1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3#    This file is part of Leela Zero.
4#    Copyright (C) 2017 Andy Olsen
6#    Leela Zero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9#    (at your option) any later version.
11#    Leela Zero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14#    GNU General Public License for more details.
16#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17#    along with Leela Zero.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19import argparse
20import math
21import os
22import sys
24class GameStats:
25    def __init__(self, filename):
26        self.filename = filename
27        self.total_moves = None
28        self.resign_movenum = None
29        self.resign_type = None     # "Correct", "Wrong"
30        self.winner = None
32class TotalStats:
33    def __init__(self):
34        self.num_games = 0
35        self.no_resign_count = 0
36        self.correct_resign_count = 0
37        self.wrong_resign_count = 0
38        self.game_len_sum = 0
39        self.resigned_game_len_sum = 0
40    def calcOverall(self, b, w):
41        self.num_games = b.num_games + w.num_games
42        self.no_resign_count = b.no_resign_count + w.no_resign_count
43        self.correct_resign_count = (
44                b.correct_resign_count + w.correct_resign_count)
45        self.wrong_resign_count = (
46                b.wrong_resign_count + w.wrong_resign_count)
47        self.game_len_sum = b.game_len_sum + w.game_len_sum
48        self.resigned_game_len_sum = (
49                b.resigned_game_len_sum + w.resigned_game_len_sum)
51def to_move_str(to_move):
52    if (to_move): return "W"
53    else: return "B"
55def parseGameBody(filename, fh, tfh, verbose, resignthr):
56    gs = GameStats(filename)
57    movenum = 0
58    while 1:
59        movenum += 1
60        for _ in range(16):
61            line = tfh.readline()               # Board input planes
62        if not line: break
63        to_move = int(tfh.readline())           # 0 = black, 1 = white
64        policy_weights = tfh.readline()         # 361 moves + 1 pass
65        side_to_move_won = int(tfh.readline())  # 1 for win, -1 for loss
66        if not gs.winner:
67            if side_to_move_won == 1: gs.winner = to_move
68            else : gs.winner = 1 - to_move
69        (netwinrate, root_uctwinrate, child_uctwinrate, bestmovevisits) = (
70                fh.readline().split())
71        netwinrate = float(netwinrate)
72        root_uctwinrate = float(root_uctwinrate)
73        child_uctwinrate = float(child_uctwinrate)
74        bestmovevisits = int(bestmovevisits)
75        if side_to_move_won == 1:
76            if verbose >= 3:
77                print("+", to_move, movenum, netwinrate, child_uctwinrate,
78                      bestmovevisits)
79            if not gs.resign_type and child_uctwinrate < resignthr:
80                if verbose >= 1:
81                    print(("Wrong resign -- %s rt=%0.3f wr=%0.3f "
82                           "winner=%s movenum=%d") %
83                          (filename, resignthr, child_uctwinrate,
84                           to_move_str(to_move), movenum))
85                    if verbose >= 3:
86                        print("policy_weights", policy_weights)
87                gs.resign_type = "Wrong"
88                gs.resign_movenum = movenum
89        else:
90            if verbose >= 2:
91                print("-", to_move, movenum, netwinrate, child_uctwinrate,
92                      bestmovevisits)
93            if not gs.resign_type and child_uctwinrate < resignthr:
94                if verbose >= 2:
95                    print("Correct resign -- %s" % (filename))
96                gs.resign_type = "Correct"
97                gs.resign_movenum = movenum
98    gs.total_moves = movenum
99    return gs
101def parseGames(filenames, resignthr, verbose, prefixes):
102    gsd = {}
103    for filename in filenames:
104        training_filename = filename.replace(".debug", "")
105        with open(filename) as fh, open(training_filename) as tfh:
106            version = fh.readline().rstrip()
107            assert version == "2"
108            (cfg_resignpct, network) = fh.readline().split()
109            if prefixes:
110                net_name = os.path.basename(network)
111                matches = filter(lambda n: net_name.startswith(n), prefixes)
112                # Require at least one matching net prefix.
