1 //! Streaming packet serialization.
2 //!
3 //! This interface provides a convenient way to create signed and/or
4 //! encrypted OpenPGP messages (see [Section 11.3 of RFC 4880]) and is
5 //! the preferred interface to generate messages using Sequoia.  It
6 //! takes advantage of OpenPGP's streaming nature to avoid unnecessary
7 //! buffering.
8 //!
9 //!   [Section 11.3 of RFC 4880]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-11.3
10 //!
11 //! To use this interface, a sink implementing [`io::Write`] is
12 //! wrapped by [`Message::new`] returning a streaming [`Message`].
13 //! The writer stack is a structure to compose filters that create the
14 //! desired message structure.  There are a number of filters that can
15 //! be freely combined:
16 //!
17 //!   - [`Armorer`] applies ASCII-Armor to the stream,
18 //!   - [`Encryptor`] encrypts data fed into it,
19 //!   - [`Compressor`] compresses data,
20 //!   - [`Padder`] pads data,
21 //!   - [`Signer`] signs data,
22 //!   - [`LiteralWriter`] wraps literal data (i.e. the payload) into
23 //!     a literal data packet,
24 //!   - and finally, [`ArbitraryWriter`] can be used to create
25 //!     arbitrary packets for testing purposes.
26 //!
27 //!   [`io::Write`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/std/io/trait.Write.html
28 //!   [`Message::new`]: struct.Message.html#method.new
29 //!   [`Message`]: struct.Message.html
30 //!   [`Armorer`]: struct.Armorer.html
31 //!   [`Encryptor`]: struct.Encryptor.html
32 //!   [`Compressor`]: struct.Compressor.html
33 //!   [`Padder`]: padding/struct.Padder.html
34 //!   [`Signer`]: struct.Signer.html
35 //!   [`LiteralWriter`]: struct.LiteralWriter.html
36 //!   [`ArbitraryWriter`]: struct.ArbitraryWriter.html
37 //!
38 //! The most common structure is an optionally encrypted, optionally
39 //! compressed, and optionally signed message.  This structure is
40 //! [supported] by all OpenPGP implementations, and applications
41 //! should only create messages of that structure to increase
42 //! compatibility.  See the example below on how to create this
43 //! structure.  This is a sketch of such a message:
44 //!
45 //! ```text
46 //! [ encryption layer: [ compression layer: [ signature group: [ literal data ]]]]
47 //! ```
48 //!
49 //!   [supported]: https://tests.sequoia-pgp.org/#Unusual_Message_Structure
50 //!
51 //! # Examples
52 //!
53 //! This example demonstrates how to create the simplest possible
54 //! OpenPGP message (see [Section 11.3 of RFC 4880]) containing just a
55 //! literal data packet (see [Section 5.9 of RFC 4880]):
56 //!
57 //!   [Section 5.9 of RFC 4880]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-5.9
58 //!
59 //! ```
60 //! # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
61 //! use std::io::Write;
62 //! use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
63 //! use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, LiteralWriter};
64 //!
65 //! let mut sink = vec![];
66 //! {
67 //!     let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
68 //!     let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
69 //!     message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
70 //!     message.finalize()?;
71 //! }
72 //! assert_eq!(b"\xcb\x12b\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00Hello world.", sink.as_slice());
73 //! # Ok(()) }
74 //! ```
75 //!
76 //! This example demonstrates how to create the most common OpenPGP
77 //! message structure (see [Section 11.3 of RFC 4880]).  The plaintext
78 //! is first signed, then compressed, encrypted, and finally ASCII
79 //! armored.  Our example pads the plaintext instead of compressing
80 //! it, but the resulting message structure is the same.
81 //!
82 //! ```
83 //! # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
84 //! use std::io::Write;
85 //! use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
86 //! use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
87 //! use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
88 //! use openpgp::serialize::stream::{
89 //!     Message, Armorer, Encryptor, Signer, LiteralWriter,
90 //!     padding::{Padder, padme},
91 //! };
92 //! # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
93 //!
94 //! let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
95 //!
96 //! let sender: Cert = // ...
97 //! #     Cert::from_bytes(&include_bytes!(
98 //! #     "../../tests/data/keys/testy-new-private.pgp")[..])?;
99 //! let signing_keypair = sender.keys().secret()
100 //!     .with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false).for_signing()
101 //!     .nth(0).unwrap()
102 //!     .key().clone().into_keypair()?;
103 //!
104 //! let recipient: Cert = // ...
105 //! #     sender.clone();
106 //! // Note: One certificate may contain several suitable encryption keys.
107 //! let recipients =
108 //!     recipient.keys().with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false)
109 //!     // Or `for_storage_encryption()`, for data at rest.
110 //!     .for_transport_encryption()
111 //!     .map(|ka| ka.key());
112 //!
113 //! # let mut sink = vec![];
114 //! let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
115 //! let message = Armorer::new(message).build()?;
116 //! let message = Encryptor::for_recipients(message, recipients).build()?;
117 //! // Reduce metadata leakage by concealing the message size.
118 //! let message = Padder::new(message, padme)?;
119 //! let message = Signer::new(message, signing_keypair)
120 //!     // Prevent Surreptitious Forwarding.
121 //!     .add_intended_recipient(&recipient)
122 //!     .build()?;
123 //! let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
124 //! message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
125 //! message.finalize()?;
126 //! # Ok(()) }
127 //! ```
129 use std::fmt;
130 use std::io::{self, Write};
131 use std::time::SystemTime;
133 use crate::{
134     armor,
135     crypto,
136     Error,
137     Fingerprint,
138     HashAlgorithm,
139     KeyID,
140     Result,
141     crypto::Password,
142     crypto::SessionKey,
143     packet::prelude::*,
144     packet::signature,
145     packet::key,
146     cert::prelude::*,
147 };
148 use crate::packet::header::CTB;
149 use crate::packet::header::BodyLength;
150 use super::{
151     Marshal,
152 };
153 use crate::types::{
154     AEADAlgorithm,
155     CompressionAlgorithm,
156     CompressionLevel,
157     DataFormat,
158     SignatureType,
159     SymmetricAlgorithm,
160 };
162 pub(crate) mod writer;
163 #[cfg(feature = "compression-deflate")]
164 pub mod padding;
165 mod partial_body;
166 use partial_body::PartialBodyFilter;
168 /// Cookie must be public because the writers are.
169 #[derive(Debug)]
170 struct Cookie {
171     level: usize,
172     private: Private,
173 }
175 #[derive(Debug)]
176 enum Private {
177     Nothing,
178     Signer,
179 }
181 impl Cookie {
new(level: usize) -> Self182     fn new(level: usize) -> Self {
183         Cookie {
184             level,
185             private: Private::Nothing,
186         }
187     }
188 }
190 impl Default for Cookie {
default() -> Self191     fn default() -> Self {
192         Cookie::new(0)
193     }
194 }
196 /// Streams an OpenPGP message.
197 ///
198 /// Wraps an [`io::Write`]r for use with the streaming subsystem.  The
199 /// `Message` is a stack of filters that create the desired message
200 /// structure.  Literal data must be framed using the
201 /// [`LiteralWriter`] filter.  Once all the has been written, the
202 /// `Message` must be finalized using [`Message::finalize`].
203 ///
204 ///   [`io::Write`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/std/io/trait.Write.html
205 ///   [`LiteralWriter`]: struct.LiteralWriter.html
206 ///   [`Message::finalize`]: #method.finalize
207 #[derive(Debug)]
208 pub struct Message<'a>(writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>);
210 impl<'a> Message<'a> {
211     /// Starts streaming an OpenPGP message.
212     ///
213     /// # Example
214     ///
215     /// ```
216     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
217     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
218     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, LiteralWriter};
219     ///
220     /// # let mut sink = vec![]; // Vec<u8> implements io::Write.
221     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
222     /// // Construct the writer stack here.
223     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
224     /// // Write literal data to `message` here.
225     /// // ...
226     /// // Finalize the message.
227     /// message.finalize()?;
228     /// # Ok(()) }
229     /// ```
new<W: 'a + io::Write>(w: W) -> Message<'a>230     pub fn new<W: 'a + io::Write>(w: W) -> Message<'a> {
231         writer::Generic::new(w, Cookie::new(0))
232     }
234     /// Finalizes the topmost writer, returning the underlying writer.
235     ///
236     /// Finalizes the topmost writer, i.e. flushes any buffered data,
237     /// and pops it of the stack.  This allows for fine-grained
238     /// control of the resulting message, but must be done with great
239     /// care.  If done improperly, the resulting message may be
240     /// malformed.
241     ///
242     /// # Example
243     ///
244     /// This demonstrates how to create a compressed, signed message
245     /// from a detached signature.
246     ///
247     /// ```
248     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
249     /// use std::io::Write;
250     /// use std::convert::TryFrom;
251     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
252     /// use openpgp::packet::{Packet, Signature, one_pass_sig::OnePassSig3};
253     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
254     /// use openpgp::serialize::Serialize;
255     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Compressor, LiteralWriter};
256     ///
257     /// let data: &[u8] = // ...
258     /// # &include_bytes!(
259     /// # "../../tests/data/messages/a-cypherpunks-manifesto.txt")[..];
260     /// let sig: Signature = // ...
261     /// # if let Packet::Signature(s) = Packet::from_bytes(&include_bytes!(
262     /// # "../../tests/data/messages/a-cypherpunks-manifesto.txt.ed25519.sig")[..])?
263     /// # { s } else { panic!() };
264     ///
265     /// # let mut sink = vec![]; // Vec<u8> implements io::Write.
266     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
267     /// let mut message = Compressor::new(message).build()?;
268     ///
269     /// // First, write a one-pass-signature packet.
270     /// Packet::from(OnePassSig3::try_from(&sig)?)
271     ///     .serialize(&mut message)?;
272     ///
273     /// // Then, add the literal data.
274     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
275     /// message.write_all(data)?;
276     ///
277     /// // Finally, pop the `LiteralWriter` off the stack to write the
278     /// // signature.
279     /// let mut message = message.finalize_one()?.unwrap();
280     /// Packet::from(sig).serialize(&mut message)?;
281     ///
282     /// // Finalize the message.
283     /// message.finalize()?;
284     /// # Ok(()) }
285     /// ```
finalize_one(self) -> Result<Option<Message<'a>>>286     pub fn finalize_one(self) -> Result<Option<Message<'a>>> {
287         Ok(self.0.into_inner()?.map(|bs| Self::from(bs)))
288     }
290     /// Finalizes the message.
291     ///
292     /// Finalizes all writers on the stack, flushing any buffered
293     /// data.
294     ///
295     /// # Note
296     ///
297     /// Failing to finalize the message may result in corrupted
298     /// messages.
299     ///
300     /// # Example
301     ///
302     /// ```
303     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
304     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
305     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, LiteralWriter};
306     ///
307     /// # let mut sink = vec![]; // Vec<u8> implements io::Write.
308     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
309     /// // Construct the writer stack here.
310     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
311     /// // Write literal data to `message` here.
312     /// // ...
313     /// // Finalize the message.
314     /// message.finalize()?;
315     /// # Ok(()) }
316     /// ```
finalize(self) -> Result<()>317     pub fn finalize(self) -> Result<()> {
318         let mut stack = self;
319         while let Some(s) = stack.finalize_one()? {
320             stack = s;
321         }
322         Ok(())
323     }
324 }
326 impl<'a> From<&'a mut dyn io::Write> for Message<'a> {
from(w: &'a mut dyn io::Write) -> Self327     fn from(w: &'a mut dyn io::Write) -> Self {
328         writer::Generic::new(w, Cookie::new(0))
329     }
330 }
333 /// Applies ASCII Armor to the message.
334 ///
335 /// ASCII armored data (see [Section 6 of RFC 4880]) is a OpenPGP data
336 /// stream that has been base64-encoded and decorated with a header,
337 /// footer, and optional headers representing key-value pairs.  It can
338 /// be safely transmitted over protocols that can only transmit
339 /// printable characters, and can handled by end users (e.g. copied
340 /// and pasted).
341 ///
342 ///   [Section 6 of RFC 4880]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-6
343 pub struct Armorer<'a> {
344     kind: armor::Kind,
345     headers: Vec<(String, String)>,
346     inner: Message<'a>,
347 }
349 impl<'a> Armorer<'a> {
350     /// Creates a new armoring filter.
351     ///
352     /// By default, the type of the armored data is set to
353     /// [`armor::Kind`]`::Message`.  To change it, use
354     /// [`Armorer::kind`].  To add headers to the armor, use
355     /// [`Armorer::add_header`].
356     ///
357     ///   [`armor::Kind`]: ../../armor/enum.Kind.html
358     ///   [`Armorer::kind`]: #method.kind
359     ///   [`Armorer::add_header`]: #method.add_header
360     ///
361     /// # Examples
362     ///
363     /// ```
364     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
365     /// use std::io::Write;
366     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
367     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Armorer, LiteralWriter};
368     ///
369     /// let mut sink = vec![];
370     /// {
371     ///     let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
372     ///     let message = Armorer::new(message)
373     ///         // Customize the `Armorer` here.
374     ///         .build()?;
375     ///     let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
376     ///     message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
377     ///     message.finalize()?;
378     /// }
379     /// assert_eq!("-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n\
380     ///             \n\
381     ///             yxJiAAAAAABIZWxsbyB3b3JsZC4=\n\
382     ///             =6nHv\n\
383     ///             -----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n",
384     ///            std::str::from_utf8(&sink)?);
385     /// # Ok(()) }
new(inner: Message<'a>) -> Self386     pub fn new(inner: Message<'a>) -> Self {
387         Self {
388             kind: armor::Kind::Message,
389             headers: Vec::with_capacity(0),
390             inner,
391         }
392     }
394     /// Changes the kind of armoring.
395     ///
396     /// The armor header and footer changes depending on the type of
397     /// wrapped data.  See [`armor::Kind`] for the possible values.
398     ///
399     ///   [`armor::Kind`]: ../../armor/enum.Kind.html
400     ///
401     /// # Examples
402     ///
403     /// ```
404     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
405     /// use std::io::Write;
406     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
407     /// use openpgp::armor;
408     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Armorer, Signer};
409     /// # use sequoia_openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
410     /// # use openpgp::{Result, Cert};
411     /// # use openpgp::packet::prelude::*;
412     /// # use openpgp::crypto::KeyPair;
413     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
414     /// # use openpgp::parse::stream::*;
415     /// # let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
416     /// # let cert = Cert::from_bytes(&include_bytes!(
417     /// #     "../../tests/data/keys/testy-new-private.pgp")[..])?;
418     /// # let signing_keypair
419     /// #     = cert.keys().secret()
420     /// #           .with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false).for_signing()
421     /// #           .nth(0).unwrap()
422     /// #           .key().clone().into_keypair()?;
423     ///
424     /// let mut sink = vec![];
425     /// {
426     ///     let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
427     ///     let message = Armorer::new(message)
428     ///         .kind(armor::Kind::Signature)
429     ///         .build()?;
430     ///     let mut signer = Signer::new(message, signing_keypair)
431     ///         .detached()
432     ///         .build()?;
433     ///
434     ///     // Write the data directly to the `Signer`.
435     ///     signer.write_all(b"Make it so, number one!")?;
436     ///     // In reality, just io::copy() the file to be signed.
437     ///     signer.finalize()?;
438     /// }
439     ///
440     /// assert!(std::str::from_utf8(&sink)?
441     ///         .starts_with("-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n"));
442     /// # Ok(()) }
kind(mut self, kind: armor::Kind) -> Self443     pub fn kind(mut self, kind: armor::Kind) -> Self {
444         self.kind = kind;
445         self
446     }
448     /// Adds a header to the armor block.
449     ///
450     /// There are a number of defined armor header keys (see [Section
451     /// 6 of RFC 4880]), but in practice, any key may be used, as
452     /// implementations should simply ignore unknown keys.
453     ///
454     ///   [Section 6 of RFC 4880]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-6
455     ///
456     /// # Examples
457     ///
458     /// ```
459     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
460     /// use std::io::Write;
461     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
462     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Armorer, LiteralWriter};
463     ///
464     /// let mut sink = vec![];
465     /// {
466     ///     let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
467     ///     let message = Armorer::new(message)
468     ///         .add_header("Comment", "No comment.")
469     ///         .build()?;
470     ///     let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
471     ///     message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
472     ///     message.finalize()?;
473     /// }
474     /// assert_eq!("-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n\
475     ///             Comment: No comment.\n\
476     ///             \n\
477     ///             yxJiAAAAAABIZWxsbyB3b3JsZC4=\n\
478     ///             =6nHv\n\
479     ///             -----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n",
480     ///            std::str::from_utf8(&sink)?);
481     /// # Ok(()) }
add_header<K, V>(mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Self where K: AsRef<str>, V: AsRef<str>,482     pub fn add_header<K, V>(mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Self
483         where K: AsRef<str>,
484               V: AsRef<str>,
485     {
486         self.headers.push((key.as_ref().to_string(),
487                            value.as_ref().to_string()));
488         self
489     }
491     /// Builds the armor writer, returning the writer stack.
492     ///
493     /// # Examples
494     ///
495     /// ```
496     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
497     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
498     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Armorer, LiteralWriter};
499     ///
500     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
501     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
502     /// let message = Armorer::new(message)
503     ///     // Customize the `Armorer` here.
