatim
60  *
61  * UCT_CB_PARAM_FLAG_FIRST and UCT_CB_PARAM_FLAG_MORE flags are relevant for
62  * @ref uct_tag_unexp_eager_cb_t callback only. The former value indicates that
63  * the data is the first fragment of the message. The latter value means that
64  * more fragments of the message yet to be delivered.
65  */
66 enum uct_cb_param_flags {
70 };
72 /**
73  * @addtogroup UCT_RESOURCE
74  * @{
75  */
76 typedef struct uct_component       *uct_component_h;
77 typedef struct uct_iface           *uct_iface_h;
78 typedef struct uct_iface_config    uct_iface_config_t;
79 typedef struct uct_md_config       uct_md_config_t;
80 typedef struct uct_cm_config       uct_cm_config_t;
81 typedef struct uct_ep              *uct_ep_h;
82 typedef void *                     uct_mem_h;
83 typedef uintptr_t                  uct_rkey_t;
84 typedef struct uct_md              *uct_md_h;          /**< @brief Memory domain handler */
85 typedef struct uct_md_ops          uct_md_ops_t;
86 typedef void                       *uct_rkey_ctx_h;
87 typedef struct uct_iface_attr      uct_iface_attr_t;
88 typedef struct uct_iface_params    uct_iface_params_t;
89 typedef struct uct_md_attr         uct_md_attr_t;
90 typedef struct uct_completion      uct_completion_t;
91 typedef struct uct_pending_req     uct_pending_req_t;
92 typedef struct uct_worker          *uct_worker_h;
93 typedef struct uct_md              uct_md_t;
94 typedef enum uct_am_trace_type     uct_am_trace_type_t;
95 typedef struct uct_device_addr     uct_device_addr_t;
96 typedef struct uct_iface_addr      uct_iface_addr_t;
97 typedef struct uct_ep_addr         uct_ep_addr_t;
98 typedef struct uct_ep_params       uct_ep_params_t;
99 typedef struct uct_cm_attr         uct_cm_attr_t;
100 typedef struct uct_cm              uct_cm_t;
101 typedef uct_cm_t                   *uct_cm_h;
102 typedef struct uct_listener_attr   uct_listener_attr_t;
103 typedef struct uct_listener        *uct_listener_h;
104 typedef struct uct_listener_params uct_listener_params_t;
105 typedef struct uct_tag_context     uct_tag_context_t;
106 typedef uint64_t                   uct_tag_t;  /* tag type - 64 bit */
107 typedef int                        uct_worker_cb_id_t;
108 typedef void*                      uct_conn_request_h;
110 /**
111  * @}
112  */
115 /**
116  * @ingroup UCT_RESOURCE
117  * @brief Structure for scatter-gather I/O.
118  *
119  * Specifies a list of buffers which can be used within a single data transfer
120  * function call.
121  *
122    @verbatim
123     buffer
124     |
125     +-----------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+
126     |  payload  | empty |  payload  | empty |  payload  |
127     +-----------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+
128     |<-length-->|       |<-length-->|       |<-length-->|
129     |<---- stride ----->|<---- stride ----->|
130    @endverbatim
131  *
132  * @note The sum of lengths in all iov list must be less or equal to max_zcopy
133  *       of the respective communication operation.
134  * @note If @a length or @a count are zero, the memory pointed to by @a buffer
135  *       will not be accessed. Otherwise, @a buffer must point to valid memory.
136  *
137  * @note If @a count is one, every iov entry specifies a single contiguous data block
138  *
139  * @note If @a count > 1, each iov entry specifies a strided block of @a count
140  *       elements and distance of @a stride byte between consecutive elements
141  *
142  */
143 typedef struct uct_iov {
144     void     *buffer;   /**< Data buffer */
145     size_t    length;   /**< Length of the payload in bytes */
146     uct_mem_h memh;     /**< Local memory key descriptor for the data */
147     size_t    stride;   /**< Stride between beginnings of payload elements in
148                              the buffer in bytes */
149     unsigned  count;    /**< Number of payload elements in the buffer */
150 } uct_iov_t;
153 /**
154  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
155  * @brief Client-Server private data pack callback arguments field mask.
