1 #include "sha1/sha1.h"
2 #include <b64/cencode.h>
3 #include "websocket.h"
4 #include "client.h"
5 #include "cmd.h"
6 #include "worker.h"
7 #include "pool.h"
8 #include "http.h"
9 #include "slog.h"
10 #include "server.h"
11 #include "conf.h"
13 /* message parsers */
14 #include "formats/json.h"
15 #include "formats/raw.h"
17 #include <stdlib.h>
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <string.h>
20 #include <unistd.h>
21 #include <errno.h>
22 #include <sys/param.h>
24 static int
25 ws_schedule_write(struct ws_client *ws);
27 /**
28  * This code uses the WebSocket specification from RFC 6455.
29  * A copy is available at http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6455.txt
30  */
31 #if __BIG_ENDIAN__
32 # define webdis_htonll(x) (x)
33 # define webdis_ntohll(x) (x)
34 #else
35 # define webdis_htonll(x) (((uint64_t)htonl((x) & 0xFFFFFFFF) << 32) | htonl((x) >> 32))
36 # define webdis_ntohll(x) (((uint64_t)ntohl((x) & 0xFFFFFFFF) << 32) | ntohl((x) >> 32))
37 #endif
39 static int
ws_compute_handshake(struct http_client * c,char * out,size_t * out_sz)40 ws_compute_handshake(struct http_client *c, char *out, size_t *out_sz) {
42 	unsigned char *buffer, sha1_output[20];
43 	char magic[] = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11";
44 	SHA1Context ctx;
45 	base64_encodestate b64_ctx;
46 	int pos, i;
48 	// websocket handshake
49 	const char *key = client_get_header(c, "Sec-WebSocket-Key");
50 	size_t key_sz = key?strlen(key):0, buffer_sz = key_sz + sizeof(magic) - 1;
51 	if(!key || key_sz < 16 || key_sz > 32) { /* supposed to be exactly 16 bytes that were b64 encoded */
52 		slog(c->s, WEBDIS_WARNING, "Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Key", 0);
53 		return -1;
54 	}
55 	buffer = calloc(buffer_sz, 1);
56 	if(!buffer) {
57 		slog(c->s, WEBDIS_ERROR, "Failed to allocate memory for WS header", 0);
58 		return -1;
59 	}
61 	// concatenate key and guid in buffer
62 	memcpy(buffer, key, key_sz);
63 	memcpy(buffer+key_sz, magic, sizeof(magic)-1);
65 	// compute sha-1
66 	SHA1Reset(&ctx);
67 	SHA1Input(&ctx, buffer, buffer_sz);
68 	SHA1Result(&ctx);
69 	for(i = 0; i < (int)(20/sizeof(int)); ++i) {	// put in correct byte order before memcpy.
70 		ctx.Message_Digest[i] = ntohl(ctx.Message_Digest[i]);
71 	}
72 	memcpy(sha1_output, ctx.Message_Digest, 20);
74 	// encode `sha1_output' in base 64, into `out'.
75 	base64_init_encodestate(&b64_ctx);
76 	pos = base64_encode_block((const char*)sha1_output, 20, out, &b64_ctx);
77 	base64_encode_blockend(out + pos, &b64_ctx);
79 	// compute length, without \n
80 	*out_sz = strlen(out);
81 	if(out[*out_sz-1] == '\n')
82 		(*out_sz)--;
84 	free(buffer);
86 	return 0;
87 }
89 struct ws_client *
ws_client_new(struct http_client * http_client)90 ws_client_new(struct http_client *http_client) {
92 	int db_num = http_client->w->s->cfg->database;
93 	struct ws_client *ws = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ws_client));
94 	struct evbuffer *rbuf = evbuffer_new();
95 	struct evbuffer *wbuf = evbuffer_new();
96 	redisAsyncContext *ac = pool_connect(http_client->w->pool, db_num, 0);
98 	if(!ws || !rbuf || !wbuf) {
99 		slog(http_client->s, WEBDIS_ERROR, "Failed to allocate memory for WS client", 0);
100 		if(ws) free(ws);
101 		if(rbuf) evbuffer_free(rbuf);
102 		if(wbuf) evbuffer_free(wbuf);
103 		if(ac) redisAsyncFree(ac);
104 		return NULL;
105 	}
107 	http_client->ws = ws;
108 	ws->http_client = http_client;
109 	ws->rbuf = rbuf;
110 	ws->wbuf = wbuf;
111 	ws->ac = ac;
113 	return ws;
114 }
116 void
ws_client_free(struct ws_client * ws)117 ws_client_free(struct ws_client *ws) {