504     ///     .build()?;
505     /// # Ok(()) }
build(self) -> Result<Message<'a>>506     pub fn build(self) -> Result<Message<'a>> {
507         let level = self.inner.as_ref().cookie_ref().level;
508         writer::Armorer::new(
509             self.inner,
510             Cookie::new(level + 1),
511             self.kind,
512             self.headers,
513         )
514     }
515 }
517 impl<'a> fmt::Debug for Armorer<'a> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result518     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
519         f.debug_struct("Armorer")
520             .field("inner", &self.inner)
521             .field("kind", &self.kind)
522             .field("headers", &self.headers)
523             .finish()
524     }
525 }
528 /// Writes an arbitrary packet.
529 ///
530 /// This writer can be used to construct arbitrary OpenPGP packets.
531 /// This is mainly useful for testing.  The body will be written using
532 /// partial length encoding, or, if the body is short, using full
533 /// length encoding.
534 pub struct ArbitraryWriter<'a> {
535     inner: writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>,
536 }
538 impl<'a> ArbitraryWriter<'a> {
539     /// Creates a new writer with the given tag.
540     ///
541     /// # Example
542     ///
543     /// ```
544     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
545     /// use std::io::Write;
546     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
547     /// use openpgp::packet::Tag;
548     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, ArbitraryWriter};
549     ///
550     /// let mut sink = vec![];
551     /// {
552     ///     let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
553     ///     let mut message = ArbitraryWriter::new(message, Tag::Literal)?;
554     ///     message.write_all(b"t")?;                   // type
555     ///     message.write_all(b"\x00")?;                // filename length
556     ///     message.write_all(b"\x00\x00\x00\x00")?;    // date
557     ///     message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;        // body
558     ///     message.finalize()?;
559     /// }
560     /// assert_eq!(b"\xcb\x12t\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00Hello world.",
561     ///            sink.as_slice());
562     /// # Ok(()) }
new(mut inner: Message<'a>, tag: Tag) -> Result<Message<'a>>563     pub fn new(mut inner: Message<'a>, tag: Tag)
564                -> Result<Message<'a>> {
565         let level = inner.as_ref().cookie_ref().level + 1;
566         CTB::new(tag).serialize(&mut inner)?;
567         Ok(Message::from(Box::new(ArbitraryWriter {
568             inner: PartialBodyFilter::new(inner, Cookie::new(level)).into()
569         })))
570     }
571 }
573 impl<'a> fmt::Debug for ArbitraryWriter<'a> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result574     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
575         f.debug_struct("ArbitraryWriter")
576             .field("inner", &self.inner)
577             .finish()
578     }
579 }
581 impl<'a> Write for ArbitraryWriter<'a> {
write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize>582     fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
583         self.inner.write(buf)
584     }
flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()>585     fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
586         self.inner.flush()
587     }
588 }
590 impl<'a> writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie> for ArbitraryWriter<'a> {
into_inner(self: Box<Self>) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>>591     fn into_inner(self: Box<Self>) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>> {
592         Box::new(self.inner).into_inner()
593     }
pop(&mut self) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>>594     fn pop(&mut self) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>> {
595         unreachable!("Only implemented by Signer")
596     }
597     /// Sets the inner stackable.
mount(&mut self, _new: writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>)598     fn mount(&mut self, _new: writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>) {
599         unreachable!("Only implemented by Signer")
600     }
inner_ref(&self) -> Option<&dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>>601     fn inner_ref(&self) -> Option<&dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>> {
602         Some(self.inner.as_ref())
603     }
inner_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>>604     fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>> {
605         Some(self.inner.as_mut())
606     }
cookie_set(&mut self, cookie: Cookie) -> Cookie607     fn cookie_set(&mut self, cookie: Cookie) -> Cookie {
608         self.inner.cookie_set(cookie)
609     }
cookie_ref(&self) -> &Cookie610     fn cookie_ref(&self) -> &Cookie {
611         self.inner.cookie_ref()
612     }
cookie_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Cookie613     fn cookie_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Cookie {
614         self.inner.cookie_mut()
615     }
position(&self) -> u64616     fn position(&self) -> u64 {
617         self.inner.position()
618     }
619 }
621 /// Signs a message.
622 ///
623 /// Signs a message with every [`crypto::Signer`] added to the
624 /// streaming signer.
625 ///
626 ///   [`crypto::Signer`]: ../../crypto/trait.Signer.html
627 pub struct Signer<'a> {
628     // The underlying writer.
629     //
630     // Because this writer implements `Drop`, we cannot move the inner
631     // writer out of this writer.  We therefore wrap it with `Option`
632     // so that we can `take()` it.
633     //
634     // Furthermore, the LiteralWriter will pop us off the stack, and
635     // take our inner reader.  If that happens, we only update the
636     // digests.
637     inner: Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>,
638     signers: Vec<Box<dyn crypto::Signer + 'a>>,
639     intended_recipients: Vec<Fingerprint>,
640     detached: bool,
641     template: signature::SignatureBuilder,
642     creation_time: Option<SystemTime>,
643     hash: crypto::hash::Context,
644     cookie: Cookie,
645     position: u64,
646 }
648 impl<'a> Signer<'a> {
649     /// Creates a signer.
650     ///
651     /// Signs the message with the given [`crypto::Signer`].  To
652     /// create more than one signature, add more [`crypto::Signer`]s
653     /// using [`Signer::add_signer`].  Properties of the signatures
654     /// can be tweaked using the methods of this type.  Notably, to
655     /// generate a detached signature (see [Section 11.4 of RFC
656     /// 4880]), use [`Signer::detached`].  For even more control over
657     /// the generated signatures, use [`Signer::with_template`].
658     ///
659     ///   [`crypto::Signer`]: ../../crypto/trait.Signer.html
660     ///   [`Signer::add_signer`]: #method.add_signer
661     ///   [Section 11.4 of RFC 4880]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-11.4
662     ///   [`Signer::detached`]: #method.detached
663     ///   [`Signer::with_template`]: #method.with_template
664     ///
665     /// # Example
666     ///
667     /// ```
668     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
669     /// use std::io::{Read, Write};
670     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
671     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Signer, LiteralWriter};
672     /// use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
673     /// # use openpgp::{Result, Cert};
674     /// # use openpgp::packet::prelude::*;
675     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
676     /// # use openpgp::parse::stream::*;
677     ///
678     /// let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
679     /// let cert: Cert = // ...
680     /// #     Cert::from_bytes(&include_bytes!(
681     /// #     "../../tests/data/keys/testy-new-private.pgp")[..])?;
682     /// let signing_keypair = cert.keys().secret()
683     ///     .with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false).for_signing()
684     ///     .nth(0).unwrap()
685     ///     .key().clone().into_keypair()?;
686     ///
687     /// let mut sink = vec![];
688     /// {
689     ///     let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
690     ///     let message = Signer::new(message, signing_keypair)
691     ///         // Customize the `Signer` here.
692     ///         .build()?;
693     ///     let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
694     ///     message.write_all(b"Make it so, number one!")?;
695     ///     message.finalize()?;
696     /// }
697     ///
698     /// // Now check the signature.
699     /// struct Helper<'a>(&'a openpgp::Cert);
700     /// impl<'a> VerificationHelper for Helper<'a> {
701     ///     fn get_certs(&mut self, _: &[openpgp::KeyHandle])
702     ///                        -> openpgp::Result<Vec<openpgp::Cert>> {
703     ///         Ok(vec![self.0.clone()])
704     ///     }
705     ///
706     ///     fn check(&mut self, structure: MessageStructure)
707     ///              -> openpgp::Result<()> {
708     ///         if let MessageLayer::SignatureGroup { ref results } =
709     ///             structure.iter().nth(0).unwrap()
710     ///         {
711     ///             results.get(0).unwrap().as_ref().unwrap();
712     ///             Ok(())
713     ///         } else { panic!() }
714     ///     }
715     /// }
716     ///
717     /// let mut verifier = VerifierBuilder::from_bytes(&sink)?
718     ///     .with_policy(p, None, Helper(&cert))?;
719     ///
720     /// let mut message = String::new();
721     /// verifier.read_to_string(&mut message)?;
722     /// assert_eq!(&message, "Make it so, number one!");
723     /// # Ok(()) }
724     /// ```
new<S>(inner: Message<'a>, signer: S) -> Self where S: crypto::Signer + 'a725     pub fn new<S>(inner: Message<'a>, signer: S) -> Self
726         where S: crypto::Signer + 'a
727     {
728         Self::with_template(inner, signer,
729                             signature::SignatureBuilder::new(SignatureType::Binary))
730     }
732     /// Creates a signer with a given signature template.
733     ///
734     /// Signs the message with the given [`crypto::Signer`] like
735     /// [`Signer::new`], but allows more control over the generated
736     /// signatures.  The given [`signature::SignatureBuilder`] is used to
737     /// create all the signatures.
738     ///
739     /// For every signature, the creation time is set to the current
740     /// time or the one specified using [`Signer::creation_time`], the
741     /// intended recipients are added (see
742     /// [`Signer::add_intended_recipient`]), the issuer and issuer
743     /// fingerprint subpackets are set according to the signing key,
744     /// and the hash algorithm set using [`Signer::hash_algo`] is used
745     /// to create the signature.
746     ///
747     ///   [`crypto::Signer`]: ../../crypto/trait.Signer.html
748     ///   [`Signer::new`]: #method.new
749     ///   [`signature::SignatureBuilder`]: ../../packet/signature/struct.Builder.html
750     ///   [`Signer::creation_time`]: #method.creation_time
751     ///   [`Signer::hash_algo`]: #method.hash_algo
752     ///   [`Signer::add_intended_recipient`]: #method.add_intended_recipient
753     ///
754     /// # Example
755     ///
756     /// ```
757     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
758     /// use std::io::{Read, Write};
759     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
760     /// use openpgp::types::SignatureType;
761     /// use openpgp::packet::signature;
762     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Signer, LiteralWriter};
763     /// # use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
764     /// # use openpgp::{Result, Cert};
765     /// # use openpgp::packet::prelude::*;
766     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
767     /// # use openpgp::parse::stream::*;
768     /// #
769     /// # let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
770     /// # let cert: Cert = // ...
771     /// #     Cert::from_bytes(&include_bytes!(
772     /// #     "../../tests/data/keys/testy-new-private.pgp")[..])?;
773     /// # let signing_keypair = cert.keys().secret()
774     /// #     .with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false).for_signing()
775     /// #     .nth(0).unwrap()
776     /// #     .key().clone().into_keypair()?;
777     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
778     ///
779     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
780     /// let message = Signer::with_template(
781     ///     message, signing_keypair,
782     ///     signature::SignatureBuilder::new(SignatureType::Text)
783     ///         .add_notation("issuer@starfleet.command", "Jean-Luc Picard",
784     ///                       None, true)?)
785     ///     // Further customize the `Signer` here.
786     ///     .build()?;
787     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
788     /// message.write_all(b"Make it so, number one!")?;
789     /// message.finalize()?;
790     /// # Ok(()) }
791     /// ```
with_template<S, T>(inner: Message<'a>, signer: S, template: T) -> Self where S: crypto::Signer + 'a, T: Into<signature::SignatureBuilder>,792     pub fn with_template<S, T>(inner: Message<'a>, signer: S, template: T)
793                                -> Self
794         where S: crypto::Signer + 'a,
795               T: Into<signature::SignatureBuilder>,
796     {
797         let inner = writer::BoxStack::from(inner);
798         let level = inner.cookie_ref().level + 1;
799         Signer {
800             inner: Some(inner),
801             signers: vec![Box::new(signer)],
802             intended_recipients: Vec::new(),
803             detached: false,
804             template: template.into(),
805             creation_time: None,
806             hash: HashAlgorithm::default().context().unwrap(),
807             cookie: Cookie {
808                 level,
809                 private: Private::Signer,
810             },
811             position: 0,
812         }
813     }
815     /// Creates a signer for a detached signature.
816     ///
817     /// Changes the `Signer` to create a detached signature (see
818     /// [Section 11.4 of RFC 4880]).  Note that the literal data *must
819     /// not* be wrapped using the [`LiteralWriter`].
820     ///
821     ///   [Section 11.4 of RFC 4880]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-11.4
822     ///   [`LiteralWriter`]: ../struct.LiteralWriter.html
823     ///
824     /// # Example
825     ///
826     /// ```
827     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
828     /// use std::io::Write;
829     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
830     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Signer};
831     /// use sequoia_openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
832     /// # use openpgp::{Result, Cert};
833     /// # use openpgp::packet::prelude::*;
834     /// # use openpgp::crypto::KeyPair;
835     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
836     /// # use openpgp::parse::stream::*;
837     ///
838     /// let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
839     /// # let cert = Cert::from_bytes(&include_bytes!(
840     /// #     "../../tests/data/keys/testy-new-private.pgp")[..])?;
841     /// # let signing_keypair
842     /// #     = cert.keys().secret()
843     /// #           .with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false).for_signing()
844     /// #           .nth(0).unwrap()
845     /// #           .key().clone().into_keypair()?;
846     ///
847     /// let mut sink = vec![];
848     /// {
849     ///     let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
850     ///     let mut signer = Signer::new(message, signing_keypair)
851     ///         .detached()
852     ///         // Customize the `Signer` here.
853     ///         .build()?;
854     ///
855     ///     // Write the data directly to the `Signer`.
856     ///     signer.write_all(b"Make it so, number one!")?;
857     ///     // In reality, just io::copy() the file to be signed.
858     ///     signer.finalize()?;
859     /// }
860     ///
861     /// // Now check the signature.
862     /// struct Helper<'a>(&'a openpgp::Cert);
863     /// impl<'a> VerificationHelper for Helper<'a> {
864     ///     fn get_certs(&mut self, _: &[openpgp::KeyHandle])
865     ///                        -> openpgp::Result<Vec<openpgp::Cert>> {
866     ///         Ok(vec![self.0.clone()])
867     ///     }
868     ///
869     ///     fn check(&mut self, structure: MessageStructure)
870     ///              -> openpgp::Result<()> {
871     ///         if let MessageLayer::SignatureGroup { ref results } =
872     ///             structure.iter().nth(0).unwrap()
873     ///         {
874     ///             results.get(0).unwrap().as_ref().unwrap();
875     ///             Ok(())
876     ///         } else { panic!() }
877     ///     }
878     /// }
879     ///
880     /// let mut verifier = DetachedVerifierBuilder::from_bytes(&sink)?
881     ///     .with_policy(p, None, Helper(&cert))?;
882     ///
883     /// verifier.verify_bytes(b"Make it so, number one!")?;
884     /// # Ok(()) }
885     /// ```
detached(mut self) -> Self886     pub fn detached(mut self) -> Self {
887         self.detached = true;
888         self
889     }
891     /// Adds an additional signer.
892     ///
893     /// Can be used multiple times.
894     ///
895     /// # Example
896     ///
897     /// ```
898     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
899     /// use std::io::Write;
900     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
901     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Signer, LiteralWriter};
902     /// # use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
903     /// # use openpgp::{Result, Cert};
904     /// # use openpgp::packet::prelude::*;
905     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
906     /// # use openpgp::parse::stream::*;
907     ///
908     /// # let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
909     /// # let cert = Cert::from_bytes(&include_bytes!(
910     /// #     "../../tests/data/keys/testy-new-private.pgp")[..])?;
911     /// # let signing_keypair = cert.keys().secret()
912     /// #     .with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false).for_signing()
913     /// #     .nth(0).unwrap()
914     /// #     .key().clone().into_keypair()?;
915     /// # let additional_signing_keypair = cert.keys().secret()
916     /// #     .with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false).for_signing()
917     /// #     .nth(0).unwrap()
918     /// #     .key().clone().into_keypair()?;
919     ///
920     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
921     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
922     /// let message = Signer::new(message, signing_keypair)
923     ///     .add_signer(additional_signing_keypair)
924     ///     .build()?;
925     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
926     /// message.write_all(b"Make it so, number one!")?;
927     /// message.finalize()?;
928     /// # Ok(()) }
929     /// ```
add_signer<S>(mut self, signer: S) -> Self where S: crypto::Signer + 'a930     pub fn add_signer<S>(mut self, signer: S) -> Self
931         where S: crypto::Signer + 'a
932     {
933         self.signers.push(Box::new(signer));
934         self
935     }
937     /// Adds an intended recipient.
938     ///
939     /// Indicates that the given certificate is an intended recipient
940     /// of this message.  Can be used multiple times.  This prevents
941     /// [*Surreptitious Forwarding*] of encrypted and signed messages,
942     /// i.e. forwarding a signed message using a different encryption
943     /// context.
944     ///
945     ///   [*Surreptitious Forwarding*]: http://world.std.com/~dtd/sign_encrypt/sign_encrypt7.html
946     ///
947     /// # Example
948     ///
949     /// ```
950     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
951     /// use std::io::Write;
952     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
953     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Signer, LiteralWriter};
954     /// # use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
955     /// # use openpgp::{Result, Cert};
956     /// # use openpgp::packet::prelude::*;
957     /// # use openpgp::crypto::KeyPair;
958     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
959     /// # use openpgp::parse::stream::*;
960     ///
961     /// # let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
962     /// # let cert = Cert::from_bytes(&include_bytes!(
963     /// #     "../../tests/data/keys/testy-new-private.pgp")[..])?;
964     /// # let signing_keypair = cert.keys().secret()
965     /// #     .with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false).for_signing()
966     /// #     .nth(0).unwrap()
967     /// #     .key().clone().into_keypair()?;
968     /// let recipient: Cert = // ...
