1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2012 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
3  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4  * found in the LICENSE file.
5  */
7 #include <climits>
8 #include <cstdarg>
10 #include "native_client/src/trusted/service_runtime/nacl_config.h"
11 #include "native_client/src/trusted/validator_arm/model.h"
12 #include "native_client/src/trusted/validator_arm/validator.h"
13 #include "native_client/src/include/nacl_macros.h"
14 #include "native_client/src/include/portability_bits.h"
15 #include "native_client/src/shared/platform/nacl_log.h"
17 using nacl_arm_dec::Instruction;
18 using nacl_arm_dec::ClassDecoder;
19 using nacl_arm_dec::Register;
20 using nacl_arm_dec::RegisterList;
22 using std::vector;
24 namespace nacl_arm_val {
26 /*********************************************************
27  *
28  * Implementation of SfiValidator itself.
29  *
30  *********************************************************/
32 // See ARM ARM A8.3 Conditional execution.
33 //
34 // Flags are:
35 //    N - Negative condition code flag.
36 //    Z - Zero condition code flag.
37 //    C - Carry condition code flag.
38 //    V - Overflow condition code flag.
39 const bool SfiValidator::
40 condition_implies[nacl_arm_dec::Instruction::kConditionSize + 1]
41                  [nacl_arm_dec::Instruction::kConditionSize + 1] = {
42 # if defined(T) || defined(_)
43 #   error Macros already defined.
44 # endif
45 # define T true
46 # define _ false
47   //                       EQ NE CS CC MI PL VS VC HI LS GE LT GT LE AL UN
48   /* EQ => Z==1        */ { T, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, T, _, _, _, _, T, T },
49   /* NE => Z==0        */ { _, T, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, T, T },
50   /* CS => C==1        */ { _, _, T, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, T, T },
51   /* CC => C==0        */ { _, _, _, T, _, _, _, _, _, T, _, _, _, _, T, T },
52   /* MI => N==1        */ { _, _, _, _, T, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, T, T },
53   /* PL => N==0        */ { _, _, _, _, _, T, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, T, T },
54   /* VS => V==1        */ { _, _, _, _, _, _, T, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, T, T },
55   /* VC => V==0        */ { _, _, _, _, _, _, _, T, _, _, _, _, _, _, T, T },
56   /* HI => C==1 & Z==0 */ { _, T, T, _, _, _, _, _, T, _, _, _, _, _, T, T },
57   /* LS => C==0 | Z==1 */ { _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, T, _, _, _, _, T, T },
58   /* GE => N==V        */ { _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, T, _, _, _, T, T },
59   /* LT => N!=V        */ { _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, T, _, _, T, T },
60   /* GT => Z==0 & N==V */ { _, T, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, T, _, T, _, T, T },
61   /* LE => Z==1 & N!=V */ { T, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, T, _, T, _, T, T, T },
62   /* AL => Any         */ { _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, T, T },
63   /* UN => Any         */ { _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, T, T },
64 # undef _
65 # undef T
66 };
SfiValidator(uint32_t bytes_per_bundle,uint32_t code_region_bytes,uint32_t data_region_bytes,RegisterList read_only_registers,RegisterList data_address_registers,const NaClCPUFeaturesArm * cpu_features)68 SfiValidator::SfiValidator(uint32_t bytes_per_bundle,
69                            uint32_t code_region_bytes,
70                            uint32_t data_region_bytes,
71                            RegisterList read_only_registers,
72                            RegisterList data_address_registers,
73                            const NaClCPUFeaturesArm *cpu_features)
74     : cpu_features_(),
75       bytes_per_bundle_(bytes_per_bundle),
76       code_region_bytes_(code_region_bytes),
77       data_region_bytes_(data_region_bytes),
78       read_only_registers_(read_only_registers),
79       data_address_registers_(data_address_registers),
80       decode_state_(),
81       construction_failed_(false),
82       is_position_independent_(true) {
83   NaClCopyCPUFeaturesArm(&cpu_features_, cpu_features);
84   // Make sure we can construct sane masks with the values.