119 	/* mark WS client as closing to skip the Redis callback */
120 	ws->close_after_events = 1;
121 	pool_free_context(ws->ac); /* could trigger a cb via format_send_error */
123 	struct http_client *c = ws->http_client;
124 	if(c) {
125 		close(c->fd);
126 		c->ws = NULL; /* detach if needed */
127 	}
128 	evbuffer_free(ws->rbuf);
129 	evbuffer_free(ws->wbuf);
130 	if(ws->cmd) {
131 		ws->cmd->ac = NULL; /* we've just free'd it */
132 		cmd_free(ws->cmd);
133 	}
134 	free(ws);
135 	if(c) http_client_free(c);
136 }
139 int
ws_handshake_reply(struct ws_client * ws)140 ws_handshake_reply(struct ws_client *ws) {
142 	struct http_client *c = ws->http_client;
143 	char sha1_handshake[40];
144 	char *buffer = NULL, *p;
145 	const char *origin = NULL, *host = NULL;
146 	size_t origin_sz = 0, host_sz = 0, handshake_sz = 0, sz;
148 	char template_start[] = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n"
149 		"Upgrade: websocket\r\n"
150 		"Connection: Upgrade";
151 	char template_accept[] = "\r\n" /* just after the start */
152 		"Sec-WebSocket-Accept: "; /* %s */
153 	char template_sec_origin[] = "\r\n"
154 		"Sec-WebSocket-Origin: "; /* %s (optional header) */
155 	char template_loc[] = "\r\n"
156 		"Sec-WebSocket-Location: ws://"; /* %s%s */
157 	char template_end[] = "\r\n\r\n";
159 	if((origin = client_get_header(c, "Origin"))) {
160 		origin_sz = strlen(origin);
161 	} else if((origin = client_get_header(c, "Sec-WebSocket-Origin"))) {
162 		origin_sz = strlen(origin);
163 	}
164 	if((host = client_get_header(c, "Host"))) {
165 		host_sz = strlen(host);
166 	}
168 	/* need those headers */
169 	if(!host || !host_sz || !c->path || !c->path_sz) {
170 		slog(c->s, WEBDIS_WARNING, "Missing headers for WS handshake", 0);
171 		return -1;
172 	}
174 	memset(sha1_handshake, 0, sizeof(sha1_handshake));
175 	if(ws_compute_handshake(c, &sha1_handshake[0], &handshake_sz) != 0) {
176 		/* failed to compute handshake. */
177 		slog(c->s, WEBDIS_WARNING, "Failed to compute handshake", 0);
178 		return -1;
179 	}
181 	sz = sizeof(template_start)-1
182 		+ sizeof(template_accept)-1 + handshake_sz
183 		+ (origin && origin_sz ? (sizeof(template_sec_origin)-1 + origin_sz) : 0) /* optional origin */
184 		+ sizeof(template_loc)-1 + host_sz + c->path_sz
185 		+ sizeof(template_end)-1;
187 	p = buffer = malloc(sz);
188 	if(!p) {
189 		slog(c->s, WEBDIS_ERROR, "Failed to allocate buffer for WS handshake", 0);
190 		return -1;
191 	}
193 	/* Concat all */
195 	/* template_start */
196 	memcpy(p, template_start, sizeof(template_start)-1);
197 	p += sizeof(template_start)-1;
199 	/* template_accept */
200 	memcpy(p, template_accept, sizeof(template_accept)-1);
201 	p += sizeof(template_accept)-1;
202 	memcpy(p, &sha1_handshake[0], handshake_sz);
203 	p += handshake_sz;
205 	/* template_sec_origin */
206 	if(origin && origin_sz) {
207 		memcpy(p, template_sec_origin, sizeof(template_sec_origin)-1);
208 		p += sizeof(template_sec_origin)-1;
209 		memcpy(p, origin, origin_sz);
210 		p += origin_sz;
211 	}
213 	/* template_loc */
214 	memcpy(p, template_loc, sizeof(template_loc)-1);
215 	p += sizeof(template_loc)-1;
216 	memcpy(p, host, host_sz);
217 	p += host_sz;
218 	memcpy(p, c->path, c->path_sz);
219 	p += c->path_sz;
221 	/* template_end */
222 	memcpy(p, template_end, sizeof(template_end)-1);
223 	p += sizeof(template_end)-1;
225 	int add_ret = evbuffer_add(ws->wbuf, buffer, sz);
226 	free(buffer);
227 	if(add_ret < 0) {
228 		slog(c->s, WEBDIS_ERROR, "Failed to add response for WS handshake", 0);
229 		return -1;
230 	}