969     /// #     Cert::from_bytes(&include_bytes!(
970     /// #     "../../tests/data/keys/testy.pgp")[..])?;
971     ///
972     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
973     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
974     /// let message = Signer::new(message, signing_keypair)
975     ///     .add_intended_recipient(&recipient)
976     ///     .build()?;
977     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
978     /// message.write_all(b"Make it so, number one!")?;
979     /// message.finalize()?;
980     /// # Ok(()) }
981     /// ```
add_intended_recipient(mut self, recipient: &Cert) -> Self982     pub fn add_intended_recipient(mut self, recipient: &Cert) -> Self {
983         self.intended_recipients.push(recipient.fingerprint());
984         self
985     }
987     /// Sets the hash algorithm to use for the signatures.
988     ///
989     /// # Example
990     ///
991     /// ```
992     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
993     /// use std::io::Write;
994     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
995     /// use openpgp::types::HashAlgorithm;
996     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Signer, LiteralWriter};
997     /// # use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
998     /// # use openpgp::{Result, Cert};
999     /// # use openpgp::packet::prelude::*;
1000     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
1001     /// # use openpgp::parse::stream::*;
1002     ///
1003     /// # let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
1004     /// # let cert = Cert::from_bytes(&include_bytes!(
1005     /// #     "../../tests/data/keys/testy-new-private.pgp")[..])?;
1006     /// # let signing_keypair = cert.keys().secret()
1007     /// #     .with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false).for_signing()
1008     /// #     .nth(0).unwrap()
1009     /// #     .key().clone().into_keypair()?;
1010     ///
1011     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
1012     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
1013     /// let message = Signer::new(message, signing_keypair)
1014     ///     .hash_algo(HashAlgorithm::SHA384)?
1015     ///     .build()?;
1016     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
1017     /// message.write_all(b"Make it so, number one!")?;
1018     /// message.finalize()?;
1019     /// # Ok(()) }
1020     /// ```
hash_algo(mut self, algo: HashAlgorithm) -> Result<Self>1021     pub fn hash_algo(mut self, algo: HashAlgorithm) -> Result<Self> {
1022         self.hash = algo.context()?;
1023         Ok(self)
1024     }
1026     /// Sets the signature's creation time to `time`.
1027     ///
1028     /// Note: it is up to the caller to make sure the signing keys are
1029     /// actually valid as of `time`.
1030     ///
1031     /// # Example
1032     ///
1033     /// ```
1034     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
1035     /// use std::io::Write;
1036     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
1037     /// use openpgp::types::Timestamp;
1038     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Signer, LiteralWriter};
1039     /// use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
1040     /// # use openpgp::{Result, Cert};
1041     /// # use openpgp::packet::prelude::*;
1042     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
1043     /// # use openpgp::parse::stream::*;
1044     ///
1045     /// let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
1046     /// let cert: Cert = // ...
1047     /// #     Cert::from_bytes(&include_bytes!(
1048     /// #     "../../tests/data/keys/testy-new-private.pgp")[..])?;
1049     /// let signing_key = cert.keys().secret()
1050     ///     .with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false).for_signing()
1051     ///     .nth(0).unwrap()
1052     ///     .key();
1053     /// let signing_keypair = signing_key.clone().into_keypair()?;
1054     ///
1055     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
1056     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
1057     /// let message = Signer::new(message, signing_keypair)
1058     ///     .creation_time(Timestamp::now()
1059     ///                    .round_down(None, signing_key.creation_time())?)
1060     ///     .build()?;
1061     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
1062     /// message.write_all(b"Make it so, number one!")?;
1063     /// message.finalize()?;
1064     /// # Ok(()) }
1065     /// ```
creation_time<T: Into<SystemTime>>(mut self, creation_time: T) -> Self1066     pub fn creation_time<T: Into<SystemTime>>(mut self, creation_time: T)
1067                                               -> Self
1068     {
1069         self.creation_time = Some(creation_time.into());
1070         self
1071     }
1073     /// Builds the signer, returning the writer stack.
1074     ///
1075     /// The most useful filter to push to the writer stack next is the
1076     /// [`LiteralWriter`].  Note, if you are creating a signed OpenPGP
1077     /// message (see [Section 11.3 of RFC 4880]), literal data *must*
1078     /// be wrapped using the [`LiteralWriter`].  On the other hand, if
1079     /// you are creating a detached signature (see [Section 11.4 of
1080     /// RFC 4880]), the literal data *must not* be wrapped using the
1081     /// [`LiteralWriter`].
1082     ///
1083     ///   [`LiteralWriter`]: ../struct.LiteralWriter.html
1084     ///   [Section 11.3 of RFC 4880]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-11.3
1085     ///   [Section 11.4 of RFC 4880]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-11.4
1086     ///
1087     /// # Example
1088     ///
1089     /// ```
1090     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
1091     /// use std::io::Write;
1092     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
1093     /// use openpgp::types::Timestamp;
1094     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Signer};
1095     /// # use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
1096     /// # use openpgp::{Result, Cert};
1097     /// # use openpgp::packet::prelude::*;
1098     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
1099     /// # use openpgp::parse::stream::*;
1100     ///
1101     /// # let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
1102     /// # let cert: Cert = // ...
1103     /// #     Cert::from_bytes(&include_bytes!(
1104     /// #     "../../tests/data/keys/testy-new-private.pgp")[..])?;
1105     /// # let signing_keypair
1106     /// #     = cert.keys().secret()
1107     /// #           .with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false).for_signing()
1108     /// #           .nth(0).unwrap()
1109     /// #           .key().clone().into_keypair()?;
1110     /// #
1111     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
1112     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
1113     /// let message = Signer::new(message, signing_keypair)
1114     ///     // Customize the `Signer` here.
1115     ///     .build()?;
1116     /// # Ok(()) }
1117     /// ```
build(mut self) -> Result<Message<'a>>1118     pub fn build(mut self) -> Result<Message<'a>>
1119     {
1120         assert!(self.signers.len() > 0, "The constructor adds a signer.");
1121         assert!(self.inner.is_some(), "The constructor adds an inner writer.");
1123         if ! self.detached {
1124             // For every key we collected, build and emit a one pass
1125             // signature packet.
1126             for (i, keypair) in self.signers.iter().enumerate() {
1127                 let key = keypair.public();
1128                 let mut ops = OnePassSig3::new(self.template.typ());
1129                 ops.set_pk_algo(key.pk_algo());
1130                 ops.set_hash_algo(self.hash.algo());
1131                 ops.set_issuer(key.keyid());
1132                 ops.set_last(i == self.signers.len() - 1);
1133                 Packet::OnePassSig(ops.into())
1134                     .serialize(self.inner.as_mut().unwrap())?;
1135             }
1136         }
1138         Ok(Message::from(Box::new(self)))
1139     }
emit_signatures(&mut self) -> Result<()>1141     fn emit_signatures(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
1142         if let Some(ref mut sink) = self.inner {
1143             // Emit the signatures in reverse, so that the
1144             // one-pass-signature and signature packets "bracket" the
1145             // message.
1146             for signer in self.signers.iter_mut() {
1147                 // Part of the signature packet is hashed in,
1148                 // therefore we need to clone the hash.
1149                 let hash = self.hash.clone();
1151                 // Make and hash a signature packet.
1152                 let mut sig = self.template.clone()
1153                     .set_signature_creation_time(
1154                         self.creation_time
1155                             .unwrap_or_else(SystemTime::now))?;
1157                 if ! self.intended_recipients.is_empty() {
1158                     sig = sig.set_intended_recipients(
1159                         self.intended_recipients.clone())?;
1160                 }
1162                 // Compute the signature.
1163                 let sig = sig.sign_hash(signer.as_mut(), hash)?;
1165                 // And emit the packet.
1166                 Packet::Signature(sig).serialize(sink)?;
1167             }
1168         }
1169         Ok(())
1170     }
1171 }
1173 impl<'a> fmt::Debug for Signer<'a> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result1174     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
1175         f.debug_struct("Signer")
1176             .field("inner", &self.inner)
1177             .field("cookie", &self.cookie)
1178             .finish()
1179     }
1180 }
1182 impl<'a> Write for Signer<'a> {
write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize>1183     fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
1184         let written = match self.inner.as_mut() {
1185             // If we are creating a normal signature, pass data
1186             // through.
1187             Some(ref mut w) if ! self.detached => w.write(buf),
1188             // If we are creating a detached signature, just hash all
1189             // bytes.
1190             Some(_) => Ok(buf.len()),
1191             // When we are popped off the stack, we have no inner
1192             // writer.  Just hash all bytes.
1193             None => Ok(buf.len()),
1194         };
1196         if let Ok(amount) = written {
1197             if self.template.typ() == SignatureType::Text {
1198                 crate::parse::hash_update_text(&mut self.hash, &buf[..amount]);
1199             } else {
1200                 self.hash.update(&buf[..amount]);
1201             }
1202             self.position += amount as u64;
1203         }
1205         written
1206     }
flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()>1208     fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
1209         match self.inner.as_mut() {
1210             Some(ref mut w) => w.flush(),
1211             // When we are popped off the stack, we have no inner
1212             // writer.  Just do nothing.
1213             None => Ok(()),
1214         }
1215     }
1216 }
1218 impl<'a> writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie> for Signer<'a> {
pop(&mut self) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>>1219     fn pop(&mut self) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>> {
1220         Ok(self.inner.take())
1221     }
mount(&mut self, new: writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>)1222     fn mount(&mut self, new: writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>) {
1223         self.inner = Some(new);
1224     }
inner_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>>1225     fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>> {
1226         if let Some(ref mut i) = self.inner {
1227             Some(i)
1228         } else {
1229             None
1230         }
1231     }
inner_ref(&self) -> Option<&dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>>1232     fn inner_ref(&self) -> Option<&dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>> {
1233         self.inner.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref())
1234     }
into_inner(mut self: Box<Self>) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>>1235     fn into_inner(mut self: Box<Self>)
1236                   -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>> {
1237         self.emit_signatures()?;
1238         Ok(self.inner.take())
1239     }
cookie_set(&mut self, cookie: Cookie) -> Cookie1240     fn cookie_set(&mut self, cookie: Cookie) -> Cookie {
1241         ::std::mem::replace(&mut self.cookie, cookie)
1242     }
cookie_ref(&self) -> &Cookie1243     fn cookie_ref(&self) -> &Cookie {
1244         &self.cookie
1245     }
cookie_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Cookie1246     fn cookie_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Cookie {
1247         &mut self.cookie
1248     }
position(&self) -> u641249     fn position(&self) -> u64 {
1250         self.position
1251     }
1252 }
1255 /// Writes a literal data packet.
1256 ///
1257 /// Literal data, i.e. the payload or plaintext, must be wrapped in a
1258 /// literal data packet to be transported over OpenPGP (see [Section
1259 /// 5.9 of RFC 4880]).  The body will be written using partial length
1260 /// encoding, or, if the body is short, using full length encoding.
1261 ///
1262 ///   [Section 5.9 of RFC 4880]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-5.9
1263 ///
1264 /// # Note on metadata
1265 ///
1266 /// A literal data packet can communicate some metadata: a hint as to
1267 /// what kind of data is transported, the original file name, and a
1268 /// timestamp.  Note that this metadata will not be authenticated by
1269 /// signatures (but will be authenticated by a SEIP/MDC container),
1270 /// and are therefore unreliable and should not be trusted.
1271 ///
1272 /// Therefore, it is good practice not to set this metadata when
1273 /// creating a literal data packet, and not to interpret it when
1274 /// consuming one.
1275 pub struct LiteralWriter<'a> {
1276     template: Literal,
1277     inner: writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>,
1278     signature_writer: Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>,
1279 }
1281 impl<'a> LiteralWriter<'a> {
1282     /// Creates a new literal writer.
1283     ///
1284     /// # Example
1285     ///
1286     /// ```
1287     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
1288     /// use std::io::Write;
1289     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
1290     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, LiteralWriter};
1291     ///
1292     /// let mut sink = vec![];
1293     /// {
1294     ///     let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
1295     ///     let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message)
1296     ///         // Customize the `LiteralWriter` here.
1297     ///         .build()?;
1298     ///     message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
1299     ///     message.finalize()?;
1300     /// }
1301     /// assert_eq!(b"\xcb\x12b\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00Hello world.",
1302     ///            sink.as_slice());
1303     /// # Ok(()) }
1304     /// ```
new(inner: Message<'a>) -> Self1305     pub fn new(inner: Message<'a>) -> Self {
1306         LiteralWriter {
1307             template: Literal::new(DataFormat::default()),
1308             inner: writer::BoxStack::from(inner),
1309             signature_writer: None,
1310         }
1311     }
1313     /// Sets the data format.
1314     ///
1315     /// # Example
1316     ///
1317     /// ```
1318     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
1319     /// use std::io::Write;
1320     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
1321     /// use openpgp::types::DataFormat;
1322     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, LiteralWriter};
1323     ///
1324     /// let mut sink = vec![];
1325     /// {
1326     ///     let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
1327     ///     let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message)
1328     ///         .format(DataFormat::Text)
1329     ///         .build()?;
1330     ///     message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
1331     ///     message.finalize()?;
1332     /// }
1333     /// assert_eq!(b"\xcb\x12t\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00Hello world.",
1334     ///            sink.as_slice());
1335     /// # Ok(()) }
1336     /// ```
format(mut self, format: DataFormat) -> Self1337     pub fn format(mut self, format: DataFormat) -> Self {
1338         self.template.set_format(format);
1339         self
1340     }
1342     /// Sets the filename.
1343     ///
1344     /// The standard does not specify the encoding.  Filenames must
1345     /// not be longer than 255 bytes.  Returns an error if the given
1346     /// name is longer than that.
1347     ///
1348     /// # Example
1349     ///
1350     /// ```
1351     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
1352     /// use std::io::Write;
1353     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
1354     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, LiteralWriter};
1355     ///
1356     /// let mut sink = vec![];
1357     /// {
1358     ///     let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
1359     ///     let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message)
1360     ///         .filename("foobar")?
1361     ///         .build()?;
1362     ///     message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
1363     ///     message.finalize()?;
1364     /// }
1365     /// assert_eq!(b"\xcb\x18b\x06foobar\x00\x00\x00\x00Hello world.",
1366     ///            sink.as_slice());
1367     /// # Ok(()) }
1368     /// ```
filename<B: AsRef<[u8]>>(mut self, filename: B) -> Result<Self>1369     pub fn filename<B: AsRef<[u8]>>(mut self, filename: B) -> Result<Self> {
1370         self.template.set_filename(filename.as_ref())?;
1371         Ok(self)
1372     }
1374     /// Sets the date.
1375     ///
1376     /// This date may be the modification date or the creation date.
1377     /// Returns an error if the given date is not representable by
1378     /// OpenPGP.
1379     ///
1380     /// # Example
1381     ///
1382     /// ```
1383     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
1384     /// use std::io::Write;
1385     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
1386     /// use openpgp::types::Timestamp;
1387     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, LiteralWriter};
1388     ///
1389     /// let mut sink = vec![];
1390     /// {
1391     ///     let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
1392     ///     let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message)
1393     ///         .date(Timestamp::from(1585925313))?
1394     ///         .build()?;
1395     ///     message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
1396     ///     message.finalize()?;
1397     /// }
1398     /// assert_eq!(b"\xcb\x12b\x00\x5e\x87\x4c\xc1Hello world.",
1399     ///            sink.as_slice());
1400     /// # Ok(()) }
1401     /// ```
date<T: Into<SystemTime>>(mut self, timestamp: T) -> Result<Self>1402     pub fn date<T: Into<SystemTime>>(mut self, timestamp: T) -> Result<Self>
1403     {
1404         self.template.set_date(Some(timestamp.into()))?;
1405         Ok(self)
1406     }
1408     /// Builds the literal writer, returning the writer stack.
1409     ///
1410     /// The next step is to write the payload to the writer stack.
1411     ///
1412     /// # Example
1413     ///
1414     /// ```
1415     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
1416     /// use std::io::Write;
1417     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
1418     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, LiteralWriter};
1419     ///
1420     /// let mut sink = vec![];
1421     /// {
1422     ///     let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
1423     ///     let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message)
1424     ///         // Customize the `LiteralWriter` here.
1425     ///         .build()?;
1426     ///     message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
1427     ///     message.finalize()?;
1428     /// }
1429     /// assert_eq!(b"\xcb\x12b\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00Hello world.",
1430     ///            sink.as_slice());
1431     /// # Ok(()) }
1432     /// ```
build(mut self) -> Result<Message<'a>>1433     pub fn build(mut self) -> Result<Message<'a>> {
1434         let level = self.inner.cookie_ref().level + 1;
1436         // For historical reasons, signatures over literal data
1437         // packets only include the body without metadata or framing.
1438         // Therefore, we check whether the writer is a
1439         // Signer, and if so, we pop it off the stack and
1440         // store it in 'self.signature_writer'.
1441         let signer_above =
1442             if let &Cookie {
1443                 private: Private::Signer{..},
1444                 ..
1445             } = self.inner.cookie_ref() {
1446                 true
1447             } else {
1448                 false
1449             };
1451         if signer_above {
1452             let stack = self.inner.pop()?;
1453             // We know a signer has an inner stackable.
1454             let stack = stack.unwrap();
1455             self.signature_writer = Some(self.inner);
1456             self.inner = stack;
1457         }
1459         // Not hashed by the signature_writer (see above).
1460         CTB::new(Tag::Literal).serialize(&mut self.inner)?;
1462         // Neither is any framing added by the PartialBodyFilter.
1463         self.inner
1464             = PartialBodyFilter::new(Message::from(self.inner),
1465                                      Cookie::new(level)).into();
1467         // Nor the headers.