85   if ((nacl::PopCount(bytes_per_bundle_) != 1) ||
86       (nacl::PopCount(code_region_bytes_) != 1) ||
87       (nacl::PopCount(data_region_bytes_) != 1) ||
88       (bytes_per_bundle_ < 4) ||
89       (code_region_bytes_ < 4) ||
90       (data_region_bytes_ < 4) ||
91       (code_region_bytes_ < bytes_per_bundle_)) {
92     construction_failed_ = true;
93   }
94 }
SfiValidator(const SfiValidator & v)96 SfiValidator::SfiValidator(const SfiValidator& v)
97     : cpu_features_(),
98       bytes_per_bundle_(v.bytes_per_bundle_),
99       code_region_bytes_(v.code_region_bytes_),
100       data_region_bytes_(v.data_region_bytes_),
101       read_only_registers_(v.read_only_registers_),
102       data_address_registers_(v.data_address_registers_),
103       decode_state_(),
104       construction_failed_(v.construction_failed_),
105       is_position_independent_(v.is_position_independent_) {
106   NaClCopyCPUFeaturesArm(&cpu_features_, v.CpuFeatures());
107 }
operator =(const SfiValidator & v)109 SfiValidator& SfiValidator::operator=(const SfiValidator& v) {
110   NaClCopyCPUFeaturesArm(&cpu_features_, v.CpuFeatures());
111   bytes_per_bundle_ = v.bytes_per_bundle_;
112   code_region_bytes_ = v.code_region_bytes_;
113   data_region_bytes_ = v.data_region_bytes_;
114   read_only_registers_.Copy(v.read_only_registers_);
115   data_address_registers_.Copy(v.data_address_registers_);
116   construction_failed_ = v.construction_failed_;
117   is_position_independent_ = v.is_position_independent_;
118   return *this;
119 }
121 nacl_arm_dec::ViolationSet SfiValidator::
find_violations(const vector<CodeSegment> & segments,ProblemSink * out)122 find_violations(const vector<CodeSegment>& segments,
123                 ProblemSink* out) {
124   if (ConstructionFailed(out))
125     return nacl_arm_dec::ViolationBit(nacl_arm_dec::OTHER_VIOLATION);
127   uint32_t base = segments[0].begin_addr();
128   uint32_t size = segments.back().end_addr() - base;
129   AddressSet branches(base, size);
130   AddressSet critical(base, size);
132   nacl_arm_dec::ViolationSet found_violations = nacl_arm_dec::kNoViolations;
134   for (vector<CodeSegment>::const_iterator it = segments.begin();
135       it != segments.end(); ++it) {
136     nacl_arm_dec::ViolationSet segment_violations =
137         validate_fallthrough(*it, out, &branches, &critical);
138     found_violations =
139         nacl_arm_dec::ViolationUnion(found_violations, segment_violations);
140     if (segment_violations && (out == NULL)) return found_violations;
141   }
143   return
144       nacl_arm_dec::ViolationUnion(
145           found_violations,
146           validate_branches(segments, branches, critical, out));
147 }
ValidateSegmentPair(const CodeSegment & old_code,const CodeSegment & new_code,ProblemSink * out)149 bool SfiValidator::ValidateSegmentPair(const CodeSegment& old_code,
150                                        const CodeSegment& new_code,
151                                        ProblemSink* out) {
152   // This code verifies that the new code is just like the old code,
153   // except a few (acceptable) literal constants have been replaced
154   // in the new code segment. Hence, checking of safety etc. is not
155   // necessary. We assume that this was done on the old code, and
156   // does not need to be done again.
157   if (ConstructionFailed(out))
158     return false;
160   if ((old_code.begin_addr() != new_code.begin_addr()) ||
161       (old_code.end_addr() != new_code.end_addr())) {
162     return false;
163   }
165   bool complete_success = true;
166   bool current_bundle_is_literal_pool = false;
168   // The following loop expects the first address to be
169   // bundle-aligned. This invariant is checked in the validator's C
170   // interface and it therefore not checked again.
