1 /* Copyright 2012-present Facebook, Inc.
2  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 */
7 #ifdef __cplusplus
8 extern "C" {
9 #endif
11 struct watchman_hash_table;
12 typedef struct watchman_hash_table w_ht_t;
14 /* hash table key/value data type, large enough to hold a pointer
15  * or a 64-bit value */
16 typedef int64_t w_ht_val_t;
18 /* safely represent a pointer value as a value stored in the
19  * hash table for both 32- and 64-bit systems */
w_ht_ptr_val(const void * ptr)20 static inline w_ht_val_t w_ht_ptr_val(const void *ptr) {
21   return (w_ht_val_t)(intptr_t)ptr;
22 }
24 /* safely represent a hash table value as a pointer value
25  * for both 32- and 64-bit systems */
w_ht_val_ptr(w_ht_val_t val)26 static inline void *w_ht_val_ptr(w_ht_val_t val) {
27   return (void*)(intptr_t)val;
28 }
30 /* copies a key.  If NULL, simply does a bit copy, but you
31  * can provide an implementation that manages a refcount */
32 typedef w_ht_val_t (*w_hash_table_copy_t)(w_ht_val_t key);
34 /* deletes a key.  If NULL, simply NOPs, but you can
35  * provide an implementation that manages a refcount */
36 typedef void (*w_hash_table_delete_t)(w_ht_val_t key);
38 /* compares a key for equality.  If NULL, simply does
39  * a bit compare */
40 typedef bool (*w_hash_table_equal_t)(w_ht_val_t a, w_ht_val_t b);
42 /* computes the hash value of a key.  If NULL, simply
43  * takes the bit value truncated to 32-bits */
44 typedef uint32_t (*w_hash_table_hash_t)(w_ht_val_t key);
46 struct watchman_hash_funcs {
47   w_hash_table_copy_t   copy_key;
48   w_hash_table_delete_t del_key;
49   w_hash_table_equal_t  equal_key;
50   w_hash_table_hash_t   hash_key;
51   w_hash_table_copy_t   copy_val;
52   w_hash_table_delete_t del_val;
53 };
55 /* create a new hash table.
56  * size_hint is used to pre-allocate the number of buckets
57  * and is useful to reduce realloc() traffic if you know
58  * how big the table is going to be at creation time. */
59 w_ht_t *w_ht_new(uint32_t size_hint, const struct watchman_hash_funcs *funcs);
61 /* Destroy a hash table and free all associated resources */
62 void w_ht_free(w_ht_t *ht);
64 /* free all the entries but preserve the table size */
65 void w_ht_free_entries(w_ht_t *ht);
67 /* equivalent to calling w_ht_insert with replace=false */
68 bool w_ht_set(w_ht_t *ht, w_ht_val_t key, w_ht_val_t value);
70 /* equivalent to calling w_ht_insert with replace=true */
71 bool w_ht_replace(w_ht_t *ht, w_ht_val_t key, w_ht_val_t value);
73 /* set the value associated with the specified key.
74  * If the element exists already, and replace==false,
75  * returns false and leaves the table unmodified.
76  *
77  * If copy_key is defined, we'll invoke it on the key value IFF we
78  * create a new element in the hash table.  If the element already
79  * existed, we'll preserve the key from the prior insert.
80  *
81  * If we're replacing an existing value and del_val is defined,
82  * we'll invoke it on the value that is already present in the table,
83  *
84  * If copy_val is defined, we'll invoke it on the value IFF we
85  * create a new element in the hash table.
86  */
87 bool w_ht_insert(w_ht_t *ht, w_ht_val_t key, w_ht_val_t value, bool replace);
89 /* Looks up the value associated with key and returns it.
90  * Returns 0 if there was no matching value.
91  *
92  * If you need to distinguish between no value and the value 0,
93  * use w_ht_lookup instead.
94  *
95  * This function will NOT invoke copy_val on the returned value.