1468         self.template.serialize_headers(&mut self.inner, false)?;
1470         Ok(Message::from(Box::new(self)))
1471     }
1472 }
1474 impl<'a> fmt::Debug for LiteralWriter<'a> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result1475     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
1476         f.debug_struct("LiteralWriter")
1477             .field("inner", &self.inner)
1478             .finish()
1479     }
1480 }
1482 impl<'a> Write for LiteralWriter<'a> {
write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize>1483     fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
1484         let written = self.inner.write(buf);
1486         // Any successful written bytes needs to be hashed too.
1487         if let (&Ok(ref amount), &mut Some(ref mut sig))
1488             = (&written, &mut self.signature_writer) {
1489                 sig.write_all(&buf[..*amount])?;
1490             };
1491         written
1492     }
flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()>1494     fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
1495         self.inner.flush()
1496     }
1497 }
1499 impl<'a> writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie> for LiteralWriter<'a> {
into_inner(mut self: Box<Self>) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>>1500     fn into_inner(mut self: Box<Self>)
1501                   -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>> {
1502         let signer = self.signature_writer.take();
1503         let stack = self.inner
1504             .into_inner()?.unwrap(); // Peel off the PartialBodyFilter.
1506         if let Some(mut signer) = signer {
1507             // We stashed away a Signer.  Reattach it to the
1508             // stack and return it.
1509             signer.mount(stack);
1510             Ok(Some(signer))
1511         } else {
1512             Ok(Some(stack))
1513         }
1514     }
pop(&mut self) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>>1516     fn pop(&mut self) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>> {
1517         unreachable!("Only implemented by Signer")
1518     }
1519     /// Sets the inner stackable.
mount(&mut self, _new: writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>)1520     fn mount(&mut self, _new: writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>) {
1521         unreachable!("Only implemented by Signer")
1522     }
inner_ref(&self) -> Option<&dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>>1523     fn inner_ref(&self) -> Option<&dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>> {
1524         Some(self.inner.as_ref())
1525     }
inner_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>>1526     fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>> {
1527         Some(self.inner.as_mut())
1528     }
cookie_set(&mut self, cookie: Cookie) -> Cookie1529     fn cookie_set(&mut self, cookie: Cookie) -> Cookie {
1530         self.inner.cookie_set(cookie)
1531     }
cookie_ref(&self) -> &Cookie1532     fn cookie_ref(&self) -> &Cookie {
1533         self.inner.cookie_ref()
1534     }
cookie_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Cookie1535     fn cookie_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Cookie {
1536         self.inner.cookie_mut()
1537     }
position(&self) -> u641538     fn position(&self) -> u64 {
1539         self.inner.position()
1540     }
1541 }
1543 /// Compresses a message.
1544 ///
1545 /// Writes a compressed data packet containing all packets written to
1546 /// this writer.
1547 pub struct Compressor<'a> {
1548     algo: CompressionAlgorithm,
1549     level: CompressionLevel,
1550     inner: writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>,
1551 }
1553 impl<'a> Compressor<'a> {
1554     /// Creates a new compressor using the default algorithm and
1555     /// compression level.
1556     ///
1557     /// To change the compression algorithm use [`Compressor::algo`].
1558     /// Use [`Compressor::level`] to change the compression level.
1559     ///
1560     ///   [`Compressor::algo`]: #method.algo
1561     ///   [`Compressor::level`]: #method.level
1562     ///
1563     /// # Example
1564     ///
1565     /// ```
1566     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
1567     /// use std::io::Write;
1568     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
1569     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Compressor, LiteralWriter};
1570     /// use openpgp::types::CompressionAlgorithm;
1571     ///
1572     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
1573     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
1574     /// let message = Compressor::new(message)
1575     ///     // Customize the `Compressor` here.
1576     /// #   .algo(CompressionAlgorithm::Uncompressed)
1577     ///     .build()?;
1578     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
1579     /// message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
1580     /// message.finalize()?;
1581     /// # Ok(()) }
1582     /// ```
new(inner: Message<'a>) -> Self1583     pub fn new(inner: Message<'a>) -> Self {
1584         Self {
1585             algo: Default::default(),
1586             level: Default::default(),
1587             inner: inner.into(),
1588         }
1589     }
1591     /// Sets the compression algorithm.
1592     ///
1593     /// # Example
1594     ///
1595     /// ```
1596     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
1597     /// use std::io::Write;
1598     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
1599     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Compressor, LiteralWriter};
1600     /// use openpgp::types::CompressionAlgorithm;
1601     ///
1602     /// let mut sink = vec![];
1603     /// {
1604     ///     let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
1605     ///     let message = Compressor::new(message)
1606     ///         .algo(CompressionAlgorithm::Uncompressed)
1607     ///         .build()?;
1608     ///     let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
1609     ///     message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
1610     ///     message.finalize()?;
1611     /// }
1612     /// assert_eq!(b"\xc8\x15\x00\xcb\x12b\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00Hello world.",
1613     ///            sink.as_slice());
1614     /// # Ok(()) }
1615     /// ```
algo(mut self, algo: CompressionAlgorithm) -> Self1616     pub fn algo(mut self, algo: CompressionAlgorithm) -> Self {
1617         self.algo = algo;
1618         self
1619     }
1621     /// Sets the compression level.
1622     ///
1623     /// # Example
1624     ///
1625     /// ```
1626     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
1627     /// use std::io::Write;
1628     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
1629     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Compressor, LiteralWriter};
1630     /// use openpgp::types::{CompressionAlgorithm, CompressionLevel};
1631     ///
1632     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
1633     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
1634     /// let message = Compressor::new(message)
1635     /// #   .algo(CompressionAlgorithm::Uncompressed)
1636     ///     .level(CompressionLevel::fastest())
1637     ///     .build()?;
1638     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
1639     /// message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
1640     /// message.finalize()?;
1641     /// # Ok(()) }
1642     /// ```
level(mut self, level: CompressionLevel) -> Self1643     pub fn level(mut self, level: CompressionLevel) -> Self {
1644         self.level = level;
1645         self
1646     }
1648     /// Builds the compressor, returning the writer stack.
1649     ///
1650     /// The most useful filter to push to the writer stack next is the
1651     /// [`Signer`] or the [`LiteralWriter`].  Finally, literal data
1652     /// *must* be wrapped using the [`LiteralWriter`].
1653     ///
1654     ///   [`Signer`]: struct.Signer.html
1655     ///   [`LiteralWriter`]: struct.LiteralWriter.html
1656     ///
1657     /// # Example
1658     ///
1659     /// ```
1660     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
1661     /// use std::io::Write;
1662     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
1663     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Compressor, LiteralWriter};
1664     /// use openpgp::types::CompressionAlgorithm;
1665     ///
1666     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
1667     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
1668     /// let message = Compressor::new(message)
1669     ///     // Customize the `Compressor` here.
1670     /// #   .algo(CompressionAlgorithm::Uncompressed)
1671     ///     .build()?;
1672     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
1673     /// message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
1674     /// message.finalize()?;
1675     /// # Ok(()) }
1676     /// ```
build(mut self) -> Result<Message<'a>>1677     pub fn build(mut self) -> Result<Message<'a>> {
1678         let level = self.inner.cookie_ref().level + 1;
1680         // Packet header.
1681         CTB::new(Tag::CompressedData).serialize(&mut self.inner)?;
1682         let inner: Message<'a>
1683             = PartialBodyFilter::new(Message::from(self.inner),
1684                                      Cookie::new(level));
1686         Self::new_naked(inner, self.algo, self.level, level)
1687     }
1690     /// Creates a new compressor using the given algorithm.
1691     pub(crate) // For CompressedData::serialize.
new_naked(mut inner: Message<'a>, algo: CompressionAlgorithm, compression_level: CompressionLevel, level: usize) -> Result<Message<'a>>1692     fn new_naked(mut inner: Message<'a>,
1693                  algo: CompressionAlgorithm,
1694                  compression_level: CompressionLevel,
1695                  level: usize)
1696                  -> Result<Message<'a>>
1697     {
1698         // Compressed data header.
1699         inner.as_mut().write_u8(algo.into())?;
1701         // Create an appropriate filter.
1702         let inner: Message<'a> = match algo {
1703             CompressionAlgorithm::Uncompressed => {
1704                 // Avoid warning about unused value if compiled
1705                 // without any compression support.
1706                 let _ = compression_level;
1707                 writer::Identity::new(inner, Cookie::new(level))
1708             },
1709             #[cfg(feature = "compression-deflate")]
1710             CompressionAlgorithm::Zip =>
1711                 writer::ZIP::new(inner, Cookie::new(level), compression_level),
1712             #[cfg(feature = "compression-deflate")]
1713             CompressionAlgorithm::Zlib =>
1714                 writer::ZLIB::new(inner, Cookie::new(level), compression_level),
1715             #[cfg(feature = "compression-bzip2")]
1716             CompressionAlgorithm::BZip2 =>
1717                 writer::BZ::new(inner, Cookie::new(level), compression_level),
1718             a =>
1719                 return Err(Error::UnsupportedCompressionAlgorithm(a).into()),
1720         };
1722         Ok(Message::from(Box::new(Self {
1723             algo,
1724             level: compression_level,
1725             inner: inner.into(),
1726         })))
1727     }
1728 }
1730 impl<'a> fmt::Debug for Compressor<'a> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result1731     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
1732         f.debug_struct("Compressor")
1733             .field("inner", &self.inner)
1734             .finish()
1735     }
1736 }
1738 impl<'a> io::Write for Compressor<'a> {
write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize>1739     fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
1740         self.inner.write(buf)
1741     }
flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()>1743     fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
1744         self.inner.flush()
1745     }
1746 }
1748 impl<'a> writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie> for Compressor<'a> {
into_inner(self: Box<Self>) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>>1749     fn into_inner(self: Box<Self>) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>> {
1750         Box::new(self.inner).into_inner()?.unwrap().into_inner()
1751     }
pop(&mut self) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>>1752     fn pop(&mut self) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>> {
1753         unreachable!("Only implemented by Signer")
1754     }
1755     /// Sets the inner stackable.
mount(&mut self, _new: writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>)1756     fn mount(&mut self, _new: writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>) {
1757         unreachable!("Only implemented by Signer")
1758     }
inner_ref(&self) -> Option<&dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>>1759     fn inner_ref(&self) -> Option<&dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>> {
1760         Some(self.inner.as_ref())
1761     }
inner_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>>1762     fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>> {
1763         Some(self.inner.as_mut())
1764     }
cookie_set(&mut self, cookie: Cookie) -> Cookie1765     fn cookie_set(&mut self, cookie: Cookie) -> Cookie {
1766         self.inner.cookie_set(cookie)
1767     }
cookie_ref(&self) -> &Cookie1768     fn cookie_ref(&self) -> &Cookie {
1769         self.inner.cookie_ref()
1770     }
cookie_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Cookie1771     fn cookie_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Cookie {
1772         self.inner.cookie_mut()
1773     }
position(&self) -> u641774     fn position(&self) -> u64 {
1775         self.inner.position()
1776     }
1777 }
1779 /// A recipient of an encrypted message.
1780 ///
1781 /// OpenPGP messages are encrypted with the subkeys of recipients,
1782 /// identified by the keyid of said subkeys in the [`recipient`] field
1783 /// of [`PKESK`] packets (see [Section 5.1 of RFC 4880]).  The keyid
1784 /// may be a wildcard (as returned by [`KeyID::wildcard()`]) to
1785 /// obscure the identity of the recipient.
1786 ///
1787 ///   [`recipient`]: ../../packet/enum.PKESK.html#method.recipient
1788 ///   [`PKESK`]: ../../packet/enum.PKESK.html
1789 ///   [Section 5.1 of RFC 4880]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-5.1
1790 ///   [`KeyID::wildcard()`]: ../../../struct.KeyID.html#method.wildcard
1791 ///
1792 /// Note that several subkeys in a certificate may be suitable
1793 /// encryption subkeys.  OpenPGP does not specify what should happen
1794 /// in this case.  Some implementations arbitrarily pick one
1795 /// encryption subkey, while others use all of them.  This crate does
1796 /// not dictate a policy, but allows for arbitrary policies.  We do,
1797 /// however, suggest to encrypt to all suitable subkeys.
1798 #[derive(Debug)]
1799 pub struct Recipient<'a> {
1800     keyid: KeyID,
1801     key: &'a Key<key::PublicParts, key::UnspecifiedRole>,
1802 }
1804 impl<'a, P, R> From<&'a Key<P, R>> for Recipient<'a>
1805     where P: key::KeyParts,
1806           R: key::KeyRole,
1807 {
from(key: &'a Key<P, R>) -> Self1808     fn from(key: &'a Key<P, R>) -> Self {
1809         Self::new(key.keyid(), key.parts_as_public().role_as_unspecified())
1810     }
1811 }
1813 impl<'a, P, R, R2> From<ValidKeyAmalgamation<'a, P, R, R2>>
1814     for Recipient<'a>
1815     where P: key::KeyParts,
1816           R: key::KeyRole,
1817           R2: Copy,
1818 {
from(ka: ValidKeyAmalgamation<'a, P, R, R2>) -> Self1819     fn from(ka: ValidKeyAmalgamation<'a, P, R, R2>) -> Self {
1820         ka.key().into()
1821     }
1822 }
1824 impl<'a> Recipient<'a> {
1825     /// Creates a new recipient with an explicit recipient keyid.
1826     ///
1827     /// Note: If you don't want to change the recipient keyid,
1828     /// `Recipient`s can be created from [`Key`] and
1829     /// [`ValidKeyAmalgamation`] using [`From`].
1830     ///
1831     ///   [`Key`]: ../../packet/enum.Key.html
1832     ///   [`ValidKeyAmalgamation`]: ../../cert/amalgamation/key/struct.ValidKeyAmalgamation.html
1833     ///   [`From`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/convert/trait.From.html
1834     ///
1835     /// # Example
1836     ///
1837     /// ```
1838     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
1839     /// use std::io::Write;
1840     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
1841     /// use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
1842     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{
1843     ///     Recipient, Message, Encryptor,
1844     /// };
1845     /// use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
1846     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
1847     ///
1848     /// let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
1849     ///
1850     /// let cert = Cert::from_bytes(
1851     /// #   // We do some acrobatics here to abbreviate the Cert.
1852     ///     "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
1853     ///
1854     ///      mQENBFpxtsABCADZcBa1Q3ZLZnju18o0+t8LoQuIIeyeUQ0H45y6xUqyrD5HSkVM
1855     /// #    VGQs6IHLq70mAizBJ4VznUVqVOh/NhOlapXi6/TKpjHvttdg45o6Pgqa0Kx64luT
1856     /// #    ZY+TEKyILcdBdhr3CzsEILnQst5jadgMvU9fnT/EkJIvxtWPlUzU5R7nnALO626x
1857     /// #    2M5Pj3k0h3ZNHMmYQQtReX/RP/xUh2SfOYG6i/MCclIlee8BXHB9k0bW2NAX2W7H
1858     /// #    rLDGPm1LzmyqxFGDvDvfPlYZ5nN2cbGsv3w75LDzv75kMhVnkZsrUjnHjVRzFq7q
1859     /// #    fSIpxlvJMEMKSIJ/TFztQoOBO5OlBb5qzYPpABEBAAG0F+G8iM+BzrnPg8+Ezr/P
1860     /// #    hM6tzrvOt8+CiQFUBBMBCAA+FiEEfcpYtU6xQxad3uFfJH9tq8hJFP4FAlpxtsAC
1861     /// #    GwMFCQPCZwAFCwkIBwIGFQgJCgsCBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQJH9tq8hJFP49hgf+
1862     /// #    IKvec0RkD9EHSLFc6AKDm/knaI4AIH0isZTz9jRCF8H/j3h8QVUE+/0jtCcyvR6F
1863     /// #    TGVSfO3pelDPYGIjDFI3aA6H/UlhZWzYRXZ+QQRrV0zwvLna3XjiW8ib3Ky+5bpQ
1864     /// #    0uVeee30u+U3SnaCL9QB4+UvwVvAxRuk49Z0Q8TsRrQyQNYpeZDN7uNrvA134cf6
1865     /// #    6pLUvzPG4lMLIvSXFuHou704EhT7NS3wAzFtjMrsLLieVqtbEi/kBaJTQSZQwjVB
1866     /// #    sE/Z8lp1heKw/33Br3cB63n4cTf0FdoFywDBhCAMU7fKboU5xBpm5bQJ4ck6j6w+
1867     /// #    BKG1FiQRR6PCUeb6GjxVOrkBDQRacbbAAQgAw538MMb/pRdpt7PTgBCedw+rU9fh
1868     /// #    onZYKwmCO7wz5VrVf8zIVvWKxhX6fBTSAy8mxaYbeL/3woQ9Leuo8f0PQNs9zw1N
1869     /// #    mdH+cnm2KQmL9l7/HQKMLgEAu/0C/q7ii/j8OMYitaMUyrwy+OzW3nCal/uJHIfj
1870     /// #    bdKx29MbKgF/zaBs8mhTvf/Tu0rIVNDPEicwijDEolGSGebZxdGdHJA31uayMHDK
1871     /// #    /mwySJViMZ8b+Lzc/dRgNbQoY6yjsjso7U9OZpQK1fooHOSQS6iLsSSsZLcGPD+7
1872     /// #    m7j3jwq68SIJPMsu0O8hdjFWL4Cfj815CwptAxRGkp00CIusAabO7m8DzwARAQAB
1873     /// #    iQE2BBgBCAAgFiEEfcpYtU6xQxad3uFfJH9tq8hJFP4FAlpxtsACGwwACgkQJH9t
1874     /// #    q8hJFP5rmQgAoYOUXolTiQmWipJTdMG/VZ5X7mL8JiBWAQ11K1o01cZCMlziyHnJ
1875     /// #    xJ6Mqjb6wAFpYBtqysJG/vfjc/XEoKgfFs7+zcuEnt41xJQ6tl/L0VTxs+tEwjZu
1876     /// #    Rp/owB9GCkqN9+xNEnlH77TLW1UisW+l0F8CJ2WFOj4lk9rcXcLlEdGmXfWIlVCb
1877     /// #    2/o0DD+HDNsF8nWHpDEy0mcajkgIUTvXQaDXKbccX6Wgep8dyBP7YucGmRPd9Z6H
1878     /// #    bGeT3KvlJlH5kthQ9shsmT14gYwGMR6rKpNUXmlpetkjqUK7pGVaHGgJWUZ9QPGU
1879     /// #    awwPdWWvZSyXJAPZ9lC5sTKwMJDwIxILug==
1880     /// #    =lAie
1881     /// #    -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
1882     /// #    /*
1883     ///      ...
