1 /** @file
3   A brief file description
5   @section license License
7   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
8   or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
9   distributed with this work for additional information
10   regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
11   to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
12   "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
13   with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
15       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
18   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
19   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
20   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
21   limitations under the License.
22  */
24 /****************************************************************************
26    HttpSessionManager.cc
28    Description:
31  ****************************************************************************/
33 #include "HttpSessionManager.h"
34 #include "../ProxySession.h"
35 #include "HttpSM.h"
36 #include "HttpDebugNames.h"
38 // Initialize a thread to handle HTTP session management
39 void
initialize_thread_for_http_sessions(EThread * thread)40 initialize_thread_for_http_sessions(EThread *thread)
41 {
42   thread->server_session_pool = new ServerSessionPool;
43 }
45 HttpSessionManager httpSessionManager;
ServerSessionPool()47 ServerSessionPool::ServerSessionPool() : Continuation(new_ProxyMutex()), m_ip_pool(1023), m_fqdn_pool(1023)
48 {
49   SET_HANDLER(&ServerSessionPool::eventHandler);
50   m_ip_pool.set_expansion_policy(IPTable::MANUAL);
51   m_fqdn_pool.set_expansion_policy(FQDNTable::MANUAL);
52 }
54 void
purge()55 ServerSessionPool::purge()
56 {
57   // @c do_io_close can free the instance which clears the intrusive links and breaks the iterator.
58   // Therefore @c do_io_close is called on a post-incremented iterator.
59   m_ip_pool.apply([](PoolableSession *ssn) -> void { ssn->do_io_close(); });
60   m_ip_pool.clear();
61   m_fqdn_pool.clear();
62 }
64 bool
match(PoolableSession * ss,sockaddr const * addr,CryptoHash const & hostname_hash,TSServerSessionSharingMatchMask match_style)65 ServerSessionPool::match(PoolableSession *ss, sockaddr const *addr, CryptoHash const &hostname_hash,
66                          TSServerSessionSharingMatchMask match_style)
67 {
68   bool retval = match_style != 0;
69   if (retval && (TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_MATCH_MASK_IP & match_style)) {
70     retval = ats_ip_addr_port_eq(ss->get_remote_addr(), addr);
71   }
72   if (retval && (TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_MATCH_MASK_HOSTONLY & match_style)) {
73     retval = (ats_ip_port_cast(addr) == ats_ip_port_cast(ss->get_remote_addr()) && ss->hostname_hash == hostname_hash);
74   }
75   return retval;
76 }
78 bool
validate_host_sni(HttpSM * sm,NetVConnection * netvc)79 ServerSessionPool::validate_host_sni(HttpSM *sm, NetVConnection *netvc)
80 {
81   bool retval = true;
82   if (sm->t_state.scheme == URL_WKSIDX_HTTPS) {
83     // The sni_servername of the connection was set on HttpSM::do_http_server_open
84     // by fetching the hostname from the server request.  So the connection should only
85     // be reused if the hostname in the new request is the same as the host name in the
86     // original request
87     const char *session_sni = netvc->get_sni_servername();
88     if (session_sni) {
89       // TS-4468: If the connection matches, make sure the SNI server
90       // name (if present) matches the request hostname
91       int len              = 0;
92       const char *req_host = sm->t_state.hdr_info.server_request.host_get(&len);
93       retval               = strncasecmp(session_sni, req_host, len) == 0;
94       Debug("http_ss", "validate_host_sni host=%*.s, sni=%s", len, req_host, session_sni);
95     }
96   }
97   return retval;
98 }
100 bool
validate_sni(HttpSM * sm,NetVConnection * netvc)101 ServerSessionPool::validate_sni(HttpSM *sm, NetVConnection *netvc)
102 {
103   bool retval = true;
104   // Verify that the sni name on this connection would match the sni we would have use to create
105   // a new connection.
106   //
107   if (sm->t_state.scheme == URL_WKSIDX_HTTPS) {
108     const char *session_sni       = netvc->get_sni_servername();
109     std::string_view proposed_sni = sm->get_outbound_sni();
110     Debug("http_ss", "validate_sni proposed_sni=%.*s, sni=%s", static_cast<int>(proposed_sni.length()), proposed_sni.data(),
111           session_sni);
112     if (!session_sni || proposed_sni.length() == 0) {
113       retval = session_sni == nullptr && proposed_sni.length() == 0;
114     } else {
115       retval = proposed_sni.compare(session_sni) == 0;
116     }
117   }
118   return retval;
119 }
121 bool
validate_cert(HttpSM * sm,NetVConnection * netvc)122 ServerSessionPool::validate_cert(HttpSM *sm, NetVConnection *netvc)
123 {
124   bool retval = true;
125   // Verify that the cert file associated this connection would match the cert file we would have use to create
126   // a new connection.