156  *
157  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in
158  * @ref uct_cm_ep_priv_data_pack_args are present, for backward compatibility support.
159  */
160 enum uct_cm_ep_priv_data_pack_args_field {
161     /** Enables @ref uct_cm_ep_priv_data_pack_args::dev_name
162      *  Indicates that dev_name field in uct_cm_ep_priv_data_pack_args_t is valid.
163      */
165 };
168 /**
169  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
170  * @brief Arguments to the client-server private data pack callback.
171  *
172  * Used with the client-server API on a connection manager.
173  */
174 typedef struct uct_cm_ep_priv_data_pack_args {
175     /**
176      * Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from
177      * @ref uct_cm_ep_priv_data_pack_args_field.
178      * Fields not specified by this mask should not be accessed by the callback.
179      */
180     uint64_t                   field_mask;
182     /**
183      * Device name. This routine may fill the user's private data according to
184      * the given device name. The device name that is passed to this routine,
185      * corresponds to @ref uct_tl_resource_desc_t::dev_name as returned from
186      * @ref uct_md_query_tl_resources.
187      */
188     char                       dev_name[UCT_DEVICE_NAME_MAX];
189 } uct_cm_ep_priv_data_pack_args_t;
192 /**
193  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
194  * @brief Remote data attributes field mask.
195  *
196  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in @ref uct_cm_remote_data are
197  * present, for backward compatibility support.
198  */
199 enum uct_cm_remote_data_field {
200     /** Enables @ref uct_cm_remote_data::dev_addr */
201     UCT_CM_REMOTE_DATA_FIELD_DEV_ADDR              = UCS_BIT(0),
203     /** Enables @ref uct_cm_remote_data::dev_addr_length */
206     /** Enables @ref uct_cm_remote_data::conn_priv_data */
209     /** Enables @ref uct_cm_remote_data::conn_priv_data_length */
211 };
214 /**
215  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
216  * @brief Data received from the remote peer.
217  *
218  * The remote peer's device address, the data received from it and their lengths.
219  * Used with the client-server API on a connection manager.
220  */
221 typedef struct uct_cm_remote_data {
222     /**
223      * Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from
224      * @ref uct_cm_remote_data_field. Fields not specified by this mask
225      * will be ignored.
226      */
227     uint64_t                field_mask;
229     /**
230      * Device address of the remote peer.
231      */
232     const uct_device_addr_t *dev_addr;
234     /**
235      * Length of the remote device address.
236      */
237     size_t                  dev_addr_length;
239     /**
240      * Pointer to the received data. This is the private data that was passed to
241      * @ref uct_ep_params_t::sockaddr_pack_cb.
242      */
243     const void              *conn_priv_data;
245     /**
246      * Length of the received data from the peer.
247      */
248     size_t                  conn_priv_data_length;
249 } uct_cm_remote_data_t;
252 /**
253  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
254  * @brief Listener's connection request callback arguments field mask.
255  *
256  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in
257  * @ref uct_cm_listener_conn_request_args are present, for backward compatibility
258  * support.
259  */
260 enum uct_cm_listener_conn_request_args_field {
261     /** Enables @ref uct_cm_listener_conn_request_args::dev_name
262      *  Indicates that dev_name field in uct_cm_listener_conn_request_args_t is
263      *  valid.
264      */
267     /** Enables @ref uct_cm_listener_conn_request_args::conn_request
268      *  Indicates that conn_request field in uct_cm_listener_conn_request_args_t
269      *  is valid.
270      */
273     /** Enables @ref uct_cm_listener_conn_request_args::remote_data
274      *  Indicates that remote_data field in uct_cm_listener_conn_request_args_t
275      *  is valid.
276      */
279     /** Enables @ref uct_cm_listener_conn_request_args::client_address
280      *  Indicates that client_address field in uct_cm_listener_conn_request_args_t
281      *  is valid.
282      */
284 };
287 /**
288  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
289  * @brief Arguments to the listener's connection request callback.
290  *
291  * The local device name, connection request handle and the data the client sent.