1884     ///      -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
1885     /// #    */
1886     /// )?;
1887     ///
1888     /// let recipients =
1889     ///     cert.keys().with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false)
1890     ///     // Or `for_storage_encryption()`, for data at rest.
1891     ///     .for_transport_encryption()
1892     ///     .map(|ka| Recipient::new(ka.key().keyid(), ka.key()));
1893     ///
1894     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
1895     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
1896     /// let message = Encryptor::for_recipients(message, recipients).build()?;
1897     /// # let _ = message;
1898     /// # Ok(()) }
1899     /// ```
new<P, R>(keyid: KeyID, key: &'a Key<P, R>) -> Recipient<'a> where P: key::KeyParts, R: key::KeyRole,1900     pub fn new<P, R>(keyid: KeyID, key: &'a Key<P, R>) -> Recipient<'a>
1901         where P: key::KeyParts,
1902               R: key::KeyRole,
1903     {
1904         Recipient {
1905             keyid,
1906             key: key.parts_as_public().role_as_unspecified(),
1907         }
1908     }
1910     /// Gets the recipient keyid.
1911     ///
1912     /// # Example
1913     ///
1914     /// ```
1915     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
1916     /// use std::io::Write;
1917     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
1918     /// use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
1919     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::Recipient;
1920     /// use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
1921     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
1922     ///
1923     /// let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
1924     ///
1925     /// let cert = Cert::from_bytes(
1926     /// #   // We do some acrobatics here to abbreviate the Cert.
1927     ///     "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
1928     ///
1929     ///      mQENBFpxtsABCADZcBa1Q3ZLZnju18o0+t8LoQuIIeyeUQ0H45y6xUqyrD5HSkVM
1930     /// #    VGQs6IHLq70mAizBJ4VznUVqVOh/NhOlapXi6/TKpjHvttdg45o6Pgqa0Kx64luT
1931     /// #    ZY+TEKyILcdBdhr3CzsEILnQst5jadgMvU9fnT/EkJIvxtWPlUzU5R7nnALO626x
1932     /// #    2M5Pj3k0h3ZNHMmYQQtReX/RP/xUh2SfOYG6i/MCclIlee8BXHB9k0bW2NAX2W7H
1933     /// #    rLDGPm1LzmyqxFGDvDvfPlYZ5nN2cbGsv3w75LDzv75kMhVnkZsrUjnHjVRzFq7q
1934     /// #    fSIpxlvJMEMKSIJ/TFztQoOBO5OlBb5qzYPpABEBAAG0F+G8iM+BzrnPg8+Ezr/P
1935     /// #    hM6tzrvOt8+CiQFUBBMBCAA+FiEEfcpYtU6xQxad3uFfJH9tq8hJFP4FAlpxtsAC
1936     /// #    GwMFCQPCZwAFCwkIBwIGFQgJCgsCBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQJH9tq8hJFP49hgf+
1937     /// #    IKvec0RkD9EHSLFc6AKDm/knaI4AIH0isZTz9jRCF8H/j3h8QVUE+/0jtCcyvR6F
1938     /// #    TGVSfO3pelDPYGIjDFI3aA6H/UlhZWzYRXZ+QQRrV0zwvLna3XjiW8ib3Ky+5bpQ
1939     /// #    0uVeee30u+U3SnaCL9QB4+UvwVvAxRuk49Z0Q8TsRrQyQNYpeZDN7uNrvA134cf6
1940     /// #    6pLUvzPG4lMLIvSXFuHou704EhT7NS3wAzFtjMrsLLieVqtbEi/kBaJTQSZQwjVB
1941     /// #    sE/Z8lp1heKw/33Br3cB63n4cTf0FdoFywDBhCAMU7fKboU5xBpm5bQJ4ck6j6w+
1942     /// #    BKG1FiQRR6PCUeb6GjxVOrkBDQRacbbAAQgAw538MMb/pRdpt7PTgBCedw+rU9fh
1943     /// #    onZYKwmCO7wz5VrVf8zIVvWKxhX6fBTSAy8mxaYbeL/3woQ9Leuo8f0PQNs9zw1N
1944     /// #    mdH+cnm2KQmL9l7/HQKMLgEAu/0C/q7ii/j8OMYitaMUyrwy+OzW3nCal/uJHIfj
1945     /// #    bdKx29MbKgF/zaBs8mhTvf/Tu0rIVNDPEicwijDEolGSGebZxdGdHJA31uayMHDK
1946     /// #    /mwySJViMZ8b+Lzc/dRgNbQoY6yjsjso7U9OZpQK1fooHOSQS6iLsSSsZLcGPD+7
1947     /// #    m7j3jwq68SIJPMsu0O8hdjFWL4Cfj815CwptAxRGkp00CIusAabO7m8DzwARAQAB
1948     /// #    iQE2BBgBCAAgFiEEfcpYtU6xQxad3uFfJH9tq8hJFP4FAlpxtsACGwwACgkQJH9t
1949     /// #    q8hJFP5rmQgAoYOUXolTiQmWipJTdMG/VZ5X7mL8JiBWAQ11K1o01cZCMlziyHnJ
1950     /// #    xJ6Mqjb6wAFpYBtqysJG/vfjc/XEoKgfFs7+zcuEnt41xJQ6tl/L0VTxs+tEwjZu
1951     /// #    Rp/owB9GCkqN9+xNEnlH77TLW1UisW+l0F8CJ2WFOj4lk9rcXcLlEdGmXfWIlVCb
1952     /// #    2/o0DD+HDNsF8nWHpDEy0mcajkgIUTvXQaDXKbccX6Wgep8dyBP7YucGmRPd9Z6H
1953     /// #    bGeT3KvlJlH5kthQ9shsmT14gYwGMR6rKpNUXmlpetkjqUK7pGVaHGgJWUZ9QPGU
1954     /// #    awwPdWWvZSyXJAPZ9lC5sTKwMJDwIxILug==
1955     /// #    =lAie
1956     /// #    -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
1957     /// #    /*
1958     ///      ...
1959     ///      -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
1960     /// #    */
1961     /// )?;
1962     ///
1963     /// let recipients =
1964     ///     cert.keys().with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false)
1965     ///     // Or `for_storage_encryption()`, for data at rest.
1966     ///     .for_transport_encryption()
1967     ///     .map(Into::into)
1968     ///     .collect::<Vec<Recipient>>();
1969     ///
1970     /// assert_eq!(recipients[0].keyid(),
1971     ///            &"EA6E 3770 628A 713C".parse()?);
1972     /// # Ok(()) }
1973     /// ```
keyid(&self) -> &KeyID1974     pub fn keyid(&self) -> &KeyID {
1975         &self.keyid
1976     }
1978     /// Sets the recipient keyid.
1979     ///
1980     /// # Example
1981     ///
1982     /// ```
1983     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
1984     /// use std::io::Write;
1985     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
1986     /// use openpgp::KeyID;
1987     /// use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
1988     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{
1989     ///     Recipient, Message, Encryptor,
1990     /// };
1991     /// use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
1992     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
1993     ///
1994     /// let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
1995     ///
1996     /// let cert = Cert::from_bytes(
1997     /// #   // We do some acrobatics here to abbreviate the Cert.
1998     ///     "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
1999     ///
2000     ///      mQENBFpxtsABCADZcBa1Q3ZLZnju18o0+t8LoQuIIeyeUQ0H45y6xUqyrD5HSkVM
2001     /// #    VGQs6IHLq70mAizBJ4VznUVqVOh/NhOlapXi6/TKpjHvttdg45o6Pgqa0Kx64luT
2002     /// #    ZY+TEKyILcdBdhr3CzsEILnQst5jadgMvU9fnT/EkJIvxtWPlUzU5R7nnALO626x
2003     /// #    2M5Pj3k0h3ZNHMmYQQtReX/RP/xUh2SfOYG6i/MCclIlee8BXHB9k0bW2NAX2W7H
2004     /// #    rLDGPm1LzmyqxFGDvDvfPlYZ5nN2cbGsv3w75LDzv75kMhVnkZsrUjnHjVRzFq7q
2005     /// #    fSIpxlvJMEMKSIJ/TFztQoOBO5OlBb5qzYPpABEBAAG0F+G8iM+BzrnPg8+Ezr/P
2006     /// #    hM6tzrvOt8+CiQFUBBMBCAA+FiEEfcpYtU6xQxad3uFfJH9tq8hJFP4FAlpxtsAC
2007     /// #    GwMFCQPCZwAFCwkIBwIGFQgJCgsCBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQJH9tq8hJFP49hgf+
2008     /// #    IKvec0RkD9EHSLFc6AKDm/knaI4AIH0isZTz9jRCF8H/j3h8QVUE+/0jtCcyvR6F
2009     /// #    TGVSfO3pelDPYGIjDFI3aA6H/UlhZWzYRXZ+QQRrV0zwvLna3XjiW8ib3Ky+5bpQ
2010     /// #    0uVeee30u+U3SnaCL9QB4+UvwVvAxRuk49Z0Q8TsRrQyQNYpeZDN7uNrvA134cf6
2011     /// #    6pLUvzPG4lMLIvSXFuHou704EhT7NS3wAzFtjMrsLLieVqtbEi/kBaJTQSZQwjVB
2012     /// #    sE/Z8lp1heKw/33Br3cB63n4cTf0FdoFywDBhCAMU7fKboU5xBpm5bQJ4ck6j6w+
2013     /// #    BKG1FiQRR6PCUeb6GjxVOrkBDQRacbbAAQgAw538MMb/pRdpt7PTgBCedw+rU9fh
2014     /// #    onZYKwmCO7wz5VrVf8zIVvWKxhX6fBTSAy8mxaYbeL/3woQ9Leuo8f0PQNs9zw1N
2015     /// #    mdH+cnm2KQmL9l7/HQKMLgEAu/0C/q7ii/j8OMYitaMUyrwy+OzW3nCal/uJHIfj
2016     /// #    bdKx29MbKgF/zaBs8mhTvf/Tu0rIVNDPEicwijDEolGSGebZxdGdHJA31uayMHDK
2017     /// #    /mwySJViMZ8b+Lzc/dRgNbQoY6yjsjso7U9OZpQK1fooHOSQS6iLsSSsZLcGPD+7
2018     /// #    m7j3jwq68SIJPMsu0O8hdjFWL4Cfj815CwptAxRGkp00CIusAabO7m8DzwARAQAB
2019     /// #    iQE2BBgBCAAgFiEEfcpYtU6xQxad3uFfJH9tq8hJFP4FAlpxtsACGwwACgkQJH9t
2020     /// #    q8hJFP5rmQgAoYOUXolTiQmWipJTdMG/VZ5X7mL8JiBWAQ11K1o01cZCMlziyHnJ
2021     /// #    xJ6Mqjb6wAFpYBtqysJG/vfjc/XEoKgfFs7+zcuEnt41xJQ6tl/L0VTxs+tEwjZu
2022     /// #    Rp/owB9GCkqN9+xNEnlH77TLW1UisW+l0F8CJ2WFOj4lk9rcXcLlEdGmXfWIlVCb
2023     /// #    2/o0DD+HDNsF8nWHpDEy0mcajkgIUTvXQaDXKbccX6Wgep8dyBP7YucGmRPd9Z6H
2024     /// #    bGeT3KvlJlH5kthQ9shsmT14gYwGMR6rKpNUXmlpetkjqUK7pGVaHGgJWUZ9QPGU
2025     /// #    awwPdWWvZSyXJAPZ9lC5sTKwMJDwIxILug==
2026     /// #    =lAie
2027     /// #    -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
2028     /// #    /*
2029     ///      ...
2030     ///      -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
2031     /// #    */
2032     /// )?;
2033     ///
2034     /// let recipients =
2035     ///     cert.keys().with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false)
2036     ///     // Or `for_storage_encryption()`, for data at rest.
2037     ///     .for_transport_encryption()
2038     ///     .map(|ka| {
2039     ///         let mut r: Recipient = ka.into();
2040     ///         // Set the recipient keyid to the wildcard id.
2041     ///         r.set_keyid(KeyID::wildcard());
2042     ///         r
2043     ///     });
2044     ///
2045     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
2046     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
2047     /// let message = Encryptor::for_recipients(message, recipients).build()?;
2048     /// # let _ = message;
2049     /// # Ok(()) }
2050     /// ```
set_keyid(&mut self, keyid: KeyID) -> KeyID2051     pub fn set_keyid(&mut self, keyid: KeyID) -> KeyID {
2052         std::mem::replace(&mut self.keyid, keyid)
2053     }
2054 }
2056 /// Encrypts a message.
2057 ///
2058 /// The stream will be encrypted using a generated session key, which
2059 /// will be encrypted using the given passwords, and for all given
2060 /// recipients.
2061 pub struct Encryptor<'a> {
2062     // XXX: Opportunity for optimization.  Previously, this writer
2063     // implemented `Drop`, so we could not move the inner writer out
2064     // of this writer.  We therefore wrapped it with `Option` so that
2065     // we can `take()` it.  This writer no longer implements Drop, so
2066     // we could avoid the Option here.
2067     inner: Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>,
2068     recipients: Vec<Recipient<'a>>,
2069     passwords: Vec<Password>,
2070     sym_algo: SymmetricAlgorithm,
2071     aead_algo: Option<AEADAlgorithm>,
2072     hash: crypto::hash::Context,
2073     cookie: Cookie,
2074 }
2076 impl<'a> Encryptor<'a> {
2077     /// Creates a new encryptor for the given recipients.
2078     ///
2079     /// To add more recipients, use [`Encryptor::add_recipient`].  To
2080     /// add a password, use [`Encryptor::add_password`].  To change
2081     /// the symmetric encryption algorithm, use
2082     /// [`Encryptor::sym_algo`].  To enable the experimental AEAD
2083     /// encryption, use [`Encryptor::aead_algo`].
2084     ///
2085     ///   [`Encryptor::add_recipient`]: #method.add_recipient
2086     ///   [`Encryptor::add_password`]: #method.add_password
2087     ///   [`Encryptor::sym_algo`]: #method.sym_algo
2088     ///   [`Encryptor::aead_algo`]: #method.aead_algo
2089     ///
2090     /// # Example
2091     ///
2092     /// ```
2093     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
2094     /// use std::io::Write;
2095     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
2096     /// use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
2097     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{
2098     ///     Message, Encryptor, LiteralWriter,
2099     /// };
2100     /// use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
2101     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
2102     /// let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
2103     ///
2104     /// let cert = Cert::from_bytes(
2105     /// #   // We do some acrobatics here to abbreviate the Cert.
2106     ///     "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
2107     ///
2108     ///      mQENBFpxtsABCADZcBa1Q3ZLZnju18o0+t8LoQuIIeyeUQ0H45y6xUqyrD5HSkVM
2109     /// #    VGQs6IHLq70mAizBJ4VznUVqVOh/NhOlapXi6/TKpjHvttdg45o6Pgqa0Kx64luT
2110     /// #    ZY+TEKyILcdBdhr3CzsEILnQst5jadgMvU9fnT/EkJIvxtWPlUzU5R7nnALO626x
2111     /// #    2M5Pj3k0h3ZNHMmYQQtReX/RP/xUh2SfOYG6i/MCclIlee8BXHB9k0bW2NAX2W7H
2112     /// #    rLDGPm1LzmyqxFGDvDvfPlYZ5nN2cbGsv3w75LDzv75kMhVnkZsrUjnHjVRzFq7q
2113     /// #    fSIpxlvJMEMKSIJ/TFztQoOBO5OlBb5qzYPpABEBAAG0F+G8iM+BzrnPg8+Ezr/P
2114     /// #    hM6tzrvOt8+CiQFUBBMBCAA+FiEEfcpYtU6xQxad3uFfJH9tq8hJFP4FAlpxtsAC
2115     /// #    GwMFCQPCZwAFCwkIBwIGFQgJCgsCBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQJH9tq8hJFP49hgf+
2116     /// #    IKvec0RkD9EHSLFc6AKDm/knaI4AIH0isZTz9jRCF8H/j3h8QVUE+/0jtCcyvR6F
2117     /// #    TGVSfO3pelDPYGIjDFI3aA6H/UlhZWzYRXZ+QQRrV0zwvLna3XjiW8ib3Ky+5bpQ
2118     /// #    0uVeee30u+U3SnaCL9QB4+UvwVvAxRuk49Z0Q8TsRrQyQNYpeZDN7uNrvA134cf6
2119     /// #    6pLUvzPG4lMLIvSXFuHou704EhT7NS3wAzFtjMrsLLieVqtbEi/kBaJTQSZQwjVB
2120     /// #    sE/Z8lp1heKw/33Br3cB63n4cTf0FdoFywDBhCAMU7fKboU5xBpm5bQJ4ck6j6w+
2121     /// #    BKG1FiQRR6PCUeb6GjxVOrkBDQRacbbAAQgAw538MMb/pRdpt7PTgBCedw+rU9fh
2122     /// #    onZYKwmCO7wz5VrVf8zIVvWKxhX6fBTSAy8mxaYbeL/3woQ9Leuo8f0PQNs9zw1N
2123     /// #    mdH+cnm2KQmL9l7/HQKMLgEAu/0C/q7ii/j8OMYitaMUyrwy+OzW3nCal/uJHIfj
2124     /// #    bdKx29MbKgF/zaBs8mhTvf/Tu0rIVNDPEicwijDEolGSGebZxdGdHJA31uayMHDK
2125     /// #    /mwySJViMZ8b+Lzc/dRgNbQoY6yjsjso7U9OZpQK1fooHOSQS6iLsSSsZLcGPD+7
2126     /// #    m7j3jwq68SIJPMsu0O8hdjFWL4Cfj815CwptAxRGkp00CIusAabO7m8DzwARAQAB
2127     /// #    iQE2BBgBCAAgFiEEfcpYtU6xQxad3uFfJH9tq8hJFP4FAlpxtsACGwwACgkQJH9t
2128     /// #    q8hJFP5rmQgAoYOUXolTiQmWipJTdMG/VZ5X7mL8JiBWAQ11K1o01cZCMlziyHnJ
2129     /// #    xJ6Mqjb6wAFpYBtqysJG/vfjc/XEoKgfFs7+zcuEnt41xJQ6tl/L0VTxs+tEwjZu
2130     /// #    Rp/owB9GCkqN9+xNEnlH77TLW1UisW+l0F8CJ2WFOj4lk9rcXcLlEdGmXfWIlVCb
2131     /// #    2/o0DD+HDNsF8nWHpDEy0mcajkgIUTvXQaDXKbccX6Wgep8dyBP7YucGmRPd9Z6H
2132     /// #    bGeT3KvlJlH5kthQ9shsmT14gYwGMR6rKpNUXmlpetkjqUK7pGVaHGgJWUZ9QPGU
2133     /// #    awwPdWWvZSyXJAPZ9lC5sTKwMJDwIxILug==
2134     /// #    =lAie
2135     /// #    -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
2136     /// #    /*
2137     ///      ...
