1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2  * Copyright by The HDF Group.                                               *
3  * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.         *
4  * All rights reserved.                                                      *
5  *                                                                           *
6  * This file is part of HDF.  The full HDF copyright notice, including       *
7  * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in    *
8  * the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code       *
9  * distribution tree, or in https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF/releases/.  *
10  * If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from     *
11  * help@hdfgroup.org.                                                        *
12  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
14 /* $Id$ */
16 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
17  * File:    mfgr.h
18  * Purpose: header file for multi-file general raster information
19  * Dependencies:
20  * Invokes:
21  * Contents:
22  * Structure definitions:
23  * Constant definitions:
24  *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 /* avoid re-inclusion */
27 #ifndef __MFGR_H
28 #define __MFGR_H
30 #include "H4api_adpt.h"
32 /* Interlace types available */
33 typedef int16 gr_interlace_t;
34 #define MFGR_INTERLACE_PIXEL        0    /* pixel interlacing scheme */
35 #define MFGR_INTERLACE_LINE            1    /* line interlacing scheme */
36 #define MFGR_INTERLACE_COMPONENT     2    /* component interlacing scheme */
38 #if defined MFGR_MASTER | defined MFGR_TESTER
40 #include "hfile.h"
41 #include "tbbt.h"       /* Get tbbt routines */
43 /* This is the size of the hash tables used for GR & RI IDs */
44 #define GRATOM_HASH_SIZE    32
46 /* The tag of the attribute data */
47 #define RI_TAG      DFTAG_VG    /* Current RI groups are stored in Vgroups */
48 #define ATTR_TAG    DFTAG_VH    /* Current GR attributes are stored in VDatas */
50 /* The default threshhold for attributes which will be cached */
51 #define GR_ATTR_THRESHHOLD  2048
53 #define VALIDRIINDEX(i,gp) ((i)>=0 && (i)<(gp)->gr_count)
55 /*
56  * Each gr_info_t maintains 2 threaded-balanced-binary-tress: one of
57  * raster images and one of global attributes
58  */
60 typedef struct gr_info {
61     int32       hdf_file_id;    /* the corresponding HDF file ID (must be first in the structure) */
62     uint16      gr_ref;         /* ref # of the Vgroup of the GR in the file */
64     int32       gr_count;       /* # of image entries in gr_tab so far */
65     TBBT_TREE  *grtree;         /* Root of image B-Tree */
66     uintn       gr_modified;    /* whether any images have been modified */
68     int32       gattr_count;    /* # of global attr entries in gr_tab so far */
69     TBBT_TREE  *gattree;        /* Root of global attribute B-Tree */
70     uintn       gattr_modified; /* whether any global attributes have been modified */
72     intn        access;         /* the number of active pointers to this file's GRstuff */
73     uint32      attr_cache;     /* the threshhold for the attribute sizes to cache */
74 } gr_info_t;
76 typedef struct at_info {
77     int32 index;            /* index of the attribute (needs to be first in the struct) */
78     int32 nt;               /* number type of the attribute */
79     int32 len;              /* length/order of the attribute */
80     uint16 ref;             /* ref of the attribute (stored in VData) */
81     uintn data_modified;    /* flag to indicate whether the attribute data has been modified */
82     uintn new_at;           /* flag to indicate whether the attribute was added to the Vgroup */
83     char *name;             /* name of the attribute */
84     void * data;             /* data for the attribute */
85 } at_info_t;
87 typedef struct dim_info {
88     uint16  dim_ref;            /* reference # of the Dim record */
89     int32   xdim,ydim,          /* dimensions of the image */
90             ncomps,             /* number of components of each pixel in image */
91             nt,                 /* number type of the components */
92             file_nt_subclass;   /* number type subclass of data on disk */
93     gr_interlace_t il;          /* interlace of the components (stored on disk) */
94     uint16  nt_tag,nt_ref;      /* tag & ref of the number-type info */
95     uint16  comp_tag,comp_ref;  /* tag & ref of the compression info */
96 } dim_info_t;
98 typedef struct ri_info {
99     int32   index;              /* index of this image (needs to be first in the struct) */
100     uint16  ri_ref;             /* ref # of the RI Vgroup */
101     uint16  rig_ref;            /* ref # of the RIG group */
102     gr_info_t *gr_ptr;          /* ptr to the GR info that this ri_info applies to */
103     dim_info_t img_dim;         /* image dimension information */
104     dim_info_t lut_dim;         /* palette dimension information */
105     uint16  img_tag,img_ref;    /* tag & ref of the image data */
106     int32   img_aid;            /* AID for the image data */
107     intn    acc_perm;           /* Access permission (read/write) for image AID */
108     uint16  lut_tag,lut_ref;    /* tag & ref of the palette data */
109     gr_interlace_t im_il;       /* interlace of image when next read (default PIXEL) */
110     gr_interlace_t lut_il;      /* interlace of LUT when next read */
111     uintn data_modified;        /* whether the image or palette data has been modified */
112     uintn meta_modified;        /* whether the image or palette meta-info has been modified */
113     uintn attr_modified;        /* whether the attributes have been modified */
114     char   *name;               /* name of the image */
115     int32   lattr_count;        /* # of local attr entries in ri_info so far */
116     TBBT_TREE *lattree;         /* Root of the local attribute B-Tree */
117     intn access;                /* the number of times this image has been selected */
118     uintn use_buf_drvr;         /* access to image needs to be through the buffered special element driver */
119     uintn use_cr_drvr;          /* access to image needs to be through the compressed raster special element driver */
120     uintn comp_img;             /* whether to compress image data */
121     comp_coder_t comp_type;     /* compression type */
122     comp_info cinfo;            /* compression information */
123     uintn ext_img;              /* whether to make image data external */
124     char *ext_name;             /* name of the external file */
125     int32 ext_offset;           /* offset in the external file */
126     uintn acc_img;              /* whether to make image data a different access type */
127     uintn acc_type;             /* type of access-mode to get image data with */
128     uintn fill_img;             /* whether to fill image, or just store fill value */
129     void * fill_value;           /* pointer to the fill value (NULL means use default fill value of 0) */
130     uintn store_fill;           /* whether to add fill value attribute or not */
131     intn   name_generated;      /* whether the image has name that was given by app. or was generated by the library like the DFR8 images (added for hmap)*/
132 } ri_info_t;
134 /* Useful raster routines for generally private use */
136 HDFLIBAPI intn GRIil_convert(const void * inbuf,gr_interlace_t inil,void * outbuf,
137         gr_interlace_t outil,int32 dims[2],int32 ncomp,int32 nt);
139 HDFLIBAPI VOID GRIgrdestroynode(void * n);
141 HDFLIBAPI VOID GRIattrdestroynode(void * n);
143 HDFLIBAPI VOID GRIridestroynode(void * n);
145 #endif /* MFGR_MASTER | MFGR_TESTER */
147 #endif /* __MFGR_H */