292  * Used with the client-server API on a connection manager.
293  */
294 typedef struct uct_cm_listener_conn_request_args {
295     /**
296      * Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from
297      * @ref uct_cm_listener_conn_request_args_field.
298      * Fields not specified by this mask should not be acceessed by the callback.
299      */
300     uint64_t                   field_mask;
302     /**
303      * Local device name which handles the incoming connection request.
304      */
305     char                       dev_name[UCT_DEVICE_NAME_MAX];
307     /**
308      * Connection request handle. Can be passed to this callback from the
309      * transport and will be used by it to accept or reject the connection
310      * request from the client.
311      */
312     uct_conn_request_h         conn_request;
314     /**
315      * Remote data from the client.
316      */
317     const uct_cm_remote_data_t *remote_data;
319     /**
320      * Client's address.
321      */
322     ucs_sock_addr_t            client_address;
323 } uct_cm_listener_conn_request_args_t;
326 /**
327  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
328  * @brief Field mask flags for client-side connection established callback.
329  *
330  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in
331  * @ref uct_cm_ep_client_connect_args are present, for backward compatibility
332  * support.
333  */
334 enum uct_cm_ep_client_connect_args_field {
335     /** Enables @ref uct_cm_ep_client_connect_args::remote_data */
338     /** Enables @ref uct_cm_ep_client_connect_args::status */
340 };
343 /**
344  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
345  * @brief Arguments to the client's connect callback.
346  *
347  * Used with the client-server API on a connection manager.
348  */
349 typedef struct uct_cm_ep_client_connect_args {
350     /**
351      * Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from
352      * @ref uct_cm_ep_client_connect_args_field.
353      * Fields not specified by this mask should not be accessed by the callback.
354      */
355     uint64_t                   field_mask;
357     /**
358      * Remote data from the server.
359      */
360     const uct_cm_remote_data_t *remote_data;
362     /**
363      * Indicates the connection establishment response from the remote server:
364      * UCS_OK                   - the remote server accepted the connection request.
365      * UCS_ERR_REJECTED         - the remote server rejected the connection request.
366      * UCS_ERR_CONNECTION_RESET - the server's connection was reset during
367      *                            the connection establishment to the client.
368      * Otherwise                - indicates an internal connection establishment
369      *                            error on the local (client) side.
370      */
371     ucs_status_t               status;
372 } uct_cm_ep_client_connect_args_t;
375 /**
376  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
377  * @brief Field mask flags for server-side connection established notification
378  *        callback.
379  *
380  * The enumeration allows specifying which fields in
381  * @ref uct_cm_ep_server_conn_notify_args are present, for backward compatibility
382  * support.
383  */
384 enum uct_cm_ep_server_conn_notify_args_field {
385     /** Enables @ref uct_cm_ep_server_conn_notify_args::status
386      *  Indicates that status field in uct_cm_ep_server_conn_notify_args_t is valid.
387      */
389 };
392 /**
393  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
394  * @brief Arguments to the server's notify callback.
395  *
396  * Used with the client-server API on a connection manager.
397  */
398 typedef struct uct_cm_ep_server_conn_notify_args {
399     /**
400      * Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from
401      * @ref uct_cm_ep_server_conn_notify_args_field.
402      * Fields not specified by this mask should not be accessed by the callback.
403      */
404     uint64_t                   field_mask;
406     /**
407      * Indicates the client's @ref ucs_status_t status:
408      * UCS_OK                   - the client completed its connection
409      *                            establishment and called
410      *                            @ref uct_cm_client_ep_conn_notify
411      * UCS_ERR_CONNECTION_RESET - the client's connection was reset during
412      *                            the connection establishment to the server.
413      * Otherwise                - indicates an internal connection establishment
414      *                            error on the local (server) side.
415      */
416     ucs_status_t               status;
417 } uct_cm_ep_server_conn_notify_args_t;
420 /**
421  * @ingroup UCT_AM
422  * @brief Callback to process incoming active message
423  *
424  * When the callback is called, @a flags indicates how @a data should be handled.
