1 package devisor2.grid.GUI.dialogs;
4 import java.awt.*;
5 import java.awt.event.*;
6 import javax.swing.*;
7 import devisor2.grid.GUI.framework.*;
8 import devisor2.grid.options.*;
11 /**
12  *  This class defines our basic info dialog with version information,
13  *  developers, revision history etc. It is linked to the GUI via the
14  *  MainMenu's About... entry. <br>
15  *  <br>
16  *  This is a regular dialog, so it is used just like every other dialog as
17  *  well, if you want to know more, take a look at the technical paper
18  *  which explains dialogs to be found in the /manual/specs directory of
19  *  your DeViSoRGriD 2 installation. <br>
20  *  In this class, the version number is managed!
21  *
22  *  @author Dominik Goeddeke
23  *  @version 1.0 (quite finished)
24  */
25 public class InfoDialog extends JDialog
26 {
28     public static final int version_level1 = 2;
29     public static final int version_level2 = 1;
30     public static final int version_level3 = 0;
32     public static final String release_date = "October 17th, 2003";
34     /**
35      *  the info dialog is displayed via two static methods of this class
36      *  (see below), this class variable just references the instance
37      *  which is ready for display
38      */
39     private static InfoDialog infodialog;
41     /**
42      *  the MainFrame object of this dialog. important because the dialog is
43      *  centered on it
44      */
45     private MainFrame parent;
47     /**
48      *  the ControlCenter reference
49      */
50     private ControlCenter cc;
53     /**
54      *  creates a new instance of the dialog
55      *  @param JFrame parent the parent frame the dialog is centered on
56      */
InfoDialog(MainFrame parent)57     public InfoDialog (MainFrame parent)
58     {
59 	super (parent, true);
60 	this.parent = parent;
61 	cc = ControlCenter.getMyself ();
62 	layoutGui ();
63 	setLocationRelativeTo (parent);
64 	setDefaultCloseOperation (DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE);
65 	setResizable (false);
66 	pack ();
67     }
69     /**
70      *  creates the gui (nothing spectacular here)
71      */
layoutGui()72     private void layoutGui ()
73     {
74     	// the basics
75     	setTitle ((String)cc.rb.getObject ((String)"GUI_dialogs_InfoDialog_frametitle"));
76     	JPanel panel = new JPanel ();
77     	panel.setLayout (new BorderLayout ());
78 	panel.add (Box.createRigidArea (new Dimension(20,20)), BorderLayout.WEST);
79 	panel.add (Box.createRigidArea (new Dimension(20,20)), BorderLayout.EAST);
80 	// north we have the logo
81 	JLabel logo = new JLabel (new ImageIcon(cc.op.get(Options.general_devisorhome)+"images/devisorlogo.gif"));
82 	panel.add (logo, BorderLayout.NORTH);
83 	// in the middle some text
84 	JPanel center = new JPanel ();
85 	GridBagLayout layout = new GridBagLayout ();
86 	GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints ();
87 	JLabel label;
88 	center.setLayout (layout);
89 	constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
90 	constraints.weightx = 1.0;
91 	// programm info
92 	JPanel about = new JPanel ();
93 	about.setLayout (new BoxLayout (about, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
94 	about.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ((String)cc.rb.getObject("GUI_dialogs_InfoDialog_about")));
95 	label = new JLabel ((String)cc.rb.getObject("GUI_dialogs_InfoDialog_abouttext1"));
96 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
97 	about.add (label);
98 	label = new JLabel ((String)cc.rb.getObject("GUI_dialogs_InfoDialog_abouttext2"));
99 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
100 	about.add (label);
101 	label = new JLabel ((String)cc.rb.getObject("GUI_dialogs_InfoDialog_abouttext3"));
102 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
103 	about.add (label);
104 	label = new JLabel ((String)cc.rb.getObject("GUI_dialogs_InfoDialog_abouttext4"));
105 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
106 	about.add (label);
107 	constraints.gridy = 0;
108 	layout.setConstraints(about, constraints);
109 	center.add (about);
110 	// version info
111 	JPanel version = new JPanel ();
112 	version.setLayout (new BoxLayout (version, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
113 	version.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ((String)cc.rb.getObject("GUI_dialogs_InfoDialog_version")));
114 	label = new JLabel (version_level1+"."+version_level2+"."+version_level3);
115 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
116 	version.add (label);
117 	label = new JLabel (release_date);
118 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
119 	version.add (label);
120 	constraints.gridy = 1;
121 	layout.setConstraints(version, constraints);
122 	center.add (version);
123 	// developers info
124 	JPanel dev = new JPanel ();
125 	dev.setLayout (new BoxLayout (dev, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
126 	dev.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ((String)cc.rb.getObject("GUI_dialogs_InfoDialog_developers")));
127 	label = new JLabel ("Christian Becker");
128 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
129 	dev.add (label);
130 	label = new JLabel ("Dominik G�ddeke");
131 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
132 	dev.add (label);
133 	label = new JLabel ("Patrick Otto");
134 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
135 	dev.add (label);
136 	dev.add (new JLabel ("   "));
137 	label = new JLabel ("Institute of Numerics and Applied Mathematics");
138 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
139 	dev.add (label);
140 	label = new JLabel ("University of Dortmund, Germany");
141 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
142 	dev.add (label);
143 	constraints.gridy = 2;
144 	layout.setConstraints(dev, constraints);
145 	center.add (dev);
146 	// contact info
147 	JPanel contact = new JPanel ();
148 	contact.setLayout (new BoxLayout (contact, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
149 	contact.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ((String)cc.rb.getObject("GUI_dialogs_InfoDialog_contact")));
150 	label = new JLabel ((String)cc.rb.getObject("GUI_dialogs_InfoDialog_contact_text1"));
151 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
152 	contact.add (label);
153 	label = new JLabel ((String)cc.rb.getObject("GUI_dialogs_InfoDialog_contact_text2"));
154 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
155 	contact.add (label);
156 	label = new JLabel ("http://www.featflow.de");
157 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
158 	contact.add (label);
159 	label = new JLabel ((String)cc.rb.getObject("GUI_dialogs_InfoDialog_contact_text3"));
160 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
161 	contact.add (label);
162 	label = new JLabel ("devisor@featflow.de");
163 	label.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
164 	contact.add (label);
165 	constraints.gridy = 3;
166 	layout.setConstraints(contact, constraints);
167 	center.add (contact);
168 	panel.add (center, BorderLayout.CENTER);
169 	// a button goes south
170 	JButton button = new JButton ("OK");
171 	button.addActionListener (new ActionListener () {
172 		public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
173 		    dispose ();
174 		}
175 	    });
176 	button.setAlignmentX(Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
177 	button.setSize (150, 40);
178 	panel.add (button, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
179 	getRootPane().setDefaultButton (button);
180 	getContentPane().add(panel);
181 	setResizable (false);
182     }
184     /**
185      *  this is one of the two important methods in this class.
186      *  it instantiates a new dialog object and sets up its gui
187      */
initialize(MainFrame parent)188     public static void initialize(MainFrame parent) {
189 	infodialog = new InfoDialog (parent);
190     }
192     /**
193      * if initialize() has been called before (i.e. the dialog has been
194      * instanciated), this method just lets the dialog pop up modally on the
195      * screen.
196      */
showDialog()197     public static void showDialog() {
198         if (infodialog != null)
199         {
200 	    infodialog.setLocationRelativeTo (infodialog.parent);
201             infodialog.setVisible(true);
202         }
203 	else
204         {
205             System.err.println("InfoDialog requires you to call initialize "
206                                + "before calling showDialog.");
207         }
208     }
210 }