2138     ///      -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
2139     /// #    */
2140     /// )?;
2141     ///
2142     /// let recipients =
2143     ///     cert.keys().with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false)
2144     ///     // Or `for_storage_encryption()`, for data at rest.
2145     ///     .for_transport_encryption();
2146     ///
2147     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
2148     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
2149     /// let message = Encryptor::for_recipients(message, recipients).build()?;
2150     /// let mut w = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
2151     /// w.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
2152     /// w.finalize()?;
2153     /// # Ok(()) }
2154     /// ```
for_recipients<R>(inner: Message<'a>, recipients: R) -> Self where R: IntoIterator, R::Item: Into<Recipient<'a>>,2155     pub fn for_recipients<R>(inner: Message<'a>, recipients: R) -> Self
2156         where R: IntoIterator,
2157               R::Item: Into<Recipient<'a>>,
2158     {
2159             Self {
2160             inner: Some(inner.into()),
2161             recipients: recipients.into_iter().map(|r| r.into()).collect(),
2162             passwords: Vec::new(),
2163             sym_algo: Default::default(),
2164             aead_algo: Default::default(),
2165             hash: HashAlgorithm::SHA1.context().unwrap(),
2166             cookie: Default::default(), // Will be fixed in build.
2167         }
2168     }
2170     /// Creates a new encryptor for the given passwords.
2171     ///
2172     /// To add more passwords, use [`Encryptor::add_password`].  To
2173     /// add an recipient, use [`Encryptor::add_recipient`].  To change
2174     /// the symmetric encryption algorithm, use
2175     /// [`Encryptor::sym_algo`].  To enable the experimental AEAD
2176     /// encryption, use [`Encryptor::aead_algo`].
2177     ///
2178     ///   [`Encryptor::add_recipient`]: #method.add_recipient
2179     ///   [`Encryptor::add_password`]: #method.add_password
2180     ///   [`Encryptor::sym_algo`]: #method.sym_algo
2181     ///   [`Encryptor::aead_algo`]: #method.aead_algo
2182     ///
2183     /// # Example
2184     ///
2185     /// ```
2186     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
2187     /// use std::io::Write;
2188     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
2189     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{
2190     ///     Message, Encryptor, LiteralWriter,
2191     /// };
2192     ///
2193     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
2194     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
2195     /// let message = Encryptor::with_passwords(
2196     ///     message, Some("совершенно секретно")).build()?;
2197     /// let mut w = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
2198     /// w.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
2199     /// w.finalize()?;
2200     /// # Ok(()) }
2201     /// ```
with_passwords<P>(inner: Message<'a>, passwords: P) -> Self where P: IntoIterator, P::Item: Into<Password>,2202     pub fn with_passwords<P>(inner: Message<'a>, passwords: P) -> Self
2203         where P: IntoIterator,
2204               P::Item: Into<Password>,
2205     {
2206         Self {
2207             inner: Some(inner.into()),
2208             recipients: Vec::new(),
2209             passwords: passwords.into_iter().map(|p| p.into()).collect(),
2210             sym_algo: Default::default(),
2211             aead_algo: Default::default(),
2212             hash: HashAlgorithm::SHA1.context().unwrap(),
2213             cookie: Default::default(), // Will be fixed in build.
2214         }
2215     }
2217     /// Adds recipients.
2218     ///
2219     /// The resulting message can be encrypted by any recipient and
2220     /// with any password.
2221     ///
2222     /// # Example
2223     ///
2224     /// ```
2225     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
2226     /// use std::io::Write;
2227     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
2228     /// use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
2229     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{
2230     ///     Message, Encryptor, LiteralWriter,
2231     /// };
2232     /// use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
2233     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
2234     /// let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
2235     ///
2236     /// let cert = Cert::from_bytes(
2237     /// #   // We do some acrobatics here to abbreviate the Cert.
2238     ///     "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
2239     ///
2240     ///      mQENBFpxtsABCADZcBa1Q3ZLZnju18o0+t8LoQuIIeyeUQ0H45y6xUqyrD5HSkVM
2241     /// #    VGQs6IHLq70mAizBJ4VznUVqVOh/NhOlapXi6/TKpjHvttdg45o6Pgqa0Kx64luT
2242     /// #    ZY+TEKyILcdBdhr3CzsEILnQst5jadgMvU9fnT/EkJIvxtWPlUzU5R7nnALO626x
2243     /// #    2M5Pj3k0h3ZNHMmYQQtReX/RP/xUh2SfOYG6i/MCclIlee8BXHB9k0bW2NAX2W7H
2244     /// #    rLDGPm1LzmyqxFGDvDvfPlYZ5nN2cbGsv3w75LDzv75kMhVnkZsrUjnHjVRzFq7q
2245     /// #    fSIpxlvJMEMKSIJ/TFztQoOBO5OlBb5qzYPpABEBAAG0F+G8iM+BzrnPg8+Ezr/P
2246     /// #    hM6tzrvOt8+CiQFUBBMBCAA+FiEEfcpYtU6xQxad3uFfJH9tq8hJFP4FAlpxtsAC
2247     /// #    GwMFCQPCZwAFCwkIBwIGFQgJCgsCBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQJH9tq8hJFP49hgf+
2248     /// #    IKvec0RkD9EHSLFc6AKDm/knaI4AIH0isZTz9jRCF8H/j3h8QVUE+/0jtCcyvR6F
2249     /// #    TGVSfO3pelDPYGIjDFI3aA6H/UlhZWzYRXZ+QQRrV0zwvLna3XjiW8ib3Ky+5bpQ
2250     /// #    0uVeee30u+U3SnaCL9QB4+UvwVvAxRuk49Z0Q8TsRrQyQNYpeZDN7uNrvA134cf6
2251     /// #    6pLUvzPG4lMLIvSXFuHou704EhT7NS3wAzFtjMrsLLieVqtbEi/kBaJTQSZQwjVB
2252     /// #    sE/Z8lp1heKw/33Br3cB63n4cTf0FdoFywDBhCAMU7fKboU5xBpm5bQJ4ck6j6w+
2253     /// #    BKG1FiQRR6PCUeb6GjxVOrkBDQRacbbAAQgAw538MMb/pRdpt7PTgBCedw+rU9fh
2254     /// #    onZYKwmCO7wz5VrVf8zIVvWKxhX6fBTSAy8mxaYbeL/3woQ9Leuo8f0PQNs9zw1N
2255     /// #    mdH+cnm2KQmL9l7/HQKMLgEAu/0C/q7ii/j8OMYitaMUyrwy+OzW3nCal/uJHIfj
2256     /// #    bdKx29MbKgF/zaBs8mhTvf/Tu0rIVNDPEicwijDEolGSGebZxdGdHJA31uayMHDK
2257     /// #    /mwySJViMZ8b+Lzc/dRgNbQoY6yjsjso7U9OZpQK1fooHOSQS6iLsSSsZLcGPD+7
2258     /// #    m7j3jwq68SIJPMsu0O8hdjFWL4Cfj815CwptAxRGkp00CIusAabO7m8DzwARAQAB
2259     /// #    iQE2BBgBCAAgFiEEfcpYtU6xQxad3uFfJH9tq8hJFP4FAlpxtsACGwwACgkQJH9t
2260     /// #    q8hJFP5rmQgAoYOUXolTiQmWipJTdMG/VZ5X7mL8JiBWAQ11K1o01cZCMlziyHnJ
2261     /// #    xJ6Mqjb6wAFpYBtqysJG/vfjc/XEoKgfFs7+zcuEnt41xJQ6tl/L0VTxs+tEwjZu
2262     /// #    Rp/owB9GCkqN9+xNEnlH77TLW1UisW+l0F8CJ2WFOj4lk9rcXcLlEdGmXfWIlVCb
2263     /// #    2/o0DD+HDNsF8nWHpDEy0mcajkgIUTvXQaDXKbccX6Wgep8dyBP7YucGmRPd9Z6H
2264     /// #    bGeT3KvlJlH5kthQ9shsmT14gYwGMR6rKpNUXmlpetkjqUK7pGVaHGgJWUZ9QPGU
2265     /// #    awwPdWWvZSyXJAPZ9lC5sTKwMJDwIxILug==
2266     /// #    =lAie
2267     /// #    -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
2268     /// #    /*
2269     ///      ...
2270     ///      -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
2271     /// #    */
2272     /// )?;
2273     ///
2274     /// let recipients =
2275     ///     cert.keys().with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false)
2276     ///     // Or `for_storage_encryption()`, for data at rest.
2277     ///     .for_transport_encryption();
2278     ///
2279     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
2280     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
2281     /// let message =
2282     ///     Encryptor::with_passwords(message, Some("совершенно секретно"))
2283     ///     .add_recipients(recipients)
2284     ///     .build()?;
2285     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
2286     /// message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
2287     /// message.finalize()?;
2288     /// # Ok(()) }
2289     /// ```
add_recipients<R>(mut self, recipients: R) -> Self where R: IntoIterator, R::Item: Into<Recipient<'a>>,2290     pub fn add_recipients<R>(mut self, recipients: R) -> Self
2291         where R: IntoIterator,
2292               R::Item: Into<Recipient<'a>>,
2293     {
2294         for r in recipients {
2295             self.recipients.push(r.into());
2296         }
2297         self
2298     }
2300     /// Adds passwords to encrypt with.
2301     ///
2302     /// The resulting message can be encrypted with any password and
2303     /// by any recipient.
2304     ///
2305     /// # Example
2306     ///
2307     /// ```
2308     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
2309     /// use std::io::Write;
2310     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
2311     /// use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
2312     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{
2313     ///     Message, Encryptor, LiteralWriter,
2314     /// };
2315     /// use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
2316     /// # use openpgp::parse::Parse;
2317     /// let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
2318     ///
2319     /// let cert = Cert::from_bytes(
2320     /// #   // We do some acrobatics here to abbreviate the Cert.
2321     ///     "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
2322     ///
2323     ///      mQENBFpxtsABCADZcBa1Q3ZLZnju18o0+t8LoQuIIeyeUQ0H45y6xUqyrD5HSkVM
2324     /// #    VGQs6IHLq70mAizBJ4VznUVqVOh/NhOlapXi6/TKpjHvttdg45o6Pgqa0Kx64luT
2325     /// #    ZY+TEKyILcdBdhr3CzsEILnQst5jadgMvU9fnT/EkJIvxtWPlUzU5R7nnALO626x
2326     /// #    2M5Pj3k0h3ZNHMmYQQtReX/RP/xUh2SfOYG6i/MCclIlee8BXHB9k0bW2NAX2W7H
2327     /// #    rLDGPm1LzmyqxFGDvDvfPlYZ5nN2cbGsv3w75LDzv75kMhVnkZsrUjnHjVRzFq7q
2328     /// #    fSIpxlvJMEMKSIJ/TFztQoOBO5OlBb5qzYPpABEBAAG0F+G8iM+BzrnPg8+Ezr/P
2329     /// #    hM6tzrvOt8+CiQFUBBMBCAA+FiEEfcpYtU6xQxad3uFfJH9tq8hJFP4FAlpxtsAC
2330     /// #    GwMFCQPCZwAFCwkIBwIGFQgJCgsCBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQJH9tq8hJFP49hgf+
2331     /// #    IKvec0RkD9EHSLFc6AKDm/knaI4AIH0isZTz9jRCF8H/j3h8QVUE+/0jtCcyvR6F
2332     /// #    TGVSfO3pelDPYGIjDFI3aA6H/UlhZWzYRXZ+QQRrV0zwvLna3XjiW8ib3Ky+5bpQ
2333     /// #    0uVeee30u+U3SnaCL9QB4+UvwVvAxRuk49Z0Q8TsRrQyQNYpeZDN7uNrvA134cf6
2334     /// #    6pLUvzPG4lMLIvSXFuHou704EhT7NS3wAzFtjMrsLLieVqtbEi/kBaJTQSZQwjVB
2335     /// #    sE/Z8lp1heKw/33Br3cB63n4cTf0FdoFywDBhCAMU7fKboU5xBpm5bQJ4ck6j6w+
2336     /// #    BKG1FiQRR6PCUeb6GjxVOrkBDQRacbbAAQgAw538MMb/pRdpt7PTgBCedw+rU9fh
2337     /// #    onZYKwmCO7wz5VrVf8zIVvWKxhX6fBTSAy8mxaYbeL/3woQ9Leuo8f0PQNs9zw1N
2338     /// #    mdH+cnm2KQmL9l7/HQKMLgEAu/0C/q7ii/j8OMYitaMUyrwy+OzW3nCal/uJHIfj
2339     /// #    bdKx29MbKgF/zaBs8mhTvf/Tu0rIVNDPEicwijDEolGSGebZxdGdHJA31uayMHDK
2340     /// #    /mwySJViMZ8b+Lzc/dRgNbQoY6yjsjso7U9OZpQK1fooHOSQS6iLsSSsZLcGPD+7
2341     /// #    m7j3jwq68SIJPMsu0O8hdjFWL4Cfj815CwptAxRGkp00CIusAabO7m8DzwARAQAB
2342     /// #    iQE2BBgBCAAgFiEEfcpYtU6xQxad3uFfJH9tq8hJFP4FAlpxtsACGwwACgkQJH9t
2343     /// #    q8hJFP5rmQgAoYOUXolTiQmWipJTdMG/VZ5X7mL8JiBWAQ11K1o01cZCMlziyHnJ
2344     /// #    xJ6Mqjb6wAFpYBtqysJG/vfjc/XEoKgfFs7+zcuEnt41xJQ6tl/L0VTxs+tEwjZu
2345     /// #    Rp/owB9GCkqN9+xNEnlH77TLW1UisW+l0F8CJ2WFOj4lk9rcXcLlEdGmXfWIlVCb
2346     /// #    2/o0DD+HDNsF8nWHpDEy0mcajkgIUTvXQaDXKbccX6Wgep8dyBP7YucGmRPd9Z6H
2347     /// #    bGeT3KvlJlH5kthQ9shsmT14gYwGMR6rKpNUXmlpetkjqUK7pGVaHGgJWUZ9QPGU
2348     /// #    awwPdWWvZSyXJAPZ9lC5sTKwMJDwIxILug==
2349     /// #    =lAie
2350     /// #    -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
2351     /// #    /*
2352     ///      ...
2353     ///      -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
2354     /// #    */
2355     /// )?;
2356     ///
2357     /// let recipients =
2358     ///     cert.keys().with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false)
2359     ///     // Or `for_storage_encryption()`, for data at rest.
2360     ///     .for_transport_encryption();
2361     ///
2362     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
2363     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
2364     /// let message =
2365     ///     Encryptor::for_recipients(message, recipients)
2366     ///         .add_passwords(Some("совершенно секретно"))
2367     ///         .build()?;
2368     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
2369     /// message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
2370     /// message.finalize()?;
2371     /// # Ok(()) }
2372     /// ```
add_passwords<P>(mut self, passwords: P) -> Self where P: IntoIterator, P::Item: Into<Password>,2373     pub fn add_passwords<P>(mut self, passwords: P) -> Self
2374         where P: IntoIterator,
2375               P::Item: Into<Password>,
2376     {
2377         for p in passwords {
2378             self.passwords.push(p.into());
2379         }
2380         self
2381     }
2383     /// Sets the symmetric algorithm to use.