171   NACL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT((nacl_arm_dec::kArm32InstSize / CHAR_BIT) == 4);
172   for (uint32_t va = old_code.begin_addr();
173        va != old_code.end_addr();
174        va += nacl_arm_dec::kArm32InstSize / CHAR_BIT) {
175     Instruction old_insn = old_code[va];
176     Instruction new_insn = new_code[va];
178     // Keep track of literal pools: it's valid to replace any value in them.
179     // Literal pools should still be at the same place in the old and new code.
180     if (is_bundle_head(va)) {
181       const ClassDecoder& old_decoder = decode_state_.decode(old_insn);
182       current_bundle_is_literal_pool =
183           (old_decoder.is_literal_pool_head(old_insn) &&
184            new_insn.Equals(old_insn));
185     }
187     // Accept any change inside a literal pool.
188     if (current_bundle_is_literal_pool)
189       continue;
191     // See if the instruction has changed in the new version. If not,
192     // there is nothing to check, and we can skip to the next
193     // instruction.
194     if (new_insn.Equals(old_insn))
195       continue;
197     // Decode instructions and get corresponding decoders.
198     const ClassDecoder& old_decoder = decode_state_.decode(old_insn);
199     const ClassDecoder& new_decoder = decode_state_.decode(new_insn);
201     // Convert the instructions into their sentinel form (i.e.
202     // convert immediate values to zero if applicable).
203     Instruction old_sentinel(
204         old_decoder.dynamic_code_replacement_sentinel(old_insn));
205     Instruction new_sentinel(
206         new_decoder.dynamic_code_replacement_sentinel(new_insn));
208     // Report problem if the sentinels differ, and reject the replacement.
209     if (!new_sentinel.Equals(old_sentinel)) {
210       if (out == NULL) return false;
211       out->ReportProblemDiagnostic(nacl_arm_dec::OTHER_VIOLATION,
212                                    va,
213                                    "Sentinels at %08" NACL_PRIx32 " differ.",
214                                    va);
215       complete_success = false;
216     }
217   }
219   return complete_success;
220 }
CopyCode(const CodeSegment & source_code,CodeSegment * dest_code,NaClCopyInstructionFunc copy_func,ProblemSink * out)222 bool SfiValidator::CopyCode(const CodeSegment& source_code,
223                             CodeSegment* dest_code,
224                             NaClCopyInstructionFunc copy_func,
225                             ProblemSink* out) {
226   if (ConstructionFailed(out))
227     return false;
229   vector<CodeSegment> segments;
230   segments.push_back(source_code);
231   if (!validate(segments, out))
232       return false;
234   // As on ARM all instructions are 4 bytes in size and aligned
235   // we don't have to check instruction boundary invariant.
236   for (uintptr_t va = source_code.begin_addr();
237        va != source_code.end_addr();
238        va += nacl_arm_dec::kArm32InstSize / CHAR_BIT) {
239     intptr_t offset = va - source_code.begin_addr();
240     // TODO(olonho): this const cast is a bit ugly, but we
241     // need to write to dest segment.
242     copy_func(const_cast<uint8_t*>(dest_code->base()) + offset,
243               const_cast<uint8_t*>(source_code.base()) + offset,
244               nacl_arm_dec::kArm32InstSize / CHAR_BIT);
245   }
247   return true;
248 }
ConstructionFailed(ProblemSink * out)250 bool SfiValidator::ConstructionFailed(ProblemSink* out) {
251   if (construction_failed_ && (out != NULL)) {
252     uint32_t invalid_addr = ~(uint32_t)0;
253     out->ReportProblemDiagnostic(nacl_arm_dec::OTHER_VIOLATION,
254                                  invalid_addr,
255                                  "Construction of validator failed!");
256   }
257   return construction_failed_;
258 }
validate_fallthrough(const CodeSegment & segment,ProblemSink * out,AddressSet * branches,AddressSet * critical)260 nacl_arm_dec::ViolationSet SfiValidator::validate_fallthrough(
261     const CodeSegment& segment,
262     ProblemSink* out,
263     AddressSet* branches,
264     AddressSet* critical) {
265   nacl_arm_dec::ViolationSet found_violations = nacl_arm_dec::kNoViolations;
267   // Initialize the previous instruction so it always fails validation.
