1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 IBM Corporation and Others. All Rights Reserved.
3  */
4 package org.unicode.cldr.web;
6 import java.io.File;
7 import java.io.IOException;
8 import java.io.PrintWriter;
9 import java.io.StringWriter;
10 import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
11 import java.io.Writer;
12 import java.lang.ref.Reference;
13 import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
14 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
15 import java.sql.Connection;
16 import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
17 import java.sql.Driver;
18 import java.sql.DriverManager;
19 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
20 import java.sql.ResultSet;
21 import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
22 import java.sql.SQLException;
23 import java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException;
24 import java.sql.Statement;
25 import java.sql.Timestamp;
26 import java.util.ArrayList;
27 import java.util.Date;
28 import java.util.HashMap;
29 import java.util.Map;
30 import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
32 import javax.naming.Context;
33 import javax.naming.InitialContext;
34 import javax.naming.NamingException;
35 import javax.sql.DataSource;
37 import org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDataSource;
38 import org.json.JSONArray;
39 import org.json.JSONException;
40 import org.json.JSONObject;
41 import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig;
42 import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfigImpl;
43 import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRLocale;
44 import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility;
45 import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathHeader;
46 import org.unicode.cldr.util.StackTracker;
47 import org.unicode.cldr.web.SurveyMain.Phase;
49 import com.ibm.icu.dev.util.ElapsedTimer;
50 import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet;
52 /**
53  * Singleton utility class for simple(r) DB access.
54  */
55 public class DBUtils {
56     private static final boolean DEBUG = false;// CldrUtility.getProperty("TEST",
57     // false);
58     private static final boolean DEBUG_QUICKLY = false;// CldrUtility.getProperty("TEST",
59     // false);
61     private static final boolean DEBUG_SQL = false; // show "all" SQL
62     private static DBUtils instance = null;
63     private static final String JDBC_SURVEYTOOL = ("jdbc/SurveyTool");
64     private static DataSource datasource = null;
65     private String connectionUrl = null;
66     // DB stuff
67     public static String db_driver = null;
68     public static String db_protocol = null;
69     public static String CLDR_DB_U = null;
70     public static String CLDR_DB_P = null;
71     public static String cldrdb_u = null;
72     public static String CLDR_DB;
73     // public static String cldrdb = null;
74     public static String CLDR_DB_CREATESUFFIX = null;
75     public static String CLDR_DB_SHUTDOWNSUFFIX = null;
76     public static boolean db_Derby = false;
77     public static boolean db_Mysql = false;
79     /**
80      * Return a string as to which SQL flavor is in use.
81      *
82      * @return
83      */
getDBKind()84     public static final String getDBKind() {
85         if (db_Derby) {
86             return "Derby";
87         } else if (db_Mysql) {
88             return "MySql";
89         } else {
90             return "Unknown";
91         }
92     }
getDBInfo()94     public String getDBInfo() {
95         return dbInfo;
96     }
98     // === DB workarounds :( - derby by default
100     public static String DB_SQL_VARCHARXPATH = "varchar(1024)";
101     public static String DB_SQL_WITHDEFAULT = "WITH DEFAULT";
102     public static String DB_SQL_TIMESTAMP0 = "TIMESTAMP";
103     public static String DB_SQL_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP0 = "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP";
104     public static String DB_SQL_MIDTEXT = "VARCHAR(1024)";
105     public static String DB_SQL_BIGTEXT = "VARCHAR(16384)";
106     public static String DB_SQL_UNICODE = "VARCHAR(16384)"; // unicode type
107     // string
108     public static String DB_SQL_LAST_MOD_TYPE = "TIMESTAMP";
110     public static String DB_SQL_ALLTABLES = "select tablename from SYS.SYSTABLES where tabletype='T'";
111     public static String DB_SQL_BINCOLLATE = "";
112     public static String DB_SQL_ENGINE_INNO = "";
113     public static String DB_SQL_MB4 = "";
114     public static int db_number_open = 0;
115     public static int db_number_used = 0;
116     private static int db_UnicodeType = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR; /*
117                                                                 * for setNull -
118                                                                 * see
119                                                                 * java.sql.Types
120                                                                 */
121     private static final StackTracker tracker = DEBUG ? new StackTracker() : null; // new
123     // StackTracker();
124     // -
125     // enable,
126     // to
127     // track
128     // unclosed
129     // connections
stats(Appendable output)131     public Appendable stats(Appendable output) throws IOException {
132         return output.append("DBUtils: currently open: " + db_number_open).append(", max open: " + db_max_open)
133             .append(", total used: " + db_number_used);
134     }
statsShort(Appendable output)136     public Appendable statsShort(Appendable output) throws IOException {
137         return output.append("" + db_number_open).append("/" + db_max_open);
138     }
closeDBConnection(Connection conn)140     public static void closeDBConnection(Connection conn) {
141         if (conn != null) {
142             if (SurveyMain.isUnofficial() && tracker != null) {
143                 tracker.remove(conn);
144             }
145             try {
146                 if (db_Derby &&
147                     datasource instanceof EmbeddedDataSource &&
148                     !conn.isClosed() &&
149                     !conn.getAutoCommit()) {
150                     // commit on close if we are using Derby directly
151                     conn.commit();
152                 }
153                 conn.close();
154             } catch (SQLException e) {
155                 System.err.println(DBUtils.unchainSqlException(e));
156                 e.printStackTrace();
157             }
158             db_number_open--;
159         }
160     }
escapeBasic(byte what[])162     public static final String escapeBasic(byte what[]) {
163         return escapeLiterals(what);
164     }
escapeForMysql(byte what[])166     public static final String escapeForMysql(byte what[]) {
167         boolean hasEscapeable = false;
168         boolean hasNonEscapeable = false;
169         for (byte b : what) {
170             int j = (b) & 0xff;
171             char c = (char) j;
172             if (escapeIsBasic(c)) {
173                 continue;
174             } else if (escapeIsEscapeable(c)) {
175                 hasEscapeable = true;
176             } else {
177                 hasNonEscapeable = true;
178             }
179         }
180         if (hasNonEscapeable) {
181             return escapeHex(what);
182         } else if (hasEscapeable) {
183             return escapeLiterals(what);
184         } else {
185             return escapeBasic(what);
186         }
187     }
escapeForMysql(String what)189     public static String escapeForMysql(String what) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
190         if (what == null) {
191             return "NULL";
192         } else if (what.length() == 0) {
193             return "\"\"";
194         } else {
195             return escapeForMysql(what.getBytes("ASCII"));
196         }
197     }
escapeForMysqlUtf8(String what)199     public static String escapeForMysqlUtf8(String what) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
200         if (what == null) {
201             return "NULL";
202         } else if (what.length() == 0) {
203             return "\"\"";
204         } else {
205             return escapeForMysql(what.getBytes("UTF-8"));
206         }
207     }
escapeHex(byte what[])209     public static final String escapeHex(byte what[]) {
210         StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer("x'");
211         for (byte b : what) {
212             int j = (b) & 0xff;
213             if (j < 0x10) {
214                 out.append('0');
215             }
216             out.append(Integer.toHexString(j));
217         }
218         out.append("'");
219         return out.toString();
220     }
escapeIsBasic(char c)222     public static final boolean escapeIsBasic(char c) {
223         return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c == ' ' || c == '.' || c == '/'
224             || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '=' || c == '@' || c == '_' || c == ',' || c == '&' || c == '-' || c == '('
225             || c == ')' || c == '#' || c == '$' || c == '!'));
226     }
escapeIsEscapeable(char c)228     public static final boolean escapeIsEscapeable(char c) {
229         return (c == 0 || c == '\'' || c == '"' || c == '\b' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == 26 || c == '\\');
230     }
escapeLiterals(byte what[])232     public static final String escapeLiterals(byte what[]) {
233         StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer("'");
234         for (byte b : what) {
235             int j = (b) & 0xff;
236             char c = (char) j;
237             switch (c) {
238             case 0:
239                 out.append("\\0");
240                 break;
241             case '\'':
242                 out.append("'");
243                 break;
244             case '"':
245                 out.append("\\");
246                 break;
247             case '\b':
248                 out.append("\\b");
249                 break;
250             case '\n':
251                 out.append("\\n");
252                 break;
253             case '\r':
254                 out.append("\\r");
255                 break;
256             case '\t':
257                 out.append("\\t");
258                 break;
259             case 26:
260                 out.append("\\z");
261                 break;
262             case '\\':
263                 out.append("\\\\");
264                 break;
265             default:
266                 out.append(c);
267             }
268         }
269         out.append("'");
270         return out.toString();
271     }
peekInstance()273     public static DBUtils peekInstance() {
274         return instance;
275     }
getInstance()277     public synchronized static DBUtils getInstance() {
278         if (instance == null) {
279             instance = new DBUtils();
280         }
281         return instance;
282     }
284     /**
285      * For testing use, injecting a specific data source.