425  * If @a flags contain @ref UCT_CB_PARAM_FLAG_DESC value, it means @a data is part of
426  * a descriptor which must be released later by @ref uct_iface_release_desc by
427  * the user if the callback returns @ref UCS_INPROGRESS.
428  *
429  * @param [in]  arg      User-defined argument.
430  * @param [in]  data     Points to the received data. This may be a part of
431  *                       a descriptor which may be released later.
432  * @param [in]  length   Length of data.
433  * @param [in]  flags    Mask with @ref uct_cb_param_flags
434  *
435  * @note This callback could be set and released
436  *       by @ref uct_iface_set_am_handler function.
437  *
438  * @retval UCS_OK         - descriptor was consumed, and can be released
439  *                          by the caller.
440  * @retval UCS_INPROGRESS - descriptor is owned by the callee, and would be
441  *                          released later. Supported only if @a flags contain
442  *                          @ref UCT_CB_PARAM_FLAG_DESC value. Otherwise, this is
443  *                          an error.
444  *
445  */
446 typedef ucs_status_t (*uct_am_callback_t)(void *arg, void *data, size_t length,
447                                           unsigned flags);
450 /**
451  * @ingroup UCT_AM
452  * @brief Callback to trace active messages.
453  *
454  * Writes a string which represents active message contents into 'buffer'.
455  *
456  * @param [in]  arg      User-defined argument.
457  * @param [in]  type     Message type.
458  * @param [in]  id       Active message id.
459  * @param [in]  data     Points to the received data.
460  * @param [in]  length   Length of data.
461  * @param [out] buffer   Filled with a debug information string.
462  * @param [in]  max      Maximal length of the string.
463  */
464 typedef void (*uct_am_tracer_t)(void *arg, uct_am_trace_type_t type, uint8_t id,
465                                 const void *data, size_t length, char *buffer,
466                                 size_t max);
469 /**
470  * @ingroup UCT_RESOURCE
471  * @brief Callback to process send completion.
472  *
473  * @param [in]  self     Pointer to relevant completion structure, which was
474  *                       initially passed to the operation.
475  * @param [in]  status   Status of send action, possibly indicating an error.
476  */
477 typedef void (*uct_completion_callback_t)(uct_completion_t *self,
478                                           ucs_status_t status);
481 /**
482  * @ingroup UCT_RESOURCE
483  * @brief Callback to process pending requests.
484  *
485  * @param [in]  self     Pointer to relevant pending structure, which was
486  *                       initially passed to the operation.
487  *
488  * @return @ref UCS_OK         - This pending request has completed and
489  *                               should be removed.
490  *         @ref UCS_INPROGRESS - Some progress was made, but not completed.
491  *                               Keep this request and keep processing the queue.
492  *         Otherwise           - Could not make any progress. Keep this pending
493  *                               request on the queue, and stop processing the queue.
494  */
495 typedef ucs_status_t (*uct_pending_callback_t)(uct_pending_req_t *self);
498 /**
499  * @ingroup UCT_RESOURCE
500  * @brief Callback to process peer failure.
501  *
502  * @param [in]  arg      User argument to be passed to the callback.
503  * @param [in]  ep       Endpoint which has failed. Upon return from the callback,
504  *                       this @a ep is no longer usable and all subsequent
505  *                       operations on this @a ep will fail with the error code
506  *                       passed in @a status.
507  * @param [in]  status   Status indicating error.
508  *
509  * @return @ref UCS_OK   - The error was handled successfully.
510  *         Otherwise     - The error was not handled and is returned back to
511  *                         the transport.
512  */
513 typedef ucs_status_t (*uct_error_handler_t)(void *arg, uct_ep_h ep,
514                                             ucs_status_t status);
517 /**
518  * @ingroup UCT_RESOURCE
519  * @brief Callback to purge pending requests.
520  *
521  * @param [in]  self     Pointer to relevant pending structure, which was
522  *                       initially passed to the operation.
523  * @param [in]  arg      User argument to be passed to the callback.