113                if not list(matches):
114                    continue
115            cfg_resignpct = int(cfg_resignpct)
116            if cfg_resignpct == 0:
117                gsd[filename] = parseGameBody(filename, fh, tfh, verbose, resignthr)
118            elif verbose >= 2:
119                print("{} was played with -r {}, skipping".format(
120                        filename, cfg_resignpct))
121    return gsd
123def resignStats(gsd, resignthr):
124    # [ B wins, W wins, Overall ]
125    stats = [ TotalStats(), TotalStats(), TotalStats() ]
126    for gs in gsd.values():
127        stats[gs.winner].num_games += 1
128        if not gs.resign_type:
129            stats[gs.winner].no_resign_count += 1
130            stats[gs.winner].resigned_game_len_sum += gs.total_moves
131        elif gs.resign_type == "Correct":
132            stats[gs.winner].correct_resign_count += 1
133            stats[gs.winner].resigned_game_len_sum += gs.resign_movenum
134        else:
135            assert gs.resign_type == "Wrong"
136            stats[gs.winner].wrong_resign_count += 1
137            stats[gs.winner].resigned_game_len_sum += gs.resign_movenum
138        stats[gs.winner].game_len_sum += gs.total_moves
139    stats[2].calcOverall(stats[0], stats[1])
140    print("Resign thr: %0.2f - Black won %d/%d (%0.2f%%)" % (
141        resignthr,
142        stats[0].num_games,
143        stats[0].num_games+stats[1].num_games,
144        100 * stats[0].num_games / (stats[0].num_games+stats[1].num_games)))
145    for winner in (0,1,2):
146        win_str = 'Overall   '
147        if winner==0:
148            win_str = 'Black wins'
149        elif winner==1:
150            win_str = 'White wins'
151        if stats[winner].num_games == 0:
152            print("    No games to report")
153            continue
154        avg_len = stats[winner].game_len_sum / stats[winner].num_games
155        resigned_avg_len = (stats[winner].resigned_game_len_sum /
156                            stats[winner].num_games)
157        avg_reduction = (avg_len - resigned_avg_len) / avg_len
158        print(("%s - Wrong: %d/%d (%0.2f%%) Correct: %d/%d (%0.2f%%) "
159               "No Resign: %d/%d (%0.2f%%)") % (
160            win_str,
161            stats[winner].wrong_resign_count,
162            stats[winner].num_games,
163            100 * stats[winner].wrong_resign_count / stats[winner].num_games,
164            stats[winner].correct_resign_count,
165            stats[winner].num_games,
166            100 * stats[winner].correct_resign_count / stats[winner].num_games,
167            stats[winner].no_resign_count,
168            stats[winner].num_games,
169            100 * stats[winner].no_resign_count / stats[winner].num_games))
170        print("%s - Average game length: %d/%d (%0.2f%% reduction)" % (
171            win_str, resigned_avg_len, avg_len, avg_reduction*100))
172    print()
173    return stats
175if __name__ == "__main__":
176    usage_str = """
177This script analyzes the debug output from leelaz
178to determine the impact of various resign thresholds.
180Process flow:
181  Run autogtp with debug on:
182    autogtp -k savedir -d savedir
184  Unzip training and debug files:
185    gunzip savedir/*.gz
187  Analyze results with this script:
188    ./resign_analysis.py savedir/*.debug.txt.0
190Note the script takes the debug files hash.debug.txt.0
191as the input arguments, but it also expects the training
192files hash.txt.0 to be in the same directory."""
193    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
194            formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
195            description=usage_str)
196    default_resignthrs="0.5,0.2,0.15,0.1,0.05,0.02,0.01"
197    parser.add_argument(
198            "-r", metavar="Resign_thresholds", dest="resignthrs", type=str,
199            default=default_resignthrs,
200            help="comma separated resign thresholds (default {})".format(
201                    default_resignthrs))
202    parser.add_argument(
203            "-R", metavar="Resign_rate", dest="resignrate", type=float,
204            help="If specified, a search is performed that finds the maximum \
205            resign threshold that can be set without exceeding the given \
206            resign rate")
207    parser.add_argument(
208            "-v", metavar="Verbose", dest="verbose", type=int, default=0,
209            help="Verbosity level (default 0)")
210    parser.add_argument(
211            "data", metavar="files", type=str, nargs="+",
212            help="Debug data files (*.debug.txt.0)")
213    parser.add_argument(
214            "-n", metavar="Prefix", dest="networks", nargs="+",
215            help="Prefixes of specific networks to analyze")
216    args = parser.parse_args()
217    resignthrs = [float(i) for i in args.resignthrs.split(",")]
218    if args.networks:
219        print("Analyzing networks starting with: {}".format(
220                ",".join(args.networks)))
222    for resignthr in (resignthrs):
223        gsd = parseGames(args.data, resignthr, args.verbose, args.networks)
224        if gsd:
225            resignStats(gsd, resignthr)
226        else:
227            print("No games to analyze (for more info try running with -v 2)")
229    if args.resignrate:
230        L = 0.0
231        R = 0.5
232        while L < R :
233            resignthr = math.floor((L + R) * 50) / 100
234            gsd = parseGames(args.data, resignthr, args.verbose, args.networks)
235            if not gsd:
236                print("No games to analyze (for more info try running with -v 2)")
237                break
238            stats = resignStats(gsd, resignthr)
239            wrong_rate = stats[2].wrong_resign_count / stats[2].num_games
240            if wrong_rate > args.resignrate:
241                if R == resignthr:
242                    R = (math.floor(resignthr * 100) - 1) / 100
243                else:
244                    R = resignthr
245            else:
246                L = (math.floor(resignthr * 100) + 1) / 100
247        if (L == R):
248            print(("The highest the resign threshold should be set to: %0.2f")
249                  % (R - 0.01))