286      * For production use, call getInstance().
287      */
makeInstanceFrom(DataSource dataSource2, String url)288     public synchronized static void makeInstanceFrom(DataSource dataSource2, String url) {
289         if (instance == null) {
290             instance = new DBUtils(dataSource2, url);
291         } else {
292             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Already initted.");
293         }
294     }
getStringUTF8(ResultSet rs, String which)296     public static String getStringUTF8(ResultSet rs, String which) throws SQLException {
297         if (db_Derby) { // unicode
298             String str = rs.getString(which);
299             if (rs.wasNull())
300                 return null;
301             return str;
302         }
303         byte rv[] = rs.getBytes(which);
304         if (rs.wasNull())
305             return null;
306         if (rv != null) {
307             String unicode;
308             try {
309                 unicode = new String(rv, "UTF-8");
310             } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
311                 e.printStackTrace();
312                 throw new InternalError(e.toString());
313             }
314             return unicode;
315         } else {
316             return null;
317         }
318     }
320     // fix the UTF-8 fail
getStringUTF8(ResultSet rs, int which)321     public static final String getStringUTF8(ResultSet rs, int which) throws SQLException {
322         if (db_Derby) { // unicode
323             String str = rs.getString(which);
324             if (rs.wasNull())
325                 return null;
326             return str;
327         }
328         byte rv[] = rs.getBytes(which);
329         if (rs.wasNull())
330             return null;
331         if (rv != null) {
332             String unicode;
333             try {
334                 unicode = new String(rv, "UTF-8");
335             } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
336                 e.printStackTrace();
337                 throw new InternalError(e.toString());
338             }
339             return unicode;
340         } else {
341             return null;
342         }
343     }
hasTable(Connection conn, String table)345     public static boolean hasTable(Connection conn, String table) {
346         String canonName = canonTableName(table);
347         try {
348             ResultSet rs = null;
349             Statement s = null;
350             try {
351                 if (db_Derby) {
352                     DatabaseMetaData dbmd = conn.getMetaData();
353                     rs = dbmd.getTables(null, null, canonName, null);
354                 } else {
355                     s = conn.createStatement();
356                     rs = s.executeQuery("show tables like '" + canonName + "'");
357                 }
359                 if (rs.next() == true) {
360                     SurveyLog.warnOnce("table " + canonName + " did exist.");
361                     return true;
362                 } else {
363                     SurveyLog.warnOnce("table " + canonName + " did not exist.");
364                     return false;
365                 }
366             } finally {
367                 DBUtils.close(s, rs);
368             }
369         } catch (SQLException se) {
370             SurveyMain.busted("While looking for table '" + table + "': ", se);
371             return false; // NOTREACHED
372         }
373     }
canonTableName(String table)375     private static String canonTableName(String table) {
376         String canonName = db_Derby ? table.toUpperCase() : table;
377         return canonName;
378     }
tableHasColumn(Connection conn, String table, String column)380     public static boolean tableHasColumn(Connection conn, String table, String column) {
381         final String canonTable = canonTableName(table);
382         final String canonColumn = canonTableName(column);
383         try {
384             if (db_Derby) {
385                 ResultSet rs;
386                 DatabaseMetaData dbmd = conn.getMetaData();
387                 rs = dbmd.getColumns(null, null, canonTable, canonColumn);
388                 if (rs.next() == true) {
389                     rs.close();
390                     //System.err.println("column " + table +"."+column + " did exist.");
391                     return true;
392                 } else {
393                     SurveyLog.debug("column " + table + "." + column + " did not exist.");
394                     return false;
395                 }
396             } else {
397                 return sqlCount(conn, "select count(*) from information_schema.COLUMNS where table_name=? and column_name=?", canonTable, canonColumn) > 0;
398             }
399         } catch (SQLException se) {
400             SurveyMain.busted("While looking for column '" + table + "." + column + "': ", se);
401             return false; // NOTREACHED
402         }
403     }
encode_u8(String what)405     private static final byte[] encode_u8(String what) {
406         byte u8[];
407         if (what == null) {
408             u8 = null;
409         } else {
410             try {
411                 u8 = what.getBytes("UTF-8");
412             } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
413                 e.printStackTrace();
414                 throw new InternalError(e.toString());
415             }
416         }
417         return u8;
418     }
setStringUTF8(PreparedStatement s, int which, String what)420     public static final void setStringUTF8(PreparedStatement s, int which, String what) throws SQLException {
421         if (what == null) {
422             s.setNull(which, db_UnicodeType);
423         }
424         if (db_Derby) {
425             s.setString(which, what);
426         } else {
427             s.setBytes(which, encode_u8(what));
428         }
429     }
prepareUTF8(String what)431     public static final Object prepareUTF8(String what) {
432         if (what == null) return null;
433         if (db_Derby) {
434             return what; // sanity
435         } else {
436             return encode_u8(what);
437         }
438     }
440     /**
441      * Returns an integer value (such as a count) from the specified sql.