268   DecodedInstruction pred(
269       0,  // Virtual address 0, which will be in a different bundle;
270       Instruction(nacl_arm_dec::kFailValidation),
271       decode_state_.fictitious_decoder());
273   // Validate each instruction.
274   uint32_t va = segment.begin_addr();
275   while (va < segment.end_addr()) {
276     const ClassDecoder& decoder = decode_state_.decode(segment[va]);
277     DecodedInstruction inst(va, segment[va], decoder);
278     // Note: get_violations is expecting the address of the next instruction
279     // to be validated as its last argument. This address can be updated by
280     // by that routine (as with constant pool heads). Hence, rather than
281     // updating va at the end of the loop, we update it here and pass it
282     // through to get_violations.
283     va += 4;
284     nacl_arm_dec::ViolationSet violations =
285         decoder.get_violations(pred, inst, *this, branches, critical, &va);
286     if (violations) {
287       found_violations =
288           nacl_arm_dec::ViolationUnion(found_violations, violations);
289       if (out == NULL) return found_violations;
290       decoder.generate_diagnostics(violations, pred, inst, *this, out);
291     }
292     pred.Copy(inst);
293   }
295   // Validate the last instruction, paired with a nop.
296   const Instruction nop(nacl_arm_dec::kNop);
297   const ClassDecoder& nop_decoder = decode_state_.decode(nop);
298   DecodedInstruction one_past_end(va, nop, nop_decoder);
299   // Note: Like above, we update va to point to the instruction after the nop,
300   // so that it meets the requirements of get_violations.
301   va += 4;
302   nacl_arm_dec::ViolationSet violations =
303       nop_decoder.get_violations(pred, one_past_end, *this,
304                                  branches, critical, &va);
305   if (violations) {
306     found_violations =
307         nacl_arm_dec::ViolationUnion(found_violations, violations);
308     if (out == NULL) return found_violations;
309     nop_decoder.generate_diagnostics(violations, pred, one_past_end,
310                                      *this, out);
311   }
313   return found_violations;
314 }
address_contained(uint32_t va,const vector<CodeSegment> & segs)316 static bool address_contained(uint32_t va, const vector<CodeSegment>& segs) {
317   for (vector<CodeSegment>::const_iterator it = segs.begin(); it != segs.end();
318       ++it) {
319     if (it->contains_address(va)) return true;
320   }
321   return false;
322 }
validate_branches(const vector<CodeSegment> & segments,const AddressSet & branches,const AddressSet & critical,ProblemSink * out)324 nacl_arm_dec::ViolationSet SfiValidator::validate_branches(
325     const vector<CodeSegment>& segments,
326     const AddressSet& branches,
327     const AddressSet& critical,
328     ProblemSink* out) {
329   nacl_arm_dec::ViolationSet found_violations = nacl_arm_dec::kNoViolations;
331   vector<CodeSegment>::const_iterator seg_it = segments.begin();
333   if (segments.size() > 1) {
334     // If there are multiple segments, their relative positioning matters.
335     is_position_independent_ = false;
336   }
338   for (AddressSet::Iterator it = branches.begin(); it != branches.end(); ++it) {
339     uint32_t va = *it;
341     // Invariant: all addresses in branches are covered by some segment;
342     // segments are in sorted order.
