1 /*
2 For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
3 to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
4 a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
5 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
6 */
7 #ifndef IMPORTAI_H
8 #define IMPORTAI_H
10 #include <QList>
11 #include <QTransform>
12 #include <QObject>
13 #include <QString>
15 #include "pluginapi.h"
17 #include "fpointarray.h"
18 #include "mesh.h"
19 #include "sccolor.h"
20 #include "text/storytext.h"
21 #include "vgradient.h"
23 class MultiProgressDialog;
24 class PageItem;
25 class ScribusDoc;
26 class Selection;
27 class TransactionSettings;
29 //! \brief Adobe Illustrator importer plugin
30 class AIPlug : public QObject
31 {
34 public:
35 	/*!
36 	\author Franz Schmid
37 	\date
38 	\brief Create the AI importer window.
39 	\param doc a Scribus document reference
40 	\param flags combination of loadFlags - see loadFlags in LoadSavePlugin
41 	*/
42 	AIPlug( ScribusDoc* doc, int flags );
43 	~AIPlug();
45 	/*!
46 	\author Franz Schmid
47 	\date
48 	\brief Perform import.
49 	\param fNameIn QString a filename to import
50 	\param trSettings undo transaction settings
51 	\param flags combination of loadFlags in LoadSavePlugin
52 	\param showProgress if progress must be displayed
53 	\retval bool true if import was ok
54 	 */
55 	bool import(const QString& fNameIn, const TransactionSettings& trSettings, int flags, bool showProgress = true);
56 	QImage readThumbnail(const QString& fn);
57 	bool readColors(const QString& fileName, ColorList & colors);
59 private:
61 	/*!
62 	\author Franz Schmid
63 	\date
64 	\brief Does the conversion.
65 	\param infile a filename
66 	\param outfile a filename for output
67 	\retval bool true if conversion was ok
68 	 */
69 	bool extractFromPDF(const QString& infile, const QString& outfile);
71 	bool decompressAIData(QString &fName);
72 	bool parseHeader(const QString& fName, double &x, double &y, double &b, double &h);
73 	QString removeAIPrefix(QString comment);
74 	QString parseColor(QString data);
75 	QString parseColorGray(QString data);
76 	QString parseColorRGB(QString data);
77 	QString parseCustomColor(QString data, double &shade);
78 	QString parseCustomColorX(QString data, double &shade, const QString& type);
79 	QStringList getStrings(const QString& data);
80 	void getCommands(const QString& data, QStringList &commands);
81 	void decodeA85(QByteArray &psdata, const QString& tmp);
82 	void processData(const QString& data);
83 	void processGradientData(const QString& data);
84 	void processSymbol(QDataStream &ts, bool sym);
85 	void processPattern(QDataStream &ts);
86 	void processRaster(QDataStream &ts);
87 	void processComment(QDataStream &ts, const QString& comment);
88 	bool convert(const QString& fn);
90 	QList<PageItem*> Elements;
91 	QList<PageItem*> PatternElements;
92 	QStack<QList<PageItem*> > groupStack;
93 	QStack<FPointArray> clipStack;
94 	ColorList CustColors;
95 	QStringList importedColors;
96 	QStringList importedGradients;
97 	QStringList importedPatterns;
98 	double baseX = 0.0;
99 	double baseY = 0.0;
100 	double docX = 0.0;
101 	double docY = 0.0;
102 	double docWidth = 0.0;
103 	double docHeight = 0.0;
105 	double LineW = 1.0;
106 	Qt::PenCapStyle CapStyle = Qt::FlatCap;
107 	Qt::PenJoinStyle JoinStyle = Qt::MiterJoin;
108 	double DashOffset = 0.0;
109 	QList<double> DashPattern;
110 	double Opacity = 1.0;
111 	int blendMode = 0;
112 	QString CurrColorFill;
113 	QString CurrColorStroke;