442      * @param sql
443      * @param args
444      * @return
445      */
sqlCount(String sql, Object... args)446     public static int sqlCount(String sql, Object... args) {
447         Connection conn = null;
448         try {
449             conn = DBUtils.getInstance().getDBConnection();
450             return sqlCount(conn, sql, args);
451         } finally {
452             DBUtils.close(conn);
453         }
454     }
sqlCount(Connection conn, String sql, Object... args)456     public static int sqlCount(Connection conn, String sql, Object... args) {
457         PreparedStatement ps = null;
458         try {
459             ps = prepareForwardReadOnly(conn, sql);
460             setArgs(ps, args);
461             return sqlCount(conn, ps);
462         } catch (SQLException sqe) {
463             SurveyLog.logException(sqe, "running sqlcount " + sql);
464             return -1;
465         } finally {
466             DBUtils.close(ps);
467         }
468     }
hasTable(String table)470     public static boolean hasTable(String table) {
471         Connection conn = null;
472         try {
473             conn = DBUtils.getInstance().getDBConnection();
474             return hasTable(conn, table);
475         } finally {
476             DBUtils.close(conn);
477         }
478     }
sqlCount(Connection conn, PreparedStatement ps)480     static int sqlCount(Connection conn, PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException {
481         int rv = -1;
482         ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
483         if (rs.next()) {
484             rv = rs.getInt(1);
485         }
486         rs.close();
487         return rv;
488     }
sqlCount(WebContext ctx, Connection conn, PreparedStatement ps)490     static int sqlCount(WebContext ctx, Connection conn, PreparedStatement ps) {
491         try {
492             return sqlCount(conn, ps);
493         } catch (SQLException se) {
494             String complaint = " Couldn't query count - " + unchainSqlException(se) + " -  ps";
495             System.err.println(complaint);
496             ctx.println("<hr><font color='red'>ERR: " + complaint + "</font><hr>");
497             return -1;
498         }
499     }
sqlCount(WebContext ctx, Connection conn, String sql)501     static int sqlCount(WebContext ctx, Connection conn, String sql) {
502         int rv = -1;
503         try {
504             Statement s = conn.createStatement();
505             ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql);
506             if (rs.next()) {
507                 rv = rs.getInt(1);
508             }
509             rs.close();
510             s.close();
511         } catch (SQLException se) {
512             String complaint = " Couldn't query count - " + unchainSqlException(se) + " - " + sql;
513             System.err.println(complaint);
514             ctx.println("<hr><font color='red'>ERR: " + complaint + "</font><hr>");
515         }
516         return rv;
517     }
sqlQueryArray(Connection conn, String str)519     public static String[] sqlQueryArray(Connection conn, String str) throws SQLException {
520         return sqlQueryArrayArray(conn, str)[0];
521     }
sqlQueryArrayArray(Connection conn, String str)523     public static String[][] sqlQueryArrayArray(Connection conn, String str) throws SQLException {
524         Statement s = null;
525         ResultSet rs = null;
526         try {
527             s = conn.createStatement();
528             try {
529                 rs = s.executeQuery(str);
530             } catch (SQLException se) {
531                 SurveyLog.logException(se, "Error [SQL was: " + str + "]");
532                 throw se; // rethrow
533             }
534             ArrayList<String[]> al = new ArrayList<>();
535             while (rs.next()) {
536                 al.add(arrayOfResult(rs));
537             }
538             return al.toArray(new String[al.size()][]);
539         } finally {
540             if (rs != null) {
541                 rs.close();
542             }
543             if (s != null) {
544                 s.close();
545             }
546         }
547     }
549     //
550     // private String[] arrayOfResult(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
551     // ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData();
552     // String ret[] = new String[rsm.getColumnCount()];
553     // for(int i=0;i<ret.length;i++) {
554     // ret[i]=rs.getString(i+1);
555     // }
556     // return ret;
557     // }
sqlQuery(Connection conn, String str)558     public static String sqlQuery(Connection conn, String str) throws SQLException {
559         return sqlQueryArray(conn, str)[0];
560     }
sqlUpdate(WebContext ctx, Connection conn, PreparedStatement ps)562     public static int sqlUpdate(WebContext ctx, Connection conn, PreparedStatement ps) {
563         int rv = -1;
564         try {
565             rv = ps.executeUpdate();
566         } catch (SQLException se) {
567             String complaint = " Couldn't sqlUpdate  - " + unchainSqlException(se) + " -  ps";
568             System.err.println(complaint);
569             ctx.println("<hr><font color='red'>ERR: " + complaint + "</font><hr>");
570         }
571         return rv;
572     }
unchainSqlException(SQLException e)574     public static final String unchainSqlException(SQLException e) {
575         String echain = "SQL exception: \n ";
576         SQLException laste = null;
577         while (e != null) {
578             laste = e;
579             echain = echain + " -\n " + e.toString();
580             e = e.getNextException();
581         }
582         String stackStr = "\n unknown Stack";
583         try {
584             StringWriter asString = new StringWriter();
585             laste.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(asString));
586             stackStr = "\n Stack: \n " + asString.toString();
587         } catch (Throwable tt) {
588             stackStr = "\n unknown stack (" + tt.toString() + ")";
589         }
590         return echain + stackStr;
591     }
593     File dbDir = null;
594     // File dbDir_u = null;
595     static String dbInfo = null;
isBogus()597     public boolean isBogus() {
598         return (datasource == null);
599     }
DBUtils()601     private DBUtils() {
602         // Initialize DB context
603         System.err.println("Loading datasource: java:comp/env " + JDBC_SURVEYTOOL);
604         ElapsedTimer et = new ElapsedTimer();
605         try {
606             Context initialContext = new InitialContext();
607             Context eCtx = (Context) initialContext.lookup("java:comp/env");
608             datasource = (DataSource) eCtx.lookup(JDBC_SURVEYTOOL);
609             // datasource = (DataSource) envContext.lookup("ASDSDASDASDASD");
611             if (datasource != null) {
612                 System.err.println("Got datasource: " + datasource.toString() + " in " + et);
613             }
614             Connection c = null;
615             try {
616                 if (datasource != null) {
617                     c = datasource.getConnection();
618                     DatabaseMetaData dmd = c.getMetaData();
619                     dbInfo = dmd.getDatabaseProductName() + " v" + dmd.getDatabaseProductVersion() + " " +
620                         "driver " + dmd.getDriverName() + " ver " + dmd.getDriverVersion();
621                     setupSqlForServerType();
622                     SurveyLog.debug("Metadata: " + dbInfo);
623                 }
624             } catch (SQLException t) {
625                 datasource = null;
626                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(getClass().getName() + ": WARNING: we require a JNDI datasource.  " + "'"
627                     + JDBC_SURVEYTOOL + "'" + ".getConnection() returns : " + t.toString() + "\n" + unchainSqlException(t));
628             } finally {
629                 if (c != null)
630                     try {
631                     c.close();
632                     } catch (Throwable tt) {
633                     System.err.println("Couldn't close datasource's conn: " + tt.toString());
634                     tt.printStackTrace();
635                     }
636             }
637         } catch (NamingException nc) {
638             nc.printStackTrace();
639             datasource = null;
640             throw new Error("Couldn't load context " + JDBC_SURVEYTOOL + " - not using datasource.", nc);
641         }
642     }
DBUtils(DataSource dataSource2, String curl)644     public DBUtils(DataSource dataSource2, String curl) {
645         datasource = dataSource2;
646         Connection c = null;
647         try {
648             if (datasource != null) {
649                 c = datasource.getConnection();
650             } else if(curl != null && !curl.isEmpty()) {
651                 this.connectionUrl = curl;
652                 c = getDBConnection();
653                 DatabaseMetaData dmd = c.getMetaData();
654                 dbInfo = dmd.getDatabaseProductName() + " v" + dmd.getDatabaseProductVersion();
655                 setupSqlForServerType();
656             } else {
657                 throw new NullPointerException("DBUtils(): DataSource and URL are both null/empty");
658             }
659             DatabaseMetaData dmd = c.getMetaData();
660             dbInfo = dmd.getDatabaseProductName() + " v" + dmd.getDatabaseProductVersion();
661             setupSqlForServerType();
662             c.setAutoCommit(false);
663             boolean autoCommit = c.getAutoCommit();
664             if (autoCommit == true) {
665                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("autoCommit was true, expected false. Check your configuration.");
666             }
667             SurveyLog.debug("Metadata: " + dbInfo + ", autocommit: " + autoCommit);
668         } catch (SQLException t) {
669             datasource = null;
670             throw new IllegalArgumentException(getClass().getName() + ": WARNING: we require a JNDI datasource.  " + "'"
671                 + JDBC_SURVEYTOOL + "'" + ".getConnection() returns : " + t.toString() + "\n" + unchainSqlException(t));
672         } finally {
673             if (c != null)
674                 try {
675                 c.close();
676                 } catch (Throwable tt) {
677                 System.err.println("Couldn't close datasource's conn: " + tt.toString());
678                 tt.printStackTrace();
679                 }
680         }
681     }
setupSqlForServerType()683     private void setupSqlForServerType() {
684         SurveyLog.debug("setting up SQL for database type " + dbInfo);
685         System.err.println("setting up SQL for database type " + dbInfo);
686         if (dbInfo.contains("Derby")) {
687             db_Derby = true;
688             System.err.println("Note: Derby (embedded) mode. ** some features may not work as expected **");
689             db_UnicodeType = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR;
690         } else if (dbInfo.contains("MySQL")) {
691             System.err.println("Note: MySQL mode");
692             db_Mysql = true;