232 	return ws_schedule_write(ws); /* will free buffer and response once sent */
233 }
235 static void
ws_log_cmd(struct ws_client * ws,struct cmd * cmd)236 ws_log_cmd(struct ws_client *ws, struct cmd *cmd) {
237 	char log_msg[SLOG_MSG_MAX_LEN];
238 	char *p = log_msg, *eom = log_msg + sizeof(log_msg) - 1;
239 	if(!slog_enabled(ws->http_client->s, WEBDIS_DEBUG)) {
240 		return;
241 	}
243 	memset(log_msg, 0, sizeof(log_msg));
244 	memcpy(p, "WS: ", 4); /* WS prefix */
245 	p += 4;
247 	for(int i = 0; p < eom && i < cmd->count; i++) {
248 		*p++ = '/';
249 		char *arg = cmd->argv[i];
250 		size_t arg_sz = cmd->argv_len[i];
251 		size_t copy_sz = arg_sz < (size_t)(eom - p) ? arg_sz : (size_t)(eom - p);
252 		memcpy(p, arg, copy_sz);
253 		p += copy_sz;
254 	}
255 	slog(ws->http_client->s, WEBDIS_DEBUG, log_msg, p - log_msg);
256 }
259 static int
ws_execute(struct ws_client * ws,struct ws_msg * msg)260 ws_execute(struct ws_client *ws, struct ws_msg *msg) {
262 	struct http_client *c = ws->http_client;
263 	struct cmd*(*fun_extract)(struct http_client *, const char *, size_t) = NULL;
264 	formatting_fun fun_reply = NULL;
266 	if((c->path_sz == 1 && strncmp(c->path, "/", 1) == 0) ||
267 	   strncmp(c->path, "/.json", 6) == 0) {
268 		fun_extract = json_ws_extract;
269 		fun_reply = json_reply;
270 	} else if(strncmp(c->path, "/.raw", 5) == 0) {
271 		fun_extract = raw_ws_extract;
272 		fun_reply = raw_reply;
273 	}
275 	if(fun_extract) {
277 		/* Parse websocket frame into a cmd object. */
278 		struct cmd *cmd = fun_extract(c, msg->payload, msg->payload_sz);
280 		if(cmd) {
281 			cmd->is_websocket = 1;
283 			if(ws->cmd != NULL) {
284 				/* This client already has its own connection to Redis
285 				   from a previous command; use it from now on. */
287 				/* free args for the previous cmd */
288 				cmd_free_argv(ws->cmd);
289 				/* copy args from what we just parsed to the persistent command */
290 				ws->cmd->count = cmd->count;
291 				ws->cmd->argv = cmd->argv;
292 				ws->cmd->argv_len = cmd->argv_len;
293 				ws->cmd->pub_sub_client = c; /* mark as persistent, otherwise the Redis context will be freed */
295 				cmd->argv = NULL;
296 				cmd->argv_len = NULL;
297 				cmd->count = 0;
298 				cmd_free(cmd);
300 				cmd = ws->cmd; /* replace pointer since we're about to pass it to cmd_send */
301 			} else {
302 				/* copy client info into cmd. */
303 				cmd_setup(cmd, c);
305 				/* First WS command; use Redis context from WS client. */
306 				cmd->ac = ws->ac;
307 				ws->cmd = cmd;
308 				cmd->pub_sub_client = c;
309 			}
311 			int is_subscribe = cmd_is_subscribe_args(cmd);
312 			int is_unsubscribe = cmd_is_unsubscribe_args(cmd);
314 			if(ws->ran_subscribe && !is_subscribe && !is_unsubscribe) { /* disallow non-subscribe commands after a subscribe */
315 				char error_msg[] = "Command not allowed after subscribe";
316 				ws_frame_and_send_response(ws, WS_BINARY_FRAME, error_msg, sizeof(error_msg)-1);
317 			} else { /* log and execute */
318 				ws_log_cmd(ws, cmd);
319 				cmd_send(cmd, fun_reply);
320 				ws->ran_subscribe = is_subscribe;
321 			}
323 			return 0;
324 		}
325 	}
327 	return -1;
328 }
330 static struct ws_msg *
ws_msg_new(enum ws_frame_type frame_type)331 ws_msg_new(enum ws_frame_type frame_type) {
332 	struct ws_msg *msg = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ws_msg));
333 	if(!msg) {
334 		return NULL;
335 	}
336 	msg->type = frame_type;
337 	return msg;
338 }
340 static int
ws_msg_add(struct ws_msg * m,const char * p,size_t psz,const unsigned char * mask)341 ws_msg_add(struct ws_msg *m, const char *p, size_t psz, const unsigned char *mask) {