114 	double CurrStrokeShade = 100.0;
115 	double CurrFillShade = 100.0;
116 	bool fillRule = false;
117 	bool itemLocked = false;
119 	FPointArray Coords;
120 	FPointArray clipCoords;
121 	FPointArray currentSpecialPath;
122 	FPoint currentPoint;
123 	int currentLayer = 0;
124 	bool firstLayer = true;
125 	bool FirstU = false;
126 	bool WasU = false;
127 	bool interactive;
128 	MultiProgressDialog * progressDialog = nullptr;
129 	bool cancel = false;
130 	ScribusDoc* m_Doc = nullptr;
131 	Selection* tmpSel = nullptr;
132 	int importerFlags;
133 	QStringList commandList;
134 	bool convertedPDF = false;
135 	QMap<QString, VGradient> m_gradients;
136 	VGradient currentGradient;
137 	QString currentGradientName;
138 	QTransform currentGradientMatrix;
139 	QPointF currentGradientOrigin;
140 	double currentGradientAngle = 0.0;
141 	double currentGradientLength = 1.0;
142 	bool gradientMode = false;
143 	bool wasBC = false;
144 	bool itemRendered = false;
145 	QTransform startMatrix;
146 	QTransform endMatrix;
147 	bool patternMode = false;
148 	QString currentPatternDefName;
149 	QString currentPatternName;
150 	double patternX1 = 0.0;
151 	double patternY1 = 0.0;
152 	double patternX2 = 0.0;
153 	double patternY2 = 0.0;
154 	double currentPatternX = 0.0;
155 	double currentPatternY = 0.0;
156 	double currentPatternXScale = 1.0;
157 	double currentPatternYScale = 1.0;
158 	double currentPatternRotation = 0.0;
159 	QString currentStrokePatternName;
160 	double currentStrokePatternX = 0.0;
161 	double currentStrokePatternY = 0.0;
162 	double currentStrokePatternXScale = 1.0;
163 	double currentStrokePatternYScale = 1.0;
164 	double currentStrokePatternRotation = 0.0;
165 	bool meshMode = false;
166 	int meshXSize = 0;
167 	int meshYSize = 0;
168 	int currentMeshXPos = 0;
169 	int currentMeshYPos = 0;
170 	int meshNodeCounter = 0;
171 	int meshColorMode = 0;
172 	double meshNode1PointX = 0.0;
173 	double meshNode1PointY = 0.0;
174 	double meshNode1Control1X = 0.0, meshNode1Control1Y = 0.0;
175 	double meshNode1Control2X = 0.0, meshNode1Control2Y = 0.0;
176 	double meshNode2PointX = 0.0, meshNode2PointY = 0.0;
177 	double meshNode2Control1X = 0.0, meshNode2Control1Y = 0.0;
178 	double meshNode2Control2X = 0.0, meshNode2Control2Y = 0.0;
179 	double meshNode3PointX = 0.0, meshNode3PointY = 0.0;
180 	double meshNode3Control1X = 0.0, meshNode3Control1Y = 0.0;
181 	double meshNode3Control2X = 0.0, meshNode3Control2Y = 0.0;
182 	double meshNode4PointX = 0.0, meshNode4PointY = 0.0;
183 	double meshNode4Control1X = 0.0, meshNode4Control1Y = 0.0;
184 	double meshNode4Control2X = 0.0, meshNode4Control2Y = 0.0;
185 	QString meshColor1, meshColor2, meshColor3, meshColor4;
186 	QList<QList<MeshPoint> > meshGradientArray;
187 	QString docCreator;
188 	QString docDate;
189 	QString docTime;
190 	QString docOrganisation;
191 	QString docTitle;
192 	int textMode = 0;
193 	QTransform textMatrix;
194 	StoryText textData;
195 	QString textFont;
196 	double textSize = 0.0;
197 	double maxWidth = 0.0;
198 	double tempW = 0.0;
199 	double maxHeight = 0.0;
200 	double textKern= 0.0;
201 	double textScaleH = 0.0;
202 	double textScaleV = 0.0;
203 	int startCurrentTextRange = 0;
204 	int endCurrentTextRange = 0;
205 	QString currentSymbolName;
206 	QMap<QString, QPointF> importedSymbols;
207 	bool symbolMode = false;
208 	bool dataMode = false;
209     bool fObjectMode = false;
210 	QString dataString;
212 public slots:
cancelRequested()213 	void cancelRequested() { cancel = true; }
214 };
216 #endif