1 #include "dt_stdio.h"
2 #include <errno.h>
3 #include <unistd.h>    // for access()
4 #include <fcntl.h>
5 #include <stdbool.h>   // true and false
6 #include <stdint.h>    // INT32_MIN
7 #include <math.h>      // isfinite, isnan
8 #include <stdlib.h>    // abs
9 #include <string.h>    // strlen, strerror
10 #ifndef NOZLIB
11 #include <zlib.h>      // for compression to .gz
12 #endif
14 #ifdef WIN32
15 #include <sys/types.h>
16 #include <sys/stat.h>
17 #include <io.h>
18 #define WRITE _write
19 #define CLOSE _close
20 #else
21 #define WRITE write
22 #define CLOSE close
23 #endif
25 #include "myomp.h"
26 #include "fwriteLookups.h"
27 #include "fwrite.h"
29 #define NUM_SF   15
30 #define SIZE_SF  1000000000000000ULL  // 10^NUM_SF
32 #define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
33 #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
35 // Globals for this file only. Written once to hold parameters passed from R level.
36 static const char *na;                 // by default "" or if set (not recommended) then usually "NA"
37 static char sep;                       // comma in .csv files
38 static char sep2;                      // '|' within list columns. Used here to know if field should be quoted and in freadR.c to write sep2 in list columns
39 static char dec;                       // the '.' in the number 3.1416. In Europe often: 3,1416
40 static int8_t doQuote=INT8_MIN;        // whether to surround fields with double quote ". NA means 'auto' (default)
41 static bool qmethodEscape=false;       // when quoting fields, how to escape double quotes in the field contents (default false means to add another double quote)
42 static int scipen;
43 static bool squashDateTime=false;      // 0=ISO(yyyy-mm-dd) 1=squash(yyyymmdd)
44 static bool verbose=false;
46 extern const char *getString(const void *, int64_t);
47 extern int getStringLen(const void *, int64_t);
48 extern int getMaxStringLen(const void *, int64_t);
49 extern int getMaxCategLen(const void *);
50 extern int getMaxListItemLen(const void *, int64_t);
51 extern const char *getCategString(const void *, int64_t);
52 extern double wallclock(void);
write_chars(const char * x,char ** pch)54 inline void write_chars(const char *x, char **pch)
55 {
56   // similar to C's strcpy but i) doesn't include trailing \0 and ii) moves destination along
57   char *ch = *pch;
58   while (*x) *ch++=*x++;
59   *pch = ch;
60 }
writeBool8(int8_t * col,int64_t row,char ** pch)62 void writeBool8(int8_t *col, int64_t row, char **pch)
63 {
64   int8_t x = col[row];
65   char *ch = *pch;
66   *ch++ = '0'+(x==1);
67   *pch = ch-(x==INT8_MIN);  // if NA then step back, to save a branch
68 }
writeBool32(int32_t * col,int64_t row,char ** pch)70 void writeBool32(int32_t *col, int64_t row, char **pch)
71 {
72   int32_t x = col[row];
73   char *ch = *pch;
74   if (x==INT32_MIN) {  // TODO: when na=='\0' as recommended, use a branchless writer
75     write_chars(na, &ch);
76   } else {
77     *ch++ = '0'+x;
78   }
79   *pch = ch;
80 }
writeBool32AsString(int32_t * col,int64_t row,char ** pch)82 void writeBool32AsString(int32_t *col, int64_t row, char **pch)
83 {
84   int32_t x = col[row];
85   char *ch = *pch;
86   if (x == INT32_MIN) {
87     write_chars(na, &ch);
88   } else if (x) {
89     *ch++='T'; *ch++='R'; *ch++='U'; *ch++='E';
90   } else {
91     *ch++='F'; *ch++='A'; *ch++='L'; *ch++='S'; *ch++='E';
92   }
93   *pch = ch;
94 }
reverse(char * upp,char * low)96 static inline void reverse(char *upp, char *low)
97 {
98   upp--;
99   while (upp>low) {
100     char tmp = *upp;
101     *upp = *low;
102     *low = tmp;
103     upp--;
104     low++;
105   }
106 }
writeInt32(int32_t * col,int64_t row,char ** pch)108 void writeInt32(int32_t *col, int64_t row, char **pch)
109 {
110   char *ch = *pch;
111   int32_t x = col[row];
112   if (x == INT32_MIN) {
113     write_chars(na, &ch);
114   } else {
115     if (x<0) { *ch++ = '-'; x=-x; }
116     // Avoid log() for speed. Write backwards then reverse when we know how long.
117     char *low = ch;
118     do { *ch++ = '0'+x%10; x/=10; } while (x>0);
119     reverse(ch, low);
120   }
121   *pch = ch;
122 }
writeInt64(int64_t * col,int64_t row,char ** pch)124 void writeInt64(int64_t *col, int64_t row, char **pch)
125 {
126   char *ch = *pch;
127   int64_t x = col[row];
128   if (x == INT64_MIN) {
129     write_chars(na, &ch);
130   } else {
131     if (x<0) { *ch++ = '-'; x=-x; }
132     char *low = ch;
133     do { *ch++ = '0'+x%10; x/=10; } while (x>0);
134     reverse(ch, low);
135   }
136   *pch = ch;
137 }
139 /*
140  * Generate fwriteLookup.h which defines sigparts, expsig and exppow that writeNumeric() that follows uses.
141  * It was run once a long time ago in dev and we don't need to generate it again unless we change it.
142  * Commented out and left here in the file where its result is used, in case we need it in future.
143  * Reason: ldexpl may not be available on all platforms and is slower than a direct lookup when it is.