343 	/* add data to frame */
344 	size_t i;
345 	m->payload = realloc(m->payload, m->payload_sz + psz);
346 	if(!m->payload) {
347 		return -1;
348 	}
349 	memcpy(m->payload + m->payload_sz, p, psz);
351 	/* apply mask */
352 	for(i = 0; i < psz && mask; ++i) {
353 		m->payload[m->payload_sz + i] = (unsigned char)p[i] ^ mask[i%4];
354 	}
356 	/* save new size */
357 	m->payload_sz += psz;
358 	return 0;
359 }
361 static void
ws_msg_free(struct ws_msg * m)362 ws_msg_free(struct ws_msg *m) {
364 	free(m->payload);
365 	free(m);
366 }
368 /* checks to see if we have a complete message */
369 static enum ws_state
ws_peek_data(struct ws_client * ws,struct ws_msg ** out_msg)370 ws_peek_data(struct ws_client *ws, struct ws_msg **out_msg) {
372 	int has_mask;
373 	uint64_t len;
374 	const char *p;
375 	char *frame;
376 	unsigned char mask[4];
377 	char fin_bit_set;
378 	enum ws_frame_type frame_type;
380 	/* parse frame and extract contents */
381 	size_t sz = evbuffer_get_length(ws->rbuf);
382 	if(sz < 8) {
383 		return WS_READING; /* need more data */
384 	}
385 	/* copy into "frame" to process it */
386 	frame = malloc(sz);
387 	if(!frame) {
388 		return WS_ERROR;
389 	}
390 	int rem_ret = evbuffer_remove(ws->rbuf, frame, sz);
391 	if(rem_ret < 0) {
392 		free(frame);
393 		return WS_ERROR;
394 	}
396 	fin_bit_set = frame[0] & 0x80 ? 1 : 0;
397 	frame_type = frame[0] & 0x0F;	/* lower 4 bits of first byte */
398 	has_mask = frame[1] & 0x80 ? 1:0;
400 	/* get payload length */
401 	len = frame[1] & 0x7f;	/* remove leftmost bit */
402 	if(len <= 125) { /* data starts right after the mask */
403 		p = frame + 2 + (has_mask ? 4 : 0);
404 		if(has_mask) memcpy(&mask, frame + 2, sizeof(mask));
405 	} else if(len == 126) {
406 		uint16_t sz16;
407 		memcpy(&sz16, frame + 2, sizeof(uint16_t));
408 		len = ntohs(sz16);
409 		p = frame + 4 + (has_mask ? 4 : 0);
410 		if(has_mask) memcpy(&mask, frame + 4, sizeof(mask));
411 	} else if(len == 127) {
412 		uint64_t sz64 = *((uint64_t*)(frame+2));
413 		len = webdis_ntohll(sz64);
414 		p = frame + 10 + (has_mask ? 4 : 0);
415 		if(has_mask) memcpy(&mask, frame + 10, sizeof(mask));
416 	} else {
417 		free(frame);
418 		return WS_ERROR;
419 	}
421 	/* we now have the (possibly masked) data starting in p, and its length.  */
422 	if(len > sz - (p - frame)) { /* not enough data */
423 		int add_ret = evbuffer_prepend(ws->rbuf, frame, sz); /* put the whole frame back */
424 		free(frame);
425 		return add_ret < 0 ? WS_ERROR : WS_READING;
426 	}
428 	int ev_copy = 0;
429 	if(out_msg) { /* we're extracting the message */
430 		struct ws_msg *msg = ws_msg_new(frame_type);
431 		if(!msg) {
432 			free(frame);
433 			return WS_ERROR;
434 		}
435 		*out_msg = msg; /* attach for it to be freed by caller */
437 		/* create new ws_msg object holding what we read */
438 		int add_ret = ws_msg_add(msg, p, len, has_mask ? mask : NULL);
439 		if(!add_ret) {
440 			free(frame);
441 			return WS_ERROR;
442 		}
444 		size_t processed_sz = len + (p - frame); /* length of data + header bytes between frame start and payload */
445 		msg->total_sz += processed_sz;
447 		ev_copy = evbuffer_prepend(ws->rbuf, frame + len, sz - processed_sz); /* remove processed data */
448 	} else { /* we're just peeking */
449 		ev_copy = evbuffer_prepend(ws->rbuf, frame, sz); /* put the whole frame back */
450 	}
451 	free(frame);
453 	if(ev_copy < 0) {
454 		return WS_ERROR;
455 	} else if(fin_bit_set) {
456 		return WS_MSG_COMPLETE;
457 	} else {
458 		return WS_READING;	/* need more data */
459 	}
460 }
462 /**
463  * Process some data just received on the socket.