127   //
128   if (sm->t_state.scheme == URL_WKSIDX_HTTPS) {
129     const char *session_cert       = netvc->options.ssl_client_cert_name.get();
130     std::string_view proposed_cert = sm->get_outbound_cert();
131     Debug("http_ss", "validate_cert proposed_cert=%.*s, cert=%s", static_cast<int>(proposed_cert.size()), proposed_cert.data(),
132           session_cert);
133     if (!session_cert || proposed_cert.length() == 0) {
134       retval = session_cert == nullptr && proposed_cert.length() == 0;
135     } else {
136       retval = proposed_cert.compare(session_cert) == 0;
137     }
138   }
139   return retval;
140 }
142 HSMresult_t
acquireSession(sockaddr const * addr,CryptoHash const & hostname_hash,TSServerSessionSharingMatchMask match_style,HttpSM * sm,PoolableSession * & to_return)143 ServerSessionPool::acquireSession(sockaddr const *addr, CryptoHash const &hostname_hash,
144                                   TSServerSessionSharingMatchMask match_style, HttpSM *sm, PoolableSession *&to_return)
145 {
146   HSMresult_t zret = HSM_NOT_FOUND;
147   to_return        = nullptr;
150     Debug("http_ss", "Search for host name only not IP.  Pool size %zu", m_fqdn_pool.count());
151     // This is broken out because only in this case do we check the host hash first. The range must be checked
152     // to verify an upstream that matches port and SNI name is selected. Walk backwards to select oldest.
153     in_port_t port = ats_ip_port_cast(addr);
154     auto first     = m_fqdn_pool.find(hostname_hash);
155     while (first != m_fqdn_pool.end() && first->hostname_hash == hostname_hash) {
156       Debug("http_ss", "Compare port 0x%x against 0x%x", port, ats_ip_port_cast(first->get_remote_addr()));
157       if (port == ats_ip_port_cast(first->get_remote_addr()) &&
158           (!(match_style & TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_MATCH_MASK_SNI) || validate_sni(sm, first->get_netvc())) &&
159           (!(match_style & TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_MATCH_MASK_HOSTSNISYNC) || validate_host_sni(sm, first->get_netvc())) &&
160           (!(match_style & TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_MATCH_MASK_CERT) || validate_cert(sm, first->get_netvc()))) {
161         zret = HSM_DONE;
162         break;
163       }
164       ++first;
165     }
166     if (zret == HSM_DONE) {
167       to_return = first;
168       HTTP_DECREMENT_DYN_STAT(http_pooled_server_connections_stat);
169       m_fqdn_pool.erase(first);
170       m_ip_pool.erase(to_return);
171     }
172   } else if (TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_MATCH_MASK_IP & match_style) { // matching is not disabled.
173     auto first = m_ip_pool.find(addr);
174     // The range is all that is needed in the match IP case, otherwise need to scan for matching fqdn
175     // And matches the other constraints as well
176     // Note the port is matched as part of the address key so it doesn't need to be checked again.
177     if (match_style & (~TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_MATCH_MASK_IP)) {
178       while (first != m_ip_pool.end() && ats_ip_addr_port_eq(first->get_remote_addr(), addr)) {
179         if ((!(match_style & TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_MATCH_MASK_HOSTONLY) || first->hostname_hash == hostname_hash) &&
180             (!(match_style & TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_MATCH_MASK_SNI) || validate_sni(sm, first->get_netvc())) &&
181             (!(match_style & TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_MATCH_MASK_HOSTSNISYNC) || validate_host_sni(sm, first->get_netvc())) &&
182             (!(match_style & TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_MATCH_MASK_CERT) || validate_cert(sm, first->get_netvc()))) {
183           zret = HSM_DONE;
184           break;
185         }
186         ++first;
187       }
188     } else if (first != m_ip_pool.end()) {
189       zret = HSM_DONE;
190     }
191     if (zret == HSM_DONE) {
192       to_return = first;
193       HTTP_DECREMENT_DYN_STAT(http_pooled_server_connections_stat);
194       m_ip_pool.erase(first);
195       m_fqdn_pool.erase(to_return);
196     }
197   }
198   return zret;
199 }
201 void
releaseSession(PoolableSession * ss)202 ServerSessionPool::releaseSession(PoolableSession *ss)
203 {
204   ss->state = PoolableSession::KA_POOLED;
205   // Now we need to issue a read on the connection to detect
206   //  if it closes on us.  We will get called back in the
207   //  continuation for this bucket, ensuring we have the lock
208   //  to remove the connection from our lists
209   //  Actually need to have a buffer here, otherwise the vc is
210   //  disabled
211   ss->do_io_read(this, INT64_MAX, ss->get_reader()->mbuf);
213   // Transfer control of the write side as well
214   ss->do_io_write(this, 0, nullptr);
216   // we probably don't need the active timeout set, but will leave it for now
217   ss->set_inactivity_timeout(ss->get_netvc()->get_inactivity_timeout());
218   ss->set_active_timeout(ss->get_netvc()->get_active_timeout());
219   // put it in the pools.