144  *
145 void genLookups() {
146   FILE *f = fopen("/tmp/fwriteLookups.h", "w");
147   fprintf(f, "//\n\
148 // Generated by fwrite.c:genLookups()\n\
149 //\n\
150 // 3 vectors: sigparts, expsig and exppow\n\
151 // Includes precision higher than double; leave this compiler on this machine\n\
152 // to parse the literals at reduced precision.\n\
153 // 2^(-1023:1024) is held more accurately than double provides by storing its\n\
154 // exponent separately (expsig and exppow)\n\
155 // We don't want to depend on 'long double' (>64bit) availability to generate\n\
156 // these at runtime; libraries and hardware vary.\n\
157 // These small lookup tables are used for speed.\n\
158 //\n\n");
159   fprintf(f, "const double sigparts[53] = {\n0.0,\n");
160   for (int i=1; i<=52; i++) {
161     fprintf(f, "%.40Le%s\n",ldexpl(1.0L,-i), i==52?"":",");
162   }
163   fprintf(f, "};\n\nconst double expsig[2048] = {\n");
164   char x[2048][60];
165   for (int i=0; i<2048; i++) {
166     sprintf(x[i], "%.40Le", ldexpl(1.0L, i-1023));
167     fprintf(f, "%.*s%s\n", (int)(strchr(x[i],'e')-x[i]), x[i], (i==2047?"":",") );
168   }
169   fprintf(f, "};\n\nconst int exppow[2048] = {\n");
170   for (int i=0; i<2048; i++) {
171     fprintf(f, "%d%s", atoi(strchr(x[i],'e')+1), (i==2047?"":",") );
172   }
173   fprintf(f, "};\n\n");
174   fclose(f);
175   return R_NilValue;
176 }
177 */
writeFloat64(double * col,int64_t row,char ** pch)179 void writeFloat64(double *col, int64_t row, char **pch)
180 {
181   // hand-rolled / specialized for speed
182   // *pch is safely the output destination with enough space (ensured via calculating maxLineLen up front)
183   // technique similar to base R (format.c:formatReal and printutils.c:EncodeReal0)
184   // differences/tricks :
185   //   i) no buffers. writes straight to the final file buffer passed to write()
186   //  ii) no C libary calls such as sprintf() where the fmt string has to be interpretted over and over
187   // iii) no need to return variables or flags.  Just writes.
188   //  iv) shorter, easier to read and reason with in one self contained place.
189   double x = col[row];
190   char *ch = *pch;
191   if (!isfinite(x)) {
192     if (isnan(x)) {
193       write_chars(na, &ch);
194     } else {
195       if (x<0) *ch++ = '-';
196       *ch++ = 'I'; *ch++ = 'n'; *ch++ = 'f';
197     }
198   } else if (x == 0.0) {
199     *ch++ = '0';   // and we're done.  so much easier rather than passing back special cases
200   } else {
201     if (x < 0.0) { *ch++ = '-'; x = -x; }  // and we're done on sign, already written. no need to pass back sign
202     union { double d; uint64_t l; } u;
203     u.d = x;
204     uint64_t fraction = u.l & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF;           // (1<<52)-1;
205     uint32_t exponent = (int32_t)((u.l>>52) & 0x7FF);    // [0,2047]
207     // Now sum the appropriate powers 2^-(1:52) of the fraction
208     // Important for accuracy to start with the smallest first; i.e. 2^-52
209     // Exact powers of 2 (1.0, 2.0, 4.0, etc) are represented precisely with fraction==0
210     // Skip over tailing zeros for exactly representable numbers such 0.5, 0.75
211     // Underflow here (0u-1u = all 1s) is on an unsigned type which is ok by C standards
212     // sigparts[0] arranged to be 0.0 in genLookups() to enable branch free loop here
213     double acc = 0;  // 'long double' not needed
214     int i = 52;
215     if (fraction) {
216       while ((fraction & 0xFF) == 0) { fraction >>= 8; i-=8; }
217       while (fraction) {
218         acc += sigparts[(((fraction & 1u)^1u)-1u) & i];
219         i--;
220         fraction >>= 1;
221       }
222     }
223     // 1.0+acc is in range [1.5,2.0) by IEEE754
224     // expsig is in range [1.0,10.0) by design of fwriteLookups.h
225     // Therefore y in range [1.5,20.0)
226     // Avoids (potentially inaccurate and potentially slow) log10/log10l, pow/powl, ldexp/ldexpl
227     // By design we can just lookup the power from the tables
228     double y = (1.0+acc) * expsig[exponent];  // low magnitude mult
229     int exp = exppow[exponent];
230     if (y>=9.99999999999999) { y /= 10; exp++; }
231     uint64_t l = y * SIZE_SF;  // low magnitude mult 10^NUM_SF
232     // l now contains NUM_SF+1 digits as integer where repeated /10 below is accurate
234     // if (verbose) Rprintf(_("\nTRACE: acc=%.20Le ; y=%.20Le ; l=%"PRIu64" ; e=%d     "), acc, y, l, exp);
236     if (l%10 >= 5) l+=10; // use the last digit to round
237     l /= 10;
238     if (l == 0) {
239       if (*(ch-1)=='-') ch--;
240       *ch++ = '0';
241     } else {
242       // Count trailing zeros and therefore s.f. present in l
243       int trailZero = 0;
244       while (l%10 == 0) { l /= 10; trailZero++; }
245       int sf = NUM_SF - trailZero;
246       if (sf==0) {sf=1; exp++;}  // e.g. l was 9999999[5-9] rounded to 10000000 which added 1 digit
248       // l is now an unsigned long that doesn't start or end with 0
249       // sf is the number of digits now in l
250       // exp is e<exp> were l to be written with the decimal sep after the first digit
251       int dr = sf-exp-1; // how many characters to print to the right of the decimal place
252       int width=0;       // field width were it written decimal format. Used to decide whether to or not.