2384     ///
2385     /// # Example
2386     ///
2387     /// ```
2388     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
2389     /// use std::io::Write;
2390     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
2391     /// use openpgp::types::SymmetricAlgorithm;
2392     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{
2393     ///     Message, Encryptor, LiteralWriter,
2394     /// };
2395     ///
2396     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
2397     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
2398     /// let message =
2399     ///     Encryptor::with_passwords(message, Some("совершенно секретно"))
2400     ///         .symmetric_algo(SymmetricAlgorithm::AES128)
2401     ///         .build()?;
2402     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
2403     /// message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
2404     /// message.finalize()?;
2405     /// # Ok(()) }
2406     /// ```
symmetric_algo(mut self, algo: SymmetricAlgorithm) -> Self2407     pub fn symmetric_algo(mut self, algo: SymmetricAlgorithm) -> Self {
2408         self.sym_algo = algo;
2409         self
2410     }
2412     /// Enables AEAD and sets the AEAD algorithm to use.
2413     ///
2414     /// This feature is [experimental](../../index.html#experimental-features).
2415     ///
2416     /// # Example
2417     ///
2418     /// ```
2419     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
2420     /// use std::io::Write;
2421     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
2422     /// use openpgp::types::AEADAlgorithm;
2423     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{
2424     ///     Message, Encryptor, LiteralWriter,
2425     /// };
2426     ///
2427     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
2428     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
2429     /// let message =
2430     ///     Encryptor::with_passwords(message, Some("совершенно секретно"))
2431     ///         .aead_algo(AEADAlgorithm::EAX)
2432     ///         .build()?;
2433     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
2434     /// message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
2435     /// message.finalize()?;
2436     /// # Ok(()) }
2437     /// ```
aead_algo(mut self, algo: AEADAlgorithm) -> Self2438     pub fn aead_algo(mut self, algo: AEADAlgorithm) -> Self {
2439         self.aead_algo = Some(algo);
2440         self
2441     }
2443     // The default chunk size.
2444     //
2445     // A page, 3 per mille overhead.
2446     const AEAD_CHUNK_SIZE : usize = 4096;
2448     /// Builds the encryptor, returning the writer stack.
2449     ///
2450     /// The most useful filters to push to the writer stack next are
2451     /// the [`Padder`] or [`Compressor`], and after that the
2452     /// [`Signer`].  Finally, literal data *must* be wrapped using the
2453     /// [`LiteralWriter`].
2454     ///
2455     ///   [`Compressor`]: struct.Compressor.html
2456     ///   [`Padder`]: padding/struct.Padder.html
2457     ///   [`Signer`]: struct.Signer.html
2458     ///   [`LiteralWriter`]: struct.LiteralWriter.html
2459     ///
2460     /// # Example
2461     ///
2462     /// ```
2463     /// # f().unwrap(); fn f() -> sequoia_openpgp::Result<()> {
2464     /// use std::io::Write;
2465     /// use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
2466     /// use openpgp::serialize::stream::{
2467     ///     Message, Encryptor, LiteralWriter,
2468     /// };
2469     ///
2470     /// # let mut sink = vec![];
2471     /// let message = Message::new(&mut sink);
2472     /// let message =
2473     ///     Encryptor::with_passwords(message, Some("совершенно секретно"))
2474     ///         // Customize the `Encryptor` here.
2475     ///         .build()?;
2476     ///
2477     /// // Optionally add a `Padder` or `Compressor` here.
2478     /// // Optionally add a `Signer` here.
2479     ///
2480     /// let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message).build()?;
2481     /// message.write_all(b"Hello world.")?;
2482     /// message.finalize()?;
2483     /// # Ok(()) }
2484     /// ```
build(mut self) -> Result<Message<'a>>2485     pub fn build(mut self) -> Result<Message<'a>> {
2486         if self.recipients.len() + self.passwords.len() == 0 {
2487             return Err(Error::InvalidOperation(
2488                 "Neither recipients nor passwords given".into()).into());
2489         }
2491         struct AEADParameters {
2492             algo: AEADAlgorithm,
2493             chunk_size: usize,
2494             nonce: Box<[u8]>,
2495         }
2497         let aead = if let Some(algo) = self.aead_algo {
2498             let mut nonce = vec![0; algo.iv_size()?];
2499             crypto::random(&mut nonce);
2500             Some(AEADParameters {
2501                 algo,
2502                 chunk_size: Self::AEAD_CHUNK_SIZE,
2503                 nonce: nonce.into_boxed_slice(),
2504             })
2505         } else {
2506             None
2507         };
2509         let mut inner = self.inner.take().expect("Added in constructors");
2510         let level = inner.as_ref().cookie_ref().level + 1;
2512         // Generate a session key.
2513         let sk = SessionKey::new(self.sym_algo.key_size()?);
2515         // Write the PKESK packet(s).
2516         for recipient in self.recipients.iter() {
2517             let mut pkesk =
2518                 PKESK3::for_recipient(self.sym_algo, &sk, recipient.key)?;
2519             pkesk.set_recipient(recipient.keyid.clone());
2520             Packet::PKESK(pkesk.into()).serialize(&mut inner)?;
2521         }
2523         // Write the SKESK packet(s).
2524         for password in self.passwords.iter() {
2525             if let Some(aead) = aead.as_ref() {
2526                 let skesk = SKESK5::with_password(self.sym_algo,
2527                                                   self.sym_algo,
2528                                                   aead.algo,
2529                                                   Default::default(),
2530                                                   &sk, password).unwrap();
2531                 Packet::SKESK(skesk.into()).serialize(&mut inner)?;
2532             } else {
2533                 let skesk = SKESK4::with_password(self.sym_algo,
2534                                                   self.sym_algo,
2535                                                   Default::default(),
2536                                                   &sk, password).unwrap();
2537                 Packet::SKESK(skesk.into()).serialize(&mut inner)?;
2538             }
2539         }
2541         if let Some(aead) = aead {
2542             // Write the AED packet.
2543             CTB::new(Tag::AED).serialize(&mut inner)?;
2544             let mut inner = PartialBodyFilter::new(Message::from(inner),
2545                                                    Cookie::new(level));
2546             let aed = AED1::new(self.sym_algo, aead.algo,
2547                                 aead.chunk_size as u64, aead.nonce)?;
2548             aed.serialize_headers(&mut inner)?;
2550             writer::AEADEncryptor::new(
2551                 inner.into(),
2552                 Cookie::new(level),
2553                 aed.symmetric_algo(),
2554                 aed.aead(),
2555                 aead.chunk_size,
2556                 aed.iv(),
2557                 &sk,
2558             )
2559         } else {
2560             // Write the SEIP packet.
2561             CTB::new(Tag::SEIP).serialize(&mut inner)?;
2562             let mut inner = PartialBodyFilter::new(Message::from(inner),
2563                                                    Cookie::new(level));
2564             inner.write_all(&[1])?; // Version.
2566             // Install encryptor.
2567             self.inner = Some(writer::Encryptor::new(
2568                 inner.into(),
2569                 Cookie::new(level),
2570                 self.sym_algo,
2571                 &sk,
2572             )?.into());
2573             self.cookie = Cookie::new(level);
2575             // Write the initialization vector, and the quick-check
2576             // bytes.  The hash for the MDC must include the
2577             // initialization vector, hence we must write this to
2578             // self after installing the encryptor at self.inner.
2579             let mut iv = vec![0; self.sym_algo.block_size()?];
2580             crypto::random(&mut iv);
2581             self.write_all(&iv)?;
2582             self.write_all(&iv[iv.len() - 2..])?;
2584             Ok(Message::from(Box::new(self)))
2585         }
2586     }
2588     /// Emits the MDC packet and recovers the original writer.
emit_mdc(&mut self) -> Result<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>2589     fn emit_mdc(&mut self) -> Result<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>> {
2590         if let Some(mut w) = self.inner.take() {
2591             // Write the MDC, which must be the last packet inside the
2592             // encrypted packet stream.  The hash includes the MDC's
2593             // CTB and length octet.
2594             let mut header = Vec::new();
2595             CTB::new(Tag::MDC).serialize(&mut header)?;
2596             BodyLength::Full(20).serialize(&mut header)?;
2598             self.hash.update(&header);
2599             Packet::MDC(MDC::from(self.hash.clone())).serialize(&mut w)?;
2601             // Now recover the original writer.  First, strip the
2602             // Encryptor.
2603             let w = w.into_inner()?.unwrap();
2604             // And the partial body filter.
2605             let w = w.into_inner()?.unwrap();
2607             Ok(w)
2608         } else {
2609             Err(Error::InvalidOperation(
2610                 "Inner writer already taken".into()).into())
2611         }
2612     }
2613 }
2615 impl<'a> fmt::Debug for Encryptor<'a> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result2616     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
2617         f.debug_struct("Encryptor")
2618             .field("inner", &self.inner)
2619             .finish()
2620     }
2621 }
2623 impl<'a> Write for Encryptor<'a> {
write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize>2624     fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
2625         let written = match self.inner.as_mut() {
2626             Some(ref mut w) => w.write(buf),
2627             None => Ok(buf.len()),
2628         };
2629         if let Ok(amount) = written {
2630             self.hash.update(&buf[..amount]);
2631         }
2632         written
2633     }
flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()>2635     fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
2636         match self.inner.as_mut() {
2637             Some(ref mut w) => w.flush(),
2638             None => Ok(()),
2639         }
2640     }
2641 }
2643 impl<'a> writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie> for Encryptor<'a> {
pop(&mut self) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>>2644     fn pop(&mut self) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>> {
2645         unreachable!("Only implemented by Signer")
2646     }
2647     /// Sets the inner stackable.
mount(&mut self, _new: writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>)2648     fn mount(&mut self, _new: writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>) {
2649         unreachable!("Only implemented by Signer")
2650     }
inner_ref(&self) -> Option<&dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>>2651     fn inner_ref(&self) -> Option<&dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>> {
2652         self.inner.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref())
2653     }
inner_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>>2654     fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn writer::Stackable<'a, Cookie>> {
2655         if let Some(ref mut i) = self.inner {
2656             Some(i)
2657         } else {
2658             None
2659         }
2660     }
into_inner(mut self: Box<Self>) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>>2661     fn into_inner(mut self: Box<Self>) -> Result<Option<writer::BoxStack<'a, Cookie>>> {
2662         Ok(Some(self.emit_mdc()?))
2663     }
cookie_set(&mut self, cookie: Cookie) -> Cookie2664     fn cookie_set(&mut self, cookie: Cookie) -> Cookie {
2665         ::std::mem::replace(&mut self.cookie, cookie)
2666     }
cookie_ref(&self) -> &Cookie2667     fn cookie_ref(&self) -> &Cookie {
2668         &self.cookie
2669     }
cookie_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Cookie2670     fn cookie_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Cookie {
2671         &mut self.cookie
2672     }
position(&self) -> u642673     fn position(&self) -> u64 {
2674         self.inner.as_ref().map(|i| i.position()).unwrap_or(0)
2675     }
2676 }
2678 #[cfg(test)]
2679 mod test {
2680     use std::io::Read;
2681     use crate::{Packet, PacketPile, packet::CompressedData};
2682     use crate::parse::{Parse, PacketParserResult, PacketParser};
2683     use super::*;
2684     use crate::types::DataFormat::Text as T;
2685     use crate::policy::Policy;
2686     use crate::policy::StandardPolicy as P;
2688     #[test]
arbitrary()2689     fn arbitrary() {
2690         let mut o = vec![];
2691         {
2692             let m = Message::new(&mut o);
2693             let mut ustr = ArbitraryWriter::new(m, Tag::Literal).unwrap();
2694             ustr.write_all(b"t").unwrap(); // type
2695             ustr.write_all(b"\x00").unwrap(); // fn length
2696             ustr.write_all(b"\x00\x00\x00\x00").unwrap(); // date
2697             ustr.write_all(b"Hello world.").unwrap(); // body
2698             ustr.finalize().unwrap();
2699         }
2701         let mut pp = PacketParser::from_bytes(&o).unwrap().unwrap();
2702         if let Packet::Literal(ref l) = pp.packet {
2703                 assert_eq!(l.format(), DataFormat::Text);
2704                 assert_eq!(l.filename(), None);
2705                 assert_eq!(l.date(), None);
2706         } else {
2707             panic!("Unexpected packet type.");
2708         }
2710         let mut body = vec![];
2711         pp.read_to_end(&mut body).unwrap();
2712         assert_eq!(&body, b"Hello world.");
2714         // Make sure it is the only packet.
2715         let (_, ppr) = pp.recurse().unwrap();
2716         assert!(ppr.is_eof());
2717     }
2719     // Create some crazy nesting structures, serialize the messages,
2720     // reparse them, and make sure we get the same result.
2721     #[test]
stream_0()2722     fn stream_0() {
2723         // 1: CompressedData(CompressedData { algo: 0 })
2724         //  1: Literal(Literal { body: "one (3 bytes)" })
2725         //  2: Literal(Literal { body: "two (3 bytes)" })
2726         // 2: Literal(Literal { body: "three (5 bytes)" })
2727         let mut one = Literal::new(T);
2728         one.set_body(b"one".to_vec());
2729         let mut two = Literal::new(T);
2730         two.set_body(b"two".to_vec());
2731         let mut three = Literal::new(T);
2732         three.set_body(b"three".to_vec());
2733         let mut reference = Vec::new();
2734         reference.push(
2735             CompressedData::new(CompressionAlgorithm::Uncompressed)
2736                 .push(one.into())
2737                 .push(two.into())
2738                 .into());
2739         reference.push(three.into());
2741         let mut o = vec![];
2742         {
2743             let m = Message::new(&mut o);
2744             let c = Compressor::new(m)
2745                 .algo(CompressionAlgorithm::Uncompressed).build().unwrap();
2746             let mut ls = LiteralWriter::new(c).format(T).build().unwrap();
2747             write!(ls, "one").unwrap();
2748             let c = ls.finalize_one().unwrap().unwrap(); // Pop the LiteralWriter.
2749             let mut ls = LiteralWriter::new(c).format(T).build().unwrap();
2750             write!(ls, "two").unwrap();
2751             let c = ls.finalize_one().unwrap().unwrap(); // Pop the LiteralWriter.
2752             let c = c.finalize_one().unwrap().unwrap(); // Pop the Compressor.
2753             let mut ls = LiteralWriter::new(c).format(T).build().unwrap();
2754             write!(ls, "three").unwrap();
2755             ls.finalize().unwrap();
2756         }
2758         let pile = PacketPile::from(reference);
2759         let pile2 = PacketPile::from_bytes(&o).unwrap();
2760         if pile != pile2 {
2761             eprintln!("REFERENCE...");
2762             pile.pretty_print();
2763             eprintln!("REPARSED...");
2764             pile2.pretty_print();
2765             panic!("Reparsed packet does not match reference packet!");
2766         }
2767     }
2769     // Create some crazy nesting structures, serialize the messages,
2770     // reparse them, and make sure we get the same result.
2771     #[test]
stream_1()2772     fn stream_1() {
2773         // 1: CompressedData(CompressedData { algo: 0 })
2774         //  1: CompressedData(CompressedData { algo: 0 })
2775         //   1: Literal(Literal { body: "one (3 bytes)" })
2776         //   2: Literal(Literal { body: "two (3 bytes)" })
2777         //  2: CompressedData(CompressedData { algo: 0 })
2778         //   1: Literal(Literal { body: "three (5 bytes)" })
2779         //   2: Literal(Literal { body: "four (4 bytes)" })
2780         let mut one = Literal::new(T);
2781         one.set_body(b"one".to_vec());
2782         let mut two = Literal::new(T);
2783         two.set_body(b"two".to_vec());
2784         let mut three = Literal::new(T);
2785         three.set_body(b"three".to_vec());
2786         let mut four = Literal::new(T);
2787         four.set_body(b"four".to_vec());
2788         let mut reference = Vec::new();
2789         reference.push(
2790             CompressedData::new(CompressionAlgorithm::Uncompressed)
2791                 .push(CompressedData::new(CompressionAlgorithm::Uncompressed)
2792                       .push(one.into())
2793                       .push(two.into())
2794                       .into())
2795                 .push(CompressedData::new(CompressionAlgorithm::Uncompressed)
2796                       .push(three.into())
2797                       .push(four.into())
2798                       .into())
2799                 .into());
2801         let mut o = vec![];
2802         {
2803             let m = Message::new(&mut o);
2804             let c0 = Compressor::new(m)
2805                 .algo(CompressionAlgorithm::Uncompressed).build().unwrap();
2806             let c = Compressor::new(c0)
2807                 .algo(CompressionAlgorithm::Uncompressed).build().unwrap();
2808             let mut ls = LiteralWriter::new(c).format(T).build().unwrap();
2809             write!(ls, "one").unwrap();
2810             let c = ls.finalize_one().unwrap().unwrap();
2811             let mut ls = LiteralWriter::new(c).format(T).build().unwrap();
2812             write!(ls, "two").unwrap();
2813             let c = ls.finalize_one().unwrap().unwrap();
2814             let c0 = c.finalize_one().unwrap().unwrap();
2815             let c = Compressor::new(c0)
2816                 .algo(CompressionAlgorithm::Uncompressed).build().unwrap();
2817             let mut ls = LiteralWriter::new(c).format(T).build().unwrap();
2818             write!(ls, "three").unwrap();
2819             let c = ls.finalize_one().unwrap().unwrap();
2820             let mut ls = LiteralWriter::new(c).format(T).build().unwrap();
2821             write!(ls, "four").unwrap();
2822             ls.finalize().unwrap();
2823         }
2825         let pile = PacketPile::from(reference);
2826         let pile2 = PacketPile::from_bytes(&o).unwrap();
2827         if pile != pile2 {
2828             eprintln!("REFERENCE...");
2829             pile.pretty_print();
2830             eprintln!("REPARSED...");
2831             pile2.pretty_print();
2832             panic!("Reparsed packet does not match reference packet!");
2833         }
2834     }
2836     #[cfg(feature = "compression-bzip2")]
2837     #[test]
stream_big()2838     fn stream_big() {
2839         let zeros = vec![0; 1024 * 1024 * 4];
2840         let mut o = vec![];
2841         {
2842             let m = Message::new(&mut o);
2843             let c = Compressor::new(m)
2844                 .algo(CompressionAlgorithm::BZip2).build().unwrap();
2845             let mut ls = LiteralWriter::new(c).build().unwrap();
2846             // Write 64 megabytes of zeroes.