220   m_ip_pool.insert(ss);
221   m_fqdn_pool.insert(ss);
223   HTTP_INCREMENT_DYN_STAT(http_pooled_server_connections_stat);
225   Debug("http_ss",
226         "[%" PRId64 "] [release session] "
227         "session placed into shared pool",
228         ss->connection_id());
229 }
231 //   Called from the NetProcessor to let us know that a
232 //    connection has closed down
233 //
234 int
eventHandler(int event,void * data)235 ServerSessionPool::eventHandler(int event, void *data)
236 {
237   NetVConnection *net_vc = nullptr;
238   PoolableSession *s     = nullptr;
240   switch (event) {
242   // The server sent us data.  This is unexpected so
243   //   close the connection
244   /* Fall through */
245   case VC_EVENT_EOS:
246   case VC_EVENT_ERROR:
249     net_vc = static_cast<NetVConnection *>((static_cast<VIO *>(data))->vc_server);
250     break;
252   default:
253     ink_release_assert(0);
254     return 0;
255   }
257   sockaddr const *addr                 = net_vc->get_remote_addr();
258   HttpConfigParams *http_config_params = HttpConfig::acquire();
259   bool found                           = false;
261   for (auto spot = m_ip_pool.find(addr); spot != m_ip_pool.end() && spot->_ip_link.equal(addr, spot); ++spot) {
262     if ((s = spot)->get_netvc() == net_vc) {
263       // if there was a timeout of some kind on a keep alive connection, and
264       // keeping the connection alive will not keep us above the # of max connections
265       // to the origin and we are below the min number of keep alive connections to this
266       // origin, then reset the timeouts on our end and do not close the connection
267       if ((event == VC_EVENT_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT || event == VC_EVENT_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT) && s->state == PoolableSession::KA_POOLED &&
268           s->conn_track_group) {
269         Debug("http_ss", "s->conn_track_group->min_keep_alive_conns : %d", s->conn_track_group->min_keep_alive_conns);
270         bool connection_count_below_min = s->conn_track_group->_count <= s->conn_track_group->min_keep_alive_conns;
272         if (connection_count_below_min) {
273           Debug("http_ss",
274                 "[%" PRId64 "] [session_bucket] session received io notice [%s], "
275                 "resetting timeout to maintain minimum number of connections",
276                 s->connection_id(), HttpDebugNames::get_event_name(event));
277           s->get_netvc()->set_inactivity_timeout(s->get_netvc()->get_inactivity_timeout());
278           s->get_netvc()->set_active_timeout(s->get_netvc()->get_active_timeout());
279           found = true;
280           break;
281         }
282       }
284       // We've found our server session. Remove it from
285       //   our lists and close it down
286       Debug("http_ss", "[%" PRId64 "] [session_pool] session %p received io notice [%s]", s->connection_id(), s,
287             HttpDebugNames::get_event_name(event));
288       ink_assert(s->state == PoolableSession::KA_POOLED);
289       // Out of the pool! Now!
290       m_ip_pool.erase(spot);
291       m_fqdn_pool.erase(s);
292       // Drop connection on this end.
293       s->do_io_close();
294       found = true;
295       HTTP_DECREMENT_DYN_STAT(http_pooled_server_connections_stat);
296       break;
297     }
298   }
300   HttpConfig::release(http_config_params);
301   if (!found) {
302     // We failed to find our session.  This can only be the result of a programming flaw. Since we only ever keep
303     // UnixNetVConnections and SSLNetVConnections in the session pool, the dynamic cast won't fail.