253       int dl0=0;         // how many 0's to add to the left of the decimal place before starting l
254       if (dr<=0) { dl0=-dr; dr=0; width=sf+dl0; }  // 1, 10, 100, 99000
255       else {
256         if (sf>dr) width=sf+1;                     // 1.234 and 123.4
257         else { dl0=1; width=dr+1+dl0; }            // 0.1234, 0.0001234
258       }
259       // So:  3.1416 => l=31416, sf=5, exp=0     dr=4; dl0=0; width=6
260       //      30460  => l=3046, sf=4, exp=4      dr=0; dl0=1; width=5
261       //      0.0072 => l=72, sf=2, exp=-3       dr=4; dl0=1; width=6
262       if (width <= sf + (sf>1) + 2 + (abs(exp)>99?3:2) + scipen) {
263         //               ^^^^ to not include 1 char for dec in -7e-04 where sf==1
264         //                       ^ 2 for 'e+'/'e-'
265         // decimal format ...
266         ch += width-1;
267         if (dr) {
268           while (dr && sf) { *ch--='0'+l%10; l/=10; dr--; sf--; }
269           while (dr) { *ch--='0'; dr--; }
270           *ch-- = dec;
271         }
272         while (dl0) { *ch--='0'; dl0--; }
273         while (sf) { *ch--='0'+l%10; l/=10; sf--; }
274         // ch is now 1 before the first char of the field so position it afterward again, and done
275         ch += width+1;
276       } else {
277         // scientific ...
278         ch += sf;  // sf-1 + 1 for dec
279         for (int i=sf; i>1; i--) {
280           *ch-- = '0' + l%10;
281           l /= 10;
282         }
283         if (sf == 1) ch--; else *ch-- = dec;
284         *ch = '0' + l;
285         ch += sf + (sf>1);
286         *ch++ = 'e';  // lower case e to match base::write.csv
287         if (exp < 0) { *ch++ = '-'; exp=-exp; }
288         else { *ch++ = '+'; }  // to match base::write.csv
289         if (exp < 100) {
290           *ch++ = '0' + (exp / 10);
291           *ch++ = '0' + (exp % 10);
292         } else {
293           *ch++ = '0' + (exp / 100);
294           *ch++ = '0' + (exp / 10) % 10;
295           *ch++ = '0' + (exp % 10);
296         }
297       }
298     }
299   }
300   *pch = ch;
301 }
writeComplex(Rcomplex * col,int64_t row,char ** pch)303 void writeComplex(Rcomplex *col, int64_t row, char **pch)
304 {
305   Rcomplex x = col[row];
306   char *ch = *pch;
307   writeFloat64(&x.r, 0, &ch);
308   if (!ISNAN(x.i)) {
309     if (x.i >= 0.0) *ch++ = '+';  // else writeFloat64 writes the - sign
310     writeFloat64(&x.i, 0, &ch);
311     *ch++ = 'i';
312   }
313   *pch = ch;
314 }
316 // DATE/TIME
write_time(int32_t x,char ** pch)318 static inline void write_time(int32_t x, char **pch)
319 // just a helper called below by the real writers (time-only and datetime)
320 {
321   char *ch = *pch;
322   if (x<0) {  // <0 covers NA_INTEGER too (==INT_MIN checked in init.c)
323     write_chars(na, &ch);
324   } else {
325     int hh = x/3600;
326     int mm = (x - hh*3600) / 60;
327     int ss = x%60;
328     *ch++ = '0'+hh/10;
329     *ch++ = '0'+hh%10;
330     *ch++ = ':';
331     ch -= squashDateTime;
332     *ch++ = '0'+mm/10;
333     *ch++ = '0'+mm%10;
334     *ch++ = ':';
335     ch -= squashDateTime;
336     *ch++ = '0'+ss/10;
337     *ch++ = '0'+ss%10;
338   }
339   *pch = ch;
340 }
writeITime(int32_t * col,int64_t row,char ** pch)342 void writeITime(int32_t *col, int64_t row, char **pch) {
343   write_time(col[row], pch);
344 }
write_date(int32_t x,char ** pch)346 static inline void write_date(int32_t x, char **pch)
347 // just a helper called below by the two real writers (date-only and datetime)
348 {
349   // From base ?Date :
350   //  "  Dates are represented as the number of days since 1970-01-01, with negative values
351   // for earlier dates. They are always printed following the rules of the current Gregorian calendar,
352   // even though that calendar was not in use long ago (it was adopted in 1752 in Great Britain and its
353   // colonies)  "
355   // The algorithm here in data.table::fwrite was taken from civil_from_days() here :
356   //   http://howardhinnant.github.io/date_algorithms.html
357   // which was donated to the public domain thanks to Howard Hinnant, 2013.
358   // The rebase to 1 March 0000 is inspired: avoids needing isleap() at all.
359   // The only small modifications here are :
360   //   1) no need for era
361   //   2) impose date range of [0000-03-01, 9999-12-31]. All 3,652,365 dates tested in test 1739
362   //   3) use direct lookup for mmdd rather than the math using 153, 2 and 5
363   //   4) use true/false value (md/100)<3 rather than ?: branch
364   // The end result is 5 lines of simple branch free integer math with no library calls.