694             DB_SQL_BINCOLLATE = " COLLATE latin1_bin ";
695             DB_SQL_MB4 = " CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin";
696             DB_SQL_VARCHARXPATH = "TEXT(1000)";
697             DB_SQL_WITHDEFAULT = "DEFAULT";
698             DB_SQL_TIMESTAMP0 = "DATETIME";
699             DB_SQL_LAST_MOD_TYPE = "TIMESTAMP";
701             DB_SQL_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP0 = "'1999-12-31 23:59:59'"; // NOW?
702             DB_SQL_MIDTEXT = "TEXT(1024)";
703             DB_SQL_BIGTEXT = "TEXT(16384)";
704             DB_SQL_UNICODE = "BLOB";
705             db_UnicodeType = java.sql.Types.BLOB;
706             DB_SQL_ALLTABLES = "show tables";
708             DB_SQL_ENGINE_INNO = "ENGINE=InnoDB";
709         } else {
710             System.err.println("*** WARNING: Don't know what kind of database is " + dbInfo + " - don't know what kind of hacky nonportable SQL to use!");
711         }
712     }
doShutdown()714     public void doShutdown() throws SQLException {
715         try {
716             DBUtils.close(datasource);
717         } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
718             System.err.println("DB Shutdown in progress, ignoring: " + iae);
719         }
720         datasource = null;
721         if (db_Derby) {
722             try {
723                 DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:;shutdown=true");
724             } catch (Throwable t) {
725                 // ignore
726             }
727         }
728         if (DBUtils.db_number_open > 0) {
729             System.err.println("DBUtils: removing my instance. " + DBUtils.db_number_open + " still open?\n" + tracker);
730         }
731         if (tracker != null)
732             tracker.clear();
733         instance = null;
734     }
736     /**
737      * @deprecated Use {@link #getDBConnection()} instead
738      */
739     @Deprecated
getDBConnection(SurveyMain surveyMain)740     public final Connection getDBConnection(SurveyMain surveyMain) {
741         return getDBConnection();
742     }
744     /**
745      * This connection MAY NOT be held in an object. Hold it and then close it ( DBUtils.close() )
746      * @return
747      */
getDBConnection()748     public final Connection getDBConnection() {
749         return getDBConnection("");
750     }
752     /**
753      * @deprecated Use {@link #getDBConnection(String)} instead
754      */
755     @Deprecated
getDBConnection(SurveyMain surveyMain, String options)756     public final Connection getDBConnection(SurveyMain surveyMain, String options) {
757         return getDBConnection(options);
758     }
760     long lastMsg = -1;
761     private int db_max_open = 0;
getDBConnection(String options)763     public Connection getDBConnection(String options) {
764         if(connectionUrl != null) {
765             try {
766                 Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl);
767                 c.setAutoCommit(false);
768                 return c;
769             } catch (SQLException e) {
770                 throw new RuntimeException("getConnection() failed for url", e);
771             }
772         }
773         try {
774             db_max_open = Math.max(db_max_open, db_number_open++);
775             db_number_used++;
777             if (DEBUG) {
778                 long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
779                 if (now - lastMsg > (DEBUG_QUICKLY ? 6000 : 3600000) /*
780                                                                      * || (
781                                                                      * db_number_used
782                                                                      * ==5000)
783                                                                      */) {
784                     lastMsg = now;
785                     System.err.println("DBUtils: " + db_number_open + " open, " + db_max_open + " max,  " + db_number_used
786                         + " used. " + StackTracker.currentStack());
787                 }
788             }
790             Connection c = datasource.getConnection();
791             c.setAutoCommit(false);
792             if (SurveyMain.isUnofficial() && tracker != null)
793                 tracker.add(c);
794             return c;
795         } catch (SQLException se) {
796             se.printStackTrace();
797             SurveyMain.busted("Fatal in getDBConnection", se);
798             return null;
799         }
800     }
setupDBProperties(SurveyMain surveyMain, CLDRConfig survprops)802     void setupDBProperties(SurveyMain surveyMain, CLDRConfig survprops) {
803         // db_driver = cldrprops.getProperty("CLDR_DB_DRIVER",
804         // "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver");
805         // db_protocol = cldrprops.getProperty("CLDR_DB_PROTOCOL",
806         // "jdbc:derby:");
807         // CLDR_DB_U = cldrprops.getProperty("CLDR_DB_U", null);
808         // CLDR_DB_P = cldrprops.getProperty("CLDR_DB_P", null);
809         // CLDR_DB = survprops.getProperty("CLDR_DB", "cldrdb");
810         // dbDir = new File(SurveyMain.cldrHome, CLDR_DB);
811         // cldrdb = survprops.getProperty("CLDR_DB_LOCATION",
812         // dbDir.getAbsolutePath());
813         CLDR_DB_CREATESUFFIX = survprops.getProperty("CLDR_DB_CREATESUFFIX", ";create=true");
814         CLDR_DB_SHUTDOWNSUFFIX = survprops.getProperty("CLDR_DB_SHUTDOWNSUFFIX", "jdbc:derby:;shutdown=true");
815     }
startupDB(SurveyMain sm, CLDRProgressIndicator.CLDRProgressTask progress)817     public void startupDB(SurveyMain sm, CLDRProgressIndicator.CLDRProgressTask progress) {
818         System.err.println("StartupDB: datasource=" + datasource);
819         if (datasource == null) {
820             throw new RuntimeException(" - JNDI required:  " + getDbBrokenMessage());
821         }
823         progress.update("Using datasource..." + dbInfo); // restore
825     }
827     /**
828      * Shortcut for certain statements.
829      *
830      * @param conn
831      * @param str
832      * @return
833      * @throws SQLException
834      */
prepareForwardReadOnly(Connection conn, String str)835     public static final PreparedStatement prepareForwardReadOnly(Connection conn, String str) throws SQLException {
836         if (DEBUG_SQL) System.out.println("SQL: " + str);
837         return conn.prepareStatement(str, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
838     }
840     /**
841      * Shortcut for certain statements.