2847             for _ in 0 .. 16 {
2848                 ls.write_all(&zeros).unwrap();
2849             }
2850         }
2851         assert!(o.len() < 1024);
2852     }
2854     #[test]
signature()2855     fn signature() {
2856         let p = &P::new();
2857         use crate::crypto::KeyPair;
2858         use std::collections::HashMap;
2859         use crate::Fingerprint;
2861         let mut keys: HashMap<Fingerprint, key::UnspecifiedPublic> = HashMap::new();
2862         for tsk in &[
2863             Cert::from_bytes(crate::tests::key("testy-private.pgp")).unwrap(),
2864             Cert::from_bytes(crate::tests::key("testy-new-private.pgp")).unwrap(),
2865         ] {
2866             for key in tsk.keys().with_policy(p, crate::frozen_time())
2867                 .for_signing().map(|ka| ka.key())
2868             {
2869                 keys.insert(key.fingerprint(), key.clone());
2870             }
2871         }
2873         let mut o = vec![];
2874         {
2875             let mut signers = keys.iter().map(|(_, key)| {
2876                 key.clone().parts_into_secret().unwrap().into_keypair()
2877                     .expect("expected unencrypted secret key")
2878             }).collect::<Vec<KeyPair>>();
2880             let m = Message::new(&mut o);
2881             let mut signer = Signer::new(m, signers.pop().unwrap());
2882             for s in signers.into_iter() {
2883                 signer = signer.add_signer(s);
2884             }
2885             let signer = signer.build().unwrap();
2886             let mut ls = LiteralWriter::new(signer).build().unwrap();
2887             ls.write_all(b"Tis, tis, tis.  Tis is important.").unwrap();
2888             let _ = ls.finalize().unwrap();
2889         }
2891         let mut ppr = PacketParser::from_bytes(&o).unwrap();
2892         let mut good = 0;
2893         while let PacketParserResult::Some(pp) = ppr {
2894             if let Packet::Signature(ref sig) = pp.packet {
2895                 let key = keys.get(&sig.issuer_fingerprints().nth(0).unwrap())
2896                     .unwrap();
2897                 sig.verify(key).unwrap();
2898                 good += 1;
2899             }
2901             // Get the next packet.
2902             ppr = pp.recurse().unwrap().1;
2903         }
2904         assert_eq!(good, 2);
2905     }
2907     #[test]
encryptor()2908     fn encryptor() {
2909         let passwords = vec!["streng geheim".into(),
2910                              "top secret".into()];
2911         let message = b"Hello world.";
2913         // Write a simple encrypted message...
2914         let mut o = vec![];
2915         {
2916             let m = Message::new(&mut o);
2917             let encryptor = Encryptor::with_passwords(m, passwords.clone())
2918                 .build().unwrap();
2919             let mut literal = LiteralWriter::new(encryptor).build()
2920                 .unwrap();
2921             literal.write_all(message).unwrap();
2922             literal.finalize().unwrap();
2923         }
2925         // ... and recover it...
2926         #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
2927         enum State {
2928             Start,
2929             Decrypted(Vec<(SymmetricAlgorithm, SessionKey)>),
2930             Deciphered,
2931             MDC,
2932             Done,
2933         }
2935         // ... with every password.
2936         for password in &passwords {
2937             let mut state = State::Start;
2938             let mut ppr = PacketParser::from_bytes(&o).unwrap();
2939             while let PacketParserResult::Some(mut pp) = ppr {
2940                 state = match state {
2941                     // Look for the SKESK packet.
2942                     State::Start =>
2943                         if let Packet::SKESK(ref skesk) = pp.packet {
2944                             match skesk.decrypt(password) {
2945                                 Ok((algo, key))
2946                                     => State::Decrypted(
2947                                         vec![(algo, key)]),
2948                                 Err(e) =>
2949                                     panic!("Decryption failed: {}", e),
2950                             }
2951                         } else {
2952                             panic!("Unexpected packet: {:?}", pp.packet)
2953                         },
2955                     // Look for the SEIP packet.
2956                     State::Decrypted(mut keys) =>
2957                         match pp.packet {
2958                             Packet::SEIP(_) =>
2959                                 loop {
2960                                     if let Some((algo, key)) = keys.pop() {
2961                                         let r = pp.decrypt(algo, &key);
2962                                         if r.is_ok() {
2963                                             break State::Deciphered;
2964                                         }
2965                                     } else {
2966                                         panic!("seip decryption failed");
2967                                     }
2968                                 },
2969                             Packet::SKESK(ref skesk) =>
2970                                 match skesk.decrypt(password) {
2971                                     Ok((algo, key)) => {
2972                                         keys.push((algo, key));
2973                                         State::Decrypted(keys)
2974                                     },
2975                                     Err(e) =>
2976                                         panic!("Decryption failed: {}", e),
2977                                 },
2978                             _ =>
2979                                 panic!("Unexpected packet: {:?}", pp.packet),
2980                         },
2982                     // Look for the literal data packet.
2983                     State::Deciphered =>
2984                         if let Packet::Literal(_) = pp.packet {
2985                             let mut body = Vec::new();
2986                             pp.read_to_end(&mut body).unwrap();
2987                             assert_eq!(&body, message);
2988                             State::MDC
2989                         } else {
2990                             panic!("Unexpected packet: {:?}", pp.packet)
2991                         },
2993                     // Look for the MDC packet.
2994                     State::MDC =>
2995                         if let Packet::MDC(ref mdc) = pp.packet {
2996                             assert_eq!(mdc.digest(), mdc.computed_digest());
2997                             State::Done
2998                         } else {
2999                             panic!("Unexpected packet: {:?}", pp.packet)
3000                         },
3002                     State::Done =>
3003                         panic!("Unexpected packet: {:?}", pp.packet),
3004                 };
3006                 // Next?
3007                 ppr = pp.recurse().unwrap().1;
3008             }
3009             assert_eq!(state, State::Done);
3010         }
3011     }
3013     #[test]
aead_messages() -> Result<()>3014     fn aead_messages() -> Result<()> {
3015         // AEAD data is of the form:
3016         //
3017         //   [ chunk1 ][ tag1 ] ... [ chunkN ][ tagN ][ tag ]
3018         //
3019         // All chunks are the same size except for the last chunk, which may
3020         // be shorter.
3021         //
3022         // In `Decryptor::read_helper`, we read a chunk and a tag worth of
3023         // data at a time.  Because only the last chunk can be shorter, if
3024         // the amount read is less than `chunk_size + tag_size`, then we know
3025         // that we've read the last chunk.
3026         //
3027         // Unfortunately, this is not sufficient: if the last chunk is
3028         // `chunk_size - tag size` bytes large, then when we read it, we'll
3029         // read `chunk_size + tag_size` bytes, because we'll have also read
3030         // the final tag!
3031         //
3032         // Make sure we handle this situation correctly.
3034         use std::cmp;
3036         use crate::parse::{
3037             stream::{
3038                 DecryptorBuilder,
3039                 DecryptionHelper,
3040                 VerificationHelper,
3041                 MessageStructure,
3042             },
3043         };
3044         use crate::cert::prelude::*;
3045         use crate::serialize::stream::{LiteralWriter, Message};
3047         let (tsk, _) = CertBuilder::new()
3048             .set_cipher_suite(CipherSuite::Cv25519)
3049             .add_transport_encryption_subkey()
3050             .generate().unwrap();
3052         struct Helper<'a> {
3053             policy: &'a dyn Policy,
3054             tsk: &'a Cert,
3055         };
3056         impl<'a> VerificationHelper for Helper<'a> {
3057             fn get_certs(&mut self, _ids: &[crate::KeyHandle])
3058                                -> Result<Vec<Cert>> {
3059                 Ok(Vec::new())
3060             }
3061             fn check(&mut self, _structure: MessageStructure) -> Result<()> {
3062                 Ok(())
3063             }
3064         }
3065         impl<'a> DecryptionHelper for Helper<'a> {
3066             fn decrypt<D>(&mut self, pkesks: &[PKESK], _skesks: &[SKESK],
3067                           sym_algo: Option<SymmetricAlgorithm>,
3068                           mut decrypt: D) -> Result<Option<crate::Fingerprint>>
3069                 where D: FnMut(SymmetricAlgorithm, &SessionKey) -> bool
3070             {
3071                 let mut keypair = self.tsk.keys().with_policy(self.policy, None)
3072                     .for_transport_encryption()
3073                     .map(|ka| ka.key()).next().unwrap()
3074                     .clone().parts_into_secret().unwrap()
3075                     .into_keypair().unwrap();
3076                 pkesks[0].decrypt(&mut keypair, sym_algo)
3077                     .map(|(algo, session_key)| decrypt(algo, &session_key));
3078                 Ok(None)
3079             }
3080         }
3082         let p = &P::new();
3084         for chunks in 0..3 {
3085             for msg_len in
3086                       cmp::max(24, chunks * Encryptor::AEAD_CHUNK_SIZE) - 24
3087                           ..chunks * Encryptor::AEAD_CHUNK_SIZE + 24
3088             {
3089                 eprintln!("Encrypting message of size: {}", msg_len);
3091                 let mut content : Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
3092                 for i in 0..msg_len {
3093                     content.push(b'0' + ((i % 10) as u8));
3094                 }
3096                 let mut msg = vec![];
3097                 {
3098                     let m = Message::new(&mut msg);
3099                     let recipients = tsk
3100                         .keys().with_policy(p, None)
3101                         .for_storage_encryption().for_transport_encryption();
3102                     let encryptor = Encryptor::for_recipients(m, recipients)
3103                         .aead_algo(AEADAlgorithm::EAX)
3104                         .build().unwrap();
3105                     let mut literal = LiteralWriter::new(encryptor).build()
3106                         .unwrap();
3107                     literal.write_all(&content).unwrap();
3108                     literal.finalize().unwrap();
3109                 }
3111                 for &read_len in &[
3112                     37,
3113                     Encryptor::AEAD_CHUNK_SIZE - 1,
3114                     Encryptor::AEAD_CHUNK_SIZE,
3115                     100 * Encryptor::AEAD_CHUNK_SIZE
3116                 ] {
3117                     for &do_err in &[ false, true ] {
3118                         let mut msg = msg.clone();
3119                         if do_err {
3120                             let l = msg.len() - 1;
3121                             if msg[l] == 0 {
3122                                 msg[l] = 1;
3123                             } else {
3124                                 msg[l] = 0;
3125                             }
3126                         }
3128                         let h = Helper { policy: p, tsk: &tsk };
3129                         // Note: a corrupted message is only guaranteed
3130                         // to error out before it returns EOF.
3131                         let mut v = match DecryptorBuilder::from_bytes(&msg)?
3132                             .with_policy(p, None, h)
3133                         {
3134                             Ok(v) => v,
3135                             Err(_) if do_err => continue,
3136                             Err(err) => panic!("Decrypting message: {}", err),
3137                         };
3139                         let mut buffer = Vec::new();
3140                         buffer.resize(read_len, 0);
3142                         let mut decrypted_content = Vec::new();
3143                         loop {
3144                             match v.read(&mut buffer[..read_len]) {
3145                                 Ok(0) if do_err =>
3146                                     panic!("Expected an error, got EOF"),
3147                                 Ok(0) => break,
3148                                 Ok(len) =>
3149                                     decrypted_content.extend_from_slice(
3150                                         &buffer[..len]),
3151                                 Err(_) if do_err => break,
3152                                 Err(err) =>
3153                                     panic!("Decrypting data: {:?}", err),
3154                             }
3155                         }
3157                         if do_err {
3158                             // If we get an error once, we should get
3159                             // one again.
3160                             for _ in 0..3 {
3161                                 assert!(v.read(&mut buffer[..read_len]).is_err());
3162                             }
3163                         }
3165                         // We only corrupted the final tag, so we
3166                         // should get all of the content.
3167                         assert_eq!(msg_len, decrypted_content.len());
3168                         assert_eq!(content, decrypted_content);
3169                     }
3170                 }
3171             }
3172         }
3173         Ok(())
3174     }
3176     #[test]
signature_at_time()3177     fn signature_at_time() {
3178         // Generates a signature with a specific Signature Creation
3179         // Time.
3180         use crate::cert::prelude::*;
3181         use crate::serialize::stream::{LiteralWriter, Message};
3182         use crate::crypto::KeyPair;
3184         let p = &P::new();
3186         let (cert, _) = CertBuilder::new()
3187             .add_signing_subkey()
3188             .set_cipher_suite(CipherSuite::Cv25519)
3189             .generate().unwrap();
3191         // What we're going to sign with.
3192         let ka = cert.keys().with_policy(p, None).for_signing().nth(0).unwrap();
3194         // A timestamp later than the key's creation.
3195         let timestamp = ka.key().creation_time()
3196             + std::time::Duration::from_secs(14 * 24 * 60 * 60);
3197         assert!(ka.key().creation_time() < timestamp);
3199         let mut o = vec![];
3200         {
3201             let signer_keypair : KeyPair =
3202                 ka.key().clone().parts_into_secret().unwrap().into_keypair()
3203                     .expect("expected unencrypted secret key");
3205             let m = Message::new(&mut o);
3206             let signer = Signer::new(m, signer_keypair);
3207             let signer = signer.creation_time(timestamp);
3208             let signer = signer.build().unwrap();
3210             let mut ls = LiteralWriter::new(signer).build().unwrap();
3211             ls.write_all(b"Tis, tis, tis.  Tis is important.").unwrap();
3212             let signer = ls.finalize_one().unwrap().unwrap();
3213             let _ = signer.finalize_one().unwrap().unwrap();
3214         }
3216         let mut ppr = PacketParser::from_bytes(&o).unwrap();
3217         let mut good = 0;
3218         while let PacketParserResult::Some(pp) = ppr {
3219             if let Packet::Signature(ref sig) = pp.packet {
3220                 assert_eq!(sig.signature_creation_time(), Some(timestamp));
3221                 sig.verify(ka.key()).unwrap();
3222                 good += 1;
3223             }
3225             // Get the next packet.
3226             ppr = pp.recurse().unwrap().1;
3227         }
3228         assert_eq!(good, 1);
3229     }
3231     /// Checks that newlines are properly normalized when verifying
3232     /// text signatures.
3233     #[test]
issue_530_signing() -> Result<()>3234     fn issue_530_signing() -> Result<()> {
3235         use std::io::Write;
3236         use crate::*;
3237         use crate::packet::signature;
3238         use crate::serialize::stream::{Message, Signer};
3240         use crate::policy::StandardPolicy;
3241         use crate::{Result, Cert};
3242         use crate::parse::Parse;
3243         use crate::parse::stream::*;
3245         let normalized_data = b"one\r\ntwo\r\nthree";
3247         let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
3248         let cert: Cert =
3249             Cert::from_bytes(crate::tests::key("testy-new-private.pgp"))?;
3251         for data in &[
3252             &b"one\r\ntwo\r\nthree"[..], // dos
3253             b"one\ntwo\nthree",          // unix
3254             b"one\ntwo\r\nthree",        // mixed
3255             b"one\r\ntwo\nthree",
3256             b"one\rtwo\rthree",          // classic mac
3257         ] {
3258             eprintln!("{:?}", String::from_utf8(data.to_vec())?);
3259             let signing_keypair = cert.keys().secret()
3260                 .with_policy(p, None).alive().revoked(false).for_signing()
3261                 .nth(0).unwrap()
3262                 .key().clone().into_keypair()?;
3263             let mut signature = vec![];
3264             {
3265                 let message = Message::new(&mut signature);
3266                 let mut message = Signer::with_template(
3267                     message, signing_keypair,
3268                     signature::SignatureBuilder::new(SignatureType::Text)
3269                 ).detached().build()?;
3270                 message.write_all(data)?;
3271                 message.finalize()?;
3272             }
3274             struct Helper {};
3275             impl VerificationHelper for Helper {
3276                 fn get_certs(&mut self, _ids: &[KeyHandle]) -> Result<Vec<Cert>>
3277                 {
3278                     Ok(vec![
3279                         Cert::from_bytes(crate::tests::key("testy-new.pgp"))?])
3280                 }
3281                 fn check(&mut self, structure: MessageStructure) -> Result<()> {
3282                     for (i, layer) in structure.iter().enumerate() {
3283                         assert_eq!(i, 0);
3284                         if let MessageLayer::SignatureGroup { results } = layer
3285                         {
3286                             assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
3287                             results[0].as_ref().unwrap();
3288                             assert!(results[0].is_ok());
3289                             return Ok(());
3290                         } else {
3291                             unreachable!();
3292                         }
3293                     }
3294                     unreachable!()
3295                 }
3296             }
3298             let h = Helper {};
3299             let mut v = DetachedVerifierBuilder::from_bytes(&signature)?
3300                 .with_policy(p, None, h)?;
3302             v.verify_bytes(data)?;
3303             v.verify_bytes(normalized_data)?;
3304         }
3306         Ok(())
3307     }
3308 }