365   // as.integer(as.Date(c("0000-03-01","9999-12-31"))) == c(-719468,+2932896)
367   char *ch = *pch;
368   if (x< -719468 || x>2932896) {
369     // NA_INTEGER<(-719468) (==INT_MIN checked in init.c)
370     write_chars(na, &ch);
371   } else {
372     x += 719468;  // convert days from 1970-01-01 to days from 0000-03-01 (the day after 29 Feb 0000)
373     int y = (x - x/1461 + x/36525 - x/146097) / 365;  // year of the preceeding March 1st
374     int z =  x - y*365 - y/4 + y/100 - y/400 + 1;     // days from March 1st in year y
375     int md = monthday[z];  // See fwriteLookups.h for how the 366 item lookup 'monthday' is arranged
376     y += z && (md/100)<3;  // The +1 above turned z=-1 to 0 (meaning Feb29 of year y not Jan or Feb of y+1)
378     ch += 7 + 2*!squashDateTime;
379     *ch-- = '0'+md%10; md/=10;
380     *ch-- = '0'+md%10; md/=10;
381     *ch-- = '-';
382     ch += squashDateTime;
383     *ch-- = '0'+md%10; md/=10;
384     *ch-- = '0'+md%10; md/=10;
385     *ch-- = '-';
386     ch += squashDateTime;
387     *ch-- = '0'+y%10; y/=10;
388     *ch-- = '0'+y%10; y/=10;
389     *ch-- = '0'+y%10; y/=10;
390     *ch   = '0'+y%10; y/=10;
391     ch += 8 + 2*!squashDateTime;
392   }
393   *pch = ch;
394 }
writeDateInt32(int32_t * col,int64_t row,char ** pch)396 void writeDateInt32(int32_t *col, int64_t row, char **pch) {
397   write_date(col[row], pch);
398 }
writeDateFloat64(double * col,int64_t row,char ** pch)400 void writeDateFloat64(double *col, int64_t row, char **pch) {
401   write_date(isfinite(col[row]) ? (int)(col[row]) : INT32_MIN, pch);
402 }
writePOSIXct(double * col,int64_t row,char ** pch)404 void writePOSIXct(double *col, int64_t row, char **pch)
405 {
406   // Write ISO8601 UTC by default to encourage ISO standards, stymie ambiguity and for speed.
407   // R internally represents POSIX datetime in UTC always. Its 'tzone' attribute can be ignored.
408   // R's representation ignores leap seconds too which is POSIX compliant, convenient and fast.
409   // Aside: an often overlooked option for users is to start R in UTC: $ TZ='UTC' R
410   // All positive integers up to 2^53 (9e15) are exactly representable by double which is relied
411   // on in the ops here; number of seconds since epoch.
413   double x = col[row];
414   char *ch = *pch;
415   if (!isfinite(x)) {
416     write_chars(na, &ch);
417   } else {
418     int64_t xi, d, t;
419     if (x>=0) {
420       xi = floor(x);
421       d = xi / 86400;
422       t = xi % 86400;
423     } else {
424       // before 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
425       xi = floor(x);
426       d = (xi+1)/86400 - 1;
427       t = xi - d*86400;  // xi and d are both negative here; t becomes the positive number of seconds into the day
428     }
429     int m = ((x-xi)*10000000); // 7th digit used to round up if 9
430     m += (m%10);  // 9 is numerical accuracy, 8 or less then we truncate to last microsecond
431     m /= 10;
432     write_date(d, &ch);
433     *ch++ = 'T';
434     ch -= squashDateTime;
435     write_time(t, &ch);
436     if (squashDateTime || (m && m%1000==0)) {
437       // when squashDateTime always write 3 digits of milliseconds even if 000, for consistent scale of squash integer64
438       // don't use writeInteger() because it doesn't 0 pad which we need here
439       // integer64 is big enough for squash with milli but not micro; trunc (not round) micro when squash
440       m /= 1000;
441       *ch++ = '.';
442       ch -= squashDateTime;
443       *(ch+2) = '0'+m%10; m/=10;
444       *(ch+1) = '0'+m%10; m/=10;
445       *ch     = '0'+m;
446       ch += 3;
447     } else if (m) {
448       // microseconds are present and !squashDateTime
449       *ch++ = '.';
450       *(ch+5) = '0'+m%10; m/=10;
451       *(ch+4) = '0'+m%10; m/=10;
452       *(ch+3) = '0'+m%10; m/=10;
453       *(ch+2) = '0'+m%10; m/=10;
454       *(ch+1) = '0'+m%10; m/=10;
455       *ch     = '0'+m;
456       ch += 6;
457     }
458     *ch++ = 'Z';
459     ch -= squashDateTime;
460   }
461   *pch = ch;
462 }
writeNanotime(int64_t * col,int64_t row,char ** pch)464 void writeNanotime(int64_t *col, int64_t row, char **pch)
465 {
466   int64_t x = col[row];
467   char *ch = *pch;
468   if (x == INT64_MIN) {
469     write_chars(na, &ch);
470   } else {
471     int d/*days*/, s/*secs*/, n/*nanos*/;
472     n = x % 1000000000;
473     x /= 1000000000;
474     if (x>=0 && n>=0) {
475       d = x / 86400;
476       s = x % 86400;
477     } else {
478       // before 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z
479       if (n) { x--; n += 1000000000; }
480       d = (x+1)/86400 - 1;
481       s = x - d*86400;  // x and d are both negative here; secs becomes the positive number of seconds into the day
482     }
483     write_date(d, &ch);
484     *ch++ = 'T';
485     ch -= squashDateTime;
486     write_time(s, &ch);
487     *ch++ = '.';
488     ch -= squashDateTime;
489     for (int i=8; i>=0; i--) { *(ch+i) = '0'+n%10; n/=10; }  // always 9 digits for nanoseconds
490     ch += 9;
491     *ch++ = 'Z';
492     ch -= squashDateTime;
493   }
494   *pch = ch;
495 }
write_string(const char * x,char ** pch)497 static inline void write_string(const char *x, char **pch)
498 {
499   char *ch = *pch;
500   if (x == NULL) {
501     // NA is not quoted even when quote=TRUE to distinguish from quoted "NA" value.  But going forward: ,,==NA and ,"",==empty string
502     write_chars(na, &ch);
503   } else {
504     int8_t q = doQuote;
505     if (q==INT8_MIN) { // NA means quote="auto"
506       const char *tt = x;
507       if (*tt=='\0') {
508         // Empty strings are always quoted to distinguish from ,,==NA