842      *
843      * @param conn
844      * @param str
845      * @return
846      * @throws SQLException
847      */
prepareForwardUpdateable(Connection conn, String str)848     public static final PreparedStatement prepareForwardUpdateable(Connection conn, String str) throws SQLException {
849         return conn.prepareStatement(str, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
850     }
852     /**
853      * prepare statements for this connection
854      *
855      * @throws SQLException
856      **/
prepareStatementForwardReadOnly(Connection conn, String name, String sql)857     public static final PreparedStatement prepareStatementForwardReadOnly(Connection conn, String name, String sql)
858         throws SQLException {
859         PreparedStatement ps = null;
860         try {
861             ps = prepareForwardReadOnly(conn, sql);
862         } finally {
863             if (ps == null) {
864                 System.err.println("Warning: couldn't initialize " + name + " from " + sql);
865             }
866         }
867         // if(false) System.out.println("EXPLAIN EXTENDED " +
868         // sql.replaceAll("\\?", "'?'")+";");
869         // } catch ( SQLException se ) {
870         // String complaint = "Vetter:  Couldn't prepare " + name + " - " +
871         // DBUtils.unchainSqlException(se) + " - " + sql;
872         // logger.severe(complaint);
873         // throw new RuntimeException(complaint);
874         // }
875         return ps;
876     }
878     /**
879      * prepare statements for this connection. Assumes generated keys.
880      *
881      * @throws SQLException
882      **/
prepareStatement(Connection conn, String name, String sql)883     public static final PreparedStatement prepareStatement(Connection conn, String name, String sql) throws SQLException {
884         PreparedStatement ps = null;
885         try {
886             ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
887         } finally {
888             if (ps == null) {
889                 System.err.println("Warning: couldn't initialize " + name + " from " + sql);
890             }
891         }
892         // if(false) System.out.println("EXPLAIN EXTENDED " +
893         // sql.replaceAll("\\?", "'?'")+";");
894         // } catch ( SQLException se ) {
895         // String complaint = "Vetter:  Couldn't prepare " + name + " - " +
896         // DBUtils.unchainSqlException(se) + " - " + sql;
897         // logger.severe(complaint);
898         // throw new RuntimeException(complaint);
899         // }
900         return ps;
901     }
903     /**
904      * Close all of the objects in order, if not null. Knows how to close
905      * Connection, Statement, ResultSet, otherwise you'll get an IAE.
906      *
907      * @param a1
908      * @throws SQLException
909      */
close(Object... list)910     public static void close(Object... list) {
911         for (Object o : list) {
912             // if(o!=null) {
913             // System.err.println("Closing " +
914             // an(o.getClass().getSimpleName())+" " + o.getClass().getName());
915             // }
916             try {
917                 if (o == null) {
918                     continue;
919                 } else if (o instanceof Connection) {
920                     DBUtils.closeDBConnection((Connection) o);
921                 } else if (o instanceof Statement) {
922                     ((Statement) o).close();
923                 } else if (o instanceof ResultSet) {
924                     ((ResultSet) o).close();
925                 } else if (o instanceof DBCloseable) {
926                     ((DBCloseable) o).close();
927                 } else {
928                     final Class theClass = o.getClass();
929                     final String simpleName = theClass.getSimpleName();
930                     if (simpleName.equals("BasicDataSource")) { // could expand this later, if we want to generically call close()
931                         try {
932                             // try to find a "close"
933                             final Method m = theClass.getDeclaredMethod("close");
934                             if (m != null) {
935                                 System.err.println("Attempting to call close() on " + theClass.getName());
936                                 m.invoke(o);
937                             }
938                         } catch (Exception nsm) {
939                             nsm.printStackTrace();
940                             System.err.println("Caught exception " + nsm + " - so, don't know how to close " + an(simpleName) + " "
941                                 + theClass.getName());
942                         }
943                     } else {
944                         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to close " + an(simpleName) + " "
945                             + theClass.getName());
946                     }
947                 }
948             } catch (SQLException e) {
949                 System.err.println(unchainSqlException(e));
950             }
951         }
952     }
954     private static final UnicodeSet vowels = new UnicodeSet("[aeiouAEIOUhH]");
956     /**
957      * Print A or AN appropriately.
958      *
959      * @param str
960      * @return
961      */
an(String str)962     private static String an(String str) {
963         boolean isVowel = vowels.contains(str.charAt(0));
964         return isVowel ? "an" : "a";
965     }
hasDataSource()967     public boolean hasDataSource() {
968         return (datasource != null);
969     }
971     /**
972      * @param conn
973      * @param sql
974      * @param args
975      * @return
976      * @throws SQLException
977      */
prepareStatementWithArgs(Connection conn, String sql, Object... args)978     public static PreparedStatement prepareStatementWithArgs(Connection conn, String sql, Object... args) throws SQLException {
979         PreparedStatement ps;
980         ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
982         // while (args!=null&&args.length==1&&args[0] instanceof Object[]) {
983         // System.err.println("Unwrapping " + args + " to " + args[0]);
984         // }
985         setArgs(ps, args);
986         return ps;
987     }
989     /**
990      * @param conn
991      * @param sql
992      * @param args
993      * @return
994      * @throws SQLException
995      */
prepareStatementWithArgsFRO(Connection conn, String sql, Object... args)996     public static PreparedStatement prepareStatementWithArgsFRO(Connection conn, String sql, Object... args) throws SQLException {
997         PreparedStatement ps;
998         ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
1000         setArgs(ps, args);
1001         return ps;
1002     }
1004     /**
1005      * @param ps
1006      * @param args
1007      * @throws SQLException
1008      */
setArgs(PreparedStatement ps, Object... args)1009     public static void setArgs(PreparedStatement ps, Object... args) throws SQLException {
1010         if (args != null) {
1011             for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
1012                 Object o = args[i];
1013                 if (o == null) {
1014                     ps.setNull(i + 1, java.sql.Types.NULL);
1015                 } else if (o instanceof String) {
1016                     ps.setString(i + 1, (String) o);
1017                 } else if (o instanceof byte[]) {
1018                     ps.setBytes(i + 1, (byte[]) o);
1019                 } else if (o instanceof Integer) {
1020                     ps.setInt(i + 1, (Integer) o);
1021                 } else if (o instanceof java.sql.Date) {
1022                     ps.setDate(i + 1, (java.sql.Date) o);
1023                 } else if (o instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) {
1024                     ps.setTimestamp(i + 1, (java.sql.Timestamp) o);
1025                 } else if (o instanceof CLDRLocale) { /*
1026                                                       * toString compatible
1027                                                       * things
1028                                                       */