524  */
525 typedef void (*uct_pending_purge_callback_t)(uct_pending_req_t *self,
526                                              void *arg);
528 /**
529  * @ingroup UCT_RESOURCE
530  * @brief Callback for producing data.
531  *
532  * @param [in]  dest     Memory buffer to pack the data to.
533  * @param [in]  arg      Custom user-argument.
534  *
535  * @return  Size of the data was actually produced.
536  */
537 typedef size_t (*uct_pack_callback_t)(void *dest, void *arg);
540 /**
541  * @ingroup UCT_RESOURCE
542  * @brief Callback for consuming data.
543  *
544  * @param [in]  arg      Custom user-argument.
545  * @param [in]  data     Memory buffer to unpack the data from.
546  * @param [in]  length   How much data to consume (size of "data")
547  *
548  * @note The arguments for this callback are in the same order as libc's memcpy().
549  */
550 typedef void (*uct_unpack_callback_t)(void *arg, const void *data, size_t length);
553 /**
554  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
555  * @brief Callback to process an incoming connection request on the server side.
556  *
557  * This callback routine will be invoked on the server side upon receiving an
558  * incoming connection request. It should be set by the server side while
559  * initializing an interface.
560  * Incoming data is placed inside the conn_priv_data buffer.
561  * This callback has to be thread safe.
562  * Other than communication progress routines, it is allowed to call other UCT
563  * communication routines from this callback.
564  *
565  * @param [in]  iface            Transport interface.
566  * @param [in]  arg              User defined argument for this callback.
567  * @param [in]  conn_request     Transport level connection request. The user
568  *                               should accept or reject the request by calling
569  *                               @ref uct_iface_accept or @ref uct_iface_reject
570  *                               routines respectively.
571  *                               conn_request should not be used outside the
572  *                               scope of this callback.
573  * @param [in]  conn_priv_data   Points to the received data.
574  *                               This is the private data that was passed to the
575  *                               @ref uct_ep_params_t::sockaddr_pack_cb on the
576  *                               client side.
577  * @param [in]  length           Length of the received data.
578  *
579  */
580 typedef void
581 (*uct_sockaddr_conn_request_callback_t)(uct_iface_h iface, void *arg,
582                                         uct_conn_request_h conn_request,
583                                         const void *conn_priv_data,
584                                         size_t length);
587 /**
588  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
589  * @brief Callback to process an incoming connection request on the server side
590  *        listener in a connection manager.
591  *
592  * This callback routine will be invoked on the server side upon receiving an
593  * incoming connection request. It should be set by the server side while
594  * initializing a listener in a connection manager.
595  * This callback has to be thread safe.
596  * Other than communication progress routines, it is allowed to call other UCT
597  * communication routines from this callback.
598  *
599  * @param [in]  listener         Transport listener.
600  * @param [in]  arg              User argument for this callback as defined in
601  *                               @ref uct_listener_params_t::user_data
602  * @param [in]  conn_req_args    Listener's arguments to handle the connection
603  *                               request from the client.
604  */
605 typedef void
606 (*uct_cm_listener_conn_request_callback_t)(uct_listener_h listener, void *arg,
607                                            const uct_cm_listener_conn_request_args_t
608                                            *conn_req_args);
611 /**
612  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
613  * @brief Callback to process an incoming connection establishment acknowledgment
614  *        on the server side listener, from the client, which indicates that the
615  *        client side is connected.
616  *        The callback also notifies the server side of a local error on a
617  *        not-yet-connected endpoint.
618  *
619  * This callback routine will be invoked on the server side upon receiving an
620  * incoming connection establishment acknowledgment from the client, which is sent
621  * from it once the client is connected to the server. Used to connect the server
622  * side to the client or handle an error from it - depending on the status field.
623  * This callback will also be invoked in the event of an internal local error
624  * with a failed @ref uct_cm_ep_server_conn_notify_args::status if the endpoint
625  * was not connected yet.
626  * This callback has to be thread safe.
627  * Other than communication progress routines, it is permissible to call other UCT
628  * communication routines from this callback.
629  *
630  * @param [in]  ep               Transport endpoint.