509         *ch++='"'; *ch++='"';   // test 1732.7 covers this (confirmed in gdb) so it's unknown why codecov claims no coverage
510         *pch = ch;
511         return;
512       }
513       while (*tt!='\0' && *tt!=sep && *tt!=sep2 && *tt!='\n' && *tt!='\r' && *tt!='"') *ch++ = *tt++;
514       // Windows includes \n in its \r\n so looking for \n only is sufficient
515       // sep2 is set to '\0' when no list columns are present
516       if (*tt=='\0') {
517         // most common case: no sep, newline or " contained in string
518         *pch = ch;  // advance caller over the field already written
519         return;
520       }
521       ch = *pch; // rewind the field written since it needs to be quoted
522       q = true;
523     }
524     if (q==false) {
525       write_chars(x, &ch);
526     } else {
527       *ch++ = '"';
528       const char *tt = x;
529       if (qmethodEscape) {
530         while (*tt!='\0') {
531           if (*tt=='"' || *tt=='\\') *ch++ = '\\';
532           *ch++ = *tt++;
533         }
534       } else {
535         // qmethod='double'
536         while (*tt!='\0') {
537           if (*tt=='"') *ch++ = '"';
538           *ch++ = *tt++;
539         }
540       }
541       *ch++ = '"';
542     }
543   }
544   *pch = ch;
545 }
writeString(const void * col,int64_t row,char ** pch)547 void writeString(const void *col, int64_t row, char **pch)
548 {
549   write_string(getString(col, row), pch);
550 }
writeCategString(const void * col,int64_t row,char ** pch)552 void writeCategString(const void *col, int64_t row, char **pch)
553 {
554   write_string(getCategString(col, row), pch);
555 }
557 #ifndef NOZLIB
init_stream(z_stream * stream)558 int init_stream(z_stream *stream) {
559   memset(stream, 0, sizeof(z_stream)); // shouldn't be needed, done as part of #4099 to be sure
560   stream->next_in = Z_NULL;
561   stream->zalloc = Z_NULL;
562   stream->zfree = Z_NULL;
563   stream->opaque = Z_NULL;
565   // 31 comes from : windows bits 15 | 16 gzip format
566   int err = deflateInit2(stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED, 31, 8, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY);
567   return err;  // # nocov
568 }
compressbuff(z_stream * stream,void * dest,size_t * destLen,const void * source,size_t sourceLen)570 int compressbuff(z_stream *stream, void* dest, size_t *destLen, const void* source, size_t sourceLen)
571 {
572   stream->next_out = dest;
573   stream->avail_out = *destLen;
574   stream->next_in = (Bytef *)source; // don't use z_const anywhere; #3939
575   stream->avail_in = sourceLen;
576   int err = deflate(stream, Z_FINISH);
577   if (err == Z_OK) {
578     // with Z_FINISH, deflate must return Z_STREAM_END if correct, otherwise it's an error and we shouldn't return Z_OK (0)
579     err = -9;  // # nocov
580   }
581   *destLen = stream->total_out;
582   return err == Z_STREAM_END ? Z_OK : err;
583 }
584 #endif
fwriteMain(fwriteMainArgs args)586 void fwriteMain(fwriteMainArgs args)
587 {
588   double startTime = wallclock();
589   double nextTime = startTime+2; // start printing progress meter in 2 sec if not completed by then
591   na = args.na;
592   sep = args.sep;
593   sep2 = args.sep2;
594   dec = args.dec;
595   scipen = args.scipen;
596   doQuote = args.doQuote;
597   verbose = args.verbose;
599   // When NA is a non-empty string, then we must quote all string fields in case they contain the na string
600   // na is recommended to be empty, though
601   if (na[0]!='\0' && doQuote==INT8_MIN) doQuote = true;
603   qmethodEscape = args.qmethodEscape;
604   squashDateTime = args.squashDateTime;
606   if (args.buffMB<1 || args.buffMB>1024) STOP(_("buffMB=%d outside [1,1024]"), args.buffMB);
607   size_t buffSize = (size_t)1024*1024*args.buffMB;
609   int eolLen=strlen(args.eol), naLen=strlen(args.na);
610   // Aside: codacy wants strnlen but strnlen is not in C99 (neither is strlen_s). To pass `gcc -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic`
611   //        we'd need `#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L` before #include <string.h> but that seems a step too far
612   //        and platform specific. We prefer to be pure C99.
613   if (eolLen<=0) STOP(_("eol must be 1 or more bytes (usually either \\n or \\r\\n) but is length %d"), eolLen);
615   if (verbose) {
616     DTPRINT(_("Column writers: "));
617     if (args.ncol<=50) {
618       for (int j=0; j<args.ncol; j++) DTPRINT(_("%d "), args.whichFun[j]);
619     } else {
620       for (int j=0; j<30; j++) DTPRINT(_("%d "), args.whichFun[j]);
621       DTPRINT(_("... "));
622       for (int j=args.ncol-10; j<args.ncol; j++) DTPRINT(_("%d "), args.whichFun[j]);
623     }
624     DTPRINT(_("\nargs.doRowNames=%d args.rowNames=%d doQuote=%d args.nrow=%"PRId64" args.ncol=%d eolLen=%d\n"),
625           args.doRowNames, args.rowNames, doQuote, args.nrow, args.ncol, eolLen);
626   }
628   // Calculate upper bound for line length. Numbers use a fixed maximum (e.g. 12 for integer) while strings find the longest
629   // string in each column. Upper bound is then the sum of the columns' max widths.
630   // This upper bound is required to determine a reasonable rowsPerBatch. It also saves needing to grow the buffers which
631   // is especially tricky when compressing, and saves needing to check/limit the buffer writing because we know
632   // up front the buffer does have sufficient capacity.
633   // A large overestimate (e.g. 2-5x too big) is ok, provided it is not so large that the buffers can't be allocated.
634   // Do this first so that, for example, any unsupported types in list columns happen first before opening file (which
635   // could be console output) and writing column names to it.