1029                     ps.setString(i + 1, ((CLDRLocale) o).getBaseName());
1030                 } else {
1031                     System.err.println("DBUtils: Warning: using toString for unknown object " + o.getClass().getName());
1032                     ps.setString(i + 1, o.toString());
1033                 }
1034             }
1035         }
1036     }
resultToArrayArray(ResultSet rs)1038     public static String[][] resultToArrayArray(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
1039         ArrayList<String[]> al = new ArrayList<>();
1040         while (rs.next()) {
1041             al.add(arrayOfResult(rs));
1042         }
1043         return al.toArray(new String[al.size()][]);
1044     }
resultToArrayArrayObj(ResultSet rs)1046     public static Object[][] resultToArrayArrayObj(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
1047         ArrayList<Object[]> al = new ArrayList<>();
1048         ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData();
1049         int colCount = rsm.getColumnCount();
1050         while (rs.next()) {
1051             al.add(arrayOfResultObj(rs, colCount, rsm));
1052         }
1053         return al.toArray(new Object[al.size()][]);
1054     }
1056     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
resultToArrayAssoc(ResultSet rs)1057     private static Map<String, Object>[] resultToArrayAssoc(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
1058         ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData();
1059         ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> al = new ArrayList<>();
1060         while (rs.next()) {
1061             al.add(assocOfResult(rs, rsm));
1062         }
1063         return al.toArray(new Map[al.size()]);
1064     }
assocOfResult(ResultSet rs)1066     public static Map<String, Object> assocOfResult(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
1067         return assocOfResult(rs, rs.getMetaData());
1068     }
assocOfResult(ResultSet rs, ResultSetMetaData rsm)1070     private static Map<String, Object> assocOfResult(ResultSet rs, ResultSetMetaData rsm) throws SQLException {
1071         Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<>(rsm.getColumnCount());
1072         for (int i = 1; i <= rsm.getColumnCount(); i++) {
1073             Object obj = extractObject(rs, rsm, i);
1074             m.put(rsm.getColumnName(i).toLowerCase(), obj);
1075         }
1077         return m;
1078     }
1080     /**
1081      * @param rs
1082      * @param rsm
1083      * @param i
1084      * @return
1085      * @throws SQLException
1086      */
extractObject(ResultSet rs, ResultSetMetaData rsm, int i)1087     private static Object extractObject(ResultSet rs, ResultSetMetaData rsm, int i) throws SQLException {
1088         Object obj = null;
1089         int colType = rsm.getColumnType(i);
1090         if (colType == java.sql.Types.BLOB) {
1091             obj = DBUtils.getStringUTF8(rs, i);
1092         } else if (colType == java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP) {
1093             obj = rs.getTimestamp(i);
1094         } else if (colType == java.sql.Types.DATE) {
1095             obj = rs.getDate(i);
1096         } else { // generic
1097             obj = rs.getObject(i);
1098             if (obj != null && obj.getClass().isArray()) {
1099                 obj = DBUtils.getStringUTF8(rs, i);
1100             }
1101         }
1102         return obj;
1103     }
sqlQuery(Connection conn, String sql, Object... args)1105     public static String sqlQuery(Connection conn, String sql, Object... args) throws SQLException {
1106         return sqlQueryArray(conn, sql, args)[0];
1107     }
sqlQueryArray(Connection conn, String sql, Object... args)1109     public static String[] sqlQueryArray(Connection conn, String sql, Object... args) throws SQLException {
1110         return sqlQueryArrayArray(conn, sql, args)[0];
1111     }
sqlQueryArrayArray(Connection conn, String str, Object... args)1113     public static String[][] sqlQueryArrayArray(Connection conn, String str, Object... args) throws SQLException {
1114         PreparedStatement ps = null;
1115         ResultSet rs = null;
1116         try {
1117             ps = prepareStatementWithArgs(conn, str, args);
1119             rs = ps.executeQuery();
1120             return resultToArrayArray(rs);
1121         } finally {
1122             DBUtils.close(rs, ps);
1123         }
1124     }
sqlQueryArrayArrayObj(Connection conn, String str, Object... args)1126     public static Object[][] sqlQueryArrayArrayObj(Connection conn, String str, Object... args) throws SQLException {
1127         PreparedStatement ps = null;
1128         ResultSet rs = null;
1129         try {
1130             ps = prepareStatementWithArgs(conn, str, args);
1132             rs = ps.executeQuery();
1133             return resultToArrayArrayObj(rs);
1134         } finally {
1135             DBUtils.close(rs, ps);
1136         }
1137     }
sqlUpdate(Connection conn, String str, Object... args)1139     public static int sqlUpdate(Connection conn, String str, Object... args) throws SQLException {
1140         PreparedStatement ps = null;
1141         try {
1142             ps = prepareStatementWithArgs(conn, str, args);
1144             return (ps.executeUpdate());
1145         } finally {
1146             DBUtils.close(ps);
1147         }
1148     }
1150     @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
sqlQueryArrayAssoc(Connection conn, String sql, Object... args)1151     public Map[] sqlQueryArrayAssoc(Connection conn, String sql, Object... args) throws SQLException {
1152         PreparedStatement ps = null;
1153         ResultSet rs = null;
1154         try {
1155             ps = prepareStatementWithArgs(conn, sql, args);
1157             rs = ps.executeQuery();
1158             return resultToArrayAssoc(rs);
1159         } finally {
1160             DBUtils.close(rs, ps);
1161         }
1162     }
1164     /**
1165      * Standardized way of versioning a string.
1166      * @param sb
1167      * @param forVersion
1168      * @param isBeta
1169      * @return
1170      */
appendVersionString(StringBuilder sb, String forVersion, Boolean isBeta)1171     public static StringBuilder appendVersionString(StringBuilder sb, String forVersion, Boolean isBeta) {
1172         if (forVersion != null) {
1173             sb.append('_');
1174             sb.append(forVersion.toLowerCase());
1175         }
1176         if (isBeta != null && isBeta) {
1177             sb.append("_beta");
1178         }
1179         return sb;
1180     }
1182     /**
1183      * Append a versioned string
1184      */
appendVersionString(StringBuilder sb)1185     public static StringBuilder appendVersionString(StringBuilder sb) {
1186         return appendVersionString(sb, SurveyMain.getNewVersion(), SurveyMain.phase() == SurveyMain.Phase.BETA);
1187     }
arrayOfResult(ResultSet rs)1189     private static String[] arrayOfResult(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
1190         ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData();
1191         String ret[] = new String[rsm.getColumnCount()];
1192         for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
1193             ret[i] = rs.getString(i + 1);
1194         }
1195         return ret;
1196     }
arrayOfResultObj(ResultSet rs, int colCount, ResultSetMetaData rsm)1198     private static Object[] arrayOfResultObj(ResultSet rs, int colCount, ResultSetMetaData rsm) throws SQLException {
1199         Object ret[] = new Object[colCount];
1200         for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
1201             Object obj = extractObject(rs, rsm, i + 1);
1202             ret[i] = obj;
1203         }
1204         return ret;
1205     }
1207     /**
1208      * Interface to an object that contains a held Connection
1209      *
1210      * @author srl
1211      *
1212      */
1213     public interface ConnectionHolder {
1214         /**
1215          * @return alias to held connection
1216          */
getConnectionAlias()1217         public Connection getConnectionAlias();
1218     }
1220     /**
1221      * Interface to an object that DBUtils.close can close.