631  * @param [in]  arg              User argument for this callback as defined in
632  *                               @ref uct_ep_params_t::user_data
633  * @param [in]  connect_args     Server's connect callback arguments.
634  */
635 typedef void (*uct_cm_ep_server_conn_notify_callback_t)
636                 (uct_ep_h ep, void *arg,
637                  const uct_cm_ep_server_conn_notify_args_t *connect_args);
640 /**
641  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
642  * @brief Callback to process an incoming connection response on the client side
643  *        from the server or handle a local error on a not-yet-connected endpoint.
644  *
645  * This callback routine will be invoked on the client side upon receiving an
646  * incoming connection response from the server. Used to connect the client side
647  * to the server or handle an error from it - depending on the status field.
648  * This callback will also be invoked in the event of an internal local error
649  * with a failed @ref uct_cm_ep_client_connect_args::status if the endpoint was
650  * not connected yet.
651  * This callback has to be thread safe.
652  * Other than communication progress routines, it is permissible to call other UCT
653  * communication routines from this callback.
654  *
655  * @param [in]  ep               Transport endpoint.
656  * @param [in]  arg              User argument for this callback as defined in
657  *                               @ref uct_ep_params_t::user_data.
658  * @param [in]  connect_args     Client's connect callback arguments
659  */
660 typedef void (*uct_cm_ep_client_connect_callback_t)(uct_ep_h ep, void *arg,
661                                                     const uct_cm_ep_client_connect_args_t
662                                                     *connect_args);
665 /**
666  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
667  * @brief Callback to handle the disconnection of the remote peer.
668  *
669  * This callback routine will be invoked on the client and server sides upon
670  * a disconnect of the remote peer. It will disconnect the given endpoint from
671  * the remote peer.
672  * This callback won't be invoked if the endpoint was not connected to the remote
673  * peer yet.
674  * This callback has to be thread safe.
675  * Other than communication progress routines, it is permissible to call other UCT
676  * communication routines from this callback.
677  *
678  * @param [in]  ep               Transport endpoint to disconnect.
679  * @param [in]  arg              User argument for this callback as defined in
680  *                               @ref uct_ep_params_t::user_data.
681  */
682 typedef void (*uct_ep_disconnect_cb_t)(uct_ep_h ep, void *arg);
685 /**
686  * @ingroup UCT_CLIENT_SERVER
687  * @brief Callback to fill the user's private data in a client-server flow.
688  *
689  * This callback routine will be invoked on the client side, before sending the
690  * transport's connection request to the server, or on the server side before
691  * sending a connection response to the client.
692  * The callback routine must be set when creating an endpoint.
693  * The user's private data should be placed inside the priv_data buffer to be
694  * sent to the remote side.
695  * The maximal allowed length of the private data is indicated by the field
696  * max_conn_priv inside @ref uct_iface_attr or inside @ref uct_cm_attr when using a
697  * connection manager.
698  * Communication progress routines should not be called from this callback.
699  * It is allowed to call other UCT communication routines from this callback.
700  *
701  * @param [in]  arg          User defined argument for this callback.
702  * @param [in]  pack_args    Handle for the the private data packing.
703  * @param [out] priv_data    User's private data to be passed to the remote side.
704  *
705  * @return Negative value indicates an error according to @ref ucs_status_t.
706  *         On success, a non-negative value indicates actual number of
707  *         bytes written to the @a priv_data buffer.
708  */
709 typedef ssize_t
710 (*uct_cm_ep_priv_data_pack_callback_t)(void *arg,
711                                        const uct_cm_ep_priv_data_pack_args_t
712                                        *pack_args, void *priv_data);
715 /**
716  * @ingroup UCT_TAG
717  * @brief Callback to process unexpected eager tagged message.
718  *
719  * This callback is invoked when tagged message sent by eager protocol has
720  * arrived and no corresponding tag has been posted.
721  *
722  * @note The callback is always invoked from the context (thread, process)
723  *       that called @a uct_iface_progress().
724  *
725  * @note It is allowed to call other communication routines from the callback.
726  *
727  * @param [in]     arg     User-defined argument
728  * @param [in]     data    Points to the received unexpected data.