637   double t0 = wallclock();
638   size_t maxLineLen = eolLen + args.ncol*(2*(doQuote!=0) + 1/*sep*/);
639   if (args.doRowNames) {
640     maxLineLen += args.rowNames ? getMaxStringLen(args.rowNames, args.nrow)*2 : 1+(int)log10(args.nrow);  // the width of the row number
641     maxLineLen += 2*(doQuote!=0/*NA('auto') or true*/) + 1/*sep*/;
642   }
643   for (int j=0; j<args.ncol; j++) {
644     int width = writerMaxLen[args.whichFun[j]];
645     if (width==0) {
646       switch(args.whichFun[j]) {
647       case WF_String:
648         width = getMaxStringLen(args.columns[j], args.nrow);
649         break;
650       case WF_CategString:
651         width = getMaxCategLen(args.columns[j]);
652         break;
653       case WF_List:
654         width = getMaxListItemLen(args.columns[j], args.nrow);
655         break;
656       default:
657         STOP(_("Internal error: type %d has no max length method implemented"), args.whichFun[j]);  // # nocov
658       }
659     }
660     if (args.whichFun[j]==WF_Float64 && args.scipen>0) width+=MIN(args.scipen,350); // clamp width to IEEE754 max to avoid scipen=99999 allocating buffer larger than can ever be written
661     if (width<naLen) width = naLen;
662     maxLineLen += width*2;  // *2 in case the longest string is all quotes and they all need to be escaped
663   }
664   if (verbose) DTPRINT(_("maxLineLen=%"PRIu64". Found in %.3fs\n"), (uint64_t)maxLineLen, 1.0*(wallclock()-t0));
666   int f=0;
667   if (*args.filename=='\0') {
668     f=-1;  // file="" means write to standard output
669     args.is_gzip = false; // gzip is only for file
670     // eol = "\n";  // We'll use DTPRINT which converts \n to \r\n inside it on Windows
671   } else {
672 #ifdef WIN32
673     f = _open(args.filename, _O_WRONLY | _O_BINARY | _O_CREAT | (args.append ? _O_APPEND : _O_TRUNC), _S_IWRITE);
674     // O_BINARY rather than O_TEXT for explicit control and speed since it seems that write() has a branch inside it
675     // to convert \n to \r\n on Windows when in text mode not not when in binary mode.
676 #else
677     f = open(args.filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | (args.append ? O_APPEND : O_TRUNC), 0666);
678     // There is no binary/text mode distinction on Linux and Mac
679 #endif
680     if (f == -1) {
681       // # nocov start
682       int erropen = errno;
683       STOP(access( args.filename, F_OK ) != -1 ?
684            _("%s: '%s'. Failed to open existing file for writing. Do you have write permission to it? Is this Windows and does another process such as Excel have it open?") :
685            _("%s: '%s'. Unable to create new file for writing (it does not exist already). Do you have permission to write here, is there space on the disk and does the path exist?"),
686            strerror(erropen), args.filename);
687       // # nocov end
688     }
689   }
690 #ifdef NOZLIB
691   if (args.is_gzip)
692     STOP(_("Compression in fwrite uses zlib library. Its header files were not found at the time data.table was compiled. To enable fwrite compression, please reinstall data.table and study the output for further guidance.")); // # nocov
693 #endif
695   int yamlLen = strlen(args.yaml);
696   if (verbose) {
697     DTPRINT(_("Writing bom (%s), yaml (%d characters) and column names (%s) ... "),
698             args.bom?"true":"false", yamlLen, args.colNames?"true":"false");
699     if (f==-1) DTPRINT(_("\n"));
700   }
701   size_t headerLen = 0;
702   if (args.bom) headerLen += 3;
703   headerLen += yamlLen;
704   if (args.colNames) {
705     for (int j=0; j<args.ncol; j++) headerLen += getStringLen(args.colNames, j)*2;  // *2 in case quotes are escaped or doubled
706     headerLen += args.ncol*(1/*sep*/+(doQuote!=0)*2) + eolLen + 3;  // 3 in case doRowNames and doQuote (the first blank <<"",>> column name)
707   }
708   if (headerLen) {
709     char *buff = malloc(headerLen);
710     if (!buff) STOP(_("Unable to allocate %d MiB for header: %s"), headerLen / 1024 / 1024, strerror(errno));
711     char *ch = buff;
712     if (args.bom) {*ch++=(char)0xEF; *ch++=(char)0xBB; *ch++=(char)0xBF; }  // 3 appears above (search for "bom")
713     memcpy(ch, args.yaml, yamlLen);
714     ch += yamlLen;
715     if (args.colNames) {
716       if (args.doRowNames) {
717         // Unusual: the extra blank column name when row_names are added as the first column
718         if (doQuote!=0/*'auto'(NA) or true*/) { *ch++='"'; *ch++='"'; } // to match write.csv
719         *ch++ = sep;
720       }
721       for (int j=0; j<args.ncol; j++) {
722         writeString(args.colNames, j, &ch);
723         *ch++ = sep;
724       }
725       ch--; // backup over the last sep
726       write_chars(args.eol, &ch);
727     }
728     if (f==-1) {
729       *ch = '\0';
730       DTPRINT(buff);
731       free(buff);
732     } else {
733       int ret1=0, ret2=0;
734       if (args.is_gzip) {
735 #ifndef NOZLIB
736         z_stream stream = {0};
737         if(init_stream(&stream)) {
738           free(buff);                                    // # nocov
739           STOP(_("Can't allocate gzip stream structure"));  // # nocov
740         }
741         size_t zbuffSize = deflateBound(&stream, headerLen);
742         char *zbuff = malloc(zbuffSize);
743         if (!zbuff) {
744           free(buff);                                                                                   // # nocov
745           STOP(_("Unable to allocate %d MiB for zbuffer: %s"), zbuffSize / 1024 / 1024, strerror(errno));  // # nocov
746         }
747         size_t zbuffUsed = zbuffSize;
748         ret1 = compressbuff(&stream, zbuff, &zbuffUsed, buff, (size_t)(ch-buff));
749         if (ret1==Z_OK) ret2 = WRITE(f, zbuff, (int)zbuffUsed);