304     UnixNetVConnection *unix_net_vc = dynamic_cast<UnixNetVConnection *>(net_vc);
305     if (unix_net_vc) {
306       char peer_ip[INET6_ADDRPORTSTRLEN];
307       ats_ip_nptop(unix_net_vc->get_remote_addr(), peer_ip, sizeof(peer_ip));
309       Warning("Connection leak from http keep-alive system fd=%d closed=%d peer_ip_port=%s", unix_net_vc->con.fd,
310               unix_net_vc->closed, peer_ip);
311     }
312     ink_assert(0);
313   }
314   return 0;
315 }
317 void
init()318 HttpSessionManager::init()
319 {
320   m_g_pool = new ServerSessionPool;
321   eventProcessor.schedule_spawn(&initialize_thread_for_http_sessions, ET_NET);
322 }
324 // TODO: Should this really purge all keep-alive sessions?
325 // Does this make any sense, since we always do the global pool and not the per thread?
326 void
purge_keepalives()327 HttpSessionManager::purge_keepalives()
328 {
329   EThread *ethread = this_ethread();
331   MUTEX_TRY_LOCK(lock, m_g_pool->mutex, ethread);
332   if (lock.is_locked()) {
333     m_g_pool->purge();
334   } // should we do something clever if we don't get the lock?
335 }
337 HSMresult_t
acquire_session(Continuation *,sockaddr const * ip,const char * hostname,ProxyTransaction * ua_txn,HttpSM * sm)338 HttpSessionManager::acquire_session(Continuation * /* cont ATS_UNUSED */, sockaddr const *ip, const char *hostname,
339                                     ProxyTransaction *ua_txn, HttpSM *sm)
340 {
341   PoolableSession *to_return = nullptr;
342   TSServerSessionSharingMatchMask match_style =
343     static_cast<TSServerSessionSharingMatchMask>(sm->t_state.txn_conf->server_session_sharing_match);
344   CryptoHash hostname_hash;
345   HSMresult_t retval = HSM_NOT_FOUND;
347   CryptoContext().hash_immediate(hostname_hash, (unsigned char *)hostname, strlen(hostname));
349   // First check to see if there is a server session bound
350   //   to the user agent session
351   to_return = ua_txn->get_server_session();
352   if (to_return != nullptr) {
353     ua_txn->attach_server_session(nullptr);
355     // Since the client session is reusing the same server session, it seems that the SNI should match
356     // Will the client make requests to different hosts over the same SSL session? Though checking
357     // the IP/hostname here seems a bit redundant too
358     //
359     if (ServerSessionPool::match(to_return, ip, hostname_hash, match_style) &&
360         (!(match_style & TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_MATCH_MASK_SNI) ||
361          ServerSessionPool::validate_sni(sm, to_return->get_netvc())) &&
363          ServerSessionPool::validate_host_sni(sm, to_return->get_netvc())) &&
364         (!(match_style & TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_MATCH_MASK_CERT) ||
365          ServerSessionPool::validate_cert(sm, to_return->get_netvc()))) {
366       Debug("http_ss", "[%" PRId64 "] [acquire session] returning attached session ", to_return->connection_id());
367       to_return->state = PoolableSession::SSN_IN_USE;
368       sm->attach_server_session(to_return);
369       return HSM_DONE;
370     }
371     // Release this session back to the main session pool and
372     //   then continue looking for one from the shared pool
373     Debug("http_ss",
374           "[%" PRId64 "] [acquire session] "
375           "session not a match, returning to shared pool",
376           to_return->connection_id());
377     to_return->release(nullptr);
378     to_return = nullptr;
379   }
381   // Otherwise, check the thread pool first
382   if (this->get_pool_type() == TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_POOL_THREAD ||
383       this->get_pool_type() == TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_POOL_HYBRID) {
384     retval = _acquire_session(ip, hostname_hash, sm, match_style, TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_POOL_THREAD);
385   }
387   //  If you didn't get a match, and the global pool is an option go there.