343     while (!seg_it->contains_address(va)) {
344       ++seg_it;
345     }
347     const CodeSegment &segment = *seg_it;
349     DecodedInstruction inst(va, segment[va],
350                             decode_state_.decode(segment[va]));
352     // We know it is_relative_branch(), so we can simply call:
353     uint32_t target_va = inst.branch_target();
354     if (address_contained(target_va, segments)) {
355       if (critical.contains(target_va)) {
356         found_violations =
357             nacl_arm_dec::ViolationUnion(
358                 found_violations,
359                 nacl_arm_dec::ViolationBit(
360                     nacl_arm_dec::BRANCH_SPLITS_PATTERN_VIOLATION));
361         if (out == NULL) return found_violations;
362         out->ReportProblemDiagnostic(
363             nacl_arm_dec::BRANCH_SPLITS_PATTERN_VIOLATION,
364             va,
365             "Instruction branches into middle of 2-instruction "
366             "pattern at %08" NACL_PRIx32 ".",
367             target_va);
368       }
369     } else {
370       // If the jump is outside the segment, absolute position matters.
371       is_position_independent_ = false;
373       if ((target_va & code_address_mask()) == 0) {
374         // Ensure that relative direct branches which don't go to known
375         // segments are to bundle-aligned targets, and that the branch
376         // doesn't escape from the sandbox. ARM relative direct branches
377         // have a +/-32MiB range, code at the edges of the sandbox could
378         // therefore potentially escape if left unchecked. This implies
379         // that validation is position-dependent, which matters for
380         // validation caching: code segments need to be mapped at the
381         // same addresses as the ones at which they were validated.
382         //
383         // We could make it a sandbox invariant that user code cannot be
384         // mapped within 32MiB of the sandbox's edges (and then only check
385         // bundle alignment with is_bundle_head(target_va)), but this may
386         // break some assumptions in user code.
387         //
388         // We could also track the furthest negative and positive relative
389         // direct branches seen per segment and record that
390         // information. This information would then allow validation
391         // caching to be mostly position independent, as long as code
392         // segments are mapped far enough from the sandbox's edges.
393         //
394         // Branches leaving the segment could be useful for dynamic code
395         // generation as well as to directly branch to the runtime's
396         // trampolines. The IRT curently doesn't do the latter because the
397         // compiler doesn't know that the trampolines will be in range of
398         // relative direct branch immediates. Indirect branches are
399         // instead used and the loader doesn't reoptimize the code.
400       } else {
401         found_violations =
402             nacl_arm_dec::ViolationUnion(
403                 found_violations,
404                 nacl_arm_dec::ViolationBit(
405                     nacl_arm_dec::BRANCH_OUT_OF_RANGE_VIOLATION));
406         if (out == NULL) return found_violations;
407         out->ReportProblemDiagnostic(
408             nacl_arm_dec::BRANCH_OUT_OF_RANGE_VIOLATION,
409             va,
410             "Instruction branches to invalid address %08" NACL_PRIx32 ".",
411             target_va);
412       }
413     }
414   }
416   return found_violations;
417 }
is_valid_inst_boundary(const CodeSegment & code,uint32_t addr)419 bool SfiValidator::is_valid_inst_boundary(const CodeSegment& code,
420                                           uint32_t addr) {
421   // Check addr is on an inst boundary.
422   if ((addr & 0x3) != 0)
423     return false;
425   CHECK(!ConstructionFailed(NULL));
427   uint32_t base = code.begin_addr();
428   uint32_t size = code.end_addr() - base;
429   AddressSet branches(base, size);
430   AddressSet critical(base, size);
432   uint32_t bundle_addr = addr & ~(bytes_per_bundle_ - 1);
433   uint32_t offset = bundle_addr - base;
434   uint32_t instr = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(
435       code.base() + offset)[0];
437   // Check if addr falls within a constant pool.
438   if (nacl_arm_dec::IsBreakPointAndConstantPoolHead(instr))
439     return false;
441   nacl_arm_dec::ViolationSet violations =
442         validate_fallthrough(code, NULL, &branches, &critical);
444   // Function should only be called after the code has already been validated.
445   CHECK(violations == nacl_arm_dec::kNoViolations);
447   return !critical.contains(addr);
448 }
450 }  // namespace nacl_arm_val