750         deflateEnd(&stream);
751         free(zbuff);
752 #endif
753       } else {
754         ret2 = WRITE(f,  buff, (int)(ch-buff));
755       }
756       free(buff);
757       if (ret1 || ret2==-1) {
758         // # nocov start
759         int errwrite = errno; // capture write errno now incase close fails with a different errno
760         CLOSE(f);
761         if (ret1) STOP(_("Compress gzip error: %d"), ret1);
762         else      STOP(_("%s: '%s'"), strerror(errwrite), args.filename);
763         // # nocov end
764       }
765     }
766   }
767   if (verbose) DTPRINT(_("done in %.3fs\n"), 1.0*(wallclock()-t0));
768   if (args.nrow == 0) {
769     if (verbose) DTPRINT(_("No data rows present (nrow==0)\n"));
770     if (f!=-1 && CLOSE(f)) STOP(_("%s: '%s'"), strerror(errno), args.filename);
771     return;
772   }
774   // Writing rows
776   // Decide buffer size and rowsPerBatch for each thread
777   // Once rowsPerBatch is decided it can't be changed
778   int rowsPerBatch=0;
779   if (maxLineLen*2>buffSize) { buffSize=2*maxLineLen; rowsPerBatch=2; }
780   else rowsPerBatch = buffSize / maxLineLen;
781   if (rowsPerBatch > args.nrow) rowsPerBatch = args.nrow;
782   if (rowsPerBatch < 1) rowsPerBatch = 1;
783   int numBatches = (args.nrow-1)/rowsPerBatch + 1;
784   int nth = args.nth;
785   if (numBatches < nth) nth = numBatches;
786   if (verbose) {
787     DTPRINT(_("Writing %"PRId64" rows in %d batches of %d rows (each buffer size %dMB, showProgress=%d, nth=%d)\n"),
788             args.nrow, numBatches, rowsPerBatch, args.buffMB, args.showProgress, nth);
789   }
790   t0 = wallclock();
792   bool hasPrinted = false;
793   int maxBuffUsedPC = 0;
795   // compute zbuffSize which is the same for each thread
796   size_t zbuffSize = 0;
797   if(args.is_gzip){
798 #ifndef NOZLIB
799     z_stream stream = {0};
800     if(init_stream(&stream))
801       STOP(_("Can't allocate gzip stream structure")); // # nocov
802     zbuffSize = deflateBound(&stream, buffSize);
803     if (verbose) DTPRINT("zbuffSize=%d returned from deflateBound\n", (int)zbuffSize);
804     deflateEnd(&stream);
805 #endif
806   }
808   errno=0;
809   char *buffPool = malloc(nth*(size_t)buffSize);
810   if (!buffPool) {
811     // # nocov start
812     STOP(_("Unable to allocate %d MB * %d thread buffers; '%d: %s'. Please read ?fwrite for nThread, buffMB and verbose options."),
813          (size_t)buffSize/(1024^2), nth, errno, strerror(errno));
814     // # nocov end
815   }
816   char *zbuffPool = NULL;
817   if (args.is_gzip) {
818     zbuffPool = malloc(nth*(size_t)zbuffSize);
819 #ifndef NOZLIB
820     if (!zbuffPool) {
821       // # nocov start
822       free(buffPool);
823       STOP(_("Unable to allocate %d MB * %d thread compressed buffers; '%d: %s'. Please read ?fwrite for nThread, buffMB and verbose options."),
824          (size_t)zbuffSize/(1024^2), nth, errno, strerror(errno));
825       // # nocov end
826     }
827 #endif
828   }
830   bool failed = false;   // naked (unprotected by atomic) write to bool ok because only ever write true in this special paradigm
831   int failed_compress = 0; // the first thread to fail writes their reason here when they first get to ordered section
832   int failed_write = 0;    // same. could use +ve and -ve in the same code but separate it out to trace Solaris problem, #3931
834 #ifndef NOZLIB
835   z_stream thread_streams[nth];
836   // VLA on stack should be fine for nth structs; in zlib v1.2.11 sizeof(struct)==112 on 64bit
837   // not declared inside the parallel region because solaris appears to move the struct in
838   // memory when the #pragma omp for is entered, which causes zlib's internal self reference
839   // pointer to mismatch, #4099
840   char failed_msg[1001] = "";  // to hold zlib's msg; copied out of zlib in ordered section just in case the msg is allocated within zlib
841 #endif
843   #pragma omp parallel num_threads(nth)
844   {
845     int me = omp_get_thread_num();
846     int my_failed_compress = 0;
847     char *ch, *myBuff;
848     ch = myBuff = buffPool + me*buffSize;
850     void *myzBuff = NULL;
851     size_t myzbuffUsed = 0;
852 #ifndef NOZLIB
853     z_stream *mystream = &thread_streams[me];
854     if (args.is_gzip) {
855       myzBuff = zbuffPool + me*zbuffSize;
856       if (init_stream(mystream)) { // this should be thread safe according to zlib documentation
857         failed = true;              // # nocov
858         my_failed_compress = -998;  // # nocov
859       }
860     }
861 #endif
863     #pragma omp for ordered schedule(dynamic)
864     for(int64_t start=0; start<args.nrow; start+=rowsPerBatch) {
865       if (failed) continue;  // Not break. Because we don't use #omp cancel yet.
866       int64_t end = ((args.nrow - start)<rowsPerBatch) ? args.nrow : start + rowsPerBatch;
867       for (int64_t i=start; i<end; i++) {
868         // Tepid starts here (once at beginning of each per line)
869         if (args.doRowNames) {
870           if (args.rowNames==NULL) {
871             if (doQuote!=0/*NA'auto' or true*/) *ch++='"';
872             int64_t rn = i+1;
873             writeInt64(&rn, 0, &ch);
874             if (doQuote!=0) *ch++='"';
875           } else {
876             writeString(args.rowNames, i, &ch);
877           }
878           *ch++=sep;
879         }
880         // Hot loop
881         for (int j=0; j<args.ncol; j++) {
882           (args.funs[args.whichFun[j]])(args.columns[j], i, &ch);
883           *ch++ = sep;
884         }
885         // Tepid again (once at the end of each line)
886         ch--;  // backup onto the last sep after the last column. ncol>=1 because 0-columns was caught earlier.