388   if (retval != HSM_DONE && (TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_POOL_GLOBAL == this->get_pool_type() ||
389                              TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_POOL_HYBRID == this->get_pool_type())) {
390     retval = _acquire_session(ip, hostname_hash, sm, match_style, TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_POOL_GLOBAL);
391   }
392   return retval;
393 }
395 HSMresult_t
_acquire_session(sockaddr const * ip,CryptoHash const & hostname_hash,HttpSM * sm,TSServerSessionSharingMatchMask match_style,TSServerSessionSharingPoolType pool_type)396 HttpSessionManager::_acquire_session(sockaddr const *ip, CryptoHash const &hostname_hash, HttpSM *sm,
397                                      TSServerSessionSharingMatchMask match_style, TSServerSessionSharingPoolType pool_type)
398 {
399   PoolableSession *to_return = nullptr;
400   HSMresult_t retval         = HSM_NOT_FOUND;
402   // Extend the mutex window until the acquired Server session is attached
403   // to the SM. Releasing the mutex before that results in race conditions
404   // due to a potential parallel network read on the VC with no mutex guarding
405   {
406     // Now check to see if we have a connection in our shared connection pool
407     EThread *ethread = this_ethread();
408     Ptr<ProxyMutex> pool_mutex =
409       (TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_POOL_THREAD == pool_type) ? ethread->server_session_pool->mutex : m_g_pool->mutex;
410     MUTEX_TRY_LOCK(lock, pool_mutex, ethread);
411     if (lock.is_locked()) {
412       if (TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_POOL_THREAD == pool_type) {
413         retval = ethread->server_session_pool->acquireSession(ip, hostname_hash, match_style, sm, to_return);
414         Debug("http_ss", "[acquire session] thread pool search %s", to_return ? "successful" : "failed");
415       } else {
416         retval = m_g_pool->acquireSession(ip, hostname_hash, match_style, sm, to_return);
417         Debug("http_ss", "[acquire session] global pool search %s", to_return ? "successful" : "failed");
418         // At this point to_return has been removed from the pool. Do we need to move it
419         // to the same thread?
420         if (to_return) {
421           UnixNetVConnection *server_vc = dynamic_cast<UnixNetVConnection *>(to_return->get_netvc());
422           if (server_vc) {
423             // Disable i/o on this vc now, but, hold onto the g_pool cont
424             // and the mutex to stop any stray events from getting in
425             server_vc->do_io_read(m_g_pool, 0, nullptr);
426             server_vc->do_io_write(m_g_pool, 0, nullptr);
427             UnixNetVConnection *new_vc = server_vc->migrateToCurrentThread(sm, ethread);
428             // The VC moved, free up the original one
429             if (new_vc != server_vc) {
430               ink_assert(new_vc == nullptr || new_vc->nh != nullptr);
431               if (!new_vc) {
432                 // Close out to_return, we were't able to get a connection
433                 HTTP_INCREMENT_DYN_STAT(http_origin_shutdown_migration_failure);
434                 to_return->do_io_close();
435                 to_return = nullptr;
436                 retval    = HSM_NOT_FOUND;
437               } else {
438                 // Keep things from timing out on us
439                 new_vc->set_inactivity_timeout(new_vc->get_inactivity_timeout());
440                 to_return->set_netvc(new_vc);
441               }
442             } else {
443               // Keep things from timing out on us
444               server_vc->set_inactivity_timeout(server_vc->get_inactivity_timeout());
445             }
446           }
447         }
448       }
449     } else { // Didn't get the lock.  to_return is still NULL
450       retval = HSM_RETRY;
451     }
453     if (to_return) {
454       Debug("http_ss", "[%" PRId64 "] [acquire session] return session from shared pool", to_return->connection_id());
455       to_return->state = PoolableSession::SSN_IN_USE;
456       // the attach_server_session will issue the do_io_read under the sm lock
457       sm->attach_server_session(to_return);
458       retval = HSM_DONE;
459     }
460   }
461   return retval;
462 }
464 HSMresult_t
release_session(PoolableSession * to_release)465 HttpSessionManager::release_session(PoolableSession *to_release)
466 {
467   EThread *ethread = this_ethread();
468   ServerSessionPool *pool =
469     TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_POOL_THREAD == to_release->sharing_pool ? ethread->server_session_pool : m_g_pool;
470   bool released_p = true;
472   // The per thread lock looks like it should not be needed but if it's not locked the close checking I/O op will crash.
473   MUTEX_TRY_LOCK(lock, pool->mutex, ethread);
474   if (lock.is_locked()) {
475     pool->releaseSession(to_release);
476   } else if (this->get_pool_type() == TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_POOL_HYBRID) {
477     // Try again with the thread pool
478     to_release->sharing_pool = TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_POOL_THREAD;
479     return release_session(to_release);
480   } else {
481     Debug("http_ss", "[%" PRId64 "] [release session] could not release session due to lock contention",
482           to_release->connection_id());
483     released_p = false;
484   }
486   return released_p ? HSM_DONE : HSM_RETRY;
487 }