1222      *
1223      * @author srl
1224      *
1225      */
1226     public interface DBCloseable {
1227         /**
1228          * Close this object
1229          */
close()1230         public void close() throws SQLException;
1231     }
writeCsv(ResultSet rs, Writer out)1233     public static void writeCsv(ResultSet rs, Writer out) throws SQLException, IOException {
1234         ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData();
1235         int cc = rsm.getColumnCount();
1236         for (int i = 1; i <= cc; i++) {
1237             if (i > 1) {
1238                 out.write(',');
1239             }
1240             WebContext.csvWrite(out, rsm.getColumnName(i).toUpperCase());
1241         }
1242         out.write('\r');
1243         out.write('\n');
1245         while (rs.next()) {
1246             for (int i = 1; i <= cc; i++) {
1247                 if (i > 1) {
1248                     out.write(',');
1249                 }
1250                 String v;
1251                 try {
1252                     v = rs.getString(i);
1253                 } catch (SQLException se) {
1254                     if (se.getSQLState().equals("S1009")) {
1255                         v = "0000-00-00 00:00:00";
1256                     } else {
1257                         throw se;
1258                     }
1259                 }
1260                 if (v != null) {
1261                     if (rsm.getColumnType(i) == java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY) {
1262                         String uni = DBUtils.getStringUTF8(rs, i);
1263                         WebContext.csvWrite(out, uni);
1264                     } else {
1265                         WebContext.csvWrite(out, v);
1266                     }
1267                 }
1268             }
1269             out.write('\r');
1270             out.write('\n');
1271         }
1272     }
getJSON(ResultSet rs)1274     public static JSONObject getJSON(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, IOException, JSONException {
1275         ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData();
1276         int cc = rsm.getColumnCount();
1277         JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();
1278         JSONObject header = new JSONObject();
1279         JSONArray data = new JSONArray();
1280         //JSONArray rsm2 = new JSONArray();
1282         int hasxpath = -1;
1283         int haslocale = -1;
1285         for (int i = 1; i <= cc; i++) {
1286             String colname = rsm.getColumnName(i).toUpperCase();
1287             final int columnType = rsm.getColumnType(i);
1288             if (colname.equals("XPATH") &&
1289                 (columnType == java.sql.Types.INTEGER)) {
1290                 hasxpath = i;
1291             }
1292             if (colname.equals("LOCALE"))
1293                 haslocale = i;
1294             header.put(colname, i - 1);
1295             // rsm2.put(i-1, rsm.getColumnType(i));
1296         }
1297         int cn = cc;
1298         if (hasxpath >= 0) {
1299             header.put("XPATH_STRING", cn++);
1300             header.put("XPATH_STRHASH", cn++);
1301             header.put("XPATH_CODE", cn++);
1302         }
1303         if (haslocale >= 0) {
1304             header.put("LOCALE_NAME", cn++);
1305         }
1307         ret.put("header", header);
1308         //ret.put("types", rsm2);
1309         final STFactory stFactory = CookieSession.sm.getSTFactory();
1311         while (rs.next()) {
1312             JSONArray item = new JSONArray();
1313             Integer xpath = null;
1314             String locale_name = null;
1315             for (int i = 1; i <= cc; i++) {
1316                 String v;
1317                 try {
1318                     v = rs.getString(i);
1319                     if (i == hasxpath && v != null) {
1320                         xpath = rs.getInt(i);
1321                     }
1322                     if (i == haslocale && v != null) {
1323                         locale_name = CLDRLocale.getInstance(v).getDisplayName();
1324                     }
1325                 } catch (SQLException se) {
1326                     if (se.getSQLState().equals("S1009")) {
1327                         v = "0000-00-00 00:00:00";
1328                     } else {
1329                         throw se;
1330                     }
1331                 }
1332                 if (v != null) {
1333                     int type = rsm.getColumnType(i);
1334                     switch (type) {
1335                     case java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY:
1336                         String uni = DBUtils.getStringUTF8(rs, i);
1337                         item.put(uni);
1338                         break;
1339                     case java.sql.Types.INTEGER:
1340                     case java.sql.Types.TINYINT:
1341                     case java.sql.Types.BIGINT:
1342                         item.put(rs.getInt(i));
1343                         break;
1344                     case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP:
1345                         item.put(rs.getTimestamp(i).getTime()); // truncates
1346                         break;
1347                     default:
1348                         item.put(v);
1349                     }
1350                 } else {
1351                     item.put(false);
1352                 }
1353             }
1354             if (hasxpath >= 0 && xpath != null) {
1355                 final String xpathString = CookieSession.sm.xpt.getById(xpath);
1356                 item.put(xpathString != null ? xpathString : ""); // XPATH_STRING
1357                 item.put(xpathString != null ? (XPathTable.getStringIDString(xpathString)) : ""); // add
1358                 // XPATH_STRHASH
1359                 // column
1360                 if (xpathString == null || xpathString.isEmpty()) {
1361                     item.put("");
1362                 } else {
1363                     final PathHeader ph = stFactory.getPathHeader(xpathString);
1364                     if (ph != null) {
1365                         item.put(ph.toString()); // add XPATH_CODE
1366                     } else {
1367                         item.put("");
1368                     }
1369                 }
1370             }
1371             if (haslocale >= 0 && locale_name != null) {
1372                 item.put(locale_name); // add LOCALE_NAME column
1373             }
1374             data.put(item);
1375         }
1376         ret.put("data", data);
1377         return ret;
1378     }
queryToJSON(String string, Object... args)1380     public static JSONObject queryToJSON(String string, Object... args) throws SQLException, IOException, JSONException {
1381         return queryToJSONLimit(null, string, args);
1382     }
queryToJSONLimit(Integer limit, String string, Object... args)1384     public static JSONObject queryToJSONLimit(Integer limit, String string, Object... args) throws SQLException, IOException, JSONException {
1385         if (limit != null && DBUtils.db_Mysql) {
1386             string = string + " limit " + limit;
1387         }
1388         Connection conn = null;
1389         PreparedStatement s = null;
1390         ResultSet rs = null;
1391         try {
1392             conn = getInstance().getDBConnection();
1393             s = DBUtils.prepareForwardReadOnly(conn, string);
1394             setArgs(s, args);
1395             if (limit != null && !DBUtils.db_Mysql) {
1396                 s.setMaxRows(limit);
1397             }
1398             rs = s.executeQuery();
1399             return getJSON(rs);
1400         } finally {
1401             close(rs, s, conn);
1402         }
1403     }
1405     private Map<String, Reference<JSONObject>> cachedJsonQuery = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
1407     /**
1408      * Run a query, caching the JSON response
1409      * TODO: cache exceptions..
1410      * @param id
1411      * @param cacheAge
1412      * @param query
1413      * @param args
1414      * @return
1415      * @throws SQLException
1416      * @throws IOException
1417      * @throws JSONException
1418      */
queryToCachedJSON(String id, long cacheAge, String query, Object... args)1419     public static JSONObject queryToCachedJSON(String id, long cacheAge, String query, Object... args) throws SQLException, IOException, JSONException {
1420         if (SurveyMain.isSetup == false || SurveyMain.isBusted()) {
1421             return null;
1422         }
1424         /**
1425          * Debug the cachedJSON
1426          */
1427         final boolean CDEBUG = SurveyMain.isUnofficial() && CldrUtility.getProperty("CLDR_QUERY_CACHEDEBUG", false);
1428         DBUtils instance = getInstance(); // don't want the cache to be static
1429         Reference<JSONObject> ref = instance.cachedJsonQuery.get(id);
1430         JSONObject result = null;
1431         if (ref != null) result = ref.get();
1432         long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
1433         if (CDEBUG) {
1434             System.out.println("cachedjson: id " + id + " ref=" + ref + "res?" + (result != null));
1435         }
1436         if (result != null) {
1437             long age = now - (Long) result.get("birth");
1438             if (age > cacheAge) {
1439                 if (CDEBUG) {
1440                     System.out.println("cachedjson: id " + id + " expiring because age " + age + " > " + cacheAge);
1441                 }
1442                 result = null;
1443             }
1444         }
1446         if (result == null) { // have to fetch it
1447             if (CDEBUG) {
1448                 System.out.println("cachedjson: id " + id + " fetching: " + query);
1449             }
1450             result = queryToJSON(query, args);
1451             long queryms = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;
1452             result.put("birth", (Long) now);
1453             if (CDEBUG) {
1454                 System.out.println("cachedjson: id " + id + " fetched in " + Double.toString(queryms / 1000.0) + "s");
1455             }
1456             result.put("queryms", (Long) (queryms));
1457             result.put("id", id);
1458             ref = new SoftReference<>(result);
1459             instance.cachedJsonQuery.put(id, ref);
1460         }
1462         return result;
1463     }
1465     /**
1466      * Get the first row of the first column.  Useful when the query is very simple, such as a count.