96  */
97 w_ht_val_t w_ht_get(w_ht_t *ht, w_ht_val_t key);
99 /* Looks up the value associated with key.
100  * If found, stores the value into *VAL.
101  * If copy==true and copy_val is defined, then it is invoked on the value
102  * prior to storing it to *VAL.
103  * Returns true if the value was found, false otherwise.
104  */
105 bool w_ht_lookup(w_ht_t *ht, w_ht_val_t key, w_ht_val_t *val, bool copy);
107 /* Deletes the value associated with key.
108  * If del_val is defined, it is invoked on the value stored in the table.
109  * If del_key is defined, it is invoked on the key stored in the table.
110  * Returns true if the element was present in the table, false otherwise.
111  *
112  * Do not call this function while iteration is in progress.
113  * See w_ht_iter_del().
114  */
115 bool w_ht_del(w_ht_t *ht, w_ht_val_t key);
117 /* Returns the number of elements stored in the table */
118 uint32_t w_ht_size(w_ht_t *ht);
119 /* Returns the number of buckets for diagnostic purposes */
120 uint32_t w_ht_num_buckets(w_ht_t *ht);
122 typedef struct {
123   w_ht_val_t key;
124   w_ht_val_t value;
125   /* the members following this point are opaque */
126   uint32_t slot;
127   void *ptr;
128 } w_ht_iter_t;
130 /* Begin iterating the contents of the hash table.
131  * Usage is:
132  *     if (w_ht_first(ht, &iter)) do {
133  *     } while (w_ht_next(ht, &iter));
134  *
135  * You may read the contents of iter.key and iter.value.
136  * Note that these expose the raw values stored in the table;
137  * they are not copies managed by the copy_key or copy_val
138  * functions.
139  *
140  * Returns true if iterator holds a value key/value.
141  * Returns false otherwise, indicating that the table is
142  * either NULL or has no contents.
143  *
144  * It is not safe to call w_ht_del() while traversing
145  * the hash table with this function; use w_ht_iter_del()
146  * instead.
147  */
148 bool w_ht_first(w_ht_t *ht, w_ht_iter_t *iter);
150 /* Advance to the next element in the table.
151  * Returns false if there are no more elements.
152  * See w_ht_first() for more information */
153 bool w_ht_next(w_ht_t *ht, w_ht_iter_t *iter);
155 /* Deletes the value associated with the current
156  * iterator position and updates the iterator
157  * so that the next call to w_ht_next() will see
158  * the next value.
159  * Returns true if successful, false if the iterator
160  * was invalid */
161 bool w_ht_iter_del(w_ht_t *ht, w_ht_iter_t *iter);
164 /* helper functions for constructing hash tables with string keys */
165 w_ht_val_t w_ht_string_copy(w_ht_val_t val);
166 void w_ht_string_del(w_ht_val_t val);
167 bool w_ht_string_equal(w_ht_val_t a, w_ht_val_t b);
168 uint32_t w_ht_string_hash(w_ht_val_t val);
170 /* if you're building a hash table that uses w_string_t as keys,
171  * then you can use w_ht_string_funcs as the second parameter
172  * to w_ht_new to safely reference the keys as the table is updated.
173  */
174 extern const struct watchman_hash_funcs w_ht_string_funcs;
176 /* if you're building a hash table that uses w_string_t as values,
177  * then you can use w_ht_string_val_funcs as the second parameter
178  * to w_ht_new to safely reference the values as the table is updated.
179  */
180 extern const struct watchman_hash_funcs w_ht_string_val_funcs;
182 /* if you're building a dictionary of string => string,
183  * then you can use w_ht_dict_funcs as the second parameter
184  * to w_ht_new to safely reference the keys and values as the
185  * table is updated
186  */
187 extern const struct watchman_hash_funcs w_ht_dict_funcs;
190 #ifdef __cplusplus
191 }
192 #endif
194 #endif
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