887         write_chars(args.eol, &ch);  // overwrite last sep with eol instead
888       }
889       // compress buffer if gzip
890 #ifndef NOZLIB
891       if (args.is_gzip && !failed) {
892         myzbuffUsed = zbuffSize;
893         int ret = compressbuff(mystream, myzBuff, &myzbuffUsed, myBuff, (size_t)(ch-myBuff));
894         if (ret) { failed=true; my_failed_compress=ret; }
895         else deflateReset(mystream);
896       }
897 #endif
898       #pragma omp ordered
899       {
900         if (failed) {
901           // # nocov start
902           if (failed_compress==0 && my_failed_compress!=0) {
903             failed_compress = my_failed_compress;
904 #ifndef NOZLIB
905             if (mystream->msg!=NULL) strncpy(failed_msg, mystream->msg, 1000); // copy zlib's msg for safe use after deflateEnd just in case zlib allocated the message
906 #endif
907           }
908           // else another thread could have failed below while I was working or waiting above; their reason got here first
909           // # nocov end
910         } else {
911           errno=0;
912           if (f==-1) {
913             *ch='\0';  // standard C string end marker so DTPRINT knows where to stop
914             DTPRINT(myBuff);
915           } else if ((args.is_gzip ? WRITE(f, myzBuff, (int)myzbuffUsed)
916                                    : WRITE(f, myBuff,  (int)(ch-myBuff))) == -1) {
917             failed=true;         // # nocov
918             failed_write=errno;  // # nocov
919           }
921           int used = 100*((double)(ch-myBuff))/buffSize;  // percentage of original buffMB
922           if (used > maxBuffUsedPC) maxBuffUsedPC = used;
923           double now;
924           if (me==0 && args.showProgress && (now=wallclock())>=nextTime && !failed) {
925             // See comments above inside the f==-1 clause.
926             // Not only is this ordered section one-at-a-time but we'll also Rprintf() here only from the
927             // master thread (me==0) and hopefully this will work on Windows. If not, user should set
928             // showProgress=FALSE until this can be fixed or removed.
929             // # nocov start
930             int ETA = (int)((args.nrow-end)*((now-startTime)/end));
931             if (hasPrinted || ETA >= 2) {
932               if (verbose && !hasPrinted) DTPRINT("\n");
933               DTPRINT("\rWritten %.1f%% of %"PRId64" rows in %d secs using %d thread%s. "
934                       "maxBuffUsed=%d%%. ETA %d secs.      ",
935                        (100.0*end)/args.nrow, args.nrow, (int)(now-startTime), nth, nth==1?"":"s",
936                        maxBuffUsedPC, ETA);
937               // TODO: use progress() as in fread
938               nextTime = now+1;
939               hasPrinted = true;
940             }
941             // # nocov end
942           }
943           // May be possible for master thread (me==0) to call R_CheckUserInterrupt() here.
944           // Something like:
945           // if (me==0) {
946           //   failed = TRUE;  // inside ordered here; the slaves are before ordered and not looking at 'failed'
947           //   R_CheckUserInterrupt();
948           //   failed = FALSE; // no user interrupt so return state
949           // }
950           // But I fear the slaves will hang waiting for the master (me==0) to complete the ordered
951           // section which may not happen if the master thread has been interrupted. Rather than
952           // seeing failed=TRUE and falling through to free() and close() as intended.
953           // Could register a finalizer to free() and close() perhaps :
954           // [r-devel] http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/checking-user-interrupts-in-C-code-tp2717528p2717722.html
955           // Conclusion for now: do not provide ability to interrupt.
956           // write() errors and malloc() fails will be caught and cleaned up properly, however.
957           ch = myBuff;  // back to the start of my buffer ready to fill it up again
958         }
959       }
960     }
961     // all threads will call this free on their buffer, even if one or more threads had malloc
962     // or realloc fail. If the initial malloc failed, free(NULL) is ok and does nothing.
963     if (args.is_gzip) {
964 #ifndef NOZLIB
965       deflateEnd(mystream);
966 #endif
967     }
968   }
969   free(buffPool);
970   free(zbuffPool);
972   // Finished parallel region and can call R API safely now.
973   if (hasPrinted) {
974     // # nocov start
975     if (!failed) { // clear the progress meter
976       DTPRINT("\r                                                                       "
977               "                                                              \r");
978     } else {       // don't clear any potentially helpful output before error
979       DTPRINT("\n");
980     }
981     // # nocov end
982   }
984   if (f!=-1 && CLOSE(f) && !failed)
985     STOP("%s: '%s'", strerror(errno), args.filename);  // # nocov
986   // quoted '%s' in case of trailing spaces in the filename
987   // If a write failed, the line above tries close() to clean up, but that might fail as well. So the
988   // '&& !failed' is to not report the error as just 'closing file' but the next line for more detail
989   // from the original error.
990   if (failed) {
991     // # nocov start
992 #ifndef NOZLIB
993     if (failed_compress)
994       STOP(_("zlib %s (zlib.h %s) deflate() returned error %d with z_stream->msg==\"%s\" Z_FINISH=%d Z_BLOCK=%d. %s"),
995            zlibVersion(), ZLIB_VERSION, failed_compress, failed_msg, Z_FINISH, Z_BLOCK,
996            verbose ? _("Please include the full output above and below this message in your data.table bug report.")
997                    : _("Please retry fwrite() with verbose=TRUE and include the full output with your data.table bug report."));
998 #endif
999     if (failed_write)
1000       STOP("%s: '%s'", strerror(failed_write), args.filename);
1001     // # nocov end
1002   }
1003 }