1467      * @param obj
1468      * @return the int
1469      * @throws JSONException
1470      */
getFirstInt(JSONObject json)1471     public static final int getFirstInt(JSONObject json) throws JSONException {
1472         return json.getJSONArray("data").getJSONArray(0).getInt(0);
1473     }
1475     /**
1476      * query to an array associative maps
1477      * @param string
1478      * @param args
1479      * @return
1480      * @throws SQLException
1481      * @throws IOException
1482      */
queryToArrayAssoc(String string, Object... args)1483     public static Map<String, Object>[] queryToArrayAssoc(String string, Object... args) throws SQLException, IOException {
1484         Connection conn = null;
1485         PreparedStatement s = null;
1486         ResultSet rs = null;
1487         try {
1488             conn = getInstance().getDBConnection();
1489             s = DBUtils.prepareForwardReadOnly(conn, string);
1490             setArgs(s, args);
1491             rs = s.executeQuery();
1492             return resultToArrayAssoc(rs);
1493         } finally {
1494             close(rs, s, conn);
1495         }
1496     }
1498     /**
1499      * query to an array of arrays of objects
1500      * @param string
1501      * @param args
1502      * @return
1503      * @throws SQLException
1504      * @throws IOException
1505      */
queryToArrayArrayObj(String string, Object... args)1506     public static Object[][] queryToArrayArrayObj(String string, Object... args) throws SQLException, IOException {
1507         Connection conn = null;
1508         PreparedStatement s = null;
1509         ResultSet rs = null;
1510         try {
1511             conn = getInstance().getDBConnection();
1512             s = DBUtils.prepareForwardReadOnly(conn, string);
1513             setArgs(s, args);
1514             rs = s.executeQuery();
1515             return resultToArrayArrayObj(rs);
1516         } finally {
1517             close(rs, s, conn);
1518         }
1519     }
getDbBrokenMessage()1521     public static String getDbBrokenMessage() {
1522         return
1523             "</pre><script src='../js/cldr-setup.js'></script>" +
1524             "see <a href='http://cldr.unicode.org/development/running-survey-tool/cldr-properties/db'> http://cldr.unicode.org/development/running-survey-tool/cldr-properties/db </a>" +
1525             "For MySQL, click: <button onclick='return mysqlhelp()'>MySQL Configurator</button><pre>";
1526     }
sqlNow()1528     public static java.sql.Timestamp sqlNow() {
1529         return new java.sql.Timestamp(new Date().getTime());
1530     }
getLastId(PreparedStatement s)1532     public static Integer getLastId(PreparedStatement s) throws SQLException {
1533         if (s == null) return null;
1534         ResultSet rs = s.getGeneratedKeys();
1535         if (!rs.next()) return null;
1536         return rs.getInt(1);
1537     }
1539     /**
1540      * Table name management.
1541      * Manage table names according to versions.
1542      */
1543     public enum Table {
1544         /* These constants represent names and other attributes of database tables.
1545          *
1546          * The (false, false) constructor makes isVersioned, hasBeta both false for
1547          * the FORUM_POSTS and FORUM_TYPES tables: these tables are not version-specific.
1548          *
1549          * The LOCKED_XPATHS(false, true) constructor makes isVersioned, hasBeta both false.
1550          *
1551          * Other constants here have default constructor equivalent to (true, true).
1552          */
1553         VOTE_VALUE, VOTE_VALUE_ALT, VOTE_FLAGGED, FORUM_POSTS(false, false), FORUM_TYPES(false, false),
1556         /**
1557          * Construct a Table constant with explicit parameters for isVersioned, hasBeta.
1558          *
1559          * @param isVersioned true for tables whose name depends on version like cldr_vote_value_33,
1560          *                    false for tables whose name is version independent, like forum_posts
1561          * @param hasBeta true for tables whose name is different for beta versions like cldr_vote_value_32_beta,
1562          *                false for tables whose name doesn't change for beta.
1563          */
Table(boolean isVersioned, boolean hasBeta)1564         Table(boolean isVersioned, boolean hasBeta) {
1565             this.isVersioned = isVersioned;
1566             this.hasBeta = hasBeta;
1567         }
1569         /**
1570          * Construct a Table constant with isVersioned, hasBeta both true.
1571          */
Table()1572         Table() {
1573             this.isVersioned = true;
1574             this.hasBeta = true;
1575         }
1577         final boolean isVersioned, hasBeta;
1579         String defaultString = null;
1581         /**
1582          * High runner case.
1583          * WARNING: Do not use in constant strings
1584          */
1585         @Override
toString()1586         public synchronized String toString() {
1587             if (defaultString == null) {
1588                 if (!SurveyMain.isConfigSetup && CLDRConfig.getInstance().getEnvironment() != CLDRConfig.Environment.UNITTEST) {
1589                     throw new InternalError("Error: don't use Table.toString before CLDRConfig is setup.");
1590                 }
1591                 defaultString = forVersion(SurveyMain.getNewVersion(), SurveyMain.phase() == Phase.BETA).toString();
1592             }
1593             return defaultString;
1594         }
forVersion(String forVersion, boolean isBeta)1596         public CharSequence forVersion(String forVersion, boolean isBeta) {
1597             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("cldr_");
1598             sb.append(name().toLowerCase());
1599             DBUtils.appendVersionString(sb, isVersioned ? forVersion : null, hasBeta ? isBeta : null);
1600             return sb;
1601         }
1602     }
1604     static boolean tryUpdates = true;
1606     /**
1607      *
1608      * @param rs
1609      * @param string
1610      * @param sqlnow
1611      * @return false if caller needs to 'manually' update the item.
1612      * @throws SQLException
1613      */
updateTimestamp(ResultSet rs, String string, Timestamp sqlnow)1614     public static final boolean updateTimestamp(ResultSet rs, String string, Timestamp sqlnow) throws SQLException {
1615         if (tryUpdates) {
1616             try {
1617                 rs.updateTimestamp(string, sqlnow);
1618                 return true; // success- caller doesn't need to do an update.
1619             } catch (SQLFeatureNotSupportedException sfns) {
1620                 tryUpdates = false;
1621                 SurveyLog.warnOnce("SQL: Apparently updates aren't supported: " + sfns.toString() + " - falling back.");
1622             }
1623         }
1624         return false; // caller needs to do an update
1625     }
1627     /**
1628      * Set an Integer object, either as an int or as a null
1629      * @param ps
1630      * @param i
1631      * @param withVote
1632      * @throws SQLException
1633      */
setInteger(PreparedStatement ps, int i, Integer withVote)1634     public static void setInteger(PreparedStatement ps, int i, Integer withVote) throws SQLException {
1635         if (withVote == null) {
1636             ps.setNull(i, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
1637         } else {
1638             ps.setInt(i, withVote);
1639         }
1640     }
1641 }