464  * Returns the number of messages processed in out_processed, if non-NULL.
465  */
466 enum ws_state
ws_process_read_data(struct ws_client * ws,unsigned int * out_processed)467 ws_process_read_data(struct ws_client *ws, unsigned int *out_processed) {
469 	enum ws_state state;
470 	if(out_processed) *out_processed = 0;
472 	state = ws_peek_data(ws, NULL); /* check for complete message */
474 	while(state == WS_MSG_COMPLETE) {
475 		int ret = 0;
476 		struct ws_msg *msg = NULL;
477 		ws_peek_data(ws, &msg); /* extract message */
479 		if(msg && (msg->type == WS_TEXT_FRAME || msg->type == WS_BINARY_FRAME)) {
480 			ret = ws_execute(ws, msg);
481 			if(out_processed) (*out_processed)++;
482 		} else if(msg && msg->type == WS_PING) { /* respond to ping */
483 			ws_frame_and_send_response(ws, WS_PONG, msg->payload, msg->payload_sz);
484 		} else if(msg && msg->type == WS_CONNECTION_CLOSE) { /* respond to close frame */
485 			ws->close_after_events = 1;
486 			ws_frame_and_send_response(ws, WS_CONNECTION_CLOSE, msg->payload, msg->payload_sz);
487 		} else if(msg) {
488 			char format[] =  "Received unexpected WS frame type: 0x%x";
489 			char error[(sizeof format)];
490 			int error_len = snprintf(error, sizeof(error), format, msg->type);
491 			slog(ws->http_client->s, WEBDIS_WARNING, error, error_len);
492 		}
494 		/* free frame */
495 		if(msg) ws_msg_free(msg);
497 		if(ret != 0) {
498 			/* can't process frame. */
499 			slog(ws->http_client->s, WEBDIS_DEBUG, "ws_process_read_data: ws_execute failed", 0);
500 			return WS_ERROR;
501 		}
502 		state = ws_peek_data(ws, NULL);
503 	}
504 	return state;
505 }
507 int
ws_frame_and_send_response(struct ws_client * ws,enum ws_frame_type frame_type,const char * p,size_t sz)508 ws_frame_and_send_response(struct ws_client *ws, enum ws_frame_type frame_type, const char *p, size_t sz) {
510 	/* we can have as much as 14 bytes in the header:
511 	 *   1 byte for 4 flag bits + 4 frame type bits
512 	 *   1 byte for the payload length indicator
513 	 *   8 bytes for the size of the payload (at most)
514 	 *   4 bytes for the masking key (if present)
515 	 */
516 	char *frame = malloc(sz + 14); /* create frame by prepending header */
517 	size_t frame_sz = 0;
518 	if(frame == NULL)
519 		return -1;
521 	/*
522       The length of the "Payload data", in bytes: if 0-125, that is the
523       payload length.  If 126, the following 2 bytes interpreted as a
524       16-bit unsigned integer are the payload length.  If 127, the
525       following 8 bytes interpreted as a 64-bit unsigned integer (the
526       most significant bit MUST be 0) are the payload length.