729  * @param [in]     length  Length of data.
730  * @param [in]     flags   Mask with @ref uct_cb_param_flags flags. If it
731  *                         contains @ref UCT_CB_PARAM_FLAG_DESC value, this means
732  *                         @a data is part of a descriptor which must be released
733  *                         later using @ref uct_iface_release_desc by the user if
734  *                         the callback returns @ref UCS_INPROGRESS.
735  * @param [in]     stag    Tag from sender.
736  * @param [in]     imm     Immediate data from sender.
737  *
738  * @param [inout]  context Storage for a per-message user-defined context. In
739  *                         this context, the message is defined by the sender
740  *                         side as a single call to uct_ep_tag_eager_short/bcopy/zcopy.
741  *                         On the transport level the message can be fragmented
742  *                         and delivered to the target over multiple fragments.
743  *                         The fragments will preserve the original order of the
744  *                         message. Each fragment will result in invocation of
745  *                         the above callback. The user can use
746  *                         UCT_CB_PARAM_FLAG_FIRST to identify the first fragment,
747  *                         allocate the context object and use the context as a
748  *                         token that is set by the user and passed to subsequent
749  *                         callbacks of the same message. The user is responsible
750  *                         for allocation and release of the context.
751  *
752  * @note No need to allocate the context in the case of a single fragment message
753  *       (i.e. @a flags contains @ref UCT_CB_PARAM_FLAG_FIRST, but does not
754  *       contain @ref UCT_CB_PARAM_FLAG_MORE).
755  *
756  * @retval UCS_OK          - data descriptor was consumed, and can be released
757  *                           by the caller.
758  * @retval UCS_INPROGRESS  - data descriptor is owned by the callee, and will be
759  *                           released later.
760  */
761 typedef ucs_status_t (*uct_tag_unexp_eager_cb_t)(void *arg, void *data,
762                                                  size_t length, unsigned flags,
763                                                  uct_tag_t stag, uint64_t imm,
764                                                  void **context);
767 /**
768  * @ingroup UCT_TAG
769  * @brief Callback to process unexpected rendezvous tagged message.
770  *
771  * This callback is invoked when rendezvous send notification has arrived
772  * and no corresponding tag has been posted.
773  *
774  * @note The callback is always invoked from the context (thread, process)
775  *       that called @a uct_iface_progress().
776  *
777  * @note It is allowed to call other communication routines from the callback.
778  *
779  * @param [in]  arg           User-defined argument
780  * @param [in]  flags         Mask with @ref uct_cb_param_flags
781  * @param [in]  stag          Tag from sender.
782  * @param [in]  header        User defined header.
783  * @param [in]  header_length User defined header length in bytes.
784  * @param [in]  remote_addr   Sender's buffer virtual address.
785  * @param [in]  length        Sender's buffer length.
786  * @param [in]  rkey_buf      Sender's buffer packed remote key. It can be
787  *                            passed to uct_rkey_unpack() to create uct_rkey_t.
788  *
789  * @warning If the user became the owner of the @a desc (by returning
790  *          @ref UCS_INPROGRESS) the descriptor must be released later by
791  *          @ref uct_iface_release_desc by the user.
792  *
793  * @retval UCS_OK         - descriptor was consumed, and can be released
794  *                          by the caller.
795  * @retval UCS_INPROGRESS - descriptor is owned by the callee, and would be
796  *                          released later.
797  */
798 typedef ucs_status_t (*uct_tag_unexp_rndv_cb_t)(void *arg, unsigned flags,
799                                                 uint64_t stag, const void *header,
800                                                 unsigned header_length,
801                                                 uint64_t remote_addr, size_t length,
802                                                 const void *rkey_buf);
805 /**
806  * @ingroup UCT_RESOURCE
807  * @brief Callback to process asynchronous events.
808  *
809  * @param [in]  arg      User argument to be passed to the callback.
810  * @param [in]  flags    Flags to be passed to the callback (reserved for
811  *                       future use).
812  */
813 typedef void (*uct_async_event_cb_t)(void *arg, unsigned flags);
816 #endif