527 	  */
528 	frame[0] = 0x80 | frame_type; /* frame type + EOM bit */
529 	if(sz <= 125) {
530 		frame[1] = sz;
531 		memcpy(frame + 2, p, sz);
532 		frame_sz = sz + 2;
533 	} else if(sz <= 65536) {
534 		uint16_t sz16 = htons(sz);
535 		frame[1] = 126;
536 		memcpy(frame + 2, &sz16, 2);
537 		memcpy(frame + 4, p, sz);
538 		frame_sz = sz + 4;
539 	} else { /* sz > 65536 */
540 		uint64_t sz_be = webdis_htonll(sz); /* big endian */
541 		char sz64[8];
542 		memcpy(sz64, &sz_be, 8);
543 		frame[1] = 127;
544 		memcpy(frame + 2, sz64, 8);
545 		memcpy(frame + 10, p, sz);
546 		frame_sz = sz + 10;
547 	}
549 	/* mark as keep alive, otherwise we'll close the connection after the first reply */
550 	int add_ret = evbuffer_add(ws->wbuf, frame, frame_sz);
551 	free(frame); /* no longer needed once added to buffer */
552 	if(add_ret < 0) {
553 		slog(ws->http_client->w->s, WEBDIS_ERROR, "Failed response allocation in ws_frame_and_send_response", 0);
554 		return -1;
555 	}
557 	/* send WS frame */
558 	return ws_schedule_write(ws);
559 }
561 static void
ws_close_if_able(struct ws_client * ws)562 ws_close_if_able(struct ws_client *ws) {
564 	ws->close_after_events = 1; /* note that we're closing */
565 	if(ws->scheduled_read || ws->scheduled_write) {
566 		return; /* still waiting for these events to trigger */
567 	}
568 	ws_client_free(ws); /* will close the socket */
569 }
571 static void
ws_can_read(int fd,short event,void * p)572 ws_can_read(int fd, short event, void *p) {
574 	int ret;
575 	struct ws_client *ws = p;
576 	(void)event;
578 	/* read pending data */
579 	ws->scheduled_read = 0;
580 	ret = evbuffer_read(ws->rbuf, fd, 4096);
582 	if(ret <= 0) {
583 		ws_client_free(ws); /* will close the socket */
584 	} else if(ws->close_after_events) {
585 		ws_close_if_able(ws);
586 	} else {
587 		enum ws_state state = ws_process_read_data(ws, NULL);
588 		if(state == WS_READING) { /* need more data, schedule new read */
589 			ws_monitor_input(ws);
590 		} else if(state == WS_ERROR) {
591 			ws_close_if_able(ws);
592 		}
593 	}
594 }
597 static void
ws_can_write(int fd,short event,void * p)598 ws_can_write(int fd, short event, void *p) {
600 	int ret;
601 	struct ws_client *ws = p;
602 	(void)event;
604 	ws->scheduled_write = 0;
606 	/* send pending data */
607 	ret = evbuffer_write_atmost(ws->wbuf, fd, 4096);
609 	if(ret <= 0) {
610 		ws_client_free(ws); /* will close the socket */
611 	} else {
612 		if(evbuffer_get_length(ws->wbuf) > 0) { /* more data to send */
613 			ws_schedule_write(ws);
614 		} else if(ws->close_after_events) { /* we're done! */
615 			ws_close_if_able(ws);
616 		} else {
617 			/* check if we can read more data */
618 			unsigned int processed = 0;
619 			ws_process_read_data(ws, &processed); /* process any pending data we've already read */
620 			ws_monitor_input(ws);				  /* let's read more from the client */
621 		}
622 	}
623 }
625 static int
ws_schedule_write(struct ws_client * ws)626 ws_schedule_write(struct ws_client *ws) {
627 	struct http_client *c = ws->http_client;
628 	if(!ws->scheduled_write) {
629 		ws->scheduled_write = 1;
630 		return event_base_once(c->w->base, c->fd, EV_WRITE, ws_can_write, ws, NULL);
631 	}
632 	return 0;
633 }
635 int
ws_monitor_input(struct ws_client * ws)636 ws_monitor_input(struct ws_client *ws) {
637 	struct http_client *c = ws->http_client;
638 	if(!ws->scheduled_read) {
639 		ws->scheduled_read = 1;
640 		return event_base_once(c->w->base, c->fd, EV_READ, ws_can_read, ws, NULL);
641 	}
642 	return 0;
643 }